Endocrine System Disorders Endocrine Disorders - Too Much Gigantism

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Endocrine System Disorders At early detection and

management, patient might

Endocrine Disorders - Too much achieve normal height.
or less hormone secretions, or lack
of hormone in the body results to Gigantism
abnormal functioning of the body.
A rare condition due to abnormal,
accelerated growth caused by
Dwarfism excessive amounts of growth
Cause hormone secretion during
Insufficient secretion of growth childhood or adolescence.
hormones in the body. Result of a growth hormone-
Symptom secreting pituitary tumor (pituitary
Smaller stature compared to adenoma).
children at the same age.
Ex. Robert Waldow with a height
 They may have normal of 2.72 m (8 ft 11.1 in) tall.
intelligence and capabilities.
 It can be congenital or Treatment
Acquired after birth.  Surgery
 Medication
Acquired dwarfism may be  Gamma knife radiosurgery
caused by;
 brain tumor
 head trauma Diabetes Mellitus
 Disease of hypothalamus or
pituitary A disorder in which a person’s
 Radiation therapy for certain blood glucose level is high due to
cancer either inadequate insulin secretion
 Autoimmune condition or inability of body cells to respond
(lymphocytic hypophysitis) to insulin or both.

Treatment Diabetes is treatable.

Application of synthetic growth With the right management and
hormone before the child’s growth combination of exercise, diet, and
plate are fused together. weight, diabetes can be managed.
If untreated, it may lead to serious  Diet, exercise and
complications such as; taking of antidiabetic
 Heart problems tablets controls the
 Hypertension progression of this type
 Eye complication of diabetes.
 Foot infections and ulcers 3. Gestational Diabetes
 Stroke  Only affects pregnant
 Slow healing wounds women.
 Due to hormonal
changes during
Symptoms pregnancy, a pregnant
Frequent urination woman’s cells become
Excessive thirst and hunger less responsive to
Types of Diabetes Mellitus:  Mother experiences
1. Type 1 Diabetes high blood glucose
 Body does not secrete level.
insulin.  Untreated or poorly
 Patients are treated by controlled gestational
having insulin diabetes may lead to
injections for a lifetime. macrosomia or fat baby.
 They also need to have  It may result to
regular blood test, and difficulty in the passage
follow a special diet. of the baby to the birth
2. Type 2 Diabetes canal.
 Low insulin secretion
or the body cells do not Treatment
react to insulin, a  Moderate exercise
condition known as  Medication
insulin resistance.  Observe a well-planned
 90% of diabetes case is diet
Type 2.
 Overweight and obese
individuals are at high
risk of acquiring this
Thyroid Disorders  Surgery
Caused excessive or insufficient 2. Hypothyroidism
secretion of thyroid hormones Insufficient secretion of
by thyroid gland. thyroid hormone.

Two Types of Thyroid Disorders:

1. Hyperthyroidism Symptoms:
Caused by the overproduction of  Goiter
thyroid hormones.  Fatigue
 Dry skin
Effects:  Constipation
 Tremors  Unusual cold feeling
 Nervousness depression
 Fatigue  Prolonged menstruation
 Heat intolerance
 Concentration problems
 Increased sweating Goiter
 Eye changes Enlargement of the
 Increased bowel thyroid gland due to
movement abnormal secretion of
thyroid hormones.
Grave’s disease
Most common form of
hyperthyroidism that was
named after Irish Physician
Robert James Graves.

Common symptom is
enlargement of thyroid gland
also known as “Goiter”.
Goiter is also associated with
iron deficiency and thyroid

 Medication
 Radioactive iodine

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