Mts Al-Furqon: Madrasah Tsanawiyah

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Jl. Wonorejo Bangko Jaya Km. 8

Alamat : Bangko Jaya Kec. Bangko Pusako Kab. Rokan Hilir HP. 085264872581


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas : VII ( Tujuh )

Hari / Tanggal : Waktu : 90 menit

A. Pilihlah Jawaban A, B, C, atau D yang kamu anggap benar dengan tanda

memberikan Tanda Silang (X) pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
7. I get up . . . five O’clock.
1. I kick the ball with my . . . A. in
A. mouth B. at
B. hand C. by
C. foot D. off
D. head 8. Daughter means . . . in bahasa
2. The . . . can hop far. A. saudaraperempuan
A. kangaroo B. keponakanperempuan
B. cock C. anakperempuan
C. butterfly D. paman
D. hen 9. Don’t be . . . in the library.
3. The snake can . . . A. noisy
A. climb B. disturb
B. slither C. silent
C. swim D. smart
D. fly 10. I have long ears. I jump. I like
4. I bring something with my . . . carrots. I am a . . .
A. foot A. kangaroo
B. nose B. deer
C. mouth C. rabbit
D. hand D. frog
5. How many legs do a chicken have? 11. A . . . likes bananas. It cam climb a
A. two tree.
B. three A. monkey
C. four B. bird
D. six C. sheep
6. Handy : . . . do you usually go D. elephant
toSchool? 12. Handy : Good bye.
Fazel : I usually go to school at Heni : . . .
06.45. A. Take care.
A. What B. I’m happy for.
B. What time C. Thanks.
C. What is D. Have a nice day.
D. Where 13. Handy : How do you do?
Heni : . . . 22. Indonesian between two
A. How are you doing? continents, the name is…
B. How do you do? a. Pacific &hindia c.
C. How are you? afrika&asia
D. How’s life? b. Australia &afrika d.
asia and Australia
This text for number 14-17 23. The following animal can be
I am a student. My name is Budi, This adopted as a pet…
a. Dog c. rabbit
my sister. Her name is Prita. We are
b. Giraffe d. Lion
brother and sister. We are students. My 24. We place the soup intoa…
father is a teacher. His name is Darto. a. Whiteboard c.
My mother is a nurse. Her name is couch
Siska. Our house is on Jl. Merdeka. b. Bowl d.
14. Budi is a . . . 25. Flowers are lovely. We can use
A. student them as….
B. nurse a. Drink c. Beautify
C. teacher our house
D. farmer b. Eat d, sell
15. . . . . is my sister. 26. We need it as the source of vitamin
A. Nola D…
B. Prita a. Moon c. Mars
C. Darto b. Earth d. Sun
D. Siska 27. Which of the following things is
16. We . . . brother and sister. NOT commonly found in the
A. is kitchen?
B. were a. Grater c. Kettle
C. am b. Ruler d. Jug
D. are 28. Which of these things is not
17. Who is the nurse? usually found in the bedroom?
A. Darto a. Dressing table c. Bolster
B. Nola b. Sink d. Pillow
C. Prita 29. A man who plays guitar is called…
D. Siska a. Vocalist c. guitarist
b. Pianist d. drummer
18. How many islands in Indonesia? 30. I…..breakfast every day at 7 in
a. Five the…
b. Seventeen thousand a. Afternoon c. evening
c. Eight hundred b. Morning d. night
d. Sixteen hundred 31. Budi : May I borrow your book,
19. What is the name of a big one Citra : ...
islands in indonesia? a. Thank you.
a. Papua b. Yes, I do.
b. Bali c. I'm sorry I'm using it now.
c. Flores d. What?
d. Java
20. Indonesia has…..seasons. 32. MrRahadi is a chef. He cooks food at a
a. One c. two ....
b. Three d. four a. hospital
21. What is Indonesian meaning of “ b. restaurant
archipelago”… c. plane
a. Nusantara c. Kepulauan d. shop
b. Maritime d. agrarian 33. Adi : What fruits do you like?
Laila : .... a. Malaka Strait c. Bali strait
a. I like soup very much
b. I like pizza b. Samudra pacific d. Sunda
c. Yes, I do. I like fruits strait
d. I like apples and oranges
38. Why is Indonesia called tropical
34. Mrs. Rossy : Good afternoon, country?
Students : Good afternoon, a. Because Indonesia has two
Ma’am. season
Mrs. Rossy : Well, I cannot
teach you this afternoon. I have a b. Indonesian have many
meeting with the mountains
Students : That is alright. We c. Because Indonesia is on the
will study by ourselves, Ma’am. equator
The underlined utterance is an
expression of … d. Indonesia is very large

a. Greeting 39. I ….. some vegetables at the

b. Leave-taking
c. Introduction a. Make c. buy
d. Prohibition
b. Bring d. give

40. We can see the….. after rain.

a. Rainbow c. moon

b. Star d. planet

35. Which of the following things is

used of keeping clothes?
a. Wardrobe
b. Bolster
c. Fridge
d. Dressing table

36. A. ….. makes some food.

a. Teacher c. doctor

b. Chef d. police

37. What is name strait between

Sumatra and Java?

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