TIBCO Business Works: Narendra Thota

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TIBCO Business Works

Narendra Thota

ƒ Introduction to TIBCO Business Works

ƒ Uses of Business Works

ƒ Components of TIBCO Business Works

ƒ TIBCO Business Works design time Architecture.

ƒ TIBCO Business Works run time Architecture.

ƒ Features of TIBCO Business Works.

ƒ TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

ƒ TIBCO BW Palettes

Why do we need Business Integration ?

ƒ The Integrated Enterprise works seamlessly.

ƒ Enterprise applications of varied architectures understand each
ƒ Seamless communication enhances efficiency.
ƒ Reduced or zero manual intervention.
ƒ Improves response times to customer needs
ƒ Real-time information exchange.

What does TIBCO BusinessWorks do?

ƒ Provides Business Integration

ƒ Defines Business Processes.

ƒ Establishes connections between Enterprise Applications and

Enterprise Business Process Definitions.

ƒ Automates Business Processes.

ƒ Manages Process Exceptions.

TIBCO BW – How it works?

Business Integration

Define process rules and

flows in an easy-to-use
y GUI Model
Configure connectivity to
applications through TIBCO
Adapter services Assemble
sse b e
Propagate process definitions to
hardware components and start
Process engines Deploy
Monitor processes and handle
Process exceptions Manage
Sample Process Flow

BWÆDesign-time Architecture

Project Version TIBCO

Control Administration Server

Enterprise Archive (EAR)

TIBCO Designer

ƒ TIBCO Designer
D i GUI iis used
d to configure
fi adapter
d servicesand
i d
design business processes
ƒ The processes are deployed using the TIBCO Administrator

BWÆ Run-time Architecture

TIBCO Administration Server TIBCO

Runtime Agent
Business Rules,,

Connect to Perform
Enterprise Applications
pp Transformations
Fault tolerant Process Engines
through Adapter Services HTTP,
Communicate over
Connect to File and
the Internet
Database systems
BW Components

ƒ TIBCO Designer.
ƒ TIBCO BusinessWorks engine.
ƒ TIBCO Administrator.
ƒ TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA).

TIBCO BW Palettes

ƒ Process Palette
ƒ Active Enterprise Adapter Palette
ƒ EJB Palette
ƒ File Palette
ƒ FTP Palette
ƒ General
G Activities Palette
ƒ HTTP Palette
ƒ Java
J Palette
P l
ƒ JDBC Palette
ƒ Workflow
W kfl palette
l tt

TIBCO BW Palettes (Cont’d)

ƒ JMS Palette
ƒ Mail Palette
ƒ Manual Work Palette
ƒ Parse Palette
ƒ Rendezvous Palette
SO Palette
ƒ WSDL Palette
i ii P Palette
ƒ Service Palette
ƒ Policy
P li P Palette
l tt

Process Palette

ƒ Allows to define business processes.

ƒ mandatory
d t palette
l tt for
f allll business
b i processes
ƒ All BW palettes appear on double-clicking this palette in

TIBCO BusinessWorks Features

ƒ Messaging.

ƒ Adapters Services.

ƒ Business Process Modeling


ƒ Schemas and Data Mapping.

ƒ Manual Activities.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Features
ƒ Messaging

ƒ TIBCO Business Works has messaging system that can reliably

handle the volume of messages that will be sent and received
by it.

ƒ The system has the following characteristics:

ƒ Guaranteed and fault tolerant.
ƒ Distributed architecture.
ƒ High Throughput.
ƒ Scalable.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Features
ƒ Adapters

ƒ Adapters receive information from a source application and

publish it to the business process in a shared format

ƒ Adapters subscribe to information from a business process.

ƒ Translate it to a format the target application can understand.

ƒ Adapters can also be set up to work in a client/server mode

ƒ Manual Activities

ƒ BW includes a Manual Work palette with activities to add to

business processes when the process requires user interaction for

ƒ The ManualWork palette works with TIBCO InConcert.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Features

ƒ Schemas and Data Mapping

ƒ Data can be mapped and transformed in in the required formats

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

ƒ Process Definition

ƒ Process definition is a graphical representation of the business process


ƒ Process definition consists of the following

ƒ Activities
ƒ Transitions
ƒ Groups
ƒ Shared Configuration Resources
ƒ Sub processes

HelloWorld Process

Lab 1

Utkata Company Confidential

Global Variables

ƒ Provide an easy way to set default values for use throughout the

ƒ Click on the Global Variables tab to configure the Global Variables.

ƒ To
T create
t a new global
l b l variable
i bl

ƒ Click on Add new variable/variable group Icon.

ƒ Specify a name.
ƒ Assign a value.
ƒ Press Enter.
ƒ The global variable is now displayed in the global variables list.

ƒ Variables can also be configured to be specified on a per-deployment

or a per-service
i b basis.

Global Variables

Global Variables

ƒ To use the global variable in the fields of a resource, enter the

variable name surrounded by %% on both sides

ƒ Most p
j define some standard variables,, but yyou may
y define
any variables you need.

Global Variables & Process

Lab 2

Utkata Company Confidential

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

ƒ Individual units of work within a process definition
ƒ Interface to external systems
ƒ Palette has a set of activities that can be performed for that palette
ƒ Example, File Palette contains the following activities
ƒ Create File
ƒ Remove File
ƒ Read File
ƒ Write File

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design


ƒ Describe the flow of processing.

ƒ Is represented by an arrow between two activities or groups of
activities in a process definition.
ƒ Conditions can be specified on transitions to determine whether to
take the transition to the next activity or not.
ƒ Control cannot be transitioned to a previously executed activity.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Transition Types

ƒ Success : Take this transition unconditionally.

ƒ Success with condition : Transition is taken if the condition specified
evaluates to true.
ƒ Success if no matching condition : Transition is taken if no other
transitions are taken .
ƒ Error : Transition is taken if there is an error during processing of the


Lab 3

Utkata Company Confidential

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Grouping Activities
ƒ Groups are used to specify related sets of activities.
ƒ Main uses of groups are to create a set of activities for the following
ƒ Common error transition
ƒ Participate
P ti i t iin ttransaction
ƒ Repeating set of activities

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Grouping Activities - Types of Groups

ƒ None
N :U
d ffor grouping
i without
ith t llooping
ƒ Transaction Groups : Used to group activities that participate in a
transaction. Eg.
g JDBC g
p activities
ƒ Iterate Loop : Used to iterate a group once for every item in a list
ƒ Repeat Until True Loop : Used to iterate a group until the specified
condition is true
ƒ Repeat On Error Until True Loop : Used to iterate a group when an error
ƒ If Groups: To conditionally execute business logic

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Grouping Activities - Types of Groups

ƒ While
Whil TTrue G
Groups: R
t th
the series
i off grouped
d activities
ti iti as llong as
the given condition evaluates as true.
ƒ Critical Section : Used to synchronize
y p
process instances so that only
one process instance executes the grouped activities at any given time.
ƒ Pick First : Allow process execution to wait for one or more events

Group Activities

Lab 4

Utkata Company Confidential

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Shared Configuration Resources

ƒ These resources are shared among activities.
ƒ The resources include
ƒ Database connections
ƒ WSDL files
ƒ Schema
S h d
fi iti
ƒ Server Connections – like HTTP, FTP

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

ƒ Help in modular design of process definitions.
ƒ Can reuse subprocesses across many process definitions.
ƒ Call Process activity is used to call a subprocess.
ƒ Input, output, and any error schemas of the subprocess are specified on
the Start and End activities within the subprocess.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

ƒ Is the language for defining conditions and transformations
ƒ XPath formula builder can be used to build xpath expressions
ƒ Contains many string, date time, custom functions
ƒ Supports drag & drop building of expressions

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Error Handling
ƒ Handled using error transitions.
ƒ Can deal with any potential runtime errors in process definitions .
ƒ ‘Generate
Generate Error’
Error activity can be used to raise custom error
ƒ Error data is available to activities that execute after the error
ƒ In the error p
process variables
ƒ $_error
ƒ $_
$ error_<activityName>

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Inter-Process Communication
ƒ Two executing process instances can communicate
ƒ Wait , Notify, Receive Notification activities are used
ƒ A String key is used to correspond Notify activities with wait or Receive
ƒ Data to be shared is defined by a ‘Notify Configuration’ shared
configuration resource
ƒ Process engines are on different machines should use a database to
store p
process instance information
ƒ Same ‘Notify Configuration’ resource is used to configure the Notify
activity as well as the Wait activity and the Receive Notification process
t t

TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design

Testing Process Definitions

ƒ BW provides a testing environment to test process definitions

ƒ Any process definition can be selected for testing
ƒ BW engine is started for testing e process definition
ƒ Break Points can be set which
ƒ Allow to suspend a running process instance at a specified point to examine
the process data.
ƒ Can be set before or after an activity with conditions too
ƒ persist even after closing the project

File Palette

ƒ File palette is used to read, write, delete, or create files

ƒ Copy File
ƒ The Copy File activity allows you to copy files and directories to a new location

ƒ Create File
ƒ The Create File activity creates a new file or directory with the specified name

ƒ File Poller
ƒ The File Poller process starter polls for files or directories with the given name
and starts a process when the specified change (creation
(creation, modification
modification, deletion)
is detected

ƒ List Files
ƒ The List Files activity returns information about files or directories, or a listing of
all the files in the specified directory.

ƒ Read File
ƒ The Read File activity
y is used to read a file and place
p its contents into the
activity’s output.

File Palette

ƒ File palette is used to read, write, delete, or create files

ƒ Remove
e o e File
ƒ The Remove File activity removes the specified file. This activity can also remove
empty directories. If a directory that is not empty is specified, an exception is

ƒ Rename File
ƒ The Rename File activity is used to rename or move files.

ƒ Wait for File Change

ƒ The Wait for File Change activity waits for a file creation, modification, or deletion
event to occur during process execution
ƒ Write File
ƒ The Write File activity writes content to the specified file.

File Palette

Lab 5

Utkata Company Confidential

HTTP Palette
ƒ HTTP Connection
ƒ The HTTP Connection resource describes the characteristics of the connection used to
receive incoming HTTP requests

ƒ HTTP Receiver
ƒ Starts a process based on the receipt of a HTTP request.

ƒ Proxy Configuration
ƒ Used to specify a proxy HTTP server when HTTP requests are sent outside of a

ƒ Send HTTP Request

ƒ Sends a HTTP request to a web server

ƒ Send HTTP Response

ƒ Sends a response to a previously received HTTP request

ƒ Wait for HTTP Request

ƒ S
d th
the currentt process until
til th
the iincoming
i HTTP requestt is
i received.
i d

HTTP Palette

Lab 6

Utkata Company Confidential

Parse Palette

ƒ The Parse palette provides shared configuration resources and

activities for parsing and rendering formatted text

ƒ Data Format
ƒ The Data Format resource contains the specification for parsing or rendering a text string

ƒ Parse Data
ƒ Takes a text string
g or input
p from a file to schema

ƒ Render Data
ƒ Converts data to text string

Parse Palette

Lab 7

Utkata Company Confidential

TCP Palette

ƒ The TCP/IP palette provides activities and resources that can send
g the TCP/IP p
and receive data using protocol.
ƒ Read TCP Data
ƒ The Read TCP Data activity reads data from an open TCP connection

ƒ TCP Cl
Close C
ƒ The TCP Close Connection activity closes a TCP connection opened by a previously
executed activity or process starter.

ƒ TCP Connection
ƒ The TCP Connection is a shared configuration resource that specifies the connection
information for the TCP server

ƒ TCP Open Connection

ƒ The TCP Open Connection activity opens a connection to a TCP server.

Utkata Company Confidential 44

TCP Palette

ƒ TCP Receiver
ƒ The TCP Receiver process starter starts a new process when a client requests a TCP

ƒ Wait for TCP Request

ƒ The Wait for TCP Request activity waits for a TCP client connection request.

ƒ Write TCP Data

ƒ The Write TCP Data activity sends data on the specified TCP connection

Utkata Company Confidential 45

TCP Palette

Lab 8

Utkata Company Confidential

XML Tools Palette

ƒ Provides a set of tools enabling the creation, management, and

validation of XML schemas (XML Schema or DTD) and XML
instance documents.
ƒ Schema
ƒ The Schema resource enables the creation of an XML Schema file

ƒ The DTD resource enables the creation of a DTD (Document Type Definition)

ƒ Instance
ƒ XML instance documents are XML documents -- typically representing data-oriented
business documents
documents, messages
messages, and configuration files -- that conform to the rules of an
XML Schema or DTD

Utkata Company Confidential 47

XML Tools Palette

Lab 9

Utkata Company Confidential

XML Activities Palette

ƒ This palette provides activities for parsing XML strings into schemas
and rendering schemas into XML strings
ƒ Parse XML
ƒ Converts and XML string or file to XML schema
ƒ Render XML
ƒ Converts XML Schema to XML string
ƒ Transform XML
ƒ Allows to transform input XML document into the output specified by the given
XSLT File shared configuration resource.

XML Activities Palette

Lab 10

Utkata Company Confidential


Utkata Company Confidential 51

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