Soal-Bahasa-Inggris-Kelas-8-Smp 2

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Hari/Tanggal : RABU / 09 Juni Lembar Soal Waktu : 07.30 - 09.30 WIB


Choose the best answer by crossing a, b,c, ord

The text for questions number 1 to 5. Read the text carefully

Like all children. Ant has a pet. It is a cat. It is white. Ani call it ”Putih". Every morning Ant takes her
cat to go to out for a walk. Putih always walks behind Ani while she walks. When Ant is at home, Putih is
always near her sometimes Putih likes to sit onAni's lap.
Putih drink milk everyday. It doesn't eat mice like other cats. Ani feed it some fish and other food.
Although Putih likes fish it doesn't disturb the two gold fish in an aquarium in the living room. It is a very
good cat. Ani is proud of her pet, Putih.

1. What kind of pet doesAni have ? She has . . .

a.A bird c. Mouse
b.A cat d. Fish

2. What does Putih sometimes do whenAni is at

home ? c. Sitting
a. Sits d. To sit
b. Sit

3. What does Putih do every morning ? c. Drink milk

a. Sit onAnt lap d. Cloes out for a walk
b. Walks behind

4. Putih doesn’t eat mice ....... . c. Like other cats

a. Some food d. White, clean, beautiful
b. Nailed Putih

5. What does Putih like to eat ? c. Fish and other food

a. Mice d. Gold fish
b. Other cats

The text for questions number 6 to 9. Complete these dialogue.

Mother . . . . . ( 6) with you,
dear ? Bonita : I am sad, Mom.
Mother . . ( 7) are you sad ?
Mother : I think you should.......( 8 ) hard then.
Bonita : All right, I will do that.
Mother : I. . . . . (9) you cpn get better score for the next
test. Bonita : Thank you, Mom.

6. a. How.are c. What is the matter

you d. How is everything
b. Hello
c. When
7. a. Why d. How
b. Where
c. Study
8. a. Play d. Practice
Ulangan Ahhlr Semester (UA S) Genap - BAHASA INCGRIS • kelas VIII (Do efiian) • SMP TP. 2008 / 2009 • fiABUPATEN TULANG BAWAfilG fl
10. One night, it. . raining very hard.
a.1s c. Was
b. Were d.Am

11. Khrisma Mayang was sleeping when Ramando Gentana.......his book.

a. Stealing c. Stole
b. Steals d. To steal

12. Ovie dwitia

Ika Onistia : Yes, This is Ika Speaking.
a. Where are you, Ika ?
b. What are youdoing, Ika ?
c. Who's Speaking ?
d. Could I speak to Ika, Please ?

13. You have............well, TiaraAnggraini.

a. Work c. Worked
b. Works d. Working
14. 4 he film has.......stopped.
a. Already c. Will
b. Do d. Always
15. yesterday.
a. Talk c. Told
b. Talking d. Talks
G. M. Iqbal : You Speak English,........?
Melsani : I do.
a. Don't you c. Did you
b. Do you d. Are you

17. Dina Franata : You went to school yesterday, didn't

you ? Pernando Hose..............: No. I. sick yesterday. c. Am
b.Was d. Be

Dialogue for no. 18 - 22

Mitha : Hello. Is it 0276 4672901
? Karmila : Exactly. You're right.
Mitha : This is Mitha speaking. May I speak to Nurjannah
Contesa ? Karmila: I'm sorry, Mitha. He is not at home now.
Mitha : Do youknowwhenhe'11be back
? Karmila : No. I don't.
Mitha : Would you please give him a
message ? Karmila : Just a minute. I have to
get a pen.
Mitha : Would you please ask him to call Mitha at 07:00 this evening. My number is 0813-
69131988 Karmila : O.K. I'll give him the message.
Mitha : Thanks a lot.

18. How many speakers are there in the dialogue ?

a. One speakers
b. Three speakers
c. Two speakers
d. Four speakers
Where does the dialogue take please?
a. Onb.the letter
Mitha c. On the
Who is the receiver ?
a. Karmila c j
b. Mitha d. Contesa

22. With whom does the caller want to speak?

a. Boy c. Nuijannah
b. Nurjannah d. Iqbal

Read the following text and answer the question 23

- 26 c. Mitha
d. Kamila

The Indonesiaan Archipelago

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of more than 13,000 islands. The islands lie along
the equator and extend more than 5,000 kilometers. Many of the islands cover only a few square
kilometers. But about a half of New Guinea and three quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Both
islands are the second-and-third largestislands in the world, after Greenland.
Many geographers divide the more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia into three groups : (1) The Greater
Sunda Islands (2) The Lesser Sunda Islands, (3) The Mollucas. Indonesia also includes Irian Jaya, which
is part of New Guinea.
The Greater Sunda includes Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Sumatera. The Lesser Sunda Islands extend from
Bali eastward to the Timor. The Mollucas lie between Sulawesi and New Guinea. The Western part of
New Guinea is called Irian Jaya, an Indonesian territory. Compared to the other regions, Irian Jaya is the
most thinly populated.

23. Where is Indonesia located . . .. .

a. In Southeast Asia
b. Along the equator
c. Near Mollucas
d. In the Greenland

24. Paragraph two talks about. . . . .

a. The three divisions of Indonesia's islands
b. The greater Sunda islands
c. The Indonesian geographers
d. The position ofIndonesia

25. Which of the followings belongs to the first largestisland in the world . . . . .
a. Borneo
b. Irian Jaya
c.New Guinea
d. Greenland

26. Which of the followings statements is NotTrue according to the text . . .

a. Most of Indonesian population live in Irian Jaya
b. Indonesia has more than 13,000 islands
c. Borneo is the third biggest island in the would
d. The Mollucas is between Sulawesi and New Guinea

Read the following text and answer the question 27 -29

Smart Health Clinic
There is a big medical clinic in my town. The clinic has two floors and it's clean. The walls are white.
There is a nice garden at the front. Roses and sun flowers grow there. The clinic also provides a large
parking area.
It is Smart Health Clinic. The clinic is very busy. People with various diseases come to the clinic to have
medical services. Some people get headaches, sore eyes, backaches, fever, etc.
There are some specialists working for the clinic. They are dentists, surgeons, internists, etc. Some nurses
help them to look after the patients. The doctors and nurses are kind. They are helpful and friendly. The
people feel satisfied because the doctors examine them carefully.
Smart Health Clinic is equipped with many facilities like comfortable patients room, maternity wards,
an room, a laboratory, and an X-ray room. There is also a dispen where we get medicines and
there is a
a. Eyes c. Teeth
b. Stomach d. Bone
28.The word they ......, (Parg. 3) refers to . .
... c. Specialists
a. People d. Nurses

29. Which paragraph tells us about the workers in this clinic . . . . .

a. Paragraph 1 c. Paragraph 3
b. Paragraph 2 d. Paragraph 5

The text for no. 30 - 33

Hardiansyah was born on July; 23, 1989 in London. He is only child in the family. He has become
very famous after hisrole as the young wizard Harry Potter. He has wanted to be an actor since he was five
years old. Now, he has become afamous actor. He said, "I want to continue to act. But, I also want to be a
director or writer."
Hardiansyah goes to on all boy school. It means there are no girls at all there. He love to play pranks
on his friends. As an English boy, Hardiansyah loves football. He is a fan of Fulham Football Club. He
also likes to watch wrestling and formula one racing. Music † He is abig fan,too. He prefers punkrock.
Now, Hardiansyah is ready for
,his third Harry Potter movie.

30.Howold is Hardiansyah ?
a. 16 years old c..19 years old
b. 18 years old d. 21 years old

31.Does hehave abrother or sister?

a. Yes, he does c. No, he
b. Yes, he have doe’sn't d.No,
he haven't
32.He has become very
famous. The word "He"
refers to ... . .
a. Harry Potter c. The boy
b. Hardiansyah d. The writer

33. When did she want to be an actor ?

a. Since he was five years old
b. Since he was child
c. Since long time ago
d. Since he was ten years old

34. Yuriando : Well, this book is very

: You’re right.
The underlined expression shows . . .
a, Disagreement c. Sympathy
b. An agreement d. Compliment

35. Ervia : I want the science Olympics last week.

Oxva : Wow. You're verv clever. Congratulation !
Ervia : Just so so.
The underlined words indentethe expression of. .. . .
b. Happiness
c. Complement
d. Gratitude
36.RekaAnista : What's wrong with you ?You're so
panic. Anfal Mandala : I lost my wallet.
a. Oh, I ampleased to hear that
b.I’am sorry to hear that
... . . . . .. . .’.’ .. , . - . : : ' , - :..: . . ' .' ,- . . . .,.
Arya Fahroby : Howabóutgoing to Burnt Eedaton zoo ? . ’ .
. SyifäKarìnra : Yes. It's great. I
love gòing to the zoo.
Fadia : I dón'tthink so. I prefër gôingto Museum Lampung. '

c. Lilies
d. Disbelieves

LastweekȚ,wentto the theatrê. I had a very.good sçat. The plaÿ wasp Very interesting. I did not enjoy if. Aÿo}
.roan ąod ayouìlg woman were'siüiñg.behind rñe. They .were talking löitd1y:-ï got vérÿ angry. I could not hear
the actòrs I turned iòiñid. I iooked at the iìian angrily. Thøy did nòt pay any atteñtion. In lhe errd, I co'uld not
heà I turnediound again. 'ț can'théar a word I said‘ängrì1y." It'şnoõe of year businësi; thë young man
saìdtrudely,*thls is
•. ., apiivaté'ćonversatioñ." . . ' . : /.,. ,. . :. :‘

“ ‘ 38. Where did the writer go last w‘eek † ., ' :.. .: . . ' ' '’

‘ a. Hëdidn't want him to heat their ersatiön ' ’ . ' ,. ' . '
con ‘ b. Tlie cönversation was ' '..: ’ ' ' . ‘ ‘' ’ ' ’ '
ć: They were spies
.' , .d.'Théywerë not interested in thë

’ .J-.. ' 41. Why did-thewriter säy, "I can't hear a word to th’e män and the womanbehìndlńm“ *
' ' a Because he couldn't1iśtento the play ’ '
'- ‘ c: Bti;iause he wanted;'to knów the conversatiön . . ' ' . . . : ' . - -:
'- . . : b. Bèćaúsehe wantedtö iñterrupt . . . ' .. , ' . . ’.
: d. Because it was prohibited to.speak in thê theatre . ’ . . . :.. . . , . . . .’- '

In thë Beacfi . ' . .: . . .. , ' .’:

' ’ .\ ' ’..’ ' . .. . ’ ' '‘
Last rnoqtJ y.f iy and I (42) . . . : . to the beäich. be wanted to.(43)...,’ our mind and enjoy the }fresń
We want thetøeaily in tire morning
After parking ciur‘ćar; wê (44)......alöng the beach barefooted. We ‹ioùld feel the smo.othness of the sänd.
- - . ,. , . ,. ' "'
Then, we.look d’foraplaoe tõ.take areșt. We (45) . .
b. Cöllected
we sawrriany think. Many childrên (46 )......sand castles.

” 43. a. Bathe c. Refresh

b. Picnic d. Enjoyed

45. a. Went c. Came

b. Rolled out d. Refresh
46. a. Ate c. Collected
b. Built d. Picnic

Text ftir no. 47 - 48

Saturday Morning Basketball matches
’Will begin on Saturday, January; 1.
The event will run from 09:00 — 11 : 00 for the next four weeks.
The final tournament will be held on February; 8.
For more information, contact Arin (0812) 7949973

47. What are of the announcements about ?

a. Basketball matches
c. Footballmatches
d. Tennis matches

48. Where can you find the Announcements † a

Office announcement
b.Police station announcement
c. School announcement '
d. Market announcement

The text forno. 49 - 50

Once upon a time there was a fox. He was very hungry. He was in search of food here and there. At last he
reached a garden. There he saw bunches of grapes hanging on a tree. His mouthbegan to water. He went to the
tree. He wanted to get the grapes, but the grapes were very high from the ground. He jumped again and again to
have some grapes.At last he was tired, so he went away.

49. by was the fox in search of food here and there ?

a. He wanted to get the grapes
b.He saw bunches of grapes
c. He was very hungry
d. He was tired
50. How many characters or animals are there in the text ?
a. 1
b.2 _
c. 3
d. 4

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