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SCIENCE CAREER COACHING A Complete Science Solution Hub... PHYSICS Unit - 3. Current Electricity Class - 12% By Umesh Rajoria SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Near Mahalaxmi Dharam Kanta, Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar (Raj.) Mob. : 8003024131, 9309068859SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria pl emies de Electric Current Cunrend — Carriers Drift Velocity Mob. Relotion bebe olaft velocity Current Ohm's Law 4 Resistance. Electrical reaistivi Voriotion of Resistivity | Resistance uorth Aemper Current Dertity 4 Conductivity Relotion behoen T,o0 md & J] Limitation of ohm's Lary /Non- Ohmic Devices Color Code for Carborr Resistors Combinetion of resistors | EMF, Intemeal Resistona ond Terminal potential lifference ef a cell | Difference between EMF omel Potential aiff Ceombinatination ef Cals Kivchhoff’s Law (Kel 4 KVL) Whatstme briclge Principle Meter bricige. Potentiomedr. \| (AD Comparison of EmF's of hor celts using. potentiometer Cs) Deteamination of interna) resistance of the cell oe te bP eee Very Important Quiatons Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859SCIENCE CAREER COACHING —unenrajoria SUCCESS is a Vehicle Which Moves on a Wheel Called “Hard Work” But The Journey Is Impossible Without Fuel Called “Self Confiden Near Nawalgath Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859SCIENCE CAREER COACHING 3. Current Electri city ‘Umesh Rajoria Eleetric Current - The time rele of flow of charge terenghs avi rent crss-section of a cndui 4A called eleetic Electc Curerd I= & Wire 7 ' 52 6° 54} 556 | 9° 6-@ "© -e 6 Tk the rate fous chasge Vvarie& witty time 5 hen current at omy hc Cr aranteneons Current) dh ven by - ow 3 ot Whine dd is a Small charge parsing Hr! an es ~Section of the Conductor in ems tind tape MSI Unit of the cwrsent is Ampere (A)- L Ampere - be The Curent through @ wire a Saicl to ere » AK One Coulomb” o. 4s flowin per serarcl thro any Cross hae ct fil + 1 Ampere (A) = 1 Coulomb(c)_ 4 ¢/s d seconcl CS) Comant is a scalar quantity. Tho the. elechic Cubbersh represents the lectin Of flow ob osidiee change , yer treoted as scobr, becawe eunont follows; the, law of Stalak additon and not the Law of vector addition. ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [OTSCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Divection of Electric Current - There are dwo Ay pes of Caxant - Gi) Comentiona) Currant - The. olivection of flow of positive change gives the clivection of cwHent, TE ds calleal Cornentimal Gi) Elechonic Curcnt — The clivection of flow of elechons gives the. Airection of elechonic cunt. The clivection af elecrnic Currant Ld oppodite do the Converttional cwount- direction of electric current - <= direction of electrons [i V (Potential Difference) Dipperent types of Current pulsating Curvent Carriers - Gi) Current Carriers in Solids- Conductors — Free electrons Semiconductor — Free electro +4 Hols Imtulehors — No change Corrlers Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [O2.SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ian fai (ii) Curvent Carriers in Liquids - A Conducting Haguid 3s Calkol elecholyte (eg. Cusey , Nacl ete). The’ elecho) salut provides potidive ions ( Like Ccut*, nat) om rugetive ions (Like Som, CO): When electrle fell (ie: potkntial clifference ) 34 applied , the positive Cons moves Inn one olivecton oma negative tons in the opposite direction » causing electric Current. . K Thus , the current cardio in Liquids ave. positive ond negetive toms. Gi) Current Covviers in gases - Ovclinosily » the gases ane imautotor ok elechicity: But they con be ionized by applying a high potential ifpedancs at low presuka oF Shi exposune, to X ¥% ete. The. ioniwect ges comtouns positive tons elechuns. K Thus, positive tors ond electors ang the Current Condens in gases. Drift Velocity - It Gs olefined as the average velocity Lotth colich she. pee elechors get lvifted oct the positive end of the Conductor under. the influence of an external electric field applied. <—Force on electrons E Field ———> Let E is the ste 2 Liecl electric fielol then the pores on ee abore applical “adi BE Free Ce = Charge on electron) Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [03SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria Ih mM ws the, mass of electron, then acceleration Produced Ua given by a: & m oe Tc pte the relaxation dime , which wa average an elechon spends behaeen two Collisions, a=Mee or Va = at * The average relaxation time (T) Js ok the osder of 16™ second - & Avenge Relaxation Time = Me free path of eechon Arist speed of elechon Mobility (44) Mobility of charge Carriend 5 ¥: mate, ry the. Curent ia 2 uA Pita =) of ep velocity ob chonge Per uit Tele = _dvift Velocity suis Field 2 ov pz Etim a Ee Mobility ob electrons Mobility of holes * SI Unit of mobility is m/vs. \, The. mobility ef electrons is greater than holes. - because the” elechrns are ee +o move angen * insiole Hue cence while” holes move from benel fe bevel ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [04 |SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria @ Explain how elecchon Inobi lity, changes pra ee al Conclucter when (a) the temperature of ee conductor is clecrearecl at coro petentiod he feranice. id (bd Li tenth: iMeronce nt oloublect “Be conatand -hempedecuna. b So 2 “The electron mobility le.) Me Imeveares sith the clecreate of temperature Ue) Me cloes not chonge with the increase of potertial clifference A potential ctitberance Rv we ieol sesh otentiod ib o} jenefth a2 mM. are obi velocity oy electron 4x axiort ms hen Calewlate le ekechm mobi liky- Sel- We Know B= Wy So E = 13/92 = bo Wm. amd ae Me Bx 2 sxe’ WPS — GO ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [0 5.SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Relotion behoeen ctrift velocity and Current Consider .a Gonducting wire of 1 L and having Uniform Cross section field” as pAuent - al aua A in which electric Let there me n elechons per unit volume. moving with the dvikt velocity Va- In time interval t each electron advanws by a elastance Wat ame volume of this poation is AVat. Number of free elechon in this portion is= nAVat all these elechons crossed the area A in time t, Hence cheage crossing the 0a In tima t ts Q=neAvat Curent T= @/t or This ws the relation behweon the -elechic current and rift velocity: GY Me aeijt velocity of clechans inn a concluctor is id's yer a bulb glows Instantly. when switched on, why ? Amswer- When we Close tHe Chrewit, the electric +iel4 Js setup in the entive closed circuit instantly with the. speeal of electromagnetic waves which Causes electron dvift every portion of the Circuit. Dus do ub, the cumrent Jd sebup in the entire cireurt instantly. The Cument so seb does not wart por the electrons to pow from one end of the Concluctor to other end. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar ‘Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [06SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Ohm's Law - : The Cusvrent plowing josigh @ Crducty Js ivectly proportional do the potedebHed A pference across the ends of the Conductor, ip the prgtical State of the Conductor (Temperature , mechanical sSrain ete.) remains unchang ed. Mothenaticaly oY yar where proposHonality constant Ro ws Catlid the yesrstance. of the luctor. Lt Current * Value resistomee R olepends upon the nedure , climensions of the concluctor- FST unit of yesistance. ib ohm (2). Resistance (R) The vesistone of Conductor 2 the opposition offered by a Conductor ato the flow of. elect Cwereent throng at 1 ohm = Melt = iv 1 Ampere. LA Thus L chen is the electrical vesictanta of Conductor through which a. Curent of 1 ampere flows cohen a potential llerence 1 ‘voit is applied acyoss the ends of Conductor. yesistence Us DMT A*] *K Dimension of ‘Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, SikarSCIENCE CAREER COACHING Factors on which Resishmee clepends GQ) Length of Coneluctor - Resistance of @ Concluctoy Ws clirectHy Proportional to the engin of Conductor . eCxoss- Section Orn A Umesh Rajoria (2) Area of Cross- Seetion of Conductor- Resistance of A Cemcluctoy Wis bvenselig PrepoAtional to the area of Cross. Section of Cendlctox C3) Nature of Material & Temperature — From above, R ae or R= PL Where P Js Known as specific resistance ov electica} resistivity of the materiel ef the conoluctor: Electrical Resistivity (P)- TH L=im , A= 1m then R =P Thus, the vesishvi the material of a Conoluctor sb tual ae thed hishance op a cbs dangth with unit of Cmss section of mecerial of the Cmductor. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [8
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