Fundamental Frequency Estimation Techniques For Mu

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Fundamental frequency estimation techniques for multi-microphone speech


Thesis · January 2005


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2 authors:

Federico Flego Maurizio Omologo

University of Cambridge Fondazione Bruno Kessler


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Deep learning for distant speech recognition View project

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PhD Dissertation

International Doctorate School in

Information and Communication Technologies

DIT - University of Trento

Fundamental frequency
estimation techniques for
multi-microphone speech input

Federico Flego


Maurizio Omologo

ITC-irst Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (Trento)

March 2006
to Clara
My deepest gratitude goes to Clara, who I met just before starting the PhD
and who has always supported me during the many difficult moments. I
have no words to thank her enough, and her unconditional love is the most
important lesson I have ever received.
I also thank my parents Gianfranco and Laura and my sister Francesca,
who have always encouraged me and supported me, and not just morally!
It makes me very proud to know that I can count on them, wherever I may
be and at any time.
I wish to thank all my friends who, despite neglecting them for some
time, never stopped their encouragement and enthusiasm. I send my deep-
est affection to Sabrina and Stefano, colleagues during the PhD and real
friends. Both of them had a baby during their studies, and it is also for
this reason that I admire them... to the point that I would like to emulate
them soon! An affectionate thought goes also to Leonardo, Emanuela, Italo
and Valentina, with whom I need just a few words and a glass of good wine
to let our complicity emerge.
A particular thanks also goes to Alfiero and Luca, who “squeezed” into
their office to make room for me when I moved to the ITC-irst. They
helped me a lot, Alfiero always available for a technical and less technical
chat, Luca with his witty and sharp jokes. Beside them, I would really like
to thank all the guys of the “gioviniitc”, who helped me in the difficult
moments with their contagious free-and-easy spirit.
I would also like to thank Arianna and Paolo for everything they have
done and continue doing respectively as representatives of the PhD stu-
dents of the DIT and president of the ADI of Trento.

When I started the PhD I had professor Alessandro Zorat as a tutor,

who always fulfilled my needs even when these were strictly in contrast
with his own. He deserves special thanks because he was never conditional
upon my choices and he was always available and affectionate to me. I
regret not having been able to understand sooner his incredible qualities,
and I apologise for this.
The research work presented in this thesis was then carried out at the
ITC-irst, and could not have been accomplished without the supervision of
my advisor, Maurizio Omologo, who I thank for giving me the opportunity
to join the SHINE research group.
During the years I spent in the ITC-irst I had the opportunity to inter-
act with researchers who have been a very good example to me, both
from a professional and “human” viewpoint: Daniele Falavigna, Diego
Giuliani, Edmondo Trentin, Fabio Brugnara, Gianni Lazzari, Marcello
Federico, Marco Matassoni, Mario Zen, Mauro Cettolo, Michele Zanin,
Nadia Mana, Oswald Lanz, Piergiorgio Svaizer, Roberto Gretter, Romeo
Rizzi. I have learned a lot from them, even from some simple chats, in
particular I learned how important is to be humble and to respect each
All my gratitude goes also to Fabrizio Granelli, professor at the Engi-
neering Faculty of the Trento University, for the trust he put in me several
times by allowing me to be an assistant in the course he gave. Shy and
clumsy the first time, experience allowed me to acquire confidence and to
understand the difficulties and the responsibilities of the one who stays on
the other side of the desk. I hope the students have been satisfied!
Moreover, I am deeply thankful to professors Francesco de Natale, Gian
Antonio Mian and Raffaele Parisi, respectively of the University of Trento,
Padova and of Roma, for their availability to be part of the external com-
mission that participated in the final evaluation of the thesis.
During the last year of my PhD I had the possibility -thanks to my
advisor- to spend some time in Japan, at the NTT Communication Science
Laboratories of Kyoto. They were six very intensive months and besides
the excellent professional experience acquired, I had the opportunity to
get closer to the Japanese culture thanks to some people of a rare sensi-
tivity and intelligence. For this reason, besides thanking all the friends of
the NTT, I sincerely, and with gratitude, thank Masato Miyoshi, Sachiko
Matsubara, Setsuko Kohaya, Shoji Makino and Shoko Araki. I send a spe-
cial embrace also to Marc Delcroix, without whom the Japanese experience
would have not been as intensive and as intense.

Finally, thanks and a wish of serenity to all those people who apply them-
selves in what they are doing with seriousness and humbleness.
In speech processing, the estimation of fundamental frequency (f 0 ) aims
to measure the frequency with which the vocal folds vibrate during voiced
speech. This task is generally performed exploiting signal processing tech-
niques applied to the speech signal previously acquired by an acoustic sen-
sor. f0 represents a high-level speech feature which is exploited by many
speech processing applications, such as speech recognition, speech coding and
speech synthesis, to improve their performance. After decades of research
and innovation, the performance of these pitch based speech applications
has improved to the point that they are now robust for most practical appli-
cations. However, phenomena as noise and reverberation, characteristic of
real-world acoustic scenarios, have still to be coped with. Currently, perfor-
mance of f0 estimation techniques, conceived to work on high-quality speech
signals, drops dramatically whenever such adverse acoustic conditions are
considered. To overcome these limitations, the proposed f 0 estimation al-
gorithm exploits the information redundancy provided by a Distributed Mi-
crophone Network (DMN), which consists of a generic set of microphones
localized in space without any specific geometry. The DMN outputs are
parallelly processed in the frequency domain, and each channel reliability is
evaluated to derive a common representation from which f 0 is finally ob-
tained. Compared to state of the art f0 estimation techniques, this approach
demonstrated to be particularly robust. To show this fact, experimental re-
sults were obtained from tests conducted on international speech databases,
acquired from real noisy and reverberant scenarios.
As a second example of f0 based application in distant-talking contexts, a
Blind Source Separation (BSS) system was addressed. To improve its sep-
aration performance a f0 post-processing scheme, based on adaptive comb
filters, was designed. Tests conducted on reverberant speech data confirmed
the advantages of the proposed solution.

Fundamental frequency, pitch, noise, reverberation, blind source separation

1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 The Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Innovative Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Structure of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 State of the Art 9

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Time domain Pitch Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 Fundamental Frequency Extraction Algorithms . . 13
2.2.2 Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.3 Structure Simplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.4 Multichannel Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.1 Lag-domain analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.2 Frequency domain analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.3.3 Maximum-likelihood pitch determination . . . . . . 63

3 From speech modeling to pitch based applications 65

3.1 Speech Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.2 Basic of f0 Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3.2.1 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) . . . . . . . 73
3.2.2 The spectrogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.3 Applications of f0 estimation techniques . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.1 Speech coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.2 Signal processing hearing aids . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3.3 Glottal-synchronous speech analysis . . . . . . . . . 82
3.3.4 Music transcription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.3.5 Speaker recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.3.6 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) . . . . . . . . 85
3.3.7 Blind Source Separation (BSS) . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.3.8 Dereverberation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.4 Noise and Reverberation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.4.1 Environmental noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.4.2 Reverberation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.4.3 Modeling noise and reverberation . . . . . . . . . . 105

4 Multi-Microphone Approach 109

4.1 Distributed Microphone Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.1.1 Multi-microphone WAUTOC . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.1.2 Multi-microphone YIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.1.3 Multi-microphone Periodicity Function (MPF) . . . 120

5 Experimental Results 131

5.1 Performance evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5.1.1 Error measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.2 Keele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.2.1 Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.2.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
5.3 CHIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
5.3.1 Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

5.3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

6 f0 in Blind Source Separation 163

6.1 Binary mask based BSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.1.1 Continuous mask based BSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6.1.2 f0 driven comb filtering based BSS . . . . . . . . . 170
6.2 BSS performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6.2.1 Error measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6.2.2 BSS scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.2.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

7 Conclusions and Future Work 187

7.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
7.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Bibliography 193

A Time-frequency Uncertainty Principle 205

B Characteristics of the Reference Pitch Values 209

C Generalized Autocorrelation 213

List of Tables

2.1 Some commonly used window functions . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.1 Gross error rates (20%): Keele database, position P 1 . . . 140

5.2 Gross error rates (5%): Keele database, position P 1 . . . . 144
5.3 Gross error rates (20%): Keele database, position P 2 . . . 145
5.4 Gross error rates (5%): Keele database, position P 2 . . . . 147
5.5 CHIL meeting room: array coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.6 Gross error rates (20%): CHIL database . . . . . . . . . . 159
5.7 Gross error rates (5%): CHIL database . . . . . . . . . . . 161

6.1 SIR, SDR: binary mask BSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

6.2 f0 estimation: Keele database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6.3 f0 estimation: binary mask BSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6.4 SIR, SDR: continuous mask BSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
6.5 f0 estimation: continuous mask BSS . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
6.6 SIR, SDR: continuous mask + f0 driven comb filtering BSS 183
6.7 SIR, SDR: overall relative improvement . . . . . . . . . . . 185

List of Figures

2.1 Fundamental processing blocks of a PDA . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Time domain pitch determination algorithms . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Examples of PDA with zero-crossing and threshold analysis 14
2.4 Examples of PDAs with an envelope modeling based extractor 18
2.5 Mixed-feature based PDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.6 Example of the six individual peak functions . . . . . . . . 22
2.7 Example of LPC analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.8 Example of epoch detection on a voiced speech segment . . 29
2.9 Fourier transforms (log magnitude) of window functions . . 34
2.10 Block diagram of a sample short-term analysis PDA. . . . 36
2.11 Short-term fundamental frequency estimation algorithms . 38
2.12 Example of autocorrelation function (ACF) . . . . . . . . . 40
2.13 Compressed centre clipping function and ACF . . . . . . . 42
2.14 Block diagram of the SIFT algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.15 Example of Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF) 46
2.16 Example of Weighted Autocorrelation (WAUTOC) function 48
2.17 Example of Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference function 50
2.18 Example of Harmonic Product Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.19 Example of LPC based spectral distance function . . . . . 58
2.20 Example of cepstrum processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.21 Example of dominance spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

3.1 Vocal tract configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.2 source-filter model: time domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.3 source-filter model: frequency domain . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.4 F 1/F 2 chart of Italian vowels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.5 Fourier coefficients computed on a voiced speech segment . 74
3.6 Spectrograms of speech signal from a female speaker . . . . 79
3.7 Simplified model of an HMM based ASR system . . . . . . 87
3.8 Example of a Blind Source Separation system . . . . . . . 90
3.9 WAUTOC of (white) noisy speech signal . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.10 CMNDF of (white) noisy speech signal . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.11 Spectrogram of a noisy speech signal . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.12 Reverberant room impulse response . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.13 WAUTOC of a reverberant speech signal . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.14 CMNDF of a reverberant speech signal . . . . . . . . . . . 105

4.1 Multi-microphone WAUTOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

4.2 Multi-microphone YIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.3 DMN signals - time and frequency domain . . . . . . . . . 122
4.4 MPF algorithm scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.5 MPF algorithm: weights ci assignment . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.6 Multi-microphone Periodicity Function . . . . . . . . . . . 129

5.1 Re-estimation of Keele database reference labels . . . . . . 136

5.2 Office scenario: DMN geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
5.3 Gross error rates (20%): Keele database, position P 1 . . . 141
5.4 Gross error rates (5%): Keele database, position P 1 . . . . 143
5.5 Gross error rates (20%): Keele database, position P 2 . . . 146
5.6 Gross error rates (5%): Keele database, position P 2 . . . . 148
5.7 MPF channel reliability estimation: white and babble noise 150
5.8 MPF channel reliability estimation: babble noise . . . . . . 152
5.9 Pitch reference creation: merging procedure. . . . . . . . . 155

5.10 CHIL meeting room at the Karlsruhe University . . . . . . 156
5.11 Gross error rates (20%): CHIL database . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.12 Gross error rates (5%): CHIL database . . . . . . . . . . . 162

6.1 Underdetermined BSS scheme: binary mask approach . . . 165

6.2 DOAs histogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.3 BSS: example of binary mask application . . . . . . . . . . 168
6.4 BSS: continuous mask design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6.5 f0 driven adaptive comb filtering scheme . . . . . . . . . . 171
6.6 f0 driven adaptive FIR filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
6.7 Frequency response of FIR and IIR adaptive comb filters . 174
6.8 Room for Blind Source Separation tests . . . . . . . . . . . 177

C.1 mpf and the generalized autocorrelation . . . . . . . . . . 215

Chapter 1


1.1 The Context

The context of this thesis is speech fundamental frequency (or pitch) es-
timation based on a multi-microphone speech input. Pitch estimation be-
longs to the Speech Processing area which, in turn, comprises many re-
search disciplines such as electrical engineering (computer science, signal
processing and acoustics), psychology (psychoacoustics and cognition) and
linguistics (phonetics, phonology and syntax). The objective of pitch es-
timation is to measure the oscillation frequency (f0 ) of the vocal folds in
voiced speech. The estimated f0 represents a useful source of information
for many speech applications such as, among others, speech recognition,
speech coding and speech synthesis. The particular acoustic scenario ad-
dressed in this thesis, considers speech signals acquired by a set of far field
microphones, whose output results thus severely degraded by the environ-
mental noise and reverberation effects. Pitch estimation based on such
a microphone setup has not been largely addressed in the literature so
far. However, it is likely to become a reference scenario considering the
growing interest for pitch based speech applications designed to work in
distant-talking contexts.

1. Introduction 1.2. The Problem

1.2 The Problem

During the speech production process the airflow produced by the lungs
passes through the larynx, the pharyngeal, the oral and nasal cavity, fi-
nally radiating through lips and nose. The overall shape of the vocal tract
actuates as a resonator which modulates the airflow to produce the desired
sounds. When voiced speech is generated, as for example during vowel
production, the vocal folds at the top of the larynx open and close in a
quasi-periodic fashion for the air pressure which accumulates below them.
The frequency of these oscillations is given the name of speech fundamental
frequency (f0 ) and is responsible for the perceived pitch of the produced
sound. For this reason the f0 estimation algorithms are also referred to as
Pitch Detection Algorithms (PDAs), although what is actually measured
is the vocal folds oscillating frequency, a physical measurement, not the
consequent subjective perception.
To detect and estimate f0 in voiced speech, modern approaches rely
on digital signal processing techniques applied to the signals provided by
one or more microphones, which are used to record the speaker. In these
signals f0 manifests itself as a periodic pattern in the time domain, or as
a series of peaks in the frequency domain. In the first case the period
with which the pattern repeats itself (T0 ) coincides with the inverse of f0
while, in the second case, f0 determines the position of the first peak as
well as the spacing between two adjacent peaks. Pitch estimation is thus
generally carried out in one, or the other domain, trying to detect signal
self-similarities or frequency peak positions, respectively.
The main difficulties encountered during the estimation procedure are
mainly related with the inherent variability of the human voice on one
side, and with the inevitable quality loss which occurs during speech signal
acquisition, on the other side.

1.2. The Problem 1. Introduction

Speech variability principally accounts for intonation variation, magni-

tude dynamics and phone unit durations, which depend on the articulatory
movements of the vocal tract or speech organs, occurring continuously dur-
ing phonation, and on the varying air pressure produced by the lungs. This
reflects in variations of the pitch period length and waveform shape in the
time domain, or in changes of the peaks amplitude and position in the
frequency domain.
The quality of the acquired signal instead, depends on several factors
such as the clarity with which the speech is uttered, the noise and rever-
beration of the environment, and the distortion introduced by the acoustic
sensors employed for the acquisition. Also the possible channel over which
the signal is transmitted, contributes to the overall quality loss.
Current f0 estimation techniques perform very well on speech signals
that were clearly uttered and acquired by means of a close-talk micro-
phone in a quiet environment. But when they have to deal with the above
described detrimental factors, which represent real-world situations, per-
formance drops dramatically. Since constraining the talker to be in a quiet
environment and to use a close-talk microphone is not a feasible solution
in practical applications, research in speech fundamental frequency esti-
mation is currently focusing on more robust systems. These systems must
be able to extract f0 from real-world speech signals, that is, spontaneous
speech acquired from one or more far field microphones, in a noisy and re-
verberant context. An example of such applications is given by the speech
technologies applied to household appliances. In fact, in the domotics con-
text, the end-user must have the maximum movement freedom and cannot
be asked to continuosly wear a close-talk microphone.

Besides the problem of pitch estimation in a real-world context, the

problem of speech enhancement based on f0 information is also addressed.

1. Introduction 1.3. The Solution

Pitch information is exploited differently by many applications to improve

the final outcome. Here, a Blind Source Separation (BSS) system is consid-
ered, which separates the different speech sources from a mixture of three
different speakers talking simultaneously. The outputs of the considered
system results often distorted because of the overlapping of the talkers sig-
nals in the time-frequency domain. Pitch information is thus used in this
context to reduce the distortion effects thus improving the BSS system
separation performance.

1.3 The Solution

The proposed solution for robust f0 estimation in noisy and reverberant

scenarios, exploits the information redundancy achievable when several
acoustic sensors are employed to acquire a speech signal from different
positions. The microphone setup employed is a Distributed Microphone
Network (DMN). Originally proposed in [6], a DMN consists of a generic
set of microphones localized in space without any specific geometry. Such
a microphone setup, on the one hand, allows the talker to move freely in
the space without being forced to wear a headset microphone or to keep
a specific position as well as a specific head orientation. On the other
hand, it provides speech acquisitions which result severely affected by the
reverberation effect as well as by the noise generally present in real-world
However, the speech signal quality loss can be compensated if the re-
dundancy offered by the different DMN outputs is exploited. The proposed
approach exploits such information redundancy processing all DMN chan-
nels in a parallel fashion, estimating blindly the reliability degree of each of
them. The applied fusion method bases then on the most reliable channels
to provide robust f0 estimates.

1.4. Innovative Aspects 1. Introduction

Regarding the problem of enhancing the outputs of a blind source sep-

aration (BSS) system exploiting pitch information, a scheme based on f 0
driven adaptive comb filters is proposed. The scheme represents an exten-
sion of the binary mask based BSS system described in [10], and founds
on the fact that the harmonic structure of voiced speech exhibits a regular
pattern in the time-frequency domain. Whenever signals from simultane-
ous talkers overlap in this domain, such harmonic structure is deteriorated
resulting in distorted separated signals. The f0 driven adaptive filters ob-
jective then, is to restore the original harmonic structure of voiced speech
segments basing on the pitch information previously extracted. The pro-
posed scheme demonstrated to improve the original BSS system perfor-
mance, while keeping the overall system complexity low.

1.4 Innovative Aspects

The main innovative aspect of this thesis is to perform robust f0 estima-

tion on speech signals acquired in a distant-talking scenario. Employing
a Distributed Microphone Network (DMN) [6], the reverberant and noisy
microphone outputs are parallelly processed in the frequency domain, to
derive a common representation for all channels. The proposed fusion
procedure takes into account the reliability of each contribute, which is es-
timated comparing each channel spectrum with a reference spectrum. The
signal quality provided by each microphone depends on the talker position
which is allowed, if the above microphone setup is used, to move freely in
the considered scenario.
The proposed approach for robust pitch estimation, based on a set of
far-field microphones, belongs to a new general scheme where real-world
scenarios are considered for speech processing applications. The use of

1. Introduction 1.5. Structure of the Thesis

pitch information as an additional descriptor of speech characteristics re-

sults advantageous in many practical contexts. To demonstrate this, a
f0 based adaptive comb filtering scheme was derived and reported in the
second part of the thesis. The scheme was applied to a modified version
of a binary mask based Blind Source Separation System [10], which sepa-
rates the speech signals of three speakers uttering at the same time. The
harmonic structure of each separated speech signal is enhanced by the f 0
driven adaptive comb filters, improving the BSS system performance, in
particular when a reverberant scenario is addressed.

1.5 Structure of the Thesis

After a brief introduction of the speech fundamental frequency f 0 (or pitch)

concept, Chapter 2 describes the state of the art of speech fundamental
frequency (or pitch) estimation algorithms. Several techniques are pre-
sented, and examples of their working principle applied to voiced speech
segments are given. These algorithms either belong to the initial phase of
pitch estimation research or are based on recent findings. The description
of the former algorithms is included because they still constitute the basis
for many of the modern proposed solutions.

Chapter 3 presents the human speech production mechanism, describing

the role of the various organs involved, and their effect on the characteris-
tics of the produced sound. The source-filter model is then introduced to
approximate the physical process as a vocal tract filter driven by an exci-
tation signal. Once the relation between the latter and f0 is showed, the
way that speech processing applications can employ pitch information to
improve their performance, is described. Recently, these applications have
become more and more robust to work in real-world noisy and reverberant

1.5. Structure of the Thesis 1. Introduction

contexts. The rest of the chapter is thus devoted to the analysis of the
noise and reverberation adverse effects on pitch estimation.

Chapter 4 shows the limitations of state of the art pitch extraction algo-
rithms when tested on noisy and reverberant speech signals. These draw-
backs are more evident as the acoustic sensors, employed for speech signal
acquisition, are kept far from the end-user of pitch based systems. To
overcome these limitations and to allow the talker to freely move in the
space, independently from microphone position, the concept of Distributed
Microphone Network (DMN) is introduced. This microphone setup is then
exploited to derive a new pitch exctraction algorithm based on the Multi-
microphone Periodicity Function (MPF). The performance of the proposed
algorithm are then measured employing real world speech data and com-
pared with those of other state of the art algorithms. Detailed results are
presented in Chapter 5, where two different acoustic scenarios are ad-

Chapter 6 provides an example of how pitch information can be exploited

to enhance the quality of speech signals output by a Blind Source Sepa-
ration (BSS) system. A specific reference BSS setup is considered, where
the speech stream of each of three talkers speaking simultaneously is sep-
arated employing two microphones and binary time-frequency masks. A
modification of the reference system is then proposed in two steps. First,
continuous time-frequency masks are introduced to separate the signal con-
tributes of each speaker. Then, a scheme based on a pitch extractor, and
on f0 driven adaptive comb filters, is integrated to further process each
of the previously obtained outputs. Performance results and comparisons
with the reference system are provided at the end of the chapter.

1. Introduction 1.5. Structure of the Thesis

Chapter 7 contains a summary of results, conclusions and suggestions for

future work.

Chapter 2

State of the Art

This chapter describes the state of the art of speech fundamental frequency
(f0 ) estimation algorithms. The term pitch is also used to indicate the fun-
damental frequency in this context, although pitch derives from psychoa-
coustic, where it refers more properly to the subjective perception produced
by voiced speech. Both measures though, refer to the phenomenon occur-
ring when voiced sounds are uttered, that is, to the periodic oscillation of
the vocal folds. This oscillation is responsible for intonation and manifests
itself in the sound pressure waveform, as a periodic pattern.
The aim of pitch estimation algorithms is to detect and measure the
period length of the repeating pattern characteristic of voiced speech. This
measure is referred to as fundamental period (T0 ) and results to be the
inverse of the fundamental frequency, that is, T0 = 1/f0 .
In this chapter the description of several state of the art pitch estimation
algorithms is given along with examples of their working principle applied
to voiced speech segments. Their description is presented considering the
classification given in [43]. The first section describes those algorithms that
operate in the time domain while the second section gives an account of
those based on short-term analysis.
The expression “time domain” refers to algorithms which directly an-

2. State of the Art 2.1. Introduction

alyze the speech pressure waveform in order to detect specific temporal

features, such as maxima and minima, that provide useful information to
estimate f0 on a period-by-period basis.
“Short-term analysis” instead, considers segments of the speech signal
long enough to include several pitch periods. Different types of transforma-
tion are then applied to the data to obtain its representation in a different
domain, more suitable for estimating f0 . The lag-domain and frequency
domain are the most common operative domains for this class of algo-
rithms, from which an averaged value for the considered speech segment is

What follows is a literature survey of some of the most famous and

important techniques devised in the past 50 years, to perform speech fun-
damental frequency estimation. The reader interested in the innovative
aspects of the proposed research work, can directly address Chapter 4.

2.1 Introduction

The algorithms which deal with the problem of estimating the fundamental
frequency of a periodic or quasi-periodic signal are commonly referred to as
pitch detection algorithm or PDA. What these techniques actually provide
is the estimation of the fundamental frequency, reminding however the
psychologically link between f0 and pitch, which is defined by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) as the auditory attribute of sound
according to which sounds can be ordered on a scale from low to high.
Such definition is not world wide accepted though, and there is a lot of
debate mostly related with the fact that it not possible to build a one-to-
one relationship between pitch and frequency. Actually the term pitch is
given two different meaning depending on the context in which it is used.

2.1. Introduction 2. State of the Art

In the psychoacoustic field the term pitch is used to indicate an auditory

sensation, that is, a subjective attribute. In the signal processing field
instead, related with voice or music signals, pitch is used to indicate the
oscillation frequency of the vocal folds or of a playing instrument, that is,
the fundamental frequency. In this work, the term pitch will be used with
the latter meaning.
Pitch detection algorithms have been investigated since early ’60s and
still there is a lot of research effort to improve PDAs performance measured
on tasks becoming each time more and more difficult.
The common model for a generic PDA consists of three processing blocks
[43, 61], as shown in Figure 2.1: the preprocessor, the extractor and the
post-processor. The preprocessor block task is to mainly perform data
reduction, or to apply linear or non linear transformation to the data before
it is processed by the next block. Data reduction is often necessary since,
depending on the extractor, there might be no need for certain time or
frequency features of the signal to be analyzed. A common preprocessing
step is to low-pass filter the signal to keep just the frequency content below
a few kHz since, for most pitch extractors, the high frequency content of
speech signal does not provide any additional information for fundamental
frequency estimation.

Speech signal
Preprocessor Extractor Postprocessor F0

Figure 2.1: Fundamental processing blocks of a PDA. Speech signal is first preprocessed
in order to reduce data complexity or to apply linear or non linear transformations. The
extractor block is responsible for estimating the signal fundamental frequency while the
post-processing block can perform error detection or smoothing on the previously estimated
f0 values.

A first distinction between PDAs is given in [43] and distinguishes be-

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

tween time domain and short term analysis based pitch extraction algo-
rithms. The rule to label an algorithm as belonging to one or the other
specific domain, is to consider the domain of the input to the extractor
block. In case the input to the extractor is the signal itself, opportunely
conditioned by the preprocessor, and pitch estimation is carried on a pe-
riod basis, that is, the algorithm is capable of determining each individual
period length, the algorithm belongs to the time domain category. When
instead the preprocessor takes short-term intervals (frames) of the input
signal, each including several periods, and provides the extractor with an
alternate representation as, for example, the autocorrelation values (lag
domain), or spectral values (frequency domain), the algorithm is said to
belong to the short term analysis category. In this case each provided pe-
riod length estimate can be considered an “average” of several contiguous
period length values.

2.2 Time domain Pitch Determination

Time domain pitch determination is the oldest way to perform automatic

pitch determination. The techniques presented in this section belong to
the early phase of pitch estimation research and their performance have
been substantially improved by modern approaches. However, they provide
interesting and important insights on the subject constituting, in some
cases, the basis of modern pitch estimation techniques. For this reason
they are reported here and their simplified schematic grouping shown in
Figure 2.2 will be used as a reference.
The principal characteristic of these algorithms is to perform pitch esti-
mation on a period-by-period basis, that is, they are capable of determining
the length of each individual period of the repeating pattern constituting
the voiced speech signal.

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art




Zero crossing Auxiliary channel

Exponential decay Inverse filtering (LPC)
Nonzero threshold Sub−range
Sequence of extremes Epoch detection
Threshold hysteresis Multi−feature

Figure 2.2: Simplified diagram of time domain pitch determination algorithms [43].

The Time domain based PDAs, can be further grouped into those which
aim to extract the fundamental frequency, as the zero (or nonzero) thresh-
old crossing based ones; those which perform structural analysis, basing on
the periodic exponential decay characteristic of voicing sound; those per-
forming waveform structure simplification in order to extract a sequence of
extremes from which estimate the fundamental frequency and those com-
puting parallel processing by means of multichannel1 analysis.

2.2.1 Fundamental Frequency Extraction Algorithms

The simplest time domain based PDAs are the Zero-crossing Analysis Basic
Extractor (ZXABE) and the Threshold Analysis Basic Extractor (TABE)
[43], dating back to the 60s and developed on analog systems. That period
also coincided with an advance of the computer in the domain of signal
processing and these simple PDAs, and their derivations, were suitable for
being implemented as computer programs. The basic principle of ZXABE,
as shown in the left panel of Figure 2.3, is to produce a marker each time
The term “multichannel” used here was inherited from [43]. It indicates that the data flow of a single
input speech signal is duplicated to be processed by more than one processing unit, in a parallel fashion.
It has not to be confused with the term “multi-microphone”, which is used in this thesis to indicate
several input speech signals, proceeding from different acoustic sensors.

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

the signal change polarity, that is, each time the signal amplitude changes
from a negative to a positive value. As evident from the figure, doing
this way a lot of markers are produced even within a single pitch period
of the signal. The problem comes from the presence in the signal of the
harmonics other than the fundamental frequency. This poses the necessity
to preprocess the signal in order to provide the ZXABE, with a signal
that has only two zero crossings per period. The latter is not easy to
achieve since it requires to isolate the fundamental frequency or, at least,
to enhance it while attenuating the other harmonics. Also phase of each
harmonic should be taken in account, since on these values depends how
much the waveform will reveal the presence of the fundamental.
Zero−crossing analysis basic extractor (ZXABE) Threshold analysis basic extractor (TABE)
1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2


0 0

−0.2 −0.2

−0.4 −0.4

−0.6 −0.6

−0.8 −0.8

−1 −1
24 39 59 74 105 132 147 166 182 213 240254 26 134 242
samples samples

Figure 2.3: Examples of PDA with zero-crossing (left) and threshold analysis (right) based
extractor applied to a voiced segment of speech.

An alternative is represented by the TABE which employs a higher

threshold, in order to detect just the zero crossings relative to the funda-
mental frequency. In the example shown in the right panel of Figure 2.3,
the threshold is set to 0.8 and the three markers positioned at samples 26,
134 and 242 respectively, determine exactly (with sample accuracy) the
duration of the two periods shown. Even if more accurate than the ZX-
ABE, also the TABE might miss some peaks necessary for correct marking

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

or detect others which are not. This comes from the difficulty of fixing a
threshold which guarantees perfect periods length detection, since ampli-
tude varies with time and there are cases where more than one high peak
occur at each period. In the latter case, setting the threshold high enough
to avoid false detection and low enough to avoid missing any target peak
is not easy to accomplish.
Another solution is to set two positive threshold, a lower and higher
one and to mark the beginning of a period only when the two are crossed
successively. Signal values which cross just one threshold repeatedly will
not generate a marker. This extractor is named “TABE with hysteresis”
and improves the performance respect to the above described extractors.
Still though, there is the need to fix the threshold values which may work
for certain speech segment and not for others.
In the three cases a common preprocessing technique is to low-pass fil-
ter the speech signal in order to attenuate higher harmonics by about 6 to
12 dB per octave. The objective is to clear out higher harmonics so that
threshold crossing is due just to the presence in the signal of the fundamen-
tal frequency. Though improving the performance, this rule of thumb is not
suited for the voiced speech signal, which continuously varies the position
and amplitude of the fundamental frequency and its harmonics. Addition-
ally the fundamental frequency is not always present in voiced speech, even
if it is perceptually perceived as dominant by the human ear. A lot of effort
was put to design complex preprocessors implementing adaptive low-pass
and non-linear filtering in order to enhance the frequency region were f 0
was expected to be and to cope with its variations during time.
Several non-linear filtering techniques were used in the preprocessors of
these extractors, with the objective of flattening the voiced speech spec-
trum. The effect of formants is to enhance some harmonics while attenuat-
ing others. Designing a preprocessor which can provide the pitch extractor

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

an input independent from the particular sound uttered, that is, with a
flat spectrum, was demonstrated to be particularly beneficial for estimat-
ing correctly f0 . To this aim half-wave or full-wave rectification, as well as
squaring or peak clipping the signal were introduced in the preprocessor
[103, 85].
Using thresholds, makes it necessary to normalize the signal amplitude
but this cannot be accomplished in advance on the whole signal, since its
dynamic varies with time. The solution in this case can be the use of a
dynamic compressor to normalize over short-term portions of the signal.

The zero-crossing method and, more in general, those based on thresh-

olding the signal in the time domain, provide good results on synthetic
speech signals or on input recorded in quiet and non reverberant envi-
ronment. When these conditions are not satisfied however, performance
drop dramatically due to the fact that noise and, most of all, reverbera-
tion, affect the waveform severely in a way that those algorithms were not
designed to cope with.

2.2.2 Structural Analysis

This approach considers the temporal structure of the speech waveform.

The main idea behind this approach is the fact that the speech signal
can be considered as the output of a pulse train coming from the glottis
(source) filtered by the time-variant response of the vocal tract (filter). The
latter actuates as a passive filter and its impulse response is, accordingly,
a summation of exponentially dumped sinusoids whose envelope gradually
decays away and whose maximum occurs at every excitation point, that is,
at every source pulse. Observing the waveform of a voiced speech signal
and considering the model behind it, it is possible for one to guess the
periodicity out of the signal temporal structure. From this starting point

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

two algorithms were devised: the envelope modeling and the sequence of
extremes based algorithms.

Envelope modeling

The envelope modeling approach bases on building a model of the signal

temporal structure deriving a decaying envelope for thresholding the sig-
nal. The time instant at which the speech signal exceeds the modeled
envelope, is assumed as the beginning of a new period. When this occurs,
the envelope model is reset and used again as a threshold for determining
the next source impulse instant. This algorithm bases very much on peak
detection and on the discrimination between primary peaks (related with
the source impulses) and secondary peaks, due to the oscillating behaviour
of the decaying impulse response. The main difficult is thus to enhance
primary peaks and to suppress other peaks, in order to find the appropri-
ate time-constants which has to continuously fit the decaying behaviour
of the speech signal. This value is critical for the correct detection of the
beginning of each period: if it is too short, secondary peaks will wrongly
trigger a new period estimation, while being it too long, primary peaks will
be suppressed.
In the left panel of Figure 2.4 the algorithm applied to a segment of
voiced speech with a time constant τ = 4 ms is shown. In this case markers
at samples values of 57, 165 and 272 are correctly positioned. In the right
panel of Figure 2.4 instead, the wrong time constant τ = 2 ms is set and a
many period markers are wrongly detected.
This problem is most likely to happen when the speech signal rapidly
changes its waveform envelope, due to transitions between uttered sounds.
In this case the algorithm cannot adapt instantaneously to the change and
might fail to provide correct results. This PDA was early implemented on
analogue hardware and a lot of work was done to overcome the limitations

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

Envelope modeling PDA (τ = 4 ms) Envelope modeling PDA (τ = 2 ms)

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0

−0.2 −0.2

−0.4 −0.4

−0.6 −0.6

−0.8 −0.8

−1 −1
57 165 272 32 57 93 139 165 201215 246 272
samples samples

Figure 2.4: Examples of PDAs with an envelope modeling based extractor applied to a
voiced segment of speech. Determining correctly the time constant τ of the decaying en-
velope is crucial for the correct behaviour of the algorithm. At the left an example with
a correctly estimated τ = 4 ms shows period markers at sample instant 57, 165 and 272.
At the right the same speech segment on which the algorithm run with τ = 2 ms detecting
many false period markers.

imposed by the hardware capabilities of that time [20, 21, 3, 26, 27].
Among others, the peak-picker algorithm [44] was based on the envelope
modeling approach and on earlier work by [41]. Being suitable for real-time
applications, given its small input output delay, was also implemented as
part of cochlear implant prosthesis for pattern processing hearing aids at
the University College London [45].

The sequence of extremes PDA approach bases instead on an heuristic

model of the temporal signal structure. Mainly, the idea is to perform data
reduction at the extractor level in a iterative fashion, individuating at each
iteration some anchor points from which pitch period markers are afterword
derived. Maxima, minima and zero or nonzero threshold crossings are
often used along with decisions and branching to design algorithm which
principally base on the following steps

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

1. data reduction: eliminate samples from the incoming signal which does
not belong to a chosen feature;

2. selection: choose (enhance) samples which provide useful information

related to period delimiters and discard (attenuate) the others. One
or more iterations;

3. markers detection: derive all possible delimiters and search among

them for the sequence showing the most regular behaviour.

This class of algorithms is not always suitable for real time applications
because, although they provide f0 estimation on a period by period basis,
they need to process (see step 3) segments of signal larger than one single
period, in order to choose the correct delimiters sequence.

Peak detection and global correction

One of the most known algorithms belonging to this class is that based on
peak detection and global correction [86, 87]. This algorithm was designed
for a speech recognizer tool and made use of maxima and minima local-
ization on a frame basis of 25 ms. Within each frame, first all maxima
and minima where searched and tested applying a set of conditions to ver-
ify whether they could be candidates period delimiters. These conditions
involved comparison with other maxima and minima, and with absolute
maxima and minima, as well with other values obtained from those by
linear interpolation. Also period length prediction is used to correct errors
basing on the past estimated period lengths, in particular markers can be
shifted, removed or inserted to adjust the final f0 contour to be consistent.
Nevertheless, as it happens to many algorithms which include pitch cor-
rection features based on the past estimated values, whenever too many
errors are encountered, the global correction routine fails and can severely
prejudice the correctness of future estimates [53].

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

Pitch chaining

Another algorithm which performs direct analysis of speech waveform is

the pitch chaining algorithm [93]. This PDA searches, for each analyzed
frame, for all possible combinations of three maxima and all minima which
provides “period twins”, that is, three markers defining two adjacent period
values. Before next frame is processed, a tree is updated: each branch
represents the concatenation of period twins computed from all previous
frames which form a consistent pitch contour. Each period twins from the
new combination is thus added to the proper chain, starting a new branch
when coincidence in the period values is missing. The choice between the
different chains is done when the longest one exceeds a preset length. At
this time, the fundamental frequency for this chain is computed and output
while all earlier chains are deleted. Although this algorithm works on a
period by period basis, it provides averaged pitch estimation every 10ms,
being thus not suitable for real-time processing.
An algorithm based on time structural analysis of the speech waveform,
which does not rely on peaks position and amplitude but exploits zero-
crossing and excursion cycles (EC) information, is described in [64, 65].
The peculiarity of this approach is in the way it applies data reduction
to the input: only the excursion cycles are retained, which are defined as
the sum of the signal amplitude values over two consecutive zero-crossing
of its waveform. Considering that a period of voiced speech is dominated
by the harmonic enhanced by the first formant, in the best case there
will be just two EC detected per period, guaranteeing at least a number
of ECs one order of magnitude less than the number of samples. Using
ECs to represent the signal and applying further processing tasks, permits
to reduce the computational effort significantly. To obtain the final f 0
estimate, structural knowledge of the voiced speech signal is exploited in

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

order to reduce the number of ECs and “isolate” the “significant” ones,
which mark the beginning of each pitch period.


The time domain based algorithms basing on structural analysis described

so far, all based on either regularity of the speech signal, either on its
peakedness. Speech signal loses its regularity when rapid changes in fun-
damental frequency or sound quality occur. Also strong peaks can be
missing or be not so prominent in case of nasals, back vowels or speech
with falsetto excitation. In Figure 2.5 is shown the block diagram of one
of the best known PDA [37] which exploits both regularity and peakedness
in order to overcome the limitations above mentioned.
The algorithm proposed, set several rules to interpret sequences of (lo-
cal) maxima and minima. In particular, after reducing the higher formants
applying a 900Hz cutoff low-pass filter to the input signal, it generates at
each processing step a series of six peaks, Mi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
As shown in Figure 2.6, the input signal is marked with label M1 on
its positive peak and with label M4 on its following negative peak; Label
M5 registers the peak-to-valley distance between them and the same holds
for label M2 which register the valley-to-peak distance between M4 and
M1 . Labels M3 and M6 are relative to peak-to-previous-peak and valley-
to-previous-valley measurements. Each label carries information about the
time instant of the occurred event and the relative measured value. Each
stream of pulses with the same label Mi is then used as input to one
Primary Extractor (PE) based on the exponentially decaying technique, as
explained earlier in this section. All PEs are identical and adapt the time
constant of the decaying envelope basing on the previous period estimate.
Once an estimate is obtained from each of the six PEs, an evaluation
procedure is performed: a 6x6 matrix is formed where each column corre-

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

Input Signal


(900 Hz)


PE1 PE2 PE3 PE4 PE5 PE6 Extractors



Period Estimates

Figure 2.5: Mixed-feature based PDA which exploits both regularity and peakedness of
the incoming signal. Six Primary Extractors (PE) elaborate sequences of maxima and
minima, as well as inter-peaks measurements, to produce six period values which will be
selected to provide a final estimate.

M3 M2 M1



M5 M4
M6 M5 M4

Figure 2.6: Example of the six individual peak functions Mi , i = 1 . . . 6 on a voiced speech
segment. Each stream of measurements with the same label will feed a Primary Extractor
(PE) which will in turn return a period estimate.

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

sponds to an extractor while row one represents the direct estimates from
the PEs, row two and three reports the estimates of the two previous pe-
riods, respectively; row four, five and six represent the sum of estimates
from the first and second, the second and third and the first to the third
rows respectively.
The final period estimate is computed as the one that has the highest
degree of coincidence, evaluated using absolute difference between values,
with the other values in the matrix.
The reason for including also rows from four to six, stems from the fact
that all extractors are biased toward too high f0 errors, that is, relative to
the second and third harmonics still present in the signal. If this would be
the case, these matrix rows will contribute to provide the correct result.

2.2.3 Structure Simplification

This category of PDAs comprises the algorithms which perform simplifica-

tion of the temporal structure of the voiced speech signal. These methods
can be considered as in between the fundamental frequency extraction
algorithms (Section 2.2.1) and direct analysis of the temporal structure
algorithms (Section 2.2.2).
The reason for this approach originated from the drawbacks of the meth-
ods reported above. The first issue is that the fundamental frequency is
not always present and nonlinear filtering is not always able to reconstruct
it. The second one is that, handling directly the signal temporal struc-
ture, inevitably induces the designer to introduce several heuristic-based
solutions which imply loss of generality [43].
Among the PDAs based on structure simplification there are those that
perform inverse filtering and those relying on epoch detection.

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

Inverse filtering - Linear Predictive Coding (LPC)

Inverse filtering is a technique which estimates the inverse response of the

vocal tract in order to obtain the glottal excitation signal. This signal
reflects the regular pulse-like variation of the air pressure generating in the
larynx and results thus more suitable for f0 estimation.
The approach bases on the source-filter model which will be described
more in-depth in Chapter 3. According to this model, the voiced speech
signal x(n) can be seen as the result of the convolution of the glottal stream
of pulses s(n) with the vocal tract impulse response h(n):

x(n) = s(n) ∗ h(n), X(z) = S(z) · H(z), (2.1)

where the right-hand expression represents the source-filter model in the

frequency domain2 . According to this expression, if the vocal tract transfer
function H(z) is known, S(z) is easily obtained after multiplication of both
sides by 1/H(z).
As shown in [24], the vocal tract can be regarded as a lossless acoustic
tube actuating on the excitation signal as a resonator. This is particularly
true for voiced sounds for which the vocal tract transfer function H(z) can
be approximated as an all-pole filter. The consequence of this hypothesis
is that the inverse 1/H(z) can be modeled as an all-zero filter by means of
a non-recursive state equation as follows:

s(n) = d0 x(n) + d1 x(n − 1) + . . . + dp x(n − p). (2.2)

The inverse transfer function H −1 (z) = 1/H(z) can thus be written as:
X(z), S(z) and H(z) are the z-transforms of the discrete signals x(n), s(n) and h(n), respectively.
If the complex variable z is set to e2πf , the frequency spectrum is obtained.

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

H (z) = di z −i , (2.3)

and its coefficients di , i = 1, . . . , p, could be determined by a complete

formant analysis, by means of methods like peak picking or analysis by
synthesis proposed in [28]. However, these methods are not eligible for this
task being too complex and requiring thus too much effort to be applied.
A common and very popular approach to estimate the coefficients in
Equation 2.3 is Linear Predictive Coding (LPC). Linear prediction states
that it is possible to predict the sample x(n) from the values of the previous
samples to within an additive error signal (or residual signal) e(n):

x(n) = a1 x(n − 1) + a2 x(n − 2) + . . . + ap x(n − p) + e(n), (2.4)

where x(n) represents the speech signal, ai the filter coefficients and e(n)
the error signal. Equation 2.4 is a purely recursive digital filter, that is, an
all-pole model of the vocal tract transfer function.
The vocal tract parameters vary during the speech process thus implying
that coefficients ai must be time variant as well, in order to follow their
variations. This implies that parameter estimation must be performed on
a short-term based analysis which is usually 10−30 ms length.
A typical approach to determine the predictor coefficients is to minimize
the energy of the error signal e(n) within a given frame. Solving for e(n)

e(n) = x(n) − x̂(n), (2.5)

defining with

x̂(n) = a1 x(n − 1) + a2 x(n − 2) + . . . + ap x(n − p), (2.6)

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

the predicted sample. Equations 2.5 and 2.6 represent non-recursive digital
filter and the first one has the same structure of Equation 2.2.
From linear filter theory, in case of a stationary signal, the predictor
would be able to estimate perfectly and the error will be zero. Speech
signal can be considered stationary just in between glottal pulse excitation
instants, consisting of a sum of decaying sinusoids.
LPC analysis assumes the source excitation signal to be impulsive and
provides a solution for coefficients ai so that the error function e(n) can be
considered, within a certain approximation and considering the purpose of
the analysis3 , the glottal pulse function s(n).
To obtain this, the mean square of e(n) is expressed as a function of the
predictor coefficients and a set of linear equations is solved by exploiting
autocorrelation and covariance functions [55, 57].
In Figure 2.7 an example of LPC analysis is shown. On the upper left
panel three periods of a vowel sound are represented and the corresponding
magnitude spectrum is plotted at the right. The latter shows clearly the
harmonic structure of the signal as a sequence of narrow peaks. Applying
the LPC analysis using 18 coefficients ai , the inverse transfer function
H −1 (z) is estimated and its inverse, that is H(z), is shown in the right
middle panel, with formants label Fi , i = 1, . . . , 4. Once H −1 (z) is know,
it is possible to obtain the glottal pulse transfer function S(z) = X(z) ·
H −1 (z) which is reported in the bottom panel at the right. The formant
structure has been almost removed while the harmonic structure has been
preserved. In the time domain, the residual signal e(n) shows a series
of peaks corresponding to the excitation signal s(n), and is shown in the
bottom panel at the left.
LPC analysis is not free from drawbacks: the minimization operation
The actual excitation signal is not preserved by LPC analysis which cannot really distinguish between
components of the vocal tract and those belonging to the glottal pulse and retains the latter just to an
impulsive extent.

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

Voiced speech signal − x(n) Magnitude spectrum of the speech signal − |X(z)|
1 0
0.5 −20

0 −40
−0.5 −60
−1 −80
0 100 200 300 400 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Vocal tract magnitude transfer function − |H(z)|
x(n) 0 F1

1/H(z) −40 F4
0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Glottal source signal − s(n) Magnitude spectrum of glottal source signal − |S(z)|


0 −20
−0.5 −30
−1 −40
0 100 200 300 400 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
samples Hz

Figure 2.7: Example of LPC analysis. Upper left panel: three periods of a vowel sound;
upper right panel: corresponding magnitude spectrum showing the signal harmonic struc-
ture as a sequence of narrow peaks; middle right panel: vocal tract transfer function H(z)
estimated by LPC analysis (18 coefficients). Formants are labeled with F i , i = 1, . . . , 4;
bottom right panel: glottal pulse transfer function obtained as S(z) = X(z)/H(z). The
formant structure has been almost removed while the harmonic structure has been pre-
served; bottom left panel: residual signal e(n) in the time domain. The excitation signal
s(n) can be approximated with the series of peaks shown.

applied to the error signal not always preserve the excitation signal [35],
additionally, when the first formant frequency is the same of the funda-
mental frequency f0 , removing the formant effect tend to cancel the latter
from the residual signal, frustrating any further attempt to detect the cor-

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

rect f0 . However, in case the residual signal is successfully, direct analysis

of the its temporal (Section 2.2.2) structure can be applied, as done by
several time domain algorithm [8, 106].

Epoch detection

Algorithms which base on epoch detection, aim to detect the events or

“epochs” related with each glottal closure instant. Considering this in-
stant as a generation of a pulse-like pressure wave, all frequencies (and all
resonances) of the vocal tract transfer function can be considered to be
excited at the same moment.
Phase coherence among frequencies is an important requisite among
these class of algorithms, since they base on detecting the epoch instants,
synchronously among the outputs of a filter bank.
One of the first algorithm [101, 102, 112] designed to perform epoch
detection, was constituted by a bandpass filter bank, whose outputs were
full-wave rectified and smoothed in order to perform amplitude demodula-
tion. Each smoothed output resulted thus in an envelope-like function with
period equal the fundamental frequency, synchronous with all other filter
bank outputs and independent of the particular bandpass filter. Summing
up all these signals resulted in a waveform suitable for direct analysis of
its temporal (Section 2.2.2) structure.
In Figure 2.8 is shown an example of epoch detection on voiced speech
segment. The top left graph shows the input speech signal, and each of the
remaining signals on the left side labeled ch1, ch2, . . . , is the output of a
bandpass filter with center frequency shown beside the channel label. At
the right side of the figure, are the rectified and smoothed bandpass filter
outputs and the bottom right graph shows their sum. This class of algo-
rithms can correctly detect the epoch even if the fundamental harmonic
is absent, or even in the case its value coincides with one of the formant

2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

Input signal

ch1: 120 Hz

ch2: 257 Hz

ch3: 392 Hz

ch4: 525 Hz

ch5: 658 Hz

ch6: 791 Hz

ch7: 923 Hz

ch8: 1060 Hz

ch9: 1206 Hz

ch10: 1370 Hz

ch11: 1552 Hz

ch12: 1751 Hz

ch13: 1970 Hz

ch14: 2211 Hz

ch15: 2476 Hz

ch16: 2765 Hz

ch17: 3081 Hz

ch18: 3425 Hz

ch19: 3800 Hz

Output signal


Figure 2.8: Example of epoch detection on a voiced speech segment. Top left graph shows a
voiced speech segment. Below it, the bandpass filter output for each channel ch1, ch2, . . . .
and center frequency shown beside. At the right side of the figure, are the rectified and
smoothed bandpass filter outputs while the bottom right graph shows their sum.

2. State of the Art 2.2. Time domain Pitch Determination

frequencies. Instead, the limitations of this approach become visible when-

ever the excitation signal shows weak discontinuities, such as in the case
of falsetto voice and voiced fricatives. Additionally, this approach is the
least suitable for speech signals recorded in a reverberant environment. In
fact, the hypothesis of phase coherence among frequencies of the excitation
signal turns out to be false in this case.

2.2.4 Multichannel Analysis

The Multi-channel analyzers term refers to PDAs which base on different

type of parallel processing of the incoming speech signal. Among these
algorithm class, there are many which were previously described, or cited.
Mainly, there are three types of multi-channel analyzers [43], each one
based on one of the following principle:
• Main channel and auxiliary channel principle: this setup takes into
account the use of an auxiliary channel with the main purpose of
adapting the principal channel operation. An example of this proce-
dure is represented by the open-loop tracking filter system, in which
the auxiliary channel is used to derive some information from the input
signal, that will be used to tune the period estimator;

• The sub-range principle: this type of PDAs base on several identical

(or similar) preprocessors tuned to operate on different frequency sub-
ranges. Then one of their output is selected and used as input for the
pitch extractor algorithm;

• The multi-feature principle: in this case there are several PDAs which
perform parallel processing. Each PDA operates independently from
the others and provides different signal features or, alternatively, all
PDAs compute the same set of features obtained with different tech-
niques. A common stage for all PDAs can be present for preprocessing.

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

In this setup a data fusion technique has to be used to select from all
channel outputs or combine them to provide a single pitch estimate.

Whenever selection among channel results must be done, the way of how
to detect the channel providing the correct estimate is not trivial. A basic
decision rule can be to choose the channel providing the longest period
estimate, or the one that showed the highest number of occurrences of a
certain pitch value. Another issue, related with multichannel analysis is
related with the phase of period markers. Different channels can provide
period markers which might differ in phase, that is, glottal cycle begin
and end may be detected differently by each channel. This is explained
considering that different signal features are involved in each channel. In
case the particular application does not require pitch phase information,
an average can be computed among all phases.

2.3 Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

The short term analysis based PDAs differ from the time domain based
algorithms in that pitch estimation is performed on a short segment of the
input speech signal. This implies that the estimated fundamental frequency
does not refer any more to a specific time instant (or glottal cycle) but may
include several pitch periods representing their average.
Being not a period-by-period processing technique, the short term anal-
ysis does not estimate glottal cycle phase information. In case this infor-
mation is not needed, it represents an advantage since these algorithms are
more robust to phase distortion, which can severely affect the performance
of time domain techniques.
Also this class of algorithms turns out to be more robust to noise or
signal corruptions. This because, for each estimate, a signal segment longer

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

than a single period is considered and, as long as signal corruptions does

not affect the whole set of data, still the correct information is recoverable.
By a computational point of view, these algorithms need more process-
ing time respect their time domain counterpart. This fact, that could have
represented an issue in the past, nowadays is not a problem any more,
considering the advances in modern digital computer technology.
Considering that the speech signal, is a non-stationary signal, its char-
acteristics, as for example periodicity, change as a function of time. Using
a short term based approach, instantaneous values of pitch epochs are not
generally estimated and careful must be taken not to provide a period
estimation which does not reflect important local pitch variations.
To control this process, windows are employed to select speech segments
to be processed at each step. Given the sampled speech signal x(n), its
short-term segment xs (n, q) is obtained by multiplying it with a window
function w(n) as follows:

6= 0, 0 ≤ n ≤ N
xs (n, q) = x(n) · w(n − q), w(n) = (2.7)
= 0, otherwise

The windowed signal xs (n, q) in equation 2.7, is given by the original

signal values x(q), . . . , x(q + N ), weighted by the window values w(n). The
window function w(n) can be any time limited function and its choice
depends on the application and on the characteristics of signal x s (n, q),
required for further processing. The most common used window functions
are listed in Table 2.1 and each one of them represents a different trade-off
between time and frequency resolution capabilities.
In fact, multiplying the input signal by a window function in the time
domain, in the frequency domain turns out to be a convolution opera-
tion of the frequency response of the window with the signal spectrum.

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

Rectangular Hanning Hamming

( ( (
1, 0.5−0.5 cos(2πn/N ), 0.54−0.46 cos(2πn/N ), 0≤n≤N
0, 0, 0, otherwise


 2n/N, 0 ≤ n ≤ N/2,
2 − 2n/N, N/2 < n ≤ N,

0, otherwise

0.42 − 0.5 cos(2πn/N ) + 0.08 cos(4πn/N ), 0≤n≤N
0, otherwise

Table 2.1: Some commonly used windows of length N + 1 samples (assuming N even)
symmetric respect to sample N/2 [78].

In Figure 2.9 are shown the absolute values of the Fourier transforms ex-
pressed in decibels of the windows listed in Table 2.1. The main window
characteristics in the frequency domain are the resolution capability, the
peak-sidelobe level and side lobe role-off. Resolution refers to the capabil-
ity to distinguish different tones and is inversely proportional to the main
lobe width (plotted in red in figure). The peak-sidelobe level refers to the
maximum response outside the main lobe and determines whether signals
with small peaks in the frequency domain are hidden by nearby stronger
ones. The side lobe roll-off is measured as the side lobe decay per decade 4
and is trade-off with the peak-sidelobe level [42, 78, 85].
Each set of samples involved at each processing step, is referred to as
frame. Successive frames can overlap to a certain extent, so that the inter-

A frequency decade is a 10-fold increase or decrease in frequency.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Rectangular window frequency response magnitude (N=54)


0 0.12 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Hanning window frequency response magnitude (N=54)



0 0.23 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Hamming window frequency response magnitude (N=54)





0 0.26 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Bartlett window frequency response magnitude (N=54)





0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Blackman window frequency response magnitude (N=54)




0 0.37 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Radian Frequency

Figure 2.9: Fourier transforms (log magnitude) of windows listed in Table 2.1.

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

val between successive estimates can be set shorter than the frame length.
The window parameter N is important for PDAs based on short-term
analysis. It has to be large enough to include a sufficient number of signal
samples for correct f0 estimation, and small enough to capture fundamen-
tal frequency variations within short intervals. Usually a value between
20 ms and 50 ms is used depending on the application. In case a value of
50 Hz is set5 for the minimum fundamental frequency allowed, this would
imply that from one to two and a half periods respectively will be com-
prised within one frame. This concept is strongly related with the PDA
performance in case of signal perturbations. In fact, when a local per-
turbation occurs in the speech signal, due to noise or other causes, the
behaviour of the PDA depends on the extent of the irregularity duration
over the considered frame. In case the analysis frame is too short so that
it contains only or mainly perturbed signal, the estimate will be wrong.
However, in case the frame length is such that the contribution of per-
turbed signal portions is small, the algorithm will still be capable of giving
a correct estimate. It has to be recalled though, that the speech signal can
only be regarded as quasi-stationary, implying that the pitch period values
are not constant within a given frame. Consequently, the estimate will be
an average of several consecutive signal periods, becoming less accurate as
the analysis frame gets longer.
The different processing steps involved in short-term analysis are sum-
marized in the scheme of Figure 2.10. As shown, the input signal can
undergo a pre-processing step where low-pass filtering, centre clipping or
inverse filtering can be applied at this stage to reduce the signal temporal
complexity. After this step, frame division of the incoming signal takes
place and the specified short-term transformation is applied to each frame.
The output of this process is generally a signal with a peak(s) whose posi-
Generally the fundamental frequency of speech in adult humans is in the range of about 50 − 500 Hz.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination










Figure 2.10: Block diagram of a sample short-term analysis PDA.

tion(s) and amplitude(s) is related with the fundamental frequency or its

period and with the degree of periodicity respectively. The purpose of the
next block is to optionally apply spectral-domain processing. Depending
on the application, it may be necessary, for example, to apply weighting
or to compute absolute of complex spectra values. The basic extractor
block is almost always a peak detector. The peak amplitude is generally
compared with a preset threshold to perform voiced/unvoiced decision and
its position provides the fundamental frequency or period value. The final
processing block is the post-processor which is responsible for improving
the estimate resolution applying peak interpolation or for correcting errors
applying smoothing techniques.
By a computational point of view, the major complexity of these PDA is

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

in the short-term transformation block. As shown in [43], the input/output

relation of this block can be written as

X=W·x (2.8)

where x is the vector containing all samples considered in the frame being
processed, W is the transformation matrix and X is the output vector,
or short-term spectrum. When this transformation is used by means of a
direct implementation, the computation complexity will increase with the
square of the length of vector x. Therefore, to keep complexity low, it is im-
portant to limit the frame length. However, when spectral transformation
are involved, the frequency resolution achieved increase proportionally to
the number of signal samples used. To fulfill both requirements, a common
devised solution is to reduce the computational complexity of transforma-
tion W and to perform interpolation on the output vector X values. For
example, in case Fourier transform is applied, the Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) algorithm [15] can be used with a computation complexity propor-
tional to the logarithm of the length of the input data. Another solution
was represented by the Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF)
algorithm [89], which based on summations instead of the more computa-
tionally expensive multiplications.

As shown in Figure 2.11, short-term analysis comprises lag-domain anal-

ysis, such as autocorrelation techniques, where the lag variable, also named
“quefrency”, refers to the pitch period length, expressed in samples; fre-
quency domain analysis, which operates in the frequency domain after
transformation of the input signal and maximum-likelihood analysis.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination




AMDF Harmonic analysis
WAUTOC Cepstrum approach
... ...

Figure 2.11: Sub-classification of short-term fundamental frequency estimation algorithms


2.3.1 Lag-domain analysis

Autocorrelation Function (ACF)

Correlation is a measure of similarity between two signals and was one of

the earliest technique for pitch estimation among PDAs based on short-
term analysis. When the input signal is correlated with itself, that is, when
autocorrelation is computed, possible signal self-similarities are pointed
The autocorrelation function (ACF) r(τ ) applied to the discrete signal
x(n) is defined as:

r(τ ) = lim x(n)x(n + τ ), (2.9)
N →∞ 2N + 1

where the parameter N determines the number of samples of x(n) involved

in the operation and the factor 2N + 1 at the denominator normalize the
result. The variable τ set the lag between the signal and a delayed version
of itself. One important properties of Equation 2.9 is that when the signal
x(n) is periodic of period T0 samples, the autocorrelation is also periodic
with the same period:

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

x(n + kT0 ) = x(n), ∀k ∈ Z =⇒ r(τ + kT0 ) = r(τ ), ∀k ∈ Z. (2.10)

Another characteristic of the autocorrelation function is that it is an

even function, that is, r(−τ ) = r(τ ) and that its maximum value is found
at lag position τ = 0 in which case r(0) represents the signal power and

r(τ ) ≤ r(0), ∀τ ∈ Z. (2.11)

From Equations 2.10 and 2.11 it is possible to state that the autocorre-
lation function r(τ ), applied to a periodic signal x(n), will show a series of
peaks at positions τ = kT0 :

r(kT0 ) = r(0), ∀k ∈ Z. (2.12)

When x(n) is not stationary but can be regarded just quasi-stationary

over short segments, as is the case of voiced speech, Equation 2.9 must be
modified so that it can be used for short-term processing. In addition, due
to possible changes in the dynamic of the speech signal, relation 2.11 may
not hold any more. Given this, a new definition of autocorrelation must
be devised to take into account the speech signal characteristics. In [82]
the following autocorrelation function is proposed:

N −1
1 X
r(τ, q) = [x(q + n) w(n)] · [x(q + n + τ ) w(n + τ )], (2.13)
N n=0

where q is the starting sample and w(n) is a window function which is null
for values of n outside the interval 0 ≤ n ≤ N −1.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Figure 2.12 shows the autocorrelation function applied to a segment of

voiced speech. The largest non-zero offset peak is found at lag τ = 197
samples which, considering the sampling frequency used, provides an esti-
mated period T0 ≈ 100 Hz.

Voiced speech segment − male speaker




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Autocorrelation function applied to signal x(n)


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
lag (τ)

Figure 2.12: Example of autocorrelation function (ACF) applied to a segment of voiced

speech from a male speaker. The largest non-zero offset peak is found at lag τ = 197.

One of the major flaws of the autocorrelation function is that it is very

sensitive to formant positions. As pointed out in [97], it is very likely to
happen that the estimated period would be T0 ± TF , where T0 is the actual
fundamental period and TF is the period of a major formant. To overcome
this limitation, spectral smoothing techniques were applied to the signal
before it was processed by the ACF.
One way to reduce or suppress the formant effect, is to apply a “spectral

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

flattener” technique, such as those based on a instantaneous non-linear

function [82, 103]. One of these non-linear function is the compressed
centre clipping (clc) function whose input-output relation given by

 x(n) − CL ,
 x(n) ≥ CL
y(n) = clc [x(n)] = 0, |x(n)| < CL (2.14)

x(n) + CL , x(n) ≤ −CL

Equation 2.14 and its application to a segment of voiced speech is shown

in Figure 2.13. The effect of preprocessing the signal in this way is to
remove the prominent peaks in the signal spectrum due to formant reso-
All the signal values whose absolute value falls below a pre-set thresh-
old CL are set to zero while the remaining signal values are compressed
subtracting the constant CL as shown in figure. The result is that many
smaller signal peaks due to higher harmonics and formants are removed.
The autocorrelation function applied to the compressed centre clipped sig-
nal is shown at the bottom of Figure 2.13. The voiced speech signal used
is the same which was previously used in the example of Figure 2.12. This
time the estimated lag resulted τ = 195 samples and can be regarded as a
more precise estimation, since it bases on a signal where just the peaks due
glottal closure instants are preserved. In addition, comparing the autocor-
relation functions of Figures 2.12 and 2.13, it can be noted that the latter
contains fewer and more prominent peaks, most of them related with the
pitch period. The scheme based on compressed centre clipping function
followed by ACF, was shown [22, 84] to perform much better in speech
pitch estimation. However, this approach need to estimate continuously
the signal amplitude to adapt the threshold CL .

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination



Voiced speech segment − male speaker, x(n)




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Compressed centre clipped voiced speech segment, y(n)


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Autocorrelation function applied to signal y(n)


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

lag (τ)

Figure 2.13: Top panel: compressed centre clipping function; Second panel: voiced speech
segment and centre clipping threshold set to CL = 0.35; Third panel: output of the flattener
function y(n) = clc[x(n)]; Bottom panel: example of autocorrelation function (ACF)
computed on compressed centre clipping y(n) function. The largest non-zero offset peak is
found at lag τ = 195.

An alternative method for spectral flattening was proposed in [103] and

bases on a set of bandpass filters. Each filter bandwidth was set to 100 Hz
and its output was normalized by the short-term estimated signal enve-
lope. All contributes were finally added together to provide a signal with

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

flat spectrum.

Another method which measures the similarity between two segments

x and y of a speech signal to estimate their common periodicity, is that
reported in [62]. The main difference with the autocorrelation method is
that the two segments x and y to be compared, are chosen to be exactly
adjacent and non overlapping. Each segment length τ is increased one
sample at each step and a first gross pitch estimate is carried out finding
the value for τ that maximizes the cross-correlation coefficient

(x, y)τ
ρτ (x, y) = , (2.15)
|x|τ |y|τ

where (x, y)τ is the inner product of the two segments x and y taken as
if they were vectors of length τ , and the normalization factors |x|τ and
|y|τ , represent the energy of each segment. This method provides a first
pitch period estimate T0 which has a maximum resolution limited by the
sampling frequency, that is, it is an exact multiple of the sampling period.
To estimate the pitch period with “infinite resolution”, as reported by the
authors, linear interpolation is applied to the second segment y so that it
perfectly matches the first segment x.
The algorithm, tested on synthetic as well as on real speech data, is
reported to perform very well, also by the accuracy point of view. Still
octave errors occur but principally during voiced/unvoiced transitions.

The Simplified Inverse Filter Transformation (SIFT) algorithm

As shown in the previous section, applying a spectral flattener to a speech

signal before computing its autocorrelation, provides better results since
pitch estimates are not biased by formants positions. The scheme pre-
sented in Figure 2.14, describes the Simplified Inverse Filter Transforma-

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

tion (SIFT) algorithm which base on inverse filtering in order to remove

the formant effects from the speech signal [56].

x(n) ANALYSIS Filter



Figure 2.14: Block diagram of the SIFT algorithm. The input signal is low-pass filtered
and decimated and then processed applying the LPC analysis to obtain the excitation
source signal. Autocorrelation is thus applied to obtain the pitch period estimation and
interpolation is used to recover the original resolution.

The first processing step is a low-pass filter which filters out all signal
information with frequencies above 900 Hz. After this, it is possible to
apply down-sampling to obtain a signal with sampling frequency of 2 kHz.
This frequency range was proved to include all necessary information for
pitch estimation and permitted to reduce the computation load. Next step
applies the inverse filtering technique by means of LPC analysis as de-
scribed in Section 2.2.3. The order of the LPC analysis is set to four, since
the frequency range 0 ÷ 1 kHz generally includes just two formants. The
estimated coefficients are then used to drive a filter which approximates
the inverse vocal tract transfer function and whose output y(n) represents
the glottal excitation source. Autocorrelation is then applied to y(n) to
estimate its periodicity. Since at this point the frequency resolution is low
(2 kHz), interpolation around the autocorrelation peak found is necessary
to provide a more precise estimate.
This scheme, compared to the autocorrelation approach, proved to be

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

more robust to formant effects and provided better results. Also it can
estimate voiced/unvoiced activity, since the peaks of the autocorrelation
function, when applied to the estimated source excitation signal, better
reveal the degree of periodicity of the analyzed signal. The main limi-
tations associated with this algorithm instead, are those associated with
LPC analysis, such as the cancellation of the excitation signal whenever a
formant position coincides with the fundamental frequency.

Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF)

The Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF), as the Autocorre-

lation function described earlier, is a function that measures the degree
of similarity between two signals. In case a speech signal and its delayed
version are used as inputs, the AMDF reveals the its possible periodicity.

q+N −1
1 X
AMDF(τ, q) = |x(n) − x(n + τ )| (2.16)
N n=q

Equation 2.16 was originally presented in [63] and, a few years later, also
in [89]. Similarly to the ACF, AMDF compares two segments of signal x(n)
which are delayed of τ samples respect each other. In case a voiced speech
signal is analyzed and τ equals its fundamental period T0 , the function
exhibits a minimum. The AMDF bases on summations for the computation
and it is thus faster respect to the ACF by a computational point of view.
Nevertheless, it is more sensitive to changes in signal amplitude [43], being
thus more prone to pitch estimation error.
Figure 2.15 shows the AMDF applied to a segment of voiced speech
from a male speaker. The minimum of the function is found at τ = 198
samples, in accordance with the actual value of the signal pitch period.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Voiced speech segment − male speaker




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF) applied to signal x(n)





50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

lag (τ)

Figure 2.15: Example of Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF) applied to a

segment of voiced speech from a male speaker. The largest negative non-zero offset peak
is found at lag τ = 198.

Another solution based on a distance function is presented in [70, 91, 92]

in which the AMDF is a particular case of a more general distance function.
Also in [69] a generalized distance function is used and dynamic program-
ming is implemented for error correction and estimate refinement. In this
case however, a whole set of estimates is needed before applying error cor-
rection, thus making this approach not suitable for real time processing.

Weighted autocorrelation (WAUTOC)

The ACF and AMDF exhibit similar characteristics: while the Autocor-
relation Function produces a peak in correspondence of the pitch period

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

T0 , the Average Magnitude Difference Function produces a notch in corre-

spondence to the same lag value.
To exploit the common behaviour of both functions, the Weighted Au-
tocorrelation (WAUTOC) function [98] weights the ACF values by those
provided by the AMDF for each value of the lag variable τ . The result
is that the peak generated by the numerator is strengthened by the notch
that the denominator (AMDF) produces at τ = T0 .

X −1
[x(q + n) w(n)] · [x(q + n + τ ) w(n + τ )]
wautoc(τ, q) = (2.17)
+ |x(n) − x(n + τ )|

The Equation 2.17 is the ratio of Equations 2.13 and 2.16, where the
parameters q and N indicate the starting point of signal x(n) and the
number of samples involved for the computation, respectively. The term
 in the denominator is necessary to avoid division by zero in case the
summation of the AMDF resulted null.
An example of the WAUTOC function applied to a segment of voiced
speech is shown in Figure 2.16. The estimated pitch period resulted τ = 198
samples in accordance with the estimates provided by the ACF and AMDF
individually and shown in Figures 2.12 and 2.15.
This method resulted more robust to noise conditions compared to the
previous described methods. In fact, the signal components which belong
to the noise source, produce a different effect in the numerator and denom-
inator of Equation 2.17, while the periodic signal components, proceeding
from the voice source, show a common behaviour, exploited by the wautoc

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Voiced speech segment − male speaker




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Weighted autocorrelation (WAUTOC) applied to signal x(n)




50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

lag (τ)

Figure 2.16: Example of Weighted Autocorrelation (WAUTOC) function applied to a

segment of voiced speech from a male speaker. The largest non-zero offset peak is found
at lag τ = 198.

YIN - Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function (CMNDF)

The YIN algorithm is a time domain based algorithm derived from the
autocorrelation function which represents one of the state of the art among
the pitch detection algorithms [17].
The basic building block of this algorithm is the difference function:

X −1
d(τ, q) = [x(q + n) − x(q + n + τ )]2 , (2.18)

which, expanding the term inside the square brackets, can be expressed in
term of the Autocorrelation Function r(τ, q) in Equation 2.13:

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

d(τ, q) = N {r(0, q) + r(0, q + τ ) − 2r(τ, q)} . (2.19)

The first two terms at the right-hand side of Equation 2.19 are energy
terms. Assuming them constant, the difference function d(τ, q) would ex-
press the opposite variations of the autocorrelation function r(τ, q). This is
not always true, since the second term depends on the variable τ and may
vary depending on the signal amplitude. Nevertheless, as reported by the
author, Equation 2.18 proved to behave better than the Autocorrelation
Function. It resulted less sensitive to changes in signal amplitudes, being
thus less prone to ”too low/too high” f0 estimation errors.
The difference function, as the ACF and AMDF, has an absolute min-
imum for τ = 0 and can produce additional dips at frequencies corre-
sponding to a strong first formant F1 . The frequency region of F1 and of
the fundamental frequency f0 overlap, thus making difficult to set a lower
limit in the pitch period search range.
To overcome this limitations, the Cumulative Mean Normalized Differ-
ence Function was derived:

 1, τ = 0,
d (τ, q) = d(τ, q) (2.20)
 (1/τ ) Pτ d(j, q) ,
 otherwise.

This function provides some advantages compare to the previous one:

first of all there is no need to set a lower limit for the search range, since
d0 (τ, q) starts from 1 and remain large for low lags.
The direct consequence of this is that “too high” errors, that is, pitch
period estimates smaller than the real one, are reduced. Another advantage
is represented by the normalization which permits to apply a threshold to
the above function to further reduce pitch estimation errors. The YIN
algorithm also includes a post processing procedure which corrects each

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Voiced speech segment − male speaker




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference function applied to signal x(n)




50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
lag (τ)

Figure 2.17: Example of Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference function applied to a

segment of voiced speech from a male speaker. The largest non-zero offset peak is found
at lag τ = 197.

pitch estimate in case a large fluctuation between it and the surrounding

estimates is found.
The YIN algorithm also includes a post processing procedure to correct
the obtained pitch estimates. For each of them the CMNDF minimum
value is considered, and is compared with the one relative to the surround-
ing estimates. In case a lower CMNDF value is found, the initial estimate
is substituted with that associated with the lowest CMNDF provided by
the search. This procedure results similar to median filtering or dynamic
programming techniques [43], with the difference that the correction bases
on estimate reliability rather than on continuity of successive values.
Figure 2.17 shows the Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference function

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

applied to a segment of voiced speech. The estimated pitch period resulted

in τ = 197 samples.

2.3.2 Frequency domain analysis

Frequency domain analysis bases on the spectral representation of the

speech signal which is derived primarily by means of the Fourier trans-
form. The main reason to switch to the frequency domain is that here the
harmonic structure of the excitation signal is better revealed, as shown in
Figure 3.5.
A common tool which provides the Fourier representation of a signal
is the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT, Equation 3.4) which is defined
for sampled periodic signals. Since the speech signal is a quasi-stationary
signal, the speech frequency representation provided by the DFT does not
always represent a reliable source of information. This is one of the reason
why the frequency domain PDAs gained the reputation, among a part of
the research community, to be “clumsy and non-versatile approaches to
pitch determination” [43].
However, several methods based on this domain have been devised and
successfully tested. In any case, the frequency domain provides important
clues on the harmonic structure of the signal which are not always evident
in the time domain. This is particularly true in case the signal is distorted
by noise or reverberation.
Another important characteristic of this approach is that, after the input
signal has been down-sampled for computing the DFT, the resolution can
be easily recovered in the frequency domain by means of interpolation.
To estimate f0 in the frequency domain, a direct approach would be
the localization of the first peak in the spectrum. This approach, however,
cannot cope with a speech signal where the fundamental frequency is weak
or absent. In addition, since the frequency resolution of the DFT is con-

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

stant with frequency, the relative resolution will get lower for decreasing
values of the estimated f0 .
To overcome these limitations, other approaches measure the spacing
within higher harmonics of the fundamental frequency and estimate f 0
computing their weighted average.

Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS)

The Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS) bases on the principle of spectral

compression and exploits information provided by the spectrum of the
speech signal [73, 96]. Given a speech signal segment x(n), its logarithmic
power spectrum is computed and compressed along the frequency axis by
integer factors. The original spectrum and the compressed versions are
then added together to provide the (logarithmic) HPS:

P (k) = log |X(mk)| = 2 log |X(mk)|, (2.21)
m=1 m=1

where M denotes the total number of spectra involved in the computation.

X(k) represents the discrete Fourier transform of x(n), with the convention
that the zero frequency bin has index k = 0. To obtain the Harmonic
Product Spectrum, the antilogarithm of P (k) must be taken.
When the compressed spectra are added together, the contributes of the
harmonics present in the speech signal add constructively, since they are
multiple of the fundamental frequency f0 . The frequency components of
noise and of unvoiced speech instead, if present, do not exhibit the same
relationship among each other, and will consequently be smeared out by
the sum operation.
Figure 2.18 shows the working principle of the HPS algorithm. The top
right panel shows the logarithmic power spectrum log |X(k)|2 of a segment
of voiced speech from a male speaker (shown at the left). The peak due

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

to the fundamental frequency f0 ≈ 100 Hz is clearly visible as well as the

harmonics fl = lf0 , l = 2, 3, . . .
Voiced speech segment − male speaker Log power spectrum of x(n)
0.5 40

log |X(k)|2

−1 0
200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
time Hz
Compression: 1:2 Compression: 1:3
40 40
log |X(2k)|2

log |X(3k)|2
20 20

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300
Compression: 1:4 Compression: 1:5
40 40
log |X(4k)|2

log |X(5k)|2

20 20

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150
Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS) HPS, 0 ÷ 250 Hz
log P(k)

log P(k)

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 50 100 150 200 250
Hz Hz

Figure 2.18: Example of Harmonic Product Spectrum computed on a segment of voiced

speech from a male speaker. Top left: voiced speech segment x(n); Top right: logarith-
mic power spectrum of signal x(n); Second and third row: compressed logarithmic power
spectrum log |X(mk)|2 , with m = 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively; Bottom left: Harmonic Product
Spectrum of x(n); Bottom right: magnification of HPS function from 0 ÷ 250 Hz. The
largest peak found around 100 Hz determines the estimated f0 .

In the example, four compressed versions of log |X(k)|2 are calculated,

that is log |X(mk)|2 , m = 2, . . . , 5 (four panels in the middle), and their
sum, according to Equation 2.21, is computed and plotted in the bottom
left panel of figure. The bottom right panel shows a magnification of

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

the result, where the largest peak represents the estimated fundamental
frequency, which is f0 ≈ 100Hz.
This algorithm has two main advantages: it is particular robust to noise
and does not need the fundamental frequency to be particularly strong to
provide the correct estimate.

Frequency and Period histograms

The Harmonic Product Spectrum described previously is a generalization

of the principle of spectral compression which was firstly introduced in [96],
where the frequency and period histograms are proposed. The procedure to
build up frequency histograms is similar to the way that HPS was derived.
The difference is that instead of compressing the whole spectrum, just the
peak frequency positions from each power or amplitude spectrum are used
to update a histogram at each compressing step. The frequency position
in the histogram relative to the largest number of occurrences will then
determine the estimated f0 .
The same approach can be taken using the signal period values instead of
frequencies: by means of a filter bank of narrow band-pass filters, the period
of each filter output is estimated and its value used to update a histogram
of period occurrences. As for the frequency histogram, the fundamental
period estimate will be that with the highest number of occurrences.

Psychoacoustically-based harmonic pattern matching

The PDAs based on psychoacoustic analysis employ functional models of

pitch perception applied to speech signals: the harmonic structure of the
speech signal is analyzed in the frequency domain and used to increase the
robustness of the fundamental frequency estimate.
Among others, two pitch extraction algorithms were firstly conceived,
both based on harmonic pattern matching. The first, described in [59,

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

60], “maximizes the energy of the signal frequency components that pass
through a spectral comb”; the second, reported in [79], “minimizes the
difference between the input spectrum and reference spectra”. Both the
spectral comb and the reference spectra characteristics depend on the pa-
rameter p, which represents the trial fundamental frequency. The term
“trial” [43] refers to the fact that p is varied within a given range of fre-
quency values and, for each of them, the score provided by the matching
procedure is evaluated. The frequency value that obtained the best score,
will then be output as the estimated f0 .

The spectral comb based PDA defines a frequency impulse sequence

based on a trial fundamental frequency6 p:
l−1/s m = lp; l ∈ Z+ , s > 1,
C(m, p) = (2.22)
0 otherwise,

where m is the spectrum bin index and s a positive integer. Given the
discrete frequency spectrum X(k) computed from the speech signal x(n),
its absolute value X 0 (k) = |X(k)| is derived to compute the harmonic
estimator function XC (p) as follows:

XC (p) = X 0 (lp)C(lp, p), (2.23)

where N/2 is less or equal the spectrum bin index corresponding to the
Nyquist frequency. Equation 2.23 reaches its maximum when the spacing
between the peaks of the spectral comb C(m, p) match the harmonic struc-
ture of the voiced speech spectrum X(k). The value of p, corresponding
to this maximum, provides thus the fundamental frequency estimate.
Actually, p represents here the the index position in the discrete spectrum relative to the trial

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

The reason for assigning a decreasing amplitude to the comb filter peaks
in Equation 2.22, lays in the fact that a fundamental frequency harmonic
that matches a certain peak of the comb C(m, p), with p corresponding
to the actual fundamental frequency, will also match a peak, with lower
weight, of the comb filter C(m, p0 ), with p0 sub-multiple of p.
In the latter case, the difference in weighting will guarantee that the
value of XC (p0 ) will be less than XC (p), thus avoiding that a sub-multiple
of f0 is provided as the final estimate.

Another approach, similar to the one just described, bases on the dif-
ference between the magnitude spectrum X 0 (k) and a reference spectrum,
which is defined as
|H(m)| m = lp; l ∈ Z+ ,
R(m, p) = (2.24)
0 otherwise,

where the function H(m) represents the vocal tract transfer function, es-
timated applying LPC analysis to the speech signal as reported in Sec-
tion 2.2.3. The frequency comb filter resulting from Equation 2.24 is sim-
ilar to that of Equation 2.22 with the difference that each peak weight is
now related to the current vocal tract configuration.
To estimate the fundamental frequency, the spectral distance function
is calculated, over L harmonics, as follows:

D(p) = | log R(lp, p) − log X 0 (lp)|, (2.25)

and the value of p for which D(p) reaches its minimum provides the es-
timated fundamental frequency. The main advantage of this approach, is
that the formant positions and amplitudes do not affect the computation
of the spectral distance. In fact, taking the difference of the logarithmic

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

spectra, as in Equation 2.25, actuates as a spectral flattener, that is, re-

moves the effects of the vocal tract. In Figure 2.19 an example of the
performance of this approach is given.
After limiting the spectral range of the signal spectrum X(k) to 0 ÷ 2 kHz
(second panel), LPC analysis is applied and the vocal tract transfer func-
tion H(m) is obtained (third panel). The spectral distance D(p) is com-
puted then for each value of p in the range 50 ÷ 500 Hz and its minimum
(125 Hz in the example) is taken as the estimated f0 (bottom panel).

Another PDA which is based on a functional model of speech perception

[38], but exploits the frequency spectrum in a way similar to that described
in this section, is reported in [23]. In this PDA an harmonic sieve is
used instead of a spectral comb, to retain the optimal harmonic structure.
Spectrum peaks which passes through the sieve, are considered disregarding
their amplitude value and the size of the sieve meshes is proportional to
their center frequency, in accordance to the auditory model.

Cepstrum processing

Computing the cepstrum [71, 72] of a signal is equivalent to perform a

homomorphic transformation [78]. The theory of homomorphic systems
concerns systems where signals are combined together by means of convo-
As it will be shown in Chapter 3 (see for example Figures 3.2 and 3.3),
a speech signal x(n) can be thought of as the result of a convolutional
operation between the excitation signal s(n) and the vocal tract transfer
function h(n), or, in the frequency domain, as the product between the
respective discrete Fourier transforms:

x(n) = s(n) ∗ h(n), X(m) = S(m) · H(m) (2.26)

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Voiced speech signal − x(n)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Log of the speech signal magnitude spectrum |X(k)|
log |X(m)|


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Log magnitude of the Vocal tract transfer function H(m)
log |H(m)|



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Distance function D(p)

50 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Figure 2.19: Example of LPC based spectral distance function. Top panel: voiced speech
signal x(n); Second panel: logarithmic magnitude of the signal spectrum X(k); Third
panel: logarithmic of the vocal tract transfer function H(m), estimated by means of LPC
analysis; Bottom panel: distance function D(p) computed as the log difference between
X(k) and H(m). Its minimum determines the estimated fundamental frequency, f 0 =
125 Hz.

The objective of cepstrum processing is to separate the effect of s(n)

from that of h(n), that is, to undo the convolution shown at left side of

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

Equation 2.26.
For this, the logarithmic of the signal power spectrum is computed so
that the product turns into a sum:

log |X(m)|2 = log |S(m)|2 + log |H(m)|2 , (2.27)

and its inverse discrete Fourier transform is calculated, providing the power
cepstrum7 , denoted with x(d), where the variable d takes the name of “que-
frency” and is a measure of time, as the lag variable τ in the autocorrelation

x(d) = s(d) + h(d) (2.28)

As shown in the center panel of Figure 2.20, the log power spectrum of
a voiced speech signal has the shape of a high frequency cosine-like ripple
due to the harmonics, modulated by a low frequency ripple (plotted with
dashes) due to the vocal tract effect. These two components are additive
in the log domain. If they are thought of as time domain signals, their
Fourier transform will ideally be a spectrum with a pulse in correspondence
of the fundamental frequency, and a spectrum with energy just in the low
frequency region, respectively. This is approximately the behaviour that
the functions s(d) and h(d) show, respectively8 .
The sum of these functions, (Equation 2.28) is plot in the bottom panel
of the figure which evidences the peak due to the high-frequency component
at quefrency d = 129 samples, which will be the final pitch estimate.
Ideally, the contribute of the excitation source in the cepstrum domain,
s(d), shall be a train of impulses. Actually, due to the windowing operation
Cepstrum and complex cepstrum are obtained when the power spectra in Equation 2.27 is substituted
by spectra and amplitude spectra, respectively.
Computing the inverse or direct discrete Fourier transform of even functions, as log |X(m)| 2 , returns
the same result.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

Voiced speech signal − x(n)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Log of the speech power spectrum |X(m)|2
Vocal tract response
log |X(m)|2

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Power cepstrum


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 129 140 160

Figure 2.20: Example of cepstrum processing. Top panel: voiced speech signal x(n); Middle
panel: logarithm of the power spectrum of signal x(n). The high frequency cosine-like
ripple is plotted with a continuous line, while the vocal tract contribute is plotted with
a dashed line; Bottom panel: cepstrum function for signal x(n). The peak at quefrency
d = 129 represents the estimated signal fundamental period.

applied on signal x(n), prior to its discrete Fourier transform computation,

the cepstrum peaks decrease in amplitude with increasing quefrency. To
compensate for this effect, a weighting of the cepstrum function x(d) is
carried out before estimating the fundamental frequency, thus avoiding
possible halving/doubling pitch errors.
Being the cepstrum technique able to separate the vocal tract from the
excitation source effects, results quite insensitive to formant positions. On

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

the other hand, it needs several harmonics so that a peak in the cepstrum
is produced, being thus not suitable to estimate the pitch of sinusoidal
signals. Even so, after it was first published, cepstrum processing became
a reference pitch estimation technique for many pitch detection which were
consequently compared against it.

Dominance Spectrum based f0 estimation

The dominance spectrum was firstly proposed in [67, 66], where a robust
fundamental frequency estimation technique is presented. The method is
regarded by the authors, as a frequency domain based method, since it
exploits the Instantaneous Frequency (IF) defined as the phase derivative
with respect to time of a sinusoidal component [1].
Defining with φ(f ) the phase of the speech signal component output by
a narrow band-pass filter with center frequency f , the IF φ̇(f ) is defined
as its phase derivative with respect to time.
The degree of dominance D0 (fi ) is thus defined as:

[φ̇(fk ) − fi ]2 · X(fk )2
1 k=i−K/2
D0 (fi ) = log , B(fi )2 = (2.29)
B(fi )2 i+K/2
X(fk )2

where X(fk ) represents the value of the discrete Fourier transform of x(n)
at the frequency value relative to the k-th bin. Function B(fi )2 is derived as
the weighted average of the squared difference between the center frequency
fi , and the IFs φ̇(fk ), computed over a frequency range of K + 1 frequency
When a harmonic component of a voiced speech signal coincides with
the bin center frequency fi , the instantaneous frequency φ̇(fk ) takes a value

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

close to fi and B(fi )2 becomes minimum, producing a peak in the function

D0 (fi ).
The dominance spectrum is obtained computing the degree of domi-
nance in Equation 2.29 for all values of fi . Its peculiarity is that it is char-
acterized by sharper peaks in correspondence of the fundamental frequency
harmonics, compared to the power spectrum counterpart. In addition,
when background noise is present, the value of φ̇(fk ) increases proportion-
ally to fk , in frequency regions where speech harmonics are absent. For this
reason the dominance spectrum is more suitable than the power spectrum
for f0 estimation in noisy conditions. Figure 2.21 shows an example of
dominance spectrum (top) and power spectrum (bottom), computed on a
voiced speech segment with f0 ≈ 117 Hz. The dominance spectrum show
sharper peaks at harmonic positions, compared to the power spectrum.
Dominance Spectrum D (f ) − clean signal
0 i



0 200 400 600 800 1000

Power spectrum X(f ) − clean signal




0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 2.21: Top: dominance spectrum of a voiced speech signal with f0 ≈ 117 Hz;
Bottom: power spectrum computed on the same segment of speech signal.

To finally estimate the fundamental frequency, first the harmonic dom-

2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination 2. State of the Art

inance function is defined as:

Dt0 (fi ) = {D0 (lfi ) − E(D0 (fi ))}, (2.30)

where E(D0 (fi )) is the average value of D0 (fi ) over all frequency bins and
L is the number of harmonics considered in the computation. Then the
value of fi for which Equation 2.30 takes a maximum, is chosen as the final
fundamental frequency estimate:

f0 = arg max{Dt0 (fi )}. (2.31)


Additional post-processing by means of dynamic programming is done

on the estimated f0 values to correct possible errors and to provide more
precise estimates.

2.3.3 Maximum-likelihood pitch determination

Maximum-likelihood pitch determination uses a statistical approach to find

the parameters which model a segment of speech signal. Given a signal a(n)
of length K samples, consisting of a Gaussian noise source gn (n) ∈ N(0, σ 2 ),
i.e. with zero mean and variance σ 2 , and a voiced speech signal x(n) with
fundamental frequency f0 :

a(n) = x(n) + gn (n), 0 ≤ n ≤ K − 1, (2.32)

it can be written in vector notation as

a = x + gn . (2.33)

The objective is to find fˆ0 , σ̂ 2 and x̂ such that they are the most likely
values, in the least-squares sense, for f0 , σ 2 and x.

2. State of the Art 2.3. Short Term Analysis Pitch Determination

As shown in [33, 111], this can be achieved exploiting the Gaussian char-
acteristics of the noise source and modeling the signal a(n) as a stochastic
process as follows:

( K−1
1 1 X
g(a|f0 , x, σ 2 ) = exp [a(n) − x(n)]2 . (2.34)
(2πσ 2 )K/2 2σ 2 n=0

Function g represents the probability density function that vector a

is generated by the sum of vector x, modeled as a periodic component
with frequency f0 , and of vector gn which has statistics N(0, σ 2 ). Finding
the values of x̂, fˆ0 and σ̂ 2 which maximizes Equation 2.34 provides the
optimal solution in the least-squares sense. This is done computing the
log g(a|fˆ0 , x̂, σ̂ 2 ) and setting its partial derivatives to zero.
The final formulation provides a solution which is similar to the har-
monic compression based PDAs: a comb filter which enhances the har-
monic structures and optimally matches the signal in the time domain.
These PDAs demonstrated to be resistant to noise conditions but some-
how too sensitive to octave errors in case a strong first formant coincides
with a fundamental frequency harmonic.

Chapter 3

From speech modeling to pitch based


The speech production mechanism has been studied since ancient times
and, nowadays, the functions of the organs involved during speech pro-
duction as well as their effects on the uttered sound characteristics are
well known. When voiced sounds are produced, the vocal folds oscillates
regularly under the air pressure which accumulates below them and this
phenomenon is the main responsible of the pitch perceived by a listener.
Pitch is thus a subjective perception which is strongly related with the
speech fundamental frequency f0 , that measures the frequency of such os-
cillations. In the context of speech applications, and particularly when
fundamental frequency estimators are concerned, the terms “pitch” and
“fundamental frequency” are usually used with the same meaning.
To estimate f0 a common approach consists in acquiring the speech
signal by means of an acoustic sensor (microphone) and analyzing the pro-
vided waveform. The analysis is generally carried out relying on signal
processing techniques and on the source-filter model, which approximates
the speech production mechanism as a vocal tract filter driven by an exci-
tation signal.
In case the processed speech signal is not degraded by the ambient

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.1. Speech Production

noise and reverberation effects, current proposed solutions provides very

accurate f0 estimates. For this reason, many speech processing applica-
tions designed to work in such good acoustic conditions, integrate a pitch
extractor algorithm to exploit the provided f0 , thus improving their per-
formance. However, when pitch extractor algorithms are tested on noisy
and reverberant signals they lack of accuracy and robustness. Noise and
reverberation are generally present in any real-world context and only pos-
ing particular constraints, as for example the use of close-talk microphones
in a quiet room, it is possible to avoid them. To study these detrimen-
tal acoustic phenomena, a mathematical model was devised. This model
permits to obtain, by means of computer simulations, speech signals as if
they were recorded under some given acoustic conditions. The design and
test of pitch extractor algorithms, able to cope with real-world acoustic
scenarios, is thus made easier.

3.1 Speech Production

Acoustic speech output in humans results from a combination of a source

of sound energy, the larynx, modulated by a transfer function determined
by the shape of the supra-laryngeal vocal tract [36, 74].
Speech signal can be broadly classified into voiced and unvoiced speech,
including sounds which can result from a simultaneous combination of
Voiced speech is produced by a repeating sequence of events driven by
the airflow produced by the lungs. First the vocal cords are brought to-
gether (adduction), and the air pressure in the larynx increases until it gets
greater than the resistance offered by the vocal folds themselves. At this
point the vocal folds are forced to open and the airflow propagates through
the oral, nasal, and pharyngeal cavities (see Figure 3.1), which actuate as

3.1. Speech Production 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

a resonator modulating the airflow that is finally radiated through lips and

Figure 3.1: Vocal tract configuration with raised soft palate for articulating non-nasal
sounds [19].

As soon as this happens, the airflow velocity increases and, for the
Bernoulli effect, the air pressure in the larynx decreases. This cause the

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.1. Speech Production

vocal folds to close rapidly and the process repeats this way in a quasi-
periodic fashion as long as a steady supply of pressurized air is generated
by the lungs through the larynx.
The frequency with which the glottis vibrates during phonation, deter-
mines the fundamental frequency f0 of the laryngeal source and largely
depends on the tension of the laryngeal muscles and the air pressure gen-
erated by the lungs, contributing to the perceived pitch of the produced
While frequency is a physical measurement of a vibration, pitch is re-
lated to the human perception and, the relationship between them has
been studied in depth and involves complex psychoacoustic phenomena 1 .
Although what the solutions proposed in this field actually do is f 0 es-
timation, often they are regarded as pitch detection algorithms. Since the
psychological relationship between the f0 of a given signal and the relative
perceived pitch is well known2 , the above distinction is not so important
given that, a true pitch detector, should take into account perceptual mod-
els in order to estimate pitch and give a result on a pitch scale.
Although, in most European languages, individual phonemes are rec-
ognizable regardless of the pitch, this is mostly responsible for intonation
patterns associated with questions and statements and carries information
about speaker emotional state. In tonal languages instead, pitch motion
of an utterance contributes to the lexical information in a word.
The frequency spectrum of voiced speech reveals high energy in the fre-
quency regions relative to the fundamental frequency and its harmonics,
which falls off gradually for increasing values of frequency. The final spec-
For example the note A above middle C is perceived to be of the same pitch as a pure tone of 440Hz,
but does not necessarily contain that frequency.
Pitch is loosely related with the base 2 logarithmic of the fundamental frequency, that is, for every
doubling of f0 , the perceived pitch increases of about an octave. The relation is, however, biased by many
factors such as the sound frequency, intensity, harmonic content, etc [16, 109].

3.1. Speech Production 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

trum shape however, is partly independent of f0 and is determined by the

way the vocal folds close and open and by the vocal tract shape. This actu-
ates as a time-varying acoustic filter which suppresses certain frequencies
while allowing and boosting other frequencies which form local maxima in
the spectrum and are named formants. Frequency position and intensity
of formants depends on the overall shape, length and volume of the vocal
During unvoiced speech, vocal folds do not vibrate and a constriction is
formed at some point along the vocal tract and air is forced through the
constriction to produce turbulence. Given the aperiodicity and random be-
haviour of the turbulent flow produced, in the frequency domain unvoiced
speech is characterized by a continuous frequency distribution, opposed to
the discrete harmonic set of voiced spectrum.

Unvoiced: Speech signal

noise source nasal cavity
(turbolent flow)

T0 = 1/f0
oral cavity
periodic glottal t
excitation (when periodic source excitation)

Figure 3.2: source-filter model: time domain. At the left is the random varying waveform
in the case of unvoiced speech (top) or glottal pulse shaped waveform representing voiced
speech (bottom). One of this sources (or a mixture of both) is filtered by the vocal tract
(centre) which is represented in gray as a nasal plus oral cavity. The output (right) is an
example of voiced speech which is the result of filtering the periodic source signal with the
impulse response of the vocal tract and considering the lips radiation effect.

According to the source-filter model for speech production [25], the

speech signal can be modeled as a convolution of the excitation signal
with the vocal tract impulse response as follows

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.1. Speech Production

x(n) = s(n) ∗ h(n), (3.1)

where x(n) is the sampled speech signal sample, s(n) is the sampled version
of the glottal pulse excitation signal (voiced speech) or a random discrete
function (unvoiced speech), and h(n) is the sampled vocal tract impulse
response, which includes here the lips radiation effect.
In the z-transform domain (or discrete frequency domain) Equation 3.1
turns into

X(z) = S(z) · H(z), (3.2)

being X(z), S(z) and H(z) the z-transformations of x(n), s(n) and h(n),
respectively. Equation 3.2 results very useful since in the z-domain, the
convolution operator ‘∗’ turns into a multiplication and this makes it pos-
sible to obtain S(z) by simple multiplication of X(z) by the inverse filter
Figure 3.2 shows the source-filter model in the time domain, a schematic
model of the human speech production system where the source is a a
combination of periodic pulses, generated by vocal cords vibrations at the
glottis, and of an contribution from turbulent flow. When only the first
contribution is present the output of the generation process is named voiced
speech while, when only turbulence flows is generated, unvoiced speech is
Figure 3.3 shows the same schematic model but in the frequency domain.
The periodic source here is represented as a series of frequency lines, spaced
f0 Hz one from the other and falling off gradually.
The oral and nasal airways, as well as the lips radiation effect, are shown
here as a time-varying acoustic filter which reflects the overall shape, length
and volume of the vocal tract.

3.1. Speech Production 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

Unvoiced: Envelope of
noise source speech spectrum
(flat spectrum) F2 F3

discrete harmonic f0
f f0 3f0 5f0 . . . f
spectrum Vocal tract transfer function (periodic source)

f0 f

Figure 3.3: source-filter model: frequency domain. At the left (top) is an almost flat spec-
trum of a random signal representing unvoiced speech source and the spectrum (bottom)
of a periodic glottal source, characterized by equally spaced (f0 ) spectral lines. One of
these sources (or a mixture of both) is filtered by the vocal tract transfer function (centre).
In case of voiced speech, the articulatory organs are positioned so that specific frequency
regions, i.e. formants (F1 , F2 , . . . ), of the input source are amplified. The output (right)
is an example of voiced speech whose spectrum is the product of the equally spaced spectral
lines by the vocal tract transfer function.

The effect of this filter is to attenuate the passage of certain frequencies

while amplifying the other frequencies. The peaks of these frequency re-
gions, or formants, where local energy maxima occur, are usually referred
to with labels F1 , F2 , . . . , and their position depends on the particular
sound produced, not on its pitch.
The different sounds produced in human language are grouped in phonemes,
which are mental abstractions of speech sounds and represent the basic the-
oretical unit that can be used to distinguish words. Different phonemes
are identified by patterns of prominent frequency regions, in particular the
vowels show strong stable formants and are generally classified basing on
the first two of them, F1 and F2 .
For adult speakers, formant F 1 is approximately in the range 300÷1000 Hz,
and the lower its value, the closer the tongue is to the roof of the mouth.
The frequency of F 2 instead, is proportional to the frontness or backness
of the highest part of the tongue and ranges about 850÷2500 Hz. Voiced

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.1. Speech Production

Figure 3.4: F 1/F 2 chart of Italian vowels for males, females, children and infants deter-
mined from four groups consisting of four subjects each. Each ellipses show the area of
existence for each vowel in the F 1−F 2 plane and is centered on the mean values of the
estimated formants. The axis lengths and their orientation are determined by the standard
deviation and covariance of F 1 and F 2 respectively [113].

speech produced by female and male speakers have different formant fre-
quency ranges, being these determined by the different size of their vocal
tract. However the formant frequencies ratio keep consistent across males,
females. This is depicted in Figure 3.4, where a F 1/F 2 chart of Italian
vowels for males, females, children and infants is shown.

3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

3.2 Basic of Fundamental Frequency Estimation

Time domain, frequency domain or a combination of both as well as other

specific domains, allow each a particular representation of the studied sig-
nal. Most of the time, even if the analyzed signal source is common, dif-
ferent domain representations provide complementary information about
the signal properties. The most common difference between time and fre-
quency domain based analysis is that time domain provides, as the name
suggests, better description of the time evolution of the waveform being
considered. Frequency domain instead, shows how the signal energy is
distributed among frequencies, something which is usually not readily ob-
servable by means of time domain analysis.
An important concept related with time and frequency based analysis
is the time-frequency uncertainty principle, which states that there is a
fundamental trade-off between the time resolution and frequency resolution
achievable (See Appendix A).

3.2.1 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Extracting the fundamental frequency (f0 ) from a periodic sound signal, is

related with detecting the lowest frequency component, or partial, among
an equally spaced set of frequency components, which is characteristic of
voiced sound.
The statement above can be made clearer considering the voiced speech
signal as a continuous signal x(t) with period T (left panel of Figure 3.5),
and recalling the Fourier decomposition for such a signal

Z T ∞
1 2
−j 2πm 2πm
Xm = x(t) e T t dt x(t) = Xm e j T t . (3.3)
T −T
2 m=−∞

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation

x(t): vowel ’a’ of a male speaker with period T Coefficients |X | of the Fourier series

0 0.06

|X |
−1 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 X0 X2 X4 X6 X8 X10 X12 X14 X16 X18 X20 X22

Figure 3.5: Left: Example of voiced speech segment (‘a’ vowel) with period T ; Right:
subset of Fourier coefficients Xn relative to the voiced speech segment (labels are relative
to even coefficients only).

In particular, the expression at the right, shows that x(t) can be writ-
ten as a summation of infinite weighted complex exponentials, each with
frequency multiple of the fundamental frequency, that is, mf0 = m/T .
The complex weights Xm (right panel of Figure 3.5), are obtained from
a period of the signal itself, as shown from the left equation of (3.3), and
represent the harmonic contribute of the signal at that particular frequency
mf0 . Those frequencies are harmonically related, meaning that the ratio
between each of them and the lowest one3 , f0 , is a whole-number.
It is important noting that the integration limits of left equation of (3.3)
can be changed to include any whole number of periods T , adjusting con-
sequently the normalization factor 1/T , and the result for the coefficients
Xm will be the same.
In the practice, any handled signal is represented by a discrete set of
values x(nTs ), n ∈ Z, obtained from sampling the continuous periodic
signal x(t) with sampling frequency fs = 1/Ts . The correspondent version
of the Fourier decomposition in the discrete time domain, is represented
f0 is considered here as the lowest frequency, since X0 represents the mean of the signal in a period,
a component not showing an oscillating behaviour and easily removable. Components X −i for i ≥ 1 are,
as the Fourier theory shows for real x(t), complex conjugate of Xi .

3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

then by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and can be applied to any
discrete periodic signal [78]:

N −1 N −1
1 X nm
X nm
Xm = x(nTs )e−j2π N x(nTs ) = Xm ej2π N . (3.4)
N n=0 m=0

It is still possible to exactly compute the coefficients Xm , as provided

by Equation 3.3, applying the DFT (left equation of (3.4)), provided that:

• the sampling frequency fs = 1/Ts is set to a value greater than or

equal to the Nyquist rate, that is, to twice the maximum spectral
extension Fmax of the considered signal, fs ≥ 2Fmax ;

• the N values x(nTs ), n = 0, . . . , N −1, used in the summation of left

equation of (3.4) must include exactly one (or more) period T of the
signal itself, that is T = N Ts .
Note that the term e−j2π N in left equation of (3.4) is invariant to trans-
nm (n+lN )m
lation of N samples, that is, e−j2π N = e−j2π N , for any value of l ∈ Z.
Also, given that x(nT ) is considered periodic of N samples, the values of
Xm will not change in case the summation is extended to comprise any
whole number of periods, and the result divided by the same number in
order to maintain the same dynamics.

In the practice, voiced speech signal is far from showing such a perfect
periodic behaviour. During phonation, articulatory movements continu-
ously take place to permit transitions between different phonemes thus
changing formants position and amplitudes. Pitch also is not stationary:
the glottis changes its fundamental frequency depending on intonation and
emotional state. Both these phenomena entail that the output signal can-
not be regarded as stationary. Therefore each instantaneous period, that

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation

is, the signal segment between each pair of glottal closure instants, changes
its duration and shape slowly over time.
In addition, when the DFT is computed on voiced segments, the period
length is not known in advance, since if it was known, there would be no
need of performing f0 estimation. This makes it impossible to fulfill the
second requirement listed above posing the need to introduce some approx-

The common assumption that is made when voiced speech signal is

considered, is to treat it as quasi-stationary, that is, a signal that can be
regarded as stationary over a short segment. The actual length of the
latter depends on too many variables to be determined uniquely, even
though some work was done in this sense and vowels sound were estimated
to be quasi-stationary for 40 − 80 ms while, stops and plosives are time-
limited by less than 20ms [81]. The variance of these figures are related
with the speaker age and gender, as well as with the emotional state or the
environmental noise.
This assumption, though not always verified, permits to compute DFT
on a segment long enough to include at least one period of the smallest f 0
that has to be estimated.

Computing the DFT on a speech signal segment, is equivalent to multi-

ply the latter for a window function, which is zero outside a desired interval.
This procedure results in computing Equation 3.5, also referred to as the
Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT),

N −1
1 X mn
Xn0 (m) = x(n0 + n)w(n)e−j2π N , (3.5)
N n=0

where w(n) is a N samples length window function and n0 is the starting

3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

sample of the speech signal segment considered in the computation. The

sampling period Ts has been omitted for simplicity.
Since the actual pitch period is not know, N is set so that the com-
putation is carried out on a speech segment long enough to include more
than one period. Doing this way, the resulting values Xn0 (m) represent
the complex weights Xm of Equation 3.4 computed on a discrete periodic
signal with the period given by x(n0 + n)w(n), for 0 ≤ n ≤ N −1. The
spectrum values thus obtained are just an approximation of the values that
would have been obtained computing Equation 3.4 on N samples of x(n),
with N set to match exactly the current pitch period value.
The simplest window function is the rectangular window, which has uni-
tary amplitude within the target speech segment, and zero outside. How-
ever, this introduces high frequencies components in the DFT, associated
with the abrupt edges of the window. This side effect can be mitigated
using a smoother window, such as those reported in Table 2.1, but this will
come at the main expense of the maximum frequency resolution achievable,
which is maximum in case the rectangular window is used (see Section 2.3).

The number of complex multiplications and sums required to compute

the DFT of a N samples length signal, is of the order of N 2 , which means
an algorithmic complexity of O(N 2 ). In practical application, fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithms are employed to reduce the amount of com-
putation time required. The most common known FFT algorithm is the
Cooley-Tukey algorithm [15], which is a divide and conquer algorithm that
recursively decomposes the original N points transform into two trans-
forms, each of length N/2. To accomplish this, the value of N must be a
power of two and the algorithm complexity reduces to O(N log N ). Other
solutions exist, which further reduces the overall complexity or the data
storage space needed by means of in-place computation techniques [78].

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation

3.2.2 The spectrogram

Time and frequency domain based analysis reveal different characteristics

of a given speech signal. It is often the case that one or the other domain are
not sufficient to describe completely the complexity of a speech signal. In
fact, the time domain analysis completely disregard frequency information
and the same holds for the frequency domain analysis. Not even when
both descriptions are available separately, it is straightforward to derive
the reciprocal relation of the time and frequency variables.
To gain a better insight into the speech signal characteristics, it is pos-
sible to create its spectrogram. A spectrogram is obtained as a succession
of signal spectra, each computed on an adjacent time frame (successive
frames can overlap) of the considered signal. Each spectrum is obtained
using the Short Time Fourier Transform in Equation 3.5, with the param-
eter n0 increasing at each step to span the whole signal length. Aligning
each spectrum vertically, result in a three-dimensional plot of the energy of
the frequency content of a signal as it changes over time. The three dimen-
sions are the frequency, usually plotted along the vertical axis, the time,
generally represented on the horizontal axis and the signal energy of each
time-frequency point in the graph, plotted with different colors indicating
the energy intensity4 .
Figure 3.6 shows an example of spectrograms computed on a speech
signal from a female speaker. For both top and middle spectrograms,
the frequency range is set from 0 to 3500 Hz and the time range spans
one second of the signal shown in the bottom panel. On the right of
each spectrogram, is placed a color-bar to map the colors in the graph to
intensity values (dB in this example).
The top panel of the figure, is obtained computing the signal spectrum
In case of black and white spectrograms, the energy intensity is displayed using grey levels.

3.2. Basic of f0 Estimation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

Wideband spectrogram of speech segment x(n) dB

3500 0

1000 −100

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Narrowband spectrogram of speech segment x(n) dB

3000 0
2000 −50

1000 −100

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Speech segment from a female speaker


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
time (sec)

Figure 3.6: A wide-band (top) and narrow-band (middle) spectrograms are shown along
with the speech signal from a female speaker (bottom), used to derive them. The spoken
sentence is: “to the third class”.

every 1 millisecond and using a frame length of 10 milliseconds. This set-

tings provide poor resolution in the frequency dimension and good resolu-
tion in the time dimension. The final spectrogram is thus called wide-band
spectrogram, and it is characterized by a vertically striated appearance.
This is due to the fact that, as the short time analysis window slides along
in time, it alternately covers high and low energy regions which occur
within a pitch period in the waveform [78].
The middle panel instead, is obtained using the same analysis step but a
longer frame length, that is, of 40 milliseconds. The resulting narrow-band
spectrogram, provides thus higher resolution in the frequency dimension at

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.3. f0 based applications

the expense of a poorer resolution in the time dimension. This time, the
graph is characterized by horizontal striations, indicating that neighboring
spectra vary slowly and smoothly with time. The reason for this is that
the vocal tract movements can be considered slow compared to the length
of the analysis window.

Wide-band spectrograms are particularly useful to track the variations

of the vocal tract resonance frequencies, that is, the formants. In fact, a
strong formant around 500 Hz for the first two voiced segments and two
formants around 500 and 2000 Hz, respectively, are clearly visible in the
spectrogram shown at the top of the figure. Narrow-band spectrograms,
instead, better reveals the harmonic structure of the voiced portions of
speech signals. The ridges of the fundamental frequency around 200 Hz
and its harmonics are easily discernible for the same first two voiced seg-
ments, previously considered.

3.3 Applications of Fundamental Frequency Estima-

tion Techniques

Fundamental frequency estimation plays an important role in many speech

related applications such as, for example, speech coding, signal process-
ing hearing aids, glottal-synchronous speech analysis, music transcription,
speaker and speech recognition, blind source separation and dereverbera-
tion techniques. A short description of these techniques is provided in the

3.3.1 Speech coding

Nowadays, transmitting speech signals over a mobile communication chan-

nel, is one of most common and natural activity. In mobile communica-

3.3. f0 based applications 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

tions, one of the prior concern when designing new speech related appli-
cations, is the available bandwidth, which heavily affects the final systems
design, in terms of feasibility, performance and cost. The main consequence
of this, was that speech coding algorithms started to be developed in or-
der to reduce the bit rate of the speech data to be transmitted or stored.
Many solutions were devised in this field, all exploiting the high speech sig-
nal correlation between adjacent time samples. In fact, as the source-filter
model of Figures 3.2 and 3.3 shows, the speech signal production process
can be decomposed as a chain of basic blocks, each one driven by its own
These parameters, that is, voiced/unvoiced information, fundamental
frequency and formant positions, are sufficient to synthesize the origi-
nal speech signal and need very low bandwidth to be transmitted. A
well known speech coding method is the Code Excited Linear Prediction
(CELP) algorithm, which bases on LPC analysis (see Section 2.2.3). This
technique is capable to compress speech signal sampled at 8 kHz with
16-bit resolution, down to 2.4 ÷ 4.8 kbit/sec [95].

3.3.2 Signal processing hearing aids

Even if meaningless alone, pitch information represents an important cue

to the speech message and hearing-impaired persons can take important
advantages from it. In particular, there are some patients, whose auditory
system capabilities are limited to an extent, that can only process a very
basic audio information stream.
Hearing aids capable of transmitting to this class of patients the whole
speech signal, by means of amplification or cochlea stimulation, can satu-
rate their auditory system and be counterproductive. A correct approach
in these cases is to design devices that extract the fundamental frequency
from the considered speech signal and provide it to the impaired listener.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.3. f0 based applications

This solution, though simple, revealed to be beneficial to some patients

and demonstrates the importance of pitch information for semantic dis-
ambiguation. For the same reason the output of fundamental frequency
estimators is also used in automatic speech recognition systems.

3.3.3 Glottal-synchronous speech analysis

As reported in Section 3.2, to obtain a precise frequency representation

of a periodic signal by means of the discrete Fourier transform, the anal-
ysis frame length has to be set to an exact multiple of the signal period.
Otherwise, just an approximated representation is produced.
Knowing the speech signal f0 , permits to carry out glottal-synchronous
speech analysis, which continuously update the analysis frame length to
a multiple of the pitch period. This permits to achieve precise frequency
representation of the speech signal and proved very useful in correctly
estimating the vocal tract transfer function.

3.3.4 Music transcription

Music transcription is the act of generating a symbolic notation which

represents the musical piece taken into consideration [51].
This operation was, and still is, carried out by hand, since it represents a
difficult task and musical education is required for it. For these reasons, and
being manual music transcription very time-consuming, several algorithms
for automatic music analysis, started to appear.
To transcribe a musical piece, it is necessary to annotate the notes, the
timings, the instruments playings and the pitches. In particular, poly-
phonic music, that is, music generated by several voices and/or instru-
ments, is characterized by the presence of multiple pitch lines.
Given that, the algorithms which estimate the pitch of a single source,

3.3. f0 based applications 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

as those presented in Chapter 2, can not be used for signals were multiple
pitch streams are present.
The current approaches for multiple pitch estimation, involve complex
algorithms which exploit the findings in the speech pitch estimation field
and base on auditory scene analysis, trying to mimic the human auditory
system. Perceptual cues are also used, exploiting spatial proximity of the
events in the time and frequency domain, harmonic relationships and sig-
nal changes as onsets, offsets, amplitude and frequency modulations. But,
differently from the speech processing field, where the interest for improve-
ments in speech pitch estimation is high and often driven by economic
interests, in the musical field, relative little work has been done so far.
Therefore, nowadays, there exist very few completely automatic system
able to transcribe real-world music performances and usually, many restric-
tions have to be set on the analyzed musical piece. These restrictions are
relative to the type of instruments, musical genre and maximum polyphony
allowed, as well as the presence of percussive sounds or other effects.
An interesting description of f0 based music scene description systems
can be found in [39, 40].

3.3.5 Speaker recognition

Humans have the natural ability to recognize persons, whom they are ac-
quainted with, just hearing their voice. In fact, the speech signal carries
many clues which are characteristic of each individual.
These clues, can be divided into high level features, as dialect, pronun-
ciation preferences, melody, prosodic patterns, talking style, etc. and low
level features, as pitch period, formant transitions, timbre, rhythm, tone,
Automatic speaker recognition systems are designed to recognize who
is speaking, by means of different approaches as dynamic time warping

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.3. f0 based applications

(DTW) techniques, statistical methods based on Hidden Markov Models

(HMMs) or Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), vector quantization (VQ)
and neural networks (NN) [14]. These systems can perform Speaker Identi-
fication (SI) or Speaker Verification (SV). The target of the former system
is to provide an identity, chosen from a set of known speaker identities,
for the unknown person that is using the system. The latter instead, has
to determine whether the speaker using the system is really who she/he
claims to be.
A speaker recognition system usually works in two steps: first it has to
create an internal database of speaker models. Each model represents a
separate individual and is defined by a set of salient features or parameters
derived from her/his speech. This phase is referred to as “enrollment” of
the speaker to the system or “training” phase, during which the system
learns the speaker voice patterns. The second step occurs when the system
has to recognize an end-user. At this time, the features extracted from the
speech signal of the current speaker, are matched with those describing
the models previously stored in the internal database. Depending on the
matching result, the system provides its response.
Among the different features, pitch information was shown to be an im-
portant descriptor, on which the majority of the speaker recognition sys-
tems relies on [7]. In particular, under noisy conditions, the pitch resulted
useful to detect high signal to noise ratio regions, in the speech signal spec-
trum. In fact, during voiced speech frames, the frequency regions occupied
by the fundamental frequency and its harmonics, show higher energy than
the regions laying in between. The latter have a lower signal to noise ratio
and are more likely to be filled by noise components.

The security field is the main responsible for the growing interest in
speaker recognition systems. Possible target applications, among others,

3.3. f0 based applications 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

are phone access to banking services, secure authentication in network

environments, secure transactions management.

3.3.6 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)

Humans to humans interactions are mostly based on vocal communication,

which represents one of the most natural and quickest way to exchange in-
formation. In recent years, as a side effect of the increasing capabilities
of modern computers, the speech recognition research community has fo-
cused more and more on algorithms that make easier human to computer
communication. The objective of the research is to extend the human
speech communication abilities to the machines, so that the interaction
could result easier.
Nowadays in fact, computers and other digital devices have become
essentials in many field, for their capability of fast and precise compu-
tation and of handling large amount of data. They are now present in
almost all scenarios, and have radically changed the way the information
is exchanged. Speech recognition systems are already employed for dic-
tation tasks, car navigation and language learning systems as well as in
the medicine, manufacturing, process control, robotics, transportation and
other fields [46].
In addition, speech recognition systems can improve the quality of life of
disabled persons, such as physically or visually impaired people. Voice-operated
devices, for example, can help people who are physically unable to operate
a keyboard or to control the environment they live in.

The study of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is dated back to year

1936, when the universities and the Defense Advanced Research Project
Agency (DARPA) of United States, as well as the AT&T Bell Laborato-
ries started investigating the topic. But it was not until the early 1980’s

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.3. f0 based applications

that the ASR based technology reached the commercial market. These
earliest systems had a limited vocabulary of about a thousand words and
could not work in real time, usually being three times slower than humans.
These limitations were mostly imputable to the lack of fast computation
capabilities, as those provided by modern computers.
However, thanks to the advances in computer technology, during the
past decade there was a very significant progress in this field, and many
ASR based products and services, started to appear on the market. As
an example, modern ASR based dictation systems are capable of accu-
racy5 levels of more than 95%, with a transcription speed of more than
160 words per minutes. Also, dictation systems that can work in real-time
with a 100,000-word vocabulary are not far to be achieved.

The design of modern ASR systems involves many disciplines, as pat-

tern recognition, algorithmics, phonetics, linguistics, signal processing, in-
formation systems, formal language theory and artificial intelligence. Their
general working principle can be mainly divided into a feature extraction
step, which takes place before the training or recognition phase is carried
A Front-End (see Figure 3.7) is responsible for converting the input
speech waveform to a stream of feature vectors which better represent the
speech acoustic characteristics in a given domain6 . Features are usually
extracted just from speech segments which are previously detected by a
voice activity detector (VAD). Non-speech segments can be used to esti-
mate the acoustic characteristics of the underlying scenario, as background
The speech recognition accuracy is defined as the Word Error Rate (WER) which represents the
average number of word errors. Errors comprise the number of substitutions (the reference word is
replaced by another word), insertions (a word is hypothesized that was not in the reference) and deletions
(a word in the reference transcription is missed).
An example of commonly used speech features are the Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients

3.3. f0 based applications 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

noise and reverberation, in order to remove their detrimental effects from

the extracted features.
The training phase is necessary so that the ASR system “learns” the
reference patterns representing the different speech sounds (phrases, words,
phonemes) that will represent the linguistic domain of the application.
Speech examples, along with their exact trascription, are provided to the
system during this phase, so it can estimate and store the parameters of
the acoustic models that will represent such reference patterns. Common
employed acoustic models base on the Hidden Markov Models (HMM).
Once the system internal parameters are set, it can be employed for
speech recognition. A typical simple HMM based recognizer uses the
Viterbi algorithm to find the word sequence which best matches the vector
stream of speech feature (a fast sub-optimal algorithm). The search space
can be represented in terms of a network in which possible sentences are
modeled in terms of word sequences (following lexical rules), which in turn
are composed of simpler acoustic units, as, for example, the phonemes. Fi-
nally the acoustic units are represented by Hidden Markov Models whose
statistical parameters (means and variances) were estimated during the
training phase [18, 83].

Feature Viterbi
VAD Acoustic
Input Speech Extraction Algorithm Models

Best matched Lexical
ASR − Basic scheme Transcription Rules

Figure 3.7: Simplified model of an HMM based Automatic Speech Recognition system.

The good performance achieved by modern ASR system, usually refers

to systems which operate in ideal conditions, that is, on speech signals
captured by close-talk microphones to avoid reverberation effects, in the

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.3. f0 based applications

presence of a single speaker and in absence of ambient noise. Also there is a

substantial performance difference between speaker dependent and speaker
independent systems. The former one achieves better results because their
acoustical models are trained in advance with speech data recorded from
the same user that will use the system.
In any case, when the common speech recognition system have to face
adverse acoustic conditions, that is, the conditions in which such systems
would be most helpful, there is a considerable drop in the performance.
An example of this weakness is reported in [2]: just by changing the mi-
crophone from a close-talking type to a desk-mounted type, which has the
effect of introducing a small amount of reverberation, made that the speech
recognition accuracy fall from 85% to 19%.
Several methods are employed to improve ASR systems performance in
noisy and reverberant conditions. Common approaches consist in adapting
the system acoustic models to the acoustic characteristics of the consid-
ered scenario7 or, the other way around, to preprocess the distorted speech
signal in order to remove the noisy and reverberant components [34, 46].
Both approaches aim to guarantee the best matching between the features
extracted from the speech signal of the end-user and the recognizer acous-
tic models.

Pitch information plays an important role in the ASR process and rep-
resents one of the distinctive features useful to distinguish the different
parts of an utterance. Pitch, in fact, other than providing a measure of the
signal periodicity, it implicitly provides information about voicing. The
type of phonation, that is, voiced or unvoiced speech, is very useful to dis-
The adaptation is carried out training the recognizer using speech databases previously corrupted by
noise and reverberation effects. These new datasets are usually obtained with computer simulations which
can recreate the desired acoustic conditions by means of noise and reverberation models, as described in
Section 3.4.3.

3.3. f0 based applications 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

ambiguate between certain phonemes which are very similar among them
as, for example, /z/ (voiced) and /s/ (unvoiced). Additionally, its varia-
tion with time conveys prosodic information, useful for deciding between
statements, questions or other sentence patterns [99, 105].
Moreover, in case of scenarios characterized by adverse acoustic con-
ditions (noise and reverberation), pitch related high-level features, such
as voiced/unvoiced and prosodic informations, turn out to be more ro-
bust than low-level features, such as short-term informations related to
the speech spectrum (e.g. MFCCs). This could be explained considering
that high-level features extracted from succesive signal frames are gener-
ally correlated between each other. Pitch values, for example, vary slowly
with time and can be approximated with a lognormal distribution8 [104].
For all the above reasons, if f0 is accurately estimated in a noisy and
reverberating context, it can be used to improve the robustness of ASR
systems designed to work on distant-talking scenarios [54, 75].

3.3.7 Blind Source Separation (BSS)

Blind source separation (BSS) refers to the problem of estimating original

source signals from their linear mixtures. The general approach does not
need a priori information about the sources or mixing process, or about
the mixing matrix, sensor or source positions, and the only assumption is
the statistical independence of the source signals [48]. Another important
distinction is between experimental setups in which the number of sensors
is equal to or greater than the numbers of sources, i.e., the determined or
overdetermined case, and situations where the source signals outnumber
the sensors, i.e., the underdetermined case.
Figure 3.8 shows an example of underdetermined Blind Source Separa-
tion system applied to speech signals. Three speech sources (blue, red and
The logarithmic of pitch can be approximated with a Gaussian distribution.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.3. f0 based applications

green waveforms) are active at the same time and two microphones provide
the BSS system with the captured speech mixture. The signals plotted at
the right of the BSS block, represent the extracted signals, obtained from
the mixture.

Blind Source

Figure 3.8: Example of underdetermined Blind Source Separation System. The three
speech sources plotted at the left are active at the same time. The BSS system capture the
speech mixture by means of two microphones and recover the original individual signals.

In order to separate speech signals when the underdetermined scenario

is considered, a possible approach considers the speech signals sufficiently
sparse in the time-frequency domain, i.e., they are believed to rarely overlap
in this domain [12].
But when this assumption is not verified, for example when high energy
regions (i.e. formants of voiced segments) that belong to different speakers
overlap, each separated signal will be affected by distortion. In this case
it is still possible to recover or enhance the degraded output, exploiting
the fundamental frequency information. This will be shown in Chapter 6,
where an underdetermined BSS system and an f0 based post-processing
scheme, which recovers and enhances the separated signals, will be de-
scribed in depth.

Given their ability to distinguish each speaker contribute among several

3.3. f0 based applications 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

speech sources, the BSS systems are very useful in all applications that
have to cope with the cocktail party problem, i.e., several speaker talking
simultaneously. Noise robust speech recognition, high-quality hands-free
telecommunication systems or speech enhancement in hearing aids are, for
example, some of the possible applications of these systems. Also, speech
encryption applications based on BSS systems exist, where the objective
is to separate speech signals that were intentionally mixed beforehand.

3.3.8 Dereverberation

A speech signal that propagates in an indoor scenario is generally smeared

by the reverberation effect. One of the possible approaches to enhance
the quality of the distorted signal bases on the inverse filtering approach.
As will be shown in Section 3.4.3, the acoustic channel through which the
sound propagates to reach an acoustic sensor, can be modeled as a linear
filter. If the transfer function of this filter is known, the original non-
reverberant speech signal can be recovered applying inverse filtering to the
microphone reverberant acquisition.
In many practical applications the environment impulse response is not
known in advance and has to be estimated from the reverberant speech
Several works addressed this problem, taking into account the different
statistical properties of speech signals and reverberation effects: speech sig-
nals, in fact, can be characterized by short-term features (< 100 ms) while
reverberation effects usually have longer duration (500÷1000 ms). Analyz-
ing the speech signal over both short and long segments, permits therefore
to separate the contributes of the original clean speech signal from those
induced by the reverberation. This approach is adopted in [13, 110], where
an example of dereverberation techniques based on spectral subtraction in
the linear and logarithmic domain, is given.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

Also speech fundamental frequency can be used as a spectral feature

to distinguish between reverberant and clean speech components. An ex-
ample of a pitch based dereverberation approach is given in [50], where
the Harmonicity based dEReverBeration (HERB) algorithm is presented.
Basically, this algorithm processes the reverberant signal in the frequency
domain and extract, by means of adaptive filtering, the harmonic compo-
nents from voiced segments. These components are then used to compute
the dereverberation transfer function which is finally employed to recover
the clean speech message.

3.4 Noise and Reverberation

Pitch estimation algorithms performance degrades as the quality of the

analyzed speech signal get worse. Most of the work done so far relates
to algorithms tested on clean speech signal, that is, free from noise and
reverberation, and recorded using close talk microphones, from speakers
required to clearly utter some test sentences.
Thanks to the advances in the pitch estimation techniques, the results
achieved in clean conditions, employing state of the art pitch extraction
algorithms as, for example, those in [17, 66], are very good, getting close
to 100% correct pitch estimates. Given that, the focus is now moving to-
ward pitch estimation algorithms capable of dealing with speech signals as
those audible in real-world scenarios. In these contexts, the effects of noise
and reverberation are often not negligible and cause a severe performance
reduction of pitch estimation systems.
Nevertheless, speech databases recorded in real noisy environments, pro-
vided with the reference pitch values for evaluating the performance of a
given PDA, are completely missing. Collecting pitch labeled speech data

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

is an expensive and time-consuming activity, not sustainable in all labora-

Some research works report of tests done on small databases, locally
recorded in a noisy context. But this material is not publicly distributed
or not yet officially recognized by the pitch estimation research community.
Often the solution is to test one’s system on noisy and/or reverberant
signals obtained, as it will be shown in Section 3.4.3, from clean speech ma-
terial that was opportunely preprocessed. This method has the advantage
that from a single and universally acknowledged database of clean speech
signals, by means of simple signal processing operations, it is possible to
obtain several noisy and/or reverberant datasets.
Simulating the noisy and reverberant scenario represents thus an easy
and straightforward method to test the PDA robustness. However, often
the measured performance results different from that provided by the same
PDA, when tested on speech signals recorded in a real reverberant and
noisy environment.
Nowadays, commercial applications relying on pitch extraction algo-
rithms and designed to work in real environments, are becoming more and
more popular. For this reason the research community is starting to eval-
uate with a certain caution new pitch extraction algorithms, reported to
improve state of the art results, but tested only on noisy and reverberant
data obtained by means of computer simulations.
Even though the reverberation can be considered, to a certain extent,
as a convolutional noise9 , in the following it will be described separately.
The distinction used here is that convolutional noises refer to phenomena
involving the presence of noise sources, while reverberation is strictly as-
sociated with signal distortion induced by the target signal itself, that is,
As it will be shown, both the reverberation and convolutional noise effects can be modeled using
convolutional operations.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

in the context of this thesis, speech.

3.4.1 Environmental noise

In the real-world context, speech processing applications have to deal with

many types of noise, which are classified using three main distinction
criteria. Noise can be considered coherent or diffuse, stationary or non-
stationary, additive or convolutional [77].
A noise signal is considered coherent when its components have a defin-
able direction of propagation from the source, while it is considered diffuse
when its flow of energy is uniform in all directions. Ideally, acquiring a co-
herent sound using microphones placed in distinct positions, will provide
two signals being one, just a scaled and delayed version of the other. In
reality, each sound or noise signal, when propagates, generate a sound field
which is partly coherent and partly diffuse.

Stationarity instead, has to deal with the statistical properties of the

noise source. When these do not change over time, the noise is said to be
stationary, otherwise is considered non-stationary10 .
The most known stationary noises generated by computers are the
white, pink and red noises. The former has a uniform spectral power
density at all frequencies. Pink and red noises have a power spectral den-
sity proportional to 1/f and 1/f 2 , respectively. Pink noise, in particular,
is useful in audio testing, since its energy distribution is uniform across
octaves, the same scale used by the human auditory system to process
An example of the effect on pitch estimation of white noise added to a
clean voiced speech signal is shown in Figure 3.9. The three panels on the
In case of statistical characteristics which repeat periodically over time, the noise source is said to be

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

left side of the figure show the original clean speech segment x1 (n) (top)
and signals x2 (n) (middle) and x3 (n) (bottom), obtained from x1 (n) after
adding white noise with a signal to noise ratio11 (SNR) of 0 and −5 dB,
respectively. On the right is reported the effect of the noisy signals on
the Weighted autocorrelation function, which is computed for each sig-
nal shown at the left. White noise is, by definition, uncorrelated and, as
reported in Section 2.3.1, the WAUTOC function is capable to detect pe-
riodic components while rejecting those uncorrelated, as white noise. This
is evident from the figure in the case of SNR = 0 dB, where the estimated
pitch period is τ = 197, in accordance with the actual pitch period value.
However, for lower levels of SNR, the analyzed signal is dominated by
the noise components. For signal x3 (n) in the bottom panel, the pitch pe-
riod was incorrectly estimated at τ = 104 samples. The latter is a typical
octave error, which happens when the estimated pitch period results twice
or half the actual value. In this case, the noise components affected signif-
icantly the frequency region relative to the signal fundamental frequency,
and the first harmonic was wrongly detected as f0 .

In Figure 3.10 another example of pitch estimation on a noisy speech

signal is shown. The Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function
of YIN algorithm (see Section 2.3.1) is applied to the same voiced speech
segment used in Figure 3.9.
The robustness to noise of this state of the art pitch extraction algorithm
is evident from the figure. As shown, the correct estimate is still provided
when white noise is added to the clean signal, with a signal to noise ratio
of −5 dB (third couple of panels). Decreasing the SNR to −10 dB, makes
the speech signal (bottom left panel) become practically unintelligible and
Signal to noise ratio, expressed in decibels, is given by SNR(dB) = 10 log 10 {Ps /Pn }, where Ps and
Pn are the average power of the signal and of the noise, respectively.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

Voiced speech segment − clean signal WAUTOC function applied to signal x (n)

x (n)


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
x1(n) + white noise (SNR = 0 dB) WAUTOC function applied to signal x2(n)

0.5 1

x (n)


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
x (n) + white noise (SNR = −5 dB) WAUTOC function applied to signal x (n)
1 3
1 1

x (n)


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
time lag (τ)

Figure 3.9: Weighted autocorrelation function computed on noisy signals. Left panels
show, from the top, a clean voiced speech signal, the same signal with white noise added
with a signal to noise ratio of 0, and −5 dB, respectively. The WAUTOC function is
computed for each speech signal and plotted in the right panels. The estimated pitch
period values are τ = 198, 197 and 104 samples, respectively.

make, consequently, the CMNDF turn very noisy, providing thus the wrong
pitch estimate at τ = 304 samples.

Artificial noises, as that used in the above described experiments, is just

an approximation of the actual acoustic interferences, characteristic of real
world scenarios. In fact, when real world noises are considered instead,
speech processing systems have to cope with an infinite variety of noise
types. Real stationary noises can be: those produced by the fans of the
heating, ventilating or air conditioning systems; the hum produced by the

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

Voiced speech segment − clean signal CMNDF applied to signal x (n)


0 0.8
x (n)


−1 0.2
200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400

x (n) + white noise (SNR = 0 dB) CMNDF function applied to signal x (n)
1 2

0.5 1

x (n)

0 0.8

200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400

x1(n) + white noise (SNR = −5 dB) CMNDF function applied to signal x3(n)
1 1.1

0.5 1
x (n)


200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400

x1(n) + white noise (SNR = −10 dB) CMNDF function applied to signal x4(n)
1 1.1

x (n)

0 0.9

−1 0.7
200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400
time lag (τ)

Figure 3.10: Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function computed on noisy signals.
Left panels show, from the top, a clean voiced speech signal, the same signal with white
noise added with a signal to noise ratio of 0, −5, and −10 dB, respectively. The CMNDF
is computed for each speech signal and plotted in the right panels. The estimated pitch
period values are τ = 197, 198, 199, and 304 samples, respectively.

engine and tires of a car running at a constant speed; noise produced by

uniformly vibrating plant machineries or jet engine noise audible in the
cockpit12 .

Unfortunately, the military interest in speech processing applications is very high. It is quite common,
recently, to come up with articles relating about robust speech recognition in presence of tank, jet cockpit,
machine gun or helicopter rotor thickness noises.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

Among non-stationary noises, there are all burst-like noises, as coughs,

door slams, phone rings, etc., or as speech babble13 and helicopter rotor
thickness noise14 . These kind of noises have to be treated differently than
the stationary counterpart. In fact, while the latter can be assumed to have
constant statistical properties which can be estimated during the speech
processing task, non-stationary noises are unpredictable and of short du-
ration, thus making their modeling more difficult.
An example of real world noise is presented in Figure 3.11, where noise
recorded in a train coach is added to a clean speech signal recorded from
a female speaker. In the first two panels at the top, the spectrogram and
the waveform of the clean signal are shown. The panels below instead,
are the spectrogram and waveform of the clean speech signal with noise
added with an SNR of 10 dB. It is evident, in the latter case, how noise
components are spread almost uniformly over the whole spectrogram, and
only the ridges relative to the fundamental frequency and its harmonics
are still discernible.

The last distinction refers to the way the noise and the target signal in-
teract: additive noise is supposed to add linearly to the target signal in the
time domain, while convolutional noise is more related to the room acous-
tical properties. The former represents ideal acoustical conditions, which
are never met in reality, but is useful for system analysis purposes. The
latter is a closer representation of what actually happens in any real con-
text, even though it does not take into account possible non-linear acoustic

Speech babble is audible during, for example, a cocktail party and it is one of the most difficult noise
that pitch extractor algorithms have to deal with. In fact, depending on its intensity, several additional
pitches and formants, belonging to the different voices in the babble, can add to the target speech signal.
See Note 12.

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

Wideband spectrogram of speech segment x (n)

1 dB

3000 0

2000 −50

1000 −100

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Clean speech segment from a female speaker

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Narrowband spectrogram of speech segment x2(n)


3000 0

2000 −50

1000 −100

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Noisy speech segment from a female speaker

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
time (sec)

Figure 3.11: Effect of train coach noise on a segment of speech signal. The two panels at
the top show the spectrogram and the waveform of a clean speech signal recorded from a
female speaker. In the two panels at the bottom, noise recorded in a train coach was added
to the clean speech signal with an SNR of 10 dB.

3.4.2 Reverberation

Whenever a pitch extractor algorithm has to deal with speech signals cap-
tured by a microphone positioned far from the talker, its performance de-
creases. Compared to the close-talk recording case, when the speech sound
has to propagate through the environment to reach a distant acoustic sen-
sor, is more subject to noise and reverberation effects.
The reverberation word has its root in Latin, meaning to “beat back

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

again”. In other words, when a sound is produced in an enclosed space,

multiple reflections originate from the sound-reflecting surfaces as walls,
floor, ceiling and the various objects present, and mix together creating
One way to quantify the reverberation effect is to measure the reverber-
ation time T60 or RT , that is, the time it takes for the sound pressure level
to decay 60 decibels, after the sound source has stopped. This variable rep-
resents just a global quantitative criterion15 and different scenarios, with
the same reverberation time, can have completely different acoustic. In
fact, the latter is determined by the ambient shape and size, as well as by
the materials used in its construction and the number and type of objects
or persons present [52].
Large chambers as, for example, cathedrals or halls, are places where the
reverberation can be clearly heard, although any indoor space is affected
by this phenomenon. Humans are used to it and would find it strange to
hear speech or music as if they were in an anechoic chamber or in a wide
open field. Our auditory system is able to clearly decode a speech stream
in a reverberant ambient with T60 = 0.5 ÷ 1.5 seconds, which are quite
common values for lecture and conference rooms.
A common procedure to model the reverberation effects, is to estimate
the ambient impulse response, or transfer function, under the hypothesis
that linear effects are predominant during reverberation. Non-linear effects
cannot be modeled by the impulse response method which results however
a good approximation of the environment acoustic characteristics. Con-
sidering a sound source (or speaker) signal x(n) in a reverberant scenario
and a distant microphone (or listener) signal y(n), the linear relation which
takes into account the environmental acoustic effects can be written as
Other measures are the Early Decay Time (EDT), clarity, definition, Initial Time Delay Gap (ITDG),
Intimacy ITDG, texture, spaciousness, diffusion, . . . [9].

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

y(n) = h(n) ∗ x(n), (3.6)

where h(n) is the ambient impulse response to be estimated. A simple and

effective procedure to estimate h(n) consists in reproducing a chirp-like 16
signal p(n) with a loudspeaker placed in the same position of the sound
source. The microphone output becomes thus

y(n) = h(n) ∗ p(n). (3.7)

As pointed out in [107], the chirp-like signals with a flat overall power
spectrum have the important property that their autocorrelation is an
almost perfect Dirac delta function. As a consequence, the sequence y(n)
of Equation 3.7 can be easily deconvolved by simply cross-correlating it
with the original sequence p(n). The result, apart from the contribution
of the loudspeaker frequency response, is the impulse response h(n) of the
considered acoustic channel.
In case several reverberant speech dataset are needed, various micro-
phones can be placed to record the chirp-like signal at the same time.
Once the impulse response relative to the acoustic channel from the loud-
speaker to each microphone is estimated, it can be used to convolve the
signals from any clean speech database available.
In Figure 3.12, the top panel shows a segment of voiced speech signal
recorded by a close-talk microphone. Middle panel shows an example of
room impulse response. The first peak from the left, occurring at about
35 ms, determines the delay with which the direct sound propagates from
the source position to the particular point in the room, where the impulse
response was estimated. The successive peaks, as that occurring at about
42 ms, are due to early reflections. These are directional reflections gener-
A linear swept-frequency cosine signal.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

ally well defined and are directly related to the shape and size of the room,
as well as to the furniture and to wall surface materials. The tail of the im-
pulse response is formed by diffuse reverberation, or late reflections, which
are more random and difficult to relate to the physical characteristics of
the room.
Voiced speech segment − clean conditions



35 229 427 634
time (samples)



0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
time (seconds)
Voiced speech segment − reverberant conditions




37 90 228 260 427 634
time (samples)

Figure 3.12: Top panel: voiced speech signal. Middle panel: reverberant room impulse
response. Bottom Panel: reverberant voiced speech signal obtained as the convolution of
clean signal and room impulse response.

The bottom panel shows the result of the convolution of the close-talk
speech signal (top panel) with the room impulse response (middle panel).

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

To show the effect of reverberation on each pitch epoch, the result has been
time-aligned with the plot of the top panel. In the clean speech signal, the
glottal closure instants are clearly visible at lag values τ = 35, 229, 427
and 634. The reverberation effect changes significantly the waveform and,
as evident from the figure, only the local minima at lag values τ = 427
and 634 are still unambiguously detectable. Instead the negative peaks at
τ = 37, and 228, correspondent to peaks of the clean segment at τ = 35,
and 229, are exceeded by those at τ = 90, and 260.
This is the reason why reverberation is regarded as a convolutive noise,
that degrades the speech quality and intelligibility. Examples of the effects
of this speech quality degradation are visible in Figure 3.13 and 3.14, where
the weighted autocorrelation (WAUTOC) and YIN algorithms have been
applied to the reverberant speech segment showed in the bottom panel of
Figure 3.12. In Figure 3.13, the WAUTOC function is calculated, first
on the clean speech signal, providing a pitch estimate of τ = 198 samples,
then on the reverberant signal, providing the wrong pitch estimate τ = 340
It is interesting to note that not even a peak is present in the bot-
tom right panel around τ = 200. The reverberation effect has completely
canceled out the period component relative to the fundamental frequency.
Nevertheless, the reverberant speech signal is perfectly decoded by the
human auditory system resulting thus perfectly intelligible.
The same considerations are applicable considering Figure 3.14, where
the Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function (CMNDF) is com-
puted. Still the estimation of the pitch period on the reverberant signal
fails, providing τ = 378 samples, while the correct one is around τ = 197
samples, value provided by the CMNDF on the clean speech segment.

Beside all the above considerations, it has to be pointed out that, con-

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

Voiced speech segment − clean signal WAUTOC function applied to signal x (n)
0.5 0.2

0 0.1

x (n)

−0.5 0

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
x (n) convolved with a room impulse response WAUTOC function applied to signal x (n)
1 2
WAUTOC (τ) 0.1
x (n)

−0.5 0

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
time (samples) lag (samples)

Figure 3.13: Weighted autocorrelation function computed on a reverberant signal. Left

panels show, from the top, a clean voiced speech signal and its reverberant version, respec-
tively. The WAUTOC function is computed for each speech signal and plotted in the right
panels. The estimated pitch period values are τ = 198 and 340 samples, respectively.

volving the room impulse responses with clean speech signals, produces
just an approximation of the reverberation effects. Reverberation, in fact,
includes also non linear phenomena which can not be modeled by this
method. To test a system in a real reverberant scenario, it will be thus
preferable to acquire the speech data recording it directly from the ambient
where the talker is speaking, or where a loudspeaker is used to reproduce
a given database. This operation, though being more time-consuming and
less versatile, compared to the room impulse responses method, provides
the closest test conditions to the real environment. The latter approach,
that is, the direct acquisition of reverberant speech data, has been used
for testing the pitch extractor algorithms that are proposed in this the-
sis. The databases resulted from the recordings that have been carried
out in different real noisy and reverberant scenarios, will be described in

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

Voiced speech segment − clean signal CMNDF function applied to signal x (n)

0 0.8
x (n)

200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400
x (n) convolved with a room impulse response CMNDF function applied to signal x (n)
1 2

0.5 1

x (n)

200 400 600 800 100 200 300 400
time (samples) lag (samples)

Figure 3.14: Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function computed on a reverberant

signal. Left panels show, from the top, a clean voiced speech signal and its reverberant
version, respectively. The CMNDF is computed for each speech signal and plotted in the
right panels. The estimated pitch period values are τ = 197 and 378 samples, respectively.

Chapter 5.

3.4.3 Modeling noise and reverberation

When a PDA has to be tested on real-world speech data, that is, on data
affected by environmental noise and reverberation, a speech dataset re-
flecting such conditions is needed, along with the reference pitch values
necessary for performance evaluation. To obtain the speech dataset for the
target scenario a solution is to record a talker (or several talkers) in the
considered environment. Once the data is collected, the pitch reference
values, needed to evaluate a PDA performance, have to be derived. Since
this results in a time-consuming procedure, an alternative is to reproduce
in the selected scenario an already pitch-labeled speech database by means
of a loudspeaker. The latter procedure permits, in fact, to obtain a new

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

speech database with relative little effort and the original pitch references
can be reused to evaluate a given PDA.
When one of the above methods is applied, several microphones are usu-
ally employed, placed in different environment positions. This permits to
obtain several versions of the original database, each characterized by dif-
ferent noisy and reverberant conditions. Also the whole set of microphone
outputs can be needed, in case a PDA with multi-microphone processing
capabilities has to be tested. The speaker or loudspeaker position is usually
fixed during the recordings, although when spontaneous speech is needed
the talker is not constrained to stand in a given position. An example of
spontaneous speech used to test PDAs performance in this thesis is repre-
sented by the seminar sessions recordings described in Section 5.3.

An alternative to the above approaches, is to derive a mathematical

model reflecting the acoustic characteristics of the target environment.
Once the model is derived, it can be used to obtain speech data with given
reverberant and noisy characteristics, by means of computer simulations.
If only additive noise and reverberation are initially considered by the
model, a speech signal acquired by the i-th acoustic sensor can be obtained,
to a first approximation, as

yi (n) = x(n) ∗ hi (n) + ri (n), (3.8)

where x(n), hi (n) and ri (n) represent the speech signal, the acoustic im-
pulse response between the speech source and the i-th microphone, and
the noise signal affecting the considered sensor, respectively. x(n) repre-
sents here the speech signal recorded by a close-talk microphone, which is
convolved with the room impulse response hi (n) to obtain its reverberant
version, as previously introduced in Section 3.4.2.

3.4. Noise and Reverberation 3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications

Considering the additive term r(n) in Equation 3.8, this model permits
to artificially add noise in the time domain using random signal generators
that can simulate noisy patterns with a given distribution. Or, alterna-
tively, it can be added using noise recorded from real environments. The
result provided by this model is not realistic since it considers the noise
effects as additive and independent from the environment acoustic.
A more precise model, which takes into account both convolutional and
additive noise effects, can thus be written as

yi (n) = x(n) ∗ hi (n) + rk (n) ∗ ĥki (n) + ri0 (n), (3.9)

where the new variables K and ĥki (n), indicate the number of noise sources,
each located in a known position, and the impulse response between the
k-th noise source rk (n) and the i -th microphone, respectively. The term
ri0 (n) can still be used to model possible additive noise components.
When the pitch extractor algorithm has to be tested on close-talk sig-
nals, the above described models can be used setting the term hi (n) in
Equation 3.8 and 3.9, so that it introduces just the delay with which the
speech signal reaches the acoustic sensor17 , and a possible attenuation.
Whenever the reverberation effects have to be modeled instead, the term
hi (n) is set to the value of the room impulse response, measured as de-
scribed in Section 3.4.2.

A delayed version of a discrete signal x(n) is obtained convolving it with the delta of Kronecker
function, centered at the time sample corresponding to the propagation time.

3. From speech modeling to pitch based applications 3.4. Noise and Reverberation

Chapter 4

Multi-Microphone Approach

Nowadays, many speech processing systems are required to work in con-

texts where hand-held or headset microphones represent unfeasible solu-
tions. However, the use of a distant omnidirectional microphone would
provide poor speech quality while, employing a directional one, would con-
strain the talker to keep a specific position, as well as a specific direc-
tion. This is mainly due to the fact that any far microphone interaction is
strongly affected by the ambient noises and reverberation.
To overcome all these limitations, on the one hand new efficient signal
processing methods, as noise reduction and dereverberation techniques (see
Chapter 3), are being investigated to improve the signal speech quality. On
the other hand, the focus has gradually moved toward the microphones
type, quality, number and position.
The reason for this lies in the fact that, a signal propagating in a rever-
berant and noisy ambient, is differently distorted depending on the location
where it is captured from. If several microphones placed in different posi-
tions are used, different versions of the same speech source will be available,
thus providing information redundancy, that can be exploited for speech
This line of reasoning led to the introduction of the microphone array,

4. Multi-Microphone Approach

which can be thought of as a set of microphones, operating simultane-

ously. The microphone array sensors are usually omnidirectional and are
generally arranged along one dimension (linear array), equally spaced be-
tween each other. Other microphones spatial configurations exist, such as
the harmonic arrays, consisting of a distinct sub-array for each frequency
band, or the two or three-dimensional microphone arrays, which have the
microphones distributed on a surface or occupying a volume in the space,
All the different spatial configurations of microphone arrays, are usually
driven by a common processing scheme, based on beamforming algorithms.
These algorithms are used to form a directivity pattern, used to attenuate
the contributes proceeding from unwanted directions while, at the same
time, enhancing the desired signal propagating from a particular direction.
The most common beamforming techniques, employed to steer the array
toward the talker position, are the Delay and Sum (DS) and the Matched
Filtering (MF) algorithms [29, 75].
The former is a simpler approach and is mainly useful to compensate
for diffuse additive noise, while the latter demonstrated to be efficient also
when dealing with convolutional noise, such as reverberation. When mi-
crophone arrays are used, the talker position is continuously estimated and
the array steering angle consequently updated. This allows the speaker to
change her/his position while talking, even though within a range of a few
meters in front of the array.
This technique proved to be very effective for speech enhancement and
ASR in noisy and reverberant conditions [58, 76], but very little work has
explicitly been done on microphone array based pitch estimation.
However, several pitch extraction algorithms have been tested on rever-
berant and noisy speech signals and the results, reported in Chapter 5,
show that the best pitch estimation performance is achieved with close-

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

talk speech signals. Reverberated and noisy signals instead, recorded in

different environments and conditions, caused performance degradation.
As a consequence of this, it can be stated that any speech processing tech-
nique aimed to the enhancement of speech quality, as the microphone array
approach, will result beneficial for pitch estimation.
Microphone arrays are already employed by several current commercial
products based on speech processing. One of these is speaker localization,
which exploits the spatial localization capability of the beamforming tech-
niques, to estimate the target speaker Direction Of Arrival (DOA) and to
track her/his position.
Nevertheless, even though the use of microphone arrays guarantees more
spatial freedom to the end-user of such speech applications, their use still
implies a coverage limitation, that is, the speaker has to interact with the
device within a certain distance range and has to continuously face toward
To overcome these limitations, so that the end-user of a speech pro-
cessing systems is allowed to move freely in the space, the Distributed
Microphone Network is introduced in Section 4.1. In this new context, the
multi-channel extensions of state of the art pitch extraction algorithms are
reported and a new approach, the Multi-microphone Periodicity Function
(MPF) is described.

4.1 Distributed Microphone Network

One of the scenarios on which the interest of the speech processing commu-
nity has recently moved on, is the “meeting room” context, where several
talkers are involved in the speech recognition process. In this context, a
uniform coverage must be guaranteed so that each speaker position can
be estimated and tracked. Along with distant ASR, this new environment

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

introduces the concept of “ambient intelligence”, realized through a wide

usage of sensors (cameras, microphones, etc.) which are connected through
a computer network that fade in the background. The aim of this setup
is to create a smart innovative environment, where computer services are
delivered to people in an implicit, indirect and unobtrusive way.
The scenario results thus quite complex and involves several research
disciplines that have to interact together. Audio-visual person localization,
tracking and identification, voice and events acoustic detection, emotion
recognition as well as far-field automatic speech recognition and others
techniques have to be integrated in a unique framework.
An example of such a scenario, is the CHIL1 room, where several pitch
estimation experiments have been carried out. The CHIL room descrip-
tion as well as the results obtained from such experiments are reported in
Chapter 5.

The concept of Distributed Microphone Network (DMN) is strictly re-

lated with this framework, and refers to a generic set of microphones local-
ized in space without any specific geometry. The microphone outputs are
connected to a recording and computing system, that will ensure a sample-
level synchronous processing of the corresponding signals. This scheme has
been devised so that any acoustic ambient can be fully covered by sensors,
without being forced to employ expensive, and often difficult to place mi-
crophone arrays. The latter can still be employed and make part of the
final DMN though, which will also include single microphones as well as
microphone clusters.
In this case, the relaxation of the geometrical constrain comes at the
expense of the applicability of the beamforming algorithms. In fact, in mi-
The Computers In the Human Interaction Loop (CHIL) project, is an Integrated Project under the
European Commission’s Sixth Framework Program.

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

crophone arrays, the inter-microphone distance represents a key element in

order to avoid the so-called spatial aliasing effect. If this distance does not
fulfill specific requirements2 , spatial aliasing takes place. In this case, grat-
ing lobes are introduced at higher frequencies, that is, the array will pick-up
interfering signals or reverberation components from directions other than
the desired one. This implies that the DMN can not be considered as a
large or extended microphone array, since the microphones inter-distance
can even be in the meters range. Such a multi-channel distribution would
introduce spatial aliasing at frequencies of interest for speech analysis and
recognition, if combined with traditional beamforming techniques. To con-
firm the latter statement, an experiment described in [6] reports the detri-
mental use of the resulting delay-and-sum “beamformed” signal proceeding
from a DMN.

A pitch estimation method, which exploits the information redundancy

across all the Distributed Microphone Network channels, avoiding the space
aliasing problems, is described in next sections. Section 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
describe the multi-microphone extensions of the YIN and WAUTOC algo-
rithms presented in Chapter 2, respectively. Section 4.1.3 is dedicated
to the Multi-microphone Periodicity Function (MPF), which has been
designed to further improve the results obtained from the previous ap-
proaches. The results obtained with the three approaches will be presented
and discussed in Chapter 5.

2 c
The maximum inter-microphone distance d allowed for a linear array, is given by d ≤ 2fmax , where
c ≡ 330.7 m/s is the sound speed, and fmax is the maximum frequency present in the signal. For a
16 kHz sampled speech signal, considering fmax = 8 kHz, it results approximatively d ≤ 2 cm.

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

4.1.1 Multi-microphone WAUTOC

The weighted autocorrelation (WAUTOC) algorithm described in Sec-

tion 2.3.1 consists of an autocorrelation function weighted by the reciprocal
of the Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF). The advantage of
using this function is that the autocorrelation and the AMDF functions
have a maximum and a minimum, respectively, at the lag value correspond-
ing to the period of the analyzed signal. Their response to non periodic
components though, is not correlated as it was for periodic components,
making thus the WAUTOC function more robust to uncorrelated noise.

X −1
[xi (q + n) w(n)] · [xi (q + n + τ ) w(n + τ )]
wautoci (τ, q) = (4.1)
+ |xi (n) − xi (n + τ )|

The resulting WAUTOC function, rewritten for the i-th channel in

Equation 4.1, exploits thus this common behaviour to provide a more ro-
bust pitch estimate. For this reason and for its straightforward extendibil-
ity to the multi-microphone context [6, 31], it is used here for comparison
Equation 4.2, represents the multi-microphone version of WAUTOC,

wautocM (τ, q) = wi · wautoci (τ, q) (4.2)

where M denotes the number of microphone of the Distributed Micro-

phone Network, and the coefficients wi have been introduced to represent
the reliability of each channel, which may depend on the speaker position
and head orientation. Quantifying the channels reliability is not a trivial

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

task. In Section 4.1.3 describes the Multi-microphone Periodicity Function,

which estimates the channels reliability to provide a better pitch estimate,
most of all, when few microphones in the area covered by a microphone
network are strongly affected by noise. Considering instead the case where
the speaker is allowed to move in the scenario, a more complex weighting
scheme, based on the output of a speaker localization device, would be
necessary. In the following the constant value M1 is assigned to each wi in
Equation 4.2.

An example of the advantages provided by the multi-microphone version

of the WAUTOC function is given in Figure 4.1.
A segment of clean voiced speech x(n) from a male speaker and its
reverberant version xmic (n), are shown in the top and middle panels, re-
spectively. The microphone-speaker distance was about 3 meters, and the
ambient reverberation effects are clearly noticeable if the two waveforms
are compared. In fact, the glottal closure instants occurring at samples
106, 231, 353, 476, 594, and 712 are evident in x(n), while some of them
are misplaced in xmic (n), and others are even completely missing. The
consequences of the introduced distortion reflects on the pitch estimation
performance of the weighted autocorrelation algorithm, as shown in the
bottom panel. The black line is the WAUTOC (Equation. 2.17) computed
on the clean signal x(n) and its maximum non zero peak at τ = 121
samples represents a good average estimate of the several pitch periods
included in the analysis frame. The fundamental frequency estimate pro-
vided, considering the signal sampling frequency of fs = 20 kHz, is thus
f0 ≈ 165 Hz.
The blue line is the WAUTOC (Equation. 4.1) computed on the re-
verberant speech signal xmic (n). The maximum non zero peak occurs at
τ = 179 and will determine an estimated fundamental frequency of about

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

Voiced speech segment − clean signal



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Reverberant voiced speech segment from distant microphone


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
time (samples)

Weighted autocorrelation functions

0.4 wautoc(τ,q)
0.3 wautoc (τ,q)

0.2 wautocM(τ,q)

50 121 123 179 250 300
lag (τ)

Figure 4.1: A clean voiced speech signal and its reverberant version are shown in the top
and middle panels, respectively. The bottom panel shows the WAUTOC computed on:
the clean speech signal (black line), providing the correct pitch estimate τ = 121; the
reverberant speech signal (blue line), providing the wrong estimate τ = 179; ten outputs of
a Distributed Microphone Network (red line), providing, within a small error, the correct
estimate τ = 123.

3 f0 .
This is due to the regular presence of secondary peaks in the speech
signal, as those occurring at samples 27, 155, 280, etc., which mix in the
reverberant signal those produced by the glottal closure instants.
To plot the red line, a Distributed Microphone Network consisting of
10 microphones, was used. The speech reverberant outputs xi (n), 1 ≤
i ≤ 10 were used in the computation of the multi-microphone WAUTOC
(Equation. 4.2), which peaks at τ = 123. The correct pitch period value is
thus obtained despite the distorted speech signals used. The small error in

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

the estimate is not considered a serious issue here since, as stated in [17], if
an initial estimate is correct to within 20% respect the actual one, several
techniques are available to refine it.

4.1.2 Multi-microphone YIN

The YIN algorithm was introduced in Section 2.3.1 as one of the state of
the art among the pitch detection algorithms [17]. For this reason it was
chosen here to derive a multichannel version, suitable to work with inputs
provided by a DMN.
Given a speech signal xi (n) captured by the i-th microphone, and recall-
ing the difference function d(τ, q) of Equation 2.18, a channel dependent
difference function can be written as,

X −1
di (τ, q) = [xi (q + n) − xi (q + n + τ )]2 , (4.3)

which is computed for each speech frame of length N samples, starting

from sample q. This function is based on the autocorrelation function
and assumes a local minimum value for a lag value τ corresponding to the
pitch period of the analyzed signal. From this, the YIN authors derived the
Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function shown in Equation 2.20
and quoted below to include the channel dependency.

 1, τ = 0,
d0i (τ, q) = di (τ, q) (4.4)
 (1/τ ) Pτ d (j, q) ,
 otherwise.
j=1 i

The main reason for deriving Equation 4.4 is twofold: on the one hand
it does not have a dip in correspondence of the zero lag (τ = 0), as Equa-
tion 4.3 does. This implies that no limit in the search range of τ is needed.
On the other hand, it provides a normalized function to which a threshold

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

can be applied to avoid subharmonic error due to other dips, deeper than
that relative to the pitch period. Normalization is also exploited by the
YIN algorithm to apply post-processing in a later step so that pitch esti-
mation errors are further reduced.

Given a Distributed Microphone Network providing M synchronous ver-

sions of a speech event, the multi-microphone YIN version is derived here
by normalizing the difference function computed for each channel, d i (τ ),
and averaging then over all channels

1 X di (τ )
dM (τ ) = . (4.5)
M i=1 max{di (τ )}

Equation 4.5 is then used to derive the multi-microphone cumulative

mean normalized difference function d00 (τ ):
1, if τ = 0,
d00 (τ ) = P (4.6)
dM (τ )/[(1/τ ) τj=1 dM (j)], otherwise,

which will be used in the original YIN algorithm framework instead of

Equation 2.20.
Other alternatives had been explored, as for instance averaging the cu-
mulative mean normalized difference function in Equation 4.4, rather than
the difference function of Equation 4.3. In the experiments the approach
based on the latter equation gave the best performance and is therefore
used in the following experiments.

The here proposed extension of YIN to the multi-microphone case does

not represent an ultimate best YIN-based solution to the given problem,
since the whole algorithm should be taken into consideration in all its
parts. For instance, a specific work should be conducted to check if a

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

more effective post-processing can be conceived in this case3 . Nevertheless,

Equation 4.6 demonstrated to be a plausible derivation and is used here
just for comparison purposes.
A justification for the here proposed multi-microphone version of YIN
is shown in Figure 4.2. A segment of clean voiced speech x(n) from a male
speaker and its reverberant version xmic (n), are shown in the top and mid-
dle panels, respectively. The same considerations discussed in Section 4.1.1,
regarding the reverberation effects, apply here too. In fact, the test signals
x(n), xmic (n) and those provided by the Distributed Microphone Network
used to plot the Figure 4.1 and 4.2 are the same.
In the bottom panel, the behaviour of the YIN algorithm to the different
test conditions is shown. The black line is the CMNDF (Equation. 2.20)
computed on the clean signal x(n) and its negative peak at τ = 122 samples
represents a good estimate of the slowly varying pitch period comprised in
the analysis frame. The estimated f0 , considering a sampling frequency of
fs = 20 kHz, is thus f0 ≈ 164 Hz.
The blue line is the CMNDF (Equation. 4.4) computed on the rever-
berant speech signal xmic (n). The negative peak occurs at τ = 181 and, as
explained in Section 4.1.1, this is due to the presence in xmic (n) of secondary
peaks mixing with those relative to the glottal closure instants. This is a
common undesirable consequence of the reverberation effect which makes
that, as in the current case, the pitch estimate results wrong.
To show the effectiveness of the multi-microphone CMNDF (Equation. 4.6),
ten speech reverberant outputs xi (n), 1 ≤ i ≤ 10 were used, provided by
a Distributed Microphone Network. This resulted in a minimum peak at
τ = 125, which reflects the correct pitch estimate. As previously stated,
small deviation from the actual pitch value are acceptable in such rever-
berant conditions, since several techniques can be used to refine it [17].
See details on the various steps of the algorithm in [17].

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

Voiced speech segment − clean signal



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Reverberant voiced speech segment from distant microphone



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
time (samples)

Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Functions

1 d(τ,q)
0.8 d’ (τ,q)

0.6 d’’(τ,q)


50 122 125 181 250 300
lag (τ)

Figure 4.2: A clean voiced speech signal and its reverberant version are shown in the
top and middle panels, respectively. The bottom panel shows the CMNDF computed on:
the clean speech signal (black line), providing the correct pitch estimate τ = 122; the
reverberant speech signal (blue line), providing the wrong estimate τ = 181; ten outputs of
a Distributed Microphone Network (red line), providing, within a small error, the correct
estimate τ = 125.

4.1.3 Multi-microphone Periodicity Function (MPF)

The f0 extraction algorithm based on the MPF can be classified under the
frequency domain category and, in particular, it includes a processing that
resembles that described in [90].
Considering a Distributed Microphone Network context, the different
paths, from the source to each microphone, are affected differently by the
non linear reverberation effects, which can enhance some frequencies while

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

attenuating others.
The peaks in the magnitude spectrum which refer to f0 and its har-
monics, are thus altered by the linear and non-linear reverberation effects
in both their dynamics and frequency location. Nevertheless, as shown
in Section 3.4.2, the reverberation effects, that common speech processing
applications usually deal with, can be linearly approximated by means of
the room impulse responses. This implies that the actual amount of non
linear distortion introduced by the ambient can be considered limited and,
as a consequence of this, the peak frequency shifts will be limited to a
small frequency interval. Hence, the common harmonic structure across
the different magnitude spectra, can be exploited for better estimating the
fundamental frequency.
An example of this is shown in Figure 4.3, where each output of a DMN
consisting of 10 microphones, is plotted (left) along with the correspond-
ing frequency spectrum (right). The corresponding clean speech segment,
captured by a close-talk microphone, and its spectrum, are shown at the
top of the figure, plotted in blue.
The considered clean speech segment corresponds to that used to test
the multi-microphone versions of the WAUTOC and the YIN algorithms
in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, respectively. The pitch period that was then
estimated was of τ = 121 and 122 samples, respectively. Considering the
sampling frequency fs = 20kHz, this corresponds to a value for the funda-
mental frequency falling in the approximated range 164 ≤ f0 ≤ 165.3 Hz.
Comparing the reverberant signal spectra in the right column of the
figure, with that of the clean signal (top) it is interesting to note how the
reverberation detrimental effects changes the spectra shape. The peaks,
relative to f0 and its harmonics are attenuated differently and their po-
sitions is not constant across the different channels. Also spurious peaks
appear beside those corresponding to f0 and its multiples. If the funda-

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

Close−talk voiced speech signal x(n) Close−talk voiced speech signal spectrum X(k)
164.8 329.6 492.3 657.9 810.6
Microphones output signal x (n) Microphones output spectrum Xi(k)

CH 1

CH 2

CH 3

CH 4

CH 5

CH 6

CH 7

CH 8

CH 9

CH 10

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 164.8 329.6 492.3 657.9 810.6
time (samples) frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.3: Voiced speech segments output from a Distributed Microphone Network con-
sisting of 10 microphones. Left: time domain; Right: frequency domain. The top panels
show the speech segment captured by a close-talk microphone and its spectrum.

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

mental frequency is considered, its peak in the clean signal spectrum is

found at 164.8 Hz, in accordance with the values provided by the WAU-
TOC and YIN algorithms. But if the f0 peaks of the channel signal spectra
are taken into account, their position jitter from a minimum of 136.6 Hz
to a maximum of 165.6 Hz and, in some cases, their amplitude is largely
exceed by the harmonic peaks.

To exploit the information redundancy provided by the several channels

of a DMN, a new approach based on the MPF is proposed here, which
merge the frequency components belonging to the speech harmonic pat-
tern, while rejecting the spurious one. In the following, the main algorithm
steps will be described while the various processing blocks are outlined in
Figure 4.4.

Let denote with xi (n), 1 ≤ n ≤ N , a frame obtained from the source

speech signal recorded at the i-th microphone. At each processing step, a
xi (n) is weighted by the window function w(n) and then zero-padded to
produce the vector xwi of length Nf , with Nf ≥ N to result a power of 2.
Then, the FFT is applied to the result and its absolute value is derived as

Xi (k) = |FFT{xwi }(k)|, 1 ≤ k ≤ Nf , (4.7)

being k the frequency bin index. The real valued contributes X i (k) are then
normalized and used to compute a weighted sum over all DMN channels:

X Xi (k) Nf
Xave (k) = ci · , 1≤k≤ + 1, (4.8)
max{Xi (k)} 2

where the weights ci represent the reliability of each channel and their

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

expression will be derived in the following. The index k is limited to 2f + 1
since the result of Equation 4.7 is an even function, respect to the index
2 + 1.
The last step, to derive the Multi-microphone Periodicity Function, is
obtained computing the Inverse FFT (IFFT) of Xave (k), as follows:

Nf Nf
mpf(τ ) = IFFT{Xave ([1, . . . , 2 +1, 2 , . . . , 2])} (4.9)

where the argument of the IFFT is a vector whose Nf elements are the
Xave (k) values, with k first ranging from 1 to Nf /2+1, then decreasing from
Nf /2 to 2, so that the original symmetry of Xi (k) is restored. The function
mpf(τ ) results thus a minimum phase signal with characteristics similar to
those of the autocorrelation function described in Section 2.3.1. The main
difference is that, while the ACF can be obtained as the inverse Fourier
transform of the magnitude spectrum raised to the second power (power
spectrum), the mpf is obtained raising the magnitude spectra, provided by
Equation 4.7, to the first power. The reason for this choice will be given
in Appendix C.
The resulting mpf function has thus the same properties of a generalized
autocorrelation function, and the lag value at which a maximum is found,
can be considered as the fundamental period T0 of the analyzed frame.
Interpolation can also be applied before searching for its maximum, in order
to compensate for the resolution loss, occurred when the input signal was
originally down-sampled. Once established the minimum and maximum
value that the estimated pitch period can assume, T0 is computed as

T0 = arg max{mpf(τ )}, Tmin ≤ τ ≤ Tmax (4.10)


and all the process is repeated for the next frame of speech. Estimating the
reliability of each channel contribute in Equation 4.8, that is, evaluating

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

how much each Xi (k) gets closer to the spectrum of the close-talk signal,
is carried out estimating the weights ci in a blind fashion. This is accom-
plished in two steps. First a reference spectrum is derived as the product
of the channel magnitude normalized spectra:

Y Xi (k)
XP (k) = . (4.11)
max{Xi (k)}

This results in a function XP (k) that will retain the information common
to the different channels while rejecting frequency patterns not common to
all channels. The result of Equation 4.11 can be though of as an estimate
of the close-talk speech spectrum.
The second step compute each weight ci basing on the Cauchy-Schwartz
inequality applied to functions Xi (k) and XP (k) considering them as if they
were vectors:
k=1 XP (k)Xi (k) Nf
c i = qP qP , K= + 1. (4.12)
K 2 K 2 2
k=1 XP (k) k=1 Xi (k)

The coefficients provide by Equation 4.12, will thus be comprised in the

range 0 ≤ ci ≤ 1, and their value may depend on the speaker position, head
orientation or on the presence of other sources of noise in the operative
To better understand the weighting procedure, and considering the same
close-talk and channel contributes of Figure 4.3, Figure 4.5 shows in the
middle the averaged spectrum Xave (k) and the reference spectrum XP (k),
respectively, computed in accordance with Equations 4.8 and 4.11. The
reference spectrum (red line) reflects the similarities among the several
channel spectra, which lie mostly in the frequency regions relative to the
first and second harmonics. To see this, vertical dotted lines relative to the

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel M


x1 x2 xM



Xi Xi
XP (k)Xi(k)

M XP k=1 ci M Xave mpf T0

Xi(k) ci · Xi(k) IFFT max
v v
4. Multi-Microphone Approach

u K u K
u u
i=1 i=1
XP2 (k) Xi2(k)
u X u X
u u
t t
k=1 k=1

Figure 4.4: Simplified scheme of the pitch extractor based on the Multi-microphone Periodicity Function. The speech signal
down-sampling blocks and the MPF interpolation blocks are not shown.
4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

frequency positions of f0 and its harmonics are plotted across all spectra
panels of Figure 4.3. The first harmonic at 329.6 Hz, is the one that is
best matched in the several channel spectra. Disregarding the first and the
second channels, in all the others it reflects quite well the amplitude and
position of that in the close-talk speech spectrum. For the second harmonic
at 492.3 Hz, a similar consideration can be made. Except for the fourth
and tenth channels, were it is completely misplaced, in the other spectra
it matches the reference one. For f0 and the other harmonics, the spectra
peaks either do not match in amplitude (as mostly happen for the third
harmonic), either in frequency position (fourth harmonic), either in both
amplitude and position (f0 ).

Clean voiced speech signal spectrum X(k)



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Reference spectrum X (k) and the weighted sum X (k)

P ave

0.5 Xave(k)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
frequency (Hz)

DMN channels weights ci



ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10

Figure 4.5: Top panel: spectrum of the close-talk voiced speech segment plotted in the top
left panel of Figure 4.3. Middle panel: reference spectrum XP and averaged spectrum Xave
computed on the channel contributes shown in the left column of Figure 4.3.

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

The function XP (k) is used to obtained the channel weights, which are
plotted in the bottom panel of the figure. The situation described above
is coherently reflected by the ci values: channels 4 and 10 are considered
the least reliable, while channels 8 and 9 demonstrated the best similarity
to the spectrum of the close-talk speech signal.

The use of the channel weights ci demonstrated particularly efficient in

the cases where some DMN channels were particularly affected by noise
or provided a spectral pattern particularly different from that shared by
the majority of the channels. Tests with white noise sequences added at
different SNR to specific channels are reported in Chapter 5.

To compare the behaviour of the MPF algorithm with the WAUTOC

and YIN ones described previously, the same test relative to Figure 4.1
and 4.2 is reported in Figure 4.6.
The top and middle panels show the voiced speech segment captured by
a close-talk and distant microphones, respectively. The bottom panel re-
ports the MPF function computed on the clean speech signal, mpfcl (τ ), on
the reverberant signal captured by a distant microphone4 , mpfmic (τ ), and
on all the DMN contributes, mpf(τ ), respectively. The frequency domain
approach results more robust compared to the other time domain based
PDAs tested. In fact, the correct pitch estimate is provided also when the
speech signal provided by the distant microphone (blue line) is processed.
In the latter case though, two secondary strong peaks at about τ = 179
and 50 samples appear, denoting the low reliability of the incoming signal.
In Chapter 5 the results obtained from testing the MPF algorithm in
different reverberant conditions are reported and discussed.

In the cases where a single speech input is used, the latter represent the unique term in the summation
of Equation 4.8, and the relative ci coefficient is set to 1.

4.1. Distributed Microphone Network 4. Multi-Microphone Approach

Voiced speech segment − clean signal



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Reverberant voiced speech segment from distant microphone


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
time (samples)

Multi−microphone Periodicity Function

1 mpf (τ)

50 100 150 200 250 300 350
lag (τ)

Figure 4.6: A clean voiced speech signal and its reverberant version are shown in the
top and middle panels, respectively. The bottom panel shows the MPF computed on: the
clean speech signal (black line); the reverberant speech signal (blue line); ten outputs of a
Distributed Microphone Network (red line). All tests provided, within a small error, the
correct pitch estimate, that is, τ = 121, 127 and 124, respectively.

4. Multi-Microphone Approach 4.1. Distributed Microphone Network

Chapter 5

Experimental Results

In the previous chapters, many pitch extraction algorithms have been de-
scribed and discussed. However, the focus has been restricted to two state
of the art algorithms, the Weighted Autocorrelation and the YIN algo-
rithms, and to the Multi-microphone Periodicity Function, proposed in this
thesis to overcome some limitations imposed by the traditional approaches,
when tested in reverberant and noisy scenarios. This chapter describes the
speech material that was collected and adapted to test these algorithms,
the error measure adopted for their evaluation and the obtained results.
Particular care and effort were dedicated to this testing phase, since it is
very important to have a large amount of speech data and a particularly
precise pitch reference, against which to compare the PDAs output. Some
further considerations about the characteristics that pitch reference labels
shall possess, are given in Appendix B.

5.1 Performance evaluation

Empirically evaluating the performance of a pitch extraction algorithm is a

difficult task. Recalling that here and in the general pitch extraction con-
text, the term “pitch” is given a meaning of fundamental frequency, the
results provided by a PDA are not easily judged by a human listener, who

5. Experimental Results 5.1. Performance evaluation

has a subjective perception of pitch. However, whenever this evaluation

system is chosen, several experts have to listen to a large number of speech
files to lend credibility to the obtained measure. Although the effort for
doing this is consistent, once data has been labeled it can be used to test
other PDAs in an automatic way.

Alternatively, when speech data is acquired, a laryngograph can be used

to record the signal which reflects the vocal folds vibration. This signal
is generally used as input to a pitch extractor algorithm and the result is
then manually checked to correct possible octave errors. Since the vocal
tract effects are avoided, reliability of this measure, compared to the one
obtained from the speech signal, results much higher. This solution re-
sults in a very precise reference pitch estimate, even if there is the need
of specific hardware as the laryngograph and a device to convert its out-
put to a digital representation. There are few speech databases publicly
available provided with pitch reference labels. The Keele database [80], is
one of them and it is used to evaluate the performance of the pitch extrac-
tion algorithm proposed in this thesis. The results obtained are reported
in Section 5.2, as well as the comparison with those obtained from other
state of the art algorithms.

Another method to obtain a speech database with reference pitch values,

is based entirely on existing pitch extractors algorithms. These are run on
a set of speech files, and the estimates provided by each PDA are compared.
In case their difference is smaller than a specific fixed threshold, the result,
obtained as their average or other merging technique, is used as a reference
pitch value. Otherwise, in case an estimates mismatch occurs, the pitch
value on which the majority of the PDAs agree, can be taken as the correct
one. However, in the case the PDAs provide different pitch estimates, it

5.1. Performance evaluation 5. Experimental Results

is not rare that the majority of the pitch extractors agree on an erroneous
f0 estimation. To be sure of the final labels reliability, a manual checking
is needed anyway. This method was used to obtain the CHIL database,
described in Section 5.3.

5.1.1 Error measures

There are various measures that can be used to evaluate the quality of a
pitch extraction algorithm. The principal ones are response time, accuracy,
resolution and complexity. The response time measures the delay with
which the device adapts to a sudden change in the pitch or provides its
estimate after a unvoiced/voiced transition occurs. Accuracy is related
with the result reliability, while resolution is concerned with the precision
with which the provided value matches the reference pitch. Complexity is
principally involved with the amount of hardware resources needed to run
the algorithm, in terms of memory and computational requirements. This
measure turns out to be very important in real-time applications, where
no delay is allowed between the current analyzed frame and the provided
pitch estimate.
In this thesis, the principal method used to evaluate the PDAs perfor-
mance is the Gross Error Rate (GER). This is calculated considering the
number of f0 estimates which differ by more than a certain percentage θ
from the reference values. Considering a total of Nfr pitch values estimated,
its formulation can be written as

( )
100 X fr
|fˆ0i − f0i |
GER(θ) = > θ% , (5.1)
Nfr i=1 f0i

where fˆ0i and f0i are the fundamental frequency estimated and the refer-
ence one relative to the i-th frame, respectively. The term in curly brackets,

5. Experimental Results 5.1. Performance evaluation

returns the value 1 or 0 depending on the result of the inequality. Gen-

erally, values of 20 and 5 are used for θ in the experiments. The former
indicates the PDA capability to avoid large estimated/reference pitch mis-
matches, as the octave errors. The latter gives more an indication of the
pitch estimate resolution.

A measure that better quantifies the PDA resolution capacity is the

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) or fine pitch error, which is computed
considering only the set Ω(θ) of pitch estimates that differ by less than
θ percent from the ground truth:
u !2
u X
u 1 fˆ0i − f0i
RMSE(θ) = t , (5.2)
NGER(θ) f0i

where NGER(θ) equals the number of elements in the set Ω(θ). Although
this measure provides a very precise indication of the PDA resolution ca-
pabilities, the GER is mainly used here for the experiments evaluation. In
fact, as stated in [17], once the initial estimate provided is within 20% of
being correct, there exist many further processing techniques available to
refine its value.

Error measures of Equations 5.1 and 5.2 have to be computed consid-

ering only the pitch estimates obtained from voicing sections of the ana-
lyzed speech signal. This is a self-evident truth, given that no reference
pitch can be available for unvoiced speech. To detect voicing sections a
Voiced/UnVoiced (V/UV) detector is usually used besides a PDA. It can
be also included in the pitch extractor, often exploiting the periodicity de-
gree of the main function that is used to estimate the pitch. However, the
problem arises whenever different PDAs have to be compared. In fact, it

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

may happen that if the V/UV information provided by each PDA is used
to evaluate its estimates, these voicing segmentations do not coincide for
all devices. Therefore it will not be possible to establish whether a partic-
ular device performs better than the other due to its good pitch estimation
capabilities, or to its precision in V/UV decisions. To avoid this possi-
ble ambiguity, tests carried out in the following, assume a common V/UV
sections segmentation for all tested algorithms.

5.2 Keele

The Keele database consists of five male and five female English speak-
ers who pronounced phonetically balanced sentences from the “The North
Wind Story”, for a total duration of 9 minutes. A close-talk microphone
was used in a soundproof room to record the readers while a laryngograph
was simultaneously employed to track the signal generated by the speakers
vocal folds. The sampling frequency used to digitize the signal was set to
fs = 20 kHz with 16 bit resolution. The pitch reference files contain V/UV
information and a pitch estimate every 10 ms frame length of the speech
signal. Pitch values were extracted applying the autocorrelation function
to the laryngograph output [80].

Following the suggestion of the Keele database description authors, the

laryngograph data was used in this thesis to derive new pitch references.
The reason for this is twofold: on the one hand a shorter time interval
between pitch values was needed in order to gain a more accurate feed-back
from tests. On the other hand, a different and a more reliable method than
the autocorrelation was needed to extract the new reference values. This
assumption is justified if the example of Figure 5.1 is considered.
The first two panels show a voiced speech segment from a male speaker

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele

Keele database: voiced speech segment from male speaker (m1nw0000.pes)



3.5 3.505 3.51 3.515 3.52 3.525 3.53 3.535 3.54 3.545
Original Keele laryngograph signal

3.5 3.505 3.51 3.515 3.52 3.525 3.53 3.535 3.54 3.545
Keele laryngograph signal high−pass filtered

3.5 3.505 3.51 3.515 3.52 3.525 3.53 3.535 3.54 3.545
Pitch reference values

τ (lag)


100 Keele lx(n)

Praat lxhp(n)
3.5 3.505 3.51 3.515 3.52 3.525 3.53 3.535 3.54 3.545
time (samples) 5
x 10

Figure 5.1: Example of pitch references based on laryngograph signal. A voiced speech
segment of a male speaker and the relative laryngograph signal lx(n) are plotted in the
first and second panels, respectively. The third panel shows the high-pass filtered version,
lxhp (n), obtained from lx(n). The bottom panel compares the pitch references obtained
using the Praat tool [11], applied to lxhp (n), and the original ones, provided with the
Keele database.

x(n), and the relative laryngograph signal lx(n), respectively. The latter
is affected by a slowly varying bias, more evident in the leftmost part of
the panel. This is probably due to movements of the speaker during the
original recordings. To eliminate this bias a high-pass linear phase filter,

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

with a 3 dB cut-off frequency of 34 Hz was applied to the signal lx(n) to

obtain the unbiased version lxhp (n) plotted in the third panel.
Signal lxhp (n), was then used to reestimate pitch references, with an
analysis step of 1 ms by means of the Praat tool [11]. The final result
was then manually checked in order to correct possible octave errors, and
mismatches between some laryngograph segments that could result voiced
and their correspondent speech segments. These, actually, were unvoiced
because the speaker had her/his mouth closed or for some constrictions
occurring along their vocal tract. The fourth panel in the figure shows the
resulting pitch estimate (black line) plotted along with the Keele original
pitch labels (red line). The pitch reference value of unvoicing sections was
set conventionally to 0, so that it was used as a reference to detect the
voicing frames selected to evaluate the PDAs performance.

5.2.1 Scenario

To measure the performance of the proposed algorithms, the Keele database,

was reproduced to derive a multichannel database. As depicted in Fig-
ure 5.2, a Distributed Microphone Network consisting of 10 omnidirec-
tional sensors (plotted in magenta), was used to record the Keele database
reproduced with a very high quality, dual-concentric (TANNOY 600A)
To have different sound propagation contexts, this was done twice.First
placing the speaker in position P 1 (plotted in green), then in position P 2
(plotted in red), with orientations as shown in the figure. The office in
which this was carried out is 3 m × 7 m wide and 3 m high, and is
characterized by a reverberation time T60 = 0.35 s. As shown in the fig-
ure, adjacent microphones were from 0.2 to 2 meters far from each other.
During recordings there were no people in the room, and the only source
of noise was the computer fan, marked with a blue asterisk [6].

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele






 M10 M9

 M8 M7 

 m *  m








3.5 m ~2.3 m









M1 M2

Figure 5.2: Office with ten microphones and loudspeaker placed in two positions, one
marked with P 1 with 30 degrees top right orientation, the second in P 2, directed from left
to right. The room is quiet, except for a computer fan marked with a “ ∗”.

Once the multi-microphone speech dataset was collected, each micro-

phone contribute had to be aligned to compensate for the different delay
with which the source sound propagated to the microphones. This was
done manually in order to ensure the best reliable alignment.

5.2.2 Results

The multi-microphone database previously obtained was used to test WAU-

TOC, YIN and MPF algorithms, described in Section 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and
4.1.3, respectively.
For both speaker positions, P 1 and P 2, three contexts have been con-
sidered for the evaluation. First of all the algorithms were tested using
close-talk data, that is, the original Keele database. Then each distant
microphone contribute was considered individually, and finally all chan-

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

nels were used jointly to test the algorithm multi-microphone versions. In

all the three conditions, the analysis step was set to 1 ms, that is, the
PDAs provided 1000 pitch estimates/sec. The length of the analysis win-
dows instead, was set to 30 ms, 40 ms, and 60 ms, for YIN, WAUTOC
(rectangular window) and MPF (Hamming window) based algorithms, re-
spectively. These different window types and durations were determined
by preliminary experiments aimed to optimize each algorithm performance.

Graphs of Figure 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 refer to pitch estimation results
measured in terms of GER(20) and GER(5), respectively. On x-axis, the
number of the considered DMN microphone is indicated, while on y-axis,
the measured GER is shown. Each algorithm is marked with a specific
symbol, that is, the “H” for WAUTOC, “•” for YIN and “” for MPF.
To distinguish between the different analyzed contexts, results have been
plotted with different colors: red for single distant channel context, black
for joint multi-microphone scenario, and blue for results obtained using
the close-talk signal. Table 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 numerically summarize
the results shown in the graphs.

Keele reproduced in position P 1

On the top right position of Figure 5.3 is shown the office environment
with the DMN and the speaker position and orientation. As shown by the
red graphs, which report the results obtained by the three PDAs applied
on each distant microphone individually, the 3-rd, 4-th, 5-th and 10-th
microphones provided the most corrupted signal. The high GER(20) values
obtained are due to the presence of windows located above the first group
of microphones. These are characterized by a higher reflection coefficient
compared to the surrounding walls. Instead, microphone 10 falls almost
outside the sound field produced by the speaker. Consequently, it cannot

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele

capture sound proceeding from the direct path properly and, thus, the
reflected components have a greater detrimental influence. This holds, to
some extent, also for microphones 1 and 9. The best result is obtained
using the speech signal recorded by the 8-th microphone. It is positioned
almost in front of the source signal and far enough from the reflecting
windows before mentioned.
Among the single-channel versions of tested algorithms, WAUTOC pro-
vided the worse results, while the MPF the best one. YIN algorithm gave
instead, GER(20) values in between.
close-talk 4.51 2.04 2.68
single-mic 14.56 11.56 9.42
multi-mic 8.09 6.80 5.39

Table 5.1: Gross error rates (20%) obtained applying WAUTOC, YIN and MPF, respec-
tively, to the Keele speech dataset. Values refer to the curves depicted in Figure 5.3 and
in the second row the averages, computed for each red curve, are reported. Bold font is
used to indicate the best result obtained in each acoustic condition.

Disregarding WAUTOC, which provided the worse results in both con-

texts, trend is inverted observing the results relative to the close-talk speech
signals (blue line). As expected, YIN provided the lowest GER, 2.04%,
against 2.68% of the MPF, confirming the good performance pointed out
in [17]. A first temporary conclusion that can be drawn from these figures,
is that an approach based on the frequency domain, the MPF, can result
more advantageous for pitch estimation on reverberant signals. The plots
of Figure 4.3, where is shown how the reverberant versions of the voiced
speech segment lose their periodic characteristics, further strength this hy-

When multi-microphone versions of the three algorithms are tested

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

WAUTOC: single mic

YIN: single mic M10 M9 M8 M7
MPF: single mic M5
Wautoc: multi−mic
YIN: multi−mic
MPF: multi−mic M3

Wautoc: close−talk
YIN: close−talk M1 M2

MPF: close−talk

Keele P1






ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10

Figure 5.3: The three red curves show gross error rates (20%) derived by applying
WAUTOC (H), YIN (•) and MPF (), respectively, to each of the 10 microphone sig-
nals. Results refer to the loudspeaker in position P 1. The six horizontal lines indicate the
performance provided by each of the three algorithms on the close-talking signals (blue)
and the corresponding performance obtained by their multichannel version applied to all
the far microphone signals (black).

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele

(black lines), the trend provided by the single distant microphones is con-
firmed. In this case too, the MPF provided the lowest GER(20), 5.39%,
compared to the values of 6.8% and 8.09% given by YIN and WAUTOC,
respectively. It is interesting to note that the MPF further reduced the
GER in comparison with the best result that had previously achieved from
any single microphone. This to confirm, as pointed out in Section 4.1.3,
the ability of the proposed algorithm to exploit the information redun-
dancy offered by the DMN, and to reject reverberant contributes which
affect differently each channel.
Besides, comparing the above results with the value 16.2%, obtained
applying traditional beamforming techniques, as shown in [6], it confirms
how the latter techniques are unsuitable for such a microphone disposition
(Section 4.1).

The Multi-microphone Periodicity Function based PDA was not inte-

grated with an estimate refinement block, as is YIN, for example. The
reason for this is that, as already pointed out previously, the most difficult
task in pitch detection is to avoid gross errors, being relatively simple to re-
fine a correct estimate. Figure 5.4 reflects this design choice, showing that
when the GER(5) error measure is used, YIN performs generally better,
both in the close-talk and multi-microphone contexts. In fact, the refine-
ment step of this algorithm consists, as stated in [17], in “shopping around
the vicinity of each analysis point for a better estimate”. This means that,
once a short-segment of voiced speech is processed, for each obtained pitch
estimate, the neighbouring values are checked for a more reliable estimate.
If this happens, the first is replaced with the new value and possible fine,
as well as gross errors are avoided.
Despite that, in reverberant conditions, the proposed algorithm provides
comparable error rate in the close-talk case respect to YIN. And, in confir-

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

WAUTOC: single mic

YIN: single mic M10 M9 M8 M7
MPF: single mic M5
Wautoc: multi−mic
YIN: multi−mic
MPF: multi−mic M3

Wautoc: close−talk
YIN: close−talk M1 M2

MPF: close−talk

Keele P1






ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10

Figure 5.4: The three red curves show gross error rates (5%) derived by applying
WAUTOC (H), YIN (•) and MPF (), respectively, to each of the 10 microphone sig-
nals. Results refer to the loudspeaker in position P 1. The six horizontal lines indicate the
performance provided by each of the three algorithms on the close-talking signals (blue)
and the corresponding performance obtained by their multichannel version applied to all
the far microphone signals (black).

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele


close-talk 8.49 7.42 10.46
single-mic 26.01 23.52 22.93
multi-mic 19.20 18.16 18.83

Table 5.2: Gross error rates (5%) obtained applying WAUTOC, YIN and MPF, respec-
tively, to the Keele speech dataset. Values refer to the curves depicted in Figure 5.4 and
in the second row the averages, computed for each red curve, are reported. Bold font is
used to indicate the best result obtained in each acoustic condition.

mation of the strength against high signal distortion, better values for each
single distant microphone are obtained. This behaviour will be confirmed
for tests carried out with the loudspeaker placed in position P 2. In this
scenario the overall reverberation effect is stronger and MPF is shown to
provide even better results.

Keele reproduced in position P 2

The first thing to note when considering the experiments run with the loud-
speaker located in position P 2, is the higher reverberation which affects the
speech signals. This is visible if Figure 5.5 is considered. In fact, red curves,
obtained by testing the three algorithms on each single distant microphone,
have a higher average value compared to those of the P 1 scenario. In
particular, it is interesting to note that the presence of windows on the
top part of the right wall, still affects negatively the signal acquisition by
the microphones which are below it. This is true especially for the 5-th
microphone, which provides one of the worst contributes, as shown by the
high GER.
The best acquisitions were those of microphones 8, 9 and 10, for their
close placement near the sound source and far from the windowed wall. As
it did in the P 1 case, YIN results still lay in between those provided by
the MPF algorithm, and the WAUTOC results, which turned out to be

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

the worst.
close-talk 4.51 2.04 2.68
single-mic 17.10 14.50 10.98
multi-mic 10.14 8.97 7.00

Table 5.3: Gross error rates (20%) obtained applying WAUTOC, YIN and MPF, respec-
tively, to the Keele speech dataset. Values refer to the curves depicted in Figure 5.5 and
in the second row the averages, computed for each red curve, are reported. Bold font is
used to indicate the best result obtained in each acoustic condition.

The results obtained from the close-talk scenario (blue line), were al-
ready commented in the previous section. They represent a GER lower-
bound for the three tested algorithms and are reported in this graph just
for comparison purposes. What it is interesting to note here, is the general
worsening of the GER figures when the reverberant signals are used, both
in single or multi-channel fashion.
In the latter case (black line), the MPF achieved the best result, GER(20) =
7%, followed by YIN and WAUTOC algorithms with a GER(20) of 8.97%
and 10.14, respectively. Also in this scenario, MPF further reduced GER
respect to the best result that had previously achieved from any single mi-
crophone. This happened also for the WAUTOC algorithm which obtained
the best improvement, comparing with single-distant microphone scenario.
However, this time domain based algorithm demonstrated its ineffective-
ness to process reverberant signals, compared to the other PDAs that have
been considered.

For a further comparison, GER(20) value of 19%, is here reported from

[6], where WAUTOC algorithm was applied to the beamformed signal ob-
tained using traditional techniques, as the “delay and sum” approach. Be-
ing this value almost twice higher than the one obtained with the multi-

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele

WAUTOC: single mic

YIN: single mic M10 M9 M8 M7
MPF: single mic M5
Wautoc: multi−mic
P2 M4
YIN: multi−mic
MPF: multi−mic M3

Wautoc: close−talk
YIN: close−talk M1 M2

MPF: close−talk

Keele P2








ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10

Figure 5.5: The three red curves show gross error rates (20%) derived by applying
WAUTOC (H), YIN (•) and MPF (), respectively, to each of the 10 microphone sig-
nals. Results refer to the loudspeaker in position P 2. The six horizontal lines indicate the
performance provided by each of the three algorithms on the close-talking signals (blue)
and the corresponding performance obtained by their multichannel version applied to all
the far microphone signals (black).

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

microphone version of WAUTOC, it underlines once more the impossibility

to apply signal processing techniques suited for microphone arrays, in a
DMN context.

As pointed out in the previous section, despite the fact that MPF algo-
rithm does not perform post-processing for pitch estimate refinement, in
case of strong reverberation conditions, it is able to provide the best per-
formance. As shown in Figure 5.6, in the close-talk case (blue line) YIN
and WAUTOC performed better, being designed to cope better with the
clear periodicity of close-talk speech signals. Instead, when reverberant
signals are considered, that is in the single distant and multi-microphone
contexts, MPF still provided pitch estimates with the best resolution.
close-talk 8.49 7.42 10.46
single-mic 29.99 27.80 25.77
multi-mic 22.89 21.88 21.59

Table 5.4: Gross error rates (5%) obtained applying WAUTOC, YIN and MPF, respec-
tively, to the Keele speech dataset. Values refer to the curves depicted in Figure 5.6 and
in the second row the averages, computed for each red curve, are reported. Bold font is
used to indicate the best result obtained in each acoustic condition.

Channel reliability estimation

To assess the effectiveness of introducing weights ci in Equation 4.8, some

experiments were conducted in which the signals provided by specific mi-
crophones of the DMN were contaminated with noise at different levels of
SNR, while the remaining DMN channels, or a subset of them, were used
in their original version.
For the first experiment only the signals from the 1-st, 2-nd and 3-
rd microphones were considered so that to constitute a reference dataset.

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele

WAUTOC: single mic

YIN: single mic M10 M9 M8 M7
MPF: single mic M5
Wautoc: multi−mic
P2 M4
YIN: multi−mic
MPF: multi−mic M3

Wautoc: close−talk
YIN: close−talk M1 M2

MPF: close−talk

Keele P2







ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10

Figure 5.6: The three red curves show gross error rates (5%) derived by applying
WAUTOC (H), YIN (•) and MPF (), respectively, to each of the 10 microphone sig-
nals. Results refer to the loudspeaker in position P 2. The six horizontal lines indicate the
performance provided by each of the three algorithms on the close-talking signals (blue)
and the corresponding performance obtained by their multichannel version applied to all
the far microphone signals (black).

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

From this, two other datasets were derived adding to the 3-rd channel
white noise with a SNR of 0 and 5 dB, respectively. The procedure was
then repeated to derive two more datasets using babble noise instead of
white noise.
GER(20) results provided by the multichannel version of WAUTOC
(blue line), YIN (black line) and MPF (red line) applied to the five speech
datasets obtained, are shown in Figure 5.7. The upper panel in the figure
shows tests conducted on the speech signals contaminated by white noise,
while the lower panel describes the performance obtained employing speech
data to which babble noise was added. In both scenarios two versions of
the MPF were tested: the first with all weights ci set to 1 (dashed line) so
that all microphone contributes where equally considered in Equation 4.8,
the second with weights provided by Equation 4.12.
The common x-axis reports which of three speech datasets was consid-
ered for each scenario, indicating, from left to right, decreasing SNR levels
measured on the third microphone output.
In the upper right part of the figure the loudspeaker position and direc-
tion and the three microphones considered, M 1, M 2 and M 3 are shown.
Red color was used to plot microphone M 3 to indicate that its output was
contaminated with different SNR values.
As shown in the figure, the GER(20) provided by the three algorithms in
both the white and babble noise scenarios, worsened as the SNR of the third
channel decreased. Also a common observable trend in all tests is that MPF
provided the lowest GER(20) while YIN and WAUTOC performed worse.
As indicated from the results relative to the “no noise added” case, that
is, when the original speech signals were used, the MPF function provided
almost the same GER(20) value when its two versions were tested. Channel
reliability estimation resulted thus not particularly advantageous in this
particular noise-free scenario. The opposite can be stated instead for the

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele



MPF (ci=1)

MPF (ci ≠ 1)
M1 M2

Keele P1. Microphones 1,2 and 3 − white noise added to signal from microphone 3



Keele P1. Microphones 1,2 and 3 − babble noise added to signal from microphone 3


no noise added 0 dB −5 dB
SNR of signal from microphone 3

Figure 5.7: Gross error rates obtained by the multichannel version of each algorithm
under different noisy conditions. Only three microphones were used and noise was added
to channel 3 at different SNR levels. The upper panel shows results obtained on speech
data contaminated with white noise, while lower panel refers to the babble noise scenario.

5.2. Keele 5. Experimental Results

results obtained in noisy conditions. For decreasing SNR levels, the MPF
version with weights estimation provided by Equation 4.12, demonstrated
to be the more robust in both the white and babble noise conditions.
As it also resulted for WAUTOC and YIN in the tests showed in Fig-
ure 3.9 and 3.10, the three algorithms resulted more robust to white noise,
in fact the curves plotted in the upper panel of Figure 5.7 resulted more
flat compared with those of the lower panel.
Babble noise instead represents a more difficult noise that the algo-
rithms have to cope with, since its spectrum rather than being flat, as for
the case of white noise, can resemble that of voiced speech, becoming thus
a misleading source of information for the f0 estimator. This can be seen
in the lower panel observing that the GER(20) provided by both WAU-
TOC and YIN increased of almost 6% passing from the clean scenario to
the −5 dB SNR one. Also the MPF version with all weights ci set to 1
performed considerably worse with decreasing babble noise SNRs, passing
from a GER(20) of almost 7% in clean conditions to about 11% in the
worst conditions.
When MPF channel reliability estimation was instead exploited, the
GER(20) increase with decreasing SNR values, resulted the lowest com-
pared to all other cases. The reason for this is that channel reliability
estimation permitted to perform the f0 estimation basing on the most
noise-free channels, that is, those relative to microphones M 1 and M 2.

A second test, that was carried out to test the usefulness of weights
ci , considered the whole set of DMN channels. In this case microphones
M 5, M 6 and M 7 were contaminated with babble noise with decreasing
SNR. As the Figure 5.8 reports, GER(20) values estimated in the noise-
free scenario are the same showed with black curves in Figure 5.3. All
algorithms performed worse with decreasing SNR values although MPF

5. Experimental Results 5.2. Keele

provided the best results and its weights estimation based version limited
performance deterioration due to the more difficult acoustic conditions.
The three algorithms behaviour resulted similar to that shown in the lower
panel of Figure 5.7 confirming thus the conclusions already drawn for that

M10 M9 M8 M7


MPF (c =1) P1

MPF (c ≠ 1) M1 M2

Keele P1. All microphones − babble noise added to signal from microphone 5, 6 and 7





no noise added 0 dB −5 dB
SNR (babble noise) of microphone 5, 6 and 7

Figure 5.8: Gross error rates obtained by the multichannel version of each algorithm under
different noisy conditions. The whole set of DMN outputs was used and babble noise was
added to channels 5, 6 and 7 at different SNR levels.

5.3. CHIL 5. Experimental Results

5.3 CHIL

One of the speech corpora collected under the CHIL project1 , consists of
13 recordings, each about 5 minutes length, from female and male speakers
extracted from real seminar sessions. These were scientific presentations,
held at the Karlsruhe University, and the main difference with the Keele
corpora, is that in this case spontaneous speech is dealt with. Each speaker,
during the talk, wore a “Countryman E6” close-talking microphone, to
capture a noise-free, non reverberant speech signal, and moved freely in
the area labeled “speaker area”, showed in Figure 5.10. Other distant-talk
microphones were used for the recordings and will be described in the next
section. The sampling frequency of the recorded signal was set to 44.1 kHz.
To obtain the reference pitch labels, three existing pitch extractor algo-
rithms were used:

Praat: a computer program with which phoneticians can analyze, synthe-

size, and manipulate speech [11];

SFS: a free computing environment for conducting research into the nature
of speech [47];

WaveSurfer: a multi-platform open source application, for speech/sound

analysis and sound annotation/transcription [100].

To merge the tern of pitch estimates provided by the three PDAs at each
processed frame, their variance was computed and, in case it was below
a certain threshold δ, the mean was retained as the merged pitch value.
Otherwise, 0 was assigned to the final reference value, with the convention
that a null pitch estimate means that the underlying speech segment is to
Computers in the Human Interaction Loop (CHIL) is an Integrated Project (IP 506909) under the
European Commission’s Sixth Framework Program. A description of the used speech corpora can be
found at, and

5. Experimental Results 5.3. CHIL

be considered unvoiced. As a result of this approach, some discontinuities

due to the estimates that were forced to 0, resulted in the series of the
final pitch values. To overcome this problem, all the voiced segments that
resulted shorter than 50 ms after the merging procedure, were regarded
as unvoiced. The overall duration of the voicing speech sections resulting
from this labeling process depended thus on the value of δ. Setting it to
lower values, provided more precise estimates at the expense of the final
amount of available voiced speech data.
Figure 5.9, shows in the top panel a portion of pitch estimates from
each of the above cited algorithms. Some discontinuities and mismatches
are visible where the circles of different colors do not superimpose perfectly.
To obtain 31% of voicing parts2 out of the whole dataset, and precise
estimates, a value of δ = 3 Hz was chosen. Using this setting, an example
of the result deriving from the merging procedure applied to the values
showed in the upper panel, is reported in the bottom panel of the Fig-
ure 5.9.

The pitch values obtained with this method, can be considered a very
reliable reference against which to test the performance of the algorithm
proposed in this thesis. In fact, it is unlikely, even if not impossible, that
all the three PDAs described above provide the wrong estimate. But each
PDA bases on a different internal algorithm and the probability that all of
them provide exactly the same wrong estimate, can be considered a rare
case. Nevertheless, it could be that a few references can still result wrong,
but considering the amount of data collected for testing, the latter will
reduce to an insignificant percentage.

This corresponded to about 20 minutes of voicing parts, for a total amount of about 125000 pitch
reference values.

5.3. CHIL 5. Experimental Results

Pitch estimates from each PDA




6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09
time (samples) x 10

Pitch estimates after the merging procedure





6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09
time (samples) x 10

Figure 5.9: The top panel shows the pitch estimates obtained from the CHIL speech corpora
using the Praat, WaveSurfer, and SFS algorithms, respectively. The merging procedure
which creates pitch reference labels for this speech dataset, considers only values from each
PDA which are very close to each other. The resulting reference is plotted in the bottom

5.3.1 Scenario

In Figure 5.10, the plan of the CHIL room prepared at the Karlsruhe
University for seminars and meetings recording is shown. The room is
7.10 m × 5.90 m wide and the ceiling height is 3 m. There is one entrance
in the north wall, and two more doors in the south wall leading to other
offices. The room was filled with different audio/video sensors, since it

5. Experimental Results 5.3. CHIL

was prepared to be used in the CHIL project context, which will be briefly
outlined in Chapter 7. Among others devices, some of which not shown in
the figure, 4 fixed color cameras positioned in the corners, and 4 inverted
“T”-shaped microphone arrays (drawn in magenta) are shown, as well as
4 single-distant microphones placed on the top of a table.



















  room height: 3m 









































5.90 m














































































7.10 m

Figure 5.10: Plan of the CHIL seminar and meeting room at the Karlsruhe University.
Four cameras were placed at each corner and four inverted “T”-shaped microphone arrays
(magenta color), labeled with letters “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”, are positioned as shown.
The four single microphones on the table and other devices not shown in the figure were
not used for the test described in this thesis.

As shown in the figure, the microphone arrays are labeled with the
letters “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”, and their layout and coordinates are shown

5.3. CHIL 5. Experimental Results

in Table 5.5, where each microphone is assigned an index. Therefore,

to refer for example to the 4 microphones of the “A” array, the labels
“A1”,“A2”,“A3”, and “A4” are used.
A/B/C/D − Array layout
Microphone coordinates
Array x y z
A1 105 3060 2370
B1 2150 105 2290
C1 2700 6210 2190
D1 5795 4280 2400 1 200mm 3 200mm 2

Table 5.5: Microphones coordinates of the inverted “T”-shaped arrays used in the CHIL
meeting room at Karlsruhe University. Left table reports the coordinates x, y and x of the
bottom-left microphone (labeled 1) of each array. Figure on the right shows the frontal
view of each array and its microphones relative positions and distances.

For the experiments carried out in this thesis, the 16 outputs from the
microphones arrays were recorded synchronously with the signal proceed-
ing from the close-talk microphone worn by the speaker. After that, they
were aligned to compensate for the propagation delay with which the talker
speech reached each far microphone. Considering that the talker was mov-
ing during the speech, her/his average position was calculated, considering
the speaker area shown in the room map.

5.3.2 Results

The CHIL multichannel database obtained as described previously, was

used to test WAUTOC, YIN and MPF algorithms, described in Sections 4.1.1,
4.1.2, and 4.1.3, respectively. As done for the Keele database, three con-
texts have been considered for the evaluation. First, the seminar data
recorded by the close-talk microphone was used, then each distant sensor
of the microphone arrays was considered individually. Finally all channels
were used jointly to test the multi-microphone versions of the above cited

5. Experimental Results 5.3. CHIL

algorithms. In all the three conditions, the analysis step was set to 10 ms,
that is each PDAs computed 100 pitch estimates/sec. To optimize each
algorithm performance, each algorithm was tested varying the analysis win-
dows length and type (the latter only for WAUTOC and MPF). Setting
the analysis windows to 30 ms, 40 ms, and 60 ms, for YIN, WAUTOC
(rectangular window) and MPF (Hamming window) based algorithms, re-
spectively, each algorithms achieved the best results.

The graphs reported in Figure 5.11 and 5.12, refer to pitch estimation
results measured in terms of GER(20) and GER(5), respectively. The two-
letter labels in the x-axis indicate the array and which of its microphone
is considered, in accordance with the convention explained in Table 5.5.
The top-right part of the figure recalls the relative position between the
DMN elements and the talker, so that dependency of the results on the
latter can be verified. On the y-axis, is shown the measured GER and
different symbols are used to mark the results obtained from each PDA:
“H” for WAUTOC, “•” for YIN and “” for MPF. To distinguish between
the different analyzed contexts, the results have been plotted with different
colors: red for the single distant channel context, black for the joint multi-
microphone scenario and blue for the results obtained using the close-talk
signal. Table 5.6 and 5.7 numerically summarize the results shown in the

Considering Figure 5.11, it is interesting to note the strong dependency

of PDAs performances on the microphone position. This can be found out
analyzing the red graphs which report the results obtained by the three
PDAs applied on each distant microphone individually. It is evident as the
“A” microphone array provided the best quality versions of the seminars.
The GER(20) values relative to microphones “A1”,“A2”,“A3”, and “A4”

5.3. CHIL 5. Experimental Results

are, in fact, the lowest ones, considering each method separately. This is
due to the proximity of the capturing device to the speaker and by the fact
that the latter often turns her/his head toward the screen, which is situated
just beneath the microphone array. The curves show then an increasing
GER(20) value, as the talker-microphone distance increases, and the trend
is confirmed for each method.
In these conditions, WAUTOC provided the worse results, while MPF
the best. The YIN algorithm gave instead, GER(20) values in between,
even if closer to the WAUTOC curve.
close-talk 1.60 0.13 0.14
single-mic 15.84 13.83 6.30
multi-mic 7.05 4.05 2.15

Table 5.6: Gross error rates (20%) obtained applying WAUTOC, YIN and MPF, respec-
tively, to the CHIL speech dataset. Values refer to the curves depicted in Figure 5.11 and
in the second row the averages, computed for each red curve, are reported. Bold font is
used to indicate the best result obtained in each acoustic condition.

The lowest GER(20) achievable by each of the analyzed algorithms,

is represented by the blue curves which report the results relative to the
close-talk speech signals. YIN and MPF provided the same result, i.e.,
GER(20) = 0.14%, while WAUTOC performed a little worse, GER(20) =
1.6%. This very low values however, are due to the method used to derive
the reference pitch estimates. To evaluate WAUTOC, YIN and MPF based
algorithms, only the voicing sections where all the PDAs used to obtain
the reference values, were used. This means that the voicing sections of
the close-talk signal, where the pitch estimation was more difficult, have
not been considered for the evaluation.

When multi-microphone versions of the three algorithms are tested

5. Experimental Results 5.3. CHIL


WAUTOC: single mic

YIN: single mic


MPF: single mic
Wautoc: multi−mic

YIN: multi−mic


MPF: multi−mic

Wautoc: close−talk


YIN: close−talk D

MPF: close−talk

Chil room




A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4

Figure 5.11: The three red curves show gross error rates (20%) derived by applying
WAUTOC (H), YIN (•) and MPF (), respectively, to each of the 16 microphone signals.
The six horizontal lines indicate the performance provided by each of the three algorithms
on the close-talking signals (blue) and the corresponding performance obtained by their
multichannel version applied to all the far microphone signals (black).

5.3. CHIL 5. Experimental Results

(black lines), the trend provided by the single distant microphones is con-
firmed. Even if YIN and WAUTOC algorithms demonstrated the best
relative improvement, compared to the single channel case, in this case
too, MPF provided the lowest GER(20), 2.16%, compared to the values of
4.05% and 7.05% given by YIN and WAUTOC, respectively.

In case GER(5) is used to compare PDAs performance, the results re-

ported in Figure 5.12 have to be considered. The relative positions of
the curves are not very much different to those of the previous figure.
Apart from the close-talk case, where YIN performs slightly better than
MPF (0.23% against 0.28%), and WAUTOC provides the worse result, the
single-distant (red) and multi-microphones (black) curves follow the same
trend of the counterpart GER(20) curves.


close-talk 1.99 0.23 0.28
single-mic 20.82 18.56 11.75
multi-mic 11.52 8.02 6.78

Table 5.7: Gross error rates (5%) obtained applying WAUTOC, YIN and MPF, respec-
tively, to the CHIL speech dataset. Values refer to the curves depicted in Figure 5.12 and
in the second row the averages, computed for each red curve, are reported. Bold font is
used to indicate the best result obtained in each acoustic condition.

Exploiting the whole set of contributes provided by the DMN, guaran-

teed better results with all algorithms. But the overall distance between the
black curves and the blue ones, which represents the lower bound for the
GER(5), resulted higher than in the GER(20) case. This demonstrates the
difficulty to recover a very precise pitch estimate from the signal degraded
by the reverberation effect (see waveforms examples in Figure 4.3).

5. Experimental Results 5.3. CHIL


WAUTOC: single mic

YIN: single mic


MPF: single mic
Wautoc: multi−mic

YIN: multi−mic


MPF: multi−mic

Wautoc: close−talk


YIN: close−talk D

MPF: close−talk

Chil room





A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4

Figure 5.12: The three red curves show gross error rates (5%) derived by applying
WAUTOC (H), YIN (•) and MPF (), respectively, to each of the 16 microphone signals.
The six horizontal lines indicate the performance provided by each of the three algorithms
on the close-talking signals (blue) and the corresponding performance obtained by their
multichannel version applied to all the far microphone signals (black).

Chapter 6

f0 in Blind Source Separation

As reported in Section 3.3.7, pitch information can be also used to recover

and enhance the individual outputs of a Blind Source Separation System
(BSS) [30]. The experiments reported in this thesis1 are based on an under-
determined (more speakers than sensors) system based on binary masks,
which will be briefly described in Section 6.1. The results obtained, in
terms of pitch estimation accuracy, of Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR),
and of Signal to Distortion Ratio (SDR), will be presented in Section 6.2.

6.1 Binary mask based BSS

A commonly used setup for a BSS system in a real environment considers

M sensors observing N signals, which are modeled as convolutive mixtures

xj (n) = hji (l)si (n−l +1), j = 1, · · · , M, (6.1)
i=1 l=1

where si (n) represents the i-th source, xj (n) the signal observed by the j-th
sensor, and hji (n) the room impulse response of length L, which models
The activity presented in this chapter was conducted while I was at the NTT Communication Science
Laboratories, Kyoto, JAPAN.

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.1. Binary mask based BSS

the delay and reverberation room effects from the i-th source to the j-th
Here, the under-determined case is addressed, that is, N > M , with
N = 3 and M = 2 and separation is carried out in the time-frequency
domain. In this domain, speech signals sparseness can be assumed [12],
and the convolutive mixtures of Equation 6.1 can be written in terms of
instantaneous mixtures

 
" # " # S1 (ω, m)
X1 (ω, m) H11 (ω, m) H12 (ω, m) H13 (ω, m)  
=  S2 (ω, m) , (6.2)
X2 (ω, m) H21 (ω, m) H22 (ω, m) H23 (ω, m)
S3 (ω, m)

or, in matrix notation,

X(ω, m) = H(ω, m)S(ω, m). (6.3)

The variables ω and m indicate the frequency and frame indexes of the
short-time Fourier transforms of the sources S(ω, m), the observed signals
X(ω, m), and of the mixing matrix H(ω, m), respectively. Each j, i-th
component of the latter 2 × 3 matrix represents the transfer function from
the i-th source to the j-th sensor.
In the determined or overdetermined case, the inverse of the mixing
matrix H(ω, m) can be computed and used to easily solve Equation 6.3 for
the sources values Si . Considering the underdetermined case though, the
solution is not straightforward since the mixing matrix, as in this example,
is not invertible. To solve the under-determined BSS problem, several
methods based on source sparseness have been proposed [12, 88].
The method that will be explained in the following and whose building
blocks are reported in Figure 6.1, exploits the sparseness assumption and
supposes consequently, that most of the signal samples can be considered

6.1. Binary mask based BSS 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

null in the given domain. This makes it possible to assume that sources
overlap at rare intervals [10]. Given this hypothesis, each target speaker
can be extracted by selecting from the mixture just those time-frequency
bins at which the speaker is considered to be active or predominant.






Figure 6.1: The scheme shows the basic building blocks of an underdetermined (three
speakers, two microphones) BSS system. A binary mask, designed exploiting the Direc-
tion Of Arrival (DOA) of each speaker signal, is applied to the common time-frequency
representation to extract each output.

One way to localize such time-frequency bins, is to use the microphones

observations X1 (ω, m) and X2 (ω, m), and compute their phase difference
as follows

X1 (ω, m)
ϕ(ω, m) = ∠ . (6.4)
X2 (ω, m)
The result of Equation 6.4 permits then to obtain the Direction Of
Arrival (DOA) for each time-frequency bin, computed as
ϕ(ω, m) · c
θ(ω, m) = cos−1 , (6.5)
where c is the speed of sound and d is the microphone spacing. For each
frequency index, computing the histogram of θ(ω, m) reveals three peaks
centered approximately on the actual DOA of the sources (an example
is given in Figure 6.2), which can therefore be estimated by employing a
clustering algorithm such as k-means.

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.1. Binary mask based BSS

Histogram of DOAs
# of occurences

θ θ θ degree
1 2 3

Figure 6.2: Histogram of the DOAs computed from Equation 6.5. The peaks of the his-
togram are centered on the actual directions of arrival, θ1 , θ2 and θ3 , of the three speakers
talking at the same time.

If the centroids provided by the clustering algorithm are indicated with

θ̃1 , θ̃2 and θ̃3 where θ̃1 ≤ θ̃2 ≤ θ̃3 , the binary masks can be obtained as

1, θ̃k − ∆ ≤ θ(ω, m) ≤ θ̃k + ∆
Mk (ω, m) = k = 1, 2, 3 (6.6)
0, otherwise

where ∆ is an extraction range parameter that determines the trade-off

between the separation performance and sound fidelity. To finally extract
each target speaker Yk (ω, m), the three binary masks obtained with Equa-
tion 6.6 are applied to the speech mixture, using

Yk (ω, m) = Mk (ω, m)Xj (ω, m), j = 1 or 2, k = 1, . . . , 3. (6.7)

6.1. Binary mask based BSS 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

For each couple of time-frequency indexes (ω, m), Yk (ω, m) is assigned

the same value of the mixture Xj (ω, m), in case Mk (ω, m) = 1, otherwise
Yk (ω, m) is set to 0. The last algorithm step, is to convert the short-
time Fourier transforms Yk (ω, m) back in the time domain, by means of
the IFFT, to finally obtain the individual speech contributes y k (n), k =
1, · · · , 3.

Figure 6.3 shows a graphical example of the process just described. On

the left it displays the spectrograms computed from the speech signal of
each talker, recorded individually. When the speakers are active at the
same time, what is actually recorded by the microphone is the mixture
reported in the middle upper part of the figure. This shows the sum of the
time-frequency contributes of each speaker. As it can be seen, there are
regions where they overlap, while there are other areas where they do not.
The binary masks, obtained for this example, are shown in the middle
lower part of the figure. To show which time-frequency bins are set to 1 for
each of the M1 (ω, m), M2 (ω, m) and M3 (ω, m) masks, the blue, red and
green colors were used, respectively.
The right column of Figure 6.3, shows the results obtained after masks
Mi (ω, m) were applied to the speech mixture. Comparing these spectro-
grams with those displayed at the left, the time-frequency regions with
high energy, characteristic of voiced speech, are recognizable. Unfortu-
nately, the regions were the speaker contributes were overlapping, result
considerably deteriorated.
The binary mask method just described, results in too much discontinu-
ous zero-padding of the extracted signals, producing distortion and musical
noise. This side effect is clearly visible, for example, in the right part of the
mixture spectrogram shown in the figure, where high energy regions (i.e.
formants of voiced segments) that belong to different speakers, overlap.

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.1. Binary mask based BSS

Speaker: F5 output F5
1844 1844

1688 1688

1531 1531

1375 1375

1219 1219

1063 Mixture 1063


906 906

750 750

594 594

438 438

281 281

125 Hz 125

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 750 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
time (frame) time (frame)


Speaker: M1 output M1
1844 281 1844

1688 125 1688

1531 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1531
time (frame)
1375 1375

1219 1219

1063 1063

906 906

750 750

594 594

438 438
Binary mask: blue −> F5, red −> M1, green −> M2
281 281
125 125
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
time (frame) 1375 time (frame)


Speaker: M2 output M2
1844 1844

1688 1688
1531 1531
1375 1375
1219 1219
1063 1063


906 906
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
time (frame)
750 750

594 594

438 438

281 281

125 125

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
time (frame) time (frame)

Figure 6.3: On the left side are represented the spectrograms computed on a speech segment
uttered by speakers F 5, M 1 and M 2, respectively. The mixture spectrogram provided
by each microphone is shown at the top of the center column. Below it, the estimated
binary mask is plotted, using the blue, red and green colors, to indicate the time-frequency
locations that will be used for the spectrogram reconstruction of the F 5, M 1 and M 2
speakers, respectively. The latter are shown in the right column.

However, as it will be shown in the following, exploiting the knowledge

of speech related features, such as the fundamental frequency information,
makes it possible to partly recover the original signal structure, thus im-
proving the performance of the BSS system. For this, first a different
masking method is proposed, in order to precondition the signal for the
final f0 based comb-filtering processing.

6.1. Binary mask based BSS 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

6.1.1 Continuous mask based BSS

Although effective, the binary mask approach introduces musical noise

[4]. To mitigate this side effect, the use of a continuous mask in place
of a binary mask, is proposed here. As seen in the previous section, the
sparseness assumption is not always satisfied for all the time-frequency bins
in the mixture spectrogram. For these bins, the DOA cannot be properly
estimated and, consequently, the correspondent values in the binary masks
will be wrongly assigned.
A simple way to improve this situation, is to design continuous masks,
using the distance of each θ(ω, m) from the estimated centroids θ̃i , as a
“reliability” indicator for the underlying mixture value Xj (ω, m).
This is easily obtained assigning each Mj (ω, m) a value proportional
to that distance. An example of this is reported in Figure 6.4: based on
the distance of θ(ω, m) from each centroid indicated in the x-axis, linear
interpolation is used to assign to mask M1 (ω, m), M2 (ω, m) and M3 (ω, m),
the values marked with the blue, red and green circles, respectively.

M1 (ω, m) M2 (ω, m) M3 (ω, m)


θ˜1 θ(w, m) θ˜2 θ˜3 DOA (deg.)

Figure 6.4: The graph shows the continuous mask obtained by means of linear inter-
polation of the DOA of each speaker. Given the current estimated DOA, θ(ω, m), the
time-frequency bin with coordinates (ω, m) of mask M1 (ω, m), M2 (ω, m) and M3 (ω, m),
is assigned the value marked with the blue, red and green circle, respectively.

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.1. Binary mask based BSS

As shown in the graph, the mask value M3 (ω, m), is set to 0, since
the estimated DOA lies in between the first and the second actual DOAs.
Moreover, being the latter closer to θ̃2 , M2 (ω, m) will be given the highest
coefficient (red circle), since it is more likely that the mixture bin with po-
sition (ω, m), belongs to the second speaker. Other alternatives to the lin-
ear interpolation are polynomial interpolation or directivity pattern based
masks, as described in [5].

6.1.2 f0 driven comb filtering based BSS

As stated in the previous section, the outputs of a binary masks based BSS
system result distorted as a consequence of the fact that the sparseness
assumption is not always satisfied. Applying continuous masks, instead of
binary ones, demonstrated to be more beneficial for reducing the overall
distortion than cross-speaker interference.
In fact, each signal yk (n) extracted by means of continuous masks ac-
counts for the target speaker si (n), i = k, and a certain amount of residual
interference due to interfering speakers si (n), i 6= k. To improve separa-
tion and sound quality, thus reducing musical noise, an extra processing
stage is employed as shown in Figure 6.5. In the scheme proposed here,
the f0−VUV estimation block is responsible for estimating both the funda-
mental frequency and the voiced/unvoiced (V/UV) information from each
of the extracted signals yk (n). Each signal f0k will then be used to tune
one different adaptive FIR or IIR filter, which will be active only on voiced
segments indicated by the VUVk signal with which it is driven.
The FIR filter is responsible for the harmonic enhancement of the target
speaker yk (n), while IIR filters suppress the interference caused by the
other speakers in the mixture. The final output yk0 (t) is then obtained by
selecting the FIR filter output for speech segments labeled as voiced, and
the IIR filter output for unvoiced segments. To drive this selection, the

6.1. Binary mask based BSS 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

Xj (ω,m)
BSS IIR IIR p6=k,l

cont. mask f0lVUVl f0pVUVp

yk0 (n)
Yk (ω,m) f0 -VUV f0k
estimation VUVk


yk (n) f0k VUVk

Figure 6.5: After blind source separation, each output yk (n) is processed by a PDA to
extract the pitch information f0k , as well as the voiced/unvoiced (V/UV) information
VUVk . These signals are used to drive FIR and IIR comb filters that enhance the dete-
riorated harmonic structure of voiced segments (FIR) and remove the interference due to
the voicing parts of the competing speakers.

signal VUVk is employed.

Harmonic enhancement of target speaker

To enhance the voicing sections of each output yk (n), an adaptive FIR

comb filter is used [32]. Figure 6.6 shows an example of the FIR impulse
response h(n) (plotted in red), superimposed to the speech segment cur-
rently analyzed (black waveform).
In the figure, successive pitch periods are indicated with labels T m−1 ,
Tm , Tm+1 , Tm+2 . Since the fundamental frequency is not constant during
phonation, they vary with time, that is, Tr 6= Tf , for r 6= f . Therefore, to
take into account these pitch values fluctuations, the spacing between the
values ai of the filter impulse response, is continuously adjusted to coincide
with the spacing of the individual pitch periods Tr of the waveform being
processed. At each time instant, the pitch period value is provided by the
f0k signal, which was previously estimated from the voiced parts of yk (n),
and is used to tune the filter.
The effect of this filtering procedure is that of averaging successive pitch

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.1. Binary mask based BSS

Segment of voiced speech

1 a a
−1 1
a a
0.5 −2 2
y (n), h(n)




 Tm−1 -  Tm - Tm+1 -  Tm+2 -
1.841 1.842 1.843 1.844 1.845 1.846 1.847 1.848 1.849
time (samples) x 10

Figure 6.6: Adaptive FIR filter (red) and speech waveform (black) with varying pitch
period. The FIR filter coefficients ai are plotted with red circles superimposed to the
voiced speech segment currently being processed. The spacing between each coefficient is
adjusted using the pitch information, which, at each time instant, provides the different
pitch periods Tr values.

periods of the target speaker, so that they will add constructively. Since
residual components from interfering speakers do not exhibit such periodic
behaviour, they will be further reduced by the averaging procedure. This
results in the restoration of harmonic components continuity, being advan-
tageous for reducing musical noise.

The choice of a FIR filter for performing harmonic structure enhance-

ment, is motivated by the fact that this filter adapts faster to f 0 fluctuations
and has linear phase characteristics. The filter impulse response coefficients
ai are obtained from a Hanning window of length NFIR . An example of the
filter frequency response obtained using NFIR = 5 coefficients, adapted to
match the pitch periods of a voiced segment with f0 ≈ 155 Hz, is plotted
at the top of Figure 6.7.

6.1. Binary mask based BSS 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

Removal of harmonics of interfering speakers

While the FIR filter enhances the voiced sections of the target speaker
yk (n), IIR filters are given the task of removing interferences of competing
speakers. This is carried out by filtering the yk (n) sections which are
unvoiced at the same time while the competing speakers are voicing. The
filter used is an adaptive IIR comb filter [68], with a transfer function given
k=1 (1 + αk z + z −2 )
H(z) = QNIIR , (6.8)
(1 + ρα z −1 + z −2 )
k=1 k

where αk = −2 cos(kω0 ) and ω0 = 2πf0 . To avoid filter instability, param-

eter ρ must be set to ρ < 1. This variable is used to control the H(z)
steepness: the closer to 1 its value is set, the more notch-like becomes the
transfer function at the frequency points multiple of f0 . This comes at the
expense of the transient state length, which becomes larger for increasing
values of ρ.
A plot of the transfer function specified in Equation 6.8 is given in
the bottom part of Figure 6.7. In this example, the parameter NIIR ,
which determines the number of harmonics to be canceled out, is set
to 5 and f0 = 120 Hz. The zeros occurring at the frequency values
f = k · f0 , k = 1, . . . , 5, are responsible for canceling out the harmonic
structure of interfering speakers, which could not be separated previously
by the BBS system.
As the scheme of Figure 6.5 shows, the IIR filtering is employed twice,
first setting ω0 at the f0l values of the first interfering speaker, (l 6= k, p),
then with the f0p values of the second interfering speaker, (p 6= k, l). In
this way, harmonics relative to the voiced segments of interfering speakers
si , i 6= k, are removed from signal yk (n).
Despite its nonlinear phase characteristic, this filter is suitable for har-

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

FIR comb filter magnitude response, f0 ≈ 155Hz, NFIR= 5






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

IIR comb filter magnitude response, f = 120Hz, N =5







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
frequency (Hz)

Figure 6.7: Frequency response of FIR and IIR comb filters.

monics removal. This because it provides a more abrupt and higher cutoff
ratio in the frequency locations of interest than its FIR counterpart. The
latter in fact, must have a short impulse response to satisfy the quasi-
stationarity assumption valid for voiced segments.

6.2 BSS performance

This section describes the results obtained applying the f0 based method
just described, to enhance the quality of the outputs of a binary mask based
Blind Source Separation (BSS) system. Several factors affect the overall
performance of such an extended BSS system as, for example, the reverber-
ation level of the considered environment, the characteristics of the speech

6.2. BSS performance 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

inputs, and the PDAs ability to estimate the pitch values correctly. There-
fore, to evaluate the proposed BSS system performance, speech input data
was carefully prepared to include both the reverberant and non-reverberant
scenario, and several (?) pitch extraction techniques were tested. Results
are thus given both in terms of Signal to Distortion Ratio (SDR), Signal
to Interference Ratio (SIR), and in terms of GER(20) and RMSE(20).

6.2.1 Error measures

To measure the separation performance and sound quality of a BSS sys-

tem, the Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) and Signal to Distortion Ratio
(SDR) were used, respectively. For each separated output, SIR takes into
account the amount of energy of the signal components which belong to the
target speaker, and of those belonging to interfering speakers, measuring
their proportion. SDR instead, provides an indication about the difference
between the signal of the target speaker, acquired when the other speakers
are not active, and the same signal extracted from the mixture by the BSS
system. The SIR and SDR expressions are

P 2
y (n)
SIRk = 10 log P Pn ksk 2
n( i6=k yksi (n))
P 2
n xjsk (n)
SDRk = 10 log P 2
n (xjsk (n) − αyksk (n − D))

Indicating with sk the speech signal generated by the k-th speaker, and
with yk the relative output provided by the BSS system, the following
meaning is given to variables of Equations 6.9 and 6.10: yksi is the k-th
separating system output when only si is active and sl , l 6= i is silent;
xjsk is the observation provided by microphone j when only sk is active.
Parameters α and D are used to compensate for the amplitude and phase

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

difference between xjsk and yksk . To evaluate the performance of the pro-
posed method, SIR and SDR are computed using measurements from both
microphones and the best value is retained.

The proposed BSS system exploits pitch information to improve its sep-
aration performance which, in turn, depends on the accuracy and the reso-
lution with which the employed PDA estimates the pitch values. To show
the dependency of separation performance on pitch estimation quality, the
GER(20) and RMSE (or “fine pitch error”) measures will be computed.
These error measures were previously described in Section 5.1.1.

6.2.2 BSS scenario

In Figure 6.8 the setup used for the BSS experiments is shown. Speakers
positions are indicated with loudspeaker symbols, each of which refers to
signals s1 , s2 and s3 , respectively. The DOAs for the three speakers was set
to 45◦ , 90◦ and 135◦ , respectively, and the distance microphones-speaker,
for the reverberant case, was set to 1.1 meters. Two omnidirectional mi-
crophones, distant 4 cm from each other, were used and are marked with
To simulate an anechoic environment, i.e. T60 = 0 ms, mixtures Xj (ω, m)
were obtained computing Equation 6.2 with values Hji (ω) set as follows

 
" # " # S1 (ω, m)
X1 (ω, m) e(jωτ11 ) e(jωτ12 ) e(jωτ13 )  
=  S2 (ω, m) , (6.11)
X2 (ω, m) e(jωτ21 ) e(jωτ22 ) e(jωτ23 )
S3 (ω, m)

where τji represents the time delay with which sound propagates from the
i-th speaker to the j-th microphone. Its value is computed as τji = cj cos θi ,
being dj the j-th microphone position, and θi the i-th source direction.

6.2. BSS performance 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

4.45 m


Room height: 2.50 m Loudspeakers height: 1.35 m












4 cm


3.55 m



2.25 m



90 ◦

1.75 m





45 ◦



Omnidirectional mics height: 1.39 m




Figure 6.8: Room for BSS tests. The setup used comprises 2 microphones (black circles)
and 3 loudspeakers (used to reproduce messages si , i = 1, 2, 3) positioned as shown.

For the reverberant case instead, the speech data was convolved with
room impulse responses recorded in a real room, 4.45 m × 3.55 m wide
and 2.50 m high, as shown in the figure. The measured reverberation time
was T60 = 130 ms and each impulse response hji (n) has been used to model
the reverberation effects on a sound propagating from source si to the j-th

6.2.3 Results

The Keele database, whose characteristics were described in Section 5.2,

was down-sampled to 8 kHz and used to test the proposed system perfor-
mance [80]. Each of the 10 audio files forming the dataset contain the same
sentence uttered by a different speaker. To avoid mixtures contributes to

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

be all in phase respect to the reference sentence, a 10 seconds segment was

extracted, with a different initial offset, from each of them. After that,
the 10 obtained segments were taken three at a time and used to derive 20
speech mixtures for the anechoic scenario, applying Equation 6.11.
For the reverberant scenario, the same speech segments were convolved
with the room impulse responses hji introduced in Section 6.2.2, and the
resulting signals were then added to produce other 20 mixtures.
To transform signals si (n) (anechoic case) or mixtures xj (n) (reverber-
ant case) into short-time Fourier transforms Xj (ω, m), an analysis frame
and frame shift of 64 ms and 32 ms length respectively, were used.

For estimating the pitch values necessary to drive the comb filters de-
scribed in Section 6.1.2, three algorithms were tested: WAUTOC, YIN
and MPF2 . WAUTOC and YIN were introduced in Chapter 2 and MPF
in Section 4.1.3. Although the latter algorithm is not used here in its
multi-microphone derivation, becoming thus similar to the ACF approach,
it is tested for comparison purposes and to show the advantages of the
frequency domain analysis applied to reverberant signals.
For f0 estimation, the frame size was set to 30 ms, 40 ms, and 60 ms
considering the YIN, WAUTOC (rectangular window) and the MPF (Ham-
ming window) based algorithms, respectively. Pitch values were estimated
every 1 ms and the same VUVk signals were used in all experiments to
provide uniform test conditions to the different PDAs employed. These
signals were derived from the re-estimated Keele pitch reference values, as
explained in Section 5.2.
The parameters of the comb FIR and IIR filters instead, were set to
NFIR = 5, NIIR = 5 and ρ = 0.995. The values used for the several pa-
The proposed BSS system was also tested using the pitch estimated values provided by the REPS
algorithm [67], and the obtained results were reported in [30].

6.2. BSS performance 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

rameters involved, were chosen to obtain the best performance from each
pitch estimation algorithm and from the proposed BSS system.

To compare the results provided by the continuous mask based approach

and the f0 based post-processing block, the binary mask based BSS system
was used as reference system. The value of ∆ used in Equation 6.6 to
derive the binary masks was set so that all the values belonging to each
estimated cluster were used in the design of the corresponding mask. This
also implies that the assignment of each mixture bin is mutually exclusive,
that is, every bin from the mixture is used for only one target speaker

Binary mask

The binary mask based BSS approach, described in Section 6.1, is assumed
here as the baseline system against which to compare the proposed BSS
system. The results obtained with this system, in terms of SIR and SDR
are reported in Table 6.1, where the left column refers to the anechoic
scenario, and the right column to the reverberant (or echoic) one.
Speech signals acquired in the anechoic scenario better satisfy the sparse-
ness assumption. As a consequence of this, the histograms (Figure 6.2)
computed on the estimated DOAs θ(ω, m) have well localized and sharp
peaks along the θ axes, making the estimation of θ˜i values more reliable.
When the reverberant scenario is considered instead, reverberation causes
signals to overlap more in the time-frequency domain. This makes the esti-
mation of θ(ω, m) more difficult and less reliable. This in turn explains the
performance degradation shown in the table, for both the SIR and SDR
Estimating correctly the pitch values from the outputs provided by the
binary mask based BSS system, turns out to be a difficult task. In fact, if

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

Binary mask BSS system (dB)

anechoic echoic
SIR 13.50 10.65
SDR 11.46 8.92

Table 6.1: SIR and SDR values obtained by the binary mask based BSS system. Left
column refers to tests performed in an anechoic scenario, right column reports results
measured in a reverberant context.

the results of GER(20) and RMSE(20) obtained from the three considered
PDAs on the original Keele signals, are compared with those computed on
the outputs of the BSS system, an evident performance degradation occurs.
Table 6.2 shows the results obtained using the unprocessed Keele signals,
while Table 6.3 shows those obtained after the mixtures were processed
by the BSS system. It turns out that the most difficult scenario is the
reverberant one, where the best GER(20), provided by the MPF algorithm,
was not lower than 16.59%. A better trend is observable for the anechoic
case, where the best performance is achieved by the YIN algorithm, with
GER(20) = 4.72%.
The better performance demonstrated by the MPF algorithm in rever-
berant conditions, which reduces to an ACF computed through FFT in the
single channel case, further strengthens the hypothesis that the frequency
domain based approach is more suitable for processing signals severely de-
teriorated by reverberation.

Continuous mask

When the estimated DOA for a particular mixture time-frequency bin dif-
fers considerably from any estimated centroid θ˜i , the probability of speaker
superposition is considered to be higher than when the DOA coincides with
one of the centroids. In such a case, this time-frequency bin will generate

6.2. BSS performance 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

PDAs performance on Keele database (%)

GER(20) 5.38 1.57 1.93
RMSE(20) 2.24 2.35 2.30

Table 6.2: The GER(20) and RMSE(20) obtained processing the Keele database with
the WAUTOC, YIN and MPF algorithms, are compared. The original Keele signals were
down-sampled to 8 kHz before the estimation was carried out.

PDAs performance on binary mask BSS system (%)

GER(20) 7.87 4.72 5.59
RMSE(20) 2.88 2.97 2.97
GER(20) 19.25 18.53 16.59
RMSE(20) 3.35 3.32 3.34

Table 6.3: Performance evaluation of the WAUTOC, YIN and MPF algorithms applied
to the output of the binary mask based BSS system. Results, given in terms of GER(20)
and RMSE(20), show the deterioration that occurs when reverberant signals are processed
(bottom) if compared with the anechoic scenario (top).

distortion in the speaker signal selected for the target, whereas there will
be information missing in the spectrograms of the other extracted signals.
To partially overcome this problem, continuous masks are employed, and
each mask weight is assigned a value linearly proportional to the distance of
the estimated DOA from each centroid, for every bin under consideration.
The resulting SIR and SDR measured on the output of the continu-
ous mask based BSS system, are reported in Table 6.4. Although the
SIR measured in echoic conditions slightly decreases, there is an overall
improvement in interference, as well as in distortion reduction, for both
the echoic and anechoic scenarios. The greater improvement obtained in
terms of SDR, demonstrates the advantages of using continuous masks,

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

particularly in the echoic case where DOA estimation is more difficult.

Continuous mask BSS system (dB)

anechoic echoic
SIR 13.86 10.55
SDR 12.06 9.83

Table 6.4: SIR and SDR values obtained by the continuous mask based BSS system. Left
column refers to tests performed in an anechoic scenario, right column reports results
measured in a reverberant context.

Also the pitch estimation results, computed in terms of GER(20) and

RMSE(20) on the outputs of the considered BSS system, show an improve-
ment with respect to the binary mask case. These are reported in Table 6.5
which, as expected, reports the same trend but higher rates compared to
Table 6.3. The f0 values obtained by the WAUTOC, YIN and MPF algo-
rithms will be used to tune the adaptive FIR and IIR comb filters described
in Section 6.1.2, and the results obtained will be presented in the following.

PDAs performance on continuous mask BSS system (%)

GER(20) 7.46 4.03 4.77
RMSE(20) 2.78 2.86 2.85
GER(20) 18.25 16.34 14.62
RMSE(20) 3.25 3.22 3.23

Table 6.5: Performance evaluation of the WAUTOC, YIN and MPF algorithms applied to
the output of the continuous mask based BSS system. The better quality output signals
provided by this BSS system reflects in higher GER(20) and RMSE(20), compared to
the binary mask scenario. The first two rows show the results obtained in the anechoic
context, while the bottom part of the table reports the higher error rates relative to the
reverberant case.

6.2. BSS performance 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

f0 driven comb filtering

After applying comb filtering to the BSS outputs obtained with continuous
masks, the results shown in Table 6.6 were obtained. Comparing the SIR
and SDR values with those from Table 6.4, it could be noted that SIR val-
ues generally increased at the expense of SDR values. That is, the f 0 based
comb filtering technique proved to be effective for eliminating interference
and restoring signal harmonics, though at the expense of introducing little
distortion. The highest improvement was that of the SIR value in rever-
berant conditions, which increased from 10.55 dB to 11.45 dB, after comb
filtering was applied. This was obtained employing the f0 values provided
by the MPF algorithm, which in turn produced the lowest GER(20) com-
pared to WAUTOC and YIN, in the same conditions.

Continuous mask + f0 based post-processing BSS system (dB)

SIR 14.46 14.50 14.51
SDR 11.78 11.80 11.80
SIR 11.32 11.42 11.45
SDR 9.49 9.56 9.56

Table 6.6: Results obtained in terms of SIR and SDR after applying f0 based comb
filtering to the outputs provided by the continuous masks BSS system.

In the anechoic scenario, there are very little variations between the
SIR and SDR values that were obtained employing the different PDAs to
estimate f0 . Despite YIN provided the best GER(20) score in anechoic
conditions (Table 6.5), this is not clearly reflected by the figures of the
upper part of Table 6.6. This could be explained considering that, during
processing, the impulse response h(n) and the transfer function H(z) of
the FIR and IIR comb filters, respectively, are updated at the sample level.

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

Given that the original time interval between each estimated f0 is of 1 ms,
parabolic interpolation was applied to obtain the pitch values needed in
between. Possible octave errors in pitch estimation, will inevitably affect
the result of interpolation, but in a way not easy to foresee, since it also
depends on the way these errors group together.
Also the fine precision with which f0 values are estimated influences the
comb filtering processing, most of all that based on the FIR filter. The
measured GER(1) for the YIN and MPF algorithms, derived in anechoic
conditions, were of 31.48% and 29.77%, respectively. This could explain
why the use of these algorithms provided almost the same SIR and SDR
values in anechoic conditions, while their performance in Table 6.5 were
different. The latter consideration does not imply, in this context, the
superiority of an algorithm with respect to the other. In fact, none of
the considered PDAs was designed to provide very precise f0 values since,
once a pitch estimate is correctly estimated within a neighborhood of the
reference, its value is easily refined by many available techniques. Instead,
the main point here, is the important role of f0 information in restoring
and enhancing the harmonic structure of speech voiced sections.
This can be verified when observing the relative improvement given
by the proposed BSS approach over the baseline system, as reported in
Table 6.7.
Even though the comb filtering procedure reduced slightly the SDR
values obtained after the continuous mask application, combining the two
techniques provided an overall increase of both SIR and SDR values, in
both the anechoic and reverberant scenarios.

6.2. BSS performance 6. f0 in Blind Source Separation

Relative improvement respect to the reference BSS system (%)

SIR 7.11 7.41 7.48
SDR 2.79 2.97 2.97
SIR 6.29 7.23 7.51
SDR 6.39 7.17 7.17

Table 6.7: Relative improvement obtained by the continuous mask + f0 based BSS system
with respect to the reference BSS system. Results are presented in terms of relative
improvement percentages, calculated comparing values from Table 6.6 with those from
Table 6.1.

6. f0 in Blind Source Separation 6.2. BSS performance

Chapter 7

Conclusions and Future Work

7.1 Conclusions

In this dissertation the problem of f0 estimation was addressed. In partic-

ular the focus was on a design of a f0 extractor, robust to reverberant and
noisy conditions and capable of processing, in a parallel fashion, the speech
signal provided by a microphone network. Before describing the proposed
algorithm, a review of the state of the art pitch extraction algorithms was
given, considering first the algorithms belonging to the early phase of pitch
estimation research. The reason for this is that these first approaches to f 0
estimation constitute the basis for many of the modern proposed solutions,
which are described thereafter. In particular, the here proposed technique
is based on a generalized version of the autocorrelation function.

Then, the human speech production mechanism was recalled, showing

the relation between the vocal folds oscillating frequency f0 , which takes
place during voiced speech, and the pitch perception. The speech pro-
duction process can be approximated by means of the source-filter model,
which results a very useful tool to analyze the speech signal. The impor-
tance of pitch information for speech applications is then highlighted, indi-
cating briefly how f0 is exploited by some of these applications to improve

7. Conclusions and Future Work 7.1. Conclusions

their performance. Current speech processing techniques, and the derived

commercial products, can provide nowadays very good performance, pro-
vided that they are used in contexts characterized by good acoustic con-
ditions. Whenever noisy and reverberant scenarios are addressed instead,
performance drops dramatically. The effect of noise and reverberation is
thus considered in the course of the dissertation, and a mathematical model
for reverberant and noisy speech signals is reported. This will be used to
provide examples of the performance degradation of some state of the art
pitch extraction algorithms, when tested on such low quality speech signals.

The proposed f0 estimation algorithm employs a Distributed Micro-

phone Network to guarantee the talker the maximum mobility freedom.
The microphone acquisitions are processed in a parallel fashion, perform-
ing blind estimation of the reliability of each of them. The latter infor-
mation is then exploited to derive, from the whole channel set, a common
representation which takes more into account those contributes showing a
similar harmonic structure. Signals are principally processed in the fre-
quency domain applying FFTs, making the algorithm computational cost
low and making the proposed solution suitable for real-time processing.
Regarding the speech datasets used for performance evaluation, real-
world speech acquisitions were used. These accounted for professional
talkers uttering phonetically balanced sentences, and spontaneous speech
recorded during seminars and meetings. Tests based on speech data ar-
tificially obtained, that is, derived exploiting the described model for re-
verberant and noisy speech, were not carried out. This because the latter
model represents just an approximation of the actual acoustic conditions
of a real-world scenario.

As a first indication provided by the given experimental results, it can

7.1. Conclusions 7. Conclusions and Future Work

be stated that the frequency domain based analysis shall be preferred to

the time domain one, in case distributed-microphone speech signals are
processed. In fact, if the average of the results obtained using each single
microphone are considered for the office scenario (both P1 and P2 loud-
speaker position), a GRE(20)=10.2% is provided by the MPF, compared
to the best result obtained employing state of the art algorithms, which
was 13.03%. When all channels are processed in parallel, MPF further
reduces the error providing GER(20)=6.19%, which result closer to the
performance obtained by the considered algorithms, when tested on close-
talk signals. This considerations are confirmed by the results relative to
the CHIL scenario.
The proposed microphone setup is to be considered as a not yet explored
sensor arrangement for pitch estimation. For this reason, the work de-
scribed in this thesis represents just one of the possible approaches based on
multi-microphone speech input. Although traditional beamforming tech-
niques cannot be applied to the outputs of a DMN, other fusion methods,
designed to derive an enhanced signal representation from the reverberant
channels, can be devised.

To demonstrate the importance of pitch information for speech appli-

cations, a chapter of this thesis is dedicated to the description of a f 0
based Blind Source Separation (BSS) system. The BSS system taken as
a reference is a binary mask based blind source separation system. This
system separates each talker contribute from a mixture of three speakers
uttering simultaneously. To improve the baseline BSS system separation
performance, the proposed approach bases on continuous masks and on a
scheme of f0 based adaptive comb filters. The comb filters are employed to
restore the harmonic structure of each separated signal voiced segments.
The usefulness of pitch information for the given application is confirmed

7. Conclusions and Future Work 7.2. Future work

by the improvements obtained respect to the baseline BSS system. Con-

sidering, for example, the reverberant scenario, a relative improvement of
7.51% and 7.17% was obtained in terms of SIR and SDR, respectively.

7.2 Future work

Estimating f0 from speech signals provided by a Distributed Microphone

Network represents a challenging operation. The main difficulties, faced
during the design of the proposed algorithms, were the poor acoustic qual-
ity of the analyzed speech signals, due to the strong reverberation effects,
and the consequent waveform diversity, observable between each pair of
The proposed solution, though representing just one of the possible
approaches based on a DMN setup, expands the current f0 estimation
research field to a context in which many f0 based speech applications can
be tested.
Future work can be thus organized along at least two research lines. The
first line shall focus on the development of alternative strategies to exploit
the information redundancy offered by the DMN. Provided that traditional
beamforming techniques cannot be applied to the DMN outputs, otherwise
spatial aliasing would take place, different beamforming approaches shall
be addressed. Referring to the here proposed one, a more sophisticated
method can be devised to evaluate each channel acoustic reliability. For
example, statistical methods can be employed to establish whether, and
to what extent, a given channel contributes for a correct and accurate f 0
estimation, or not.
The second research line shall consider the use of f0 information, ex-
tracted in the above described environment, to increase the robustness of
speech applications, adapted to work in the same context. For example,

7.2. Future work 7. Conclusions and Future Work

f0 can be used to perform speech prosodic analysis, exploited, in turn, for

emotion detection and for spontaneous speech recognition. Another con-
text, where f0 information would result useful, is in the presence of the
cocktail party effect, that is, when multiple speakers are active simultane-
ously. Tracking pitch variations of each talker would help in interpreting
the acoustic scene, so that the separation of each speaker message could
result easier.
Another application that can take advantage of pitch information is
the Acoustic Event Detection, which is currently under development at
the ITC-irst1 research center in the context of the CHIL project. For it,
an extension of the proposed pitch extraction approach, to include envi-
ronmental periodic acoustic events, can be derived. The new source of
information, f0 , will then be used to better detect and classify non-speech
events2 .
Non-speech periodic audio patterns can be also detected in order to per-
form environmental classification. An example for this is provided by the
typical periodic noise produced by a car engine or tires. Once the car envi-
ronment is automatically detected, scenario dependent parameters can be
consequently set in order to increase the robustness of speech applications,
such as ASR, in the given context.

Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento, Italy.
This information can be used, in turn, to avoid that the speech recognizer associates a nonsense
transcription to a non-speech event, such as, for example, a cough.


[1] T. Abe, T. Kobayashi, and S. Imai. Harmonics tracking and pitch

extraction based on instantaneous frequency. IEEE Trans. ASSP,
1:756–759, 1995.

[2] A. Acero. Acoustical and Environmental Robustness in Automatic

Speech Recognition. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts-
burgh, USA, 1991.

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Appendix A

Time-frequency Uncertainty

When studying wave or signal properties in the signal processing field, it

holds a principle which is analogue to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
of quantum theory. The time and frequency quantities in signal processing
turn out to be analogous to the position and momentum of a particle in
space in quantum physics.

The time-frequency uncertainty principle states that it is not possible to

determine exactly the frequency of a given signal at a precise time instant.
In fact, whenever the frequency has to be determined, there is the need
to process a finite length of the given signal, thus making time precision
less accurate. The opposite holds too, that is generally, the shorter the
time segment is chosen, the less accurate will result the signal frequency

In the signal processing field, the Fourier transform represents a com-

mon tool which permits to characterize linear systems and to identify the
frequency components making up a continuous or a sampled waveform.

Let consider the Fourier transformation for a generic continuous signal x(t),

A. Time-frequency Uncertainty Principle

Z ∞  ∗
X(f ) = x(t) ej2πf t dt, (A.1)

the complex conjugate term ej2πf t against which x(t) is integrated, rep-
resents the transformation kernel. Indicating with bp (t) a generic kernel
function, being p a parameter, the above Fourier kernel can be written as
bp (t) = ej2πpt and provides poor time resolution. In fact this particular
kernel is defined over all t ∈ (−∞, ∞) and, its Fourier transform B p (f ) is
a Dirac delta centered in p, ∆(f −p), being thus well localized in frequency.
On the other hand, if the kernel in the transformation in (A.1) were
set to bp (t) = ∆(t − p), optimal time resolution will be provided, but no
frequency resolution at all will be available. This is also evident considering
the absolute value of the Fourier transform of bp (t), which is |Bp (f ) = 1|
for all frequencies regardless of the parameter p.
Defining with ∆2t and ∆2f the variances of bp (t) and Bp (f ), respectively,
the time-bandwidth product ∆t ∆f depends on the particular choice of bf (t)
and holds the time-frequency uncertainty principle

∆t ∆f ≥ . (A.2)
This limits the time and frequency resolutions achievable with a par-
ticular kernel, being them tied by equation (A.2). The lowest achievable
value for the time-bandwidth product is ∆t ∆f = 21 and is provided by the
Gaussian pulse,

1 1 2 1 2
b(t) = √ e− 2 t , B(f ) = e− 2 f , (A.3)

which will thus provide the best joint time-frequency resolution.
Both equations in (A.3) are neither band-limited nor time-limited, but
concentrated around their mean (which is zero) thus providing the lowest

A. Time-frequency Uncertainty Principle

joint variances [94].

A. Time-frequency Uncertainty Principle

Appendix B

Characteristics of the Reference

Pitch Values

During my research work on pitch estimation, one of the most interesting

and profitable discussion that I had, was with one of the authors of [80],
which I esteem and thank very much. The object of the discussion were,
on the one hand, the characteristics that the pitch reference values, used to
test the pitch extraction algorithms performance, should possess. On the
other hand, the method to obtain these values. As a result of this discussion
and considering the experience that I gained in this field through the Ph.D.
experience, I’d like to resume here some convictions that I matured about


A proposed method to obtain the pitch references is to derive them ap-

plying the PDA that has to be tested to the laryngograph signal, when
available. Even if the latter signal permits to obtain precise and reliable
pitch estimates, in my humble opinion, it would be preferable to use a state
of theart PDA to create the references, or a combination of such PDAs,
merging then the final results, as showed in Section 5.3. This because it is
very likely that a pitch extraction algorithm makes some octave errors, even

B. Characteristics of the Reference Pitch Values

when run on the laryngograph signal. In case no post processing is applied

by the algorithm or no further checking of the results is done manually,
the risk is to have wrong pitch references. Therefore, when the consid-
ered PDA is tested on the speech signal, it could occur that it correctly
estimates the pitch value whose reference is wrong, thus underestimating
its performance. If instead, the PDA provides a wrong estimate for the
considered value, it is possible that it matches the wrong reference and the
device performance will thus result overestimated.


Another issue is represented by the characteristics of the reference pitch

estimates. As explained in Chapter 2, PDAs can be classified into time
domain and short term analysis based algorithms [43]. While in the for-
mer case, the pitch values provided reflects precisely the duration of each
pitch period, in the latter case each estimate can be considered an “aver-
age” of several contiguous pitch periods. Adopting the short term analysis
approach provides generally a more robust pitch estimation, given that
redundant information can be exploited for guessing its value. However,
the drawback introduced is represented by the limited precision with which
each pitch period is estimated. In addition, voiced/unvoiced selection based
on this approach can only approximately locate the start/end points of the
voicing sections in the speech signal, compared with the time domain based
It seems obvious that, independently from the target application, a PDA
providing pitch estimates both reliable and with a pitch period level pre-
cision, would be preferable to other devices lacking of one or the other
capability1 . It seems obvious too, that the reference labels provided with
The statement refers to PDAs that perform “fundamental frequency” estimation. Different would be
the case of pitch estimation, when the term “pitch” is given the meaning of subjective perception.

B. Characteristics of the Reference Pitch Values

a given speech database, shall have the same characteristics, that is, they
shall be very precise at the pitch period level and reliable. Such reference
pitch values would thus represent the upper bound quality achievable by
a PDA and shall represent, in my humble opinion, the unique term of
comparison for all PDAs that have to be tested. Otherwise, adapting the
reference pitch values to the reliability or precision characteristics of the
tested PDA, will provide a biased feed-back on its performance, not even
useful to be compared with the performance obtained by other devices.

B. Characteristics of the Reference Pitch Values

Appendix C

Generalized Autocorrelation

The generalized autocorrelation function ACFg (τ ) of a signal x(n) can

be computed by means of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its
inverse (IDFT) as follows

ACFg (τ ) = IDFT{|DFT{x(n)}|g } (C.1)

where the parameter g determines the magnitude compression of the spec-

tral representation. When g = 2 Equation C.1 provides the ACF function
as it was described in Section 2.3.1, with the difference that, when the
time-domain is used for its computation, it is not possible to apply any
spectral compression as can instead be specified in the above equation.
Spectral compression can be also obtained applying other non-linear
functions to the magnitude spectrum, as for example the logarithmic func-
tion which was used to derive the cepstrum, described in Section 2.3.2.
The effects of spectral compression on pitch extraction accuracy were
initially studied in [49]. In this work PDAs based on cepstrum and on
ACF2 , ACF1 and ACF0.5 were tested on different acoustic conditions. Re-
sults demonstrated the more robustness of ACF2 to noise but also its worse
performance when applied to clean speech signals. This can be explained
considering that raising to the second power the speech spectrum empha-

C. Generalized Autocorrelation

sizes spectral peaks in relation to noise but, at the same time, flattens
spectrum dynamics.
On the contrary, cepstrum was reported to perform better than ACF 2 on
clean speech signals, but rather poorly on noisy signals. The authors con-
clusions on the four considered approaches are that PDAs based on ACF 0.5
and ACF1 demonstrated to be “less sensitive to noise than the cepstrum
and less sensitive to strong formants than the autocorrelation PDA and
thus represent a good compromise when the environmental signal condi-
tions are unknown”.

Spectral compression was also tested in [108] where a multi-pitch extrac-

tor is described. In this case a value of g = 0.67 is experimentally found
to provide the best results when the proposed PDA is tested on synthetic
harmonic tones with added Gaussian noise at different SNR levels.

In this thesis a value of g = 1 was chosen for deriving the MPF function
described in Section 4.1.3. This value was suggested by some preliminary
tests conducted on a large amount of reverberant speech data and reported
in Figure C.1. In these experiments the MPF algorithm was tested on both
the Keele and CHIL databases and their relative scenarios (see Section 5.2
and 5.3), varying the g parameter of Equation C.2, which was used instead
of Equation 4.7, in the range 0.2 ÷ 2.

Xi (k) = |FFT{xwi }(k)|g , 1 ≤ k ≤ Nf (C.2)

The figures shows the GER(20) obtained for each value of g considering
first the close-talk signals (left panels), then the reverberant outputs of the
Distributed Microphone Network employed (right panels).
The results show that in all conditions the lowest GER(20), indicated

C. Generalized Autocorrelation

with a red circle, is obtained using g < 2. Apart from the close-talk version
of the CHIL spontaneous speech database, for which g = 1.7 provided the
lowest GER(20), in all other cases the best mpf performance were obtained
with 0.5 ≤ g < 1.
Chil (spontaneous speech) − clean Chil (spontaneous speech) − reverberant

0.4 3

0.2 2

0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2

Keele (read speech) − clean Keele (read speech) pos1 − reverberant

6 10


5 8
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2

Keele (read speech) − clean Keele (read speech) pos2 − reverberant

6 12


5 10
4 8
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2
FFTexp FFTexp

Figure C.1: Dependency of the mpf GER(20) on the parameter g of Equation C.2.

Another interesting indication is that the plotted curves resulted more

flat in the case of clean speech signals, thus implying a less strong depen-
dence of the mpf accuracy on the parameter g.
In the case of reverberant speech data instead (right panels), a stronger
influence of the parameter g on the GER(20) appears. Also, despite the
reverberant CHIL and Keele databases represent very different type of
speech signals (real and spontaneous versus reproduced and read speech),

C. Generalized Autocorrelation

there is a strong indication that a value for g close to 0.5 results beneficial
for pitch extraction from reverberant speech signals.
Given these results, it could have been possible to set g to achieve the
best results for each given scenario. Alternatively, the average of the best
g values measured in the different contexts could have been used.
However, to avoid the introduction of a critical parameter to be esti-
mated from the data, turning thus the performance of the proposed mpf
function strongly dependent on the given task, g = 1 was used for all tests
described in Section 5. Setting g = 0.5 would have provided even better
performance than that reported, but it was considered not a good general
choice given that for g < 0.5, as shown in the figure, GER(20) starts to
increase noticeably.


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