Rwind 2
Rwind 2
Rwind 2
Generation of Wind-
Induced Loads on General
December 2021
Short Overview
1 Introduction 4
2 Theory 13
3 Input Data 19
Dlubal Software GmbH
4 Calculation 66 Am Zellweg 2
93464 Tiefenbach
5 Results 78
Telephone: +49 9673 9203-0
Fax: +49 9673 9203-51
E-mail: [email protected]
A Literature 132
Dlubal Software, Inc.
The Graham Building
30 South 15th Street
15th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
The description of the RWIND program is organised in chapters, which follow the common
procedure for defining data, calculating, and evaluating results. They help to better understand
the functioning of the software. The specifications of some general functions can also be found
in the manual of the RFEM program .
Hint Topicality
The text of the manual shows the respective The high quality standards placed on the
buttons in square brackets, for example software are guaranteed by a continuous
[OK]. They are also depicted on the left. development of the program versions. This
The expressions that appear in dialog may result in differences between program
boxes, tables, and menus are set in italics to description and the current software version
clarify the explanations. You can also use you are using. Thank you for your
the search function for the Knowledge understanding that no claims can be
Base and FAQ articles on our derived from the figures and descriptions.
website to find a suitable solution for your We always try to adapt the documentation
RWIND project. to the current state of the software.
Table of Contents RWIND - User Manual
Table of Contents
2 Theory 13
5 Results 78
2.1 CFD Solver 13
5.1 Results in RWIND 78
2.2 Computational Mesh and Model Simplification 13
5.1.1 Types of Results 78
2.3 Wind Speed Profile 16 Surface Quantities 79
2.4 Turbulence 17 Flow Field Quantities 81
2.5 Simulation of Transient Flow 18 Velocity Vectors 85 Streamlines 86 Member Forces 89
3 Input Data 19 Residual Pressure 90
3.1 Project Management 19 Sums of Drag Forces 91
3.2 Imported Models 23 5.1.2 Graphical Display of Results 92
3.2.1 Wind Tunnel 24 Instant Results During Calculation 92
3.2.2 Simulation Parameters 25 Results on Time Layers, Master Time Layer 92 General 25 Graphs of Drag Forces in Time 93 Steady Flow 27 Graphs of Quantities in Time 94 Transient Flow 28 Graphs for Given Time Layer 95 Wind Profile 32 5.1.3 Slicer 96 Turbulence 33 5.1.4 Display Options 99 Advanced 34 Graphical User Interface 99 Info 36 Scalar Fields 100
3.2.3 Edit Model 36 Clipper 102 General 37 Colour Map 103 Position 41 Named Views 104 Info 42 Reduced Domain 105
3.2.4 Repair Model 42 Probes 107
3.2.5 Edit Objects 43 Graph Along Line 111 Orient Primary Model 44 Sections 114 Manipulate Model 44 5.1.5 Units and Decimals 116 Resize Model 45 5.1.6 Grid and Work Plane 117 Graphical Manipulator 46 5.1.7 Printing Graphics 118 Move Along a Vector 48 5.2 Results in RFEM/RSTAB 121 Clip Model 49 5.2.1 Load Cases 121
3.2.6 Zones 50 5.2.2 Loads 122
3.2.7 Mesh Refinements 52 Nodal Loads 123
3.2.8 Materials 53 Member Loads 124
3.3 User-Defined Models 54 5.2.3 Types of Results 125
3.4 RFEM/RSTAB Window 54 5.2.4 Load Combinations and Result Combinations 127
3.4.1 Wind Load 55 5.2.5 Printout Report 128
3.4.2 Load Cases 59
3.4.3 Settings 60
3.4.4 Surface Roughness 65 6 Literature 132
4 Calculation 66 3
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
1 Introduction
For the simulation, a 3D mesh of finite volumes is used. RWIND performs an automatic meshing, while
the overall mesh density as well as the local mesh refinement near the model can be easily set using
just a few parameters. For the calculation of the air flow and the surface pressure on the model, a finite
volume numerical solver for incompressible turbulent flow is applied. The results are then extrapolated
on the model. RWIND has been designed to work with various numerical solvers. Currently, we
recommend using the OpenFOAM ® software package, which according to our tests gives very
good results and is a widely used tool for CFD simulations. Alternative numerical solvers are under
RWIND is able to read the topology from RFEM or RSTAB models or from *.stl, *.ifc, *.obj and *.vtp
files (importing *.stp and *.igs files is in preparation). Minor corrections of the model that may be
required for corners or joints are applied automatically. The data relevant to the loading can be
defined either in RWIND or in RFEM/RSTAB where a separate window is available. The latter option
is recommended: It enables you to create load cases at equidistant angles and apply velocity profiles
according to specific standards. Effects of turbulence can be included optionally. The dimensions of the
wind tunnel are set to the size of the model but can be modified, if necessary.
The results of the simulation include the pressure and velocity fields around the model, the streamlines,
as well as the surface pressure and the member forces. They represent the results of a stationary
analysis. All results are illustrated by means of color maps (isobands) or isolines on the model or by
slicer planes within the wind tunnel, respectively. The streamlines can be displayed in an animated
view, which makes it easy to evaluate the effects of laminar and turbulent flow. As an essential result of
the simulation, loads are created for the RFEM/RSTAB model. They are exported to the respective load
cases where they are applied as FE nodal loads or member loads. To check the surface loads resulting
from the velocity profile, a special feature is available to display the load distribution in one of the
global or local directions.
The common procedure for creating wind loads with RWIND is as follows:
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
Close the Simulate and Generate Wind Loads window. Then set the load case containing the wind
loads created by RWIND.
Inspect the imported loads in the work window and tables.
Combine the wind load case(s) with other load cases in load and result combinations, if applicable.
Finally, start the calculation of the deformations and internal forces.
Find more information in a Knowledge Base article and watch the interaction between RWIND and
RFEM in a webinar .
Apart from the interactive application with RFEM or RSTAB, RWIND can be used as a stand-alone
program for universal CFD analyses. Simply import the model that you have created in your CAD
application and perform the analysis in RWIND. The flow fields, surface pressures, drag forces, etc.
can be utilised for various fields of application, such as an analysis of closely spaced buildings or a
pedestrian wind comfort simulation in a city.
You can also check your edition in the license dialog box that you can access by selecting RWIND
License and Authorization on the Help menu. 5
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
Program Coordination
Georg Dlubal, Dipl.-Ing.
In most cases, the described buttons are included in the body of the text. Alternatively, their
descriptions are given in square brackets, for example [View mode]. Expressions that are used in
dialog boxes, windows, and menus are set in italics to clarify the references.
In the PDF manual, you can use the full-text search with [Ctrl]+[f] to find specific expressions. If you do
not find what you are looking for, go to the Knowledge Base or FAQs on our website where you
can search for a solution of the problem.
British English and metric units are used in this manual. You can change the units any time to imperial
settings both in RWIND and in RFEM (see the Chapter 'Units and Decimals' ).
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
1.5 Installation
The installation of RFEM is described in Chapter 2 of the RFEM manual . The system requirements
mentioned there also apply to the RWIND program. See FAQ 4176 for specific hardware settings
recommended for RWIND.
RWIND is available for download as an installation file on our website. Log in to your Dlubal
Account and download the Trial Version of RWIND.
For the installation, you must be logged in as administrator or have administrator rights. To work with
RWIND later, user rights are sufficient.
Installation Process
Launch the setup.exe file that you have downloaded. 7
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
When the installation has finished, start the program to complete the installation and to activate your
To change the language of the user interface, activate the Options menu of RWIND.
Then select Program Options to open a dialog box where you can set a different language.
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
1.6 Licencing
To run the full versions of RWIND and RFEM, both programs must be authorised. This can be
effectuated by software or hardware keys in combination with your personal authorisation codes.
The authorisation process is described in Chapter 2.2.1 of the RFEM manual and on the Support
and Services website of PC-Progress.
To activate RWIND, run the program as administrator. Select [Activate Now] in the dialog box that
appears when the program is started without a valid authorisation.
Then choose the way of activation in the Authorization Status dialog box. The most common option to
activate your Software key is [Activate online]. 9
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
There are various situations concerning licences. They are described on our website as follows:
Software key
Deactivating licence online (for moving it to a different computer, or before changing hardware
FAQ 4280
Hardware key
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
When you open one of the model examples provided by the installation, the program window will
look as seen in the Image 'RWIND program' . The most important areas of the user interface are
tagged with their descriptions. 11
1 Introduction RWIND - User Manual
Open a model file in RFEM or RSTAB. Open the Tools menu and then select RWIND - Simulate
and Generate Wind Loads.
2 Theory RWIND - User Manual
2 Theory
RWIND is a computer program designed for wind flow calculations around buildings. The software is
able to use external CFD codes in order to perform a CFD simulation and visualise comprehensive
engineering results of wind load acting on the surfaces of buildings.
The numerical solver is called "RWINDSimulationSolver" and it is related to the SIMPLE family of
solvers. It is a steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow, using the SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit
Method for Pressure Linked Equations) algorithm.
Since OpenFOAM® is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 licence, the RWINDSimulationSolver is
distributed under the same licence and its source code can be found in the RWIND installation
directory, subdirectory 'OF\src'. For more information about OpenFOAM®, visit the CFD Support
website or contact CFD Support directly using [email protected] . Trademark disclaimer:
This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the
OpenFOAM software via , and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD®
trade marks.
The result of the calculation is a three-dimensional field of velocity and pressure covering the entire
computational domain, i.e. the wind tunnel. Pressure values on the model boundary (exterior surfaces
of buildings) are then used to calculate the forces representing the wind load.
The used methods theoretically allow for a very precise simulation of such flow, provided that the
computational mesh is sufficiently fine (for example, tens of millions of mesh cells). However, such
calculations are very time-consuming and thus expensive. Furthermore, the preparation of such
calculations, i.e. topology clean-up and generation of an optimal mesh, often requires considerable
effort and experience. RWIND has thus been designed to be very easy to use and to get approximate
results on relatively coarse meshes in a very short time, typically within several minutes. If greater
accuracy is desired, the user can obtain more precise results by increasing the mesh density – the
capacity and performance of RWIND is limited only by the available memory and the number of
processors/cores used for the parallel calculation.
The problem is that CAD models are usually not topologically correct – triangles of a 3D object often
intersect with triangles of another object, the model boundary is not closed, and so on. The
pre-processing of such models for CFD analysis can be very extensive and require 60-80% of an 13
2 Theory RWIND - User Manual
engineer’s time. Facilitating this work was therefore one of the main goals in the development of
RWIND, which has been achieved by implementing the so-called simplified model. The simplified
model actually represents a special mesh "shrink-wrapping" the original model. This mesh is
topologically correct and can therefore be used as a model boundary for the generation of a 3D finite
volume mesh. The simplified model will automatically correct most of the problems that would
otherwise have to be corrected manually. Those include:
Model simplification (see point 1 in Image 2.1 ): Details that are not relevant to the given
simulation and could cause calculation instability due to insufficiently fine discretization are
Intersection of triangles (see point 2 in Image 2.1 )
Open edges and surfaces with zero thickness (see point 3 in Image 2.1 )
Closing openings to prevent the air from flowing into the interior of the building (see point 4 in Image
2.1 )
2 Theory RWIND - User Manual
When simplifying the model, it is possible to specify the level of detail as well as the maximum size of
openings to be closed. Using a simplified model to determine the wind load on a building is based on
the following assumption: if the simplified model approximates the shape of the original model well, the
load calculated for the simplified model will also be close to the correct values.
Though we expect the use of a simplified model to be the most common choice, the user can turn off
this option and calculate with the model boundaries as they were imported. However, this option is
only recommended for advanced users experienced in CFD analyses. 15
2 Theory RWIND - User Manual
The wind loads are regulated in specific standards, such as EN 1991-1-4 [1] , ASCE/SEI 7-16
[2] , or NBC 2015 [3] . In the Eurocode, the application area is specified for buildings with heights
up to 200 m. This limit may be increased to 300 m for wind profiles valid according to the German
National Annex, for example.
In the standards, the wind loads are converted into characteristic values so that the load capacity of
buildings can be determined. As those loads represent actions that vary over the time and the
geometry, their distinct stochastic characteristics are accounted for by those values.
For the design values, both the location of the building with its local wind climate and the surrounding
topography are essential. The wind climate is recorded in the standards via wind zone maps. In EN
1991-1-4 [1] , for example, the fundamental basic wind velocities are given. They represent average
values determined over the time when the wind takes effect. For detailed information on the wind
zones according to administrative borders, the Dlubal Geo-Zone Tool can be used to comfortably
obtain the values of the basic wind velocity vb,0 and of the velocity pressure qb.
A Knowledge Base article describes in detail how wind loads on mono- and duopitch roofs are to
be considered according to EN 1991-1-4 [1] in Germany. In another Knowledge Base article ,
you can find an example how to apply wind on vertical walls.
The standards provide information on how to apply wind loads on buildings featuring mainly
rectangular shapes. RWIND, however, is able to determine the surface pressure and wind velocities
for buildings with any kind of shape. The fundamental (or mean) wind velocity is applied to determine
the specific loads of a building – with or without interaction with other buildings – by a numerical
2 Theory RWIND - User Manual
wind tunnel simulation. If the wind velocity is defined individually for each level height of the model, the
simulation can also be carried out for standards other than EN 1991-1-4 [1] or independently of
any code.
The wind profiles described in EN 1991-1-4 [1] also account for the ground roughness. With the
character of the terrain, specific turbulence effects near the ground level and, thus, reduced velocities
are associated. EN 1991-1-4 [1] , Table 4.1 gives the corresponding terrain categories. Those
turbulence effects are different from the turbulences due to the shape of the building. They are
described in the following chapter.
2.4 Turbulence
Turbulence is one of the most complicated phenomena observed in nature, making its precise definition
difficult. Literature gives many definitions, as, for example, the one included in [4] : "A fluid motion is
described as turbulent if it is three-dimensional, rotational, intermittent, highly disordered, diffusive and
In order to fully capture the turbulence by numerical modelling, one has to solve the equations of
motion for fluid flow on all spatial and temporal scales. This approach is referred to as "direct
numerical simulation" (DNS). For industrial applications, the computational resources required by a
DNS far exceed the capacity of the most powerful supercomputers currently available.
Instead, RWIND uses a different technique where flow variables, such as velocity or pressure, are
decomposed into mean (averaged) components and fluctuating components. In other words,
governing equations of fluid motion are averaged in order to remove the small scales, resulting in a
modified set of equations that are computationally less laborious to solve. Those equations are
referred to as "Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations' (RANS).
In order to solve RANS in RWIND, the k–ε turbulence model [5] is used, which introduces two
transport equations for the turbulence properties: the first one is the transport equation of the turbulence
kinetic energy k, and the second equation governs the transport of the dissipation rate ε of k. This
method represents the most widely used and tested model for CFD calculations. Robustness, economy,
and reasonable accuracy for a wide range of turbulent flow applications explain its popularity in
industrial flow simulations. 17
2 Theory RWIND - User Manual
However, the current wind flow around buildings is often not stationary as there are turbulent
vortices around and behind the buildings that keep changing over time. A typical example is the
Kármán vortex street. It is a repeating pattern of swirling vortices that is caused by a process known as
vortex shedding which is responsible for the unsteady separation of the fluid flow around blunt bodies.
For simulations of this type, RWIND uses another solver, namely the BlueDyMSolver, developed by
CFD Support from the standard OpenFOAM solver called PimpleFoam.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
3 Input Data
To open the Project Manager, select File Project Manager on the menu or use the button in
the toolbar.
The Project Manager consists of two tabs in which the Project Groups and the contained Projects are
Project Groups
The first tab lists all project groups that have been created by the installation (Demo), by Dlubal
applications (RFEM/RSTAB) or by yourself. You can see the Description and Path of every project
group. The current project group is highlighted. To change the project group, double-click the relevant
Use the [New] button to create a new project group. Then specify the Name, Description and
Directory of the project group in a dialog box (see the Image 'New Project Group' ). 19
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The current project group is set as default. You can select a different project group in the list if you want
to manage a new project in some other folder.
In the table, all projects contained in the current projects are listed. You can see their names,
descriptions, existing results, sizes, and dates of modification. To sort the arrangement in a different
manner, click the corresponding table header.
Projects in the RFEM/RSTAB project group have special project (file) names, for example,
'2DCB5BCB-58BA-4E63-B8B3-0F8772B1F44F.rws1'. They are needed to identify projects
unambiguously. To make the projects table more user-friendly, 'Alias' project names are displayed. Do
not change the original file names since this could cause inconsistent data exchange between RWIND
Below, you see a preview of the selected project and its details.
To open a project, double-click it in the list. You can also select it and use the [Open] button.
Use the [New] button to create a new project. Then specify the Name and Description of the project in
a dialog box (see the Image 'New Project' ).
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The Import model from file option enables you to import data via an interface. If you want to create the
model by yourself, however, clear this check box.
Click [Next] to open the following dialog box. It appears when a model is to be imported.
When the Import model from file option has been selected, you can specify the file type in the Import
Model dialog box. Currently, RFEM/RSTAB data (file format *.vtp), Stereo Lithography files (*.stl),
Wavefront OBJ files (*.obj), and Industry Foundation Classes files (*.ifc) of version 2x3 are supported.
Many 3D programs, such as Autodesk Revit or SketchUp, provide the option to export models to the
STL file format. RWIND can thus be used independently of RFEM or RSTAB to perform general CFD
analyses and determine the flow fields, surface pressures, drag forces, and so on, of all sorts of
models. Load forces will not be created for RFEM/RSTAB, though.
Set the File path and the Length units. Make sure that the Z-axis is in accordance with the settings in
In the Options section, you can decide whether the model is to be moved to the origin. Furthermore,
the wind tunnel dimensions can be automatically adjusted to the size of the model.
If the model is to be created in RWIND (instead of being imported from a file), clicking [Next] in the
'New Project' dialog box opens the following dialog box. 21
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
You can define the dimensions of the wind tunnel by means of six parameters. The dimensions in X, Y
and Z refer to the origin. Make sure that the wind tunnel is large enough around the model, notably the
area behind it.
The Lower boundary condition applied to the bottom surface of the wind tunnel is set as smooth surface
by default. The surface roughness can be controlled by the material properties defined for the surface
at the tunnel floor. When you select the Slip option from the list, however, the influence of the bottom
plane is deactivated, i.e. as if the model was far off the ground. You can then analyse parts of a
building, for example the top of a tower, without defining the entire object.
It is recommended to adjust the work plane grid to the size of the wind tunnel.
The Project Manager cannot be left open in the background as a stand-alone application while you
work with RWIND.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
You can open any RFEM or RSTAB model to examine the results. Additionally, you can modify the
calculation parameters, move or rotate the model, or insert the geometry of the terrain (in development,
see the Chapter 'Model Type' ).
If you have launched RWIND from RFEM or RSTAB and want to save the model under a different
name, use the Save Copy As function in the File menu. Save As might disconnect the project from
RFEM/RSTAB and cause an error. 23
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
You can modify the dimensions of the wind tunnel in a dialog box or graphically. To open the dialog
box, double-click the Wind Tunnel item in the Data navigator or open the Edit menu, point to Wind
Tunnel and select Edit Wind Tunnel.
The size of the wind tunnel is defined by means of six parameters; the dimensions in X, Y and Z refer to
the origin of the model. The [Adjust Automatically] button enables you to set the size to the default
dimensions. Depending on the model type (open framework or closed surfaces), they are determined
from the YZ-projected area of the model. The 'free space' around the model – which in reality is
unlimited – is then set large enough with respect to that projected area.
The Lower boundary condition applied to the bottom surface of the wind tunnel is set as smooth surface
by default. When you select the Slip option from the list, however, the influence of the bottom plane is
deactivated. This option enables you to analyse parts of the model, for example the top of a tower,
without defining the entire building. Alternatively, the surface roughness can be controlled by the
material properties defined for the surface at the tunnel floor. It is recommended to adjust the work
plane grid to the size of the wind tunnel.
To modify the wind tunnel graphically, click the Resize Wind Tunnel item in the panel. Make sure that
the Model tab of the work window is set.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
In the same way as described above, it is possible to enter the dimensions of the wind tunnel in the Edit
Bar panel. Additionally, you can modify its size in the work window by selecting one of the arrows and
moving it. The corresponding parameters are updated in the panel.
When you hold the [Shift] key while moving an arrow, the wind tunnel is modified symmetrically in the
respective direction. By holding the [Ctrl] key, you can scale the wind tunnel up or down uniformly in
all three directions.
The default dimensions of the wind tunnel are set as small as possible to obtain short calculation times.
If the simulation is divergent, one of the reasons may be that the length of the wind tunnel in X-direction
is too short, especially the area behind the object. You should then extend the wind tunnel accordingly.
The parameters of the fluid dynamics analysis are managed in a dialog box containing several tabs.
You can open this dialog box by double-clicking the Simulation Parameters item in the Data navigator
or by clicking the Simulation Parameters item in the panel. General
Flow Parameters
The Inlet velocity represents the wind speed entering the wind tunnel. The [Profile] button enables you
to define the wind speed as a function of the height. You can enter the chart values as described in the
Chapter 'Wind Profile' below. The value of the Kinematic viscosity describes the resistance of the air
against deformation. It is defined as the ratio of the viscosity to the Density of the air. 25
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
You can enter the mesh density or modify it with the slider. The Mesh cell estimation below gives the
corresponding number of finite volume cells and the minimum cell size.
For further information, see the Chapter 'Computational Mesh and Model Simplification' .
The Mesh refinement type can be defined for curvatures of the surfaces (fine mesh only close to sharp
edges of the model) or globally for a distance from the surfaces (fine mesh on entire boundary
surfaces). The first option is set as default because it produces meshes with a lower number of finite
The Boundary layers option controls whether the finite volume mesh next to the surfaces of the model is
refined in a special way. This refinement gives better results near the boundaries of the model. As the
number of finite volumes is increased considerably by the layers of small volumes, however, the option
is disabled by default. It is highly recommended to activate the boundary layers and define the number
of layers NL, however, when the surface roughness is to be taken into account.
Image 3.11 Finite Volume Mesh with Five Boundary Layers near Surfaces
The Snap to model edges option enables you to align the mesh with the borders of the model. Please
note that this option is only available when the model simplification is off.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The steady flow calculation can be selected on the General tab of the Simulation Parameters<i> dialog
box (see the Image 'Simulation Parameters' ).
Initial Condition
If activating the Use potential flow to calculate initial condition option, a linearised version of the
non-viscous Navier Stokes equations is used to generate the start conditions.
The Convergence criterion represents the stop limit for the calculation. As soon as the residual pressure
has fallen below the defined value, the calculation is terminated. The diagram of iterations and residual
pressure is shown during the calculation. It is also available in the simulation results (see the Chapter
'Residual Pressure' ). 27
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Image 3.13 Diagram of Iterations and Residual Pressure Shown During Steady Flow Calculation
The steady-state solver of RWIND does not fully capture the "oscillating" effects as described in FAQ
4731 . In order to solve the partial differential equations numerically, all differential terms (space
and time derivatives) have to be discretized. There is a vast list of discretizations ('schemes'), with each
scheme having its particular numerical behaviour in view of accuracy, stability and convergence.
The Use second-order numerical scheme check-box controls which numerical scheme is used for
divergence terms (fluxes). It is not activated by default so that the calculation is carried out according
to first order. If the check box has been selected, the solution is performed according to second order.
Basically, the order of the scheme indicates how accurate the numerical solution when compared to
the solution of the original non-discretized equations is: The first-order numerical discretization
generally yields better convergence than the second-order scheme. In contrast, the second-order
discretization is usually more accurate.
The Transient Flow calculation can be selected on the main page of the dialog box with the simulation
parameters. We can also choose whether to display instant results during the calculation.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The transient flow parameters can be defined on the Transient Flow page.
This dialog box section controls the parameters of the transient flow simulation. 29
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Initial Condition
In this section, it is possible to set the calculation of the initial conditions using the steady state solver,
which is the recommended option. We can also define the number of iterations for this calculation. If
this option is turned off, a constant current field is used as the initial condition.
When calculating the transient flow, it is important to set the initial condition correctly. Improperly set
initial condition can cause either instability of the calculation or unnecessarily long calculation time
before the flow field stabilizes at the correct values. RWIND uses its steady-flow solver with a low
number of iterations to calculate the initial condition. This means, when calculating the transient flow,
the steady-flow calculation of the initial condition is started first, and as soon as it is finished, the
transient calculation is started automatically.
The Simulation time is the real time of the wind flow we want to calculate. The default value (given by
the automatic setting) corresponds to 10-multiple of the time required for the wind to pass through the
entire length of the tunnel at a given inlet speed.
Start time for saving results is the time from which transient results are to be stored. It allows to avoid
storing data in the initial phase of the calculation, in which the numerical solution does not yet have the
correct values.
Furthermore, there is the information on the existing results: simulation time achieved, number of time
layers of results stored in point probes (PTL) and in the whole computational area (DTL).
Saving Results
This section contains the options for saving the results of animations, graphs and transferring the result
time layer to RFEM. There is a switch for storing transient results in the entire computational domain (in
the nodes of the computational mesh) and the time step after which these data are stored. These results
are used for the animation of transient flow and for the graphs of the time-development of drag forces
and other quantities in the point probes defined after the calculation. The data can be very large and
can take up tens or hundreds of GB on the disk. This should be considered when choosing the time
step. The NTL number indicates the total number of time layers for these data.
There is also a switch for storing transient results in point probes defined before the calculation and the
time step after which these data are stored. These data are much smaller than the transient results in the
whole domain and allow you to obtain the information about the time development of quantities with a
finer time step. The NTL number indicates the total number of time layers for these data.
The Master time layer is the main time layer whose results are exported to the RFEM / RSTAB program
for structural load calculations. By default, the last time layer is set as the Master time layer, but the
user can change this value either in this dialog box or from the pop-up menu accessible to the edit bar.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Lastly, there is a parameter for setting the error-tolerance when compressing the data of the transient
results: Data compression error tolerance. The data of transient results can be huge, and thus RWIND
allows for their compression, which can, however, introduce a certain error into some time layers. This
tolerance indicates how much the value at a given point can differ from the value obtained from the
The default tolerance is set to 0.1%, which means the value eps = 0.001 * (Vmax - Vmin), where Vmax
and Vmin is the maximum and the minimum value of the given quantity in the whole domain. If we set
the tolerance to zero, the compression is not performed and all values in all time layers correspond to
the values obtained from the calculation.
Other Options
The Save the solver data to continue calculation checkbox allows you to save additional data needed
to continue the calculation after closing the project and then reopening it. By default, this option is
disabled to save the data stored in the project file. 31
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
This tab controls the parameters of the wind speed and/or turbulence intensity that are applied to the
model. When the model has been imported from RFEM or RSTAB, the wind profile in compliance with
the selected standard is shown.
The [Constant] button creates a uniform wind profile for the entire model. Only two table rows are
If you use the [Generate] button to create a wind speed profile, a new dialog box is opened.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Define the height of the profile and the number of intermediate points. You can select between a
logarithmic and a linear type of the profile. Enter the height at which the inlet velocity (defined in the
General tab) is applicable. Finally, select the relevant landscape type to define the roughness of the
terrain: small towns and villages, large towns with high buildings, or large cities with skyscrapers. Then
click [OK] to generate the wind speed profile.
In the 'RWIND window' of RFEM/RSTAB, you have advanced options to create wind profiles
according to specific standards (see the Chapter 'Wind Load' ). Turbulence
Turbulence Parameters
In this section of the dialog box, you decide whether you want to Consider turbulence. The effects of
turbulent flow are characterised by chaotic changes of pressure and flow velocity (see the Chapter
'Turbulence' ), in contrast to laminar flow. As the air represents a 'fluid' with low viscosity, excessive
kinetic energy overcomes the damping of the fluid in the areas with increased velocity. 33
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The Model of turbulence can be based on the correlations between k and epsilon or between k and
omega. The first option is set as default. Depending on the selection (see the image to the left), you can
specify either the turbulent dissipation rate ε or the specific dissipation rate ω. In general, the simulation
using kω is more universal and more robust than the one using kε. Nevertheless, the kε model of
turbulence gives better results for specific locations, such as the zones close to surfaces.
If you select the Calculate k-ε parameters from the intensity of turbulence option, you can define the
intensity I as a percentage (a ratio of root-mean-square of the turbulent velocity fluctuations and the
averaged velocity at the same location over a time period) in the text box below. The [Profile] button
allows you to define the turbulence intensity as a function of the height. You can enter the chart values
as described in the Chapter 'Wind Profile' above. The turbulent kinetic energy k and the turbulent
dissipation rate ε (or the specific dissipation rate ω, respectively) are then determined by the program.
As an alternative, you can define the parameters k and ε (or ω) manually as soon as you have cleared
the option mentioned above.
An idealised flow of air with absolutely no fluctuations in the air speed or direction would have the
turbulence intensity value of 0%. For the high-turbulence cases, the turbulence intensity is usually
between 5% and 20% (see CFD Online ). The turbulence intensity is set to 1% by default to cover
most medium- and low-turbulence cases. Advanced
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The approach to surface roughness in CFD models is described in the OpenFOAM User Guide . The
modifications of surface functions for roughness are illustrated at
For the program to determine the turbulent viscosity near the surfaces, the Sand-grain roughness height
Ks needs to be specified. You can define the size of the sand grains in the text box. Note that the value
is to be entered in meters.
The Roughness constant Cs controls the shape and spacing of the sand grains. This parameter is set as
0.5 by default, assuming a homogeneous distribution. If there is a non-uniform roughness, though, Cs
can be increased up to 1.0.
Relaxation Factors
In RWIND 2, it is possible to set relaxation factors for the OpenFOAM calculation. The relaxation
factors are closely related to the stability and the convergence of the calculation. In general, the
relaxation factors specify the amount by which a quantity changes from the previous iteration to the
next one. There is no effect at all for the factor equal to 1 and the effect is increasing as the relaxation
factor approaches zero. The limiting case of 0 represents a case where the solution does not change
at all with the successive iterations. Therefore, the admissible value of the relaxation factor should be
greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.
An optimum choice for the relaxation factor is the one that is small enough to ensure stable
computation, but large enough to move the iterative process forward quickly. 35
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual Info
After the simulation, the last tab contains the information on the mesh and on the drag force sums of
both the original and the simplified model. If there are major differences between those sums, it is
advisable to increase the level of detail (see the Chapter 'General' below).
You can modify some general settings of the model in a dialog box. To open that dialog box,
double-click the RFEM/RSTAB Model item the Data navigator or select Model on the Edit menu.
Alternatively, double-click the model in the work window.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual General
Model Name
For imported models, the description RFEM/RSTAB Model is shown in the text box. You can enter any
description to characterise the model.
Model Type
In general, the structural model which you have imported from RFEM or RSTAB represents the Primary
model. It includes all objects of the Dlubal application where the wind is to be applied, such as
surfaces, beams, solids, and openings. Each project must have exactly one primary model. When
generating wind loads for RFEM/RSTAB, the primary model is set to the RFEM/RSTAB model data
imported from the Dlubal application (see the Chapter 'Settings' ).
In addition to the primary model, the RWIND project can include other models that affect the flow
around the primary model. In practice, those secondary models represent surrounding buildings or
terrain, for example. Such models can be imported from external files (*.stl) or defined in the
RFEM/RSTAB model by means of visual objects or CAD/BIM models (see the Chapter 'Settings' ). If
Secondary model type
you have imported a secondary model, you can position it by drag-and-drop operations or rotate it by
using a dialog box or graphical manipulator (see the Chapter 'Edit Objects' ).
The Terrain Model is a special type of secondary model that differs from other models in two things:
(a) It can be used as boundary condition, that is, the bottom boundary of the computational domain.
(b) Drag forces are not calculated for this model. 37
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
If the project contains multiple models, the Drag Force Sum displayed in the legend of the work
window (see the Chapter 'Sums of Drag Forces' ) represents the sum of the forces applied to all
models except for the terrain. The drag force of each individual model can be found on the Info tab of
the Edit Model dialog box which belongs to that model (see the Chapter 'Info' ).
Image 3.23 Terrain Model Used as Boundary Condition (Imported from STL File)
The 'M_21BuildingWithTerrain' project in the Demo folder features an example of a terrain model.
Model Simplification
The Simplify model option is set as default. It means that small corrections of the RFEM/RSTAB model
required at, for example, boundaries or corners are done automatically by RWIND (see the Chapter
'Computational Mesh and Model Simplification' ). You can control the Level of detail of this
simplification by specific levels. Use the slider to adjust it from 0 (very coarse modelling of details with
a wide mesh) to 4 (many details with a very fine mesh). The default value 2 represents a good
compromise between simplification of the model and calculation speed. Click [Apply] to view and
check the simplified model based on a new level of detail.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
As a reference, the Detail size of the meshing is shown in the text box below.
The mesh is automatically refined around the model subjected to the wind flow, which contributes to
higher calculation efficiency.
Depending on the geometry of the model, it is not always possible to apply high levels of detail. Level
'4' settings can slow down the program considerably or may cause insufficient memory errors.
High levels of detail can produce extremely fine or large meshes. It is then recommended to apply an
Optimisation to the mesh in which its shape is preserved. The [Settings] button enables you to control
the parameters of this optimisation. A new dialog box appears where you can set the upper and lower
limits of the mesh cells to be created. 39
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The Close openings smaller than option enables you to control how openings in the model are to be
treated. 0% is preset. That means that all openings or gaps are considered for the analysis. The level of
closing openings can either be modified as percentage or set as absolute value. It is thus possible to
neglect small openings and simplify the model. Furthermore, window or door openings which are
closed in the real model can be easily filled with this feature.
If a beam model represents the structural model of a framework whose surfaces (cladding or roof
covering) are not explicitely included in the model, those surfaces are not contained in the imported
model of RWIND either. As a matter of consequence, the wind load will be applied only to the
members, not to the surfaces lying in between. The Close openings function is not suitable in this case
to replace the surfaces: loads on FE nodes would be created, which cannot be exported to the beam
model. They would be missing in the framework.
Since the automatic detection of openings is a demanding topological task, it may be necessary to
adjust openings manually.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual Position
In this tab, the Transformation of the RFEM/RSTAB model is specified. The parameters of displacement
(dX, dY, dZ) and rotation (A1, A2, A3) refer to the origin defined in the Dlubal application, taking into
account the wind direction of the relevant load case and the size of the wind tunnel.
The Scaling options enable you to change the model size in one or more directions. S1 is the axis in
the wind direction, S2 transversal to it, while S3 represents the vertical axis. If you want to scale the
model uniformly in all directions, select the Lock aspect ratio option.
In a similar way, the Skewing parameters enable you to distort the model. K1 is the axis in the wind
direction, K2 transversal to it, while K3 represents the vertical axis for rotation. 41
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual Info
The last tab contains information on the dimensions of the model and on the mesh. After the calculation,
the drag force sums of both the original and simplified model will be listed, too.
RWIND is able to correct small discrepancies within the model, such as nodes located very close to
other ones. To apply this function, select Repair Model on the Edit menu. Those corrections may only
be required when using non-simplified models. Simplified models do not need to be repaired this way.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Model Information
In this dialog box section, you can review the number of points, cells, open edges and non-manifold
edges. When you click the [Repair model] button, those numbers will change, depending on the
geometry of the imported model: the improved model will have less points and open edges.
The Tolerance for merging points controls the limit spacing for close points. If the tolerance is below this
value, the points will be merged into a single one.
List of Corrections
There are three options in this dialog box section to control which items are to be improved: points
and/or mesh. It is recommended to select every one of them.
As mentioned above, the [Repair Model] function tries to improve the model layout. The modifications
will not yet be applied to the model, however. You can try different limits and review the results shown
in the Model Information section. When you are certain that you want to adopt the changes, click
[OK] or [Apply].
When the Model view is set, the panel provides some options to modify the position of the model. It
can be moved, rotated, resized, or clipped. 43
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
You can modify the Rotation angle to adjust the orientation of the model towards the wind inlet. A
positive value rotates the model about the positive direction of the global Z-axis.
The dimensions of the wind tunnel are adjusted automatically to the rotated model when you have
selected the corresponding option. When you have selected the Dynamic update of view(s) option,
you can review the rotation angle in the work window.
Image 3.32 Options to Manipulate Position and Rotation in Panel and Work Window
You can modify the Position and/or Rotation of the model either numerically by entering the values in
the text boxes or graphically by using the arrows shown around the model. The parameters of
displacement (pX, pY, pZ) and rotation (A1, A2, A3) refer to the axes of the wind tunnel: pX and A1
are the coordinates or angles in wind direction, pY and A2 the ones transversal to it, while pZ and A3
represent the vertical coordinate or angle.
When the Local CS option is selected, all axes refer to the coordinate system of the original model of
RSTAB/RFEM. If the model is derived from load case 'Wind 90°', for example, the coordinate system
will be rotated by 90°.
Alternatively, you can move or rotate the model in the work window by selecting one of the arrows
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
and moving it. The corresponding parameter is shown in the Current Value and Step box of the panel.
There you can also set the interval Δ for the model to snap on when moving the pointer. To deactivate
the graphical tool, click the empty space in the work window.
Click [Apply] to check in the graphics whether you have set the correct parameters. [Stop] or [Esc] will
cancel the function.
The wind tunnel is not adapted automatically to the new situation. Use the 'Wind Tunnel' dialog box
where you can adjust its dimensions to the new position of the model.
You can modify the Dimensions of the model either numerically by entering the values in the text boxes
or graphically by using the arrows shown around the model. The parameters of displacement (dX, dY,
dZ) refer to the axes of the wind tunnel: dX is the axis in the wind direction, dY the one transversal to it,
while dZ represents the vertical axis. If the dimensions are entered manually, the centre of gravity is
retained when resizing.
Please note that the axes refer to the original model of RSTAB/RFEM. If the model is derived from
load case 'Wind 90°', for example, the local coordinate system will be rotated by 90°.
Alternatively, you can resize the model in the work window by selecting one of the arrows and moving
it. The corresponding parameter is shown in the Current Value and Step box of the panel. There you
can also set the interval Δ for the model to snap on when moving the pointer. To deactivate the
graphical tool, click the empty space in the work window.
Click [Apply] to check in the graphics whether you have set the correct parameters. [Stop] or [Esc] will
cancel the function.
The wind tunnel is not adapted automatically to the new situation. Use the 'Wind Tunnel' dialog box
where you can adjust its dimensions to the new size of the model.
Be careful when manipulating models that have been imported from RFEM or RSTAB. The modified
sizes will not be exported back to the Dlubal application! 45
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The panel and the work window provide the previously described features for you to manipulate the
model: Translation or Rotation (see the Chapter 'Manipulate Model' ), Scaling and Skewing (rotating
about an axis with changing coordinates of only one direction – see the Chapter 'Resize Model' ).
Alternatively, you can modify the model in the work window by selecting one of the arrows and
moving it. The corresponding parameter is shown in the Current Value and Step box of the panel.
The wind tunnel is not adapted automatically to the modified model. Use the 'Wind Tunnel' dialog
box where you can adjust its dimensions to the new conditions.
Be careful when manipulating models that have been imported from RFEM or RSTAB. The modified
sizes will not be exported back to the Dlubal application! To avoid model inconsistencies, only
manipulate models that you have imported from *.stl files for simulations independently of RFEM or
Models can also by moved (or copied) by using drag-and-drop operations, which can sometimes be
easier than using the graphical manipulator.
The standard drag handle of a model is indicated by small sphere visible when the model is
preselected. When the [Alt] key is pressed, all available handles are displayed: Blue spheres at each
side of the model and small orange spheres at the position of the pointer. Select the most suitable one.
When dragging the model, release the [Alt] key. For the graphical pointer to snap to another model,
press the [Alt] key again. As soon as you approach the target model, blue and orange help points are
displayed for a suitable placement, which allows for an easy alignment.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual 47
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
With the Move Along a Vector function, you can move or copy selected models by defining a vector.
Moving or copying models graphically is described in the Chapter 'Graphical Manipulator' .
Define the Vector of Translation by entering the distances dX, dY, and dZ. You can also use the
button to define the vector in the work window by clicking two points.
When the number of copies is set to 0 in the Copy section, the selected model is moved. Otherwise, the
defined number of copies is created at the stated steps. If copies are generated, you can control the
Numbering of the new objects by clearing the Automatic check boxes.
When copying models, you can create Connections Between Copies. Select the check box and click
the [Details] button to open another dialog box with useful options to manipulate the objects.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The Clip Model function enables you to cut off parts of the model.
When you have activated the function, the model is encased within a 3D box whose sides can be
adjusted by the arrow tools. The functions correspond to those used to adjust the wind tunnel (see the
Chapter 'Wind Tunnel' ). The Box coordinates displayed in the panel enable you to control the size in
Click the [Apply Clipping] button to crop all parts of the model that are not contained in the box. To
cut off the parts within the box, however, activate the Invert option before clipping.
Note that the Clip Model function deletes parts of the model. If you want to create visibilities of specific
parts, for example to assign zones, use one of the Cut options in the toolbar list. 49
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
When a model is clipped, the triangular meshes are trimmed. This approach may lead to imperfect
results for cases when closed surfaces are not fully recognized. The tool (which is part of the VTK
library) is not 100% perfect, but still very useful so that its advantages outweigh the shortcomings.
3.2.6 Zones
By means of zones, you can subdivide the model into parts and assign specific properties, such as
materials with their roughness parameters. Zones are also useful when you want to examine the local
surface results of components inclusive of their drag forces.
To manage the zones, select the Zones tab in the work window. The panel Editor is automatically set
to the management of zones. When you have imported the model from RFEM/RSTAB, the materials
defined in the Dlubal application are preset in the Zones section of the panel.
Watch this video to see how materials are converted into zones.
The triangular mesh elements are displayed on the model. You can assign elements to the preset
zones. If you want to define a new zone, click [New Zone] in the Edit Zones section of the panel.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
In the New Zone dialog box, enter the Name of the zone. You can select one the existing materials
from the list to assign its roughness parameters. The button enables you to define a new material. If
you do not change the preset No Material option, the global roughness parameters will be applied to
the new zone.
To allocate mesh elements to a zone, use one of the options in the Selection Tools section of the
panel. You can either select the triangle element(s) first and then click on the zone in the panel, or
select the zone first and then assign the triangle(s).
Button Function
Note that the elements of all planes intersecting with the projection of the defined area will be
included, too. If you want to select the elements of only one plane, use the Section Commands
functions first to hide irrelevant objects. 51
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
All zones are listed in the Sections tab of the navigator (see the Chapter 'Sections' ). When you select
a zone, this part of the model is displayed exclusively while all other parts of the model are hidden.
The FE mesh is generated with the global mesh size resulting from the level of detail (see the Chapter
'General' ) and the mesh density in due consideration of possible boundary layers (see the Chapter
'General' ). For specific areas of the model, however, you can influence the mesh generation by
defining FE mesh refinements.
You can create a mesh refinement by means of the Insert menu or the Mesh Refinements shortcut menu
of the navigator. The Mesh Refinement dialog box is opened.
If required, enter a Comment that makes it easier to identify the refinement. In the Mesh Density section,
you can define the target length of the mesh cells so that the refinement is adequate to the critical area.
Then, specify the position and size of the box-shaped refinement area in the Location and Dimensions
section. You can also use the [Adjust Graphically] option to define the refinement in the work window.
The functions of the graphical manipulator correspond to those used to adjust the wind tunnel (see the
Chapter 'Wind Tunnel' ).
The Anchor Point is a reference point defined in the local coordinate system and is related to the
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
coordinate system of the model. It ensures that the mesh refinement is linked to the model; for example,
if the model is rotated, the mesh refinement is rotated, too.
3.2.8 Materials
By means of a material, you can assign a surface roughness to a model or to specific parts of it. It will
affect the surrounding flow field.
To define a new material, open the Insert menu and select New Material. You can also use the shortcut
menu of the Materials item in the navigator.
Enter the Name of the material. To consider its specific surface roughness, select the check box in the
Surface Roughness Parameters section. You can then define the Sand-grain roughness height Ks (the
size of the sand grains) and the Roughness constant Cs. For more information on the surface roughness
parameters, see the Chapter 'Advanced' .
You can then assign the material to either a model or to specific parts of the model, the so-called Zones
(see the Chapter 'Zones' ). 53
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
For the program to consider the surface roughness, make sure that the corresponding check in the
Advanced tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box is activated (see the Image 'Simulation
Parameters' ).
If you have defined models or zones with different materials, the hierarchy of the surface roughness is
as follows: The global roughness defined in the Simulation Parameters dialog box is applied to all
objects unless it is overridden by the material properties of each model. The highest priority, though,
have the zones with the assigned materials.
To access the 'RWIND window' in RFEM or RSTAB, select Tools RWIND - Simulate and
Generate Wind Loads on the menu.
Image 3.46 Accessing the Simulate and Generate Wind Loads window in RFEM
The Simulate and Generate Wind Loads window opens which consists of four tabs.
Wind Load
Load Cases
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Surface Roughness
Image 3.47 Window Simulate and Generate Wind Loads, Tab Wind Load
In this tab, you can define the common parameters that are relevant to determine the wind load.
The Chapter 'Wind Speed Profile' gives you some general information on the application of wind
Wind Directions
This tab section controls the wind directions which will affect both the wind exposure of the model and
the number of generated load cases. The angle φ to set the wind directions refers to the positive global
X-axis of the model. The rotation is defined clockwise about the positive Z-axis.
You can apply a Uniform division of the wind rose by equidistant steps Δφ. The finer the division steps
are, the more load cases will be created. Define the start angle φA (0° is aligned to X-axis) and the
end angle φB of the distribution.
Alternatively, you can apply Manually defined directions: enter the values of the angles and separate
them by semicolons. To save user-defined directions, click the button and enter a description. Click
the button to import a user-defined list of wind directions. 55
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Wind Profile
In this section, you can define the parameters of the wind velocity and turbulence. There are two
options for the wind velocity.
According to Standard
The wind load is determined over the height of the building, depending on standard-specific
parameters. The standards EN 1991-1-4 [1] , ASCE/SEI 7-16 [2] , and NBC 2015 [3] are
available for selection. The Image above illustrates the parameters associated with EN 1991-1-4.
When a different standard is set, the content of this section is adjusted to the regulations of the code.
For EN 1991-1-4, select the National Annex. If applicable, you can set the relevant Wind zone. Use
the button to open a map showing the wind zone of your country.
When you double-click a location on the map, the corresponding wind zone will be set in the list.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Select the terrain Category in the list. Depending on your National Annex, different categories are
For some National Annexes, the wind velocity is also dependent on the Altitude HS of the terrain. The
value can be entered manually.
As the result of all parameters, the Fundamental wind velocity vb,0 is displayed. The wind profile is
calculated from this value, taking into account the overall height of the model. According to
EN 1991-1-4 [1] , 4.2, this value is the characteristic 10 minutes mean wind velocity, irrespective of
wind direction and time of year, at 10 m above ground level in open country terrain with low
vegetation such as grass and isolated obstacles with separations of at least 20 obstacle heights.
You can review the wind velocities of every level in the left table below and left chart to the right.
Instead of the fundamental wind velocity, you can Consider the mean velocity. According to EN
1991-1-4 [1] , 4.3, the mean wind velocity vm(z) at a height z above the terrain depends on the
terrain roughness and orography. It is determined according to EN 1991-1-4 [1] , Expression (4.3).
This accounts for the fact that effects of peak velocity pressure appearing on the model are considered
by a specific wind tunnel simulation, which allows for the application of lower mean velocities. When
this option is activated, the table and chart are updated.
The profiles of the mean velocities vm are specified in the National Annex for Germany, Table NA.B.2.
for the four terrain categories, for example.
The Density of the air is dependent on the altitude, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity. It
has an effect on the dynamic behaviour of the fluid.
You can define any wind profile not represented by the available standards in a table sheet. Enter the
Level z and allocate the corresponding Wind Velocity. [Enter] creates a new table line for the next
The [Import from MS Excel] button enables you to import a specific pressure curve from an active Excel
Button Function
Opens a dialog box where you can select a user-defined wind profile
Opens a dialog box where you enter a name for the current wind profile to save it 57
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
User-Defined Turbulence
The check box and table are accessible when the Use uniform turbulence option to consider turbulence
is disabled (see Section 'Turbulence Properties' below). Here you can define any turbulence profile
in a table sheet. Enter the Level z and allocate the corresponding Turbulence Intensity. [Enter] creates a
new table line for the next level.
The [Import from MS Excel] button enables you to import a specific turbulence curve from the active
Excel sheet. The other buttons below the table are described in the Table above .
Turbulence Properties
For the calculation with RWIND, the effects of turbulence are essential. If you want to Consider
turbulence, activate this option. The effects of turbulent flow are characterised by chaotic changes of
pressure and flow velocity, contrasting laminar flow. For further explanation, see the Chapter
'Turbulence' .
The Model of turbulence can be based on the correlations between k and epsilon or k and omega.
The first option is set as default. Depending on the selection, you can specify either the turbulent
dissipation rate ε or the specific dissipation rate ω. In some cases, the simulation using kω is more stable
than the one using kε.
The fluctuating component of the wind is represented by the Turbulence intensity defined in EN
1991-1-4 [1] , 4.4 or ASCE/SEI 7-16 [2] , 26.11.4, for example. It is the standard deviation of the
turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity. The recommended rules are given in EN 1991-1-4
[1] , Expression (4.7) or ASCE/SEI 7-16 [2] , Eq. (26.11-7).
When the Use uniform turbulence at the inlet option is set, you can define the intensity I as a global
percentage, that is, the ratio of root-mean-square of the turbulent velocity fluctuations and the averaged
velocity at the same location over some time period. An idealised flow of air with absolutely no
fluctuations in air speed or direction would have a turbulence intensity value of 0%. For high-turbulence
cases, the turbulence intensity is typically between 5% and 20% (see CFD Online ). The turbulence
intensity is set to 1% by default to cover most medium- and low-turbulence cases. When you deactivate
the Use uniform turbulence at the inlet option, you can define the turbulence intensity at specific height
levels in the User-defined Turbulence table (see Section 'Wind Profile' above).
The Terrain level option controls which part of the building is exposed to the wind. The default value is
zero, which means that the wind flows around the lowest point of the model. If the model contains a
basement storey or foundations, for example, the terrain level should be adapted accordingly. The
value refers to the orientation of the global Z-axis: if it points upwards, a positive value moves the
model downwards. If the Z-axis points downwards, however, you have to enter a negative value.
The terrain level represents a global value, that means, it is not possible to define an inclined terrain.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Image 3.50 Window Simulate and Generate Wind Loads, Tab Load Cases
The second tab of the Simulate and Generate Wind Loads dialog box gives you a list of the generated
load cases and their descriptions. The result depends on the wind directions that you have previously
defined in the Wind Load tab. If you have set a uniform, fully circular arrangement at angles of 45°,
for example, eight load cases are created as seen in the Image above .
By default, the first free load case number is used as the initial one. If necessary, use the 'Settings'
tab (see below) to set a different number for the first wind load case to be generated.
The Calculated column shows you whether results of RWIND are available (you need to calculate a
load case first, see the Chapter 'Calculation in RFEM/RSTAB' ).
You can enter a Comment to describe the parameters of each load case, for example.
The [View Mode] button at the end of the table enables you to jump to the work window and check
the directions of the wind loads. As described above, the angle φ refers to the positive global X-axis,
with a clockwise rotation about the positive Z-axis.
The functions [Calculate All in Background] and [Calculate LC in Background] are described in the
Chapter 'Calculation in RFEM/RSTAB' . They will execute a 'silent' analysis of all load cases or of the
selected one, respectively. The [Open in RWIND] button, however, calls up the RWIND program.
There you can view the model and its location within the wind tunnel. You can also check whether the
mesh settings are adequate (see the Section 'Model Simplification' and the Section 'Finite Volume
Mesh' ) and adjust the parameters, if necessary.
Before applying [Calculate All in Background], you should check the transfer of the model and its
simplification in RWIND. Calculate one load case and follow the progression of the residual pressure.
Then examine the plausibility of the results. It might be necessary to adjust the wind tunnel, FE mesh,
level of detail, etc. When everything has been verified, a 'blind' analysis of all load cases in the
background may be justified. 59
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
3.4.3 Settings
Image 3.51 Window Simulate and Generate Wind Loads, Tab Settings
Flow Parameters
The value of the Kinematic viscosity describes the resistance of the air to deformation. It is defined as
the ratio of the viscosity to the density of the air.
For further information, see the Chapter 'Computational Mesh and Model Simplification' .
The Boundary layers option controls whether the finite volume mesh next to the surfaces of the model is
refined in a special way. This refinement gives better results near the boundaries of the model (see the
Image 'Finite volume mesh with five boundary layers' ). It is highly recommended to activate the
boundary layers and define the number of layers NL when the surface roughness is to be taken into
The Level of detail controls the simplification of the model in RWIND where specific corrections of the
RFEM/RSTAB model are required at, for example, boundaries or corners (see the Image 'Model with
levels of detail' ). You can define levels of detail between 0 (very coarse modelling of details with a
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
wide mesh) to 4 (many details with a very fine mesh). The default value 2 represents a good
compromise between simplification of the model and calculation speed. Alternatively, you can define
the Detail Size manually.
The Keep RWIND results if mesh is deleted option enables you to preserve the loads created by
RWIND when the RFEM/RSTAB model is modified afterwards. No new calculation by RWIND will be
required if you change some material, adjust the support conditions, or apply other modifications
which do not have an impact on the CFD analysis.
As the loads of the RWIND are connected to mesh points, the results of the CFD analysis which are
needed for RFEM/RSTAB are stored within the model data. It means that the RWIND results are
always part of the model when this option is enabled. If the mesh is deleted in RFEM due to some
modification, the loads created by RWIND can be extrapolated to the new situation without running a
new CFD analysis. There may be greater loads on fewer elements, for example. If a member or
surface is deleted, its loads will be lost.
To apply the RWIND results that are still available in the background after having modified the RFEM/
RSTAB model, use the [Calculate LC in Background] or [Calculate All in Background] buttons. Do not
use [Open in RWIND]. A warning is shown before the results will be redistributed.
All results will nevertheless be deleted if some calculation parameter is changed in the 'RWIND
If there is any significant topological change of the model, the Keep RWIND results if mesh is deleted
option must not be used. The loads cannot be adequately distributed across the geometry of the new
model. For this reason, the feature is disabled by default. Reusing the internal RWIND results can be
justified only if the old and new meshes do not differ significantly. The final decision must be taken by
the user.
To clear the temporary data existing in the background, use the [Delete RWIND Results] button in the
'Load Cases' tab .
Calculation Parameters
The Maximum number of iterations does not mean that all iterations actually have to be carried out: If
the calculation converges with less iterations, it is stopped. This option can be useful to avoid infinite
loops or apply short calculations for testing purposes.
The Convergence criterion represents the stop limit for the calculation. As soon as the residual pressure
falls below this limit, the calculation is terminated. Note that no less than 300 iterations are carried out,
When you activate the Use Potential Flow to calculate initial conditions option, a linearised version of
non-viscous Navier Stokes equations is used to generate the start conditions.
The Use second-order numerical scheme check-box controls which numerical scheme is used for
divergence terms (fluxes). It is not activated by default so that the calculation is carried out according
to first order. The first-order numerical discretization generally yields better convergence than the
second-order scheme. The second-order discretization is usually more accurate, however. 61
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Model Properties
The Close openings smaller than option enables you to control how openings in the model are to be
treated. By default, RWIND takes account of all openings or gaps in its analysis. This means that
openings that you have modelled for, for example, windows or doors are assumed as open surfaces.
To close these openings, you can enter their Absolute size as a limit. Alternatively, the value of that limit
can be defined as a Percentage of the model size. The Image 'House with closed openings' shows
the result of that feature applied to the simplified model of RWIND.
Make sure to close the surfaces of imported beam models. Otherwise the wind load will be applied
only to the members.
As the automatic recognition of openings is a demanding topological task, it may be required to adjust
openings manually.
By default, the Calculate turbulence parameters from the intensity of turbulence option is set. This
means that the parameters k and ε (or ω, depending on the selected model of turbulence) are
determined automatically from the global turbulence intensity value defined in the Wind Load tab.
When you clear the check box, you can define the parameters manually in the text boxes below. The
Turbulence kinetic energy represents the mean kinetic energy characteristic for eddies which is
produced by fluid shear or friction. The Rate of dissipation of turbulence energy describes the
deduction of energy due to the airflow. When you have the selected the 'k-omega' model of turbulence
in the Wind Load tab (see the Chapter 'Wind Load' ), you can specify the Specific rate of dissipation
of turbulence energy instead.
Concentrated: The loads result in concentrated loads at relative distances along every member. The
intervals of the load application points are usually very small, depending on the density of the mesh.
Uniform: For every member, constant loads are created along the member length. Only one uniform
member load is applied for each global direction.
Trapezoidal: Similar to uniform loads, the concentrated loads are levelled along the member. They
are converted into a trapezoidal distribution, however, to approximate the actual gradients.
In many cases, the Uniform distribution is accurate enough.
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Image 3.53 Result of Three Options for Column Member (Concentrated, Uniform, Trapezoidal from Left to Right)
Export to RWIND
For the export of the RFEM/RSTAB model, the Export optimized member topology option is set by
default. It means that member elements are converted into simplified sections of the RWIND model.
Every cross-section is replaced by a rectangular section which encompasses the outlines of the original
one. By means of this simplification, the meshing of the member is less detailed so that the simulation
can be performed much faster. For further details, see FAQ 4165 .
Image 3.54 Optimised member topology (left) versus original topology (right)
If want to analyse the objects contained in the current Visibility (see Chapter of the RFEM
manual ) instead of the entire model, select the Export active objects only option. 63
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
The Export Terrain model option enables you to use the terrain geometry defined in the Dlubal
application for the simulation. In RFEM and RSTAB, you can model terrain features by means of
importing visual objects (see Chapter 11.3.9 of the RFEM manual ). Specify the number(s) of the
relevant Visual objects representing the terrain model that are to be exported for the analysis. The
button clears the list of defined numbers, while the All option applies all visual objects. In the RWIND
program, the terrain model type will be allocated accordingly (see image to the left). For more
information on the Terrain Model, see the Chapter 'General' .
It is likewise possible to consider neighbouring buildings or other relevant objects in the simulation.
Select the Export Surrounding model option and specify the number(s) of the Visual objects that are to
Terrain Model Exported to RWIND
be exported. Additionally, you can export CAD/BIM models which have been defined in the
RFEM/RSTAB model (see Chapter 12.2.2 of the RFEM manual ). The BIM workflow using IFC files is
described in detail in a Knowledge Base article . In the RWIND program, both surrounding models
and CAD/BIM models will be classified as secondary models (see the Chapter 'General' ).
3 Input Data RWIND - User Manual
Image 3.56 Window Simulate and Generate Wind Loads, Tab Surface Roughness
If the texture of the model surfaces has a major effect on the results, activate the Consider surface
roughness check box. You can then select whether the roughness is taken into account for All model
surfaces or applied According to materials.
For the program to determine the turbulent viscosity near the surfaces, the Sand-grain roughness height
Ks needs to be specified. You can define the size of the sand grains in the text box or table column for
each material. Note that the value is to be entered in meters.
The Roughness constant Cs controls the shape and spacing of the sand grains. This parameter is set as
0.5 by default, assuming a homogeneous distribution. If there is a non-uniform roughness, though, Cs
can be increased up to 1.0. 65
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
4 Calculation
When you have used the [Open in RWIND ] button in the Simulate and Generate Wind Loads window
of RFEM or RSTAB, the RWIND program is started. You can see the model and the wind tunnel in the
work window. Before you start the simulation, you ought to check whether the parameters applied to
the CFD analysis are appropriate.
Wind tunnel
The outline of the wind tunnel is displayed as a box around the model in its centre. You can check the
wind direction which is symbolised by a big red arrow. In the View navigator, several options are
available to display some items relevant for the wind tunnel (see image to the left). The terrain level
results from the value defined in the Model Properties section of the General Data window.
If necessary, you can adjust the size and position of the wind tunnel graphically or in the Wind Tunnel
dialog box (see the Chapter 'Wind Tunnel' ). Make sure that enough space is provided at all sides of
the model for the air to flow unimpededly.
If you have selected the Close openings option (see Section 'Model Properties' ), you can check
whether the openings or gaps are adequately closed in the model of RWIND. If necessary, you can
modify the settings in the 'Edit Model' dialog box of RWIND. Note that it will make a considerable
difference for the analysis whether the air can flow through an opening or not.
Simplified model
RWIND features a Simplified Model, which is created from the original RFEM/RSTAB model. It
represents a special mesh to define the model boundary (see the Chapter 'Computational Mesh and
Model Simplification' for further information).
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
Image 4.1 Options to Display Simplified Model in View Navigator and Panel
The degree of simplification is controlled by the Level of detail specified in the 'Edit Model' dialog
box . The Chapter 'General' includes an example which shows the effects of this value on the
'shrink-wrapping' process applied to model. If the boundaries are not represented properly, you can
adjust the level. When you click [Apply] in the 'Edit Model' dialog box , you can immediately check
the modifications and view the new simplified model. Note that a very detailed model will accordingly
require more computational time. 67
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
4.1.2 FE Mesh
As described in the Chapter 'Computational Mesh and Model Simplification' , two types of meshes
are used for the simulation. The simplified model is 'shrink-wrapped' by a mesh of the boundaries which
again provides the basis of the 3D volume mesh around it. The former represents the so-called Surface
Mesh, the latter the Volume Mesh.
When the calculation of results is started (see the Chapter 'Calculation' ), the mesh is created
automatically. To create the mesh separately, however, select Generate Mesh on the Simulation
The Edit Bar - Simulation panel provides specific options to display the two types of meshes.
Select this option to check whether the Mesh Density set in the 'Simulation Parameters' dialog box
gives an adequate representation of the original model. Furthermore, the Level of Detail set in the 'Edit
Model' dialog box strongly influences the quality of the surface mesh. If the simplified model
appears too coarse or extremely fine, you should modify the level of detail.
In the View navigator, you can control the display of Mesh Faces (the filled mesh surfaces) and Mesh
Edges (separation lines between mesh elements) – see Image 4.1 .
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
The volume mesh can be displayed in a so-called Slicer plane. It gives a section through the wind
tunnel which is parallel to one of the global planes (XY, YZ, XZ). For more information on handling the
tool, see the Chapter 'Slicer' . You can distinguish between the refined volume mesh at the model
boundaries and the wider mesh at distant locations.
The finite volume mesh can also be controlled by mesh refinements. This feature enables you to define
rectangular areas about objects for local in-depth analyses of the wind flow, for example.
To create a new mesh refinement, select New Mesh Refinement on the Insert menu, or use the shortcut
menu of the Mesh Refinements item in the Data navigator. The Mesh Refinement dialog box is opened. 69
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
In the Mesh Density section, you can set the target length of the mesh cells within the refinement. The
size and location of the box-shaped refinement area is to be defined in the Location and Dimensions
section below; the dimensions in X, Y and Z refer to the origin. The [Adjust graphically] button enables
you to define the size of the area in the work window – similarly to the function to adjust the wind
tunnel (see the Chapter 'Wind Tunnel' ).
To get a notion of the adequate cell size within the refinement, check the size of the global mesh
elements in the 'Simulation Parameters' dialog box .
When the parameters have been set, you can generate the mesh and check its shape. The 'M05_Golf'
model in the Demo project group, for example, shows two mesh refinements defined for the side
mirrors of the car.
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
4.1.3 Calculation
Start Calculation
In the RWIND program, you can start the calculation with the following options:
The simulation iteratively determines the Residual Pressure until either the convergence criterion is
satisfied or the maximum number of iterations is reached. Those limits are controlled by the Simulation
Parameters settings (see the Chapter 'General' ).
The Residual Pressure diagram is also available after the calculation (see the Chapter 'Residual
Pressure' ).
Stop Calculation
You can interrupt the simulation at any time by clicking [Stop Calculation], for example to obtain the
results at a specific residual pressure, or when there is no convergence. The results are then created for
the current iteration (i.e. the next iteration after the interruption) and will be available for evaluation.
To proceed with the calculation, click [Continue Calculation] in the panel. This function is also
available when the simulation was accomplished normally. In the Continue Calculation dialog box,
you can then specify the new limit of iterations and/or convergence criterion. 71
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
This means that you can interrupt the calculation at any time, look at the intermediate results and
continue the simulation if you wish. You can also increase the number of maximum iterations if the
calculation was finished without having reached the stated residual. Note that the Continue Calculation
function is not available after having closed the project.
If the [Stop Calculation] function does not terminate the calculation within 30 seconds, the text of the
button is changed to [Cancel Calculation]. You can then use this button to abort the simulation. The
Cancel Calculation function is also available in the Simulation menu. It immediately terminates all
running calculation processes and deletes the temporary files. No results will then be available.
Pressing the [Open File Location] button opens the Windows File Explorer. The working directory
where the log files are located is shown.
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
The calculation time largely depends on the global Mesh Density (see the Chapter 'Simulation
Parameters' ) and the Level of Detail set for the simplified model (see the Chapter 'Edit Model' ).
For an effective and fast calculation, RWIND applies a parallel approach by using the cores of your
computer in an optimal way. You can check the calculation settings in the Program Options dialog box
which you can access via the Options menu.
4.1.4 Troubleshooting
Although OpenFOAM® computational modules are stable and have been verified by thousands of
users over the past 15 years, it should be remembered that simulations of 3D turbulent flow are a non-
linear mathematical problem that does not always have to converge. In RWIND, we consider the
numerical solution to be correct when the residual pressure drops below 0.001. This usually occurs
within 500 iterations, but sometimes the calculation ends without reaching the desired residual value.
There may be a number of reasons for this and there is no universal solution, but we will try to give
some advice on how to proceed:
Use the Continue Calculation function with a greater number of maximum iterations to see if the
solution continues to converge or not.
Increase the external dimensions of the computational domain, i.e. the boundaries of the wind tunnel.
Automatically set dimensions may sometimes be insufficient, especially behind the model (i.e.
Increase the density of the Finite Volume Mesh in the 'Simulation Parameters' dialog box or the
Level of detail for simplified models in the 'Edit Model' dialog box .
Try to simplify and optimise the model: 73
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
If the model has openings (such as windows, doors, and so on) through which the flow can enter
inside the model, try closing them (assuming you do not want wind flow inside the model).
Remove small details in the model which have little or no influence on the simulation results.
Buildings should be placed correctly on the floor of the wind tunnel or beneath this level. If the
model is placed above the tunnel floor with a thin empty space between the model and the
tunnel floor, the analysis may crash.
It can be assumed that the solution is acceptably converged when the following criteria are met:
The number of iterations executed is greater than the minimum number set by default (currently: 300,
see the Image 'Program Options' ).
The residual pressure is below the limit value set by default (currently: 0.001, see the Chapter
'General' ).
The graph of the residual pressure over time no longer changes (or only very little), or it periodically
oscillates around a certain mean value (see the image below ).
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
RWIND 2 provides the feature of the automatic generation of simulations for multiple wind directions
and the subsequent batch calculation of them. This option was and still is available in RFEM / RSTAB,
but now, it is also available in the RWIND stand-alone program. The procedure is as follows:
Prepare a project with all input parameters for the simulation and with zero rotation of the model.
Open the dialog box for generating copies of the project with the rotated models.
Start the batch calculation from Project Manager.
The dialog box for generating rotated models can be opened from the main menu using the command
Edit Generate Projects for Multiple Wind Directions. In the dialog box, it is first necessary
to set the number of wind directions, their rotation, and names for new tasks. Then, press the Update
Cases button to fill in the table with the final list of the new projects. You can then edit or modify the
data in the table. The actual generation of projects is then performed when clicking the Generate
Simulation Casesbutton.
The RWIND Project Manager enables batch calculations, where the selected projects are
automatically opened, calculated, saved, and closed one by one. This allows you, for example, to run
the time-consuming calculations overnight. Each calculation in the batch takes full advantage of the
number of cores / processors set in the Program Options dialog box (that is, the calculation internally
runs parallel). The calculations are performed sequentially because each calculation requires a
relatively large amount of RAM and running multiple calculations simultaneously could result in a lack
of memory and a drastic slow-down of the calculation. However, in the future versions of RWIND, we
plan to add the ability to run multiple calculations simultaneously.
To start the batch calculation, open the Project Manager, select the projects for the calculation and
press the [Calculate in Batch] button. 75
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
Then, another Batch Calculation dialog box appears, where you can click the [Start Calculation]
button. This starts the step-by-step calculation of tasks, with the status of the tasks being displayed in the
The [Open in RWIND] function gives you a 'backstage inspection' of the simulation. This feature is
recommended to calculate one load case in order to verify and calibrate the simulation parameters, if
At the end of the calculation, you have to decide whether to close RWIND and return to RFEM/RSTAB
or continue studying the results in RWIND.
4 Calculation RWIND - User Manual
To start the calculation without opening RWIND, use one of the [Calculate] functions.
The results are finally transferred to RFEM/RSTAB and the RWIND panel is closed.
If you want to run a simulation for specific objects of your model, apply a Visibility for them (see
Chapter of the RFEM manual ) and select the Export active objects only option in the Settings
tab (see the Chapter 'Settings' ). Then [Calculate All in Background] to apply the analysis to only
those objects in the model of RWIND.
Calculate LC in Background
When you click this button, only the load case selected in the table is relevant for the simulation.
RWIND performs a 'silent' calculation, but you can follow the progression of the simulation in the
panel. 77
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
5 Results
When RWIND is closed, the results of the project (model file) can be viewed again by using the
Project Manager of the program (see the Chapter 'Project Management' ).
After the simulation, different types of results are available for evaluation. They can be accessed in the
Data navigator, the Results menu, or in the panel by clicking the entry.
Image 5.1 Types of Results Available in Navigator, Menu Results, and in Panel
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The results that are related to the surfaces of the model are displayed as Surface Quantities. Those
include the surface pressure and Cp coefficient results. You can set the type of results by clicking the [P]
or [Cp] button in the Results - Surface Quantities area of the panel.
Surface Pressure
By default, the pressure due to the wind acting on the surfaces is displayed as a Color Map: to every
point on each surface, a pressure value is allocated. The colour assignment classifies the locations
within surfaces that have specific pressure magnitudes. In the panel, the colours and respective values
are represented.
The pressure acts perpendicularly on the surfaces, thus showing you drag (positive magnitudes) and lift
(negative magnitudes).
When you activate the Show Drag Forces option in the panel or navigator, you can review the
resulting force of the wind load acting on the model and its location. 79
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
If required, you can modify the colours and assigned values (see the Chapter 'Colour Map' ).
When you activate the Results on Finite Volume Mesh option in the panel or navigator, the surface
pressure results are displayed on the mesh featuring the finite volumes used for the calculation. Thus,
you can check how openings or connections of beams are treated in the simulation, for example.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Surface Cp Coefficient
These values show the pressure coefficients which represent the relationship between the static pressure
and the stagnation pressure. The definition of the Cp coefficient can e.g. be found at https:// , with the freestream velocity V∞ assumed as value
occurring at the top edge of the model.
The results that are related to the finite volume mesh of the model are displayed as Flow Field
Quantities. Those include the pressure field, velocity field and turbulence field results. You can set the
type of results by clicking the [P], [U], [k], or [ε] button in the Results - Flow Field Quantities area of the
panel. 81
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Pressure Field
The pressure field represents a section through the wind tunnel which illustrates the wind pressure
distribution of the air flow. Drag is represented by positive magnitudes, lift by negative ones.
The section is presented in one of the global planes (XY, XZ, YZ) that can be controlled by the
corresponding buttons in the toolbar. To evaluate pressure fields at specific sections through the model,
use the Slicer options described in the Chapter 'Slicer' .
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Velocity Field
Image 5.8 Velocity Field on Simplified Model (Mesh Faces and Edges Disabled)
The velocity field represents a section through the wind tunnel illustrating the wind speed distribution. It
enables you to evaluate the scalar field of wind velocity on your model.
The section is presented in one of the global planes (XY, XZ, YZ) that can be controlled by the
corresponding buttons in the toolbar. To evaluate velocity fields at specific sections through the model,
use the Slicer options described in the Chapter 'Slicer' . 83
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Turbulence - k Field
These results show a section through the wind tunnel illustrating the distribution of turbulences with
respect to the turbulence kinetic energy k (see the Chapter 'Turbulence' ). By moving the slicer plane,
you can examine the effects of turbulence at specific locations.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The velocity vectors within a slicer plane represent a collection of arrows featuring specific magnitudes
and directions. The arrows are attached to discrete grid points in the plane. By the velocity vectors, you
can evaluate both the wind speed and the direction of air flow around the model.
To display velocity vectors at specific sections through the model, use the Slicer options described in
the Chapter 'Slicer' .
The View navigator provides three options for you to modify the vector display: Line (shows or hides
vector lines), Arrow Head (shows or hides vector heads), Uniform Size (scales or levels vectors). If the
latter option is disabled, the arrow lengths and thicknesses of heads reflect the magnitudes of each
wind velocity. 85
5 Results RWIND - User Manual Streamlines
Streamlines are a fine tool to study the characteristics of the air flow. They represent a composition of
curves that are tangent to the velocity vector (see above), showing the direction in which a massless
fluid element will travel at any point in time (see explanation at
k-12/airplane/stream.html ).
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The colours visualise the speed of the particles moving through the wind tunnel. The associated
velocities are explained in the panel.
For a vivid visualisation of the air flow, activate the Streamlines Animation in the panel or on the Results
menu. You can then watch the fluid particles flowing around the model and examine their speeds and
The graphical settings of the streamlines are controlled in a separate section of the panel. You can
access it by clicking Streamlines Settings in the panel or on the Options menu, pointing to Streamlines.
By default, the control points are located within a 3D Box. It is possible to select a different type of
source from the list (see image to the left), but those options are only relevant for specific evaluations.
When the Show Manipulator option is enabled, you can change the size and location of the 3D box
graphically in the work window. The functions of the arrows correspond to those for modifying the
wind tunnel (see the Chapter 'Wind Tunnel' ). Click [Apply] to transfer the new settings.
Particle Animation
Use the Animation option to switch the display of the animated view of the streamlines in the work
window on or off.
By default, the flow of the particles is displayed as Lines. When you select the Particles option from the
list, you can examine the direction and speed of the particles around the model. 87
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
To modify the settings of the animated streamlines, click the [Animation options] button. Alternatively,
open the Options menu, point to Streamlines and select Streamlines Options. The following dialog box
is opened.
The Display streamlines when animating movement of particles option controls whether the lines are
shown when the Particle type of animation has been selected (see above). Furthermore, it is possible to
increase the Line thickness of the streamlines display. The Calculation of streamlines is effectuated both
Downstream and Upstream by default. The former option enables you, e.g., to visualise effects of drag,
the latter to display lift in detail.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
In this section of the dialog box, you can control the Count (number), Size (thickness), Length, or Speed
of the particles and streamlines utilised for the animated display. Use the slider to increase or reduce
the individual parameters.
Click [Apply] to review modified settings in the animated view without closing the dialog box.
With this option, you can examine the forces acting on the members of the model. Each arrow reflects
the size and direction of the force determined for a specific location along the member. The display of
the forces is without values. 89
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
During the calculation, the diagram of the residual pressure is shown (see the Image 'Diagram of
iterations and residual pressure' ). It is a logarithmic chart which is also available for inspection after
the calculation.
The residual pressure illustrates the progress of the applied pressure during the iterative simulation
process. Starting from an initial value of the pressure, the simulation refines the residuals with every
iteration, trying to reduce the imbalance of the pressure in the finite volume. The lower the residuals
become, the more accurate the solution will be. The simulation terminates when the convergence
criterion or the maximum number of iterations has been reached (note that no less than 300 iterations
are always carried out). Thus, the residual pressure represents an important tool to judge the
convergence of the simulation.
You can control the iterative calculation with the settings in the Simulation Parameters dialog box (see
the Chapter 'Simulation Parameters' ).
To resize the Graph of residuals and iterations, move the window frames accordingly.
Use the [Print] button to print the diagram. The Windows Print dialog box appears where you can
specify the printer and its settings.
When you click the [Edit] button, the Graph Settings dialog box is opened. There you can adjust the
layout of the Curves, for example.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Image 5.19 Dialog Box Graph Settings for Modifying Layout of Curves
If the Residual Pressure diagram reveals any problem concerning convergence, you should review the
Simulation Parameters (mesh density, convergence criterion) and the Wind Tunnel . For the latter,
the default size is set as small as possible to obtain short calculating times. If its length in X-direction is
too short (especially the area behind the object), effects of divergence and, thus, oscillating values of
residual pressure may arise. In that case, extend the wind tunnel accordingly. For more details, see the
Chapter 'Troubelshooting' . In specific cases, however, osciallating results are correct when they are
within a consistent bandwidth without increasing. This effect is illustrated in the simulation of a cylinder
model at and explained in FAQ 4731 . 91
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
In the lower part of the graphical window, the Legend indicates the check sums of the drag forces.
They represent the resultants of the wind load in the global directions X, Y, and Z. You can compare
the drag forces acting on the Original Model and on the Simplified Model. If there are considerable
differences, you ought to increase the level of detail in the Edit Model dialog box for a more refined
simplified model (see the Chapter 'General' ).
During the transient flow calculation, it is possible to graphically display instant results, including the
values in point probes and drag forces. The display of instant results can be enabled on the main page
of the dialog box with the simulation parameters.
The results of the transient flow can be displayed in the same way as the results of the steady flow,
while the results for a certain selected time layer are displayed. The current time layer can be selected
in the combo-box or using the scrollbar located on Edit bar. The Master time layer, used for exporting
results to RFEM / RSTAB, is marked with the Master suffix in the combo-box and can be set in the
pop-up menu by clicking the Time Layer Options and Commands button located on Edit Bar. Here, it is
also possible to start the flow animation, in which the displayed time layers change automatically. In
the flow animation mode, the flow can be smoothed by linear interpolation between two-time levels.
This option can be turned on/off using the Smooth Flow Animation command available in the pop-up
menu after clicking the Time Layer Options button located on Edit Bar.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
RWIND 2 allows you to display a graph with the time development of the drag forces acting on
models or any of their parts. The graph shows the drag-forces for all saved mesh sections, which can
be seen in the Sections navigator panel. Since the mesh sections are automatically generated for all
models and zones, there are always the graphs with drag forces available for such objects (unless a
user turns off this automatic generation). However, you can also create custom mesh sections from any
part of the mesh of the original or simplified model, and then display the graphs with drag forces for
these mesh sections as well. The graph allows you to display multiple curves according to the current
selection in the list box in the dialog box with the graph. 93
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
These graphs show the time development of quantities (pressure, velocity and Cp coefficient) at the
points of the given probe. The probes are divided into three groups according to the type of the mesh
on which its points are located: a flow field mesh, an original model mesh, a simplified model
mesh. For the probes defined before the calculation, the curve values are taken from the stored
transient-flow data for the probes (Chapter of the RFEM manual - paragraph Saving Results),
while for the other probes (additionally created or modified), the curve values are taken from the
stored transient flow data for the whole domain.
The exceptions are point probes on the original model, whose curves are always plotted from
transient-flow data for the entire domain. This is due to technical reasons associated with extrapolating
the pressure on the original model. The curves lying on the original model have another peculiarity,
namely the case where the original model consists of a flat plate, which has two different result values
at one point (for example, different pressure on the front and back side of the plate). In such cases, two
different curves are plotted in the graph and are marked with a special suffix Front and Back.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The names of curves in the graph correspond to the numbering of the probe points, which can be
displayed in the graphics according to the attached figure.
When displaying graphs with the distribution of quantities along a curve or on a line-probe, the values
from the current time layer are displayed. This time-layer can be changed on Edit Bar without having to
close the graph window. It is also possible to start the flow animation, and then the curve displayed in
the graph automatically changes according to the time layers. The graph also allows you to display all
curves (for all time levels at once). 95
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
5.1.3 Slicer
All scalar field results, such as Pressure Field and Velocity Field , as well as the Velocity Vectors
are displayed in a Slicer plane. It represents a planar section through the air flow within the wind
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
By default, the slicer plane is located in the centre of the wind tunnel and aligned parallel to one of the
global planes (XY, XZ, YZ). You can change the plane by clicking the corresponding button in the
To move the slicer to a different position, use one of the four bullets shown in the corners of the slicer
plane (Slicer Plane Handle, see the image above). When you pull the plane along a wind tunnel line,
the results are dynamically updated for the new slicer plane.
If you need an inclined plane to evaluate the results, select the Clipper tab of the panel. Either define
the Rotation about the relevant axis manually in the corresponding panel section or select the Show
manipulator option in the Clipper Settings section to adjust the plane graphically.
Image 5.28 Slicer Plane Showing Velocity Field Results for Surface Non-Parallel to Global Plane; Tab Clipper with Options to Adjust Slicer
Use the arcs shown in the slicer centre to rotate the plane about its longitudinal or transversal axis. The
corresponding angle is updated in the panel.
Activate the Cascade option in the Slicer Options section of the panel to create a group of parallel
planes ('slices') within the wind tunnel. You can define the distance between each by clicking the
[Options] button. Alternatively, use the Slicer Options in the Options menu to open the corresponding
dialog box. 97
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
In the Slicer Cascade section, you can define the unit distance between each parallel plane by an
Absolute value or a Relative parameter (the effective distances are controlled in the Clipper tab by
means of the Step factors).
The Options section controls the maximum number of parallel planes. It is a global setting which is
applied to all projects.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
RWIND provides several features for you to control the graphical user interface and to specifically
evaluate the results.
The display options control how objects are displayed in general: colour and layout of lines, font of
numbering, and so on. In the View navigator, however, you can decide whether specific objects are
shown or not.
On the Options menu, point to Display Options and select Edit to open the following dialog box.
Select the relevant object in the Category tree. You can then adjust the colour, line type, font of
numbering, etc. in the Parameters section. The parameters depend on the selected item.
As the settings are managed separately for the Screen and Printer, you can make specific adjustments
for the work window and for your documentation. 99
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Via the Scalar Fields options available in the View navigator, you can display the results values related
to every point of the model in different ways. As an alternative, select the display option from the list
button in the toolbar. Please note that the type of display must match the type of result: For example,
isosurfaces representing 3D finite volume mesh results cannot be applied to 2D surface pressure
The Color Map display option is set by default. It fits all types of results and model display as it is
adapted automatically. In the panel, the eleven principal colours with the corresponding values are
represented. You can adjust both colours and values, if necessary (see the Chapter 'Colour Map' ).
Isolines represent lines of points with equal results. By default, eleven colours are allocated to lines
featuring values at equidistant intervals. Isolines can be useful for printing graphics to a monochrome
Isosurfaces are surfaces featuring identical values of the 3D finite volume mesh output. That option can
be used to display pressure field and velocity field results.
The Color Edges and Color Points options illustrate the results of the 3D finite volume mesh. Thus, they
are useful to display the pressure field and velocity field results by means of coloured mesh lines or
coloured mesh nodes, respectively.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
If the Min/Max Values option is enabled, the extreme values of the selected type of result are shown.
Ordinary values can be displayed by moving the pointer across a surface or within the slicer plane.
Depending on the selected type of results, the Solid/Transparent Model view or the Wireframe Model
view is advantageous to evaluate the results. You can also select the model display option from the list
button in the toolbar.
Image 5.34 Color Points Display of Pressure Field for Wireframe Model 101
5 Results RWIND - User Manual Clipper
Sections through the model can be created by means of a Slicer or a Clipper. Select one of the
Clipper options available in the Clipper Settings section of the panel to activate it. With the Clipper -
Plane option, the results of the zone behind (or in front of) the cutting plane are displayed. As an
alternative, you can apply a Clipper - Box to examine the results on the surfaces of a box-shaped
The clipper options are only suitable for 3D finite volume mesh output, such as pressure field or velocity
field results.
The settings options of the Clipper tab correspond to those of the Slicer . You can modify the clipper
plane graphically via one of the four bullets shown in the corners of the section plane. When you pull
the clipper plane along a wind tunnel line, the results are updated dynamically.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The Edit Bar tab of the panel includes a colour scale with the assigned ranges of values. Eleven colour
zones are set by default. They cover the range between the minimum and the maximum values in equal
To adjust the colour scale, double-click one of the colours. You can also use the shortcut menu of the
colour scale where you select Edit Scale and Colors.
Use the vertical sliders to the right of the values to reduce the number of colour ranges at both ends of
the colour scale. To change a specific colour, double-click it. Then, select a different colour in the
familiar Colour dialog box.
You can adjust the scale values individually, but make sure that you follow the ascending or
descending order. The buttons in the Permanent Scales section help you to assign the values
automatically and save the new settings for other projects.
By increasing the values in the Number of Intermediate Isolines section, you can obtain a more refined
output of isolines or separation lines. 103
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Displaying the color scale inside the view saves space on the edit bar (which can be especially useful
on smaller monitors); another advantage is the presence of a color scale on a video recorded using
the function: Main Menu Tools Create Video File.
You can save and import user-defined views with specific viewing angles, zoom factors, or items
selected in the View navigator. Those so-called Named Views make it easier for you to evaluate the
results. They correspond to the “User-defined views” of RFEM/RSTAB as described in Chapter 9.9.1 of
the RFEM manual .
To store the present view of the model or simulation, select Save Current View on the View menu.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Enter a View Name to denote the current display settings and click [OK] to save the view.
To restore the settings of a specific view, select Edit Named Views on the View menu.
Activate the Display selected option and then select the relevant view in the Saved Views section.
For large models, it can be difficult to graphically evaluate the results associated with specific
locations. The Show Reduced Domain option enables you to view the results of a limited area within
the wind tunnel. Activate this feature in the Display Options of the panel where you can also access the
settings. 105
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
This option is available for all types of results except for surface pressure. With it, you can confine the
graphical output to relevant parts of the model.
To adjust the size of the reduced domain box, select the Edit Reduced Domain option in the Results
section of the panel. You can then modify the dimensions in the panel which provides the
corresponding options. As an alternative, use the arrows displayed within the domain box to resize it.
The functionality corresponds to the features described in the Chapter 'Wind Tunnel' : when you hold
the [Shift] key while moving an arrow, the box is modified symmetrically in the respective direction. By
holding the [Ctrl] key, you can scale the area up or down uniformly in all three directions.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual Probes
RWIND provides an option to define locations for results at specific points on the model or within the
wind tunnel around it. Those control points are called 'probes'. They can be used to evaluate and
manage the result values for both surface and flow field quantities. Those numerical results defined for
the RWIND model are also used for the documentation of results in the printout report of RFEM or
RSTAB (see the Chapter 'Printout Report' ). Probes can be defined for points and lines (see the
Chapter 'Chart Along Line' ). All sets of probes are shown in the navigator tree. 107
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Point probes can be inserted by means of the Insert menu or the [Insert Probe Points] button which is
available in the Current Point Probe section of the panel.
When the function has been activated, the relevant points can be selected by mouse-clicks. The
coordinates of the points are displayed in the panel which has a specific layout for this purpose. There
you can also modify the object snap, if necessary. When you have selected all points, click [Finish].
The current sample of probe points is denominated 0 - Temporary. To save it permanently, use the
[Save Probe Copy] button below the list of point probes. A new dialog box appears where you can
define the Name of the probe and check the coordinates of each point.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The options of the Data Source Mesh section control to which type of mesh the probes refer to (see the
Chapter 'Computational Mesh and Model Simplification' ). Probes are specific to three categories of
data source meshes:
Original Model – display of surface quantities on surface mesh (i.e. Results of Finite Volume
Mesh option disabled)
Simplified Model – display of surface quantities on finite volume mesh
Flow Field – display of flow field quantities on finite volume mesh
For example, the flow field results (pressure field, turbulence, and so on) require different locations of
probes than surface results (surface pressure, Cp coefficient).
Image 5.44 Probes of Pressure Field Results Defined on Finite Volume Mesh 109
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
All probes, that is, both temporary and saved sets of probes, will be exported to RFEM/RSTAB and
can be included in the printout report.
The buttons in the Current Point Probe section of the panel (see image to the left) have the following
Button Function
Deletes all point probes of the current probe set in the list
Option to control whether all probes are shown in graphics or only current one
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The Graph Along Line function enables you to define a line on the model or in the slicer plane and,
thus, create a sectional diagram of the results along the line. The 'M05_Golf' model in the Demo
project group, for example, includes some line probes for the flow field results of the car model.
To create a line graph, use the [Graph Along Line] button which is available in the Results section of
the panel. Note that this function is only applicable to the surface and flow field quantities.
When the function has been activated, you can select the relevant points of the line (or polyline) by
clicking the mouse. The coordinates of the points are displayed in the panel which has a specific layout
for this purpose. There you can also modify the object snap, if necessary. When you have selected the
two (or more) points of the line, click [Finish]. 111
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
To define this diagram as new Line Probe, use the [Save] button. Another dialog box appears where
you can enter the Name of the probe and check the coordinates of each point.
The options of the Data Source Mesh section control to which type of mesh the probes refer to. Line
probes are specific to the finite volume mesh of either the flow field (for flow field quantities) or the
simplified model (for surface quantities), see the Chapter 'Probes' .
All user-defined line probes are listed in the Data navigator. Use the shortcut menu of a line probe,
which is available both in the navigator and graphics, to display the diagram and to modify or delete
an item.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
The results of every line probe are saved by points along the line. Note that they will not be used for
the documentation of results in the printout report of RFEM or RSTAB. 113
5 Results RWIND - User Manual Sections
Sections can be applied to the surfaces of the model. They enable you to display parts of the result
meshes and obtain local results, for example the drag force acting on the section. Those results can be
examined for any part of a model, that is, for any subset of model triangles.
By means of sections, you can also control which parts of the topology are displayed. Parts can be
shown exclusively or hidden, similar to the 'Visibility' options available in RFEM/RSTAB.
The sections are managed in a separate tab of the navigator. By default, sections are created
automatically for the zones, each representing a material or part (see the Chapter 'Zones' ).
To use the zones for the results, too, mesh-sections must be created. Click the [Commands] button. In its
menu, select the Generate Mesh Sections option. The Section Options dialog box appears. Click the
[Generate Sections] button and then close the dialog box.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Now you can select a zone in the Mesh Sections list and examine its surface quantity results.
As you can see in the Image 'Generating sections from zones' , there are two types of sections:
1. Geo-Sections
Each model – primary or secondary – represents a geo-section. They are available when the
Model tab of the work window is selected. Use the [Commands] functions to create sections and work
with them. 115
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
2. Mesh-Sections
The mesh-sections represent all zones that were created automatically or defined manually (see the
Chapter 'Zones' ). They are available when the Zones tab of work window is selected.
To adjust the units or decimal places used in the program, select Units on the Options menu.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Select the Current unit box of the unit you want to modify. Then use the button to open the list of
available units. Additionally, you can reduce or increase the number of Dec. places by entering a
different value.
Grid points are useful when defining objects graphically. To open the settings of the grid, select Grid
and Work Plane on the Tools menu. Alternatively, use the toolbar button.
The Work Plane can be parallel with one of the three global planes: XY, YZ, or XZ (the selection is also
possible by means of the toolbar buttons, that is, without opening this dialog box).
By default, the Grid Origin is located in the zero point. Use the button to select a different point in
the work window, or enter its coordinates. With the button, you can define a new reference point.
In the sections below, specific options are available for you to adjust the Grid Type (cartesian or polar
arrangement), Number of Grid Points and Grid Point Spacing, for example. 117
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
You can print every image that is currently shown in the work window.
Print Preview
Before printing the image to the printer or clipboard, you should check the preview. Select Print
Preview on the File menu to open a different window.
The preview shows the current view of the work window, the colour scale, and the legend.
Use the [Options] button to open a dialog box where you can control specific settings for printing. This
dialog box can also be accessed by selecting Print Options on the File menu.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
In the first tab, you can control the contents of the Print, the Page Orientation, and the Page Margins.
The second tab controls the settings of the Print Quality (resolution), Colors and Frame (texts and lines
optionally in black for monochrome printers), Text Size (scaling factor if fonts are too small or too big),
as well as of the Symbol Size and Line Width (scaling factor for graphical objects). In most cases, it is
not necessary to change the default settings.
Please note that resolutions higher than 5000 x 5000 pixels together with a 32-bit colour depth may
result in data exceeding 100 MB, which is a problem for some printer drivers.
In this tab, you can control the Orientation of the colour scale, the Drawing Options (frame, min-/max
info) and its Size as well as its Position (inside or outside of image, alignment, font). 119
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
In the final tab, you can activate up to four Legend Rows and allocate texts. The project information
and picture description are set by default. You can select different content from the list or insert
user-defined text, if necessary.
To review the modified settings, click [Apply]. If the Print Options are fine, close the dialog box. Then
use the [Print] button in the toolbar of the preview window to start printing.
To start the printing process, select Print on the File menu or use the button in the toolbar.
Select the Printer and define the Properties, if necessary. [OK] starts the print.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
To access the results of the simulation in the main program, close the Simulate and Generate Wind
Loads window by clicking [OK].
In RFEM and RSTAB, select one of the load cases created by RWIND with the following options:
The descriptions of the RWIND load cases ('Wind x °') reflect the ones defined in the Load Cases tab
of the Simulate and Generate Wind Loads window (see the Chapter 'Load Cases' ). 121
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
5.2.2 Loads
The loads that were generated by RWIND are displayed as nodal loads and/or member loads on the
model. The numerical values are managed in Table 3.1 Nodal Loads exported from RWIND and
Table 3.2 Member Loads. When you double-click a load arrow in the graphics, a dialog box is
opened where you can review the parameters of that load.
It is not possible to modify any load value which is based on the analysis by RWIND.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Image 5.66 RWIND Nodal Loads in Navigator Data, Work Window, and Table 3.1 Nodal Loads Exported from RWIND
For the surfaces of the model, nodal loads are created for all nodes of the FE mesh. Each load vector
is defined By components of the force in the global directions X, Y, and Z. The values of the constituent
forces PX, PY, and PZ are shown in the graphics, dialog box, and table.
Even for ordinary mesh sizes, a great number of loads is created at rather close distances. You can
disable the display of the load values via the button for a better view of the vectors. If necessary,
you can also adjust the scaling of the arrows in the Display Properties. This option is described in
Chapter 11.1.2 of the RFEM manual .
To evaluate the loads of an RWIND load case for the parts of the model in a better clarity, you can
use Visibilities (see Chapter of the RFEM manual ).
If the FE mesh is deleted or modified, the nodal loads imported from RWIND will be deleted.
If you have used the Close openings option to fill openings for the simulation (see Section 'Model
Properties' ), please note that the loads acting on the closed parts of the model in RWIND are not
represented as nodal loads in RFEM. There is no algorithm which could redistribute those loads on the
parts around the openings. 123
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Image 5.67 RWIND Member Loads in Navigator Data, Work Window, and Table 3.2 Member Loads
For the members of the model, concentrated, uniform or trapezoidal member loads are created,
depending on the specification in the Settings tab. The image above illustrates the results of a
uniform distribution. If the concentrated load distribution was set, many loads are created at close
relative distances along every member, depending on the density of the mesh.
The load values being rather small in most cases, they can be distinguished by increasing the number
of decimals or changing the unit to [N], for example. Select Units and Decimal Places on the Edit menu
to open the dialog box familiar from RFEM/RSTAB.
Image 5.68 Dialog Box Units and Decimal Places, Tab Loads for RFEM
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Load cases created by RWIND can be calculated in the same manner as load cases containing user-
defined loads. For a detailed description of the calculation, see Chapter 7 of the RFEM manual .
After the calculation, the results are displayed graphically in the work window and listed numerically in
the tables.
You can verify the plausibility of the applied wind loads by checking the global deformations, for
example. Table 4.0 Results - Summary gives you an overview of the sums of loads and support forces,
as well as of the global resultants (see the image above). 125
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Distribution of Load
The Results navigator provides an option for you to evaluate the results of RWIND loads: Activate the
Distribution of load results and then select the Wind load using RWIND option.
Image 5.70 Distribution of Load Showing Local Forces fz in [kN/m2] Perpendicular to Surfaces
As described in Chapter 9.3.2 of the RFEM manual , the distribution of the forces on the finite
elements is displayed, which results from the defined loads. You can select the forces acting in one of
the Global directions (X, Y, Z) or Local directions of the surfaces (x, y, z). By displaying the RWIND
surface loads, you can adequately evaluate the results of the simulation.
The results of the load distribution are shown numerically in Table 4.53. They represent the results that
are available at the grid points of each surface.
Note that the Distribution of Load feature covers the FE results of surfaces and solids, not of members.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
You can combine RWIND load cases with common load cases in load combinations and result
combinations. The former incorporate the loads of the contained load cases, the latter of the results. For
a detailed description, see Chapter 5 of the RFEM manual .
Image 5.72 Dialog Box Edit Load Cases and Combinations, Tab Actions with Load Cases Generated by RWIND
RWIND load cases are classified as alternatively acting in the Wind action category. Wind load cases
never occur in two directions simultaneously.
Note that wind load cases usually only exist with self-weight. If the separate calculation of an RWIND
load case gives an instability, combine it with the self-weight load case. 127
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
In the global printout report of RFEM or RSTAB, the data of the 'RWIND window' are managed in a
specific chapter. Furthermore, the generated load cases and loads generated by RWIND are part of
the documentation by default. You can also include the graphical results, such as internal forces,
deformations or stresses, of any RWIND load case. For a detailed description of the printout report,
see Chapter 10 of the RFEM manual .
To include the RWIND data in the printout report, activate the RWIND Data option in the Global
Selection tab of the RFEM or RSTAB program.
Image 5.73 Dialog Box Printout Report Selection, Tab Global Selection
In this tab, you can select which data defined in the Wind Load and Settings tabs of the 'RWIND
window' (see the Chapter 'Wind Load' and the Chapter 'Settings' ) is to be printed. The Graph of
the wind velocity and turbulence diagrams is each activated by default.
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
This tab enables you to select the load cases created by RWIND (see the Chapter 'Load Cases' ).
For load cases that have been calculated, the Drag Force and Projected Area will be specified in the
table of the printout report.
Please note that the drag forces act on the original model, referring to the coordinate system of RFEM
or RSTAB. The projected area represents the area of all objects perpendicularly to the wind direction
(projection in plane).
RWIND Results
In this tab, you can select which numerical results of RWIND are to be printed. Note that those are
only available for locations of 'probes' that have been defined for points (see the Chapter 'Probes' ).
Point probes are not based on any automatism in RWIND. They must rather be set by the user if any
numerical results are to be included in the printout report. Furthermore, probes are specific to load
cases. They are to be separately defined in RWIND for every single load case as the models depend
on the wind directions.
Temporary probes are denominated as “0” sets. Point probes that have been saved (see the Image
'New Point Probe' ) are designated by their numbers.
Please note that the results on the simplified model are given in the coordinate system of RWIND
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
5 Results RWIND - User Manual
Printing Graphics
The graphical results of every RWIND load case can be incorporated in the printout report, too.
Chapter 10.1.5 of the RFEM manual gives you detailed information on the printing options
concerning images. 131
6 RWIND - User Manual
6 Literature
[1] EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions
[2] ASCE/SEI 7‑16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other
[5] B. E. Launder and B. I. Sharma: Application of the energy-dissipation model of turbulence to the
calculation of flow near a spinning disk. Letters in Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 1, 1974, pp. 131-