Record Drawing Requirements - 031017 - 201703100820160788
Record Drawing Requirements - 031017 - 201703100820160788
Record Drawing Requirements - 031017 - 201703100820160788
The record drawing review is completed by the Engineering and Stormwater Divisions to assure that
compliance with the approved construction drawings has been met during the actual construction process.
Record drawings are required for all public facilities located within the City’s rights-of-way. These
include public streets, sidewalks, curbs/curb and gutter, stormwater and other utility facilities. The
Contractor shall designate one set of original approved drawings for use as record drawings; they shall be
kept current by the Contractor and must be available to the City upon request. Any change from the
original approved construction drawings shall be clearly marked on these record drawings as described
below (see Appendix B). Record drawings are also used to supply the City of Charleston with actual
constructed information for reference during future projects which may build upon the design of existing
The contractor shall maintain a full-sized set of approved construction drawings on site, and during
construction, accurately mark these plans with as-constructed information indicating all field changes
affecting various civil, mechanical, electrical, and other items of work as well as locations as actually
installed. Clear and concise notes, shop drawings and sketches should accompany changes marked on
these plans. These field managed record drawings should be provided to the Contractor’s Engineer to
assist in the preparation of the final record drawings.
City Inspector
Perform routine inspection to ensure that the record drawings are current and properly done, and that
major changes, if any, have received the appropriate approvals before implementation.
Contractor’s Engineer
Upon completion and concurrence by the City Inspector, record drawings must be certified by the
Contractor’s Engineer that the record drawing accurately represents existing field conditions, and that the
project was constructed in conformance with the standards, dimensions and specifications of the
approved project plans.
As part of the dedication package and upon completion of public improvements, the developer/owner
and/or their representative must call for a final inspection and submit two (2) complete sets of record
drawings to the City of Charleston Engineering Division. The inspector and the contractor will do a
walk-through of the project and develop a punch-list of items to be completed. Additional punch list
items may be generated based on record drawing review. The developer/owner and/or their
representative shall submit to the Engineering and Stormwater Division, two (2) full size hard copies and
one electronic PDF format copy of the final record drawings properly certified by a registered
professional engineer registered in South Carolina and a licensed land surveyor registered in South
Carolina if not one in the same.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
The Contractor’s Engineer shall certify that, at the time of the final inspection, the site was
completed in substantial accordance with the approved construction drawings and specifications.
Any deviations from the original approved construction drawings shall be noted on the record
The Contractor’s Engineer certification shall be based upon on-site observation of construction
(scheduled and conducted by the professional engineer of record or a by a project representative
under direct supervision) and review of record drawings, with field measurements and verification
as needed, for the purpose of determining the work was completed in accordance with original
approved construction drawings, information and specifications.
The record drawings are to be based on the approved construction drawings and revised to reflect
any changes made during construction. Both the original design and constructed condition must
be clearly shown. The drawings need to be clearly labeled as “record” drawings.
Engineer’s statement (with embossed or wet seal and with an original signature on each sheet)
shall verify that record drawings reflect the true conditions in the field.
Street names shall be on all streets. All easements and rights-of-ways shall be shown and clearly
If the utility system is to be private (not to be dedicated to City), then so state on each sheet.
The location and elevation of the benchmark referenced will be shown on the drawing. If the
referenced benchmark is not within the project, then a complete description of its location will be
provided to assist in future locating.
The locations and description of any utility lines and other installations of any kind or other
description known to exist within the construction area. The location includes dimensions to
permanent features.
The locations and dimensions of any changes to buildings and structures.
Correct grade or alignment of roads.
Correct elevations to changes made in site grading.
Changes in details of design or additional information such as approved placement details, pipe
sizes, material changes, etc.
Where drawings and/or specifications allow options, only the option actually used in the
construction shall be shown on the record drawings.
The location and description of any safety features such as guardrails, attenuators, etc.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
Locate and describe all installed regulatory or warning signage and pavement markings within the
Location and species information on installed street trees and lighting fixtures.
Locate irrigation lines, controllers, sprinkler heads, backflow devices, pressure reducing valves,
meters, supply sources and tap locations using two directions. Swing ties should be made from
objects that are permanent in nature.
Location, type, material and reinforcement, height, drainage systems and foundation information
of all retaining walls.
Note any changes to the alignment, either vertically or horizontally, of curb & gutter, sidewalk,
pavers or any other surface improvement.
Provide crown line spot elevations approximately on 100-foot stations, or as field conditions
Horizontal Improvements/Parking Layout.
Locate and describe all surface parking areas. Provide description as to surface material.
Locate and describe all installed regulatory or warning signage and pavement markings within the
project. Any deviations from the approved construction drawings shall be noted.
Locate all sidewalks and ADA pedestrian access features. Provide material type and width.
Show all rights-of-way or easement lines, clearly labeled.
Special detail drawings will be required where installations were not as shown on original
drawings due to field conditions or where required for clarity.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
For swales 1’ or less in depth, show actual side slopes and spot invert elevations at a frequency of
at least every 100’.
For swales or ditches greater than 1’ in depth, show top of bank and toe of slope designations and
elevations at a frequency of at least than every 100’.
For ditches 3’ or greater in depth, generate actual 1’ contours.
Location of ditch or swale in relation to drainage easements on plan view.
Length, depth, and width of all outfall protection or other erosion control as specified.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
Project Details
Project Name:
(w/Section # and Phase #)
Project TMS #:
City ID #:
Project Developer:
(w/name, address, email & phone #)
Engineer of Record:
(w/name, address, email & phone #)
Project Reviews 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Reviews By (initials):
Submittal Dates:
Review Dates:
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
Streets, Sidewalks, Ramps, Curbs, 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Gutters and Others
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
a. Show all right-of-way or easement lines,
clearly labeled public or private
b. Provide typical offset dimensions from
property, right-of-way or easement lines.
c. ADA ramp or curb opening installation
that deviate from original plans shall be
noted on record drawings.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
Streets, Sidewalks, Ramps, Curbs, 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Gutters and Others
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
d. Provide special detail drawings or shop
drawings where installations were not
shown on original drawings due to field
conditions or where required for clarity.
e. Monuments installed or encountered
within the project.
f. Locate and describe all installed
regulatory or warning signage and
pavement markings within the project.
g. Location and species information on
installed street trees and lighting fixtures.
h. Locate irrigation lines, controllers,
sprinkler heads, backflow devices,
pressure reducing valves, meters, supply
sources and tap locations using two
directions. Swing ties should be made
from objects that are permanent in
i. Location, type, material and
reinforcement, height, drainage systems
and foundation information of all
retaining walls.
j. Note any changes to the alignment,
either vertically or horizontally, of curb &
gutter, sidewalk, pavers or any other
surface improvement.
k. Provide crown line spot elevations
approximately on 100-foot stations, or as
field conditions warrant.
l. Horizontal Improvements/Parking
m. Locate and describe all surface parking
areas. Provide description as to surface
n. Locate and describe all installed
regulatory or warning signage and
pavement markings within the project.
Any deviations from the approved
construction drawings shall be noted.
o. Locate all sidewalks and ADA pedestrian
access features. Provide material type
and width.
p. Show all right-of-way or easement lines,
clearly labeled.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist
Streets, Sidewalks, Ramps, Curbs, 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Gutters and Others
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
q. Special detail drawings will be required
where installations were not as shown on
original drawings due to field conditions
or where required for clarity.
r. Location, type, material and
reinforcement, height, drainage systems
and foundation information of all
retaining walls.
Comments: Piped Drainage Systems 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
a. Enter actual values beside planned values
on the approved construction plans.
b. Show elevations to the nearest 0.01’.
Actual elevations within 0.10’ of the
planned values are sufficient except
where higher accuracy is needed to
indicate positive flow.
c. Diameter, material and class of all pipes.
d. Type of joint of all pipes (O-Ring, T&G,
e. Invert of pipe at outfall and all structures.
f. Slope and lengths of all pipe.
g. Structure type and elevations (top of
grate, throat elevation, etc.)
h. Location of all pipe and structures in
relation to drainage easements on plan
i. Centerline roadway elevations at all low
points and other stormwater crossings.
j. Length, depth, and width of all outfall
protection as specified.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist Piped Drainage Systems 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
k. Profiles of as constructed pipe and
structures in relation to as constructed
finished grade. Show all crossing pipes
(sanitary, water, gas, etc.) as applicable
with separation distance. This includes
above and below crossings
Comments: Open Channel Drainage System 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
a. Enter actual values beside planned values
on the approved construction plans.
b. Show elevations to the nearest 0.1’ except
where higher accuracy is needed to
indicate positive flow.
c. Actual elevations within 0.1’ of the
planned values are sufficient except where
higher accuracy is needed to indicate
positive flow.
d. Slope of all open channels.
e. For swales 1’ or less in depth, show actual
side slopes and spot invert elevations at a
frequency of at least every 100’
f. For swales or ditches greater than 1’ in
depth, show top of bank and toe of slope
designations and elevations at a frequency
of at least than every 100’.
g. For ditches 3’ or greater in depth,
generate actual 1’ contours.
h. Location of ditch or swale in relation to
drainage easements on plan view.
i. Length, depth, and width of all outfall
protection or other erosion control as
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist Stormwater Management Pond 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
or Basin
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
a. Enter actual values beside planned values
on the approved construction plans.
b. Show elevations to the nearest 0.01’.
Actual elevations within 0.10’ of the
planned values are sufficient except where
higher accuracy is needed to indicate
positive flow.
c. Sufficient elevations along top of
dam/pond to verify design elevation.
d. Sufficient elevations along toe of slope
and bottom of pond to verify design
e. Generate actual 1’ contours and provide a
stage-volume table to confirm design
f. Verify pond slopes and vegetative cover.
g. Location, elevations, slopes, and
dimensions of all orifices, weirs, spillways,
trash racks or any other aspects of outfall
h. Location, dimensions, and elevations of
emergency spillway.
i. Outfall protection location and
j. Water elevation in pond at time of survey,
if applicable.
k. Provide location, dimensions, make or
brand, model, serial number and
maintenance manual for any engineered
water quality treatment devices.
City of Charleston
Department of Public Service
Record Drawing Checklist Certifications Statement 1st Review 2nd Review 3rd Review 4th Review
Item/Description Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
The record drawing must include the
following statements if the Engineer of
record and the Surveyor of record are not
one in the same:
“I hereby sign and affix my seal to certify to the best of my knowledge that the comprehensive stormwater
management system and road infrastructure as constructed is in substantial conformance with the standards,
dimensions and specifications of the approved construction drawings.”
_____________________________________________ _____________
SC Registered Professional Engineer (Reg. No.) Date
“The dimensions shown on the record drawings were obtained in accordance with the requirements of the minimum
standards manual for the practice of land surveying in South Carolina. The horizontal dimensions shown are within
±1 foot tolerance. Vertical dimensions are accurate to within ±0.01 foot.”
_____________________________________________ _____________
SC Registered Land Surveyor (Reg. No.) Date
________________________________________________________ ______________
SC Registered Professional Engineer (Reg. No.)/Surveyor (Reg. No.) Date