Do You Think That Earth Can Exist Without Human Beings Taking Care of It? or Biodiversity Also Needs Human Beings For It To Be A Continuous Growing Process?
Do You Think That Earth Can Exist Without Human Beings Taking Care of It? or Biodiversity Also Needs Human Beings For It To Be A Continuous Growing Process?
Do You Think That Earth Can Exist Without Human Beings Taking Care of It? or Biodiversity Also Needs Human Beings For It To Be A Continuous Growing Process?
1. Do you think that Earth can exist without human beings taking care of it? Or biodiversity also
- Yes, earth can still survive even without humans because the ones that are causing a decrease in
biodiversity is also human beings. We play such an important role in climate change and mostly,
it brings great danger for biodiversity. Based on what I have read, climate change is caused by
rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, which result in higher land and ocean
temperatures, as well as changes in precipitation and sea level rise. Climate change is
accompanied by a shift in species. It also impacts the length of growing seasons, population size,
reproduction, migration, frequency of pest and climate change can cause disease outbreaks as
well. I think that even if we vanish from earth, it will still thrive and survive. One of the reasons
is that, there’s no one who will cause pollution and harm the nature and other living things on
earth. Nature will heal as well as have an abundant and diverse animal and plant life. Nature
existed long ago even before we stood up for it so it will still survive even without us, humans.
2. What are small ways that you think would promote safekeeping our biodiversity?
biodiversity conservation. It also entails committing to procedures that take into account the
world's many ecosystems and habitats. We can help to maintain biodiversity by being more
informed about the products we buy, consume, and use. We handle biodiversity in the same way
we treat the environment. Water, food, air, and other resources that we require have an influence
on our lives on a regular basis. Here are some of the things we should do to help reserve the
- Select times to walk to work or play activities instead of driving your vehicle.
- Support restaurants and fast food locations that use recycled paper products.
- Consider purchasing a vehicle that uses less fuel or that functions electrically.
3. What do you think are the common human activities that can harm our biodiversity?
- Going to work or in any places by using vehicle. It causes air pollution that harms the earth.
- Not having a proper waste management. Plastics will also be a threat to the earth.
- Not turning off the lights when leaving a room. This doesn’t represent the “use of less
- Deforestation
- Purchasing a cosmetic products that doesn’t made of natural oils and tests it to animals.
4. What would be the consequences if these human activities are stopped and prohibited?
- If we should be more mindful of the things we are doing every day and if we only stop these
daily human activities that harms the earth, then we can preserve biodiversity. It will continue to
grow and survive. Earth will continue to take care of us if we did care for the earth as well.