Toeic Economy LC 1000 Vol 1-57-59

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~J L.

Part 4
Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer
three questions about wllat the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each
question and mark the leller (A). (8), (C), Of (0) on your answer sheel. The talks will be spoken only
one lime and will not be pnnted tn your leSI book.

71. What ISIhe purpose of Ihe message? 74. Who most likely is the spea ker?
tA) To request some Information IAI A tour guide
(8) To repon a mistake (8) A cons truction worker
(e) To arrange a meeting (e) An in terior deSIgner
(D) To deliver an Item (0) A 91ft shop attendant

72. What probably happened to Kelly Sanders? 75. How does the masler bedroom differ from
A) She lost her records. the oth er rooms?
(B) She didn 't conlact her doctor. (A) II was decorated flrsl.
Ie) SM took blood tests. (9) illS mucl, bigger than the others.
(0) She missed her appoin tment. (C) It looks more nlocJern.
(D) It has 1110re furni tu re.
73. What is the calier waiting for?
fA) Hospital forms 76. What was the cause of the delay in the
181 Test results design of the room?
lC) A paymenllnvolce IA) Mr. Jenkins was depressed.
(0) A medical prescription TIGHT FINANCES (B) Mr. Jenkins was starting a new bUSiness.
(C) Mr. JenkinS was lackmg money.
(0) Mr. Jenkins was on vacation.

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77. What does the spea ker say about Beauty 83. Whe re most likely is the announcement
First products? being made?
A They heal irritated skin. (A) AI a radio station
,P They are not harmful. NON-TOXIC '13, At a concert hall
tel They contain chemicalS ee) AI a film studio
(D) They are expenSIve (0) At a conference center

78. What item was Andrea Vector previously 84. Why is the audience told not 10 lake
experienced in? pictu res?
IAi IT products l/\) The sl10w IS being recorded .
IB) Cl01l11ng cosmetic industry (B) The pertormance IS beIng photographed
iel Make'up Ie) Tile show is being broadcast live.
([II Hair products

79. What will Andrea Vector discuss? 85.

(DJ The Irghts are 100 dun.

According to the announcement. what IS Ihe

;AJ Instructions lor uSing her produc ts audience asked to do? "

(A) Stand in line

(8) The advantages of skin care ~
(C, Promotional ec1mpaigns (B) Present thei r llckets
0) The creation of a beauty produc t (CI Turn 011 cell phones
(01 Remain seated

80. What service does the com pany provide?

"I Web design 86. Who is this announcement intended tor ?
B) Home construction (AI MeteorologIsts
C) Cteanmg services t,8) Pedestrians
ID) Intenor design (C) Car drovers
(D) Road construCtion workers

81 . What is the advantage in choosi ng Design

Depot? 87. Wha t has caused the change In the Iype 01
(AI Compelilive pnces precipitation?
8J Unique products consultation fee I ~.) Cloudy skies
(C) Free home delivery (8) Water waste
fIJI Prompt consultallon (C) All pOilu lIon
(0, Lower lemperalU1es
82. How can customers meet with a designer?
(/\ IBy calling a number 88. W hat does Ihe report suggest?
1f3) By visiling the slo re lAI Drive on main mads
r I By lollIng ou l a lonm 18\ Slay home
10' By sending a lax Ie I Remain In publiC areas
(0) Usc public transportation

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89. Why is Jesse planning to celebrate? 95. Why did Mr. Lee contact Ms. Slayer?
(A) She wi ll complete a proJect. (A) To obtain some inJormatlon
(E5) She is opening a new restaurant (8) To cancel a presenter
(C) She received a promotion. (C) To IIwlte her to an event
(0) She IS gOing on a top to Italy . (D) To order a projector

90. What is Jesse unsure about? 96. What did Mr. Lee suggest about the even t?
(A) Who she will 111vile to dinner (A) He l1as cancelled Ille guest spp.aker.
(8) Which restaurant they will go to (8) He can arra nge a larger location.
le) What time they ea t dinner
W ill (e) He wil l not be able to altend.
ID) Where they should meet \0) He cannot set up lIle eqUIpment.

91. What will Jesse and her group probably do 97. What had Ms. Slayer requested?
afterwa rds? I A) A bOllle of wale l
(A) Go 101' drinks (B) A computer
(8) Plan the repo~ Ie) A new presenler
(e) Go shopping 10) A projector
(D) ReseNe a lable

98. What did the survey show?

92. What is Ih e subject of the news report? (A) More people are watching teleVision
(A) A national park (8) Viewers enjoy commercials.
(8) A local zoo (C) People are staying longer at the Of lice
Ie) CommerCial products 10) The number oi programs IS decreasmg.
(0) Landscaping land
99. What does the speaker suggest is the
93. According to the speaker. what does reason for the change?
Algonqui n National Park have? fA) The raltngs have con tinued to Increas-e.
fA) Unique rock forma tions (6) More people l"lave Joined the workforce
(8) A 101 of different animals (C) Viewers t1ave become more social.
(el Unusual potted plants (0) The number of programs has mcreased.
(0) Beauli ful wate rfalls
100. According to the speaker, what have some
94. What do some people expect will happen? companies lowered?
(A) The Wildlife will relocate. (IX) The number of programs all'ed
(8) It Will increase local business. (8) The number ot company employees
\~) New homes will be bUilt. (C) The number of advertlsernen ts shown
(0) They will change their mindS. (0) The number of nelworks

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