Roll No . Sushant University, Gurgaon End Term Examination, Jan 2022

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Roll No….

20BBA-0HR21T: Human Resource Management-II
Program: Semester:
Time: 2 Hrs. Max Marks: 60

1. Section A: Attempt any four (4) of five (5) question. Each question carries 7 marks.
2. Section B: Attempt any two (2) of three (3) questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
3. Section C: Attempt all questions. Question carries 12 marks.


Q1. “Change is something which is very difficult to implement.” Explain the statement with the reasons of
employee resistance and ways to overcome it, with suitable example.

Q2. “Retrenchment and layoff are the two terms used interchangeably”. Verify the statement critically.

Q3. “In a grievance management process, various parties of the organisation are involved.” Elucidate the
statement by describing roles of different parties involved in the said process.

Q4. A firm’s strategic HR choices cover the entire range of HR functions. Explain the strategic choices a
company has regarding workflows, staffing, performance appraisal, training and development.

Q5. “An employee is separated from an organization sometimes by choice and sometimes by force” – Elucidate
the statement in light of voluntary and involuntary employee separation.


Q6. “Organisations have different approaches of international employee selection” – Elucidate the statement
explaining the concept of PCN, HCN and TCN. Why do multinational organizations hire host-country nationals
to fill most of their foreign positions rather than sending expatriates for most jobs?

Q7. Consider yourself as an HR manager of ABC ltd. who deals in shoe manufacturing. You have been assigned
a task of designing and executing the induction and orientation programme for newly appointed team leaders.
Describe how you would design the induction & orientation session (stepwise) and ensure its effective
implementation? Also describe how will you performs its follow up?
Q8. With the increasing number of organizations experiencing downsizing and layoffs, it has become critical
that the organizations have career programs in place to assist outplaced employees. What suggestions would
you offer for the types of assistance that are needed in outplacement programs?


Q9. The Aristocrat Baggage Company’s Suggestion Scheme Committee is meeting. They are listening to a report
by the Secretary on the discussion that had taken place when he had invited to attend the Company’s Joint
Consultative Committee meeting.
One of the worker’s representatives had brought up the case of the operator, Raman Gandhi who three years
before had put in an idea regarding dispatch procedure which was turned down. Two years later a new Dispatch
Manager had been appointed. Apparently, a year after his appointment he introduced what virtually amounted to
the exact idea suggested by Mr. Gandhi. He got furious when he heard about this and complained to the union
leaders. He stated that his idea had been stolen and that he will never give any new ideas under the suggestion
scheme again. “It is ramp” he announced. Some of his work mates agreed with him.
In the Joint Consultative Meeting, the Secretary had a somewhat tough time during the heated discussion.
Subsequently, he had talked the matter over with the new Dispatch Manager who had quite clearly not heard of
Gandhi’s idea. “In any case”, commented the Dispatch Manager, “The situation is different now. Gandhi’s idea
could not have been workable at that time”. The suggestion scheme committee discussed the matter, but failed to
take any decision in this case.

a) What is the problem in this case? (2)
b) Should it be mandatory for the Suggestion Committee to give reasons if it turns down any suggestion by
a worker? (3)
c) How would you deal with the present situation? What steps would you take to avoid the reoccurrence of
such a problem in future? (4)
d) How would you encourage the workers to participate in the Suggestion Scheme? (3)

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