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Bit-Modular Distributed I/O System

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Bit-modular distributed I/O system

Product Brief · March 2003

SIMATIC ET 200S  the multi-functional, extremely
flexible distributed I/O system

SIMATIC® ET 200®S is a distributed I/O Design · The power supply to the individual
system with degree of protection IP20. The bit-modular design permits fast and motor starters is handled by a power
It combines extremely simple installa- optimum adaptation to the require- bus with a rating up to 50 A.
tion and maximum flexibility with ments of any automation system: · All terminals have the characteristics
permanent savings in life-cycle costs. · No stocking of spares of terminal blocks - signal and motor
Summary of features · No superfluous channels cables can therefore be directly
connected to the SIMATIC ET 200S
· Bit-modular design for precise adap- The plant setting-up times can be signif- without intermediate terminals.
tation to the automation task icantly reduced even with frequently
· Independent wiring changing requirements by the replace-
· Safety technology is also part of the
system - and thus also prewired as far
· Wide range of modules: ment or combination of various I/O as possible.
- Input/output modules modules.
- Process modules The ET 200S results in wiring savings of The compact design, flush mounting
- Motor starters up to 80% for the following reasons: side by side, omission of various cable
ducts and the elimination of terminal
- Control functionality with CPU inte- · All supply voltages are only blocks mean that space savings are
gration connected once, and automatically guaranteed. This is also particularly
· Various connection possibilities for connected to the next module when important when using motor starters.
the terminal modules mounting side by side. With a completely distributed design
· Reserve modules for reservation of · All motor starters are completely directly on the machine, only the power
unused module slots prewired apart from the motor supplies and host control systems are
connection (with a conventional usually required in the control room.
· Replaceable terminal box
design, up to 15 connections must be When comparing the ET 200S to estab-
· Use also possible for time-critical made.) lished solutions you can achieve up to
tasks 50% less space requirements in the
· Integration of "Safety Integrated" control cabinet and 80% saving in
· Replacement of electronics modules
and motor starters during operation
IM 151Interface
(hot swapping) module PM-D power module Bus terminating module
PM-E power module
· Simple diagnostics for exact channel
permits high availability: High-feature Electronics modules
or standard; system faults, for
example a missing supply voltage, are
automatically signalled as plain text
using the bus without programming
· The comprehensive range of modules
with uniform handling for config-
uring, installation and programming
mean that the ET 200S can be used as
a universal I/O system.
· The mechanical design of the ET 200S
permits use with increased mechan-
ical loading. The system properties
support high plant availability Terminal modules
requirements. The SIMATIC ET 200S is
therefore exceptionally suitable for
use with extremely time-critical appli- Motor starters

TM-D t8
terminal module with
integral power bus
PE/N assembly

The bit-modular design of the SIMATIC ET 200S

simple installation and wiring

It’s impossible to be simpler!
· Snap the interface module onto the
standard rail.
· The terminal modules can then be
fitted side by side without tools.
· The self-coding prevents destruction
Snap on
of the electronics as a result of an I/O
module being inadvertently plugged
into the wrong position.
Wire up, test
You can watch a corresponding installa-
tion film on the Internet: Plug on  finished!
Strip-free Fast Connect system "Independent wiring" Hot swapping for maximum availability
The insulation displacement system The so-called independent wiring is a Hot swapping of electronics modules
without the need for wire stripping specific characteristic of SIMATIC and motor starters is possible without
presents even more advantages when ET 200S: the mechanical components tools. The SIMATIC ET 200S can
installing. The TM-P and TM-E elec- (terminal modules) are isolated from continue operation during swapping,
tronics and power modules have been the electronic components (electronics meaning that the application remains
extended by the Fast Connect insulation modules, power modules, motor fully functional in many cases.
displacement system without wire strip- starters). The independent wiring not With motor starters, it is even possible
ping. All common conductor only facilitates design of the station, it to omit isolation of the system which is
cross-sections from 0.25 to 1.5 mm² also has a positive effect on the avail- usually obligatory.
can be connected using the new ability during operation:
system. Preparation for installation is · Complete prewiring is possible prior Accessories
unnecessary. In addition to the advan- to fitting the electronics modules and The ET 200S is well equipped for prac-
tages of the proven ET 200S system, the motor starters - either using screw or tice with a versatile range of accesso-
new technology also enables: spring-mounted terminals as well as ries:
· Time savings of up to 60% during the Fast Connect system without · System-integrated shield connection
installation compared to conven- stripping. system with the following advan-
tional connection systems · The subsequent wiring test is even tages:
· No stripping or crimping necessary possible under power because endan- - Low-impedance connection via
· Simple and reliable installation using gered electronics components have 3 x 10 mm busbar
a screwdriver not yet been inserted. - Individual lengths
· Reduction in error rate during installa- · Thanks to the self-assembling power - Simple, fast installation with plug on
tion buses, much of the cross-wiring technology
belongs to the past - this reduces test - Space-saving
· Definition of stripping length is requirements and possible sources of - Cost-effective as result of standard
error. components
· Reliability with gas-tight connection · The terminal modules have been · Individual colored labels for the
designed with the form and function terminals on the terminal modules
of a commercially available terminal and for identification of slot numbers;
block. This guarantees simple, clear available in various colors and also
wiring with acquainted handling. individually packed.
· The module inscriptions are not · Identification labels for numbering
hidden by the wiring. the terminal modules: pre-labelled or
· The removable terminal box permits blank.
simple connection of simulation · DIN A4 labelling sheets in various
computers for preliminary commis- colors, pre-perforated, suitable for
sioning. printing with laser printer
More information available at:

Terminal module with new strip-free Fast

Connect system

increased safety with fail-safe signal modules

The ET 200S provides you with the Safety signals, for example from light
capability to design economical solu- barriers, EMERGENCY STOP buttons,
tions for safety-oriented applications for protective door switches etc., are
the production industry. It comprises a recorded on site by the distributed
fail-safe CPU S7-315F, corresponding fail-safe input module "4/8F-DI" of the
fail-safe I/O modules for the ET 200S ET 200S system. The safety-oriented
distributed I/O system, and special data are then transmitted together with
drivers for interfacing field devices from the standard data to the host PLC via a
other vendors. common PROFIBUS DP cable using the
Fail-safe components PROFIsafe profile. A special bus cable,
The following fail-safe CPUs are avail- or even an extra safety bus system, is no
able: CPU 315F of the S7-300®, longer necessary. "Safe" and "normal"
CPU 416F of the S7-400® and modules can be mixed together.
IM 151-7F-CPU of the ET 200S. Advantages compared to conventional
safety systems
Applications with the maximum safety
category 4 to EN954-1 can be imple- · Significant saving of components
mented in a simple manner using the (less hardware)
new fail-safe modules of the ET 200S · Less assembly and installation work
system and a SIMATIC F-CPU. · High flexibility
· When changes are necessary,
programming replaces wiring
SIMATIC ET 200S with fail-safe
· Implementable fail-safe and motor starter and S7-300F CPU
fault-tolerant motor starters

S7-400 F with F-CPU and stan- ET 200M with standard I/Os Operator panel
dard I/Os

ET 200M with
fail-safe I/Os

Light curtain
ET 200S with standard I/Os, fail-safe
I/Os and fail-safe motor starters Laser scanner

Example of a configuration (fail-safe I/Os shown in yellow, standard I/Os in blue)

ET 200S 
Motor starters for every application

The ET 200S motor starters are used for Graded safety concept performs disconnection, the integrated
protecting and switching all kinds of AC The motor starters of the ET 200S offer double processor monitor also switches
loads. The completely prewired devices a graded safety concept. Depending on off the circuit breaker in the event of a
are available in a variety of performance application it is possible to select the fault, e.g. welded contactor contacts.
classes as direct, reversing or soft star- optimum solution on a function/cost ba- Each individual motor starter thus
ters up to a max. power of 7.5 kW. The sis to suit each case in hand. achieves Category 4 or SIL 3 without an
terminal modules contain the self-as- additional redundancy contactor.
sembling power bus (one-time infeed Since the fail-safe motor starters moni-
for up to 20 motor starters) and the ter- ET 200S SIGUARD saves a lot on wiring
on the basis of conventional safety re- tor the contactor function regardless of
minals for direct connection of the mo- whether the application is safety-rele-
tor cable. A motor starter can be lays in less complex local safety applica-
tions. Power modules for Emergen- vant or not, these devices are also sui-
plugged/unplugged without isolating table for use in fault-tolerant processes.
the plant. cy-Stop or safety door applications are
available just like modules for time de- Additional features for high availability
lay and contact multiplication. are:
The safety sensors are connected direct- · Type of coordination 2 over the entire
ly on these local modules. power range up to 7.5 kW
Function monitoring, e.g. for cross con- · Emergency Stop function permits im-
nection, is implemented just like the portant processes to be finished de-
monitoring of the switching function of spite reason to switch off, e.g.
the motor starters in the ET 200S overload.
modules automatically signal operating Advantages in comparision to conventi-
and error states via PROFIBUS diag- onal safety technology:
nostics to the higher-level controller. · Considerably fewer components,
Cascading of safety segments within an clearer design and much less hard-
ET 200S station is possible by corres- ware configuring and wiring
ponding combination of SIGUARD mo- · Easy installation thanks to simple con-
dules or their terminal modules. nection
For Category 3 or 4, external redundan- · Motor starters have a high availability
cy contactors are looped into the power and are fail-safe
infeed of the power bus. These contac- · High flexibility through software-ori-
Motor starter of the ET 200S tors are also controlled and monitored ented assignment of the safety
by the SIGUARD modules. groups
Standard motor starter
· Circuit-breaker/contactor combinati- Fail-safe motor starter · Minimum overhead when modifying
on up to 5.5 kW As soon as more complex or physically the safety application, since the
remote safety applications are involved, wiring remains the same
· Direct or reversing starter the fail-safe motor starter is the opti-
· Self-assembling power bus up to 40 A mum solution in combination with the
· SIGUARD safety technology optional power module PM-D F PROFIsafe. Sig-
nals from safe sensors are read in via
High-feature motor starter safe inputs at a random location in the
· Combination of starter circuit-brea- plant, transmitted via PROFIBUS and the
ker, electronic overload relay and PROFIsafe message frame to the failsafe
contactor or soft starter up to 7.5 kW controller and linked there in the user
· Extensive diagnostics messages, e.g. program to the fail-safe motor starter or
momentary current value the associated power module.
· Statistics, e.g. current of the last over- These motor starters based on the
load, can be read-out using the ES high-feature motor starter offer a com-
motor starter service and startup soft- pletely new and patented technology
ware switch for safety disconnection: whereas in
· Parameterization via bus normal operation the contactor
· Only two current setting ranges up to
7.5 kW

increased functionality with CPUs, IQ Sense
and power supply
Distributed intelligence - Using the new DP master module it is
intelligent CPU of the ET 200S possible to add an integrated DP master
The IM 151-7 CPU can be used for interface to the IM 151-7 CPU and thus
distributed automation solutions with a implement an underlying PROFIBUS
medium program size. It permits distrib- line with additional distributed I/Os.
uted preprocessing of production data
All this does not require additional soft-
on site.
ware handling, since SIMATIC ET 200S
The CPU communicates with the host can be configured, programmed and
controller via the coexistent diagnosed on the PROFIBUS from any
MPI/PROFIBUS DP slave interface. This position using STEP 7. The STEP 7 Lite
results in the following advantages: programming tool is available for
· Reduced loading on central controller non-networked applications.
· Reduced response times to critical Status/control functions are also
local signals possible via the PROFIBUS. Thanks to
the plug-in SIMATIC Micro Memory
· Programs become clearer and shorter Card, the application program is imme-
· Troubleshooting is facilitated diately available again following
· Reduces loading on bus system module replacement. Thus SIMATIC
ET 200S with IM 151-7 CPU can be used
· Permits modular plant design and as a bit-modular small control system. IM 151-7 CPU interface module with integral
preliminary commissioning - even at CPU (also available as an F-version) and
different locations master module

Intelligent sensor module - Up to four sensors can be connected

IQ Sense® with just two lines each, and parame-
The four-channel IQ Sense® sensor terized using the Intelliteach® function.
module together with the new Main applications are plants and
IQ Sense sensors provides a new machines
concept for intelligent linking of sensor
technology into automation tech-
· with high availability demands,
nology. The ET 200S provides all func- · with high probability of mutual influ-
tions for any PROFIBUS DP master encing of sensors
modules. · with high flexibility or dynamic modi-
Standard function blocks are offered for fications for the sensor parameters
simple handling on a SIMATIC S7.

IQ Sense sensor module

Power supply A plug-in terminal is used for the wiring,

N A highly compact power supply measu-

ring a mere 90 mm wide is available for
the ET 200S. The ET 200S power supply
permits 2-phase connection of 240 or
which means that if the worst comes to
the worst the power supply can be
changed quickly and reliably without
rewiring. Due to its compact size the
400 V AC. power supply can also be used in distri-
The stabilized output voltage of 24 V DC buted applications independently of the
can supply a maximum of 5A conti- ET 200S.
nuous current and is stable at no load
and is short-circuit resistant. With a high
efficiency of over 92% the ET 200S
power supply ensures efficient power
conversion and a cool switchbox. The
power supply can be set to standby
mode and the output side thus swit-
ched to voltage-free. Three LEDs
provide users at all times with clear
information on the present operating
Power supply for the ET 200S

range of modules

Module type Information Order No. group

Interface module · IM 151-1 BASIC: max. 12 modules IM 151-1: 6ES7151-1...
· IM 151-1 STANDARD: max. 63 modules IM 151-7 CPU:6ES7151-7...
· IM 151-1 FO STANDARD: similar to Standard, but with fiber-optic interface
(plastic, PCF) RS 485
· IM 151-1 HIGH FEATURE: max. 63 modules, DP V1 slave, isochrone mode
· IM 151-7 CPU: with integrated CPU 314 of the S7-300
· IM 151-7 F-CPU: with integrated CPU
DP master module · PROFIBUS DP master interface module for a low-level PROFIBUS line 6ES7138-4HA00-...
Power modules for elec- For power supply and monitoring of load and sensor voltage; voltage and/or
tronics modules and fuse failure; additional LEDs provide information on status of voltage and
motor starters fuse; different functions AC, DC, PROFIsafe
· PM-E 24 V DC or PM-E 24 V DC; with diagnostics 6ES7138-4CA..
· PM-E 24 V DC to 230 V AC with diagnostics and fuse 6ES7138-4CB..
· PM-E F 24 V DC PROFIsafe for electronics modules 6ES7138-4CF..
· PM-D F 24 V DC PROFIsafe for F-motor starters 3RK1903-0A..
Terminal modules For the electrical and mechanical connections of the I/O modules and
process wiring. Available with screw and spring-mounted terminals and with
the Fast Connect system without stripping
TM-P for power; TM-E for electronics; TM-D for motor starters 6ES7193-4.../3RK1903-0A..
Electronic modules
Provide the ET 200S with digital inputs and outputs; high-feature versions increase the plant availability and
offer supplementary functions and diagnostics
Digital input modules · 2-channel and 4-channel 6ES7131-4...
· Available from 24 V DC to 230 V AC
· Different functionalities: standard, high-feature
· Fail-safe input module 4/8F-DI 24 V DC PROFIsafe 6ES7 138-4FA..
Digital output modules · 2-channel and 4-channel 6ES7132-4...
· Available from 24 V DC to 230 V AC; 0.5 to 5 A
· Different functionalities: standard, high-feature
· Electronics and relays
· Fail-safe output module 4F-DO 24 V DC/2A PROFIsafe 6ES7 138-4FB..
Analog input modules · 2-channel 6ES7134-4...
· Current and voltage inputs, thermocouple and resistance measurements
· Functionalities: standard, high-feature, high-speed
Analog output modules · 2-channel 6ES7135-4...
· Current and voltage outputs
· Functionalities: standard, high-feature
Reserve modules · As reserve module for unused slots within an ET 200S station 6ES7138-4...
IQ Sense sensor module · 4-channel 6ES7138-4...
· For connection of up to four IQ Sense sensors
· Expanded diagnostics and IntelliTeach® functionality
Process modules Intelligent modules operating independent of the CPU; use directly on site;
parameterization using STEP 7 or GSD files; serial interface
· Counter module: 24 V DC / 100 kHz or 5 V DC / 500 kHz 1 COUNT 6ES7138-4...
· SSI module 1 SSI 6ES7138-4...
· Positioning module for controlled positioning 1 POS 6ES7138-4...
· Stepper motor module 1 STEP 6ES7138-4...
· Pulse module (timer, pulse width modulation, stepper motor) 2 PULSE 6ES7138-4...
· Serial interface module 1 SI 6ES7138-4...
Motor starters (also with · Direct, reversing and soft starters 3RK1301-....
integrated safety tech-
· Functionalities: standard, high-feature, fail-safe 3RK1301-....
· Up to 7.5 kW 3RK1903-....

Technical specifications

Technical specifications of the ET 200S - general Standards, approvals

Degree of protection IP 20 · PROFIBUS EN 50 170, Volume 2
Ambient temperature 0 to 60 °C · IEC 1131 IEC 1131, Part 2
Vibration resistance up to max 5 g, · UL According to standard UL508,
(max. 2 g for motor starters) File No. E 116536/E 75310
(AC modules)
· Number of I/O modules per · CSA According to standard C22.2
station, max 63 No. 142. File No. LR 48323/
· Station width, max 2m LR 44226 (AC modules)
· User data length, max 244 byte each for inputs and
Master system requirements · cULus According to standard UL 508
·PROFIBUS DP master Corresponding to EN 50170 for hazardous locations File no. E 116536
·Parameter length > 32 byte, according to number According to hazardous locations
UL 1604
and type of inserted modules
File No. E 222109
· User data length According to number and type According to standard CSA C22.2
of inserted modules No. 142
· Diagnostics length, adjust- Up to 64 byte
· FM Standard Class No. 3611,
Class I Div. 2, Group A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC
(without motor starters)
· Marine engineering American Bureau of Shipping
Bureau Veritas
Det Norske Veritas
Germanischer Lloyd
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
· Ex approval Cat. 3 EN 50 021
(for zone 2 according to

Wide range of accessories, e.g. 6ES7193-4..
· Colored labelling strips, colored coding
· System-integrated shield connection
· Manuals Product Brief with ® are registered
trademarks of the Siemens AG.
All designations marked in this

Additional information on the For personal consultation you can find Using the A&D Mall you can immedi-
SIMATIC ET 200S can be found in the your local SIMATIC partner at: ately and directly order electronically
Internet: in the Internet:
www.siemens.com/simatic-dp www.siemens.com/automation/partner www.siemens.com/automation/mall

Siemens AG www.siemens.com/simatic-dp © Siemens AG 2003

Subject to change without prior notice.
Automation and Drives
Order No.: 6ZB5310-0KG02-0BA1
Postfach 4848, D-90327 Nürnberg Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
Federal Republic of Germany 26100/301388 SMT 03036.

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