Bachelor Psychology 2020 en 2021-04-19 12-02-46

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Bachelor Psychology

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First year courses

Bachelor Psychology Year 1

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Skills I: Learning in Groups

Full course description

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a unique feature of the education provided at Maastricht. This
educational system focuses on guiding students to become independent and enterprising problem-
solvers. In order to achieve this goal, teaching must extend beyond the traditional individual
studying and attending lectures. Students work in small groups on concrete problems from the field.
As a team they analyse problems, attempt to understand the underlying theories and learn to apply
their knowledge to recognisable, realistic situations.

To perform well in this educational system, it is vital for students to have knowledge of the
background and central elements of this system. During this course, students will learn and practice
the skills needed to be successful in tutorial group meetings.

During the introduction week, first-year students will familiarise themselves with Problem-Based
Learning and communication skills essential for learning in groups. The students will focus on
practising with problem tasks. Special attention will be paid to skills, which are important for
individual participation in groups and the role played by the discussion leader. One session will be
completely devoted to teambuilding.

Course objectives


are able to explain the PBL system and are able to implement the approach;
can reflect on the group processes and reflect on their own performance in the tutorial group;
can give examples on how to adapt their performance in a group (teambuilding);
have knowledge of communication skills and leading a group and are able to demonstrate this
knowledge in a new situation.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology
W.H.J. van Mansum

Teaching methods:
PBL, Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
PBL, communication skills, feedback, reflection, teambuilding
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Introduction UM Systems

Full course description

The practical takes place during the introduction week, with the aim to explain the facilities and
online services for students who are starting their studies at FPN.

The training includes:

UM account
Student portal (course / exam booking, check study results)
The electronic learning environment
Computer facilities
FPN AskPsychology

This course consists of an information session, do-it-yourself assignments and a hands-on meeting.

Course objectives


Are able to name various online information sources and resources available for FPN students;
reveal that they have a general understanding of available systems;
can give examples of UM and FPN regulations.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

W.G.J.J. Teeling

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Presentation(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment
Bachelor Psychology
Study facilities, ICT systems, UM-card, student portal, electronic learning environment, rules and
regulations, introduction week
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Introduction Library

Full course description

In an interactive way students will be introduced to finding scientific information (e.g. in relation to
search engines such as Google). Attention is also paid to the support offered by the library in
searching for and finding information. This introduction is the first step in helping students to
develop essential information skills. In collaboration with the course coordinator this practical is
linked to the course literature. Students are asked to complete the online tutorial 'Finding your
literature' before the practical.

Course objectives


can recognise and know how to retrieve references (books, articles, websites);
know what the learning and resource centre stands for;
know how to find library services and support.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

N. Siep

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), PBL, Presentation(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Study resources, information skills, references, catalogue, learning and resource centre
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Skills II: Observing Others and Yourself

Full course description

Skills II focusses on both study skills and research skills. In Skills I students get a mentor assigned

Bachelor Psychology
who will supervise the meetings of Skills II. The mentor and the group will meet in total 5 times
during Skills II. The focus of the first, second and fourth will be on study skills. Students learn what
effective study strategies are in period 1, become aware of their own study strategies (period 2) and
learn alternative study methods. During period 3, students will work in small groups on their first
observational research. These research projects are methodologically supported by the courses
Methods and Techniques and Statistics for Psychologists I. The projects are substantively related to
the course Discover Psychology which runs in parallel to the observational study in period 3. In this
period the mentor and the group have three group meetings to discuss the progress of this research.
Additionally, students will present their research results together with their subgroup and write a
research report. As preparation for the observational research students follow the practical training
Systematic Literature Search...Finally, the students will complete the practical trainings Data
Processing via SPSS, and Observing behaviour.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain the quality of the different study methods (for example self-testing, distributed
practice, elaborate interrogation, summarising, ) and are able to apply the most effective
to explain the empirical cycle and have followed this cycle themselves in making a research
design, the conduction of an observational research, and the analysis and interpretation of the
to mention the most relevant aspects of observation and have had exercise in the observation
of behaviour;
to communicate in a scientific way by writing a research paper and presenting (orally) the

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.B. de Sousa Fernandes Perna

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Paper(s), Presentation(s), Research, Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper, Presentation
research, communication skills, study skills, observation, mentoring
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Bachelor Psychology

Practical: Observing Behaviour

Full course description

Psychology aims to draw conclusions about human behaviour. In order to do so, these behaviours
must first be identified. Behavioural observation is one method of identification and involves
collecting data that can be used to draw conclusions about certain behaviours. Psychologists in
training must therefore become familiar with methods of behavioural observation. During this
practical, students will learn how to draw systematic observations using computer tasks.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to apply behavioural observation techniques, like systematic behavioural observation;

to use a behavioural classification system;
to judge the reliability of observations.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.E.R.M. Nievelstein

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Research, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment
Systematic behavioural observation, observing
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Data Processing in SPSS

Full course description

During the third period, students will work in groups on their first observational research. These
research projects build on the courses ‘Methods and Techniques’ and ‘Statistics for Psychologists I’.

For the observational research, students conduct (as a research group) observations and analyse
these in the software SPSS. During the practical 'Data Analysis via SPSS', the students analyse, in
groups, the observations using an analysis protocol and with the support of SPSS trainers.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives


are able to explain the following concepts within the concept of an observational study:
formulation of research question, independent and dependent variables, measurement level,
hypotheses, and research design, and are able to define these concepts in the process of
setting up an observational study;
are able to analyse the data obtained with an observational study (by means of an analysis
protocol), in which they are able to explain and apply specific statistical techniques, such as z-
test, t-tests, ANOVA, X2 goodness of fit test, and X2 test for contingency tables;
are able to explain the SPSS output for these statistical techniques and are able to interpret
the results hereof.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J. Schepers

Teaching methods:
Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Observational research, statistical analysis, SPSS
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Systematic Literature Search

Full course description

Conducting research or writing a paper generally requires literature research. The library offers a
range of information sources (databases) in various fields of study. During this practical, students
are introduced to these sources (particularly PsycINFO), they will learn to use them and they will
collect literature on the subject systematically. This takes place in the following steps: defining the
subject and the search query (including translations of search items), determining sources to be
searched, systematically searching various sources using a search planning form and finally
evaluating search results. Special attention is paid to the use of general search engines in relation to
subject-specific sources and the use of controlled key words (thesaurus). Students receive a number
of leads, tips and tricks based on examples and assignments. In addition, focus will be put on the
online tutorial 'Finding literature for your research'.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives


are able to use different subject-related (such as PsycINFO, PubMed) and their features (like
thesaurus) to systematically retrieve literature on a specific topic for their research or writing
know how to build an effective search strategy.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

N. Siep

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Presentation(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Participation
PsycINFO, literature research, thesaurus, search strategy
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Portfolio Year 1 Part 1

Full course description

Students will create portfolios to document their progress of the programme and their personal
growth during ‘Skills II’.

They will have individual meetings on their study progress with the mentor during the first, and in
some cases the third period. The portfolio with study results will form the basis of these meetings.

Students need to have fulfilled the requirements of the IPN1139 portfolio year 1 part 1 to get the
credits for Skills II.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to formulate what they want to achieve;

to analyse, to evaluate, and to reflect on functioning (study behaviour, study progress and
personal development);
to make a structured portfolio in which the analyses, evaluations, and reflections

Bachelor Psychology
systematically are discussed.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.B. de Sousa Fernandes Perna

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Portfolio
Personal learning goals, self-reflection, study progress
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Social Behaviour

Full course description

How come we evaluate our own group more positively than other groups? When do we perform
better - with others or by ourselves? Does altruism exist or is helpful behaviour always motivated by
egoistic reasons? How can we change the negative attitudes towards blood donation? Social
psychologists have studied such questions. Social psychology uses scientific methods to study the
way in which our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are influenced by others. During the course
Social Behaviour, students receive an introduction to the classical themes within social psychology,
based on nine problems. These themes are: group processes, stereotypes and prejudices, social
influence, attitudes, attributions, the self, social cognition, aggression, pro-social behaviour, and
affiliation and attraction. Attention is not limited solely to intrapersonal and interpersonal processes;
extensive consideration will also be given to the subject of group processes.

Course objectives


can provide definitions of terminology used in social psychology, such as group processes,
stereotypes and prejudices, social influence, attitudes, attributions, the self, social cognition,
aggression, prosocial behaviour, affiliation, and attraction;
can explain these terms because they are familiar with classic and recent social-psychological
theories and insights;
can name, analyse, and evaluate research methods in social psychology
understand intercultural differences and limitations of psychological theory and its application.


Bachelor Psychology
Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

K.J. Jonas
G.A. ten Hoor

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Social psychology, attitudes, social influence, Social cognition, interpersonal processes, group
processes, aggression
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Social Networks

Full course description

In this skills training students will reconsider a number of topics discussed in the course ‘Social
Behaviour’ within the specific context of online social network sites (e.g., Facebook). This, however,
requires that students possess basic knowledge of networking principles as well as the ability to
apply these principles. For this purpose, students will work on a number of computer assignments.
These assignments consist of measuring, visualising, and analysing social networks by using network
analysis methods. For example, students map out their own Facebook network and reproduce the
classic Stanley Milgram 6 six degrees of separation experiment in the information age. In addition
they learn about the influence of certain frequently occurring network principles on both the
functioning of groups and the dissemination of information.

Course objectives


can explain network analysis and conduct research in this domain;

can measure, analyze and visualize social networks.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology

L. Vanwersch

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Research, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment
Social networks, network analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Methods and Techniques of Research

Full course description

Knowledge acquisition requires research. Because of this, research plays an important role in
psychology. In this course, students will learn the most important steps for good research. First,
students will learn about the empirical cycle. Good research starts with a theory, from which
hypotheses are derived. These hypotheses are tested through experimentation or observations.
Results are then compared to the theory: Is the theory supported or should it be adjusted, or even

Measuring instruments (such as questionnaires or behaviour observations) are also important for
conducting research: they need to be reliable and valid. That is, they need to actually measure what
is intended, and do so consistently.

There are different types of research: you can describe a variable or investigate how two variables
relate to each other. This relationship can be represented graphically and you can statistically
calculate the strength of the relationship, using correlation or linear regression for example.

Moreover, if you want to know what the cause is and what the effect, you have to manipulate a
variable in a true experiment and assess the effects on your dependent variable.
To give an example, imagine that results of a study show that drug users are on average, more
impulsive; does this mean that impulsive people are more inclined to use drugs or does one become
impulsive due to the use of drugs? In this course, students will learn how to examine such matters.

Of course, research should preferably be conducted as much controlled as possible and alternative
explanations should be excluded. To this end, it is important to use a good research design including
a control group for example.

Course objectives

Students can:

Bachelor Psychology
name and explain different research designs, such as between-subjects designs, within-
subjects designs, quasi-experimental designs, and factorial designs;
name and reflect on important aspects of scientific research, such as different types of
arguments, scientific theory, ethics in research, questionnaires, selection of participants,
reliability, and validity;
name various statistical analysis techniques, such as correlation, linear regression,
associations, as well as causality, and can explain when application of these techniques is
describe the empirical cycle of scientific research and its elements;
name and explain various types of research, such as observational research and experimental

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

L. Riecke
A.J. Roefs
A. Cassese

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Research, ethics, questionnaires, observations, correlations, design, experiment
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Body and Behaviour

Full course description

What causes jetlag? Why do you feel like having a cup of soup? How come smokers are so hooked on
their cigarettes? These and other questions will be answered during the course Body and Behaviour.
This course mainly studies biological explanations for behaviour based on themes such as sexuality,
eating and drinking, sleeping and waking, medication, movement, and addiction. Knowledge of the
biological basis of behaviour is essential for psychologists. The most important structure for
explaining human behaviour is our brain. However, establishing a link between electrical and
neurochemical activities in our brain to behaviour is no easy task. You need sound knowledge of
neuroanatomy (how parts of the brain are in connection to one another), neurophysiology (how brain
cells operate), and neurotransmission (how brain cells communicate). During the first few weeks of
the course, special attention will be paid to the (further) development of this basic knowledge.
Students will also learn that knowledge of the biological basis of human behaviour does not only
come from research on humans, but also on animals. Finally, research methods used by

Bachelor Psychology
psychologists to study the biological basis of behaviour will be touched upon. Today, psychologists
are able to carefully study the structure and function of the brain using these methods. The most
important methods will be discussed and the pros and cons will be compared.

Course objectives


can reproduce the basic (neuro)anatomy and anatomical views and positions;
can explain the function of a neuron and the foundations of neurotransmission;
can provide definitions of the terms systems neuroscience and basic genetics;
can explain the sensorimotor system and the reflex arc;
can explain circadian rhythms and can connect concepts such as sleep and sleep
stadia, hunger and thirst, homeostasis, hormones, and sexual development;
can explain concepts, such as mechanisms of specific medication, conditioning, and addiction,
based on their basic knowledge on neuroscience;
understand that there are different research methods in neuroscience and know how these

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M. Capalbo

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurotransmission, neuropharmaceutical products, homeostasis,
Sleep, Addiction, sexual development, methods
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Anatomy

Full course description

As a psychologist it is necessary to have an understanding of the overall organisation of the brain.

This practical is a first introduction into the brain’s anatomy. You are going to work with diverse,
virtual 3D models of brains. You will navigate these virtual brains looking for brain structures and
areas to advance your insight into the structure of the brain. A workbook shall be completed during
this course. Literature and short video fragments of lectures on anatomy will also be used. The
workbook gives information about the anatomy and it will help you locate the different parts and

Bachelor Psychology
structures. Each section contains a task and/or questions. Your workbook will be checked.

Course objectives


can name directions and planes in the brain, hemispheres and lobes, gyri and sulci, cortical
areas, functional areas, ducts and nerves, commissures and ventricles;
can (better) interpret images of structural MRI.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M. Capalbo

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Neuroanatomy, neuro navigation, virtual anatomy, structural MRI
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Statistics for Psychologists I

Full course description

This course consists of two parts. During the first part of the course, students will study the
foundations of inferential statistics. A great deal of emphasis will be placed on the logic behind the
statistical reasoning process. During the second part of the course, students will be familiarised with
several statistical techniques often used in the field: t-tests, ANOVA and X2 tests. In the parallel
SPSS practical, students will be given the opportunity to apply these techniques to several real data
sets. The subjects covered in the second part of this course will consistently be linked to the basic
terms that were explained in the first part of the course.

Course objectives


are able to specify and explain relevant concepts that are central in inferential statistics,
including random experiment, sample space, events, (un-)conditional probability, statistical
(in)dependence, random variables, probability distribution, expected value and standard

Bachelor Psychology
deviation, density curve, simple random sampling, parameters and (unbiased) estimators,
population distribution, distribution of sample scores, sampling distribution, standard error,
central limit theorem, null- and alternative hypothesis, one vs. two-tailed test, test statistic, p-
value, significance level, power, Type I- and Type II-errors, confidence interval, population and
sample proportion;
are able to explain and apply specific statistical techniques, such as z-test, t-tests, ANOVA, X2-
goodness of fit test, X2-test for contingency tables, and they can interpret relevant output of
these tests;
are able to specify the assumptions of statistical tests that were discussed in this module as
well as the conditions for, robustness against violations of these assumptions and are able to
apply this knowledge when analysing data.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A. Cassese

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Inferential statistics, hypothesis testing and (interval) estimation, t-test, ANOVA, chi-square
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: SPSS I

Full course description

Psychologists that work with statistics rarely produce calculations manually, but use statistical
software to run the required analyses. IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS is the
software that psychologists use most. During the first three practicals, students will learn how to use
the software correctly and will familiarise themselves with the many possibilities that SPSS offers
the user. During the last three practicals, students will further explore the theory behind statistics
by analysing data from actual research.

Course objectives


are able to show that they can work with the software SPSS, such as entering data in SPSS
and performing the statistical analyses discussed in the module 'Statistics for psychologists I'
by means of SPSS;

Bachelor Psychology
are able to correctly interpret SPSS output for the statistical analyses that were discussed in
the module 'Statistics for psychologists I'.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A. Cassese

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
SPSS, statistical software
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Discover Psychology: Psychology in Society

Full course description

At the start of their Bachelor’s, students often do not yet have a clear idea of what psychology has to
offer in terms of content. Discover Psychology (see general description of module IPN1029) is meant
to help students find their bearings in the field. Students have the opportunity to explore a specific
theme, by choosing between a number of brief courses, provided by staff members from various
departments. In addition, students are introduced to the research that is being carried out by the
different departments within FPN; several Professors are invited to tell students about their line of
research within our faculty.

The elective track ‘Psychology in Society’ highlights the role that psychology plays in society. What
does psychology for example contribute to maintaining good health, improving professional
achievements, to care trajectories in primary schools or influencing consumer behavior? Students
learn about the important contribution that psychological science makes to everyday society – both
with regard to explaining behavior, and solving problems.

Course objectives

Students are able to:

describe and explain classical theme’s within applied psychology;

explain the contributions of psychology to everyday life in society;
understand the media influence on society;
understand, analyse, and evaluate research and research methods in psychology.

Bachelor Psychology
Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

K. Massar

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Social psychology, Work psychology, sport psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, neuropsychology,
clinical research
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Discover Psychology: Meet your Brain

Full course description

At the start of their Bachelor’s, students often do not yet have a clear idea of what psychology has to
offer in terms of content. Discover Psychology (see general description of module IPN1029) is meant
to help students find their bearings in the field. Students have the opportunity to explore a specific
theme, by choosing between numbers of brief courses, provided by staff members from various
departments. In addition, students are introduced to the research that is being carried out by the
different departments within FPN; several Professors are invited to tell students about their line of
research within our faculty.

The elective track ‘Meet your Brain’ presents several intriguing examples of the link between brain
and behaviour, and thereby showcases how insights into the workings of the brain provide novel
ways for psychologists to explain, predict and ultimately influence behavior. The potential of
neuroscientific methods such as neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation is highlighted in
the context of fundamental research and clinical applications to treat brain-based disorders.

Course objectives


gain insights into the link between brain and behaviour;

obtain a basic understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying various cognitive functions;
can name and explain how neuroscientific techniques can be used to treat brain-based
can (better) understand, analyse, and evaluate original research articles in the field of
(cognitive) neuroscience;

Bachelor Psychology
get hands-on experience with non-invasive brain stimulation and EEG.

Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F. Dücker

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Social psychology, Work psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Clinical research
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Discover Psychology: Drugs and the Brain

Full course description

At the start of their Bachelor’s, students often do not yet have a clear idea of what psychology has to
offer in terms of content. Discover Psychology (see general description of module IPN1029) is meant
to help students find their bearings in the field. Students have the opportunity to explore a specific
theme, by choosing between numbers of brief courses, provided by staff members from various
departments. In addition, students are introduced to the research that is begin carried out by the
different departments within FPN; several Professors are invited to tell students about their line of
research within our faculty.

The elective track ‘Drugs and the Brain’ deals with the neural and behavioral effects of several well-
known drugs. How does each drug influence the brain, and how do the characteristic behavioral
effects arise? What role do neurotransmitters play in this process? Does the general public’s popular
opinion reflect the actual dangers of a drug? Is a legal drug such as alcohol safer than illegal drugs?
Could certain illegal drugs actually have valuable medicinal applications?

Course objectives


are able to explain the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the behavioural effects of a
number of well-known drugs of abuse;
are able to understand the research paradigms and methods used in psychopharmacological
research and evaluate the findings.


Bachelor Psychology
Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

K.P.C. Kuypers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
psychopharmacology, drugs of abuse, biological mechanism, classification of drugs of abuse
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Discover Psychology: Mind your Body

Full course description

At the start of their Bachelor’s, students often do not yet have a clear idea of what psychology has to
offer in terms of content. Discover Psychology (see general description of module IPN1029) is meant
to help students find their bearings in the field. Students have the opportunity to explore a specific
theme, by choosing between numbers of brief courses, provided by staff members from various
departments. In addition, students are introduced to the research that is begin carried out by the
different departments within FPN; several Professors are invited to tell students about their line of
research within our faculty.

The elective track ‘Mind your Body’ highlights the role of having a positive or negative body image,
focusing primarily on the role that the (mass) media play in this process. A negative body image can
cause a whole range of additional psychological problems, including depression and eating
disorders. How does a negative body image develop? How can this be worsened, or improved? What
is the role of your family and friends in this? And could a positive body image have very positive
effects on our life?

Course objectives


will be able to name and describe classic themes/theories within psychology, including the
psychology of body image;
will be able to describe the role of a positive or negative body image and how the media
influence body image;
will be able to better understand, analyse and evaluate the published research and research
methods in the domain of body image.


Bachelor Psychology
Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J.M. Alleva

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Social psychology, Work psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Clinical research
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

Development can be regarded as the changes in behaviour that entail an adjustment by a child to
his/her physical and social environment. The central theme is how and why a certain psychological
process develops. Is it the result of the maturing of the brain (nature) or environmental factors
(nurture), or both? During the course, we will look at the processes and changes that play a role in
the psychological change from conception to young adulthood. Maturation and development of the
central nervous system is one of the subjects that will be studied (biological development). Students
will also look at the way in which children learn to observe and think (perceptual and cognitive
development), which will include the discussion of a number of theories, including the Piagetian and
information-processing developmental theories. The social, emotional and moral development of the
child will be discussed too, such as attachment to parents/caretakers. The effect of group processes
will primarily be discussed in relation to adolescent development. Other important subjects are
language acquisition, information processing and the development of social cognition.

Course objectives


can name and explain classical topics in developmental psychology, such as temperament,
information processing, learning theories, and social cognition;
can summarize the processes and (age-related) changes relevant in developmental psychology
and can explain relevant developmental theories;
can explain cognitive development, perceptual development, language acquisition, moral
development, and emotional and social development;
can reproduce the stages of pre- and postnatal brain development, and understand concepts
relevant in the context of growing and the development of the central nervous system;
can understand, analyse, and evaluate research and research methods published in the field of

Bachelor Psychology
developmental psychology.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.C.L. Donkers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
development, Perception, cognition, emotion, language, moral development
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

How does our brain construct a picture of the world around us? The efficiency with which we see,
hear, feel and smell makes perception seem easy and effortless. However, this ability is astounding
when one considers the complexity and diversity of our senses and, in particular, how systematically
the millions of neurons in our brain work together to process all of the various sensory stimuli.

The course will start with the following questions: ‘What is perception?’ and ‘How can we measure
it?’ Subsequently, students will consider in detail the question of how the visual brain system
transforms light stimuli into the perception of colours, contrast, movement, depth and visual objects.
Building on this, students will study how our auditory system converts sound stimuli into the
perception of tones, music, environmental sounds and human speech. Throughout the course,
students will discuss basic functional and structural principles of perception through a comparison
of the visual and auditory systems.

Course objectives


are able to identify and understand different aspects of auditory and visual perception, such as
object recognition, colour perception, sound perception, depth and size perception, auditory
scene analysis, Gestalt psychology, and auditory/visual illusions;
are able to explain physiological principles of auditory and visual perception, such as the
structure and function of the ear and eye, colour and sound perception, subcortical and
cortical auditory and visual pathways, and structural and functional principles of perception;
are able to recognize and clarify anomalies in auditory and visual perception, such as colour

Bachelor Psychology
blindness, dyslexia and hearing loss, and are able to relate these anomalies to underlying
physiological mechanisms and/or brain damage;
understand, analyse and evaluate basic approaches and research methods central to the study
of perception.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M.L. Bonte

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Perception, brain, visual perception, auditory perception, psychophysics, neuroimaging, Cognitive
Neuroscience, neuropsychology
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Skills III: Communicating

Full course description

Several different skills will be covered in periods four, five, and six, which deal with communicating
ideas effectively to a larger audience.

Based on a number of written exercises, attention will be paid to giving feedback, structuring an
academic paper, plagiarism, and writing according to current language and style rules. Students will
be required to complete three small individual written assignments. They will also gain experience
with communicating ideas audio visually and verbally. Furthermore, they will be introduced to
therapeutic communication skills.

In addition, students will engage in a number of activities with the object of familiarising themselves
with the various disciplines within psychology and with the labour market. In May, the mentor will
have another individual meeting with every student on study progress.

Course objectives


can communicate findings in a scientific and/or popular manner, i.e., in writing articles on
specific topics and giving (oral) presentations;
are able to reflect on their own communication skills (self-reflection);

Bachelor Psychology
have practiced their own communication skills. Giving feedback is a central part of this.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A.L.T. Walkowiak

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Presentation(s), Paper(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper, Presentation
Writing skills, communication, mentorate
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Writing Assignment 1

Full course description

Students will practice academic writing. Based on three writing assignments, attention will be paid
to giving feedback, structuring an academic paper, plagiarism and writing according to current
language and style rules.

The first assignment involves writing a blog about the observational study students performed in
period 3 (part of Skills II). Students are challenged to describe their observational study in a
scientific and popular way that appeals to a larger audience. They also have to give feedback on
each other’s blogs during the practical. Students are given the opportunity to edit their own blog on
the basis of the feedback they will receive from their peers and teaching staff.

Students will perform this task under direct supervision of teaching staff.

Course objectives


can read, interpret, and reflect upon papers summing experimental studies;
can give constructive feedback on the work of others.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description

Bachelor Psychology
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.E.R.M. Nievelstein

Teaching methods:
Skills, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
Writing skills
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Writing Assignment 2

Full course description

Students will practise academic writing. Based on three writing assignments, attention will be paid
to giving feedback, structuring an academic paper, plagiarism and writing according to current
language and style rules.

The second assignment involves practicing in clearly describing and consequently interpreting
experimental studies, and formulating a critical conclusion.

The assignment involves reading about a controversial historical psychology perspective, and
coming to a well-founded, critical conclusion about a personal perspective on the issue.

Students will perform this task under direct supervision of teaching staff.

Course objectives


have knowledge on and experience with reading and interpreting experimental studies of
can compare different experimental studies and can formulate a critical conclusion regarding
the meaning of these studies;
can write findings in a scientific manner.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology

F.E.R.M. Nievelstein

Teaching methods:
Skills, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
Writing skills
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Writing Assignment 3

Full course description

Students will practise academic writing. Based on three writing assignments, attention will be paid
to giving feedback, structuring an academic paper, plagiarism and writing according to current
language and style rules.

The third assignment involves providing useful feedback to an academic paper written by a peer.
Students will receive a clear instruction and will provide their peer-review under direct supervision
of teaching staff.

Course objectives


can write findings in a scientific and popular manner;

can give constructive feedback on the work of others.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.E.R.M. Nievelstein

Teaching methods:
Skills, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
Writing skills, communication
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Bachelor Psychology

Practical: Portfolio Year 1 Part 2

Full course description

Again in the fourth period students have an individual meeting with their mentor in which study
progress and personal development are discussed. The portfolio with study results will form the
basis of these meetings.

Students need to have fulfilled the requirements of IPN1140 portfolio year 1 part 2 to get the credits
for Skills III.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to formulate SMART goals;

to analyse, to evaluate, and to reflect on their SMART goals and functioning (study behaviour,
study progress and personal development);
to make a structured portfolio in which the analyses, evaluations and reflections systematically
are discussed.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.B. de Sousa Fernandes Perna

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Portfolio
Personal learning goals, self-reflection, study progress
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

History and Foundations of Psychology

Full course description

Scientific products and science-based solutions for social problems are all around us. This course
describes the development of psychology as an independent branch of knowledge acquisition and
attempts to capture the essence of this academic discipline. Because this entails fundamental
questions, we will first set the stage by reflecting on several milestones in the development of

Bachelor Psychology
humanity. After this, we will zoom in on the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th century that
has determined our present view of the world. This should encourage you to think about the
question of how modern psychology was shaped after and through this revolution. In this way, on
temporary psychology is studied as a result of changes in and approaches of human thought and
behaviour through the ages. The most important thinkers and schools of thought within psychology
will be discussed.

Following Burke’s adage "Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it", awareness of
historical strengths and weaknesses of psychology is important to ensure a healthy future for
scientific psychology and its practitioners.

Course objectives


can explain theories regarding the origin of humanity and its influence on psychology;
can name relevant milestones, approaches, and currents regarding the history of mankind and
psychology, such as scientific revolution, dualism: mind-body problem, Darwin and theory of
evolution, psychology as a discipline, behaviourism and cognitive psychology, Freud and
psychoanalysis, and modern scientific psychology, and can reflect on the balance between
these approaches;
can analyse and evaluate the influence of brain research on modern scientific psychology.

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A. Blokland

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
Historical perspective, Scientific revolution, mind-body problem, experimental psychology,
Darwinism, behaviourism, Freud, brain research, cognitive approach, demarcation science – non-
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Learning and Memory

Full course description

We learn throughout our lives. At school, we learn to read and do sums. We also learn to cycle and

Bachelor Psychology
later how to drive a car. Besides this, we can recall specific events, such as our first driving lesson,
or our first day in high school. For some, high school may elicit happy memories, for others simply
recalling walking on the schoolyard is sufficient to elicit anxiety. Our memory can also fail. It may
happen that you go to the supermarket with a list in your head of what you certainly need to buy, to
come home with several items lacking. And maybe your sibling will have a very different memory of
a past event, calling into question the truth-value of memories.

The above-elicited questions will be studied through behavioural research in humans and derived
cognitive models, but also via biological research in animals, so that behavioural data and
theoretical insights can be better linked to the brain function. This biologically oriented course gives
students an introduction about generally applicable stages in learning and memory, namely
encoding, storage, and retrieval. In addition, students will be exposed to the different brain areas
and structures that contribute to the different types of memory, and to the contribution of individual
neurons to forming short- and long-term memory traces. This course aims to significantly deepen the
students’ concepts of working memory, episodic memory, different forms of conditioning and skill
learning, emotional learning, and learning by example.

Insights into how memory works may help enhancing memory and learning in many daily activities,
in educational contexts, and in clinical contexts that involve revalidation after physical or emotional
trauma, or neurological disease, brain lesions or ageing. The course will stimulate students to make
the link between theoretical insights and applications.

Course objectives

Students will be able:

to name and explain different types of memory and related theoretical models;
to name the most important anatomical structures of different types of learning and memory,
and to explain lesion effects;
to explain neuronal processes and their changes during learning and memory (as explained in
the present course);
to understand the selected primary research articles, and to integrate them into the overall
body of study materials;
to understand research methods sufficiently (at the described introductory level) as to
understand and explain findings in the discussed studies;
to apply knowledge on learning and memory mechanisms to gain deeper insight in examples
from clinical or other domains (e.g., study behaviour, social media, ADHD, depression,
Alzheimer, autism, addiction, phobia’s).

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P.H.M. de Weerd
V.G. van de Ven
Bachelor Psychology
Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
learning, Memory, Cognitive models, biological approaches, applications
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Measuring Cognitive Functions 1

Full course description

The practical courses IPN1125 to IPN1127 focus on developing diagnostic skills such as
administering, scoring and interpreting instruments frequently used to express experimental and
clinical paradigms (or function domains) in terms of size and number. The key function domains for
this course are Memory, Executive Functions and Attention. The information provided during this
practical course will explain the experimental possibilities and clinical applications of each
instrument. The students will then practice using these instruments on each other and experience
first-hand the rules, successes and frustrations each instrument brings with it. After practicing these
tests individually, students will be presented with a complex verbal and visual case study. A client
with cognitive complaints must undergo a neuropsychological exam. The students will be asked
whether these complaints can be categorised as “functioning normally” (everyone forgets things at
some point) or whether an underlying disorder may be the cause.

Course objectives


can describe the diagnostic cycle and know the role of the neuropsychological tests;
administered and scored neuropsychological tests assessing memory and executive functions
and learned how to interpret the results;
can explain how behaviour of people can be systematically observed during test
can generate hypotheses regarding the well-being of a person based on observations and test

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

I. Winkens

Teaching methods:
Skills, Work in subgroups

Bachelor Psychology
Assessment methods:
Cognitive models, neuropsychological tests, clinical applications, diagnostic cycle
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Measuring Cognitive Functions 2

Full course description

The practical courses IPN1125 to IPN1127 focus on developing diagnostic skills such as
administering, scoring and interpreting instruments frequently used to express experimental and
clinical paradigms (or function domains) in terms of size and number. The key function domains for
this course are Memory, Executive Functions and Attention. The information provided during this
practical course will explain the experimental possibilities and clinical applications of each
instrument. The students will then practice using these instruments on each other and experience
first-hand the rules, successes and frustrations each instrument brings with it. After practicing these
tests individually, students will be presented with a complex verbal and visual case study. A client
with cognitive complaints must undergo a neuropsychological exam. The students will be asked
whether these complaints can be categorised as “functioning normally” (everyone forgets things at
some point) or whether an underlying disorder may be the cause.

Course objectives


can describe the diagnostic cycle and know the role of the neuropsychological tests;
administered and scored neuropsychological tests assessing memory and executive functions
and learned how to interpret the results;
can explain how behaviour of people can be systematically observed during test
can generate hypotheses regarding the well-being of a person based on observations and test

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

C.W.E.M. Quaedflieg

Teaching methods:
Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:

Bachelor Psychology
Cognitive models, neuropsychological tests, clinical applications, diagnostic cycle
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Cognitive Disorders in Practice

Full course description

The practical courses IPN1125 to IPN1127 focus on developing diagnostic skills such as
administering, scoring and interpreting instruments frequently used to express experimental and
clinical paradigms (or function domains) in terms of size and number. The key function domains for
this course are Memory, Executive Functions and Attention. The information provided during this
practical course will explain the experimental possibilities and clinical applications of each
instrument. The students will then practice using these instruments on each other and experience
first-hand the rules, successes and frustrations each instrument brings with it. After practicing these
tests individually, students will be presented with a complex verbal and visual case study. A client
with cognitive complaints must undergo a neuropsychological exam. The students will be asked
whether these complaints can be categorised as “functioning normally” (everyone forgets things at
some point) or whether an underlying disorder may be the cause.

Course objectives


can describe the diagnostic cycle and know the role of the neuropsychological tests;
administered and scored neuropsychological tests assessing memory and executive functions
and learned how to interpret the results;
can explain how behaviour of people can be systematically observed during test
can generate hypotheses regarding the well-being of a person based on observations and test

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

C. Resch
A. Terneusen

Teaching methods:
Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:

Bachelor Psychology
Cognitive models, neuropsychological tests, clinical applications, diagnostic cycle
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Evolution and Genetics for Psychology

Full course description

The goal of this course is to provide students with insight into genetics and the theory of evolution.
They discover how to use this knowledge in order to explain psychological phenomena.

Darwin's theory of evolution teaches us that human cognition originated gradually. Genetics explains
that selection of genetic variation in populations has been the driving force of this process.
Therefore, knowledge of evolution and genetics is required to understand the evolution of cognition.
Students will discuss the principles of transmission genetics (how traits are passed on from parent
to child?), molecular genetics (how do genes affect the development of a trait?), epigenetics (how is
gene expression regulated?), and population genetics (how are traits selected in a population?).
Based on these principles, students will examine the evolutionary explanations of cognition.
Moreover, students will discuss the evolution of cooperation (inclusive fitness theory), and the
question why humans take up a special position in the animal kingdom. Concrete examples will be
discussed which show how knowledge of evolutionary or ultimate causation is linked to knowledge of
the proximate cause of a phenomenon. By studying these examples, students will obtain a clear
image of how knowledge on genetics and evolution contributes to a better understanding of
psychological phenomena.

Course objectives


can explain the basic principles of Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics , epigenetics, and
population genetics;
can mention and elaborate on the basic processes driving evolutionary change in populations;
can describe inclusive fitness theory and can explain how this theory can be used to explain
(the evolution of) behaviour and cognition;
can explain the distinction between ultimate and proximate explanations and how they can be
applied to psychological phenomena;
can apply their knowledge of genetics and evolution to explain psychological phenomena;
can mention and describe theories on the evolution of the human brain and cognition.

Period 6
7 Jun 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M.M.L. Moerel

Bachelor Psychology
M. Gerards

Teaching methods:
PBL, Lecture(s)
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
Natural selection, Genetics, evolution, inclusive fitness
Second year courses

Bachelor Psychology Year 2

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Complex Cognition

Full course description

This course supplements the first-year courses Perception and Learning and Memory and completes
our introduction into cognitive psychology. The course ‘Complex Cognition’ focuses on higher
cognitive processes such as reasoning, decision making and problem solving. Students will learn
about the information processing system that constrains these processes. Finally, this course
highlights the role cultural differences play in research into cognition.

The course starts with several questions about knowledge representation and language: How do we
categorise objects? How do we store the meaning of words? How do we recognise words? How do
we understand texts? We then focus on psychological research into human problem solving and
reasoning and the underlying dual process. Decision making then becomes the dominant theme of
this course. How rational is human decision making? What role does emotion play in the decision
making process? If the human decision maker is often irrational, how can we improve his or her
decisions? Can people learn to become better decision makers? How do we reach moral decisions
and what role does our social and cultural environment play? The environment also plays an
important role in negotiating and cooperative behaviour. A successful Indian negotiator, for
example, acts differently than a negotiator in the Netherlands. Students learn how game-theoretic
and social-neuroeconomic research help us understand cooperative behaviour. The course will offer
illustrations of the role of complex cognitive processes in applied psychological disciplines (e.g.,
educational psychology and work and organizational psychology).Throughout the course, students
will focus on and map relations between theories.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to understand and explain higher cognitive processes (i.e., reasoning, decision making,
problem-solving, and language comprehension);
to compare and differentiate prominent theories of higher cognitive processes;
to organize and visualize knowledge of these theories in maps;
to explain how social and cultural factors affect complex cognitive behaviour (e.g., in moral
judgment, team cognition, cooperation, and negotiation);
to reflect on intercultural differences in cognition;

Bachelor Psychology
to present an empirical article to peers;
to self-supervise their group learning process.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

H.T.H. Fonteijn

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Presentation(s), Lecture(s), PBL, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
language, problem solving, decision making, reasoning, Culture
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Cognition and Culture

Full course description

This practical gives students an opportunity to experience working in distributed multi-cultural

teams. In their future career, students will probably encounter many opportunities to collaborate
with co-workers online. By developing uncertainty management (i.e., knowledge on how insecurity
and unfamiliarity can influence communication and interpersonal relations and how these can be
influenced) and perspective taking skills, students may be better prepared for such types of work
and thus enhance their employability.

A group assignment challenges students to find and reflect on a problem that they can relate to the
content of IPN2021. Finding a topic and co-creating a group product invites reflection on
intercultural differences and collaboration in (virtual) teams. The assignment will result in a joint
group product and an individual reflection report.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to describe and explain cultural differences in a cognitive process (e.g. moral judgment,
decision making, negotiation);
to collaborate online in culturally diverse groups and improve collaborative problem solving
skills, like creating a shared understanding of a problem, taking appropriate action to
complete an assignment, and establishing and maintaining team organization;
to understand how challenges to virtual team work in culturally diverse groups can be

Bachelor Psychology
to reflect on intercultural differences in communication and cognition.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

H.T.H. Fonteijn

Teaching methods:
Work in subgroups, Assignment(s), Presentation(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
Intercultural awareness, collaborative problem solving, cognition
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Personality and Individual Differences

Full course description

Structure of the course:

The course is divided into four parts. In the first part of the course students will gain an overview of
the most important theories, techniques and methods used by psychologists in the context of
personality and intelligence research. What are common conceptualizations of personality and
intelligence? Secondly, students will learn about antecedents or explanations of individual
differences. Why are there differences between humans? How does evolution come into play? What
role does heredity play? In the third part, students will focus on outcomes of personality in terms of
life experiences. What is the role of personality and intelligence in the prediction of life events? How
important is intelligence for your career? Do personality traits predict the duration of a marriage? In
the fourth part, students will focus on applications of personality theory and findings in practice.
How is knowledge on personality and intelligence applied in clinical and organisational settings?
What kind of practical implications can be derived from personality research?

Practical relevance:

Today, personality and intelligence research forms an important fundamental basis for the daily
practice of psychologists. If psychologists execute experts’ assessments for court, they do this based
on knowledge from personality and intelligence research. Psychologists select people for jobs based
on personality and intelligence research. If psychologists treat mental disorders, they often first
assess personality and intelligence of a patient. Knowledge on personality psychology and
intelligence is therefore an important basis for every student who wants to work in fields such as
clinical psychology, forensic psychology, educational psychology, or work and organisational

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives


can describe and compare the most important theories and empirical findings about
personality, individual differences, and intelligence;
can explain the relation between personality, intelligence, and life events (life outcomes);
can explain antecedents (e.g. genetics, evolutionary explanations) that cause individual
can discuss practical applications of personality theory and research findings;
can apply and evaluate measurement techniques for assessing individual differences and
personality disorders.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A. Sambeth
B.A. Hendriks

Teaching methods:
PBL, Lecture(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
personality, intelligence, measurement, antecedents, consequences
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Personality Diagnostics

Full course description

In this practical students explore the personality diagnostic methods used in the trait paradigm. The
trait paradigm is one of the most popular paradigms within personality research and personality
diagnostics in practice. The goal of the practical is for students to write a personality report about a
person they know well. This person has to fill in a personality questionnaire. At the same time,
students have to fill in an observer's personality questionnaire about this person. Students learn how
this information is processed and how t-values and z-values can be calculated. Based on this
information, students will write a report in which they describe the results in accordance with
personality research, but also in a way that is understandable for academic non-psychologists, such
as doctors, jurists, social workers or teachers.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain personality diagnostic methods used in the trait paradigm/multivariate paradigms;

to execute a personality assessment, i.e. to take and interpret personality questionnaires and
observer reports (self and observer questionnaires);
to calculate personality scores (T-values, Z-values);
to report the results of a personality assessment in a formal report.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

B.A. Hendriks
C. Resch

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Paper(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Final paper
Personality assessment, self and observer reports, reporting on results, trait paradigm,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Skills IV: Academic Writing

Full course description

The advanced writing course Skills IV succeeds the writing practicals of Skills III. Students will
continue to further develop their writing skills by writing a complete critical review paper. Writing
their first complete, individual paper is aimed to prepare them for writing their Bachelor’s thesis in
year 3.

Each partaking supervisor proposes a group theme. Subsequently, based on their interests, groups
of students are assigned to a supervisor. Under supervisors’ guidance, and supported by their peers,
students formulate a critical research question related to the group theme, and address the question
with the help of several scientific articles. Emphasis is placed on developing a logical and compelling
storyline, and extracting and comparing information from different sources, rather than just listing
and summarising existing literature. Hence, Skills IV is not only an exercise in developing writing
skills, but it also encourages the development of critical thinking. By peer-reviewing the paper of a
fellow group member, students gain more insight into the process of writing and shaping an article,
continue to expand their peer-reviewing and feedback skills, and benefit from additional feedback

Bachelor Psychology

At various stages of this process, students are offered additional learning experiences under
guidance of the UM Language Centre, focussed on academic writing skills as well as English
language use.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to formulate a critical research question;

to write a complete critical review paper on academic level;
to argument logically by developing a logical and compelling storyline;
to write in correct English (grammar and spelling);
to extract and compare information from different sources;
to apply APA-guidelines;
to evaluate and criticize papers by peer-reviewing and providing feedback;
to familiarize themselves with the Handbook Writing Skills (Havermans, Houben, Nievelstein
& Van Doorn, 2018) and apply the principles to their own writing.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.E.R.M. Nievelstein

Teaching methods:
Skills, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
Writing, Critical Thinking
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Portfolio Year 2 Part 1

Full course description

The portfolio part in year 2 consists of two parts: two individual mentor meetings for which as
preparation the portfolio has to be updated. Emphasis is on reflection and regulation of the study
and personal growth. Students have started their second year and need to analyze their study
methods again This will be the main focus of the first individual meeting. In addition, students will
follow elective courses in the fifth semester and will be required to submit their choices halfway
through their second year. This is an excellent opportunity to develop specific skills and a broad

Bachelor Psychology
academic profile. This is what students will be consciously focusing on by updating their portfolios
with information acquired in the second year of the programme. Students will also be required to
discuss their study progress and elective course choices with their mentor. Students need to have
fulfilled the requirements of the portfolio to get the credits for Skills IV.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to analyze their personal progress in developing competences and to (self-) reflect on these
skills in a portfolio;
to set goals regarding their further development of skills;
to make choices regarding the elective courses based on their personal goals and on the
information acquired in the second year of the bachelor’s programme;
to formulate their personal development, goals, and choices in the portfolio.


Having fulfilled the portfolio year 1 (IPN1139 Portfolio Year 1 Part 1 and IPN1140 Portfolio Year 1
Part 2) is a prerequisite for the portfolio part of skills IV.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.B. de Sousa Fernandes Perna

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Portfolio
Personal learning goals, self-reflection, study progress
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Information Literacy: Literature Search and


Full course description

This (mandatory) practical covers two parts:

1) Searching in databases for individual literature, which builds on the Systematic Literature Search

Bachelor Psychology
practical in year 1.

2) The use of the program EndNote.

The first part consists of using several databases which support in the creation of a research
question. In addition, this part will support in finding relevant literature for the academic paper as
part of Skills IV.

The second part builds on the first part, in which hands-on experiences will be gained about the
program EndNote. This tool can structure and update references, which in turn can be inserted
within word processing programs as in-text citations, footnotes, and a reference list. Students will
learn to create an own EndNote library with references, which can be used in individual documents
according to a chosen citation style (APA 6th).

As preparation, students need to run through an online module.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to find specific literature for their individual academic paper;

to use the EndNote programme for creating references/ literature lists;
to apply the APA citation style for references in Word-documents.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

N. Siep

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Presentation(s)
Assessment methods:
literature search, EndNote, APA style, referencing, citing
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

The course Psychopathology deals with disturbed, strange, unadjusted, abnormal behaviour.
Students will study prevalent clinical problems on the basis of a number of case studies and the

Bachelor Psychology
results of research, such as anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictions, mood disorders and
psychotic disorders.

Questions that will be discussed repeatedly during the course: What does the clinical picture look
like, what are the diagnostic criteria? When does normal become abnormal? How often does this
disorder arise? How does such a disorder develop? What can be done about it? In this respect, it is
important to study why one person develops the disorder while another does not and how scientific
research can reveal causes of disorders and insight in the mechanisms that maintain the disorder.
Students will also familiarise themselves with different forms of psychotherapy and
pharmacotherapy. What happens in this type of therapy and how effective is it?

After the course, students will be familiar with the clinical picture and diagnostic criteria for the
most frequent psychological disorders, as well as theories on aetiology, empirical findings that
support or contradict the theory, customary treatments and effectiveness of those therapies.

Course objectives

Students can:

explain the DSM-5 classification;

distinguish and explain the prevalence, clinical picture, and diagnostic criteria for several
frequent psychological disorders: trauma- and stressor-related disorders and dissociative
phenomena, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders,
eating disorders, personality disorders, addictive disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders;
describe and discuss theories and research on the aetiology and/or maintaining mechanisms
(e.g., cognitive biases, learning processes, neurotransmitters and genetic factors) for these
psychological disorders;
describe/explain customary therapies (e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy, EMDR and
psychopharmacology) and their effectiveness for these psychological disorders.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

G.L.T. Schyns

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Psychopathology, Psychiatry, treatment, evidence-based, DSM-5-diagnostics
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Bachelor Psychology

Practical: Psychiatric Anamnesis

Full course description

Students will practise obtaining a patient’s psychiatric anamnesis (more specifically, anamnesis of
the various complaints and symptoms and a mental state examination), determining diagnoses and
classification based DSM-5, and writing a professional report. They will do so by means of a
preparation lecture, instruction materials, literature and practising with each other and with
simulated patients. The practical consists of four 3-hour meetings lead by a clinically experienced
trainer. At every meeting, students will be given the opportunity to apply the acquired techniques to
simulated patients with various psychiatric disorders. Finally, they will write a professional report
based on the information provided. This practical course will be evaluated on attendance (100%) and
a passing grade for the anamnesis report.

During the practical ‘psychiatric anamnesis’, knowledge (diagnostics, classification, disorders,

symptoms, treatments) from the module ‘Psychopathology’ is used. Students that do not/did not
follow this module are expected to gain this knowledge themselves before the start of the practical.
Also, students are assumed to have knowledge of psychological conversation skills (year 1).

Course objectives

Students are able:

to describe and apply psychological communication skills;

to carry out an anamnestic interview along the lines of the structure of a psychiatric
to carry out a mental status examination (part of the psychiatric anamnesis);
To understand and use the DSM-5 classification for diagnosing and apply it to the cases in the
to use professional terminology (in both word and writing);
to create a professional therapist-client relationship;
to write a professional report of a psychiatric anamnesis using professional language.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A.A.N. Mulkens

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Paper(s), Patient contact, Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper

Bachelor Psychology
Psychological conversation techniques, (complaints/ case) history, DSM-5 diagnoses and
classification, professional reporting
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Functional Neuroanatomy

Full course description

The importance of neuroscientific research within the field of psychology steadily increases, in part
due to the development of research techniques that allow to study in vivo the structure and function
of the human brain. At a high pace, neural systems and mechanisms are revealed that are ultimately
responsible for even the most complex aspects of human experience, cognition and behaviour. This
implies that psychology students nowadays need to have a thorough understanding of the structural
and functional organisation of the brain.

In recent decennia, it has become clear that specific behaviours and abilities cannot be linked simply
to specific brain structures. Instead, behavioural abilities are implemented in brain-wide systems –
the components of which are located throughout the brain at all structural levels: cortical, and
subcortical. The integrated functioning of these distributed brain structures gives rise to functional
systems, e.g., sensory systems, motor systems, memory systems, etc. Students will explore several
functional systems involved in the generation of behaviour through multiple tutorial group meetings.
Each meeting will focus on a different aspect: structural and functional organisation of the cerebral
cortex, the organisation of the motor system, the basal ganglia loops, the cerebellum, and the limbic
system. Students will learn how the interrelated functions are structurally and functionally
implemented, with what means they can be studied and what consequences damage or dysfunction
have for behaviour and psychological well-being.

In order to achieve this it is important to know where these structures are located within the brain,
as well as how they are interconnected. To create an optimal blending of structural and functional
knowledge of brain structures the course comprises, in addition to the six theoretical group sessions,
four practical meetings (PSY2133 - Practical Neuroanatomy). They will complement the theoretical
knowledge by hands-on explorations of the complex 3D form of the brain and the interrelated
positioning of parts of the functional system within it.

Course objectives


have a general understanding of the functional and structural organisation of the extended
motor system with its functional subsystems;
can use the correct neuroanatomical terminology;
are able to explain the macroscopic organisation of the human brain;
are able to analyse the large-scale functional subsystems, with their unique functional and
structural organisation.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description

Bachelor Psychology
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P.L.J. Stiers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Brain organisation, brain networks, basal ganglia, limbic system, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, brain
stem, neural regulation
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Neuroanatomy

Full course description

In this practical students will deepen their knowledge of the neuroanatomy of and the spatial
relationship between brain structures discussed in the education group meetings of the course
‘Functional Neuroanatomy’ (IPN2029). In these practical meetings, students will literally put their
hands on the brain. They will get the chance to acquire hands-on experience in making sheep brain
preparations. Studying real neurons in microscope preparations of the rat brain is a unique
experience in which students will compare brain cells in different brain structures and directly
observe details such as the dendritic spines - the basis of neuronal connections and brain plasticity.
Finally, the experience and insights acquired with animal brains will be applied to improve our
understanding of the complex structure of the human brain, with the help of brain models, brain
preparations (plastinates) and MRI image visualization tools.

After studying the 3-dimensional, macroscopic (i.e., visible to the eye) organisation of the sheep
brain students proceed to preparing 2-dimensional sections through the sheep brain, and study
microscopic preparations of sections through the rat brain, in which individual neurons can be
studied at high magnification. Throughout the practical meetings they will study a range of
important structures, such as the ventricle system, the basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala,
thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain nuclei, cerebellum and the lobes and major sulci and gyri of the
human cerebral cortex. Students will also learn about the functional relevance of these structures:
perception, different forms of retention, emotion and motivation, etc. They will work through
assignments using brain preparations, brain models, atlases and hand books. In addition they will
use internet sites, MRI images and Brain Tutor software (Brain Voyager), to acquire familiarity with
the 3-dimensional organization of the human brain

Course objectives

Students are able

to use neuroanatomical terminology;

to explain the 3-dimensional macroscopic organisation of the brain, the organisation of

Bachelor Psychology
functional brain systems and compare the brain of a rat, a sheep and a human (similarities and
differences in functional brain systems);
to identify and describe the microscopic building blocks of the brain (neurons, nuclei, fibers);
to explain the functional relevance of a range of important structures of the brain (including
hippocampal structures, basal ganglia, brain stem, thalamus and hypothalamus, midbrain,
cerebral cortex and cerebellum).

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P.L.J. Stiers

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Brain organization, brain stem, basal ganglia, limbic system, cerebral cortex, dissection, microscopy
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Critical Thinking

Full course description

Tested socratically! Recommended by philosophers and education specialists! Critical thinking

involves more than just a critical attitude: it is a collection of complex cognitive skills. These skills
include interpretation and clarification of meanings, analysis of ideas and arguments, evaluation of
statements and arguments, drawing of conclusions, disputing of proof and coming up with
alternative conclusions, and the presentation of arguments.

The emphasis of this course mainly lies on the further development of two skills. First, students will
extensively practise the analysis of reasoning with training in informal logic. These argumentation
analyses will result in a better understanding of implicit and explicit reasoning in pieces of text,
discussions, public debates and academic articles. Second, students will familiarise themselves with
the basic principles of classical and modern logic. Students will also practise the use of this more
formal logical tool extensively, both during the tutorial group meetings and independently at home.
This basic knowledge of logic will be useful when exposing pseudo logic. Fallacies such as the well-
known “I fit into my jacket, my jacket fits in my bag, so I fit into my bag” are also often used in
academic articles. For example, in an argumentation where certain skills of crows (counting) are
elevated via a middle term (calculating) to prove that animals possess complex skills (animals can do
math); after all, the products of science have to be sold too! Finally, students will cover a number of
scientific-philosophical questions: What is science? What is true?

Bachelor Psychology
During the course, students will practise the two basic skills argumentation analysis and logical
reasoning in a more informal manner with debates, a number of puzzles and an analysis of academic
texts. This will also involve practising many of the practical sub-skills that are important for critical

Course objectives

Students are able:

to analyze and evaluate argumentations;

to explain and apply the basic principles of classical and modern/proposition logic;
to characterize the main approaches in the philosophy of science;
to distinguish science from pseudoscience;
to apply the knowledge learned in this module (formal and informal logic) in a debate.

Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A.H. van der Lugt

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Presentation(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Argumentation, logic, philosophy of science
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

Consciousness, conscious experiences and perceptions were the most important subjects of
nineteenth-century psychology. With the advent of behaviourism, consciousness disappeared from
the psychological agenda. Consciousness has only returned to the cognitive and neurosciences in
recent decades. Today, consciousness is again regarded as one of the most important aspects of
mental life. In this course students will look at both the material basis and role played by
consciousness in mental life, as well as the philosophical problems relating to the relationship
between conscious experiences and the processes that form the material carriers of these conscious
processes. Important questions and subjects are: What is consciousness? Which philosophical
problems relate to consciousness? Are there neurophysiological correlates of consciousness? Does
consciousness form a unit or do split-brain patients have two separate minds or ‘consciousnesses’?
Can criteria be used to establish whether or not someone is conscious? This is a problem that is of

Bachelor Psychology
practical importance to the question whether or not we disconnect patients or relatives in a coma or
vegetative state from the equipment that is keeping them alive. However, more technical problems
will be discussed too, such as: What is the relationship between attention and consciousness? Does
introspection give us access to the content and processes of our consciousness? Are there important
forms of mental processes, such as thinking and reasoning, which are unconscious? What do
dissociative phenomena tell us about the unconscious? Is consciousness even possible without
attention? Special conscious states such as dreaming and the various theories about dreams will also
be discussed, as well as the research by Libet into the neurophysiological correlates of free will and
criticisms to it.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to understand that it is difficult to find a definition of consciousness;

to retrieve the neural correlates of consciousness;
to understand the difference between hard and easy problem of consciousness;
to contrast attention and awareness;
to compare phenomenal and psychological consciousness as proposed by the philosopher
to differentiate between the different paradigms in consciousness research;
to explain the unity of consciousness and its associated disorders of consciousness;
to discuss the role of free will in moral responsibility.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

T. Schuhmann

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
consciousness, split brain, Attention, unconscious processing, free will
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Man and Machine

Full course description

Psychological hypotheses are increasingly being specified in the form of computational models.
Precision, transparency and the heuristic value of these models on the one hand, and the availability

Bachelor Psychology
of sufficient computing capability on the other explain their popularity. Cognitive psychological
theories have increasingly come to depend on symbolic architectures for problem-solving, reasoning
and knowledge acquisition and/or on connectionist models of aspects of human learning,
categorisation, perception, memory and attention. In biological psychology, theories are developed
and assessed using models of the behaviour of networks of neurons. In this course, students will
discuss several influential architectures and algorithms, in conjunction with various biopsychological
phenomena that shaped them.

The course will start with a reflection on the nature of cognitive science and historic contributions
from Turing and Marr and our ability to forecast future developments in artificial intelligence.
Students will also pay attention to changes in the division of labour between man and machine.
Next, students will study creativity and search models. The question "Can computers be creative?" of
course also invites students to reflect on human creativity. Learning will take centre stage in
problems relating to connectionist models and to ACT-R, one of the most influential cognitive
architectures in which classical, symbolic and connectionist principles have been integrated.
Research into higher cognitive skills based on ACT-R models has for example, led to educational

During the last part of the course, several subjects that have posed problems for classical cognitive
science will be discussed. The role of emotions is discussed in an assignment relating to the theme of
social robotics. Students will discuss time, a factor that is often neglected after studying examples of
how dynamic systems theory is applied in psychological research (e.g. motor development and
attitude polarisation). Thirdly, classical cognitive science often disregarded the physical and social
environment of the subject. Hence, problem descriptions are offered that focus on distributed
cognition, man-machine interaction, team cognition, autonomous agents, and ethical questions
raised in the context of the development of new technologies, and the way in which people would
need to cope with them.

Please note that the course assessment will result in a pass/fail grade.  

Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain how cognitive science and cognitive modelling has contributed to psychological
to explain theories and cognitive models of learning and problem solving;
to summarize developments in artificial intelligence and interpret their impact on man-
machine interaction;
to reflect on how cognitive scientists have faced challenges to classical cognitive science (e.g.,
by focusing on the role of time, emotion and the social and physical environment in cognitive
to present a scientific article to peers;
to differentiate and organise basic concepts in cognitive science in maps;
to self-supervise their group learning process.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description

Bachelor Psychology
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

H.T.H. Fonteijn

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), PBL, Presentation(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment, Written exam
Cognitive science, cognitive modelling, man-machine interaction
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Portfolio Year 2 Part 2

Full course description

The portfolio part in year 2 consists of two parts: two individual mentor meetings for which as
preparation the portfolio has to be updated. Emphasis is on reflection and regulation of the study
and personal growth. Students have started their second year and need to analyze their study
methods again This will be the main focus of the first individual meeting. In addition, students will
follow elective courses in the fifth semester and will be required to submit their choices halfway
through their second year. This is an excellent opportunity to develop specific skills and a broad
academic profile. This is what students will be consciously focusing on by updating their portfolios
with information acquired in the second year of the programme. Students will also be required to
discuss their study progress and elective course choices with their mentor. Students need to have
fulfilled the requirements of the portfolio to get the credits for Skills IV.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to analyze their personal progress in developing competences and to (self-) reflect on these
skills in a portfolio;
to set goals regarding their further development of skills;
to make choices regarding the elective courses based on their personal goals and on the
information acquired in the second year of the bachelor’s programme;
to formulate their personal development, goals, and choices in the portfolio.


Having fulfilled the portfolio year 1 (IPN1139 Portfolio Year 1 Part 1 and IPN1140 Portfolio Year 1
Part 2) is a prerequisite for the portfolio part of skills IV.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021

Bachelor Psychology
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.B. de Sousa Fernandes Perna

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Portfolio
personal learning goals, self-reflection, study progress
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Statistics II

Full course description

Within psychology, there is a tradition of experimentally oriented research, although quasi-

experiments and correlational research also frequently occur. The data to be analysed are often
quantitative, such as test scores and response times. The most accepted statistical analysis method
for quantitative data from experimental research is analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the most
common for correlational research is regression analysis. During this course, students familiarise
themselves with the logic and application possibilities of analysis of variance and, to a lesser degree,
with regression analysis. Treatment of these topics will build on one-way ANOVA and regression
analysis as taught in the first academic year. The guiding principle here is the distinction between
within subjects (WS) and between subjects (BS) designs, and the distinction between experimental,
quasi-experimental and correlational research.

The course consists of six one-week modules. Students will learn about the design and
corresponding analysis model through a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and the SPSS

Module 1: Review of one-way BS design, one-way ANOVA, multiple comparisons.

Module 2: The orthogonal (‘balanced’) two-way BS design, two-way ANOVA, interaction, main
effects, simple effects, relations with the unpaired t-test;

The non-orthogonal (‘unbalanced’) two-way BS design, two-way ANOVA, confounding and


Module 3: BS experiments and quasi-experiments with a covariate, such as age or pretest score,
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), the two functions of a covariate (increasing power, correcting for

Module 4: Correlational research, regression analysis with multiple predictors.

Module 5: The one-way within subject (WS) design, repeated measures ANOVA using the univariate,

Bachelor Psychology
epsilon-adjusted method, or the multivariate method.

Module 6: The two-way WS design, the split-plot (BS*WS) design for BS experimentation with
repeated post tests and WS experimentation with a BS factor, repeated measures ANOVA for these

Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain the logic and aspects of analysis of variance and correlational research and
regression analysis (incl. one-way between group analysis of variance, multiple comparisons,
orthogonal versus non-orthogonal designs, two-way between group analysis of variance, main
and interaction effects, confounding problems, analysis of covariance, multiple regression
analysis, one-way within groups analysis of variance, univariate versus multivariate analysis
models, two-way within group analysis of variance, split plot analysis);
to apply the methods to analyse of variance on a dataset and interpret the results;
to perform a multiple regression analysis on a dataset and interpret the results.


Admission requirement: on reference date March 15 of the relevant year Statistics I has to be

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

N.J. Broers

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Experimental research, quasi experimental research, Observational research, between group design,
within group design, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, regression analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: SPSS II

Bachelor Psychology
Full course description

Psychologists that work with statistics rarely produce calculations manually, but use statistical
software to produce the analyses required. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is the
programme that psychologists use most. During this practical, students will analyse data from actual
research to further explore the theory behind statistical analysis.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to structure data in a SPSS-file;

to perform statistical analyses in SPSS;
to interpret results of statistical analyses in SPSS.

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

N.J. Broers

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
SPSS, statistical software
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Research Practical

Full course description

This research practical will span a period of 12 weeks during which students will go through various
stages of the empirical cycle in small groups, supervised by a researcher. The research practical will
conclude with a symposium in which research is presented in the form of a lecture or poster.

The approximate course structure is as follows:

Weeks 1-4: Studying literature, formulating the research question and hypothesis, establishing the
research design and statistical analysis. The research protocol will be written and submitted to the
Ethical Research Committee Psychology and Neuroscience (ERCPN) for approval. After obtaining
ERCPN approval, test participants will be recruited. Students will start writing the research report
(introduction and method);

Bachelor Psychology
Weeks 5-8: Data collection and continuing to write the research report;

Week 7-8: Data analysis, discussion and evaluation of the research question and interpretation of the

Week 9-10: Writing the research report in English (consisting of: introduction, method, results and
discussion in line with the APA format for an academic article);

Week 11: Students will review each other's research reports

Week 12: Processing of the feedback and finishing the final draft of the research report.
Presentation of findings at the concluding symposium in the form of a poster or a lecture.

During lectures, attention will be paid to relevant themes, such as the different designs and research
methods, research ethics and how articles can be read, written and discussed. Literature on these
themes will also be available.

Furthermore, attention will be paid to popularizing scientific results by means of writing a research
blog. Students will also receive mini-workshops about how to present, how to write reviews, and

Course objectives

Students are able

to indicate the difference between science and common sense;

to understand the ethical directives governing psychological research;
to distinguish and compare various research designs;
to explain and apply the empirical cycle of research;
to theorize on a particular topic and draw up a research question on the basis of previously
acquired theoretical knowledge;
to translate a research question into hypotheses;
to draw up an appropriate design in order to test a specific hypothesis (i.e. operationalisation
of hypotheses);
to design quantitative research for testing a research hypothesis correctly;
to collect and analyse research data adequately;
to interpret and discuss the results of a piece of research, referring them back to theory and
to translate research into a scientific article in writing in English and in accordance with the
APA norms that apply;
to present research clearly, in the form of a presentation or poster (See IPN2106);
to evaluate what went all wrong during the research, and why.


Admission requirement: On reference date March 15 of the relevant year, the following modules
have to be completed: ‘Statistics I’ and ‘Methods and Techniques of Research’.

Period 5
6 Apr 2021

Bachelor Psychology
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

T.A. de Graaf

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Paper(s), Presentation(s), Research, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Participation, Final paper, Presentation
research, data collecting skills, data analysis, data collection, ethics
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Student Psychology Symposium

Full course description

During the research course, students have to conduct all relevant steps in scientific research
(research proposal, collecting data etc.). The final phase herein is the symposium at the end of the
course in which groups of students will have to present their findings (poster or presentation) to an
audience of fellow students, psychologists, and a jury. In general, some groups are invited to prepare
a presentation and the other groups have to prepare a poster. A jury consisting of researchers of the
faculty will look at each presentation, poster and award at the end different prices (e.g., best
presentation, best research, etc.). Students are instructed to provide questions and feedback to
fellow students.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to present research findings to a scientific audience in a symposium, by creating a scientific

poster or presentation;
to ask questions and provide feedback to other students regarding their research;
to answer questions addressed by psychologists, students, and a jury.

Statistics for Psychologists I

Period 5
6 Apr 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology

T.A. de Graaf

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Presentation
symposium, Psychology, poster, presentation, Science
Third year courses

Bachelor Psychology Year 3

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Skills V: Regulation and Job Application

Full course description

Skills V builds upon Skills IV. The course includes two practicals, Portfolio year 3 (IPN3159) and
Quick Career Advice (IPN3160). For the practical Portfolio year 3, students update the portfolio.
Students sent the updated portfolio to their mentor, and the final discussion will be based on the
submitted portfolio. For the practical Quick Career Advice (QCA) students receive feedback on their
Curriculum Vitae (CV) from the UM Career Services staff.

Course objectives


are able to formulate goals and they have knowledge about how to pursuit such goals;
are able to analyse their goals and performance (study behaviour and study progress), s.a. by
means of a competence analysis, evaluating, reflecting (self-reflection), and regulating (self-
are able to create a (written) portfolio in which they systematically discuss analyses,
evaluations and reflections;
are able to explain their master choice or other professional choice they would like to pursue;
have knowledge about and have practiced with writing an application letter and a curriculum
have received a Quick Career Advice from UM Career Services.


See Practicals IPN3159 and IPN3160

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
2 Jul 2021

Bachelor Psychology
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A.L.T. Walkowiak

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Portfolio, QCA, Personal learning goals, self-reflection, study progress, applying, Curriculum Vitae
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Portfolio Year 3

Full course description

The portfolio part in year 3 consists of two parts: updating the portfolio that was made in year 2 and
an individual mentor meeting. Updating this portfolio requires students to reflect on the goals they
set a year earlier, to what extent they have achieved them and what goals can be added. The
emphasis lies on the programme that students will go through during year three in the build-up to
completing the bachelor. Much attention will be paid to master programmes and jobs that students
are interested in. The lecture will teach students how to write a letter of application and a
curriculum vitae. In year three, students update their portfolio once (April-May). In April-May,
students sent the updated portfolio to their mentor, and the final discussion will be based on the
submitted portfolio. Students need to have fulfilled the requirements of the portfolio practical to
receive the credits for Skills V.

Course objectives


are able to formulate goals and they have knowledge about how to pursuit such goals;
are able to analyse their goals and performance (study behaviour, study progress and personal
development), s.a. by means of a competence analysis, evaluating, reflecting (self-reflection)
and regulating (self-regulation);
are able to create a (written) portfolio in which they systematically discuss analyses,
evaluations and reflections;
are able to explain their master choice;
have knowledge about and have practiced with writing an application letter and a curriculum


Having fulfilled the portfolio year 2 (IPN2142 and IPN2143 Portfolio Year 2 Part 1 and 2) is a
prerequisite for the portfolio part of skills V.

Bachelor Psychology
Period 1
1 Sep 2020
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A.L.T. Walkowiak

Teaching methods:
Skills, Lecture(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Portfolio
Portfolio, Personal learning goals, self-reflection, study progress, applying
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Quick Career Advice

Full course description

Students receive a Quick Career Advice (QCA) from the UM Career Services staff. During the QCA,
students get feedback, in small group meetings (max 6 students), on their curriculum vitae (CV)
which takes about 45 minutes. Students receive detailed instructions in the lecture, via
AskPsychology and via e-mail about the planning of the QCA.

Course objectives


have knowledge about and have practiced with writing an application letter and a curriculum
have received a Quick Career Advice (and feedback on their CV) from UM Career Services.


Having fulfilled the portfolio year 2 (IPN2142 and IPN2143 Portfolio Year 2 Part 1 and 2) is a
prerequisite for the portfolio part of skills V.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:

Bachelor Psychology
Instruction language:

A.L.T. Walkowiak

Teaching methods:
Skills, Lecture(s)
Assessment methods:
applying, Curriculum Vitae
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Statistics III

Full course description

The goal of this course is twofold. On the one hand, it supplements Statistics II; that is the analysis
of two-way designs with a dichotomous instead of quantitative dependent variable. On the other
hand, the emphasis lies on the analysis of tests and questionnaires. In this way, this course provides
students a solid statistical preparation for the course ‘Psychodiagnostics’.

In this module students will study three techniques spanning several weeks: logistic regression,
reliability analysis and factor analysis.

Logistic regression is the equivalent of ANOVA and regression analysis covered in ‘Statistics II’ if the
dependent variable is dichotomous instead of continuous, such as recovery from disease or passing
an exam. Logistic regression allows us to adjust the effects of multiple independent variables for
each other (confounding) and to study interactions. In this way, it also expands upon the contingency
table analysis from ‘Statistics I’ to multiple independent variables.

Reliability analysis is a classical psychometric method for analysing tests and questionnaires.
Oftentimes, persons' answers to multiple-choice questions (items) are scored dichotomously and
summed to give a total score for e.g. intelligence or attitude. In doing so, one assumes that these
items measure the same thing. Reliability analysis can verify whether each item fits into the scale
and how reliable the total score is. In the module students receive a training in classical
psychometrics and an introduction into modern psychometrics (the Rasch model), validity, and
agreement between evaluators.

Factor analysis is a method used to reduce a multitude of variables to a small number of underlying
factors. In the past, factor analysis was used to reduce the scores on various tests to a small number
of dimensions, such as verbal and spatial intelligence, or extraversion and neuroticism. Nowadays,
factor analysis is more often used to group items of one questionnaire into sub-scales. Factor
analysis is thus related to psychometrics. In the module students receive a training in exploratory
factor analysis with SPSS.

Course objectives

Students are able:

Bachelor Psychology
to explain relevant concepts central to this module, including confounding and interaction,
classical psychometrics, reliability, modern psychometrics, item response theory, Rasch
model, validity, agreement;
to explain and apply specific statistical techniques, such as three-way contingency table
analysis, logistic regression, reliability analysis (including item analysis) and exploratory factor
analysis, and they can interpret relevant output of these techniques;
to specify the assumptions of statistical techniques that were discussed in this module and are
able to apply this knowledge when analysing data.


Admission requirement: on reference date March 15 of the relevant year Statistics I has to be

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J. Schepers

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Skills, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
contingency tables, logistic regression, classical and modern psychometrics, factor analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: SPSS III

Full course description

This practical is an integral part of the course ‘Statistics III’ and includes trainings in the use of
SPSS for the statistical techniques covered in ‘Statistics III’. There are four practical classes, one for
each of the subjects contingency tables, logistic regression, classical psychometrics, and factor
analysis. During these classes, students practice with the corresponding statistical technique based
on real or realistic data. The assignments for the SPSS analyses are in the course manual. The SPSS
output will be discussed during the tutorial. In preparation for the practical classes, students are to
study the corresponding theory (lecture and literature).

In preparation for the tutorial discussing the SPSS output, students are to answer the questions
about that SPSS output included in the course manual. As far as time allows, students are supposed
to do this during the practical.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives

Students are able:

to work with the software SPSS for running the statistical analyses discussed in the module
'Statistics for psychologists III' (such as Contingency table analysis, logistic regression,
reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis);
to correctly interpret SPSS output for the statistical analyses that were discussed in the
module 'Statistics for psychologists III'.


Good SPSS skills based on SPSS practicals for modules IPN1024 ‘Statistics I’ and IPN2028
‘Statistics II’.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J. Schepers

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
SPSS, contingency tables, logistic regression, scale analysis, reliability, factor analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience

Full course description

In cognitive neuroscience, cognitive functions and their neural basis are often studied by placing
people in a lab and have them do a computer task with only few well-controlled variables. By careful
manipulations of the task, we try to break down functions into sub-processes, and by measuring the
effect on behaviour and neural processes, we learn more about their properties.

In this manner, important progress has been made towards understanding brain processes
underlying perception, attention, emotion, language, memory and the motor system.

In this module, students study the most important methods. Response time (RT) is used to measure
the duration of processes and is combined with all other methods. RT-based models are strong, but a
limitation is that RT is only the sum of the underlying processes.

Bachelor Psychology
Measuring electrical brain activities with Electro- and Magnetoencephalography (EEG / MEG)
during the processing of stimuli gives an accurate image of the duration of the involved brain
processes. A disadvantage is that it is often difficult to determine the source of activity in the brain.
Other methods are sensitive to relatively slow metabolic processes that result from brain activity and
give a more accurate view of the location of activity in the brain. These methods are in turn less
sensitive to the exact duration. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Positron
Emission Tomography (PET) will be covered.

In humans, decreased functioning of the brain is often the result of accidental brain damage. A
temporary and better controlled way to interfere with brain function uses Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation (TMS). The good control allows for stronger evidence that a specific brain activity is in
fact causally involved with some behaviour.

Every week, students will learn the principles and several applications of one or two research
methods. They will also compare different methods with each other and discuss the manners of
integration of the information that comes from methods that differ in temporal and spatial precision.

Course objectives


can explain conventional experimental paradigms which are used to isolate cognitive
functions, and the research methods (RT, EEG/MEG, PET, fMRI, TMS) that are used to
investigate them;
can explain the biological basis of the measurements, and the way they inform us about the
functioning of the brain.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.T.Y. Smulders
L. Riecke

Teaching methods:
PBL, Lecture(s), Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Methods of cognitive neuroscience, experimental paradigms
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Bachelor Psychology

Practical: Excel for Scientists

Full course description

Modern experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience are inconceivable without computers
to process numerical data. There are various spreadsheet programs that offer the necessary
flexibility and are widely available. For the purpose of this course, students will be working with
Excel. Some proficiency is very useful for displaying research results and calculating simple
statistical parameters. In addition, several basic concepts from digital signal processing are clarified
by the hands-on approach of conducting calculations. These calculations correspond with topics from
the course ‘Methods and Paradigms’. Some examples of possibilities are How do you determine
simple statistical parameters as an average or standard deviation? How do you calculate signal
detection parameters and Beta? How is data transferred between statistical programs, such as
SPSS? How do you create a publishable graph? The practical involves working through a manual
under supervision.

Course objectives


are able to work with a standard modern spreadsheet to process and display data from
have increasing insight into analyses by setting them up your self in a spreadsheet.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.B. de Sousa Fernandes Perna

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment
Practical excel, signal analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: fMRI Data Analysis

Bachelor Psychology
Full course description

The most important goal of this practical is to familiarise students with the different types of data
that are usually collected during an fMRI experiment, and a number of basic analytical steps
necessary to calculate statistical results and visualising those values on an image of the brain.

Students will analyse the data of a simple demonstration experiment in Brain Voyager QX based on
step-by-step instructions and under supervision of a tutor. After this session, students will be
introduced to a number of basic features of this software used for visualisation, exploration and
analysis of functional time series.

Course objectives


can explain and apply the elementary steps of the analysis of MRI data;
can identify how one should deal with disturbances of the signal;
can (at a basic level) analyse data collected by Brain Voyager QC, by a systematic plan, can
base their choice of statistical tests, and can interpret the end results are addressed.

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F. de Martino
G. Valente

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
fMRI analysis, neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

Although action usually refers to a physical movement, human and animal actions are part of
meaningful behaviour. This means that they are executed with a particular goal or intention to bring
about something that is valued. In this course students will investigate how the brain is organised to
produce actions that serve particular purposes. Students will focus primarily on voluntary actions.
Such actions involve a motivational component, but also cognitive considerations, attention choices

Bachelor Psychology
and motor options. For each of these components decisions have to be made. Students will see that
different parts of the brain are involved in these decisions, in close collaboration with subcortical
structures such as basal ganglia.

Students will discuss the hierarchical organisation of the motor system - the apparatus to generate
actions that influence the environment. Then, students will focus on the cognitive system, which
links potential actions (e.g., entering a room) to the available options in a particular situation (e.g., is
the door open or closed). The cognitive system does this by relying on the regularities learned
previously about this and other situations. Next, students will investigate how our choice of options
is dependent on the expected consequences (such as reward, approval, things not happening…) and
how much we value these. Lastly, after having decided which option we want, we still need to
establish what is the best action to actually obtain the chosen option. This requires monitoring the
outcome of actions, and in case of failing to obtain the chosen option, learning to do better next
time. Students will also investigate how the emotional and social aspects of the situation can
influence the choice of options.

This tour will make clear that meaningful behaviour engages the whole brain. Exemplary chosen
studies on animals and humans will make clear the differential contributions of subsystems of the
brain, while discussion of diseases (Parkinson’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression,
apathy) and clinical lesions affecting these subsystems will demonstrate their relevance for human

Course objectives

Students are able:

to describe the role of (sub-)cortical structures for movement and action selection (incl.
prefrontal cortex);
to explain the relation between movement and cognition, and translate this knowledge to
motor/cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease;
to distinguish between choosing an option based on expected reward and choosing an action
to bring closer the chosen option. To relate actions and decisions to the moral and social
context (i.e. social cognition, moral decisions, altruistic, and cooperative behaviour).


Practical: Group Decisions

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology

P.L.J. Stiers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Motor system, executive functions, Social cognition, decision making, prefrontal cortex, basal
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Group Decisions

Full course description

Decisions are omnipresent in our lives, and many of the most crucial decisions are made in groups.
Medical teams diagnose patients’ illnesses, emergency teams decide on the best approach to deal
with an incident, and management teams make important investment decisions. Each member of a
decision making group often contributes specific information and has his or her own perspective on
the decision problem. In this project students will experience the challenges and hindrances of
decision making when members have diverse information and to scientifically investigate factors
that contribute towards successful group decision making. The practical consists of two parts: 1) a
group decision making exercise and 2) a short report including analyses of the data gathered during
these exercises. During the exercise, students will play the role of a fire brigade commander, police
officer, or environmental expert and make decisions as a member of an emergency management
team. During this session, data will be collected on a number of group variables (e.g. leadership,
personality, communication). After all students have participated, they will receive an anonymous
version of the dataset containing data on all teams. In small groups, the students will conduct
statistical analyses on this data and write a short report.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to describe and abstract challenges and hindrances of decision-making in group; and to

formulate a model to study group decision-making;
to collect and statistically analyse and interpret data on group variables;
To write a scientific report on a group decision study.



Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description

Bachelor Psychology
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

G.J.A.M.L. Uitdewilligen

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Paper(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
Social cognition, decision making
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

Although action usually refers to a physical movement, human and animal actions are part of
meaningful behaviour. This means that they are executed with a particular goal or intention to bring
about something that is valued. In this course students will investigate how the brain is organised to
produce actions that serve particular purposes. Students will focus primarily on voluntary actions.
Such actions involve a motivational component, but also cognitive considerations, attention choices
and motor options. For each of these components decisions have to be made. Students will see that
different parts of the brain are involved in these decisions, in close collaboration with subcortical
structures such as basal ganglia.

Students will discuss the hierarchical organisation of the motor system - the apparatus to generate
actions that influence the environment. Then, students will focus on the cognitive system, which
links potential actions (e.g., entering a room) to the available options in a particular situation (e.g., is
the door open or closed). The cognitive system does this by relying on the regularities learned
previously about this and other situations. Next, students will investigate how our choice of options
is dependent on the expected consequences (such as reward, approval, things not happening…) and
how much we value these. Lastly, after having decided which option we want, we still need to
establish what is the best action to actually obtain the chosen option. This requires monitoring the
outcome of actions, and in case of failing to obtain the chosen option, learning to do better next
time. Students will also investigate how the emotional and social aspects of the situation can
influence the choice of options.

This tour will make clear that meaningful behaviour engages the whole brain. Exemplary chosen
studies on animals and humans will make clear the differential contributions of subsystems of the
brain, while discussion of diseases (Parkinson’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression,
apathy) and clinical lesions affecting these subsystems will demonstrate their relevance for human

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives

Students are able:

to describe the role of (sub-)cortical structures for movement and action selection (incl.
prefrontal cortex);
to explain the relation between movement and cognition, and translate this knowledge to
motor/cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease;
to distinguish between choosing an option based on expected reward and choosing an action
to bring closer the chosen option. To relate actions and decisions to the moral and social
context (i.e. social cognition, moral decisions, altruistic, and cooperative behaviour).


Practical: Neuronal Basis of Decision Making

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P.L.J. Stiers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Motor system, executive functions, Social cognition, decision making, prefrontal cortex, basal
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Neuronal Basis of Decision Making

Full course description

In daily life, a person must (almost) continuously make choices, with respect to his or her actions.
Various cognitive processes underlie the choice(s) that a person makes in this context and how the
actions are evaluated. These cognitive processes include attention, response inhibition, motor
learning, but also the ability to e.g., weigh economic factors while making a choice. These cognitive
processes are controlled by multiple brain networks. In this practical, students will gain some hands-
on experience with and reflect critically on (a) the selection and the administration of tasks that are
used to measure these cognitive processes and (b) the analyses of data sets obtained by using
neuroimaging techniques (like EEG). During the practical, students are provided with tests and EEG
data sets and (in a small group) will practice with these tests and analyze EEG data. The practical

Bachelor Psychology
will be tailored to the knowledge of the students and they will be guided while conducting the
analyses of the data. Questions that will be raised during the practical are: Which steps need to be
taken while analyzing neuroimaging data? Do different brain states induce different (decision
making) behaviors? How can we examine such differences in neuroimaging data or test
performance? Students will perform statistical analyzes on EEG data sets and write a brief report.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain the cognitive functions underlying action and decision making and how to test them;
to analyse and interpret data obtained by using neuroimaging techniques (i.e. EEG);
to write a scientific report of a neuroimaging study on decision making.



Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J.C. Peters

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Paper(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
decision making, action, analyses neuroimaging data, EEG
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Motivation and Emotion

Full course description

Emotions refer to subjective experiences characterized by changes in mental affective state and bio-
psychological expressions caused by environmental changes. Emotions strongly drive (motivate) us
to behave in a certain direction. They mainly appear when our intentions and goals are experienced
as either satisfied, threatened or frustrated; which then will force (motivate) behaviour into the
desired direction. The aim of the module is to study Emotion from different cognitive-social and
biological perspectives and to understand their role in guiding/motivating human behaviour. The
module starts with the classic theories of emotion and then continues with several relevant topics,

Bachelor Psychology
including cognitive and biological perspectives on causation of emotion and motivation, emotion-
regulation and self-determination, social-communicative functions of emotion expressions, the
interaction between genes, stress and affective-emotional behaviour, the relation between sleep,
emotion regulation and affective behaviour, as well as topics related to emotion and, or motivational
problems as seen in work stress or problems with goal setting.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain emotion and how they steer our motivation and behaviour from different
to explain neural, cognitive and social processes in relation to emotion and emotional
(motivated) behaviour;
to compare and criticise different theories related to emotion and emotional behaviour;
to apply the theoretical perspectives, by recognising and exemplifying relevant concepts in a

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

C.R. Markus

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
emotion, Motivation, emotional brain, cognition and emotion (and elf-determination), appraisal,
emotion regulation, genes and stress, sleep and emotionality, burn-out, goal setting, application of
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

The practice of psychodiagnostics is made-to-measure and requires specific knowledge but also
flexibility, creativity, et cetera. Examples of questions that psychologists have to answer in practice

- Suppose a student has to develop a questionnaire for his master thesis that simplifies the career
choice (and thus the choice of continuation education) of pupils. Advise the student where to start

Bachelor Psychology
and/or what to pay attention to;

- Suppose you get the question to determine the intelligence of a client who has only lived in the
Netherlands for 3 months and therefore speaks little Dutch. Can you conduct the usual IQ test, with
or without the help of an interpreter? Or should you make adjustments? And is that allowed?

Illustrated by such practical problems and/or questions, the first tasks cover the meaning of
psychometric concepts such as reliability, validity, standardisation/norms, instrument type
(questionnaires and tests), and sources of misinterpretation of diagnostic results. Students will deal
with diagnostics as a decision making process. Shortcomings in decisions by the use of cognitive
heuristics are put in the perspective of the old controversy between clinical and statistical
prediction. The diagnostic process is seen as a cycle that is closely related to the empirical cycle.
Students will also deal with the application of Bayesian statistics within psychodiagnostics. Finally,
students will be introduced to the ethical professional code of the NIP (Dutch Institute of
Psychologists) and the general standard test practices. Although the matter is explained based on
examples from the clinical practice, students will deepen the insight into the principles and
measurement problems in psychology.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to compare the empirical and diagnostic cycle;

to clarify and distinguish psychometric concepts of psychodiagnostics (e.g., reliability, validity,
test theory, test development and construction, standardization/norms);
to explain how test results of psychodiagnostics should be interpreted, and identify sources
that lead to distortion of test results (i.e., bias, multicultural testing);
to apply Bayesian statistics within psychodiagnostics (e.g., cognitive heuristics, sensitivity,
to know and understand the ethical professional code of the NIP and the general standard test


Admission requirement: ‘Statistics I’ has to be completed.


Practical: Constructing a Psychological Test

Period 6
7 Jun 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology
P. Brüll

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Psychometrics, bias, diagnostic cycle, Bayesian statistics, ethical professional code, test instruments
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: Constructing a Psychological Test

Full course description

A psychologist is often consulted in the context of behavioral research, diagnostics, selection,

coaching, training, and/or interventions. In this context, the psychologist makes extensive use of
tests (performance tasks, questionnaires, etc.) to examine the behavior, thoughts, and/or emotions of
a person under study. Graphology (handwriting analysis) and/or phrenology are still sometimes
applied in jobbing and recruitment op personnel. How well the test results are a reflection of the
person in question is dependent on the (psychometric) quality of the test being used. For one, it
should be clearly defined what the test is supposed (or pretends) to measure. In addition, the test
needs to reliably (accurately) measure behavior, one’s thoughts, or emotions, and there needs to be
proof that the test indeed measures what it aims to measure (validity). However, the reality learns
that the number of tests available on the market is limited: we do not have (psychometric sound)
tests available for measuring all domains of behavior, thoughts, and/or emotions, in every target
group (think of people with e.g., severe reading disabilities, visual impairments, or severe motor
impairments). Furthermore, innovative trends arise in this field, for example the use of game
elements to assess behavior and emotions. That means that many tests still need to be developed
and/or that the psychometric qualities of many tests still need to be demonstrated, especially for
specific target groups. During the practical, the students get "hands on" experience with innovations
and/or the development of a new psychological test and what is involved in order to show that the
(psychometric) quality of this instrument is sufficient. Students will work in small groups during the
practical to either a) develop a test for a specific target group; or b) clarify why some techniques are
not valid or reliable and suggest alternative tests or; c) will critically evaluate innovative
developments from a psychometric point of view and make suggestions for quality improvement. In
each case students will write a plan on how to test the psychometric properties of the new
instrument or approach.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to construct a test for a specific target group;

to evaluate innovative developments and suggest quality improvements;
to evaluate the psychometric qualities of a test by writing a plan on how to test the
psychometric properties of a self-developed instrument;
to write a scientific report on testing psychometric properties of an instrument.

Bachelor Psychology


Period 6
7 Jun 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P. Brüll

Teaching methods:
Work in subgroups, Skills
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper
psychological tests, test construction, Psychometrics
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

The practice of psychodiagnostics is made-to-measure and requires specific knowledge but also
flexibility, creativity, et cetera. Examples of questions that psychologists have to answer in practice

- Suppose a student has to develop a questionnaire for his master thesis that simplifies the career
choice (and thus the choice of continuation education) of pupils. Advise the student where to start
and/or what to pay attention to;

- Suppose you get the question to determine the intelligence of a client who has only lived in the
Netherlands for 3 months and therefore speaks little Dutch. Can you conduct the usual IQ test, with
or without the help of an interpreter? Or should you make adjustments? And is that allowed?

Illustrated by such practical problems and/or questions, the first tasks cover the meaning of
psychometric concepts such as reliability, validity, standardisation/norms, instrument type
(questionnaires and tests), and sources of misinterpretation of diagnostic results. Students will deal
with diagnostics as a decision making process. Shortcomings in decisions by the use of cognitive
heuristics are put in the perspective of the old controversy between clinical and statistical
prediction. The diagnostic process is seen as a cycle that is closely related to the empirical cycle.
Students will also deal with the application of Bayesian statistics within psychodiagnostics. Finally,
students will be introduced to the ethical professional code of the NIP (Dutch Institute of
Psychologists) and the general standard test practices. Although the matter is explained based on
examples from the clinical practice, students will deepen the insight into the principles and
measurement problems in psychology.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives

Students are able:

to compare the empirical and diagnostic cycle;

to clarify and distinguish psychometric concepts of psychodiagnostics (e.g., reliability, validity,
test theory, test development and construction, standardization/norms);
to explain how test results of psychodiagnostics should be interpreted, and identify sources
that lead to distortion of test results (i.e., bias, multicultural testing);
to apply Bayesian statistics within psychodiagnostics (e.g., cognitive heuristics, sensitivity,
to know and understand the ethical professional code of the NIP and the general standard test


Admission requirement: ‘Statistics I’ has to be completed.


Practical: The Diagnostic Cycle

Period 6
7 Jun 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P. Brüll

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
Psychometrics, bias, diagnostic cycle, Bayesian statistics, ethical professional code, test instruments
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Practical: The Diagnostic Cycle

Full course description

A psychologist is often consulted in the context of diagnostics and selection, usually following a
referral question raised by another professional or by another person (such as a parent or a
partner). For example, consider a child aged 9 years, who experiences difficulties at school (in terms

Bachelor Psychology
of e.g., learning or in a social context). Parents and the teachers at school are very concerned and
want to know what is causing the child’s problems at school. Or think about a director of a medium
sized company that has a vacancy for a manager and who asks a psychologist to find the most
suitable candidate to fill this vacancy. During the practical, students are being offered a referral
question - similar to the examples mentioned here – and they need to find an answer to this question
while completing a so-called ‘diagnostic’ cycle (or process) (e.g., De Bruyn et al ., 2003) - an
approach that psychologists frequently use to find answers to the above-mentioned referral
questions. While completing this cycle, the psychologist will raise questions like: What is the exact
referral question? What are the hypotheses in this case? What test do I need to administer in order
to test these hypotheses and when will I accept (or reject) my hypotheses? How do I interpret the
data that I receive after completing the planned test administrations? What do I recommend based
on this interpretation, or what is my conclusion? And, looking back, did I make the correct choices
during this whole process? Finally, what ethical issues played a role in this case? During the
practical, students will work together in small groups to resolve this so-called ‘puzzle’ and thereby to
get answers to these, and related, questions. In addition, students will practice choosing,
administrating, and interpreting various psychological tests. During the practical, the students get
"hands on" experience in what steps one needs to take in order to "help" a person answering a
referral question. They will also, as a group, write a report on this process (including a reflection on

Course objectives

Students are able:

to distinguish the steps of the diagnostic cycle;

to identify ethical aspects in different steps of the diagnostic process;
to choose, administer and interpret various psychological tests;
to write a scientific report on the steps of the diagnostic cycle, and reflect on it.



Period 6
7 Jun 2021
2 Jul 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

I. Branska
J. Pieters - Spijkerman

Teaching methods:
Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Final paper

Bachelor Psychology
psychological tests, diagnostic cycle, referral questions

Non-Course Related Programme

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Research Participation

Full course description

Every student must have participated as a test subject in an FPN scientific research before the
bachelor's exam. Students who started their psychology programme in 2009 or earlier must have
acted as a test subject for a total of 10 hours. Students who started in 2010, 2011 or 2012 must have
acted as a test subject for a total of 15 hours. Students who started in 2013 or later must have acted
as a test subject for a total of 20 hours. The Research Participation is included in the overview of
year 1, but does not count towards the 60 credits a student must obtain in year 1. The corresponding
ECTS credit will only be awarded in year 3. Participation in experimental studies is not guaranteed
for 2nd and 3rd year students, due to too much prior knowledge. Furthermore, the sign-off Research
Participation hours must have been obtained in order to continue the programme abroad at the start
of the 3rd academic year. Students are encouraged to complete the Research Participation in their
first year. To that end, students from cohort 2013 onwards, who have acted as a test subject for 15
hours in their first academic year will be rewarded with an exemption of the remaining 5 hours.
Students from cohort 2013 onwards, who have acted as a test subject for less than 15 hours in their
first academic year will have to complete the full 20 hours in other academic years of the bachelor's
programme. For students from cohort 2016 onwards, there is the restriction that a maximum of
seven hours of the total number of hours required can originate from online studies.

Course objectives


get familiar with research, research methods and research designs, by participating as a
subject in research at our faculty.

1 Sep 2020
31 Aug 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

E.L. Theunissen

Assessment methods:

Bachelor Psychology
Participation in research, test subject
Elective courses

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

The Professional in Psychology: An Internship

Full course description

As a psychologist, people may contact you for your expertise and ask you to answer a variety of
questions, e.g., ‘What kind of work or which program would suit person A best?', 'Why does person B
experience problems in domain C?', or 'What can individual D do to increase his or her quality of
life?’ Examples of issues relevant within organizations (such as businesses or schools) are: ‘How do I
motivate my employees or my students to opt for a healthy lunch?’ or ‘Are the volunteers in our
organization satisfied with how we coach them and how can we improve satisfaction?’ During his or
her training and work experiences, a psychologist has gained theoretical knowledge and skills and,
as such, can advise (or assist) an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization/ institution
with respect to these questions. During their studies, psychology students gain this theoretical
knowledge and learn skills, and that they (can) practice applying both.

For 6 ECTS, psychology students can complete part of the elective program, 3rd year of the
Bachelor of Psychology (FPN), while working in an institution or company and gaining relevant
practical experience. However, note that a student can only be enrolled in this elective ‘The
professional psychology: An internship’, if s/he has found an internship on his or her own.

Students can work in a variety of 'settings': e.g., a (mental) health care facility, rehabilitation
centers, schools, but also companies, such as recruitment agencies. Suitable institutions or
companies provide students the opportunity to gain practical experience, relevant for becoming a
psychologist. If the student wants to obtain ECTS for this practical work, FPN has to approve the
institution or company (and the content of the work) before the student starts working there.
Students can only obtain ECTS for work conducted at one (and not multiple) institute(s).

During this practical, students need to work under the supervision of an experienced psychologist.
At the start of the practical, the student drafts a personal development plan (PDP), defining the
learning objectives for the practical. In addition to the work experience, the student must write a
report about this experience. As such, the student will get more insight into the work setting(s) of a
psychologist and s/he will gain experience with applying knowledge and skills essential for being a

Note: this practical experience cannot be used to fulfil the prerequisites regarding the theoretical
background and working experience set for the psychodiagnostics registration (i.e., the BAPD)
and/or vLOGO.

Course objectives

The student:

Bachelor Psychology
obtained more insight into the work setting(s) of a psychologist;
has gained experience with applying knowledge and skills essential for being a psychologist.

Semester 1
1 Sep 2020
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A.L.T. Walkowiak

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Final paper
Skills, working in a relevant setting
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Intercultural Awareness 1

Full course description

Study abroad does not automatically build intercultural competence (ICC). Intercultural contact is
not sufficient for intercultural learning. Hence, this assignment triggers focused attention on life
outside the international bubble and on knowledge, skills and attitudes conducive to development of
ICC. In a preparatory meeting, second year students reflect on ICC together with third year students
who have returned from study abroad. Students select ICC subcompetences that will be the focus of
attention. During their study abroad, students gather evidence to illustrate development of
intercultural (sub)competences and they reflect on their experiences in a novel cultural and
academic environment in a short report. After returning, students will exchange experiences with
peers and with second year students during their preparatory meeting.

Course objectives

Students can:

reflect on and select ICC learning goals that become part of their learning contract;
interpret and exemplify intercultural differences;
intentionally address and deconstruct intercultural interactions.

1 Sep 2020
31 Aug 2021
Print course description

Bachelor Psychology
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

H.T.H. Fonteijn

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Assignment, Attendance
intercultural competence, reflection, Writing skills, internationalisation
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Intercultural Awareness 2

Full course description

Study abroad does not automatically build intercultural competence (ICC). Intercultural contact is
not sufficient for intercultural learning. Hence, this assignment triggers focused attention on life
outside the international bubble and on knowledge, skills and attitudes conducive to development of
ICC. In a preparatory meeting, second year students reflect on ICC together with third year students
who have returned from study abroad. Students select ICC subcompetences that will be the focus of
attention. During their study abroad, students gather evidence to illustrate development of
intercultural (sub)competences and they reflect on their experiences in a novel cultural and
academic environment in a short report. After returning, students will exchange experiences with
peers and with second year students during their preparatory meeting.

Course objectives

Students can:

reflect on and select ICC learning goals that become part of their learning contract;
interpret and exemplify intercultural differences;
intentionally address and deconstruct intercultural interactions.

1 Sep 2020
31 Aug 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

H.T.H. Fonteijn

Bachelor Psychology
Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s)
Assessment methods:
Assignment, Attendance
intercultural competence, reflection, Writing skills, internationalisation
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

Current theories of psychiatric and neurological disorders are largely derived from what we know
about drugs that can mimic the symptoms or that are used for treating these disorders. Basic
knowledge of the effects of drugs and their underlying neurobiological mechanisms will therefore
help students to understand these theories better. This course primarily aims at facilitating the
understanding of therapeutic and side effects of psychoactive drugs. This will be done by presenting
major classes of CNS drugs and their use in prominent disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and
schizophrenia and by presenting the mechanisms and effects of a number of recreational drugs -
such as cocaine, LSD, and ketamine.

At the end of the course there will be a written exam consisting of at least six open/essay questions.

Course objectives

After this course students are able to:

explain pharmacokinetic processes and moderating factors;

apply knowledge of neurotransmission to explain drug effects;
name most frequently used drugs used for the treatment of anxiety, depression, schizophrenia
and dementia;
explain the primary neurobiological mechanisms of action these drugs;
describe the major differences between subclasses of drugs;
explain why these drugs may have therapeutic effects;
know the most relevant side-effects, and understand the neurobiological mechanisms of
common side-effect;
understand the neurobiological theories of the psychopathology of depression and
schizophrenia and explain some of the supporting empirical evidence.


Basic understanding of neuroanatomy and neurotransmission is recommended.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:

Bachelor Psychology
Instruction language:

A. Vermeeren

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
drug effects, Antidepressants, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, psychedelics, neurotransmission,
neurobiological theories, psychopathology of depression and schizophrenia
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Forensic Psychology in a Nutshell

Full course description

This course will provide psychology (but also law and criminology) students interested in Forensic
Psychology with an introduction to topics typical for this field. Examples of such topics are mental
illness and violence, filicide, female offending, sex offending and prison psychology. Each tutorial,
research articles and case material descriptions related to a theme will be studied and discussed.

Course objectives

By the end of this course students will be able to :

explain terminology in Forensic Psychology

explain the relationship between mental illness and violence;
identify and explain a variety of themes within the scope of Forensic Psychology (e.g., filicide,
sex offenders, female offending etc.);
compare and contrast the various policing approaches and alternatives to incarceration.
design an experiment in one of the topics dealt with in class
criticize current policies suggest alternatives
Additionally students will develop the ability to examine closely the literature and synthesize
parts of their readings in order to interpret and explain forensic cases and controversies in this
field of research.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology
A. Sagana

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Participation, Written exam
mental disorders and crime, Filicide, sex offenders, prison psychology, aggression, violence,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Child Neuropsychology

Full course description

This course focuses on brain-behaviour relationships from a developmental perspective. It aims at

increasing one’s understanding of how healthy children and adolescents (or brains) function and
how brain disease, brain injury or developmental disorders, such as ADHD, autism and learning
disabilities, express themselves and interfere with the demands of daily life. Relevant catchwords in
this context are behaviour, higher cognitive functions (e.g., executive functions, memory and
attention), affect, and the level of interactions a child has with his environment, since these elements
determine how well individuals cope and participate in daily life situations. Normal and abnormal
brain and cognitive development will be discussed in preschoolers, school-aged children and
adolescents. During the course, students will gain insights into: (1) developmental changes in brain
structure, brain functioning and cognitive functions; (2) The clinical phenomenology of the most
important developmental disorders; (3) The underlying brain behaviour relationships in these
disorders; and (4) Diagnosis and treatment. Students will also gain experience in the selection,
administration and interpretation of commonly used tests, measuring the above-mentioned domains
of higher cognitive functions, affective functions, and behaviour.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to explain (ab)normal development of the brain and cognitive functions such as memory,
executive function and attention;
to apply and plan different steps in diagnostics, neuropsychological assessment, and
to distinguish different neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e., ADHD, behavioural disorders,
learning disabilities, autism, brain injury) and to form hypotheses about these disorders based
on case material.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology

E.H.H. Keulers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
brain development, cognitive development, brain (dis)functioning, cognitive (dis)functioning,
developmental disorders, neuropsychology
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Cognitive Enhancement

Full course description

Humans have always explored ways to enhance their mental capacities. For the largest part of
human history, efforts primarily involved external devices that aid cognition such as written
language, mathematics, and ultimately smartphones. Recently, however, the potential of cognitive
enhancement by manipulation of the brain caught a lot of attention. With cognitive enhancers
becoming increasingly available to the general public, this is a highly relevant topic for psychologists
and neuroscientists alike. In this course, students will learn about various ways to enhance cognition
covering a broad range of approaches. The focus will be on current hot topics such as brain
stimulation, neuro-feedback, smart drugs, and meditation. Additionally, students will have the
opportunity to critically discuss the scientific basis of other (potential) cognitive enhancers such as
sleep, hypnosis, nutrition, physical exercise, or neuro-linguistic programming. Lastly, the possibility
of cognitive enhancement poses ethical questions that will be discussed. At the end of this course,
students will have basic knowledge of the potential, current limitations, and risks of cognitive

Course objectives

After completion of the course, students will:

understand the basic mechanisms of several brain-based cognitive enhancers;

know about the efficacy and side effects of these cognitive enhancers;
be able to discuss the benefits and costs of cognitive enhancers on the individual and societal
level based on various ethical perspectives.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

Bachelor Psychology
F. Dücker

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Presentation(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment, Presentation
cognitive enhancement, brain stimulation, smart drugs, neuro-feedback, mindfulness, ethics
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Group Dynamics

Full course description

Groups are an essential aspect of everyday life. Individuals’ actions, thoughts and emotions cannot
be fully understood without taking the groups they belong to and that surround them into
consideration. In that sense, any psychologist benefits from a deeper understanding of groups and
their dynamics. Moreover, much of the world’s work is done and most impactful decisions are made
in and by groups, making it essential to understand how group processes shape performance and
decision making. Finally, the quality of relations in and between groups can have a tremendous
impact on people and society. Therefore, it is essential understanding these dynamics and how to
improve them.

In this course, students will learn about various aspects of group dynamics. To achieve this, a recent
edition of an excellent book supplemented with other learning material will be read. Additionally,
lectures are provided to demonstrate and deepen the understanding of group phenomena. In tutorial
meetings, students will facilitate exercises that promote a deeper processing of the read materials
and improve group-analysis and group-management skills. Finally, students will work together on a
paper analysing group behaviour in a realistic setting of choice as well as their own group’s
development throughout the course. This should improve students’ ability to understand and
manage groups and their dynamics.

Course objectives

The intended learning outcomes of this course are threefold:

deeper knowledge and understanding of theories, studies and empirical findings pertinent to
groups. Essential topics include inclusion, cohesion, power, leadership, group performance,
decision-making, teamwork, conflict, intergroup relations, and collective behaviour;
broader outlook on determinants of behaviour. Students of this course should learn to consider
more complex interpersonal and group level processes as determinants of behaviours,
thoughts and emotions in addition to regular individual level determinants;
improved group analysis skills and the ability to use these in practice. Students practice
analyzing groups and group behaviour with using exercises in tutorials. They practice group
management by facilitating exercises.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020

Bachelor Psychology
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

B.P.I. Fleuren

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment, Written exam
groups, inclusion, cohesion, influence, leadership, power, performance, decision-making, conflict,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Manipulating Memories

Full course description

Classic memory theories suggest that our experiences are consolidated into long-term memory into a
‘permafrosted’ form, which does not change. Recent neurobiological and cognitive research has
resurrected an old alternative notion that all memories – independent of their type or age – remain
vulnerable to change. Rather than permafrosted, stored memories can change from an inactive state
to an active state during retrieval, in which new information can be added, old information be
changed or existing representations be strengthened. These findings have important ramifications
both for a fundamental understanding of how the brain memorizes experiences, as well as for
practical applications in which memory manipulations are wanted, such as in skill learning,
education and therapies to reduce the impact of traumatic memories. In this elective, we will discuss
the cognitive (e.g., conditioning, skill learning, interference paradigms) and neurobiological (e.g.,
long-term potentiation and molecular neuroscience, brain anatomy, hippocampus) substrates of
memory and how they can be changed, and discuss relevant research methods and behavioural
paradigms to study memory manipulation. Further, we will discuss how these principles and
methods can be applied in fields of education, cognitive enhancement and clinical therapy. This
elective is meant for students who have an interest in fundamental as well as applied aspects of
memory research. A strong interest in research methods, cognitive science or neuroscience is highly

Course objectives


learn about neurobiological principles of learning and memory;

discuss, learn about and understand research methods of memory manipulation;
will translate fundamental research findings to applied sciences (e.g., clinical, educational);
learn about how memory interacts with other important cognitive domains, such as attention,
perception, decision-making and action;
to some extent apply methods of memory manipulation.

Bachelor Psychology

There are no prerequisites, but a strong interest in research methods, cognitive science and/or
neuroscience of memory is highly recommended.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

V.G. van de Ven

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Presentation(s)
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Presentation, Take home exam
memory consolidation, memory manipulation, brain stimulation, skill learning, hippocampus, cortex,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Neuropsychology and Law

Full course description

Most of this course pertains to neurocognitive processes of criminal offenders. Contextual factors,
such as the history and current state of neuropsychology and psychiatry will be discussed to give
students the desired background knowledge of this topic. A considerable part of the course is
devoted to neuropsychological abnormalities in offenders who are affected by a psychiatric disorder.
Another substantial part of the course pertains to offenders with acquired brain injury. The
connection between neural abnormalities and criminal offences will be critically evaluated for each
psychiatric or neurological disorder. A completely different side of neuropsychology and law, the
effect of neurocognitive disorders in victims/witnesses of crimes on their eyewitness testimony, will
also be dealt with.

Course objectives

After this course, students will have knowledge of psychiatric and neurological disorders that
predispose to criminal offences. They will be able to appreciate the role of ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ in
criminal behaviour, and will understand problems associated with witnesses who have brain

Period 1

Bachelor Psychology
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M. Jelicic

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Assignment, Written exam, Attendance
forensic neuropsychology, Psychiatry, brain disorders, criminal offences
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

Aggression is defined as any behaviour directed towards a target who is motivated to avoid harm
with the cause of damaging that target. Surprisingly maybe, nowadays, aggression levels in our
society are actually lower than that in previous societies. Nonetheless, when incidents of aggression
do occur they can cause major damage both on a personal level (i.e. for both victim and perpetrator)
and for the society as a whole. This course is situated on the interplay between social, clinical and
forensic psychology. Next to the major models on the existence and maintenance of aggression, and
both nature and nurture-related causes, the course will focus on the main expression forms, cultural
influences, and pathological disorders related to aggression. We will also address how aggression
can be measured adequately and what the treatment options are.

Course objectives

students are able to explain the definition of aggression, and its sub forms like reactive and
proactive aggression. They also have insight into the relation with related constructs like
anger and hostility, and of the transdiagnostic nature of aggression. These also learn which
pathological disorders are related to aggression;
students gain and apply knowledge about gender and cultural influences on aggression;
students can explain the different main models on aggression like the GAM and I-cubed model,
and on nature- and nurture related origins of aggression;
students are able to explain the main goals of the different treatment model available for
aggression, like cognitive therapy, stop-think-do approaches, schema therapy and EMDR; gain
clinical insight into these therapies, and reflect on the empirical evidence supporting the
effectiveness of the different therapies;
students gain knowledge and are able to reflect critically on the assessment methods used to
measure aggression.

Period 1

Bachelor Psychology
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J. Lobbestael

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Presentation, Written exam
aggression; GAM; aggression subtypes; aggression assessment; aggression therapy; biological and
psychological correlates
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Applied Social Psychology

Full course description

What is applied social psychology

In (social) psychology, we see researchers focusing on 1) developing theories in the behavioural

laboratory, 2) on validating those theories in the field, and 3) applying these theories to solve real
life problems. There is no status difference – we need all three types of research. But given this
distinction, in this course we focus on the third approach: systematically applying (social)
psychology to 1) understanding behaviour, and 2) changing behavior by carefully planned
interventions to promote quality of life.

What will be in this elective

In this elective, we highlight the core processes for developing theory-and evidence-based
interventions. We discuss several topics in the field of applied psychology (for example obesity,
sexual behaviours, but also topics like traffic safety, and pro-environmental behaviours).
Additionally, we provide you with applications of more fundamental insights (e.g., emotion
regulation, stigma), and first-hand examples of existing behaviour change programs: From problems
they target and who are involved, to theory and empirical evidence, to development, implementation
and evaluation.

Course objectives

After this course, you:

know what kind of problems are the focus of an applied psychologist (e.g., health,
environment, safety, work);

Bachelor Psychology
are able to describe (and apply) the route from problem analysis to intervention development,
implementation, and evaluation;
are familiar with the causal logic of real life problems and solutions;
are familiar with often used models and protocols of planned behaviour change;
are acquainted with examples of successful interventions;
acknowledge the relation between fundamental and applied psychology.

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

G.A. ten Hoor

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills, Presentations, Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Presentation, Assignment
ecological approaches, environment, evolutionary explanations of behavior, health behaviours,
individual and environmental determinants of behavior, program planning, problem oriented,
prejudice & stigma, risk & safety behaviours, sustainability; theory and evidence based methods for
changing behaviour
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Social Neuroscience

Full course description

Social Neuroscience is a new and rapidly growing field of research. It is an interdisciplinary field
that asks questions about topics traditionally of interest to social psychologists, economics and
political science using methods traditionally employed by cognitive neuroscientists, such as
functional brain imaging. In this course the student will discuss functional MRI research into the
following topics: self reflection, emotion regulation, perceiving others/mirror neurons, decision
making and moral judgement. Students will gain insight into the neural correlates of social
behaviour and acquire knowledge about designing a functional MRI study.

Course objectives

students should be able to read and understand social neuroscience literature in a standard
journal article format. For this, students will gather a basic understanding in neuroscience
background, technology and terminology;
students should be able to use this understanding in discussing the application of
neuroscientific methods to social psychology topics such as self-reflection, emotion regulation,
reappraisal, attitudes, stigma, actions and emotions of others, mirror-neuron system, empathy,

Bachelor Psychology
social decision making, game theory, cooperation versus competition, moral judgments, theory
of mind, event-related design, block-design, BOLD signal;
the aforementioned knowledge and skills should enable students to formulate research
questions based on relevant social theories and design experimental setups that would be fit to
solve them.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

T. Otto

Teaching methods:
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
neural correlates, self-reflection, emotion regulation, attitudes, mirror-neuron system, social
decision making, moral judgments, fMRI
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Human Behaviour in Organisations

Full course description

This course will make students familiar with various aspects of human behaviour in organisations.
Questions that will be addressed during the course are: How can organisations select good
employees? What can organisations do to maintain a healthy and motivated workforce? What are
effective leadership styles? What does a high performance team look like? To answer these questions
we will present an array of different topics from work and organisational psychology such as work
stress, occupational health, emotions in organisations, leadership, personnel selection, work
motivation, and teamwork. The course consists of lectures, assignments and a group project in
which students focus on one of the topics mentioned above. At the end there will be a ‘mini-
conference’ in which groups present the results of their group work. This course forms an excellent
introduction for the Master’s programme ‘Work and Organisational Psychology’. N.B. there will be
no tutorial groups.

Course objectives

Students will be able to understand and think of practical aspects in organisations, such as selection
of employees, Human Resources practices, the role of leadership, work motivation, team processes
and performance, employee health and well-being, work stress, and relate these to relevant theories.
In addition, students will learn about the peer-review process (providing feedback).

Bachelor Psychology
Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

F.R.H. Zijlstra

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Presentation(s), Paper(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Assignment, Presentation
employee motivation, employee selection, leadership, work stress, employee health, team
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Politics of Decision Making

Full course description

Why do people cause conflicts such as those in Bosnia, Rwanda, or Northern Ireland? What
motivated people to commit such atrocities as the mass murder and mass raping in Nanking (China,
1937 – by Japanese troops), the massacre in My Lai (Vietnam, 1968 – only one of many similar
atrocities committed by American troops in Indochina) or the Jozéfów massacre (1942, carried out
by the German Police Battalion 101),… to name only a few? Why did Western leaders secretly
sustain repressive and genocidal dictatorships like e.g. Chile under Pinochet (1973-1990), Uganda
under Idi Amin Dada (1971 – 1979) or Cambodia under Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge (1975-1979)? Why
can ordinary people be educated to torturers, like in the "Greek Torture School" (1967-1974) or in
the former US Army "School of the Americas" (since 1946)? Why is the still ongoing genocide in
Darfur (since 2003) widely unnoticed? What motivates a political leader to enforce violence on entire
populations and to sacrifice troops without the slightest chance of winning this conflict, like e.g.
Nixon/Kissinger (the Vietnam War in the mid-1970s)?

We will use an interdisciplinary approach to answer such questions. Therefore, not only our
psychological tool set will help us, but also we will include perspectives from other academic fields,
(such as criminal law, political science, anthropology, and sociology). Further, we will evaluate cases
of GHRV against their unique historical background, using recently declassified governmental
documents, newspaper reports, and short historical overviews. In addition, each task will be related
to current events, allowing us to apply what we learned to events happening right now. During the
course, we will combine the above-mentioned different academic fields with political psychology
tools to establish a unique understanding of why people violate the rights of others.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives

knowledge of key political psychological theories, key political psychological concepts and
understanding of the importance of a historical understanding of a situation;
the complex interplay between dispositional and situational components.


applying psychological theories used in political psychology to historic and current cases;
using an interdisciplinary approach to research a question;
analysing a situation while using primary sources;
scrutinising complex information critically;
identifying concepts and theories used in political psychology during everyday life situations;
critical independent thinking.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P. Brüll

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Take home exam, Presentation, Attendance
Political psychology, war crimes, human rights violation, groups, behaviour, decision making,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

This course will elaborate on the biological, psychological as well as societal determinants of
sexuality (in general) and sexual disorders (in specific). There are 4 lectures and 4 educational
meetings in which a theme or group of complaints will be discussed. These themes are (biological
and psychological) theories on sexuality, sexual diversity, sexual dysfunctions in men and women,
the impact of physical/psychological health and disease on sexual behaviour and well-being, and the
role of attachment and relationships (context and history) on sexuality. After the theoretical part,
students are offered a practical/clinical training in which they learn to administer a sexual
anamnesis and there is a workshop on research methods in sexology in which students conceive and
discuss a research design on a sexology-related topic of their choice.

Bachelor Psychology
Course objectives


Students know about:

the normal sexual development;

the sexual response cycle;
sexual diversity;
the biopsychosocial model of sexual dysfunctions;
theories and empirical research on the development and maintenance of sexual problems;
diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV & -V) for the different sexual dysfunctions;
the incidence, prevalence, and course of sexual dysfunctions;
different treatment options for sexual dysfunctions (biopsychosocial view);
the impact of disease on sexuality;
the role of attachment and relationships in sexuality;
research methods in sexology.

Applying knowledge

students can apply their knowledge on sexual development and sexual dysfunctions on clinical

Critical thinking

students know the difference between pathological and non-pathological sexual development;
students are critical regarding extant evidence on the different treatment options for sexual
students can develop research ideas on sexology-related topics.


students can communicate on sexuality and sexual problems with individual clients;
students can reflect and talk about their own sexual development and sexual experiences;
students learn to break current taboos on (talking about) sex;
students can administer a sexual anamnesis.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M.V.E. Dewitte

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills
Assessment methods:

Bachelor Psychology
Attendance, Written exam, Assignment
sexual response cycles, sexual problems, biopsychosocial, evidence-based, sexology research
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Adult Neuropsychology: An Introduction

Full course description

This course focuses on brain-behaviour relationships and aims at increasing one’s understanding of
how healthy humans (or brains) function and how brain disease, brain injury disorders, such as,
traumatic brain injuries, stroke and dementia, express themselves and interfere with the demands of
daily life. Relevant catchwords in this context are behaviour, higher cognitive functions (e.g.,
memory, attention, executive functioning, language), emotion, and adaptation. During the course,
students will collect knowledge on: (1) The clinical phenomenology of the most important cognitive
and behavioural disorders seen in humans; (2) The underlying brain-behaviour relationships in these
disorders; (3) The interrelationships between various cognitive dysfunctions, emotional-, and
behavioural problems; and (4) Assessment methods, diagnosis and treatment. Students will also gain
experience in the selection, administration and interpretation of commonly used tests, measuring
the above-mentioned domains of higher cortical functions, affective functions, and behaviour.

Course objectives

students are able to work with basic functional neuroanatomy, neuropsychological assessment,
behavioural disorders, executive functions and attention, memory, brain injury, aging,
neuropsychiatry, motivation, emotion, coping, insight;
students can apply a neurocognitive test and questionnaire on subjective complaints;
students are able to specify the most common neuropsychological consequences of stroke,
traumatic brain injury and dementia;
students can explain the rationale of neuropsychological treatment.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

C.M. van Heugten

W.J. Jansen

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Skills, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Assignment, Written exam, Attendance
brain (dis)functioning, cognitive (dis)functioning, brain injury, aging, Neuropsychology,

Bachelor Psychology
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Hormones, the Brain and Behaviour

Full course description

This course will review the interrelationships among hormones, the brain and behaviour. Basic
endocrine (hormone) system physiology will be introduced and the different approaches that
researchers take to address questions of hormone-behaviour relationships will be discussed. The
focus will be on three large ‘classes’ of hormones, i.e. ‘stress’ (cortisol), ‘social’ (oxytocin,
vasopressin), and ‘sex’ hormones (testosterone, estradiol, progesterone). Those hormones will be
linked to normal behavioural processes such as memory and social behaviour as well as to
psychiatric conditions such as depression/anxiety and autism spectrum disorder. At the end of this
course, you will have developed an understanding of a selection of topics related to behavioural

Course objectives

You will be able to

recall information regarding hormones and major endocrine organs

explain methods to study hormone-behaviour relations and their limitations
interpret the role of hormones in ‘normal’ behaviour and psychiatric disorders.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

P. van Ruitenbeek

Teaching methods:
PBL, Lecture(s)
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
Social, stress and sex hormones, brain, Memory, social behaviour, depression, autism spectrum
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Cognitive Neuroscience of Language

Bachelor Psychology
Full course description

Language is one of the most relevant cognitive skills in humans. We listen, speak, type, joke, and
think a lot during the day without being aware of how we do it. We are not aware of it simply
because language comprehension and production is highly automatic. In this course, we zoom into
the hidden cognitive complexity and mysteries and will study language from different scientific
angles. At the end, we integrate all and practice an "application of our knowledge".

During the first part of the course, we study the theoretical background of language processing and
learn how it received empirical support from psycholinguistics – mainly based on behavioural
experiments. We add insights that are more recent from cognitive neuroscience, with a focus on
information transfer within the language network. During reading and open discussion, we will learn
about the current state of the art: What problems need to be solved by the cognitive language
system? How does our brain solve them? We will discuss the consequences in case the network is
not functioning well – as in Aphasia after stroke, or in developmental dyslexia. We also will learn that
not all is known yet. We will read papers that bring first answers, using methods such as eCog, EEG,
fMRI, and anatomical and functional connectivity.

This knowledge will be applied in writing of an individual research proposal that addresses a certain
open issue in language, ranging from fundament to applied topics (such as in Aphasia after stroke,
or dyslexia).

Course objectives

knowledge of theoretical background of cognitive neuroscience of language with regard to

content (psycholinguistic model, dual route model) and methods (design, acquisition
techniques: RT, EEG, fMRI, analysis teaching techniques: ERP components, frequency
analysis, fMRI region of interest and network analysis). Criteria, content, writing process of a
research proposal following provided guideline;
making informed choices of a theme for a research proposal based on reading of language and
disorder literature, ranging from fundamental cognitive neuroscience to translation into clinics
or societal application;
apply Critical thinking to evaluate the literature (limits, shortcomings, open questions);
application of knowledge in writing of a research proposal about an investigation of a "still
open" issue in language research;
oral presentation of the proposal idea and of the progress in writing to peers, peer reviewing
during weekly panel discussions in a fair and constructive manner.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

B.M. Jansma

Teaching methods:

Bachelor Psychology
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), Presentation(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Presentation, Attendance, Assignment
Cognitive Neuroscience, language, Research proposal, peer review
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Legal Psychology in a Nutshell

Full course description

This course will provide psychology (but also law) students with a brief introduction to topics typical
of the Legal Psychology field. But what is legal psychology anyway? The psychology of the law is a
part of applied psychology that deals with investigating human functioning related to the whole legal
system. More precisely, legal psychology focuses on functions such as perception, memory and
decision-making. This is important because human law is specifically designed to be of influence on
human behaviour. Therefore, the task of a legal psychologist is twofold: (1) to study how law
influences human behaviour and (2) to study human behaviour under the influence of law.

For example, students will learn about genetic influence on aggression, sleep disorders that are
related to violence and assessment of responsibility; Deceptive behavior of children in court;
criminal profiling; biases influencing legal decision making; Radicalization and terrorism (theories,
cognitive distortions, prevention of radicalization).

During each tutorial, research articles and case material descriptions related to the aforementioned
themes will be studied and discussed.

Course objectives

At the end of this course students

are able to understand and explain the terminology of legal psychology;

have a general understanding of legal psychological topics;
can contrast and criticize current issues and controversies in legal psychological research;
are able to understand, explain and criticize methods and the experimental work done in this
develop and improve their ability to examine the relation between the discussed topics, and
articulate how ideas connect to, or contrast with one another.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

G. Bogaard

Bachelor Psychology
Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
warrior gene, sleepwalking, deception, profiling, biases in legal decision making, radicalization and
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Connecting Brains and Computers: Theory, Practice and


Full course description

The analysis of brain activation online (i.e., during ongoing data acquisition) allows for brain-
computer interfacing. A brain-computer interface (BCI) connects a brain with a computer. It can
‘translate’ brain activation as measured with (almost) any functional-neuroimaging method (e.g.,
electroencephalography [EEG], functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI] and functional near-
infrared spectroscopy [fNIRS]) into digital code (i.e., computer signals). These computer signals can
be interpreted as different ‘commands’ for motor-independently controlling external devices (e.g.,
robotic hand or spelling system) that can aid severely paralyzed patients. Moreover, it allows for
providing individuals with information about their ongoing brain processes (‘neurofeedback’). This
not only creates fascinating research possibilities in fundamental neuroscience but also opens up the
opportunity to develop brain-based therapies for the treatment of brain disorder and dysfunction.

This elective will introduce the students to the general technical/methodological requirements,
problems/challenges and application possibilities of brain-computer interfacing. Besides attending
lectures, in which course participants will be provided with basic relevant knowledge by local BCI
researchers, students will study and present seminal papers of recent BCI work – implementing both
electrical and hemodynamic brain signals. Further, students will discuss the pros and cons of
different functional brain imaging methods employed for BCIs as well as ethical implications and
future directions. The practical part of this Elective course will start with a demonstration of a BCI
experiment. Finally, the students will analyze fNIRS data in simulated real-time themselves.

At the end of this course, students will have obtained fundamental knowledge of the methodology,
limitations and the application potential and implications of brain-computer interfacing. Finally,
future BCI developments will be discussed.

Course objectives

Students are able to understand:

the definition of brain-computer interfacing and related concepts;

general principles of brain-computer interfacing;
functional brain imaging methods for brain-computer interfacing;
designing, setting-up and conducting BCI experiments;
basics of online/real-time brain signal analysis;
key studies in brain-computer interfacing;
applications of BCIs for the treatment of brain disorder and dysfunction.

Bachelor Psychology

There are no specific prerequisites. A general interest in the topic and an affinity with of
neuroscientific research methods is sufficient.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

B. Sorger

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Presentation(s), Work in subgroups
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Presentation, Assessment
brain-computer interface (BCI), online/real-time data analysis, mental states, brain reading, brain-
based communication and control, neuro feedback (therapy), self-modulation, Translational
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Psychedelic Medicine: The therapeutic Potential of mind-

altering Substances

Full course description

Long before Western people in the sixties and seventies tried out psychedelics for recreational and
therapeutic purposes, other cultures had already been using them for ages because of their
therapeutic potential. This ‘psychedelic wave’ in the West scared off politicians leading to a
scheduling of these substances and a halt to scientific research into the effects of those substances.

In the nineties placebo controlled studies emerged looking into the negative effects of these drugs
due to reports that these users might be cognitively impaired after abundant use of a number of
these substances. Two decades later however, after the negative effects had been demonstrated to
be limited, when used in moderate amounts, and after the substances appeared to be relatively safe,
research into the positive effects started rising and it is blossoming today.

While previously only a handful of labs investigated these effects, new research labs in other
countries are emerging. The therapeutic potential of psychedelics is now being widely investigated
and two companies are now setting up trials in psychiatric patients in order to demonstrate the
therapeutic potential of these compounds. Their aim is to have those substances approved as a
psychiatric medicine within a few years.

While psychedelic research is experiencing a renaissance, it is still treated as the ‘bad daughter’ in

Bachelor Psychology
psychiatric settings and frowned upon by the general public. From the patient side however there is
a large demand for effective and alternative treatments since treatment is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’
thing and many of those patients fail to benefit from current treatments, leaving them in distress and
despair with a pessimistic view on their future.

Psychedelic researchers have the obligation to educate you, students, about the positive and
negative effects of these substances since you will encounter this in your future work. When you
have this knowledge, you will be able to communicate to the lay audience and to patients in an
objective way what the current state of affairs is.

Course objectives

After you have finished this course you will know:

what psychedelics are;

about the history of psychedelics and research into this;
about the neurobiological mechanism of a selection of psychedelic substances;
about the positive and negative, acute and long-term effects on cognition, mood and social
how psychedelics could be of use in a therapeutic setting;
what kind of psychiatric indications could benefit from psychedelic treatment;
how to do research with psychedelics.

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

K.P.C. Kuypers

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Written exam
psychedelics, emotion, cognition, treatment, psychiatric disorders
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Behavioural Problems in Childhood and Adolescence

Full course description

Several environmental, personal and biological factors appear to be important for healthy socio-
emotional development, but occasionally these influences can lead to problem behaviour. The course
focuses on the development of problem behaviour during childhood and adolescence, how it

Bachelor Psychology
originates and how it can be treated as it poses a risk for further healthy development. Topics
addressed are the influence of genes/neurobiology, personality and the child’s environment (peer
interaction, parent attachment/parenting style) on socio-emotional and moral development and the
development of psychopathology such as anxiety, depression, suicide, and narcissism.

Course objectives

After this course students:

are able to explain the interactive role that environmental (peer influences/parenting-
style/attachment), personal (temperament/personality) and neurobiological (genes and brain
development) factors play in the childhood and adolescent development of internalising and
externalising behavioural problems/psychopathology such as bullying and antisocial/immoral
behaviour, anxiety, depression, suicide and narcissism;
will be able to critically read and reflect on research and research methods used in
developmental psychopathology research. Can describe/explain therapies/interventions and
their effectiveness in bullying and suicide intervention;
have gained knowledge of instruments to assess some internalising, externalising or
personality characteristics.

Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

L.M. Jonkman

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL, Presentation(s), Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
Developmental psychopathology, attachment theory, epigenetics, neurobiology of socio-emotional
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Full course description

Sleep is considered essential for good physical and mental health, yet, about 30% of the adult
population complains of disturbed sleep. Prevalence of sleep disturbances is particularly high among
elderly and women, and highly associated with psychiatric disorders like anxiety and depression.
This course will address various aspects of normal and disturbed sleep, like the measurement and
structure of normal and disturbed sleep; the normal need for sleep; the role of sleep in memory and

Bachelor Psychology
cognition; various sleep disorders, like insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea and sleepwalking; and the
biological mechanisms involved.

At the end of the course there will be a written exam consisting of at least six open/essay questions.

Course objectives

After this course students are able to:

know the characteristics of normal sleep and developmental changes;

explain the interaction of homeostatic sleep drive and circadian processes affecting sleep
duration and sleep architecture;
know how to measure sleep, sleep complaints and daytime sleepiness;
know the effects of sleep deprivation and explain major causes of lack of sleep;
characterize, differentiate and explain the neurobiological mechanisms of major sleep
disorders such as insomnia; narcolepsy, sleep apnea; sleep walking; restless legs syndrome;
REM behaviour disorder; night terrors; nightmares; circadian rhythm disorders;
apply knowledge of the neurobiology of sleep and circadian rhythm to explain sleep disorders;
understand various theories of the function of sleep, including the function of sleep for

Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

A. Vermeeren

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), Presentation(s), PBL, Assignment(s)
Assessment methods:
Written exam, Attendance
Sleep, circadian rhythm, insomnia, daytime sleepiness, parasomnias
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Positive Psychology

Full course description

The intent of positive psychology is to have a more complete and balanced scientific understanding
of the human experience, by abandoning the exclusive focus on vulnerability factors and ‘fixing what
is wrong’ towards including protective factors and ‘building what is strong. Positive psychology is
concerned with both making the lives of people fulfilling as with healing and preventing pathology.
Especially focusing on building strengths (e.g., optimism, courage) instead of correcting weaknesses

Bachelor Psychology
can protect against mental illnesses. Examining both vulnerability and protective factors will help to
disentangle what leads to outcomes of recovery, sustainability (perseverance in valued activities
despite hardship) and growth (benefit finding).

Course objectives

After you have finished this course:

you will have gained a general understanding about topics such as well-being, resilience,
optimism, positive emotions and self-compassion;
you are able to understand and explain theories that are relevant to positive psychology (e.g.,
self-determination theory and broaden-and-build theory);
you can interpret, contrast and criticize empirical findings;
you know several measurement tools that are applied in positive psychology;
you will have improved your ability to examine the relation between the discussed topics, and
you can explain how certain ideas/theories/empirical findings connect to, or contrast with one
you have gained the ability to use gained knowledge in practice, by participating and applying
different positive psychology techniques to enhance subjective well-being.

Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M.M. Hanssen

Teaching methods:
Assignment(s), Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment, Final paper
positive psychology, optimism, resilience, protective factors, well-being, Motivation, Theory, practice
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

Full course description

Many scientists regard the human brain by as the most complex object in the known universe. It is
not surprising therefore that studying the brain and its function is a challenging task. Any successful
attempt at it requires neuroscientists to tackle it from several perspectives, each offering
complementary insights. If we want to understand the brain and its structures, we need to identify
their function: what do these structures do and why? A second requirement for understanding
neural structures is identification of potential mechanisms describing how a certain function can be

Bachelor Psychology
brought about: what kind of information processing is carried out? Finally, we need to identify how
such information processing can be implemented in a neural structure as opposed to, for example, a
personal computer: what are the physical and biological constraints under which the brain
implements function?

Computational neuroscience integrates across these three points as it studies the information
processing carried out by different structures of the nervous system in terms of biologically
constrained models of brain function.

In this course students will receive an overview of the basic principles of connectionism, spiking
neuron models, and dynamical systems theory; learn how these concepts are applied for studying
brain function (exemplified for decision making as well as for the structure-function relationship in
the cortex); and discuss computational neuroscience from a philosophy of science perspective.

Course objectives

Students are able:

to design and train neural networks able to perform logical inferences;

to explain and simulate a range of typical models used in computational neuroscience, such as
the Hopfield model of memory formation and the Hodgkin-Huxley spiking neuron model;
to interpret model simulations in light of empirical data;
to engage in discussions about the relevance of computational neuroscience for the
understanding of the human brain.

Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M. Senden

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Participation, Assignment
connectionism, spiking neuron models, dynamical systems, neuroscience, philosophy of science
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Creating Apps: Programs & Algorithms in Python

Full course description

"Being able to program is an advantage for any scientist"

R. Goebel, Professor Cognitive Neurosciences,, UM

Bachelor Psychology

"Understanding algorithms definitely helps to understand cognitive psychology."

G.J. Peters. Ph.D. Health and Social Psychology,, OU

When the computer became commonplace in universities, companies and homes, psychologists
gained a powerful tool. The computer and the computer metaphor influenced the creation of a new
field in psychology: cognitive psychology. Psychology and informatics became intertwined. The
computer became very important in the daily work and research of a psychologist. By learning to
program, you not only acquire the ability to make computers do what you want them to do, but you
learn a new way of thinking as well. Programming is not very hard once you have learned this way of
thinking. One of the most important skills learnt during this course is to disentangle (apparently)
complex problems into smaller problems and specify exactly how to solve these smaller problems.
The result is called an algorithm. If you want the computer to solve the problem for you, you will
have to translate the algorithm to a language the computer understands. This is not very hard
either; the language used in this course consists of only 15 syntactic structures. With these basic
structures, we can construct every imaginable algorithm. First, we are going to introduce you the
most important principles of programming. Subsequently, you will learn to disentangling complex
problems into smaller problems: algorithmic thinking. Furthermore, we teach you how to visualise
these algorithms in a formal, non-technical way. With this knowledge, we are going to write
increasingly complex programs, which help us solve psychological relevant problems. We will teach
you the programing language Python but mostly its underlying logic, so you will be able to learn
other script- and programming languages more easily after successfully completing this course.

Course objectives

knowledge of variables, types, type-conversion, operators algorithms, control-flow,

subroutines, arguments and parameters, modularity, call by reference, arrays, dynamic arrays,
records, data-structures, file operation;
being able to read and write pseudo-code, flowcharts and NSDs;
being able to debug and error-proof a program;
mostly: being able to read other peoples’ code and create your own code, to make functional

Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M. Capalbo

Teaching methods:
Lecture(s), PBL
Assessment methods:
Attendance, Assignment, Final paper
Procedural programming, Computational thinking, Algorithms

Bachelor Psychology

Marble Research
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Marble Research
1 Sep 2020
31 Aug 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:

A.H. van der Lugt

Teaching methods:

Bachelor's Thesis
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Bachelor's Thesis

Full course description

Students are required to write a bachelor thesis to conclude the Bachelor phase. The thesis is either
an article in which students report on a literature research or the thesis reports on a study that they
carried out under supervision of a staff member. For both types of thesis, students pursue the
empirical cycle and define a clear background/problem situation of the chosen topic(s) as based on
relevant and recent academic literature, and develop this problem statement into a clear research
question. Students then answer this question in the thesis according to the present rules of the art.
Students must start well in advance to prepare the bachelor thesis, ideally at the start of the third
year. Students approach a potential supervisor for their thesis via the bachelor thesis matching
system. Students and staff consult “” for details and deadlines
of writing the bachelor thesis. The site also links to the handbook writing skills that provides
information on writing style and criteria for both writing and grading papers and theses. The final
grade is the average of the grades of the supervisor and of a second assessor.

Course objectives


apply rules and directives of scientific communication;

communicate results scientifically via a written research report.


Bachelor Psychology
1 Sep 2020
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

J.A.Y. van Diesen

Teaching methods:
Paper(s), Skills
Assessment methods:
Final paper
Writing skills, research report, empirical cycle, scientific communication
Honours Programme

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

The online course description is not available, for further information please contact the course

1 Sep 2020
31 Aug 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:
Assessment methods:
Assignment, Attendance, Participation
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Introduction to Honour's Programme

Full course description

The online course description is not available, for further information please contact the course

Bachelor Psychology
Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M. Capalbo

Assessment methods:
Written exam
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Behavioural Economics

Full course description

The online course description is not available, for further information please contact the course

Period 1
1 Sep 2020
23 Oct 2020
Print course description
ECTS credits:

M. Strobel

Teaching methods:
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


Full course description

The online course description is not available, for further information please contact the course

Period 2
26 Oct 2020
18 Dec 2020
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Bachelor Psychology
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

H.E. Smit

Teaching methods:
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Philosophy and Psychology of Consciousness

Full course description

The online course description is not available, for further information please contact the course

Period 3
4 Jan 2021
29 Jan 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:
Instruction language:

M.A.J.F. Heins

Teaching methods:
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Deep Reading

Full course description

De online course description is niet beschibaar, voor meer informatie neem contact op met de

Period 4
1 Feb 2021
2 Apr 2021
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ECTS credits:

Bachelor Psychology
P. Vermeer

Teaching methods:
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

Computational Models

Full course description

The online course description is not available, for further information please contact the course

Period 5
5 Apr 2021
4 Jun 2021
Print course description
ECTS credits:

M. Capalbo

Teaching methods:
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

(Historical) Book Review

Full course description

De online course description is niet beschibaar, voor meer informatie neem contact op met de

Period 6
7 Jun 2021
2 Jul 2021
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ECTS credits:

A.H. van der Lugt

Teaching methods:


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