C9 - IMC and International Advertising
C9 - IMC and International Advertising
C9 - IMC and International Advertising
• Encoding. The message from the source converted into effective symbolism for transmission to a receiver.
• A message channel. The sales force and/or advertising media that convey the encoded message to the
3 intended receiver.
• Decoding. The interpretation by the receiver of the symbolism transmitted from the information source.
• Receiver. Consumer action by those who receive the message and are the target for the thought transmitted.
• Feedback. Information about the effectiveness of the message that flows from the receiver (the intended
6 target) back to the information source for evaluation of the effectiveness of the process.
• Noise. Uncontrollable and unpredictable influences such as competitive activities and confusion that detract
7 from the process and affect any or all of the other six steps.
Exhibit 16.4: The International
Communication Process
A company marketing
tomato paste in the Middle
East found that in Arabic
the phrase “tomato paste”
translates as “tomato glue”
Cultural Diversity & Media Limitations