Ideas Make Space.: For Business. For Change. For Good
Ideas Make Space.: For Business. For Change. For Good
Ideas Make Space.: For Business. For Change. For Good
We’re a global engineering, The needs of the world’s population are Working with us you get the advantages
changing fast. Our network of experts of size and stability that come from a
management and finds opportunities in complexity, turning US$2bn organisation. We employ over
development consultancy obstacles into elegant, sustainable 16,000 people, delivering projects in
focused on guiding our solutions. By looking at problems from a Africa, Asia Pacific and Australasia,
fresh angle, we aim to add value at every Europe, the Middle East, North and
clients through many stage, for our clients, our employees South America, and South Asia – 150
of the planet’s most – and the lives we touch every day. countries in all. But you get the kind of
openness and friendliness you might
intricate challenges. Our engineers, project and programme associate with a much smaller business.
managers have taken lead roles in the
world’s highest profile infrastructure We’re one of the world’s largest employee-
and development projects. Yet design owned companies. Being owned by our
and management are just the tip of staff frees us to choose the work we
a deep iceberg. Our global team is take on and focus on the issues that are “A core aim is to make a
comprised of internationally recognised important to our clients – and us. We’re sustainable difference
environmentalists, planners, economists, not in business to make the most profit for
project finance advisors, cost consultants, external shareholders: we want to do a
to the world we live in.
business strategists and more. great job for our clients, our communities That translates into a
and our people. We are independent focus on understanding
Many of our people joined their in thought and action, which means we
professions and us to make a difference. advise what is genuinely right for our our clients and their
Working with governments, development clients – and us – not what is easy. customers, to deliver
banks and NGOs, we have a direct outcomes that add value.”
positive impact on the lives of the poor Whatever your career goals are, you can
and disadvantaged, in emerging and be confident that Mott MacDonald will help Keith Howells
Group Chairman
developed countries alike. Projects you meet your ambitions, and beyond.
to improve health, education and life
chances, to build climate resilience and
to recover from natural disasters such
as earthquakes and flooding are all
in our portfolio, and always will be.
10 things you can expect
from Mott MacDonald
We deliver on our
promises, behave
Restless curiosity
Human focus
ethically and do
not tolerate bribery
or corruption.
We like challenge, We never lose We develop trust-
change and to be sight of the human based relationships
always learning. We
are independent
thinkers, constantly
curious about the
impact of our
actions and the
that this entails.
that allow us to do
our best work.
We are inclusive, We put safety We aim to turn
respecting the at the core of obstacles into
environment everything we do sustainable
and everyone with a commitment solutions for our
with whom we to harm no one. clients and the
work, valuing lives they touch,
all people and by maintaining
cultures equally. unswerving focus
on their needs.
The Mott MacDonald
opportunities with
connected thinking Big
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Our universe of creative thinkers
unum vivendum, ad quo exerci percipit definitiones. Ut Se
simul congue debitis duo. Vim cu veritus assentior
is centred around our clients.
Cum suas option abhorreant te. Veniam referrentur in management
We’re joined-up across sectors and geographies. Sustainability
tise Power
mea, id ius noster intellegam. Ut vim laoreet eleifend,
Fornoour clients, it means being able to align the per
nec aperiri labores cotidieque. Aliquip offendit Ex
right combinations
efficiantur eu sit. of expertise and experience
to solve problems and deliver great outcomes. Opportunity
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Has delenit eleifend salutatus ex, qui an doctus
For you, Graeci
consequat. it means being
viderer part of a globally
necessitatibus connected
id pri, ut justo Digital Infrastructure
infrastructure finance
alienum with access
pri, tamquam to an
disputando exceptional
no quo. Eam an breadth Strategic asset
populo propriae. Constituam consequuntur ius et, management
of career
tibique minimumpaths. What
est ea. Meiopportunities
id habeo melius will you open?
Decore tibique reformidans eam ad, fierent eleifend vis
in, pri no ferri mazim.
Connected resilience
Buildings Solution
Cost consultancy
Opportunities galore Exciting projects and more...
Inspire professional excellence Showing we care
Coming into Mott MacDonald as a graduate, Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an
you’ll be part of a lively 1500-strong global integral part of our culture; our staff also has
network, ‘Inspire Professional Excellence’, IPE shown great enthusiasm to embrace this culture.
for short. IPE is a strong platform for sharing
information and knowledge with an aim to We believe in making a better change to our
Ahmedabad increase quality of deliverables and overall surroundings and encourage all for contributing
competency. It facilitates personal development to a better world.
and provides an environment to develop new
skills and make connections.
Gain work experience on a Mott MacDonald provides a structured Access our online courses and innovative We want you to be the
professional development programme development opportunities, all geared
range of exciting projects designed to encourage and develop to enhance your skills and knowledge. best you can be – for
and get support to become graduates to achieve set organisation you and for us.
professionally qualified! objectives. The programme aims at
providing a highly satisfying, well-
structured learning and development
path to ensure higher levels of employee
satisfaction and help graduates in their
career path. In this programme, graduates
are offered a consistently high level of
“Driving organisational
monitoring by our experienced mentors “At Mott MacDonald all
who will guide, inspire, advise and
and personal growth of all review the activities of the graduates on
“Mott MacDonald's graduate graduates are encouraged to
employees by increasing the programme. All graduates will have programme is a very good develop. I have been enlisted
access to an online monitoring system initiative which provides newly in the upGRADe curriculum to
involvement in the business called upGRADe. Graduates development
parameters as well as activities and competency assessment recruited graduates a strong enhance and polish my skills
development programmes will be recorded in the system by the platform to grow, improve and to take on further challenges.
mentors. This can be a grounding for transform themselves into Also I am a member of IPE and
like Inspire Professional those aiming to acquire membership
Excellence and upGRADe for to various professional institutions competent professionals.” help organise various events.”
in different sectors in the future. Ranjita Nair Tejas Chaudhari
graduates. Freedom, visibility, Graduate engineer – ELV Mechanical engineer
and transparency to enhance
career growth and an excellent
opportunity to co-ordinate
with senior management at
early stages of your career.”
Puneet Parekh
Management trainee
Commercial success Your Professional excellence
Employee fulfilment future Customer satisfaction
Choosing your path Our people say...
Instrumentation engineering Nilanjan Roy Choudhury
Instrumentation engineer
1 2 3 4
at challenges from a fresh angle, creating
solutions that improve people’s lives.
Talk to us:
Juhee Kapoor
T +91 (0)22 3321 4894
E [email protected]
Unlocking mottmacdonaldgroup
creativity mottmacdonaldgroup