Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata: Comparison and Transfer of Ideas

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Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata:

Comparison and Transfer of Ideas

Miroslav Ćirić
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Sciences
University of Niš, Serbia

Erasmus+ Compact Lecture on Weighted Automata and Networks

Institut für Informatik, Universität Leipzig, Germany
May 27 – June 23, 2018

1 Miroslav Ćirić Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata

Weighted and multi-valued automata

A = (A, σ, τ, {δx}x∈X )
⋆ A – set of states with |A| = n
⋆ X – fixed input alphabet
⋆ σ, τ : A → K – initial and final vectors with entries in K
⋆ δx : A × A → K – transition matrices with entries in K

⋆ weighted automata:
K – semiring, bimonoid . . . weights
⋆ multi-valued automata or fuzzy automata:
K – ordered algebraic structure truth values

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⋆ model certain quantitative properties

⋆ amount of resources needed for the execution of a transition

⋆ time needed for the execution

⋆ cost of the execution
⋆ probability of successful execution of a transition
⋆ reliability of successful execution . . .

⋆ operations on weights – accumulation of weights

⋆ distributivity is not neccessary (bimonoids . . . )

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Truth values

⋆ multi-valued logic – graded truth or intermediate truth

⋆ subtle nuances in reasoning – modeling of uncertainty
⋆ representation of imprecise aspects of human knowledge

⋆ ordering is essential – comparison of truth values

⋆ operations on truth values – logic conjectives
⋆ [0, 1] (real unit interval), max, min – Gödel structure
⋆ [0, 1], t-norm, t-conorm – Łukasiewicz and product structure

⋆ linearity of the ordering is not essential

⋆ truth values – lattices, ordered algebraic structures

4 Miroslav Ćirić Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata

Structures of truth values

Classical Multi-valued logics with Multi-valued logics with

Boolean logic linearly ordered more general structures
structures of truth values
of truth values (not necessarily linearly
two-element structures on [0, 1] lattices, residuated
Boolean algebra determined by t-norms latices, etc.

5 Miroslav Ćirić Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata

Structures of truth values (cont.)

⋆ lattices: finite infimum and supremum –

conjunction and disjunction (intersection and union)
⋆ complete lattices: infinite infimum and supremum –
universal and existential quantifiers

⋆ infimum does not necessarily distribute over supremum

(except in distributive lattices)
⋆ new operation: multiplication ⊗ – distributes over suprema
strong conjunction

⋆ lattice ordered monoid

monoid + partial order (compatible w.r.t. multiplication ⊗)
lattice w.r.t. this partial order
⊗ distributes over (finite) suprema
(∨, ⊗)-reduct – semiring reduct
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Residuation. Residuated functions

⋆ How to model the implication?

⋆ Residuated function
⋆ (P, 6), (Q, 6) – partially ordered sets, f : P → Q
⋆ f is residuated if there is g : Q → P satisfying

f (x) 6 y ⇔ x 6 g(y)

⋆ residuation property
⋆ if exists, such g is unique
⋆ it is called the residual of f and denoted by f ♯

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Theorem on residuated functions

Theorem on residuated functions

The following conditions for f : P → Q are equivalent:
(i) f is residuated;
(ii) f is isotone and there is an isotone g : Q → P such that
IP 6 f ◦ g, g ◦ f 6 IQ ;
(iii) the inverse image under f of every principal down-set of Q is a
principal down-set of P;
(iv) f is isotone and the set {x ∈ P | f (x) 6 y} has the greatest element,
for every y ∈ Q.

⋆ principal down-set: a ↓= {x ∈ P | x 6 a}
⋆ lattice-theoretical counterpart of a continuous function
⋆ f ♯ (y) = ⊤{x ∈ P | f (x) 6 y} (⊤H – greatest element of H)
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Residuated algebraic structures. Residuated semigroups

⋆ (S, ⊗, 6) – ordered semigroup

⋆ 6 is compatible w.r.t. ⊗
⋆ for a ∈ S, functions λa , ̺a : S → S are defined by
λa (x) = a ⊗ x, ̺a (x) = x ⊗ a
⋆ λa – inner left translation w.r.t. a
̺a – inner right translation w.r.t. a
⋆ residuated semigroup – λa and ̺a are residuated functions
⋆ a\b = λ♯a (b) = ⊤{x ∈ S | a ⊗ x 6 b} – right residual of b by a
⋆ b/a = ̺a♯ (b) = ⊤{x ∈ S | x ⊗ a 6 b} – left residual of b by a
⋆ residuation property
a ⊗ b 6 c ⇔ b 6 a\c ⇔ a 6 c/b

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⋆ Quantale
ordered semigroup (S, ⊗, 6)
complete lattice w.r.t. 6
⊗ distributes over arbitrary suprema (finite and infinite)

⋆ ⊗ is not necessarily commutative

⋆ inifinite distributivity ⇒ existence of residuals
a\b = {x ∈ S | a ⊗ x 6 b} = ⊤{x ∈ S | a ⊗ x 6 b}
b/a = {x ∈ S | x ⊗ a 6 b} = ⊤{x ∈ S | x ⊗ a 6 b}
⋆ unital quantale – with a multiplicative unit e
⋆ (S, ∨, ⊗, 0, e) – semiring (semiring reduct)
⋆ integral quantale – e is the greatest element (e = 1)

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Residuated lattices

⋆ general meaning: lattice-ordered residuated semigroup

⋆ not necessarily commutative (left and right residuals)
⋆ not necessarily complete, not necessarily bounded
⋆ multi-valued logic – requires commutativity and completeness

⋆ Residuated lattice – algebra L = (L, ∨, ∧, ⊗, →, 0, 1)

(L, ∨, ∧, 0, 1) – bounded lattice with the least element 0
and the greatest element 1
(L, ⊗, 1) – commutative monoid with the unit 1
⊗ and → satisfy the residuation property
x⊗y6z ⇔ x6y→z

⋆ Complete residuated lattice – the lattice reduct is complete

commutative integral quantale
11 Miroslav Ćirić Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata
Residuated lattices (cont.)

⋆ only one residual (left and right residuals coincide)

⋆ operation → : residuum or residual implication
models the implication
⋆ residuation property x ⊗ y 6 z ⇔ x 6 y → z
modus ponens rule
deduction theorem
⋆ biresiduum or residual equivalence:
x ↔ y = (x → y) ∧ (y → x)
models the equivalence
⋆ negation: ¬x = x → 0

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Special residuated structures

on [0, 1] with x ∧ y = min(x, y) and x ∨ y = max(x, y)

⋆ Göedel structure
1 if x 6 y
x ⊗ y = min(x, y), x→y=
y otherwise
⋆ Product structure or Goguen structure
1 if x 6 y
x ⊗ y = x · y, x→y= y
⋆ Łukasiewicz structure
x ⊗ y = max(x + y − 1, 0), x → y = min(1 − x + y, 1)

⋆ Göedel and Łukasiewicz structure on finite chains in [0, 1]

⋆ Heyting algebra: L with ⊗ = ∧ (bounded Brouwer lattice)

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Multi-valued structures and logics
Substructural logics

Complete residuated Complete

lattices orthomodular lattices
Residuated logics Quantum logic

Standard MTL-algebras

Heyting algebras
Basic logic
Intuitionistic logic
Standard BL-algebras

Product algebras MV-algebras Gödel algebras

(Goguen algebras) (Wajsberg algebras)
Product logic Łukasiewicz logic Gödel logic
Product structure Łukasiewicz structure Gödel structure

Boolean algebras
Classical logic
Boolean structure

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Residuation: some historical notes

⋆ Dedekind (1894) – quantales of ideals of rings

⋆ Schröder, Algebra und Logik der Relative (Leipzig, 1895)
quantales of binary relations
⋆ Brouwer (1920s) – relative pseudo complementation
⋆ Heyting (1930) – Heyting algebras
⋆ Ward, Dilworth (1930s) – (noncommutative) residuated
lattices, arithmetical applications
⋆ Mulvey (1986) – quantale of closed linear subspaces of a
non-commutative C⋆ -algebra
applications in functional analysis, topology
Gelfand, von Neumann, and Hilbert quantales

15 Miroslav Ćirić Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata

State reduction

⋆ Mimimization of NFA – computationally hard problem

⋆ the same goes for weighted and multi-valued automata
⋆ more practical – state reduction problem
give an efficient construction of a reasonably small automaton
(not necessarily minimal) equivalent to the given automaton

⋆ How to make a state reduction?

⋆ our main ideas came from algebra – quotient algebra

⋆ congruences – compatible equivalence relations
⋆ elements of the quotient algebra – equivalence classes
⋆ rows or columns in the correspodning Boolean matrix

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Row automata

⋆ (S, +, ·, 0, e) – semiring with the unit e

⋆ A = (A, σ, τ, {δx}x∈X ) – weighted finite automaton over S
⋆ π ∈ SA×A – given matrix

⋆ Our idea: Construct an WFA whose states would be rows of π

⋆ aπ – a-row of π, πb – b-column of π
⋆ A – the set of all different rows of π
⋆ define σ, τ : A → S, δx : A × A → S, x ∈ X by

σ(aπ) = (σ · π)(a) = σ · (πa)

τ(aπ) = (π · τ)(a) = (aπ) · τ
δx (aπ, bπ) = (π · δx · π)(a, b) = (aπ) · δx · (πb)

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Quasi-order matrices

⋆ Question: Are these definitions good?

⋆ Answer: Not necessarily.
If aπ = a′ π and bπ = b′ π, it does not have to be
σ · (πa) = σ · (πa′ ) or (aπ) · δx · (πb) = (a′ π) · δx · (πb′ )

⋆ Question: Under what conditions the definitions are good?

⋆ we need a partial order 6 on S (not necessarily compatible)

⋆ a square matrix π : A × A → S is
reflexive if e 6 π(a, a), for all a ∈ A
transitive if π(a, b) · π(b, c) 6 π(a, c), for all a, b, c ∈ A

⋆ Quasi-order matrix – reflexive and transitive matrix

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Quasi-order matrices (cont.)

Theorem 1
Let π ∈ SA×A be a quasi-order matrix and a, b ∈ A. Then the following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) π(a, b) = π(b, a) = e
(ii) aπ = bπ
(iii) πa = πb

Theorem 2
Let π ∈ SA×A be a quasi-order matrix.
Then σ, τ and δx are well-defined and A = (A, σ, τ, {δx }x∈X ) is an WFA
satisfying |A| 6 |A|.

A – row automaton – isomorphic to column automaton

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Notes on quasi-order matrices

⋆ S – semiring with unit e, 6 – partial order on S

⋆ partial order on SA×A is defined entrywise
µ 6 η ⇔ µ(a, b) 6 η(a, b), for all a, b ∈ S
⋆ if the ordering on S is compatible, then the ordering of matrices is
also compatible
⋆ for a matrix π with entries in a lattice-ordered monoid
π is reflexive ⇔ ∆ 6 π ⇒ π 6 π2
π is transitive ⇔ π2 6 π
π is a quasi-order matrix ⇒ π2 = π
⋆ ∆(a, a) = e (the unit), ∆(a, b) = 0, for a , b – unit matrix
⋆ Question: Under what conditions this holds for matrices with
entries in a semiring?
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Notes on quasi-order matrices (cont.)

⋆ S – positively ordered semiring – compatible partial order 6

and 0 is the least element
π is reflexive ⇒ ∆ 6 π ⇒ π 6 π2

⋆ to prove
π is transitive ⇒ π2 6 π
we need something like
a1 , . . . , as 6 a ⇒ a1 + . . . + as 6 a
the addition behaves somehow like supremum

⋆ Question: In which class of semirings all of this is true?

⋆ Answer: Additively idempotent semirings

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Additively idempotent semirings

⋆ a + a = a, for every a ∈ S (equivalently 1 + 1 = 1)

⋆ positively partially ordered
⋆ partial ordering: a 6 b ⇔ a + b = b
⋆ supremum coincides with addition
⋆ every quasi-order matrix π satisfies π2 = π

⋆ Question: Why π2 = π is so important?

⋆ behaviour of the row automaton A (the general case)

[[A]](ε) = σ · π2 · τ
[[A]](x1 x2 · · · xk ) = σ · π2 · δx1 · π2 · δx2 · π2 · . . . · π2 · δxk · π2 · τ

⋆ with π2 = π we avoid squares

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Equivalence of A and A (additively idempotent case)

⋆ Question: Is A equivalent to A? Answer: Not necessarily.

⋆ Question: Under what conditions they are equivalent?

[[A]](ε) = σ · τ
[[A]](x1 x2 · · · xk ) = σ · δx1 · δx2 · . . . · δxk · τ

[[A]](ε) = σ · π · τ
[[A]](x1 x2 · · · xk ) = σ · π · δx1 · π · δx2 · π · . . . · π · δxk · π · τ

⋆ π has to be a solution of the general system

σ · δx1 · δx2 · . . . · δxk · τ = σ · π · δx1 · π · δx2 · π · . . . · π · δxk · π · τ

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Notes on the general system

⋆ it may consist of infinitely many equations

⋆ can not be solved efficiently
⋆ we have to find as possible greater solutions (greater
solutions provide better reductions)
⋆ in the general case, there is no the greatest solution

⋆ instances of the general system

⋆ systems whose any solution is a solution to the general
⋆ we need instances with finitely many equations or inequations
which have the greatest solution and can be solved efficiently

to be continued . . .

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In the next episodes

⋆ weakly linear systems

⋆ solving weakly linear systems

⋆ weakly linear systems in the state reduction

⋆ weakly linear systems in the study of

simulations and bisimulations

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