Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata: Comparison and Transfer of Ideas
Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata: Comparison and Transfer of Ideas
Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata: Comparison and Transfer of Ideas
Miroslav Ćirić
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Sciences
University of Niš, Serbia
A = (A, σ, τ, {δx}x∈X )
⋆ A – set of states with |A| = n
⋆ X – fixed input alphabet
⋆ σ, τ : A → K – initial and final vectors with entries in K
⋆ δx : A × A → K – transition matrices with entries in K
⋆ weighted automata:
K – semiring, bimonoid . . . weights
⋆ multi-valued automata or fuzzy automata:
K – ordered algebraic structure truth values
⋆ Residuated function
⋆ (P, 6), (Q, 6) – partially ordered sets, f : P → Q
⋆ f is residuated if there is g : Q → P satisfying
f (x) 6 y ⇔ x 6 g(y)
⋆ residuation property
⋆ if exists, such g is unique
⋆ it is called the residual of f and denoted by f ♯
⋆ principal down-set: a ↓= {x ∈ P | x 6 a}
⋆ lattice-theoretical counterpart of a continuous function
⋆ f ♯ (y) = ⊤{x ∈ P | f (x) 6 y} (⊤H – greatest element of H)
8 Miroslav Ćirić Weighted and Multi-Valued Automata
Residuated algebraic structures. Residuated semigroups
⋆ Quantale
ordered semigroup (S, ⊗, 6)
complete lattice w.r.t. 6
⊗ distributes over arbitrary suprema (finite and infinite)
Standard MTL-algebras
Heyting algebras
Basic logic
Intuitionistic logic
Standard BL-algebras
Boolean algebras
Classical logic
Boolean structure
⋆ aπ – a-row of π, πb – b-column of π
⋆ A – the set of all different rows of π
⋆ define σ, τ : A → S, δx : A × A → S, x ∈ X by
Theorem 1
Let π ∈ SA×A be a quasi-order matrix and a, b ∈ A. Then the following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) π(a, b) = π(b, a) = e
(ii) aπ = bπ
(iii) πa = πb
Theorem 2
Let π ∈ SA×A be a quasi-order matrix.
Then σ, τ and δx are well-defined and A = (A, σ, τ, {δx }x∈X ) is an WFA
satisfying |A| 6 |A|.
⋆ to prove
π is transitive ⇒ π2 6 π
we need something like
a1 , . . . , as 6 a ⇒ a1 + . . . + as 6 a
the addition behaves somehow like supremum
[[A]](ε) = σ · τ
[[A]](x1 x2 · · · xk ) = σ · δx1 · δx2 · . . . · δxk · τ
[[A]](ε) = σ · π · τ
[[A]](x1 x2 · · · xk ) = σ · π · δx1 · π · δx2 · π · . . . · π · δxk · π · τ
to be continued . . .