Personal Development Module 17
Personal Development Module 17
Personal Development Module 17
Question no.1
I will categorize the acceptable and unacceptable teenage relationships in
terms of attraction, infatuation, and real love. Attraction refers to what you see
with the opposite sex. Infatuation is how you feel at the moment toward the
other person but eventually, it will change. Real love is based on what you
know about the other person.
Question no.2
If I am in the situation, I would react by asking some personal questions to
myself to assess the situation.
Question no.3
I need to understand the acceptable and unacceptable teenage relationships
so that I can make a wise decision about finding the right person for me.
Choosing the right partner to fit my personality, goals, and aspirations will
contribute to a happy married life that will last for a lifetime.
Am I ready to get married?
These are the factors to be considered:
View in Life
1. I will categorize acceptable and unacceptable teenage relationships in terms of attraction,
infatuation, and real love. Attraction refers to what you see with the opposite sex. Infatuation is how
you feel at the moment toward the other person but eventually, it will change. Real love is based on
what you know about the other person. in today's world, we find most of the teenage relationships ar
attraction and infatuation but still, there are some though in less number but who do sacrifices and real
1. I will categorize acceptable and unacceptable teenage relationships as far as attraction, infatuation, and real
love. attraction alludes to what you see with the other gender. infatuation is the means by which you feel right
now toward the other individual yet in the long run, it will change. real love depends on what you are familiar
the other individual. in this day and age, we view as the vast majority of the adolescent connections are
attraction and infatuation yet, there are some however in less number yet who truly do sacrifices and real love.
2. If I am in that situation then I would teach myself to be a more critical thinker. I would assess the
situation first and then after I understand then that would be the time that I would think of rightful and
necessary actions. I will not make decisions in haste. I will ask myself some personal questions. Because
it is when not thinking properly and critically would lead to a misjudgment of things. This would then
result in a bad decision and action. Though I understand that maybe I would not be able to think this
way because emotion or feelings is a very powerful factor in a person's decision-making. It would be
helpful to sleep on it and make myself, in advance, a list of questions that I would ask myself and this
would help me in assessing my feelings.
2. if I were in that situation then I would train myself to be a more critical thinker. I would evaluate the
situation first and afterward later I understand then that would be the time that I would consider legitimate and
necessary actions. I won't settle on choices carelessly. I will pose myself some close to personal inquiries. Since it
is when not reasoning as expected and basically would prompt a confusion of things. This would then bring about a
terrible choice and activity. However I comprehend that perhaps I would not have the option to think this way
since feeling or sentiments is an exceptionally strong component in an individual's direction. It would be helful to
sleep over it and make myself, ahead of time, a rundown of inquiries that I would pose to myself and this would
help me in surveying my feelings.
3. It is good to understand acceptable and unacceptable relationships as our relationships affect our
mental health and well-being. A positive relationship is healthy for a human being as this does not
involve any stress. In contrast, a toxic relationship is a negative relationship that causes feelings of low
self-worth, helplessness, fear, anxiety, depression, insecurity, paranoia, and even narcissism. Therefore,
toxic relationships are dangerous to your health as stress shortens your lifespan since this comes with
conditions such as ulcers caused by stress.
3. It is great to comprehend acceptable and unacceptable relationships as our connections influence our mental
health and well being. A positive relationship is solid for a person as this doesn't include any pressure.
Conversely, a toxic relationship is a negative relationship that causes sensations of low self-esteem,
helplessness, fear, tension, anxiety, insecurity, depression, and even selfishness. therefore, toxic connections
are dangerous to your health as stress shortens your life expectancy since this comes with conditions, for
example, ulcers brought about by pressure.