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Man Enough

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Answer each question in depth and provide specific evidence from

the text or speaker whenever available. The more you write, the better!

SPEAKER: Justin Baldoni. He is an actor who grew up with a sensitive father.
Who is the speaker/writer? “Spent his life resenting who he was by society”. Because he is an actor,
What do we know about he plays many roles and was able to express how he knew there was
them? What can you tell or
what do you know about
more to his feelings than the tough guy routine that he put on for the
the speaker that helps you camera.
understand the point of
view expressed?

PURPOSE: To tell men that they need to listen to their feelings, open up to other
What is the speaker/writer people about how they really feel, treat others with a standardised
hoping to accomplish? human respect. There was also the aspect of him performing at a
What is the reason behind
this piece? What do they
women's convention where there were little to no men attending. This
want the audience to do was to let women know that there are aspects and roles that they can
after having listened? play in helping men open up.

 He is trying to reach men while informing women of his story. His
Who is the speaker/writer audience is based on men, women, and parents. He knew that the
trying to reach? How do we audience was not the complete range of people he was trying to reach,
know? Do they indicate a
but also knew that TED broadcasts it live as well as keeping them on
specific audience? What
assumptions exist in the
youtube for many other people to see.
text about the intended

 This is happening in our modern day, maybe a few years ago, when toxic
What is the time and place masculinity was starting to gain ground in our culture. This is also when
of this piece? What is Trump had just come into the presidency and had made his comments
happening in the world as
about “locker room talk” as referenced in his speech. Many things were
it relates to the subject of
the speech or the
just starting to change in our country's dynamics.

EXIGENCE: Woke up one morning and realized that he felt broken by how society
What was the spark or thought he should act. He felt trapped an unable to talk to his friends, so
catalyst that moved the he took them out on a boys weekend so they could try to talk.. When
speaker/writer to
act/write? How did that
they did talk he realized that he wasn't alone in how he felt.
event impact the

CHOICES: Talking about personal experiences, talks about dad who was in the
What are the rhetorical audience. Showed his demographics, uses metaphors. Compares gender
choices that the roles and adds humor throughout. He gives it a very casual tone and
speaker/writer makes in
the speech? Think about
talks very freely while still conveying his ideas clearly. He brings
overall structure, devices, pictures of his friends and pictures of roles he has played showing that
diction, syntax, etc. anyone can truly express themselves..
APPEALS: Ethos: talks about his emotions and how he felt in situations.
Which of the three Big appeal to emotions.
rhetorical appeals (ethos, Not much LOGOS, but does talk about statistics
logos, pathos) are present
in the text? Where? Why?

TONE: Trying to unite, sensitive, call to action. He goes straight for the heart of
What is the the topic and blows past the formalities of trying to ease into it. His
speaker/authors attitude personal stories give a positive outlook and a light of hope for those who
toward the subject? Is the
tone the same throughout
didn't believe in it. He uses his dad as a great example of how we should
the whole piece? Where behave and treat others, him talking about how he looked down on his
does it shift? What dad for being “sensitive” and now bringing up how he believes that's
evidence is there to how all men should act. be willing to put our emotions first and actually
demonstrate the tone? 
 give a crap about ourselves instead of just letting the world run its course
and us trying to bend to it..

Afterword from me
I always looked at toxic masculinity as something that was meant to degrade men . I am glad that you brought
this up in our class. I have a family (of friends, because I am an only child. My siblings growing up were my
friends like J.TLanie, and a few other people you might know that went to hillcrest, but they all were with me at
my old school growing up) . We have open meetings almost twice a month just talking about our feelings,
catching up, and opening up about the hardest parts in our lives at that time. With my close friends at hillcrest
we do what we call 332. 332 is 3 good things about our day, 3 bad things about our day, and 2 things we would
have done differently if we had the chance. We are open about things all the way down to our medical and deep
parts of our relationships. I had never had a word for what we were trying to do but I guess this is what it was
trying to combat. Although I disagree with the naming of toxic masculinity because the movement sounds like it
is saying masculinity in general is toxic.

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