3-1 Additional Practice: Name
3-1 Additional Practice: Name
3-1 Additional Practice: Name
= # 60 % of
= percussionists. = # 800
= drivers
3. An item sells for $40. The sales tax on 4. When a bush was first planted in a garden,
the item is 8%. What is the sales tax and it was 12 inches tall. After two weeks, it
total cost? was 120% as tall as when it was first planted.
How tall was the bush after the two weeks?
5. The number of students in the marching 6. Joel earns a commission of 5% on the audio
band this year is 125% as many as the equipment he sells, and the store keeps the
number of students in the marching band rest. He sells a $750 amplifier.
last year. If there were 36 students in the a. How much commission does Joel earn
marching band last year, how many students from the sale?
are in the marching band this year?
b. How much profit did the bike shop earn a. What is the correct way to write 14 % as a
by selling the bicycle and helmet to you? decimal?
11. Allie and Sam are ophthalmologists. Allie 12. Higher Order Thinking Kevin’s car can go
found that 40% of the 170 patients she 315 miles on one tank of gas. He used just
saw in a week were near-sighted. Sam under 40% of a full tank of gas to get to
found that 25% of the 236 patients he saw a sporting event, traveling at an average
in a week were near-sighted. speed of 60 miles an hour. About how long
a. How many of the patients Allie saw did it take him to get there? How did you
were near-sighted? decide?
Assessment Practice
13. A large university accepts 70% of the 14. Krystine has a weekend job advertising an
students who apply. Of the students the upcoming play. She has two options for
university accepts, 25% actually enroll. being paid. Option A is an hourly wage of
If 20,000 students apply, how many $7.00. Option B is a 5% commission on
actually enroll? tickets sales. She plans to work 8 hours on
both Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are sold
𝖠 14,000 students for $10 each, and Krystine estimates she
will sell about 200 tickets. Which option
𝖡 5,000 students gives Krystine more earnings this weekend?