Lee County SS COVID Update
Lee County SS COVID Update
Lee County SS COVID Update
Our consistent goal is to keep schools safe and open. Yesterday, community numbers for Lee
County COVID-19 cases reached 847 cases per 100,000 for the past two weeks, according to the
Department of Public Health. These rising cases are impacting students and staff. We have not
had enough substitute teachers to cover all classes since the second semester began last week –
with an average of being short 14 substitutes each day, thus far.
Monday afternoon, we had 3 bus routes that lacked coverage due to driver shortage, even with
all available mechanics and office personnel taking a route.
According to our COVID-19 Protocols and Continuum of Multilayered Mitigation Strategies (also
found on our website), Lee County Schools are now at Level 4 of the continuum. Therefore, a
temporary mask requirement for students will go into effect tomorrow, Wednesday, January
12 through Tuesday, January 25. Our level-status will be monitored daily and mitigation
strategies will be adjusted accordingly.
Your continued cooperation and support are appreciated and needed to keep our schools safely