Proposed Hawkers Zone For Sector No. 29 Pcntda Area
Proposed Hawkers Zone For Sector No. 29 Pcntda Area
Proposed Hawkers Zone For Sector No. 29 Pcntda Area
The estimate provides for the 'Proposed 'Hawkers Zone' for sector no. 29 as per the Demarcation
GENERAL SPECIFICATION :- All the Items of the work are to be carried out as per Standard specifications
given in Red Book of P.W.Dept.specification given in recent edition.
RATES :- Certified that all the rates adopted are scheduled of rates for the year 2013-2014 for Pune Public
works Region of P.W.Department.
Rates have been increased by 5 % due to Corporation Area
CERTIFICATE :- Certify that the estimate is 100% arithmetically checked by me and found correct.
Estimate prepared by -
MITI MITRA Consultants Pvt.
Deputy Engineer,
Sub-Division No. IV
Executive Engineer
Division-B PCNTDA
AKURDI, PUNE - 411035
Deputy Engineer
Sub. Div. No. IV,
Superintendendent Engineer
Estimate based on PWD DSR 2013-14
Technically Sanctioned
under no Date
Administratively approved
under no Date
Page 3
AKURDI, PUNE - 411035
Deputy Engineer
Sub- Div No IV,
Page 4
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Site Cleaning the site before commencement and after completion of work as
1 2981.00 directed by site in charge. (PWD DSR Item No. 53 Page No. 122) Spec. No: As Sqm 3.70
directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Excavation for foundation in Earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel, soft murum
including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the
building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed
2 401.00 Cum 111.35
for foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and
strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 2A Page No. 125)
Spec. No: Bd .A.1 Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in Hard Murum and Boulders including removing the
excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking
and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and
3 801.00 Cum 128.30
necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc.
complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 4A Page No. 125) Spec. No:
Bd .A.3 Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in Soft Rock including removing the excavated material
up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as
4 241.00 directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary back filling, Cum 224.85
ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.)
(PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page No. 125) Spec. No: Bd .A.4 Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiseling, wedging, line drilling, etc
including trimming and leveling the bed, removing the excavated materials up to
distance of 50 meters beyond the building area and stacking as directed, dewatering
and back filling with available earth murum, ramming, watering including shoring
5 161.00 and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 m) (PWD DSR Item No. 7b Page No. Cum 793.25
126) Spec. No: Bd .A.6 Page No. 260.
Disposal of Excess Excavated material outside the Site Premise all as directed
including Loading, Unloading, Stacking, Spreading etc. complete all as directed by
the Architect & Client . The Lead / Distance of site of disposal is as per the location
8 401.00 earmarked for the same by Corporation. (10 Km Lead is considered.) (PWD DSR Cum 246.75
Page No. 263 Statement C1)
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-10 (1:3:6) of trap / granite /
quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water
formwork, compacting and curing complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 1b Page No. 13)
10 282.00 Spec.No.Bd.E.1 Page No. 287. Cum 3393.90
Item No. 13:- Providing and casting in situ cement concrete in M-20 of trap /
granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for RCC Beams & Lintels as per detailed designs
and drawing or as directed including centering, formwork, cover blocks, compaction
and roughening the surface if any special finish is to be provided and curing
11 19.00 complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) With Crushed Sand. (P.No.16. Cum 7217.70
I.No.3ib) Spec. No. : Bd F6, Page No. 300 & B-7, Page No. 38
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 (1:1/2 2:3 ) of trap / granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundations like raft, grillages, strips, foundations and
footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out water,
formwork, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if special finish is to be
provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) complete. b) With natural
12 1.00 sand & crushed sand 50% each (P.No.15. I.No.1b) (Spec.No.Bd.F.3 Page No.298 Cum 4726.60
and B-7,Page No.38)
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. Column as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed
including centering, formwork, cover blocks, compacting and roughening if special
finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b)
13 2.00 with crushed sand (PWD DSR Item No. 2b P.No.16.) Spec.No.Bd.F.5 Page No.300 Cum 7021.50
and B-7,Page No.38.
Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled section fixed with
connecting plates or angle cleat in main and cross beams, hip and jack rafters,
purlins connecting to truss members and like as per detail design and drawing or as
directed including cutting, fabricating hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, making
riveted/bolted/welded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it
14 1.00 two coat of oil painting complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 2 Page No. 11) Spec. no. MT 65075.45
Bd.C.3 Page No. 275.
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss
metal for R.C.C. coping to plinth or parapet and sills of doors and windows,
moulded as per detailed drawings or chamfered as approved by the Engineer
including centering, formwork, compacting, roughening the surface if special finish
15 21.00 is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcment) (PWD DSR Item Cum 5607.85
No. 7b P.No.18) Spec.No.Bd.F.12 Page No.304 & B-7 Page No. 38.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / IS type fly ash brick in cement
mortar 1:6 including striking joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding
complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 1b Page No. 24) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer
19 98.00 in charge and Bd-G - 2 & 5. b) for superstructure Cum 5288.70
Providing flush grooved pointing with cement mortar 1:3 for stone work including
20 73.00 scaffolding and curing complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 9 Page No. 38) Spec. No.: Sqm 93.15
Bd.L.15 Page No. 372.
Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened
sand in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in CM 1:4 using water
proofing compound at 1 kg per Cement Bag curing the same for not less than 2 days
and keeping the surfaceof the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment of
6 to 8 mm thick in CM 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for
21 980.00 fourteen days, scaffolding etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page No. 37) Sqm 381.70
Spec. No. : Bd L 7, Page No. 369.
Providing sills of polished Kotah stone 25mm to 30mm thick, on a bed of 1:4
cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with slurry, curing, polishing and
22 51.00 cleaning complete. (PWD DSR Item No.7a Page No. 44) Spec. No. Bd M 29 Page Sqm 785.30
No. 391.
Providing and laying machine cut machine polished Kotah Stone Flooring 25 mm to
30 mm thick in required width in Plain / diamond pattern on a bed of 1:6 Cement
mortar including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing,
23 27.00 polishing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. Bd M 3 Page No. 380. ( Page No. 43 Sqm 795.90
I.No.4 )
Providing and laying machine cut machine polished kotah stone slabs 20 mm to 25
mm thick for treads and risers of steps and staricases with rounded nosing for the
treads on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar slury, including cement float, filling joints with
24 3.00 neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. Bd 22 Page Sqm 970.90
No. 390.( Page No. 44 I.No.6b )
Providing and fixing Heavy duty inter locking concrete Coloured Paving blocks of
80 mm thickness of having a strength of 300 kg / Sq. cm. of approved quality and
shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 mm to 30 mm thick including skirting joints
25 883.00 and cleaning etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 21Bii Page No. 48) Spec. No. As Sqm 630.45
directed by Engineer in charge.
Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete rubber mould glossy paving
blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a strength of 400 kg / Sq. cm. of approved
quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30 mm thick including skirting
26 1153.00 joints and cleaning etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 22b Page No. 48) Spec. No. Sqm 827.75
As directed by Engineer in charge.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing Chamfer Of Required size to kota stone including fine polishing and
27 269.00 cleaning etc complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 32b Page No. 50) Specifications: As Sqm 41.35
directed by Engineer-In- Charge.
Providing and applying two coats of appex Ace white exterior paint of approved
manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning,
prepairing the plaster surface, applying primer coat, scaffolding if necessary, and
28 980.00 watering the surface for two days complete. (PWD DSR Item No.17 Page No. 58) Sqm 131.50
Spec.No.: As directed by Engineer in charge.
Providing and fixing 50 mm dia. Medium class G.I. pipe gate with wicket gate of
approved drawing with all fixtures & fittings in two leaves with strong hold fast
embedded in c.c. block at top & bottom with locking arrangement including cutting,
bending, making holes and with one coat of primer complete. (PWD DSR Item No.
29 10.00 5 Page No. 12) Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in charge. Sqm 3648.10
30 16.00 Hiring of JCB 8 to 10 MT (PWD DSR Item No. 92 Page No. 259) Hrs. 866.30
31 16.00 Hiring of Dumper (PWD DSR Item No. 38 Page No. 258) Hrs. 1403.05
Providing & laying perforated PVC 160 mm dia pipe in proper line, level and slope
including necessary fitting etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 218 Page No. 243)
32 50.00 Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge Rm 284.20
Providing & laying concrete pipes of I.S.N.P. class of 300 mm dia. In proper line,
level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in
cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 22 d
33 292.00 Page No. 104) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge Rm 774.15
34 100.00 Providing and fixing cat eye as directed by Engineer in charge. Nos. 291.65
Planting large flowering/Shady trees:- (Minimum Height to 2 Mtr.) Digging pit with
size 0.9 m × 0.9 m × 0.9 m Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required
distance as directed. Filling the pit with approved excavated material up to a hight of
0.30 m. and remaining height of 0.60 m. with fresh garden soil & manure in in 3:1
proportion. Mixing soil and manure thoroughly well, leveling, as directed, watering
previous night. Planting two or three year old,minimum 2.0 mtr. mtr. hight, healthy
tree sapling as per specifications. Maintaining till well established by watering,
35 8.00 Nos. 1238.95
weedings, Stirring of soil, staking, replacing of casualties etc. complete.
Planting small and medium size ornamental/flowering plant:- Digging pit with size
0.6 m × 0.6 m × 0.6 m, Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required
distance as directed. Filling the pit with fresh garden soil & Farm Yard Manure up
to a height of 0.60 m in 3:1 proportion. Mixing soil and manure thoroughly well,
leveling and watering previous night. Planting one or two year old healthy plant
36 9.00 saplings as per specifications. Maintaining till well established by watering, Stirring Nos. 659.30
of soil and manure, replacing of casualties etc. complete.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Planting Mogra Plant/Creepers/Climbers:- Excavating the pit with size 0.3 m × 0.3
m × 0.3 m Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required distance as directed.
Filling the pit with approved excavated material up to a hight of 0.15 mtr. and
remaining height of 0.15 mtr. with fresh garden soil & manure in in 3:1 proportion.
Mixing soil and manure thoroughly well, leveling, watering on previous night.
Planting one or two year old healthy plant as per specifications. Maintaining till
37 8.00 well established by watering, weedings, pruning, Stirring, replacing, casualaties etc. Nos. 285.25
Wet mix Macadam: Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone
aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with
water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site,
laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base / base course on well prepared
surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. Spec.
41 226.00 Cum 1201.70
No. MORTH - 406 PWD DSR Item No. 17 MORTH 4.12 Page No. 179.
Granular Sub - Base with Coarse Graded Material (Table:- 400-2) Construction of
granular sub base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers
with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with
rotavator at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per clause 401. Spec. No. MORTH - 401. ii) for grading -II
42 301.00 Cum 1104.10
Material. PWD DSR Item No. 8 MORTH 4.2 Page No. 175.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing and erecting chain link fencing 0.30 m height with G.I. chain link of size
50 x 50 mm 8 guage thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level vertical M.S. angle
of 40x40x6 mm size embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450 x 450 x 670
mm at 1.75 mtre c/c with iron bar 16 mm diametre as hold fast including weilding
link with angle frame at 30 cm c/c nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. angles at top
and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size and vertical M.S. flat 35 x 5 mm and 25 x 5 mm
horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both sides at every
corner or bents embedded in concrete blocks of 1: 4: 8 of size 450 x450 x 670 mm
44 73.00 including 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete. Spec as directed by Engineer Sqm 1001.50
Incharge. (PWD DSR Item No. 32 Page No. 118)
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Excavation for foundation in soft murum including removing the excavated material
up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as
directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary back filling,
1 11.00 Cum 135.75
ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.)
( PWD DSR Item No. 1a P. No. 7) Spec. No: Bd .A.1 Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in hard murum including removing the excavated material
up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as
directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary back filling,
2 3.00 Cum 146.35
ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.)
(PWD DSR Item No. 2a P. No. 7) Spec. No: Bd .A.2 Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in Hard Murum and Boulders including removing the
excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking
and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and
3 3.00 Cum 175.00
necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc.
complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 3a P. No. 7) Spec. No: Bd .A.3
Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in Soft Rock including removing the excavated material
up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as
4 2.00 directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary back filling, Cum 399.80
ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.)
(PWD DSR Item No. 4a P. No. 8) Spec. No: Bd .A.4 Page No. 259.
Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiseling, wedging, line drilling, etc
including trimming and leveling the bed, removing the excavated materials upto
distance of 50 meters beyond the building area and stacking as directed, dewatering
and back filling with available earth murum, ramming, watering including shoring
5 2.00 and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 m) (PWD DSR Item No. 7 P. No. 9) Cum 884.45
Spec. No: Bd .A.6 Page No. 260.
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-10 (1:3:6) of trap / granite/
quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water
formwork, compacting and curing complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 1b P.No.13)
8 3.00 Spec.No.Bd.E.1 Page No.287. Cum 3393.90
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite/ quartzite /
gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in foundations like raft, grillages, strips, foundations
and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out water,
formwork, cover blocks, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if special
finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) complete. (i)
9 2.00 M-20 b) With crushed sand (PWD DSR Item No. 1ib P.No.15) Spec.No.Bd.F.3 Cum 4726.60
Page No.298 and B-7,Page No.38.
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete in M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite /
gneiss metal for RCC Beams & Lintels as per detailed designs and drawing or as
directed including centering, formwork, cover blocks, compaction and roughening
the surface if any special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding
reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) With Crushed Sand. (PWD DSR Item No. 3ib P.No.16)
10 7.00 Cum 7217.70
Spec. No. : Bd F6, Page No. 300 & B-7, Page No. 38.
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite /
gneiss metal for RCC Slabs, Landings, canopy and waist slab with steps as per
detailed designs and drawings including centering, formwork, cover blocks,
compaction and roughening the surface if any special finish is to be provided ans
curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) With Crushed Sand (PWD
11 3.00 Cum 7533.75
DSR Item No. 4ib P.No.17) Spec. No. : Bd F8, Page No. 302 & B-7, Page No. 38.
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss
metal for R.C.C. coping to plinth or parapet and sills of doors and windows,
moulded as per detailed drawings or chamfered as approved by the Engineer
including centering, formwork, compacting, roughening the surface if special finish
is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcment) (PWD DSR Item
12 1.00 Cum 5607.85
No. 7b P.No.18) Spec. No. Bd.F.12 Page No. 304 & B-7 Page No. 38.
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss
metal for RCC Chajja /Cill as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed
including formwork, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if any special
finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) complete.
13 1.00 (M20 Mix, with Crushed Sand) (PWD DSR Item No.5ib P.No.17) Spec. No. : Bd Cum 8023.70
F9, Page No. 303 & B-7, Page No. 38.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing second class fly ash brick masonry with conventional / IS type bricks in
cement mortar 1:4 in half brick thick wall including mild steel longitudinal
reinforcement of two bars of 6 mm dia. / two hoop iron strips 25 mm x 1.60 mm at
every third course, properly bent and bounded at ends scaffolding raking joints and
16 91.00 watering etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 10 P.No.24) Spec. No.: Bd-G-7 Page Sqm 833.05
Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / IS type fly ash brick in cement
mortar 1:6 including striking joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding
complete. b) for superstructure (PWD DSR Item No. 9 P.No.24) Spec. No.: As
17 3.00 directed by Engineer in charge and Bd-G - 2 & 5. Cum 5288.70
Providing and fixing frame with/without ventilator of size as specified with Ghana
teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron
hold fast of size 300X40X5 mm with oil painting etc. complete.a)Ghana teak
18 1.00 wood(PWD DSR Item No.1 P.No.73) Spec.No.:As directed by Engineer in charge. Cum 96187.35
Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter commercial 32 mm thk, without
ventilator, commercial type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings, with wroght
iron hold fasts, iron oxidised fixtures, fastenings and handles on both sides and
19 4.00 finishing with oil paint 3 coats, etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 9 P.No.75) Sqm 1357.45
Spec. No.: Bd-T-36 Page No.500.
Providing and fixing 29mm thick factory made PVC rigid foam panelled door
shutters manufactured by M/s Rajshri or equivalent made from MS tube of 19 guage
thickness 19mmx19 mm for styles and 15mmx15mm for top and bottom rails,
covered with heat moulded PVC "C" channel of 5mm thick sheet and 30mmx50mm
wide to form styles and 5mm thick and 75mm wide PVC sheet for top rail, lock rail
and bottom rail on either side and 5mm thick, 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap
insert for top rail and bottom rail panelling of 5mm thick PVC sheet fitted in the
20 5.00 M.S. frame welded/sealed to the styles and rails with 5mmx30mm PVC sheet Sqm 4070.20
beading on either side and joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc.
complete as per manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer in charge
fixed to the frames with stainless steel hinges of 75mm size, stainless steel tower
bolt 100mm size, stainless steel handles 100mm size including all material, labour,
machinery etc. complete (For WC, bath shutters) (The item is exclusive of door
frame) (PWD DSR Item No.33 P.No.82) Spec.No.:As directed by Engineer-in-
Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered
windows/ventilator of various sizes with powder coating as per detailed drawing and
specifications including aluminium frames 80x38mmx1.22mm box type, 5mm thick
21 2.00 sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. complete.(PWD DSR Item No.44 Sqm 2729.75
P.No.85)Spec.No.:As directed by Engineer in charge.
Providing internal cement plaster 12 mm thick in two coats in cement mortar 1:4
22 75.00 without neeru finish, to concrete brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding Sqm 162.55
and curing complete. (P.No.37,I.No.2b) Spec. No.: Bd. L.2 Page No. 368.
Providing internal cement plaster 6 mm thick in a single coat in cement mortar 1:4
23 12.00 without neeru finish, to concrete surface, in all positions including scaffolding and Sqm 103.60
curing complete. (P.No.37,I.No.2b) Spec. No.: Bd. L.1 Page No. 367.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing neeru finish plastered surfaces in all positions including scaffolding and
24 47.00 curing complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 8 P.No.38) Spec. No.: Bd.L. 10 Page No. Sqm 25.45
Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened
sand in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in CM 1:4 using water
proofing compound at 1 kg per Cement Bag curing the same for not less than 2 days
and keeping the surfaceof the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment of
6 to 8 mm thick in CM 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for
25 154.00 fourteen days, scaffolding etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 18 P.No.39) Sqm 381.70
Spec. No. : Bd L 7, Page No. 369.
Providing and fixing Chicken Mesh Jali (24 Gauge) at the junction of 2 different
surfaces of different material component at the time of plastering to prevent
cracking in plaster surface as and where directed at all floors with all leads and lifts
26 49.00 etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 16 P.No.39) Spec. As directed by Engineer in Sqm 71.05
Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of company Kajaria
/ Nitco / Asian or equivalent make of size 30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS
15,622-2,006 (Group-B IIA) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed
of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with cement slurry cleaning
27 12.00 curing complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 28 P.No.50) Specifications: Bd. M. 12. Sqm 838.15
Providing and laying ceramic tiles of Kajaria / Nitco / Asian or equivalent make
having sizes 30 cm x 45 cm for dado and skirting in required position with ready
made adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including
joint filling with white / colour cement slurry cleaning curing complete. (PWD DSR
28 31.00 Item No. 10b P.No.45) Spec. No.: Bd M 13 , Page No. 386. Sqm 944.20
Providing and laying telephone blak / Amba white / Catbary brown / RBI Red /
Ocean Brown granite stone of 18 to 20 mm thick for door frame / dado / window
boxing etc. on C.M. 1:6, including filling joints with polymer base filler nosing the
29 1.00 sharp edges wherever necessary, curing etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 29 Sqm 3675.15
P.No.50) Spec.: Bd. M. 12.
Providing and applying white wash in Two Coats on old / new plastered or masonry
surfaces and asbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface
by brushing & brooming down complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 1b P.No.59) Spec.
30 44.00 No.: Bd P 1 Page No. 411. Sqm 5.35
Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour and shade to
internal / external plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and
preparing the surface (Excluding primer coat) etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No.
31 62.00 8b P.No.56) Spec. No. : Bd. O. 7. Page No. 406. Sqm 46.65
Providing and applying two coats of appex Ace white exterior paint of approved
manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning,
prepairing the plaster surface ,applying primer coat, scaffolding if necessary, and
32 154.00 watering the surface for two days complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 17 P.No.58) Sqm 131.50
Spec.No.: As directed by Engineer in charge.
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Providing and laying water proof treatment of terrace slab with B.B.coba in all
positions with an average thickness of 112 mm consisting specailised materials as
per the manufacturers specifications and covering 10 Years guarantee on court fees
33 17.00 stamp paper including all lead, lift etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 4 P.No.31) Sqm 600.20
Spec. : As Directed By Engineer in Charge.
Providing water proof bedding for flooring of bath and wc 25 mm thick in CM 1:3
including using 1 Kg of water proof compound per bag of cement including levelling
curing etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 5 P.No.31) Spec. : As Directed By
34 25.00 Engineer in Charge. Sqm 337.70
Providing and fixing 20 to 25 mm thick rough shahbad box type water proofing
treatment to vertical outside sides faces of R.C.C wall of basement/ ,underground
floor including filling the gap of 25 mm between rough shahbad and R.C.C wall
with cement grout m between rough shahbad and R.C.C wall with cement grout
mixed with waterproofing Liquid algi joints horizontally with cement slurry mixed
with waterproofing liquid for width 30 to 35 mm .and sloping co coping over
topmost tile with cement mortar 1 :3 ,butting the bottom most with cement concrete
1 : 2 :4 mixed with waterproofing liquid, curing with 7 years guarntee on court fee
35 23.00 stamp of Rs 100/- with, ponding test etc complete (Prior permission of S.E. shall Sqm 809.65
obtained before inclusion of this item in the estimate) (PWD DSR Item No. 10
P.No.33) Spec No: Bd.J.2 Page No.355.
Providing antitermite treatment around the periphery of the existing building as per
I.S. 6313 (Part-III) by excavating trenches of 20 cm. width and exposing the sides of
columns and plinth beams upto a depth of 300 mm and injecting one percent of
chlorodane emulsion concentrate at the rate of 2.25 litres per R.Mt. and refilling the
trenches etc. complete covering 2 years guarantee. (PWD DSR Item No. 49
36 32.00 Rm 29.70
P.No.121) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge.
Providing and fixing cold rolled steel hollow door frame 105 x 60 mm for any sizes
including hold fast hinges tie members with red oxide and grey paint etc. complete
as per ISI specifications and code of practice prescribed including anti corrosive
39 5.00 paint treatment etc. complete as directed by Engineer in charge. (DSR Item No. 35 Sqm 841.00
Bd-T Page No. 83)
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item Qty.
Detail Description of Item Unit Rate in Rs.
No. Estimated
Deputy Engineer,
Sub-Division No. IV
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Amount in Rs
MITIMITRA CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. Dy. Engineer Sub.-Div. (III) Executive Engineer
Item No. 1: - Site Cleaning the site before commencement and after completion of work as directed by site in charge. (PWD DSR Item No. 53
Total 2980.75
Say 2981.00
Item No. 2: - Excavation for foundation in Earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel, soft murum including removing the excavated material u
dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lif
Total 1600.59
Total 400.15
Say 401.00
Page 32 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 3: - Excavation for foundation in Hard Murum and Boulders including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. be
for foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Ite
Total 800.30
Say 801.00
Item No. 4: - Excavation for foundation in Soft Rock including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the buildin
and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page N
Total 240.09
Say 241.00
Item No. 5: - Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiseling, wedging, line drilling, etc including trimming and leveling the bed, removin
as directed, dewatering and back filling with available earth murum, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up
Total 160.06
Say 161.00
Page 33 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 6: - Filling in plinth and floors with approved excavated material in 15 cm to 20 cm layers including watering and compaction comp
Total 1200.45
Say 1201.00
Item No. 7: - Filling in plinth and floors with Contractor's Murum in 15 cm to 20 cm layers including watering and compaction complete. (PW
Say 1491.00
Item No. 8: - Disposal of Excess Excavated material outside the Site Premise all as directed including Loading, Unloading, Stacking, Sprea
disposal is as per the location earmarked for the same by Corporation. (10 Km Lead is considered.) (Page No. 263 Statement C1)
Total 400.15
Say 401.00
Page 34 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 9:- Providing dry / trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss rubble stone soling 15 cm to 20 cm thick including hand packing and compacting
Deductions ((2(0.5*1.8*0.80))
-1 x 1 203.33 0.23 -46.77
Say 509.00
Item No. 10 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-10 (1:3:6) of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and beddin
PCC for Pillars no. of pillars 100 1 x 100 0.45 0.45 0.10 2.03
PCC for Kerbing 1 x 1 130.160 0.38 0.30 14.84
for planter walls
1 x 1 178.590 0.15 0.30 8.04
Say 282.00
Page 35 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 11:- Providing and casting in situ cement concrete in M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for RCC Beams & Lintels as p
compaction and roughening the surface if any special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) Wit
Total 18.22
Say 19.00
Item No. 12 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 (1:1/2 2:3 ) of trap / granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundations like
including bailing out water, formwork, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcem
Total 0.73
Say 1.00
Item No. 13:- Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. Column as per d
compacting and roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) with crushed sand
Total 1.28
Say 2.00
Item No. 14:- Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled section fixed with connecting plates or angle cleat in main and cross b
and drawing or as directed including cutting, fabricating hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, making riveted/bolted/welded connections and o
No. 2 Page No. 11) Spec. no. Bd.C.3 Page No. 275.
Rm Wt./Rm.
Channels for gate ISMB 200 1 X 3 2 25.36 0.15
Total 0.15
Say 1.00
Page 36 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item no 15:- Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. coping to plinth or parapet a
by the Engineer including centering, formwork, compacting, roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (E
Say 21.00
Item No 16 :- Providing & fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foun
fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack
Footing 0.73 65 Kg/ Cum 47.45
Kerb 18.22 135 Kg/ Cum 2459.70
RCC Column 1.28 120 Kg/ Cum 153.60
Coping 20.74 50 Kg/ Cum 1037.00
Total wt 3697.75
Total 3.70
Say 3.70
Item No. 17:- Providing Uncoursed Rubble masonry of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in cement mortar 1:6 in foundation and pli
unexosed faces and watering complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 1 Page No. 25) Spec. No. : Bd H 1, Page No. 329.
Say 145.00
Item No. 18:- Providing uncoursed rubble masonry of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure includin
done watering scaffolding complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 4 Page No. 25) Spec. No.: Bd.H.4 Page No. 331.
Page 37 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Total UCR (Above Gr.) = 32.45
Say 33.00
Item No. 19:- Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / IS type fly ash brick in cement mortar 1:6 including striking joints, racking
Page No. 24) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge and Bd-G - 2 & 5.
Total 97.43
Say 98.00
Item No. 20:- Providing flush grooved pointing with cement mortar 1:3 for stone work including scaffolding and curing complete. (PWD DSR
Say 73.00
Item No. 21:- Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand in all positions including base coat of
same for not less than 2 days and keeping the surfaceof the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment of 6 to 8 mm thick in CM
complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page No. 37) Spec. No. : Bd L 7, Page No. 369.
Say 980.00
Page 38 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 22:- Providing sills of polished Kotah stone 25 mm to 30 mm thick, on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling jo
Total = 50.01
Say 51.00
Item No. 23:- Providing and laying machine cut machine polished Kotah Stone Flooring 25 mm to 30 mm thick in required width in Plain / di
cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. Bd M 3 Page No. 380. ( Page No. 43 I.No.4 )
Total = 26.84
Say 27.00
Item No. 24:- Providing and laying machine cut machine polished kotah stone slabs 20 mm to 25 mm thick for treads and risers of steps and
cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. Bd 22 Page No. 390. ( Page No. 44 I.No
Say 3.00
Item No 25:- Providing and fixing Heavy duty inter locking concrete Coloured Paving blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a strength of 30
thick including skirting joints and cleaning etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 21Bii Page No. 48) Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in charg
parking- area- -
1 x 1 882.41 882.41
Total 882.41
Say 883.00
Page 39 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No 26:- Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete rubber mould glossy paving blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a stre
mm thick including skirting joints and cleaning etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 22b Page No. 48) Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in ch
Deductions ((2(0.5*1.8*0.80))
-1 x 1 203.33 -203.33
Total 1152.04
Say 1153.00
Item No 27:- Providing Chamfer Of Required size to kota stone including fine polishing and cleaning etc complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 32b
Total 268.05
Say 269.00
Item No 28:- Providing and applying two coats of appex Ace white exterior paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the
scaffolding if necessary, and watering the surface for two days complete. (PWD DSR Item No.17 Page No. 58) Spec.No.: As directed by Engin
Say 980.00
Page 40 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No 29:- Providing and fixing 50 mm dia. Medium class G.I. pipe gate with wicket gate of approved drawing with all fixtures & fitting
arrangement including cutting, bending, making holes and with one coat of primer complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page No. 12) Spec. No. :
Total 9.90
Say 10.00
1 x 1 16.00 16.00
Total 16.00
Say 16.00
1 x 1 16.00 16.00
Total 16.00
Say 16.00
Item No. 32:- Providing & laying perforated PVC 160 mm dia pipe in proper line, level and slope including necessary fitting etc. complete. (P
1 x 1 50.00 50.00
Total 50.00
Say 50.00
Item No. 33:- Providing & laying concrete pipes of I.S.N.P. class of 300 mm dia. In proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, ex
(PWD DSR Item No. 22 d Page No. 104) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge
Total 291.38
Say 292.00
Item No. 34:- Providing and fixing cat eye as directed by Engineer in charge.
1 x 1 100.00 100.00
Total 100.00
Page 41 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Say 100.00
Page 42 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 35:- Planting large flowering/Shady trees:- (Minimum Height to 2 Mtr.) Digging pit with size 0.9 m × 0.9 m × 0.9 m Removing &
excavated material up to a hight of 0.30 m. and remaining height of 0.60 m. with fresh garden soil & manure in in 3:1 proportion. Mixing s
or three year old,minimum 2.0 mtr. mtr. hight, healthy tree sapling as per specifications. Maintaining till well established by watering, weedin
Total 8.00
Say 8.00
Item No. 36:- Planting small and medium size ornamental/flowering plant:- Digging pit with size 0.6 m × 0.6 m × 0.6 m, Removing & conve
& Farm Yard Manure up to a height of 0.60 m in 3:1 proportion. Mixing soil and manure thoroughly well, leveling and watering previous n
till well established by watering, Stirring of soil and manure, replacing of casualties etc. complete.
Total 9.00
Say 9.00
Item No. 37:- Planting Mogra Plant/Creepers/Climbers:- Excavating the pit with size 0.3 m × 0.3 m × 0.3 m Removing & conveying unwante
to a hight of 0.15 mtr. and remaining height of 0.15 mtr. with fresh garden soil & manure in in 3:1 proportion. Mixing soil and manure thoro
as per specifications. Maintaining till well established by watering, weedings, pruning, Stirring, replacing, casualaties etc. complete
Total 8.00
Say 8.00
Item No. 38:- Preparing Edging or Border:- Excavating the ground to a required depth of 20 cms. In the required area., removing and conve
with fresh soil and manure in 3:1 proportion to a required height of 20 cms. Mixing, leveling, watering the same. Planting rooted edging
Total 200.00
Say 200.00
Page 43 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 39:- Planting clipped Hedge:- Excavating the ground to a required depth of 30 cms. Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a
proportion to a height of 30 cms. Mixing garden soil and manure thoroughly, well, leveling, watering on previous night. Planting hedge plant
25 cms. Maintaining till well established by watering, weeding, stirring the soil and clipping if necessary etc. complete.
Total 100.00
Say 100.00
Item No. 40:- Preparing ground covers:- Excavating the ground to a required depth of 20 cms. removing & conveying unwanted stuff, rubb
F.Y. Mnure in 3:1 proportion to a height of 20 cms. Mixing, leveling, watering the same on previous night. Planting suitable ground covers a
Total 100.00
Say 100.00
Item No. 41:- Wet mix Macadam: Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification
mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with v
parking- area- -
1 1 x 1 882.41 0.15 132.36
Deductions ((2(0.5*1.8*0.80))
-1 x 1 203.33 0.15 -30.50
Total 225.23
Say 226.00
Page 44 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 42:- Granular Sub - Base with Coarse Graded Material (Table:- 400-2) Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse grad
mix in place method with rotavator at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401.
Deductions ((2(0.5*1.8*0.80))
-1 x 1 203.33 0.20 -40.67
Total 300.32
Say 301.00
Item No. 43:- Watering and compacting of embankment formed of materials obtained from the road cutting, within a lead of 50m to 95% pr
power roller. Spec. No.: Rd 10 Page No. 187. PWD DSR Item No. 11RD 10 Page No. 127.
parking- area- -
1 1 x 1 882.41 0.30 264.72
passage area between seating and
Hawker's platform
Total - (0.5*85.70*32.24) 1 x 1 1381.48 0.30 414.44
Deductions ((2(0.5*1.8*0.80))
-1 x 1 203.33 0.30 -61.00
Total 450.46
Say 451.00
Page 45 of 88
Length (m) Breadth Depth
Description No. Qty.
(m) (m)
Item No. 44:- Providing and erecting chain link fencing 0.30 m height with G.I. chain link of size 50 x 50 mm 8 guage thick and fixed 75 m
1:4:8 mix of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm at 1.75 mtre c/c with iron bar 16 mm diametre as hold fast including weilding link with angle frame a
size and vertical M.S. flat 35 x 5 mm and 25 x 5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both sides at every corner o
of oil painting etc. complete. Spec as directed by Engineer Incharge. (PWD DSR Item No. 32 Page No. 118)
Total 72.11
Say 73.00
Deputy Engineer,
Sub-Division No IV
Executive Engineer 'B'
PCNTDA, Nigdi, Pune
Page 46 of 88
rk as directed by site in charge. (PWD DSR Item No. 53 Page No. 122) Spec. No: As directed by Engineer-in-charge.
murum including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed,
ering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 2A Page No. 125) Spec. No: Bd .A.1 Page No. 259.
Page 47 of 88
ing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed
utting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 4A Page No. 125) Spec. No: Bd .A.3 Page No. 259.
d material up to a distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation
plete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page No. 125) Spec. No: Bd .A.4 Page No. 259.
g, etc including trimming and leveling the bed, removing the excavated materials up to distance of 50 meters beyond the building area and stacking
g including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 m) (PWD DSR Item No. 7b Page No. 126) Spec. No: Bd .A.6 Page No. 260.
Page 48 of 88
20 cm layers including watering and compaction complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 9 Page No. 9) Spec. No. : Bd A10, Page No. 262.
yers including watering and compaction complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 10 Page No. 9) Spec. No. : Bd A11, Page No. 263.
irected including Loading, Unloading, Stacking, Spreading etc. complete all as directed by the Architect & Client . The Lead / Distance of site of
Page 49 of 88
to 20 cm thick including hand packing and compacting complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 11 Page No. 9) Spec.No.Bd.A.12 Page No.264.
nite / quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water formwork, compacting and curing complete. (PWD DSR Item
Page 50 of 88
quartzite / gneiss metal for RCC Beams & Lintels as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including centering, formwork, cover blocks,
g complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) With Crushed Sand. (P.No.16. I.No.3ib) Spec. No. : Bd F6, Page No. 300 & B-7, Page No. 38
p / granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundations like raft, grillages, strips, foundations and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc.
if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) complete. b) With natural sand & crushed sand 50% each (P.No.15.
/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. Column as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed including centering, formwork, cover blocks,
xcluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) with crushed sand (PWD DSR Item No. 2b P.No.16.) Spec.No.Bd.F.5 Page No.300 and B-7,Page No.38.
th connecting plates or angle cleat in main and cross beams, hip and jack rafters, purlins connecting to truss members and like as per detail design
sition, making riveted/bolted/welded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coat of oil painting complete. (PWD DSR Item
Page 51 of 88
e/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. coping to plinth or parapet and sills of doors and windows, moulded as per detailed drawings or chamfered as approved
special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcment) (PWD DSR Item No. 7b P.No.18) Spec.No.Bd.F.12 Page No.304 &
f various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardis, copings,
ending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete. (P.No.18. I.No.9) (Spec. No.: Bd.F.17,Page
eiss stones in cement mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth or inner walls/in Plinth of external walls including bailing out water, striking joints on
s stones in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure including raking out joints when plastering is to be done / strking joints when no plastering is to be
Page 52 of 88
k in cement mortar 1:6 including striking joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding complete. b) for superstructure (PWD DSR Item No. 1b
including scaffolding and curing complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 9 Page No. 38) Spec. No.: Bd.L.15 Page No. 372.
d screened sand in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in CM 1:4 using water proofing compound at 1 kg per Cement Bag curing the
e the sand faced treatment of 6 to 8 mm thick in CM 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days, scaffolding etc.
Page 53 of 88
of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning complete. (PWD DSR Item No.7a Page No.
g 25 mm to 30 mm thick in required width in Plain / diamond pattern on a bed of 1:6 Cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with neat
0 mm to 25 mm thick for treads and risers of steps and staricases with rounded nosing for the treads on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar slury, including
g blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a strength of 300 kg / Sq. cm. of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 mm to 30 mm
Page 54 of 88
ssy paving blocks of 80 mm thickness of having a strength of 400 kg / Sq. cm. of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30
g and cleaning etc complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 32b Page No. 50) Specifications: As directed by Engineer-In- Charge.
approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning, prepairing the plaster surface, applying primer coat,
Page 55 of 88
ket gate of approved drawing with all fixtures & fittings in two leaves with strong hold fast embedded in c.c. block at top & bottom with locking
plete. (PWD DSR Item No. 5 Page No. 12) Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in charge.
l and slope including necessary fitting etc. complete. (PWD DSR Item No. 218 Page No. 243) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge
oper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete.
Page 56 of 88
Page 57 of 88
ging pit with size 0.9 m × 0.9 m × 0.9 m Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required distance as directed. Filling the pit with approved
garden soil & manure in in 3:1 proportion. Mixing soil and manure thoroughly well, leveling, as directed, watering previous night. Planting two
. Maintaining till well established by watering, weedings, Stirring of soil, staking, replacing of casualties etc. complete.
pit with size 0.6 m × 0.6 m × 0.6 m, Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required distance as directed. Filling the pit with fresh garden soil
nure thoroughly well, leveling and watering previous night. Planting one or two year old healthy plant saplings as per specifications. Maintaining
. complete.
.3 m × 0.3 m × 0.3 m Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required distance as directed. Filling the pit with approved excavated material up
ure in in 3:1 proportion. Mixing soil and manure thoroughly well, leveling, watering on previous night. Planting one or two year old healthy plant
h of 20 cms. In the required area., removing and conveying unwanted stuff, rubbish to the required distance as directed. Filling the excavated part
, leveling, watering the same. Planting rooted edging/border plants at distance of 20 cms. apart by watering weeding, stirring of soil replacing
Page 58 of 88
f 30 cms. Removing & conveying unwanted stuff to a required distance as directed. Filling fresh garden soi & manure in excavated area in 3:1
eling, watering on previous night. Planting hedge plants of required species in two rows. Distance between two rows & between two plants will be
f 20 cms. removing & conveying unwanted stuff, rubbish to the required distance as directed. Filling the Excavated area with fresh garden soil &
me on previous night. Planting suitable ground covers as directed in staggering pattern distance between tow rows 25 cms., watering & maintaining
ed stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of
course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. Spec. No. MORTH - 406 PWD DSR Item No.
Page 59 of 88
struction of granular sub base by providing coarse graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by
chieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401. Spec. No. MORTH - 401. ii) for grading -II Material. PWD DSR Item No. 8 MORTH 4.2
from the road cutting, within a lead of 50m to 95% proctor density of standard proctor density after laying them in layers of 20 cm to 30cm with
Page 60 of 88
n link of size 50 x 50 mm 8 guage thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level vertical M.S. angle of 40x40x6 mm size embedded in C.C. block of
as hold fast including weilding link with angle frame at 30 cm c/c nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. angles at top and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm
t of 40 x 40 x 6 mm angles both sides at every corner or bents embedded in concrete blocks of 1: 4: 8 of size 450 x450 x 670 mm including 3 coats
Page 61 of 88
Item No. 1: - Excavation for foundation in soft murum including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m.
beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary
back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) ( P. No. 7. I.No.1a ) (Spec. No:
Bd .A.1 Page No. 259)
2 mass excavation for Toilet Plinth Area 1 X 1 5.00 5.00 1.00 25.00 Cum
41.20 Cum
Consider 25 % soft murum 10.30 Cum
Item No. 2: - Excavation for foundation in hard murum including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m.
beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary
back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) ( P. No. 7. I.No.2a ) (Spec. No:
Bd .A.2 Page No. 259)
Item No. 3: - Excavation for foundation in Hard Murum and Boulders including removing the excavated material up to a
distance of 50 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation
and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item
No. 3a P. No. 7) Spec. No: Bd .A.3 Page No. 259.
Item No. 4: - Excavation for foundation in Soft Rock including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 m.
beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and necessary
back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 M.) (PWD DSR Item No. 4a P. No.
8) Spec. No: Bd .A.4 Page No. 259.
Item No. 5: - Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiseling, wedging, line drilling, etc including trimming and leveling the
bed, removing the excavated materials upto distance of 50 meters beyond the building area and stacking as directed, dewatering
and back filling with available earth murum, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting etc. complete. (Lift Up to 1.5 m)
(P. No. 9 I.No.7) (Spec. No: Bd .A.6 Page No. 260)
Item No. 6: - Filling in plinth and floors with approved excavated material in 15 cm to 20 cm layers including watering and
compaction complete. (Page No. 9 I.No.9) Spec. No. : Bd A10, Page No. 262.
Item No. 7 :- Providing dry/trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss rubble stone soling 15 cm to 20 cm thick including hand packing and
compacting complete. (P.No.9.I.No.11) Spec.No.Bd.A.12 Page No.264.
plinth area
Gents Toilet 1 X 0.8 2.30 2.80 0.10 0.52 Cum
Ladies Toilet 1 X 0.8 1.92 2.80 0.10 0.43 Cum
Item No. 9 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite/ quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in
foundations like raft, grillages, strips, foundations and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out
water, formwork, cover blocks, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel) complete. (i) M-20 b) With crushed sand (P.No.15. I.No.1ib) Spec.No.Bd.F.3 Page No.298
and B-7,Page No.38.
Item No. 10 :- Providing and casting in situ cement concrete in M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for RCC Beams
& Lintels as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including centering, formwork, cover blocks, compaction and
roughening the surface if any special finish is to be provided and curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i) M-20 b) With
Crushed Sand. (P.No.16. I.No.3ib) Spec. No. : Bd F6, Page No. 300 & B-7, Page No. 38
Ground floor
D1 1 X 3 0.75 0.23 0.23 0.12 Cum
D2 1 X 2 0.90 0.115 0.115 0.020 Cum
V1 1 X 3 0.60 0.23 0.23 0.10 Cum
Plinth Beams
230 mm beams
1 X 1 27.02 0.23 0.45 2.80 Cum
Item No. 11 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for RCC Slabs,
Landings, canopy and waist slab with steps as per detailed designs and drawings including centering, formwork, cover blocks,
compaction and roughening the surface if any special finish is to be provided ans curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (i)
M-20 b) With Crushed Sand (P.No.17. I.No.4ib) Spec. No. : Bd F8, Page No. 302 & B-7, Page No. 38.
first slab
slab for toilets 1 X 1 4.91 3.26 0.13 2.08 Cum
Item no 12:- Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. coping to
plinth or parapet and sills of doors and windows, moulded as per detailed drawings or chamfered as approved by the Engineer
including centering, formwork, compacting, roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing complete.
(Excluding reinforcment) (P.No.18,I.No.7b) Spec.No.Bd.F.12 Page No.304 & B-7 Page No.38.
Item No. 13 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for RCC Chajja / Cill as per
detailed designs and drawing or as directed including formwork, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if any special
finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) complete. (M20 Mix, with Crushed Sand)
Spec. No. : Bd F9, Page No. 303 & B-7, Page No. 38
Item No. 14 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for RCC Wall, Paradi, Curb,
Nib as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including formwork, compaction, curing and roughening the surface if
any special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement) complete. (M20 Mix, with Crushed Sand) (P.No.18,I.No.6ib)
Spec. No. : Bd F11, Page No. 304 & B-7, Page No. 38.
Qty. Wt./Cum
Raft 1 X 1 2.00 65 0.13 MT
Beams 1 X 1 7.00 135 0.95 MT
Pardi 1 X 1 3.00 100 0.30 MT
Slab 1 X 1 3.00 80 0.24 MT
Coping 1 X 1 1.00 50 0.05 MT
Chajja 1 X 1 1.00 60 0.06 MT
Total 1.73 MT
Say 2.00 MT
Item No. 16:- Providing second class fly ash brick masonry with conventional / IS type bricks in cement mortar 1:4 in half brick
thick wall including mild steel longitudinal reinforcement of two bars of 6 mm dia. / two hoop iron strips 25 mm x 1.60 mm at
every third course, properly bent and bounded at ends scaffolding raking joints and watering etc. complete. (P.No.24. I.No.10)
Spec. No.: Bd-G-7 Page 316.
Ground Floor
Duct wall 1 X 2 1.73 3.60 12.46 Sqm
(3.6 - 0.45 plinth) 1 X 2 4.45 3.15 28.04 Sqm
Duct wall 1 X 1 4.45 3.60 16.02 Sqm
(3.6 - 0.45 plinth) 1 X 3 3.26 3.15 30.81 Sqm
Gents W.C. (1.05-0.9) 1 X 1 0.15 2.25 0.34 Sqm
Gents W.C. 1 X 1 1.35 2.25 3.04 Sqm
Ladies W.C. (1.05-0.9) 1 X 2 0.30 2.25 1.35 Sqm
Ladies W.C. 1 X 1 1.35 2.25 3.04 Sqm
D2 1 X -2 0.90 2.10 -3.78 Sqm
V1 1 X -3 0.60 0.60 -1.08 Sqm
Item No. 17:- Providing fly ash brick masonry with conventional / IS type fly ash brick in cement mortar 1:6 including striking
joints, racking out joints watering and scaffolding complete. b) for superstructure (P.No.24. I.No.9) Spec. No.: As directed by
Engineer in charge and Bd-G - 2 & 5.
Item No. 19:- Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter commercial 32 mm thk, without ventilator, commercial type of
exterior grade as per detailed drawings, with wroght iron hold fasts, iron oxidised fixtures, fastenings and handles on both sides
and finishing with oil paint 3 coats, etc. complete. (P.No.75. I.No.9) Spec. No.: Bd-T-36 Page No.500.
Item No. 21:- Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered windows / ventilator of various sizes with
powder coating as per detailed drawing and specifications including aluminium frames 80 x 38 mm x 1.22 mm box type, 5 mm
thick sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. complete. (P.No.85. I.No.44) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer-in-charge.
brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing complete. (P.No.37,I.No.2b) Spec. No.: Bd. L.2 Page No. 368.
Item No. 23:- Providing internal cement plaster 6 mm thick in a single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish, to
concrete surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing complete. (P.No.37,I.No.2b) Spec. No.: Bd. L.1 Page No. 367.
Item No. 24 :- Providing neeru finish plastered surfaces in all positions including scaffolding and curing complete.
(P.No.38,I.No.8) Spec. No.: Bd.L. 10 Page No. 370.
Item No. 25 :- Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand in all positions including
base coat of 15 mm thick in CM 1:4 using water proofing compound at 1 kg per Cement Bag curing the same for not less than 2
days and keeping the surfaceof the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment of 6 to 8 mm thick in CM 1:4 finishing
the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days, scaffolding etc. complete. (P.No.39,I.No.18)
Spec. No. : Bd L 7, Page No. 369.
1 X 1 31.66 4.35 137.72 Sqm
Item No. 26:- Providing and fixing Chicken Mesh Jali (24 Gauge) at the junction of 2 different surfaces of different material
component at the time of plastering to prevent cracking in plaster surface as and where directed at all floors with all leads and
lifts etc. complete. (P.No.39, I.No.16)
Spec. As directed by Engineer in Charge.
Item No. 27:- Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of company Kajaria / Nitco / Asian or equivalent
make of size 30 cm x 30 cm and confirming to IS 15,622-2,006 (Group-B IIA) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a
bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with cement slurry cleaning curing complete. (P.No.50, I.No.28)
Specifications: Bd. M. 12.
Item No. 28:- Providing and laying ceramic tiles of Kajaria / Nitco / Asian or equivalent make having sizes 30 cm x 45 cm for
dado and skirting in required position with ready made adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar
including joint filling with white / colour cement slurry cleaning curing complete. (P.No.45, I.No.10b) Spec. No.: Bd M 13 ,
Page No. 386
Item No. 29:- Providing and laying telephone blak / Amba white / Catbary brown / RBI Red / Ocean Brown granite stone of 18
to 20 mm thick for door frame / dado / window boxing etc. on C.M. 1:6, including filling joints with polymer base filler nosing
the sharp edges wherever necessary, curing etc. complete. (P.No.50, I.No.29) Spec.: Bd. M. 12
Item No. 30:- Providing and applying white wash in Two Coats on old / new plastered or masonry surfaces and asbestos cement
sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing & brooming down complete. (P.No.59, I.No.1b) Spec. No.:
Bd P 1 Page No. 411.
Ground floor
Gents Toilet Lobby - above was basin tiles
1 X 1 1.20 1.95 2.34 Sqm
Gents toilet Lobby - between door and
1 X 1 0.20 3.45 0.69 Sqm
wash basin (1.4-1.2)
Gents toilet Lobby 1 X 1 1.48 3.45 5.11 Sqm
Gents toilet Lobby 1 X 1 2.80 3.45 9.66 Sqm
Item No. 31:- Providing and applying two coats of flat oil paint of approved colour and shade to internal / external plastered
surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface (Excluding primer coat) etc. complete. (P.No.56,
I.No.8b) Spec. No. : Bd. O. 7. Page No. 406.
Ladies Toilet 1 X 1 56.00 56.00 Sqm
Gents Toilet 1 X 1 5.36 5.36 Sqm
Item No. 32:- Providing and applying two coats of appex Ace white exterior paint of approved manufacture and of approved
colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning, prepairing the plaster surface ,applying primer coat, scaffolding if necessary,
and watering the surface for two days complete. (P.No.58, I.No.17) Spec.No.: As directed by Engineer in charge.
Item No. 33:- Providing and laying water proof treatment of terrace slab with B.B.coba in all positions with an average thickness
of 112 mm consisting specailised materials as per the manufacturers specifications and covering 10 Years guarantee on court
fees stamp paper including all lead, lift etc. complete. (P.No.31, I.No.4) Spec. : As Directed By Engineer in Charge.
Item No. 34:- Providing water proof bedding for flooring of bath and wc 25 mm thick in CM 1:3 including using 1 Kg of water
proof compound per bag of cement including levelling curing etc. complete. (P.No.31, I.No.5) Spec. : As Directed By Engineer
in Charge.
faces of R.C.C wall of basement/ ,underground floor including filling the gap of 25 mm between rough shahbad and R.C.C wall
with cement grout m between rough shahbad and R.C.C wall with cement grout mixed with waterproofing Liquid algi joints
horizontally with cement slurry mixed with waterproofing liquid for width 30 to 35 mm .and sloping co coping over topmost tile
with cement mortar 1 :3 ,butting the bottom most with cement concrete 1 : 2 :4 mixed with waterproofing liquid, curing with 7
years guarntee on court fee stamp of Rs 100/- with, ponding test etc complete (Prior permission of S.E. shall obtained before
inclusion of this item in the estimate) (P.No.33, I.No.10). Spec No: Bd.J.2 Page No.355.
raft base 1 X 1 2.30 2.30 5.29 Sqm
raft side and top 1 X 1 8.80 0.60 5.28 Sqm
walls 1 X 1 8.00 1.50 12.00 Sqm
Item No. 36:- Providing antitermite treatment around the periphery of the existing building as per I.S. 6313 (Part-III) by
excavating trenches of 20 cm. width and exposing the sides of columns and plinth beams upto a depth of 300 mm and injecting
one percent of chlorodane emulsion concentrate at the rate of 2.25 litres per R.Mt. and refilling the trenches etc. complete
covering 2 years guarantee. (P.No.121, I.No.49) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge.
plinth periphery
1 X 1 31.66 31.66 Rm
Total 31.66 Rm
Say 32.00 Rm
Item No. 37:- Providing preconstructional treatment as per I.S.6313(PartII) treatment by treating the backfill in immediate
contact with foundation at the rate of 7.5 litres of emulsion concentrates of 0.5 percent of Clorophyriphas/Hephoclore per square
meter of vertical surface area covering 10 years guarantee. (P.No.120, I.No.43) Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge.
plinth area
1 X 1 31.66 31.66 Sqm
Item No. 38:- Providing and fixing 90 cm x 60 cm Granite year plate engraving 10 cm height letter, figures including painting
the letter / figures with approved colour and shade complete. (DSR Item No. 6 Bd - W7 Page No. 114) Spec. No.: Bd W7 Page
No. 586.
1 X 1 1.00 No.
Item No. 39:- Providing and fixing cold rolled steel hollow door frame 105 x 60 mm for any sizes including hold fast hinges tie
members with red oxide and grey paint etc. complete as per ISI specifications and code of practice prescribed including anti
corrosive paint treatment etc. complete as directed by Engineer in charge. (DSR Item No. 35 Bd-T Page No. 83)
7 1491.00 Filling with Contractor's murum 1.00 1491.00 0.00 0.00 1491.00
9 509.00 Rubble Stone Soling 1.00 509.00 0.00 0.00 509.00
10 282.00 RCC M-10- Foundation bedding 0.85 239.70 0.43 121.26 360.96
11 19.00 RCC M-20- Kerb 0.72 13.68 0.36 6.84 20.52
12 1.00 RCC M-20- Raft / Footing 0.72 0.72 0.36 0.36 1.08
13 2.00 RCC M-20- Column 0.72 1.44 0.36 0.72 2.16
15 21.00 RCC M-20- Coping 0.72 15.12 0.36 7.56 22.68
17 145.00 UCR Masonry - Foundation 1.00 145.00 0.37 53.65 198.65
18 33.00 UCR Masonry 1.00 33.00 0.37 12.21 45.21
19 98.00 Fly ash BB Masonry 0.00 0.00 0.30 29.40 29.40
20 73.00 Flush Grooved Pointing 0.00 0.00 0.003 0.22 0.22
21 980.00 Sand Faced Plaster 0.00 0.00 0.021 20.58 20.58
22 51.00 Polished Kota Stone Sills 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.53 1.53
23 27.00 Kotah Stone Flooring 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.81 0.81
24 3.00 Kotah Stone for Tread & Risers 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.09
25 883.00 Heavy duty Paver block 0.00 0.00 0.03 26.49 26.49
26 1153.00 Concrete Rubber Mould Paver block 0.00 0.00 0.03 34.59 34.59
35 8.00 Planting large flowering/Shady trees 0.486 3.89 0.00 0.00 3.89
36 9.00 Planting small & medium size trees 0.216 1.94 0.00 0.00 1.94
37 8.00 Planting Mogra lant/Creepers/Climbers 0.0135 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.11
38 200.00 Preparing Edging or Border 0.02 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00
39 100.00 Planting clipped Hedge 0.03 3.00 0.00 0.00 3.00
40 100.00 Preparing ground covers 0.02 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
Initial Lead Net lead
Sr. Place of Lead in lead
Material lead in charges in charges in Unit
No. availability K.M. charges in
Km Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Rubble Local 10 5 328.50 225.80 102.70 Cum
2 Murum Local 10 5 232.69 159.94 72.75 Cum
3 Metal < 40mm Local 10 5 279.22 191.93 87.29 Cum
4 River Sand Ghodnadi 80 10 1298.12 279.22 1018.90 Cum
5 Crush Sand Local 10 5 279.22 191.93 87.29 Cum
Deputy Engineer,
Sub-Division No.IV
Executive Engineer 'B'
PCNTDA, Nigdi, Pune
Rate Analysis
Based on DSR 2013-14
Item No 1:- Site Cleaning the site before commencement and after completion of work as directed by site in charge. (PWD DSR
Item No. 53 Page No. 122) Spec. No: As directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Spec No Bd F6, Page No. 300 & B-7, Page No. 38 Rs. Unit
Page No Item No Basic Rate (Rs.) 6788.00 Cum (A)
16 3ib
Material Consumption (Cum) Lead charges per Cum (Rs.)
Rubble Murum Metal Crush Rubble Murum Metal Crush
Sand Sand
0.00 0.00 0.72 0.36 102.70 72.75 87.29 87.29