Ex Vivo Facility (EVF) for Stem Cell Treatment, Cellular Therapy and
Regenerative Medicine, at Haukeland University Hospital
Role Name Signature Initials Date
Author (AIT) Kimberley J. Hatfield KJH
Approved by
Project consultant (MC) Jan Aksel Nielsen JAN
Project senior consultant (MC) Ar Groeneweg AG
User representative (AIT) Merete Kallekleiv MK
User representative (AIT) Tilo W. Eichler TWE
User representative (AIT) Ingvill M. C. Curran IC
Project technical leader Geir Egil Pedersen GEP
(replaced M.W. Haraldsen)
Project technical leader (HUS) Mona W. Haraldsen MWH
Vendor? xxx xxx
Authorised by
Project Manager (AIT) Einar K. Kristoffersen EKK
Project Owner (HUS) Alf Henrik Andreassen AHA
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Version Change description Name Date
01 New document KJH 27092018
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 6
1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 8
8 Employees ............................................................................................................................... 26
9 Utilites .................................................................................................................................... 27
12 Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 31
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16 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................... 42
19 Revalidation .......................................................................................................................... 44
20 References ............................................................................................................................ 45
21 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 47
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
List of Abbreviations
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
PB Passbox (=MAL)
PQ Performance Qualification
PV Process Validation
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality control
QM Quality Management
QMS Quality Management System
QP Qualified Person
QS Quality system
SAT Site acceptance test
SOP Standard operating procedure
SLV The Norwegian Medicines Agency
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
URS User Requirement Specification
VMP Validation Master Plan (this document)
VP Validation Plan
VSR Validation Summary Report
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
1 Purpose
The purpose of this Validation Master Plan (VMP) is to identify the validation and testing
requirements necessary to manufacture human biological medicinal products in a controlled
environment in the Ex Vivo Facility (EVF) according to EU Good Manufacturing Practice
(GMP) guidelines.
1.2 Background
The establishment of the Ex Vivo Facility for Stem Cell Treatment, Cellular Therapy and
Regenerative Medicine, hereby referred to as EVF, is supported by funding from the Helse
Vest Foundation after initiation by the scientific community in the Western region of Norway
in need of a GMP compliant laboratory to manufacture advanced therapy medicinal
products (ATMPs) to conduct phase I and phase II clinical studies.
As manufacturers of ATMPs for use in humans, the facility will have a pharmaceutical quality
management system (QMS) in line with GMP guidelines, and the entire facility will be built
and run according to EU-GMP guidelines and Norwegian regulations. In addition to ATMP
manufacturing, the facility will include a dedicated controlled area (grade D) to conduct
minimal manipulation of human cells. Minimal manipulation of human cells is currently
executed at the Department of immunology and transfusion medicine (AIT), 3rd floor of the
Laboratory Building, but new locations are required for this activity to meet the
requirements of the Norwegian regulations for processing human cells and tissues (FOR-
2016-09-07-1052, “Forskrift om håndtering av humane celler og vev”). The facility will be
subject to inspection by the Norwegian Medicinal Agency; while areas where minimal
manipulation is conducted will also be under the inspection of the Norwegian Board of
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
1.4 Scope
This document provides a description of the clean rooms and addresses activities related to
different systems that are critical to ensure sufficient product quality. All relevant aspects of
GMP manufacture in the EVF , including equipment, utilities, facility systems (air handling
system, electrical systems etc), operating systems (personnel, quality management and
environmental monitoring), processes, test methods and cleaning are subject to qualification
and/or validation in accordance with this VMP. This VMP will also describe responsibility and
roles in the project for constructing a compliant GMP-facility and Helse Bergen`s
requirements to establish the EVF; as well as the documentation, qualification and validation
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
strategy that will be followed during the project until regular operation. Relevant guidelines
and standards relevant for establishment of a GMP compliant clean room are listed in a
separate section of this document. The responsibilites of personnel, the quality management
system (QMS) and the environmental monitoring system will only be described briefly in this
document, as they will be described in more detail in separate documents.
Project Management
Change Control
Project Validation
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
The validation group should be strengthened with discipline specialists and/or consultants
when needed. Helse Bergen's project organization is a large organization and both Helse
Bergen and user representatives will have different tasks, roles and responsibilities in the
validation activities as described in the Table 3.
Name Task
Role/ Affiliation
Einar K. Kristoffersen Responsible for overall project management. Must have adequate
Project manager, AIT understanding of the operation of facilities and equipment.
Kimberley J. Hatfield, Establish a URS document and VMP (this document) for the facility and
Project coordinator, maintain documents. Review and write validation protocols and SOPs.
AIT Provide input to specific test plans and documents.Follow-up validation
program and project progress. Provide documents and perform risk
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Any stakeholder involved with the project may request changes. For example, end-users may
realize that their requirements have changed or testing of a product may show that it is
inappropriate in some unforeseen way. The project may be affected by changes in
legislation, changes in government policy or changes in business strategy. It is also possible
that project team members may believe that an emerging technology may offer a better
solution to that originally planned, that Vendor`s proposals may be a better option or that a
product just might not work the way that it was supposed to. All of these potential changes
that might be made need a process to control them and their effect on the project. This
process, called change control, should ensure that proposed changes are interpreted and
evaluated in terms of their potential effect on project timescales, costs, benefits, quality and
After it is determined and accepted that a change is required, the change is documented and
implemented. After implementation of the change, the changed process must be revalidated
and this revalidation is executed on the whole life cycle of the process to review the effects
on previously documented IQ, OQ and PQ results.
Although changes may be initiated verbally, they must always be recorded in written form
and entered into a change management system as a formal change request. As such, they
will be subject to the process specified in the change control system and must be either
approved or rejected.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
products/systems, and also the effect if the changes are not implemented. This decision is
usually taken by the Project manager or a change control board responsible for approving or
rejecting change requests. The purpose of the impact analysis is to arrive at a balanced view
of the effect of the proposed change on the projects ability to satisfy its mandate. This will
enable project management to decide whether to proceed with the change or not. Approved
change requests can require new or revised cost estimates, activity sequences, schedule
dates, resource requirements, and analysis of risk response alternatives. The change control
board members will consist of minimum the project technical leader (HUS) and/or
representatives from engineering (“Drift-teknisk avdeling”, HUS), HVAC experts/consultants
and user representatives who have significant knowledge of the project.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
4.2 Format
Documents should be entered with the letter codes as listed in the table below:
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
A general description of the main activities in all clean rooms is given in Table 5. There are
two grade B production rooms where the biological safety cabinets (BSCs) provide a grade A
manufacturing area, one grade C production room and one grade D production room.
Manufacturing of ATMPs will be performed in the grade B and C production rooms, while
the grade D production room will be dedicated to conduct minimal cell manipulation
activity. In addition, the facility will have dedicated rooms to perform quality control
analysis, microbiological monitoring, approval and storage of consumables and storage of
products in liquid nitrogen containers.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Access to all production areas is done through supporting corridors and gowning sluices
where personnel will change into appropriate clothing before accessing the various rooms.
There are material airlocks (MALs, also called pass boxes) between rooms for transport of
materials between rooms of different clean room classification, which also help to separate
the flow of personnel from the flow of material into the clean rooms.
The main entrance is not classified as a clean room, but it is defined as a clean environment,
where there is limited access, defined room pressure, air filtration, specified airflow, regular
cleaning. The room will be monitored, but not qualified according to viable or non-viable
particle levels, such as to have an adequate barrier before entering grade D gowning room.
The construction and design of the facility should also support efficient cleaning, operation
and maintenance of the facility and permanent installations, e.g. rooms must have smooth
surfaces that are easy to clean and that don`t create surfaces where microorganisms will
thrive. Non-shedding material should be used which is both easy to clean and is resistant to
cleaning and disinfecting solutions.
The pressure differential concept is used with a pressure differential towards the cleanest
rooms. The air pressure in all rooms of the facility are controlled, with the highest pressure
in the cleanest room to ensure that any airflow is pushed outwards from the room, and dirty
air cannot enter by default; thus the manufacturing rooms are the cleanest and have the
highest pressure. The facility also has its own specialized HVAC system that maintains the
airflow and air change rates needed to comply to GMP standards.
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Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
6 Flow in Facility
The facility will assure a logical flow of material and personnel within the facility to assure
the manufacturing of products according to GMP guidelines. Material and personnel
primarily have different routes into and out of the facility. The following sections give a
general description of the flow of personnel, ancillary material, starting material, product
and waste in the facility. On layout drawings, MALs are referred to as pass boxes (PB01-
PB08) and are ventilated systems to minimize contamination (Appendix A7, 129995-RIV-TEG-
003), and their efficiency must be validated.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
grade D production room (minimal manipulation) are taken into the room by personnel.
During manufacture, intermediate products for quality control testing will be transported to
the QC room using MALs situated in each production room. The final product is taken to the
LN2 room for cryopreservation and storage, or transported out of the facility through the
MAL (PB03). The flow of starting material into the production rooms and flow of final
product out is shown in Appendix A3 and A4.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
8 Employees
There will be sufficient personnel with the necessary qualifications and practical experience
to carry out all tasks which are the responsibility of the manufacturer.
8.1 Responsibilities
The facility in operation with have a minimum of at least three key personnel in permanent
positions which are currently being established: a qualified person (QP), head of production
(P) and head of quality control (QC). Individual responsibilities will be stated clearly in
written job descriptions (filed in EK), and are
not so extensive that they present any risk to
quality of the product. The relationships
between the personnel should also be clearly
stated in the job descriptions with no
overlaps in main responsibilities. The need QC P
for more employees will be evaluated
receive training before executing their tasks according to the standard training procedure.
There must be continuous training of training of personnel, to update the skills and
knowledge of the employee in accordance to current GMP, and training should be
periodically assessed.
9 Utilites
All critical utilities must be EU-GMP compliant.
9.1.1. Sinks
The sinks situated in grade D rooms are for hand washing, and there is also one sink in the
QC laboratory for disposal of liquid waste. In addition, there is a sink for hand washing at the
first stage of Sluice 2 (gowning room). Sinks will meet strict cleanroom standards. Sinks and
drains are prohibited in grade A/B areas.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
9.3 Electrical
Electrical outlets are provided for power to the equipment. Electrical in general and errors in
a room should not affect systems and equipment in other clean rooms.
MALs are uninterruptible power supply (UPS)-powered.
Sluice door automation and interlocking between doors are UPS powered to
maintain the barrier in case of power outages until emergency power is available.
The same applies to evacuation in an emergency situation.
All LAF cabinets are provided with separate UPS power, to protect product even if
clean room ventilation system should break down. The monitoring system for LAF
cabinets (LIS) and facility monitoring, including monitors, are to be UPS powered. LAF
benches shall maintain laminar air flow in case of power outages until emergency
power is available. AHU is provided with emergency power.
Supply and extract fans are to be emergency powered, but may partly be UPS
powered to maintain clean room pressure regime. Typical scenario is in case of
power outages until emergency power is available (to be risk assessed in detail
The extract air system is supplied with UPS.
Monitoring of equipment critical parameters such as temperature should be UPS
powered (refrigerator / centrifuges / incubators).
All lighting is to be of type LED, and required life cycle of 20 years (and clean room
With regard to the fire alarm system, the AHU is running until smoke is detected in
the air inlet duct.
9.4 Units
All measurements and units used in design, fabrication and documents shall be in SI units.
An exception may be pressure in bar(a) or bar(g).
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
• Temperature
• Relative humidity (% RH)
• Airlock status
The final number and location of critical sensors shall be determined by means of a risk
assessment in detail design. Alarms and monitoring of air quality in BSCs (grade A) shall be
monitored continuously and have real-time data collection. Monitoring of BSCs is integrated
into the larger facility monitoring system.
12 Equipment
Each clean room will contain only the necessary equipment required for its intended use,
and personnel will be trained sufficiently to use equipment and training will be documented.
Equipment should be correctly installed in accordance with the installation plan, as per
supplier and purchaser requirements. All equipment will be used, calibrated, validated and
cleaned according to written procedures (SOPs).
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
concentration and type. In addition, acceptance limits for cleaning agents and sanitizers
must be set, to make sure residuals do not exist on the surfaces of equipment or pose any
major risk to the performance of the equipment. This will provide documented evidence of a
robust and repeatable cleaning process to reduce contaminates. A log of cleaning,
preparation and usage of equipment must be recorded and continuously monitored during
Equipment fittings and services should be designed and installed, so that maintenance and
repairs can be done outside the clean room if possible. When maintenance is carried out
within a clean area, clean instruments and tools should be used and the area must be
cleaned and disinfected again.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
14.1 Overview
A validation program, with validation plans, will be established by the Vendor, based upon
the document URS for GMP Facility. The validation program/plans will be approved by the
project validation group. The premises, technical installations, and equipment must be
qualified and validated by the Vendor to establish that all is adequate for the intended
operations, according to EU GMP annex 15 and WHO guide to GMP requirements, part 2:
Validation. The validation work must be completed as defined in specific approved
protocols, and all results must be recorded as they are obtained. Validation procedures are
developed either as separate written procedures (SOPs) or integrated into protocols and or
All tests performed by IQ, OQ and PQ shall be performed in accordance with approved
protocols and procedures and summarized in corresponding final reports. A document
hierarchy will be made showing validation plans, test, protocols and finished reports. Each
protocol and report is uniquely identified as described in a SOP, and authorized personnel
must approve the protocols and reports.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
• PQ Performance Qualification
• PV Process Validation
• VSR Validation Summary Report
The validation activities will be divided into several different areas, because each one of
them will be completed at different times. Separate validation plans will be established by
the Vendor and give a detailed requirement description for the different validation activities,
including minimum:
Facility qualification will verify that construction and utility installation is according to design
and that the process requirements are met.
Equipment verification will verify and document that installation is according to design (IQ)
and meets functional requirements (OQ) and user requirements (PQ).
Validation of manufacturing processes will be conducted using defined SOPs. Process
validation should show that the process can produce efficiently and repeatable, while
complying with the requirements of the predefined product specifications and quality
requirements. The manufacturing process is validated after OQ and PQ are completed and
the validation plan may be carried out with a normal or upgraded level of sampling, analysis,
process control etc.
All computer systems, including the environmental monitoring system, employed in the
facility will also be subject to computer validation as required by annex 11, vol 4.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Test instruments must be qualified and validated, and all the different steps in the
manufacturing process from raw material supply, batch record, product storage, and testing
must be evaluated to document that manufacturing processes are capable of consistently
yielding product that meets predetermined quality attributes.
Cleaning validation is a documented verification that the cleaning methods used in the
facility are consistent and sufficient to prevent cross contamination from one area to
another. Cleaning validation will assure a clean environment for manufacturing product and
that cleaning agent residues are kept at predetermined acceptable limits. The validated state
of the critical processes will be requalified periodically.
For each validation plan a risk assessment will be done in advance to define which
procedures are to be validated.
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Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
An OQ protocol is created that describes what to check and what acceptance criteria
should be for these checkpoints. It is the operating requirements /functional
specifications that are the starting point for the protocol. The implementation of the OQ
test, based on the OQ protocol, is documented by an OQ report. This is signed and
approved as properly executed and confirms that PQ can begin. Deviations that occur
during the activity will be recorded and processed.
OQ is performed during three different installation phases, as-built, at-rest and
operational. There should also be maintenance of staff training to perform operational
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
A PQ protocol is written that describes what to check and what the acceptance criteria
should be for these checkpoints. The Vendor shall conduct the tests, measurements and
prepare documentation/reports. It is the user requirements (URS) that is the starting point
for the protocol. The implementation of the PQ tests, based on the PQ protocol, is
documented by a PQ report. The PQ report is signed and approved as properly executed by
the validation group and confirms that PV can begin - if applicable. Deviations that occur
during the activity will be recorded and processed. Finally, after approved PQ, overall
qualification can be summarized in the VSR.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
assessment and the criticality assessment process is a validation matrix detailing the
protocols that will be produced and implemented in the project.
16 Commissioning
Commissioning is performed by the Vendor and is defined as the process by which the
facility, systems and equipment are tested to ensure/verify that the design of the facility is
fit for its intended use. The facility, equipment, systems, utilities and environment must
meet both the URS and regulatory requirements. The commissioning process starts at the
pre-design phase and continues through construction until the final qualification is
performed; it can be divided into phases of pre-design, design, construction and operation.
After goals and requirements are identified in the design phase, the construction phase will
start, where all systems are manufactured, inspected, tested and installed in accordance
with specified documents.
Suppliers must provide furnishing, systems and equipment as specified in the URS and the
systems must meet the design intent. At Vendor’s or Manufacturer’s premises a Factory
Acceptance Test (FAT) will be executed in the presence of representatives of Purchaser. FAT
will be executed according to a protocol that is to be prepared by Vendor. Vendor will
provide a FAT protocol for review which is approved by the project validation group. During
the FAT, certain items belonging to the IQ and OQ will also be checked. FAT will be executed
using protocols to inspect and test functional operation of materials, systems and equipment
at the supplier`s factory before it arrives on-site. Testing should include all critical
components identified in the impact assessment and criticality assessment at component
After the complete installation and final configuration, the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) will be
performed. Site-acceptance test protocols will be used to verify that equipment, systems
and material have not been damaged during transport and work as properly installed. Tests
will be executed that are required to complete FAT/SAT by repeating FAT or an acceptable
subset of the test to verify that no damage has occurred during shipment and installation. All
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
outstanding items from FAT shall be solved. FATs and SATs will be performed using test
procedures and checklists.
17 Acceptance criteria
Relevant acceptance criteria must be established and approved prior to each qualification
and validation protocol. General guidelines for specifying acceptance criteria shall be
described in Helse Bergen's procedures and specific ones are described in specifications and
requirements (URS and detailed design). Results that differ from the approved acceptance
criteria shall be documented in accordance with non-compliance procedures and shall be
classified as “major” or “minor”. Significant deviations must be solved and closed before the
next phase of qualification and validation can continue and/or before a report can be
The validation is aiming for design, execution and validation in accordance with:
• EU GMP requirements described in the EudraLex - Volume 4 - Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP) guidelines
• Helse Bergen requirements (HSE)
• Implement SOP where necessary.
18 Validation report
After all qualifications are summarized and approved via a documented process, a summary
report to this VMP will be created to list and document all necessary qualifications and
actions required by this VMP.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
19 Revalidation
The clean room must continue to perform efficiently and according to requirements
throughout its lifespan (Appendix A9). A monitoring plan and risk assessments must be
performed to determine the frequency of testing and validation of facility and individual
processes. Certain requirements are continuously monitored (such as pressure differentials)
while others are tested at specified maximum time intervals between tests depending on the
grading of the room (cleanliness). At specified time intervals testing will include, but not be
limited to, testing of airborne particle concentrations, air flow velocities, filter leak tests,
airflow volume supply, recovery time and additional tests may include i.a. containment leak
testing and flow visualization tests, according to ISO 14644-2 and ISO 14644-3.
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
20 References
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Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
21 Appendix
List of Appendices
Appendix A1 Layout drawing of ex vivo facility
Appendix A2 Personnel flow diagram
Appendix A3 Starting material flow diagram
Appendix A4 Product flow diagram
Appendix A5 Ancillary material /consumables flow diagram
Appendix A6 Waste flow diagram
Appendix A7 Pressure cascade concept
Appendix A8 Validation Model
Appendix A9 Validation and project life cycle
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Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01
Validation Master Plan for EVF project Dok-ID: VMP-01