Physical Fitness - Final Coverage
Physical Fitness - Final Coverage
Physical Fitness - Final Coverage
After completion of this module, you should be able to:
1. Achieve and maintain a health- enhancing level of fitness throughout the programs.
2. Apply biomechanical principles of core stability, breathing and alignment to all exercise
3. Define functional training.
4. Determine the benefits of functional training
Today there are so many different opinions on how one should exercise. What type of training is the
best? The answer is that everyone should be training in a manner that relates to their individual
goals. There is no set routine that equally benefits everyone who does it.Every exercise has a
functional limitation and it is up to the trainer to understand what it is. A quality program focuses
on weak areas and sets specific goals for the client. It is important to understand how to progress
someone from simple smaller targeted movements to more complex movements.
Activity 1: Activity-Specific Skills
Please refer to Module 5Answer Sheets
Functional training is defined as movements or exercises that improve a person’s ability to
complete their daily activities or to achieve a specific goal. In order to build appropriate muscle
strength, joint integrity, balance and flexibility in all planes of motion it is essential that the body is
exercised in a functional manner.
Core stability, flexibility and balance are key factors when designing a functional exercise routine.
It is important to maintain posture while being able to move all joints in a full range of motion.
Training with free weights, and challenging the surrounding environment promotes balance and
stability, which is necessary if you expect to see benefits outside of the gym. Keep in mind, it is more
important to be able to control your own body weight and concentrate on form, balance and core
endurance, than to move heavy weights.
A functional core routine consists of dynamic movements, isometric exercises and challenges the
center of gravity. To completely train the core, you must also include dynamic stabilization,
isometric and proprioceptive movements, not just for the mid section, but for the entire
trunk. Medicine balls, balance boards, foam rollers and physio-balls are great tools for core
training, and should be integrated into your programs but not over done.
Flexibility is a very important facet of any exercise program, but is often over looked. Lack of
flexibility in the right places appears to be the root of many problems. The body’s movements are
hampered when flexibility and posture are distorted. Active, dynamic, static and PNF stretching are
key factors and should all be included in any training program. When a muscle is tight, it limits the
muscle’s ability to contract properly, causing inefficient movements and risk of injury. Without
flexibility, the body’s movement becomes limited, and good results are difficult to achieve.
EXPLAIN: The Exercise Program
Read Me:
A good total exercise program has 6 components. Programs should be individualized to meet your
personal needs. Your needs may not be the same as another person due to age, physical build,
physical and medical condition.
An exercise program should consist of:
1. Warm-up and stretching activities (3-4 times per week)
2. Endurance training (3-5 times per week)
3. Flexibility training (best when done after endurance training)
4. Recreational activities (for enjoyment and relaxation)
5. Resistance training (2-3 days per week)
6. Cool-down and stretching activities (3-4 times per week)
Week 1: Sample
Endurance training: 1x4 minutes kick-start
1. 10-minute warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating a little, preferably on an
incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
2. 4 minutes of walking or running uphill so you feel tired and winded. If you have a heart rate
monitor, you should be at around 85-95% of your maximum heart rate towards the end of
the 4-minute period (see the FAQ on how to find maximal heart rate).
3. 5-minute cool-down – and lo and behold, you're back home where a hot shower awaits, and
the rest of your evening is free for other activities – not to mention you're on the path to
improved fitness!
Endurance program: 20 minutes Fun-Run
1. Warm up for 10 minutes at a comfortable pace.
2. Run or walk for 20 minutes at an intensity you are comfortable with, but a bit harder than
speed at the warmup – without stopping.
Core strength program
1. 10 push-up
2. 15 squats
3. 10 squat jumps
Endurance : 2x4 minutes health boost
1. 10-minute warm-up to get you sweating lightly.
2. 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath.
3. 3 minutes of relaxed walking.
4. 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath.
5. 5 minutes of calm walking – and just like that, you're done for the week!
Read Me: Personal Fitness Calendar
Before you begin your Fitness Plan outline, make sure you know and understand the following
Warm up (at least 5 minutes BEFORE any activity)
Before you exercise, think about warming up your muscles like you would warm up your car. It
increases the temperature and flexibility of your muscles, and helps them be more efficient and
safer during your workout. A warm-up before allows a gradual increase in heart rate and
breathing at the start of the activity.
Cool down (5 minutes AFTER any activity)
Cooling down after a workout is as important as warming up. After physical activity, your heart is
still beating faster than normal, your body temperature is higher and your blood vessels are
dilated. This means if you stop too fast, you could pass out or feel sick. A cool-down after physical
activity allows a gradual decrease in heart rate at the end of the episode.
actually DECREASE your performance ability and cause INJURY! A great time to stretch
would be after your given Warm-Up routine or during the conclusion of your workout and/or
When completing the given calendar templates, make sure you are as DETAILED as
possible. Always include the exact Warm-up, Stretches, Exercise Routine,
and Cool-Down that you plan to do. It will help you visualize your weeks ahead and
assure that you are meeting both your Fitness Goals and the FITT Principle. For “OFF
DAYS”, draw an X over them rather than leaving them blank to give yourself a better
visual. With this in mind, you are ensuring yourself the most likelihood of a positive
Hang the Calendars and Fitness Goals next to one another to continually remind yourself what
you’re working toward!
After completing the two months of activities listed throughout your calendars and tracking your
fitness progress, you should re-assess your fitness goals, create new ones, if applicable, and
create new calendars to follow. This can be done every two months to continue improving and
maintaining your fitness.
Don’t expect a quick fix; health and fitness come with hard work and dedication, but the results are
WORTH IT and YOU ARE WORTH IT. What you do today will affect how you feel
tomorrow….Make your tomorrows better and aim to live a more active and healthy lifestyle!
Perform Physical Fitness Activity of your Choice
Please refer to Module 5 Answer Sheets
SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________
COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________
Functional Training and Personal Training Program
Activity 1:
Direction: Guess what you can see. Tell whether it is (Non-locomotor, Locomotor, Mobility or Body-weight
Exercise. Write your answer on the space provided for.
1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________ 4. ________________________________
5. ______________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________
7. ________________________________ 8. ______________________________
9. _______________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________
ACSM’s ertification Review Second Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2006).
Bushman, B. ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, Second Edition. Champaign, IL:Human
Kinetics ( 2017).
Corbin, CB, Welk, GJ, Corbin, WR and Welk, CA. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive
Lifestyle Approach, Eleventh Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill (2015).
Fahey, TD, Insel, PM, Roth , WT AND Insel, CE. Fitwell. Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and
Wellness, 12th Edition. New York: McGrawHill (2017).
Heyward, VH and Gibson, Ann L. Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Seventh Edition.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2014).
Hoeger, WWK and and Hoeger, S. Fitness and Wellness, 11th Edition. Standford, CT: Cenage
Learning (2015).
Hoeger, S. A., Hoeger & K. Wenner. Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness, Tarrant County College
Department of Kinesiology; 13th Edition Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA (2016).
Hoffman J, R. (2012). National Strength and Conditioning Association. Guide to Program Design. Human
Kinetics. Champagne, IL.
Lorenz, D.S., Reiman, M. P., Lehecka, B.J & Naylor, A. (2013) What performance characteristis determine
elite versus nonelite athletes in the same sport. Sports Health. 5(6):542-7. doi: 10.1177/1941738113479763.
Sallis, J. F., and M. F. Hovell. “Determinants of Exercise Behavior.” Exercise and Sport Science Reviews 18
(1990): 307–30.
Sallis, J. F., M. F. Hovell, and C. R. Hofstetter. “Predictors of Adoption and Maintenance of Vigorous Physical
Activity in Men and Women.” Preventive Medicine 21.2 (1992): 237–51.