Physical Fitness - Prelim Coverage

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Aim High Colleges Incorporated

National Highway Buluan Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay


Week 1-2
Module Title Concepts and Components of Physical Fitness


       After completion of this module, you should be able to:
1. Define physical activity, exercise, physical fitness and its related terms.
2. Determine the factors that affect fitness.
3. Explain how to use the Physical Activity Pyramid to plan a physical activity program.
4. Discuss the recommended amount of physical activity for adults between 18-65.
5. Explain the benefits of exercise.
6. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
7. Define hypokinetic and cite some hypokinetic diseases or conditions.
8. Describe some common posture problems.
9. List some biomechanical principles that will help you improve posture and avoid back       
10. Identify and explain the components of physical fitness.
11. Determine the different body types and the major muscle groups.
12. Realize the importance of the PAR-Q for everyone.
13. Complete all the learning activities of Module 1.

Participating in  physical activity, exercise and physical fitness are important health maintenance
strategies for people of all ages including children,  teenagers, adults, and seniors. If being
physically active is to become a part of a person’s lifestyle, it will be important to make a positive
emotional connection to the activities of choice. In other words, there needs to be a feeling that
physical activity, exercise and physical fitness are enjoyable and fun. It can be achieved by simply
making it a habit.
The intent of this lesson is to have your parents or family, peers or friends and the college work
together to help you take greater ownership of your own physical fitness, promote the discovery of
activities suited to your own individual interests, and encourage active lifestyles that persist
into  your future.


Activity 1: Common Terms in Physical Fitness
Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets
What is Physical Fitness?
Physical fitness  refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to
be healthy and perform activities of daily living  . Being efficient means doing daily activities with the
least effort possible (Corbin & Le Masurier,2014).  Physical fitness is often described  as the
capability to carry out day to day functions energetically and vigilantly by keeping extra energy to
do other leisure-time activities and emergency needs. It is one of the most important factors that
allow us to lead a healthy and active life.
What is considered a fit person?  A fit person….
 is able to perform  schoolwork, meet home responsibilities, and still have enough energy to
enjoy sport and other leisure activities.
 A fit person can respond effectively to normal life situations, such as raking leaves at home,
stocking shelves at a part-time job, and marching in the band at school.
 A fit person can also respond to emergency situations - for example, by running to get help
or aiding a friend in distress.
What factors affect fitness? These factors include your….
1. environment                 
2. gender                       
3. stress                       
4. genetics  
5. job
6. body type
7. medications
8. age
9. diet
10. chronic disease
11. vices
12. obesity                               

What is physical activity?

Physical activity  refers to  any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy
expenditure  (WHO). It include activities undertaken by you, while working, playing, carrying out
household chores, traveling or engaging in recreational pursuits.
How much physical activity does WHO recommends to adults aged 18-65?
Adults aged 18–64 years:
 You should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity throughout the
week, or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity throughout the week, or
an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity.
 You should increase your moderate-intensity physical activity to 300 minutes per week, or
equivalent for your additional health benefits.
 You should do muscle-strengthening activities involving your major muscle groups on 2 or
more days a week.
The intensity of the various forms of physical activity varies between you and others. In order to be
beneficial to your health, all physical activities should be performed by you in bouts of at least 10
minutes duration.
The  Physical Activity Pyramid
The  physical  fitness pyramid is a guide for you to improve your physical fitness. It recommends
different types of activities you should be doing in a week to stay physically fit. The closer  you
are to the pyramid base, the more frequent you should do the  activity. As a student, you have a lot
of physical activities that you can do to stay fit and healthy even with a busy schedule.
The five steps of the  Physical Activity Pyramid  help you understand the five kinds of physical
activity, which build different parts of fitness and produce different health and wellness benefits
(recall the principle of specificity).
To meet the recommended 60 minutes of daily activity, you can choose from the different types of
activity and for optimal benefits, you should perform activities from all parts of the pyramid each
week. As you can see, activities at or near the bottom of the pyramid may need to be done more
frequently or for a longer time than those near the top of the pyramid to get the same volume of
Image Available from:
Activity 2:  My Personal Physical Activity Pyramid
Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets
What is Exercise?
You all know that exercise is important in your daily lives, but you may not know why or what
exercise can do for you.  The term "exercise" has been used interchangeably with "physical
activity", and, in fact, both have a number of common elements. However, exercise is a subcategory
of physical activity.
Exercise  is physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of
conditioning any part of the body used to improve health and maintain fitness. Generally, you work
up a sweat, breath heavy and increase your heart rate during exercise.
What are the benefits of exercise?
There are many benefits of regular exercise and maintaining fitness and these include:
1.  Exercise increases energy levels.
2. Exercise improves muscle strength.
3. Exercise can help you to maintain a healthy weight.
4. Exercise improves brain functions.
5. Exercise is good for your heart.
6. Exercise enhances your immune system.
7. Exercise may help to reduce the risks of certain cancer.
8. Exercise can help prevent and treat mental illnesses.
9. Exercise can reduce some of the effects of aging.
10.Exercise reduces the likelihood of developing some degenerative bone disease.
Group Exercise Programming.
Benefits of exercise.
What’s the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise?
Aerobic  and anaerobic exercises are excellent forms of physical activity. However, knowing the
differences between each can take fitness to the next level.  
Aerobic Exercise
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), aerobic exercise refers to rhythmic
activities that use large muscle groups.
“Aerobic” means “with oxygen,” and that defines what occurs in the body during this type of
exercise. When people engage in aerobic exercise, the heart pumps oxygenated blood to working
muscles so they can burn fuel and move. Note that the body may only burn carbohydrates and fats in
the presence of oxygen.
Anaerobic  Exercises
The ACSM characterizes anaerobic exercise as short, intense physical activity that is fueled by
energy sources within the contracting muscles. Those types of activities include weightlifting,
sprinting, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). 
“Anaerobic” means “without oxygen.” Instead of receiving energy through oxygenated blood in
aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise requires the body to break down carbohydrates from blood
glucose or glucose stored in muscle. Because the body doesn’t rely on oxygen in anaerobic exercise,
people can only exercise in this capacity for a short amount of time.
Watch and Listen:
Digital Information: What happens inside your body when you exercise?
Activity 3: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise
Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets

Read: Posture Problems
A strong, long muscles contribute to a healthy back.  They also are important to good posture.  You
will get to see some of the common posture problems associated with poor fitness such
as  lordosis,  ptosis and kyphosis  which are among the most common posture problems of PE 1
students CHMSC. You might recognize any of these postural problems with your own posture.  
Biomechanical Principles to help you improve your posture and avoid back problems:
1. Use the large muscles of the body when lifting.
2. When lifting, kip your weight (hips) low.
3. Divide a load to make it easier to carry.
4. Avoid twisting while lifting.
5. Push or pull heavy objects rather than lift them.
6. Avoid a bent-over position when sitting, standing or lifting.
Images on Bad Postures that are Ruining Your Health

Forward head and neck

Round shoulders
Anterior pelvic tilt
Elevated shoulders
Pigeon toes
Duck feet  
A bad posture problem is normally caused by a variation of weak neck muscles, seated job positions,
incorrect sleeping positions, and prolonged computer or TV use.   Over time, poor posture takes a
serious toll on your spine, shoulders, hips, and knees.
Activity 4: Independent Discovery
Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets

Read Me : Components of Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is more easily understood by examining its components, or parts. As you have
learned  before, there are two categories of physical fitness: health-related fitness components and
skill-related fitness components. However, when planning a well-rounded exercise program, it is
important to understand the five components of physical fitness and how your training affects
them.    The components include: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition. In general, achieving an adequate level of fitness in all
five categories is essential to good health.
Watch and Listen
The 5 Components of Health Related Fitness
What is Fitness: Health & Skill Fitness Components PE
Understanding the 11 Component of Fitness

Health-related Description Activities

skinfold calipers
the makeup of the body in terms of bioelectrical impedance analyzers  body
lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue, mass index (BMI)
and organs) and fat mass. underwater weighing
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
the ability of the cardiovascular
system  (heart, blood, blood vessels) and Walking, running
respiratory system  (lungs, air passages)  to (e.g., 20 m shuttle run test)
deliver oxygen and other nutrients to cycling
the working muscles and swimming, rowing
  to remove wastes
 neck stretch, chest stretch, cross
the ability to move joints through body shoulder stretch
their full range of motion.  scorpion stretch, dynamic side
 Static stretches lunge, arm circles, leg swing
 Dynamic stretches  Contract-Relax (CR)
 PNF stretches Method  &Contract-Relax-
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Antagonist-
Contract (CRAC) Method
Muscular the ability of a muscle, or a group of push-ups (maximum repetition)
Endurance muscles to sustain repeated curl-ups (maximum repitition)
contractions or to continue applying pull ups (maximum repetition)
force against a fixed object plank hold (maximum time)
the ability of a muscle, or a group of weightlifting exercises
muscles  to exert maximum amount (the weight lifted, divided by the person’s body weight)
Strength squat, lunge
of force for a brief period of time.

Skill-related Description Activities

the ability of the body to change
football, soccer, tennis, volleyball,
Agility direction quickly and effectively while
under control.
the ability to maintain an upright Yoga, pilates, gymnastics, single leg
Balance posture while in a stationary position exercises, Bosu ball exercises, stability
or moving. ball exercises
Olympic lifts
(i.e. clean & jerk, snatch)
the ability to do stretch work at an Plyometrics
Power explosive pace or the amount of work ( jumps, depth jumps, clap push ups)
performed per unit of time baseball, boxing, golf, volleyball
track and field
(high jump, long jump, pole vault, javelin)
the ability to move quickly from one (100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter)
point to another. Swimming
(front crawl, butterfly, backstroke)
Group fitness
the integration of hand and/or foot (Zumba, Body Pump, Bootcamp)
Coordination movements with the input of the Baseball, basketball, golf,
senses (what we see, hear and feel) jumping rope, martial arts
racquet sports
the amount of time it takes to react to (tennis, badminton)
Reaction Time baseball, sprinting, swimming
a stimulus
martial arts

Activity 5:  Chart the Heart

Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets
Image Available from
Watch and Listen:
Digital Information:

  Activity 6: Fitness Quest

Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets
Watch and Listen:
Digital Information: Home workout (no equipment) Endurance, strength, flexibility
Sample of Fitness Quest
Activity Fitness Component
jumping rope for three minutes cardiovascular endurance
lower back stretch flexibility
push ups muscular strength
plank muscular endurance

Read Me : Body Types and Major Muscle Groups
The three basic body types—endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph. Most people are actually a
combination of these body types. The factors that contribute to a person’s body type are heredity,
diet, exercise.
Image Available:
Read further:
Major Muscle Groups
You may be aware that there are more than 600 muscle in the human body but what are considered
the major muscle groups from that list?
About 35-42 percent of your body weight is made up of muscle tissue and muscle is either cardiac,
smooth or skeletal. 
 Cardiac muscles are the muscles that control your heart.
 Smooth muscles control involuntary functions like constricting your blood vessels.
 Skeletal muscles are the muscles that you target in the gym that help your body move.
Muscle fibers are classified as either or slow twitch fibers  fasst twitch fibers based on their
contraction times.
The  actual number of major muscles groups in the body is thirteen and they are:
           Abdominals                                   Gluteus Maximus                                Quadriceps
           Biceps                                                Hamstrings                                            Trapezius
           Deltoid                                              Latissiumus Dorsi                              Triceps
           Erector Spinae                              Obliques
           Gastrocnemius                              Pectoralis
Image Available from
One of the most important muscles in this group of thirteen is the abdominal muscle known as the
rectus abdominis.   It  is considered part of the core that includes 28 additional muscles. Hidden
beneath your “abs” is your tranverse abdominis muscle and on the sides are your
(internal/external) oblique muscles.
A strong core is important for good posture and even more critical when jumping, running or
lifting weight overhead. The development of a strong core is vital for everything from Active Daily
Living (ADL)  to sport-specific movements to helping you maintain functionality as you age. To
increase endurance and strength in this area continue to use full-body movements as well as over-
head lifts.
Watch and Listen:
Major Muscles of the Body
Muscle Rap
Major Muscle Resources

  Activity 7: Muscle of the Week

Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets

Direction: Complete the following
Please refer to Module 1 Answer Sheets
1. PAR-Q for Everyone 
2. Barriers to Being Active Quiz: What Keeps You from Being More Active?
SURNAME:   ______________________________       FIRST NAME: _________________________
COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________    CLASS SCHEDULE: ____________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________     SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________
Common Terms in Physical Fitness
Activity 1Direction: Choose the correct term/s as defined or described on each number.   
physical activity             exercise workout skill-related fitness physical
aerobic exercise anaerobic exercise cool down fitness
lifetime activity muscle cramps health-related sedentary
fitness fitness warm up
fitness assessment
  1 The part of an exercise session when you are exercising at your
highest peak.
  2 A cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for work.
  3 Fitness that reduces a person’s chances of getting disease.
  4 Involving little physical activity.
5 Purposeful activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive, that
improves or maintains little physical activity.
6 Intense, short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard
that they produce energy without using oxygen.
  7 Low-level activity that prepares your body to return to a resting
  8 A sudden and sometimes painful contractions of the muscles.
  9 Any form of movement that causes your body to use energy.
  1 All rhythmic activities that use large muscle groups for an
0 extended period of time.
1 The ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve
  1 energy to respond to
unexpected demands.
  1 An activity that can be done at any age.
  1 The kind of fitness that helps a person perform physical skills.
1 Focuses on the components of health-related fitness including
  4 cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance,
flexibility, and body composition.
  1 Used to develop activities that support the development of all
5 students.
Activity 2 & 3
   Activity 2: My Personal Physical Activity Pyramid
Direction:   Name two activities that you do each week that you can do LESS, that you
need ENOUGH, that you need MORE of and that you need PLENTY of. 
Refer to the link below for your answer
Image Available from
Activity 3. Identify the different types of physical activity as Aerobic or  Anaerobic.
____________ 1. brisk walking            ____________ 6. swimming                          ____________ 11.rowing
____________2. running                         ____________7.jumping rope                          
____________4. sprints                                          ____________14. dancing
____________5. power lifting              ____________10.push-ups               
                                                          MODULE 1 ANSWER SHEETS
                                                                          Activity 4 to 7
   Activity 4: Independent Discovery
Direction:    Use your phones, tablets, or computers to enable you to provide a clear explanation of
your answers to the succeeding questions. 

1. Does being physically fit make a difference in how long you live? How?

2.  Physically fit people are less likely to develop or die from hypokinetic disease. What do you
       mean by hypokinetic disease?

3. Cite 5 examples of hypokinetic diseases?

1.   _____________________________________
2.   _____________________________________  
3.   _____________________________________
4.   _____________________________________
5.   _____________________________________

 Activity 5: Chart the Heart

Directions:  You need to record your radial or carotid pulse rate for five consecutive days on your

Pulse Graph Chart. Use dots ( )  and the  three colors of pens when recording and connecting
your pulses.
Check your pulse….                                            Calculate:
1. Upon rising in the morning                        1.   Count the heart rate for 15 seconds
2. Before lunch                                             2.  Multiply the number you get by 4
3. After lunch

                                                                   Pulse Record Graph Chart

Puls Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
                                                                                  (Highlight the dots and  lines with your colored pens)
    Activity 6: Fitness Quest
Directions:  Review the characteristics of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular
strength,  muscular endurance and body composition.  Design your own “Fitness Quest”.
Activity Health-Related Fitness Component
   Activity 7: Muscle of the Week
Directions:  Locate and identify the names and locations of major muscles  on a diagram of the 
human body, and describe how it  works.
     Image is available from:

  Complete your   Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

  Form is Available from

ACSM’s ertification Review Second Edition.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2006).
Bushman, B. ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, Second Edition. Champaign, IL:Human
Kinetics ( 2017).
Corbin, CB, Welk, GJ, Corbin, WR and Welk, CA.  Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive
Lifestyle Approach, Eleventh Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill  (2015).
Fahey, TD, Insel, PM, Roth , WT AND Insel, CE.  Fitwell.  Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and
Wellness, 12th Edition.  New York: McGrawHill (2017).
Heyward, VH and Gibson, Ann L.  Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Seventh Edition.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2014).
Hoeger, WWK and and Hoeger, S. Fitness and Wellness, 11th Edition.  Standford, CT: Cenage
Learning  (2015).
Hoeger,  S. A., Hoeger  &  K.  Wenner. Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness, Tarrant County College
Department of Kinesiology; 13th Edition Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA (2016).
Sallis, J. F., and M. F. Hovell. “Determinants of Exercise Behavior.” Exercise and Sport Science Reviews 18
(1990): 307–30.
Sallis, J. F., M. F. Hovell, and C. R. Hofstetter. “Predictors of Adoption and Maintenance of Vigorous Physical
Activity in Men and Women.” Preventive Medicine 21.2 (1992): 237–51.

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