Curriculum Vitae: Aushik ASU
Curriculum Vitae: Aushik ASU
Curriculum Vitae: Aushik ASU
Former Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank, Washington, D.C.
Former Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India, New Delhi, 2009-2012.
Date of Birth: 9 January, 1952
Nationality: Indian. Permanent Resident: USA
Marital Status: Married (to Alaka Malwade Basu) with two children (Karna Basu and Diksha Basu)
and three grand-children (Avaaz Austen Basu, Sky-Aria Basu-McCleary, and Ivy-Page Basu-
1969-72: B.A. (Hons) in Economics, St. Stephen's College, Delhi University
1972-74: M. Sc. (Econ) in Economics, London School of Economics
1974-76: Ph.D. in Economics, the London School of Economics
Honorary Degrees
D.Litt. (Honoris Causa) “for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Economics,” University of
Lucknow, November 2010.
D. Litt. (Honoris Causa) “in recognition for this outstanding contribution to the field of economics,”
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CORE Fellow, 1981-82.
Mahalanobis Memorial Medal for contributions to economics, 1989.
UGC-Prabhavananda Award for Economics, 1990, citing the work in theoretical development
Fellow of the Econometric Society, 1991.
VKRV Rao Distinguished Visitor at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2000-
Padma Bhushan, 2008, conferred by the President of India.
Citation of Honour 2009, Almorum Societas, St. Xavier’s School, Kolkata, on the occasion of the 150th
Jubilee Year of the School.
Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, 2013.
Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse, College Historical Society, Trinity
College, Dublin, conferred in November 2014.
Fellow, BREAD, Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development
Associate, THRED, Theoretical Research in Development Economics.
First A. L. Nagar Award, Delhi School of Economics, for contributions to quantitative economics, April
1, 2016
Fellow, IZA Bonn, till 2018.
Festschrift: Markets, Governance, and Institutions in the Process of Economic Development,
Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York. Edited by Ajit Mishra and Tridip Ray.
December 2017.
Dean’s Medal for Visionary Leadership 2018. Brandeis University International Business School, May
15, 2018.
Tutor at the London School of Economics, 1975-77.
Lecturer at Reading University, 1976-77.
Reader in Economics at the Delhi School of Economics, 1978-85.
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Keynote address, “International Labor Standards” Bengal Economic Association Annual Meeting,
Santiniketan, India, February 2006.
Joan Robinson Lecture, “The Performance of the Contemporary Indian Economy and its Historical
Roots,” organized by CDS, Thiruvananthapuram, India, March 2007.
Sir Peter Ustinov Prejudice Lecture, “Group Identity, Conflict and Social Norms,” Durham University,
May 2007.
Keynote address, “Globalization and Inequality,” UNCTAD Conference on ‘How the Poor are Affected
by Trade,’ New Delhi, October 2008.
The Montreal Economic Theory Lecture, “A Simple Theory of the Financial Crisis of 2007-09,”
Concordia University, Montreal, May 2009.
The Mahbub ul Haq Lecture, Lima, Peru, September 2009.
The Dharm Narain Lecture, “How Does Economic Theory Influence Economic Policy?” organized by
the Institute of Economic Growth and Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, September 2010.
Presidential Address, “Human Rights and Economic Development,” International HDCA Conference
Amman, Jordan, September 2010.
The First Adam Smith Lecture, “The Prospects of the Indian Economy,” in Bhuvaneswar, India,
December 2010.
Sukhamoy Chakravarty Lecture: “Foodgrain Policy in India: An Economic Theory Perspective,” Delhi
School of Economics, New Delhi, December 2010.
Gautam Mathur Lecture, “Inflation: The Emperor of Economic Maladies,” Habitat Center, New Delhi,
May 2011.
Eighth D. R. Gadgil Memorial Lecture, “Two Decades of India’s Economic Reforms: Reflections and the
Road Ahead” Mumbai, India, July 2011.
Keynote Address, “The Emergence of the Indian Economy,” Italian Economic Association, Rome,
October 2011.
V. V. Giri Lecture, Annual Meeting of Indian Society of Labour Economics, “India’s Economic
Development, Human Capital and Labour Policy,” Udaipur, India, December 2011.
A.D. Shroff Memorial Lecture, “Is India Ready for the Global Stage?” Mumbai, India, January 2012
First Amlan Datta Memorial Lecture, “The Moral and Political Basis of Economic Development,”
Kolkata, January 2012.
Ambedkar Memorial Lecture, “Economic Growth, Identity and Inclusiveness,” organized by the Institute
for Dalit Studies, New Delhi, India, January 2012.
Raj Krishna Memorial Lecture, “Strategic Policy-making for Development,” in Jaipur, India, February
Special Lecture, on ‘The Indian Economy and the Looming Global Crisis of 2014.” Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C, April 2012.
S. R. Narayanan Lecture on the State of the Indian economy, Australian National University, Canberra,
Australia, June 2012.
Keynote Address “State of the Indian Economy”, MIT Conference on ‘Spotlight Trends in
Entrepreneurship, Governance & Information Technology in One of the World's Fastest-Growing
Economies’, Boston, October 2012.
O.P. Jindahl Distinguished Lectures, “From the Slopes of Raisina Hill: India's Economic Reforms and
Prospects,” Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, November 2012.
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IHD Foundation Lecture, “The Social and Political Foundations of Development: The Indian Context,”
New Delhi, December 2012.
First C. D. Deshmukh Lecture, “Grassroots Welfare Schemes and Macroeconomic Choices: India’s
Dilemma,” organized by National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), Habitat
Centre, New Delhi, January 2013.
Lecture, “The Costs of Corruption,” Conference on Anti-Corruption Efforts in Global Development,”
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, January 2013.
Lecture “Social and Moral Foundations of Economic Development”, Cheikh Anta Diop University,
Dakar, Senegal, March 2013.
Sakip Sabanci Lecture, “Emerging Economies and the Evolving Global Economy” Brookings Institution,
Washington and live streamed to Sabanci University, Istanbul, May 2013.
JRD Tata Memorial Lecture, “India’s Moral Churning: Economic Growth, Political Leadership and the
Control of Corruption,” Le Meridien Hotel, New Delhi, August 2013.
Keynote Address, “India's Economy in a Globalizing World: Challenges and Research Agenda”, New
Zealand India Research Institute inaugural international conference on ‘Changing India: from
Decolonization to Globalization’, Victoria University, Wellington, August, 2013.
President’s Invited Lecture, “World Bank Goals on Ending Extreme Poverty and Promoting Shared
Prosperity: Implications for Data and Policy”, 59th biennial International Statistics Institution (ISI)
World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, August 2013.
Lecture "Social Foundations of Economic Development and Remarks on Asia's Growth Experience," 21st
Seoul Journal of Economics, International Symposium, Seoul National University, Seoul,
September 2013.
Lecture “The Measures & Drivers of Economic Development,” International Conference of HDCA,
Managua, Nicaragua, September 2013.
Albert Hirschman Lecture, “Randomization, Development Policy and the Role of Reasoned Intuition,”
Latin America and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), Mexico City, October 2013.
Leadership Lecture "Poverty and Prosperity: The Challenges of Policymaking in a Globalized World",
Columbia University, New York, November 2013.
Presidential Address, “Fiscal Policy as Instrument of Investment and Development”, The Indian
Econometric Society- Golden Jubilee Celebration Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
Research, Mumbai, December 2013.
Convocation Address, “The Moral Foundations of Economic Development,” Ramakrishna Mission
Vivekananda University, Coimbatore, December 2013.
The Third Amartya Sen Lecture, at the London School of Economics on “Law, Economics and the
Republic of Beliefs,” March 2, 2015.
D. Gale Johnson Lecture, at the Department of Economics, Chicago University, on “Why are Laws So
Poorly Implemented? From Policymaking in India to Models of Law and Economics,” April 13,
G. L. Mehta Memorial Lecture at IIT Bombay, 26 August 2015, on “Can India Lead Global Growth?”
The Global Economy lecture, at the Oesterreichische National Bank and the Vienna Institute for
International Economic Studies, Vienna, on “Globalization and the Art of Designing Policy,”
November 2, 2015.
Christian Michelsen Lecture, Bergen, Norway, on “Shared Prosperity,” 15 March 2016.
Keynote address, Aix-en-Provence, on “A New Approach to Law and Economics,” 14th June 2016.
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The First G-MonD Public Lecture, Paris School of Economics, on “The Social and Behavioral Roots of
Development,” 15th June 2016.
Third Professor Kamath Lecture, on “The Economics of Corruption, Black Money and Demonetization,’
at IIT Bombay, 9 December 2016
Keynote address to the Association of Social Economics: “Discrimination as Focal Point: Markets and
Group Identity”, at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, Chicago, 5
January, 2017.
Luca d'Agliano Lecture on “Culture, Corruption and the Law: Challenges for a Globalizing World,”
at the Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano (LdA) in Turin, 23 November 2017.
Nani Palkhivala Lecture on “Law and Economics,” Mumbai, 14 December 2017.
Swami Lokeswarananda Memorial Lecture on “Morality and Economics,” Kolkata, 22 December,
Independence Lecture on “A Short History of India’s Economy: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,”
Oberoi Trident Hotel, Mumbai, August 6, 2018.
Presidential Address to the Indian Society of Labour Economics, IGIDR, Mumbai, December 19, 2018.
S. K. Chakravarti Memorial Lecture, on “Randomization, Causality and Commonsense,” at the 10th
International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics, at the Calcutta
Statistical Association, Kolkata, 27 December 2018.
Keynote Address to the 10th Biennial Conference of the Hong Kong Association, held at Xiamen, China,
December 24-15, 2018.
First Dr. P. C. Bansil Memorial Lecture at IIT Delhi, on ‘Technological Advance and the Changing
Nature of Work: Prospects for India,’ 21 February, New Delhi.
Convocation Address to the Indian Institute for Management, Ahmedabad, on the occasion of IIM’s 54th
Convocation, March 16, 2019.
Hamburg Lectures in Law and Economics, on ‘Politics, Power, and the Law: From David Hume to
John Nash, Universitat Hamburg, December 11, 2020.
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture, Kolkata, on ‘Game Theory, Economics and Philosophy: Some
Paradoxes and Open Questions,’ 23 March, 2020 (Postponed).
Raja Chelliah Memorial Lecture, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, 27 March,
2020 (Postponed).
Editorial Activity
Editor, Social Choice and Welfare
Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2000-03.
Associate Editor, Journal of Development Economics, 1992-2003, 2009-10.
Advisor, Journal of Public Economics, 1991-98.
Associate Editor, World Bank Economic Review, 1994-2010.
Series editor for the Oxford University Press series: Themes in Economics
Editor, Fundamentals of Development Economics, Routledge
Associate Editor, Japanese Economic Review
Associate Editor, Bulletin of Economic Research, till 2009.
Associate Editor, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Associate Editor, Journal of Quantitative Economics (Indian Econometric Society)
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PhD students
Supervised (as chair or co-chair) the PhDs for the following students:
Ajit Mishra 1994. “Market Equilibria, Social Institutions and Informational Uncertainty”
Ashwini Deshpande 1994. “Some Aspects of International Debt of Developing Countries”
Praveen Kulshreshtra 1997. “Market Imperfections, Bribery and the Supply of Essential Commodities”
Pham Hoang Van 1998. “Essays on Technology Transfer, Trade, and Labor in Economic Development”
Tridip Ray 1999. “Essays on Tenurial Contracts: Strategic Delegation, Land Exploitation and Limited
Garance Genicot 1999. “Analytical Essays on Credit, Labor and Coercion”
Eduardo Saavedra 2000. “Three Essays on Incomplete Contracts in Regulatory Activities”
Luis-Felipe Lopez-Calva 2000. “Child Labor, Compulsory Schooling, and Social Norms: Statics and
Patrick Emerson 2000. “Asymmetric Information, Discrimination and Strategic Behavior in
Markets: Theoretical and Empirical Essays”
Ozgur Toros 2001. “Strategic Behavior in Industrial and Labor Markets: Worker Ownership, Advertising
and Targeting”
Joo Kyung Ree (Jack) 2001. “Banking and Strategic Behavior: An Analysis of Bank Runs and Statutory
Paola Valenti 2002. “Essays on Literacy and Intra-household Externality: Theory and Estimation”
Vladimir Petkov 2003. “Essays on Dynamic Oligopolies”
Saber Ahmed Mahmud 2004. “Three Essays on Coordination Problems in Development”
Gayatri Koolwal 2005. “Gender Inequalities in Development: The Impact of Networks and Labor
Amanda Felkey 2006. “Essays on Household Formation, Resource Allocation and Consequences for the
Labor Market”
Patrick Nolen 2006. “Unemployment, Identity and Self-Confidence: Theoretical Models and Empirical
Wilson Perez 2006. “Three Essays on Development Economics”
Hyejin Ku 2007. “Essays on Migration, Trade and Language”
Homa Zarghamee 2007. “Voluntary Contributions and Collective Consumer Action: Theoretical and
Empirical Investigations”
Ashima Sood 2008. “Three Essays on the Cycle-Rickshaw Market: Informal Markets and Institutions in a
City in Central India”
Jinhwan Oh 2009. “Industrial Development and Regional Inequality: Theory and the Korean Economy”
Vidya Atal 2009. “Power, Patents and Peer Review: Essays in Applied Microeconomic Theory”
Sarah Reynolds 2011. “Intergenerational Intra-Household Economics: Three Essays on Parents and
John Gray 2011. “Essays on Identity: Its Endogenous Formation, Relevance in US Financial Markets and
Implications for Poverty Assessment”
Shuang Zhang 2012. “Essay in Empirical Development Economics”
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Books - Authored
[1] Revealed Preference of Government, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1980.
[2] The Less Developed Economy: A Critique of Contemporary Theory, Basil Blackwell,
Oxford and New York, 1984.
Indian edition, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1985.
Paperback edition, Basil Blackwell, 1986.
Japanese translation, Seibundo Press, Tokyo, 1987.
Paperback edition, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1987.
First reprint, Oxford University Press, 1989.
Second reprint, Oxford University Press, 1990.
[3] Agrarian Structure and Economic Development, Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur and
London, 1990. This book is part of the series, J. Lesourne and H. Sonnenschein (eds.)
Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics.
[4] Economic Graffiti: Essays for Everyone, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1991.
First Reprint, 1991.
Second Reprint, 1994.
Bengali translation, Ananda Publishers, Calcutta, 1993.
[5] Lectures in Industrial Organization Theory, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1993.
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[14] The Retreat of Democracy and Other Itinerant Essays on Globalization, Economics and
India, Permanent Black, 2007.
Italian translation, Ele Bele: India e le illusioni della democrazia globale,
published by Laterza and Figli, Rome, 2008.
English edition for global release by Anthem Press, London, 2010.
[15] Beyond the Invisible Hand: Groundwork for a New Economics, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2010.
Penguin edition for South Asia region, 2011.
Italian translation, Guiseppe Laterza and Figli, Rome, 2013.
Chinese translation, The Oriental Press, Hong Kong, 2013.
Spanish translation, 2014.
Russian translation, Gaidar Foundation, Moscow, 2014.
Japanese translation, NTT Publishers, 2016.
French translation, Les Editions de L’Atelier, Paris (with a Preface by Gael Giraud),
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[17] An Economist’s Miscellany: From the Groves of Academe to Raisina Hill, An Expanded
Edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2019.
Chinese translation, CITC Beijing, forthcoming.
[18] An Economist in the Real World: The Art of Policymaking in India, MIT Press, 2015.
South Asian edition: Random House Penguin 2016.
Chinese translation, 2017.
[20] The Republic of Beliefs: A New Approach to Law and Economics, Princeton University
Press, 2018.
Chinese edition, CITIC, Beijing, June 2020.
South Asian edition, Random House Penguin, 2018
Spanish edition, 2018.
Polish edition, February 2020.
First paperback edition, Princeton University Press, 2020.
[21] From Raisina Hill to Bretton Woods: A Policymaker’s Diary, Simon and Schuster,
forthcoming 2021.
Books – Edited
[1] Capital, Investment and Development,(edited with Mukul Majumdar and Tapan Mitra), Basil
Blackwell, Cambridge, MA, 1993.
Indian paperback edition, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1998.
[2] Development Policy and Economic Theory, (edited with Pulin Nayak), Oxford University
Press, Delhi, 1992.
First Reprint, 1994.
[3] Some Agrarian Questions, editor, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1994.
[4] Development, Welfare and Ethics, (edited with Prasanta Pattanaik and Kotaro Suzumura),
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995.
[5] Unravelling the Nation: Sectarian Conflict and India’s Secular Identity, (edited with Sanjay
Subrahmanyam) Penguin paperback, New Delhi, 1996.
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[6] International Labor Standards: History, Theory and Policy Options, (edited with Henrik
Horn, Lisa Roman and Judith Shapiro), Blackwell Publishers, 2003.
Paperback edition, 2004.
[7] Readings in Political Economy (Blackwell Readings for Contemporary Economics), editor,
Blackwell Publishers, 2003.
Paperback edition, 2003.
[8] Markets and Governments, (edited with Pulin Nayak and Ranjan Ray), Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2003.
[9] India’s Emerging Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond, editor,
The M.I.T. Press, 2004.
Paperback edition by Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2005
[10] Oxford Companion to Economics in India, editor, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Revised edition, 2007.
[11] The Concise Oxford Companion to Economics in India, (edited with Annemie Maertens),
Oxford University Press, 2010.
First reprint 2010.
[12] The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India, (edited with Annemie Maertens), in two
volumes, Oxford University Press, 2011.
[13] Arguments for a Better World, Essays in Honour of Amartya Sen. Volume 1: Ethics,
Welfare and Measurement, (edited with Ravi Kanbur), Oxford University Press, 2008.
[14] Arguments for a Better World, Essays in Honour of Amartya Sen. Volume 2: Development,
Society and Institutions, (edited with Ravi Kanbur), Oxford University Press, 2008.
[15] Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literacy and Development, (edited with Bryan Maddox and
Anna Robinson-Pant), Routledge, London, 2009.
[16] Inequality and Growth. Volume I. Inequality (edited, with Joseph Stiglitz), Palgrave
Macmillan, London. 2016.
[17] Inequality and Growth. Volume 2. Policy (edited, with Joseph Stiglitz), Palgrave Macmillan,
London. 2016.
[18] Institutions, Governance and the Control of Corruption (edited, with Tito Cordella), Palgrave
Macmillan, London, 2018.
[19] State of the World, State of Economics (edited, with David Rosenblatt and Claudia Sepulveda),
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2019.
[20] Law, Economics and Conflict (edited, with Robert Hockett), Cornell University Press, Ithaca,
New York, forthcoming.
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[21] Development, Distribution and Markets (edited, with M. Ghatak, K. Kletzer, S. Mundle and E.
Verhoogen), Oxford University Press, New Delhi, forthcoming.
[36] “A Theory of Association: Social Status, Prices and Markets,” Oxford Economic Papers, 41,
[37] “Rural Credit Markets: The Structure of Interest Rates, Exploitation and Efficiency,” in P.K.
Bardhan (ed.) The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions, Basil Blackwell, Oxford
and New York, 1989.
[38] “Combating Persistent Poverty in South Asia: Policy Options,” in J. Dreze and A. Sen (eds.), The
Political Economy of Hunger: Vol. 3: Endemic Hunger, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1990.
[39] “Duopoly Equilibria When Firms Can Change Their Decision Once,” Economics Letters, 32,
[40] “Strategic Entry-Deterrence in Stackelberg Perfect Equilibria,” (with Nirvikar Singh),
International Economic Review, 31, 1990.
[41] “On the Existence of a Rationality Definition for Extensive Games,” International Journal of
Game Theory, 19, 1990.
[42] “Bargaining Without Convexity: Generalizing the Kalai-Smorodinsky Solution,” (with T.C.A.
Anant and Badal Mukherji), Economics Letters, 33, 1990.
[43] “Induction, Knowledge and Efficiency,” Economic and Political Weekly, 25, July 1990.
[44] “The International Debt Problem, Credit Rationing and Loan Pushing: Theory and Experience,”
Princeton Essays in International Finance, 70, 1991.
[45] “Strategy Subsets Closed Under Rational Behaviour,” (with Jorgen Weibull), Economics
Letters, 36, 1991.
[46] “Women's Economic Roles and Child Survival: The Case of India,” (with Alaka Basu), Health
Transition Review, 1, 1991.
[47] “Soft Sets: An Ordinal Formulation of Vagueness with Some Applications to the Theory of
Choice, ” (with Rajat Deb and Prasanta Pattanaik), Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 45, 1992.
[48] “Fragmented Duopoly: Theory and Applications to Backward Agriculture,” (with Clive Bell),
Journal of Development Economics, 36, 1991.
[49] “The Broth and the Cooks: A Theory of Surplus Labor,” World Development, 20, 1992.
[50] “Some Simple Analytics of Inflation and Unemployment in a Dual Economy,” in S. Subramanian
(ed.), Themes in Development Economics: Essays in Honour of Malcolm Adiseshiah,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993.
[51] “Notes on Bribery and the Control of Corruption,” (with Sudipto Bhattacharya and Ajit Mishra),
Journal of Public Economics, 48, 1992.
[52] “A Geometry for Non-Walrasian General Equilibrium Theory,” Journal of Macroeconomics,
14, 1992.
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[53] “Limited Liability and the Existence of Share Tenancy,” Journal of Development Economics,
38, 1992.
[54] “Markets, Governments and Laws,” in B. Jalan (ed.), The Indian Economy: Anatomy of a
Crisis, Penguin, 1992.
[55] “Bad Advice,” Economic and Political Weekly, 27, March1992.
[56] “A Characterization of the Class of Rationalizable Equilibria for Oligopoly Games,” Economics
Letters, 40, 1992.
[57] “Collusion in Finitely-Repeated Oligopolies,” International Journal of Industrial
Organization, 10, 1992.
[58] “Efficiency Wage Theory with Monopolistic Landlords,” in K. Basu, M. Majumdar and T. Mitra
(eds.) Capital, Investment and Development, Blackwell, 1993.
[59] “Dual Tariff: Reforming Controlled Prices,” Journal of International Trade and Economic
Development, 2, 1993.
[60] “Sustainable Development and the Commons Problem: A Simple Approach,” (with Ajit Mishra),
in P. Bardhan, M. Datta Chaudhuri and T.N. Krishnan (eds.), Development and Change,
Oxford University Press, 1993.
[61] “Group Rationality and Escher's Waterfall,” Games and Economic Behavior, 7, 1994.
[62] “The Traveler's Dilemma: Paradoxes of Rationality in Game Theory,” American Economic
Review, 84, May 1994.
[63] “On the Suddenness of International Debt Crises,” Sankhya, series B, 1994.
[64] “A Model of Monopoly with Strategic Government Intervention,” (with T.C. Anant and Badal
Mukherji), Journal of Public Economics, 57, 1995.
[65] “Civil Institutions and Evolution: Concepts, Critique and Models,” Journal of Development
Economics, 46, 1995.
Reprinted in A. de Janvry, S. Radwan, E. Sadoulet and E. Thorbecke,(eds.), State,
Market and Civil Organizations, London: Macmillan, 1995.
[66] “The Strategic Role of International Credit as an Instrument of Trade,” (with Ashwini
Deshpande), Japanese Economic Review, 46, 1995.
[67] “Bargaining with Set-valued Disagreement,” Social Choice and Welfare, 13, 1996.
[68] “The Concept of Equality and Interpersonal Comparisons,” in W. Eichhorn (ed.), Essays on
Inequality and Measurability, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
[69] “Flexibility in Economic Theory,” in T. Killick (ed.), The Flexible Economy: Causes and
Consequences of the Adaptability of National Economics, Routledge, 1995.
[70] “Rural Credit and Interlinkage: Implications for Rural Poverty, Agrarian Efficiency, and Public
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Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2004.
[114] “Globalization and Development: A Re-examination of Development Policy,” in A. Kohsaka and
K. Nishikimi (eds.) New Development Strategies: Beyond the Washington Consensus,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
[115] “Child Labor and the Law: Notes on Possible Pathologies,” Economics Letters, 87, 2005.
[116] “Racial Conflict and the Malignancy of Identity,” Journal of Economic Inequality, 3, 2005.
[117] “Global Labor Standards and Local Freedoms,” in UNU-WIDER (ed.), WIDER Perspectives on
Global Development, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
[118] “Labor Laws and Labor Welfare in the Context of the Indian Experience,” in A. de Janvry and R.
Kanbur (eds.), Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik
Thorbecke, Kluwer, Norwell, Massachusetts, 2006.
[119] “Policy Dilemmas for Controlling Child Labor,” in A. Banerjee, R. Benabou and D. Mookherjee
(eds.), What we have Learned about Poverty, Oxford University Press, New York,
[120] “Desarollo desde una perspective multidisciplinaria: analysis economico y normas socials,”
(Development in a Multidisciplinary Perspective: Economic Analysis and Social Norms),
Cuestiones Economicas, (Ecuador) 22, 2006
[121] “Possibility Theorems for Aggregating Infinite Utility Streams,” (with Tapan Mitra), in J Romer
and K. Suzumura (eds.), Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability, Palgrave, 2008.
[122] “On the Existence of Paretian Social Welfare Relations for Infinite Utility Streams with Extended
Anonymity,” (with Tapan Mitra), in J. Roemer and K. Suzumura (eds.),
Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability, Palgrave, 2008.
[123] “Gender and Say: A Model of Household Behavior with Endogenously-Determined Balance of
Power,” Economic Journal, 116, 2006.
[124] “Consumer Cognition and Pricing in the 9’s in Oligopolistic Markets,” Journal of Economics
and Management Strategy, 15, 2006.
[125] “International Credit and Welfare: A Paradoxical Theorem and its Policy Implications,” (with
Hodaka Morita), European Economic Review, 50, 2006.
[126] “Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: What is the Relationship? What Can be Done? World
Development, 34, 2006.
[127] “The New Empirical Development Economics: Remarks on Its Philosophical Foundations,”
Economic and Political Weekly, 40, October 1, 2005.
Chinese translation published in Comparative Studies, China CITIC Press, 28, pp.
[128] “Social Norms and Cooperative Behavior: Notes from the Hinterland between Economics and
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[142] Entries on “Methodological Individualism” and “Child Labor” in L. Blume and S. Durlauf (eds.),
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008.
[143] Entry on “Famines” in Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009.
[144] “How Poor Farmers Behave: Interpreting ‘Irrationality’,” Man and Society, 2008.
[145] “Labor Retrenchment Laws and their Effect on Wages and Employment: A Theoretical
Investigation,” (with Gary Fields and Shub Debgupta) in B. Dutta, T. Ray, Tridip and E.
Sommanathan (eds.), Development and Change, World Scientific Publishers, 2009.
[146] “A New and Easy-to-Use Measure of Literacy, Its Axiomatic Properties and an Application,”
(with J. Travis Lee), Social Choice and Welfare, 32, 2008.
[147] “Literacies, Identities and Social Change: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literacy and
Development,” (with Bryan Maddox and Anna Robinson-Pant), Journal of
Development Studies, 44, 2008.
[148] “Is Product Boycott a Good Idea for Controlling Child Labor? A Theoretical Investigation,” (with
Homa Zarghamee), Journal of Development Economics, 88, 2008.
[149] “Children, Education, Labor and Land: In the Short Run and Long,” (with Talia Bar), Journal of
the European Economic Association, 7, 2009.
[150] “Child Labor and Household Wealth: Theory and Empirical Evidence of an Inverted-U,” (with
Sanghamitra Das and Bhaskar Dutta), Journal of Development Economics, 91, 2010.
[151] “Functionings and Capabilities,” (with Luis-Felipe Lopez-Calva) in K. Arrow, A.Sen and
K.Suzumura (eds.), Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, North-Holland, 2010.
[152] “The Moral Basis of Prosperity: Altruism, Other-Regarding Behavior and Identity,” Economics
and Philosophy, 26, 2010.
[153] “Growth of Industry and Services in South Asia and Its Impact on Employment: Analysis and
Policy,” (with Annemie Maertens) in Ghani, E. and H. Kharas (ed.), Accelerating
Growth and Job Creation in South Asia, Oxford University Press, 2009.
[154] “Experiments with the Traveler’s Dilemma: Welfare, Strategic Choice and Implicit Collusion,”
(with Leo Becchetti and Luca Stanca), Social Choice and Welfare, 37, 2011.
[155] “Literacy Traps: Society-Wide Education and Individual Skill Premia,” (with Vidya Atal, John
Gray and Travis Lee), International Journal of Economic Theory, 6, 2009.
[156] “China and India: Idiosyncratic Paths to High Growth and the Risks of Stalling,” Economic and
Political Weekly, 44, September 2009. Reprinted in Uma Kapila (ed.), Indian Economy
since Independence: A Comprehensive and Critical Analysis of India’s Economy,
1947-2015, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2009.
[157] “How Sapient is Homo Economicus: The Evolutionary Origins of Trade, Ethics and Economic
Rationality,” (with Ashok Guha), in A. Guha (ed.), Markets and Morals: Ethical Issues
K a u s h i k B a s u | 24
[172] “A Garden of Ponzis: The Science and Mystique of a Class of Financial Frauds,” Scientific
American, June 2014.
[173] “The Art of Currency Manipulation: How Some Profiteer by Deliberately Distorting
Exchange Rates,” Journal of Globalization and Development, 2014.
[174] “The Prospects for an Imminent Demographic Dividend in Africa: The Case for Cautious
Optimism,” (with Alaka Basu) in J. Y. Lin and C. Monga (eds.), Handbook of Africa
and Economics, Volume 2, Oxford University Press, 2015.
[175] “Fiscal Policy as Instrument of Investment and Development,” (Presidential Address to the
Indian Econometric Society, Mumbai, December, 2013), Journal of Quantitative
Economics, 2014.
[176] “Randomisation, Causality and the Role of Reasoned Intuition,” Oxford Development
Studies, vol. 42, No. 4, 2014.
[177] “From Tapering to Tightening: The Impact of the Fed’s Tapering on India,” (with B.
Eichengreen and P. Gupta), India Policy Forum, volume 11: 2014-15. NCAER-
Brookings Institution, 2015.
[178] “International Lending, Sovereign Debt and Joint Liability: An Economic Theory Model for
Amending the Treaty of Lisbon,” (with Joseph Stiglitz) Economic Journal, 2016.
[179] “A New and Rather Long Proof of the Pythagoras Theorem, By Way of a Proposition on
Isosceles Triangles,” College Mathematics Journal, 2016.
[180] “Notes on Child Labor and Education: A Personal Statement,” in Pontifical Academy (ed.),
Children and Sustainable Development, Springer Verlag, 2016.
[181] “Globalization of Labor Markets and Growth Prospects of Nations,” Journal of Policy
Modelling, 2016.
[182] “Asymmetric Punishment as an Instrument of Corruption Control,” (with Karna Basu and Tito
Cordella), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2016.
[183] “The Economics and Law of Sovereign Debt and Risk Sharing: Some Lessons from the Eurozone
Crisis,” Review of Law and Economics, 2016.
[184] “Markets and Manipulation: Time for a Paradigm Shift” (Review paper of George Akerlof and
Robert Shiller’s Phishing for Phools), Journal of Economic Literature, 2018.
[185] “Too Small to Regulate” (with Avinash Dixit), Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2017.
[186] “Discrimination as Focal Point: Markets and Group Identity,” Forum for Social Economics,
2017. Reprinted in The Economics of Race and Caste, edited by W. A. Darity and S.
Thorat. Part of The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics,
Founding Editor: Mark Blaug, Edward Elgar Publishing.
K a u s h i k B a s u | 26
[187] “The Globe and the Circle: Geometry and Economic Geography as Tribute to Thales and Nash,”
Indian Economic Review, 2018.
[188] “Nash Equilibria of Games When Players’ Preferences are Quasi-transitive,” (with Prasanta
Pattanaik) International Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 10, 2017
[189] “When Competition Corrupts: A Theoretical Analysis of Market Structure and the Incidence of
Corruption,” (with Boyang Zhang and Tamara McGavock), in R. Lensink, S. Sjogren nd
C. Wihlborg (ed.) Paths for Sustainable Economic Development: A Festschrift to
Honor Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, School of Business, University of Gothenburg,
[190] “The Rise of Trump and an Agenda for Regulatory Reform,” Journal of Policy Modelling,
[191] “The Trials of Randomized Control: Probability, Intuition, and the Dinosaur Risk,” Social
Science and Medicine, 2018.
[192] “Individual Preferences and Democratic Processes: Two Theorems with Implications for
Electoral Politics,” (with Tapan Mitra) Social Choice and Welfare, 2019.
[193] “New Technology and Increasing Returns: The End of the Antitrust Century?” in K. Basu and
R. Hockett (eds.) Law, Economics and Conflict, Cornell University Press, 2020,
[194] “Technology, Labor and Globalization: Contemporary Challenges,” Indian Journal of Labour
Economics, 2019.
[195] “Inequality, Growth, Poverty and Lunar Eclipses: Policy and Arithmetic,” (with S. Subramanian),
Development and Change, 2019.
[196] “Introduction: The State of Economics, the State of the World,” in K. Basu, D. Rosenblatt and
Sepulveda, C. (eds.), The State of Economics, the State of the World, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.
Chinese translation of this chapter in Comparative Studies, Beijing, 2020, forthcoming.
[197] “Reflections on Some Developments in Higher Education in India,” Jindal Journal of Public
Policy, 2020.
[1] “On Some Economic and Political Consequences of 'Food for Work',” Review of
Agriculture, Economic and Political Weekly, 17, 1982.
K a u s h i k B a s u | 27
[18] “Strategy for Economic Reform in West Bengal,” (with 8 co-authors), Economic and
Political Weekly, October 12, 2002.
[19] Child Labor: Its Economics, Its Sociology and Its Politics, Scientific American, 289,
October, 2003. [German translation in Spektrum der Wissenschaft, January, 2004.]
[20] “Globalisation and Babool Gum,” The Little Magazine, 5, 2004.
[21] Entry on “East Asian Crisis” in D. Clark (ed.)Elgar Companion to Development Studies,
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2007.
[22] Entry on “Economic Development, The importance of Institutions in”, in S. Wolpert (ed.)
Encyclopedia of India, Charles Scribner Sons Reference Books, 2005.
[23] “Comments,” India Policy Forum 2005, NCAER-Brookings, 2, 2006.
[24] “Comments,” India Policy Forum 2006, NCAER-Brookings, 3, 2007.
[25] “Reflections on the Changing Face of Economics,” in Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandir
and Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math, 2006.1
[26] An English translation of Rnam Krtva (Bengali short story by Shibram Chakravarty), The
Little Magazine, 2008.
[27] “Why India Needs Labour Market Reforms,” in D. Sarker (ed.), Second Generation Reforms:
What is to be Done? Kolkata: Allied Publishers, 2008.
[28] “Comments,” India Policy Forum 2008, NCAER-Brookings, 2008.
[29] “Why I Read, What I Read,” in Why I Love to Read, New Delhi: Scholastic, 2010 .
[30] English translation of Debotar Janma/A God is Born (Bengali short story by Shibram
Chakravarty), The Little Magazine, 7, 2009.
[31] “Economics According to Tapan Mitra,” (with Mukul Majumdar and Kazuo Nishimura)
International Journal of Economic Theory, 2010.
[32] Foreword, for S. Thorat and K. Newman (eds.) Blocked by Caste: Economic Discrimination in
Modern India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
[33] Prologue, M. Biggeri, J. Ballet and F. Comim (eds.), Children and the Capability Approach,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
[34] Skewflation, in Arthapedia (
[35] Foreword, (with R. Kanbur), for A.Sharma (ed.). Essays in Honour of Amartya Sen on his 75th
Birthday, 2012.
[36] Foreword, for R. Malhotra (ed.) A Critical Decade: Policies for India’s Development, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2012.
K a u s h i k B a s u | 29
[37] Foreword, On the Turnpike: Indian Economy since 1947 & Indian Economic Service a 50,
(commemorative volume for the Golden Jubilee of the Indian Economic Service, with
narrative by T.C.A. Srinivasa Raghavan), Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2012.
[38] ‘Among the Zapotecs’ and ‘Jakotra Reflections’ and other essays in N. Bali, M. Chen and R.
Kanbur (eds.) Bridging Perspectives, Cornell-SEWA-WIEGO publication, 2012.
[39] Foreword, for J. Foster, S. Seth, M. Lokshin and Z. Sajaia (eds.) A Unified Approach to
Measuring Poverty and Inequality: Theory and Practice, World Bank, Washington,
D.C., 2013.
[40] Foreword, for Dutta, P. Murgai, R., M. Ravallion and D. van de Walle, Right to Work?
Assessing India’s Employment Guarantee Scheme in Bihar, Practice, World Bank,
[41] How to Use Doing Business Indicators and How Not To, Foreword to Doing Business 2015,
World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2014.
[42] Development Economics and Method: A Quarter Century of ABCDE (with Andrew Foster),
World Bank Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2015.
[43] Inequality and Growth: A Preamble (with Joseph Stiglitz and Vivian Hon), in Basu, K. and
Stiglitz, J. E. (eds), Inequality and Growth, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
[44] Foreword, for Lakhwinder Singh and Nirvikar Singh (eds.) Economic Transformation of a
Developing Economy: The Experience of Indian Punjab, Springer, New Delhi, 2016.
[45] Development Economics and Method: A Quarter Century of ABCDE (with Andrew Foster), in
Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics
2014, Oxford University Press, 2015.
[46] Foreword, for M. Das, S. Kar, and N. Nawn (eds.) Economic Challenges for the Contemporary
World, Sage Publishers, 2016.
[47] Foreword, for Tamal Bandyopadhyay, Bandhan: The Making of a Bank, Penguin Random
House, 2016.
[48] The Stockholm Statement. A short statement on the principles of good policymaking, written with
12 other economists, including, former Chief Economists of the World Bank: Joseph
Stiglitz, Francois Bourguignon and Justin Yifu Lin. Posted by SIDA, Stockholm, and
WIDER, Helsinki.
[49] Foreword, for Supriyo De (ed), India’s Fiscal Policy: Prescriptions, Pragmatics and Practice,
Cambridge University Press, 2017.
[50] Foreword, for Sanjay Kathuria, A Glass Half Full: The Promise of Regional Trade in South
Asia, World Bank, 2018.
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[51] ‘Normas Sociales, Pobreza y Desigualdad’, in Juan Luis Hernandez Avendano and Maria
Eugenia Ibarraran Viniegra (eds.), Por Que Persisten la Pobreza y la Desigualdad en
Mexico, Universidad Iboamericana Puebla, Mexico.
[52] Member of the Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health, co-chaired by Michael Bloomberg and
Lawrence Samuelson, that produced the report: Health Taxes to Save Lives: Employing
Effective Taxes on Tobacco, Alcohol, and Sugary Beverages. Launch April 11, 2019.
[53] ‘India’s Economic Troubles are Rooted in Politics,’ Foreign Policy, February 21, 2020.
[54] Foreword, for Sudipta Sarangi, The Economics of Small Things, Penguin, India.
[55] ‘COVID-19 and Governance: A Challenge for Emerging Economies’ in Reimagining the
Global Economy: Building back better in a post-COVID-19 world, Brookings
Institution Report, Washington D.C., November 2020. (written with Alaka Basu and
Jose Maria U Tapia)
Crossings at Benaras Junction (A full-length play in four acts), published in The Little Magazine, 6,
2005. Shortlist for the TLM New Writing Award for 2006 and reprinted in a special issue of
shortlisted writings in First Impressions by TLM, New Delhi, 2006.
Also reprinted in An Economist’s Miscellany: From the Groves of Academe to the Slopes of
Raisina Hill, Oxford University Press.
Other Writings/Reporting/Media
reprinted in The International Herald Tribune, The Asian Age and The Strait Times). Wrote
a series of articles (with eight other economists) on the state and prospect of the West Bengal
economy, which was published in Bengali in Ananda Bazar Patrika and in English in The
Telegraph in 2001.
“Economic Graffiti,” monthly column in India Today, 1999-2002.
Monthly column for Business Standard, India, 2002-2003.
Fortnightly column for the Saturday edition of Hindustan Times, New Delhi and other Indian cities, till
December 2009.
Regular column for BBC NewsOnline (, until
December 2009.
Interviewed by leading Indian newspapers and television on matters concerning Indian economic policy,
including The Economic Times, January 1, 2002 and The Times of India, January 16, 2002 and
repeatedly during 2009-2011.
Interview with Dhiraj Nayyar, Financial Express, 9 December, 2009.
Interview in Mint newspaper, 21 December, 2009.
The Economist Magazine (March/April, 2010) featured The Economic Survey 2009-10 and specifically
my research in Economics Focus.
Lunch with BS, Business Standard, 5 January, 2010. Reprinted in the book, Table for Two: In
Conversation with Power, Fame and Glory, Business Standard Books, 2012.
Wall Street Journal Blog, 7 July, 2010:
The Economist Magazine (March/April, 2010) featured The Economic Survey 2009-10 and specifically
my research in Economics Focus.
Lunch with BS. Business Standard, 3 May, 2011.
“Playwright in the North Block.” Full page feature in Financial Express, December 2, 2011.
Featured in Eye, The Sunday Indian Express Magazine, 8-14 May, 2011
Featured in The Economist in connection with my ideas on controlling harassment bribes, May 7-13,
2011 (“A Novel Way to Combat Corruption”) p. 70.
India Today, “The Big Story, Policy Paralysis,” November 21, 2011, pp.34-35.
Featured in Newsweek Magazine (International Edition), “Kaushik Basu: World Bank Renegade,”
September 17, 2012.
The Edge (Malaysia), “No crisis expected” (lead story), July 2013.
Darpan Magazine (Canada), September, 2013.
Craig Mellow of Institutional Investor, September 19, 2013.
Danny Jiang of Xinhua News Agency, October 6, 2013.
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‘Why Indian Traffic is So Bad’: Review of An Economist in the Real World, by Raymond Zhong,
Wall Street Journal, November 22, 2015.
‘World Bank Chief Economist warns Fed to Delay Rate Rise,’ Lead news, Financial Times, 9
September, 2015.
L’economiste decale’, a write up by Julien Bouissou and Chloe Hecketsweiler on my research and
other works, in La Monde, Paris, 11 April, 2016.
‘In India, Black Money Makes for Bad Policy,’ OpEd in, New York Times, November 29, 2016.
‘A New Year’s Development Policy Resolution,’ (by Kaushik Basu, Francois Bourguignon, Justin
Lin and Joe Stiglitz) Project Syndicate, December 30, 2016.
‘India and the Visible Hand of the Market,’ OpEd in New York Times, June 29, 2017.
‘India can Hide Unemployment Data but not the Truth,’ OpEd, New York Times, February 1, 2019.
‘India’s Descent into Stepwells of Growth,’ MINT Long Reads, 27 August, 2020.