Stress 1
Stress 1
Stress 1
1.1 Introduction
Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) intends to increase crude oil
production from current production rate of 1.4 million barrels of oil per day (MMBOPD) to 1.8
To accomplish this, ADCO plans to develop the new reservoir Habshan-1 at Bab to produce
at a sustainable rate of 30 MBOPD which is part of the Bab field expansion along with other
ongoing developments to sustain additional production of 420 MBOPD.
The Bab field is located in a desert area approximately 160 km southwest of Abu Dhabi city.
The field covers an area of approximately 45 km by 25 km. The main processing facilities are
located around Habshan. The field is sour, with wells to the northeast exhibiting generally
higher H2S content than wells to the southwest.
As part of the ongoing Bab Thamama-G and Habshan-2 1.8 MMBOPD Development project,
the existing Bab facilities at BCDS will be de-bottlenecked by Q3, 2012 and 4 new RDSs
(RDS-7, 8, 9 and 10) will be installed. The de-bottlenecked BCDS facilities will continue to
process production from Bab Thamama-B, Thamama-G and Habshan-2 zones in addition to
the production from Habshan-1 brought online by this Project.
Thamama-B, Thamama-G, Habshan-2 and new Habshan-1 reservoirs are located in the
existing ADCO BAB field.
The project objective for phase-2 is to carry out Engineering, Procurement & Construction
(EPC) & (EP) of additional twelve (12) oil producer wells along with twelve (12) water
injectors connected to the Identified existing REMOTE DEGASSING STATION (RDS) and
tie-in to existing WATER INJECTION CLUSTERS (WICs’) header respectively to optimize
and maintain the desired productivity levels at the BAB CENTRAL DEGASSING STATION
(BCDS) and additionally achieve future production targets & Bab Habshan-1 (HB-1) Full Field
Development (FFD).
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of eight (8) nos. oil producer wells and
their associated flow lines which shall be connected to existing RDS. The fluid from each of
these eight (8) oil producer wells will be transported to already existing gathering manifolds in
RDS-9 via six (6) inch flow lines.
Engineering and Procurement (EP) of the four (4) nos. oil producer wells and their associated
flow lines which shall be connected to existing RDS. The fluid from each of the four (4) oil
producer wells will be transported to already existing gathering manifolds via six (6) inch flow
lines, in RDS-7, RDS-8, RDS-9 and RDS-10.
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) scope for WI system consist of seven (7)
nos. water injection wells and their associated flow lines. The injection water from the
associated existing WIC shall be supplied to each of the seven (7) water injection wells via
flow lines of appropriate sizes, connected to the water injection header.
Engineering and Procurement (EP) of five (5) nos. water injection wells and their associated
flow lines which shall be connected to existing water injection cluster header.
The following input parameters used in the Stress Analysis are in accordance with,
Specification for Pipeline Flexibility Analysis (Doc. no. and other applicable
project documents as listed in section 4.0 above.
Pipeline Parameters
Piping Class 251140-R
Material CS API 5L X 52, PSL-2
Pipe Size 6”
Wall Thickness 14.27 & 12.7 mm
Corrosion Allowance 3.0 mm
Process Contents Process Oil
Fluid Density 595 Kg/m3
Design Pressure 275.8 Barg
Operating Temperature 71.6 to 58ºC (Note-2)
Maximum Design Temperature 85 ºC (Solar black bulb temperature)
Minimum Design Temperature -15 ºC
Installation Temperature 21 ºC
Testing Medium Water
Leak Test Pressure 345 Barg
Hydro Static Strength Test Pressure (Barg) 505 Barg
Friction coefficient (steel to Steel) 0.3
Friction Coefficient (Steel to Soil) 0.4
Thickness tolerance +10%, - 5%
Soil Parameters
The minimum buried depth to the top of pipe Surface laid (Note 1)
Angle of internal friction 30 degree
Compacted soil density 1550 Kg/m3
1. However, at rig/ asphalt/ road crossings/ UG pipeline crossings the pipeline is buried and
burial depth followed as per alignment sheet.
2. The max operating temperature for pipe line portion is considered as per process
simulation study report of OPW temperature profiles (Refer attachment-14).
Cold Bend (field fabricated used along the pipeline) = 40D & 60D
For underground pipeline portions as well as for surface laid portions, CAESAR II
underground pipe modular is applied as per CAESAR II Basic Model.
In case of surface laid pipeline, the soil stiffness has been calculated at the depth of 84.15
mm (Half diameter of 6” pipeline) as detailed in below table. The friction factor between pipe
and soil is considered as 0.4.
84.15 mm 3.9
Stiffness values are calculated by CAESAR II Basic Model. The soil properties for
calculations taken from Geotechnical Investigation Report 11-78-23-1627.
Figure shown below is the CAESAR-II generated overall isometric view of 6” Oil Flow line
from Bb 936 to RDS-9.
7000 Number of thermal cycles is assumed for 30 Years design life of the pipe work.
This assumption is based on ASME B 31.3 and normal engineering practice for stress
analysis for said design life.
The stresses at all cases (i.e. operating, sustained, expansion and Hydro test are within
code allowable limit. Thermal displacements at critical locations are acceptable. The
above ground restraint loads are acceptable for design.
Either 40D or 60D bends are used in all IP’s and vertical bend areas.