Motorcycle Crash Causation Study - Vol.1
Motorcycle Crash Causation Study - Vol.1
Motorcycle Crash Causation Study - Vol.1
The Motorcycle Crash Causation Study, conducted through the Federal Highway Administration
Office of Safety Research and Development, produced a wealth of information on the causal
factors for motorcycle crashes, and its corresponding Volumes provide perspectives on what
crash-countermeasure opportunities can be developed. This study used a crash- and control-case
approach developed from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
protocols, which as discussed in this report, has provided insights into more than 1,900 data
elements that may be associated with motorcycle-crash causation. The research team produced a
final report along with a 14-volume series of supplemental reports that provide an overview of
the study and a summary of its observations, the data-collection forms and coding definitions, a
tabulation of each data element collected from each form, and selected comparisons with
previous studies. It is anticipated that readers will select those Volumes and data elements that
provide information of specific interest.
This document, Volume 1—Data Collection and Variable Naming, describes the data naming
conventions, lists 2,600 uniquely named variables produced in the database, and provides a
means for users to identify variables of interest. This report will be of interest to individuals
involved in traffic safety, safety training, crash and injury reduction, and roadway design and
policy making, as well as to motorcycle- and safety-equipment designers, crash investigators and
researchers, motorcycle and automotive manufacturers and consumers, roadway users, and
human-factors specialists.
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation
(USDOT) in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for
the use of the information contained in this document.
* SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
(Revised March 2003)
This Motorcycle Crash Causation Study (MCCS) research report series is comprised of a final
report supplemented by 14-volumes. This document is Volume 1. Each Volume is a description
of a data-collection form or protocol used in the MCCS, and any reference to a Volume in this
series will be referenced in the text as “MCCS Volume 1,” “MCCS Volume 2,” and so forth. A
list of the Volumes is as follows:
Figure 1. Screen capture. Example of a logically complete set of anticipated responses ............... 1
Figure 2. Screen capture. Odometer reading in miles ..................................................................... 1
Figure 3. Screen capture. Trip Destination ..................................................................................... 2
Figure 4. Screen capture. Example of a search for data elements related to color for both
crash and control riders ......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5. Illustration. Motorcycle rider—front and back of human body .................................... 46
Figure 6. Illustration. Motorcycle rider—front and back of human body with skeleton .............. 47
Figure 7. Illustration. Motorcycle rider—front and back of human body with internal
organs .................................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 8. Illustration. Motorcycle passenger—front and back of human body ............................ 68
Figure 9. Illustration. Motorcycle passenger—front and back of human body with skeleton...... 69
Figure 10. Illustration. Motorcycle passenger—front and back of human body with internal
organs .................................................................................................................................. 70
Figure 11. Illustration. Rider/occupant—front and back of human body ................................... 110
Figure 12. Illustration. Rider/occupant—front and back of human body with skeleton ............. 111
Figure 13. Illustration. Rider/occupant—front and back of human body with internal
organs ................................................................................................................................ 112
Figure 14. Illustration. Other-vehicle driver—front and back of human body ........................... 124
Figure 15. Illustration. Other-vehicle driver—front and back of human body with skeleton .... 125
Figure 16. Illustration. Other-vehicle driver—front and back of human body with internal
organs ................................................................................................................................ 126
Figure 17. Illustration. Helmet external location codes .............................................................. 136
Figure 18. Illustration. Clock face locations ............................................................................... 138
MR Motorcycle Rider Form
MV motor vehicle
N/A not applicable
NASS National Automotive Sampling Survey
NC no direct contact to motorcycle
OD Other Vehicle Driver Form
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OV Other Vehicle Form/other vehicle
PAR Police Accident Report
PDOF principal direction of force
POI point of impact
POR point of rest
RC right center
RF right front
RR right rear
RT right turn
SAS Statistical Analysis Software
TC top center
TF top front
TR top rear
UC undercarriage center
UF undercarriage front
UR undercarriage rear
USDOT United States Department of Transportation
VIN vehicle identification number
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) conducted this Motorcycle Crash Causation
Study (MCCS) to identify and evaluate factors that may contribute to the rising toll of
motorcycle crash–related fatalities and injuries in the United States. Data were collected on 351
police-reported, motorcycle-involved, injury-producing crashes. Whenever possible, trained
investigators responded to notifications of crashes and began data collection while first
responders were present at the scene of the crash. Data collection was executed using 14 data-
collection forms. These forms each contain a series of questions (herein referred to as variables)
and designated spaces for entering the responses. Responses were selected from a series of
codes, and each series provided either a complete set of possible responses or a list of anticipated
responses and the ability to enter additional data in a text field. The screen capture in figure 1 is
an example of a logically complete set of anticipated responses to the variable asking which day
of the week the crash occurred. The full form is available in appendix A-1.
Source: FHWA.
Figure 1. Screen capture. Example of a logically complete set of anticipated responses.
In this example, only seven responses are possible, all of these responses are listed, and the
single digit representing the appropriate day of the week would be entered on the space provided.
For other variables, the possible responses are too numerous to list, and so, the data would be
entered directly in the spaces provided on the form, such as in the case of the odometer reading
of a motorcycle. The screen capture in figure 2 is an example of such a variable. The full form is
available in appendix A-8. For unusual situations, guidance was provided in each variable
(regarding the odometer reading, for instance, if the odometer were broken or missing, a
response could not be obtained).
Source: FHWA.
Figure 2. Screen capture. Odometer reading in miles.
For many variables, while it was possible to enumerate most of the possible responses with a
high degree of confidence, the data-collection forms provided the investigator the ability to either
select from the coded responses or to select a response code. In unusual cases, for instance,
“(98) other (specify)” would be selected and the data added into a text field. The screen capture
in figure 3 is an example of this type of variable. The full form is available in appendix A-12.
Only in cases when a written response for the variable was required would the investigator enter
data in the associated text field; this saved time in data entry, assured consistent responses, and
provided a verification that the list did not include the needed response/code. Periodically, the
entries in the text fields were reviewed and the Coding Manual (MCCS Volume 2) and data-
collection forms were updated.(4)
Source: FHWA.
Figure 3. Screen capture. Trip Destination.
Each of the 14 data-collection forms are provided in appendix A. These forms and their
corresponding abbreviations, which were used for naming purposes (discussed further in the
section Data Naming and Coding: Conventions and Identification of Data Elements for
Research) are as follows:
Whenever two or more forms contained the same variables, which often occurred with the pairs
of crashed and control riders, passengers, and motorcycles, the enumerated responses were
identical so that the responses were consistently coded and readily tabulated and compared.
Volumes 3 through 131 of this study provide the tabulations and comparisons of the data
collected on the various forms. The 14 Volumes provide example data comparisons to previous
and national studies.(4,5)
Volumes 3 through 14 are available through FHWA on request.
Within the study, variable naming conventions were employed to enable identification of similar
data elements. Within the SAS® and ExcelTM data, variable names were developed as
concatenations of acronyms and abbreviations to enable researchers to quickly and easily
associate data elements that may be needed to address their research interests. All variable names
were limited to 32 characters or fewer by the SAS® software. The general format of variable
names concatenated the form acronym with the three-digit variable number and a variable
descriptor developed using block codes. For example, the variable that tallies the number of
motorcycle passengers involved in the crash is variable 8 of the Crash Data-Collection Form and
would be designated as CF008_MCPASSENGERCOUNT.
On the data-collection forms (see appendix A of this Volume), the team endeavored to
enumerate and define the most likely responses. As not all of the possible responses could be
explicitly enumerated or would be applicable in all situations, three codes were provided: “not
applicable,” “other (specify),” and “unknown.” These three codes always ended with the digits
97, 98, or 99, respectively. Whenever the format for the data entry required more than two digits,
additional preceding 9s (997, 9997, 99997, …) were included to assure data consistency. The
“other (specify)” code (all 9s followed by an 8 entered into the response field) was provided to
capture unanticipated responses in text. To capture such unanticipated responses, a two-level
response format was used. Whenever a field investigator encountered a situation in the field that
was not included in the list of anticipated responses, the investigator would enter a series of 9s
ending with an 8 to designate that a text field would be used to enter the data. Data elements that
were used to hold these text data appended the characters “TXT” to the block code. For example,
if an investigator encountered a rider with an unusually colored helmet, in response to
variable 30 of the Motorcycle Rider Data-Collection Form, he or she would first record “98” for
the variable MR030_HELMETCOLOR and then a text description/designation of the color in the
MR30_HELMETCOLORTXT field. As the study unfolded, whenever the same TXT response
began to appear repeatedly, the response was added to the enumerated list of responses on the
data-collection form and to the Coding Manual (MCCS Volume 2).(4) This enabled the responses
to be included in and improve the strength of the statistical analyses (see Volumes 3 through 142
for tabulation and statistical comparisons of the observed data). A full list of all data names used
in the study is provided in appendix B of this Volume.
This data naming structure was established in order to assist researchers in the identification of
data items of interest and provide a means of grouping and exploring the relationships of
(possibly) related data elements so that their individual and collective interaction/influence on
crash potential can be developed. For example, in a study on conspicuity, one might wish to
generate a list of data elements related to color. The following is a list of the 72 data elements
with the first two letters providing the data form/entity identification, the next three numbers
Volumes 3 through 14 are available through FHWA on request.
indicating the variable number on the data form, and the descriptor following the underscore
providing a description of the data element that includes the character string “COLOR”:
• CM014_HF007.
• HF008_MR086.
Within the dataset, separate records are available and numbered consecutively to distinguish the
multiple entities when more than one is associated with a particular crash. For example, each
injury is included as a separate record. Whenever the rider, passenger, and other crash-involved
individual were injured in the same crash, a separate Injury Data-Collection Form was used to
collect the data for each individual. Each form for the crash is identified by the crash number and
the injured individual’s unique identifier, and the individual/multiple injuries are each
uniquely/serially numbered and identified in the data. This allowed grouping of the data for the
crash as well as for each individual as needed in the analysis.
In a similar vein, some variables collected multiple responses. For example, a rider may hold
multiple licenses or endorsements, such as motorcycle, auto, chauffer, etc., or perform multiple
pre-departure motorcycle checks, such as for tire inflation, worn cables, fluids, etc. For variables
that received multiple responses, a numerical designator was added to each response so it could
be identified individually. For example, a motorcycle rider may have up to four licenses, the data
elements of which would be named MR091_LICENSETYPE1, MR091_LICENSETYPE2,
The list of data elements provided in this Volume may be searched visually or by using
document/text filters, or for those researchers wishing to work directly with the case data (see
next section of this document, Procedures for Obtaining Electronic Study Files/Data for
instructions on how to access the data), searchable lists in ExcelTM can be obtained and used. By
filtering the data-element names, for example, using the text filters in ExcelTM, one can easily
find the variables of interest, especially in Volumes 3 through 14 of this study.
An example of a search for data elements related to color for both crash and control riders using
text filters in ExcelTM is illustrated in figure 4. Note that the “AND” option and the wild card,
“?,” are used to limit the search to variable names that contain “COLOR,” and MR0 and CR0 are
specified to search only for the MR and CR and variables 01 through 99.
Source: FHWA.
Figure 4. Screen capture. Example of a search for data elements related to color for both
crash and control riders.
All of the data-collection forms are provided in appendix A. A complete list of all data-element
names in Volumes 3 through 13 and in the SAS® and ExcelTM data files is provided in
appendix B.
Instructions for obtaining copies of the data from the MCCS or copies of the final report and
corresponding Volumes are provided on the FHWA MCCS website.(6)
Electronic versions of the data gathered during the MCCS are available to researchers in SAS®
and ExcelTM formats. The complete dataset or selected subsets of the crash and control data
collected during the study are available upon request to FHWA as outlined on the website.(6)
Data from each of the 14 data-collection forms are available in SAS® and ExcelTM formats as
well as metadata files of all variables and how cases were classified for grouping and analysis in
the study. MCCS Volume 2, a coding manual defining all response codes and their
interpretations and meanings, is also available.(6)
1. Day of Week Crash Occurred 6. How Many Other Vehicles Were Involved in the Crash?
(1) Monday (00) none
(2) Tuesday (01) one
(3) Wednesday (02) two
(4) Thursday (03) three
(5) Friday (04) four or more
(6) Saturday (96) noncontact with other vehicle
(7) Sunday (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
2. Time of Day Crash Occurred (99) unknown
24-hour clock 7. How Many Pedestrians Were Involved in the Crash?
3. First Harmful Event for Motorcycle (00) none
(01) one
(01) collision with other motor vehicle (02) two
(02) collision with fixed object (03) three
(03) collision with nonfixed object (04) four or more
(04) collision with pedestrian/cyclist/nonmotorist (97) not applicable
(05) noncollision (98) other (specify)
(98) other event (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown event or object
8. Number of Passengers on the Motorcycle
4. If This Case Is a MC vs. MC, Provide Matching Case
Number (00) none
(01) one
(02) two
5. Presence at Crash Scene (03) three
CODE UP TO FOUR (04) four
(05) five
(06) six
(99) unknown
(00) not on scene 9. Are there Any Fatal Injuries?
(01) nothing present
(02) crash vehicles present (00) no
(03) police present (01) yes
(04) EMS present (99) unknown
(05) motorcycle rider present
(06) motor vehicle driver(s) present
(07) motorcycle passengers present
(08) motor vehicle passengers present
(09) nonmotorists present
(98) other present (specify)
(99) unknown
10. Crash Configuration WEATHER AT TIME OF CRASH
(01) head-on collision of MC and OV 13. Weather Description
(02) OV into MC impact at intersection; both vehicles
proceeding straight ahead, paths perpendicular (01) clear
(03) MC into OV impact at intersection; both vehicles (02) cloudy, partly cloudy
proceeding straight ahead, paths perpendicular (03) overcast
(04) OV turning left in front of MC, MC proceeding in either (04) drizzle, light rain
direction perpendicular to OV path (05) moderate or heavy rain
(05) OV turning right in front of MC, MC proceeding in either (06) snow
direction perpendicular to OV path (07) sleet, freezing rain
(06) MC and OV traveling in opposite directions, OV turns in (08) hail
front of MC, crossing MC path, OV impacting MC (98) other (specify)
(07) MC and OV traveling in opposite directions, OV turns in (99) unknown
front of MC, crossing MC path, MC impacting OV
(08) MC turning left in front of OV, OV proceeding in either 14. Wind Description
direction perpendicular to MC path
(09) MC turning right in front of OV, OV proceeding in either (00) none, calm
direction perpendicular to MC path (01) light
(10) MC overtaking OV while OV turning left (02) moderate
(11) MC overtaking OV while OV turning right (03) strong
(12) OV impacting rear of MC (04) light with gusts
(13) MC impacting rear of OV (05) moderate with gusts
(14) sideswipe, OV and MC traveling in opposite directions (06) strong with gusts
(15) sideswipe, OV and MC traveling in same directions (07) variable
(16) OV making U-turn or Y-turn ahead of MC (98) other (specify)
(17) other MC/OV impacts (99) unknown
(18) MC falling on roadway, no OV involvement
(19) MC running off roadway, no OV involvement 15. Wind Direction With Respect to Motorcycle Path
(20) MC falling on roadway in collision avoidance with OV
(21) MC running off roadway in collision avoidance with OV (00) none, no wind
(22) other MC accidents with no OV or other involvement (01) left crosswind
(23) MC impacting pedestrian or animal (02) headwind
(24) MC impacting environmental object (03) right crosswind
(98) other (specify) (04) tailwind
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
11. Light Conditions
(01) daylight, bright
(02) daylight, not bright
(03) dusk, sundown
(04) night, lighted
(05) night, not lighted
(06) dawn, sunup
(07) night, continuous illumination
(08) night, spot illumination
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
7. Number of Through Lanes 12. Surface Condition
(01–08) number of lanes RESPONSES
(97) not applicable
(99) unknown
8. Lane in Which the Vehicle Was Traveling
(00) none
(01–09) actual lane number (01) dry
(10) right-turn only (02) wet
(11) left-turn only (03) snow
(12) vehicle traveling opposite intended traffic, any lane (04) slush
(13) lane splitting (05) ice/frost
(97) not applicable, vehicle not in a lane (06) water (standing, moving)
(98) other (specify) (07) mud, dirt
(99) unknown (08) sand
(09) gravel
9. Lane Width in Feet/Inches (10) oil
feet inches (11) debris (tire tread, construction materials, tree limbs, etc.)
(01–96) actual number of feet and inches (12) loads dropped from another vehicle
(97-97) not applicable, vehicle not in a lane (98) other (specify)
(99-99) unknown (99) unknown
15. Horizontal Alignment 18. Type of Traffic Control
(01) straight (00) no traffic control (skip to # 22)
(02) curve right (01) yield sign
(03) curve left (02) stop sign
(04) corner right (03) three-way, four-way, all-way stop
(05) corner left (04) traffic control signal
(06) reverse curve right: turn to right, then left, resuming (05) traffic officer
approximate original direction (06) construction personnel
(07) reverse curve left: turn to left, then right, resuming (07) gate, toll gate
approximate original direction (08) pedestrian crossing
(98) other (specify) (09) traffic calming/speed bumps
(99) unknown (10) traffic advisory signage (specify)
16. Horizontal Curve Data (11) traffic warning signage (specify)
Radius of Curvature feet
Chord feet (12) traffic signal, actuated, two-phase
Middle Ordinate feet (13) traffic signal, actuated, multiphase
Superelevation Rate % (14) traffic signal, pre-timed, two-phase
Length of Horizontal Curve feet (15) traffic signal, pre-timed, multiphase
(0000) no curve (16) traffic control signal, midblock pedestrian crossing
(0001–9996) actual curvature (17) flasher red
(9998) other (specify) (18) flasher yellow
(9999) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
19. Was Traffic Control Functioning Properly?
17. Exclusive Turn-Lane Presence and Type of Signal
Phasing (00) no, nonoperational
(01) yes
(00) no exclusive turn lane, no traffic signal (02) operational, but malfunctioning (e.g., signal-turn timing is
(01) no exclusive left-turn lane, permissive LT signal phasing incorrect)
(02) no exclusive left-turn lane, protected/permissive LT signal (97) not applicable, no traffic control
phasing (98) other (specify)
(03) no exclusive right-turn lane, permissive RT signal phasing (99) unknown
(04) no exclusive right-turn lane, protected/permissive RT
signal phasing 20. Traffic Control Visible to Vehicle Operator?
(05) exclusive left-turn lane, protected-only LT signal phasing
with leading green (00) no
(06) exclusive left-turn lane, protected-only LT signal phasing (01) yes
with lagging green (97) not applicable, no traffic control
(07) exclusive left-turn lane, protected/permissive LT signal (98) other (specify)
phasing with separate signal face (99) unknown
(08) exclusive left-turn lane, protected/permissive LT signal
phasing with shared signal face 21. Traffic Control Violated by Vehicle Operator?
(09) exclusive right-turn lane, protected-only RT signal
phasing with leading green (00) no
(10) exclusive right-turn lane, protected-only RT signal (01) yes
phasing with lagging green (97) not applicable, no traffic control
(11) exclusive right-turn lane, protected/permissive RT signal (98) other (specify)
phasing with separate signal face (99) unknown
(12) exclusive right-turn lane, protected/permissive RT signal
phasing with shared signal face 22. Traffic Density at Time of Crash
(13) exclusive turn lane, no traffic signal
(98) other (specify) (00) no other traffic
(99) unknown (01) light traffic
(02) moderate traffic
(03) heavy traffic, traffic moving
(04) heavy traffic, congested roadway
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
23. Visibility Limitation Due to PAVEMENT MARKINGS, LONGITUDINAL
(00) not significantly limited 27. Longitudinal Pavement Markings At the Edge of the
(01) dust Lane Traveled By the Vehicle
(02) smoke Right Side
(03) smog Left Side
(04) fog (00) no markings
(05) precipitation (01) centerline, skip-dash, yellow
(06) glare (02) centerline, solid, yellow
(07) windscreen/visor condition (specify) (03) centerline, solid double, yellow
(04) lane line, skip-dash, white
(08) misaligned/obscured roadside curved mirror (05) lane line, solid, white
(98) other (specify) (06) edge line, left, yellow
(99) unknown (07) edge line, right, white
(08) left-turn lane lines, combination of solid and skip-dash,
24. Direction of Traffic in Lane Adjacent to Vehicle yellow
Right Side (09) turn arrow symbols, thru, left, or combination of the two
Left Side (97) not applicable, no adjacent lane
(00) no adjacent lane (98) other (specify)
(01) same direction (99) unknown
(02) opposite direction
(03) both directions 28. Pavement Markings Material
(04) bike lane Right Side
(97) not applicable Left Side
(98) other (specify) (00) no markings
(99) unknown (01) paint
(02) thermoplastic
25. Parked Vehicle Presence in Lane Adjacent to Vehicle (03) raised markers
Right Side (04) tape
Left Side (97) not applicable, no adjacent lane
(00) no parked vehicles (98) other (specify)
(01) parallel parked vehicles (99) unknown
(02) angle parked vehicles
(03) loading zone, parked vehicles 29. Delineator Presence
(97) not applicable, no adjacent lane Right Side
(98) other (specify) Left Side
(99) unknown (00) no delineator
(01) delineator
26. Shoulder and Sidewalk Presence in Area Adjacent to (97) not applicable, no adjacent lane
Vehicle Lane of Travel (98) other (specify)
Right Side (99) unknown
Left Side
(00) no shoulder or sidewalk 30. Roadside Environment
(01) shoulder (specify) Right Side
(02) sidewalk (specify) Left Side
(03) concrete median (01) level ground, no remarkable features
(98) other (specify) (02) grass, ground cover
(99) unknown (03) shrubbery
(04) dirt, soft soil, sand
(05) gravel preparation
(06) sidewalk
(07) paved or topped surface
(08) trees, posts
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
31. Roadside Fixed Objects WORK ZONE-RELATED
Right Side
Left Side 34. Was This Crash Work-Zone Related?
(00) none
(01) wall, building, tunnel, etc. (00) no (skip to # 37)
(02) ditch or low-lying area (specify) (01) yes
(99) unknown
(03) trees
(04) impact attenuator/crash cushion 35. Location of Crash Within Work Zone
(05) bridge pier or support
(06) bridge rail (01) before the first work-zone warning sign
(07) culvert (specify) (02) advance warning area
(08) curb (specify) (03) transition area
(09) embankment foreslope (specify; slope = 1V:xH) (04) activity area
(05) terminal area
(10) embankment transverse-slope (specify; slope = 1V:xH) (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(11) cut slope, backslope (99) unknown
(12) guardrail
(13) concrete traffic barrier 36. Type of Work Zone
(14) other traffic barrier
(15) utility pole, light support (01) lane closure
(16) traffic sign support (02) lane shift/crossover
(17) other post, pole, or support (03) work on shoulder or median
(18) fence (04) intermittent or moving work
(19) mailbox (97) not applicable
(97) not applicable (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
32. Stationary View Obstructions Along the Operator’s
Line of Sight at Time of Precipitating Event 37. Location of First Harmful Event
(01) on roadway
(02) shoulder
(03) median
(00) none (04) roadside nonmedian
(01) buildings (05) gore area
(02) signs (06) separator (between arterial and frontage road)
(03) vegetation, trees, bushes, walls, vegetation covered fences (07) parking lane or zone
(04) crest vertical curve (08) off roadway, location unknown
(05) blind horizontal curve (09) outside trafficway
(06) stationary or parked vehicles (98) other (specify)
(07) barricades (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown 38. If First Harmful Event Is a Noncollision
33. Mobile View Obstructions Along the Operator’s Line of (01) overturn
Sight at Time of Precipitating Event (02) fire/explosion
(03) immersion
(00) none (04) jackknife
(01) vehicles: automobiles (05) cargo/equipment loss or shift
(02) vehicles: light trucks and vans (06) fell/jumped from motor vehicle
(03) trucks and busses (07) thrown or falling object
(04) vehicles: special purpose equipment, construction, cranes (97) not applicable, event is a collision
(05) farm and/or agricultural equipment (98) other (specify)
(06) people, pedestrians (99) unknown
(07) animals
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
39. If First Harmful Event Is a Collision With Nonfixed 42. Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event
Object Pedestrian 1
Pedestrian 2
(01) motor vehicle in transport Pedestrian 3
(02) railway/light-rail vehicle (00) no pedestrian involvement in precipitating event
(03) pedestrian (01) in crosswalk
(04) pedalcycle (02) jaywalking
(05) motorcycle (03) darting from roadside
(06) animal (04) passenger entering or leaving automobile
(97) not applicable (05) passenger entering or leaving public transportation
(98) other (specify) (06) darting from roadside near school
(99) unknown (07) entering or leaving transportation near school
(97) not applicable, pedestrian not involved in crash
40. If First Harmful Event Is a Collision With a Fixed (98) other (specify)
Object (99) unknown
(01) impact attenuator/crash cushion 43. Location of Pedestrian at Impact
(02) bridge overhead structure Pedestrian 1
(03) bridge pier or support Pedestrian 2
(04) bridge rail Pedestrian 3
(05) culvert (00) pedestrian not impacted
(06) curb (01) in crosswalk
(07) ditch or low-lying area (02) jaywalking
(08) embankment, foreslope (03) darting from roadside
(09) embankment transverse-slope (04) passenger entering or leaving automobile
(10) cut slope, backslope (05) passenger entering or leaving public transportation
(11) guardrail (nonterminal end) (06) darting from roadside near school
(12) guardrail (terminal end) (07) entering or leaving transportation near school
(13) concrete traffic barrier (97) not applicable, no pedestrian involved
(14) other traffic barrier (98) other (specify)
(15) trees (99) unknown
(16) utility pole, light support
(17) traffic sign support 44. Animal Involvement
(18) traffic signal support
(19) other post, pole, or support (00) none (skip to # 46)
(20) fence (01) small dog, less than 20 pounds
(21) mailbox (02) big dog
(22) wall, building, tunnel, etc. (03) cat
(23) parked motor vehicle (04) bird
(24) work-zone equipment (05) cow
(25) paved surface/ground (06) horse
(97) not applicable (07) deer
(98) other (specify) (08) sheep
(99) unknown (09) squirrel
(10) elk
41. Pedestrian Involvement (11) moose
(98) other (specify)
(00) none (skip to # 44) (99) unknown
(01) yes, pedestrian involved in precipitating event
(02) yes, pedestrian involved in collision with motorcycle or 45. Was Animal Struck?
(99) unknown (00) no, animal not struck
(01) yes, animal involved in precipitating event
(02) yes, animal struck by motorcycle, or involved with
(97) not applicable, no animal involved
(99) unknown
(00) no weather-related problem
46. Roadway-Design Factors (01) weather-related problem was the precipitating event
(02) weather-related problem was the primary contributing
(00) no design issue factor
(01) roadway-design issue present but not a contributing (03) weather-related problem was a contributing factor
factor (97) not applicable
(02) roadway-design issue was the precipitating event (98) other (specify)
(03) roadway-design issue was the primary contributing (99) unknown
(04) roadway-design issue was a contributing factor 51. Effect of the Visual Background of the Other Vehicle
(97) not applicable Along this Vehicle Driver’s/Rider’s Line of Sight at
(98) other (specify) Time of Precipitating Event
(99) unknown
(00) visual background of motor vehicle made no contribution
47. Roadway-Maintenance Factors to conspicuity of the vehicle
(01) visual background had a positive effect on vehicle
(00) no maintenance issue conspicuity, vehicle was more noticeable
(01) roadway-maintenance issue present, but not a contributing (02) visual background had a negative effect on vehicle
factor conspicuity, vehicle was less noticeable
(02) roadway-maintenance issue was the precipitating event (03) no other vehicle involved in crash
(03) roadway-maintenance issue was the primary contributing (97) not applicable, view obstructed by foreground
factor (98) other (specify)
(04) roadway-maintenance issue was a contributing factor (99) unknown
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
5. Weather-Related Problem
(00) weather-related problem made no contribution to crash
(01) weather-related problem was the primary pre-crash factor
(02) weather-related problem was a contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no weather-related problem
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
9. MC Tire-Inflation Pressure 13. Crash Causation Related to MC Cornering
Rear (00) cornering clearance made no contribution to crash causation
(01) tire apparently sustained complete deflation during crash (01) exhaust system grounded out first
events (02) foot pegs, foot rests grounded out first
(02) tire inflation within 15 percent of recommended pressure post- (03) side stand not retracted, grounded out first
crash (04) side stand retracted but grounded out first
(03) tire inflation between 16 and 39 percent of recommended (05) center stand grounded out first
pressure post-crash (06) accessory or cargo grounded out first
(04) tire grossly underinflated, greater than 40 percent below (07) saddle bag/luggage carrier grounded out first
recommended pressure post-crash (08) accessory or cargo limited ground clearance
(05) tire grossly overinflated, greater than 40 percent above (09) passenger weight or extremities limited ground clearance
recommended pressure post-crash (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
14. Crash or Injury Causation Related to MC Seat
10. Crash Causation Related to MC’s Front Tire or Wheel
Condition (00) seat made no contribution to crash causation
(01) seat came loose, distracted rider and contributed to crash
(00) no wheel or tire condition related rear to crash causation causation
(01) tire puncture flat caused loss of control (02) seat came loose, caused rider loss of control, and contributed
(02) tire beads unseated and caused loss of control to crash causation
(03) gross underinflation contributed to loss of tire traction and (03) seat cover material slippery, caused rider displacement and
caused loss of control loss of control
(04) gross overinflation caused loss of traction and caused loss of (04) seat cover treated with slippery preservative, which
control contributed to crash causation
(05) gross error of inflation contributed to stability problem and (05) seat cover and cushion severely deteriorated, which
caused loss of control contributed to crash causation
(06) massive loss of inflation due to valve failure (98) other seat condition that contributed to crash causation
(98) other (specify) (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
11. Crash Causation Related to MC Suspension 15. Crash/Injury Causation Related to MC Gas-Tank
Condition Design/Orientation
(00) suspension condition made no contribution to crash causation (00) gas tank made no contribution to crash or injury causation
(01) deteriorated suspension caused control distress, limiting (01) gas tank came loose, distracted rider and contributed to crash
collision avoidance causation
(02) deteriorated suspension caused unstable dynamics, resulting in (02) gas tank design affected the rider’s post-crash trajectory
a loss of control (03) gas tank design contributed to rider’s pelvic injuries
(97) not applicable, rigid suspension (98) other gas tank condition that contributed to crash or injury
(98) other (specify) causation (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
12. Crash Causation Related to MC Frame 16. Crash Causation Related to MC Drive-Chain, Belt, or Shaft
Condition Condition
(00) frame condition made no contribution to crash causation (00) drive chain, belt or shaft condition made no contribution to
(01) cracked or broken frame caused loss of control crash causation
(02) loose motor-transmission mounting bolts or screws caused (01) chain or belt broken or derailed, drive failure related to crash
loss of control causation
(03) general frame deterioration caused uncontrolled dynamic (98) other (specify)
response (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
17. Crash or Injury Causation Related to MC Exhaust-System MOTORCYCLIST HUMAN PERFORMANCE
(00) exhaust system made no contribution to crash or injury 21. Rider Unsafe Acts in This Crash
causation ____ ____
(01) hot exhaust system caused contact burns resulting in control (00) no unsafe acts
loss (01) major unsafe act; likely to cause crash
(02) hot exhaust system components were fire ignition source, (02) moderate unsafe act; likely to cause traffic conflict
resulting in control loss (03) minor unsafe act; possible to cause traffic conflict, indicator
(03) exhaust system noise prevented motorcyclist from hearing of unsafe condition
critical traffic sounds (98) other (specify)
(04) exhaust system noise caused motorcyclist fatigue and (99) unknown
inattention (as claimed by rider)
(97) not applicable, no exhaust system 22. Did MC Rider’s Attention Failure/Distraction or Stress
(98) other (specify) Contribute to Crash Causation?
(99) unknown
(00) attention failure/distraction/stress present but did not
18. Motorcycle-Vehicle Failure, Crash Causation–Related contribute to crash causation
Defect (01) attention failure/distraction/stress contributed to crash
(00) no motorcycle vehicle failure (97) not applicable, no attention failure/distraction/stress
(01) tire or wheel failure (99) unknown
(02) brake failure
(03) steering failure 23. Did MC Rider’s Lane Choice Contribute to Crash
(04) power transmission failure Causation?
(05) electrical failure
(06) suspension failure (00) lane choice made no contribution to crash causation
(07) vehicle structural failure, other than suspension, tire, or wheel (01) lane choice contributed to crash causation
(98) other (specify) (97) not applicable, no lane choice
(99) unknown (99) unknown
19. Was MC Pre-Crash Fire Cause of Crash? 24. Did MC Rider’s Traffic Scan Contribute to Crash
(00) pre-crash fire was present and it was not the cause of the crash
(01) yes, pre-crash fire was present and it was the cause of the (00) traffic scan made no contribution to crash causation
crash (01) traffic scanning error contributed to crash cause
(97) not applicable, no pre-crash fire (97) not applicable, no traffic present to scan
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown if traffic scan was proper, or unknown if traffic scan
(99) unknown
25. Did MC Rider’s Visual Obstructions Contribute to Crash
20. Did MC Cargo/Luggage Contribute to Crash Causation?
(00) view obstructions were present but did not contribute to crash
(00) cargo/luggage was present, but made no contribution to crash causation
causation (01) view obstructions were present and contributed to crash
(01) cargo/luggage came loose, caused rider loss of control and causation
contributed to crash causation (97) not applicable, no view obstructions
(02) cargo/luggage interfered with controls, caused loss of control (99) unknown if view obstructions were present, or unknown if
and contributed to crash causation view obstruction contributed to crash
(03) cargo/luggage interfered with controls, prevented successful
collision avoidance action 26. Did MC Rider’s Hazard-Detection Failure Contribute to
(04) cargo/luggage entrapped in rear suspension or wheel and Crash Causation?
contributed to crash causation
(05) cargo/luggage entrapped in front suspension or wheel and (00) temporary traffic obstruction present but did not contribute to
contributed to crash causation crash causation
(06) cargo/luggage against motor and exhaust system, heat damage (01) temporary traffic obstruction present and contributed to crash
or fire caused rider distraction and contributed to crash causation
causation (97) not applicable, no temporary traffic obstruction
(07) cargo/luggage container began to spill contents, distracted (99) unknown if temporary traffic obstruction present, or unknown
rider and contributed to crash causation if obstruction contributed to crash causation
(97) not applicable, no cargo/luggage
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
27. Did MC Rider’s Faulty Traffic Strategy Contribute to 32. Did Motorcyclist’s Skills Deficiency Contribute to Crash
Crash Causation? Causation?
(00) traffic strategy made no contribution to crash causation (00) skills deficiency present, but not a contributing factor
(01) traffic strategy contributed to crash causation (01) skills deficiency present as a contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no other traffic present (97) not applicable, no evidence of skills deficiency
(99) unknown if strategy was faulty, or unknown if faulty strategy (99) unknown
contributed to crash causation
33. Did Motorcyclist’s Vehicle-Handling Unfamiliarity
POST-CRASH Contribute to Crash Causation?
28. Did Motorcycle Speed as Compared to Surrounding Traffic (00) no, vehicle handling unfamiliarity present, but not a
Contribute to Crash Causation? contributing factor
(01) yes, vehicle handling unfamiliarity present as a contributing
(00) speed was unusual or unexpected but made no contribution to factor
crash causation (97) not applicable, no evidence of vehicle unfamiliarity
(01) slow or exceedingly high speed difference caused or (99) unknown
contributed to crash causation
(97) no unusual speed or no surrounding traffic 34. Did Motorcyclist’s Control Operations Interfere With
(99) unknown if speed was appropriate, or unknown if improper Driving Tasks?
speed contributed to crash causation
(00) no interference
29. Did Motorcycle’s Position With Respect to Other Traffic (01) yes, directed attention away from traffic conflict
Contribute to Crash Causation? (02) yes, directed attention away from temporary traffic
(00) no, position relative to other traffic made no contribution to (03) yes, directed attention away from traffic controls
crash causation (97) not applicable, no control operation immediately prior to the
(01) yes, position relative to other traffic contributed to crash crash
causation (98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable, no other traffic (99) unknown
(99) position relative to other traffic not known, or unknown if
relative position contributed to crash causation 35. Did Motorcyclist Fail to Avoid the Crash
Due to:
30. Was There a Motorcyclist’s Loss of Control That
Contributed to Crash Causation? (00) no failure by the motorcyclist
(01) potential hazard detection failure
(00) no loss of control (02) impairment resulted in potential hazard detection failure
(01) ran wide on turn, ran off road, under cornering (03) incorrect reaction to potential hazard
(02) lost wheelie (04) incorrect action due to impairment
(03) low speed wobble (05) potential hazard detected, reaction time failure
(04) high speed wobble (06) potential hazard detected, reaction time failure due to
(05) weave, no pitch impairment
(06) pitch weave, low speed (98) other (specify)
(07) pitch weave, high speed cornering (99) unknown
(08) end-over, endo, reverse wheelie
(09) over braking/slide out 36. Was Evasive Action the Proper Choice for the Situation?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) no, evasive action was not the proper choice for the situation
(01) yes, evasive action was the proper choice for the situation
31. Did Motorcyclist’s Control Unfamiliarity Contribute to (97) not applicable, no evasive action
Crash Causation? (99) unknown
(00) control unfamiliarity present, but not a contributing factor
(01) yes, evidence of control unfamiliarity as a contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no evidence of control unfamiliarity
(99) unknown
(00) no, evasive action was not properly executed 42. Did Motorcyclist’s Aggressive Attitude Contribute to Crash
(01) yes, evasive action was properly executed Causation?
(97) not applicable, no evasive action
(98) other (specify) (00) aggressive attitude present but not a cause or contributing
(99) unknown if evasive action was taken or if evasive action was factor
properly executed (01) yes, aggressive attitude contributed to crash causation
(97) not applicable, no aggressive attitude observed
38. Motorcyclist Failed Collision Avoidance Due (99) unknown
43. Did a Situation Incompatibility Contribute to Crash
(00) no avoidance or evasive action failure Causation?
(01) decision failure, wrong choice of evasive action
(02) reaction failure, poor execution of evasive action
(00) situation incompatibility present but did not contribute to
(03) inadequate time available to complete avoidance action crash causation
(04) loss of control in attempting collision avoidance (01) situation incompatibility contributed to crash causation
(98) other (specify) (97) not applicable, no situation incompatibility present
(99) unknown if there was a collision avoidance or unknown cause (99) unknown
for failed collision avoidance
44. Did Motorcyclist’s Compensation Failure Contribute to
39. Did Motorcyclist Experience Language Barriers or
(00) compensation failure present but not a contributing factor in
Difficulty With Sign Comprehension?
crash causation
(01) compensation failure did contribute to crash causation
(00) language problems, sign comprehension problems present but (97) not applicable, no compensation failure
did not contribute to crash causation (99) unknown
(01) language problems or sign comprehension was contributing
(97) not applicable, no language distress or sign comprehension
problem present 45. Did Motorcyclist’s Unsafe Act Contribute to Crash
(98) other (specify) Causation?
(99) unknown
(00) unsafe act occurred but did not contribute to crash causation
40. Did Motorcyclist’s Traffic-Knowledge Deficiency (01) yes, unsafe act contributed to crash causation
Contribute to Crash Causation? (97) not applicable, no unsafe act
(99) unknown
(00) traffic knowledge deficiency present but did not contribute to
crash causation 46. Did Motorcyclist’s Alcohol/Drug Involvement Contribute
(01) traffic knowledge deficiency contributed to crash causation to Crash Causation?
(97) not applicable, no evidence of deficiency in traffic knowledge
or strategy (00) alcohol/drug involvement present but did not contribute to
(99) unknown crash causation
(01) yes, alcohol/drug involvement contributed to crash causation
41. Did Motorcyclist’s Vehicle Control–Skill Deficiency (97) not applicable, no alcohol/drug involvement
Contribute to Crash Causation? (99) unknown
(00) vehicle control skill deficiency present but did not contribute 47. Were Motorcyclist’s Previous Recorded Violations Related
to crash causation to Current-Crash Contributions?
(01) inadequate vehicle control skills contributed to crash
causation (00) unrelated violations on record
(97) not applicable, no evidence of vehicle control skill deficiency (01) record of violations for actions similar to those in crash
(99) unknown (97) not applicable, no violations on record
(99) unknown
48. Were Motorcyclist’s Previous Crashes Related to Current- 53. Did Eye Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury?
Crash Contributions?
(00) eyewear present, but had no effect on injury prevention
(00) previous crashes present but are unrelated to this crash (01) yes, eyewear present and reduced injury
(01) record of previous crashes similar to this crash (02) yes, eyewear present and prevented injury
(97) not applicable, no previous crashes (03) no injury producing contact in region of eyewear
(99) unknown (04) eyewear not present and injury occurred
(97) not applicable, no eyewear coverage
EQUIPMENT (99) unknown
58. If Helmet Was Ejected During Crash, What Was the MOTORCYCLE PASSENGERS
If No MC Passenger, Skip to # 70
(00) helmet not ejected 62. Did MC Passenger Contribute to Crash Causation?
(01) ejected due to loose fastening
(02) ejected due to too large helmet, poor fit
(00) passenger present but did not contribute to crash causation
(03) ejected due to retention system failure
(01) yes, passenger lost hold and caused rider loss of control
(04) ejection due to helmet shell failure
(02) passenger fell from motorcycle and contributed to crash
(05) ejection due to helmet impact damage
(06) ejection due to facial injury (i.e., jaw bone)
(03) passenger interfered with motorcycle balance, caused rider
(07) ejection due to roll-off, defective helmet design
loss of control
(97) not applicable, no helmet
(04) passenger interfered with motorcycle controls and contributed
(98) other (specify) to crash causation
(99) unknown (05) passenger lower extremities entrapped in rear suspension or
wheel and contributed to crash causation
EFFECT OF APPAREL ON CRASH CAUSATION (06) passenger action distracted motorcycle rider and contributed
to crash causation
59. Conspicuity Contribution (97) not applicable, no passenger
(98) other passenger action that contributed to crash causation
(00) no apparent contribution of upper or lower torso garment (specify)
(01) bright color upper and lower torso garment enhanced (99) unknown
(02) bright upper torso garment enhanced conspicuity 63. Effect of Rider/Passenger Interaction on Injury Causation
(03) dull or dark upper and lower torso garment decreased CODE UP TO TWO RESPONSES
(04) dull or dark upper torso garment decreased conspicuity
(97) not applicable, no apparel worn or no OV involvement
(00) passenger present but no interaction between rider and
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(01) rider/passenger interaction increased rider injuries
(02) rider/passenger interaction decreased rider injuries
60. Did Apparel Contribute to Comfort, Fatigue, or Attention?
(03) rider/passenger interaction increased passenger injuries
(04) rider/passenger interaction decreased passenger injuries
(00) apparel made no apparent contribution to comfort, fatigue or (05) rider/passenger interaction had no effect on either rider or
attention passenger injuries
(01) apparel protected rider from adverse weather, reduced fatigue (97) not applicable, no passenger
and preserved attention (99) unknown
(02) apparel uncomfortable, contributed to fatigue and inattention
(03) apparel very uncomfortable, distracted rider from driving 64. Did MC Passenger’s Upper-Extremities and Upper-Torso
tasks Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury?
(97) no apparel worn
(98) other (specify) (00) equipment present, but had no effect on injury prevention
(99) unknown (01) yes, equipment present and reduced injury
(02) yes, equipment present and prevented injury
61. Did Apparel Contribute to Control Interference? (03) no injury producing contact in region, of equipment
(04) equipment not present and injury occurred
(00) apparel did not interfere with motorcycle controls (97) not applicable, no upper torso/extremity coverage
(01) apparel interfered with motorcycle control, caused distraction (98) other (specify)
from traffic (99) unknown
(02) apparel interfered with control, caused loss of control and
(97) no apparel worn
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
65. Did MC Passenger’s Lower-Extremities and Lower-Torso OTHER-VEHICLE FACTORS
Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury?
70. Other-Vehicle Number
(00) equipment present, but had no effect on injury prevention
(01) yes, equipment present and reduced injury (00) no other vehicle involved in crash (skip to # 105)
(02) yes, equipment present and prevented injury (01–09) other-vehicle number
(03) no injury producing contact in region of equipment
(04) equipment not present and injury occurred 71. Other-Vehicle Roadway Design Issue
(97) not applicable, no lower torso/extremity coverage
(98) other (specify) (00) roadway design issue present but not a contributing factor
(99) unknown (01) roadway design issue was the primary pre-crash factor
(02) roadway design issue was a contributing factor
66. Did MC Passenger’s Footwear Reduce or Prevent Injury? (97) not applicable, no roadway design issue
(98) other (specify)
(00) footwear present, but had no effect on injury prevention (99) unknown
(01) yes, footwear present and reduced injury
(02) yes, footwear present and prevented injury 72. Other-Vehicle Roadway Maintenance Issue
(03) no injury producing contact in region of footwear
(04) footwear not present and injury occurred (00) roadway maintenance issue present but not a contributing
(97) not applicable, no footwear coverage factor
(98) other (specify) (01) roadway maintenance issue was the primary pre-crash factor
(99) unknown (02) roadway maintenance issue was a contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no roadway maintenance issue
67. Did MC Passenger’s Gloves Reduce or Prevent Injury? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) gloves present, but had no effect on injury prevention
(01) yes, gloves present and reduced injury 73. Other-Vehicle Traffic Controls Issue or Malfunction
(02) yes, gloves present and prevented injury
(03) no injury producing contact in region of gloves (00) traffic controls issue or malfunction present, but not a
(04) gloves not present and injury occurred contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no gloves (01) traffic controls issue or malfunction was the primary pre-crash
(98) other (specify) factor
(99) unknown (02) traffic controls issue or malfunction was a contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no traffic control issue or malfunction
68. Did MC Passenger’s Eye Coverage Reduce or Prevent (98) other (specify)
Injury? (99) unknown
(00) eyewear present, but had no effect on injury prevention 74. Other-Vehicle Temporary Traffic Obstruction Including
(01) yes, eyewear present and reduced injury Construction?
(02) yes, eyewear present and prevented injury
(03) no injury producing contact in region, of eyewear (00) temporary traffic obstruction present but not a contributing
(04) eyewear not present and injury occurred factor
(97) not applicable, no eyewear coverage (01) temporary traffic obstruction was the primary pre-crash factor
(98) other (specify) (02) temporary traffic obstruction was a contributing factor
(99) unknown (97) not applicable, no temporary traffic obstruction
(98) other (specify)
69. Did MC Passenger’s Helmet Reduce or Prevent Injury? (99) unknown
(00) helmet worn but injury occurred to head 75. Other-Vehicle Weather-Related Problem
(01) helmet worn, but no effect on head injury
(02) yes, equipment present and reduced injury (00) weather-related problem present, but made no contribution to
(03) yes, equipment present and prevented injury crash causation
(04) no injury producing contact in region (01) weather-related problem was the primary pre-crash factor
(97) not applicable, no helmet present (02) weather-related problem was a contributing factor
(98) other (specify) (97) not applicable, no weather-related problem
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
76. Visual Background of Motorcycle Along OV Driver’s Line 80. Did OV Driver’s Lane Choice Contribute to Crash
of Sight Prior to Crash Causation?
(00) visual background of motorcycle made no contribution to (00) no, lane choice made no contribution to crash causation
conspicuity of motorcycle (01) yes, lane choice contributed to crash causation
(01) visual background of motorcycle made motorcycle more (97) not applicable, no lane choice
noticeable (99) unknown
(02) visual background of motorcycle had negative effect on
vehicle conspicuity, motorcycle was less noticeable 81. Did OV Driver’s Traffic Scan Contribute to Crash
(97) not applicable, no OV involved Causation?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) traffic scan made no contribution to crash causation
(01) traffic scanning error contributed to crash cause
77. Other-Vehicle Failure, Crash Cause–Related Defect (97) not applicable, no traffic present to scan
(99) unknown if traffic scan was proper, or unknown if traffic scan
(00) OV present but had no apparent defects or failure
(01) OV failure present but made no contribution to crash 82. Did OV Driver’s Visual Obstructions Contribute to Crash
causation Causation?
(02) OV tire or wheel failure contributed to crash causation
(03) OV brake failure contributed to crash causation (00) view obstructions were present but did not contribute to crash
(04) OV steering failure contributed to crash causation causation
(05) OV power transmission failure contributed to crash causation (01) view obstructions were present and contributed to crash
(06) OV electrical failure contributed to crash causation causation
(07) OV suspension failure contributed to crash causation (97) not applicable, no view obstructions
(08) OV structural failure, other than suspension, tire, or wheel (99) unknown if view obstructions were present, or unknown if
contributed to crash causation view obstruction contributed to crash
(97) not applicable, no OV involved
(98) other (specify) 83. Did OV Driver’s Hazard-Detection Failure Contribute to
(99) unknown Crash Causation?
78. Did Other-Vehicle Passengers Contribute to Crash (00) no, temporary traffic obstruction present but did not contribute
Causation? to crash causation
(01) yes, temporary traffic obstruction present and contributed to
(00) passenger(s) present but they made no contribution to crash crash causation
causation (97) not applicable, no temporary traffic obstruction
(01) passenger activities distracted driver and contributed to crash (99) unknown if temporary traffic obstruction present, or unknown
causation if obstruction contributed to crash causation
(02) passenger interfered with vehicle control and contributed to
crash causation 84. Did OV Driver’s Faulty Traffic Strategy Contribute to
(03) no passengers Crash Causation?
(97) not applicable, no OV involved
(98) OV passenger action that contributed to crash causation (00) traffic strategy made no contribution to crash causation
(specify) (01) traffic strategy contributed to crash causation
(99) unknown (97) not applicable, no other traffic present
(99) unknown if strategy was faulty, or unknown if faulty strategy
contributed to crash causation
79. Did OV Driver’s Attention Failure/Distraction or Stress
Contribute to Crash Causation?
85. Did OV’s Speed as Compared to Surrounding Traffic
Contribute to Crash Causation?
(00) attention failure/distraction/stress present but did not
contribute to crash causation
(00) no, speed was slow or exceedingly high but made no
(01) attention failure/distraction/stress contributed to crash contribution to crash causation
causation (01) yes, slow or exceedingly high speed difference caused or
(97) not applicable, no attention failure/distraction/stress
contributed to crash causation
(99) unknown
(97) no unusual speed or no surrounding traffic
(99) unknown if speed was appropriate, or unknown if improper
speed contributed to crash causation
86. Did OV’s Position With Respect to Other Traffic 92. Was Evasive Action the Proper Choice for the Situation?
Contribute to Crash Causation?
(00) no, evasive action was not the proper choice for the situation
(00) no, position relative to other traffic made no contribution to (01) yes, evasive action was the proper choice for the situation
crash causation (97) not applicable, no evasive action
(01) yes, position relative to other traffic contributed to crash (99) unknown
(97) not applicable, no other traffic 93. Was the Action Properly Executed?
(99) position relative to other traffic not known, or unknown if
relative position contributed to crash causation (00) no, evasive action was not properly executed
(01) yes, evasive action was properly executed
87. Did OV Driver’s Control Unfamiliarity Contribute to (97) not applicable, no evasive action
Crash Causation? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown if evasive action was taken or if evasive action was
(00) control unfamiliarity present, but not a contributing factor properly executed
(01) yes, evidence of control unfamiliarity as a contributing factor
(97) not applicable, no evidence of control unfamiliarity 94. OV Driver Failed Collision Avoidance Due to:
(99) unknown
(00) no avoidance or evasive action failure
88. Did OV Driver’s Skills Deficiency Contribute to Crash (01) decision failure, wrong choice of evasive action
Causation? (02) reaction failure, poor execution of evasive action
(03) inadequate time available to complete avoidance action
(00) skills deficiency present, but not a contributing factor (04) loss of control in attempting collision avoidance
(01) skills deficiency present as a contributing factor (98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable, no evidence of skills deficiency (99) unknown if there was a collision avoidance or unknown cause
(99) unknown for failed collision avoidance
89. Did OV Driver’s Vehicle-Handling Unfamiliarity 95. Did OV Driver Experience Language Barriers or Difficulty
Contribute to Crash Causation? With Sign Comprehension?
(00) vehicle handling unfamiliarity present, but not a contributing (00) language problems, sign comprehension problems present but
factor did not contribute to crash causation
(01) vehicle handling unfamiliarity present as a contributing factor (01) language problems or sign comprehension was a contributing
(97) not applicable, no evidence of vehicle unfamiliarity cause factor
(99) unknown (97) not applicable, no language barrier or sign comprehension
problem present
90. Did OV Driver’s Control Operations Interfere With (98) other (specify)
Driving Tasks? (99) unknown
(00) no interference 96. Did OV Driver’s Traffic-Knowledge Deficiency Contribute
(01) yes, directed attention away from traffic conflict to Crash Causation?
(02) yes, directed attention away from temporary traffic
obstruction (00) traffic knowledge deficiency present but did not contribute to
(03) yes, directed attention away from traffic controls crash causation
(97) not applicable, no control operation immediately prior to the (01) traffic knowledge deficiency contributed to crash causation
crash (97) not applicable, no evidence of deficiency in traffic knowledge
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
97. Did OV Driver’s Vehicle Control–Skill Deficiency
91. Did OV Driver Fail to Avoid Crash Due to: Contribute to Crash Causation?
(00) no failure by the other-vehicle driver (00) vehicle control skill deficiency present but did not contribute
(01) potential hazard detection failure to crash causation
(02) impairment resulted in potential hazard detection failure (01) inadequate vehicle control skills contributed to crash
(03) incorrect reaction to potential hazard causation
(04) incorrect action due to impairment (97) not applicable, no evidence of vehicle control skill deficiency
(05) potential hazard detected, reaction time failure (99) unknown
(06) potential hazard detected, reaction time failure due to
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
98. Did OV Driver’s Aggressive Attitude Contribute to Crash SUMMARY
105. Primary Crash–Contributing Factor
(00) aggressive attitude present but not a cause or contributing
factor (01) motorcycle rider perception failure
(01) yes, aggressive attitude contributed to crash causation (02) motorcycle rider comprehension failure
(97) not applicable, no aggressive attitude observed (03) motorcycle rider decision failure
(99) unknown (04) motorcycle rider reaction failure
(05) OV driver perception failure
99. Did Situation Incompatibility Contribute to Crash (06) OV driver comprehension failure
Causation? (07) OV driver decision failure
(08) OV driver reaction failure
(00) situation incompatibility present but did not contribute to (09) motorcycle failure, including mechanical failure and defect
crash causation (10) pre-existing motorcycle maintenance–related problem
(01) situation incompatibility contributed to crash causation (11) OV failure, including mechanical failure and defect
(97) not applicable, no situation incompatibility present (12) pre-existing other-vehicle-maintenance-related problem
(99) unknown (13) roadway design defect
(14) roadway maintenance defect
100. Did OV Driver’s Compensation Failure Contribute to (15) traffic control problem, temporary traffic obstruction
Crash Causation? (16) view obstruction, mobile or stationary
(17) roadside environment factor, including animal and pedestrian
(00) compensation failure present but not a contributing factor in
(18) adverse weather
crash causation
(19) another vehicle, not involved in the collision, but made some
(01) compensation failure did contribute to crash causation
maneuver which might have been a primary contributing
(97) not applicable, no compensation failure
factor or contributing factor
(99) unknown
(20) other-vehicle, post-crash motions from immediate prior
(21) OV avoiding a different collision
101. Did OV Driver’s Unsafe Act Contribute to Crash
(22) motorcycle avoiding a different collision
(23) motorcycle rider failure, unknown type
(24) OV driver failure, unknown type
(00) unsafe act occurred but did not contribute to crash causation
(98) other (specify)
(01) yes, unsafe act contributed to crash causation
(99) unknown
(97) not applicable, no unsafe act
(99) unknown
106. Crash Contributing Factors (14) roadway maintenance defect
CODE UP TO THREE; PUT CONTRIBUTING-FACTOR CODE (15) traffic control problem, temporary traffic obstruction
IN FIRST TWO SPACES AND THE CONFIDENCE LEVEL IN (16) view obstruction, mobile or stationary
THE THIRD SPACE (17) roadside environment factor, including animal and pedestrian
(18) adverse weather
(19) another vehicle, not involved in the collision, but made some
Confidence Level maneuver which might have been a primary contributing
(A) definite contributing factor (95-percent confidence level) factor or contributing factor
(B) probable contributing factor (80-percent confidence level) (20) OV post-crash motions from immediate prior collision
(C) possible contributing factor (less than 80-percent confidence (21) OV avoiding a different collision
level) (22) motorcycle avoiding a different collision
(23) motorcycle rider failure, unknown type
Contributing Factor (24) OV driver failure, unknown type
(01) motorcycle rider perception failure (25) motorcycle rider physical or physiological failure (heart
(02) motorcycle rider comprehension failure attack, seizure, etc.)
(03) motorcycle rider decision failure (26) motorcycle rider drug and/or alcohol involvement
(04) motorcycle rider reaction failure (27) motorcycle rider experience or exposure to similar situations
(05) OV driver perception failure (28) motorcycle rider conflicting behaviors or pre-occupation
(06) OV driver comprehension failure (29) motorcycle rider unsafe acts or risk taking behavior
(07) OV driver decision failure (30) OV driver physical or physiological failure (heart attack,
(08) OV driver reaction failure seizure, etc.)
(09) motorcycle failure, including mechanical failure and defect (31) OV driver drug and/or alcohol involvement
(10) pre-existing motorcycle maintenance–related problem (32) OV driver experience or exposure to similar situations
(11) OV failure, including mechanical failure and defect (33) OV driver conflicting behaviors or pre-occupation
(12) pre-existing other-vehicle-maintenance-related problem (34) OV driver unsafe acts or risk taking behavior
(13) roadway design defect (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Use this diagram to aid in relating interview crash-trajectory data to identifiable objects in the
PRE-CRASH DATA 3. Were Your Motorcycle Brakes Functioning Before the
1. How Were You Operating Your Motorcycle Immediately
Prior to the Crash? (00) no
(01) yes
(00) stopped in traffic, speed was zero (98) other (specify)
(01) moving in a straight line, constant speed (99) unknown
(02) moving in a straight line, throttle off
(03) moving in a straight line, braking 4. Did You Have Your Hands/Fingers Positioned on the
(04) moving in a straight line, accelerating Front Brake Prior to the Crash Event?
(05) turning right, constant speed
(06) turning right, throttle off (00) no
(07) turning right, braking (01) yes
(08) turning right, accelerating (97) not applicable, no front brake or brake lever
(09) turning left, constant speed (98) other (specify) _
(10) turning left, throttle off (99) unknown
(11) turning left, braking
(12) turning left, accelerating 5. In Which Lane Were You Traveling Just Before the
(13) stopped at roadside or parked Precipitating Event?
(14) backing up in a straight line
(15) backing up, steering left (01) lane one (right curb lane)
(16) backing up, steering right (02) lane two
(17) making a right U-turn (03) lane three
(18) making a left U-turn (04) lane four
(19) making a right Y-turn (05) designated right-turn lane
(20) making a left Y-turn (06) designated left-turn lane
(21) changing lanes to left (07) lane splitting
(22) changing lanes to right (08) wrong way in opposing traffic
(23) merging to left (97) not applicable, not in a travel lane
(24) merging to right (98) other (specify)
(25) entering traffic from right shoulder, median, or parked (99) unknown
(26) entering traffic from left shoulder, median, or parked
(27) leaving traffic, turn out to right 6. What Was Your Travel Speed Just Before the
(28) leaving traffic, turn out to left Precipitating Event?
(29) passing maneuver, passing on right
(30) passing maneuver, passing on left (00) stopped
(31) crossing opposing lanes of traffic (01–95) actual miles per hour
(32) traveling wrong way, against opposing traffic (96) 96 mph or greater
(33) stripe-riding, filtering forward between lanes, longitudinal (98) other (specify)
motion only (99) unknown
(34) filtering forward between lanes, lateral motion only
(35) filtering forward between lanes, both longitudinal and 7. What Were the Lateral Movements of Your Motorcycle
lateral motion Immediately Before Impact?
(36) collision-avoidance maneuver to avoid a different collision
(37) negotiating a curve, constant speed (00) no movement/avoidance
(38) negotiating a curve, throttle off (01) lane departure, left side
(39) negotiating a curve, braking (02) lane return, left side
(40) negotiating a curve, accelerating (03) lane departure, right side
(97) not applicable (04) lane return, right side
(98) other (specify) (05) road departure, left side
(99) unknown (06) road return, left side
(07) road departure, right side
2. Where Were You Looking at the Start of the Crash (08) road return, right side
Sequence? (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(01) looking straight ahead (99) unknown
(02) looking right
(03) looking left
(04) looking rearward
(05) looking at own motorcycle
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
8. What Collision-Avoidance Actions Were You Taking RECOGNITION OR DECISION
(If Any)?
CODE UP TO FOUR If Not a Multivehicle Crash, Code 97 for # 11 Through 13
11. Where Was the Other Vehicle Coming From in Relation
to You?
(00) no avoidance actions (01) 180 degrees opposed (oncoming)
(01) braking (02) from left front
(02) downshifting (03) from left
(03) releasing brakes (04) from left rear
(04) steering left (05) from right front
(05) steering right (06) from right
(06) accelerating (07) from right rear
(07) laid the bike down (08) from behind
(08) use of horn (09) directly in front
(09) flashing headlamp (97) not applicable, no other vehicle
(10) drag feet (98) other (specify)
(11) jump or bail out (99) unknown
(12) disengaged clutch
(98) other (specify) 12. Was Your Line of Sight to the Other Vehicle
(99) unknown Clear?
9. Did You Lose Control of the Motorcycle? (01) yes, clear
(02) no, view obstructed by road curvature
(00) no loss of control (skip to # 11) (03) no, view obstructed by roadway grade
(01) capsized or fell over (04) no, view obstructed by roadside objects (e.g., shrubs,
(02) braking slide out, low side vehicles, buildings)
(03) braking slide out, high side (05) other vehicle in blind spot of mirror
(04) cornering slide out, low side (08) obscured by traffic
(05) cornering slide out, high side (97) not applicable, no other vehicle
(06) ran wide on turn, ran off road (98) other (specify)
(07) lost wheelie (99) unknown
(08) low-speed wobble
(09) high-speed wobble 13. Was Your View to the Other Vehicle
(10) weave, no pitch Obscured?
(11) pitch weave, low speed
(12) pitch weave, high-speed cornering (00) no, not obscured
(13) end over, flying W (01) yes, obscured by sun glare
(14) continuation, no control actions (02) yes, obscured by headlight glare
(15) lost stoppie (03) yes, obscured by other glare (specify)
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) (04) yes, obscured by darkness
(99) unknown (05) yes, obscured by nighttime and color of vehicle
(06) obscured by dust, smoke, smog, or fog
10. Was there Any Control Loss Due to Weather, Roadway, (07) obscured by condition of windscreen or eyewear (dirt,
or Mechanical Problems? condensation, etc.)
(97) not applicable
(00) no control loss due to weather, roadway, or mechanical (98) other (specify)
problems (99) unknown
(01) yes, control loss due to weather
(02) yes, control loss due to mechanical problems
(03) yes, control loss due to both weather and mechanical
(04) yes, control loss due to roadway problems
(05) yes, control loss due to roadway and weather problems
(06) yes, control loss due to roadway and mechanical problems
(07) yes, control loss due to all three
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
14. What Was Your Position on the Motorcycle at the Time 16. Where Did Your Trip Begin Today?
of the Collision?
(01) home
(00) not on motorcycle (02) work, business
(01) normal seating position (03) recreation/social
(02) standing on footrests, foot pegs (04) school
(03) seated, head down (05) errand, shopping
(04) shoulder check, left (06) family, friends, relatives
(05) shoulder check, right (07) meals, restaurant, café, etc.
(06) dismounting, jumping to side (08) transport someone
(07) dismounting, jumping upward (09) medical/dental
(08) dragging feet, foot down (10) bar/pub
(09) abnormal seating position (11) religious activity
(10) standing on seat (12) personal business/obligations
(98) other (specify) (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
15. Were You Distracted by Any of the 17. Did You Do Any Safety or Maintenance Checks on Your
Following? Motorcycle Before Leaving for This Trip?
(00) attentive and not distracted
(01) looked but did not see distractions
(02) by other occupants (specify)
(03) by moving object in vehicle (specify) (00) none
_ (01) exterior, visual inspection only
(04) while talking or listening to cellular phone/intercom/ (02) checked fluids
shortwave radio (specify location and type of device) (03) checked lights
(04) checked brakes
(05) while dialing cellular phone/intercom/shortwave radio (05) checked tire pressure
(specify location and type of device) (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(06) while adjusting climate controls
(07) while adjusting radio/cassette/CD (specify) 18. What Was Your Trip Destination?
(08) while using other device/controls integral to vehicle (01) home
(specify) (02) work, business
(09) while using/reaching for device/object brought into vehicle (03) recreation/social
(specify) (04) school
(10) sleepy or fell asleep (05) errand, shopping
(11) distracted by outside person/object/event (specify) (06) family, friends, relatives
(07) meals, restaurant, café, etc.
(12) eating or drinking (08) transport someone
(13) smoking-related (09) medical/dental
(14) while listening to or adjusting GPS device (10) bar/pub
(96) distracted, details unknown (11) religious activity
(12) personal business/obligations
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
19. About How Many Miles Would the Trip Have Been One
(001) 1 mile or less
(002–995) actual number of miles
(996) 996 miles or greater
(997) not applicable
(999) unknown
20. How Frequently Do You Travel This Road on/in Any 25. Do You Ever Wear a Helmet?
(00) no (skip to # 37)
(01) first time (01) yes (skip to # 35)
(02) daily use (i.e., once per day) (02) occasionally (skip to # 35)
(03) weekly use (i.e., once per week) (97) not applicable, rider is wearing a helmet
(04) monthly use (i.e., once per month) (98) other (specify)
(05) quarterly (i.e., once per quarter) (99) unknown
(06) annually (i.e., once per year)
(07) less than annually 26. Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted on Your Head?
(99) unknown
(00) no
21. How Long Had You Been Riding Today Prior to the (01) yes
Crash? (97) not applicable, no helmet
USE ZEROS TO FILL IN BLANKS (98) other (specify)
hours minutes (99) unknown
(00–96) hours
(00–59) minutes 27. Was Your Helmet Securely Fastened to Your Head?
(97-97) not applicable
(98-98) other (specify) (00) no
(99-99) unknown (01) yes
(97) not applicable, no helmet
22. How Many Miles Had You Ridden Before the Crash (98) other (specify)
Occurred? (99) unknown
(001) 1 mile or less 28. What Type of Helmet Is It?
(002–995) actual number of miles
(997) not applicable, not yet begun trip (00) not a motorcycle helmet
(998) other (specify) (01) half/police motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(999) unknown (02) open-face motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(03) full-face motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
HELMET DATA (04) novelty or beanie helmet
(97) not applicable, no helmet
23. At the Time of the Crash, Were You (98) other (specify)
Wearing a Helmet? (99) unknown
(00) no 29. What Is the Type of Helmet Coverage?
(01) yes (skip to # 26)
(02) helmet available but not used (01) partial coverage
(98) other (specify) (02) full coverage
(99) unknown (03) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar but no face shield
(04) full-facial coverage, removable chin bar
24. What Is Your Reason for Not Wearing a Helmet? (05) full-facial coverage, retractable chin bar
(06) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar and face shield
(01) not required by law (07) open-face helmet with flat wraparound face shield
(02) no expectation of accident involvement (08) open-face helmet with bubble-type face shield
(03) helmets too expensive (09) open-face helmet with visor/face shield combo
(04) helmets are inconvenient and uncomfortable (10) open-face helmet with removable gravel guard
(05) helmets reduce traffic awareness, limit hearing and vision (97) not applicable, no helmet
(06) helmets are ineffective in reducing head injury (98) other (specify)
(07) helmets cause neck injury (99) unknown
(08) helmets cannot be used, physical or religious reasons
(09) do not own a helmet
(10) forgot to bring helmet today
(97) not applicable, rider is wearing a helmet
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
30. What Is the Predominant Color of Your Helmet? 35. What Percentage of Time Do You Wear Your Helmet
When Riding?
(01) no dominating color, multicolored CODE 000–100 PERCENT
(02) white ___ ___ ___
(03) yellow (000–100) percent helmet worn
(04) black (997) not applicable, no helmet
(05) red (999) unknown
(06) blue
(07) green 36. Under What Conditions Do You Usually Wear Your
(08) silver, grey Helmet?
(10) brown, tan RESPONSES
(11) purple
(12) gold
(13) chrome, metallic
(97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify) (00) never uses helmet
(99) unknown (01) mostly on long trips
(02) mostly in high-speed highway or freeway traffic
31. What Is the Color of the Face Shield? (03) in adverse weather
(04) usually, but not in hot weather
(01) clear (05) always
(02) green (97) not applicable, no helmet
(03) grey, smoke (98) other (specify)
(04) amber, yellow (99) unknown
(05) blue
(06) reflective (any color) IMPAIRMENT
(97) not applicable, no face shield
(98) other (specify) 37. Do You Have Any of the Following Permanent Physical
(99) unknown Conditions?
32. Do You Own This Helmet? RESPONSES
(00) no
(01) yes
(97) not applicable, no helmet (00) no
(98) other (specify) ________________________ (01) vision reduction or loss
(99) unknown (02) hearing reduction or loss
(03) respiratory, cardiovascular condition
33. How Well Does This Helmet Fit? (04) paraplegia
(05) amputee
(01) acceptable fit (06) neurological, epilepsy, stroke
(02) too large, too loose (07) endocrine system, diabetes, digestive system
(03) too small, too tight (08) infirmity, arthritis, senility
(97) not applicable, no helmet (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
38. At the Time of the Crash, Were You Experiencing Any 42. What Is the Type of Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
of the Following?
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING (00) no drugs other than alcohol
RESPONSES (01) stimulant
(02) depressant
(03) drugs taken, type unknown
(04) multiple drugs taken
(00) no (97) not applicable
(01) fatigue (98) other (specify)
(02) hunger (99) unknown
(03) thirst
(04) elimination urgency 43. What Is the Source of the Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
(05) muscle spasm, cramp, itch
(06) headache, minor malaise, fever (00) no drugs other than alcohol
(07) siesta syndrome (tired in afternoon) (01) prescription
(98) other (specify) (02) nonprescription, over the counter
(99) unknown (03) illegal
(97) not applicable
(99) unknown
39. Were You Concerned About Any of the Following Issues
on the Day of the Crash?
44. Are You the Owner of This Motorcycle?
(00) no (skip to # 47)
(01) yes
(00) no problems
(98) other (specify)
(01) conflict with friends, relatives, divorce, separation
(99) unknown
(02) work-related problems
(03) financial distress
45. Where Did You Purchase This Motorcycle?
(04) school problems
(05) legal, police problems
(06) reward stress (01) dealership (store front or internet)
(07) traffic conflict, road rage (02) family, friend, or neighbor
(08) death of family or friend (03) newspaper ad or internet ad
(04) motorcycle was a gift
(98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable, rider does not own this motorcycle
(99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
40. How Many Hours of Sleep Did You Have in the 24 Hours (99) unknown
Prior to the Crash?
46. How Long Have You Owned the Crash-Involved
(00) no sleep
(01–24) number of hours slept
(98) other (specify) ________________________ years months
(99) unknown (00-00) less than 2 weeks
(00–11) months
(00–96) years
41. Did You Drink Any Alcohol or Take Any Drugs or
(97-97) not applicable, rider does not own this motorcycle
Medications in the 24 Hours Prior to the Crash?
(98-98) other (specify)
(00) no (skip to # 44) (99-99) unknown
(01) alcohol use only (skip to # 44)
(02) drug/medication use only 47. How Long Have You Operated a Street Motorcycle?
(03) combined alcohol and drug/medication use USE ZEROS TO FILL IN BLANKS
(98) other (specify) years months
(99) unknown (00-00) less than 2 weeks
(00–11) months
(00–96) years
(97-97) not applicable
(98-98) other (specify)
(99-99) unknown
48. How Long Have You Operated the Crash-Involved 53. Please Tell Me the Reason for Not Taking Motorcycle
Motorcycle? Safety Training?
years months (01) not offered
(00-00) this is the first time (02) enrolled for future date
(00–11) months (03) tried unsuccessfully to enroll
(00–96) years (04) not interested/do not need it
(97-97) not applicable (05) cost
(98-98) other (specify) (97) not applicable, took training
(99-99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
49. What Is the Average Number of Days per Year That You
Ride Motorcycles? 54. How Old Were You When You First Began to Ride a
Street Motorcycle?
(001–365) actual number of days per year CODE THE ACTUAL AGE
(997) not applicable, first time
(998) other (specify) (00) never rode before or barely ever ride
(999) unknown (01–96) actual age
(98) other (specify)
50. About How Many Miles per Year Do You Ride a
(99) unknown
55. Were there Years in Which You Did Not Ride a
(00000) none Motorcycle?
(00001–99995) actual number of miles
(99996) 99,996 miles or greater
(00) no (skip to # 57)
(99998) other (specify)
(01) yes
(99999) unknown
(97) not applicable, never rode before
51. What Kind of Motorcycle Training Have You Had? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) none (skip to # 53)
56. How Many Years Was Your Most Recent Hiatus?
(01) State-recognized entry-level motorcycle course
(02) experienced-rider course
(03) high-performance/competitive-track course (00) never stopped riding
(04) self-taught (01–96) actual number of years
(05) taught by family and/or friends (97) not applicable, never rode before
(98) other (specify) (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
52. In What Years Have You Taken Any Formal Motorcycle 57. When You Ride or Drive, What Is the Percentage of
Training? Time You Ride a Motorcycle Versus Driving Another
Motorcycle ___ ___ ___
Other-Vehicle Type ___ ___ ___
(000) first-time use
(1900–2100) actual year of training
(001–100) percent
(9997) not applicable
(997) not applicable
(9999) unknown
(999) unknown
58. When You Ride a Motorcycle, What Is the Percentage of 64. How Many Car or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You Had
Time You Use It For Each of these Categories? in the Past 5 Years?
Recreation ___ ___ ___
Basic Transportation ___ ___ ___ (00) none
100% (01–96) actual number of crashes
(000) first-time use (99) unknown
(001–100) percent
(997) not applicable 65. How Much Experience Do You Have Riding With
(999) unknown Passengers on a Motorcycle?
59. How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind of Motor (00) never carry passenger(s)
Vehicle? (01) first time carrying passenger(s)
years months (02) very little experience
(00-00) less than 2 weeks (03) moderate experience
(00–11) months (04) extensive experience
(00–96) years (97) not applicable
(97-97) not applicable, never operated a motorcycle (99) unknown
(99-99) unknown
66. How Much Experience Do You Have Riding With
60. How Many Miles per Year Do You Drive a Car or Cargo/Luggage?
(00) no experience with cargo/luggage
(00000) none (01) first time
(00001–99995) actual number of miles (02) seldom carries similar cargo/luggage
(99996) 99,996 miles or greater (03) frequently carries similar cargo/luggage
(99998) other (specify) (04) always carries similar cargo/luggage
(99999) unknown (97) not applicable
(99) unknown
61. Have You Had Any Car or Truck Driver Training?
(00) no training
(01) self-taught 67. Are You a Motorcycle Club Member?
(02) taught by friends and/or family
(03) official driver-training class (00) no
(04) voluntary driver’s education (01) yes
(05) compulsory driver’s education (99) unknown
(06) professional training for commercial license
(07) compulsory motor-vehicle training ordered by judge, 68. Were You Riding With Other Motorcyclists at the Time
police, etc. of the Crash?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) no (skip to # 72)
(01) yes
62. How Many Moving Traffic Convictions Have You Had (98) other (specify)
in the Previous 5 Years? (99) unknown
CONVICTIONS—ANY VEHICLE 69. How Many Other Motorcycles Were in the Group?
(00) none (00) none, no group
(01–96) actual number of convictions (01–95) actual number of motorcycles
(99) unknown (96) 96 motorcycles or greater
(98) other (specify)
63. How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have (99) unknown
You Had in the Past 5 Years?
(00) none
(01–96) actual number of crashes
(99) unknown
70. Was the Group Riding in a Specific Formation? 75. Was This Lower-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented?
(00) no group (00) no
(01) single file (01) yes
(02) staggered (97) not applicable, no clothing
(03) side by side (98) other (specify)
(04) no formation (skip to # 72) (99) unknown
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) 76. Were You Wearing an Inflatable Safety Vest?
(99) unknown
(00) no
71. If in a Formation, Where Was Your Motorcycle Placed (01) yes
in That Formation? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) not in formation
(01) front area 77. What Kind of Shoes or Boots Were You Wearing?
(02) middle area
(03) rear area
(00) no shoes or boots, barefoot (skip to # 80)
(07) not applicable
(01) light sandal
(98) other (specify) (02) medium street shoe, loafer
(99) unknown (03) athletic, training shoe
(04) heavy shoe or boot
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/GEAR WHEN RIDING (05) reinforced work boot or motorcycle boot
(98) other (specify)
72. What Kind of Clothing Was on Your Upper Body? (99) unknown
(00) none (skip to # 74) 78. Did This Footwear Go up Over Your Ankle?
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon) (00) no
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather) (01) yes
(04) leather garment (97) not applicable, no footwear worn
(05) Kevlar (98) other (specify)
(06) armored nylon mesh (99) unknown
(07) off-road, molded body armor
(08) armored leather 79. Was the Footwear Motorcycle Oriented?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) no
(01) yes
73. Was This Upper-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented? (97) not applicable, no footwear worn
(99) unknown
(00) no
(01) yes 80. What Kind of Gloves Were You Wearing?
(97) not applicable, no clothing
(98) other (specify) (00) none (skip to # 82)
(99) unknown (01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon)
74. What Kind of Clothing Was on Your Lower Body? (03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(04) leather garment
(00) none (skip to # 76) (05) Kevlar
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton) (06) armored nylon mesh
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon) (07) off-road, molded body armor
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather) (98) other (specify)
(04) leather garment (99) unknown
(05) Kevlar
(06) armored nylon mesh
(07) off-road, molded body armor
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
81. Are the Gloves Motorcycle Oriented? 85. What Kind of Eye Protection Were You Wearing at the
Time of the Crash?
(00) no
(01) yes, full-fingered (00) none (skip to # 87)
(02) yes, shorties (01) clear, nonprescription glasses
(97) not applicable, no gloves worn (02) clear, prescription glasses
(98) other (specify) (03) nonprescription sunglasses
(99) unknown (04) prescription sunglasses
(05) goggles, nonprescription
82. Is Any of This Clothing Retroreflective? (06) goggles, prescription
CODE UP TO THREE RESPONSES (07) industrial safety glasses
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) no retroreflective clothing or gloves 86. What Color Was the Eye-Coverage Lens?
(01) upper body (shirt/jacket/vest)
(02) lower body (pants/shorts) (01) clear
(03) gloves (02) green
(04) special arm bands or similar items (03) grey, smoke
(97) not applicable, no clothing or gloves worn (04) amber, yellow
(98) other (specify) (05) blue
(99) unknown (06) reflective (any color)
(97) not applicable, not wearing eye coverage
83. What Is the Clothing Color of the Following? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Upper-Body Clothing
Lower-Body Clothing 87. Were You Injured in This Crash?
Gloves (00) no injuries (skip to # 89)
(01) no dominating color, multicolored (01) yes
(02) white (99) unknown
(03) yellow
(04) black 88. What Kind of Medical Treatment Did You Receive?
(05) red
____ ____
(06) blue
(00) no treatment
(07) green
(01) on-scene emergency care only
(08) silver
(02) treated and released at hospital/trauma center
(09) orange
(03) admitted to hospital/trauma center
(10) brown
(04) walk-in clinic
(11) purple
(05) private physician
(12) gold
(97) not applicable, no injury
(13) grey
(98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable, no clothing
(98) other (specify) _________________________ (99) unknown
(99) unknown
84. Are You Required to Wear Corrective Lenses When
Riding/Driving? 89. How Old Were You at the Time of the Crash?
(00) no (01–96) actual age
(01) yes (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
90. What State/Country Issued Your Current Driver’s 95. Are You of Hispanic or Latino Origin?
(00) no
(00) no license (01) yes
(01) Canada (02) refused to answer
(02) California (98) other (specify)
(03) other State (list) (99) unknown
(04) military
(97) no license required (49cc scooter) 96. What Is Your Race?
(98) other (specify) CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 97 FOR REMAINING
(99) unknown RESPONSES
91. What Kind of Operator’s License Is It?
RESPONSES (01) White
(02) Black or African American
(03) Asian
(04) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
(05) American Indian or Alaska Native
(00) no license held (06) refused to answer
(01) learner’s permit only (97) not applicable
(02) motorcycle license (98) other (specify)
(03) automobile license (99) unknown
(04) commercial license
(05) motorcycle driver and competition license 97. What Is Your Height?
(06) license to transport people ____ feet inches
(07) heavy-truck license (01–12) actual number of feet and inches
(08) no license required (49cc scooter) (09-99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown 98. What Is Your Weight in Pounds?
___ ___ ___
92. What Year Was/Were the License(s) Issued? (001–996) actual weight in pounds
99. What Is Your Gender?
(01) male
(02) female
(1900–2100) year of issuance
(99) unknown
(9997) not applicable
(9999) unknown
100. How Much Formal Education Have You Had?
93. How Many Times Have You Acquired a Motorcycle
Learner’s Permit?
(00) no formal schooling
(01) less than high school diploma
(00) never
(02) high school diploma or GED
(01–96) actual number of times
(03) partial college/university
(97) not applicable
(04) college/university graduate
(98) other (specify)
(05) graduate school, advanced degree, professional degree
(99) unknown
(06) specialty/technical school
(98) other (specify)
94. How Long Have You Held a Motorcycle License?
(99) unknown
years months
(00-00) less than 2 weeks
(00–11) months
(00–96) years
(97-97) not applicable, no license held
(98-98) other (specify)
(99-99) unknown
101. What Is Your Current Occupation? 103. How Many Children Do You Have?
____ ____
(01) management (00) none
(02) business and financial (01) one
(03) computer and mathematical (02) two
(04) architecture and engineering (03) three
(05) life, physical, and social sciences (04) four
(06) community and social services (05) five
(07) legal (06) six or more
(08) education, training, or library (98) other (specify)
(09) arts, design, entertainment, sports, or media (99) unknown
(10) healthcare practitioners and technical jobs
(11) healthcare support 104. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?
(12) protective services CODE RESULTS IN mg/100 ml
(13) food preparation, serving, and related
(14) building and grounds maintenance (000) negative BAC
(15) personal care and services (001–900) test results in mg/100 ml
(16) sales and related (995) BAC tested, results not known
(17) office and administrative support (996) BAC not tested
(18) farming, fishing, or forestry (998) other (specify)
(19) construction or extraction (999) unknown
(20) installation, maintenance, or repair
(21) transportation and material moving
105. Source of BAC Information
(22) military
(23) full-time student
(97) not applicable, not in workforce at present (00) not tested
(01) breath testing
(98) other (specify)
(02) unknown if tested
(99) unknown
(03) tested, results unknown
(04) tested, results not available
102. Are You Married?
(05) official records/ER/autopsy/PAR
(98) other (specify)
(01) single
(02) married (99) unknown
(03) separated
(04) divorced
(05) widowed
(06) cohabitating
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs, and neurological deficits),
and source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 5. Illustration. Motorcycle rider—front and back of human body.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs, and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 6. Illustration. Motorcycle rider—front and back of human body with skeleton.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 7. Illustration. Motorcycle rider—front and back of human body with internal organs.
6. How Long Have You Been Riding Today Since Your Trip
hours minutes
(00–24) hours
(00–59) minutes
(97-97) not applicable
(98-98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99-99) unknown
7. How Many Miles Have You Gone Since Your Trip 13. Was/Is Your Helmet Securely Fastened to Your Head?
(00) no
(001) 1 mile or less (01) yes
(002–995) actual number of miles (97) not applicable, no helmet
(996) 996 miles or greater (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(997) not applicable, had not yet begun trip (99) unknown
(998) other (specify) ____________________________
(999) unknown 14. What Type of Helmet Is It?
8. What Was Your Travel Speed Just Before You Stopped (00) not a motorcycle helmet
for This Interview? (01) half/police motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(02) open-face motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(00) stopped (03) full-face motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(01–95) actual miles per hour (04) novelty or beanie helmet
(96) 96 mph or greater (97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown (99) unknown
15. What Is the Type of Helmet Coverage? 19. How Well Does This Helmet Fit?
___ ___
(01) partial coverage (01) acceptable fit
(02) full coverage (02) too large, too loose
(03) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar but no face shield (03) too small, too tight
(04) full-facial coverage, removable chin bar (04) contour mismatch
(05) full-facial coverage, retractable chin bar (97) not applicable, no helmet
(06) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar and face shield (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(07) open-face helmet with flat wraparound face shield (99) unknown
(08) open-face helmet with bubble-type face shield
(09) open-face helmet with visor/face shield combo 20. What Percentage of Time Do You Wear Your Helmet
(10) open-face helmet with removable gravel guard When Riding?
(97) not applicable, no helmet CODE FROM 001–100 PERCENT
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ ___ ___ ___
(99) unknown (000) never wear a helmet (skip to # 22)
(001–100) percent helmet worn
16. What Is the Predominant Color of Your Helmet? (997) not applicable, no helmet
(999) unknown
(01) no dominating color, multicolored
(02) white 21. Under What Conditions Do You Usually Wear Your
(03) yellow Helmet?
(05) red RESPONSES
(06) blue
(07) green
(08) silver, grey
(09) orange
(10) brown, tan (00) never uses helmet
(11) purple (01) mostly on long trips
(12) gold (02) mostly in high-speed highway or freeway traffic
(13) chrome, metallic (03) in adverse weather
(97) not applicable, no helmet (04) usually, but not in hot weather
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (05) always
(99) unknown (97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
17. What Is the Color of the Face Shield? (99) unknown
(01) clear IMPAIRMENT
(02) green
(03) grey, smoke 22. Do You Have Any of the Following Permanent Physical
(04) amber, yellow Conditions?
(06) reflective (any color) RESPONSES
(97) not applicable, no face shield
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown
(00) no
18. Do You Own This Helmet?
(01) vision reduction or loss
(02) hearing reduction or loss
(00) no (03) respiratory, cardiovascular condition
(01) yes (04) paraplegia
(97) not applicable, no helmet (05) amputee
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (06) neurological, epilepsy, stroke
(99) unknown (07) endocrine system, diabetes, digestive system
(08) infirmity, arthritis, senility
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown
23. When You Were Just Riding, Were You Experiencing 27. What Is the Type of Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
Any of the Following?
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING (00) no drugs other than alcohol
RESPONSES (01) stimulant
(02) depressant
(03) drugs taken, type unknown
(04) multiple drugs taken
(00) no (05) blood pressure/blood thinner
(01) fatigue (06) insulin/diabetes medication
(02) hunger (97) not applicable
(03) thirst (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(04) elimination urgency (99) unknown
(05) muscle spasm, cramp, itch
(06) headache, minor malaise, fever 28. What Is the Source of Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
(07) siesta syndrome (tired in afternoon)
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (00) no drugs other than alcohol
(99) unknown (01) prescription
(02) nonprescription, over the counter
24. When You Were Just Riding, Were You Concerned (03) illegal
About Any of the Following Issues? (97) not applicable
29. Are You the Owner of This Motorcycle?
(00) no problems
(01) conflict with friends, relatives, divorce, separation (00) no (skip to # 32)
(02) work-related problems (01) yes
(03) financial distress (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(04) school problems (99) unknown
(05) legal, police problems
(06) reward stress 30. Where Did You Purchase This Motorcycle?
(07) traffic conflict, road rage
(08) death of family or friend (01) dealership (store front or internet)
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (02) family, friend, or neighbor
(99) unknown (03) newspaper ad or internet ad
(04) motorcycle was a gift
25. How Many Hours of Sleep Did You Have in the Past (05) salvage/junkyard
24 Hours? (06) private party
(97) not applicable, rider does not own this motorcycle
(00) no sleep (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(01–24) number of hours slept (99) unknown
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown 31. How Long Have You Owned This Motorcycle?
26. Did You Drink Any Alcohol or Take Any Drugs or years months
Medications Within the Past 24 Hours? (00-00) less than 2 weeks
(00–11) months
(00) no (skip to # 29) (00–96) years
(01) alcohol use only (skip to # 29) (97-97) not applicable, rider does not own this motorcycle
(02) drug/medication use only (98-98) other (specify) ____________________________
(03) combined alcohol and drug/medication use (99-99) unknown
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown
32. How Long Have You Operated a Street Motorcycle? 38. In What Years Have You Taken Any Formal Motorcycle
(00-00) this is the first time BACKWARD; CODE UP TO THREE
(00–11) months
(00–96) years
(97-97) not applicable
(98-98) other (specify) ____________________________ (1900–2100) actual year of training
(99-99) unknown (9997) not applicable
(9999) unknown
33. How Long Have You Operated the Motorcycle You
Were Just Riding? 39. How Old Were You When You First Began to Ride a
years months CODE ACTUAL AGE
(00-00) this is the first time
(00–11) months (00) never rode before or barely ever rides
(00–96) years (01–96) actual age
(97-97) not applicable (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(98-98) other (specify) ____________________________ (99) unknown
(99-99) unknown
40. Were there Years in Which You Did Not Ride a
34. What Is the Average Number of Days per Year That You Motorcycle?
Ride Motorcycles?
(00) no (skip to # 42)
(001–365) actual number of days per year (01) yes
(998) other (specify) ____________________________ (97) not applicable, never rode before
(999) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
35. About How Many Miles per Year Do You Ride a
Motorcycle? 41. How Many Years Was Your Most Recent
___ ___ , ___ ___ ___ Hiatus?
(00000) none
(00001–99995) actual number of miles (00) never stopped riding
(99996) 99,996 miles or greater (01–96) actual number of years
(99998) other (specify) ____________________________ (97) not applicable, never rode before
(99999) unknown (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown
36. What Kind of Motorcycle Training Have You Had?
42. When You Ride or Drive, What Is the Percentage of
(00) none (after all other responses, skip to # 38) Time You Ride a Motorcycle Versus Driving Another
(01) State-recognized, entry-level motorcycle course Type of Vehicle?
(02) experienced-rider course INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL
(03) high-performance/competitive-track course RIDING/DRIVING TIME FOR EACH CATEGORY
(04) self-taught Motorcycle
(05) taught by family and/or friends Other-Vehicle Type
(06) multiple courses 100%
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (000) first-time use
(99) unknown (001–100) percent
(997) not applicable
37. Please Tell Me the Reason for Not Taking Motorcycle (999) unknown
Safety Training?
THEN SKIP TO # 39 43. When You Ride a Motorcycle, What Is the Percentage of
Time You Use It For Each of these Categories?
(02) enrolled for future date RIDING/DRIVING TIME FOR EACH CATEGORY
(03) tried unsuccessfully to enroll Recreation
(04) not interested/do not need it Basic Transportation
(05) cost 100%
(97) not applicable, took training (000) first-time use
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (001–100) percent
(99) unknown (997) not applicable
(999) unknown
44. How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind of Motor 50. How Much Experience Do You Have Riding With
Vehicle? Passengers on a Motorcycle?
years months
(00-00) less than 2 weeks (00) never carry passenger(s)
(00–11) months (01) first time carrying passenger(s)
(00–96) years (02) very little experience
(97-97) not applicable, never operated a motorcycle (03) moderate experience
(98-98) other (specify) ____________________________ (04) extensive experience
(99-99) unknown (97) not applicable, no passenger
(99) unknown
45. How Many Miles per Year Do You Drive a Car or
Truck? 51. How Much Experience Do You Have Riding With
____ ____ , ____ ____ ____ Cargo/Luggage?
(00000) none, do not drive car or truck
(00001–99995) actual number of miles (00) no experience with cargo/luggage
(99996) 99,996 miles or greater (01) first time
(99998) other (specify) ____________________________ (02) seldom carries similar cargo/luggage
(99999) unknown (03) frequently carries similar cargo/luggage
(04) always carries similar cargo/luggage
46. Have You Had Any Car or Truck Driver Training? (97) not applicable
(99) unknown
(00) no training
(01) self-taught RIDING HABITS
(02) taught by friends and/or family
(03) official driver-training class 52. Are You a Motorcycle Club Member?
(04) voluntary driver’s education
(05) compulsory driver’s education (00) no
(06) professional training for commercial license (01) yes
(07) compulsory motor vehicle training ordered by judge, police, (99) unknown
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ 53. Were You Riding With Other Motorcyclists?
(99) unknown
(00) no (skip to # 57)
47. How Many Moving Traffic Convictions Have You Had (01) yes
in the Previous 5 Years? (98) other (specify) ____________________________
54. How Many Other Motorcycles Were in the Group?
(00) none
(01–96) actual number of convictions (00) none, no group
(99) unknown (01–95) actual number of motorcycles
(96) 96 motorcycles or greater
48. How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have (98) other (specify) ____________________________
You Had in the Past 5 Years? (99) unknown
MOTORCYCLE CRASHES 55. Was the Group Riding in a Specific Formation?
(00) none (00) none, no group (skip to #57)
(01–96) actual number of crashes (01) single file
(99) unknown (02) staggered
(03) side by side
49. How Many Car or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You Had (97) not applicable
in the Past 5 Years? (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(00) none
(01–96) actual number of crashes
(99) unknown
56. If in a Formation, Where Was Your Motorcycle Placed 62. What Kind of Shoes or Boots Are You Wearing?
in That Formation?
(00) no shoes or boots, barefoot (skip to # 65)
(00) not in formation (01) light sandal
(01) front area (02) medium street shoe, loafer
(02) middle area (03) athletic, training shoe
(03) rear area (04) heavy shoe or boot
(97) not applicable (05) reinforced work boot or motorcycle boot
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown (99) unknown
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/GEAR WHEN RIDING 63. Does This Footwear Go up Over Your Ankle?
57. What Kind of Clothing Was on Your Upper Body? (00) no
(01) yes
(00) none (skip to # 59) (97) not applicable, no footwear worn
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton) (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon) (99) unknown
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(04) leather garment 64. Is the Footwear Motorcycle Oriented?
(05) Kevlar
(06) armored nylon mesh (00) no
(07) off-road, molded body armor (01) yes
(08) armored leather (97) not applicable, no footwear worn
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (99) unknown
(99) unknown
65. What Kind of Gloves Are You Wearing?
58. Is This Upper-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented?
(00) none (skip to # 67)
(00) no (01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
(01) yes (02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon)
(97) not applicable, no clothing (03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (04) leather garment
(99) unknown (05) Kevlar
(06) armored nylon mesh
59. What Kind of Clothing Is on Your Lower Body? (07) off-road, molded body armor
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(00) none (skip to # 61) (99) unknown
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon) 66. Are the Gloves Motorcycle Oriented?
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(04) leather garment (00) no
(05) Kevlar (02) yes, full-fingered
(06) armored nylon mesh (03) yes, shorties
(07) off-road, molded body armor (97) not applicable, no gloves worn
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown (99) unknown
67. Is Any of This Clothing Retroreflective? 71. What Color Is the Eye-Coverage Lens?
(01) clear
(02) green
(03) grey, smoke
(00) no retroreflective clothing or gloves (04) amber, yellow
(01) upper body (shirt/jacket/vest) (05) blue
(02) lower body (pants/shorts) (06) reflective (any color)
(03) gloves (97) not applicable, not wearing eye coverage
(04) special arm bands or similar items (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(97) not applicable, no clothing or gloves worn (99) unknown
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
68. What Is the Clothing Color of the Following? 72. How Old Are You?
Lower-Body Clothing
Footwear (01–95) actual age in years
Gloves (96) 96 years or greater
(01) no dominating color, multicolored (99) unknown
(02) white
(03) yellow 73. What State/Country Issued Your Current Driver’s
(04) black License?
(05) red
(06) blue (00) no license
(07) green (01) Canada
(08) silver (02) California
(09) orange (03) other State (list) ____________________________
(10) brown (04) military
(11) purple (97) no license required (49cc scooter)
(12) gold (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(13) grey (99) unknown
(97) not applicable, no clothing
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ 74. What Kind of Operator’s License Is It?
69. Are You Required to Wear Corrective Lenses When ____ ____
Riding/Driving? ____ ____
____ ____
(00) no ____ ____
(01) yes (00) no license held
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (01) learner’s permit only
(99) unknown (02) motorcycle license
(03) automobile license
70. What Kind of Eye Protection Are You Wearing Now? (04) commercial license
(05) motorcycle driver and competition license
(00) none (skip to # 72) (06) license to transport people
(01) clear, nonprescription glasses (07) heavy truck license
(02) clear, prescription glasses (97) not applicable
(03) nonprescription sunglasses (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(04) prescription sunglasses (99) unknown
(05) goggles, nonprescription
(06) goggles, prescription 75. What Year Was/Were the License(s) Issued?
(07) industrial safety glasses LIST IN THE SAME ORDER AS # 74
(08) contacts
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown
(1900–2100) actual year
(9997) not applicable
(9999) unknown
76. How Many Times Have You Acquired a Motorcycle 83. How Much Formal Education Have You Had?
Learner's Permit? ____ ____
(00) no formal schooling
(00) never (01) less than high school diploma
(01–96) actual number of times (02) high school diploma or GED
(97) not applicable (03) partial college/university
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (04) college/university graduate
(99) unknown (05) graduate school, advanced degree, professional degree
(06) specialty/technical school
77. How Long Have You Held a Motorcycle License? (98) other (specify) ____________________________
years months
(00-00) less than 2 weeks 84. What Is Your Current Occupation?
(00–11) months
(00–96) years (01) management
(97-97) not applicable, no license held (02) business and financial
(98-98) other (specify) ____________________________ (03) computer and mathematical
(99-99) unknown (04) architecture and engineering
(05) life, physical, and social sciences
78. Are You of Hispanic or Latino Origin? (06) community and social services
(07) legal
(00) no (08) education, training, or library
(01) yes (09) arts, design, entertainment, sports, or media
(02) refused to answer (10) healthcare practitioners and technical jobs
(98) other (specify) ____________________________ (11) healthcare support
(99) unknown (12) protective services
(13) food preparation, serving, and related
79. What Is Your Race? (14) building and grounds maintenance
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 97 FOR REMAINING (15) personal care and services
RESPONSES (16) sales and related
(17) office and administrative support
(18) farming, fishing, or forestry
(19) construction or extraction
(01) White (20) installation, maintenance, or repair
(02) Black or African American (21) transportation and material moving
(03) Asian (22) military
(04) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (23) full-time student
(05) American Indian or Alaska native (97) not applicable, not in workforce at present
(06) refused to answer (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(97) not applicable (99) unknown
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown 85. Are You Married?
80. What Is Your Height? (01) single
____ feet inches (02) married
(01–12) actual number of feet and inches (03) separated
(09-99) unknown (04) divorced
(05) widowed
81. What Is Your Weight in Pounds? (06) cohabitating
(98) other (specify) ____________________________
(001–995) actual weight in pounds (99) unknown
(999) unknown
86. How Many Children Do You Have? 88. Source of BAC Information?
(00) none (00) not tested
(01) one (01) breath test
(02) two (02) blood test
(03) three (03) urine test
(04) four (04) unknown if tested
(05) five (05) tested, results unknown
(06) six or more (06) tested, results not available
(98) other (specify) (98) other (specify) ____________________________
(99) unknown (99) unknown
Use this diagram to aid in relating interview crash trajectory data to identifiable objects in the
SITUATION 5. What Is Your Reason For Not Wearing a Helmet?
1. Where Were You Located Prior to the Crash? (01) not required by law
(02) no expectation of accident involvement
(01) immediately behind the motorcycle rider (03) helmets are too expensive
(02) immediately in front of the motorcycle rider (04) helmets are inconvenient and uncomfortable
(03) behind passenger in location 1 (05) helmets reduce traffic awareness, limit hearing and vision
(04) in front of passenger in location 2 (06) helmets are ineffective in reducing head injury
(05) dismounting, jumping to side (07) helmets cause neck injury
(97) not applicable, unseated prior to the crash (08) helmets cannot be used, physical or religious reasons
(98) other (specify) (09) do not own a helmet
(99) unknown (10) forgot to bring helmet today
(97) not applicable, passenger is wearing a helmet
2. Where Was Your Riding Position at the Time of the (98) other (specify)
Collision? (99) unknown
(01) normal, straddle-seated behind rider 6. Do You Ever Wear a Helmet?
(02) riding with both legs on left side of motorcycle
(03) riding with both legs on right side of motorcycle (00) no (skip to # 18)
(04) straddle-seated on pillion behind rider (01) yes (skip to # 16)
(05) straddle-seated on tank ahead of rider (02) occasionally (skip to # 16)
(06) in sidecar (97) not applicable, passenger is wearing a helmet
(07) straddle-seated behind rider facing rear (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
7. Was your Helmet Properly Adjusted on Your Head?
3. Did Any of Your Actions Contribute to the Crash?
(00) no
(00) no, no action by passenger contributed to crash (01) yes
(01) yes, passenger weight contributed to loss of control during (97) not applicable, no helmet
evasive action (98) other (specify)
(02) yes, passenger lost hold or fell and contributed to rider loss (99) unknown
of control
(03) yes, passenger interfered with motorcycle balance and 8. Was Your Helmet Securely Fastened to Your Head?
caused rider loss of control
(04) yes, passenger interfered with motorcycle controls and (00) no
contributed to crash (01) yes
(05) yes, passenger’s lower extremities entrapped in rear (97) not applicable, no helmet
suspension or wheel and contributed to crash (98) other (specify)
(06) yes, passenger action distracted motorcycle rider and (99) unknown
contributed to crash (specify)
9. What Type of Helmet Is It?
(98) other passenger action that contributed to crash (specify)
(00) not a motorcycle helmet
(99) unknown (01) half/police motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(02) open-face motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
HELMET DATA (03) full-face motor vehicle, motorcycle helmet
(04) novelty or beanie helmet
4. At the Time of the Crash, Were You Wearing a Helmet? (97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify)
(00) no (99) unknown
(01) yes (skip to # 7)
(02) helmet available but not used
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
10. What Is the Type of Helmet Coverage? 14. How Well Does This Helmet Fit?
(01) partial coverage (01) acceptable fit
(02) full coverage (02) too large, too loose
(03) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar but no face shield (03) too small, too tight
(04) full-facial coverage, removable chin bar (04) contour mismatch
(05) full-facial coverage, retractable chin bar (97) not applicable, no helmet
(06) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar and face shield (98) other (specify)
(07) open-face helmet with flat wraparound face shield (99) unknown
(08) open-face helmet with bubble-type face shield
(09) open-face helmet with visor/face shield combo 15. Was the Helmet Retained in Place on Your Head During
(10) open-face helmet with removable gravel guard the Crash?
(97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify) (00) no helmet
(99) unknown (01) no, helmet ejected from head during pre-crash time period
(02) no, helmet ejected from head during crash
11. What Is the Predominant Color of Your Helmet? (03) no, helmet ejected from head after collision
(04) yes, helmet retained in place to completion of crash events
(01) no dominating color, multicolored (05) yes, helmet moved on head but was retained
(02) white (97) not applicable, no helmet
(03) yellow (98) other (specify)
(04) black (99) unknown
(05) red
(06) blue 16. What Percentage of Time Do You Wear Your Helmet
(07) green (When Riding as a Passenger)?
(08) silver, grey CODE 000–100 PERCENT
(09) orange
(10) brown, tan (000–100) percent helmet worn
(11) purple (997) not applicable, no helmet
(12) gold (999) unknown
(13) chrome, metallic
(97) not applicable, no helmet 17. Under What Conditions Do You Usually Wear Your
(98) other (specify) Helmet?
12. What Is the Color of the Face Shield?
(01) clear
(02) green
(03) grey, smoke (00) never uses helmet
(04) amber, yellow (01) mostly on long trips
(05) blue (02) mostly in high-speed highway or freeway traffic
(06) reflective (any color) (03) in adverse weather
(97) not applicable, no face shield (04) usually, but not in hot weather
(98) other (specify) (05) always
(99) unknown (97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify)
13. Do You Own This Helmet? (99) unknown
(00) no
(01) yes
(97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify) _________________________
(99) unknown
IMPAIRMENT 21. How Many Hours of Sleep Did You Have in the 24 Hours
Prior to the Crash?
18. Do You Have Any of the Following Permanent Physical
Conditions? (00) no sleep
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING (01–24) number of hours slept
RESPONSES (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
22. Did You Drink Any Alcohol or Take Any Drugs or
(00) no Medications in the 24 Hours Prior to the Crash?
(01) vision reduction or loss
(02) hearing reduction or loss (00) no (skip to # 25)
(03) respiratory, cardiovascular condition (01) alcohol use only (skip to # 25)
(04) paraplegia (02) drug/medication use only
(05) amputee (03) combined alcohol and drug/medication use
(06) neurological, epilepsy, stroke (98) other (specify)
(07) endocrine system, diabetes, digestive system (99) unknown
(08) infirmity, arthritis, senility
(98) other (specify) 23. What Type of Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
(99) unknown
(00) no drugs other than alcohol
19. At the Time of the Crash, Were You Experiencing Any (01) stimulant
of the Following? (02) depressant
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING (03) drugs taken, type unknown
RESPONSES (04) multiple drugs taken
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) no
(01) fatigue 24. What Is the Source of Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
(02) hunger
(03) thirst (00) no drugs other than alcohol
(04) elimination urgency (01) prescription
(05) muscle spasm, cramp, itch (02) nonprescription, over the counter
(06) headache, minor malaise, fever (03) illegal
(07) siesta syndrome (tired in afternoon) (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) _________________________ (99) unknown
(99) unknown
20. Were You Concerned About Any of the Following Issues
on the Day of the Crash? 25. How Long Have You Been Riding as a Passenger on the
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING Crash-Involved Motorcycle?
RESPONSES years months
(00-00) less than 2 weeks
(01–11) months
(01–96) years
(00) no problems (97-97) not applicable, no previous experience, first time
(01) conflict with friends, relatives, divorce, separation (99-99) unknown
(02) work-related problems
(03) financial distress 26. How Long Have You Been Riding as a Passenger in Any
(04) school problems Kind OF Motor Vehicle?
(05) legal, police problems years months
(06) reward stress (00-00) less than 2 weeks
(07) traffic conflict, road rage (01–11) months
(08) death of family or friend (01–96) years
(98) other (specify) (97-97) not applicable, no previous experience, first time
(99) unknown (99-99) unknown
27. How Long Have You Ridden as a Passenger on Any 33. How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have
Street Motorcycle You Had as a Passenger in the Past 5 Years?
(00-00) less than 2 weeks MOTORCYCLE CRASHES
(01–11) months
(01–96) years (00) none
(97-97) not applicable, no previous experience, first time (01–96) actual number of crashes
(99-99) unknown (99) unknown
28. What Is the Average Number of Days per Year You Ride 34. How Many Car or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You Had
as a Passenger on Motorcycles? as a Passenger in the Past 5 Years?
(001–365) actual number of days per year TRUCK CRASHES
(999) unknown
(00) none
29. What Kind of Motorcycle Training Have You Had? (01–96) actual number of crashes
(99) unknown
(00) none
(01) State-recognized, entry-level motorcycle course PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/GEAR WHEN RIDING
(02) experienced-rider course
(03) high-performance/competitive-track course 35. What Kind of Clothing Was on Your Upper Body?
(04) self-taught
(05) taught by family and/or friends (00) none (skip to # 37)
(98) other (specify) _ (01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
(99) unknown (02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon)
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
30. When You Travel as a Passenger, What Is the (04) leather garment
Percentage of Time You Ride on a Motorcycle Versus (05) Kevlar
Riding as a Passenger in Another Type of Vehicle? (06) armored nylon mesh
INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL RIDING TIME (07) off-road, molded body armor
Motorcycle (98) other (specify)
Other-Vehicle Type (99) unknown
(000) first-time use 36. Was This Upper-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented?
(001–100) actual percentage of time
(997) not applicable (00) no
(999) unknown (01) yes
(97) not applicable, no clothing
31. When You Ride a Motorcycle as a Passenger, What Is (98) other (specify)
the Percentage of Time It Is for Each of these (99) unknown
INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL RIDING TIME 37. What Kind of Clothing Was on Your Lower Body?
Recreation (00) none (skip to # 39)
Basic Transportation (01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
100% (02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon)
(000) first-time use (03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(001–100) actual percentage of time (04) leather garment
(997) not applicable (05) Kevlar
(999) unknown (06) armored nylon mesh
(07) off-road, molded body armor
32. How Much Experience Do You Have Riding as a (98) other (specify)
Passenger on Motorcycles? (99) unknown
(00) never rode as a passenger before 38. Was This Lower-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented?
(01) very little experience
(02) moderate experience (00) no
(03) extensive experience (01) yes
(98) other (specify) (97) not applicable, no clothing
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
39. Were You Wearing an Inflatable Safety Vest? 45. Is Any of This Clothing Retroreflective?
(00) no
(01) yes
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) no retroreflective clothing or gloves
(01) upper body (shirt/jacket/vest)
40. What Kind of Shoes or Boots Were You Wearing? (02) lower body (pants/shorts)
(03) gloves
(00) no shoes or boots, barefoot (skip to # 43) (04) special arm bands or similar items
(01) light sandal (97) not applicable, no clothing or gloves worn
(02) medium street shoe, loafer (98) other (specify)
(03) athletic, training shoe (99) unknown
(04) heavy shoe or boot
(05) reinforced work boot or motorcycle boot 46. What Is the Clothing Color of the Following?
(98) other (specify) Upper-Body Clothing
(99) unknown Lower-Body Clothing
41. Did This Footwear Go up Over Your Ankle? Gloves
(01) no dominating color, multicolored
(00) no (02) white
(01) yes (03) yellow
(97) not applicable, no footwear worn (04) black
(98) other (specify) (05) red
(99) unknown (06) blue
(07) green
42. Was the Footwear Motorcycle Oriented? (08) silver
(09) orange
(00) no (10) brown
(01) yes (11) purple
(97) not applicable, no footwear worn (12) gold
(99) unknown (13) grey
(97) not applicable, no clothing
43. What Kind of Gloves Were You Wearing? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) none (skip to # 45)
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton) 47. What Kind of Eye Protection Were You Wearing at the
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon) Time of the Crash?
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(04) leather garment (00) none (skip to # 49)
(05) Kevlar (01) clear, nonprescription glasses
(06) armored nylon mesh (02) clear, prescription glasses
(07) off-road, molded body armor (03) nonprescription sunglasses
(98) other (specify) (04) prescription sunglasses
(99) unknown (05) goggles, nonprescription
(06) goggles, prescription
44. Are the Gloves Motorcycle Oriented? (07) industrial safety glasses
(98) other (specify)
(00) no (99) unknown
(01) yes, full-fingered
(02) yes, shorties 48. What Color Was the Eye Coverage Lens?
(97) not applicable, no gloves worn
(98) other (specify) (01) clear
(99) unknown (02) green
(03) grey, smoke
(04) amber, yellow
(05) blue
(06) reflective (any color)
(97) not applicable, not wearing eye coverage
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
49. Were You Injured in This Crash? 54. What Year Was/Were the License(s) Issued?
(00) no injuries (skip to # 51)
(01) yes
(99) unknown
50. What Kind of Medical Treatment Did You Receive? (1900–2100) actual year
(9997) not applicable, no license
(00) no treatment (9999) unknown
(01) on-scene emergency care only
(02) treated and released at hospital/trauma center 55. Are You of Hispanic or Latino Origin?
(03) admitted to hospital/trauma center
(04) walk-in clinic (00) no
(05) private physician (01) yes
(97) not applicable, no injury (02) refused to answer
(98) other (specify) (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
61. What Is Your Current Occupation? 63. How Many Children Do You Have?
(01) management (00) none
(02) business and financial (01) one
(03) computer and mathematical (02) two
(04) architecture and engineering (03) three
(05) life, physical, and social sciences (04) four
(06) community and social services (05) five
(07) legal (06) six or more
(08) education, training, or library (98) other (specify)
(09) arts, design, entertainment, sports, or media (99) unknown
(10) healthcare practitioners and technical jobs
(11) healthcare support 64. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?
(12) protective services CODE RESULTS IN mg/100 ml
(13) food preparation, serving, and related
(14) building and grounds maintenance (000) negative BAC
(15) personal care and services (001–900) test results in mg/100 ml
(16) sales and related (995) BAC tested, results not known
(17) office and administrative support (996) BAC not tested
(18) farming, fishing, or forestry (998) other (specify)
(19) construction or extraction (999) unknown
(20) installation, maintenance, or repair
(21) transportation and material moving 65. Source of BAC Information?
(22) military
(23) full-time student (00) not tested
(97) not applicable, not in workforce at present (01) breath test
(98) other (specify) (02) unknown if tested
(99) unknown (03) tested, results unknown
(04) tested, results not available
62. Are You Married? (05) official records/ER/autopsy/PAR
(98) other (specify)
(01) single (99) unknown
(02) married
(03) separated
(04) divorced
(05) widowed
(06) cohabitating
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 8. Illustration. Motorcycle passenger—front and back of human body.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 9. Illustration. Motorcycle passenger—front and back of human body with skeleton.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 10. Illustration. Motorcycle passenger—front and back of human body with internal organs.
7. What Is the Type of Helmet Coverage? 12. What Percentage of Time Do You Wear Your Helmet
(When Riding as a Passenger)?
(01) partial coverage CODE 000–100 PERCENT
(02) full coverage
(03) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar but no face shield (000–100) percent helmet worn
(04) full-facial coverage, removable chin bar (997) not applicable, no helmet
(05) full-facial coverage, retractable chin bar (999) unknown
(06) full-facial coverage, integral chin bar and face shield
(07) open-face helmet with flat wraparound face shield 13. Under What Conditions Do You Usually Wear Your
(08) open-face helmet with bubble-type face shield Helmet?
(09) open-face helmet with visor/face shield combo CODE UP TO FOUR; INPUT 97 FOR
(10) open-face helmet with removable gravel guard REMAINING RESPONSES
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
8. What Is the Predominant Color of Your Helmet?
(00) never uses helmet
(01) no dominating color, multicolored (01) mostly on long trips
(02) white (02) mostly in high-speed highway or freeway traffic
(03) yellow (03) in adverse weather
(04) black (04) usually, but not in hot weather
(05) red (05) always
(06) blue (97) not applicable, no helmet
(07) green (98) other (specify)
(08) silver, grey (99) unknown
(09) orange
(10) brown, tan IMPAIRMENT
(11) purple
(12) gold 14. Do You Have Any of the Following Permanent Physical
(13) chrome, metallic Conditions?
(97) not applicable, no helmet CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING
(98) other (specify) RESPONSES
(99) unknown
9. What Is the Color of the Face Shield?
(00) no
(01) clear (01) vision reduction or loss
(02) green (02) hearing reduction or loss
(03) grey, smoke (03) respiratory, cardiovascular condition
(04) amber, yellow (04) paraplegia
(05) blue (05) amputee
(06) reflective (any color) (06) neurological, epilepsy, stroke
(97) not applicable, no face shield (07) endocrine system, diabetes, digestive system
(98) other (specify) (08) infirmity, arthritis, senility
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
10. Do You Own This Helmet?
(00) no
(01) yes
(97) not applicable, no helmet
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
15. When You Were Just Riding, Were You Experiencing 19. Did You Take Any Type of Drugs Other Than
Any of the Following? Alcohol?
RESPONSES (00) no drugs other than alcohol
(01) stimulant
(02) depressant
(03) drugs taken, type unknown
(00) no (04) multiple drugs taken
(01) fatigue (97) not applicable
(02) hunger (98) other (specify)
(03) thirst (99) unknown
(04) elimination urgency
(05) muscle spasm, cramp, itch 20. What Was the Source of these Drugs Other Than
(06) headache, minor malaise, fever Alcohol?
(07) siesta syndrome (tired in afternoon)
(98) other (specify) (00) no drugs other than alcohol
(99) unknown (01) prescription
(02) nonprescription, over the counter
16. When You Were Just Riding, Were You Concerned (03) illegal
About Any of the Following Issues? (97) not applicable
21. How Long Have You Been Riding as a Passenger on This
(00) no problems Motorcycle?
(01) conflict with friends, relatives, divorce, separation years months
(02) work-related problems (00-00) less than 2 weeks
(03) financial distress (00–11) months
(04) school problems (00–96) years
(05) legal, police problems (97-97) not applicable, no previous experience, first time
(06) reward stress (98-98) other (specify)
(07) traffic conflict, road rage (99-99) unknown
(08) death of family or friend
(98) other (specify) 22. How Long Have You Been Riding as a Passenger in Any
(99) unknown Kind of Motor Vehicle?
years months
17. How Many Hours of Sleep Did You Have in the Past (00 00) less than 2 weeks
24 Hours? (00–11) months
(00–96) years
(00) no sleep (97-97) not applicable, no previous experience, first time
(01–24) number of hours slept (98-98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99-99) unknown
(99) unknown
23. How Long Have You Ridden as a Passenger on Any
18. Did You Drink Any Alcohol or Take Any Drugs or Street Motorcycle?
Medications in the Past 24 Hours? years months
(00 00) less than 2 weeks
(00) no (skip to # 21) (00–11) months
(01) alcohol use only (skip to # 21) (00–96) years
(02) drug/medication use only (97-97) not applicable, no previous experience, first time
(03) combined alcohol and drug/medication use (98-98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99-99) unknown
(99) unknown
24. What Is the Average Number of Days per Year You Ride
as a Passenger on Motorcycles?
(001–365) actual number of days per year
(999) unknown
25. What Kind of Motorcycle Training Have You Had? 30. How Many Car or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You Had
as a Passenger in the Past 5 Years?
(01) State-recognized, entry-level motorcycle course TRUCK CRASHES
(02) experienced-rider course
(03) high-performance/competitive-track course (00) none
(04) self-taught (01–96) actual number of crashes
(05) taught by family and/or friends (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
26. When You Travel as a Passenger, What Is the 31. What Kind of Clothing Is on Your Upper Body?
Percentage of Time You Ride on a Motorcycle Versus
Riding as a Passenger in Another Type of Vehicle? (00) none (skip to # 35)
INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL RIDING TIME (01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
AS A PASSENGER FOR EACH CATEGORY (02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon)
Motorcycle (03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
Other-Vehicle Type (04) leather garment
100% (05) Kevlar
(000) first-time use (06) armored nylon mesh
(001–100) actual percentage of time (07) off-road, molded body armor
(997) not applicable (08) armored leather
(999) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
27. When You Ride a Motorcycle as a Passenger, What Is
the Percentage of Time It Is for Each of these 32. Is This Upper-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented?
Recreation (97) not applicable, no clothing
Basic Transportation (98) other (specify)
100% (99) unknown
(000) first time use
(001–100) actual percent
33. What Kind of Clothing Is on Your Lower Body?
(997) not applicable
(999) unknown
(00) none (skip to # 35)
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton)
28. How Much Experience Do You Have Riding as a
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon)
Passenger on Motorcycles?
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather)
(04) leather garment
(00) never rode as a passenger before (05) Kevlar
(01) very little experience (06) armored nylon mesh
(02) moderate experience (07) off-road, molded body armor
(03) extensive experience
(98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
34. Is This Lower-Body Clothing Motorcycle Oriented?
29. How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have
You Had as a Passenger in the Past 5 Years?
(97) not applicable, no clothing
(00) none (98) other (specify)
(01–96) actual number of crashes (99) unknown
(99) unknown
35. Are You Wearing an Inflatable Safety Vest?
(00) no
(01) yes
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
36. What Kind of Shoes or Boots Are You Wearing? 42. What Is the Clothing Color of the Following?
Upper-Body Clothing
(00) no shoes or boots, barefoot (skip to # 39) Lower-Body Clothing
(01) light sandal Footwear
(02) medium street shoe, loafer Gloves
(03) athletic, training shoe (01) no dominating color, multicolored
(04) heavy shoe or boot (02) white
(05) reinforced work boot or motorcycle boot (03) yellow
(98) other (specify) (04) black
(99) unknown (05) red
(06) blue
37. Does This Footwear Go up Over Your Ankle? (07) green
(08) silver
(00) no (09) orange
(01) yes (10) brown
(97) not applicable, no footwear worn (11) purple
(98) other (specify) (12) gold
(99) unknown (13) grey
(97) not applicable, no clothing
38. Is the Footwear Motorcycle Oriented? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) no
(01) yes 43. What Kind of Eye Protection Are You Wearing Now?
(97) not applicable, no footwear worn
(99) unknown (00) none (skip to # 45)
(01) clear, nonprescription glasses
39. What Kind of Gloves Are You Wearing? (02) clear, prescription glasses
(03) nonprescription sunglasses
(00) none (skip to # 41) (04) prescription sunglasses
(01) light cloth garment (e.g., thin cotton) (05) goggles, nonprescription
(02) medium cloth garment (e.g., denim, nylon) (06) goggles, prescription
(03) heavy cloth garment (e.g., imitation leather) (07) industrial safety glasses
(04) leather garment (98) other (specify)
(05) Kevlar (99) unknown
(06) armored nylon mesh
(07) off-road, molded body armor 44. What Color Is the Eye-Coverage Lens?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (01) clear
(02) green
40. Are the Gloves Motorcycle Oriented? (03) grey, smoke
(04) amber, yellow
(00) no (05) blue
(01) yes, full-fingered (06) reflective (any color)
(02) yes, shorties (97) not applicable, not wearing eye coverage
(97) not applicable, no gloves worn (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
41. Is Any of This Clothing Retroreflective?
(01–96) actual age in years
(00) no retroreflective clothing or gloves (99) unknown
(01) upper body (shirt/jacket/vest)
(02) lower body (pants/shorts)
(03) gloves
(04) special arm bands or similar items
(97) not applicable, no clothing or gloves worn
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
46. Where Did You Get Your Current Driver’s License? 50. What Is Your Race?
(00) no license RESPONSES
(01) Canada
(02) California
(03) other State (list)
(04) military (01) White
(97) no license required (49cc scooter) (02) Black or African American
(98) other (specify) (03) Asian
(99) unknown (04) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
(05) American Indian or Alaska Native
47. What Kind of Operator’s License Is It? (06) refused to answer
CODE UP TO FOUR; INPUT 97 FOR REMAINING (97) not applicable
RESPONSES (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
51. What Is Your Height?
feet inches
(00) no license held (01–12) actual number of feet and inches
(01) learner’s permit only (09-99) unknown
(02) motorcycle license
(03) automobile license 52. What Is Your Weight?
(04) commercial license
(05) motorcycle driver and competition license (001–996) actual weight in pounds
(06) license to transport people (999) unknown
(07) heavy-truck license
(97) not applicable
53. What Is Your Gender?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(01) male
(02) female
48. What Year Was/Were the License(s) Issued? (99) unknown
54. How Much Formal Education Have You Had?
(00) no formal schooling
(01) less than high school diploma
(1900–2100) actual year (02) high school diploma or GED
(9997) not applicable (03) partial college/university
(9999) unknown (04) college/university graduate
(05) graduate school, advanced degree, professional degree
49. Are You of Hispanic or Latino Origin? (06) specialty/technical school
(98) other (specify)
(00) no (99) unknown
(01) yes
(02) refused to answer
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
55. What Is Your Current Occupation? 57. How Many Children Do You Have?
(01) management (00) none
(02) business and financial (01) one
(03) computer and mathematical (02) two
(04) architecture and engineering (03) three
(05) life, physical, and social sciences (04) four
(06) community and social services (05) five
(07) legal (06) six or more
(08) education, training, or library (98) other (specify)
(09) arts, design, entertainment, sports, or media (99) unknown
(10) healthcare practitioners and technical jobs
(11) healthcare support 58. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?
(12) protective services CODE RESULTS IN mg/100 ml
(13) food preparation, serving, and related
(14) building and grounds maintenance (000) negative BAC
(15) personal care and services (001–900) test results in mg/100 ml
(16) sales and related (995) BAC tested, results not known
(17) office and administrative support (996) BAC not tested
(18) farming, fishing, or forestry (998) other (specify)
(19) construction or extraction (999) unknown
(20) installation, maintenance, or repair
(21) transportation and material moving 59. Source of BAC Information?
(22) military
(23) full-time student (00) not tested
(97) not applicable, not in workforce at present (01) breath test
(98) other (specify) (02) unknown if tested
(99) unknown (03) tested, results unknown
(04) tested, results not available
56. Are You Married? (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(01) single
(02) married
(03) separated
(04) divorced
(05) widowed
(06) cohabitating
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
13. Number of Cylinders 18. Rear-Tire Measurement
(999999999) unknown
(01–96) actual number of cylinders
(99) unknown 19. Tire Manufacturer
(A1) Avon
14. Symptom of Problem (B1) Bridgestone
(C1) Cheng Shin
(00) none (C2) Continental
(01) stopped in traffic (D1) Dico
(02) front-wheel lockup (D2) Dunlop
(03) rear-wheel lockup (F1) Firestone
(04) power loss (G1) Goodyear
(05) speed-control problem (H1) Hutchinson
(06) loss of control (I1) IRC
(07) uncontrolled acceleration or deceleration (I2) ITP
(08) motor stalled (K1) Kazan
(09) front axle loose (K2) Kenda
(10) rear axle loose (M1) Metzeler
(11) front-axle fixing loose (M2) Michelin
(12) rear-axle fixing loose (O1) Ohtsu
(13) loss of lighting (P1) Pirelli
(14) loss of electrical, other than lighting (S1) Skat Trak
(98) other (specify) (S2) Shinko
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
15. Source of Problem
20. Rim Size, Front
(01) fuel starvation . x inches
(02) electrical or ignition failure (0–96 × 0–96) actual size of front rim in inches
(03) mechanical failure of motor components (9.99 × 99) unknown
(04) lubrication
(05) cooling system 21. Rim Size, Rear
(06) stuck or binding throttle . x inches
(07) seized motor (0–96 × 0–96) actual size of rear rim in inches
(08) transmission (9.99 × 99) unknown
(09) clutch
(10) lighting system 22. Rim Manufacturer
(11) fuse, circuit breaker Front
(12) missing axle security Rear
(13) axle bearings (OE) original equipment
(14) front-fork pinch bolts (D1) Daido (DID)
(15) axle adjust screws and set nuts (D2) Douglas
(97) not applicable, no mechanical problem (E1) Enkai
(98) other (specify) (E2) Excel
(99) unknown (S1) Sun
(T1) Talon Hubs
TIRES (U1) Union
(OT) other (specify)
16. Tire Size Measurement Units (99) unknown
(01) inches
(02) millimeters
(03) alphanumeric
(99) unknown
23. Tread Type 28. Suspension Type, Rear
Rear (00) none, rigid wheel mount
(00) no tread pattern, slick (01) conventional fork swing arm, double exterior tubular shocks
(01) straight-rib tread pattern (02) conventional fork swing arm, mono-shock
(02) block pattern, trials type (03) conventional fork swing arm, linkage-articulated mono-shock
(03) knobby pattern, motocross type (04) one-sided swing arm, single exterior tubular shock
(04) all weather, cross or dog-bone pattern (05) one-sided swing arm, mono-shock
(05) all weather, diagonal or diamond pattern (06) one-sided swing arm, linkage-articulated mono-shock
(06) all weather, angle groove (07) lower suspension
(07) racing design, minimum groove design (98) other (specify)_________________________
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
29. Suspension Condition
24. Measured Tread Depth Front
CODE IN 32NDs Rear
Front /32nds (00) no unusual condition; acceptable condition
Rear /32nds (01) excessive wear in joints, sliders, pivot bolts; excessive
(00–96/32nds) actual tread depth mobility
(99/32nds) unknown (02) seals or dampers leaking; deteriorated damping
(03) loose or missing fasteners, inadequate clamping; excessive
25. Inflation Pressure flexibility
ONLY TAKE PRESSURE IF CONFIDENT THE CRASH (04) suspension elements damaged prior to accident events
CODE 999 (98) other (specify)
Front (99) unknown
(000) completely flat
(001–100) PSI
30. Rider Brake-Control Type
(999) unknown
Lever/Pedal 1
26. Braking Evidence on Tire Lever/Pedal 2
Front (00) none, not present
(01) hand
(02) foot
(00) none
(99) unknown
(01) evidence of moderate braking
(02) evidence of heavy braking without wheel lock up
31. Rider Brake-Control Side
(03) evidence of heavy locked-wheel braking, one skid patch
(04) evidence of heavy locked-wheel braking, multiple skid patches Lever/Pedal 1
(98) other (specify) Lever/Pedal 2
(99) unknown (01) left
(02) right
SUSPENSION (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
27. Suspension Type, Front (99) unknown
(00) none, rigid wheel mount 32. Brake Actuation at Lever or Pedal
(01) telescoping tube, conventional lower-fork legs Lever/Pedal 1
(02) telescoping tube, inverted fork legs Lever/Pedal 2
(03) springer (01) hydraulic
(04) girder (02) mechanical
(05) leading link, single- or double-sided (03) electric
(06) articulated multiple link (97) not applicable
(07) trailing link, single- or double-sided (98) other (specify)
(08) telelever (BMW only) (99) unknown
(09) lower suspension
(98) other (specify)_______________________
(99) unknown
33. Brake Control–System Type 39. Brake-Mechanism Actuation
Lever/Pedal 1 Front
Lever/Pedal 2 Rear
(01) independent front brake (01) hydraulic
(02) independent rear brake (02) mechanical
(03) combined front and rear brakes, CBS (03) electric
(97) not applicable (04) electric regenerative
(99) unknown (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
34. Connection to Front Brake Includes (99) unknown
Lever/Pedal 1
Lever/Pedal 2 40. Were Brakes Operational Before Crash?
(01) no proportioning valve Front
(02) fixed proportioning valve Rear
(03) variable proportioning valve (00) no
(97) not applicable (01) yes
(99) unknown (99) unknown
35. Connection to Rear Brake Includes 41. Do the Brakes Appear to be Defective?
Lever/Pedal 1 Front
Lever/Pedal 2 Rear
(01) no proportioning valve (00) no
(02) fixed proportioning valve (01) yes
(03) variable proportioning valve (99) unknown
(97) not applicable
(99) unknown 42. Brakes Condition/Wear
36. ABS Rear
Front (01) no significant wear
Rear (02) minimum wear to friction surfaces
(00) no (03) moderate wear to friction surfaces
(01) yes (04) severe wear to friction surfaces, replacement and repair
(97) not applicable overdue
(99) unknown (05) severe deterioration due to wear of friction surfaces
(06) severe deterioration of operating system
37. ABS Type (07) brake components damaged prior to accident events
Front (98) other (specify)
Rear (99) unknown
(01) electro hydraulic
(02) hydromechanical 43. Brake Adjustment
(03) all hydraulic, fluidic Front
(04) all mechanical Rear
(05) pneumatic hydraulic (00) no maladjustment
(06) electromechanical (01) improper adjustment, significant control action required for
(97) not applicable braking action
(98) other (specify) (02) severe adjustment problem
(99) unknown (03) inoperable due to sabotage
(98) other (specify)
38. Brake Mechanism (99) unknown
(00) none, not present
(01) caliper/shoe to wheel rim
(02) drum, single-leading shoe
(03) drum, double-leading shoe
(04) single disc, single piston
(05) single disc, multipiston
(06) double disc, single-piston
(07) double disc, multipiston
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
FRAME 50. Is Rear Swing Arm Loose?
44. Frame Type/Configuration (00) no
(01) yes
(01) step-through, formed sheet metal (97) not applicable
(02) step-through, tubular frame (99) unknown
(03) conventional tube-cradle type with single-down tube
(04) conventional tube-cradle type with double-down tubes MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS
(05) backbone type, motor transmission mounted independently
(06) backbone type, motor transmission integral with frame 51. Is the Motorcycle Equipped With Pedals?
(07) perimeter frame, tube type
(08) perimeter frame, extrusion-element type (00) no
(09) monocoque, shell-only structure (01) yes
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
52. Rider Foot Pegs, Footrest Type
45. Frame Material
(00) none
(01) steel (01) rigid metal pegs, no covers
(02) aluminum alloy (02) rigid metal pegs, rubber covers
(03) carbon-fiber composite (03) metal folding pegs, no covers
(04) other composite (04) metal folding pegs, rubber covers
(98) other (specify) (05) rigid metal footrests, pegs, or footboards
(99) unknown (06) folding metal footrests, pegs, or footboards
(07) accessory highway pegs only
46. Reduction in Wheelbase (08) scooter footboards
CODE IN INCHES AND TENTHS (98) other (specify)
. inches (99) unknown
(00.0–99.6) actual number in inches
(99.9) unknown 53. Passenger Foot Pegs, Footrest Type
47. Did Front Wheel Displace Against Either the Motor or the (00) none
Frame? (01) rigid metal pegs, no covers
(02) rigid metal pegs, rubber covers
(00) no (03) metal folding pegs, no covers
(01) yes (04) metal folding pegs, rubber covers
(97) not applicable (05) rigid metal footrests, pegs, or footboards
(99) unknown (06) folding metal footrests, pegs, or footboards
(07) accessory highway pegs only
48. Steering-Stem Adjustment (08) scooter footboards
(98) other (specify)
(01) secure, properly tightened (99) unknown
(02) overly tightened, control interference
(03) loose, contributes to control difficulty 54. Side-Stand Type
(04) very loose, control interference
(98) other (specify) (00) none
(99) unknown (01) original equipment, right side, metal end or pad
(02) original equipment, right side, rubber catch pad
49. Steering Damper Installed (03) original equipment, left side, metal end or pad
(04) original equipment, left side, rubber catch pad
(00) none installed or not applicable (05) accessory, installed right side
(01) center steering pivot adjustable friction discs (06) accessory, installed left side
(02) tubular friction damper (98) other (specify)
(03) hydraulic tubular damper, one side (99) unknown
(04) hydraulic tubular damper, both sides
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
55. Center-Stand Type 61. Handlebar Mounting
(00) none (01) original equipment, solid
(01) original equipment, installed (02) original equipment, rubber bushing
(02) original equipment, removed (03) setbacks
(03) ride-off stand installed (04) dog bones
(98) other (specify) (05) risers
(99) unknown (98) other (specify) ________________________
(99) unknown
56. Headlamp Assembly Type
62. Handlebar Construction
(00) none
(01) single headlamp (01) steel tube
(02) double headlamp (02) aluminum alloy tube
(03) single with auxiliary lights (03) titanium alloy tube
(04) double with auxiliary lights (04) cast steel
(98) other (specify) (05) forged steel
(99) unknown (06) cast aluminum alloy
(07) forged aluminum alloy
57. Was Headlamp Illuminated at the Time of Crash? (08) composite
(09) cast steel with steel tube
(00) no (98) other (specify)
(01) yes, rider controlled (99) unknown
(02) yes, always-on technology
(98) other (specify) 63. Handlebar Measurements
Width .
58. Was Motorcycle Equipped With an Airbag? Rise .
Sweep .
(00) no (00.1–99.6) actual number
(01) yes, but airbag did not deploy (99.9) unknown
(02) yes, airbag did deploy
(99) unknown 64. Seat Type
59. Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any of the (01) conventional straddle seat, one level
Following? (02) straddle type, two level, raised passenger
(03) bucket, single seat
(00) no, not applicable (04) bucket, double seat, one level
(01) side car (05) bucket, double seat, raised passenger
(02) trailer (06) single racer seat, tail fairing behind
(03) training wheels (07) single straddle seat, pillion pad behind
(04) outrigger (08) single pad, semibench type
(98) other (specify) (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
FUEL TANK 71. Tank Deformation
66. Fuel-Tank Type (00) none (skip to # 74)
____ ____ (01) mild denting
(01) saddle (02) moderate denting
(02) under seat (03) severe damage
(03) submerged in frame (99) unknown
(04) perimeter mount
(98) other (specify)__________________________ 72. Deformation Source
(99) unknown
(00) no deformation
67. Fuel-Tank Material (01) contact from motorcyclist’s body
____ ____ (02) collision contact from other motorcycle components
(01) steel (03) collision contact with other vehicle
(02) aluminum alloy (04) collision contact with roadway surface
(03) fiberglass composite (05) collision contact with other objects in environment
(04) other composite (97) not applicable
(05) injection-molded plastic (98) other (specify)
(06) injection-molded plastic covered by metal (99) unknown
(98) other (specify) _________________________
(99) unknown 73. Was There a Fuel-Tank Failure?
68. Fuel Tank–Cap Type (00) no (skip to # 75)
____ ____ (01) yes
(00) none, cap missing, fuel filler open or stuffed with cloth, rag, (99) unknown
rubber ball, etc.
(01) external screw type, no cover 74. Tank-Damage/Failure Type
(02) external screw type, covered CODE UP TO FOUR; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING
(03) internal screw type, no ratchet, no cover RESPONSES
(04) internal screw type, ratchet, no cover
(05) internal screw type, ratchet, covered, or recessed
(06) exposed bayonet type, no cover, no guard
(07) covered, guarded, or recessed bayonet type
(08) smooth with tank top surface, covered
(01) denting or crushing from blunt impact
(09) smooth with tank top surface, no cover
(02) laceration or puncture from edge or sharp object
(10) monza, flip-up
(03) metal tank welds separated
(11) press fit cap
(04) metal tank welds defect
(98) other (specify) __________________________
(05) metal tank corrosion weakness
(99) unknown
(06) plastic tank material embrittlement
(07) plastic tank mold defect
69. Cap Retention
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(01) retained securely, no venting or fuel loss from cap
(99) unknown
(02) not retained, ejected completely from tank body
(03) opened but remained attached to tank
75. Was There a Fuel Spill or Leak?
(04) displaced sufficiently to allow fuel loss
(97) not applicable, cap missing, fuel filler open or stuffed with
cloth, rag, rubber ball, etc. (00) no (skip to # 77)
(98) other (specify)________________________ (01) minor leaks, little or no fire hazard
(99) unknown (02) moderate leak or spill, some fire hazard
(03) large quantity of fuel lost with severe fire hazard
70. Tank Retention (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(01) tank completely retained in motorcycle
(02) partially separated, displaced from mounting
(03) completely separated from mounting position
(99) unknown
76. Source of Fuel Spills or Leak 81. Ignition Source for Fire
RESPONSES (01) other vehicle or environment
(02) sliding motorcycle caused friction sparks
(03) ignition system, high-tension sparks
(04) violation of electrical system other than lights or lamps
(05) lights, lamps
(06) exhaust system
(00) no leaks or spills (07) smoking materials
(01) primary fuel tank (08) cargo, parcels
(02) auxiliary fuel tank (09) traffic-hazard flares
(03) fuel lines and fittings (97) not applicable, no fire
(04) fuel filter (98) other (specify)
(05) exhaust (99) unknown
(06) carburetor
(07) fuel-injection system DRIVELINE
(08) fuel cap
(09) fuel-tank vent 82. Drive-Line Type
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) (01) sprockets, exposed chain
(99) unknown (02) sprockets, enclosed chain
(03) belt
77. Did a Fire Occur? (04) shaft
(98) other (specify)
(00) no (skip to # 82) (99) unknown
(01) yes
(97) not applicable 83. Drive-Chain, Belt, or Shaft Condition
(99) unknown
(00) no unusual condition, acceptable adjustment
78. When Did the Fire Occur? (01) excessively loose adjustment, excessive wear
(02) drive chain or belt adjustment too tight
(01) pre-crash (03) chain or belt broken
(02) during crash (04) chain or belt derailed
(03) post-crash (98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable, no fire (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown 84. When Did This Drive-Line Damage Occur?
79. The Fire Occurred How Long After the Crash? (00) no drive-line damage
CODE IN MINUTES (01) pre-crash
(02) during crash
(01–96) actual time in minutes (03) post-crash
(97) not applicable, no fire (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
85. Drive-Sprocket Condition
80. Fuel Source for Fire
(00) no unusual condition, acceptable condition
(01) other vehicle or environment (01) front-sprocket teeth worn but serviceable
(02) primary fuel tank (02) front-sprocket teeth badly worn, hinders power application
(03) auxiliary fuel tank (03) rear-sprocket teeth worn but serviceable
(04) fuel lines and fittings (04) rear-sprocket teeth badly worn, hinders power application
(05) fuel filter (05) severe sprocket wear, related to chain or belt derailing, drive-
(06) exhaust line failure
(07) carburetor (97) not applicable, no sprockets
(08) fuel-injection system (98) other (specify)
(09) fuel cap (99) unknown
(10) fuel-tank vent
(97) not applicable, no fire
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
THROTTLE CONTROL 89. Condition of Throttle Plate/Slides
86. Does Throttle Control Work? (00) throttle plate/slides not damaged
(01) carburetor damage prior to accident events caused binding,
(00) no throttle sticking
(01) yes (02) throttle plate damage prior to accident caused throttle sticking
(99) unknown (03) foreign object in induction system caused throttle malfunction
(04) missing air cleaner allowed induction system contamination,
87. Drum Condition sticking throttle
(05) improper reassembly of carburetor after maintenance allowed
(00) no drum damage sticking slide or throttle plate
(01) grip interference, binds in rotation (97) not applicable
(02) base-adjustment improper, binds in rotation (98) other (specify)
(03) drum damaged prior to accident events, binds in rotation (99) unknown
(04) cable-draw interference, binds in rotation
(05) needs lubrication, binds in rotation 90. Return-Springs Condition
(06) foreign matter in throttle base, binds in rotation
(07) improper tightening of throttle base, rotation causes base (00) return springs not damaged
rotation (01) external return springs missing, sticking throttle
(97) not applicable, thumb-throttle or squeeze-throttle type (02) carburetor internal slide springs missing or damaged
(98) other (specify) (03) external throttle plate springs altered, weaker springs, sticking
(99) unknown throttle
(04) not applicable
88. Condition of Cables (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) cables not damaged
(01) bind due to bent sheath EXHAUST SYSTEM
(02) bind due to corrosion, lack of lubrication
(03) bind due to frayed wires 91. Exhaust-System Condition
(04) end collets loose
(05) incorrect size causes malfunction (00) no problems, good condition
(06) improper routing, steering causes throttle action (01) worn or damaged
(97) not applicable (02) worn or damaged, excessive noise
(98) other (specify) (03) performance equipment, noise level approximately same as
(99) unknown original equipment
(04) high performance equipment, excessive noise
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Table 1. Example of blank motorcycle summary table—page 1.
Codes for Each Blank Cell
(00) no
(01) yes
(97) not applicable Original
(99) unknown Equipped Equipment Aftermarket Operational Modified
Engine guard
Headlamp nacelle
Auxiliary headlamp
Table 2. Example of blank motorcycle summary table—page 2.
Codes for Each Blank Cell
(00) no
(01) yes
(97) not applicable Original
(99) unknown Equipped Equipment Aftermarket Operational Modified
Clutch lever
Brake lever
Front suspension
Front fender
Front brakes
Fuel tank
Water hose
Transmission case
Oil tank
Shift lever
Highway pegs/footrests
Table 3. Example of blank motorcycle summary table—page 3.
Code for Each Black Cell
(00) no
(01) yes
(97) not applicable Original
(99) unknown Equipped Equipment Aftermarket Operational Modified
Side stand
Center stand
Muffler/exhaust system
Tank bag
Luggage/cargo rack
Parcel rack
Saddle bags
Stop lamp
Rear suspension
Rear tire/wheel
Rear fender
Rear brakes
Side covers
Side Car
Data Collected Using Which Method 4. Wind Direction With Respect to Motorcycle Path
(00) control-data collection attempted, no data obtained (00) none, no wind
(01) full stop interview and inspection at crash location (01) left crosswind
(02) full stop interview but inspection refused (02) headwind
(03) full stop interview refused, but inspection obtained (03) right crosswind
(04) identification and telephone follow-up (04) tailwind
(05) remote observation at location: photography, video, or both (98) other (specify)
(06) interview at nearby location (specify) (99) unknown
(07) combination of stops and photography or video SPECIFICATIONS
WEATHER 5. Manufacturer
1. Ambient Temperature
+/− 6. Model
(999) unknown WRITE IN; DO NOT CODE
2. Weather Description
7. Year
(02) cloudy, partly cloudy Model Year
(03) overcast (1900–(current year + 1)) current data-collection year plus one
(04) drizzle, light rain (9999) unknown
(05) moderate or heavy rain
(06) snow 8. Motorcycle Legal Category
(07) sleet, freezing rain
(08) hail (01) L1 vehicle
(98) other (specify) (02) L3 vehicle
(99) unknown (03) mofa
(98) other (specify)
3. Wind Description (99) unknown
(00) none, calm
(01) light
(02) moderate
(03) strong
(04) light with gusts
(05) moderate with gusts
(06) strong with gusts
(07) variable
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
9. Motorcycle Type 4. Predominant Color of Motorcycle
(01) conventional street L1 or L3 vehicle (tank between knees), (01) no dominating color, multicolored
without modifications (02) white
(02) conventional street L1 or L3 vehicle (tank between knees), (03) yellow
with modifications (04) black
(03) dual purpose, on-road–off-road motorcycle (05) red
(04) sport, race replica (06) blue
(05) cruiser (07) green
(06) chopper, modified chopper (08) silver, grey
(07) touring (09) orange
(08) scooter (10) brown, tan
(09) step-through (11) purple
(10) sport-touring (12) gold
(11) motorcycle plus sidecar, left (13) chrome, metallic
(12) motorcycle plus sidecar, right (98) other (specify)
(13) off-road motorcycle, motocross, enduro, trial (99) unknown
(14) tricycle
(15) law enforcement 15. Does the Motorcycle Have Any Retroreflective Parts,
(98) other (specify) Material, or Paint?
(99) unknown
(00) no, none
10. Motorcycle Weight (01) yes
(98) other (specify)
(0001–9996) actual weight, as specified by manufacturer, in (99) unknown
(9999) unknown 16. Motor Displacement
11. Vehicle Identification Number
X X X (0001–9996) actual number
(99999999999999) unknown (9999) unknown
TIRES 26. Suspension Type, Rear
20. Are the Tires Original Equipment? (00) none, rigid wheel mount
(01) conventional fork swing arm, double exterior tubular
(01) yes shocks
(02) no, but are standard size (02) conventional fork swing arm, mono-shock
(03) no, modified size (03) conventional fork swing arm, linkage articulated mono-
(98) other (specify) shock
(99) unknown (04) one-sided swing arm, single exterior tubular shock
(05) one-sided swing arm, mono-shock
21. Tread Type (06) one-sided swing arm, linkage articulated mono-shock
Front (07) lower suspension
Rear (98) other (specify)
(00) no tread pattern, slick (99) unknown
(01) straight-rib tread pattern
(02) block pattern, trials type BRAKE SYSTEM
(03) knobby pattern, motocross type
(04) all weather, cross or dog-bone pattern 27. Rider Brake-Control Type
(05) all weather, diagonal or diamond pattern Lever/Pedal 1
(06) all weather, angle groove Lever/Pedal 2
(07) racing design, minimum groove design (00) none, not present
(98) other (specify) (01) hand
(99) unknown (02) foot
(98) other (specify)
22. Measured Tread Depth (99) unknown
Front /32nds 28. Brake Control–System Type
Rear /32nds Lever/Pedal 1
(00–96/32nds) actual tread depth Lever/Pedal 2
(99/32nds) unknown (01) independent front brake
(02) independent rear brake
23. Are the Wheels Original Equipment? (03) combined front and rear brakes, CBS
(97) not applicable
(01) yes (99) unknown
(02) no, but are standard size
(03) no, modified size 29. ABS
(98) other (specify) Front
(99) unknown Rear
(00) no
(97) not applicable
24. Is the Suspension Original Equipment? (99) unknown
(00) no FRAME
(01) yes, all original equipment
(02) partially original equipment 30. Has the Frame Been Modified?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) no
(01) yes
25. Suspension Type, Front (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) none, rigid wheel mount
(01) telescoping tube, conventional lower fork legs
(02) telescoping tube, inverted fork legs
(03) springer
(04) girder
(05) leading link, single- or double-sided
(06) articulated multiple link
(07) trailing link, single- or double-sided
(08) telelever (BMW only)
(09) lower suspension
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
31. Frame Type/Configuration 37. Have the Handlebars Been Modified?
(01) step-through, formed sheet metal (00) no, original equipment
(02) step-through, tubular frame (01) clip-on, not original equipment
(03) conventional tube-cradle type with single-down tube (02) clubman or racer
(04) conventional tube-cradle type with double-down tubes (03) high-sweep or tiller-type touring
(05) backbone type, motor-transmission mounted independently (04) high rise
(06) backbone type, motor-transmission integral with frame (05) motocross, off-road
(07) perimeter frame, tube type (98) other (specify)
(08) perimeter frame, extrusion-element type (99) unknown
(09) monocoque, shell-only structure
(98) other (specify) 38. Has the Seat Been Modified?
(99) unknown
(00) no
(98) other (specify)
32. Is the Motorcycle Equipped With Pedals? (99) unknown
(00) no 39. Seat Type
(01) yes
(99) unknown (01) conventional straddle seat, one level
(02) straddle type, two level, raised passenger
33. Headlamp Assembly Type (03) bucket, single seat
(04) bucket, double seat, one level removed
(00) none (05) bucket, double seat, raised passenger
(01) single headlamp (06) single racer seat, tail fairing behind
(02) double headlamp (07) single straddle seat, pillion pad behind
(03) single with auxiliary lights (08) single pad, semibench type
(04) double with auxiliary lights (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
40. Has the Exhaust System Been Modified?
34. Was Headlamp Illuminated Prior to Stopping for the
Interview? (00) no
(01) yes, performance equipment; noise level approximately
(00) no same as original equipment
(01) yes, rider controlled (02) yes, high-performance equipment; excessive noise
(02) yes, always-on technology (98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99) unknown
41. Has the Windshield Been Modified?
35. Is Motorcycle Equipped With an Airbag?
(00) no
(00) no (01) yes
(01) yes (97) not applicable, no windshield
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
36. Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any of the
Following? 42. Is This Motorcycle Equipped With Crash Bars?
(00) no, not applicable (00) no
(01) sidecar (01) yes
(02) trailer (02) previously equipped, but crash bars have been removed
(03) training wheels (98) other (specify)
(04) outrigger (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown 43. Is This Motorcycle Equipped With Engine Guards?
(00) no
(01) yes
(02) previously equipped, but engine guards have been removed
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Table 4. Example of blank control motorcycle summary table—page 1.
Code for Each Blank Cell
(00) no
(01) yes Original
(97) not applicable Equipped Equipment Aftermarket Operational Modified
Engine guard
Auxiliary headlamp
Clutch lever
Brake lever
Front suspension
Front tire/wheel
Table 5. Example of blank control motorcycle summary table—page 2.
Code for Each Blank Cell
(00) no
(01) yes Original
(97) not applicable Equipped Equipment Aftermarket Operational Modified
Front fender
Front brakes
Fuel tank
Water hose
Transmission case
Oil tank
Shift lever
Highway pegs/footrests
Side stand
Center stand
Muffler/exhaust system
Tank bag
Table 6. Example of blank control motorcycle summary table—page 3.
Code for Each Blank Cell
(00) no
(01) yes Original
(97) not applicable Equipped Equipment Aftermarket Operational Modified
Luggage/cargo rack
Parcel rack
Saddle bags
Stop lamp
Rear suspension
Rear tire/wheel
Rear fender
Rear brakes
Side covers
Side Car
7. Braking Skid Marks on Roadway 11. Swerve
(00) none (00) no swerve
(01) skid marks from rear tire only (01) swerve to right, correct decision
(02) skid marks from front tire only (02) swerve to right, incorrect decision
(03) skid marks from both front and rear tires, front and rear (03) swerve to left, correct decision
equivalent and overlaying (04) swerve to left, incorrect decision
(04) long skid mark from rear tire, short terminal skid from front (97) not applicable
tire (99) unknown
(05) light skid marks from both front and rear, no wheel lockup
evidence 12. Acceleration Evidence on Rear Tire
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)______________________ (00) none
(99) unknown (01) moderate slip striations and tread block–edge erosion
(02) severe slip striations and tread block–edge erosion
8. Length of Skid Marks on Roadway (03) extreme slip striations, tread block–edge erosion and tread-
Front Tire feet inches rubber reversion
Rear Tire feet inches (97) not applicable
(000.00) none (98) other (specify)
(000.01–999.96) actual length of skid marks in feet and inches (99) unknown
(997.97) not applicable
(999.99) unknown 13. Countersteering
9. Braking Skid-Mark Evidence on Roadway (00) no countersteering
(01) countersteering proper, produced desired swerve
(00) none (02) countersteering improper, produced undesired direction
(01) dry roadway braking skid marks confirmed from crash change
motorcycle (97) not applicable
(02) wet roadway braking skid marks confirmed from crash (99) unknown
(03) deep water on roadway, aquaplaning most likely, no 14. Cornering Skid-Mark Evidence on Roadway
braking skid marks remaining
(04) wet reverted rubber skidding in evidence, white steam- (00) none
cleaned skid paths shown on roadway confirmed from (01) dry roadway, cornering skid marks confirmed from crash
crash motorcycle motorcycle
(05) braking skid-mark evidence most likely present but (02) wet roadway, cornering skid marks confirmed from crash
degraded by traffic after crash, no confirmation at scene motorcycle
examination (03) deep water on roadway, aquaplaning most likely, no
(06) snow/ice on roadway, braking skid marks confirmed from cornering skid marks remaining
crash motorcycle (04) wet reverted rubber skidding in evidence, white steam-
(97) not applicable cleaned cornering skid paths shown on roadway confirmed
(98) other (specify) from crash motorcycle
(99) unknown (05) cornering skid-marks evidence most likely present but
degraded by traffic after crash, no confirmation at scene
10. Braking Tire-Striation Evidence examination
(06) snow/ice on roadway, cornering skid marks confirmed from
(00) none, front or rear tire crash motorcycle
(01) rear tire only (97) not applicable
(02) front tire only (98) other (specify)
(03) both front and rear tires (99) unknown
(04) prolonged skid patch on rear tire only
(05) prolonged skid patch on rear tire, braking striations on 15. Cornering Tire-Striation Evidence
front tire
(06) prolonged skid patch on rear tire, slide-out striations on (00) none
front tire (01) right cornering tire striations, rear tire
(07) prolonged skid patch on rear tire, slide-out striations on (02) right cornering tire striations, front tire
both front and rear tires (03) right cornering striations, both front and rear tires
(97) not applicable (04) left cornering tire striations, rear tire
(98) other (specify) _________________________ (05) left cornering tire striations, front tire
(99) unknown (06) left cornering tire striations, both front and rear tires
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
18. Motorcycle Impact Speed in MPH 24. Motorcycle Motion Code
(000) stopped in traffic, speed is zero (00) none, stopped at POI; POR and POI coincide
(001–996) actual impact speed in miles per hour (01) stopped within 6 ft of POI
(999) unknown (02) rolled on wheels from POI to POR
(03) rolled on wheels from POI, then impacted other object at
19. Roll Attitude Angle in Degrees POR
INDICATE “+” RIGHT SIDE DOWN, OR “−” LEFT (04) vehicle rollover from POI to POR
SIDE DOWN (05) skidded, slid from POI to POR
+/− (06) skidded, slid from POI, then impacted other object at POR
(−090–+090) roll attitude angle degrees (07) vaulted above ride height from POI, then rolled to POR
(997) not applicable (08) vaulted above ride height from POI, then slid to POR
(999) unknown (09) vaulted above ride height from POI, then impacted other
object at POR
20. Sideslip Angle in Degrees (10) run over at POI
INDICATE “+” CLOCKWISE OR “–” (11) run over, dragged from POI to POR
COUNTERCLOCKWISE RELATIVE TO THE (12) caught by or landed on other vehicle; carried to POR,
MOTORCYCLE CENTERLINE different from other vehicle POR
+/− (13) engaged, entangled, or entrapped with other vehicle (other
(000–359) sideslip angle degrees than run over); POR same as other vehicle POR
(997) not applicable (14) vehicles did not separate; PORs are essentially same for
(999) unknown motorcycle and other vehicle
(15) spun or yawed, sliding from POI to POR
21. Relative Heading Angle (16) hit and run, rider departed scene of crash, with motorcycle,
ANGLE OF OTHER VEHICLE X-AXIS RELATIVE TO immediately after collision
MOTORCYCLE X-AXIS, REGARDLESS OF (17) rider/passenger departed scene immediately after collision,
RELATIVE POSITIONS OF OTHER VEHICLE AND but motorcycle is still at scene
MOTORCYCLE (98) other (specify)
+/− (99) unknown
(000–360) relative heading angle degrees
(997) not applicable 25. Distance From POI to Motorcycle POR
Distance Along POI Path:
POST-CRASH +/− feet inches
22. Principal Direction of Force (PDOF) in Degrees +/− feet inches
(000.00–999.95) actual distance in feet and inches
(000) nonhorizontal force (999.96) 999.96 feet or more
(010–360) PDOF degrees (999.99) unknown
(997) not applicable
(999) unknown 26. Post-Crash Scrape Marks on Motorcycle
23. Calculated Time From Precipitating Event to Impact (00) none
CODE IN SECONDS (01) motorcycle down on right side, sliding high side first
. (02) motorcycle down on right side, sliding low side first
(00.00–60.00) calculated time in seconds (03) motorcycle down on right side, sliding front end first
(99.99) unknown (04) motorcycle down on right side, sliding rear end first
(05) motorcycle down on left side, sliding high side first
(06) motorcycle down on left side, sliding low side first
(07) motorcycle down on left side, sliding front end first
(08) motorcycle down on left side, sliding rear end first
(09) motorcycle tumbling, side over side
(10) motorcycle tumbling, end over end
(11) scrape marks with unknown motorcycle dynamics
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) none, stopped at POI; POR and POI coincide 29. Passenger Motion Code
(01) stopped within 6 ft of POI
(02) tumbled and rolled from POI to POR (00) none, stopped at POI; POR and POI coincide
(03) tumbled and rolled from POI, then impacted other object at (01) stopped within 6 ft of POI
POR (02) tumbled and rolled from POI to POR
(04) skidded, slid from POI to POR (03) tumbled and rolled from POI, then impacted other object at
(05) skidded, slid from POI, then impacted other object at POR POR
(06) vaulted above ride height from POI, then rolled to POR (04) skidded, slid from POI to POR
(07) vaulted above ride height from POI, then slid to POR (05) skidded, slid from POI, then impacted other object at POR
(08) vaulted above ride height from POI, then impacted other (06) vaulted above ride height from POI, then rolled to POR
object at POR (07) vaulted above ride height from POI, then slid to POR
(09) run over at POI (08) vaulted above ride height from POI, then impacted other
(10) run over, dragged from POI to POR object at POR
(11) caught by or landed on other vehicle; carried to POR, (09) run over at POI
different from other vehicle POR (10) run over, dragged from POI to POR
(12) engaged, entangled, or entrapped with other vehicle (other (11) caught by or landed on other vehicle; carried to POR,
than run over); POR same as other vehicle POR different from other vehicle POR
(13) did not separate from motorcycle, rode from POI to POR; (12) engaged, entangled, or entrapped with other vehicle (other
POR same as motorcycle POR than run over); POR same as other vehicle POR
(14) hit and run, departed scene of crash immediately after (13) did not separate from motorcycle, rode from POI to POR;
collision POR same as motorcycle POR
(15) rider departed scene immediately after collision, but (14) hit and run, departed scene of crash immediately after
motorcycle is still at scene collision
(98) other (specify) (15) rider departed scene immediately after collision, but
(99) unknown motorcycle is still at scene
(97) not applicable, no passenger
28. Distance From POI to Rider POR (98) other (specify) ___________________________
feet inches
(000.00–999.96) actual distance from POI to rider POR in feet 30. Distance From POI to Passenger POR
(999.99) unknown feet inches
(000.00–999.96) actual distance from POI to passenger POR in
feet and inches
(999.99) unknown
32. Tire Size 36. Contributing Factor Related to Frame Condition
Rear (00) no contribution
(01) original equipment (01) cracked or broken frame caused loss of control
(02) not original equipment, but specified size (02) loose motor-transmission mounting bolts or screws caused
(03) proper rim size, oversize section loss of control
(04) proper rim size, undersize section (03) deteriorated steering head bearings/steering stem caused
(05) improper rim size, too large loss of control
(06) improper rim size, too small (04) deteriorated rear swing arm bearings caused loss of control
(98) other (specify) (05) general frame deterioration caused uncontrolled dynamic
(99) unknown response
(98) other (specify)
33. Tire Inflation Pressure Post-Crash (99) unknown
Rear 37. Contributing Factor Related to Cornering Clearance
(01) tire deflated during crash events
(02) tire inflation within 15 percent of recommended pressure (00) no contribution
(03) tire inflation between 16 and 39 percent of recommended (01) exhaust system grounded out first
pressure (02) foot pegs, foot rests grounded out first
(04) tire grossly underinflated, greater than 40 percent below (03) side stand not retracted, grounded out first
recommended pressure (04) side stand retracted but grounded out first
(05) tire grossly overinflated, greater than 40 percent above (05) center stand grounded out first
recommended pressure (06) accessory or cargo limited ground clearance
(98) other (specify) (07) passenger weight or extremities limited ground clearance
(99) unknown (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
34. Contributing Factor Related to Tire or Wheel
Front 38. Contributing Factor Related to the Seat
(00) no wheel or tire condition related to crash causation (00) no contribution
(01) tire mechanical failure caused loss of control (01) seat came loose, distracted rider
(02) tire puncture/flat caused loss of control (02) seat came loose caused rider loss of control
(03) tire beads unseated and caused loss of control (03) seat cover material slippery, caused rider displacement and
(04) gross underinflation contributed to loss of tire traction and loss of control
caused loss of control (04) seat cover treated with slippery preservative, caused rider
(05) gross overinflation caused loss of traction and caused loss displacement and loss of control
of control (05) seat cover and cushion severely deteriorated, caused rider
(06) gross error of inflation contributed to stability problem and displacement and loss of control
caused loss of control (98) other (specify)
(07) wheel mechanical failure caused loss of control, including (99) unknown
valve failure
(98) other (specify) 39. Contributing Factor Related to the Drive-Chain, Belt, or
(99) unknown Shaft Condition
35. Contributing Factor Related to Suspension Condition (00) no contribution
Front (01) chain or belt broken or derailed, drive failure was crash
Rear related
(00) suspension condition made no to crash causation (98) other (specify)
(01) deteriorated suspension caused control distress, limited (99) unknown
collision avoidance
(02) deteriorated suspension caused unstable dynamics, loss of
(97) not applicable, rigid suspension
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
40. Contributing Factor Related to the Exhaust-System 42. Was a Pre-Crash Fire a Contributing Factor?
(00) no
(00) no contribution (01) yes
(01) hot exhaust system caused contact burns (99) unknown
(02) exhaust-system components involved in contact impact
injury 43. Was the Cargo/Luggage a Contributing Factor?
(03) hot exhaust-system components were fire ignition source
(04) exhaust-system noise prevented motorcyclist from hearing (00) no contribution
critical traffic sounds (01) cargo/luggage came loose, caused rider loss of control
(05) exhaust-system noise caused motorcyclist fatigue and (02) cargo/luggage interfered with controls, caused loss of
inattention (as claimed by rider) control
(06) exhaust system noise alerted other-vehicle driver of (03) cargo/luggage interfered with controls, prevented
motorcycle presence, but could not avoid collision successful collision-avoidance action
(97) not applicable, no exhaust system (04) cargo/luggage entrapped in rear suspension or wheel
(98) other (specify) (05) cargo/luggage entrapped in front suspension or wheel
(99) unknown (06) cargo/luggage against motor and exhaust system, heat
damage or fire caused rider distraction
41. Contributing Motorcycle-Vehicle Failure (07) cargo/luggage container began to spill contents, distracted
(00) no contribution (97) not applicable, no cargo or luggage
(01) tire or wheel failure (98) other (specify)
(02) brake failure (99) unknown
(03) steering failure
(04) power-transmission failure
(05) electrical failure
(06) suspension failure
(07) vehicle structural failure, other than suspension, tire, or
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Case Number
Motorcycle or Motor Vehicle Number
Rider/Occupant Number
Record below the actual injuries sustained by this occupant that were identified from the official and unofficial data sources. Remember not
to double count an injury just because it was identified from two different sources. If greater than ten injuries have been documented, encode
the balance on the next page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
AIS 2005
Injury Injury Occupant
Source of Type of Specific Source Source Direct/
Injury Body Anatomic Anatomic Level of Conf. Conf. Indirect
Data Region Structure Structure Injury Severity Localizer 1 Localizer 2 1st Injury Source 2nd Injury Source Level 1 Level 2 Injury FCI ICD-9
= no data available.
OCCUPANT INJURY CLASSIFICATION Specific Anatomic Structure Injury Source Confidence Level 1 and 2
Source of Injury Data Level 2
Vessels, Nerves, Organs, Bones, Joints are assigned (1) certain
Official Records consecutive two-digit numbers beginning with 00. (2) probable
(1) autopsy records with or without hospital/medical (3) possible
records Level of Injury (9) unknown
(2) hospital/medical records other than emergency
room (e.g., discharge summary) Specific injuries are assigned consecutive two-digit Occupant Direct/Indirect Injury
(3) emergency room records only (including associated numbers beginning with 00.
X-rays or other laboratory reports)
(1) direct-contact injury
(4) private physician, walk-in or emergency clinic To the extent possible, within the organizational (2) indirect-contact injury
Unofficial Records framework of the AIS, 00 is assigned to an injury NFS (3) noncontact injury
(5) lay coroner report as to severity or where only one injury is given in the (7) injured, unknown source
(6) EMS personnel dictionary for that anatomic structure. 99 is assigned to
(7) interviewee any injury NFS as to lesion or severity. Functional Capacity Index (FCI)
(8) other source (specify)
___________________________ Severity
(9) police
(1) minor injury
Body Region (5) critical injury
(6) maximum (untreatable)
(0) other trauma (9) injured,
(1) head (2) moderate injury
mirror (passenger side only) (155) head-restraint system (188) airbag-compartment cover (passenger side) and object
(017) windshield, reinforced by exterior object (specify) (160) other occupants (specify) held
________________________ ____________________________ (189) airbag-compartment cover (passenger side) and object
(019) other front object (specify) (161) interior loose objects in mouth
________________________ (162) child-safety seat (specify) (190) other airbag (specify)
____________________________ ______________________________
MV Left Side (163) other interior object (specify) (195) other airbag-compartment cover (specify)
(051) left-side interior surface, excluding hardware or ____________________________ ______________________________
(052) left-side hardware or armrest MV Roof
(053) left A (A1/A2)-pillar (201) front header
(054) left B-pillar (202) rear header
(055) other left pillar (specify) (203) roof left-side rail
__________________________ (204) roof right-side rail
(056) left-side window glass (205) roof or convertible top
(057) left-side window frame
(058) left-side window sill MV Floor
(059) left-side window glass, including one or more of the (251) floor (including toe pan)
following: frame, window sill, A (A1/A2)-pillar, B- (252) floor- or console-mounted transmission lever
pillar, or roof side rail (including console)
(060) other left-side object (specify) (253) parking-brake handle
__________________________ (254) foot controls (including parking brake)
MV Rear Exterior of Other MV Injury Source Motorcycle
(301) backlight (rear window) (501) front bumper (701) front crash bars
(302) backlight storage rack, door, etc. (502) hood edge (702) rear crash bars
(303) other rear object (specify) (503) other front of vehicle (specify) (703) engine guard
______________________________ ______________________________ (704) windscreen
(504) hood (705) fairing
MV Adaptive (Assistive) Driving Equipment (505) hood ornament (706) headlamps
(401) hand controls for braking/acceleration (506) windshield, roof rail, a-pillar (707) front reflector
(402) steering control devices (attached to OEM steering (507) side surface (708) front turn signals
wheel) (508) side mirrors (709) instrument panel
(403) steering knob attached to steering wheel (509) other side protrusions (specify) (710) GPS/navigation system
(404) replacement steering wheel (i.e., reduced diameter) ______________________________ (711) entertainment/radio/CD controls
(405) joy stick steering controls (510) rear surface (712) cruise control
(406) wheelchair tie-downs (511) undercarriage (713) ignition/power control
(407) modification to seat belts, (specify) (512) tires and wheels (714) intercom/two-way radio control
_______________________ (513) other exterior of other motor vehicle (specify) (715) handlebar
(408) additional or relocated switches, (specify) ______________________________ (716) throttle
_______________________ (514) unknown exterior of other motor vehicle (717) clutch lever
(409) raised roof (718) brake lever
(410) wall mounted head rest (used behind wheel chair) Other Vehicle or Object in the Environment (719) right-side rearview mirrors, posts
(411) other adaptive device (specify) (551) ground (720) left-side rearview mirrors, posts
______________________ (552) utility pole (721) front suspension
(553) building (722) front tire/wheel
Exterior of MV Occupant’s Vehicle (554) guardrail (723) front fender
(996) helmet
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data
are unavailable).
Source: OECD.
Figure 11. Illustration. Rider/occupant—front and back of human body.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 12. Illustration. Rider/occupant—front and back of human body with skeleton.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 13. Illustration. Rider/occupant—front and back of human body with internal organs.
Table 8. Example of blank Injury Severity Score (ISS) worksheet.
Highest AIS in Three Worst
ISS Region Injury AIS Code Regions Highest AIS Code Squared
Abdominal/pelvic contents
Extremities/pelvic girdle
General (external)
157. Injury Severity Score:
Note: ISS equals the sum of squares of the highest AIS (severity) code in each of the three most severely injured areas.
TRAUMA STATUS FORM 159. Number of Days of Hospital Admission 160. Death Within How Many Days?
158. Trauma Status (00) not hospitalized (00) not fatal
(01–95) actual number of days (01–30) actual number of days
(00) no medical aid sought (96) 96 days or more (98) other (specify) ___________________________
(01) first aid at scene only (98) other (specify) ___________________________ (99) unknown
(02) treated at hospital/clinic and released (99) unknown
(03) hospitalized (code number of days in # 159)
(04) disabled, institutionalized
(05) fatal, dead on scene
(06) fatal, dead on arrival at hospital
(07) fatal, other (code number of days until death in #
(08) treated at scene and transported to hospital NFS
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
Use this diagram to aid in relating interview crash trajectory data to identifiable objects in the
PRE-CRASH DATA 2. Where Were You Looking Prior to the Start of the Crash
1. How Were You Operating Your Motor Vehicle/
Motorcycle Immediately Prior to the Crash? (01) looking straight ahead
(02) looking right
(00) stopped in traffic, speed is zero (03) looking left
(01) moving in a straight line, constant speed (04) looking rearward
(02) moving in a straight line, foot off accelerator/throttle (05) looking at own motorcycle
(03) moving in a straight line, braking (06) scanning, not further specified
(04) moving in a straight line, accelerating (98) other (specify)
(05) turning right, constant speed (99) unknown
(06) turning right, foot off accelerator/throttle
(07) turning right, braking 3. In Which Lane Were You Traveling Just Before the
(08) turning right, accelerating Precipitating Event?
(09) turning left, constant speed
(10) turning left, foot off accelerator/throttle (01) lane one (right curb lane)
(11) turning left, braking (02) lane two
(12) turning left, accelerating (03) lane three
(13) stopped at roadside or parked (04) lane four
(14) backing up in a straight line (05) designated right-turn lane(s)
(15) backing up, steering left (06) designated left-turn lane(s)
(16) backing up, steering right (07) lane splitting
(17) making U-turn, right (08) wrong way in opposing lanes
(18) making U-turn, left (97) not applicable, not in a travel lane
(19) making Y-turn, right (98) other (specify)
(20) making Y-turn, left (99) unknown
(21) changing lanes to left
(22) changing lanes to right 4. What Was Your Travel Speed Just Before the
(23) merging to left Precipitating Event?
(24) merging to right
(25) entering traffic from right shoulder, median, or parked (00) stopped
(26) entering traffic from left shoulder, median, or parked (01–95) actual miles per hour
(27) leaving traffic, turn out to right (96) 96 mph or greater
(28) leaving traffic, turn out to left (98) other (specify)
(29) passing maneuver, passing on right (99) unknown
(30) passing maneuver, passing on left
(31) crossing opposing lanes of traffic 5. What Collision-Avoidance Actions Were You Taking
(32) traveling wrong way, against opposing traffic (If Any)?
(33) stripe riding, filtering forward between lanes, longitudinal CODE UP TO THREE
motion only
(34) filtering forward between lanes, lateral motion only
(35) filtering forward between lanes, both longitudinal and
lateral motions
(00) no avoidance actions
(36) collision-avoidance maneuver to avoid a different collision
(01) braking
(37) negotiating a curve, constant speed
(02) steering
(38) negotiating a curve, foot off accelerator/throttle
(03) braking and steering
(39) negotiating a curve, braking
(04) accelerating
(40) negotiating a curve, accelerating
(05) steering and accelerating
(97) not applicable
(06) releasing brakes
(98) other (specify)
(07) honked horn
(99) unknown
(08) flashing headlamps
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
6. Was there Any Control Loss Due to Weather, Roadway, 11. Was Your View of the Motorcycle/Vehicle Obscured?
or Mechanical Problems?
(00) no, not obscured
(00) no control loss due to weather, roadway, or mechanical (01) yes, obscured by sun glare
problems (02) yes, obscured by headlight glare
(01) yes, control loss due to weather (03) yes, obscured by other glare (specify)
(02) yes, control loss due to mechanical problems
(03) yes, control loss due to both weather and mechanical (04) yes, obscured by darkness
problems (05) yes, obscured by nighttime and color of vehicle
(04) yes, control loss due to roadway problems (06) obscured by dust, smoke, smog, or fog
(05) yes, control loss due to weather and roadway problems (07) obscured by windshield/windscreen or eyewear condition
(06) yes, control loss due to roadway and mechanical problems (dirt, condensation, etc.)
(07) yes, control loss due to all three (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) ________________________ (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (99) unknown
TRIP INFORMATION 17.How Long Have You Been Driving Today Since Your
Trip Departure?
13. Where Did Your Trip Begin Today? USE ZEROS TO FILL IN BLANKS
hours minutes
(01) home
(02) work, business (00–59) minutes
(03) recreation/social (00–24) hours
(04) school (97-97) not applicable
(05) errand, shopping (98-98) other (specify)
(06) family, friends, relatives (99-99) unknown
(07) meals, restaurant, café, etc.
(08) transport someone 18.How Many Miles Have You Gone Since Your Trip
(09) medical/dental Departure?
(10) bar/pub
(11) religious activity (001) 1 mile or less
(12) personal business/obligations (002–995) actual number of miles
(98) other (specify) (996) 996 miles or greater
(99) unknown (997) not applicable, had not yet begun trip
(998) other (specify)
14. What Was Your Trip Destination? (999) unknown
(01) home IMPAIRMENT
(02) work, business
(03) recreation/social 19. Do You Have Any of the Following Permanent Physical
(04) school Conditions?
(05) errand, shopping CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING
(06) family, friends, relatives RESPONSES
(07) meals, restaurant, café, etc.
(08) transport someone
(09) medical/dental
(10) bar/pub (00) no
(11) religious activity (01) vision reduction or loss
(12) personal business/obligations (02) hearing reduction or loss
(13) no destination, joy riding (03) respiratory, cardiovascular condition
(98) other (specify) (04) paraplegia
(99) unknown (05) amputee
(06) neurological, epilepsy, stroke
15. About How Many Miles Would the Trip be One Way? (07) endocrine system, diabetes, digestive system
(08) infirmity, arthritis, senility
(001) 1 mile or less (98) other (specify)
(002–995) actual number of miles (99) unknown
(996) 996 miles or greater
(997) not applicable 20. At the Time of the Crash, Were You Experiencing Any
(999) unknown of the Following?
16. How Frequently Do You Travel This Road on/in Any RESPONSES
(01) first time
(02) daily use (i.e., once per day) (00) no
(03) weekly use (i.e., once per week) (01) fatigue
(04) monthly use (i.e., once per month) (02) hunger
(05) quarterly (i.e., once per quarter) (03) thirst
(06) annually (i.e., once per year) (04) elimination urgency
(07) less than annually (05) muscle spasm, cramp, itch
(99) unknown (06) headache, minor malaise, fever
(07) siesta syndrome (tired in afternoon)
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
21. At the Time of the Crash, Were You Concerned About RIDING/DRIVING EXPERIENCE
Any of the Following Issues?
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 00 FOR REMAINING 26. How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind of Motor
years months
(00-00) this is the first time
(00) no problems (00–11) months
(01) conflict with friends, relatives, divorce, separation (00–96) years
(02) work-related problems (98-98) other (specify)
(03) financial distress (99-99) unknown
(04) school problems
(05) legal, police problems 27. How Long Have You Been Driving the Crash-Involved
(06) reward stress Motor Vehicle/Motorcycle?
(07) traffic conflict, road rage USE ZEROS TO FILL IN BLANKS
(08) death of family or friend years months
(98) other (specify) (00-00) this is the first time
(99) unknown (00–11) months
(00–96) years
22. How Many Hours of Sleep Did You Have in the (98-98) other (specify)
24 Hours Prior to the Crash? (99-99) unknown
(00) no sleep 28. About How Many Miles per Year Do You Drive a Car
(01–24) number of hours slept or Truck?
(98) other (specify) ,
(99) unknown (00000) none
(00001–99995) actual number of miles
23. Did You Drink Any Alcohol or Take Any Drugs or (99996) 99,996 miles or greater
Medications Within the 24 Hours Prior to the (99998) other (specify)
Crash? (99999) unknown
(00) no (skip to # 26) 29. What Kind of Driver Training Have You Had?
(01) alcohol use only (skip to # 26)
(02) drug/medication use only (00) none
(03) combined alcohol and drug/medication use (01) State-recognized, entry-level motorcycle course
(98) other (specify) (02) experienced-rider course
(99) unknown (03) high-performance/competitive-track course
(04) self-taught
24.What Type of Drugs Other Than Alcohol? (05) taught by family and/or friends
(06) State-recognized, entry-level passenger vehicle course
(00) no drugs other than alcohol (07) professional training for a commercial license
(01) stimulant (08) compulsory motor vehicle training ordered by judge,
(02) depressant police, etc.
(03) drugs taken, type unknown (98) other (specify)
(04) multiple drugs taken (99) unknown
(05) blood pressure/blood thinner
(97) not applicable 30. How Many Moving Traffic Convictions Have You Had
(98) other (specify) in the Previous 5 Years?
25.What Is the Source of Drugs Other Than Alcohol?
(00) none
(00) no drugs other than alcohol (01–96) actual number of convictions
(01) prescription (99) unknown
(02) nonprescription, over the counter
(03) illegal
(97) not applicable
(99) unknown
31. How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have 37. When You Ride or Drive, What Is the Percentage of
You Had in the Past 5 Years? Time You Ride a Motorcycle Versus Drive Another
(00) none Motorcycle
(01–96) actual number of crashes Other-Vehicle Types
(99) unknown 100%
(000) first-time use
32. How Many Car or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You (001–100) actual percentage of time
Had in the Past 5 Years? (997) not applicable
38. When You Ride a Motorcycle, What Is the Percentage
(00) none of Time It Is for Each of these Categories?
(01–96) actual number of crashes INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL
33. Do You Currently Ride a Street Motorcycle? Basic Transportation
(00) no (000) first-time use
(01) yes (001–100) actual percentage of time
(02) refused to answer (997) not applicable, not a rider
(98) other (specify) (999) unknown
(99) unknown
CODE # 34–38 AS N/A; RESUME AT # 41 39. How Old Were You at the Time of the Crash?
34. How Long Have You Operated a Street Motorcycle? (01–96) actual age in years
years months
(00-00) just started 40. Were You Injured in This Crash?
(00–11) months
(00–96) years (00) no injuries (skip to # 42)
(97-97) not applicable, not currently riding (01) yes
(98-98) other (specify) (99) unknown
(99-99) unknown
41. What Kind of Medical Treatment Did You Receive?
35. What Is the Average Number of Days per Year You
Ride Motorcycles? (00) no treatment
(01) on-scene emergency care only
(001–365) actual number of days per year (02) treated and released at hospital/trauma center
(997) not applicable, just started (03) admitted to hospital/trauma center
(998) other (specify) (04) walk-in clinic
(999) unknown (05) private physician
(97) not applicable, no injury
36. About How Many Miles per Year Do You Ride (98) other (specify)
Motorcycles? (99) unknown
(00000) none 42. What State/Country Issued Your Current Driver's
(00001–99995) actual number of miles License?
(99996) 99,996 miles or greater
(99997) not applicable; not currently riding or just started (00) no license
(99998) other (specify) (01) Canada
(99999) unknown (02) California
(03) other State (specify)
(04) military
(97) no license required (49 cc scooter)
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
43. What Kind of Operator’s License Is It? 48. What Is Your Height?
CODE UP TO FOUR; INPUT 97 FOR REMAINING _____ feet ___ ___ inches
RESPONSES (01–12) actual number of feet and inches
(09-99) unknown
49. What Is Your Weight?
___ ___ ___
(00) no license (001–996) actual weight in pounds
(01) learner’s permit only (999) unknown
(02) motorcycle license
(03) automobile license 50. What Is Your Gender?
(04) commercial license ____ ____
(05) motorcycle driver and competition license (01) male
(06) license to transport people (02) female
(07) heavy-truck license (99) unknown
(08) no license required (49 cc scooter)
(97) not applicable 51. How Much Formal Education Have You Had?
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown (00) no formal schooling
(01) less than high school diploma
44. What Year Was/Were the License(s) Issued? (02) high school diploma or GED
LIST IN THE SAME ORDER AS LICENSES IN # 43 (03) partial college/university
(04) college/university graduate
(05) graduate school, advanced degree, professional degree
(06) specialty/technical school
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(1900–2100) actual year of issuance
(9997) not applicable
52. What Is Your Current Occupation?
(9999) unknown
45. Does Your License Qualify You to Operate This Motor (01) management
Vehicle? (02) business and financial
(03) computer and mathematical
(04) architecture and engineering
(00) no
(05) life, physical, and social sciences
(01) yes
(06) community and social services
(97) not applicable
(07) legal
(99) unknown
(08) education, training, or library
(09) arts, design, entertainment, sports, or media
46. Are You of Hispanic or Latino Origin?
(10) healthcare practitioners and technical jobs
(11) healthcare support
(00) no
(12) protective services
(01) yes
(13) food preparation, serving, and related
(02) refused to answer
(14) building and grounds maintenance
(98) other (specify) (15) personal care and services
(99) unknown (16) sales and related
(17) office and administrative support
47. What Is Your Race? (18) farming, fishing, or forestry
CODE UP TO THREE; INPUT 97 FOR REMAINING (19) construction or extraction
RESPONSES (20) installation, maintenance, or repair
(21) transportation and material moving
(22) military
(23) full-time student
(01) White (97) not applicable, not in workforce at present
(02) Black or African American (98) other (specify)
(03) Asian (99) unknown
(04) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
(05) American Indian or Alaska native
(06) refused to answer
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)__________________________
(99) unknown
53. Are You Required to Wear Corrective Lenses When 57. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?
Riding/Driving? CODE RESULTS IN mg/100 ml
(00) no (skip to # 55) (000) negative BAC
(01) yes (001–900) test results (mg/100 ml)
(98) other (specify)___________________________ (995) BAC tested, results not known
(99) unknown (996) BAC not tested
(998) other (specify)
54. Were You Wearing Corrective Lenses at the Time of the (999) unknown
58. Source of BAC Information?
(00) no
(01) yes (00) not tested
(98) other (specify) _________________________ (01) breath test
(99) unknown (02) unknown if tested
(03) tested, results unknown
55. Are You Married? (04) tested, results not available
(05) official records/ER/autopsy/PAR
(01) single (98) other (specify)
(02) married (99) unknown
(03) separated
(04) divorced
(05) widowed
(06) cohabitating
(98) other (specify) _________________________
(99) unknown
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 14. Illustration. Other-vehicle driver—front and back of human body.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 15. Illustration. Other-vehicle driver—front and back of human body with skeleton.
Indicate the Location, Specific Anatomic Structure, Detail (size, depth, fracture type, head injury clinical signs and neurological deficits),
and Source of all injuries indicated by official sources (or from PAR or other unofficial sources if medical records and interviewee data are
Source: OECD.
Figure 16. Illustration. Other-vehicle driver—front and back of human body with internal organs.
4. Model Year
(1900+) current data-collection year plus 1
(9999) unknown
VEHICLE DYNAMICS 12. Pre-Crash Motion After Precipitating Event
9. Pre-Crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event (00) stopped in traffic, speed is zero
(01) moving in a straight line, constant speed
(00) stopped in traffic, speed is zero (02) moving in a straight line, foot off accelerator/throttle off
(01) moving in a straight line, constant speed (03) moving in a straight line, braking
(02) moving in a straight line, foot off accelerator/throttle off (04) moving in a straight line, accelerating
(03) moving in a straight line, braking (05) turning right, constant speed
(04) moving in a straight line, accelerating (06) turning right, foot off accelerator/throttle off
(05) turning right, constant speed (07) turning right, braking
(06) turning right, foot off accelerator/throttle off (08) turning right, accelerating
(07) turning right, braking (09) turning left, constant speed
(08) turning right, accelerating (10) turning left, foot off accelerator/throttle off
(09) turning left, constant speed (11) turning left, braking
(10) turning left, foot off accelerator/throttle off (12) turning left, accelerating
(11) turning left, braking (13) stopped at roadside or parked
(12) turning left, accelerating (14) backing up in a straight line
(13) stopped at roadside or parked (15) backing up, steering left
(14) backing up in a straight line (16) backing up, steering right
(15) backing up, steering left (17) making U-turn, right
(16) backing up, steering right (18) making U-turn, left
(17) making U-turn, right (19) making Y-turn, right
(18) making U-turn, left (20) making Y-turn, left
(19) making Y-turn, right (21) changing lanes to left
(20) making Y-turn, left (22) changing lanes to right
(21) changing lanes to left (23) merging to left
(22) changing lanes to right (24) merging to right
(23) merging to left (25) entering traffic from right shoulder, median, or parked
(24) merging to right (26) entering traffic from left shoulder, median, or parked
(25) entering traffic from right shoulder, median, or parked (27) leaving traffic, turn out to right
(26) entering traffic from left shoulder, median, or parked (28) leaving traffic, turn out to left
(27) leaving traffic, turn out to right (29) passing maneuver, passing on right
(28) leaving traffic, turn out to left (30) passing maneuver, passing on left
(29) passing maneuver, passing on right (31) crossing opposing lanes of traffic
(30) passing maneuver, passing on left (32) traveling wrong way, against opposing traffic
(31) crossing opposing lanes of traffic (36) collision-avoidance maneuver to avoid a different collision
(32) traveling wrong way, against opposing traffic (37) negotiating a curve, constant speed
(36) collision-avoidance maneuver to avoid a different collision (38) negotiating a curve, foot off accelerator/throttle off
(37) negotiating a curve, constant speed (39) negotiating a curve, braking
(38) negotiating a curve, foot off accelerator/throttle off (40) negotiating a curve, accelerating
(39) negotiating a curve, braking (97) not applicable
(40) negotiating a curve, accelerating (98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable (99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown 13. Collision-Avoidance Action
10. Travel Speed at Time of Precipitating Event RESPONSES
(000) stopped in traffic, speed is zero
(001–250) actual speed in miles per hour
(999) unknown (00) none
(01) braking
11. Line of Sight to Motorcycle (02) swerving
CENTER LINE (04) countersteering
(05) cornering
(01–12) clockface line-of-sight position (98) other (specify)
(97) not applicable (99) unknown
(99) unknown
14. Braking Skid Marks on Roadway 17. Braking Tire-Striation Evidence
(00) none (00) none, front or rear tires
(01) skid marks from rear tires only (01) rear tires only
(02) skid marks from front tires only (02) front tires only
(03) skid marks from both front and rear tires, equivalent and (03) both front and rear tires
overlaying front and rear marks (04) prolonged skid patch on rear tires only
(04) long skid marks from rear tires, short terminal skid marks from (05) prolonged skid patch on rear tires, plus braking striations on
front tires front tires
(05) light skid marks from both front and rear tires, no wheel- (06) prolonged skid patch on rear tires, plus slide-out striations on
lockup evidence front tires
(97) not applicable (07) prolonged skid patch on rear tires, plus slide-out striations on
(98) other (specify) both front and rear tires
(99) unknown (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
15. Length of Skid Marks on Roadway (99) unknown
Left Front Tire feet inches 18. Acceleration Evidence on Tires
Left Rear Tire feet inches
Right Front Tire feet inches (00) none
Right Rear Tire feet inches (01) moderate slip striations and tread block–edge erosion
(000.00) none, no skid marks visible (02) severe slip striations and tread block–edge erosion
(000.01–999.96) actual length of skid marks in feet and inches (03) extreme slip striations, tread block–edge erosion, and tread-
(999.99) unknown rubber reversion
(97) not applicable
16. Braking Skid-Mark Evidence On Roadway (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(00) none
(01) dry-roadway braking skid marks confirmed from motor vehicle 19. Cornering Skid Mark Evidence On Roadway
(02) wet-roadway braking skid marks confirmed from motor
vehicle (00) none
(03) deep water on roadway, dynamic hydroplaning most likely, no (01) dry-roadway cornering skid marks confirmed from motor
braking skid marks remain vehicle/motorcycle
(04) wet reverted rubber skidding in evidence, white steam-cleaned (02) wet-roadway cornering skid marks confirmed from motor
skid paths shown on roadway confirmed from motor vehicle vehicle/motorcycle
(05) braking skid-marks evidence most likely present but degraded (03) deep water on roadway, hydroplaning most likely, no
by traffic after accident, no confirmation at scene examination cornering skid marks remaining
(06) snow/ice on roadway, braking skid marks confirmed from (04) wet reverted rubber skidding in evidence, white steam-cleaned
other vehicles cornering skid paths shown on roadway confirmed from motor
(97) not applicable vehicle/motorcycle
(98) other (specify) (05) cornering skid-marks evidence most likely present, but
(99) unknown degraded by traffic after accident, no confirmation at scene
(06) snow/ice on roadway, cornering skid marks confirmed from
other vehicle
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
M: Motorcycle/Moped
(MCLF) left front
(MCCF) center front
(MCRF) right front
(MCLC) left center
(MCLR) left rear
(MCCR) center rear
(MCRR) right rear
(MCRC) right center
(MCTR) top rear
(MCTC) top center
(MCTF) top front
(MCUR) undercarriage rear
(MCUC) undercarriage center
(MCUF) undercarriage front
(MC98) other motorcycle/moped location
(MC99) unknown motorcycle/moped location
(9998) other (specify)
(9999) unknown
22. Object(s) Contacted Noncollision
CODE UP TO THREE (40) overturn->rollover (excludes end-over-end)
(41) rollover->end-over-end
(42) fire or explosion
(43) jackknife
Collision With Other Vehicle (44) other intraunit damage (specify)
(01) other vehicle # 1
(02) other vehicle # 2 (45) noncollision injury
(03) other vehicle # 3 (48) other noncollision (specify)
Collision With Fixed Object (49) noncollision details unknown
(04) tree (less than or equal to 4 inches in diameter) (97) not applicable
(05) tree (greater than 4 inches in diameter) (98) other event (specify)
(06) shrubbery or bush (99) unknown event or object
(07) embankment
(08) concrete traffic barrier 23. Impact Speed
(09) other traffic barrier (includes guardrail) (specify) CODE IN MILES PER HOUR, WHOLE NUMBERS
(10) impact attenuator
(11) bridge (000) stopped in traffic, speed is zero
(12) curb (001–250) actual miles per hour
(13) fire hydrant (999) unknown
(14) ground
(15) ditch or culvert 24. PDOF Principal Direction of Force in Degrees
(16) building
(17) wall (000) nonhorizontal force
(18) fence (010–360) degrees in 10-degree increments
(19) nonbreakaway pole or post (less than or equal to 4 inches in (998) other (specify)
diameter) (999) unknown
(20) nonbreakaway pole or post (greater than 4 inches but less
than or equal to 12 inches in diameter) POST-CRASH MOTION
(21) nonbreakaway pole or post (greater than 12 inches in
diameter) 25. Other-Vehicle Post-Crash Motion Code
(22) nonbreakaway pole or post (diameter unknown)
(23) breakaway pole or post (any diameter) (00) none, stopped at POI; POR and POI coincide
(28) other fixed object (specify) (01) stopped within 6 feet of POI
(29) unknown fixed object (02) rolled on wheels from POI to POR
(03) rolled on wheels from POI, then impacted other object at
Collision With Nonfixed Object POR
(30) pedestrian (04) vehicle rollover from POI to POR
(31) train (05) skidded, slid from POI to POR
(32) object fell from vehicle in tansport (06) skidded, slid from POI, then impacted other object at POR
(33) trailer, disconnected in transport (07) vehicles did not separate; PORs are essentially the same for
(34) animal motorcycle and other vehicle
(35) cyclist or cycle (08) spun or yawed, sliding from POI to POR
(36) vehicle occupant (09) hit and run, driver departed scene of accident with other
(37) other nonmotorist or conveyance (specify) vehicle immediately after collision
(10) driver departed scene immediately after collision, but other
(38) other nonfixed object (specify) vehicle still at scene
(97) not applicable
(39) unknown nonfixed object (specify) (98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
10. Helmet Fit 16. Conformity to Which Qualification Modify Attributes
(01) acceptable fit REMAINING RESPONSES
(02) too large, too loose
(03) too small, too tight
(04) contour mismatch
(98) other (specify) _______________________
(99) unknown (00) no standards labeled
(01) FMVSS 218 (USDOT)
11. Claimed Frequency of Helmet Use on Head (02) Snell M85 (USA)
CODE 000–100 PERCENT (03) Snell M90 (USA)
(04) Snell M95 (USA)
(000–100) percent helmet worn (05) Snell M2000 (USA)
(999) unknown (06) Snell M2005 (USA)
(07) Snell M2010 (USA)
12. Conditions Under Which Helmet Used on Head (08) Snell SA95 (USA)
RESPONSES (10) Snell SA/K 2005 (USA)
(11) Snell SA/K 2010 (USA)
(12) ANSI Z90.l (USA)
(13) UN/ECE-22-02 (Europe)
(14) UN/ECE-22-D3 (Europe)
(00) never use helmet (15) UN/ECE-22-04 (Europe)
(01) mostly long trips (16) UN/ECE-22-05 (Europe)
(02) mostly in high-speed highway or freeway traffic (17) BS 6658A (UK)
(03) in adverse weather (18) BS 6658B (UK)
(04) usually, but not in hot weather (19) JIST8133-A (Japan)
(05) always (20) JIST8133-B (Japan)
(97) not applicable (21) JIST8133-C (Japan)
(98) other (specify) _______________________ (22) CSA D230 (Canada)
(99) unknown (23) AS 1698 (Australia)
(24) MS 1 (Malaysia)
13. Helmet Manufacturer (25) NZS 5430 (New Zealand)
(97) not applicable
(000) not applicable, no helmet (98) other (specify) _______________________
(998) other (specify) _______________________ (99) unknown
(999) unknown
17. Labeled Size
Month/Day/Year / /
(01–12) month (01) youth small/medium
(01–31) day (02) youth large/extra large
(1900–2100) year (03) adult extra small
(99/99/9999) unknown (04) adult small
(05) adult medium
15. Helmet Model (06) adult large
LIST OR CODE MODEL; WRITE IN RESPONSE (07) adult extra large
(08) adult extra, extra large
(98) other (specify) _______________________
(98) unknown
19. Condition Prior to Crash 24. Hemet External Damage Marks
(01) no significant prior damage INCLUDING HELMET LOCATION CODES; INPUT 00
(02) minor damage, possibly from handling and use, but no prior FOR REMAINING RESPONSES
structural damage
(03) moderate damage to exterior finish and comfort pads, possibly Type of Damage Location Code
from handling and use, but no prior structural damage 1.
(04) significant prior damage to shell or liner but not in area of 2.
accident impact 3.
(05) significant prior damage to shell or liner located in area of 4.
most severe accident impact 5.
(06) significant prior damage to shell or liner located in area of = no data available.
second most severe accident impact
(98) other (specify) _______________________ (00) no significant damage
(99) unknown (01) freckles, small indentations, pockmarks
(02) abrasion
20. Type of Helmet Retention System (03) fracture through full thickness of shell
(04) crack, split, not a through-and-through fracture
(00) no retention system (05) delamination, gross
(01) double D-rings (06) microdelamination, audible but not visible
(02) slide bar (07) puncture
(03) quick fasten/release or barb sides fitting (08) rubber transfer
(04) quick fasten/release, D blade–type fitting (like auto seatbelt) (09) paint transfer
(05) lever clamp latch (98) other (specify) _______________________
(98) other (specify) _______________________ (99) unknown
(99) unknown
Source: OECD.
Figure 17. Illustration. Helmet external location codes.
29. Retention-System Misuse 32. Clockface Location
(00) no misuse Left-Side View
(01) fastened too loosely, allowed helmet removal without Top View
unfastening Right-Side View
(02) cannot be fastened because of frayed and unrepaired retention- Top View
system webbing (00) no impact
(03) retention system not fastened because of prior damage to (01–12) o’clock direction
retention-system hardware (98) other (specify)
(04) retention system not properly fastened; end snap or Velcro® (99) unknown
comfort feature used to fasten strap
(05) chin cup used on chinstrap 33. Number of Distinct Impacts at This Location
(97) not applicable, no retention system CODE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF DISTINCT IMPACTS
(98) other (specify) AT THIS LOCATION
(99) unknown
(00) no impact
Helmet Tested? (01–08) number of distinct impacts
Yes (99) unknown
Source: OECD.
Figure 18. Illustration. Clock face locations.
36. Liner Material 41. Geometry of Impacting Surface
(00) no impact
(00) no liner, including comfort pads (01) complex, not easily described
(01) expanded polystyrene, large bead (02) flat
(02) expanded polystyrene, small bead (03) spherical, large radius
(03) polyurethane (04) spherical, small radius
(04) Ethafoam® (05) cylindrical, large radius
(05) neoprene sponge, Rubatex®, nitrile vinyl pad (06) cylindrical, small radius
(06) expanded polypropylene (07) sharp edge
(07) headband suspension system (08) blunt edge
(97) not applicable (09) point
(98) other (specify)
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown
(99) unknown
37. Liner Thickness
42. Material of Impacting Surface
(00) no impact
(0.01–9.96) hundredths of an inch
(01) liquid, water
(9.97) not applicable, no liner
(02) solid metal (e.g., lamppost)
(9.99) unknown
(03) sheet metal, less than 0.15-inch thick
(04) curbstone
38. Liner Density
(05) solid masonry, concrete structure, large rock
(06) rolled asphalt (e.g., road surface)
. (07) troweled or brush-finished concrete pavement
(0.01–9.96) pounds per cubic foot (08) compacted dirt
(9.97) not applicable, no liner (09) gravel, small rock
(9.99) unknown (10) wood, post, solid fiber
(11) glass
39. Maximum Liner Crush (12) loose dirt, sand
CODE IN HUNDREDTHS OF AN INCH (97) not applicable
. (98) other (specify)
(0.00) no liner crush (99) unknown
(0.01–9.96) hundredths of an inch
(9.97) not applicable, no liner
(9.99) unknown
43. Which Headform Is Used for Replication Testing? 50. Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
(01) ISO A (0000) not calculated
(02) ISO E (0001–9996) HIC value
(03) ISO J
(04) ISO M 51. Gadd Severity Index (GSI)
(05) ISO O
(06) USDOT small (0000) not calculated
(07) USDOT medium (0001–9996) GSI value
(08) USDOT large
(09) Hybrid III 52. Equivalent Specific Energy/Equivalent Drop Height
(10) Hybrid II From Crash Reconstruction
(97) not applicable .
(98) other (specify) (00.0) not calculated
(00.1–99.5) feet and tenths
44. Mass of Replication Drop Apparatus (99.6) 99.6 feet or greater
(01–96) pounds 53. Equivalent Specific Energy/Equivalent Drop Height
From Laboratory Replication
45. Equivalent Laboratory Testing Anvil CODE IN FEET AND TENTHS
(00) no anvil (00.0) not calculated
(01) flat steel anvil (00.1–99.5) feet and tenths
(02) hemispherical steel anvil (99.6) 99.6 feet or greater
(03) steel-edge anvil (99.9) unknown
(04) curb anvil
(05) cylindrical anvil Second Most Severe Helmet Impact For # 54 to 77
(06) penetration point
(07) steel-angle edge 54. Type of Impact
(08) flat pavement CODE FROM EXTERNAL EXAM
(09) sheet metal
(10) windshield glass (00) no impact
(97) not applicable (01) essentially normal
(98) other (specify) (02) essentially tangential
(03) both normal and tangential evidence
46. Helmet Impact Velocity From Crash Reconstruction (04) crushing, exterior force application
CODE IN MILES PER HOUR AND TENTHS (05) crushing, coincident external and interior forces
. (97) not applicable
(00.0) no velocity calculated (98) other (specify)
(00.1–99.6) miles per hour and tenths (99) unknown
(99.9) unknown
55. Impact Location 60. Liner Material
(00) no impact (00) no liner, including comfort pads
(01) shell, including integral chin bar (01) expanded polystyrene, large bead
(02) edge bead (02) expanded polystyrene, small bead
(03) shell edge without edge bad (03) polyurethane
(04) chinstrap webbing, cover (04) Ethafoam®
(05) chinstrap hanger fitting (05) neoprene sponge, Rubatex®, nitrile vinyl pad
(06) helmet liner, crown (06) expanded polypropylene
(07) chin strap fastening, D-rings, slide bar, buckle, and quick (07) headband suspension system
fasten/release (97) not applicable
(08) comfort padding, crown (98) other (specify)
(09) accessory radio equipment, microphone, boom, speakers (99) unknown
(10) appliance chin guard. mouth protector
(11) face shield, integral 61. Liner Thickness
(12) liner or padding underneath chin bar, integral CODE IN HUNDREDTHS OF AN INCH
(13) face shield, accessory snap-on .
(14) visor, peak (0.01–9.96) hundredths of an inch
(15) chin bar of full-face helmet (9.97) not applicable, no liner
(97) not applicable (9.99) unknown
(98) other (specify)
(99) unknown 62. Liner Density
56. Clock Face Location .
Left-Side View (0.01–9.96) pounds per cubic foot
Top View (9.97) not applicable, no liner
Right-Side View (9.99) unknown
Top View
(00) no impact 63. Maximum Liner Crush
(01–12) o’clock direction CODE IN HUNDREDTHS OF AN INCH
(97) not applicable .
(98) other (specify) (0.00) no liner crush
(99) unknown (0.01–9.96) hundredths of an inch
(9.97) not applicable, no liner
57. Number of Distinct Impacts at This Location (9.99) unknown
IMPACTS AT THIS LOCATION 64. Area of Liner Crush or Signature
(00) no impact PLACES
(01–08) number of distinct impacts .
(97) not applicable (00.01–99.96) square inches
(99) unknown (99.97) not applicable, no liner
(99.99) unknown
58. Shell Material
65. Geometry of Impacting Surface
(00) no shell
(01) hand-laminated glass fiber (00) no impact
(02) machine chop, pressure-molded glass fiber (01) complex, not easily described
(03) polycarbonate (02) flat
(04) acetyl butadiene styrene (03) spherical, large radius
(05) nylon, derivative (04) spherical, small radius
(06) polypropylene, reinforced (05) cylindrical, large radius
(07) polyethylene (06) cylindrical, small radius
(08) polystyrene (07) sharp edge
(97) not applicable (08) blunt edge
(98) other (specify) (09) point
(99) unknown (97) not applicable
(98) other (specify)
59. Shell Thickness (99) unknown
(0.01–9.96) hundredths of an inch
(9.97) not applicable
(9.99) unknown
66. Material of Impacting Surface 70. Helmet Impact Velocity From Crash Reconstruction
(00) no impact .
(01) liquid, water (00.0) no velocity calculated
(02) solid metal (e.g., lamppost) (00.1–99.6) miles per hour and tenths
(03) sheet metal, less than 0.15-inch thick (99.7) not applicable
(04) curbstone (99.9) unknown
(05) solid masonry, concrete structure, large rock
(06) rolled asphalt (e.g., road surface) 71. Impact Velocity From Laboratory Replication
(07) troweled or brush-finished concrete pavement CODE IN MILES PER HOUR AND TENTHS
(08) compacted dirt .
(09) gravel, small rock (00.0) no velocity calculated
(10) wood, post, solid fiber (00.1–99.6) miles per hour and tenths
(11) glass (99.7) not applicable
(12) loose dirt, sand (99.9) unknown
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) 72. Peak Headform Acceleration
(99) unknown
(000) not calculated
LABORATORY REPLICATION (001–996) measure of acceleration (g)
(997) not applicable
67. Which Headform Is Used for Replication Testing?
73. Dwell Time Above 200g
(02) ISO E .
(03) ISO J (0.0) not calculated
(04) ISO M (0.1–9.6) milliseconds
(05) ISO O (9.7) not applicable
(06) USDOT small
(07) USDOT medium 74. Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
(08) USDOT large
(09) Hybrid III (0000) not calculated
(10) Hybrid II (0001–9996) HIC value
(11) NOCSAE (9997) not applicable
(97) not applicable
(98) other (specify) . 75. Gadd Severity Index, GSI
68. Mass of Replication Drop Apparatus (0000) not calculated
(9997) not applicable
(01–96) pounds
(97) not applicable 76. Equivalent Specific Energy/Equivalent Drop Height
From Crash Reconstruction
69. Equivalent Laboratory Testing Anvil CODE IN FEET AND TENTHS
(00) no anvil (00.0) not calculated
(01) flat steel anvil (00.1–99.5) feet and tenths
(02) hemispherical steel anvil (99.6) 99.6 feet or greater
(03) steel-edge anvil (99.7) not applicable
(04) curb anvil (99.9) unknown
(05) cylindrical anvil
(06) penetration point 77. Equivalent Specific Energy/Equivalent Drop Height
(07) steel-angle edge from Laboratory Replication
(08) flat pavement CODE IN FEET AND TENTHS
(09) sheet metal .
(10) windshield glass (00.0) not calculated
(97) not applicable (00.1–99.5) feet and tenths
(98) other (specify) (99.6) 99.6 feet or greater
(99.7) not applicable
(99.9) unknown
Table 10. List of variables in the Environment Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number EF000_CASEID
1 Type of Land Development on Same Side of Street EF001_LANDUSESAMESIDEOFSTREET
1 (cont.) Type of Land Development on Other Side of Street EF001_LANDUSEOTHERSIDEOFSTREET
1 (cont.) Type of Land Development - Text EF001_LANDUSETXT
2 Relation to Junction EF002_RELATIONTOJUNCTION
2 (cont.) Relation to Junction - Text EF002_RELATIONTOJUNCTIONTXT
3 Type of At-Grade Intersection EF003_INTERSECTIONCONFIG
3 (cont.) Type of At-Grade Intersection - Text EF003_INTERSECTIONCONFIGTXT
4 Trafficway Description EF004_TRAFFICPATTERN
4 (cont.) Trafficway Description - Text EF004_TRAFFICPATTERNTXT
5 Roadway Function EF005_ROADWAYFUNCTION
5 (cont.) Roadway Function - Text EF005_ROADWAYFUNCTIONTXT
6 Posted Speed Limit in MPH EF006_SPEEDLIMIT
6 (cont.) Posted Speed Limit in MPH - Text EF006_SPEEDLIMITTXT
7 Number of Through Lanes EF007_NUMBERLANES
7 (cont.) Number of Through Lanes - Text EF007_NUMBERLANESTXT
8 Lane in Which Vehicle Was Traveling EF008_MCTRAVELLANE
8 (cont.) Lane in Which Vehicle Was Traveling - Text EF008_MCTRAVELLANETXT
9 Lane Width - Feet EF009_LANEWIDTHFT
9 (cont.) Lane Width - Inches EF009_LANEWIDTHIN
10 Roadway Width - Feet EF010_ROADWAYWIDTHFT
10 (cont.) Roadway Width - Inches EF010_ROADWAYWIDTHIN
11 Type of Surface EF011_ROADWAYTYPE
11 (cont.) Type of Surface - Text EF011_ROADWAYTYPETXT
12 Surface Condition (Code up to 4) - Item 1 EF012_ROADWAYCONDITION1
12 (cont.) Surface Condition (Code up to 4) - Item 2 EF012_ROADWAYCONDITION2
12 (cont.) Surface Condition (Code up to 4) - Item 3 EF012_ROADWAYCONDITION3
12 (cont.) Surface Condition (Code up to 4) - Item 4 EF012_ROADWAYCONDITION4
12 (cont.) Surface Condition - Text EF012_ROADWAYCONDITIONTXT
13 Surface Special Features (Code up to 3) - Item 1 EF013_ROADWAYFEATURES1
13 (cont.) Surface Special Features (Code up to 3) - Item 2 EF013_ROADWAYFEATURES2
13 (cont.) Surface Special Features (Code up to 3) - Item 3 EF013_ROADWAYFEATURES3
13 (cont.) Surface Special Features (Overbanding and Tar EF013_ROADWAYFEATURESTXT1
13 (cont.) Surface Special Features (Bitumen Repair) EF013_ROADWAYFEATURESTXT2
13 (cont.) Surface Special Features - Text EF013_ROADWAYFEATURESTXT3
14 Vertical Alignment EF014_ROADWAYGRADE
14 (cont.) Vertical Alignment - Text EF014_ROADWAYGRADETXT
15 Horizontal Alignment EF015_ROADWAYCURVATURE
15 (cont.) Horizontal Alignment - Text EF015_ROADWAYCURVATURETXT
16 Horizontal Curve Data - Curve Number EF016_CURVENUMBER
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Text EF016_CURVENUMBERTXT
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Radius (Feet) EF016_CURVERADIUS
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Radius (Feet) - Text EF016_CURVERADIUSTXT
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Chord (Feet) EF016_CURVECHORD
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Chord (Feet) - Text EF016_CURVECHORDTXT
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Middle Ordinate (Feet) EF016_CURVERADIUSMIDORD
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Middle Ordinate (Feet) - EF016_CURVERADIUSMIDORDTXT
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Superelevation (Percent) EF016_CURVESUPRELEVATION
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Superelevation (Percent) - EF016_CURVESUPRELEVATIONTXT
16 (cont.) Horizontal Curve Data - Length (Feet) EF016_CURVELENTH
17 Exclusive Turn Lane Presence and Type of Signal Phasing EF017_EXCLUSIVETURNLANE
17 (cont.) Exclusive Turn Lane Presence and Type of Signal EF017_EXCLUSIVETURNLANETXT
Phasing - Text
18 Type of Traffic Control EF018_TRAFFICCONTROLS
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
18 (cont.) Type of Traffic Control - Text EF018_TRAFFICCONTROLSTXT
19 Was Traffic Control Functioning Properly EF019_CONTROLFUNCTIONAL
19 (cont.) Was Traffic Control Functioning Properly - Text EF019_CONTROLFUNCTIONALTXT
20 Traffic Control Visible to Vehicle Operator EF020_OVSIGNALVISIBILITY
20 (cont.) Traffic Control Visible to Vehicle Operator - Text EF020_OVSIGNALVISIBILITYTXT
21 Traffic Control Violated by Vehicle Operator EF021_OVSIGNALVIOLATION
21 (cont.) Traffic Control Violated by Vehicle Operator - Text EF021_OVSIGNALVIOLATIONTXT
22 Traffic Density at Time of Crash EF022_TRAFFICDENSITY
22 (cont.) Traffic Density at Time of Crash - Text EF022_TRAFFICDENSITYTXT
23 Visibility Limitation EF023_VISIBILITYLIMITATIONS
23 (cont.) Visor, Windscreen Condition EF023_VISIBILITYVISORLIMITATIONS
23 (cont.) Visibility Limitation - Text EF023_VISIBILITYLIMITATIONSTXT
24 Direction of Traffic in Right Lane Adjacent to Vehicle EF024_ADJRGTLANETRAFFICFLOW
24 (cont.) Direction of Traffic in Right Lane Adjacent to EF024_ADJRGTLANETRAFFICFLOWTXT
Vehicle - Text
24 (cont.) Direction of Traffic in Left Lane Adjacent to Vehicle EF024_ADJLFTLANETRAFFICFLOW
24 (cont.) Direction of Traffic in Lane Adjacent to Vehicle - EF024_ADJLFTLANETRAFFICFLOWTXT
25 Parked Vehicle Presence in Right Lane Adjacent to EF025_ADJPARKEDVEHICLERGT
25 (cont.) Parked Vehicle Presence in Right Lane Adjacent to EF025_ADJPARKEDVEHICLERGTTXT
Vehicle - Text
25 (cont.) Parked Vehicle Presence in Left Lane Adjacent to EF025_ADJPARKEDVEHICLELFT
25 (cont.) Parked Vehicle Presence in Lane Adjacent to Vehicle EF025_ADJPARKEDVEHICLELFTTXT
- Text
26 Shoulder and Sidewalk Presence on Right in Area EF026_ADJRGTSHOULDERORWALK
Adjacent to Vehicle Lane of Travel
26 (cont.) Shoulder and Sidewalk Presence on Right in Area EF026_ADJRGTSHOULDERORWALKTXT
Adjacent to Vehicle Lane of Travel - Text
26 (cont.) Shoulder and Sidewalk Presence on Left in Area EF026_ADJLFTSHOULDERORWALK
Adjacent to Vehicle Lane of Travel
26 (cont.) Shoulder and Sidewalk Presence in Area Adjacent to EF026_ADJLFTSHOULDERORWALKTXT
Vehicle Lane of Travel
27 Longitudinal Pavement Markings at the Edge of the Lane EF027_RGTPAVEMENTMARKING
Traveled by the Vehicle - Right Side
27 (cont.) Longitudinal Pavement Markings at the Edge of the EF027_RGTPAVEMENTMARKINGTXT
Lane Traveled by the Vehicle - Right Side - Text
27 (cont.) Longitudinal Pavement Markings at the Edge of the EF027_LFTPAVEMENTMARKING
Lane Traveled by the Vehicle - Left Side
27 (cont.) Longitudinal Pavement Markings at the Edge of the EF027_LFTPAVEMENTMARKINGTXT
Lane Traveled by the Vehicle - Text
28 Pavement Markings Material - Right Side EF028_RGTMARKINGMATERIAL
28 (cont.) Pavement Markings Material - Right Side - Text EF028_RGTMARKINGMATERIALTXT
28 (cont.) Pavement Markings Material - Left Side EF028_LFTMARKINGMATERIAL
28 (cont.) Pavement Markings Material - Text EF028_LFTMARKINGMATERIALTXT
29 Delineator Presence - Right Side EF029_RGTLANEDELINEATOR
29 (cont.) Delineator Presence - Right Side - Text EF029_RGTLANEDELINEATORTXT
29 (cont.) Delineator Presence - Left Side EF029_LFTLANEDELINEATOR
29 (cont.) Delineator Presence - Left Side - Text EF029_LFTLANEDELINEATORTXT
30 Roadside Environment - Right Side EF030_RGTROADSIDETERRAIN
30 (cont.) Roadside Environment - Right Side - Text EF030_RGTROADSIDETERRAINTXT
30 (cont.) Roadside Environment - Left Side EF030_LFTROADSIDETERRAIN
30 (cont.) Roadside Environment - Test EF030_LFTROADSIDETERRAINTXT
31 Roadside Fixed Object - Right Side EF031_RGTROADSIDEFIXEDOBJECT
31 (cont.) Roadside Fixed Object - Right Side - Text EF031_RGTROADSIDEFIXEDOBJECTTXT
31 (cont.) Roadside Fixed Object - Left Side EF031_LFTROADSIDEFIXEDOBJECT
31 (cont.) Roadside Fixed Object - Text EF031_LFTROADSIDEFIXEDOBJECTTXT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
32 Stationary View Obstructions Along the Operator’s Line EF032_MCRVIEWOBSTRUCTFIXED1
of Sight at Time of Precipitating Event (Code up to 3) -
Item 1
32 (cont.) Stationary View Obstructions Along the Operator’s EF032_MCRVIEWOBSTRUCTFIXED2
Line of Sight at Time of Precipitating Event (Code
up to 3) - Item 2
32 (cont.) Stationary View Obstructions Along the Operator’s EF032_MCRVIEWOBSTRUCTFIXED3
Line of Sight at Time of Precipitating Event (Code
up to 3) - Item 3
32 (cont.) Stationary View Obstructions Along the Operator’s EF032_MCRVIEWOBSTRUCTFIXEDTXT
Line of Sight at Time of Precipitating Event - Text
33 Mobile View Obstructions Along the Operator’s Line of EF033_MCRVIEWOBSTRUCTMOBILE
Sight at Time of Precipitating Event
33 (cont.) Mobile View Obstructions Along the Operator’s Line EF033_MCRVIEWOBSTRUCTMOBILETXT
of Sight at Time of Precipitating Event - Text
34 Was This Crash Work-Zone Related EF034_INWORKZONE
35 Location of Crash Within Work Zone - Text EF035_LOCATIONINWORKZONE
35 (cont.) Location of Crash Within Work Zone EF035_LOCATIONINWORKZONETXT
36 Type of Work Zone EF036_WORKZONETYPE
36 (cont.) Type of Work Zone - Text EF036_WORKZONETYPETXT
37 Location of First Harmful Event EF037_FIRSTHARMEVNTLOCATION
37 (cont.) Location of First Harmful Event - Text EF037_FIRSTHARMEVNTLOCATIONTXT
38 If First Harmful Event is a Non-collision EF038_FIRSTHARMEVNTMCONLY
38 (cont.) If First Harmful Event is a Non-collision - Text EF038_FIRSTHARMEVNTMCONLYTXT
39 If First Harmful Event is a Collision with a Non-Fixed EF039_FIRSTHARMEVNTWMOBILE
39 (cont.) If First Harmful Event is a Collision with a Non- EF039_FIRSTHARMEVNTWMOBILETXT
Fixed Object - Text
40 If First Harmful Event is a Collision with a Fixed Object EF040_FIRSTHARMEVNTWFIXED
40 (cont.) If First Harmful Event is a Collision with a Fixed EF040_FIRSTHARMEVNTWFIXEDTXT
Object - Text
41 Pedestrian Involvement EF041_PEDESTRNINVOLVED
42 Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event - EF042_PEDESTRNLOCPRECIPEVNT1
Pedestrian 1
42 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event - Text EF042_PEDESTRNLOCPRECIPEVNT1TXT
42 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event - EF042_PEDESTRNLOCPRECIPEVNT2
Pedestrian 2
42 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event - Text EF042_PEDESTRNLOCPRECIPEVNT2TXT
42 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event - EF042_PEDESTRNLOCPRECIPEVNT3
Pedestrian 3
42 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at Precipitating Event - Text EF042_PEDESTRNLOCPRECIPEVNT3TXT
43 Location of Pedestrian at impact - Pedestrian 1 EF043_PEDESTRNLOCATIMPACT1
43 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at impact - Text EF043_PEDESTRNLOCATIMPACT1TXT
43 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at impact - Pedestrian 2 EF043_PEDESTRNLOCATIMPACT2
43 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at impact - Text EF043_PEDESTRNLOCATIMPACT2TXT
43 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at impact - Pedestrian 3 EF043_PEDESTRNLOCATIMPACT3
43 (cont.) Location of Pedestrian at impact - Text EF043_PEDESTRNLOCATIMPACT3TXT
44 Animal Involvement EF044_ANIMALINVOLVED
44 (cont.) Animal Involvement - Text EF044_ANIMALINVOLVEDTXT
45 Was the Animal Struck EF045_ANIMALSTRUCK
46 Roadway Design Factors EF046_ROADWAYDESIGNCONTRIB
46 (cont.) Roadway Design Factors - Text EF046_ROADWAYDESIGNCONTRIBTXT
47 Roadway Maintenance Factors EF047_ROADWAYMAINTCONTRIB
47 (cont.) Roadway Maintenance Factors - Text EF047_ROADWAYMAINTCONTRIBTXT
48 Traffic Control Factors EF048_TRAFFICCONTROLCONTRIB
48 (cont.) Traffic Control Factors - Text EF048_TRAFFICCONTROLCONTRIBTXT
49 Traffic Hazard, including Construction and Maintenance EF049_TEMPHAZARDCONTRIB
49 (cont.) Traffic Hazard, including Construction and EF049_TEMPHAZARDCONTRIBTXT
Maintenance Operations - Text
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
50 Weather-Related Problems EF050_WEATHERCONTRIB
50 (cont.) Weather-Related Problems - Text EF050_WEATHERCONTRIBTXT
51 Effect of the Visual Background of Other Vehicle Along EF051_MCVISUALBKGROUNDOFOV
This Operator/Rider’s Line of Sight at Time of
Precipitating Event
51 (cont.) Effect of the Visual Background of Other Vehicle EF051_MCVISUALBKGROUNDOFOVTXT
Along This Operator/Rider’s Line of Sight at Time of
Precipitating Event - Text
Table 11. List of variables in the Contributing Factors Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number FF000_CASEID
1 Roadway Design Issue FF001_ROADWAYDESIGNONMC
1 (cont.) Roadway Design Issue - Text FF001_ROADWAYDESIGNONMCTXT
2 Roadway Maintenance Issue FF002_ROADWAYMAINTENANCEONMC
2 (cont.) Roadway Maintenance Issue - Text FF002_ROADWAYMAINTENANCEONMCTXT
3 Traffic Controls Issue or Malfunction FF003_TRAFFICISSUEONMC
3 (cont.) Traffic Controls Issue or Malfunction - Text FF003_TRAFFICISSUEONMCTXT
4 Temporary Traffic Obstruction including FF004_TEMPOBSTRUCTIONONMC
4 (cont.) Temporary Traffic Obstruction including FF004_TEMPOBSTRUCTIONONMCTXT
Construction - Text
5 Weather-Related Problem FF005_WEATHERONMC
5 (cont.) Weather-Related Problem - Text FF005_WEATHERONMCTXT
6 Visual Background of Other Vehicle along FF006_VISUALBKGRNDOFOVTOMCR
Motorcycle Rider’s Line of Sight Prior to Crash
6 (cont.) Visual Background of Other Vehicle along FF006_VISUALBKGRNDOFOVTOMCRTXT
Motorcycle Rider’s Line of Sight Prior to Crash
- Text
7 Effect of Insect Presence on the Rider FF007_INSECTEFFECT
7 (cont.) Effect of Insect Presence on the Rider - Text FF007_INSECTEFFECTTXT
8 (cont.) MC Front Tire Size - Text FF008_FRONTMCTIRESIZETXT
8 (cont.) MC Rear Tire Size FF008_REARMCTIRESIZE
8 (cont.) MC Rear Tire Size - Text FF008_REARMCTIRESIZETXT
9 MC Front Tire Inflation Pressure FF009_FRONTMCTIREPSI
9 (cont.) MC Front Tire Inflation Pressure - Text FF009_FRONTMCTIREPSITXT
9 (cont.) MC Rear Tire Inflation Pressure FF009_REARMCTIREPSI
9 (cont.) MC Rear Tire Inflation Pressure - Text FF009_REARMCTIREPSITXT
10 Crash Causation Related to MC Front Tire or Wheel FF010_FRONTWHEELCONDITION
10 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Front Tire or FF010_FRONTWHEELCONDITIONTXT
Wheel Condition - Text
10 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Rear Tire or FF010_REARWHEELCONDITION
Wheel Condition
10 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Rear Tire or FF010_REARWHEELCONDITIONTXT
Wheel Condition - Text
11 Crash Causation Related to MC Suspension FF011_SUSPENSIONCONDITION
11 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Suspension FF011_SUSPENSIONCONDITIONTXT
Condition - Text
12 Crash Causation Related to MC Frame Condition FF012_FRAMECONDITION
12 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Frame FF012_FRAMECONDITIONTXT
Condition - Text
13 Crash Causation Related to MC Cornering Clearance FF013_CORNERINGCLEARANCE
13 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Cornering FF013_CORNERINGCLEARANCETXT
Clearance - Text
14 Crash or Injury Causation Related to MC Seat FF014_SEAT
14 (cont.) Crash or Injury Causation Related to MC Seat - FF014_SEATTXT
15 Crash/Injury Causation Related to MC Gas Tank FF015_GASTANK
15 (cont.) Crash/Injury Causation Related to MC Gas Tank FF015_GASTANKTXT
Design/Orientation - Text
16 Crash Causation Related to MC Drive Chain, Belt, or FF016_DRIVETRAIN
Shaft Condition
16 (cont.) Crash Causation Related to MC Drive Chain, FF016_DRIVETRAINTXT
Belt, or Shaft Condition - Text
17 Crash or Injury Causation Related to MC Exhaust FF017_EXHAUST
System Condition
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
17 (cont.) Crash or Injury Causation Related to MC FF017_EXHAUSTTXT
Exhaust System Condition - Text
18 Motorcycle Vehicle Failure, Crash Causation Related FF018_MCFAILURE
18 (cont.) Motorcycle Vehicle Failure, Crash Causation FF018_MCFAILURETXT
Related Defect - Text
19 Was MC Pre-Crash Fire Cause of Crash? FF019_MCFIRE
19 (cont.) Was MC Pre-Crash Fire Cause of Crash? - Text FF019_MCFIRETXT
20 MC Cargo/Luggage Contribution to Crash FF020_MCCARGO
20 (cont.) MC Cargo/Luggage Contribution to Crash - FF020_MCCARGOTXT
21 Rider Unsafe Acts in this Crash FF021_MCRUNSAFEACT
21 (cont.) Rider Unsafe Acts in this Crash - Text FF021_MCRUNSAFEACTTXT
22 MC Rider Attention Failure/Distraction or Stress FF022_MCRDISTRACTION
Contribution to Crash
23 Did Motorcyclist’s Lane Choice Contribute to Crash FF023_MCRLANECHOICE
24 Did Motorcyclist’s Traffic Scan Contribute to Crash FF024_MCRTRAFFICSCAN
25 Did Motorcyclist’s Visual Obstructions Contribute to FF025_MCRVISUALOBSTRUCTION
Crash Causation?
26 Did the Motorcyclist Hazard Detection Failure FF026_MCRHAZARDDETECTION
Contribute to Crash Causation?
27 Did the Motorcyclist’s Faulty Traffic Strategy FF027_MCRTRAFFICSTRATEGY
Contribute to Crash Causation?
28 Did the Motorcycle Speed as Compared to FF028_MCRELATIVESPEED
Surrounding Traffic Contribute to Crash Causation?
29 Did the Motorcycle’s Position with Respect to Other FF029_MCTRAFFICPOSITION
Traffic Contribute to Crash Causation?
30 Was There a Motorcyclist’s Loss of Control that FF030_MCRCONTROLLOSS
Contributed to Crash Causation?
30 (cont.) Was There a Motorcyclist’s Loss of Control that FF030_MCRCONTROLLOSSTXT
Contributed to Crash Causation? - Text
31 Did the Motorcyclist’s Control Unfamiliarity FF031_MCRFAMILIARITYWCONTROLS
Contribute to Crash Causation?
32 Did the Motorcyclist’s Skills Deficiency Contribute FF032_MCRSKILLDEFICIENCY
to Crash Causation?
33 Did the Motorcyclist’s Vehicle Handling FF033_MCRHANDLINGABILITY
Unfamiliarity Contribute to Crash Causation?
34 Did Motorcyclist’s Control Operations Interfere with FF034_MCRCONTROLACTIVATION
Driving Tasks?
34 (cont.) Did Motorcyclist’s Control Operations Interfere FF034_MCRCONTROLACTIVATIONTXT
with Driving Tasks? - Text
35 Why did the Motorcyclist Fail to Avoid the Crash FF035_MCRAVOIDANCEFAILURE
35 (cont.) Why did the Motorcyclist Fail to Avoid the FF035_MCRAVOIDANCEFAILURETXT
Crash - Text
36 Validity of Evasive Action for the Situation? FF036_MCREVASIVEACTCHOSEN
37 Competent Execution of Evasive Action FF037_MCREVASIVEACTEXECUTION
37 (cont.) Competent Execution of Evasive Action - Text FF037_MCREVASIVEACTEXECUTIONTXT
38 Why Collision-Avoidance Maneuver Failed FF038_MCRAVOIDANCEFAILURE
38 (cont.) Why Collision-Avoidance Maneuver Failed - FF038_MCRAVOIDANCEFAILURETXT
39 Motorcyclist Language Barriers or Difficulty FF039_MCRLANGUAGEBARRIER
with Sign Comprehension
39 (cont.) Motorcyclist Language Barriers or Difficulty FF039_MCRLANGUAGEBARRIERTXT
with Sign Comprehension - Text
40 Did the Motorcyclist’s Traffic Knowledge Deficiency FF040_MCRLACKOFTRAFFICKNOWLEDGE
Contribute to Crash Causation?
41 Did the Motorcyclist’s Vehicle Control Skill FF041_MCRCONTROLSKILLDEFICIENCY
Deficiency Contribute to Crash Causation?
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
42 Did the Motorcyclist’s Aggressive Attitude FF042_MCRAGGRESATTITUDECONTRIB
Contribute to Crash Causation?
43 Did a Situation Incompatibility Contribute to Crash FF043_MCRSITUATIONINCONTRIB
44 Did the Motorcyclist’s Compensation Failure FF044_MCRCOMPENSATEFAILCONTRIB
Contribute to Crash Causation?
45 Did the Motorcyclist’s Unsafe Act Contribute to FF045_MCRUNSAFEACTCONTRIB
Crash Causation?
46 Did the Motorcyclist’s Alcohol/Drug Involvement FF046_MCRDRUGCONTRIBUTION
Contribute to Crash Causation?
47 Were the Motorcyclist’s Previous Recorded FF047_MCRRELATEDPRIORVIOLATIONS
Violations Related to Current Crash Contributions?
48 Were the Motorcyclist’s Previous Crashes Related to FF048_MCRRELATEDPRIORCRASH
Current Crash Contributions?
49 Did Upper Extremities and Upper Torso Coverage FF049_MCRUPPERTORSOPROTECT
Reduce or Prevent Injury?
49 (cont.) Did Upper Extremities and Upper Torso FF049_MCRUPPERTORSOPROTECTTXT
Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury? - Text
50 Did Lower Extremities and Lower Torso Coverage FF050_MCRLOWERTORSOPROTECT
Reduce or Prevent Injury?
50 (cont.) Did Lower Extremities and Lower Torso FF050_MCRLOWERTORSOPROTECTXT
Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury? - Text
51 Did Footwear Reduce or Prevent Injury FF051_MCRFOOTPROTECTION
51 (cont.) Did Footwear Reduce or Prevent Injury - Text FF051_MCRFOOTPROTECTIONTXT
52 Did Gloves Reduce or Prevent Injury FF052_MCRHANDPROTECTION
52 (cont.) Did Gloves Reduce or Prevent Injury - Text FF052_MCRHANDPROTECTIONTXT
53 Did Eye Protection Reduce or Prevent Injury FF053_MCREYEPROTECTION
53 (cont.) Did Eye Protection Reduce or Prevent Injury - FF053_MCREYEPROTECTIONTXT
54 Did Eye Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury FF054_MCRFACEPROTECTION
54 (cont.) Did Eye Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury - FF054_MCRFACEPROTECTIONTXT
55 Did Helmet Reduce or Prevent Injury? FF055_MCRHEADPROTECTION
55 (cont.) Did Helmet Reduce or Prevent Injury? - Text FF055_MCRHEADPROTECTIONTXT
56 Did the Helmet Contribute to the Crash? FF056_MCRHELMETCONTRIBTOCRASH
57 What Was the Effect of the Helmet (code up to 2) - FF057_MCRHOWHELMETCONTRIB1
Item 1
57 (cont.) What Was the Effect of the Helmet (code up to FF057_MCRHOWHELMETCONTRIB2
2) - Item 2
57 (cont.) What Was the Effect of the Helmet - Text FF057_MCRHOWHELMETCONTRIBUTEDTXT
58 If Helmet Was Ejected During Crash, What Was the FF058_MCRHELMETEJECTIONCAUSE
58 (cont.) If Helmet Was Ejected During Crash, What Was FF058_MCRHELMETEJECTIONCAUSETXT
the Cause? - Text
59 Conspicuity Contribution? FF059_CONSPICUITYCONTRIB
59 (cont.) Conspicuity Contribution? - Text FF059_CONSPICUITYCONTRIBTXT
60 Did Apparel Contribute to Comfort, Fatigue, FF060_APPARELAFFECTONMCR
60 (cont.) Did Apparel Contribute to Comfort, Fatigue, FF060_APPARELAFFECTONMCRTXT
Attention? - Text
61 Did Apparel Contribute to Control Interference? FF061_APPARELAFFECTMCCONTROL
61 (cont.) Did Apparel Contribute to Control Interference? FF061_APPARELAFFECTMCCONTROLTXT
- Text
62 Did MC Passenger Contribute to Crash Causation? FF062_MCPCONTRIBUTION
62 (cont.) Did MC Passenger Contribute to Crash FF062_MCPCONTRIBUTIONTXT
Causation? - Text
63 Effect of Rider/Passenger Interaction on Injury FF063_MCRMCPINTERACTION1
63 (cont.) Effect of Rider/Passenger Interaction on Injury FF063_MCRMCPINTERACTION2
Causation - Text
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
64 Did MC Passenger’s Upper Extremities and Upper FF064_MCPUPPERTORSOPROTECTION
Torso Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury?
64 (cont.) Did MC Passenger’s Upper Extremities and FF064_MCPUPPERTORSOPROTECTIONTXT
Upper Torso Coverage Reduce or Prevent
Injury? - Text
65 Did MC Passenger’s Lower Extremities and Lower FF065_MCPLOWERTORSOPROTECTION
Torso Coverage Reduce or Prevent Injury?
65 (cont.) Did MC Passenger’s Lower Extremities and FF065_MCPLOWERTORSOPROTECTIONTXT
Lower Torso Coverage Reduce or Prevent
Injury? - Text
66 Did MC Passenger’s Footwear Reduce or Prevent FF066_MCPFOOTPROTECTION
66 (cont.) Did MC Passenger’s Footwear Reduce or FF066_MCPFOOTPROTECTIONTXT
Prevent Injury? - Text
67 Did MC Passenger’s Gloves Reduce or Prevent FF067_MCPHANDPROTECTION
67 (cont.) Did MC Passenger’s Gloves Reduce or Prevent FF067_MCPHANDPROTECTIONTXT
Injury? - Text
68 Did MC Passenger’s Eye Coverage Reduce or FF068_MCPEYEPROTECTION
Prevent Injury?
68 (cont.) Did MC Passenger’s Eye Coverage Reduce or FF068_MCPEYEPROTECTIONTXT
Prevent Injury? - Text
69 Did MC Passenger’s Helmet Reduce or Prevent FF069_MCPHEADPROTECTION
69 (cont.) Did MC Passenger’s Helmet Reduce or Prevent FF069_MCPHEADPROTECTIONTXT
Injury? - Text
70 Other Vehicle Number FF070_INVOLVEDOVCOUNT
71 Other Vehicle Roadway Design Issue? FF071_ROADWAYDESIGNONOV
71 (cont.) Other Vehicle Roadway Design Issue? - Text FF071_ROADWAYDESIGNONOVTXT
72 Other Vehicle Roadway Maintenance Issue? FF072_ROADWAYMAINTENANCEONOV
72 (cont.) Other Vehicle Roadway Maintenance Issue? - FF072_ROADWAYMAINTENANCEONOVTXT
73 Other Vehicle Traffic Controls Issue or Malfunction? FF073_TRAFFICISSUEONOV
73 (cont.) Other Vehicle Traffic Controls Issue or FF073_TRAFFICISSUEONOVTXT
Malfunction? - Text
74 Other Vehicle Temporary Traffic FF074_TEMPOBSTRUCTIONONOV
Obstruction including Construction?
74 (cont.) Other Vehicle Temporary Traffic Obstruction FF074_TEMPOBSTRUCTIONONOVTXT
including Construction? - Text
75 Other Vehicle Weather-Related Problem? FF075_WEATHERONOV
75 (cont.) Other Vehicle Weather-Related Problem? - Text FF075_WEATHERONOVTXT
76 Visual Background of Motorcycle along OV Driver’s FF076_VISUALBKGRNDOFMCTOOVD
Line of Sight Prior to Crash?
76 (cont.) Visual Background of Motorcycle along OV FF076_VISUALBKGRNDOFMCTOOVDTXT
Driver’s Line of Sight Prior to Crash? - Text
77 Other Vehicle Failure, Crash Cause Related Defect? FF077_OVDEFECTASCAUSE
77 (cont.) Other Vehicle Failure, Crash Cause Related FF077_OVDEFECTASCAUSETXT
Defect? - Text
78 Did Other Vehicle Passengers Contribute to Crash FF078_OVPASCAUSE
78 (cont.) Did Other Vehicle Passengers Contribute to FF078_OVPASCAUSETXT
Crash Causation? - Text
79 Did OV Driver’s Attention Failure/Distraction or FF079_OVDDISTRACTION
Stress Contribute to Crash Causation?
80 Did OV Driver’s Lane Choice Contribute to Crash FF080_OVDLANECHOICE
81 Did OV Driver’s Traffic Scan Contribute to Crash FF081_OVDTRAFFICSCAN
82 Did OV Driver’s Visual Obstructions Contribute to FF082_OVDVISUALOBSTRUCTION
Crash Causation?
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
83 Did the OV Driver’s Hazard Detection Failure FF083_OVDHAZARDDETECTION
Contribute to Crash Causation?
84 Did the OV Driver’s Faulty Traffic Strategy FF084_OVDTRAFFICSTRATEGY
Contribute to Crash Causation?
85 Did the Other Vehicle’s Speed as Compared to FF085_OVRELATIVESPEED
Surrounding Traffic Contribute to Crash Causation?
86 Did the Other Vehicle’s Position with Respect to FF086_OVTRAFFICPOSITION
Other Traffic Contribute to Crash Causation?
87 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Control Unfamiliarity FF087_OVDFAMILIARITYWITHCONTROLS
Contribute to Crash Causation?
88 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Skills Deficiency FF088_OVDSKILLDEFICIENCY
Contribute to Crash Causation?
89 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Vehicle FF089_OVDHANDLINGABILITY
Handling Unfamiliarity Contribute to Crash
90 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Control Operations FF090_OVDCONTROLACTIVATION
Interfere with Driving Tasks?
90 (cont.) Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Control FF090_OVDCONTROLACTIVATIONTXT
Operations Interfere with Driving Tasks? - Text
91 Did the Other Vehicle Driver Fail to Avoid the Crash FF091_OVDAVOIDANCEFAILURE
Due to:
91 (cont.) Did the Other Vehicle Driver Fail to Avoid the FF091_OVDAVOIDANCEFAILURETXT
Crash Due to: - Text
92 Was the Evasive Action the Proper Choice for the FF092_OVDEVASIVEACTCHOSEN
93 Was the Action Properly Executed? FF093_OVDEVASIVEACTEXECUTION
93 (cont.) Was the Action Properly Executed? - Text FF093_OVDEVASIVEACTEXECUTIONTXT
94 The Other Vehicle Driver Failed Collision Avoidance FF094_OVDAVOIDANCEFAILURE
Due to
94 (cont.) The Other Vehicle Driver Failed Collision FF094_OVDAVOIDANCEFAILURETXT
Avoidance Due to - Text
95 Did the Other Vehicle Driver Experience Language FF095_OVDLANGUAGEBARRIER
Barriers or Difficulty with Sign Comprehension?
95 (cont.) Did the Other Vehicle Driver Experience FF095_OVDLANGUAGEBARRIERTXT
Language Barriers or Difficulty with Sign
Comprehension? - Text
96 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Traffic Knowledge FF096_OVDLACKOFTRAFFICKNOWLEDGE
Deficiency Contribute to Crash Causation?
97 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Vehicle Control Skill FF097_OVDCONTROLSKILLDEFICIENCY
Deficiency Contribute to Crash Causation?
98 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Aggressive Attitude FF098_OVDAGGRESATTITUDECONTRIB
Contribute to Crash Causation?
99 Did a Situation Incompatibility Contribute to Crash FF099_OVSITUATIONINCOMPATIBILITY
100 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Compensation Failure FF100_OVDCOMPENSATIONFAILURE
Contribute to Crash Causation
101 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Unsafe Act FF101_OVDUNSAFEACTCONTRIBUTION
Contribute to Crash Causation?
102 Did the Other Vehicle Driver’s Alcohol/Drug FF102_OVDDRUGCONTRIBUTION
Involvement Contribute to Crash Causation?
103 Were the Other Vehicle Driver’s Previous Recorded FF103_OVDRELATEDPRIORVIOLATIONS
Violations Related to Current Crash Contributions?
104 Were the Other Vehicle Driver’s Previous Crashes FF104_OVDRELATEDPRIORCRASH
Related to Current Crash Contributions?
105 Primary Crash Contributing Factor FF105_PRIMARYCONTRIBFACTOR
105 (cont.) Primary Crash Contributing Factor - Text FF105_PRIMARYCONTRIBFACTORTXT
106 Crash Contributing Factors (Code up to 3) - First Two Characters of
106 (cont.) Crash Contributing Factors (Code up to 3) - First Two Characters of
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
106 (cont.) Crash Contributing Factors (Code up to 3) - First Two Characters of
106 (cont.) Confidence in Crash Contributing Factors - Last Character of
106 (cont.) Confidence in Crash Contributing Factors - Last Character of
106 (cont.) Confidence in Crash Contributing Factors - Last Character of
106 (cont.) Confidence in Crash Contributing Factors - Text FF106CRASHCONTRIBFACTORTXT
Table 12. List of variables in the Motorcycle Rider Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number MR000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Source MR000_SOURCE
0 (cont.) Motorcycle Rider Description of Crash MR000_MCRDESCRIPTION
1 Operation of Motorcycle Immediately Prior to the Crash MR001_PRECRASHMCOPERATION
1 (cont.) Operation of Motorcycle Immediately Prior to the Crash MR001_PRECRASHMCOPERATIONTXT
- Text
2 Sight line at the Start of the Crash Sequence MR002_PRECRASHSIGHTLINE
2 (cont.) Sight line at the Start of the Crash Sequence - Text MR002_PRECRASHSIGHTLINETXT
3 Functioning of Brakes Before the Crash MR003_PRECRASHBRAKESTATUS
3 (cont.) Functioning of Brakes Before the Crash - Text MR003_PRECRASHBRAKESTATUSTXT
4 Status of Hands/Fingers Position on the Front Brake Prior to MR004_BRAKEHANDLECOVERED
the Crash Event
4 (cont.) Status of Hands/Fingers Position on the Front Brake MR004_BRAKEHANDLECOVEREDTXT
Prior to the Crash Event - Text
5 Travel Lane Just Before the Precipitating Event MR005_TRAVELLANEPREPRCIP
5 (cont.) Travel Lane Just Before the Precipitating Event - Text MR005_TRAVELLANEPREPRCIPTXT
6 Travel Speed Before the Precipitating Event MR006_TRAVELSPEEDPREPRCIP
6 (cont.) Travel Speed Before the Precipitating Event - Text MR006_TRAVELSPEEDPREPRCIPTXT
7 Lateral Direction Movements of Your Motorcycle MR007_LATERALMOVEPREIMPACT
Immediately Before Impact
7 (cont.) Lateral Direction Movements of Your Motorcycle MR007_LATERALMOVEPREIMPACTTXT
Immediately Before Impact - Text
8 Collision Avoidance Actions Taken (Code Up to 4) - Item 1 MR008_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT1
8 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions Taken (Code Up to 4) - MR008_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT2
Item 2
8 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions Taken (Code Up to 4) - MR008_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT3
Item 3
8 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions Taken (Code Up to 4) - MR008_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT4
Item 4
8 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions Taken - Text MR008_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACTTXT
9 Status of Control Of The Motorcycle MR009_MCRCONTROLLOSS
9 (cont.) Status of Control Of The Motorcycle - Text MR009_MCRCONTROLLOSSTXT
10 Description of Control Loss Due To Weather, Roadway Or MR010_OTHERFACTORCNTRLLOSS
Mechanical Problems
10 (cont.) Description of Control Loss Due To Weather, Roadway MR010_OTHERFACTORCNTRLLOSSTXT
Or Mechanical Problems - Text
11 Travel Direction of Other Vehicle With Respect To MR011_OVAPPROACHPATHWRTMC
11 (cont.) Travel Direction of Other Vehicle With Respect To MR011_OVAPPROACHPATHWRTMCTXT
Motorcycle - Text
12 Clarity of Line Of Sight To The Other Vehicle MR012_SIGHTLINETOOVOBSCURED
12 (cont.) Clarity of Line Of Sight To The Other Vehicle - Text MR012_SIGHTLINETOOVOBSCUREDTXT
13 Obscurity Of View Of The Other Vehicle MR013_VIEWTOOVOBSCURED
13 (cont.) Obscurity Of View Of The Other Vehicle - Text MR013_VIEWTOOVOBSCUREDTXT
14 Position Of Rider On The Motorcycle At The Time of The MR014_MCRCRASHPOSITIONONMC
14 (cont.) Position Of Rider On The Motorcycle At The Time of MR014_MCRCRASHPOSITIONONMCTXT
The Collision - Text
15 State of Distraction By Any Of The Following MR015_MCRDISTRACTED
15 (cont.) State of Distraction By Any Of The Following - Text MR015_MCRDISTRACTEDTXT
16 Start Point Of The Trip MR016_TRIPORIGIN
16 (cont.) Start Point Of The Trip - Text MR016_TRIPORIGINTXT
17 Pre-departure Checks On Your Motorcycle Before Leaving MR017_PREDEPARTURECHECKS1
For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 1
17 (cont.) Pre-departure Checks On Your Motorcycle Before MR017_PREDEPARTURECHECKS2
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 2
17 (cont.) Pre-departure Checks On Your Motorcycle Before MR017_PREDEPARTURECHECKS3
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 3
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
17 (cont.) Pre-departure Checks On Your Motorcycle Before MR017_PREDEPARTURECHECKS4
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 4
17 (cont.) Pre-departure Checks On Your Motorcycle Before MR017_PREDEPARTURECHECKSTXT
Leaving For This Trip - Text
18 Trip Destination MR018_TRIPDESTINATION
18 (cont.) Trip Destination - Text MR018_TRIPDESTINATIONTXT
19 Trip Distance In Miles MR019_ONEWAYTRIPMILEAGE
20 Frequency Of Travel On This Road On/In Any Vehicle MR020_FREQUENCYROUTETRAVELLED
21 Riding Time Today Prior To The Crash (Hours) MR021_RIDETIMEPRIORTOCRASHHRS
21 (cont.) Riding Time Today Prior To The Crash (Minutes) MR021_RIDETIMEPRIORTOCRASHMINS
21 (cont.) Riding Time Today Prior To The Crash - Text MR021_RIDETIMEPRIORTOCRASHTXT
22 Miles Ridden Before The Crash Occurred MR022_MILESRODEPRIORTOCRASH
22 (cont.) Miles Ridden Before The Crash Occurred - Text MR022_MILESRODEPRIORTOCRASHTXT
23 At The Time Of The Crash, Were You Wearing A Helmet MR023_WEARINGHELMET
23 (cont.) At The Time Of The Crash, Were You Wearing A MR023_WEARINGHELMETTXT
Helmet - Text
24 Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet MR024_NOHELMETRATIONALE
24 (cont.) Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet - Text MR024_NOHELMETRATIONALETXT
25 Do You Ever Wear Helmet MR025_FREQUENCYHELMETWORN
25 (cont.) Do You Ever Wear Helmet - Text MR025_FREQUENCYHELMETWORNTXT
26 Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head MR026_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTED
26 (cont.) Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head - MR026_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTEDTXT
27 (cont.) Helmet Secure on Head - Text MR027_HELMETSECURELYFASTENEDTXT
28 Type Of Helmet MR028_HELMETTYPE
28 (cont.) Type Of Helmet - Text MR028_HELMETTYPETXT
29 Type Of Helmet Coverage MR029_HELMETCOVERAGE
29 (cont.) Type Of Helmet Coverage - Text MR029_HELMETCOVERAGETXT
30 Predominant Color Of Helmet MR030_HELMETCOLOR
30 (cont.) Predominant Color Of Helmet - Text MR030_HELMETCOLORTXT
31 Color Of The Face Shield MR031_FACESHIELDCOLOR
31 (cont.) Color Of The Face Shield - Text MR031_FACESHIELDCOLORTXT
32 Is Rider Owner of This Helmet MR032_HELMETWEARERISOWNER
32 (cont.) Is Rider Owner of This Helmet - Text MR032_HELMETWEARERISOWNERTXT
33 Fit Of Helmet MR033_HELMETFIT
33 (cont.) Fit Of Helmet - Text MR033_HELMETFITTXT
34 Helmet Retained on Head During The Crash MR034_HELMETRETAINEDINCRASH
34 (cont.) Helmet Retained on Head During The Crash - Text MR034_HELMETRETAINEDINCRASHTXT
35 Percent Helmet Use When Riding MR035_PERCENTHELMETUSEWHENMCR
36 Conditions When Wear Helmet (Code up to 4) - Item 1 MR036_HELMETUSAGECONDITION1
36 (cont.) Conditions When Wear Helmet (Code up to 4) - Item 2 MR036_HELMETUSAGECONDITION2
36 (cont.) Conditions When Wear Helmet (Code up to 4) - Item 3 MR036_HELMETUSAGECONDITION3
36 (cont.) Conditions When Wear Helmet (Code up to 4) - Item 4 MR036_HELMETUSAGECONDITION4
36 (cont.) Conditions When Wear Helmet - Text MR036_HELMETUSAGECONDITIONTXT
37 Physical Impairments, If Any (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MR037_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT1
37 (cont.) Physical Impairments, If Any (Code up to 3) - Item 2 MR037_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT2
37 (cont.) Physical Impairments, If Any (Code up to 3) - Item 3 MR037_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT3
37 (cont.) Physical Impairments, If Any (Code up to 3) - Text MR037_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENTTXT
38 Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MR038_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
38 (cont.) Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to MR038_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN2
3) - Item 2
38 (cont.) Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to MR038_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN3
3) - Item 3
38 (cont.) Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash - Text4 MR038_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
39 Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MR039_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
39 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to MR039_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN2
3) - Item 2
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
39 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to MR039_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN3
3) - Item 3
39 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash - Text MR039_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
40 Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash MR040_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRS
40 (cont.) Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text MR040_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRSTXT
41 Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption 24 MR041_DRUGSLAST24HRS
Hours Prior To The Crash
41 (cont.) Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption MR041_DRUGSLAST24HRSTXT
24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text
42 Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol MR042_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPE
42 (cont.) Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol - Text MR042_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPETXT
43 Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) - MR043_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE1
Item 1
43 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to MR043_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE2
3) - Item 2
43 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to MR043_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE3
3) - Item 3
44 Is Rider Owner Of This Motorcycle MR044_RIDEROWNSMC
44 (cont.) Is Rider Owner Of This Motorcycle - Text MR044_RIDEROWNSMCTXT
45 Purchase Location of This Motorcycle MR045_WHEREMCPURCHASED
45 (cont.) Purchase Location of This Motorcycle - Text MR045_WHEREMCPURCHASEDTXT
46 Time The Crash-Involved Motorcycle Owned By Rider MR046_TIMEOWNTHISMCYR
46 (cont.) Time The Crash-Involved Motorcycle Owned By Rider MR046_TIMEOWNTHISMCMO
46 (cont.) Time The Crash-Involved Motorcycle Owned By Rider MR046_TIMEOWNTHISMCTXT
- Text
47 Time Street Motorcycle Operated By Rider (Years) MR047_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCEYR
47 (cont.) Time Street Motorcycle Operated By Rider (Months) MR047_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCEMO
47 (cont.) Time Street Motorcycle Operated By Rider - Text MR047_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCETXT
48 Time The Crash-Involved Motorcycle Operated By Rider MR048_RIDINGEXPERIENCETHISMCYR
48 (cont.) Time The Crash-Involved Motorcycle Operated By MR048_RIDINGEXPERIENCETHISMCMO
Rider (Months)
48 (cont.) Time The Crash-Involved Motorcycle Operated By MR048_RIDINGEXPERIENCETHISMCTXT
Rider - Text
49 Average Number Of Days/Year Rider Rides Motorcycles MR049_DAYSRIDDENPERYEAR
49 (cont.) Average Number Of Days/Year Rider Rides MR049_DAYSRIDDENPERYEARTXT
Motorcycles - Text
50 Miles/Year Rider Ride Motorcycles MR050_MILESRIDDENPERYEAR
50 (cont.) Miles/Year Rider Ride Motorcycles - Text MR050_MILESRIDDENPERYEARTXT
51 Type Of Motorcycle Training Rider Had MR051_RIDERTRAININGTYPE
51 (cont.) Type Of Motorcycle Training Rider Had - Text MR051_RIDERTRAININGTYPETXT
52 Year of Formal Motorcycle Training (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MR052_YEAROFFORMALMCTRAINING1
52 (cont.) Year of Formal Motorcycle Training (Code up to 3) - MR052_YEAROFFORMALMCTRAINING2
Item 2
52 (cont.) Year of Formal Motorcycle Training (Code up to 3) - MR052_YEAROFFORMALMCTRAINING3
Item 3
53 Reason For Not Taking Motorcycle Safety Training MR053_NOTRAININGRATIONALE
53 (cont.) Reason For Not Taking Motorcycle Safety Training - MR053_NOTRAININGRATIONALETXT
54 Age When Rider Began To Ride A Street Motorcycle MR054_AGESTARTEDRIDING
54 (cont.) Age When Rider Began To Ride A Street Motorcycle - MR054_AGESTARTEDRIDINGTXT
55 Time Rider Not Ride A Motorcycle (Years) MR055_GAPSWITHOUTRIDING
55 (cont.) Time Rider Not Ride A Motorcycle (Years) - Text MR055_GAPSWITHOUTRIDINGTXT
56 Most Recent Hiatus In Riding In Years MR056_LENGTHMCRIDINGHIATUS
56 (cont.) Most Recent Hiatus In Riding In Years - Text MR056_LENGTHMCRIDINGHIATUSTXT
57 Time Driving Another Type of Vehicle Versus Riding a MR057_PERCENTTRAVELBYMC
Motorcycle In Percent
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
57 (cont.) Time Of Riding a Motorcycle Versus Driving Another MR057_PERCENTTRAVELBYOV
Type of Vehicle In Percent
58 When You Ride A Motorcycle, What Is The Percentage Of MR058_PERCENTRECREATIONALUSE
Time You Use It For Recreation
58 (cont.) When You Ride A Motorcycle, What Is The Percentage MR058_PERCENTTRANSPORTATIONUSE
Of Time You Use It For Transportation
59 How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind Of Motor MR059_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLEYR
Vehicle (Years)
59 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind Of Motor MR059_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLEMO
Vehicle (Months)
59 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind Of Motor MR059_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLETXT
Vehicle - Text
60 How Many Miles Per Year Do You Drive a Car Or Truck MR060_OVDRIVENMILESPERYEAR
60 (cont.) How Many Miles Per Year Do You Drive a Car Or MR060_OVDRIVENMILESPERYEARTXT
Truck - Text
61 Have You Had Any Car Or Truck Driver Training MR061_OVTRAINING
61 (cont.) Have You Had Any Car Or Truck Driver Training - MR061_OVTRAININGTXT
62 Number Of Traffic Convictions In Previous 5 Years MR062_RECENTTRAFFICCONVICTIONS
63 Number Of Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes In Past 5 MR063_MCCRASHESLAST5YRS
64 Number Of Car Or Truck Traffic Crashes In Past 5 Years MR064_OVCRASHESLAST5YRS
65 Duration Of Experience Riding With Passengers On A MR065_EXPERIENCERIDINGWITHMCP
66 Duration Of Experience Riding With Cargo/Luggage MR066_EXPERIENCERIDINGWITHCARGO
67 Are You A Motorcycle Club Member MR067_MCCLUBMEMBERSHIP
68 Were You Riding With Other Motorcyclists At The Time Of MR068_WITHOTHERMCSATCRASH
The Crash
68 (cont.) Were You Riding With Other Motorcyclists At The MR068_WITHOTHERMCSATCRASHTXT
Time Of The Crash - Text
69 Number Of Motorcycles In The Group MR069_NUMBERMCINGROUP
69 (cont.) Number Of Motorcycles In The Group - Text MR069_NUMBERMCINGROUPTXT
70 Was The Group Riding In A Specific Formation MR070_FORMATIONOFGROUP
70 (cont.) Was The Group Riding In A Specific Formation - Text MR070_FORMATIONOFGROUPTXT
71 If In A Formation, Where Was Your Motorcycle Placed In MR071_POSITIONOFMCINGROUP
The Formation
71 (cont.) If In A Formation, Where Was Your Motorcycle Placed MR071_POSITIONOFMCINGROUPTXT
In The Formation - Text
72 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body MR072_UPPERBODYCLOTHING
72 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body - MR072_UPPERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
73 Was This Upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented MR073_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSO
73 (cont.) Was This Upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - MR073_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSOTXT
74 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body MR074_LOWERBODYCLOTHING
74 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body - MR074_LOWERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
75 Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented MR075_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWN
75 (cont.) Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - MR075_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWNTXT
76 Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest MR076_WEARINGINFLATABLEVEST
76 (cont.) Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest - Text MR076_WEARINGINFLATABLEVESTTXT
77 What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing MR077_KINDOFSHOESWORN
77 (cont.) What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing - MR077_KINDOFSHOESWORNTXT
78 Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle MR078_OVERANKLEFOOTWEAR
78 (cont.) Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle - Text MR078_OVERANKLEFOOTWEARTXT
79 Was Footwear Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not MR079_MCORIENTEDFOOTWEAR
80 Type Of Gloves Used MR080_TYPEOFGLOVESWORN
80 (cont.) Type Of Gloves Used - Text MR080_TYPEOFGLOVESWORNTXT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
81 Were/Are Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not MR081_GLOVESMCORIENTED
81 (cont.) Were Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not - Text MR081_GLOVESMCORIENTEDTXT
82 Clothing’s Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MR082_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE1
82 (cont.) Clothing’s Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 2 MR082_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE2
82 (cont.) Clothing’s Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 3 MR082_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE3
82 (cont.) Clothing’s Retroreflective - Text MR082_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVETXT
83 Clothing Color - Torso MR083_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSO
83 (cont.) Clothing Color - Torso - Text MR083_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSOTXT
83 (cont.) Clothing Color - Lower Body MR083_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWN
83 (cont.) Clothing Color - Lower Body - Text MR083_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWNTXT
83 (cont.) Clothing Color -Footwear MR083_COLORFOOTWEAR
83 (cont.) Clothing Color - Footwear - Text MR083_COLORFOOTWEARTXT
83 (cont.) Clothing Color - Gloves MR083_COLORGLOVES
83 (cont.) Clothing Color - Gloves - Text MR083_COLORGLOVESTXT
84 Are Corrective Lenses Used MR084_CORRECTIVELENSESREQD
84 (cont.) Are Corrective Lenses Used - Text MR084_CORRECTIVELENSESREQDTXT
85 Type Of Eyewear in Use MR085_TYPEOFEYEWEARINUSE
85 (cont.) Type Of Eyewear in Use - Text MR085_TYPEOFEYEWEARINUSETXT
86 Color Of The Eye Coverage Lens MR086_COLOROFLENS
86 (cont.) Color Of The Eye Coverage Lens - Text MR086_COLOROFLENSTXT
87 Status Of Injury In This Crash MR087_INJUREDINCRASH
88 Type Of Medical Treatment Received MR088_TYPEOFMEDICALTREATMENT
88 (cont.) Type Of Medical Treatment Received - Text MR088_TYPEOFMEDICALTREATMENTTXT
89 Age At The Time of The Crash MR089_MCRYEARSOFAGE
90 State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued MR090_LICENSEISSUER
91 State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued - Text MR090_LICENSEISSUERTXT
91 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 1 MR091_LICENSETYPE1
91 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 2 MR091_LICENSETYPE2
91 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 3 MR091_LICENSETYPE3
91 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 4 MR091_LICENSETYPE4
92 Type Of Operator’s License - Text MR091_LICENSETYPETXT
92 (cont.) Year License 1 Issued MR092_YEARLICENSEISSUED1
92 (cont.) Year License 2 Issued MR092_YEARLICENSEISSUED2
92 (cont.) Year License 3 Issued MR092_YEARLICENSEISSUED3
92 (cont.) Year License 4 Issued MR092_YEARLICENSEISSUED4
93 Number Of Times a Motorcycle Learner’s Permit Acquired MR093_NUMBERMCLEARNERPERMITS
93 (cont.) Number Of Times a Motorcycle Learner’s Permit MR093_NUMBERMCLEARNERPERMITSTXT
Acquired - Text
94 Time Length For Motorcycle License Held (Years) MR094_DURATIONMCLICENSEHELDYR
94 (cont.) Time Length For Motorcycle License Held (Months) MR094_DURATIONMCLICENSEHELDMO
94 (cont.) Time Length For Motorcycle License Held - Text MR094_DURATIONMCLICENSEHELDTXT
95 Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino MR095_HISPANICORIGIN
95 (cont.) Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino - Text MR095_HISPANICORIGINTXT
96 Race (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MR096_RACE1
96 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Item 2 MR096_RACE2
96 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Item 3 MR096_RACE3
96 (cont.) Race - Text MR096_RACETXT
97 Riders Height (Feet) MR097_MCRHEIGHTFEET
97 (cont.) Riders Height (Inches) MR097_MCRHEIGHTINCHES
98 Riders Weight In Pounds MR098_MCRWEIGHT
99 Gender MR099_GENDER
100 Level Of Formal Education MR100_LEVELOFEDUCATION
100 (cont.) Level Of Formal Education - Text MR100_LEVELOFEDUCATIONTXT
101 Current Occupation MR101_CURRENTOCCUPATION
101 (cont.) Current Occupation - Text MR101_CURRENTOCCUPATIONTXT
102 Marital Status MR102_MARITALSTATUS
102 (cont.) Marital Status - Text MR102_MARITALSTATUSTXT
103 Number Of Children MR103_NUMBEROFCHILDREN
103 (cont.) Number Of Children - Text MR103_NUMBEROFCHILDRENTXT
104 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) MR104_BLOODALCOHOL
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
104 (cont.) Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) - Text MR104_BLOODALCOHOLTXT
105 Source of BAC Information MR105_BACINFORMATIONSOURCE
105 (cont.) Source of BAC Information - Text MR105_BACINFORMATIONSOURCETXT
Table 13. List of variables in the Control Motorcycle Rider Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number CR000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Motorcycle Number CR000_MCNUMBER
1 Start Point Of The Trip CR001_TRIPORIGIN
1 (cont.) Start Point Of The Trip - Text CR001_TRIPORIGINTXT
2 Safety Or Maintenance Checks Performed Before Leaving CR002_PREDEPARTURECHECKS1
For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 1
2 (cont.) Safety Or Maintenance Checks Performed Before CR002_PREDEPARTURECHECKS2
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 2
2 (cont.) Safety Or Maintenance Checks Performed Before CR002_PREDEPARTURECHECKS3
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 3
2 (cont.) Safety Or Maintenance Checks Performed Before CR002_PREDEPARTURECHECKS4
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Item 4
2 (cont.) Safety Or Maintenance Checks Performed Before CR002_PREDEPARTURECHECKSTXT
Leaving For This Trip (Code up to 4) - Text
3 Trip Destination CR003_TRIPDESTINATION
3 (cont.) Trip Destination - Text CR003_TRIPDESTINATIONTXT
4 Trip Distance In Miles CR004_ONEWAYTRIPMILEAGE
5 Frequency Of Travel On This Road On/In Any Vehicle CR005_FREQUENCYROUTETRAVELLED
6 How Long Have You Been Riding Today Since Your Trip CR006_RIDETIMESINCEDEPARTHRS
Departure (Hours)
6 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Riding Today Since Your CR006_RIDETIMESINCEDEPARTMINS
Trip Departure (Minutes)
6 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Riding Today Since Your CR006_RIDETIMESINCEDEPARTTXT
Trip Departure - Text
7 How Many Miles Have You Gone Since Your Trip Departure CR007_MILESRODESINCEDEPART
7 (cont.) How Many Miles Have You Gone Since Your Trip CR007_MILESRODESINCEDEPARTTXT
Departure - Text
8 What Was Your Travel Speed Just Before You Stopped For CR008_SPEEDJUSTPRIORTOSTOP
This Interview
8 (cont.) What Was Your Travel Speed Just Before You Stopped CR008_SPEEDJUSTPRIORTOSTOPTXT
For This Interview - Text
9 When You Were Just Riding, Were You Wearing A Helmet? CR009_WEARINGHELMET
9 (cont.) When You Were Just Riding, Were You Wearing A CR009_WEARINGHELMETTXT
Helmet - Text
10 Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet CR010_NOHELMETRATIONALE
10 (cont.) Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet - Text CR010_NOHELMETRATIONALETXT
11 Do You Ever Wear Helmet CR011_FREQUENCYHELMETWORN
11 (cont.) Do You Ever Wear Helmet - Text CR011_FREQUENCYHELMETWORNTXT
12 Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head CR012_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTED
12 (cont.) Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head - CR012_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTEDTXT
13 State Helmet Securely Fastened To Your Head or Not CR013_HELMETSECURELYFASTENED
13 (cont.) State Helmet Securely Fastened To Your Head or Not - CR013_HELMETSECURELYFASTENEDTXT
14A Helmet Standard Conformance (Code up to 4) - Item 1 CR014_HELMETSTDCONFORMITY1
14A Helmet Standard Conformance (Code up to 4) - Item 2 CR014_HELMETSTDCONFORMITY2
14A Helmet Standard Conformance (Code up to 4) - Item 3 CR014_HELMETSTDCONFORMITY3
14A Helmet Standard Conformance (Code up to 4) - Item 4 CR014_HELMETSTDCONFORMITY4
14A Helmet Standard Conformance (Code up to 4) - Text CR014_HELMETSTDCONFORMITYTXT
14 Helmet Type CR014_HELMETTYPE
14 (cont.) Helmet Type - Text CR014_HELMETTYPETXT
15 Type Of Helmet Coverage CR015_HELMETCOVERAGE
15 (cont.) Type Of Helmet Coverage - Text CR015_HELMETCOVERAGETXT
16 Predominant Color of Helmet CR016_HELMETCOLOR
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
16 (cont.) Predominant Color of Helmet - Text CR016_HELMETCOLORTXT
17 Color Of The Face Shield CR017_FACESHIELDCOLOR
17 (cont.) Color Of The Face Shield - Text CR017_FACESHIELDCOLORTXT
18 Is Rider Owner of This Helmet CR018_HELMETWEARERISOWNER
18 (cont.) Is Rider Owner of This Helmet - Text CR018_HELMETWEARERISOWNERTXT
19 Fit Of Helmet CR019_HELMETFIT
19 (cont.) Fit Of Helmet - Text CR019_HELMETFITTXT
20 Usage Of Helmet When Riding In Percentage CR020_PERCENTHELMETUSEWHENMCR
21 Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CR021_HELMETUSAGECONDITION1
Item 1
21 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CR021_HELMETUSAGECONDITION2
Item 2
21 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CR021_HELMETUSAGECONDITION3
Item 3
21 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CR021_HELMETUSAGECONDITION4
Item 4
21 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition - Text CR021_HELMETUSAGECONDITIONTXT
22 Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - Item 1 CR022_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT1
22 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - CR022_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT2
Item 2
22 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - CR022_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT3
Item 3
22 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any - Text CR022_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENTTXT
23 When You Were Just Riding, Were You Experiencing Any CR023_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN1
Of The Following (Code up to 3) - Item 1
23 (cont.) When You Were Just Riding, Were You Experiencing CR023_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN2
Any Of The Following (Code up to 3) - Item 2
23 (cont.) When You Were Just Riding, Were You Experiencing CR023_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN3
Any Of The Following (Code up to 3) - Item 3
23 (cont.) When You Were Just Riding, Were You Experiencing CR023_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
Any Of The Following - Text
24 Psychological Status At The Time Of Interview (Code up to CR024_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN1
3) - Item 1
24 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Interview (Code CR024_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN2
up to 3) - Item 2
24 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Interview (Code CR024_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN3
up to 3) - Item 3
24 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Interview - Text CR024_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
25 Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Interview CR025_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRS
25 (cont.) Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Interview - Text CR025_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRSTXT
26 Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption CR026_DRUGSLAST24HRS
24 Hours Prior To The Interview
26 (cont.) Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption CR026_DRUGSLAST24HRSTXT
24Hours Prior To The Interview - Text
27 Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol CR027_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPE
27 (cont.) Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol - Text CR027_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPETXT
28 Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) - CR028_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE1
Item 1
28 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) CR028_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE2
- Item 2
28 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) CR028_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE3
- Item 3
29 Is Rider Owner Of This Motorcycle CR029_RIDEROWNSMC
29 (cont.) Is Rider Owner Of This Motorcycle - Text CR029_RIDEROWNSMCTXT
30 Location Of Purchase Of This Motorcycle CR030_WHEREMCPURCHASED
30 (cont.) Location Of Purchase Of This Motorcycle - Text CR030_WHEREMCPURCHASEDTXT
31 Time The Interview-Involved Motorcycle Owned By Rider CR031_TIMEOWNTHISMCYR
31 (cont.) Time The Interview-Involved Motorcycle Owned By CR031_TIMEOWNTHISMCMO
Rider (Months)
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
31 (cont.) Time The Interview-Involved Motorcycle Owned By CR031_TIMEOWNTHISMCTXT
Rider - Text
32 Street Motorcycle Experience of Rider (Years) CR032_MCSTREETRIDINGEXPERIENCEYR
32 (cont.) Street Motorcycle Experience of Rider (Months) CR032_MCSTREETRIDINGEXPERIENCEMO
32 (cont.) Street Motorcycle Experience of Rider - Text CR032_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCETXT
33 Experience with Interview-Involved Motorcycle of Rider CR033_RIDINGEXPERIENCETHISMCYR
33 (cont.) Experience with Interview-Involved Motorcycle of Rider CR033_RIDINGEXPERIENCETHISMCMO
33 (cont.) Experience with Interview-Involved Motorcycle of Rider CR033_RIDINGEXPERIENCETHISMCTXT
- Text
34 Average Number Of Days/Year Rider Rides Motorcycles CR034_DAYSRIDDENPERYEAR
34 (cont.) Average Number Of Days/Year Rider Rides Motorcycles CR034_DAYSRIDDENPERYEARTXT
- Text
35 Miles/Year Rider Rides Motorcycles CR035_MILESRIDDENPERYEAR
35 (cont.) Miles/Year Rider Rides Motorcycles - Text CR035_MILESRIDDENPERYEARTXT
36 Type Of Motorcycle Training Rider Had CR036_RIDERTRAININGTYPE
36 (cont.) Type Of Motorcycle Training Rider Had - Text CR036_RIDERTRAININGTYPETXT
37 Reason For Not Taking Motorcycle Safety Training CR037_NOTRAININGRATIONALE
37 (cont.) Reason For Not Taking Motorcycle Safety Training - CR037_NOTRAININGRATIONALETXT
38 When Formal Motorcycle Training Taken (code up to 3) - CR038_YEAROFFORMALMCTRAINING1
Item 1
38 (cont.) When Formal Motorcycle Training Taken (code up to 3) CR038_YEAROFFORMALMCTRAINING2
- Item 2
38 (cont.) When Formal Motorcycle Training Taken (code up to 3) CR038_YEAROFFORMALMCTRAINING3
- Item 3
39 Age When Rider Began To Ride A Street Motorcycle CR039_AGESTARTEDRIDING
39 (cont.) Age When Rider Began To Ride A Street Motorcycle - CR039_AGESTARTEDRIDINGTXT
40 Years In Which Rider Did Not Ride A Motorcycle If Any CR040_GAPSWITHOUTRIDING
40 (cont.) Years In Which Rider Did Not Ride A Motorcycle If CR040_GAPSWITHOUTRIDINGTXT
Any - Text
41 Most Recent Hiatus In Riding In Years CR041_LENGTHMCRIDINGHIATUS
41 (cont.) Most Recent Hiatus In Riding In Years - Text CR041_LENGTHMCRIDINGHIATUSTXT
42 Time Of Driving a Motorcycle Versus Another Type of CR042_PERCENTTRAVELBYMC
Vehicle In Percentage
42 (cont.) Time Of Driving a Motorcycle Versus Another Type of CR042_PERCENTTRAVELBYOVTYPE
Vehicle In Percentage
43 When You Ride A Motorcycle, What Is The Percentage Of CR043_PERCENTRECREATIONALUSE
Time You Use It For Recreation
43 (cont.) When You Ride A Motorcycle, What Is The Percentage CR043_PERCENTTRANSPORTATIONUSE
Of Time You Use It For Transportation
44 How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind Of Motor CR044_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLEYR
Vehicle (Years)
44 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind Of Motor CR044_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLEMO
Vehicle (Months)
44 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Driving Any Kind Of Motor CR044_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLETXT
Vehicle - Text
45 How Many Miles Per Year Do You Drive a Car Or Truck CR045_OVDRIVENMILESPERYEAR
45 (cont.) How Many Miles Per Year Do You Drive a Car Or CR045_OVDRIVENMILESPERYEARTXT
Truck - Text
46 Have You Had Any Car Or Truck Driver Training CR046_OVTRAINING
46 (cont.) Have You Had Any Car Or Truck Driver Training - Text CR046_OVTRAININGTXT
47 Number Of Traffic Convictions In Previous 5 Years CR047_RECENTTRAFFICCONVICTIONS
48 Number Of Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes In Past 5 CR048_MCCRASHESLAST5YRS
49 Number Of Car Or Truck Traffic Crashes In Past 5 Years CR049_OVCRASHESLAST5YRS
50 Experience Riding With Passengers On A Motorcycle CR050_EXPERIENCERIDINGWITHMCP
51 Duration Of Experience Riding With Cargo/Luggage CR051_EXPERIENCERIDINGWITHCARGO
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
52 Are You A Motorcycle Club Member CR052_MCCLUBMEMBERSHIP
53 Were You Riding With Other Motorcyclists At The Time Of CR053_WITHOTHERMCTHISTRIP
The Interview
53 (cont.) Were You Riding With Other Motorcyclists At The CR053_WITHOTHERMCTHISTRIPTXT
Time Of The Interview - Text
54 Number Of Motorcycles In The Group CR054_NUMBERMCINGROUP
54 (cont.) Number Of Motorcycles In The Group - Text CR054_NUMBERMCINGROUPTXT
55 Was The Group Riding In A Specific Formation CR055_FORMATIONOFGROUP
55 (cont.) Was The Group Riding In A Specific Formation - Text CR055_FORMATIONOFGROUPTXT
56 If In A Formation, Where Was Your Motorcycle Placed In CR056_POSITIONOFMCINGROUP
The Formation
56 (cont.) If In A Formation, Where Was Your Motorcycle Placed CR056_POSITIONOFMCINGROUPTXT
In The Formation - Text
57 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body CR057_UPPERBODYCLOTHING
57 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body - CR057_UPPERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
58 Was This Upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented CR058_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSO
58 (cont.) Was This Upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - CR058_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSOTXT
59 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body CR059_LOWERBODYCLOTHING
59 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body - CR059_LOWERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
60 Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented CR060_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWN
60 (cont.) Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - CR060_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWNTXT
61 Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest CR061_WEARINGINFLATABLEVEST
61 (cont.) Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest - Text CR061_WEARINGINFLATABLEVESTTXT
62 What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing CR062_KINDOFSHOESWORN
62 (cont.) What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing - Text CR062_KINDOFSHOESWORNTXT
63 Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle CR063_OVERANKLEFOOTWEAR
63 (cont.) Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle - Text CR063_OVERANKLEFOOTWEARTXT
64 Was Footwear Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not CR064_MCORIENTEDFOOTWEAR
65 Type Of Gloves Used CR065_TYPEOFGLOVESWORN
65 (cont.) Type Of Gloves Used - Text CR065_TYPEOFGLOVESWORNTXT
66 Were Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not CR066_GLOVESMCORIENTED
66 (cont.) Were Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not - Text CR066_GLOVESMCORIENTEDTXT
67 Was Clothing Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 1 CR067_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE1
67 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 2 CR067_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE2
67 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 3 CR067_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE3
67 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective - Text CR067_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVETXT
68 Torso Clothing Color CR068_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSO
68 (cont.) Torso Clothing Color - Text CR068_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSOTXT
68 (cont.) Lower Body Clothing Color CR068_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWN
68 (cont.) Lower Body Clothing Color - Text CR068_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWNTXT
68 (cont.) Footwear Color CR068_COLORFOOTWEAR
68 (cont.) Footwear Color - Text CR068_COLORFOOTWEARTXT
68 (cont.) Gloves Color CR068_COLORGLOVES
68 (cont.) Gloves Color - Text CR068_COLORGLOVESTXT
69 Are Corrective Lenses Required CR069_CORRECTIVELENSESREQD
69 (cont.) Are Corrective Lenses Required - Text CR069_CORRECTIVELENSESREQDTXT
70 Type Of Eyewear in Use CR070_TYPEOFEYEWEARINUSE
70 (cont.) Type Of Eyewear in Use - Text CR070_TYPEOFEYEWEARINUSETXT
71 Color Of The Eye Coverage Lens CR071_COLOROFLENS
71 (cont.) Color Of The Eye Coverage Lens - Text CR071_COLOROFLENSTXT
72 Age of Driver CR072_MCRYEARSOFAGE
73 State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued CR073_LICENSEISSUER
73 (cont.) State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued - CR073_LICENSEISSUERTXT
74 Operator’s License Type Held (Code up to 4) - Item 1 CR074_LICENSETYPE1
74 (cont.) Operator’s License Type Held (Code up to 4) - Item 2 CR074_LICENSETYPE2
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
74 (cont.) Operator’s License Type Held (Code up to 4) - Item 3 CR074_LICENSETYPE3
74 (cont.) Operator’s License Type Held (Code up to 4) - Item 4 CR074_LICENSETYPE4
74 (cont.) Operator’s License Type Held - Text CR074_LICENSETYPETXT
75 Year Was The License(s) Issued - Item 1 CR075_YEARLICENSEISSUED1
75 (cont.) Year Was The License(s) Issued - Item 2 CR075_YEARLICENSEISSUED2
75 (cont.) Year Was The License(s) Issued - Item 3 CR075_YEARLICENSEISSUED3
75 (cont.) Year Was The License(s) Issued - Item 4 CR075_YEARLICENSEISSUED4
76 Number Of Times a Motorcycle Learner’s Permit Acquired CR076_NUMBERMCLEARNERPERMITS
76 (cont.) Number Of Times a Motorcycle Learner’s Permit CR076_NUMBERMCLEARNERPERMITSTXT
Acquired - Text
77 Length of Time Motorcycle License Held (Years) CR077_DURATIONMCLICENSEHELDYR
77 (cont.) Length of Time Motorcycle License Held (Months) CR077_DURATIONMCLICENSEHELDMO
77 (cont.) Length of Time Motorcycle License Held - Text CR077_DURATIONMCLICENSEHELDTXT
78 Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino CR078_HISPANICORIGIN
78 (cont.) Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino - Text CR078_HISPANICORIGINTXT
79 Race (Code up to 4) - Item 1 CR079_RACE1
79 (cont.) Race (Code up to 4) - Item 2 CR079_RACE2
79 (cont.) Race (Code up to 4) - Item 3 CR079_RACE3
79 (cont.) Race (Code up to 4) - Text CR079_RACETXT
80 Riders Height (Feet) CR080_MCRHEIGHTFEET
80 (cont.) Riders Height (Inches) CR080_MCRHEIGHTINCHES
81 Riders Weight (Pounds) CR081_MCRWEIGHT
82 Gender CR082_GENDER
83 Level Of Formal Education CR083_LEVELOFEDUCATION
83 (cont.) Level Of Formal Education - Text CR083_LEVELOFEDUCATIONTXT
84 Current Occupation CR084_CURRENTOCCUPATION
84 (cont.) Current Occupation - Text CR084_CURRENTOCCUPATIONTXT
85 Marital Status CR085_MARITALSTATUS
85 (cont.) Marital Status - Text CR085_MARITALSTATUSTXT
86 Number Of Children CR086_NUMBEROFCHILDREN
87 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) CR087_BLOODALCOHOL
87 (cont.) Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) - Text CR087_BLOODALCOHOLTXT
88 Source of BAC information CR088_BACINFORMATIONSOURCE
88 (cont.) Source of BAC information - Text CR088_BACINFORMATIONSOURCETXT
Table 14. List of variables in the Motorcycle Passenger Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number MP000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Passenger Number MP000_PASSENGERNUMBER
0 (cont.) Source of Passenger MP000_MPSOURCE
1 Where Were You Located Prior To The Crash MP001_MCPLOCATIONPRIORCRASH
1 (cont.) Where Were You Located Prior To The Crash - Text MP001_MCPLOCATIONPRIORCRASHTXT
2 What Was Your Riding Position at the Time Of Collision MP002_MCPCRASHPOSITION
2 (cont.) What Was Your Riding Position at the Time Of MP002_MCPCRASHPOSITIONTXT
Collision - Text
3 Did Any Of Your Actions Contribute To The Crash MP003_ACTIONSCONTRIBTOCRASH
3 (cont.) Did Any Of Your Actions Contribute To The Crash - MP003_ACTIONSCONTRIBTOCRASHTXT
4 At The Time Of The Crash, Were You Wearing A Helmet MP004_WEARINGHELMET
4 (cont.) At The Time Of The Crash, Were You Wearing A MP004_WEARINGHELMETTXT
Helmet - Text
5 Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet MP005_NOHELMETRATIONALE
5 (cont.) Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet - Text MP005_NOHELMETRATIONALETXT
6 (cont.) Do You Ever Wear Helmet - Text MP006_FREQUENCYHELMETWORNTXT
7 Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head MP007_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTED
7 (cont.) Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head - MP007_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTEDTXT
8 State Helmet Securely Fastened To Your Head or Not MP008_HELMETSECURELYFASTENED
8 (cont.) State Helmet Securely Fastened To Your Head or Not - MP008_HELMETSECURELYFASTENEDTXT
9 Type Of Helmet MP009_HELMETTYPE
9 (cont.) Type Of Helmet - Text MP009_HELMETTYPETXT
10 Type Of Helmet Coverage MP010_HELMETCOVERAGE
10 (cont.) Type Of Helmet Coverage - Text MP010_HELMETCOVERAGETXT
11 Predominant Color Of Helmet MP011_HELMETCOLOR
11 (cont.) Predominant Color Of Helmet - Text MP011_HELMETCOLORTXT
12 Color Of The Face Shield MP012_FACESHIELDCOLOR
12 (cont.) Color Of The Face Shield - Text MP012_FACESHIELDCOLORTXT
13 Owner of This Helmet MP013_HELMETWEARERISOWNER
13 (cont.) Owner of This Helmet - Text MP013_HELMETWEARERISOWNERTXT
14 Fitting Of Helmet MP014_HELMETFIT
14 (cont.) Fitting Of Helmet - Text MP014_HELMETFITTXT
15 Retaining Of Helmet In Place On Head During The Crash MP015_HELMETRETAINEDINCRASH
15 (cont.) Retaining Of Helmet In Place On Head During The MP015_HELMETRETAINEDINCRASHTXT
Crash - Text
16 Percent Time Wear Helmet When Motorcycle Passenger MP016_PERCENTHELMETUSEWHENMCP
17 Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 3) - MP017_HELMETUSAGECONDITION1
Item 1
17 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 3) - MP017_HELMETUSAGECONDITION2
Item 2
17 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 3) - MP017_HELMETUSAGECONDITION3
Item 3
17 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 3) - MP017_HELMETUSAGECONDITION4
Item 4
17 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition - Text MP017_HELMETUSAGECONDITIONTXT
18 Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - MP018_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT1
Item 1
18 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - MP018_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT2
Item 2
18 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - MP018_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT3
Item 3
18 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any - Text MP018_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENTTXT
19 Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MP019_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
19 (cont.) Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MP019_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN2
Item 2
19 (cont.) Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MP019_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN3
Item 3
19 (cont.) Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MP019_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
20 Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - MP020_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
20 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up MP020_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN2
to 3) - Item 2
20 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up MP020_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN3
to 3) - Item 3
20 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash - Text MP020_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
21 Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash MP021_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRS
21 (cont.) Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text MP021_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRSTXT
22 Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption MP022_DRUGSLAST24HRS
24 Hours Prior To The Crash
22 (cont.) Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption MP022_DRUGSLAST24HRSTXT
24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text
23 Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol MP023_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPE
23 (cont.) Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol - Text MP023_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPETXT
24 Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) - MP024_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE1
Item 1
24 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to MP024_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE2
3) - Item 2
24 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to MP024_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE3
3) - Item 3
25 How Long Have You Been Riding As A Passenger on the MP025_MCPEXPERIENCETHISMCYR
Crash-Involved Motorcycle (Years)
25 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Riding As A Passenger on MP025_MCPEXPERIENCETHISMCMO
the Crash-Involved Motorcycle (Months)
26 How Long Have You Been Riding As A Passenger In Any MP026_VEHICLEPASNGREXPERIENCEYR
Kind Of Motor Vehicle (Years)
26 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Riding As A Passenger In MP026_VEHICLEPASNGREXPERIENCEMO
Any Kind Of Motor Vehicle (Months)
27 How Long Have You Ridden As A Passenger On Any Street MP027_MCPEXPERIENCEONSTREETMCYR
Motorcycle (Years)
27 (cont.) How Long Have You Ridden As A Passenger On Any MP027_MCPEXPERIENCEONSTREETMCMO
Street Motorcycle (Months)
28 What is The Average Number Of Days Per Year You Ride MP028_DAYSPERYEARASMCP
As A Passenger On Motorcycles
29 What Kind Of Motorcycle Training Have You Had MP029_TYPEOFMCTRAINING
29 (cont.) What Kind Of Motorcycle Training Have You Had - MP029_TYPEOFMCTRAININGTXT
30 When You Travel as a Passenger, What is the Percentage of MP030_WHENPSNGRPERCENTONMC
Time You Ride on a Motorcycle Versus Riding as a
Passenger in Another Type of Vehicle
30 (cont.) When You Travel as a Passenger, What is the MP030_WHENPSNGRPERCENTINOV
Percentage of Time You Ride on/in Other than a
Motorcycle Versus Riding as a Motorcycle Passenger
31 When You Ride A Motorcycle As A Passenger, What Is The MP031_PERCENTMCPFORRECREATION
Percentage Of Time It Is For Recreation
31 (cont.) When You Ride A Motorcycle As A Passenger, What MP031_PERCENTMCPFORTRANSPORT
Is The Percentage Of Time It Is For Transportation
32 How Much Experience Do You Have Riding As A MP032_EXPERIENCEASMCP
Passenger On Motorcycles
32 (cont.) How Much Experience Do You Have Riding As A MP032_EXPERIENCEASMCPTXT
Passenger On Motorcycles - Text
33 How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have You MP033_CRASHESWHENMCPINLAST5YRS
Had As A Passenger In The Past 5 Years
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
34 How Many Car Or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You Had As MP034_CRASHESWHENOVPINLAST5YRS
A Passenger In The Past 5 Years
35 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body MP035_UPPERBODYCLOTHING
35 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body - MP035_UPPERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
36 Was This upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented MP036_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSO
36 (cont.) Was This upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - MP036_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSOTXT
37 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body MP037_LOWERBODYCLOTHING
37 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body - MP037_LOWERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
38 Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented MP038_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWN
38 (cont.) Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - MP038_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWNTXT
39 Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest MP039_WEARINGINFLATABLEVEST
39 (cont.) Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest - Text MP039_WEARINGINFLATABLEVESTTXT
40 What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing MP040_KINDOFSHOESWORN
40 (cont.) What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing - MP040_KINDOFSHOESWORNTXT
41 Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle MP041_OVERANKLEFOOTWEAR
41 (cont.) Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle - Text MP041_OVERANKLEFOOTWEARTXT
42 Was Footwear Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not MP042_MCORIENTEDFOOTWEAR
43 Type Of Gloves Used MP043_TYPEOFGLOVESWORN
43 (cont.) Type Of Gloves Used - Text MP043_TYPEOFGLOVESWORNTXT
44 Were Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not MP044_GLOVESMCORIENTED
44 (cont.) State Whether Are Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not MP044_GLOVESMCORIENTEDTXT
- Text
45 Was Clothing Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MP045_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE1
45 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 2 MP045_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE2
45 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective (Code up to 3) - Item 3 MP045_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE3
45 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective - Text MP045_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVETXT
46 Clothing Color - Torso MP046_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSO
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Torso - Text MP046_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSOTXT
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Lower Body MP046_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWN
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Lower Body - Text MP046_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWNTXT
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Footwear MP046_COLORFOOTWEAR
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Footwear - Text MP046_COLORFOOTWEARTXT
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Gloves MP046_COLORGLOVES
46 (cont.) Clothing Color - Gloves - Text MP046_COLORGLOVESTXT
47 (cont.) Type Of Eyewear - Text MP047_TYPEOFEYEWEARINUSETXT
48 What Color Was The Eye Coverage Lens MP048_COLOROFLENS
48 (cont.) What Color Was The Eye Coverage Lens - Text MP048_COLOROFLENSTXT
49 Status Of Injury In This Crash MP049_INJUREDINCRASH
50 Type Of Medical Treatment Received MP050_TYPEOFMEDICALTREATMENT
50 (cont.) Type Of Medical Treatment Received - Text MP050_TYPEOFMEDICALTREATMENTTXT
51 Age At The Time of The Crash MP051_MCPYEARSOFAGE
52 State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued MP052_LICENSEISSUER
52 (cont.) State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued - MP052_LICENSEISSUERTXT
53 Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 1 MP053_LICENSETYPE1
53 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 2 MP053_LICENSETYPE2
53 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 3 MP053_LICENSETYPE3
53 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 4 MP053_LICENSETYPE4
53 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License - Text MP053_LICENSETYPETXT
54 Year License 1 Issued MP054_YEARLICENSEISSUED1
54 (cont.) Year License 2 Issued MP054_YEARLICENSEISSUED2
54 (cont.) Year License 3 Issued MP054_YEARLICENSEISSUED3
54 (cont.) Year License 4 Issued MP054_YEARLICENSEISSUED4
55 Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino MP055_HISPANICORIGIN
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
55 (cont.) Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino - Text MP055_HISPANICORIGINTXT
56 Race (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MP056_RACE1
56 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Item 2 MP056_RACE2
56 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Item 3 MP056_RACE3
56 (cont.) Race - Text MP056_RACETXT
57 Riders Height (Feet) MP057_MCPHEIGHTFEET
57 (cont.) Riders Height (Inches) MP057_MCPHEIGHTINCHES
58 Riders Weight (Pounds) MP058_MCPWEIGHT
59 Gender MP059_GENDER
60 Level Of Formal Education MP060_LEVELOFEDUCATION
60 (cont.) Level Of Formal Education - Text MP060_LEVELOFEDUCATIONTXT
61 Current Occupation MP061_CURRENTOCCUPATION
61 (cont.) Current Occupation - Text MP061_CURRENTOCCUPATIONTXT
62 Marital Status MP062_MARITALSTATUS
62 (cont.) Marital Status - Text MP062_MARITALSTATUSTXT
63 Number Of Children MP063_NUMBEROFCHILDREN
63 (cont.) Number Of Children - Text MP063_NUMBEROFCHILDRENTXT
64 Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) MP064_BLOODALCOHOL
64 (cont.) Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) - Text MP064_BLOODALCOHOLTXT
65 Source of BAC information MP065_BACINFORMATIONSOURCE
65 (cont.) Source of BAC information - Text MP065_BACINFORMATIONSOURCETXT
Table 15. List of variables in the Control Motorcycle Passenger Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number CP000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Control Motorcycle Number CP000_CMCNUMBER
0 (cont.) Passenger Number CP000_MCPNUMBER
1 At The Time Of The Crash, Were You Wearing A Helmet CP001_WEARINGHELMET
1 (cont.) At The Time Of The Crash, Were You Wearing A CP001_WEARINGHELMETTXT
Helmet - Text
2 Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet CP002_NOHELMETRATIONALE
2 (cont.) Reason For Not Wearing A Helmet - Text CP002_NOHELMETRATIONALETXT
3 Do You Ever Wear a Helmet? CP003_FREQUENCYHELMETWORN
3 (cont.) Do You Ever Wear a Helmet? - Text CP003_FREQUENCYHELMETWORNTXT
4 Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head CP004_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTED
4 (cont.) Was Your Helmet Properly Adjusted On Your Head - CP004_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTEDTXT
5 State Helmet Securely Fastened To Your Head or Not CP005_HELMETSECURELYFASTENED
5 (cont.) State Helmet Securely Fastened To Your Head or Not - CP005_HELMETSECURELYFASTENEDTXT
6 Type Of Helmet CP006_HELMETTYPE
6 (cont.) Type Of Helmet - Text CP006_HELMETTYPETXT
6a Conformity to Which Qualification (Code Up to 4) - Item 1 CP006_HELMETSTDCOMFORMITY1
6a (cont.) Conformity to Which Qualification (Code Up to 4) - CP006_HELMETSTDCOMFORMITY2
Item 2
6a (cont.) Conformity to Which Qualification (Code Up to 4) - CP006_HELMETSTDCOMFORMITY3
Item 3
6a (cont.) Conformity to Which Qualification (Code Up to 4) - CP006_HELMETSTDCOMFORMITY4
Item 4
6a (cont.) Conformity to Which Qualification - Text CP006_HELMETSTDCOMFORMITYTXT
7 Type Of Helmet Coverage CP007_HELMETCOVERAGE
7 (cont.) Type Of Helmet Coverage - Text CP007_HELMETCOVERAGETXT
8 Predominant Color Of Helmet CP008_HELMETCOLOR
8 (cont.) Predominant Color Of Helmet - Text CP008_HELMETCOLORTXT
9 Color Of The Face Shield CP009_FACESHIELDCOLOR
9 (cont.) Color Of The Face Shield - Text CP009_FACESHIELDCOLORTXT
10 Owner of This Helmet CP010_HELMETWEARERISOWNER
10 (cont.) Owner of This Helmet - Text CP010_HELMETWEARERISOWNERTXT
11 Fitting Of Helmet CP011_HELMETFIT
11 (cont.) Fitting Of Helmet - Text CP011_HELMETFITTXT
12 Time Of Usage Of Helmet When Riding In Percentage CP012_PERCENTHELMETUSEWHENMCP
13 Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CP013_HELMETUSAGECONDITION1
Item 1
13 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CP013_HELMETUSAGECONDITION2
Item 2
13 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CP013_HELMETUSAGECONDITION3
Item 3
13 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition (Code up to 4) - CP013_HELMETUSAGECONDITION4
Item 4
13 (cont.) Use Of Helmet Under Stated Condition - Text CP013_HELMETUSAGECONDITIONTXT
14 Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - CP014_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT1
Item 1
14 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - CP014_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT2
Item 2
14 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any (Code up to 3) - CP014_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT3
Item 3
14 (cont.) Permanent Physical Conditions If Any - Text CP014_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENTTXT
15 Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - CP015_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
15 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up CP015_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN2
to 3) - Item 2
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
15 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up CP015_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN3
to 3) - Item 3
15 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash - Text CP015_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
16 Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - CP016_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
16 (cont.) Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - CP016_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN2
Item 2
16 (cont.) Physical Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - CP016_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN3
Item 3
16 (cont.) Physical Status At The Time Of Crash - Text CP016_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
17 Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash CP017_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRS
17 (cont.) Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text CP017_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRSTXT
18 Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption CP018_DRUGSLAST24HRS
24 Hours Prior To The Crash
18 (cont.) Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption CP018_DRUGSLAST24HRSTXT
24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text
19 Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol CP019_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPE
19 (cont.) Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol - Text CP019_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPETXT
20 Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) - CP020_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE1
Item 1
20 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to CP020_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE2
3) - Item 2
20 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to CP020_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE3
3) - Item 3
20 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol - Text CP020_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCETXT
21 How Long Have You Been Riding as a Passenger on This CP021_MCPEXPERIENCETHISMCYR
Motorcycle? (Years)
21 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Riding as a Passenger on CP021_MCPEXPERIENCETHISMCMO
This Motorcycle? - (Months)
22 How Long Have You Been Riding As A Passenger In Any CP022_VEHICLEPASNGREXPERIENCEYR
Kind Of Motor Vehicle (Years)
22 (cont.) How Long Have You Been Riding As A Passenger In CP022_VEHICLEPASNGREXPERIENCEMO
Any Kind Of Motor Vehicle - (Months)
23 How Long Have You Ridden As A Passenger On Any Street CP023_MCPEXPERIENCEONSTREETMCYR
Motorcycle (Years)
23 (cont.) How Long Have You Ridden As A Passenger On Any CP023_MCPEXPERIENCEONSTREETMCMO
Street Motorcycle - (Months)
24 What is The Average Number Of Days Per Year You Ride CP024_DAYSPERYEARASMCP
As A Passenger On Motorcycles
25 What Kind Of Motorcycle Training Have You Had CP025_TYPEOFMCTRAINING
25 (cont.) What Kind Of Motorcycle Training Have You Had - CP025_TYPEOFMCTRAININGTXT
26 When You Travel as a Passenger, What is the Percentage of CP026_WHENPSNGRPERCENTINOV
Time You Ride as a Passenger in Another Type of Vehicle
26 (cont.) When You Travel as a Passenger, What is the CP026_WHENPSNGRPERCENTONMC
Percentage of Time You Ride on a Motorcycle Versus
Riding as a Passenger in Another Type of Vehicle
27 When You Ride A Motorcycle As A Passenger, What Is The CP027_PERCENTMCPFORRECREATION
Percentage Of Time It Is For Recreation
27 (cont.) When You Ride A Motorcycle As A Passenger, What Is CP027_PERCENTMCPFORTRANSPORT
The Percentage Of Time It Is For Transportation
28 How Much Experience Do You Have Riding As A CP028_EXPERIENCEASMCP
Passenger On Motorcycles
28 (cont.) How Much Experience Do You Have Riding As A CP028_EXPERIENCEASMCPTXT
Passenger On Motorcycles - Text
29 How Many Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes Have You CP029_CRASHESWHENMCPINLAST5YRS
Had As A Passenger In The Past 5 Years
30 How Many Car Or Truck Traffic Crashes Have You Had As CP030_CRASHESWHENOVPINLAST5YRS
A Passenger In The Past 5 Years
31 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body CP031_UPPERBODYCLOTHING
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
31 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Upper Body - CP031_UPPERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
32 Was This Upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented CP032_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSO
32 (cont.) Was This Upper Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - CP032_WEARINGMCAPPARELTORSOTXT
33 What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body CP033_LOWERBODYCLOTHING
33 (cont.) What Kind Of Clothing Was On Your Lower Body - CP033_LOWERBODYCLOTHINGTXT
34 Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented CP034_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWN
34 (cont.) Was This Lower Body Clothing Motorcycle-Oriented - CP034_MCAPPARELWAISTDOWNTXT
35 Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest CP035_WEARINGINFLATABLEVEST
35 (cont.) Were You Wearing An Inflatable Safety Vest - Text CP035_WEARINGINFLATABLEVESTTXT
36 What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing CP036_KINDOFSHOESWORN
36 (cont.) What Kind Of Shoes Or Boots Were You Wearing - CP036_KINDOFSHOESWORNTXT
37 Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle CP037_OVERANKLEFOOTWEAR
37 (cont.) Did This Footwear Go Up Over Your Ankle - Text CP037_OVERANKLEFOOTWEARTXT
38 Was This Footwear Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not CP038_MCORIENTEDFOOTWEAR
39 Type Of Gloves Used CP039_TYPEOFGLOVESWORN
39 (cont.) Type Of Gloves Used - Text CP039_TYPEOFGLOVESWORNTXT
40 Were Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not CP040_GLOVESMCORIENTED
40 (cont.) Were Gloves Motorcycle-Oriented Or Not - Text CP040_GLOVESMCORIENTEDTXT
41 Was Clothing Retroreflective Or Not (Code up to 3) - Item 1 CP041_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE1
41 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective Or Not (Code up to 3) - CP041_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE2
Item 2
41 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective Or Not (Code up to 3) - CP041_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVE3
Item 3
41 (cont.) Was Clothing Retroreflective Or Not (Code up to 3) - CP041_CLOTHINGRETROFLECTIVETXT
42 Clothing Color - Torso CP042_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSO
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Torso - Text CP042_CLOTHINGCOLORTORSOTXT
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Lower Body CP042_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWN
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Lower Body - Text CP042_CLOTHINGCOLORWAISTDOWNTXT
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Footwear CP042_COLORFOOTWEAR
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Footwear - Text CP042_COLORFOOTWEARTXT
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Gloves CP042_COLORGLOVES
42 (cont.) Clothing Color - Gloves - Text CP042_COLORGLOVESTXT
43 (cont.) Type Of Eyewear - Text CP043_TYPEOFEYEWEARINUSETXT
44 What Color Was The Eye Coverage Lens CP044_COLOROFLENS
44 (cont.) What Color Was The Eye Coverage Lens - Text CP044_COLOROFLENSTXT
45 Age At The Time of The Crash CP045_MCPYEARSOFAGE
46 State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued CP046_LICENSEISSUER
46 (cont.) State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued - CP046_LICENSEISSUERTXT
47 Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 1 CP047_LICENSETYPE1
47 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 2 CP047_LICENSETYPE2
47 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 3 CP047_LICENSETYPE3
47 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 4 CP047_LICENSETYPE4
47 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License - Text CP047_LICENSETYPETXT
48 Year the License(s) Issued (Code up to 4) Item 1 CP048_YEARLICENSEISSUED1
48 (cont.) Year the License(s) Issued (Code up to 4) Item 2 CP048_YEARLICENSEISSUED2
48 (cont.) Year the License(s) Issued (Code up to 4) Item 3 CP048_YEARLICENSEISSUED3
48 (cont.) Year the License(s) Issued (Code up to 4) Item 4 CP048_YEARLICENSEISSUED4
49 Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino CP049_HISPANICORIGIN
49 (cont.) Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino - Text CP049_HISPANICORIGINTXT
50 Race (Code up to 3) - Item 1 CP050_RACE1
50 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Item 2 CP050_RACE2
50 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Item 3 CP050_RACE3
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
50 (cont.) Race (Code up to 3) - Text CP050_RACETXT
51 Riders Height in Feet CP051_MCPHEIGHTFEET
51 (cont.) Riders Height in Inches CP051_MCPHEIGHTINCHES
52 Riders Weight In Pounds CP052_MCPWEIGHT
53 Gender CP053_GENDER
54 Level Of Formal Education CP054_LEVELOFEDUCATION
54 (cont.) Level Of Formal Education - Text CP054_LEVELOFEDUCATIONTXT
55 Current Occupation CP055_CURRENTOCCUPATION
55 (cont.) Current Occupation - Text CP055_CURRENTOCCUPATIONTXT
56 Marital Status CP056_MARITALSTATUS
56 (cont.) Marital Status - Text CP056_MARITALSTATUSTXT
57 Number Of Children CP057_NUMBEROFCHILDREN
57 (cont.) Number Of Children - Text CP057_NUMBEROFCHILDRENTXT
58 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) CP058_BLOODALCOHOL
58 (cont.) Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) - Text CP058_BLOODALCOHOLTXT
59 Source of BAC information CP059_BACINFORMATIONSOURCE
59 (cont.) Source of BAC information - Text CP059_BACINFORMATIONSOURCETXT
Table 16. List of variables in the Motorcycle Mechanical Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number MM000_CASEID
1 Manufacture MM001_MANUFACTURE
1 (cont.) Manufacture - Text MM001_MANUFACTURETXT
2 Model - Text MM002_MODELTXT
3 Year MM003_YEAR
4 Motorcycle Legal Category MM004_MCLEGALCATEGORY
4 (cont.) Motorcycle Legal Category - Text MM004_MCLEGALCATEGORYTXT
5 Motorcycle Type MM005_MCTYPE
5 (cont.) Motorcycle Type - Text MM005_MCTYPETXT
6 Motorcycle Weight MM006_MCWEIGHT
7 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) MM007_VIN
8 Odometer Reading in Miles MM008_ODOMETERREADING
9 Registered Owner Category MM009_OWNERCATEGORY
9 (cont.) Registered Owner Category - Text MM009_OWNERCATEGORYTXT
10 Predominant Color of Motorcycle MM010_MCCOLOR
10 (cont.) Predominant Color of Motorcycle - Text MM010_MCCOLORTXT
11 Did the Motorcycle Have Any Retroreflective Parts, Material MM011_MCRETROFLECTIVE
or Paint?
11 (cont.) Did the Motorcycle Have Any Retroreflective Parts, MM011_MCRETROFLECTIVETXT
Material or Paint? - Text
12 Motor Displacement MM012_MCMOTORDISPLACEMENT
13 Number of Cylinders MM013_MCNUMBCYLINDER
14 Symptom of Problem MM014_MECHPROBLEMSYMPTOMS
14 (cont.) Symptom of Problem - Text MM014_MECHPROBLEMSYMPTOMSTXT
15 Source of Problem MM015_MECHPROBLEMSOURCE
15 (cont.) Source of Problem - Text MM015_MECHPROBLEMSOURCETXT
16 Tire Size Measurement Units MM016_TIREMEASUREMENTUNIT
17 Front Tire Measurement MM017_FRONTTIREMEASUREMENT
18 Rear Tire Measurement MM018_REARTIREMEASUREMENT
19 Front Tire Manufacturer MM019_FRONTTIREMANUFACTURER
19 (cont.) Tire Manufacturer - Text MM019_FRONTTIREMANUFACTURERTXT
19 (cont.) Rear Tire Manufacturer MM019_REARTIREMANUFACTURER
19 (cont.) Rear Tire Manufacturer - Text MM019_REARTIREMANUFACTURERTXT
20 Rim Size Front - Diameter MM020_FRONTRIMDIAMETER
20 (cont.) Rim Size Front - Width MM020_FRONTRIMWIDTH
21 Rim Size Rear - Diameter MM021_REARRIMDIAMETER
21 (cont.) Rim Size Rear - Width MM021_REARRIMWIDTH
22 Front Rim Manufacturer MM022_FRONTRIMMANUFACTURER
22 (cont.) Front Rim Manufacturer - Text MM022_FRONTRIMMANUFACTURERTXT
22 (cont.) Rear Rim Manufacturer MM022_REARRIMMANUFACTURER
22 (cont.) Rear Rim - Text MM022_REARRIMMANUFACTURERTXT
23 Front Tire Tread Type MM023_FRONTTREADTYPE
23 (cont.) Front Tire Tread Type - Text MM023_FRONTTREADTYPETXT
23 (cont.) Rear Tire Tread Type MM023_REARTREADTYPE
23 (cont.) Rear Tire Tread Type - Text MM023_REARTREADTYPETXT
24 Measured Tread Depth - Front MM024_FRONTTREADDEPTH
24 (cont.) Measured Tread Depth - Rear MM024_REARTREADDEPTH
25 Inflation Pressure Code in PSI - Front MM025_FRONTTIREPSI
25 (cont.) Inflation Pressure Code in PSI - Rear MM025_REARTIREPSI
26 Braking Evidence on Front Tire MM026_FTIREBRAKINGEVIDENCE
26 (cont.) Braking Evidence on Front Tire - Text MM026_FTIREBRAKINGEVIDENCETXT
26 (cont.) Braking Evidence on Rear Tire MM026_RTIREBRAKINGEVIDENCE
26 (cont.) Braking Evidence on Rear Tire - Text MM026_RTIREBRAKINGEVIDENCETXT
27 Suspension Type Front MM027_FRONTSUSPENSIONTYPE
27 (cont.) Suspension Type Front - Text MM027_FRONTSUSPENSIONTYPETXT
28 Suspension Type Rear MM028_REARSUSPENSIONTYPE
28 (cont.) Suspension Type Rear - Text MM028_REARSUSPENSIONTYPETXT
29 Front Suspension Condition MM029_FRONTSUSPENSIONCONDITION
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
29 (cont.) Front Suspension Condition - Text MM029_FSUSPENSIONCONDITIONTXT
29 (cont.) Rear Suspension Condition MM029_REARSUSPENSIONCONDITION
29 (cont.) Rear Suspension Condition - Text MM029_RSUSPENSIONCONDITIONTXT
30 Rider Brake Control Type - Lever/Pedal 1 MM030_BRAKECONTROLTYPE1
30 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Type - Lever/Pedal 2 MM030_BRAKECONTROLTYPE2
30 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Type - Lever/Pedal 1 - Text MM030_BRAKECONTROLTYPE1TXT
30 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Type - Lever/Pedal 2 - Text MM030_BRAKECONTROLTYPE2TXT
31 Rider Brake Control Side - Lever/Pedal 1 MM031_BRAKECONTROLSIDE1
31 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Side - Lever/Pedal 1 - Text MM031_BRAKECONTROLSIDE1TXT
31 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Side - Lever/Pedal 2 MM031_BRAKECONTROLSIDE2
31 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Side - Lever/Pedal 2 - Text MM031_BRAKECONTROLSIDE2TXT
32 Brake Actuation at Lever or Pedal 1 MM032_BRAKEACTUATION1
32 (cont.) Brake Actuation at Lever or Pedal 1 - Text MM032_BRAKEACTUATION1TXT
32 (cont.) Brake Actuation at Lever or Pedal 2 MM032_BRAKEACTUATION2
32 (cont.) Brake Actuation at Lever or Pedal 2 - Text MM032_BRAKEACTUATION2TXT
33 Brake Control System Type - Lever/Pedal 1 MM033_BRAKECONTROLSYSTYPE1
33 (cont.) Brake Control System Type - Lever/Pedal 2 MM033_BRAKECONTROLSYSTYPE2
34 Connection to Front Brake Includes Valve Type - MM034_FBRAKECONNECTINCLUDES1
Level/Pedal 1
34 (cont.) Connection to Front Brake Includes Valve Type - MM034_FBRAKECONNECTINCLUDES2
Level/Pedal 2
35 Connection to Rear Brake Includes Valve Type - MM035_RBRAKECONNECTINCLUDES1
Lever/Pedal 1
35 (cont.) Connection to Rear Brake Includes Valve Type - MM035_RBRAKECONNECTINCLUDES2
Lever/Pedal 2
36 (cont.) Rear ABS MM036_REARBRAKEABS
37 (cont.) Front ABS Type - Text MM037_FRONTABSTYPETXT
37 (cont.) Rear ABS Type MM037_REARABSTYPE
37 (cont.) Rear ABS Type - Text MM037_REARABSTYPETXT
38 Front Brake Mechanism MM038_FRONTBRAKEMECHANISM
38 (cont.) Front Brake Mechanism - Text MM038_FRONTBRAKEMECHANISMTXT
38 (cont.) Rear Brake Mechanism MM038_REARBRAKEMECHANISM
38 (cont.) Rear Brake Mechanism - Text MM038_REARBRAKEMECHANISMTXT
39 Front Brake Mechanism Actuation MM039_FRONTBRAKEACTUATION
39 (cont.) Front Brake Mechanism Actuation - Text MM039_FRONTBRAKEACTUATIONTXT
39 (cont.) Rear Brake Mechanism Actuation MM039_REARBRAKEACTUATION
39 (cont.) Rear Brake Mechanism Actuation - Text MM039_REARBRAKEACTUATIONTXT
40 Were Rear Brakes Operational Before Crash MM040_FRONTBRAKEOPERATIONAL
40 (cont.) Were Front Brakes Operational Before Crash MM040_REARBRAKEOPERATIONAL
41 Do the Front Brakes Appear to be Defective MM041_FRONTBRAKESDEFECTIVE
41 (cont.) Do the Rear Brakes Appear to be Defective MM041_REARBRAKESDEFECTIVE
42 Front Brakes Condition/Wear MM042_FRONTBRAKESWEARCOND
42 (cont.) Front Brakes Condition/Wear - Text MM042_FRONTBRAKESWEARCONDTXT
42 (cont.) Rear Brakes Condition/Wear MM042_REARBRAKESWEARCOND
42 (cont.) Rear Brakes Condition/Wear - Text MM042_REARBRAKESWEARCONDTXT
43 Front Brake Adjustment MM043_FRONTBRAKEADJUSTMENT
43 (cont.) Front Brake Adjustment Text MM043_FRONTBRAKEADJUSTMENTTXT
43 (cont.) Rear Brake Adjustment MM043_REARBRAKEADJUSTMENT
43 (cont.) Rear Brake Adjustment Text MM043_REARBRAKEADJUSTMENTTXT
44 Frame Type/Configuration MM044_FRAMETYPE
44 (cont.) Frame Type/Configuration - Text MM044_FRAMETYPETXT
45 Frame Material MM045_FRAMEMATERIAL
45 (cont.) Frame Material - Text MM045_FRAMEMATERIALTXT
46 Reduction in Wheelbase MM046_WHEELBASEREDUCTION
47 Did Front Wheel Displace Against Either the Motor or the MM047_FWHEELDISPLACEDWRTFRAME
48 Steering Stem Adjustment MM048_STEERINGSTEMADJUSTMENT
48 (cont.) Steering Stem Adjustment - Text MM048_STEERINGSTEMADJUSTMENTTXT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
49 Steering Damper Installed MM049_STEERINGDAMPERINSTALL
49 (cont.) Steering Damper Installed - Text MM049_STEERINGDAMPERINSTALLTXT
50 Is Rear Swing Arm Loose? MM050_REARSWINGARMRIGIDITY
51 Is the Motorcycle Equipped with Pedals? MM051_MCPEDALSEQUIPPED
52 Rider Foot Pegs, Footrest Type MM052_MCRFOOTPEGSTYPE
52 (cont.) Rider Foot Pegs, Footrest Type - Text MM052_MCRFOOTPEGSTYPETXT
53 Passenger Foot Pegs, Footrest Type MM053_MCPPEGSTYPE
53 (cont.) Passenger Foot Pegs, Footrest Type - Text MM053_MCPPEGSTYPETXT
54 Side Stand Type MM054_SIDESTANDTYPE
54 (cont.) Side Stand Type - Text MM054_SIDESTANDTYPETXT
55 Center Stand Type MM055_CENTERSTANDTYPE
55 (cont.) Center Stand Type - Text MM055_CENTERSTANDTYPETXT
56 Headlamp Assembly Type MM056_HEADLAMPASSYTYPE
56 (cont.) Headlamp Assembly Type - Text MM056_HEADLAMPASSYTYPETXT
57 Was Headlamp Illuminated at the Time of Crash? MM057_HEADLAMPLITATCRASH
57 (cont.) Was Headlamp Illuminated at the Time of Crash? - MM057_HEADLAMPLITATCRASHTXT
58 Was Motorcycle Equipped With as Airbag? MM058_AIRBAGEQUIPPED
59 Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any of the MM059_MCPULLINGATTACHMENT
59 (cont.) Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any of the MM059_MCPULLINGATTACHMENTTXT
Following - Text
60 Handlebar Type MM060_HANDLEBARTYPE
60 (cont.) Handlebar Type - Text MM060_HANDLEBARTYPETXT
61 Handlebar Mounting MM061_HANDLEBARMOUNTING
61 (cont.) Handlebar Mounting - Text MM061_HANDLEBARMOUNTINGTXT
62 Handlebar Construction MM062_HANDLEBARMATERIAL
62 (cont.) Handlebar Construction - Text MM062_HANDLEBARMATERIALTXT
63 Handlebar Measurement - Rise MM063_HANDLEBARRISE
63 (cont.) Handlebar Measurement - Sweep MM063_HANDLEBARSWEEP
63 (cont.) Handlebar Measurement - Width MM063_HANDLEBARWIDTH
64 Seat Type MM064_SEATTYPE
64 (cont.) Seat Type - Text MM064_SEATTYPETXT
65 Seat Fastening MM065_SEATFASTENING
65 (cont.) Seat Fastening - Text MM065_SEATFASTENINGTXT
66 Fuel Tank Type MM066_FUELTANKTYPE
66 (cont.) Fuel Tank Type - Text MM066_FUELTANKTYPETXT
67 Fuel Tank Material MM067_FUELTANKMATERIAL
67 (cont.) Fuel Tank Material - Text MM067_FUELTANKMATERIALTXT
68 Fuel Tank Cap Type MM068_FUELTANKCAPTYPE
68 (cont.) Fuel Tank Cap Type - Text MM068_FUELTANKCAPTYPETXT
69 Cap Retention MM069_CAPRETENTION
69 (cont.) Cap Retention - Text MM069_CAPRETENTIONTXT
70 Tank Retention MM070_TANKRETENTION
71 Tank Deformation MM071_TANKDEFORMATION
72 Deformation source MM072_TANKDEFORMATIONSOURCE
72 (cont.) Deformation source - Text MM072_TANKDEFORMATIONSOURCETXT
73 Was There a Fuel Tank Failure? MM073_FUELTANKFAILURE
74 Tank Damage/Failure Type (Code up to 4) - Item 1 MM074_TANKDAMAGEAILUREFTYPE1
74 (cont.) Tank Damage/Failure Type (Code up to 4) - Item 2 MM074_TANKDAMAGEAILUREFTYPE2
74 (cont.) Tank Damage/Failure Type (Code up to 4) - Item 3 MM074_TANKDAMAGEAILUREFTYPE3
74 (cont.) Tank Damage/Failure Type (Code up to 4) - Item 4 MM074_TANKDAMAGEAILUREFTYPE4
74 (cont.) Tank Damage/Failure Type - Text MM074_TANKDAMAGEFAILURETYPETXT
75 Was There a Fuel Spill or Leak? MM075_FUELLEAK
75 (cont.) Was There a Fuel Spill or Leak? - Text MM075_FUELLEAKTXT
76 Source of Fuel Spills or Leaks (Code up to 5) - Item 1 MM076_FUELLEAKSOURCE1
76 (cont.) Source of Fuel Spills or Leaks (Code up to 5) - Item 2 MM076_FUELLEAKSOURCE2
76 (cont.) Source of Fuel Spills or Leaks (Code up to 5) - Item 3 MM076_FUELLEAKSOURCE3
76 (cont.) Source of Fuel Spills or Leaks (Code up to 5) - Item 4 MM076_FUELLEAKSOURCE4
76 (cont.) Source of Fuel Spills or Leaks (Code up to 5) - Item 5 MM076_FUELLEAKSOURCE5
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
76 (cont.) Source of Fuel Spills or Leaks - Text MM076_FUELLEAKSOURCETXT
77 Did a Fire Occur? MM077_FIREOCCURENCE
78 When Did a Fire Occur? MM078_WHENFIREOCCURRED
78 (cont.) When Did a Fire Occur? - Text MM078_WHENFIREOCCURREDTXT
79 The Fire Occurred How Long After a Crash? MM079_FIRETIMEPOSTCRASH
79 (cont.) The Fire Occurred How Long After a Crash? - Text MM079_FIRETIMEPOSTCRASHTXT
80 Fuel Source for Fire MM080_FIREFUELSOURCE
80 (cont.) Fuel Source for Fire - Text MM080_FIREFUELSOURCETXT
81 Ignition Source of Fire MM081_FIREIGNITIONSOURCE
81 (cont.) Ignition Source of Fire - Text MM081_FIREIGNITIONSOURCETXT
82 Drive Line Type MM082_DRIVELINETYPE
82 (cont.) Drive Line Type - Text MM082_DRIVELINETYPETXT
83 Drive Chain, Belt, or Shaft Condition MM083_DRIVELINECONDITION
83 (cont.) Drive Chain, Belt, or Shaft Condition - Text MM083_DRIVELINECONDITIONTXT
84 When Did This Drive Line Damage Occur? MM084_TIMEDRIVELINEDAMAGEOCCUR
85 Drive Sprocket Condition MM085_DRIVESPROCKETCOND
85 (cont.) Drive Sprocket Condition - Text MM085_DRIVESPROCKETCONDTXT
86 Does Throttle Control Work? MM086_THROTTLECNTRLWORKING
87 Drum Condition MM087_DRUMCONDITION
87 (cont.) Drum Condition - Text MM087_DRUMCONDITIONTXT
88 Condition of Cables MM088_CABLECONDITION
88 (cont.) Condition of Cables - Text MM088_CABLECONDITIONTXT
89 Condition of Throttle Plate/Slides MM089_THROTTLEPLATECOND
89 (cont.) Condition of Throttle Plate/Slides - Text MM089_THROTTLEPLATECONDTXT
90 Return springs condition MM090_RETURNSPRINGCONDITION
90 (cont.) Return springs condition - Text MM090_RETURNSPRINGCONDITIONTXT
91 Condition of Exhaust MM091_EXHAUSTCONDITION
91 (cont.) Condition of Exhaust - Text MM091_EXHAUSTCONDITIONTXT
92 Front crash bars - Aftermarket MM092_FRONTCRASHBARS_AFTMKT
92 (cont.) Front crash bars - Damaged in Crash MM092_FRONTCRASHBARS_DMG
92 (cont.) Front crash bars - Equipped MM092_FRONTCRASHBARS_EQUIP
92 (cont.) Front crash bars - Modified MM092_FRONTCRASHBARS_MOD
92 (cont.) Front crash bars - Operational MM092_FRONTCRASHBARS_OPER
92 (cont.) Front crash bars - Original Equipment MM092_FRONTCRASHBARS_ORIG
93 Rear crash bars - Aftermarket MM093_REARCRASHBARS_AFTMKT
93 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Damaged in Crash MM093_REARCRASHBARS_DMG
93 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Equipped MM093_REARCRASHBARS_EQUIP
93 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Modified MM093_REARCRASHBARS_MOD
93 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Operational MM093_REARCRASHBARS_OPER
93 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Original Equipment MM093_REARCRASHBARS_ORIG
94 Engine guard - Aftermarket MM094_ENGINEGUARD_AFTMKT
94 (cont.) Engine guard - Damaged in Crash MM094_ENGINEGUARD_DMG
94 (cont.) Engine guard - Equipped MM094_ENGINEGUARD_EQUIP
94 (cont.) Engine guard - Modified MM094_ENGINEGUARD_MOD
94 (cont.) Engine guard - Operational MM094_ENGINEGUARD_OPER
94 (cont.) Engine guard - Original Equipment MM094_ENGINEGUARD_ORIG
95 Windscreen - Aftermarket MM095_WINDSHIELD_AFTMKT
95 (cont.) Windscreen - Damaged in Crash MM095_WINDSHIELD_DMG
95 (cont.) Windscreen - Equipped MM095_WINDSHIELD_EQUIP
95 (cont.) Windscreen - Modified MM095_WINDSHIELD_MOD
95 (cont.) Windscreen - Operational MM095_WINDSHIELD_OPER
95 (cont.) Windscreen - Original Equipment MM095_WINDSHIELD_ORIG
96 Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - Aftermarket MM096_FAIRING_AFTMKT
96 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - Damaged in MM096_FAIRING_DMG
96 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - Equipped MM096_FAIRING_EQUIP
96 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - Modified MM096_FAIRING_MOD
96 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - Operational MM096_FAIRING_OPER
96 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - Original MM096_FAIRING_ORIG
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
97 Fairing, frame mounted - Aftermarket MM097_FAIRINGMOUNT_AFTMKT
97 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Damaged in Crash MM097_FAIRINGMOUNT_DMG
97 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Equipped MM097_FAIRINGMOUNT_EQUIP
97 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Modified MM097_FAIRINGMOUNT_MOD
97 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Operational MM097_FAIRINGMOUNT_OPER
97 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Original Equipment MM097_FAIRINGMOUNT_ORIG
97 (cont.) Headlamps - Aftermarket MM097_HEADLAMPS_AFTMKT
97 (cont.) Headlamps - Equipped MM097_HEADLAMPS_EQUIP
97 (cont.) Headlamps - Original Equipment MM097_HEADLAMPS_ORIG
98 Headlamp nacelle - Aftermarket MM098_HEADLAMPNACELLE_AFTMKT
98 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Equipped MM098_HEADLAMPNACELLE_EQUIP
98 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Original Equipment MM098_HEADLAMPNACELLE_ORIG
98 (cont.) Headlamps - Damaged in Crash MM098_HEADLAMPS_DMG
98 (cont.) Headlamps - Modified MM098_HEADLAMPS_MOD
98 (cont.) Headlamps - Operational MM098_HEADLAMPS_OPER
99 Auxiliary headlamp - Aftermarket MM099_AUXHEADLAMP_AFTMKT
99 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Equipped MM099_AUXHEADLAMP_EQUIP
99 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Original Equipment MM099_AUXHEADLAMP_ORIG
99 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Damaged in Crash MM099_HEADLAMPNACELLE_DMG
99 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Modified MM099_HEADLAMPNACELLE_MOD
99 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Operational MM099_HEADLAMPNACELLE_OPER
100 Auxiliary headlamp - Damaged in Crash MM100_AUXHEADLAMP_DMG
100 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Modified MM100_AUXHEADLAMP_MOD
100 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Operational MM100_AUXHEADLAMP_OPER
100 (cont.) Front position lamp - Aftermarket MM100_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_AFTMKT
100 (cont.) Front position lamp - Equipped MM100_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_EQUIP
100 (cont.) Front position lamp - Original Equipment MM100_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_ORIG
101 Front position lamp - Damaged in Crash MM101_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_DMG
101 (cont.) Front position lamp - Modified MM101_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_MOD
101 (cont.) Front position lamp - Operational MM101_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_OPER
101 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Aftermarket MM101_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_AFTMKT
101 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Damaged in Crash MM101_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_DMG
101 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Equipped MM101_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_EQUIP
101 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Modified MM101_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_MOD
101 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Operational MM101_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_OPER
101 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Original Equipment MM101_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_ORIG
102 Front reflector, white - Aftermarket MM102_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_AFTMKT
102 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Damaged in Crash MM102_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_DMG
102 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Modified MM102_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_MOD
102 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Operational MM102_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_OPER
102 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Equipped MM102_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_EQUIP
102 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Original Equipment MM102_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_ORIG
103 Front reflector, red - Aftermarket MM103_FRONTREFLFECTORRED_AFTMKT
103 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Damaged in Crash MM103_FRONTREFLFECTORRED_DMG
103 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Equipped MM103_FRONTREFLFECTORRED_EQUIP
103 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Modified MM103_FRONTREFLFECTORRED_MOD
103 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Operational MM103_FRONTREFLFECTORRED_OPER
103 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Original Equipment MM103_FRONTREFLFECTORRED_ORIG
104 Front reflector, silver - Aftermarket MM104_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_AFTMKT
104 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Damaged in Crash MM104_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_DMG
104 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Equipped MM104_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_EQUIP
104 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Modified MM104_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_MOD
104 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Operational MM104_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_OPER
104 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Original Equipment MM104_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_ORIG
105 Front turn signals - Aftermarket MM105_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_AFTMKT
105 (cont.) Front turn signals - Damaged in Crash MM105_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_DMG
105 (cont.) Front turn signals - Equipped MM105_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_EQUIP
105 (cont.) Front turn signals - Modified MM105_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_MOD
105 (cont.) Front turn signals - Operational MM105_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_OPER
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
105 (cont.) Front turn signals - Original Equipment MM105_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_ORIG
105 (cont.) Speedometer - Aftermarket MM105_SPEEDOMETER_AFTMKT
105 (cont.) Speedometer - Equipped MM105_SPEEDOMETER_EQUIP
105 (cont.) Speedometer - Original Equipment MM105_SPEEDOMETER_ORIG
106 Speedometer - Damaged in Crash MM106_SPEEDOMETER_DMG
106 (cont.) Speedometer - Modified MM106_SPEEDOMETER_MOD
106 (cont.) Speedometer - Operational MM106_SPEEDOMETER_OPER
106 (cont.) Tachometer - Aftermarket MM106_TACHOMETER_AFTMKT
106 (cont.) Tachometer - Equipped MM106_TACHOMETER_EQUIP
106 (cont.) Tachometer - Original Equipment MM106_TACHOMETER_ORIG
107 Handlebars - Aftermarket MM107_HANDLEBARS_AFTMKT
107 (cont.) Handlebars - Equipped MM107_HANDLEBARS_EQUIP
107 (cont.) Handlebars - Original Equipment MM107_HANDLEBARS_ORIG
107 (cont.) Tachometer - Damaged in Crash MM107_TACHOMETER_DMG
107 (cont.) Tachometer - Modified MM107_TACHOMETER_MOD
107 (cont.) Tachometer - Operational MM107_TACHOMETER_OPER
108 Handlebars - Damaged in Crash MM108_HANDLEBARS_DMG
108 (cont.) Handlebars - Modified MM108_HANDLEBARS_MOD
108 (cont.) Handlebars - Operational MM108_HANDLEBARS_OPER
108 (cont.) Throttle - Aftermarket MM108_THROTTLE_AFTMKT
108 (cont.) Throttle - Equipped MM108_THROTTLE_EQUIP
108 (cont.) Throttle - Original Equipment MM108_THROTTLE_ORIG
109 Clutch lever - Aftermarket MM109_CLUTCHLEVER_AFTMKT
109 (cont.) Clutch lever - Damaged in Crash MM109_CLUTCHLEVER_DMG
109 (cont.) Clutch lever - Equipped MM109_CLUTCHLEVER_EQUIP
109 (cont.) Clutch lever - Modified MM109_CLUTCHLEVER_MOD
109 (cont.) Clutch lever - Operational MM109_CLUTCHLEVER_OPER
109 (cont.) Clutch lever - Original Equipment MM109_CLUTCHLEVER_ORIG
109 (cont.) Throttle - Damaged in Crash MM109_THROTTLE_DMG
109 (cont.) Throttle - Modified MM109_THROTTLE_MOD
109 (cont.) Throttle - Operational MM109_THROTTLE_OPER
110 Brake lever - Aftermarket MM110_BRAKELEVER_AFTMKT
110 (cont.) Brake lever - Damaged in Crash MM110_BRAKELEVER_DMG
110 (cont.) Brake lever - Equipped MM110_BRAKELEVER_EQUIP
110 (cont.) Brake lever - Modified MM110_BRAKELEVER_MOD
110 (cont.) Brake lever - Operational MM110_BRAKELEVER_OPER
110 (cont.) Brake lever - Original Equipment MM110_BRAKELEVER_ORIG
111 Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Aftermarket MM111_RGTMIRRORPOST_AFTMKT
111 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Damaged in Crash MM111_RGTMIRRORPOST_DMG
111 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Equipped MM111_RGTMIRRORPOST_EQUIP
111 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Modified MM111_RGTMIRRORPOST_MOD
111 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Operational MM111_RGTMIRRORPOST_OPER
111 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Original MM111_RGTMIRRORPOST_ORIG
112 Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Aftermarket MM112_LFTMIRRORPOST_AFTMKT
112 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Damaged in Crash MM112_LFTMIRRORPOST_DMG
112 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Equipped MM112_LFTMIRRORPOST_EQUIP
112 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Modified MM112_LFTMIRRORPOST_MOD
112 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Operational MM112_LFTMIRRORPOST_OPER
112 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Original Equipment MM112_LFTMIRRORPOST_ORIG
113 Front suspension - Aftermarket MM113_FRONTSUSPENSION_AFTMKT
113 (cont.) Front suspension- Damaged in Crash MM113_FRONTSUSPENSION_DMG
113 (cont.) Front suspension - Equipped MM113_FRONTSUSPENSION_EQUIP
113 (cont.) Front suspension - Modified MM113_FRONTSUSPENSION_MOD
113 (cont.) Front suspension - Operational MM113_FRONTSUSPENSION_OPER
113 (cont.) Front suspension - Original Equipment MM113_FRONTSUSPENSION_ORIG
113 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Aftermarket MM113_FRONTWHEEL_AFTMKT
113 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Equipped MM113_FRONTWHEEL_EQUIP
113 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Original Equipment MM113_FRONTWHEEL_ORIG
114 Front fender - Aftermarket MM114_FRONTFENDER_AFTMKT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
114 (cont.) Front fender - Equipped MM114_FRONTFENDER_EQUIP
114 (cont.) Front fender - Original Equipment MM114_FRONTFENDER_ORIG
114 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Damaged in Crash MM114_FRONTWHEEL_DMG
114 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Modified MM114_FRONTWHEEL_MOD
114 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Operational MM114_FRONTWHEEL_OPER
115 Front brakes - Aftermarket MM115_FRONTBRAKES_AFTMKT
115 (cont.) Front brakes - Equipped MM115_FRONTBRAKES_EQUIP
115 (cont.) Front brakes - Original Equipment MM115_FRONTBRAKES_ORIG
115 (cont.) Front fender - Damaged in Crash MM115_FRONTFENDER_DMG
115 (cont.) Front fender - Modified MM115_FRONTFENDER_MOD
115 (cont.) Front fender - Operational MM115_FRONTFENDER_OPER
116 Front brakes - Damaged in Crash MM116_FRONTBRAKES_DMG
116 (cont.) Front brakes - Modified MM116_FRONTBRAKES_MOD
116 (cont.) Front brakes - Operational MM116_FRONTBRAKES_OPER
116 (cont.) Seat - Aftermarket MM116_SEAT_AFTMKT
116 (cont.) Seat - Equipped MM116_SEAT_EQUIP
116 (cont.) Seat - Original Equipment MM116_SEAT_ORIG
117 Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Aftermarket MM117_MCPBACKREST_AFTMKT
117 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Damaged in Crash MM117_MCPBACKREST_DMG
117 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Equipped MM117_MCPBACKREST_EQUIP
117 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Modified MM117_MCPBACKREST_MOD
117 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Operational MM117_MCPBACKREST_OPER
117 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Original Equipment MM117_MCPBACKREST_ORIG
117 (cont.) Seat - Damaged in Crash MM117_SEAT_DMG
117 (cont.) Seat - Modified MM117_SEAT_MOD
117 (cont.) Seat - Operational MM117_SEAT_OPER
118 Side reflectors, yellow - Aftermarket MM118_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_AFTMKT
118 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Damaged in Crash MM118_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_DMG
118 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Equipped MM118_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_EQUIP
118 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Modified MM118_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_MOD
118 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Operational MM118_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_OPER
118 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Original Equipment MM118_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_ORIG
119 Side reflectors, red - Aftermarket MM119_SIDEREFLECTORRED_AFTMKT
119 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Damaged in Crash MM119_SIDEREFLECTORRED_DMG
119 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Equipped MM119_SIDEREFLECTORRED_EQUIP
119 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Modified MM119_SIDEREFLECTORRED_MOD
119 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Operational MM119_SIDEREFLECTORRED_OPER
119 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Original Equipment MM119_SIDEREFLECTORRED_ORIG
120 Side reflectors, silver - Aftermarket MM120_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_AFTMKT
120 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Damaged in Crash MM120_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_DMG
120 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Equipped MM120_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_EQUIP
120 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Modified MM120_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_MOD
120 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Operational MM120_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_OPER
120 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Original Equipment MM120_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_ORIG
121 Frame - Aftermarket MM121_FRAME_AFTMKT
121 (cont.) Frame - Damaged in Crash MM121_FRAME_DMG
121 (cont.) Frame - Equipped MM121_FRAME_EQUIP
121 (cont.) Frame - Modified MM121_FRAME_MOD
121 (cont.) Frame - Operational MM121_FRAME_OPER
121 (cont.) Frame - Original Equipment MM121_FRAME_ORIG
121 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Aftermarket MM121_HANDHOLDS_AFTMKT
121 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Equipped MM121_HANDHOLDS_EQUIP
121 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Original Equipment MM121_HANDHOLDS_ORIG
122 Fuel tank - Aftermarket MM122_FUELTANK_AFTMKT
122 (cont.) Fuel tank - Equipped MM122_FUELTANK_EQUIP
122 (cont.) Fuel tank - Original Equipment MM122_FUELTANK_ORIG
122 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Damaged in Crash MM122_HANDHOLDS_DMG
122 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Modified MM122_HANDHOLDS_MOD
122 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Operational MM122_HANDHOLDS_OPER
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
123 Auxiliary fuel tank - Aftermarket MM123_AUXFUELTANK_AFTMKT
123 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Equipped MM123_AUXFUELTANK_EQUIP
123 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Original Equipment MM123_AUXFUELTANK_ORIG
123 (cont.) Fuel tank - Damaged in Crash MM123_FUELTANK_DMG
123 (cont.) Fuel tank - Modified MM123_FUELTANK_MOD
123 (cont.) Fuel tank - Operational MM123_FUELTANK_OPER
124 Auxiliary fuel tank - Damaged in Crash MM124_AUXFUELTANK_DMG
124 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Modified MM124_AUXFUELTANK_MOD
124 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Operational MM124_AUXFUELTANK_OPER
124 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Aftermarket MM124_MOTORCRANKCASE_AFTMKT
124 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Equipped MM124_MOTORCRANKCASE_EQUIP
124 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Original Equipment MM124_MOTORCRANKCASE_ORIG
125 Motor crankcase, cylinders - Damaged in Crash MM125_MOTORCRANKCASE_DMG
125 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Modified MM125_MOTORCRANKCASE_MOD
125 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Operational MM125_MOTORCRANKCASE_OPER
125 (cont.) Radiator - Aftermarket MM125_RADIATOR_AFTMKT
125 (cont.) Radiator - Damaged in Crash MM125_RADIATOR_DMG
125 (cont.) Radiator - Equipped MM125_RADIATOR_EQUIP
125 (cont.) Radiator - Modified MM125_RADIATOR_MOD
125 (cont.) Radiator - Operational MM125_RADIATOR_OPER
125 (cont.) Radiator - Original Equipment MM125_RADIATOR_ORIG
126 Water hose - Aftermarket MM126_WATERHOSE_AFTMKT
126 (cont.) Water hose - Damaged in Crash MM126_WATERHOSE_DMG
126 (cont.) Water hose - Equipped MM126_WATERHOSE_EQUIP
126 (cont.) Water hose - Modified MM126_WATERHOSE_MOD
126 (cont.) Water hose - Operational MM126_WATERHOSE_OPER
126 (cont.) Water hose - Original Equipment MM126_WATERHOSE_ORIG
127 Motor power enhancement - Aftermarket MM127_POWERENHANCED_AFTMKT
127 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Damaged in Crash MM127_POWERENHANCED_DMG
127 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Equipped MM127_POWERENHANCED_EQUIP
127 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Modified MM127_POWERENHANCED_MOD
127 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Operational MM127_POWERENHANCED_OPER
127 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Original Equipment MM127_POWERENHANCED_ORIG
128 Transmission case - Aftermarket MM128_TRANSMISSIONCASE_AFTMKT
128 (cont.) Transmission case - Damaged in Crash MM128_TRANSMISSIONCASE_DMG
128 (cont.) Transmission case - Equipped MM128_TRANSMISSIONCASE_EQUIP
128 (cont.) Transmission case - Modified MM128_TRANSMISSIONCASE_MOD
128 (cont.) Transmission case - Operational MM128_TRANSMISSIONCASE_OPER
128 (cont.) Transmission case - Original Equipment MM128_TRANSMISSIONCASE_ORIG
129 Battery, battery box - Aftermarket MM129_BATTERY_AFTMKT
129 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Equipped MM129_BATTERY_EQUIP
129 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Original Equipment MM129_BATTERY_ORIG
129 (cont.) Oil tank - Aftermarket MM129_OILTANK_AFTMKT
129 (cont.) Oil tank - Damaged in Crash MM129_OILTANK_DMG
129 (cont.) Oil tank - Equipped MM129_OILTANK_EQUIP
129 (cont.) Oil tank - Modified MM129_OILTANK_MOD
129 (cont.) Oil tank - Operational MM129_OILTANK_OPER
129 (cont.) Oil tank - Original Equipment MM129_OILTANK_ORIG
130 Battery, battery box - Damaged in Crash MM130_BATTERY_DMG
130 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Modified MM130_BATTERY_MOD
130 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Operational MM130_BATTERY_OPER
130 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Aftermarket MM130_REARBRAKEPEDAL_AFTMKT
130 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Equipped MM130_REARBRAKEPEDAL_EQUIP
130 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Original Equipment MM130_REARBRAKEPEDAL_ORIG
131 Rear brake pedal - Damaged in Crash MM131_REARBRAKEPEDAL_DMG
131 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Modified MM131_REARBRAKEPEDAL_MOD
131 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Operational MM131_REARBRAKEPEDAL_OPER
131 (cont.) Shift lever - Aftermarket MM131_SHIFTLEVER_AFTMKT
131 (cont.) Shift lever - Equipped MM131_SHIFTLEVER_EQUIP
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
131 (cont.) Shift lever - Original Equipment MM131_SHIFTLEVER_ORIG
132 Foot pegs, footrests - Aftermarket MM132_FOOTPEGS_AFTMKT
132 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Equipped MM132_FOOTPEGS_EQUIP
132 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Original Equipment MM132_FOOTPEGS_ORIG
132 (cont.) Shift lever - Damaged in Crash MM132_SHIFTLEVER_DMG
132 (cont.) Shift lever - Modified MM132_SHIFTLEVER_MOD
132 (cont.) Shift lever - Operational MM132_SHIFTLEVER_OPER
133 Foot pegs, footrests - Damaged in Crash MM133_FOOTPEGS_DMG
133 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Modified MM133_FOOTPEGS_MOD
133 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Operational MM133_FOOTPEGS_OPER
133 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Aftermarket MM133_FOOTRESTS_AFTMKT
133 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Damaged in Crash MM133_FOOTRESTS_DMG
133 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Equipped MM133_FOOTRESTS_EQUIP
133 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Modified MM133_FOOTRESTS_MOD
133 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Operational MM133_FOOTRESTS_OPER
133 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Original Equipment MM133_FOOTRESTS_ORIG
134 Side stand - Aftermarket MM134_SIDESTAND_AFTMKT
134 (cont.) Side stand - Damaged in Crash MM134_SIDESTAND_DMG
134 (cont.) Side stand - Equipped MM134_SIDESTAND_EQUIP
134 (cont.) Side stand - Modified MM134_SIDESTAND_MOD
134 (cont.) Side stand - Operational MM134_SIDESTAND_OPER
134 (cont.) Side stand - Original Equipment MM134_SIDESTAND_ORIG
135 Side stand interlock - Aftermarket MM135_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_AFTMKT
135 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Damaged in Crash MM135_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_DMG
135 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Equipped MM135_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_EQUIP
135 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Modified MM135_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_MOD
135 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Operational MM135_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_OPER
135 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Original Equipment MM135_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_ORIG
136 Center stand - Aftermarket MM136_CENTERSTAND_AFTMKT
136 (cont.) Center stand - Damaged in Crash MM136_CENTERSTAND_DMG
136 (cont.) Center stand - Equipped MM136_CENTERSTAND_EQUIP
136 (cont.) Center stand - Modified MM136_CENTERSTAND_MOD
136 (cont.) Center stand - Operational MM136_CENTERSTAND_OPER
136 (cont.) Center stand - Original Equipment MM136_CENTERSTAND_ORIG
137 Muffler/exhaust system - Aftermarket MM137_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_AFTMKT
137 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Damaged in Crash MM137_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_DMG
137 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Equipped MM137_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_EQUIP
137 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Modified MM137_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_MOD
137 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Operational MM137_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_OPER
137 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Original Equipment MM137_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_ORIG
137 (cont.) Tank bag - Aftermarket MM137_TANKBAG_AFTMKT
137 (cont.) Tank bag - Equipped MM137_TANKBAG_EQUIP
137 (cont.) Tank bag - Original Equipment MM137_TANKBAG_ORIG
138 Luggage/cargo rack - Aftermarket MM138_LUGGUAGE_AFTMKT
138 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Equipped MM138_LUGGUAGE_EQUIP
138 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Original Equipment MM138_LUGGUAGE_ORIG
138 (cont.) Tank bag - Damaged in Crash MM138_TANKBAG_DMG
138 (cont.) Tank bag - Modified MM138_TANKBAG_MOD
138 (cont.) Tank bag - Operational MM138_TANKBAG_OPER
139 Luggage/cargo rack - Damaged in Crash MM139_LUGGUAGE_DMG
139 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Modified MM139_LUGGUAGE_MOD
139 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Operational MM139_LUGGUAGE_OPER
139 (cont.) Parcel rack - Aftermarket MM139_PARCELRACK_AFTMKT
139 (cont.) Parcel rack - Equipped MM139_PARCELRACK_EQUIP
139 (cont.) Parcel rack - Original Equipment MM139_PARCELRACK_ORIG
140 Parcel rack - Damaged in Crash MM140_PARCELRACK_DMG
140 (cont.) Parcel rack - Modified MM140_PARCELRACK_MOD
140 (cont.) Parcel rack - Operational MM140_PARCELRACK_OPER
140 (cont.) Saddle bags - Aftermarket MM140_SADDLEBAG_AFTMKT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
140 (cont.) Saddle bags - Equipped MM140_SADDLEBAG_EQUIP
140 (cont.) Saddle bags - Original Equipment MM140_SADDLEBAG_ORIG
141 Rear position lamps - Aftermarket MM141_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_AFTMKT
141 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Damaged in Crash MM141_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_DMG
141 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Equipped MM141_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_EQUIP
141 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Modified MM141_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_MOD
141 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Operational MM141_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_OPER
141 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Original Equipment MM141_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_ORIG
141 (cont.) Saddle bags - Damaged in Crash MM141_SADDLEBAG_DMG
141 (cont.) Saddle bags - Modified MM141_SADDLEBAG_MOD
141 (cont.) Saddle bags - Operational MM141_SADDLEBAG_OPER
142 Stop lamp - Aftermarket MM142_STOPLAMP_AFTMKT
142 (cont.) Stop lamp - Damaged in Crash MM142_STOPLAMP_DMG
142 (cont.) Stop lamp - Equipped MM142_STOPLAMP_EQUIP
142 (cont.) Stop lamp - Modified MM142_STOPLAMP_MOD
142 (cont.) Stop lamp - Operational MM142_STOPLAMP_OPER
142 (cont.) Stop lamp - Original Equipment MM142_STOPLAMP_ORIG
143 Rear reflectors, yellow - Aftermarket MM143_REARREFLECTORYEL_AFTMKT
143 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Damaged in Crash MM143_REARREFLECTORYEL_DMG
143 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Equipped MM143_REARREFLECTORYEL_EQUIP
143 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Modified MM143_REARREFLECTORYEL_MOD
143 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Operational MM143_REARREFLECTORYEL_OPER
143 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Original Equipment MM143_REARREFLECTORYEL_ORIG
144 Rear reflectors, red - Aftermarket MM144_REARREFLECTORRED_AFTMKT
144 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Damaged in Crash MM144_REARREFLECTORRED_DMG
144 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Equipped MM144_REARREFLECTORRED_EQUIP
144 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Modified MM144_REARREFLECTORRED_MOD
144 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Operational MM144_REARREFLECTORRED_OPER
144 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Original Equipment MM144_REARREFLECTORRED_ORIG
145 Rear reflectors, silver - Aftermarket MM145_REARREFLECTORSLVR_AFTMKT
145 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Damaged in Crash MM145_REARREFLECTORSLVR_DMG
145 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Equipped MM145_REARREFLECTORSLVR_EQUIP
145 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Modified MM145_REARREFLECTORSLVR_MOD
145 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Operational MM145_REARREFLECTORSLVR_OPER
145 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Original Equipment MM145_REARREFLECTORSLVR_ORIG
145 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Aftermarket MM145_REARTURNSIGNAL_AFTMKT
145 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Equipped MM145_REARTURNSIGNAL_EQUIP
145 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Original Equipment MM145_REARTURNSIGNAL_ORIG
146 Rear suspension - Aftermarket MM146_REARSUSPENSION_AFTMKT
146 (cont.) Rear suspension - Equipped MM146_REARSUSPENSION_EQUIP
146 (cont.) Rear suspension - Original Equipment MM146_REARSUSPENSION_ORIG
146 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Damaged in Crash MM146_REARTURNSIGNAL_DMG
146 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Modified MM146_REARTURNSIGNAL_MOD
146 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Operational MM146_REARTURNSIGNAL_OPER
147 Rear suspension - Damaged in Crash MM147_REARSUSPENSION_DMG
147 (cont.) Rear suspension - Modified MM147_REARSUSPENSION_MOD
147 (cont.) Rear suspension - Operational MM147_REARSUSPENSION_OPER
147 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Aftermarket MM147_REARWHEEL_AFTMKT
147 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Equipped MM147_REARWHEEL_EQUIP
147 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Original Equipment MM147_REARWHEEL_ORIG
148 Rear fender - Aftermarket MM148_REARFENDER_AFTMKT
148 (cont.) Rear fender - Equipped MM148_REARFENDER_EQUIP
148 (cont.) Rear fender - Original Equipment MM148_REARFENDER_ORIG
148 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Damaged in Crash MM148_REARWHEEL_DMG
148 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Modified MM148_REARWHEEL_MOD
148 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Operational MM148_REARWHEEL_OPER
149 Rear brakes - Aftermarket MM149_REARBRAKES_AFTMKT
149 (cont.) Rear brakes - Damaged in Crash MM149_REARBRAKES_DMG
149 (cont.) Rear brakes - Equipped MM149_REARBRAKES_EQUIP
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
149 (cont.) Rear brakes - Modified MM149_REARBRAKES_MOD
149 (cont.) Rear brakes - Operational MM149_REARBRAKES_OPER
149 (cont.) Rear brakes - Original Equipment MM149_REARBRAKES_ORIG
149 (cont.) Rear fender - Damaged in Crash MM149_REARFENDER_DMG
149 (cont.) Rear fender - Modified MM149_REARFENDER_MOD
149 (cont.) Rear fender - Operational MM149_REARFENDER_OPER
150 Tools, tool box - Aftermarket MM150_TOOLBOX_AFTMKT
150 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Damaged in Crash MM150_TOOLBOX_DMG
150 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Equipped MM150_TOOLBOX_EQUIP
150 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Modified MM150_TOOLBOX_MOD
150 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Operational MM150_TOOLBOX_OPER
150 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Original Equipment MM150_TOOLBOX_ORIG
151 Side covers - Aftermarket MM151_SIDECOVERS_AFTMKT
151 (cont.) Side covers - Damaged in Crash MM151_SIDECOVERS_DMG
151 (cont.) Side covers - Equipped MM151_SIDECOVERS_EQUIP
151 (cont.) Side covers - Modified MM151_SIDECOVERS_MOD
151 (cont.) Side covers - Operational MM151_SIDECOVERS_OPER
151 (cont.) Side covers - Original Equipment MM151_SIDECOVERS_ORIG
152 Trailer - Aftermarket MM152_TRAILER_AFTMKT
152 (cont.) Trailer - Damaged in Crash MM152_TRAILER_DMG
152 (cont.) Trailer - Equipped MM152_TRAILER_EQUIP
152 (cont.) Trailer - Modified MM152_TRAILER_MOD
152 (cont.) Trailer - Operational MM152_TRAILER_OPER
152 (cont.) Trailer - Original Equipment MM152_TRAILER_ORIG
153 Side Car - Aftermarket MM153_SIDECAR_AFTMKT
153 (cont.) Side Car - Damaged in Crash MM153_SIDECAR_DMG
153 (cont.) Side Car - Equipped MM153_SIDECAR_EQUIP
153 (cont.) Side Car - Modified MM153_SIDECAR_MOD
153 (cont.) Side Car - Operational MM153_SIDECAR_OPER
153 (cont.) Side Car - Original Equipment MM153_SIDECAR_ORIG
Table 17. List of variables in the Control Motorcycle Mechanical Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number CM000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Control Motorcycle Number CM000_CMCNUMBER
0 (cont.) Control Collection Method CM000_CNTRLLCOLLECTMETHOD
0 (cont.) Control Collection Method - Text CM000_CNTRLCOLLECTMETHODTXT
1 Ambient Temperature CM001_AMBIENTTEMP
1 (cont.) Ambient Temperature Sign CM001_AMBIENTTEMPSIGN
2 Weather Description CM002_WEATHER
2 (cont.) Weather Description - Text CM002_WEATHERTXT
3 Wind Description CM003_WINDSTRENGTH
3 (cont.) Wind Description - Text CM003_WINDSTRENGTHTXT
4 Wind Direction With Respect to Motorcycle Path CM004_WINDDIRECTIONWRTMCPATH
4 (cont.) Wind Direction With Respect to Motorcycle CM004_WINDDIRECTIONWRTMCPATHTXT
Path - Text
5 Manufacture CM005_MANUFACTURE
5 (cont.) Manufacture - Text CM005_MANUFACTURETXT
6 Model CM006_MODELTXT
7 Year CM007_YEAR
8 Motorcycle Legal Category CM008_MCLEGALCATEGORY
8 (cont.) Motorcycle Legal Category - Text CM008_MCLEGALCATEGORYTXT
9 Motorcycle Type CM009_MCTYPE
9 (cont.) Motorcycle Type - Text CM009_MCTYPETXT
10 Motorcycle Weight CM010_MCWEIGHT
11 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) CM011_VIN
12 Odometer Reading in Miles CM012_ODOMETERREADING
13 Registered Owner Category CM013_REGOWNERCATEGORY
13 (cont.) Registered Owner Category - Text CM013_REGOWNERCATEGORYTXT
14 Predominant Color of Motorcycle CM014_MCCOLOR
14 (cont.) Predominant Color of Motorcycle - Text CM014_MCCOLORTXT
15 Did the Motorcycle Have Any Retroreflective Parts, CM015_MCRETROFLECTIVE
Material or Paint?
15 (cont.) Did the Motorcycle Have Any Retroreflective CM015_MCRETROFLECTIVETXT
Parts, Material or Paint - Text
16 Motor Displacement CM016_MCMOTORDISPLACEMENT
17 Number of Cylinder CM017_MCNUMBCYLINDER
18 Number of Passengers CM018_NUMBEROFPASSENGER
19 Cargo/luggage on motorcycle (Code up to 3), Item 1 CM019_CARGOONMC1
19 (cont.) Cargo/luggage on motorcycle (Code up to 3), CM019_CARGOONMC2
Item 2
19 (cont.) Cargo/luggage on motorcycle (Code up to 3), CM019_CARGOONMC3
Item 3
19 (cont.) Cargo/luggage on motorcycle - Text CM019_CARGOONMCTXT
20 Are The Tires Original Equipment CM020_TIRESORIGEQUIP
20 (cont.) Are The Tires Original Equipment - Text CM020_TIRESORIGEQUIPTXT
21 Front Tire Thread Type CM021_FRONTTIRETREADTYPE
21 (cont.) Front Tire Thread Type - Text CM021_FRONTTIRETREADTYPETXT
21 (cont.) Rear Tire Thread Type CM021_REARTIRETREADTYPE
21 (cont.) Rear Tire Thread Type - Text CM021_REARTIRETREADTYPETXT
22 Front Tire Measured Thread Depth CM022_FRONTTIRETREADDEPTH
22 (cont.) Rear Tire Measured Thread Depth CM022_REARTIRETREADDEPTH
23 Are The Wheels Original Equipment CM023_WHEELSORIGEQUIP
23 (cont.) Are The Wheels Original Equipment - Text CM023_WHEELSORIGEQUIPTXT
24 Is The Suspension Original Equipment CM024_SUSPENSIONORIGEQUIP
24 (cont.) Is The Suspension Original Equipment - Text CM024_SUSPENSIONORIGEQUIPTXT
25 Suspension Type Front CM025_FRONTSUSPENSIONTYPE
25 (cont.) Suspension Type Front - Text CM025_FRONTSUSPENSIONTYPETXT
26 Suspension Type Rear CM026_REARSUSPENSIONTYPE
26 (cont.) Suspension Type Rear - Text CM026_REARSUSPENSIONTYPETXT
27 Rider Brake Control Type 1 CM027_BRAKECONTROLTYPE1
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
27 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Type 1 - Text CM027_BRAKECONTROLTYPE1TXT
27 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Type 2 CM027_BRAKECONTROLTYPE2
27 (cont.) Rider Brake Control Type 2 - Text CM027_BRAKECONTROLTYPE2TXT
28 Rider Brake Control System Type 1 CM028_BRAKECONTROLSYSTYPE1
28 (cont.) Rider Brake Control System Type 2 CM028_BRAKECONTROLSYSTYPE2
29 (cont.) Rear ABS? CM029_REARBRAKEABS
30 Has The Frame Been Modified CM030_FRAMEMODIFIED
30 (cont.) Has The Frame Been Modified - Text CM030_FRAMEMODIFIEDTXT
31 Frame Type/Configuration CM031_FRAMETYPE
31 (cont.) Frame Type/Configuration - Text CM031_FRAMETYPETXT
32 Is the Motorcycle Equipped with Pedals? CM032_MCPEDALSEQUIPPED
33 Headlamp Assembly Type CM033_HEADLAMPASSYTYPE
33 (cont.) Headlamp Assembly Type - Text CM033_HEADLAMPASSYTYPETXT
34 Headlamp Illuminated Prior To Stopping For The CM034_HEADLAMPLITATINTERVIEW
34 (cont.) Headlamp Illuminated Prior To Stopping For CM034_HEADLAMPLITATINTERVIEWTXT
The Interview - Text
35 Was Motorcycle Equipped With as Airbag? CM035_AIRBAGEQUIPPED
36 Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any of the CM036_MCPULLINGATTACHMENT
36 (cont.) Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any CM036_MCPULLINGATTACHMENTTXT
of the Following - Text
37 Have The Handlebars Been Modified CM037_HANDLEBARMODIFIED
37 (cont.) Is Motorcycle Equipped With or Pulling Any CM037_HANDLEBARMODIFIEDTXT
of the Following - Text
38 Has The Seat Been Modified CM038_SEATMODIFIED
38 (cont.) Has The Seat Been Modified - Text CM038_SEATMODIFIEDTXT
39 Seat Type CM039_SEATTYPE
39 (cont.) Seat Type - Text CM039_SEATTYPETXT
40 Has The Exhaust System Been Modified CM040_EXHAUSTMODIFIED
40 (cont.) Has The Exhaust System Been Modified - Text CM040_EXHAUSTMODIFIEDTXT
41 Has The Windshield Been Modified CM041_WINDSHIELDMODIFIED
41 (cont.) Has The Windshield Been Modified - Text CM041_WINDSHIELDMODIFIEDTXT
42 Is This Motorcycle Equipped With Crash Bars CM042_CRASHBAREQUIPPED
42 (cont.) Is This Motorcycle Equipped With Crash Bars CM042_CRASHBAREQUIPPEDTXT
- Text
43 Is This Motorcycle Equipped With Engine Guards CM043_ENGINEGUARDEQUIPPED
43 (cont.) Is This Motorcycle Equipped With Engine CM043_ENGINEGUARDEQUIPPEDTXT
Guards - Text
44 Front crash bars - Aftermarket CM044_FRONTCRASHBARS_AFTMKT
44 (cont.) Front crash bars - Damaged in Crash CM044_FRONTCRASHBARS_DMG
44 (cont.) Front crash bars - Equipped CM044_FRONTCRASHBARS_EQUIP
44 (cont.) Front crash bars - Modified CM044_FRONTCRASHBARS_MOD
44 (cont.) Front crash bars - Operational CM044_FRONTCRASHBARS_OPER
44 (cont.) Front crash bars - Original Equipment CM044_FRONTCRASHBARS_ORIG
45 Rear crash bars - Aftermarket CM045_REARCRASHBARS_AFTMKT
45 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Damaged in Crash CM045_REARCRASHBARS_DMG
45 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Equipped CM045_REARCRASHBARS_EQUIP
45 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Modified CM045_REARCRASHBARS_MOD
45 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Operational CM045_REARCRASHBARS_OPER
45 (cont.) Rear crash bars - Original Equipment CM045_REARCRASHBARS_ORIG
46 Engine guard - Aftermarket CM046_ENGINEGUARD_AFTMKT
46 (cont.) Engine guard - Damaged in Crash CM046_ENGINEGUARD_DMG
46 (cont.) Engine guard - Equipped CM046_ENGINEGUARD_EQUIP
46 (cont.) Engine guard - Modified CM046_ENGINEGUARD_MOD
46 (cont.) Engine guard - Operational CM046_ENGINEGUARD_OPER
46 (cont.) Engine guard - Original Equipment CM046_ENGINEGUARD_ORIG
47 Windscreen - Aftermarket CM047_WINDSHIELD_AFTMKT
47 (cont.) Windscreen - Damaged in Crash CM047_WINDSHIELD_DMG
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
47 (cont.) Windscreen - Equipped CM047_WINDSHIELD_EQUIP
47 (cont.) Windscreen - Modified CM047_WINDSHIELD_MOD
47 (cont.) Windscreen - Operational CM047_WINDSHIELD_OPER
47 (cont.) Windscreen - Original Equipment CM047_WINDSHIELD_ORIG
48 Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - CM048_FAIRING_AFTMKT
48 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - CM048_FAIRING_DMG
Damaged in Crash
48 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - CM048_FAIRING_EQUIP
48 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - CM048_FAIRING_MOD
48 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - CM048_FAIRING_OPER
48 (cont.) Fairing, handlebar or steering mounted - CM048_FAIRING_ORIG
Original Equipment
49 Fairing, frame mounted - Aftermarket CM049_FAIRINGMOUNT_AFTMKT
49 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Damaged in Crash CM049_FAIRINGMOUNT_DMG
49 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Equipped CM049_FAIRINGMOUNT_EQUIP
49 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Modified CM049_FAIRINGMOUNT_MOD
49 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Operational CM049_FAIRINGMOUNT_OPER
49 (cont.) Fairing, frame mounted - Original Equipment CM049_FAIRINGMOUNT_ORIG
50 Headlamp nacelle - Equipped CM050_HEADLAMPNACELLE_EQUIP
50 (cont.) Headlamps - Aftermarket CM050_HEADLAMPS_AFTMKT
50 (cont.) Headlamps - Damaged in Crash CM050_HEADLAMPS_DMG
50 (cont.) Headlamps - Equipped CM050_HEADLAMPS_EQUIP
50 (cont.) Headlamps - Modified CM050_HEADLAMPS_MOD
50 (cont.) Headlamps - Operational CM050_HEADLAMPS_OPER
50 (cont.) Headlamps - Original Equipment CM050_HEADLAMPS_ORIG
51 Headlamp nacelle - Aftermarket CM051_AUXHEADLAMP_EQUIP
51 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Damaged in Crash CM051_HEADLAMPNACELLE_AFTMKT
51 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Modified CM051_HEADLAMPNACELLE_DMG
51 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Operational CM051_HEADLAMPNACELLE_MOD
51 (cont.) Headlamp nacelle - Original Equipment CM051_HEADLAMPNACELLE_OPER
51 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Aftermarket CM051_HEADLAMPNACELLE_ORIG
52 Auxiliary headlamp - Damaged in Crash CM052_AUXHEADLAMP_AFTMKT
52 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Equipped CM052_AUXHEADLAMP_DMG
52 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Modified CM052_AUXHEADLAMP_MOD
52 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Operational CM052_AUXHEADLAMP_OPER
52 (cont.) Auxiliary headlamp - Original Equipment CM052_AUXHEADLAMP_ORIG
53 Front position lamp - Aftermarket CM053_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_AFTMKT
53 (cont.) Front position lamp - Damaged in Crash CM053_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_DMG
53 (cont.) Front position lamp - Equipped CM053_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_EQUIP
53 (cont.) Front position lamp - Modified CM053_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_MOD
53 (cont.) Front position lamp - Operational CM053_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_OPER
53 (cont.) Front position lamp - Original Equipment CM053_FRONTPOSITIONLAMP_ORIG
54 Front reflector, yellow - Aftermarket CM054_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_AFTMKT
54 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Damaged in Crash CM054_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_DMG
54 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Equipped CM054_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_EQUIP
54 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Modified CM054_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_MOD
54 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Operational CM054_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_OPER
54 (cont.) Front reflector, yellow - Original Equipment CM054_FRONTREFLECTORYEL_ORIG
55 Front reflector, white - Aftermarket CM055_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_AFTMKT
55 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Damaged in Crash CM055_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_DMG
55 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Equipped CM055_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_EQUIP
55 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Modified CM055_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_MOD
55 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Operational CM055_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_OPER
55 (cont.) Front reflector, white - Original Equipment CM055_FRONTREFLECTORWHT_ORIG
56 Front reflector, red - Damaged in Crash CM056_FRONTREFLECTORRED_AFTMKT
56 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Aftermarket CM056_FRONTREFLECTORRED_DMG
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
56 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Equipped CM056_FRONTREFLECTORRED_EQUIP
56 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Modified CM056_FRONTREFLECTORRED_MOD
56 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Operational CM056_FRONTREFLECTORRED_OPER
56 (cont.) Front reflector, red - Original Equipment CM056_FRONTREFLECTORRED_ORIG
57 Front reflector, silver - Aftermarket CM057_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_AFTMKT
57 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Damaged in Crash CM057_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_DMG
57 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Equipped CM057_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_EQUIP
57 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Modified CM057_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_MOD
57 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Operational CM057_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_OPER
57 (cont.) Front reflector, silver - Original Equipment CM057_FRONTREFLECTORSIL_ORIG
57 (cont.) Front turn signals - Aftermarket CM057_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_ORIG
58 Front turn signals - Damaged in Crash CM058_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_AFTMKT
58 (cont.) Front turn signals - Equipped CM058_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_DMG
58 (cont.) Front turn signals - Modified CM058_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_EQUIP
58 (cont.) Front turn signals - Operational CM058_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_MOD
58 (cont.) Front turn signals - Original Equipment CM058_FRONTTURNSIGNALS_OPER
59 Speedometer - Aftermarket CM059_SPEEDOMETER_AFTMKT
59 (cont.) Speedometer - Damaged in Crash CM059_SPEEDOMETER_DMG
59 (cont.) Speedometer - Equipped CM059_SPEEDOMETER_EQUIP
59 (cont.) Speedometer - Modified CM059_SPEEDOMETER_MOD
59 (cont.) Speedometer - Operational CM059_SPEEDOMETER_OPER
59 (cont.) Speedometer - Original Equipment CM059_SPEEDOMETER_ORIG
60 Tachometer - Aftermarket CM060_TACHOMETER_AFTMKT
60 (cont.) Tachometer - Damaged in Crash CM060_TACHOMETER_DMG
60 (cont.) Tachometer - Equipped CM060_TACHOMETER_EQUIP
60 (cont.) Tachometer - Modified CM060_TACHOMETER_MOD
60 (cont.) Tachometer - Operational CM060_TACHOMETER_OPER
60 (cont.) Tachometer - Original Equipment CM060_TACHOMETER_ORIG
61 Handlebars - Aftermarket CM061_HANDLEBARS_AFTMKT
61 (cont.) Handlebars - Damaged in Crash CM061_HANDLEBARS_DMG
61 (cont.) Handlebars - Equipped CM061_HANDLEBARS_EQUIP
61 (cont.) Handlebars - Modified CM061_HANDLEBARS_MOD
61 (cont.) Handlebars - Operational CM061_HANDLEBARS_OPER
61 (cont.) Handlebars - Original Equipment CM061_HANDLEBARS_ORIG
62 Throttle - Aftermarket CM062_THROTTLE_AFTMKT
62 (cont.) Throttle - Damaged in Crash CM062_THROTTLE_DMG
62 (cont.) Throttle - Equipped CM062_THROTTLE_EQUIP
62 (cont.) Throttle - Modified CM062_THROTTLE_MOD
62 (cont.) Throttle - Operational CM062_THROTTLE_OPER
62 (cont.) Throttle - Original Equipment CM062_THROTTLE_ORIG
63 Clutch lever - Aftermarket CM063_CLUTCHLEVER_AFTMKT
63 (cont.) Clutch lever - Damaged in Crash CM063_CLUTCHLEVER_DMG
63 (cont.) Clutch lever - Equipped CM063_CLUTCHLEVER_EQUIP
63 (cont.) Clutch lever - Modified CM063_CLUTCHLEVER_MOD
63 (cont.) Clutch lever - Operational CM063_CLUTCHLEVER_OPER
63 (cont.) Clutch lever - Original Equipment CM063_CLUTCHLEVER_ORIG
64 Brake lever - Aftermarket CM064_BRAKELEVER_AFTMKT
64 (cont.) Brake lever - Damaged in Crash CM064_BRAKELEVER_DMG
64 (cont.) Brake lever - Equipped CM064_BRAKELEVER_EQUIP
64 (cont.) Brake lever - Modified CM064_BRAKELEVER_MOD
64 (cont.) Brake lever - Operational CM064_BRAKELEVER_OPER
64 (cont.) Brake lever - Original Equipment CM064_BRAKELEVER_ORIG
65 Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Aftermarket CM065_RGTMIRRORPOST_AFTMKT
65 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Damaged CM065_RGTMIRRORPOST_DMG
in Crash
65 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Equipped CM065_RGTMIRRORPOST_EQUIP
65 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Modified CM065_RGTMIRRORPOST_MOD
65 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - CM065_RGTMIRRORPOST_OPER
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
65 (cont.) Right side rear view mirrors, posts - Original CM065_RGTMIRRORPOST_ORIG
66 Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Aftermarket CM066_LFTMIRRORPOST_AFTMKT
66 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Damaged in CM066_LFTMIRRORPOST_DMG
66 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Equipped CM066_LFTMIRRORPOST_EQUIP
66 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Modified CM066_LFTMIRRORPOST_MOD
66 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Operational CM066_LFTMIRRORPOST_OPER
66 (cont.) Left side rear view mirrors, posts - Original CM066_LFTMIRRORPOST_ORIG
67 Front suspension - Aftermarket CM067_FRONTSUSPENSION_AFTMKT
67 (cont.) Front suspension- Damaged in Crash CM067_FRONTSUSPENSION_DMG
67 (cont.) Front suspension - Equipped CM067_FRONTSUSPENSION_EQUIP
67 (cont.) Front suspension - Modified CM067_FRONTSUSPENSION_MOD
67 (cont.) Front suspension - Operational CM067_FRONTSUSPENSION_OPER
67 (cont.) Front suspension - Original Equipment CM067_FRONTSUSPENSION_ORIG
68 Front brakes - Original Equipment CM068_FRONTWHEEL_AFTMKT
68 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Aftermarket CM068_FRONTWHEEL_DMG
68 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Damaged in Crash CM068_FRONTWHEEL_EQUIP
68 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Equipped CM068_FRONTWHEEL_MOD
68 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Modified CM068_FRONTWHEEL_OPER
68 (cont.) Front tire/wheel - Operational CM068_FRONTWHEEL_ORIG
69 Front tire/wheel - Original Equipment CM069_FRONTFENDER_AFTMKT
69 (cont.) Front fender - Aftermarket CM069_FRONTFENDER_DMG
69 (cont.) Front fender - Damaged in Crash CM069_FRONTFENDER_EQUIP
69 (cont.) Front fender - Equipped CM069_FRONTFENDER_MOD
69 (cont.) Front fender - Modified CM069_FRONTFENDER_OPER
69 (cont.) Front fender - Operational CM069_FRONTFENDER_ORIG
70 Front fender - Original Equipment CM070_FRONTBRAKES_AFTMKT
70 (cont.) Front brakes - Aftermarket CM070_FRONTBRAKES_DMG
70 (cont.) Front brakes - Damaged in Crash CM070_FRONTBRAKES_EQUIP
70 (cont.) Front brakes - Equipped CM070_FRONTBRAKES_MOD
70 (cont.) Front brakes - Modified CM070_FRONTBRAKES_OPER
70 (cont.) Front brakes - Operational CM070_FRONTBRAKES_ORIG
71 Seat - Aftermarket CM071_SEAT_AFTMKT
71 (cont.) Seat - Damaged in Crash CM071_SEAT_DMG
71 (cont.) Seat - Equipped CM071_SEAT_EQUIP
71 (cont.) Seat - Modified CM071_SEAT_MOD
71 (cont.) Seat - Operational CM071_SEAT_OPER
71 (cont.) Seat - Original Equipment CM071_SEAT_ORIG
72 Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Aftermarket CM072_MCPBACKREST_AFTMKT
72 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Damaged in CM072_MCPBACKREST_DMG
72 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Equipped CM072_MCPBACKREST_EQUIP
72 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Modified CM072_MCPBACKREST_MOD
72 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Operational CM072_MCPBACKREST_OPER
72 (cont.) Sissy bar/passenger back rest - Original CM072_MCPBACKREST_ORIG
73 Side reflectors, yellow - Aftermarket CM073_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_AFTMKT
73 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Damaged in Crash CM073_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_DMG
73 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Equipped CM073_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_EQUIP
73 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Modified CM073_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_MOD
73 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Operational CM073_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_OPER
73 (cont.) Side reflectors, yellow - Original Equipment CM073_SIDEREFLECTORYEL_ORIG
74 Side reflectors, red - Aftermarket CM074_SIDEREFLECTORRED_AFTMKT
74 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Damaged in Crash CM074_SIDEREFLECTORRED_DMG
74 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Equipped CM074_SIDEREFLECTORRED_EQUIP
74 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Modified CM074_SIDEREFLECTORRED_MOD
74 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Operational CM074_SIDEREFLECTORRED_OPER
74 (cont.) Side reflectors, red - Original Equipment CM074_SIDEREFLECTORRED_ORIG
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
75 Side reflectors, silver - Aftermarket CM075_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_AFTMKT
75 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Damaged in Crash CM075_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_DMG
75 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Equipped CM075_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_EQUIP
75 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Modified CM075_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_MOD
75 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Operational CM075_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_OPER
75 (cont.) Side reflectors, silver - Original Equipment CM075_SIDEREFLECTORSIL_ORIG
76 Frame - Aftermarket CM076_FRAME_AFTMKT
76 (cont.) Frame - Damaged in Crash CM076_FRAME_DMG
76 (cont.) Frame - Equipped CM076_FRAME_EQUIP
76 (cont.) Frame - Modified CM076_FRAME_MOD
76 (cont.) Frame - Operational CM076_FRAME_OPER
76 (cont.) Frame - Original Equipment CM076_FRAME_ORIG
77 Grab rails/hand holds - Aftermarket CM077_HANDHOLDS_AFTMKT
77 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Damaged in Crash CM077_HANDHOLDS_DMG
77 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Equipped CM077_HANDHOLDS_EQUIP
77 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Modified CM077_HANDHOLDS_MOD
77 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Operational CM077_HANDHOLDS_OPER
77 (cont.) Grab rails/hand holds - Original Equipment CM077_HANDHOLDS_ORIG
78 Fuel tank - Aftermarket CM078_FUELTANK_AFTMKT
78 (cont.) Fuel tank - Damaged in Crash CM078_FUELTANK_DMG
78 (cont.) Fuel tank - Equipped CM078_FUELTANK_EQUIP
78 (cont.) Fuel tank - Modified CM078_FUELTANK_MOD
78 (cont.) Fuel tank - Operational CM078_FUELTANK_OPER
78 (cont.) Fuel tank - Original Equipment CM078_FUELTANK_ORIG
79 Auxiliary fuel tank - Aftermarket CM079_AUXFUELTANK_AFTMKT
79 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Damaged in Crash CM079_AUXFUELTANK_DMG
79 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Equipped CM079_AUXFUELTANK_EQUIP
79 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Modified CM079_AUXFUELTANK_MOD
79 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Operational CM079_AUXFUELTANK_OPER
79 (cont.) Auxiliary fuel tank - Original Equipment CM079_AUXFUELTANK_ORIG
80 Motor crankcase, cylinders - Aftermarket CM080_MOTORCRANKCASE_AFTMKT
80 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Damaged in CM080_MOTORCRANKCASE_DMG
80 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Equipped CM080_MOTORCRANKCASE_EQUIP
80 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Modified CM080_MOTORCRANKCASE_MOD
80 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Operational CM080_MOTORCRANKCASE_OPER
80 (cont.) Motor crankcase, cylinders - Original CM080_MOTORCRANKCASE_ORIG
81 Radiator - Aftermarket CM081_RADIATOR_AFTMKT
81 (cont.) Radiator - Damaged in Crash CM081_RADIATOR_DMG
81 (cont.) Radiator - Equipped CM081_RADIATOR_EQUIP
81 (cont.) Radiator - Modified CM081_RADIATOR_MOD
81 (cont.) Radiator - Operational CM081_RADIATOR_OPER
81 (cont.) Radiator - Original Equipment CM081_RADIATOR_ORIG
82 Water hose - Aftermarket CM082_WATERHOSE_AFTMKT
82 (cont.) Water hose - Damaged in Crash CM082_WATERHOSE_DMG
82 (cont.) Water hose - Equipped CM082_WATERHOSE_EQUIP
82 (cont.) Water hose - Modified CM082_WATERHOSE_MOD
82 (cont.) Water hose - Operational CM082_WATERHOSE_OPER
82 (cont.) Water hose - Original Equipment CM082_WATERHOSE_ORIG
83 Motor power enhancement - Aftermarket CM083_POWERENHANCED_AFTMKT
83 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Damaged in Crash CM083_POWERENHANCED_DMG
83 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Equipped CM083_POWERENHANCED_EQUIP
83 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Modified CM083_POWERENHANCED_MOD
83 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Operational CM083_POWERENHANCED_OPER
83 (cont.) Motor power enhancement - Original CM083_POWERENHANCED_ORIG
84 Transmission case - Aftermarket CM084_TRANSMISSIONCASE_AFTMKT
84 (cont.) Transmission case - Damaged in Crash CM084_TRANSMISSIONCASE_DMG
84 (cont.) Transmission case - Equipped CM084_TRANSMISSIONCASE_EQUIP
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
84 (cont.) Transmission case - Modified CM084_TRANSMISSIONCASE_MOD
84 (cont.) Transmission case - Operational CM084_TRANSMISSIONCASE_OPER
84 (cont.) Transmission case - Original Equipment CM084_TRANSMISSIONCASE_ORIG
85 Oil tank - Aftermarket CM085_OILTANK_AFTMKT
85 (cont.) Oil tank - Damaged in Crash CM085_OILTANK_DMG
85 (cont.) Oil tank - Equipped CM085_OILTANK_EQUIP
85 (cont.) Oil tank - Modified CM085_OILTANK_MOD
85 (cont.) Oil tank - Operational CM085_OILTANK_OPER
85 (cont.) Oil tank - Original Equipment CM085_OILTANK_ORIG
86 Battery, battery box - Aftermarket CM086_BATTERY_AFTMKT
86 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Damaged in Crash CM086_BATTERY_DMG
86 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Equipped CM086_BATTERY_EQUIP
86 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Modified CM086_BATTERY_MOD
86 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Operational CM086_BATTERY_OPER
86 (cont.) Battery, battery box - Original Equipment CM086_BATTERY_ORIG
87 Rear brake pedal - Aftermarket CM087_REARBRAKEPEDAL_AFTMKT
87 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Damaged in Crash CM087_REARBRAKEPEDAL_DMG
87 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Equipped CM087_REARBRAKEPEDAL_EQUIP
87 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Modified CM087_REARBRAKEPEDAL_MOD
87 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Operational CM087_REARBRAKEPEDAL_OPER
87 (cont.) Rear brake pedal - Original Equipment CM087_REARBRAKEPEDAL_ORIG
88 Shift lever - Aftermarket CM088_SHIFTLEVER_AFTMKT
88 (cont.) Shift lever - Damaged in Crash CM088_SHIFTLEVER_DMG
88 (cont.) Shift lever - Equipped CM088_SHIFTLEVER_EQUIP
88 (cont.) Shift lever - Modified CM088_SHIFTLEVER_MOD
88 (cont.) Shift lever - Operational CM088_SHIFTLEVER_OPER
88 (cont.) Shift lever - Original Equipment CM088_SHIFTLEVER_ORIG
89 Foot pegs, footrests - Aftermarket CM089_FOOTPEGS_AFTMKT
89 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Damaged in Crash CM089_FOOTPEGS_DMG
89 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Equipped CM089_FOOTPEGS_EQUIP
89 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Modified CM089_FOOTPEGS_MOD
89 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Operational CM089_FOOTPEGS_OPER
89 (cont.) Foot pegs, footrests - Original Equipment CM089_FOOTPEGS_ORIG
90 Side stand - Equipped CM090_FOOTRESTS_AFTMKT
90 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Aftermarket CM090_FOOTRESTS_DMG
90 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Damaged in Crash CM090_FOOTRESTS_EQUIP
90 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Equipped CM090_FOOTRESTS_MOD
90 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Modified CM090_FOOTRESTS_OPER
90 (cont.) Highway pegs/footrests - Operational CM090_FOOTRESTS_ORIG
91 Highway pegs/footrests - Original Equipment CM091_SIDESTAND_AFTMKT
91 (cont.) Side stand - Aftermarket CM091_SIDESTAND_DMG
91 (cont.) Side stand - Damaged in Crash CM091_SIDESTAND_EQUIP
91 (cont.) Side stand - Modified CM091_SIDESTAND_MOD
91 (cont.) Side stand - Operational CM091_SIDESTAND_OPER
91 (cont.) Side stand - Original Equipment CM091_SIDESTAND_ORIG
92 Side stand interlock - Aftermarket CM092_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_AFTMKT
92 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Damaged in Crash CM092_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_DMG
92 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Equipped CM092_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_EQUIP
92 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Modified CM092_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_MOD
92 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Operational CM092_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_OPER
92 (cont.) Side stand interlock - Original Equipment CM092_SIDESTANDINTERLOCK_ORIG
93 Center stand - Aftermarket CM093_CENTERSTAND_AFTMKT
93 (cont.) Center stand - Damaged in Crash CM093_CENTERSTAND_DMG
93 (cont.) Center stand - Equipped CM093_CENTERSTAND_EQUIP
93 (cont.) Center stand - Modified CM093_CENTERSTAND_MOD
93 (cont.) Center stand - Operational CM093_CENTERSTAND_OPER
93 (cont.) Center stand - Original Equipment CM093_CENTERSTAND_ORIG
94 Muffler/exhaust system - Aftermarket CM094_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_AFTMKT
94 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Damaged in Crash CM094_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_DMG
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
94 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Equipped CM094_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_EQUIP
94 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Modified CM094_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_MOD
94 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Operational CM094_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_OPER
94 (cont.) Muffler/exhaust system - Original Equipment CM094_EXHAUSTSYSTEM_ORIG
95 Tank bag - Aftermarket CM095_TANKBAG_AFTMKT
95 (cont.) Tank bag - Damaged in Crash CM095_TANKBAG_DMG
95 (cont.) Tank bag - Equipped CM095_TANKBAG_EQUIP
95 (cont.) Tank bag - Modified CM095_TANKBAG_MOD
95 (cont.) Tank bag - Operational CM095_TANKBAG_OPER
95 (cont.) Tank bag - Original Equipment CM095_TANKBAG_ORIG
96 Luggage/cargo rack - Aftermarket CM096_LUGGAGE_AFTMKT
96 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Damaged in Crash CM096_LUGGAGE_DMG
96 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Equipped CM096_LUGGAGE_EQUIP
96 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Modified CM096_LUGGAGE_MOD
96 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Operational CM096_LUGGAGE_OPER
96 (cont.) Luggage/cargo rack - Original Equipment CM096_LUGGAGE_ORIG
97 Parcel rack - Aftermarket CM097_PARCELRACK_AFTMKT
97 (cont.) Parcel rack - Damaged in Crash CM097_PARCELRACK_DMG
97 (cont.) Parcel rack - Equipped CM097_PARCELRACK_EQUIP
97 (cont.) Parcel rack - Modified CM097_PARCELRACK_MOD
97 (cont.) Parcel rack - Operational CM097_PARCELRACK_OPER
97 (cont.) Parcel rack - Original Equipment CM097_PARCELRACK_ORIG
98 Saddle bags - Aftermarket CM098_SADDLEBAG_AFTMKT
98 (cont.) Saddle bags - Damaged in Crash CM098_SADDLEBAG_DMG
98 (cont.) Saddle bags - Equipped CM098_SADDLEBAG_EQUIP
98 (cont.) Saddle bags - Modified CM098_SADDLEBAG_MOD
98 (cont.) Saddle bags - Operational CM098_SADDLEBAG_OPER
98 (cont.) Saddle bags - Original Equipment CM098_SADDLEBAG_ORIG
99 Rear position lamps - Aftermarket CM099_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_AFTMKT
99 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Damaged in Crash CM099_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_DMG
99 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Equipped CM099_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_EQUIP
99 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Modified CM099_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_MOD
99 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Operational CM099_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_OPER
99 (cont.) Rear position lamps - Original Equipment CM099_REARPOSITIONLAMPS_ORIG
100 Stop lamp - Aftermarket CM100_STOPLAMP_AFTMKT
100 (cont.) Stop lamp - Damaged in Crash CM100_STOPLAMP_DMG
100 (cont.) Stop lamp - Equipped CM100_STOPLAMP_EQUIP
100 (cont.) Stop lamp - Modified CM100_STOPLAMP_MOD
100 (cont.) Stop lamp - Operational CM100_STOPLAMP_OPER
100 (cont.) Stop lamp - Original Equipment CM100_STOPLAMP_ORIG
101 Rear reflectors, yellow - Aftermarket CM101_REARREFLECTORYEL_AFTMKT
101 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Damaged in Crash CM101_REARREFLECTORYEL_DMG
101 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Equipped CM101_REARREFLECTORYEL_EQUIP
101 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Modified CM101_REARREFLECTORYEL_MOD
101 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Operational CM101_REARREFLECTORYEL_OPER
101 (cont.) Rear reflectors, yellow - Original Equipment CM101_REARREFLECTORYEL_ORIG
102 Rear reflectors, red - Aftermarket CM102_REARREFLECTORRED_AFTMKT
102 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Damaged in Crash CM102_REARREFLECTORRED_DMG
102 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Equipped CM102_REARREFLECTORRED_EQUIP
102 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Modified CM102_REARREFLECTORRED_MOD
102 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Operational CM102_REARREFLECTORRED_OPER
102 (cont.) Rear reflectors, red - Original Equipment CM102_REARREFLECTORRED_ORIG
103 Rear reflectors, silver - Aftermarket CM103_REARREFLECTORSLVR_AFTMKT
103 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Damaged in Crash CM103_REARREFLECTORSLVR_DMG
103 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Equipped CM103_REARREFLECTORSLVR_EQUIP
103 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Modified CM103_REARREFLECTORSLVR_MOD
103 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Operational CM103_REARREFLECTORSLVR_OPER
103 (cont.) Rear reflectors, silver - Original Equipment CM103_REARREFLECTORSLVR_ORIG
104 Rear turn signals - Aftermarket CM104_REARTURNSIGNAL_AFTMKT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
104 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Damaged in Crash CM104_REARTURNSIGNAL_DMG
104 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Equipped CM104_REARTURNSIGNAL_EQUIP
104 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Modified CM104_REARTURNSIGNAL_MOD
104 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Operational CM104_REARTURNSIGNAL_OPER
104 (cont.) Rear turn signals - Original Equipment CM104_REARTURNSIGNAL_ORIG
105 Rear suspension - Aftermarket CM105_REARSUSPENSION_AFTMKT
105 (cont.) Rear suspension - Damaged in Crash CM105_REARSUSPENSION_DMG
105 (cont.) Rear suspension - Equipped CM105_REARSUSPENSION_EQUIP
105 (cont.) Rear suspension - Modified CM105_REARSUSPENSION_MOD
105 (cont.) Rear suspension - Operational CM105_REARSUSPENSION_OPER
105 (cont.) Rear suspension - Original Equipment CM105_REARSUSPENSION_ORIG
106 Rear tire/wheel - Aftermarket CM106_REARWHEEL_AFTMKT
106 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Damaged in Crash CM106_REARWHEEL_DMG
106 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Equipped CM106_REARWHEEL_EQUIP
106 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Modified CM106_REARWHEEL_MOD
106 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Operational CM106_REARWHEEL_OPER
106 (cont.) Rear tire/wheel - Original Equipment CM106_REARWHEEL_ORIG
107 Rear fender - Aftermarket CM107_REARFENDER_AFTMKT
107 (cont.) Rear fender - Damaged in Crash CM107_REARFENDER_DMG
107 (cont.) Rear fender - Equipped CM107_REARFENDER_EQUIP
107 (cont.) Rear fender - Modified CM107_REARFENDER_MOD
107 (cont.) Rear fender - Operational CM107_REARFENDER_OPER
107 (cont.) Rear fender - Original Equipment CM107_REARFENDER_ORIG
108 Rear brakes - Aftermarket CM108_REARBRAKES_AFTMKT
108 (cont.) Rear brakes - Damaged in Crash CM108_REARBRAKES_DMG
108 (cont.) Rear brakes - Equipped CM108_REARBRAKES_EQUIP
108 (cont.) Rear brakes - Modified CM108_REARBRAKES_MOD
108 (cont.) Rear brakes - Operational CM108_REARBRAKES_OPER
108 (cont.) Rear brakes - Original Equipment CM108_REARBRAKES_ORIG
108 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Aftermarket CM108_TRAILER_ORIG
109 Tools, tool box - Damaged in Crash CM109_SIDECAR_ORIG
109 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Equipped CM109_TOOLBOX_AFTMKT
109 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Modified CM109_TOOLBOX_DMG
109 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Operational CM109_TOOLBOX_EQUIP
109 (cont.) Tools, tool box - Original Equipment CM109_TOOLBOX_MOD
109 (cont.) Side covers - Aftermarket CM109_TOOLBOX_OPER
109 (cont.) Side covers - Damaged in Crash CM109_TOOLBOX_ORIG
110 Side covers - Equipped CM110_SIDECOVERS_AFTMKT
110 (cont.) Side covers - Modified CM110_SIDECOVERS_DMG
110 (cont.) Side covers - Operational CM110_SIDECOVERS_EQUIP
110 (cont.) Side covers - Original Equipment CM110_SIDECOVERS_MOD
110 (cont.) Trailer - Aftermarket CM110_SIDECOVERS_OPER
110 (cont.) Trailer - Damaged in Crash CM110_SIDECOVERS_ORIG
111 Trailer - Equipped CM111_TRAILER_AFTMKT
111 (cont.) Trailer - Modified CM111_TRAILER_DMG
111 (cont.) Trailer - Operational CM111_TRAILER_EQUIP
111 (cont.) Trailer - Original Equipment CM111_TRAILER_MOD
111 (cont.) Side Car - Aftermarket CM111_TRAILER_OPER
112 Side Car - Damaged in Crash CM112_SIDECAR_AFTMKT
112 (cont.) Side Car - Equipped CM112_SIDECAR_DMG
112 (cont.) Side Car - Modified CM112_SIDECAR_EQUIP
112 (cont.) Side Car - Operational CM112_SIDECAR_MOD
112 (cont.) Side Car - Original Equipment CM112_SIDECAR_OPER
Table 18. List of variables in the Motorcycle Dynamics Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number MD000_CASEID
1 Pre-crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event MD001_PRECRASHMOTIONPREPRCIP
1 (cont.) Pre-crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event - Text MD001_PRECRASHMOTIONPREPRCIPTXT
2 Travel Speed MD002_TRAVELSPEED
3 Travel Speed Confidence Interval MD003_SPEEDCONFINTERVAL
3 (cont.) Travel Speed Confidence Interval MD003_SPEEDCONFINTERVALSIGN
4 Line of Sight to Other Vehicle MD004_LINEOFSIGHTTOOV
5 Pre-crash Motion After Precipitating Event MD005_PRECRASHMOTIONPSTPRCIP
5 (cont.) Pre-crash Motion After Precipitating Event - Text MD005_PRECRASHMOTIONPSTPRCIPTXT
6 Crash Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 1 MD006_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION1
6 (cont.) Crash Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 2 MD006_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION2
6 (cont.) Crash Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 3 MD006_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION3
6 (cont.) Crash Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 4 MD006_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION4
6 (cont.) Crash Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Text MD006_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTIONTXT
7 Breaking Skid Marks on Highway MD007_SKIDMARKSDESCRIP
7 (cont.) Breaking Skid Marks on Highway - Text MD007_SKIDMARKSDESCRIPTXT
8 Length of Skid Marks on Highway - Front Tire (Feet) MD008_FRONTTIRESKIDLENGTHFEET
8 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Highway - Front Tire MD008_FRONTTIRESKIDLENGTHINCHES
8 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Highway - Rear Tire (Feet) MD008_REARTIRESKIDLENGTHFEET
8 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Highway - Rear Tire (Inches) MD008_REARTIRESKIDLENGTHINCHES
9 Breaking Skid Mark Evidence on Highway MD009_SKIDEVIDENCEONROAD
9 (cont.) Breaking Skid Mark Evidence on Highway - Text MD009_SKIDEVIDENCEONROADTXT
10 Braking Tire Striation Evidence MD010_TIRESTRIATIONEVIDENCE
10 (cont.) Braking Tire Striation Evidence - Text MD010_TIRESTRIATIONEVIDENCETXT
12 Acceleration Evidence on Rear Tire MD012_REARTIREACCELEVIDENCE
12 (cont.) Acceleration Evidence on Rear Tire - Text MD012_REARTIREACCELEVIDENCETXT
14 Cornering Skid Mark Evidence on Roadway MD014_CORNERINGSKIDEVIDENCE
14 (cont.) Cornering Skid Mark Evidence on Roadway - Text MD014_CORNERINGSKIDEVIDENCETXT
15 Cornering Tire Striation Evidence MD015_CORNERINGTIRESTRIATION
15 (cont.) Cornering Tire Striation Evidence - Text MD015_CORNERINGTIRESTRIATIONTXT
16 Motorcycle First Collision Contact Code MD016_MCFRSTCOLLISIONCONTACT
16 (cont.) Motorcycle First Collision Contact Code - Text MD016_MCFRSTCOLLISIONCONTACTTXT
17 Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) - Item 1 MD017_OBJECTCONTACTED1
17 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) - Item 1 - Text MD017_OBJECTCONTACTED1TXT
17 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) - Item 2 MD017_OBJECTCONTACTED2
17 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) - Item 2 - Text MD017_OBJECTCONTACTED2TXT
17 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) - Item 3 MD017_OBJECTCONTACTED3
17 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) - Item - Text MD017_OBJECTCONTACTED3TXT
18 Motorcycle Impact Speed in MPH MD018_MCIMPACTSPEED
19 Roll Attitude Angle (Sign) MD019_ROLLATTITUDEANGLE
19 (cont.) Roll Attitude Angle in Degrees MD019_ROLLATTITUDEANGLESIGN
20 Slideslip Angle is Degrees MD020_SIDESLIPANGLE
20 (cont.) Slideslip Angle is Degrees - Text MD020_SIDESLIPANGLETXT
21 Relative Heading Angle (Sign) MD021_RELATIVEHEADINGANGLE
21 (cont.) Relative Heading Angle MD021_RELATIVEHEADINGANGLESIGN
22 Principle Direction of Force MD022_PRINCIPLEDIROFFORCE
23 Calculated Time from Precipitating Event to Impact MD023_TIMEPRCIPEVENTTOIMPACT
24 Motorcycle Motion Code MD024_MCMOTION
24 (cont.) Motorcycle Motion Code - Text MD024_MCMOTIONTXT
25 Distance from POI to Motorcycle POR (Sign) MD025_DISTPOITOMCPORSIGN
25 (cont.) Distance from POI to Motorcycle POR (Feet) MD025_DISTPOITOMCPORFEET
25 (cont.) Distance from POI to Motorcycle POR (Inches) MD025_DISTPOITOMCPORINCHES
25 (cont.) Offset Distance from POI to Motorcycle POR (Sign) MD025_OFFSETPOITOMCPORSIGN
25 (cont.) Offset Distance from POI to Motorcycle POR (Feet) MD025_OFFSETPOITOMCPORFEET
25 (cont.) Offset Distance from POI to Motorcycle POR (Inches) MD025_OFFSETPOITOMCPORINCHES
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
26 Post-crash Scrape Marks on Motorcycle MD026_POSTCRASHSCRAPESONMC
26 (cont.) Post-crash Scrape Marks on Motorcycle - Text MD026_POSTCRASHSCRAPESONMCTXT
27 Rider Motion Code MD027_MCRMOTIONCODE
27 (cont.) Rider Motion Code - Text MD027_MCRMOTIONCODETXT
28 Distance from POI to Rider POR (Feet) MD028_DISTPOITOPORFEET
28 (cont.) Distance from POI to Rider POR (Inches) MD028_DISTPOITOPORINCHES
28 (cont.) Passenger Motion Code MD029_MCPMOTIONCODE
29 Passenger Motion Code - Text MD029_MCPMOTIONCODETXT
30 Distance from POI to Passenger POR (Feet) MD030_MCPPOITOPORFEET
30 (cont.) Distance from POI to Passenger POR (Inches) MD030_MCPPOITOPORINCHES
30 (cont.) Post-crash Crash Scene Scrape Marks MD031_POSTCRASHSCENESCRAPES
30 (cont.) Post-crash Crash Scene Scrape Marks - Text MD031_POSTCRASHSCENESCRAPESTXT
31 Tire Size - Front MD032_FRONTTIRESIZE
31 (cont.) Tire Size - Front - Text MD032_FRONTTIRESIZETXT
32 Tire Size - Rear MD032_REARTIRESIZE
32 (cont.) Tire Size - Rear - Text MD032_REARTIRESIZETXT
32 (cont.) Tire Inflation Pressure Post-Crash - Front MD033_POSTCRASHFRONTTIREPSI
32 (cont.) Tire Inflation Pressure Post-Crash - Front - Text MD033_POSTCRASHFRONTTIREPSITXT
33 Tire Inflation Pressure Post-Crash - Rear MD033_POSTCRASHREARTIREPSI
33 (cont.) Tire Inflation Pressure Post-Crash - Rear - Text MD033_POSTCRASHREARTIREPSITXT
33 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Front Tire or Wheel - MD034_CONTFACTORFRONTWHEELTXT
33 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Front Tire or Wheel MD034_CONTFACTORFRONTWHEEL
34 Contributing Factor Related to Rear Tire or Wheel MD034_CONTFACTORFACTORREARWHEEL
34 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Rear Tire or Wheel - MD034_CONTFACTORREARWHEELTXT
34 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Front Suspension MD035_CONTRIBFRONTSUSPEND
34 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Front Suspension MD035_CONTFACTORFRONTSUSPENDTXT
Condition - Text
35 Contributing Factor Related to Rear Suspension Condition MD035_CONTFACTORREARSUSPEND
35 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Rear Suspension MD035_CONTFACTORREARSUSPENDTXT
Condition - Text
35 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Frame Condition MD036_CONTFACTORFRAME
35 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Frame Condition - Text MD036_CONTFACTORFRAMETXT
35 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to Cornering Clearance MD037_CONTFACTORCORNERCLEAR
36 Contributing Factor Related to Cornering Clearance - Text MD037_CONTFACTORCORNERCLEARTXT
36 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to the Seat MD038_CONTFACTORSEAT
37 Contributing Factor Related to the Seat - Text MD038_CONTFACTORSEATTXT
37 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to the Drive Chain, Belt, MD039_CONTFACTORDRIVECHAIN
or Shaft Condition
38 Contributing Factor Related to the Drive Chain, Belt, or MD039_CONTFACTORDRIVECHAINTXT
Shaft Condition - Text
38 (cont.) Contributing Factor Related to the Exhaust System MD040_CONTFACTOREXHAUSTSYS
39 Contributing Factor Related to the Exhaust System MD040_CONTFACTOREXHAUSTSYSTXT
Condition - Text
39 (cont.) Contributing Motorcycle Vehicle Failure MD041_CONTFACTORMCFAILURE
40 Contributing Motorcycle Vehicle Failure - Text MD041_CONTFACTORMCFAILURETXT
40 (cont.) Was a Pre-Crash Fire a Contributing Factor MD042_CONTFACTORPRECRASHFIRE
41 Was The Cargo/Luggage a Contributing Factor MD043_CONTFACTORCARGO
41 (cont.) Was The Cargo/Luggage a Contributing Factor - Text MD043_CONTFACTORCARGOTXT
Table 19. List of variables in the Injury Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number IF000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Vehicle Number IF000_VEHNUMBER
0 (cont.) Person Identifier IF000_PASSENGERNUM
All Rows of All 15 Elements Recorded for Each Injury --
Injury Form
0 (cont.) Source of Injury Data IF_INJURYDATASOURCE
0 (cont.) Body Region IF_INJURYSOURCETXT
0 (cont.) Type of Anatomical Structure IF_BODYREGION
0 (cont.) Specific Anatomical Structure IF_ANATOMICSTRUCTURE
0 (cont.) Severity IF_LEVELOFINJURY
0 (cont.) Localizer1 IF_INJURYSEVERITY
0 (cont.) Localizer2 IF_LOCALIZER1
0 (cont.) 1st Injury Source IF_LOCALIZER2
0 (cont.) 1st Injury Source - Text IF_FIRSTINJURYSOURCE
0 (cont.) 2nd Injury Source IF_FIRSTINJURYSOURCETXT
0 (cont.) 2nd Injury Source - Text IF_SECONDINJURYSOURCE
0 (cont.) 1st Injury Source Confidence Level IF_SECONDINJURYSOURCETXT
0 (cont.) 2nd Injury Source Confidence Level IF_FIRSTINJURYSOURCECONFIDENCE
0 (cont.) Occupant Direct/Indirect Injury IF_SECONDINJURYSOURCECONFIDENCE
0 (cont.) IDC-9 IF_FCI
151 Blood Alcohol Concentration IF151_BLOODALCOHOL
152 Alcohol/Drug Impairment IF152_ALCOHOLDRUGIMPAIRMENT
152 (cont.) Alcohol/Drug Impairment - Text IF152_ALCOHOLDRUGIMPAIRMENTTXT
153 Source of BAC information IF153_BACINFORMATIONSOURCE
154 Time Span from Crash to BAC Collection IF154_TIMECRASHTOBACCOLLECTHR
154 (cont.) Time Span from Crash to BAC Collection IF154_TIMECRASHTOBACCOLLECTMIN
154 (cont.) Time Span from Crash to BAC Collection - Text IF154_TIMECRASHTOBACCOLLECTTXT
155 Type of Drugs other than Alcohol IF155_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPE
155 (cont.) Type of Drugs other than Alcohol - Text IF155_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPETXT
156 Source of Drugs other than Alcohol IF156_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE
157 Injury Severity Score IF157_INJURYSEVERITYSCORE
158 Trauma Status IF158_TRAUMASTATUS
158 (cont.) Trauma Status - Text IF158_TRAUMASTATUSTXT
159 Number of Days of Hospital Admission IF159_NUMBEROFDAYSINHOSPITAL
159 (cont.) Number of Days of Hospital Admission - Text IF159_NUMBEROFDAYSINHOSPITALTXT
160 Death Within How Many Days IF160_DEATHAFTERCRASHDAYS
160 (cont.) Death Within How Many Days - Text IF160_DEATHAFTERCRASHDAYSTXT
Table 20. List of variables in the Other Vehicle Driver Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number OD000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Source OD000_SOURCE
0 (cont.) Vehicle Number OD000_VEHICLENUMBER
1 Pre-Crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event OD001_PRECRASHMCOPERATION
1 (cont.) Pre-Crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event - Text OD001_PRECRASHMCOPERATIONTXT
2 Sight line at the Start of the Crash Sequence OD002_PRECRASHSIGHTLINE
2 (cont.) Sight line at the Start of the Crash Sequence - Text OD002_PRECRASHSIGHTLINETXT
3 Travel Lane Just Before the Precipitating Event OD003_TRAVELLANEPREPRCIP
3 (cont.) Travel Lane Just Before the Precipitating Event - Text OD003_TRAVELLANEPREPRCIPTXT
4 Travel Speed Before the Precipitating Event OD004_TRAVELSPEEDPREPRCIP
4 (cont.) Travel Speed Before the Precipitating Event - Text OD004_TRAVELSPEEDPREPRCIPTXT
5 Collision Avoidance Actions (Code up to 3) - Item 1 OD005_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT1
5 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions (Code up to 3) - Item 2 OD005_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT2
5 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions (Code up to 3) - Item 3 OD005_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACT3
5 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Actions - Text OD005_COLLISIONAVOIDANCEACTTXT
6 Description of Control Loss Due To Weather, Roadway Or OD006_OTHERFACTORSCONTROLLOSS
Mechanical Problems
6 (cont.) Description of Control Loss Due To Weather, OD006_OTHERFACTORSCONTROLLOSS
Roadway Or Mechanical Problems
7 Number of Passengers OD007_NUMBEROFOVPASSENGERS
8 Did OV Passenger Contribute to Crash OD008_OVPCONTRIBFACTORS
8 (cont.) Did OV Passenger Contribute to Crash - Text OD008_OVPCONTRIBFACTORSTXT
9 Clarity of Line of Sight to Motorcycle OD009_SIGHTLINETOMCCLEARED
9 (cont.) Clarity of Line of Sight to Motorcycle - Text OD009_SIGHTLINETOMCCLEAREDTXT
10 Object Obstructing View OD010_OBSTRUCTINGOBJECTINVIEW
10 (cont.) Object Obstructing View - Text OD010_OBSTRUCTINGOBJECTINVIEWTXT
11 Was View to Motorcycle Obscured OD011_VIEWTOMCOBSCURED
11 (cont.) Was View to Motorcycle Obscured - Text OD011_VIEWTOMCOBSCUREDTXT
12 Distractions OD012_OVDDISTRACTED
12 (cont.) Distractions - Text OD012_OVDDISTRACTEDTXT
13 Start Point Of The Trip OD013_TRIPORIGIN
13 (cont.) Start Point Of The Trip - Text OD013_TRIPORIGINTXT
14 Trip Destination OD014_TRIPDESTINATION
14 (cont.) Trip Destination - Text OD014_TRIPDESTINATIONTXT
15 Trip Distance In Miles OD015_ONEWAYTRIPMILEAGE
16 Frequency Of Travel On This Road On/In Any Vehicle OD016_FREQUENCYROUTETRAVELLED
17 Time Driving Today Prior To The Crash (Hours) OD017_RIDETIMEPRIORTOCRASHHRS
17 (cont.) Time Driving Today Prior To The Crash (Minutes) OD017_RIDETIMEPRIORTOCRASHMINS
17 (cont.) Time Driving Today Prior To The Crash - Text OD017_RIDETIMEPRIORTOCRASHTXT
18 Total Miles Traveled Before The Crash Occurred OD018_MILESRODEPRIORTOCRASH
18 (cont.) Total Miles Traveled Before The Crash Occurred - OD018_MILESRODEPRIORTOCRASHTXT
19 Physical Impairment (Code up to 3) - Item 1 OD019_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT1
19 (cont.) Physical Impairment (Code up to 3) - Item 2 OD019_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT2
19 (cont.) Physical Impairment (Code up to 3) - Item 3 OD019_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENT3
19 (cont.) Physical Impairment - Text OD019_PHYSICALIMPAIRMENTTXT
20 Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) - OD020_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN1
Item 1
20 (cont.) Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up OD020_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN2
to 3) - Item 2
20 (cont.) Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up OD020_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERN3
to 3) - Item 3
20 (cont.) Physiological Status At The Time Of Crash - Text OD020_PHYSIOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
21 Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up to 3) OD021_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN1
- Item 1
21 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up OD021_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN2
to 3) - Item 2
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
21 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash (Code up OD021_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERN3
to 3) - Item 3
21 (cont.) Psychological Status At The Time Of Crash - Text OD021_PSYCHOLOGICALCONCERNTXT
22 Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash OD022_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRS
22 (cont.) Sleep In Hours 24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text OD022_AMTSLEEPLAST24HRSTXT
23 Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption OD023_DRUGSLAST24HRS
24 Hours Prior To The Crash
23 (cont.) Alcohol Or Any Drugs Or Medications Consumption OD023_DRUGSLAST24HRSTXT
24 Hours Prior To The Crash - Text
24 Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol OD024_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPE
24 (cont.) Type Of Drugs Other Than Alcohol - Text OD024_NONALCOHOLICDRUGTYPETXT
25 Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to 3) - OD025_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE1
Item 1
25 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to OD025_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE2
3) - Item 2
25 (cont.) Source Of The Drugs Other Than Alcohol (Code up to OD025_NONALCOHOLICDRUGSOURCE3
3) - Item 3
26 Time Driving Any Kind of Motor Vehicle (Years) OD026_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLEYR
26 (cont.) Time Driving Any Kind of Motor Vehicle (Months) OD026_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLEMO
26 (cont.) Time Driving Any Kind of Motor Vehicle - Text OD026_TIMEDRIVINGANYVEHICLETXT
27 Time Driving the Crash-Involved Motorcycle/Motor OD027_DRIVINGEXPERIENCETHISOVYR
Vehicle (Years)
27 (cont.) Time Driving the Crash-Involved Motorcycle/Motor OD027_DRIVINGEXPERIENCETHISOVMO
Vehicle (Months)
27 (cont.) Time Driving the Crash-Involved Motorcycle/Motor OD027_DRIVINGEXPERIENCETHISOVTXT
Vehicle - Text
28 Miles/Year Drive Car or Truck OD028_OVDRIVENINMILESPERYEAR
28 (cont.) Miles/Year Drive Car or Truck - Text OD028_OVDRIVENINMILESPERYEARTXT
29 Type Of Driving Training Driver Had OD029_TYPEOFDRIVINGTRAINING
29 (cont.) Type Of Driving Training Driver Had - Text OD029_TYPEOFDRIVINGTRAININGTXT
30 Number Of Traffic Convictions In Previous 5 Years OD030_RECENTTRAFFICCONVICTIONS
31 Number Of Motorcycle Moving Traffic Crashes In Past 5 OD031_MCCRASHESLAST5YRS
32 Number Of Car Or Truck Traffic Crashes In Past 5 Years OD032_OVCRASHESLAST5YRS
33 Do You Currently Ride a Street Motorcycle? OD033_RIDESASTREETMC
33 (cont.) Do You Currently Ride a Street Motorcycle? - Text OD033_RIDESASTREETMCTXT
34 Motorcycle Riding experience (Years) OD034_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCEYR
34 (cont.) Motorcycle Riding experience (Months) OD034_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCEMO
34 (cont.) Motorcycle Riding experience - Text OD034_MCRIDINGEXPERIENCETXT
35 Average Number Of Days/Year Driver Rides Motorcycles OD035_AVERAGEDAYSRIDINGMC
35 (cont.) Average Number Of Days/Year Driver Rides OD035_AVERAGEDAYSRIDINGMCTXT
Motorcycles - Text
36 Miles/Year Driver Rides Motorcycles OD036_MCRIDDENINMILES
36 (cont.) Miles/Year Driver Rides Motorcycles - Text OD036_MCRIDDENINMILESTXT
37 Time Of Riding a Motorcycle Versus Another Type of OD037_PERCENTTRAVELBYMC
Vehicle In Percentage
37 (cont.) Time Of Driving Another Type of Vehicle Versus OD037_PERCENTTRAVELBYOVTYPE
Riding a Motorcycle In Percentage
38 When You Ride A Motorcycle, What Is The Percentage Of OD038_PERCENTRECREATIONALUSE
Time You Use It For Recreation
38 (cont.) When You Ride A Motorcycle, What Is The OD038_PERCENTTRANSPORTATIONUSE
Percentage Of Time You Use It For Transportation
39 Age At The Time of The Crash OD039_MCRYEARSOFAGE
40 Driver Injury In This Crash OD040_INJUREDINCRASH
41 Type Of Medical Treatment Received OD041_TYPEOFMEDICALTREATMENT
41 (cont.) Type Of Medical Treatment Received - Text OD041_TYPEOFMEDICALTREATMENTTXT
42 State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued OD042_LICENSEISSUER
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
42 (cont.) State/Country Where Current Driver’s License Issued - OD042_LICENSEISSUERTXT
43 Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 1 OD043_LICENSETYPE1
43 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 2 OD043_LICENSETYPE2
43 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 3 OD043_LICENSETYPE3
43 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License (Code up to 4) - Item 4 OD043_LICENSETYPE4
43 (cont.) Type Of Operator’s License - Text OD043_LICENSETYPETXT
44 Year License 1 Issued OD044_YEARLICENSEISSUED1
44 (cont.) Year License 2 Issued OD044_YEARLICENSEISSUED2
44 (cont.) Year License 3 Issued OD044_YEARLICENSEISSUED3
44 (cont.) Year License 4 Issued OD044_YEARLICENSEISSUED4
45 Does Your License Qualify You to Operate This Motor OD045_LICENSEAPPLIESTOTHISOV
46 Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino OD046_HISPANICORIGIN
46 (cont.) Riders Origin - Hispanic Or Latino - Text OD046_HISPANICORIGINTXT
47 Race (Code up to 4) - Item 1 OD047_RACE1
47 (cont.) Race (Code up to 4) - Item 2 OD047_RACE2
47 (cont.) Race (Code up to 4) - Item 3 OD047_RACE3
47 (cont.) Race (Code up to 4) - Item 4 OD047_RACE4
47 (cont.) Race - Text OD047_RACETXT
48 Riders Height (Feet) OD048_MCRHEIGHTFEET
48 (cont.) Riders Height (Inches) OD048_MCRHEIGHTINCHES
49 Riders Weight (Pounds) OD049_MCRWEIGHT
50 Gender OD050_GENDER
51 Level Of Formal Education OD051_LEVELOFEDUCATION
51 (cont.) Level Of Formal Education - Text OD051_LEVELOFEDUCATIONTXT
52 Current Occupation OD052_CURRENTOCCUPATION
52 (cont.) Current Occupation - Text OD052_CURRENTOCCUPATIONTXT
53 Are You Required to Wear Corrective Lenses When OD053_CORRECTIVELENSESREQD
53 (cont.) Are You Required to Wear Corrective Lenses When OD053_CORRECTIVELENSESREQDTXT
Riding/Driving? - Text
54 Were Corrective Lenses In Use at the Time of the Crash? OD054_CORRECTIVELENSESUSED
54 (cont.) Were You Wearing Corrective Lenses at the Time of OD054_CORRECTIVELENSESUSEDTXT
the Crash? - Text
55 Marital Status OD055_MARITALSTATUS
55 (cont.) Marital Status - Text OD055_MARITALSTATUSTXT
56 Number Of Children OD056_NUMBEROFCHILDREN
56 (cont.) Number Of Children - Text OD056_NUMBEROFCHILDRENTXT
57 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) OD057_BLOODALCOHOL
57 (cont.) Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) - Text OD057_BLOODALCOHOLTXT
58 Source of BAC information OD058_BACINFORMATIONSOURCE
58 (cont.) Source of BAC information - Text OD058_BACINFORMATIONSOURCETXT
Table 21. List of variables in the Other Vehicle Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number OV000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Vehicle Number OV000_VEHICLENUMBER
1 Vehicle Body Type OV001_OVBODYTYPE
1 (cont.) Vehicle Body Type - Text OV001_OVBODYTYPETXT
2 Vehicle Manufacturer OV002_OVMANUFACTURER
2 (cont.) Vehicle Manufacturer - Text OV002_OVMANUFACTURERTXT
3 Vehicle Model OV003_OVMODEL
3 (cont.) Vehicle Model - Text OV003_OVMODELTXT
4 Model Year OV004_OVMODELYEAR
5 Vehicle Identification Number OV005_VIN
6 Vehicle Curb Weight OV006_CURBWEIGHT
7 Is This Vehicle Equipped With ABS OV007_ABSEQUIPPED
7 (cont.) Is This Vehicle Equipped With ABS - Text OV007_ABSEQUIPPEDTXT
8 Did This Vehicle Experience Mechanical Problems OV008_MECHPROBEXPERIENCED
8 (cont.) Did This Vehicle Experience Mechanical Problems - OV008_MECHPROBEXPERIENCEDTXT
9 Pre-crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event OV009_PRECRASHMOTIONPREPRCIP
9 (cont.) Pre-crash Motion Prior to Precipitating Event - Text OV009_PRECRASHMOTIONPREPRCIPTXT
10 Travel Speed At Time of Precipitating Event OV010_SPEEDATPRCIPEVENT
11 Line of Sight to Motorcycle OV011_LINEOFSIGHTTOMC
12 Pre-crash Motion after Precipitating Event OV012_OVMOTIONPOSTPRECIPEVNT
12 (cont.) Pre-crash Motion after Precipitating Event - Text OV012_OVMOTIONPOSTPRECIPEVNTTXT
13 Collision Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 1 OV013_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION1
13 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 2 OV013_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION2
13 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 3 OV013_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION3
13 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Action (Code up to 4) - Item 4 OV013_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTION4
13 (cont.) Collision Avoidance Action - Text OV013_CRASHAVOIDANCEACTIONTXT
14 Braking Skid Marks on Roadway OV014_SKIDMARKSDESCRIP
14 (cont.) Braking Skid Marks on Roadway - Text OV014_SKIDMARKSDESCRIPTXT
15 Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Left Front Tire (Feet) OV015_LFRONTTIRESKIDLENGTHFEET
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Left Front Tire OV015_LFRONTTIRESKIDLENGTHINCHES
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Left Rear Tire OV015_LREARTIRESKIDLENGTHFEET
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Left Rear Tire OV015_LREARTIRESKIDLENGTHINCHES
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Right Front Tire OV015_RFRONTTIRESKIDLENGTHFEET
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Right Front Tire OV015_RFRONTTIRESKIDLENGTHINCHES
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Right Rear Tire OV015_RREARTIRESKIDLENGTHFEET
15 (cont.) Length of Skid Marks on Roadway - Right Rear Tire OV015_RREARTIRESKIDLENGTHINCHES
16 Braking Skid Mark Evidence on Roadway OV016_SKIDEVIDENCEONROAD
16 (cont.) Braking Skid Mark Evidence on Roadway - Text OV016_SKIDEVIDENCEONROADTXT
17 Braking Tire Striation Evidence OV017_TIRESTRIATIONEVIDENCE
17 (cont.) Braking Tire Striation Evidence - Text OV017_TIRESTRIATIONEVIDENCETXT
18 Acceleration Evidence on Tires OV018_TIREACCELEVIDENCE
18 (cont.) Acceleration Evidence on Tires - Text OV018_TIREACCELEVIDENCETXT
19 Cornering Skid Mark Evidence on Roadway OV019_CORNERINGSKIDEVIDENCE
19 (cont.) Cornering Skid Mark Evidence on Roadway - Text OV019_CORNERINGSKIDEVIDENCETXT
20 Cornering Tire Striation Evidence OV020_CORNERINGTIRESTRIATION
20 (cont.) Cornering Tire Striation Evidence - Text OV020_CORNERINGTIRESTRIATIONTXT
21 Other Vehicle First-Collision Contact Code OV021_OVFRSTCOLLISIONCONTACT
21 (cont.) Other Vehicle First-Collision Contact Code - Text OV021_OVFRSTCOLLISIONCONTACTTXT
22 Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) Item 1 OV022_OBJECTCONTACTED1
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
22 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) Item 1 - Text OV022_OBJECTCONTACTED1TXT
22 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) Item 2 OV022_OBJECTCONTACTED2
22 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) Item 2 - Text OV022_OBJECTCONTACTED2TXT
22 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) Item 3 OV022_OBJECTCONTACTED3
22 (cont.) Object(s) Contacted (Code up to 3) Item 3 - Text OV022_OBJECTCONTACTED3TXT
23 Impact Speed In MPH OV023_OVIMPACTSPEED
24 PDOF - Principal Direction of Force (In Degrees) OV024_PRINCIPLEDIROFFORCE
25 Other Vehicle Post-Crash Motion Code OV025_OVPOSTCRASHMOTION
25 (cont.) Other Vehicle Post-Crash Motion Code - Text OV025_OVPOSTCRASHMOTIONTXT
26 Distance from POI to POR (Sign) OV026_DISTPOITOOVPORSIGN
26 (cont.) Distance from POI to POR (Feet) OV026_DISTPOITOOVPORFEET
26 (cont.) Distance from POI to POR (Inches) OV026_DISTPOITOOVPORINCHES
26 (cont.) Offset Distance from POI to POR (Sign) OV026_OFFSETPOITOOVPORSIGN
26 (cont.) Offset Distance from POI to POR (Feet) OV026_OFFSETPOITOOVPORFEET
26 (cont.) Offset Distance from POI to POR (Inches) OV026_OFFSETPOITOOVPORINCHES
--not applicable.
Table 22. List of variables in the Helmet Form.
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
0 Case Number HF000_CASEID
0 (cont.) Motorcycle or Other Vehicle Number HF000_VEHNUMBER
0 (cont.) Person Number HF000_PASSENGERNUMBER
1 Wearer of Helmet HF001_HELMETWEARER
1 (cont.) Wearer of Helmet - Text HF001_HELMETWEARERTXT
2 Wearing Helmet on Head HF002_HELMETONHEAD
2 (cont.) Wearing Helmet on Head - Text HF002_HELMETONHEADTXT
3 Was Helmet Properly Adjusted on Head HF003_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTED
3 (cont.) Was Helmet Properly Adjusted on Head - Text HF003_HELMETPROPERLYADJUSTEDTXT
4 Was Your Helmet Securely Fastened to Your Head HF004_HELMETPROPERYTSECURED
4 (cont.) Was Your Helmet Securely Fastened to Your Head - HF004_HELMETPROPERLYSECUREDTXT
5 Type of Helmet HF005_HELMETTYPE
5 (cont.) Type of Helmet - Text HF005_HELMETTYPETXT
6 Type of Coverage HF006_HELMETCOVERAGE
6 (cont.) Type of Coverage - Text HF006_HELMETCOVERAGETXT
7 Predominating Color HF007_HELMETCOLOR
7 (cont.) Predominating Color - Text HF007_HELMETCOLORTXT
8 Color of Face Shield, if Present HF008_FACESHIELDCOLOR
8 (cont.) Color of Face Shield, if Present - Text HF008_FACESHIELDCOLORTXT
9 Helmet Owned by Wearer HF009_HELMETWEARERISOWNER
9 (cont.) Helmet Owned by Wearer - Text HF009_HELMETWEARERISOWNERTXT
10 Helmet Fit HF010_HELMETFIT
10 (cont.) Helmet Fit - Text HF010_HELMETFITTXT
11 Claimed Frequency of Helmet Use on Head HF011_CLAIMEDFREQOFHELMETUSE
12 Conditions Under Which Helmet Use on Head (Code up HF012_HELMETUSECONDITION1
to 4) - Item 1
12 (cont.) Conditions Under Which Helmet Use on Head HF012_HELMETUSECONDITION2
(Code up to 4) - Item 2
12 (cont.) Conditions Under Which Helmet Use on Head HF012_HELMETUSECONDITION3
(Code up to 4) - Item 3
12 (cont.) Conditions Under Which Helmet Use on Head HF012_HELMETUSECONDITION4
(Code up to 4) - Item 4
12 (cont.) Conditions Under Which Helmet Use on Head - HF012_HELMETUSECONDITIONTXT
13 Helmet Manufacturer HF013_HELMETMANUFACTURER
13 (cont.) Helmet Manufacturer - Text HF013_HELMETMANUFACTURERTXT
14 Date of Manufacture HF014_MANUFACTUREDATE
15 Helmet Model, List or Code Model - Text HF015_HELMETMODELTXT
16 Conformity to Which Standards (Code up to 4) - Item 1 HF016_HELMETSTANDARDMET1
16 (cont.) Conformity to Which Standards (Code up to 4) - HF016_HELMETSTANDARDMET2
Item 2
16 (cont.) Conformity to Which Standards (Code up to 4) - HF016_HELMETSTANDARDMET3
Item 3
16 (cont.) Conformity to Which Standards (Code up to 4) - HF016_HELMETSTANDARDMET4
Item 4
16 (cont.) Conformity to Which Standards - Text HF016_HELMETSTANDARDMETTXT
17 Labeled Size, in Inches and Eighths HF017_HELMETSIZE
17 (cont.) Labeled Size, in Inches and Eighths - Text HF017_HELMETSIZETXT
18 Helmet Mass HF018_HELMETMASS
19 Condition Prior to Crash HF019_HELMETPRIORCONDITION
19 (cont.) Condition Prior to Crash - Text HF019_HELMETPRIORCONDITIONTXT
20 Type of Helmet Retention System HF020_HELMETRETENSIONSYSTEM
20 (cont.) Type of Helmet Retention System - Text HF020_HELMETRETENTIONSYSTEMTXT
21 Was Helmet Retained in Place on Head During Crash HF021_HELMETRETAINEDINCRASH
21 (cont.) Was Helmet Retained in Place on Head During HF021_HELMETRETAINEDINCRASHTXT
Crash - Text
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
22 Was There a Retention System Failure HF022_HELMETRETENTIONFAILURE
23 Type of Retention System Failure HF023_HELMETRETENTIONFAILTYPE
23 (cont.) Type of Retention System Failure - Text HF023_HELMETRETENTIONFAILTYPETXT
24 Hemet External Damage Marks 1 - Type HF024_HELMETDAMAGE1TYPE
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 1 - Location HF024_HELMETDAMAGE1LOCATION
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 1 - Text HF024_HELMETDAMAGE1TXT
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 2 - Type HF024_HELMETDAMAGE2TYPE
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 2 - Location HF024_HELMETDAMAGE2LOCATION
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 2 - Text HF024_HELMETDAMAGE2TXT
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 3 - Type HF024_HELMETDAMAGE3TYPE
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 3 - Location HF024_HELMETDAMAGE3LOCATION
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 3 - Text HF024_HELMETDAMAGE3TXT
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 4 - Type HF024_HELMETDAMAGE4TYPE
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 4 - Location HF024_HELMETDAMAGE4LOCATION
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 4 - Text HF024_HELMETDAMAGE4TXT
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 5 - Type HF024_HELMETDAMAGE5TYPE
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 5 - Location HF024_HELMETDAMAGE5LOCATION
24 (cont.) Hemet External Damage Marks 5 - Text HF024_HELMETDAMAGE5TXT
25 (cont.) Type of Helmet - Text HF025_MCOROTHERHELMETTYPETXT
26 Lens or Shield Material, if Used HF026_LENSMATERIAL
26 (cont.) Lens or Shield Material, if Used - Text HF026_LENSMATERIALTXT
27 Eye Coverage Damage Locations (Code up to 4) - Item 1 HF027_EYECOVERDAMAGELOC1
27 (cont.) Eye Coverage Damage Locations (Code up to 4) - HF027_EYECOVERDAMAGELOC2
Item 2
27 (cont.) Eye Coverage Damage Locations (Code up to 4) - HF027_EYECOVERDAMAGELOC3
Item 3
27 (cont.) Eye Coverage Damage Locations (Code up to 4) - HF027_EYECOVERDAMAGELOC4
Item 4
28 Type of Damage to Eye Coverage Location 1 HF028_TYPEEYECOVERDAMAGE1
28 (cont.) Type of Damage to Eye Coverage Location 2 HF028_TYPEEYECOVERDAMAGE2
28 (cont.) Type of Damage to Eye Coverage Location 3 HF028_TYPEEYECOVERDAMAGE3
28 (cont.) Type of Damage to Eye Coverage Location 4 HF028_TYPEEYECOVERDAMAGE4
28 (cont.) Type of Damage to Eye Coverage - Text HF028_TYPEEYECOVERDAMAGETXT
29 Retention System Misuse HF029_HELMETRETENTIONMISUSE
29 (cont.) Retention System Misuse - Text HF029_HELMETRETENTIONMISUSETXT
30 (cont.) Type of Impact - Text HF030_HELMETTESTIMPACTTYPETXT
31 (cont.) Impact Location - Text HF031_HELMETTESTIMPACTLOCTXT
32 Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Left Side HF032_MOSTSEVERELFTIMPACTLOC
32 (cont.) Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Left Top HF032_MOSTSEVERELFTTOPIMPACTLOC
32 (cont.) Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Right HF032_MOSTSEVERERGTIMPACTLOC
32 (cont.) Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Right HF032_MOSTSEVERERGTTOPIMPACTLOC
32 (cont.) Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Text HF032_MOSTSEVEREIMPACTLOCTXT
33 Number of Distinct Impacts at This Location HF033_DISTINCTIMPACTSCOUNT
34 Shell Material HF034_SHELLMATERIAL
34 (cont.) Shell Material - Text HF034_SHELLMATERIALTXT
35 Shell Thickness HF035_SHELLTHICKNESS
36 Liner Material HF036_LINERMATERIAL
36 (cont.) Liner Material - Text HF036_LINERMATERIALTXT
37 Liner Thickness HF037_LINERTHICKNESS
38 Liner Density HF038_LINERDENSITY
39 Maximum Liner Crush HF039_MAXLINERCRUSH
40 Area of Liner Crush or Signature HF040_AREAOFLINERCRUSH
41 Geometry of Impacting Surface HF041_IMPACTINGSURFACEGEOM
41 (cont.) Geometry of Impacting Surface - Text HF041_IMPACTINGSURFACEGEOMTXT
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
42 Material of Impacting Surface HF042_IMPACTINGSURFACEMATL
42 (cont.) Material of Impacting Surface - Text HF042_IMPACTINGSURFACEMATLTXT
43 Which Headform Used for Replication Testing HF043_HEADFORMUSEDINTEST
43 (cont.) Which Headform Used for Replication Testing - HF043_HEADFORMUSEDINTESTTXT
44 Mass of Replication Drop Apparatus HF044_DROPAPPARATUSMASS
45 Equivalent Laboratory Testing Anvil HF045_TESTINGANVILTYPE
45 (cont.) Equivalent Laboratory Testing Anvil - Text HF045_TESTINGANVILTYPETXT
46 Helmet Impact Velocity from Crash Reconstruction HF046_CRASHIMPACTVELOCITYTEST
47 Impact Velocity from Laboratory Replication HF047_LABIMPACTVELOCITY
48 Peak Headform Acceleration HF048_PEAKHEADFORMACCEL
49 Dwell Time Above 200g HF049_DWELLTIME
50 Head Injury Criteria, HIC HF050_HEADINJURYCRITERIA
51 Gadd Severity Index, GSI HF051_GADDSEVERITYINDEX
52 Equivalent Specific Energy/Equivalent Drop Height from HF052_EQUIVENERGYRECONSTRUCT
Crash Reconstruction
53 Equivalent Specific Energy/Equivalent Drop Height from HF053_EQUIVENERGYLABTEST
Laboratory Replication
54 (cont.) Type of Impact - Text HF054_2NDHELMETTESTIMPACTTYPETXT
55 (cont.) Impact Location - Text HF055_2NDHELMETTESTIMPACTLOCTXT
56 2nd Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Left Side HF056_2NDSEVERELFTIMPACTLOC
56 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Left HF056_2NDSEVERELFTTOPIMPACTLOC
56 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - HF056_2NDSEVERERGTIMPACTLOC
Right Side
56 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - HF056_2NDSEVERERGTTOPIMPACTLOC
Right Top
56 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Clock Face Location - Text HF056_2NDSEVEREIMPACTLOCTXT
57 2nd Most Severe Impact Number of Distinct Impacts at HF057_2NDDISTINCTIMPACTSCOUNT
This Location
58 2nd Most Severe Impact Shell Material HF058_2NDSHELLMATERIAL
58 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Shell Material - Text HF058_2NDSHELLMATERIALTXT
59 2nd Most Severe Impact Shell Thickness HF059_2NDSHELLTHICKNESS
60 2nd Most Severe Impact Liner Material HF060_2NDLINERMATERIAL
60 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Liner Material - Text HF060_2NDLINERMATERIALTXT
61 2nd Most Severe Impact Liner Thickness HF061_2NDLINERTHICKNESS
62 2nd Most Severe Impact Liner Density HF062_2NDLINERDENSITY
63 2nd Most Severe Impact Maximum Liner Crush HF063_2NDMAXLINERCRUSH
64 2nd Most Severe Impact Area of Liner Crush or HF064_2NDAREAOFLINERCRUSH
65 2nd Most Severe Impact Geometry of Impacting Surface HF065_2NDIMPACTSURFACEGEOM
65 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Geometry of Impacting HF065_2NDIMPACTSURFACEGEOMTXT
Surface - Text
66 2nd Most Severe Impact Material of impacting surface HF066_2NDIMPACTSURFACEMATL
66 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Material of impacting HF066_2NDIMPACTSURFACEMATLTXT
surface - Text
67 2nd Most Severe Impact Which Headform Used for HF067_2NDHEADFORMUSEDINTEST
Replication Testing
67 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Which Headform Used for HF067_2NDHEADFORMUSEDINTESTTXT
Replication Testing - Text
68 2nd Most Severe Impact Mass of Replication Drop HF068_2NDDROPAPPARATUSMASS
69 2nd Most Severe Impact Equivalent Laboratory Testing HF069_2NDTESTINGANVILTYPE
69 (cont.) 2nd Most Severe Impact Equivalent Laboratory HF069_2NDTESTINGANVILTYPETXT
Testing Anvil - Text
Number Variable SAS® and ExcelTM Name
70 2nd Most Severe Impact Helmet Impact Velocity from HF070_2NDCRASHIMPACTVELOCITYEST
Crash Reconstruction
71 2nd Most Severe Impact Velocity from Laboratory HF071_2NDLABIMPACTVELOCITY
72 2nd Most Severe Impact Peak Headform Acceleration HF072_2NDPEAKHEADFORMACCEL
73 2nd Most Severe Impact Dwell Time Above 200g HF073_2NDDWELLTIME
74 2nd Most Severe Impact Head Injury Criteria, HIC HF074_2NDHEADINJURYCRITERIA
75 2nd Most Severe Impact Gadd Severity Index, GSI HF075_2NDGADDSEVERITYINDEX
76 2nd Most Severe Impact Equivalent Specific HF076_2NDEQUIVENERGYRECONSTRUCT
Energy/Equivalent Drop Height from Crash
77 2nd Most Severe Impact Equivalent Specific HF077_2NDEQUIVENERGYLABTEST
Energy/Equivalent Drop Height from Laboratory
2. NHTSA. “General Estimates System (GES).” (website) National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, Washington, DC. Available online:
automotive-sampling-system-nass/nass-general-estimates-system, last accessed September
28, 2018.
4. Nazemetz, J.W., Bents, F.D., Perry, J.G., Thor, C., Tan, C., and Mohamedshah, Y.M. (2019).
Motorcycle Crash Causation Study: Coding Manual, Report No. FHWA-HRT-18-039,
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
5. Nazemetz, J.W., Bents, F.D., Perry, J.G., Thor, C., Tan, C., and Mohamedshah, Y.M. (2019).
Motorcycle Crash Causation Study: Final Report, Report No. FHWA-HRT-18-064, Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
7. AAAM. “Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS).” (website) Association for the Advancement of
Automotive Medicine, Chicago, IL. Available online:
injury-scale-ais/, last accessed December 27, 2018.