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Body Structure I

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Course name Body Structure I

(Anatomy &Histology & Imaging) Musculoskeletal System
I semester
Lecturer surname, first name Meri Gonashvili – invited lecturer
Phone: 599 87 16 87; email: [email protected]
Ekaterine Mamukelashvili – invited lecturer
Phone: 599 43 63 97; email: [email protected]
Nino Sikharulidze - invited lecturer
Phone: 551 80 00 01; email: [email protected]
Marina Nebieridze – Professor
Phone: 551 11 03 30; email: [email protected]
Zakaria Hamida Sakeri – Assistant - professor
Phone: 595 58 14 13; email: [email protected]
Maia Demurishvili - Assistant professor
Phone: 555 25 88 00; email: [email protected]
Erekle Gigiadze - invited lecturer
Phone: 593331335; email: [email protected]
Lili Grigalashvili – invited lecturer
Phone: 599 32 36 39; email: [email protected]
Meri Lortkipanidze – invited lecturer
Phone: 599 39 44 48; email: [email protected]

Consultation days are fixed weekly according to the timetable, also online at
the specified address.
Course status Mandatory
ECTS credits 8 ECTS (1 credit - 25 hours) 200 hrs. (Anatomy – 4 cr., Histology – 2 cr.,
Imaging – 2 cr.)
Lecture – 29 (15+14) hrs.
Seminar – 59 hrs. (30+14+15)
Lab – 2 hrs.
Students’ workload Midterm exam- 1 hr.
Final exam- 2 hrs.
Contact hours – 93 hrs.
Individual work 107 hrs.
Course Prerequisite N/A
Course Goal(s) The aim of the course is to teach students provide the fundamental concepts
and terminology of the anatomy, organization and structure of the
musculoskeletal system, its histological structure and radiological features.
Teaching-learning forms Lecture – a process in which both a lecturer and a student take part. The basic
aim of the lecture is to help students to comprehend the major notions of the
subject taught which implies interaction and creative and active perception of
the material. Attention is paid to basic concepts, definitions, designations,
assumptions. The lecture provides scientifically concepts. Facts, examples,
schemes, drafts, experiments, and other visual aids help explain the idea
conveyed by the lecture. The lecture ensures the correct analysis of the topic
and is based on the ability of the students to perceive and understand it.
Seminar - under the supervision of a lecturer a group of students find and
perceive additional information, prepare presentations, write essays, etc. This
enables students to deepen their knowledge of the themes studied at the
lecture. At the seminar reports are presented and discussed, conclusions are
made. The lecturer coordinates these processes. Students are provided with
anatomical models, posters, atlases, microscopic specimens, view video
Discussion – collaborative exchange of ideas among a teacher and students or
among students for the purpose of furthering students thinking, learning,
problem solving skills, understanding, or literary appreciation. Participants
present multiple points of view, respond to the ideas of others, and reflect on
their own ideas in an effort to build their knowledge, understanding, or
interpretation of the matter at hand. Discussions may occur among members
of a small group, or a whole class and be teacher-led or student-led.

Quiz – written/oral test – checking the assessment of specific cases within the
studied material and skills of integration of knowledge.
OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) – an objective instrument
for the assessment of theoretical, practical and problem-solving skills in
preclinical sciences. Students are given anatomical, histological specimens,
radiological images for identification and description of its structures.

*Students have possibility to visit labs and specialized classes during their independent work
hours according to the arranged schedule and practice and learn there by using anatomical
models, posters, video recordings, microscopes and specimens.
Learning Outcomes
General Competencies
Knowledge and Understanding:
A student will be able to:
 Deep and Systemic knowledge of the field area and its critical analysis that covers some modern
achievements of the sphere, provides basis for the development of new ideas.
 Use modern methods and approaches while solving complicated problems in multidisciplinary environment.
 Analyze complex information, synthesize it, evaluate and make decisions.
Responsibility and Autonomy:
 Manage the multidisciplinary environment and adapt by using new strategic approaches.

Field-Specific Knowledge
A student will:
 Describe the structure of body, its positions and planes.
 Describe the methods of histological examination.
 Identify the classification of bones and joints, their development, radiological features.
 Describe the normal anatomy of bones, joints and ligaments, its structural elements and landmarks, their
function, histological structure, radiological features.
 Identify the classification of muscles, their development.
 Describe the normal anatomy of muscles, their function, histological structure, their structural organization
and radiological features in different planes.
 Identify clinical case through gross and macro-anatomical features in relation to the body function.
Field-Specific Competencies
9. The use of knowledge, skills and principles based on evidence.
 Analyze the published literature, case studies, provide with the analysis and make conclusions.
13. Professionalism
 Perform capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Assessment system

The grading system shall allow:

a) Five positive grades
a.a) (A) Excellent – 91-100 grade points;
a.b.) (B) Very good – 81-90 grade points;
a.c) (C) Good – 71-80 grade points;
a.d) (D) Satisfactory – 61-70 grade points;
a.e) (E) Acceptable – 51-60 grade points.

b) Two types of negative grades:

b.a) (FX) Fail – 41-50 grade points, meaning that a professional student requires some more work before passing
and is given a chance to sit an additional examination after independent work;
b.b) (F) Fail –40 and less grade points, meaning that the work of a professional student is not acceptable and
he/she has to study the subject anew.

In the case of FX assessment, the student can set for the make-up exam no less than 5 days after the
announcement of the examination results.

The minimum score for passing the midterm and final exams is 50% of the maximum score. The same applies to
the integrated course modules. In each module, the student must score 50% of the points assigned to each
module. If a student does not score the required points in a course or one or two modules of an integrated course,
they are eligible to take the makeup exam.

The minimum score for admission to the final exam is 50% of the sum of ongoing and midterm assessments.

If a student fails to pass the make-up exam, he/she will study the course / the whole integrated course (all
modules) again.

In the case of failure of the make-up exam, a student shall study the course/integrated course again with all its

In the case of failure of the make-up exam, a student shall study the course/integrated course again with all its

Interim evaluation Final exam evaluation Final evaluation

Activity 40 points Midterm Exam 20 Final Exam 40 points 100 points

Quiz (Anatomy) – 8 points (4x2) Test – 20 points Test – 40 points

Oral Quiz (Anatomy) – 12

points (3x4)
Quiz (histology) – 12 points
Quiz (Imaging) – 8 points (4x2)

Anatomy – 20 points
Activity Written quizzes are evaluated by 2 point and held 4 times during the
semester (total 8 points)

Rubric for written quiz:

2 points -Student expresses thorough knowledge consistent with asked
material; uses appropriate medical terms to name or describe presented
structure; answers all the questions without mistakes
1.5 points -Student expresses thorough knowledge consistent with asked
material; uses appropriate medical terms to name or describe presented
structure; answers all the questions with few or minor mistakes
1 point - Student expresses partial, but relevant knowledge about asked
material; uses appropriate medical terms to name or describe presented
structure; answers half of the questions with few or minor mistakes
0.5 points - Student expresses partial, but relevant knowledge about asked
material; uses some medical terms to name or describe presented structure;
answers less than half of the questions with major mistakes
0 point - Student expresses superficial, inappropriate, or irrelevant knowledge
about asked material; uses no medical terms; answers no or a few questions
with major mistakes.

Oral (practical) quiz – they are evaluated by 3 points and also held 4 times
during the semester (total 12 points)
Rubric for oral (practical) quiz:
3 points - Student identifies and describes the details of all asked anatomical
structure; uses appropriate medical terms; speaks fluently and continuously;
2 point - Student identifies all the anatomical structures, but describe some of the
details; uses appropriate medical terms; speaks fluently and continuously;
1.5 point - Student identifies some, but not all asked anatomical structure; describe
some of the details; uses some medical terms; speaks fluently and continuously;
1 point - Student identifies, but cannot describe the details of asked anatomical; uses
inappropriate medical terms; Speaks in single sentences or only in phrases;
0 point - Student cannot identify and describe the details of asked anatomical
structure; uses inappropriate medical terms; Speaks in single sentences or only in

Histology - 12 points
Quiz – is held 4 times, each is evaluated by 3 points, 3x4=12 points.
Each quiz consists of 24 MCQs (24x0.25=6) and 3 microscopic specimens –
3x2=6 points.

Rubric for MCQs:

Each correct answer earns 0.25 points
Each incorrect answer earns 0 point

Rubric for microscopic specimens:

Identifies the microscopic specimen – 1 point
Provides with the description – 1 point

Imaging – 8 points
Quiz – is held 4 times, each earns 2 points, covers 4 imaging cases, 4x2=8
Identifies the image – 0.25 point
Provides with the description – 0.25 point
Test – 20 points.
Each quiz consists of 24 MCQs (24x0.5=12) and 4 cases for OSPE 4x2=8

Rubric for MCQs:

Each correct answer earns 0.5 points
Midterm Exam Each incorrect answer earns 0 point

Rubric for OSPE:

Identifies the specimen – 1 point
Provides with the description – 1 point
Test – 40 points.
Each quiz consists of 48 MCQs (48x0.5=24) and 8 cases for OSPE 8x2=16

Rubric for MCQs:

Each correct answer earns 0.5 points
Each incorrect answer earns 0 point
Final Exam
Rubric for OSPE:
Identifies the specimen – 1 point
Provides with the description – 1 point
Textbook and course materials
Required literature 1. Gray’s Anatomy for students, Richard Drake, 4th edition, 2019, Elsevier
2. Junqueira’s Basic Histology, Anthony Mescher, 2018, McGraw-Hill
3. Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology, A Textbook of Medical
Imaging, edited by Andreas Adam, Adrian K. Dixon, Jonathan H. Gillard,
Cornelia M. Schaefer-Prokop, 2015, Elsevier Limited. 1-2 volumes
Additional literature 1. Human Anatomy & Physiology, Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn, 11th
edition, 2018, Pearson
2. Tortora, G. J. and Nielsen, M., 14th edition, Principles of human
anatomy, 2016, New York, John Wiley & Sons.

Course content

Study Teaching-learning hours Topic

week methods
Anatomy Introduction to clinically oriented anatomy.
Lecture 1 The subject of anatomy: Organization of Human body –
Seminar 2 hierarchy of structural organization, body cavities, review of
body systems;
The language of anatomy -Regional and directional terms. The
I anatomical positions, planes and its usage in clinical medicine.
Histology The subject of Histology. Types of microscopy Tissue culture.
Lecture 1 Methods of investigation, microscopic specimens. Staining.
Seminar 1 Autoradiography. Intercellular adhesion. Structural features and
function of different types of junction - anchoring, tight, gap
junction. Specializations of the apical cell surface. Microvilli.
Stereocilia. Cilia.
Imaging 1 The role of radiology in diagnostics, technical aspects and uses.
Seminar Methods of radiological examination – X-Ray, CT, MRI,
ultrasound, case related preferences.
II Anatomy Skeletal system – cartilage: types of cartilages. Bones: types,
Lecture 1 function and classification of bones, gross anatomy of bones.
Seminar 2 Bone growth, fractures, healing and remodeling. Metabolic bone
diseases: osteoporosis; rickets, osteomalacia, osteogenesis
imperfecta, osteopetrosis, Paget disease of bone.
Histology Gametogenesis - spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Fertilization.
Lecture 1 Uterus. Uterine tube. Ovaries. Female reproductive cycle.
Seminar 1 Ovarian cycle. Menstrual cycle. Transportation of gametes.
Oocyte transport. Sperm transport. Maturation of sperm.
Fertilization. Zygote. Cleavage of the Zygote. Formation of the

Imaging 1 The role of radiology in teaching and diagnostics, technical
Seminar aspects and uses. Vertebral column: its parts and features, X-Ray,
CT, MRI imaging of vertebrae.
III Anatomy Back region: composition, function, movements. Vertebral
Lecture 1 column: regions and curvatures; intervertebral discs; general
Seminar 2 structure of vertebrae; regional characteristics of cervical and
thoracic region.
Written quiz 1 (I-II weeks material) – 2 points
Histology Connective tissue, dense and loose connective tissue, histological
Lecture 1 structure. Bone cell – osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts; bone
Seminar 1 matrix; periosteum and endosteum. Histological changes in bone
tissue with advancing age.
Imaging 1 The role of radiology in teaching and diagnostics, technical
Seminar aspects and uses. Vertebral column: its parts and features, X-Ray,
CT, MRI imaging of vertebrae.
IV Anatomy Vertebral column: regional characteristics of lumbar and sacral
Lecture 1 regions; intervertebral foramen, joints and ligaments of the back,
Seminar 2 thoracic cage- anatomy of ribs; sternum. Spina bifida, scoliosis,
lordosis, kyphosis, disc herniation, vertebral fractures.
Histology Embryology and development of the axial skeleton; osteogenesis;
Lecture 1 intramembranous ossification. Classification of joints,
Seminar 1 intervertebral disc; articular cartilage; types of bones;
microscopic structure of lamellar bone, woven bone; their
Imaging 1 X-Ray imaging of the viscerocranium/facial bones. X-Ray, CT,
Seminar MRI imaging of the maxilla and mandible.
V Anatomy Skull/Cranium; temporal bones, occipital bone, sphenoid bone,
Lecture 1 ethmoid bone, bone characteristics and their markings;
Seminar 2 Oral (practical) quiz 1 (III-IV weeks material) – 3 points
Histology Bone. Osteogenesis. Growth plate. Ossification zone. Bone
Lecture 1 growth, remodeling and repair, its metabolism. Calcitonin.
Seminar 1 Parathyroid hormone.
Imaging 1 X-Ray, CT, MRI imaging of the thoracic skeleton, the ribs,
Seminar sternum, sternocostal joint, pectoral girdle, clavicle, scapula,
humerus, radius, ulna and hand bones
VI Anatomy Skull/Facial bones; Maxillae, Palatine bones, Zygomatic Bones,
Lecture 1 Lacrimal bones, Nasal bones, Nasal conchae, Vomer, Mandible;
Seminar 2 Special parts of the skull. Fractures of cranial vault, Craniofacial
abnormalities - craniosynostosis, cleft lip and palate
Histology Bone; limb growth and development, and their metabolism.
Lecture 1 Cartilage; hyaline cartilage – matrix, chondrocytes,
Seminar 1 perichondrium; Elastic cartilage; fibrocartilage. Cartilage
formation, growth and repair.

Imaging Bone; limb growth and development, and their metabolism.
Seminar 1 Cartilage; hyaline cartilage – matrix, chondrocytes,
perichondrium; Elastic cartilage; fibrocartilage. Cartilage
formation, growth and repair.
VII Anatomy Classification of joints, fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints,
Lecture 1 synovial joints and its types based on shapes; General structure
Seminar 2 of synovial joints; movements allowed by synovial joints.
Selected synovial joints – temporomandibular joint
Oral (practical) quiz 2 (V-VI weeks material) – 3 points
Histology Structure and functions of loose or areolar connective tissue.
Lecture 1 Reticular tissue. Mucoid tissue. Adipose tissue. White or
Seminar 1 unilocular and brown or multilocular adipose tissue.
Development of white and brown adipose cells.
Imaging X-Ray, CT, MRI imaging of the pelvic girdle, the lower limb,
Seminar 1 pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, foot bones.
Midterm Exam 1
VIII Anatomy Appendicular skeleton, bones of shoulder girdle; Bones of upper
Lecture 1 limb (arm, forearm, hand). Selected synovial joints –
Seminar 2 sternoclavicular, glenohumeral, elbow and wrist joints; Fracture
of clavicle, fracture of humerus, colles fracture, dislocation of
sternoclavicular, shoulder and elbow joints
Histology Epithelial tissue – structure and function, its types. Types of
Lecture 1 secretion, classification of the glands. Secretory granules -
Seminar 1 exocrine and endocrine. Unicellular glands. Goblet cells. Simple
and compound glands.
Imaging X-Ray, CT, MRI imaging of the pelvic girdle, the lower limb,
Seminar 1 pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, foot bones.
IX Anatomy Appendicular skeleton - bones of pelvic girdle, Bones of lower
Lecture 1 limb (thigh, leg, foot). Selected synovial joints – hip joint, knee
Seminar 2 joint, and ankle joint. Fracture of femur, avascular necrosis of
femur, knee and ankle injuries
Oral (practical) quiz 3 (VII -VIII weeks material) – 3 points
Histology Muscle tissue, classification and function. Skeletal or striated
Lecture 1 muscle. Organization of skeletal muscles. Epimysium.
Seminar 1 Perimysium. Endomysium. Myotendinous junction.
Organization within muscle fibers. Sarcomere. Structure of
myofibrils. Molecules composing thin and thick filaments.
Imaging 1 X-Ray, CT, MRI imaging of the joints associated with the
Seminar pectoral girdle and lower limb.
X Anatomy Overview of muscular system; Properties and function of muscle
Lecture 1 tissue, Muscle types; Gross anatomy of skeletal muscle,
Seminar 2 arrangement of fascicles in muscles; Muscle action and
interactions; Naming skeletal muscles. Muscles of the scalp,
Muscles of the face, Muscles of mastication
Oral (practical) quiz 4 (IX weeks material) - 3 points
Histology Cardiac muscle. Gap junctions. Intercalated discs, desmosomes.
Lecture 1 Structure of cardiac muscle cells. T tubules and sarcoplasmic
Seminar 1 reticulum. Muscle of ventricles. Granules with atrial natriuretic
factor. Impulse generating pacemaker muscle fiber.
Imaging 1 CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging of the neck muscles: superficial,
Seminar middle and deep.
XI Anatomy Topic: Muscles promoting tongue movement; suprahyoid and
Lecture 1 infrahyoid muscles; pharyngeal constrictor muscles,
Seminar 2 Anterolateral neck muscles
Written quiz 2 (X weeks material) – 2 points
Histology Muscles of the abdominal region. Inguinal region. Inguinal
Lecture 1 hernias.
Seminar 1
Imaging 1 CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging of muscles of the thorax,
Seminar diaphragm.
XII Anatomy Intrinsic muscles of the back; deep muscles of the thorax:
Lecture 1 breathing; muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall;
Seminar 2 muscles of the pelvic diaphragm; muscles of the urogenital
diaphragm; muscles of the superficial perineal space; muscles of
anterior thorax; muscles of posterior thorax
Histology First week of development. Second week of development:
Lecture 1 bilaminar germ disc. Third to eighth weeks: the embryonic
Seminar 1 period. Tus and placenta
Imaging 1 CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging of the muscles of the abdominal
Seminar region. Inguinal region. Inguinal hernias.
XIII Anatomy Muscle compartments of the upper limb; muscles crossing the
Lecture 1 shoulder joint: movements of the arm; muscles crossing the
Seminar 2 elbow joint: flexion and extension of the forearm; muscles of the
forearm: movements of the wrist, hand, and fingers; intrinsic
muscles of the hand: fine movements of the fingers
Written quiz 3 (XI – XII weeks material) – 2 points
Histology 2
Lab. - OSPE
Imaging 1
CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging of the muscles of the upper limb.
XIV Anatomy Muscle compartments of the lower limb; muscles crossing the
Lecture 1 hip and knee joints: movements of the thigh and leg; movements
Seminar 2 of the ankle and toes; intrinsic muscles of the foot: toe
movement and foot support
Histology Development of musculoskeletal system; tissue origins and
Lecture 1 differentiation; long bone and joint development; development
Seminar 1 of limb muscles.
Imaging 1 CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging of the muscles the lower limb.
Seminar Quiz
XV Anatomy
Course review and OSPE
Lecture 1
Written quiz 4 (XIII-XIV weeks material) – 2 points
Seminar 2
Lecture 1 Course review and OSPE
Seminar 1
Imaging 1 CT, MRI, ultrasound imaging of the muscles of the muscles
Seminar associated with the pelvis, perineum
XVI-XVIII Final exam
XVII-XIX Make-up exam


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