ENC-OIC Mapping KS3
ENC-OIC Mapping KS3
ENC-OIC Mapping KS3
Lower Secondary
% Focusses on key computing
skills, such as working with
text and data, image editing,
logic and programming.
% Assists students (and teachers)
with important everyday
computing skills, such as how
to use the Internet safely, be
responsible on social media,
A complete three-year lower secondary computing and assess which sources are
trustworthy and credible.
course Oxford
that takes a real-life, project-based approach
International % Seamless transitions from
to teaching
Lower young learners the vital computing
Secondary Oxford International Primary
skills they will need for the digital world. Computing
ENC attainment target OIC learning outcome OIC unit reference
design, write and debug programs 9.1a Design an abstract model based on a 9.4 Programming: The fishpond
that accomplish specific real-world system plan
goals, including controlling or 9.1b Use a program to find solutions to a
simulating physical systems real-world problem
Brand Bible
understand several key algorithms 8.1b Compare alternative algorithms 8.4 Programming: Atom finder
that reflect computational to solve a problem (for example
thinking (for example, ones for searching)
sorting and searching); use logical
reasoning to compare the utility
of alternative algorithms for the
same problem
use two or more programming 7.1b Use more than one programming 7.3 Computational thinking:
languages, at least one of which language Programming language
is textual,
OIPC_2nd_edn_BRANDBIBLE.indd 1 to solve a variety of 7.1c Write programs in a text-based
27/08/2019 12:23 7.4 Programming: It all adds up
computational problems language
7.1d Remove a range of errors to improve
a program
make appropriate use of data 8.1a Write a program that processes a data 8.3 Computational thinking: Team
structures (for example, lists, structure (for example a list) manager
tables or arrays)
design and develop modular 8.1c Write a modular program that uses 8.4 Programming: Atom finder
programs that use procedures or procedures or functions
understand how numbers can be 7.3b Convert between decimal and binary 7.1 The nature of technology:
represented in binary, and be able integers Storing digital data
to carry out simple operations 7.3c Perform simple binary additions
on binary numbers (for example,
binary addition, and conversion
between binary and decimal)
ENC attainment target OIC learning outcome OIC unit reference
understand the hardware and 8.3a Explain how computers communicate 8.1 The nature of technology:
software components that make 8.3b Describe Internet services (for Understanding networks
up computer systems, and how example cloud storage)
they communicate with one 9.3b Outline the structure of a processor,
another and with other systems its components, and how they work
understand simple Boolean logic 9.3a Use or describe simple electronic 9.1 The nature of technology:
(for example, AND, OR and NOT) logic gates (for example AND, OR and Inside the CPU
and some of its uses in circuits NOT gates)
and programming
understand how instructions are 7.1a Describe how program commands 7.1 The nature of technology:
stored and executed within a are stored and executed Storing digital data
computer system 9.1 The nature of technology:
Inside the CPU
understand how data of various 7.3a Describe how different types of data 7.1 The nature of technology:
types (including text, sounds and can be represented in binary digital Storing digital data
pictures) can be represented and form
manipulated digitally, in the form
of binary digits
undertake creative projects that 7.2c Create a single-table data file 7.5 Multimedia: Make a podcast
involve selecting, using and 7.2d Check data input for accuracy 7.6 Numbers and data: Business
combining multiple applications, 7.4c Discuss how data may be collected data table
preferably across a range of when you are working online 8.2 Digital literacy: Computers
devices, to achieve challenging 8.2a Select and use suitable technology for and learning
goals, including collecting and a given purpose 8.5 Multimedia: Creating and
analysing data and meeting the 8.2b Use technology creatively sharing digital media assets
needs of known users 8.2c Use technology to analyse data 8.6 Numbers and data: Mobile
8.4b Explain how computers can help with Medical Services
learning and discovery 9.5 Multimedia: Creating a
9.2a Use software to plan a project and multimedia news site
track its progress 9.6 Numbers and data: Managing
create, reuse, revise and 7.2a Create digital media 7.5 Multimedia: Make a podcast
repurpose digital artefacts for a 7.2b Improve digital media for an audience 8.5 Multimedia: Creating and
given audience, with attention 8.4a Carry out an online research project sharing digital media assets
to trustworthiness, design and 9.2b Create and combine multimedia 9.5 Multimedia: Creating a
usability content multimedia news site
understand a range of ways 7.4a Use content from online sources 7.2 Digital literacy: Staying safe
to use technology safely, responsibly online
respectfully, responsibly and 7.4b Explain risks associated with Internet 9.2 Digital literacy: Dilemma
securely, including protecting use
their online identity and privacy; 9.4a Understand how to use social media
recognise inappropriate content, safely, responsibly and with regard to
contact and conduct, and know others
how to report concerns
Extra content: not covered by 9.1c Describe some computational 9.3 Computational thinking:
ENC attainment targets techniques that enable artificial Artificial intelligence
intelligence (AI) 9.1 The nature of technology:
9.3c Describe some technical innovations Inside the CPU
that enable modern robotics