Template: Manual: Complex Engineering Problem
Template: Manual: Complex Engineering Problem
Template: Manual: Complex Engineering Problem
Title of your CEP here
Performance Characteristics of
Induction Motor On Changing Load
NAME RegistrationNumber
Kashif Zaman CIIT/FA19-EPE-052
Nangyal Khan CIIT/FA19-EPE-088
Muhammad Zeyad CIIT/ FA19-EPE
-0 8 5 /ATD
Electric Machine
We Name: Kashif Zaman (CIIT/ FA19-EPE-052/ATD), Name: Nangyal khan (CIIT/FA19-EPE-088/ATD), Name:
Muhammad Zeyad (CIIT/FA19-EPE-085/ATD) hereby declare that we have produced the work presented in this
report, during the scheduled period of study. We also declare that we have not taken any material from any source
except referred to wherever due. If a violation of rules has occurred in this report, we shall be liable to punishable
Asynchronous machines are considered nowadays the most used electrical machines, which are
mainly used as electrical induction motors. Starting the induction motor is the most important
and dangerous step. The theory behind this project is based on representing the real motor by a
set of equations and values in MATLAB using the subsystem feature, forming a corresponding
idealistic motor in a way where all the physical effects are similar. The motor is started under
different loads in two methods: Direct and Soft starting. Each method is studied and discussed
using supporting simulation of stator currents, motor speed and speed current.
Induction motor is a rotating electrical machine. Induction motor can be operated by one phase
alternating voltage source and by three phase alternating voltage sources. The induction motor
consists of ‘Stator’ and ‘Rotor’, stationary part and rotational part, respectively. The rotor
consists of cylindrical iron that laminated with copper strips. The stator consists of three phase
windings that are placed on the slots of laminated core, these windings apart by 120 degrees.
These windings can be connected be configured in a star connection or in delta connection.
Today, the induction motor (IM) is the most common type of electric machine. This type can be
found in all types of industries. Examples are used the oil industry, heat-generating companies,
electric power industry, etc. In industrial practice, there are known cases an IM failure due to
electrical and mechanical types of breakdowns. Mechanical failures are of the greatest interest.
This type of fault is common in manufacturing plants due to difficult operating conditions and
improper motor service.
S.NO Component Quantity
1 Asynchronous Motor 1
2 AC Voltage Source 3
3 PowerGUI 1
4 Scope 3
5 Display 3
6 Step 1
7 Bus Selector 2
8 Bus Creator 1
9 Gain 1
10 Sum
Aim Objectives
The load test on 3-phase induction motor is performed to obtain its various characteristics
including Stator current, Rotor current and speed motor, and motor current etc.
Literature Review
Different alternatives to detect and diagnose different types of faults in induction motors have been
proposed and implemented in the last years. We will try to see both similar and related literature papers
on the area and give review below:
Mathematical Model :
Type of torques in induction motor
Ta = Motor Torque
Tlost = loss Torque due to friction, winding and iron lost
TL= Load Torque
Ta = Tl + Tloss
Pout = Tl * ω
Tl =
P = 400watts
2 πn
2 π∗1430
= 149.67rad/sec
Tsh =
Tsh= 26.72 N-M
Tsh/2 = 13.36N-M
Tsh/4 =6.68N-M
Proposed Methodology
For successful completion of this project some steps will be followed to carry out different tasks.
Different literature will be revised relating to this project and data will be collected about
condition and control parameter of induction motor. Based on this parameter system model will
be designed. Some software's are selected to develop the software programing. So here a system
is designed with an alternative method to prevent the failures that happen in induction motors
using microcontroller and sensors to measure the different parameters related to induction motors
such as current, voltage, temperature, and speed.
Simulation/hardware model:
Simulation Results:
Stator and rotar current: