Mark20013 Feasibilitystudyrev
Mark20013 Feasibilitystudyrev
Mark20013 Feasibilitystudyrev
This instructional material (IM) aims to help students navigate the challenging task
of undertaking a feasibility study. This IM puts together key definitions and concepts lifted
from the classic guide in doing feasibility studies by the Development Academy of the
Philippines,tips from and, examples
drawn from the feasibility study undertaken by a group of Marketing Management
students of the PUP College of Business headed by John Carlo E. Tablac, entitled : “Isko
Aralan: A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of a Study Hub at Teresa St., Sta. Mesa,
Manila for the students of PUP, and for the financial study, notes from Prof. Laarni Grace
C. Lagman, CPA, MBA.
Course Outcomes
Overview………………………………………………………………………………….…. 2
Course Outcomes……………………………………………………………………………2
TOPIC 1: Introduction to Feasibility Studies
Course Materials
Course Description
To be doing a project feasibility study is a tough job. It requires researching. Data
to be gathered must be comprehensive to arrive at valid, reliable and accurate results.
These results must be able to prove the viability of a proposed business project.
Topic 1, Introduction will enable you to assess the importance and benefits of
conducting a project feasibility study prior to its implementation. Here discussed the key
elements and aspects which need substantial consideration in the whole project
feasibility preparation.
Course Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students must have got familiarized and
acquainted with the rigors of project feasibility study preparation.
Course Materials and Resources
1. Brief introduction by the teacher on what the subject is all about;
2. Initial collaboration by the students on the groupings to be formed;
3. Assistance by the teacher on what business to pursue for which a project
feasibility study is needed;
4. Various entrepreneurship courses recorded on YouTube, Google Drive,
television shows, and other related applications
Aduana (2015) came out with a working definition of the team project feasibility
study. He said it is a systematic inquiry into a proposed business activity to determine
its viability in all areas directed towards the measurement of profitability level.
The above working definition summarizes a project feasibility study in the
following ways;
• Serves as the conceptual framework on how a business project may be
• Highlights the significance of the thinking process;
• Provides advice to new business projects and existing businesses in
terms of plant expansion, additional product lines, or new business
• Is contributory as a success factor to would-be and ongoing businesses;
• Embrace key areas of other disciplines like economics, marketing,
management, accounting, taxation, engineering, quantitative analysis,
mathematics, logic and reasoning, and business report writing;
• Is undertaken for profit-oriented organizations; and
• Involves cost-benefit analysis.
To benefit from the results of a project feasibility study, it has to be able to test
the viability of a business project in all areas. Likewise, it must enhance its sustainability
as measured by its future success, it must be able to invite infusion of additional
working capital, and identify its recovery period and corresponding return on the
investment. A good feasibility may reduce business difficulty to meet and satisfy the
requirements of investors. Henceforth, a good feasibility study must be comprehensive,
objective, simple, and reliable.
Certain factors affect the preparation of a feasibility study. These factors are type
of industry, size of the project, purpose of the study, party preparing the study, and
requirements of prospective investors.
Those in the manufacturing industry require lengthier preparation as compared to
businesses render the service industry. For proposed project with minimal funding
requirement can easily prepare its feasibility study as compared to projects with multi-
million fund requirement. Additionally, determining the viability of a new project entails
more preparation, analysis, time, and funding than a study for an existing business
The conduct of a project feasibility study is done by a group of experts including
an economist, industrial engineer, mechanical engineer, marketing consultant,
accountant, lawyer, and human resource officer. As a final note, the template or format
to be used in preparing a feasibility study depends the funding agency or prospective
Course Assessment/Assignment
Finalize your groupings. Each group must be able to conceptualize at least three
proposals on the business it intends to pursue.
Topic 2 Project Summary
Course Description
When the business to be pursued is finalized by the group, certain critical
decisions have to be addressed, these are the proposed name of the business,
description of the industry, description of the project, location of the project, highlights of
major assumptions. These are the preliminary concerns of the proponent which are
briefly described in Topic 2.
Course Objective
At the end of the discussion, the students must have introduced themselves to
the overall picture of a project feasibility study; must have familiarized themselves with
the preliminary requirements in conducting a project feasibility study.
Course Materials and Resources
1. Brief introduction by the teacher on the Project Summary of a Feasibility
2. Continued collaboration by the students on the groupings formed;
3. Assignments done by the students on the three business proposals;
4. Various entrepreneurship courses recorded on YouTube, Google Drive,
television shows and other related applications
The project summary presents the highlights of the study, lists its major
assumptions, and summarizes the major findings and conclusions. The other terms for
project summary are abstract. Synopsis, overview, or executive summary. This is done
after all the major parts of the feasibility study will have been designed.
The following sections must be contained in the project summary.
• Proposed name of the business
• Description of the industry
• Description of the project
• Location of the project
• Highlights of major assumptions
• Summary of findings and conclusion
The business name should be reflective of the business entity including its
philosophical values and culture; and must be appealing to the customers. The choice
of a business name (usually three choices) must be accomplished by one to two
paragraphs explaining its nature and purpose. Several government agencies; DTI, SEC,
BSP have to be consulted for this purpose.
The description of the industry where the project belongs is cited to include
recent trends in the global market pertinent to the proposal business. The current
programs and thrusts of the national government must likewise be indicated.
The description of the project includes its nature as well as its product or service.
Mention should be made of regional studies which are related to the proposed project
including certain government programs and incentives provided.
The strategic location of the project must be able to attain maximum efficiency to
the proponents enabling them to enjoy a competitive advantage. To have competitive
advantage means having an edge over its competitors for the purpose of profitability at
lower cost.
A good feasibility study is one which states its major assumptions. It facilitates
the conduct of the study with all the mathematical and quantitative analyses. Letting of
assumptions is based on the following;
• Past experiences of other similar businesses
• Trend in the local and global markets
• Programs of the regional and national governments
• Regulations and issuances of monitoring agencies
• Economic, financial and monetary indicators
The Summary of Findings and Conclusions is the last section of the project
summary, conclusions must have been reached along the market study, technical
study, management study, and financial study; specifying the feasibility situation in
these various aspects.
When everything is clear, the prospective investors to the proposed project may
or may not commit the necessary funds for the implementation of the proposal. After
this with the go signal of the investors, the proponents prepare a business plan.
Course Assessment/Assignment
After finalizing the business proposals per group, you are now required to decide
on the following;
1. Proposed name of the business;
2. Description of the industry;
3. Description of the project;
4. Location of the project.
Topic 3: Market Study
Course Description
It must be the right beginning to start with. A careful and systematic projection of
the demand, supply including the demand-supply curve is very important for a clear
estimate of the future success of the proposed business. From here, the market share
the proponent may enjoy will be identified inclusive of the pricing and marketing
program to be used.
Course Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students must have developed the analytical
skill of forecasting the marketability of a proposed business project.
Course Materials and Resources
1. Assignments done by the students on their proposed business name,
description of the industry, description of the project and its location;
2. Collaboration between the teacher and the students as to the sources of data
relative to demand, supply, and competitors and their prices;
3. Various entrepreneurship courses recorded on YouTube, Google Drive, and
other related applications.
The market study focuses on the study of demand, supply, gap between demand
and supply, the prior, and the marketing program. If demand is non-existent, the project
can never sustain as a going concern. An existing demand is primordial, such demand
is not presently served, and cannot be served by existing supplies.
The term market study in a feasibility study refers to the study of demand, supply
and price. It answers the question pertinent to the potential demand for the product or
The primary objective of the market study may be found below;
• Determine the size and growth of total annual demand
• Evaluate the annual supply situation
• Identify the possible entry of competitors
• Determine the possible market share of the product or service
• Establish a pricing policy
• Define the appropriate marketing program
Demand Study
The demand study must be anchored on the industry description. The demand;
either past or future, is usually expressed in an annual basis. Demand referring to past
consumption is known as past demand. Demand which is the projected usage or
consumption is known as future demand.
Past demand in the total of local production, total consumption, total number of
importations. Total local production may be the same thing as total consumption, if the
consumers are in the same place or area as the producers. Care must be exercised in
this instance.
Future demand simply refers to the projected demand for a product for local
consumption or projected production and projected number of units to be imported.
Estimating project future demand may follow the trend in the market of the
proposed product or service including the professional judgement of the proponent.
Nevertheless, certain forecasting tools are recommended for the purpose. Therese are
simple moving average, weighted moving average, arithmetic straight line, arithmetic
geometric curve, high-low point method, or least square method. Use of these
forecasting tools reveal varying data pertinent to the project future demand. However,
the simple moving average is the most pessimistic. It is advisable to begin with a low
forecast of demand, but may give your business a certain level of success.
The following is a discussion of the use and process of three of the commonly
used forecasting tools. Read and learn carefully to benefit from the following
The following assumed historical data shall be used to illustrate the different
forecasting tools discussed in this section, unless otherwise expressly indicated that a
separate assumed past data are provided:
Simple Moving Average
In simple moving average, the historical data of past years used to forecast are
added, and the result is divided by the total number of years. The immediate results
serves as the first projected data. On the second year of projection, the most recent
data is removed, and replaced by the first projected data. This process is repeated to
determine the projected demand for the next five or ten years.
Using the historical data for the past five years, the projected demand from 2015
to 2019 in simple average is computed as follows:
Projected Demand
2015 (6,600 + 7,000 + 8,500 + 9,400 + 8,320
10,100) /5 -
2016 (7,000 + 8,500 + 9,400 + 10,100 + 8,664
8,320) /5 -
2017 (8,500 +9,400 + 10,100 + 8,320 + 8,997
8,664) /5 -
2018 (9,400 + 10,100 + 8,320 + 8,664 + 9,096
8,997) /5 -
2019 (10,100 + 8,320 + 8,664 + 8,997 + 9,035
9,096) /5 -
Projected Demand
2015 [6,600 + 2(7,000) + 3(8,500) + 4(9,400) 8,947
+ 5(10,100) ÷ 15 -
2016 [7,000 + 2(8,500) + 3(9,400) + 9,156
4(10,100) + 5(8,947) ÷ 15 -
2017 [8,500 + 2(9,400) + 3(10,100) + 9,278
4(8,947) + 5(9,156) ÷ 15 -
2018 [9,400 + 2(10,100) + 3(8,947) + 9,297
4(9,156) + 5(9,278) ÷ 15 -
2019 [10,100 + 2(8,947) + 3(9,156) + 9,271
4(9,278) + 5(9,297) ÷ 15 -
The divisor 15 is the sum of all of all the weights assigned to the historical
A Weight of Two is Assigned to the First Historical Demand. In weighted moving
average, assignment of weight to historical demand is discretionary provided there an
even increase of weight is provided. In case the first historical demand data is given a
weight of two, the projected demand for the next five years is computed as follows:
Projected Demand
2015 2[6,600 + 4(7,000) + 6(8,500) + 8,947
8(9,400) + 10(10,100) ÷ 30 -
2016 2[7,000 + 4(8,500) + 6(9,400) + 9,156
8(10,100) + 10(8,947) ÷ 30 -
2017 2[8,500 + 4(9,400) + 6(10,100) + 9,278
8(8,947) + 10(9,156) ÷ 30 -
2018 2[9,400 + 4(10,100) + 6(8,947) + 9,297
8(9,156) + 10(9,278) ÷ 30 -
2019 2[10,100 + 4(8,947) + 6(9,156) + 9,271
8(9,278) + 10(9,297) ÷ 30 -
It can be observed that the results are the same whether the first historical data
is assigned a weight of one or two, provided that there is an even assignment of weights
to all other data.
Arithmetic Straight Line
The following steps may be observed in arithmetic straight line:
1. Deduct the earliest historical data used in projection from the most recent
2. Subtract 1 from the total number of years of the historical data.
3. Divide the difference computed in Step 1 by the number of years in Step 2.
4. Add the result computed from Step 3 to the most recent data as projected
Using the historical demand data, the projected demand for the next five years
using the arithmetic straight line is computed as follows:
Step 1 – Difference of the most recent and earliest data:
2014 demand 10,100
2010 demand 6,600
Difference 3,500
Step 2 – Total number of years minus 1
Number of years in
historical demand 5
Less: 1
Difference 4
Step 3 – Divide Step 1 and Step 2
Difference in Step 1 3,500
Divided by 4
Figure to be added
To the last demand 875
Step 4 – Projected Demand
2015(10,100 + 875) 10,975
2016(10,975 + 875) 11,850
2017(11,850 + 875) 12,725
2018(12,725+ 875) 13,600
2019(13,600 + 875) 14,475
The arithmetic straight line is highly suggested if the historical demand had been
constantly increasing.
However, this forecasting tool cannot be used in case the most recent historical
demand data is lower than the earliest demand data. In this case, the proponent may
use the arithmetic geometric curve.
The arithmetic geometric curve is almost similar to the arithmetic straight line, but
the shape of the line if historical demand data is plotted in a two-dimensional graphing
paper appears curving.
Supply Study
If the demand study focuses on the prospective buyers of the product or service;
the supply study focuses on the existing suppliers or providers of that product or
service. In the supply study, and investigation of the direct and indirect competitors is
conducted. This will give information on the historical supply and its growth patterns as
well as forecast and evaluate future supply.
For the most benefits out of the study of the competitors, the following
information about them must be obtained;
• Size, domestic/foreign, coverage area;
• Amount of capitalization and resources held;
• Marketing program/strategies adopted;
• Pricing and pricing strategies;
These are essential for the preparation of a Competitor Analysis.
Since the supply data is not available data, the proponent must check the supply
pattern as increasing or decreasing; percentage increase or decrease; existence of
government projects affecting the supply pattern or those from the private sector; new
uses of the product, if any.
Demand-Supply Analysis
In this section of the Market Study, the projected demand is compared with the
projected supply. If the projected demand is higher than the projected supply, there is
an unsatisfied demand. This unsatisfied demand provides opportunity to the proponent
to proceed with his planned enterprise. If this is the situation, it is a go signal for the
project study.
A hypothetical illustration is presented below. Study it carefully for your
Year Projected Demand Projected Supply Unsatisfied Demand/Excess
2015 125,000 121,800 3,200
2016 156,250 146,160 10,090
2017 198,875 179,778 19,097
2018 252,000 221,127 30,873
2019 325,080 279,986 45,094
Total 1,057,205 948,851 108,354
As can be seen from the table above, the projected demand is increasing for the
next five years, likewise, the projected supply is increasing, but it is not sufficient to
satisfy the projected demand. The difference between supply and demand is the
immediate market share the proponent may take advantage of.
This immediate market share is computed by dividing 105,354 (unsatisfied
demand) by 1,057,205 (projected demand); which is equivalent to 10.25 percent. This is
only true given the assumption that the existing suppliers/ competitors will not increase
their plant capacity and production output.
Pricing and Marketing Program
As to how much to sell the product or service; and how to market effectively this
product or service, is the concern of the last section of the market study.
To be able to set the selling price of the product or service, the following
important points have to be considered;
• Determine total cost incurred (direct materials, direct labor, overhead
• Decide on proposed mark up;
• Compare proposed selling price with prices of similar products or
• Make necessary adjustments; if needed;
• Analyze history of said prices;
• Determine expected operating expenses;
• Finalize your selling price.
Lastly, a brief marketing program should form an important part of the Market
Study. This marketing program must identify and briefly explain the following;
• Target market;
• Terms of sale;
• Channels of distribution;
• Transportation arrangement;
• Estimated selling price;
• Promotion and advertising activities;
• Distribution network;
• Packaging;
• Marketing staff; and
• Estimated cost of marketing.
Finally, the Market Study must be concluded by providing brief, but straight
forward answers to the following major questions;
• Is there a demand?
• Are there available or enough supply?
• Is there a gap between demand and supply?
• How much is the expected selling price of the product?
• What marketing strategies should be adopted?
Course Assessment/Assignment
For the business proposal being pursued per group, you are required to submit a
Demand-Supply Forecast including the Gap Analysis, Make, Too, an Analysis of the
Competitors including their prices and marketing program.
Topic 4: Technical Study
Course Description
Another primordial concern of the proponent in his project feasibility study is its
technical aspect. It is this part which describes the product or service, the manufacturing
process to be undertaken, its plant capacity with the production schedule, the plant
location and layout, the need for fixed assets like machinery, equipment, tools, building
structures and facilities. Likewise, the waste disposal system, the requirements for raw
materials, direct labor, as well as utilities and overhead are described lengthily.
The description of the waste disposal system also forms part of the calculations
made on the total Cost of Investment.
Course Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students must have developed the research skill
of gathering data pertinent to the important components of the Technical Study for
determining the total cost of investment required.
Course Materials and Resources
1. Assignments done by the students pertaining to the Market Study to become
necessary inputs to the Technical Study;
2. Collaboration between the teacher and the students as to the source of data
relative to the important components of the Technical Study;
3. Various entrepreneurship courses recorded on YouTube, Google Drive,
television shows, and other related applications.
The technical study provides the details as to how the product will be produced
on how the services will be delivered. It explains the whole manufacturing processes,
and serves as the technical plan as to how the business will produce, store and deliver
the product to end users.
The specific items considered in a technical study are; product or service;
manufacturing process; plant capacity; production schedule; plant location and layout;
machinery, equipment and tools; building structures and other facilities; waste disposal
system; raw materials requirement; direct labor requirement, utilities and other overhead
requirements; and total cost of investment.
Product or service – be able to describe the product vividly to include both its
tangible and intangible attributes. By tangible attributes, it means its physical and
mechanical parts, chemical contents, raw materials assembled with all quantitative
measurements. Intangible attributes; on the other hand, include the features of the
product like size, color, texture, scent, flavor, other variants, brand, label, package, and
the like. Emphasis must be given on the value and benefits of the product to the
Manufacturing process – it illustrates the sequential steps followed in
manufacturing a proposed product which are diagramed in a flowchart with explanation
below it. Take note that the type of product, characteristics of the raw materials,
expected quality influence the type of manufacturing process to be used.
Plant capacity – refers to the maximum level of production that a machine may
actually produce during a particular period. The size and capacity of the plant are
influenced largely by the size of demand and the expected market share of the
proposed product.
The plant capacity section of the technical Study presents in schematic diagram
the processing plant, description of the machinery which has the required capacity,
suppliers of the machinery, auxiliary equipment needed, and the estimated cost.
Production schedule – this is a manufacturing planning tool aimed at maximizing
production capacity of the plant or its accompanying efficiency by minimizing its
operation costs. Several production scheduling tools are available; such as, batch
production scheduling, cycle-time analysis, use of Gantt Chart, algorithmic methods.
The use of any of the production scheduling tools necessitates showing the
schedule of raw materials purchases, schedule for direct labor (number of laborers and
labor cost per hour), schedule for other manufacturing costs, schedule for finished
goods and delivery time, and schedule for inventory level. The scheduling tool to be
used depends upon the quantity to be produced and the time of production.
Plant Location and Layout – these are important considerations in the selection
and determination processes; as to where the plant shall be located and how it must be
laid out.
For the plant location to be ideal, economical and operational; it must have
proximity to the following;
• Market
• Sources of raw materials
• Available utilities
• Supply of skilled work force
• Transportation and infrastructure facilities
• Existence of waste disposal system
• Local taxation and legislation
• Peace and order situation
• Physical conditions and terrain of the land
• Prevalent weather condition in the area
• Attitude, customs and practices of the community
• Type of product to be manufactured and zoning restrictions in the area
On the other hand, plant layout refers to the physical arrangement of machines,
furniture, equipment, and tools in producing goods. This aims to maximize production
operation at the lowest cost without sacrificing the quality of the product. To get the
most out of the plant layout;
• It must be economically and technically feasible;
• Available floor space must be efficiently utilized;
• It must provide smooth, easy and uninterrupted transport and flow of
materials, goods in process, finished goods, and industrial waste;
• Full utilization of production capacity;
• It must provide for the safety at work and conducive work conditions to all
• It must provide room for easy supervision and maintenance of machinery and
Plant layout may be product or line layout, process or functional layout, fixed
position or location layout, fixed position or location layout, or combined or group layout.
Product or line layout is used when the material moves sequentially from one
machine to another. Here, products are standardized and produced in great quantities.
Under the process or functional layout, machines having similar functions and
operations are arranged together in one place. Here, products are not standardized and
produced in small quantities.
Fixed position or location layout may be adopted when the product remains fixed
or stationary. Machines and manpower go to the product for the conduct of production.
Combined layout or group layout is used when the product requires both the
process and product layout. This is the case when continuous production is not in place,
but manufacturing operations need to produce several products in repeated quantities.
Machinery, Equipment and Tools
For this portion of the technical study; machineries, equipment and tools which
are needed to produce the product, are presented in table form to include specifications,
supplies, acquisition and maintenance costs.
In selecting the necessary machinery and equipment, focus must be given to
maximizing the expected output within the time schedule at the lowest possible sort.
Therefore, plant capacity with its plant location and layout have to be considered. If
possible, accompanying pictures with brief descriptions must be presented followed by
a recommendation of which one to pursue given several alternatives.
Building Structures and Other Facilities
The size, type, number of floors, and the estimated costs of building structures
and facilities must well be defined in this section.
Buildings and related structures to be constructed include an administrative
building, manufacturing plant, workhouse, road network and pathways, drainage and
disposal system, and a packaging space. The size of the factory building depends on
the machinery and equipment including the plant capacity with its specifications and
storage requirements.
What is important in this section is the architectural design or building
perspective including the ground layout of different permanent structures for the
purpose of efficiency.
More importantly, the estimated cost, the estimated useful life, estimated annual
depreciation have to be calculated to be presented in matrix form.
Waste Disposal System
This section of the technical study presents an engineering design with a
supporting schedule of the estimated cost. The design should reflect the recommended
waste disposal system which may be a transfer station system, a landfill station
provision system, or a combination facilities system. It must compare with the existing
community practice on waste disposal. It must likewise identify the expected volume of
waste to be produced monthly and separate the business recyclables.
On top of it, the proponent must see to it that his manufacturing process is
geared towards waste reduction as it has bearing on his financial operation.
Raw Materials Requirement
This is a listing of the different types of raw materials or ingredients needed in
manufacturing the product. A schedule for this must be prepared specifying the types of
raw materials required, the prospective suppliers, world market trends of the raw
materials, and the estimated cost of each.
Proper labelling and brief descriptions of each raw material must be included. In
case alternatives are available, the best must be selected and recommended with
accompanying justification.
Direct Labor Requirements
In table form, the direct labor requirements by the proposed operation must be
shown indicating the necessary number of skilled workers per department, number of
hours of work needed from each, daily direct labor rate of each, and total direct labor
Caution must be exercised so that the direct labor cost may be within what is
existing in the community and region. Likewise, the choice of skilled workers is
dependent on the type of product proposed as well as the recommended manufacturing
process. These skilled workers, as much as possible, have to be available within the
plant or business location or from easily accessible locations.
Utilities and Overhead Requirements
Under this particular section of the technical study, the proponent identifies the
available utility providers in the area (light and water). The expected consumption for
utilities must be calculated along with proposals for cost reduction. Additionally, other
types of overhead costs must be calculated as they affect the manufacturing process.
In similar regard, the estimated utility consumption depends on the particular
machinery to be used in manufacturing along with the number of units to be used.
Mechanical and electrical engineers can help the proponent come up with the expected
utility consumption.
Total Cost of Investment
After careful deliberation of everything which needed be included in the Technical
Study, the total requirements for capital expenditure may already be determined. The
amount of capital expenditure plus the working capital requirements represent the total
project cost. In tabular presentation, the total cost is computed as follows:
Course Assessment/Assignment
Be able to prepare a matrix showing the Total Cost of Investment required for
your proposed business. You need to itemize everything needed with corresponding
peso value for the final estimation of the Total Cost of Investment. Include all alternative
sources, and make a choice; justify your choice.
Topic 5: Management Study
Course Description
The Management Study determines the human resource requirements of the
project. It begins identifying the form of business organization to adapt followed by the
design of an appropriate organizational structure. Staffing requirements are likewise
indicated with mention of salaries, compensation and fringe benefits.
The Management Study ends by showing the Project Schedule from the pre-
operating phase to the different activities to be carried out until final implementation. A
GANTT CHART is prepared for this.
Course Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students must have acquired the necessary
skills towards strategic planning; particularly the design of a GANTT CHART for a
proposed business.
Course Materials and Resources
1. Assignments done by the students pertaining to the Market Study and
Technical Study as inputs to the Management Study;
2. Collaboration between the teacher and the students as to the strategy by
which data so far gathered may be put in a creative blend for an overall view
of the entire project;
3. Various entrepreneurship course recorded on YouTube, Google Drive,
television shows, and other related applications.
Secondly, the internal organizational structure serves as the framework that
outlines the communication process between employees and departments, and defines
the responsibilities and functions of each employee in the organization. The size of the
business, the type of product sell do affect the design of the internal organizational
A flat structure is highly advisable for sole proprietorships and partnerships. It is a
simple structure which hastens decision making by empowering the few employees to
formulate decisions.
A department-focused structure and a product-focused structure are applicable
to corporate entities where the work to be accomplished is broken down to department
functions and/or product classifications. The internal structure becomes so complex
giving way to persons who will be heads of different product lines or different
departments and functions.
The end result of these decisions is the design of an organizational chart which
shows positions, ranks, and relationships of the employees in the organization.
In the management study section, the designed organizational chart requires a
brief description of the relationships of functions and positions in the organization and
how those could best meet the pre-determined objectives. The internal structure of sale
proprietorships, being flat and simple, is self-explanatory along this line.
Staffing requirements may best be shown through a listing of positions with
corresponding qualifications and functions. An example is shown below.
• To provide
based on
reports about
the system
• To determine
and evaluate
based on
design and
• To oversee the
installation of
repair of
For salaries, compensation and fringe benefits, a salary schedule similar to the
one presented below has to be designed.
Position Salary Basic Monthly Total 13th Total
Description grade Monthly Allowance Annual Month
Pay Pay &
Financial 30 P35,000 P2,000 P444,000 P35,000 479,000
Bookkeeper xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Receivable xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
In making decisions on salaries, compensation and fringe benefits. The following
must be consulted by the proponent;
• Provision of Labor Code;
• Stationary minimum wage in the region;
• Prevailing industry practice;
• Demands of the position;
• Technical requirements of the work.
Grouping of salary schedules may be done by functional units, by rank, by
The last part of the management study is a Project Schedule. It defines the time
frame of the pre-operating phase of the proposed project and the different
activities carried out within that time frame.
The Project Schedule defines further the following;
• Activities or tasks for project implementation;
• Resources needed like materials, technology and personnel;
• Work to be done within a time frame;
• Time start and time finish of each task to be done.
This may be shown in a GANTT CHART like the one below,
Course Assessment/Assignment
Be able to design the GANTT CHART showing the various activities to be
accomplished by your proposed business prior to its actual implementation.
Be ready, too, with your proposed ORGANIZATIONAL CHART with all your
Staffing requirements. This must be accompanied by a Salary Schedule with all the
justification needed.
Topic 6: Financial Study
Course Description
The financial study section of the project feasibility study deals with the cost of
the project, its expected revenue, the estimated operating expenses, and the project
To make these financial data easily discernible, an Income Statement, a Balance
Sheet and a Cash Flow Statement have to be illustrated properly and accurately. The
various sources of financing must likewise be explained. Finally, a financial statement
analysis must show to the prospective investors that this business proposal is worth
their investment.
Course Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students must have thoroughly understood the
importance and process of careful and analytical financial planning.
Course Materials and Resources
1. Assignments done by the students pertaining to the Market Study, Technical
Study, Management Study as inputs to the Financial Study;
2. Collaboration between the teacher and the students as to the strategy by
which data so far gathered may be put in a creative blend for an overall view
of the entire project;
3. Various entrepreneurship courses recorded on YouTube, Google Drive,
television shows, and other related applications.
The financial study section of the project feasibility deals with the cost of the
project, its expected revenue, the estimated operating expenses, and the projected
profitability. All these are projected financial data based on the various assumptions
used in this study.
Financial study is primarily concerned with the financial health of the business
and the proponent is advised to work closely with and accountant or a financial output in
proposing it.
To be able to identify the financial feasibility of the project, it must look into its
profitability, liquidity, and solvency. The financing sources must be readily available, and
its rate of return on investment has to be higher than the cost of capital. It is likewise
important to determine its ability to generate each from operating activities.
Following are the procedural steps in conducting a financial study; they are also
the different sections therein;
• Set clearly the assumptions and its basis;
• Determine the total cost of the proposal project;
• Identify the soreness of financing;
• Propose the projected financial statements;
• Perform financial statement analysis.
Major Assumptions are listed one after the other with solid grounds and bases
from reliable facts. Ordinarily, assumptions are made on the following items;
• Market share;
• Selling price;
• Plant capacity;
• Manufacturing costs;
• Availability of raw materials;
• Plant location;
• Tax rates;
• Price changes;
• Operating expenses;
• Utility consumption.
These major assumptions must maintain intertwined relationships. The
assumption market share is the basis of determining the total number of units to be
produced. This must not exceed the assumed plant capacity. Also, the assumptions
on the selling price and the expected changes in prices must be higher than the
assumed manufacturing cost. Further, the assumption on utility consumption should
be based on the plant capacity and the expected machine hours. Which become the
basis of the assumption on operating expenses and overhead cost.
On top of everything, the plant location must be so accessible to assure
continuity in the supply of raw materials. Certain tax incentives may be enjoyed by
the proponent; if the proposed project is aligned with government mandates for
better marketability of its products.
Total Project Cost refers to the estimated initial funding requirements of the
proposed project. There is still a need to calculate the future operating cost. Should
there be available alternatives in terms of the total costs based on the various items
comprising it, a presentation like the one shown below has to be made.
Description Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative
#1 #2 #3 #4
Land xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Administrative building xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Factory plant xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Machinery xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Equipment xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Tools xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Parking lot xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Drainage system xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Waste disposal facilities xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Storage facilities xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Transportation equipment xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Pollution control system xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Working capital xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Estimated Total Project xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
All the amounts presented in the table above are taken from the technical study,
except for the working capital requirements. The amount of working capital requirement
must likewise be identified. This will enable the proponent to know, if he can produce
and sell the goods needed by the consumers as well as pay its maturing financial
To help the proponent determine his level of working capital requirement, he has
to consider the following factors;
• Providing practice in the industry;
• Length of the manufacturing process;
• Nature of the industry;
• Pattern in sales and purchases.
If the working capital is assured, the following may be done by the proponent;
• Immediately take profitable opportunities;
• Settle currently maturing obligations;
• Provide credit facilities to customers;
• Properly manage inventories.
The recommended level of working capital has to be justified based on the
benefits cited above. The estimated total project cost will be used to prepare projected
financial statements, computation of rate of return on investment, and in securing the
attractiveness of the investment proposal.
Sources of Financing must explicitly define the possible sources of funds to
finance the initial funding requirements of the proposed project. Alternative ways of
financing the project should be presented to the prospective investors.
The financing of a new venture usually comes from the owner’s infusion of fresh
capital; he is the primary source of capital. Sole proprietorships and partnerships usually
suffer from this problem. Only corporations enjoy the privilege of financing through
creditors. The debt-to-equity ratio of corporate owners in highly dependent on the
attractiveness of the investment proposal. The basic rule states that an investment with
a rate of return that is higher than the cost of capital in favorable (cost of capital is an
interest expense item).
The proponent has to present in table form the various sources of financing
available to him including the costs to be incurred. This has to be compared with the
rate of return on investment, and make a decision if it is favorable or not.
Consider the following illustration for your clearer understanding
The total project cost has been estimated at P25 million. The funding source for
this capital requirement has been determined as follows:
8% bank loan with MBTC P5,000,000
10% preference shares 7,500,000
Ordinary shares 12,500,000
Total capital P25,000,000
The following information has been determined as a result of evaluation of the
economic trend in the market:
A. The expected market prices of the shares are:
Ordinary shares P50
Preference shares 25
B. Dividends per share
Ordinary shares P4
Preference shares 2
C. Expected dividend growth rate of ordinary shares, 2%
D. Corporate income tax rate, 30%
The individual cost of capital according to sources is computed as follows:
A. Ordinary shares
𝐶𝑂𝐶 = 𝑃50 + 2%
= 10%
B. Preference shares
𝐶𝑂𝐶 = 𝑃25
= 8.0%
C. Bank loan or bonds
8%(1 − .30)
= 5.6%
The weighted cost of capital is computed by determining first the capital ratio
structure as follows:
8% bank loan with MBTC P5,000,000 20.0%
10% Preference shares 7,500,000 30.0%
Ordinary shares 12,500,000 50.0%
Total capital P25,000,000 100.0%
The weighted cost of capital is computed by adding the sum of each cost of
capital as follows:
Proportion Cost Weighted
8% bank loan with MBTC 20.0% 5.6% 1.1%
10% Preference shares 30.0% 8.0% 2.4%
Ordinary shares 50.0% 10% 5.0%
Total capital 100.0% 8.5%
Hence, the weighted cost of capital is 8.5%. this is the benchmark or it serves as
the minimum rate of return for any capital investment requirement to be favorable.
Return on investment is a measure that determines the amount of return for
every peso of investment. For example, if the rate of return is 12%, that implies that 12
centavos are returned for every one peso invested.
The rate of return on investment (ROI) is computed as follows
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒
The return of investment is compared against the minimum rate of return, or the
cost of capital. The decision rule is that if ROI is higher than COC, the investment
appears to be favorable. However, if ROI is less that COC, the proposed project may
not be favorable.
For example, in the P25 million total cost of the project, the net income realized
amounted to P2.6 million, then the return on investment is 10.4%, computed as follows:
ROI = + 2%
= 10.4%
Comparing the return on investment of 10.4% against the minimum required rate
of return of 8.5%, it appears that the project is financially favorable.
This simple mathematical formula does not consider the risk involved in the
The Projected Financial Statements can disclose information on (1) profitability of
operating activities, (2) liquidity condition, (3) solvency status, (4) management
efficiency in handling resource, and (5) adaptability performance.
The common financial statements included in the study are;
(1) Statement of comprehensive income;
(2) Statement of financial position;
(3) Statement of cash flows.
The following are the supporting schedules which are required of the proponent
to accomplish;
(1) Quantity of raw materials to be purchased;
(2) Required number of units to be produced;
(3) Manufacturing cost per unit (materials, direct labor, overhead cost);
(4) Estimated cash collection and payment;
(5) Depreciation/lapsing schedule;
(6) Compensation cost;
(7) Amortization schedule.
The statement of comprehensive income on Income Statement presents the
amount of income realized during the period measured in accordance with the accrual
method of accounting; it shows the profitability of the business.
The statement of financial position or the Balance Sheet presents the financial
condition of the business in terms of liquidity and solvency status. The total resources
and equity, both of the creditors and owners, are shown in this statement.
The statement of cash flows shows the amount of cash generated and disbursed
during a certain period. The sources of cash inflows and cash outflows should be
properly identified in the statement.
You may use this as GUIDE the following Financial Statements Template
including the Supporting Schedules.
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Net sales (Supporting schedule) xxxxx
Less:Cost of goods sold (Supporting schedule) xxxxx
Gross income xxxxx
Other income xxxxx
Total income xxxxx
Distribution expenses (Supporting schedule) xxxxx
Administrative expenses (Supporting schedule) xxxxx
Finance costs (Supporting schedule) xxxxx xxxxx
Income before tax xxxxx
Income tax xxxxx
Net income xxxxx
Total xxxxx
Purchase returns and allowances (xxxx)
Purchase discounts (xxxx) xxxxx
Goods available for sale xxxxx
Less: Merchandise inventory, December 31 xxxxx
Cost of goods sold xxxxx
Supporting schedule of cost of goods sold for manufacturing
Direct materials
Materials inventory, beginning xxxxx
Add: Net purchases xxxxx
Total materials available for use xxxxx
Less: Materials inventory, ending xxxxx
Indirect materials used xxxxx xxxxx
Direct materials used xxxxx
Direct labor xxxxx
Factory overhead
Indirect materials xxxxx
Indirect labor xxxxx
Other factory overhead xxxx xxxxx
Cost of goods sold xxxxx
Supporting schedule for distribution expenses
Materials inventory, beginning xxxxx
Sales salaries xxxxx
SSS contribution xxxxx
PAG-IBIG contribution xxxxx
Salesmen’s commission xxxxx
Depreciation expenses – delivery vehicle xxxxx
Advertising expenses xxxxx
Store supplies xxxxx
Total xxxxx
Supporting schedule for administrative expenses
Officer and staff salaries xxxxx
Depreciation – office furniture xxxxx
SSS contribution xxxxx
PAG-IBIG contribution xxxxx
Doubtful accounts xxxxx
Office supplies xxxxx
Total xxxxx
Prepaid expenses (schedule) xxxxx
Total current assets xxxxx
Noncurrent assets
Property, plant and equipment (schedule) xxxxx
Long-term investment (schedule) xxxxx
Intangible assets (schedule) xxxxx
Other noncurrent assets (schedule) xxxxx
Total noncurrent assets xxxxx
Total Assets xxxxx
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (schedule) xxxxx
Short-term bank loan xxxxx
Warranty payable xxxxx
Total current liabilities xxxxx
Non-current liabilities
Bonds payable xxxxx
Deferred tax liability xxxxx
Total non-current liabilities xxxxx
Total liabilities xxxxx
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital (schedule) xxxxx
Reserves (schedule) xxxxx
Retained earnings xxxxx
Total shareholders’ equity xxxxx
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity xxxxx
Statement of Cash Flow
Cash flow from operating activities
Cash receipts from customer xxxxx
Cash payment to supplier xxxxx
Cash payment for salaries xxxxx
Cash payment for other expenses xxxxx
Cash payment for rent xxxxx
Cash generated from operations xxxxx
Interest paid (xxxx)
Income tax paid (xxxx)
Cash flow provided (used) by operating activities
Cash flow from investing activities
Sale of investment xxxxx
Acquisition of machinery (xxxx)
Sale of machinery xxxxx
Cash flow provided (used) by financing activities
Cash flow from financing activities
Payment of dividends (xxxx)
Sale of treasury share xxxxx
Bank loan xxxxx
Issuance of bonds xxxxx
Cash flow provided (used) by financing activities
Increase in cash and cash equivalent
Add: Cash and cash equivalents – January 1
Cash and cash equivalents – December 31
Inventory 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 Indicates the
turnover 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 efficiency of
acquiring and
selling inventory;
the number of
times inventories
are acquired and
sold during the
Inventory 360 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 Indicates the
sales 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 number of days to
period sell inventory
Payable 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 Indicates the
turnover 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠 efficiency of
meeting trade
Payable 360 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 Indicates the
payment 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 number of days
days before payment of
trade payables
Operating Collection period + inventory days Indicates the
turnover number of days
cash is invested
until the day of its
Cash 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠 Indicates the
turnover 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ability to pay
expenses given
certain cash
Days to 360 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 Indicates the
pay 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 number of days
operating required paying
expenses operating
Working 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 Indicates the
capital 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 adequacy of
turnover working capital
Raw 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 Indicates the
materials 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 number of times
turnover raw materials are
used and
Work-in- 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑢𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 Indicates the
process 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 − 𝑖𝑛 − 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 number of times
turnover work-in-process
inventories are
converted to
finished products
Finished 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 Indicates the
goods 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 number of times
turnover finished goods are
Asset 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 Indicates the
turnover 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 effectiveness of
Solvency or Leverage Ratios
Ratios Formulas Indicator
Debt ratio 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 Indicates the percentage of
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 all assets being financed with
Debt-to- 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 Indicates the proportion of
equity ratio 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 ′ 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 debt in relation to resources
provided by owners
Equity ratio 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 ′ 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 Indicates the proportion of
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 assets provided by owner
Times 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 Indicates the number of times
interest 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒 interest is covered by
earned operating income
Fixed assets 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 (𝑛𝑒𝑡) Indicates the percentage of
to non- 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑛 − 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 investment in fixed assets
current debts finance from non-current debt
Fixed assets 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠(𝑛𝑒𝑡) Indicates the percentage of
to 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 ′ 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 investment in fixed assets by
shareholders’ shareholders
Fixed assets 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠(𝑛𝑒𝑡) Indicates the percentage of
to total equity 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 investment in fixed assets
Profitability ratios
Ratios Formulas Indicator
Gross profit 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 Indicates the
rate 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 income after
deducting cost of
Operating 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 Indicates the
profit margin 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 amount of profit
after deducting
operating expenses
from gross profit
Net profit 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 Indicates the
margin 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 amount of profit
after deducting all
Return on 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 Indicates the rate of
Investment 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 return of every peso
If there is interest-bearing debt, return on
investment is computed as follows:
𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 + [𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠(1 − 𝑡𝑎𝑥 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)]
𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠
Return on 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 Indicates the
shareholders’ 𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 ′ 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 percentage of
equity income for every
peso of
shareholders’ equity
Return on 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 + 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒, 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑎𝑥 Indicates the overall
total assets 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 profitability and the
effective utilization
of assets
Return on 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 Indicates the
Current 𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 profitability of
assets current assets
Growth Ratios
Ratios Formulas indicator
Basic 𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 Indicates
earning 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 the peso
s per return on
share each
Diluted 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 Indicates
earning 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 the
s per earnings
share potential
per share
Price- 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Indicates
earning 𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑒𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 the value
s of ordinary
shares in
relation to
the market
Course Assessment/Assignment
Be able to design your Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement;
and do your Financial Statement Analysis.
Topic 7: Socio-Economic Study
Course Description
The importance of the Socio-Economic Study cannot be underpinned. No
business organization may ever be successful in its operation without giving back to
society a part of its success. Henceforth, its physical contributions, economic
contributions, social contributions, technological contributions, and environmental
contributions may do a lot to enable the proposed project to give back to the community
and government what it received from them.
Course Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students must have realized the value of a
mutual relationship most essential in business and its various stakeholders.
Course Materials and Resources
1. The entire project feasibility study;
2. Final collaboration between the teacher and students;
3. Various entrepreneurship courses recorded on YouTube, Google Drive,
television shows, and other related applications.
The last major section of a Project Feasibility Study is the Socio-Economic Study,
it deals with the social and economic impact/benefits of the proposed project to the local
community and the nation in general. In this section, the proponent should make a valid
and supportive description of the contributions are summarized as follows;
P-hysical Contributions include the cleanliness and beautification drives which
may be pushed in the community where the proposed business is to be located;
E-conomic Contributions include provision for employment, additional income to
the people, additional tax collection to the government;
S-ocial Contributions include alleviating the standard of living of the people,
helping government with infrastructures, helping local supplies of materials, increase of
exports and foreign exchange;
T-echnological contributions include adaptation to use of technology in
production and rendering of services to speed up operations;
E-nvironmental contributions include use of programs and advocacies to help
mitigate climate change, proposal to adapt a more vigorous solid and hazardous and
waste management practices, and maintenance of clean and fresh water to drink and
The proponent should give a brief conclusion on the total benefits that the
proposed project may provide to the community and government.
Course Assessment/Assignment
Following the P-E-S-T-E plan, design the Socio-Economic Study of your
proposed business.
Example from Isko Aralan Feasibility Study
Figure 4
Organizational Chart
Isko Aralan will be using a line type organizational structure for highly efficient and
fast decision-making business operations. This is the oldest and simplest type of business
organization. In this way, the authority flows from top to bottom. The chart shows that
there are only three personnel in the business project. Since it is a small business, and it
don’t require too much work load to operate and a manager and two maintenance staff
are enough to handle the business works.
Table 2
• Must have knowledge
in computer
• Must know how to print
• At least high school
• Responsible for the
printing and laptop rental
• Must be 18 years old
and above
• Fit to work
2. Maintenance • Responsible for assisting
Staff/Cleaner • Ability to manage time
the customers
• Works well under
• Responsible for cleaning
• Has capacity to take
the whole area of the
study hub
• Must handle cleaning
• Able to use cleaning
The proposed salary for the Store Manager is php512 per day and his duty will
last 26 days a month. The Store Manager also serves as the cashier.
While the Maintenance Staff or the Cleaner’s salary is worth P256.00 per day.
There are two cleaners with an alternate shift of day by day or a total of 13 work days for
each Maintenance Staff/Cleaner.
Table 3
Isko Aralan operates from Mondays to Saturdays at 8 o’ clock in the morning until
8 o’ clock in the evening. The Store Manager/Cashier and the Administrative
Staff/Cleaner are required to work twelve hours a day from Monday to Saturday, and
Sunday will be their rest day. The employees should come one hour earlier than their
scheduled time and should stay for at least one hour after their shift to prevent
unnecessary occurrence.
The following show the step by step procedure of hiring Store Manager/Cashier
and Maintenance Staff/Cleaner for Isko Aralan:
⚫ Applicants should pass an application form or resume with 2x2 recent colored picture
to one of the owner of Isko Aralan.
⚫ The owner will analyze the contents of the resume and will call the applicant for the
⚫ After the interview, if passed, will be given the list of requirements to be complied for
a specific amount of time.
⚫ After compliance of all requirements, the applicant may start working to Isko Aralan
as Store Manager/Cashier.
⚫ Applicants must pass an application form or resume with 2x2 recent colored picture
to the store manager.
⚫ The store manager will analyze the contents of the resume and will call the applicant
for the interview.
⚫ After the interview, if passed, the applicant will be given the list of requirements to be
complied for a specific amount of time.
⚫ After compliance of all the requirements, the applicant will be schedule for an
⚫ After the applicant is oriented, they will be trained for one week regarding the
operations of the business applying the basic principles of the business.
Human has a nature and characteristics of disliking their work so some people
needs to be coerced, controlled, motivated, and to some extent or threaten with
punishment to make them productive and for the business to achieve its organizational
Form of Business Organization
The project will have its full blast after it has complied with all the necessary
documents and technical requirements needed to operate and engage in this type of
1. Accounting Policies
⚫ Cash will be collected everyday by the cashier assigned in the cash register. He
will handle cash received from customers.
⚫ At the end of the day, or a scheduled date, the cashier will give the sale for the
day to general partner.
2. Personnel Policy
The management will give a logbook where the employees are required to
record their time in and time out. They are given at least 15 minutes grace period
after their schedule time, if they are not be able to report after the given grace
period they will be considered late and will have a deduction in their salary.
Employees who will be late for five (5) consecutive days without prior notice
or valid reason will be terminated.
Every employee shall ask written permission from the Manager, before
taking the leave of absence. Employees must file an application for absence for at
least one (1) week to the Manager.
If employee incurred sickness and cannot report for work, he must call his
manager at least two (2) hours before his duty. If no calls were received on the day
of his absence or his call came in late, this will be considered as AWOL.
Emergency Leave
3. Leaving Workplace
Voluntary Resignation
·Bonifacio Day - November 30
In this business, we should always think first the students. The employees must
know how to handle different situations and personalities of the customers that they’ve
encountered. The employees must communicate in good tone because some customers
misunderstood the way of talking to them and may find it rude. Employees who exhibit
rudeness must face the following sanctions:
If a worker committed violation for the first time, the manager should talk to
him personally and warn him about the said violation.
It is the notice calling all the attention to the offense and warning the
offenses against repetition of such violation in the future.
If a worker has committed offense for the third time, he is subject to
suspension. He will be detached from the organization with the designated period
of time without payment. It could be three, six, or nine days.
5. Uniform Policy:
Both the administrative personnel are required to wear the following uniform to
observe neatness and proper business attire etiquette:
Figure 5
Personnel Uniform
6. Workplace Policy
Every business must comply with the policies given by the government and by the
location where the business was established. Our business needs to set standards to
ensure the safety of the customers which includes the following:
7. Wage Policy
The management will give their employees a salary according to the law. It will be
given every 15th and 30th of the month.
8. Sales Policy
The management will only accept cash in exchange of our service. Credit cards
and/or debit cards are not acceptable. The management will issue receipt in every
Table 4
Store Manager / Cashier They are the one who plan, organize, direct and control.
Managers must plan or narrow goals from their broadest
to most intricate form. They must organize and create a
structure for daily tasks and communication.
Table 5
Equipment and Facilities Definition Cost
Accounting journals in which
business transactions are
initially recorded. The
information in these books is
then summarized and posted P240.00
into a general ledger, from
which financial statements are
CALCULATOR Typically a portable electronic
device used to perform
calculations, ranging from
basic arithmetic to complex
A very strong mineral use for P30.00
cleaning tiles and toilet bowl. (12PCS)
Administration operations are the processes, activities and tools while operating a
business. These are the support procedures that are necessary for day to day operations.
It also involves the routine equipment checking and some works that are assigned to the
The manager will be the one who will accommodate and talk to the students, who
will be renting the laptop, and how many hours they will stay in the study hub. The
maintenance will be sweeping and mopping the floor after one hour every day. At exactly
10 in the morning the maintenance staff will be giving a twenty minutes break time after
that, the manager/cashier also has a twenty minutes break time after the break of the
maintenance staff but she will still stay inside the study hub. At 12 in the afternoon, the
manager/cashier will have a one-hour lunch-break. Next to him after an hour is the
maintenance staff to have his or her lunch. They will still stay inside the study hub while
They will also have an alternate 20 minute break time. After that, they will resume
to their works. At exactly 8 in the evening the study hub will be closed but, the
manager/cashier and the maintenance staff will stay another 1 hour. The manager will be
counting the money they earn during the day checking and making sure that the laptops
are properly used and shut down, changing the passwords of the internet and cleaning
her work area while the maintenance staff will be cleaning the first and second floor of the
study hub, sweeping and mopping the floor, arranging the chairs and tables and cleaning
the restroom as well.
After that important evening routine, the manager and maintenance staff will make
sure that the area is properly clean, the important things inside in the cabinets, air
conditioner and internet are properly shut down and the padlock of the area are secure
and properly lock.
Table 6
Before Cleaning and preparing his/her Sweeping and mopping the floor,
area and checking the laptops arranging cabinets, chairs and
8:00 AM
that will be renting of the tables and cleaning the rest room
Topic 3: Market Study
The market study is the lifeblood of virtually every project feasibility study. While
profitability is generally the focal point of a project study, the question of demand is the
most basic issue. There can be no discussion of profitabiity or of the other aspects of the
feasibility study if there is no demand. The market study seeks to determine the following:
1. The size, nature, and growth of total demand for the product
2. The description and price of the product to be sold
3. The supply situation and the nature of competition
4. The different factors affecting the market of the product
5. The appropriate marketing program for the product
The proponents of this study conducted a survey using a questionnaire to 150
respondents to test the feasibility of this project. The 150 respondents represent the total
population of the target market. As per the outcome of the survey, females show more
interest in going and studying to the said study hub. The result of the survey also shows
that students aging 17-19 years old are more studious and interested in going to a study
hub. Second to them are students aging 16 and below. Also, majority of the respondents
are fourth year college students and are considered the target market of the business.
Next to them are the first year college students.
There is no existing study hub in the project location. It only has indirect competitors
which are the Milk tea Shops, Computer and printing Shops and the Condo Unit in Maui
Oasis that is for rent for academic purposes. This only shows that out of the big and in-
need market for a comfortable and accessible study hub, there is no existing business
that satisfies the need of the students. This will make the Isko-Aralan to easier dominate
the market. Therefore, Isko Aralan will be the first ever study hub to operate near the
university vicinity specially designed for the students of the Polytechnic University of the
Philippines students.
Market demand for a product or service is the total volume that would be bought
by a defined customer group, in a defined geographical area, in a defined period, in a
defined marketing environment, under a defined marketing program.
Past Demand for the Industry
There is no existing statistical data recorded by the Department of Trade and
Industry, or even in the internet, regarding the demand for a study hub. In this case, past
demand for the study hub in Polytechnic University of the Philippines is obtained by
getting the total population of the university for the past 5 years up to the present then
multiplied by the market acceptability, which is obtained by getting the percentage of
respondents who said that PUP students need to have a study hub which is 137 out of
150 respondents or 91.33% then multiplied to frequency of agreement or the average
number of hours of stay of a customer in the study hub. Majority of the students said that
they will stay for 2 hrs. Thus, the annual demand is obtained. The past demand is then
obtained by multiplying the population to the market acceptability then multiplied to the
frequency of agreement.
Table 7
Past Demand for Isko Aralan
Table 8
Projected Demand
Exponential Population Projection Formula is used to project and compute the
population of Polytechnic University of the Philippines Manila for the next 5 years. The
projected population for the next 5 years is computed exactly and near the actual number
of students for the past 5 years.
Students aging 17-19 years and are female are likely the ones who will avail the
service of Isko Aralan. They are the majority who are willing and able to be the customers
of the study hub. This can be explained because ,psychologically speaking, female are
more studious than male and, at age 17-19 are more grade conscious which made them
be the target market of the study hub.
The projected demand is computed by multiplying the target population every year
to the market acceptability rate and then multiplied to the frequency of agreement or the
number of hours a student will avail the service per day.
The computation for past annual supply is based on the past annual multiplied by the
percentage of demand served. The same method was applied on projected annual
supply, projected annual demand multiplied by percentage of market acceptability.
Table 9
Past Annual Supply
The formula used for Past Annual Supply is:
Table 10
Projected Annual Supply
In this part, Demand-Supply gap analysis was determined in order to identify the
unsatisfied market from the market share of the proposed business. Unsatisfied market
implies that the supply is too insufficient to meet the demand.
Table 11
Demand-Supply Gap Analysis
2019 42,936 39,213 3,723 8.67%
In this part, the market share is based on the unsatisfied market industry. 8.67%
of the demand we’re concluded unsatisfied that will be the target market customer and
the other 91.33% is the potential market of the proposed business.
Table 12
The formula used for Market Share Analysis is MSA= Demand-Supply Gap x Unsatisfied
Isko Aralan Daily Grace Mr. Abraham Kean And Mateo I love Milktea Printing Shop
Figure 6
Market Share
Indirect Competitors
Figure 7
Mr. Abraham Camba Jr. owns a unit at Maui Oasis located at Sta. Mesa, Manila
near Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The unit he bought of the said
establishment open a business opportunity for him to make a profit, so he decided to rent
his unit and make it as a Study Room and Meeting Place. The target market of his
business are the students of PUP.
Marketing Strategies
Mr. Camba Jr. bought the unit so he doesn’t need to pay any monthly rent expense
for his business and also he doesn’t have any employees, thus the only expense of the
business is the Electricity and Water bills. It is a big advantage for him because 100% of
the sales will go to him.
Budget Allocations
Mr. Camba Jr. bought a unit at Maui Oasis. He allocated the budget to buy a unit
for about P1-3 Million. The water, electricity, and other utilities are separated thus these
are also included as his budget allocation.
Sales Force
Sales force is the division of a business that’s responsible for selling products or
services. Mr. Camba Jr. is the owner and only employee of his business, thus he’s the one
who sells his business. The type of sales force used is Business to customer (B2C Sales).
Quality Standards
The business is open anytime. You just need to contact Mr. Camba Jr. for the
booking and scheduling of the place. Here are the contact numbers of Mr. Camba Jr.
Pricing Policies
The rate of the service is P1,000 good for 8 persons good for 10 hours. Every extra
1 hour or person just add P100 pesos each.
Terms and Condition of Sales
You can bring 8 people. The room is well ventilated because it is air conditioned,
Unlimited Wi-Fi connection, with television and refrigerator and an also use the stove for
cooking foods. Spaciously clean for only 1000 pesos for 10 hours. All the damages will be
Transportation Strategies
The Study Room and Meeting place is located at Sta. Mesa, Manila near
Polytechnic University of the Philippines. It is a walking distance if you are in PUP. You
may ride a tricycle if you’re in LRT station.
Figure 8
Mr. Abraham Camba Jr’s Study Room and Meeting Place Transportation Map
Mr. Camba Jr. posted advertisements of his business at the PUP Buy & Sell on
Facebook. PUP Buy & Sell is a platform where you can post if you need something or
you want to sell or anything related to business. There’s a 5% discount granted if you
book on the day said in the post or advertisement.
Figure 9
Mr. Abraham Camba Jr’s Study Room and Meeting Place Advertising and
Promotion Strategy
I love milk tea is a milk tea service business located at Teresa St. Sta. Mesa,
Manila near Polytechnic University of the Philippines after. The target market of the
business are the students of the PUP.
Figure 10
I Love Milktea
Incentives and Benefits
Budget Allocations
The budget of I love Milktea is about P100,000.00. This includes the salary of the
employees, Rent expense, Electricity and Water expense, P39,936, P20,000, P5,000,
and P1,000 respectively.
I love Milktea is a place where you can hang with your friends and classmates.
Just buy any products and you can enjoy the fresh ambiance of the place whenever you
want. You can also play board games.
I love Milktea focus on how the customers will like their product. Also, the
differentiation of the taste from their competitors. The uniqueness of the place will surely
catch the attention of the customers.
I love Milktea uses social media so the customers will see the promotion. Also the
business posted their products on a tarpaulin in front of the store so that the customers
will know the products available inside the store.
Figure 11
Daily Grace S&R Fresh Juice & Tea Café is a milk tea service business located at
Teresa St. Sta. Mesa, Manila near Polytechnic University of the Philippines after. The
target market of the business is the students of the PUP.
Figure 12
The owner of Daily Grace Tea Café hired 2 employees to handle the business.
The 2 employees are stay in and provided a free food.
Budget Allocations
The budget of Daily Grace Tea Café is about P60,000-P80,000. This includes the
benefits and salary of the employees, Rent expense, Electricity and Water expense,
P6,000, P25,000, P10,000, and P1,000 respectively.
Daily Grace Tea Café is a place where you can hang with your friends and
classmates. Just buy any products and you can enjoy the place whenever you want.
Excessive noise will not be tolerated inside the store so other customers will not be
Just like other Milk-Tea shops, Daily Grace Tea Café thinks about your health. You
can choose the right amount of sugar you want for your Milk-Tea.
Daily Grace Tea Café uses Flyers since it’s a new business around Teresa St.
Using of flyers will gain the attention of the customers that there is a newly open Milk-Tea
shop in town. Also the business posted their products on a tarpaulin in front of the store
so that the customers will know the products available inside the store.
Figure 13
Daily Grace S&R Fresh Juice & Tea Café Advertisements and Promotions
Alicia’s Internet Café is a PC rental service business located at 263 Teresa St. Sta.
Mesa, Manila near Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The target market of the
business are the students of the PUP.
Figure 14
Marketing Strategies
Budget Allocations
Sales Force
The owner of the business live outside the country he decided to hire just one
employee since the business is small and can easily handle. The type of sales force used
is Business to customer (B2C Sales).
Quality Standards
Alicia’s Internet Café has 13 PC’s. They make sure that all the PC’s are working
fine and the room is air conditioned to prevent the PC’s to overheat due to continuous
Alicia’s Internet Café opens Monday until Saturday starting from 8 in the morning
until 8 in the evening.
Pricing Policies
The rate of the service is P15 good for 1 hour of renting the PC. The minimum rate
is P10.
For only 15 pesos per hour, you can now enjoy surfing, streaming and download
with a high speed internet and no lag issues.
Advertising the business is important so the customers knows what are the
services rendered. Alicia’s Internet Café posted tarpaulin in front of their place for the
students will know the rate.
Promotion is meaningful since there are lots of PC rental along the streets of
Teresa. Students may avail Alicia’s Internet Café P25 for 2 hours promo.
Figure 15
Keane & Mateo is an internet and printing service business located at 263 Teresa
St. Sta. Mesa, Manila near Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The target market of
the business are the students of the PUP.
Figure 16
Marketing Strategies
Budget Allocations
Sales Force
The owner doesn’t have any employee. The type of sales force used is Business
to customer (B2C Sales).
Quality Standards
Keane and Mateo has 3 PC’s so it easy to handle the business. The owner make
sure that all the PC’s are working fine and there’s a monthly repair to prevent the PC’s
from any viruses.
Market Timing and Scheduling
Keane and Mateo opens Monday until Saturday starting from 8 in the morning until
8 in the evening.
Pricing Policies
The rate of the service is P15 good for 1 hour of renting the PC. The minimum rate
is P10.
For only 15 pesos per hour, you can now enjoy surfing, streaming and download
with a high speed internet and no lag issues.
Advertising the business is important so the customers knows what are the
services rendered. Keane and Mateo posted tarpaulin in front of their place for the
students will know the rate.
Promotion is meaningful since there are lots of PC rental along the streets of
Teresa. Students may avail Alicia’s Internet Café P25 for 2 hours promo and P36 for 3
Figure 17
The above stated computer shops are not the only indirect competitor present in
the proposed location of Isko-Aralan. The three computer shops are the representation
of the other computer shops existing in the project site. In this part, we decided not to
present the other computer shops because almost all of them have the same Marketing
Mixes used.
6. Printing Shops These are the printing service business located at Teresa St. Sta.
Mesa, Manila near Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The target market of the
business are the students of the PUP.
Figure 18
Printing Shops
Marketing Strategies
Sales Force
Every printing shops have one to two personnel in order to run the business. The
type of sales force used is Business to customer (B2C Sales).
Quality Standards
The printing shops make sure that all the equipment are in good condition and
maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness.
Printing shops opens Monday until Saturday starting from 8 in the morning until 8
in the evening but some opens 24 hours.
Pricing Policies
The rate of the service is P1 for black and P3 up depending on the colored content.
Advertising the business is important so the customers knows what are the
services rendered. The printing shops posted posters in front of their place for the
students will know the rate.
Promotion is meaningful since there are lots of printing shops along the streets of
Marketing Concept
Isko Aralan is a business that focuses on the customer's needs and satisfying it for
a profit. We aim to build a good relationship with the customer to establish customer
loyalty which will help the company and the customers as well in the long run.
By doing a survey, we understood the needs of the customers and we aim to satisfy
it better than others in a profitable and competitive price.
Marketing Strategies
Marketing plays a vital role in the success or failure of a business. It adds spice to
the proposed business through pricing, promoting, advertising and for the products and
services that the business will provide. Isko Aralan also aims to withstand its indirect
competitors by dominating the market. It will use different promotions and strategies that
will attract and catch the attention of its target market.
Product Strategies
This serves as the competitive advantage of our study hub business "Isko Aralan".
Isko Aralan is a study hub business that emphasizes on the low cost but clean and
comfortable facility perfect for stimulating customer's learning mood. We want to have
PUPians a good place to study and especially budget friendly to catch their attentions.
Place Strategies
Isko Aralan will be located on Teresa Sta. Mesa Manila and it is considered to be
the most strategic location because our primary target market is the PUP students and
almost all of these students passes to Teresa Street to go to the University.
Pricing Strategies
We used Economy Pricing because the business "Isko Aralan" aims to cater the
financial budget and capabilities of the students of PUP. The price per head in the study
hub will be P20.00 per hour. There is a promotional pricing which includes; Group of 3
persons for P45.00 per hour, Group of 5 for P90.00 per hour and the VIP room which
costs P180.00 per hour, good for 10 persons.
Promotion Strategies
Since most of our market passes in front of our business facility, we use posters
and flyers for us to be able to reach our target market.
These sales promotions aim to establish awareness among the target market and
to stimulate desirable response from the Isko Aralan's marketing strategies.
A flyer is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically
posted or distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals or sent through the mail.
Flyers are an informative tool in making people aware of your product or service and your
company. This will include Isko Aralan’s services offered and its service rates. There will
be a calendar of which markets we will attend. The flyers will be distributed in front of the
school, malls, grocery stores etc.
Figure 19
Posters will be placed in our store. The design of the poster can be able to catch
the attention of the customers as well as give them information about the business. Two
(2) posters will be produced which are good for Two (2) months.
Facebook Page
Isko Aralan, a proposed business that focuses on the place to study wherein the
quality of service is in an affordable price will be creating a Facebook page wherein it will
feature all the services offered and its rates. This Facebook page will also include the
contact number of the business, the location of the business and all activities of the
business. This aims to reach a greater volume of the population and make them aware
of the business since social media has become a necessity in the daily lives of people.
Figure 20
Table 13
Timeline of Marketing Strategies
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Se Oct Nov Dec
Table 14
Budget Matrix
Total cost:P4,310
Table 15
Table 16
Monthly Projection
Daily Income 5,580.00
x 26 days 26.00
Monthly Income P145,080.00
Annual Projection
Monthly Income 145,080.00
x 12 months x12.00
Annual Income P1,740,960.00
Table 17
Projected Daily Sales for Printing
Table 18
Projected Monthly and Annual Sales for Printing
Income 446,400.00
Projected sales were obtained by multiplying the average number of customers
accommodated by Isko-Aralan by the average number of hours that the customer would
intend to stay and also from the sales from our printing services and laptop rentals.
Figure 21
There are five steps that we are planning to do for our marketing program to be
successful and the first one is "analyze". Analyzing of the customer patterns, marketing
performance, and sales results will help us gather information and be able to understand
our market. After we analyze our market, we will create a plan on what we are going to
do and how much budget we are going to allocate. After planning, we will know and focus
on our target for us and execute our marketing programs and lastly, to monitor the effects
of our programs and always improve on the areas to we are lacking
TOPIC 4: Technical Study
A technical feasibility study assesses the details of how you intend to deliver a
product or service to customers. It includes the materials, labor, transportation, where
your business will be located, and the technology that will be necessary to bring all this
together. It's the logistical or tactical plan of how your business will produce, store,
deliver, and track its products or services.
Isko Aralan: Where learning never ends
PUP students normally study in their houses or dormitories, but some of them don’t
really have a good study area. If they are in school, they go and study usually in the
crowded library with no proper ventilation, classroom with no electric fan, in the hallways,
beside the PUP Chapel, and in the university oval which is quite noisy and uncomfortable
for the many. Isko-Aralan will be the first learning space for the Polytechnic University of
the Philippines Students specifically built for their needs to have a comfortable, accessible
and cheap place to study.
Isko Aralan will give the students the access to well designed and quality area to
study that includes, fully air-conditioned facility, comfortable chairs and tables, optimum
lighting, high speed internet connection, books and other learning resources and of
course a spacious and quiet place to study at an affordable and reasonable price.
The study hub will offer seats for group and individual customers. They are free to
choose where they want to seat. The rate of entrance per head (individual) to Isko Aralan
will be P20.00 per hour. Also, there will be an exclusive room good for maximum of 10
persons at the second floor which costs P180.00 per hour. The entrance fee to Isko Aralan
will give a free access to the following facilities and amenities:
◼ Free High Speed Internet Connection (Wi-Fi)
◼ Free Electricity for charging of devices
◼ Books and Other Learning Materials
◼ Printing Services
◼ Friendly Staff
◼ Noise Free environment
◼ Soft Ambient Music Background
◼ Clear Ambiance
◼ Spacious Study Area
◼ Secured Facility with CCTV
◼ Air-Conditioned Place to Study
The customers can also rent laptop or a computer for their use if they need to.
The price for Laptop/Computer Rental will be P25.00 per hour. Printing services is
available and the price per age of print in black text is P1.00 while the colored print rangers
from 4-7 pesos.
Below is the service process:
Figure 22
Service Process
The proposed location of Isko-Aralan will be at Teresa St., Sta. Mesa, Manila.
Teresa Street is the heart and main pathway of students going in and out the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines. The said location will be accessible and convenient for the
target market. The proposed business site is surrounded by indirect competitors which
are mostly the computer shops and the Milk Tea Shops. Its direct competitor which is the
“Condo Unit turned Study Unit for rent” is 1 kilometer away and located at Maui Oasis
Condominium. Therefore, the proposed project site can cater to the demand of the target
market since there are only few competitors.
The proposed project site is a two story facility. It is a 36 square-meter facility which
can accommodate 40 persons. It is located in front of a convenience store and at its both
sides are two computer shops. Isko Aralan’s proposed site will only be 100 meters away
from the university entrance.
The challenges perceived to be present in the proposed site is noise and children
who usually enter business stores to ask for money from customers. The noise emanates
from the street where students walk and ride in and out the university. Isko-Aralan will be
fully enclosed with quality glass wall to make it sound proof from the inside. Isko-Aralan
will put restrictions to prevent street children from entering facility so as not to disturb the
customers. If the proposed site will not be feasible, the alternative location will be at
Newton Plaza which is 700 meters away from the University entrance and is less noisy
and not crowded.
The space for Isko Aralan will be a rented building. Rental cost is approximately
P25,000 monthly. The rent term will be for as long as the renters can pay. The initial
payment costs P75,000 which is for the 2 months’ advance and 1 month deposit.
Also, the rented 2 story project site is a newly renovated concrete building. there
There will be small renovations such as painting of its interior, putting up a glass wall and
door for the entrance and a fully enclosed glass atleast 10 persons per room.
Figure 23
1st floor Project Layout
Figure 24
Cashier’s View
Figure 25
Entrance’s View
Figure 26
2nd Floor Project Layout
Figure 27
VIP Room for 10 persons
Table 19
Production Schedule
The table below shows the production schedule for renovation, installation, and
customization of Isko Aralan Study Hub.
Table 20
Production Cost
Figure 29
Floor Plan for the 1st Floor
Figure 30
Floor Plan for the 2nd Floor
Table 21
Unit Total
Description Function Quantity
Cost Cost
A split type air conditioner
will be used in the study ₱132,00
3 0
area to maintain the 0
coolness ventilation.
Table 22
Office Supplies
2 rim
8.5 by
A high quality writing paper ₱125 ₱250
used in printing services. ₱130 ₱260
2 rim
Bond Paper
8.5 by
1 Black
A high quality ink used for Ink ₱40 ₱40
printing services. 1 RBY ₱120 ₱120
Table 23
Unit Total
Description Function Quantity
Cost Cost
It is used to seat a single
14 ₱2.000 ₱28,000
TOTAL: ₱63,500
Table 24
Unit Total
Description Function Quantity
Cost Cost
It is used as desktop table
or can be a surface on
10 ₱2,800 ₱28,000
which to place things.
(Good for 2)
TOTAL: ₱74,090
Table 25
Description Function Quantity Total Cost
Used to bring light and
brightness in the study 1 ₱1,000 ₱1,000
TOTAL: ₱3,500
Table 26
Unit Total
Description Function Quantity
Cost Cost
TOTAL: ₱2,810
Table 27
Outdoor Materials
Unit Total
Description Function Quantity
Cost Cost
It is an item designed to
1 ₱800 ₱800
protect from the sun
2 ₱2.000 ₱4,000
Table 28
Unit Total
Description Function Quantity
Cost Cost
CCTV (closed-circuit
television) is a TV system 4 ₱3,000 ₱12,000
in which signals are not
publicly distributed but are
monitored, primarily for
surveillance and security
PAN Used for maintaining the 1 ₱400 ₱400
cleanliness of the study
Used for proper disposal of 4 ₱200 ₱800
TOTAL: ₱14,700
Table 29
Utility Requirements
Internet A utility Converge – one of the P1,500 25mbps
expense internet services per Unlimited P1,50
owed for provider in the month, Internet 0
internet used. Philippines. fixed price
Table 30
Utility Consumption
Total P9,000 P108, P108, 000 P108, 000 P108, 000 P108, 000
Table 31
Plywood is a sheet
material manufactured 10 PHP400.0
from thin layers or pieces 0
"plies" of wood.
Plywood RE
5 pieces 0
2x2x10 Kiln dried lumber is SAMPALO PHP160.0
1½x lumber that has been C 0
2x 10 heated in a kiln so that DIAMOND PHP150.0
1 piece
2x3x10 it has a low moisture HARDWA 0
1 piece
Kiln dried 2x3x8 content. RE PHP115.0
A door handle is an
attached object or ACE 1 piece PHP299.0
mechanism used to HARDWA 0
manually open or RE
close a door.
Butt/Mortise hinges
usually in threes or ACE
fours, which are inset HARDWA 1 box
(mortised) into the RE
door and frame.
Table 32
Materials for Paint
Quick Drying Enamel
is an alkyd type paint
Enamel C
that provides great PHP742.0
DIAMOND 1 gallon
durability while being 0
noted as a fast drying
A paint thinner is a
solvent used to ACE
thin oil-based HARDWAR 1 gallon
Paint paints or clean up E
thinner after their use.
Paint Roller
Paint brush
A paintbrush is a
No. 1 brush used to PHP
DIAMOND 2 pieces
apply paint or 25.00
sometimes ink.
Table 33
r Sandpaper is produced SAMPALO
in a range of grit sizes C
and is used to remove DIAMOND 10 pieces P 63.00
material from surfaces to HARDWAR
make them smoother. E
Table 34
Manpower Requirements
• Ensure manpower and • Ability to read
resources are adequate drawings, plans and
• Guarantee all safety blueprints
precautions and quality • Excellent
standards are met organizational and
• Supervise the use of leadership skills
equipment • Ability to
• Monitor expenditure and communicate and
ensure it remains within report effectively
budget • Aptitude in math
• Report on progress to • Problem-solving
higher management abilities
• Oversight of field • Good physical
operations condition and
• Organize, facilitate, stamina
motivate and • High school diploma
communicate or a diploma in a
• Set and maintain skilled trade like
customer expectations electrician,
• Ensure project quality carpenter, etc.
and cost control
• Resolve issues during
Labor Worker • Read blueprints, • Proven experience
drawings and sketches as construction
They Perform tasks
to fully grasp worker
and conduct
requirements • Knowledge of
• Take measurements and mixing and pouring
calculate the size and construction
amount of material material like
needed concrete and sand
• Cut, shape and smooth • Knowledge of basic
lumber and other engineering and
materials according to construction
measurements principles and
• Build window frames, methods
doors, staircase and • Able to work in an
frame buildings by using team
raw materials or pre- • Able to read
constructed items instructions and
• Lay out floorings, roofing blueprints
or drywall ensuring they • Good physical
are levelled and condition and
compatible stamina
• Carve and assemble • Building and
furniture, cabinets, Mechanical
shelves and other items knowledge
and install them where • Math and Language
designated literate
• Inspect places and • Written and oral
conduct repairs or communication
maintenance • Willingness to learn
• Build scaffolding and
other construction
Table 35
Manpower salary
Figure 30
Three labor workers are enough to help the foreman finish the renovation in 2 to 3weeks
time depending on the availability of the materials needed. The renovation includes Roof
replacement, Insulation, Dry wall, installing windows, Fine carpentry, Interior painting,
Flooring, Electrical and Plumbing, Air conditioning, putting up dividers, arranging furniture
and fixtures.
Our customers are always our priority. We would like to give them a one hundred
percent satisfaction and the maintenance in terms of cleanliness in all areas of our store.
So, Isko Aralan encourages all the members of the organization, especially since we are
in the Service Industry, to strictly comply with the set of standard of cleanliness,
specifically with the proper disposal of waste.
Isko Aralan will provide two trash bins for the first and second floor of our study hub
with cover and proper labelling of segregation. We will provide small trash bins in the
counter area and restroom as well so the customer can easily locate or see where they
can throw their candy wrappers, tissues and food wrappers. The accumulated garbage
per day will be put in the big trash bin outside our study hub and will be collected by the
Manila garbage collection unit per their schedule.
TOPIC 6: Financial Feasibility
Projects are considered viable only when they are expected to be profitable to
meet short-term obligations, to be liqui and to remain liquid during adversities, to grow in
their ability to finance operations mostly from net-worth sources rather than credit
applications, to be able to service their financing charges. Thus, the financial viability part
of the feasibility study is very crucial.
1. Major assumptions
2. Total Project costs
3. Initial Working Capital Requirements
4. Alternative Source of financing considered
5. Sources of financing the project
6. Financial Analysis
Major Assumptions
Major Assumptions – state all changes that will change financial results here. (e.g. 5%
increase in salary annually , operating expenses, growth on sales and cost of sales) .
Inflation rate should be taken into consideration when establishing the increase of
expenses/cost especially the utilities. Capital Expenditures (equipment) may have a
useful life of five (5) years. However, equipment of small value can be expensed outright.
This is an estimation of the project’s total cost or initial asset requirement. Based
on the materials, supplies, equipment, physical plan, and manpower needs of the project
specified in the technical aspect, the total project cost is composed of planned fixed-asset
acquisitions and current-asset levels.
1. Financial Analysis – In this section, you will try to test your projections vs
financial ratios . The following financial ratios should be reflected in the financial
a. The following ratios are necessary to validate viability of the business:
• Liquidity ratios
• Current Ratio= Current Assets/Currrent Liabilities
• Acid Test ratio= Cash+Receivables+marketable
▪ Profitability
• Return on Sales= Net Income/Sales( Revenues)
• Operating ratio= Operating Income/Sales(Revenues)
• Return on Equity= Net Income/Average Owners’Equity
▪ Solvency
• Debt Ratio=Total liabilities/Total Assets
• Equity Ratio=Owners Equity/Total Assets
TOPIC 7: Socio-Economic Study
A project or business should be geared towards not only profit generation but also
social and economic benefits. The socio-economic evaluation of the study will explain
how the project will affect:
A. Employment of Personnel
All employees have basic rights in their workplace, including the right to privacy,
fair compensation, and freedom from discrimination. A job applicant also has certain
rights even prior to being hired as an employee.
Isko Aralan will contribute to the personnel by providing them privacy in terms of
their personal possessions like, storage lockers for their personal stuff, giving them
privacy for their personal information like private conversations and private mail
addressed only to them, safe workplace free of dangerous conditions, toxic substances
and other potential safety hazards and giving them fair wages for their work performance.
Every business establishment will be of great help for the growth and development
of the Philippine Economy. These will be only being possible if every firm will be
responsible enough to perform their duties and obligations to their customers, community
and of course to the government.
The business will provide employment to some individuals in the economy. Every
society wants all its qualified members to be gainfully employed. When individuals are
employed they are able to raise their children, support them through school, provide them
with decent homes and acquire medical services whenever its needed.
Isko Aralan will help to lessen the crimes in the economy like, illegal drug trade.
Theft, physical assault and such. It also help to lessen the rate of unemployment and
number of poor people.
The proposed business will provide a learning hub for the student of Polytechnic
University of the Philippines. Filipinos are known to be competitive when it comes to
education. The proposed business will help the students especially those who are saving
money to have an opportunity to study and at the same time enjoy without worrying to the
money they will spend.
Isko Aralan is offering a quiet, spacious and affordable study hub that is located
near to the school so the students will free hustle to go. The goal of this business is to
inform and educate the students that there are some businesses who are offering a
convenient space for them to study, concentrate and relax.
TOPIC 2: The Project Summary
Example from Isko Aralan Feasibility Study
The proponents of Isko Aralan came up with the idea of establishing a study hub
near the university to provide a quality yet affordable study area for the students of
Polytechnic University of the Philippines Manila. Since most of the PUP students has no
choice but to study in a crowded library, rooms with no proper ventilation and noisy area
within the vicinity of the university to review for upcoming exam, do assignments and
accomplish requirements, the proponents of this project wanted to help the students to
have a comfortable, safe, clean, accessible, spacious and quiet place to study with an
affordable price. In this way, it will be easier for every student to study because there will
be enough resources and a quality facility that will make them focused in studying. The
proponents of this project believes that the best place for a student to study is a place
where there is nothing to do but to study.
Figure 1
The logo of Isko Aralan is a minimalist representation of its target market and what
kind of service it offers. The semi-circle symbolizes a building or the study hub itself. The
3 rectangular shape and the star came from the Polytechnic University Logo. The three
black rectangle represents the Pylon which is a representation and landmark of the
university together with the star. The maroon wing shape is actually a book which
symbolizes learning or to study. With this concept, Isko Aralan’s logo is formed.
There are four colors in the logo which are black, maroon, yellow and orange.
Orange is used to give impact and pin point the word ‘study hub’ which is our proposed
business. Maroon is used to the word ‘Isko’ since that is the color of the university and
Isko means students from PUP. Black is used to give balance to the said colors and make
the logo more appealing to the eye.
Table 1
Proponents of the Project
Nationalit % of
Name Address
y Ownership
Charish Aiza R. Filipino #53 Victory Ave., Brgy. 10%
Terrano Tatalon, Quezon City
“To make Isko Aralan the place of choice that serves as an educational anchor
for the students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines to experience a quality yet
affordable service that gives comfortability and ease in studying to every student.”
Business Objectives:
⚫ To provide a study area where students can focus and be at ease while studying
The business proponents came out with the name "Isko Aralan" as the proposed
name of the business. ‘Isko’ is derived from the phrase “Iskolar ng Bayan” (Scholar of the
Nation) that locally describes the students studying in state universities like Polytechnic
University of the Philippines. While ‘Aralan’ came from the word “Silid-Aralan” which
means a room for studying and learning. Thus combined, formed the word Isko Aralan
which merely describes a place for the students of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines to study and learn.
other obligations. The partners own and operate the business and assume liability for the
Partnership is the best type of business ownership for Isko Aralan wherein the
partners share money, skills and other resources, and share profit and lost in accordance
with the terms of partnership agreement. In the absence of such agreement, a partnership
is assumed to exit where the participants in an enterprise agree to share the associated
risks and rewards proportionately. Establishing terms of the business with the partners in
case of disagreement or dissolution by drawing up a specific business agreement to
protect themselves, is included in the articles of co-partnership which is on the other hand,
be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Complementary skills and additional contacts of each pattern can lead to the
achievement of greater financial results together than would be possible apart. Mutual
support, motivation, communication, and good attitude towards work are needed for the
business to last longer.
Figure 2
The proposed location of Isko Aralan is at 207 Teresa Street, Brgy. 591, Sta. Mesa,
Manila. As per the outcome of the survey, the majority of the respondents chose Teresa
Street as the most accessible and convenient place to establish a study hub. Thus, this
only shows that it is the most strategic location to penetrate and reach out the target
market which are the Polytechnic University of the Philippines students.
Figure 3
Vicinity Map
Location of the Project: Teresa Street, Brgy. 591, Santa Mesa, Manila, Metro
Proponents: The proponents of Isko Aralan are namely the following: Ginia Emil
Darian M. Andan, Christin Joy B. Alvarez, Ivan Russel R. Brocoy, Xyza Mae G. Clemente,
Marivic Joy D. Sumajit, John Carlo E. Tablac, Jake R. Taghoy, Sheena Mae B. Talens,
Charish Aiza R. Terrano and Kimberly U. Urge.
Isko-Aralan is a line type organization, the oldest and simplest type of business
organization that has only three personnel in the business which is the store manager
and two maintenance staff. It flows from top to bottom. It is a Partnership type of
organization. Isko Aralan as partnership will be registered with the different government
agencies as Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Business Permit and Licensing
Office of Manila, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and Social Security System (SSS).
The target market of Isko Aralan are the students of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines. Isko Aralan offers a quality service that every students of the university
wanted and needed.
There is no existing study hub in the project location that makes the business
easier to penetrate the market. The market acceptability for Isko Aralan is 91.33 %. This
shows that there is a strong and high demand from the market. Isko Aralan is a business
that focuses on the customer's needs and satisfying it for a profit.
For our promotion strategy, we will be using poster and fliers to give awareness
and position our business to our market. The rate per hour each person is P20.00 an
hour, same price as the laptop rental. Also, there is a promotion price which include
P45.00 for 3 individuals per hour, P95.00 for 5 individuals per hour and a VIP room that
is good for 10 persons which costs 180 per hour. Isko Aralan also offers a printing
As for the service, the students usually study in their houses or dormitories, but
some of them don’t have a good place to study. Isko-Aralan will be the first learning space
that will serve as an educational anchor for the students of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines. It is built in accordance to their needs to have a comfortable and quality study
We are located in Teresa St., Sta. Mesa, Manila which is very accessible to the
students, which is only a few meters away from the university. The proposed project site
is a 36 square-meter and a two story facility with a 40-persons capacity. It is in front of a
convenient store and alongside are computer shops and other establishments. The
proponents will pay a P25,000.00 monthly rent.
The project site needed a minor renovation and leasehold improvement. The
improvement of the establishment will last up to 3 weeks, and a Foreman and 3
labor/construction workers are needed to finish the renovation.
Financing and Financial feasibility is the assessment of the financial aspects of the
study. As per the Isko Aralan, it had a P750, 000.00 investment capital since the expenses
and cost of materials, labor and equipment needed to make the business operational is
not quite big as other businesses. The sources of capital for this business are the 10
proponents of the business and owners of Isko Aralan. The return of investment for Isko
Aralan will take up less than a year only.
The Isko Aralan will provide the personnel for the privacy in terms of their personal
stuff and safety. It will also help the business to be more efficient by treating the staff in
good terms.
This business also helps the economy growth especially when the market is
responsible enough to do their obligations to the customers, community and the also the
government. As for contributing to the government, it means that paying the right taxes
so the government can execute its task well including continuous support to the whole
country. The society will also benefit in Isko-Aralan because it can help the students to
be more persevere of studying so that they can get a job and not to be unemployed after
Based on the research and study conducted by the proponents of this project, we
therefore conclude that our business is feasible and viable in the market. The factors that
contributed to make our business feasible are:
• First, it is the first and only study hub near Polytechnic University of the
• Second, there is a strong need and demand from the student of Polytechnic
University of the Philippines for a study hub.
• Third, it only have indirect competitors which are the computer shops and
the 2 Milk Tea Shops. If Isko Aralan enters the market, it will have a 52%
market share.
• Fourth, it has a market acceptability rate of 91.33% .
These factors made this project a feasible one. Isko Aralan will offer a great
service specially designed and offered for the students of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines for them to have a quality, comfortable and affordable study place that every
PUP students dreamt to experience.
Aduana, Nick L. (2015), Writing Project Feasibility Study, C&E Publishing, Inc., South
triangle, Quezon City.
Alvarez, Christin Joy B. (2017), Isko Aralan Hub, Feasibility Study, Department of
Marketing Management, College of Business Administration, Polytechnic
University of the Philippines, Sta.Mesa, Manila.
Calmorin, L.P. and M.A. Calmorin (2007). Research Methods and Thesis Writing. 2nd
edition. Rex Book Store, Manila.