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Internship Report

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Table of Contents



Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................3

IV. Executive Summary..............................................................................................................4

V. Chapter I - Background.........................................................................................................5

V.I. Company........................................................................................................................5

V.II. Job Description.............................................................................................................5

V.III. Problem........................................................................................................................5

VI. Chapter II - Methodology & Result.......................................................................................6

VI.I. Method.........................................................................................................................6

VII.II. Results......................................................................................................................7

VII. Chapter III - Self-Reflection.................................................................................................8

VII.I. What have you learnt..................................................................................................9

VII.II. Career Plans..............................................................................................................9

VIII. Chapter IV - Conclusion & Recommendation...................................................................10

IX. References..........................................................................................................................11

X. Appendices.........................................................................................................................12

X.I. Weekly Journal............................................................................................................12

X.II. Employer Evaluation..................................................................................................24

Executive Summary

The objectives of this internship report are to provide an understanding on the experience of
my internship period at Sekolah Kemurnian II, as well as the various tasks that I've been assigned on
my internship period. My internship began on 18th of June 2018 until 7th of September 2018. I was
assigned and required to use laptop throughout my internship period, considering that most of my jobs
are done through the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Throughout the internship period, my
supervisor has been giving me various assignments, such as making a proposal, managing a rundown
for an event, compile data, and etc. Furthermore, the workplace environment was very pleasant, as the
office itself is small so getting to know each of the employees were easy as they were keen on helping
as well. For me, the small office is very efficient in terms of communicating and working, hence, it
resulting in good performance by myself in my own opinion.

The majority of tasks which I was given by my supervisor was to use Microsoft Word and
Microsoft Excel, since my tasks are mostly to making a proposal to certain event organizers,
managing a rundown for an event, and to arrange the data of the students using the Microsoft excel.
During my internship period, the Kemurnian school is at the admission period, whereas most of the
employees’ tasks is to fix, decorate, as well as making a certain strategy in order to attract new
potential customers, which are students to go and register to Kemurnian School. Henceforth, most of
my jobs is about to creating a proposal to certain events, sponsors, and also to arrange the data of the
students. However, I struggled on the first week of the tasks that has been given to me, considering
that I’m new to the job environment and I’ve never done or work in an office, but time after time,
I’ve learned a lot and it makes me better overtime. Which I can conclude that by doing this internship
develop my further skill in conducting a proposal, managing a rundown for an event, and also using
Microsoft Excel and lastly is to learn about the job environment as well.

Overall, this internship opportunity that I was given served as a very unforgettable experience
to me since I had never worked in any other company or office before and never experienced how it
feels to work in an office, such as school. I really enjoy my time during my internship, the feeling that
I’ve learned a lot during my period of internships and it was an honor for me to contributed to helped
the school throughout their admission period. To conclude my whole internship experience, it has
helped me a lot in terms of developing myself as a better person and it also prepared me for whatever
comes ahead after graduating from Binus University.

V. Chapter I - Background
V.I. Company
Sekolah Kemurnian or Kemurnian School was established on January 2, 1978, precisely on Jalan
Kemurnian V no. 209 West Jakarta. In 1979, Kemurnian I have established a building for the
elementary schools, and by the year of 1981, for the secondary and senior high school. In 1988,
Sekolah Kemurnian II, the one that I’ve worked at was established on the Green Ville housing
complex Blok Q no. 209. Furthermore, the third branch, which is Sekolah Kemurnian III are located
in Citra II housing complex Blok B-6 for the kindergarten and Blok A-3 for the elementary school.

V.II. Job Description

During my period of internship, I worked and acquired the position of event officer in which
most of my tasks involved the use of Microsoft Word for creating a proposal for certain events and
tenants for the open house as well as managing the total number of students and compare it within two
years time with the Microsoft Excel. My responsibility is to make sure that I follow up the certain
potential events that has been chosen by the school in order to apply those events that have been
chosen to the open house events and also to keep a track on the previous number of students on the
previous year and compare it to the recent year by using Microsoft Excel. The work environment
itself is very pleasant since the office itself is a small office comparing it to the main office, all of the
employees are friendly and keen to help me in the offices. The time period for lunch hour starts at
12:00 till 13:00.

An observation that I made was all of the employees working in Sekolah Kemurnian are
knowing each other very well, since that it is a school department, the managers and the directors
have to know all of their principals, teachers and staffs in order to track and identify each of the
performances. At the first time, I was confused thus I’m a new guy there and there are certain number
of employees working across offices, but I managed to know one and another since that everyday of
my internships I met with them and time to time we know each other pretty well . In brief, basically
I’m a person that suits the job of managing and following up a certain potential event for some
organizations and with the working environment I encountered in Sekolah Kemurnian II, I was very
comfortable working with them and it overall it is a good experience for me considering their happy
workplace culture, in which will enhance productivity of each and every person working there.

V.III. Problem
The problem that I encountered when I was doing my internship was on doing the part where
I have to managed the certain amount of data using Microsoft Excel. The first problem was to learn

how to put a formula on the first row in order to manage to just drag down the column and the rest of
the data below will be conducted based on the formula. As a matter of fact, I had a low expriences on
using excel during that moment, but on the given time, I started to learn about Excel by searching it
on the Internet and also with the help of my friends during the internship. The second problem occur
when conducting a certain amount of event in which me and my supervisor had a meeting in regards
to what type of events that will be conducted during the open house event and also what kind of
bazaar will be conducted during the open house event. There are also a conflict of interest in choosing
sentences to be used in making the proposal as it requires an understandable and clear sentences
considering that those proposal will be sent to the other businesses and organizations of those events.
Thirdly, I also encountered a problem where I have to think and consult with the other employees
when making a rundown for some seminars for parents and also the rundown for certain events.
Furthermore, I conquered all my problem as my supervisor was very good in choosing and deciding a
suitable events and she was good in supervising me in terms of making a proposal, and also thanks to
the employees and staffs working in there, I tackled my problems and difficulties on making a
rundown for certain events because of their clear and understandable explanations of each

VI. Chapter II - Methodology & Result

VI.I. Methodology

The task that I was assigned during my internship was mostly working with Microsoft Word
and Microsoft Excel, as the first assignment I was assigned was to re arrange the data from the
previous year’s balance sheet, number of students, employees, and etc from the document (word)
format into the Microsoft Excel format to identify the differences in forms of numbers and statistics .
The format of the previous year’s balance sheet however, at firts, I thought it’s going to be easy for
me since I just have to change the total amount of the amount due/tuition fee on the recent year from
the previous year. But however, it is not, since I have to put a formula on the excel in order to adjust
the results below according to the given amount of balance on the above. This task was a bit struggle
for me since I had only a little experience towards making graphs, data, statistical formula in
Microsoft Excel as I mentioned before. But as the time goes, I learned a lot and eventually, I’m
getting used to it. And thanks to the employees there who were keen to help me through excel, I can
managed to finish and finally coped with it.

When I had finally finished all of the balance sheets, I had to make another data on the excel
regarding the total amount of employees and their job description, and also to put the number of
students from the previous year and the recent year into the Excel forms of data. For each of the

document, there are few stepbacks such as new statements to be added to several positions, fonts to be
used, new format to be modified, and organizational structure format. Same as previous task, at first it
was time consuming as I am not used to modifying each and every data one-by-one till I found a
better way of doing it such as copying the word to Microsoft Word and copy pasting it to Excel in
order to speed up the process. The problem with the organizational structure is that my Microsoft
Excel often crash when dealing with creating objects such as boxes and lines used to make the
organizational structure. This problem was being solved by copying the number of the employees
according to their specific job, such as teachers, principals, staffs and etc by grouping each one of
them first by creating a new sheet. After the amount of employees has been analyzed and grouped
according to their specific jobs, then I created a new sheets and grouped them in the last sheet and
lastly, I highlighted them all and make it into a form of charts or data.

The next task that I was assigned for was to write a proposal letter to a certain amount of
event organizations that will be conducted during the open house event since that Sekolah Kemurnian
was in the admission period, where they were managed to put the promotions during my internship
period. Firstly, I managed to write a proposal for certain seminars organizations that were conducted
on the open house events on the day 1, so during that period, I have to finish writing down the
proposal for a number of seminars that are going to be conducted on the open house event. For me,
writing proposal is not a huge problem, since I was getting used to writing a proposal and if I can’t or
ran out of the idea, I just have to search it on the Internet to find a good examples of proposal to save
more time. After I finished with all the proposals, my last task is to conduct a rundown for the event
during the open house period, and yet, it was a simple task for me and I just have to follow my
supervisor from the hand-written paper and wrote it down in the form of data in the Microsoft Word.

VI.II. Results

Overall, from all of the tasks given to me during my internship period, I can say that I was
forced to improvise in my own ability to overcome problems that I faced, and also through guidance
from my colleagues and supervisor in relation to my tasks. I wouldn't call it an obstacle but instead I
called it as a process and creativity where I have to managed and to learned something new in order to
finished all of the given work from my supervisor in regards to make a data forms of a balance sheets,
number of employees in a form of data, students, and etc. As a result, I learned a lot and I had gained
all of the experiences from my previous tasks given in which I could applied it to my future tasks
which makes it much more efficient.

In regards to the obstacles, I don't count all of the problems as a serious problem and a
struggling problem for me as I understood all of the tasks given to me and it only leads to a time

consuming task in which I overcome in the end to make it more efficient and less time consuming.
Therefore, the problems were not hard to overcome as I learned and put an effort on each tasks given.

VII. Chapter III - Self-Reflection

VII.I. What you have learnt

First of all, I am truly grateful to have been accepted on this internship opportunity in Sekolah
Kemurnian or Kemurnian School. Moreover, taking an internship is one of the requirement to
graduate from Binus International undergraduate program. Throughout the three-month period of
internship in Sekolah Kemurnian II, it really had served as a very unforgettable experience in which I
had not expected before since I had no working experience before.

In regards to the internship that I took, I really enjoyed being part of working culture in the
office. I was really surprised on how people react to one another, although I was one of the internship
there and I expect people working in the office to be very serious, competitive in working and
individuals with less communications with one another, but on the other hand, all of employees were
friendly in which they smile and greet one another each and every morning and most of them are a
very warm and respecting person. As a result, I would say hello and greet them in the morning and
every time I pass them by in the office. The time for lunch was at 12:00 to 13:00, and during my
internship period, I managed to get my free lunch from the catering that has been given by the school,
because in Sekolah Kemurnian, all of their employees so is intern are given a free lunchboxes from
the school and it is free if I would like to add or buy another food on the school’s cafeteria if I’m get
bored to the catering food.

I found this internship to be an unforgettable memory for me not only it was my first
experience working in an office environment but also meeting new people and to further understand
what does it like to be in the working environment, how does work looks like, and also what each of
the employees’ tasks and capabilities. I was very concern with my attitude towards desk job, I was not
interested at all in working in an office, because I thought it would be boring to sit all day from the
morning to the evening. But however, this experience working in Sekolah Kemurnian had changed
my perception on working in an office, and after all, it could be a very pleasant job considering the
working environment present in Sekolah Kemurnian. Although I was guided by my supervisor on
what to be done, after the task was given to me, I was given a deadline, but for me, it is measureable
since I think I’m capable of do the tasks given within those easy deadlines for me. Therefore, I could
either do it slow and wait for my supervisor to ask or doing it fast and deliver it to my supervisor, in

which I decided to do it fast and delivering it to my supervisor while asking if there's anything else I
could help her with.

The fact that working in the Event Officer is pretty similar but yet a bit different from the
major that I took in Binus International, considering that the whole process of working in a company
relies on the management part of the business in which I had been taught in Binus International such
as job description and organizational structure, in which during the internship I was already familiar
with organizational structure and job description. The most interesting part is that I was assigned to
take part in event officer during my internship period in which I was familiar in structuring and
making proposal on an event as well as making a rundown on which I had been taught in Binus
International such as in the Digital Campaign class.

The strength that I could see from myself during my internship was that I was able to do
things carefully and I’m not hesitate to ask questions even sometimes I asked too much to my
supervisor, but yet, it was for the result and the betterment of my job, because by asking is how we
earned and gathered things. My weakness is that sometimes when I’ve done my job during the
internship period. I often procrastinate a little bit too much, and I knew that procrastination is my
main weakness. Luckily, my supervisor gave me an advice to not procrastinate too much even though
my job was already done, which she asked mw to do something such as find a new or better ideas and
suggestions regarding the event, rundown, or she even asked me to re decorate my work on tge
proposal. .

VII.II. Career Plans

The career plans that I am going to pursue after I graduate is firstly to work in other
companies before I go for my second degree. This is due to the fact that I set my own goal of my
income since that working in an office is only to gives us an experiences towards work and to train
my mentality as an employee, such as for instance when my boss would get angry towards me or etc.
Moreover, the reason why I’m going to take a Master or double degree on the abroad is because single
degree graduates would only gives you a small or specific amount of salary each month, and also my
mom told me to take Master degree in order to get a good job. Furthermore, my main objectives after
I overcome those master degree and a years of experiences in working in few other companies, I’ll
definitely try to be an entrepreneur in order to gain an advantages, such as more income for my future
life. Hence, I would take this internship as an experience and knowledge for the future, therefore I
know how a company works internally.

Henceforth, we knew that all of the work required to be self-dependent, which means that
working in an office only guarantee a specific amount of salary each month although we have already
work very hard and contributing a lot to the company itself. On the other hand, working by our own
would be or may be more risky path to take but the outcome if succeed would be a lot more
comparing to working with other company. This doesn't change the fact that working in an office is a
very pleasant experience and would be a very great experience if working with a good team, and as I
mentioned before, working in an office is the most important thing to do in order to gain an
experiences and build your mentality.
Overall, my plan of being an entrepreneur would be a difficult and yet a long path to take,
because I should start by my own in which the first step is after I obtain the master degree and have
worked in a companies, then grind my way to become a successful entrepreneur in the future with the
use of all of the knowledges gained from the knowledge that I learned from from university as well as
the knowledge that I earned from my internship in Sekolah Kemurnian and also the knowledge and
experiences from my job in the company.

VIII. Chapter IV - Conclusion & Recommendation

I would definitely try to learn and build my skills in Microsoft Excel in order to provide the
most efficient way of completing the tasks given on any job, considering that Microsoft Excel is the
most efficient way to complete and build a given data and statistics and I mentioned before that I’m
not really good at Microsoft Excel. This would mean to explore more shortcuts and features of Excel
in which definitely would make the tasks much more efficient. A person with a good understanding in
the usage of Microsoft Excel would definitely finishes a job more efficient than those who can’t use
Excel, because from what I’ve learnt during the internship and in Binus, Microsoft Excel is an
essential tool to conduct a data and to process a data into chart or diagram. This would mean better
understanding of each aspect of Microsoft Excel such as formulas, shortcuts, and features in order to
do things much more efficient rather than doing it manually one-by-one in which there are a lot of
data to be modified.

Henceforth, when conducting a proposal to a given organizations or companies with different

type of people, we have to write a formal, specific, and include clear understanding about what out
objectives are to give the proposal to the particular organizations. Moreover, we have to justify on
what our objectives are, where are we from, who are we and what organizations are we coming from,
project description, and nevertheless to say thank you at the last paragraphs of the proposal. Last but
not least, on conducting a rundown on the specific event, for instance in this case the open house
events, we need to be focus on the given timeline and not to make a mistake, considering the rundown

that we are making is to be given to the customers such as employees, teachers, staffs, students and
parents in the school.

Furthermore, we have to be a hard-working person since the tasks that I was given during my
internship has a deadline, therefore it relies on how long and how people can manage his/her time to
finish the whole tasks. Thus, with a deadline given to finish the jobs, people who are tend to be lazy
would definitely procrastinate and the job wouldn’t finish on time and that would be a trouble for you
as an employee. All of the above are the tasks I was given during my internship in which I managed
to tackled every obstacle that I faced during the process, especially when conducting the graphs using
Excel. The problem itself could be caused by my mistake as well which sometimes I didn't realize, I
would suggest a more thorough person as they would be much more suitable for the tasks, in which I
am not qualified as that type of person but I made it through the whole process of this internship with
only a slight problem.

IX. References

Kemurnian, S. (2018). Kemurnian. Retrieved from http://www.sekolahkemurnian.sch.id/


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