Ten Percent Plan

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ten percent plan

Ten percent plan

This policy was meant to shorten the war
by offering a moderate peace plan. It was
also intended to further his emancipation
policy by insisting that the new governments
abolish slavery.
Congress reacted sharply to this proclam-
ation of Lincoln’s. Republicans feared that
the planter aristocracy would be restored
and the blacks would be forced back into
slavery. Lincoln’s reconstructive policy to-
ward the South was lenient because he
wanted to popularize his Emancipation Pro-
clamation. Lincoln feared that compelling en-
forcement of the proclamation could lead to
the defeat of the Republican Party in the
election of 1864, and that popular Democrats
could overturn his proclamation. Some Re-
publicans pushed through Congress the
Wade-Davis Bill in July 1864, which outlined
more stringent requirements for re-admis-
sion. This was pocket-vetoed by Lincoln after
it passed.
The Radical Republicans opposed Lin-
coln’s plan, as they thought it too lenient to-
wards the South. They wanted more strin-
gent requirements for Southern states’ re-ad-
mission into the Union. Lincoln, however,
chose not to punish the South. He wanted to
President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. By Brady
preserve the Union and start rebuilding the
wealth and prosperity of the country.
During the American Civil War in Decem-
ber 1863, Abraham Lincoln offered a model
for reinstatement of Southern states called References
the 10 percent Reconstruction plan. It de-
• Foner, Eric. Forever Free: The Story of
creed that a state could be reintegrated into
Emancipation & Reconstruction. New
the Union when 10 percent of voters (as
York: Vintage Books, 2005.
counted in the presidential election of 1860)
had taken an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
and pledged to abide by emancipation. The
next step in the process would be for the
states to formally elect a state government.
Also, a state legislature could write a new
constitution, but it had to abolish slavery
forever. At that time, Lincoln would recog-
nize the reconstructed government. By 1864,
Louisiana and Arkansas had established fully
functioning Unionist governments.

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Categories: Reconstruction, American Civil War stubs

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ten percent plan

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