Soal Pat Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
Soal Pat Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
Soal Pat Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
4) What type of text is used by the writer? 8. BBC World Service has programmes ….
a. Report a. science, music, advertisement, trade, drama
b. Procedure b. music, science, sport, movie, drama
c. Narrative c. sport, drama, science, music
d. Descriptive d. music, advertisement, trade, music
e. Recount e. drama, culture, science, sport, music
9. World Service deals mainly with …. 14. The following sentences are true based on the
a. science and drama d. drama and news text except…….
b. news and music e. news and current a. Nasreddin was mending his tiles when someone
affairs called him
c. current affairs and music b. Nasreddin was happy with his work
c. Nasredin didn’t look down when the old man
called him
10. If you look at the front of large, modern hospital, d. The old man asked some money to Nasreddin
you may notice that there are two separate e. Nasreddin asked the beggar to climb up the
entrances. The underlined word means………. ladder
13. Why did Nasreddin go down the ladder? 20. Hamid : John, I’m so bored hearing Mr.
a. He wanted to get away from his work Brown speech.
b. Because the beggar asked him to Faiz : Why do you say so?
c. He wanted to speak to the beggar Hamid : His speech is too long.
d. He wanted to take some roofs From the dialogue we know that Hamid
e. He wanted to go with the beggar Expresses his….
a. Happiness b. Sadness
c. Boredom d. Disappointed
e. Angry