1d100 Effect 1d100 Effect 1d100 Effect
1d100 Effect 1d100 Effect 1d100 Effect
1d100 Effect 1d100 Effect 1d100 Effect
1-2 At the start of your 39-40 So long you’re in 77-78 Once a turn,
turn you must roll combat your rage whenever you kill
a Wisdom saving can only be a creature with a
throw against a D interrupted by you melee weapon
C 14. On a growing attack and are
success you can incapacitated or raging, you can
only do one attack dying. make an
per turn and gain However, you additional melee
disadvantage on must, each turn of attack with
the roll. On a combat you must disadvantage.
failure your move as close as
character possible to an
becomes a NPC enemy. If regular
who won't be able movement
to discern friend doesn’t land you
from ally while within 5ft of an
your rage lasts. enemy you must
On Roll again on use a Dash action
the table. Add a to do so. If one
+1 to the roll. turn has gone by
without you
attacking an
enemy, you must
succeed on a
Wisdom Saving
throw DC 12 or
consider your
allies as hostiles.
5-6 You and any 43-44 Your jump range 81-82 Your weapon
creature within 5ft is tripled but each attacks gain +10ft
suffer force time you jump range when you
damage equal to you must use your attack
your Barbarian succeed on a DC action. However,
level x4. Roll 12 Dexterity attacking any
again on the saving throw or enemy within 5ft
table. Add a +1 to fall prone and must be done with
the new roll. suffer 1d8 disadvantage.
damage as you
don't stick the
7-8 The next time you 45-46 All creatures 83-84 While you rage,
slay a creature in within 15ft must gain a breath
this combat you make a DC 15 attack.
must spend one Dexterity saving Every creature in
round devouring throw or be a 30ft line in front
the carcass as knocked prone. of you must pass
hunger a dexterity saving
overcomes you. throw or suffer
Rage is 2d6 Poison
maintained during damage. When
this round but you use this
can't take any attack, you also
actions or suffer the poison
reactions for a damage you
whole round. rolled.
Alternatively you
can choose to
take 1d3
Exhaustion levels.
9-10 On your next turn 47-48 Gain one level of 85-86 Lose as many hit
you’re considered exhaustion. You dice as levels of
to be under the can take the dash exhaustion you
effects of the action in your turn have, then
Confusion Spell. as a bonus action remove any
for the combat. exhaustion you. If
you currently
don't have any
level of
exhaustion, roll
again on this
11-12 Gain 1 level of 49-50 You sever 87-88 You and every
exhaustion. yourself from the creature and
Additionally you abomination and object within 15ft
are poisoned for appear 5ft next to catches fire. This
1d4 rounds. it. The fire causes 1d6
Abomination is fire damage on a
always in rage creature's turn
and you cannot and spreads on
enter rage. You flammable
share initiative surfaces. You can
counts and HP. If extinguish the fire
you would drop to by using an
0 HP, your bodies action.
come back Additionally, while
together in your you rage, gain
space and you resistance to fire
have 1 HP. damage.
13-14 You expend 1d12 51-52 Each subsequent 89-90 Grow one size
hitpoints to time you suffer larger. Your melee
remove 1 level of damage you weapon attacks
exhaustion. At the teleport to 5ft of gain 1d6 extra
end of combat the source of said damage. At the
you gain the same damage. end of the rage
point again. With an action gain one level of
If you have no you can punch exhaustion.
levels of yourself to return
exhaustion Roll to where you
again in the table were.
21-22 Lightning wrecks 59-60 You polymorph 94 For the rest of the
your body. You for one minute combat, you gain
take 1d6 lightning into a random +10ft of
damage on each creature of a CR movement speed
of your turns, but equal to your and you may take
you become level /2 a single Move
immune to the (40ft) as
paralyzed You can still wield legendary action
condition. your weapons if at the end of the
Additionally any you have a way turn of any
enemy attacking to hold onto them enemy. Your
you with melee and use your movement
weapons will also barbarian ignores difficult
receive the shock features and traits terrain, does not
if they hit. This that don’t require trigger traps or
effect ends when the use of other effects
your rage does. language. You caused by
cannot use any movement or
items that are not cause opportunity
your size, such as attacks. Roll
armor, weapons, again on the
magical items... table. Add a +1 to
etc. the new roll.
23-24 Gain temporary 61-62 For 1d4 hours 95 You score critical
hit points equal to ignore your hits with a 18-20
five times your exhaustion levels natural roll.
barbarian level, when it comes to Whenever you
but while you rage movement, and score a critical hit
you can no longer attack rolls. Your you lose 1d3
gain advantage next short or long Sanity Points. Roll
on your attacks. rest will decrease again on the
your exhaustion table. Add a +1 to
level by one level. the new roll.
25-26 Your voice wreaks 63-64 Regain one use 96 Gain Darkvision
havoc on those of your rage. of 120ft. Heal a
around you. If you However, until total amount of hit
speak, any you do a long points equal to
creatures within rest, gain three times your
15ft take 1d6 disadvantage on barbarian level.
thunder damage all rolls requiring However, gain
and become charisma as you sunlight
deafened for 1 come off as a little sensitivity.Roll
minute. Deaf or bit strong. again on the
deafened table. Add a +1 to
creatures are the new roll.
immune to this
You and your
allies have
disadvantage on
sneak rolls as you
cannot avoid
being noisy.
27-28 You light up 65-66 You fall under the 97 Whenever you hit
becoming a clear effect of the Sleep with an attack roll
beacon and spell. For each roll your damage
attracting the round spent dice twice and
enemies attention. sleeping you may add half of the
You can no longer roll a constitution damage from the
sneak while saving throw. On duplicated rolls..
raging. a result of 16 or Your AC becomes
Additionally, more you can 10 for the rest of
enemies have lower your the combat. Roll
advantage when exhaustion level again on the
rolling attacks by one. table. Add a +1 to
against you. the new roll.
29-30 Immediately make 67-68 Each time you kill 98 Gain advantage
a melee attack a creature in on your
against a creature combat you heal perception rolls
of your choice for your and True sight up
within range. constitution to 30ft but
Alternatively gain modifier while you become mute.
one level of rage. Roll again on the
exhaustion. table. Add a +1 to
the new roll.
33-34 After your rage 71-72 Your roar strikes 100 Whenever you
ends, the fear in a particular take the attack
Abomination creature. As an action you can
remains in place. action you may attack one
To return back to roar to a creature additional time. If
normal he must within 30ft that any of your attack
rage again can hear you and rolls fail during the
(willingly) and will whose CR is not rage you gain a
instead turn back higher than your level of
to itself. Level. The exhaustion at the
creature must end of combat.
succeed on a Roll again on the
combined table. Add a +1 to
Constitution/Wisd the new roll.
om throw of DC
24 or become
Frightened of you
for the rest of the
combat and
Paralyzed for one
35-36 Roll a Constitution 73-74 Heal hitpoints x2 101 You can expend
Saving Throw your Barbarian any hit dice you
against a DC 14. level. As long as have to heal the
On a failure you you’re raging you amount rolled.
become cannot recover You and any allies
Paralyzed. You any further within 60ft gain an
may repeat this hitpoints. Inspiration token.
roll at the end of
each of your
While paralyzed,
enemies may not
move you,
grapple you nor
gain advantage
on their attacks on