Window Placement

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This fact sheet contains information and recommendations on the sizing and placement of
windows to maximise winter sun penetration, while minimising excessive summer heat gain and
winter heat loss.

Benefits of good window design window. On average, between 30–40% of total

Windows are a vital part of any home—they allow radiation to north windows is diffuse, depending on
natural light into the home providing views and weather conditions.
fresh air. Well-planned and protected windows A greenhouse effect occurs when radiation from
improve comfort year-round and reduce the need the sun enters the home through the glass. As this
for heating in winter and cooling in summer. term is now commonly used to refer to the global
Window size, orientation, glazing treatment, warming caused by the increase of certain gases
shading and internal coverings can have a in the atmosphere, the term ‘glasshouse effect’ will
significant impact on energy efficiency and be used here to avoid confusion.
comfort. Designing north windows for maximum Figure 5.1 shows how the glasshouse effect
solar access can reduce winter heating bills by up occurs. Radiation from the sun (shortwave
to 25%. External shading can block up to 80% of radiation) passes through glass to the interior
summer heat gain through windows. Internal virtually unimpeded. This radiant heat is absorbed
window coverings and double glazing can reduce by furniture and building elements, which then heat
winter heat losses by around 40%. up and re-radiate heat to the room air. This re-
radiated heat (longwave radiation) does not pass
through glass as readily, resulting in convective
Window design and shading principles
The three main principles of energy smart window
design are listed below.
1. Maximise winter heat gain by orientating
windows to the north and sizing windows to suit
the amount of thermal mass in the dwelling.
2. Minimise winter heat loss through appropriate
window sizing, together with double glazing
and/or close-fitting internal coverings such as heat build-up within the room.
drapes with pelmets. Figure 5.1: The glasshouse effect
3. Minimise summer heat gain by protecting
windows with external shading devices, and The glasshouse effect can be used to advantage in
through appropriate sizing and positioning of winter to keep a home warm. In summer, however,
windows. it should be avoided by shading glass from the
The same principles apply to other types of direct rays of the sun.
glazing, such as glass doors, roof windows and Heat also passes through glass by conduction,
skylights. Wherever the term ‘window’ is used in caused by heat flowing through glass from areas of
this fact sheet, it encompasses all forms of glazing. higher to lower air temperatures. A bare window
with a sheet of three-millimetre glass can gain (or
Heat flow through glass lose) up to ten times more heat than through an
The main heat gain through windows is due to insulated wall of the same size. On a winter night,
solar radiation. Windows receive this as both large amounts of heat can be lost through
diffuse radiation reflected from the sky and ground, unprotected glazing in a home. Glass is therefore
and direct radiation when the sun shines on the the potential weak link in building design.

The amount of heat transmitted through the glass the morning and afternoon, respectively, the
depends on a number of factors including window overall heat losses outweigh the gains over a 24-
orientation, size, amount of external shading, and hour period. Windows orientated to the south also
have net heat loss.
glass treatments such as tinting or reflective films.
Net heat gains depend on the balance between the
amount of direct and diffuse radiation received and
the amount of heat lost. It is vital to have a net heat
gain through windows in winter, and a net heat
loss in summer.

Window orientation
The amount of radiation received by a window
varies according to orientation and time of year.
During summer, all windows receive net heat
gains, but especially those facing east and west.
Figure 5.2 compares the summer radiation
received by windows of different orientations with Figure 5.3: Window orientations considered to be north, east,
west and south
the heat given out by a two-bar radiator operating
three hours per day. As can be seen, most
unshaded windows receive substantial heat gains.

Figure 5.4: Window orientation and winter radiation

(unshaded glass)

Figure 5.2: Window orientation and summer radiation Figure 5.3 shows the range of orientations for
(unshaded glass) Victoria within which a window is regarded as
facing north, east, west, or south. These
In winter, the situation is different. Only windows orientations are used for all tables and calculations
facing north, north-west and north-east have a net in this fact sheet.
heat gain over winter, with heat gains outweighing
North-facing windows receive winter sun,
heat losses (see figure 5.4). Although east and
west windows receive substantial solar radiation in allowing light and warmth into the home. They can

be easily shaded in summer to help keep the home Thermal mass (refer to Thermal mass fact sheet)
cool. If north-facing windows are too large, they will can be used to moderate temperature and balance
suffer excessive heat loss in winter and heat gain the area of glass.
in summer. The optimum size of north-facing Total window area
windows will depend on solar access and the Table 5.1 gives recommended total window areas
building materials used. expressed as a percentage of total floor area.
East and west-facing windows receive little Larger areas of glass are better suited to homes
winter, autumn and spring sunlight, but excessive with higher levels of thermal mass and larger
summer sunlight. They should therefore be kept north-facing windows.
small, especially those facing west, and be
South-facing windows receive no direct sunlight TYPE WHEN NORTH WHEN NORTH
in winter and only receive early morning and late THAN 5% OF TOTAL THAN 5% OF TOTAL
afternoon sunlight in summer. They should be kept FLOOR AREA FLOOR AREA
small, however, with cooling breezes in summer Timber Floor
usually coming from the south, they are useful for Brick veneer 20.0 22.5
cross-ventilation. and weatherboard
Brick cavity walls 22.5 27.5
Optimum window size
Concrete slab
The most appropriate size of windows for energy floor
smart design depends on building orientation and Brick veneer 22.5 25.0
the amount of thermal mass in the internal building and weatherboard
materials. The total glass area is best kept between
Brick cavity walls 25.0 30.0
20–25% of the total floor area for brick veneer
houses and 22–30% for double-brick houses. Table 5.1: Maximum total glass area as percentage of total
Three factors to consider in sizing windows are floor area
listed below.
1. Window area must be kept within Balancing different orientations
acceptable limits. It is recommended that the majority of glass be
2. Balancing different orientations of north, orientated towards the north. This provides
south, east and west glass should be used. maximum winter benefits, and can be easily
shaded in summer. Smaller amounts should
3. Glass in individual rooms should be
face east and south, with even smaller amounts
correctly sized.
facing west.
In addition, Victorian building regulations require
North-facing windows
a minimum glass area of 10% of the room’s floor
area for each habitable room. Between 30° east of true north and 20° west of
true north (see figure 5.5).
The FirstRate House Energy Rating can be used
Ideal sizes of north-facing windows depend on
to assess the effect of variations to glass areas,
window orientations, shading, internal coverings or solar access and the building materials used.
Additional thermal mass such as internal brick
double glazing on energy efficiency.
walls can improve energy efficiency and allow the
use of more north-facing glass.

Figure 5.5: Range of acceptable orientations for Figure 5.6: Orientation of windows considered to be
north-facing windows south-facing

If solar access is good and the floors are East-facing windows

concrete slab:
Between 30° east of true north and 40° east of
> the area of north-facing windows should be
south (see figure 5.7).
large: between 10–15% of the home’s total floor
> Keep east-facing windows reasonably small:
area; and
total window area should be less than 5% of the
> the area of north-facing windows in individual
home’s total floor area.
rooms can be up to 25% of the room’s floor area.
> Keep the window area in individual rooms less
If solar access is good and the floors are timber:
than 15% of the room’s floor area.
> the area of north-facing windows should be large:
Shade east-facing windows in summer.
around 10% of the home’s total floor area; and
> the area of north-facing windows in individual
rooms can be up to 20% of the room’s floor area.
If solar access is poor:
> the area of north-facing windows should be kept
reasonably small: less than 8% of the home’s
total floor area; and
> keep the window area in individual rooms less
than 15% of the room’s floor area.
South-facing windows
Between 40° east of south and 40° west of south
(see figure 5.6).
> Keep south-facing windows reasonably small:
total window area should be less than 5% of the Figure 5.7: Orientation of windows considered to be east-facing
home’s total floor area.
> Keep the window area in individual rooms less
than 15% of the room’s floor area.
> Place south-facing rooms and windows so that
cooling summer breezes can pass through the
rooms easily.

West-facing windows > reduce west glass by 1% for every 2% of north

Between 20° west of true north and 40° west of window area and 3.5% of south window area.
south (see figure 5.8).
> Keep west-facing windows small: total window Sites with poor solar access
area should be less than 3% of the home’s total Innovative design can overcome problems of poor
floor area. solar access and overshadowing. This is often a
> Keep the window area in individual rooms less problem for renovations, infill development, higher
than 10% of the room’s floor area. density and small lot developments. In situations
> Shade west-facing windows in summer. with little or no direct solar access (e.g. homes with
mainly south-facing windows or heavily shaded
sites), appropriate levels of insulation, window
protection and draught proofing are vital.
Conversely, thermal mass is of less importance.
To compensate for poor solar access, the total
window area of the home should be kept below
20% of the total floor area. Also, the following
window design strategies should be considered.
Raise sill heights
Raising sill heights can avoid ‘wasted’ areas of
glass which are permanently in shadow (see figure
5.9). They allow high solar gains to be achieved for
north windows with as little as four metres
Figure 5.8: Orientation of windows considered to be west-facing separation between single-storey buildings.

Roof windows and skylights

Roof windows and skylights should:
> be kept as small as possible;
> be avoided in living and bedroom areas;
> provide summer shading and protection from
winter heat loss; and
> be doubled-glazed or have a ceiling
diffuser fitted.
Windows facing more than one direction
The maximum window sizes apply to rooms that
have windows facing only one direction. If rooms Figure 5.9: Raise sill height to maximise winter heat gain
with east or west windows have windows facing
other directions as well, maximum sizes should be
adjusted as follows:
> reduce east glass by 1% for every 1.5% of
north window area and 2.8% of south window
area; and

Table 5.2 shows the recommended sill heights and Courtyards

distance required from a northern obstruction to A north-facing courtyard can be created with an
maintain 90% of winter solar access. L-shaped or U-shaped house plan. Courtyard
windows need to be small in size, as
DISTANCE (METRES) NEEDED TO overshadowing by the side walls of the building
MAINTAIN 90% SOLAR ACCESS itself and adjacent structures will occur, reducing
ONE TWO THREE solar access (see figures 5.11 and 5.12).
Eave width
(600 mm)
Floor level 5.8 11.0 16.5
0.3 mm 5.3 10.0 15.2
0.6 mm 5.0 9.4 14.4
Eave width
(300 mm)
0.9 mm 4.3 8.0 13.5

Table 5.2: Distance between buildings needed to maintain 90%

solar access Figure 5.11: Side walls overshadow large windows in deep
courtyards in winter
Clerestory windows
North-facing clerestory windows should be
considered as they can be particularly useful
where there is a building obstructing solar access
to the north (see figure 5.10). A simple eave
overhang for a northern orientation can shade
clerestory windows. For east and west-facing
clerestory windows, internally-operated adjustable
louvres or blinds installed internally or externally,
or sandwiched between two panes of glazing, can
be used. Tinted glass could also be considered, Figure 5.12: East and west-facing walls can shade adjacent
although this will reduce winter light and affect north-facing windows in winter
heat gain.
More overshadowing will occur on the lower part of
the wall than the upper, so minimise the use of full-
height windows adjacent to side walls. Table 5.3
sets out a formula for identifying the preferred
glazing zone. This table allows the optimum area
of glazing both above and below 1200 mm in
height to be gauged.
Depending on the dimensions of the courtyard
and the height of adjacent obstructions, courtyard
Figure 5.10: North-facing clerestory windows can provide
solar access windows may need summer shading (see table 5.3).



First floor
> Windows with any glazing D/4 (max 1.5 m)
below 1200 mm
> Windows with all glazing D/5 (max 1 m)
below 1200 mm
Ground floor
> Windows with any glazing D/2 (max 3 m)
below 1200 mm
> Windows with all glazing D/3 (max 2.2 m)
below 1200 mm

Table 5.3: Preferred glazing zone for recessed northern walls

Solar gain from east or west windows

In the absence of northern solar access, windows
to the east and west can provide some winter heat
gains. As winter heat losses and summer heat
gains are greater for east and west windows than
for north windows, appropriate shading and
protection from heat loss is essential. Keep
window areas within the limits suggested.

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