Heli Flex Cables - SDM Assignment
Heli Flex Cables - SDM Assignment
Heli Flex Cables - SDM Assignment
The following strategies should be adopted for respective patters of behaviour. The order of the
strategies listed for every pattern is random and can be altered to suit the overall goal.
Pattern Type.1 One set of distributors expressed their total acceptance to this scheme. They were of
the opinion that this scheme was much awaited and would be the best counter to what most the
competitors were doing. They also gave a reasonable large purchase order at the new rate.
Influence Strategy- Since distributors agree with the with new channel reform and already
enthusiastic and positive about the result potential of the scheme , the following strategy can be
used to capitalize this situation.
Strategy no. 8 - The channel member is sent a thanks letter from the marketing director to thank
them for their support and also to encourage them.
Strategy no1 - Discuss principal which touches upon the issue concerned and the scheme is
presented in the following way: general business issues with the distributor opinions presented
about its inherent desirability are Objective other organization supporting the scheme is presented
or manipulated Informs the distributor about other distributors who have accepted it.
Pattern Type.2 The second set of distributors was not really very confident of the effectiveness of
the program. Though they expressed the hope that this pogrom may succeed, they also felt that
credit facilities to retailers are not only:reason:that competitors.were gainnig: share. There were
several other reasons. However, they gave a PO under the new scheme
Influence strategy: Since the distributors are little sceptical about the scheme, its utmost important
to discuss the issues and areas of concern to build their trust on the scheme. The focus should be on
clear communication and boosting the confidence of the distributors to positively shift their attitude.
Strategy no2 . The need for participating in the program is stressed as participation is bound to get a
favourable reaction from the retailers and hence would lead to such a goal attainment of the
Strategy no. 8 - The channel member is sent a thanks letter irom the marketing director as they have
put trust into the company’s decision by offering PO.
Strategy no.1 - Discuss principal which touches upon the issue concerned and the scheme is
presented in the following way: general business issues with the distributor opinions presented
about its inherent desirability are Objective other organization supporting the scheme is presented
or manipulated Informs the distributor about other distributors who have accepted it.
Pattern Type.3 The third set of distributors was totally pessimistic about the new scheme. They felt
that just by giving credit facilities to the retailer’s market share cannot be taken back from the
competitors. The competitors were also good in quality. They however gave a order under purchase
the new scheme
To handle the pessimistic attitude of the dealers, clear yet inclusive communication should be the
rational choice. Since the opted to gave a PO keeping aside their concerns, their loyalty should be
valued. It also shows that they believe the difference in opinion can be resolved. In such case the
following strategies would work.
Strategy 8. The channel member is sent a thanks letter from the marketing director for PO
Strategy 1. Discuss principal which touches upon the issue concerned and the scheme is presented in
the following way: general business issues with the distributor opinions presented about its inherent
desirability are Objective other organization supporting the scheme is presented or manipulated
Informs the distributor about other distributors who have accepted it.
Pattern 4 - The fourth set of distributors were quite supportive of the scheme. They agreed that non-
availability of the credit was the main reason why sales were not improving. However, they still
issued the purchase order under the old scheme citing that finance constraints in the short run
preventing them from giving credit to the retailers.
Influence Strategy – Since the distributors have already positive about the scheme , their acceptance
should be appreciated. Also communication should be made to talk about the credit situation which
is preventing them to offer credit to retailers.
Strategy no.8 - The channel member is sent a thanks letter from the marketing director for their
positive response.
Strategy no. 11- A promise is made for a favour in the future distributor abides by this scheme.
Pattern type.5 The fifith set had still not come to any major judgement about the scheme. They felt
that though the scheme has certain positive points, there were some inadequacies also. Also they
did not issue pürchase order under the' new scheme.
Influence Strategy- They are basically confused about the scheme and can swing both ways . Hence
measures should be taken to show them positives of participating in the scheme and negatives of
non-participation. Stick and carrot , both approach should be used .
Strategy 3. - The distributor is made clear that non-participation in the program could lead to non-
attainment of its goals as reaction on of the retailers would not be very favourable.
Strategy 2. The need for participating in the program is stressed as participation is bound to get a
favourable reaction from the retailers and hence would lead to the such a goal attainment of the
Influence Strategy - Distributors are completely opposed to the scheme and refuse to engage in it.
Heli flex must engage in direct confrontation. Such distributors must be warned in no uncertain
terms that they will face terrible consequences if they do not follow the company's rules.
Strategy 11. The distributor is reminded of his legal obligation to be part of this scheme
Strategy 6 - State that non-participation in the program is against the channel norm
Strategy7. A form of financial penalty is imposed on the channel. member for non participation.
Submitted by
Kajol Nigam
PGDM General
Section A