HSSE-R-012 - HSSE Pre-Qualification of Contractors

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Regulation Class Document Class

Recommendation Main Document

Regulation Title

HSSE Pre-qualification of Contractors

Generic HSSE risk assessment for contracted activities and services in the pre-qualification phase of
the procurement process, especially for (but not limited to) high and medium risk activities of

To ensure that competent contractors perform activities for OMV Group and thus manage the HSSE
risks related to contracted activities and services.

Target Group
All OMV Group personnel involved in the pre-qualification of contractors

Scope of Effectiveness
OMV Aktiengesellschaft and all companies which are fully consolidated. In companies not fully
consolidated, where OMV Aktiengesellschaft has a controlling interest. All stock corporations are
excluded with the result that these regulations have to be separately enforced in these entities.

Responsible for Content: PGSS-P Alastair Bennet 29.11.2011

Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

Regulation Approver 1: PGS-S David Allison 29.11.2011

Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

Regulation Approver 2: GT-S Rod Ritchie 29.11.2011

Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

As approved by the Executive Board of: Not applicable


Effective as of: 01.12.2011


In the interests of simplicity and readability, the language of this statement is gender neutral to the extent possible. Where
applicable, the masculine includes the feminine. Print-out is only valid on the date printed. Check for the latest version in the
Regulations Platform. In case of conflict, the document in its Master Language must be applied.

HSSE-R-012 Master Language: English

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Version: 1.0
Index of content
1. Introduction & Intended Purpose of Regulation............................................................... 3
2. Content of Regulation ......................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Methodology....................................................................................................... 3
2.2. General Guidelines for Filling-in the HSSE Pre-qualification Questionnaire ............ 4
2.2.1. About the Pre-Qualification questionnaire ............................................................ 4
2.2.2. Self-Assessment.................................................................................................. 5
2.2.3. Descriptive Questions.......................................................................................... 5
2.3. HSSE Pre-qualification Questionnaire High and Medium risk contractors .............. 6
2.4. HSSE Pre-qualification Questionnaire Low risk contractors ................................. 11
2.5. Pre-qualification Questionnaire Community Relations and Social Affairs High and
Medium risk contractors ................................................................................................. 12
2.6. HSSE Risk Assessment of Procurement categories ............................................. 13
2.6.1. Overview of High Risk Activities ......................................................................... 13
3. Internal Reference Links ................................................................................................... 14
4. External Reference Links................................................................................................... 14
5. Obsolete Regulations ........................................................................................................ 14
6. Certification Standards ..................................................................................................... 14
7. Terms & Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 14
8. Keywords / Search Criteria ............................................................................................... 14
9. Annexes.............................................................................................................................. 14
10. Amendments from Previous Versions............................................................................. 14

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1. Introduction & Intended Purpose of Regulation

The purpose of this document is a generic HSSE risk assessment for contracted activities and
services at the current most detailed Procurement Category level 4.

This generic risk assessment does not preclude further risk assessment of these contracted
services (further risk assessment is encouraged for specific activities which potentially carry
higher risk).

For example; suppliers of high voltage electrical equipment are not ranked high, but should
their scope of work expand to include installation and commissioning of such equipment, then
their ranking would increase.

Although diving operations are considered an extremely high risk to personnel, yet they come
out with a medium risk on the matrix. Diving operations shall warrant a specific risk assessment
for the contractors selected to provide this service.

Note: The references made in this document to the risk level of projects or activities (i.e. high,
medium or low risk) are related to the HSSE risk assessment. This ranking is different from the
assessment performed by the Procurement department which uses different criteria to assess
and rank the contractors.

2. Content of Regulation

2.1. Methodology

All businesses will operate an equivalent methodology for assessing Contractors’ HSSE
capabilities. For this purpose, a “Stoplight banding” system was developed. Based on a score
sheet, the Contractor is banded according to the score obtained for each question, as follows:
 Green (above 50% of maximum score) denotes unconditional capability to meet OMV
Group’s requirements
 Yellow (between 30-50% of maximum score) denotes conditional capability to meet
OMV Group’s requirements; detailed feedback will be provided to Yellow banded
Contractors, with the purpose of closing the gap between the company’s capability and
OMV Group’s standards; Yellow banded Contractors will be required to present an
improvement plan in order to enter the bid stage
 Red (below 30% of maximum score) denotes that Contractor capability does not meet
OMV Group’s requirements

It is mandatory that only Green and Yellow banded Contractors are selected to be invited in the
tender stage. However, if for business/ technical purposes, a Red banded Contractor is preferred
by the Contract Holder or Procurement, then the use of such Contractors will have to be
approved by the Tender Board. In addition, a mitigation and improvement plan will be
requested from the Contractor. The Contract Holder will also need to agree with the respective
Contractor what is the appropriate level of additional supervision.

New Contractors

New Contractors will be provided with an HSSE Pre-qualification questionnaire, according to

the level of risk associated with the scope of work.

The term “new Contractors” refers to:

 Companies which have not previously worked for OMV Group
 Companies that have collaborated with OMV Group in the past, but provided goods or
services falling under a different risk level
 Companies that have collaborated with OMV Group in the past, but have not been
engaged in any similar works for a period of at least two years

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The technical Pre-qualification is under the responsibility of the Contract Holder. The HSSE Pre-
qualification questionnaire will be assessed by Operational/ Field/ Projects HSSE, who also
provides clarifications and feedback, as necessary. The resulting recommendations of the HSSE
Pre-qualification will be communicated by Operational/ Field/ Projects HSSE to the Contract
Holder and Procurement, who decide on the appropriate update of the Bidder list.

Selected Contractors will be included on Procurement’s Bidder lists and will be invited in the
tender stage. The Procurement Department will also ensure that all qualified potential
Contractors will be kept in the internal database (SAP) for a period of 2 years.

Existing Contractors

For high and medium risk activities, a Pre-qualification process is also envisaged for Contractors
who worked with OMV Group in the past (subject to the above mentioned criteria). Evidence of
their suitability can be derived from historical records, such as KPIs, evaluation/ audit reports,
past pre-qualifications, past working relationship with OMV Group (e.g. commitment and
compliance with HSSE rules).

In case such records are not available and the Contract Holder has no base for making a
documented decision, then the respective Contractors will be asked to respond to the pre-
qualification questionnaire.

The Contract Holder is responsible for pre-qualifying existing Contractors, with specialist
support from Operational/ Field/ Projects HSSE, if the case may be. The Contract Holder will
inform Procurement in order to update the Bidder List accordingly.

2.2. General Guidelines for Filling-in the HSSE Pre-qualification Questionnaire

2.2.1. About the Pre-Qualification questionnaire

As Contractors are essential to the business development and reputation of OMV Group, the
Group will thoroughly assess their HSSE capabilities and competencies to perform the assigned
work, in order to ensure that expectations are fully aligned.
The Pre-Qualification questionnaire represents a form by which the Group collects information
from a potential Contractor, for evaluating the compliance with the Company’s requirements.
For this purpose, the Contractor will provide all necessary HSSE information requested, in an
objective and professional manner.
In case a Contractor is not found fully suitable from the HSSE perspective, the Group may
provide detailed feedback and request improvement measures so that the Contractor may have
the opportunity to re-analyze and develop its HSSE programs and approach, for the current or
future tenders.
The HSSE Pre-Qualification consists of a standardized questionnaire, structured according to
the risk level of the potential assignment, which has to be filled-in by the Contractor and
completed with the requested documentation (where applicable). The questionnaire includes
two main sections:
 Self-Assessment: The statements included in the questionnaire are scored by the
Contractor, according to the provided rating scale
 Descriptive Questions. The Contractor will answer the questions included in the section
and provide the requested supporting documentation. These will be scored by OMV
For clarifications and support, Contractors may address their contract persons to the Group.

Additional aspects:
 The Pre-Qualification questionnaire should be filled-in by the Contractor line
 The Contractor must cover all their activities, including supporting activities

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 The Contractor must provide complete answers, honestly and in good faith. Objective
and honest answers will be recognized and rewarded through feedback discussion and
common effort for improvement (where the case). Misrepresentations will be
sanctioned accordingly.
 Responses and any supporting documentation must relate specifically to OMV Group’s
Sustainability:HSSE Policy and OMV Group’s HSSE Management System showing how
the Contractor shall meet these requirements
 The Contractor should identify where they exceed the Group’s requirements and this
excellence will be recognized.

2.2.2. Self-Assessment
The self-assessment section consists of statements which have to be ranked by the Contractor,
on a scale from 0 to 3 (i.e. non/ minimal alignment to full alignment with the statement). Only
one option of the ranking scale is allowed to be selected.
Contractor shall rank their compliance to the statement in this section.
OMV Group requires and encourages its potential Contractors to assess themselves in an
objective and realistic manner.
Contractors should be prepared to back-up and support their assessment, upon request. In case
the Group is not fully satisfied with the self assessment, Contractors will be asked to re-assess
their ranking.
The score assessed by the Contractor will be reviewed by OMV Group. In the event that two
questions or more are considered to be incorrectly assessed, based on the information
provided in the descriptive section, the Group will request the Contractor to re-evaluate its self-
assessment. Clarifications and feedback discussions may take place, if necessary. Should the
Contractor still not provide an objective ranking after the clarifications stage, OMV Group will
consider the entire self-assessment section as null.

2.2.3. Descriptive Questions

The descriptive section consists of questions related to the HSSE capabilities and commitment
of the Contractor. In addition to providing the answer to the question, the Contractor is
sometimes asked to also provide supporting documentation. The answers and documentation
provided will be assessed by the Group, in line with its HSSE standards and requirements. The
scoring assessed by OMV Group is based on the same ranking scale as for the self-assessment
section, from 0 for non-existing or minimal alignment to 3 for full alignment.

Contractor shall NOT rank their compliance to the question in this section.

The following questions will not be scored and are only for informative purposes:
 What scope of deliveries and services will the contractor supply to OMV Group?
 How many employees does the company have?
 What other contracts/activities/projects the Contractor is currently working on?
All other questions included in the descriptive section will be scored as described above.
Contractors are required to provide complete and relevant answers, including all applicable and
important details. Still, answers should be kept as brief as possible, taking into account the
above mentioned requirements.
Contractors should be able to demonstrate and support the provided answers.

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2.3. HSSE Pre-qualification Questionnaire High and Medium risk contractors
0 1 2 3

MINIMAL/ NON (The Company
(i.e each statement is scorded by the CONTRACTOR, according to the provided rating scale). (The Company FULL ALIGNMENT
CATEGORY ALINGMENT complies partially
complies partially The Company fully
The term "Our Company" is included to clarify the entity responding to the questionnaire (The Company does with the statement,
with the statement, complies with the
and is not intended for any other purpose. not comply with the however major
with minor statement
statement) improvements/
updates are

Our Company HSSE policy statement has been effectively brought to the attention of
General Questions
Our Company HSSE policy clearly establishes responsibilities and accountability and was
distributed to all employees.

3 HSSE topics are effectively integrated into our Company business guideline and strategy

Our Company has a formal waste control system (including identification and clasification),
which actively seeks to minimize the environmental impact

5 Our Company senior managers are personally involved in HSSE management

6 Our Company senior managers visit/ inspect worksites on a regular basis

7 Our Company promotes a positive culture towards HSSE matters

8 Our Company has implemented an efficient HSSE organization

9 Our Company HSSE Manual covers all operations and activities carried out

Formal staff training on HSSE matters is performed on a regular basis and covers all activities
of our Company
Feedback from staff is requested on a regular basis by our Company and processed
People, Competency
and Behaviour Our Company organises activities to increase HSSE consciousness and promotion (firedrills,
flu injections, safety awards, etc.) on a regular basis and involves all employees

13 Our Company provides monthly safety training to all staff who is assigned to OMV sites

Our Company identifies, assesses, controls and mitigates hazards and effects in a
comprehensive and efficient manner
Our Company employees have easy access to information about the hazards of the materials
they work with
Hazards and Effects The requirements for use of PPE are understood by all our Company's employees and
All recommendations arising from hazard analyses and reviews have been resolved and
17 employees are involved in a process of ongoing review and improvement of equipment and
asset integrity

Engineering Our Company has a system for specifying standards and procedures, and for monitoring that
these are observed and updated.
Our Company has written procedures which cover all its activities and operations and include
all related HSSE topics
Our Company working practices and procedures are used by our employees on-site, in a
Operations 20
consistent manner, in accordance with our HSSE policy objectives
The plant and equipment used within our Company or thrid party premises are maintained in a
safe working condition and comply with HSSE requirements
Our Company has a system for ensuring that its sub-contractors are aware and observe the
Contracted Services 22
HSSE policy requirements

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Our Company has a system for general monitoring of HSSE results for all areas and activities,
with feedback to employees to achieve improvements
Our Company performance in undertaking HSSE-critical activities is documented and trended
Planning and
24 against a set of performance indicators; performance indicators are also used in staff appraisal
and rewarded accordingly

Records for health, environmental and safety measurements are available on our Company
locations and trends are openly discussed as part of improvement plans.

Our Company has a system for reporting, evaluating and documenting HSSE related incidents,
accidents and actions and for communicating results of investigations to the staff
Incidents and
Accidents 27 Our Company actively encouranges and promotes the reporting of near misses

Our Company has a complete strategy and set of plans and procedures covering vehicles,
drivers and operations management
Emergency and Crisis Our Company has a system in place to handle emergency and crisis situations and the staff is
Control trained properly in emergency response
Our Company has a sound system to ensure the control of HSSE documentation related to
statuary permits, guidelines, codes, regulations, etc
Communications and
Documentation The personal relevance of the HSSE Policy to all new employees is explained to them by their
31 immediate supervisor; Our Company employees can explain what they must do in their work
so that the company can fulfill the requirements of its HSSE Policy.

Our Company has implemented an audit system, with schedules/coverage for key
32 areas/activities, which also requires involvement from the senior management for follow-up on
resulted measures
Audit and Review
Our Company and its major sub-contractors have access to, and only use qualified,
experienced and mainly line personnel with high credibility to perform HSSE audits.

Our Company has a program to identify potential threats to its staff, operations, facilities, or
Security 34

Additional features of
There are no HSSE-related judgments, claims or suits pending or outstanding against the our
the HSSE 35


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0 1 2 3

Q (i.e. the answers are scored by the COMPANY, according to the presented rating scale) MINIMAL/ NON (The Company
ALINGMENT complies partially
No. The term "your Company" is included to clarify the entity responding to the questionnaire complies partially The Company fully
(The Company does with the statement,
and is not intended for any other purpose. with the statement, complies with the
not comply with the however major
with minor statement
statement) improvements/
updates are

1 What scope of deliveries and services will your Company supply to OMV?

2 How many employees does your Company have? n/a

3 What other jobs/projects is your Company currently working on? n/a

General Questions
Does your Company have certification to ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and OSHAS 18000 - if so please
provide copies of certificates.

5 Howdoes your Company intend to meet the OMV HSSE targets?

Describe the nature and extent of your Company's participation in relevant industry, trade, and
governmental organizations?

7 Does your Company have a policy for HSSE? If YES, provide copy. If NO, please explain WHY

How are your Company's senior managers personally involved in HSSE management and how
is this demonstrated?

9 What other HSSE policies does your Company have? Please provide copies

Who is accountable for HSSE in your Company? Who is responsible for the management
Do your Company senior managers participate in HSSE activites on sites - walkarounds,
Management inspections, audits. Provide evidence please
Commitment How does your Company senior management assign resources to meet your HSSE objectives,
give examples.
Do your Company senior managers review HSSE statistics on a regualr basis - provide
How much time does your Company management spend on social responsibility and
community issues?
Have work safety specialists been appointed in your Company? Have officers been nominated
for environmental protection and management?
Do you have a list of trained first aid responders in your Company? If YES, provide copy. Have
the staff been informed of these first aid responders?
Please provide a copy of your management organisation within your Company, showing HSSE
personnel and the senior manager accountable for HSSE.
How do you assign resources within your Company, to ensure that all your sites meet the legal
requirement for a safe worksite?
Please provide a copy of your Company HSSE Management system table of contents including
Organization 19
the revsion status.
How does your Company know if it has adequate resources to provide a safe work
environment, both in office and on sites?

21 How does your Company ensure the security of your personnel and equipment?

Please provide a copy of your Company annual HSSE training plan, showing subjects and
intended participants
How are HSSE training needs for your Company identified and arranged? Who approves this
training? Provide evidence
How does your Company ensure that personnel working in hazardous areas and activities have
the correct and current training? Provide evidence
People, Competency
25 How does your Company measure competency of its personnel?
and Behaviour
How often does your Company train the staff in emergency response? And how many drills
does your Company conduct on each site?

27 Are there general HSSE inductions in place for new employees of your Company?

How do you track and monitor the training of all your employees within your Company -
particularly specialist training?

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What techniques are used within your Company for the Risk Management i.e. identification,
29 assessment, control and mitigation of HSSE, Security and CSR-Community Relations hazards
and effects?

Please provide a copy of your Company risk assessments/Job safety Analysis documents or a
copy of your risk register.

31 Please describe your Company risk assessment process and provide examples
Hazards and Effects
How does your Company train its personnel in hazard identification and risk control? How is
this recorded - please provide evidence

33 Does your Company have a register of hazardous materials? Please provide evidence.

If the specialised work involves radioactive, asbestos removal, chemical or other occupational
health hazards, how are the hazards identified, assessed and controlled within your Company?

35 How does your Company ensure that safety and security are designed into your work?

36 How does your Company ensure its design personnel are competent for their work?
How does your Company ensure that the design codes, norms and standards are current and
How does your Company ensure that the design is fit for purposes and meets the basis of
design from client?
Does your Company have a management of change procedure/process? Please provide
examples of its use.
How does your Company control all materials and hazardous goods under current national
and international regulations (REACH).
How does your Company control driving activites - both small and large vehicles? Does your
Company have specific procedures for driving?

Operations Does your Company have environmental plans (e.g. waste management , CO2 reduction plans,
42 transport consolidation plans) and if so how do monitor your perfromance against these

Does your Company have Community relations plans and how does it implement and monitor
these plans?
How does your Company control its personnel on site and specifically for high risk activities?
Provide examples.

45 How does your Company select and monitor its contractors?

What training does your Company give its contractors in line with the HSSE management
Contracted Services
How often does your Company audit its contractors and on what basis does it conduct these
How does your Company assess the perfromance of your contractors? Describe how your
Company contractors report HSSE issues.

49 Does your Company have a written HSSE plan? If Yes, please attach a copy.

Does your Company measure performance indicators for HSSE? If so, what types of
performance indicators/criteria are used in your Company? Please give examples
Has your Company received any award for HSSE performance achievement? If YES, provide
record of awards achieved to date.

Have your Company maintained records of the incidents and HSSE performance for the last
five years? (If YES, please provide the following: Number of Fatalities, Lost Time Injuries, Lost
52 Workday Cases, Medical Treatment Cases and Restricted Work Day Cases. Also include the
Fatal Accident Rate, Lost Time Injury Frequency and Total Recordable Incident Rate for each

How is health performance measured and recorded within your Company? Please provide
Planning and 53
How is environmental performance measured and recorded within your Company? Please
Monitoring 54
provide evidence
How often is HSSE performance reviewed within your Compant? By whom? Please provide
evidence e.g. minutes of meeting of last review

56 Which kind of HSSE performance standards does your Company have? Provide copies.

57 How does your Company ensure these performance standards are met and verified?

58 How is CSR – Community Relations performance recorded within your Company?

What are the HSSE goals in the your Company and what measures have been implemented or
59 are in effect to reach these goals? Were there HSSE goals last year that were not met, and
how were this handled?

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Does your Company have a system for reporting, evaluating and documenting incidents,
60 accidents, near misses, unsafe conditions and actions? If YES, please detail. If NO, please
explain WHY

How does your Company collect statistics on work accidents? (accident statistics) Please
Incidents and 61
provide the last 5 years statistics.
62 Who conducts incident investigations within your Company?

How are work accidents, the results of accidents, investigations and the resulting measures/
lessons learned communicated to the staff within your Company?
What organisation and procedures are in place within your Company to handle emergency and
crisis situations?

65 How is the staff trained in Emergency Response in your Company?

Emergency and Crisis
How does your Company ensure that it has addressed all potential emergencies and that its
Control 66
plans are adequate?
Does your Company have an emergency plan for evacuation?
67 Are regular evacuation exercises carried out? IF YES, provide copy of the programme and type
of scenarios.

How are HSSE issues communicated to the staff within your Company, to ensure that all
personnel are made aware of thesei ssues?

69 Does your Company keep a register of regulatory documentation?

Communications and
Has your Company had any regulatory prevention, prohibition or imporvement notices served
Documentation 70
in the last 5 years? If so please provide details.
How does your Company ensure the control of HSSE documentation related to statuary
71 permits, guidelines, codes, standards, procedures and how are these requirements
communicated to the staff?

Has your Company ever been accused of violating HSSE regulations? Are the minutes of these
reviews accessible?

Have HSSE audits been conducted within the last 12 months in your Company? Were
73 corrective measures, notes or recommendations determined made on the basis of these
audits? If yes, how were these processed, and were they implemented effectively?

Does your Company have a system for auditing your staff at customer site (for HSSE)? Were
74 corrective measures, notes or recommendations determined or made on the basis of these
audits? If yes, how were these processed, and were they implemented effectively?

Were corrective measures, notes or recommendations determined made on the basis of the
75 last safety / environment certificate audits (e.g. SCC, OHSAS 18001 or ISO 14001)? If yes, how
were these processed, and were they implemented effectively within your Company?

Does your Company have a written procedure on HSSE auditing? Is there a competency
requirement for auditors included in the procedure?
If your Compant does not have a written procedure, please attach a copy of your HSSE audit
and inspection plan. If NO, please explain WHY.

Does your Company require a report for each HSSE audit and inspection Conducted? If YES,
77 attach copy of a recent HSSE audit and inspection report with follow-up on action items until
Audit and Review closed out. If NO, please explain WHY.

Does your Company require all senior managers to participate / lead an HSSE audit? If YES, list
names of manager and title and date HSSE audit carried out. If NO, please explain WHY

Does your Company require unsafe act auditing or other similar programme to be carried out
within your premises and at other locations where your employees work? If YES, attach list of
unsafe acts noted and corrective actions taken and names list of the auditors and their position
If NO, please explain WHY

Do your Company HSSE plans include schedules for auditing and what range of auditing is
80 covered?If YES, attach copy of the programme and list the types of audit and areas covered If
NO, please explain WHY

81 How does your Company follow up and measure the effectiveness of audits?

Are aspects of HSSE assessed in the management reviews and appropriate measures
Does your Company conduct safety inspections? If so, then who keeps a record of these
inspections and how often?

84 Are health and safety aspects covered regularly in your Company?



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2.4. HSSE Pre-qualification Questionnaire Low risk contractors


0 1 2 3


(i.e each statement is scorded by the CONTRACTOR, according to the MINIMAL/ NON (The Company ALIGNMENT
CATEGORY No. provided rating scale). ALINGMENT complies partially with (The Company
The Company fully
(The Company does the statement, complies partially with
The term "Our Company" is included to clarify the entity responding to complies with the
not comply with the however major the statement, with
the questionnaire and is not intended for any other purpose. statement) improvements/ minor adjustments
updates are necessary) necessary)

Our Company HSSE policy statement has been effectively brought to the
General Questions 1
attention of employees

2 Our Company HSSE Manual covers all company's activities

Commitment HSSE topics are effectively integrated into our Company business
guideline and strategy
Our Company effectively ensures the security and safety of its equipment
Organization 4
and personnel
Our Company staff is trained regulary in the company's HSSE
People, 5
management system(s)
Competency and
Behaviour The training requirements for the employed personnel are systematically
identified and documented within our Company
Our Company working practices and procedures (including personal
protective equipment PPE) are kept up to date
Our Company identifies, assesses, controls and mitigates HSSE and CSR
Hazards and Effects 8
Our Company has hazard reporting system in place, i.e. for unsafe acts
and unsafe (hazardous) work conditions

Operations 10 Our Company has a permit to work system in place

Our Company has a system for ensuring that its sub-contractors are
Contracted Services 11
aware and observe the HSSE policy requirements
Emergency and
12 Our Company staff is trained in emergency response
Crisis Control
Planning and Records for health, environmental and safety measurements are available
Performance 13 on our Company locations and trends are openly discussed as part of
Monitoring improvement plans.
Our Company has a program to identify potential threats to its staff,
Security 14
operations, facilities, or information

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(i.e. the answers are scored by the COMPANY, according to the MINIMAL/ NON (The Company ALIGNMENT
CATEGORY No. presented rating scale) ALINGMENT complies partially with (The Company
The Company fully
(The Company does the statement, complies partially with
The term "your Company" is included to clarify the entity responding to complies with the
not comply with the however major the statement, with
the questionnaire and is not intended for any other purpose. statement
statement) improvements/ minor adjustments
updates are necessary) necessary)

1 What activities will your Company perform at OMV sites?

General Questions
Which HSSE management certifications does your Company hold?
Please attach copies.

3 Does your Company have a policy for HSSE? Please provide copy.
Commitment Describe your Company HSSE Management system. Does your
Company have a HSSE manual? Provide copy.

Organization 5 Who is accountable for HSSE in your Company?

How are the basic and advanced training needs of the staff determined
Competency and 6
and documented in your Company?

How does Contractor’s HSSE management control system ensure that

Engineering 7
your Company's activities meets its HSSE requirements?

Does your Company have contractors? Please list the contractors who
Contracted Services 8
regularly work for your Company.

Planning and
How is health, safety, security and environmental performance measured
Performance 9
and recorded in your Company? Please provide evidence
Does your Company have a system for reporting, evaluating and
Incidents and documenting incidents, accidents, near misses, unsafe conditions and
Accidents actions? If YES, please details and statistics for the last 3 years. If NO,
please explain WHY

Emergency and Does your Company have procedures for security and emergency
Crisis Control situations? If YES, please provide copies

How do you ensure that the documentation for the relevant laws,
12 ordinances, official decisions and standards is managed and up to date
and Documentation
(Legal Compliance)? How is this being communicated?



2.5. Pre-qualification Questionnaire Community Relations and Social Affairs High and
Medium risk contractors
0 1 2 3

(The Company
(i.e. the answers are scored by the COMPANY, according to the presented rating scale) MINIMAL/ NON ALIGNMENT
CATEGORY Q No. complies partially with FULL ALIGNMENT
ALINGMENT (The Company
The term "your Company" is included to clarify the entity responding to the questionnaire the statement, The Company fully
(The Company does complies partially with
and is not intended for any other purpose. however major complies with the
not comply with the the statement, with
improvements/ statement
statement) minor adjustments
updates are

1 Does your Company assess the social impact of the contracted works on the communities?

How does your Company inform the community about the activities that will take place in their
Community Is there a grivance mechanism set-up during the works period, visible and accesible to the
Relations members of the community?
Does your Company have a local stakeholders engagement plan prior to beggining of works
(public meeting, information campaigns, consultations etc)?
Does your Company have a mitigation plan for the social consequences of the contracted

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2.6. HSSE Risk Assessment of Procurement categories

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Settings\x01021261\My Documents\Contractor Management\Final set_29Aug\Risk Assessment_Procurement categories_v11.xls

2.6.1. Overview of High Risk Activities

Procurement Category - Level 1 Procurement Category - Level 2 Procurement Category - Level 3 Procurement Category - Level 4 Risk
Drilling Materials and Equipments Drilling Materials and Equipments
Drilling Equipments Workover Rigs high
Drilling Rigs high
Engineering Turn Key Turn Key LSTK Combined Cycle Power Plant high
LSTK Electrical Overhead Line high
LSTK Gas Compressor Station high
LSTK Gas Metering Station high
LSTK Gas Receiving Station high
LSTK Other Turn Key Contracts high
LSTK Refinery Plants high
LSTK Solar Power Plant high
LSTK Water Treatment Plant high
LSTK Wind Power Plant high
Logistics & Related Services Road AdBlue AdBlue Bulk high
Fuels Fuels Retail high
Fuels Commercial high
Heating Oils Road Heating Oil high
Jet Road Jet high
LPG Road LPG high
Lubricants Lubricants Bulk high
Services Storage Storage Fuels high
Storage Jet high
Storage LPG high
Storage Heating Oil high
Storage Lubricants high
Ship / Barges Transportation Ship/Barges Transportation high
Production Production Offshore Equipment/Materials Baskets / containers high
Control lines high
Instrumentation and controls high
Production Platforms high
Offshore Services / Equipments FPSO (incl. supporting services e.g. personnel) high
Workover Services high
Offshore / Onshore Services Operation services high
Well intervention / workover high
Stimulation Materials and Services (incl. acidisation,
high fracturing)
Coiled tubing systems & products high
Production specific other Maintenance related
non workover materials
Sub-surface services Well Completion services high
Well related Services Well related Services Seismic Seismic data acquisition - offshore high
Drilling Service Wellhead rental services high
Casing drilling high
Cementing high
Conductor driving services high
Coring services high
Drilling fluids services, systems & solids controlh igh
Cutting disposal / waste management high
Directional drilling high
Electrical wireline logging high
LWD (logging while drilling) high
Perforation service (EWL / TCP) high
Mud logging services high
Fishing services high
Tubular running services (e.g. casing and tubing) high
Well control services high
Well Testing Services high
Drilling Rig onshore high
Drilling Rig offshore high

HSSE-R-012 Master Language: English

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Version: 1.0
3. Internal Reference Links

 Directive HSSE Management System

 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Contractor Management
 Corporate HSSE Procedure Monitoring of Contract Performance during contract
 Corporate HSSE Recommendation Contractor Meetings and Reports

4. External Reference Links


5. Obsolete Regulations

6. Certification Standards


7. Terms & Abbreviations


8. Keywords / Search Criteria

Pre-qualification Questionnaire, High and Medium risk Contractors, Low risk Contractors, Risk

9. Annexes


10. Amendments from Previous Versions


HSSE-R-012 Master Language: English

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Version: 1.0

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