Design Report-Raturisera Landslide - 08.01.2022 (R1)
Design Report-Raturisera Landslide - 08.01.2022 (R1)
Design Report-Raturisera Landslide - 08.01.2022 (R1)
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
4 SELECTION CRITERIA................................................................................................. 7
8.2 Reinforced Soil Wall System using Gabion facia with Mechanical connection ...... 23
The landslide portion has the height of around 50-80m approx. at Hill side and 25-30m at
valley side, the stretch of almost 210m approx. Tension cracks has been developed at the
crest due to sliding and it is getting wider day by day. A road and hill toe wall has been
constructed which is damaged due to landslide at a certain location. Nearby area is covered
by thick vegetation. The underlain rock type in the area is buff coloured quartzite and slightly
greenish phyllite which are shattered and fractured. The attitude of the rocks is highly
variable, indicating that the area has been subjected to intense deformations due to tectonic
activity. Rocks are covered with thick overburden of debris and slope wash materials of
varying depth of 1m to 5m. Debris slope seems to be unstable and are very loose on the
slope surface. Exposure of phyllitic schist rock is noted along the right bank of Bhagirathi
River. The scope of this design report is to provide proposal to address the global stability of
the overall slope (above and below the road), road retention, local slope protection, river
training works and toe stabilisation measures.
Landslide mitigation measures are prescribed with the goal of lessening the effect of the
landslide events and can never be completely eliminating the eminent risk. Landslides and
associated sinking are triggered by multiple, sometime concurrent causes. In addition to
surface instability due to excessive weathering or reduction of shear strength caused by
seasonal rainfall, landslide may be triggered by anthropic activities, such as changing the
topography due to excavation or dumping. Often, individual phenomena join together to
generate instability over time, and do not allow a reconstruction of the evolution of a
particular incident. While exact forensics are not possible, efforts to establish possible
causes would help selecting appropriate measures for stabilization. Like the causes the
correction methods are also used in isolation or in combination to get the best effect.
With large variations in Geologic formations, topography, sub surface water flows, extent of
weathering and surface disintegration, limitations on extent of observations and qualitative
geotechnical investigations, the design and construction details are aimed at reducing the
risk of landslide in the areas under consideration. A complete prevention or avoidance of
landslide and sinking incidences is not viable.
The area exhibits an undulating and dissected topography with rugged terrain. The landform
in the area is structural and denudational in nature. Surface of hill slopes are mostly made up
of debris deposit and vegetation cover as seen in the picture. Satellite image is shown here
the locations of slide and geomorphological features of the area. Area is very prone to
landslides due to the nature of loose overburden and fractured/weathered rocks present over
slopes in region.
Figure 3: Rock outcrop at hill side near CH 108+200
Figure 5: Valley side sliding and accumulation of debris over slope
3.1. Topographical Survey
After experts site visit, a topographical survey of the slide area was carried out along the
existing road in a length of about 210 m. The slope of the landslide surface is in the
range of 35 to 55 deg. (Refer annexure I for details). Survey plan along with geological
cross section of section at CH 108+100 is shown below:
3.2. Geotechnical/Geological Investigation Details:
Geological section indicates that the slope is having 2 types of strata, overburden and rocky
strata. The depth of the rock is assumed to be 5-6m approx. Geotechnical investigation was
also done to get the soil parameters of the existing slope (Refer Annexure 1: Geotechnical
investigation report). Bore log details present in geotechnical report also indicates that the
slope is having two types of strata. Top overburden strata are mixture of boulders, Silt and
clay and bottom rock is quartzite and slightly greenish phyllite which are shattered and
History of Landslide:
The landslide of this area has been initiated after flash flood in 2013. Due to meandering of
the river, toe has been weakened and gradual reduction of strength parameters of soil lead
to sliding the overall area. A subsidence/failure of slopes in that location had been observed
from 2013. Below are the satellite images of affected area before and after 2013 flash flood.
Meandering effect can also visualize from below images.
During the assessment it is observed that excessive water saturation particularly during the
monsoon season reduces the shear strength parameters of the overburden debris
comprising of slit/clay. The fines present in the debris material drain out rapidly, making the
slope unstable.
Figure 9: Google earth imagery of Raturisera area before flash flood in 2013
Meandering of river
Figure 10: Google earth imagery of Raturisera area after flash flood in 2013
The problems identified at sliding zone are slope instability, erosion, improper drainage, toe
erosion, road widening. The major landslide measures shall include drainage measures,
slope stabilisation measures above and below road, erosion control measures, retention
measures and river training works.
One of the main reason of sliding/instability identified as per the site observations and other
studies is the improper drainage at site and pressence of exposed overburden strata over
the slope surface. During rainfall, pore water pressure increases in the soil strara which
destabilizing the slope and caused slide. Suitable surface and sub-surface drianage network
shall be required to address this issue.
The sub-surface drainage measures shall include sub-horizontal drainage pipes over the
slope at suitable locations identified at site. These can be of perforated pipes (approx. 51mm
internal diameter) wrapped with non woven geotextile. Non woven geotextile is for acting as
filter media to prevent clogging of perforations on the drainage pipes by passage of fines.
Self drilling type drainage pipes are preferred here as the strata is collapsible.
The surface drainage measures shall include lined open drains in the forms of drians along
the slopes (catch drains in suitable intervals) and across the slopes (along the affected area).
The sub-surface drainage measures for reinforced soil (for retention) shall be provided in the
form of drainage composite, longitudinal drainage pipes and lateral drainage pipes
(perforated PVC pipes (approx. 160mm internal diameter) wrapped with non-woven
geotextile). The surface/berm/ toe drains shall be provided along the retention system.
Slope stabilisation measures are required to be provided on the slope above and below the
road. The different options available for mitigating slope stabilisation measures associated
with a landslide zone are earth works (excavations near scarp/crown of landslide and filling
near the toe of the landslide), Buttress fills, retaining walls (Gravity Walls, Reinforced soil
walls/slope, and Soil Nailing/ Ground Anchors), Reinforcing Piles etc. Retaining walls options
are Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) wall, Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) wall, Random
Rubble Masonry (RRM) wall, Reinforced soil structure, Gabion wall etc.
Buttress fill (as counterweight or counter berm) may be considered as one of the options
which will need large quantum of fill material.
Flexible structures such as reinforced soil systems can be considered for road retention,
Gabion walls are proposed for toe protection at hill side as well as valley side in landslide
zone and RRM wall are proposed as toe protection at hill side for other than landslide
Since there are space constraints on hill side and valley side, anchoring (soil nailing) is
proposed. The soil anchors shall function as passive mitigation measure to address global
The facia system for anchoring can be of rigid facia (shotcrete) or flexible facia (steel wire
mesh, 3D Geosynthetic mat or Gabion). The selection of the facia was done taking into
account the project requirements and location. Shotcrete facia does not allow for effective
drainage of the strata even after providing weep holes. Also it is very difficult to properly
execute the shotcreting operation on high slopes. Shotcreting activity would need a clear
slope surface with complete removal of vegetaion in the area of application.
Considering the terrain and location of project, it has been proposed to provide flexible facia
(steel wire mesh, 3D Geosynthetic mat or Gabion) for the exposed slope surface. This shall
also allow for free drainage from the insitu strata. Where slope surface is comprising of soil/
soil mixed boulder stratum/weathered rock stratum, which are susciptable to
weathering/erosion, 3D Geosynthetic mat can be considered as erosion control mat. The
erosion control mat shall be adopted along with suitable bio-engineering measures to
facilitate establishemnt of vegetation. Hydroseeding/Mulching are recommended here as the
suitable solution of bioengineering considering the application area, ease of application, etc.
Anchoring system with flexible facia (for exposed slope surface) and raster of nails/anchors
is the most applicable solution here along with local trimming/ scaling off.
Geocell is also the very effective solution as an erosion control measure for slope less than
45 deg. and strata is very loose.
Loose scaling the complete slope surface is not feasible from environmental, construction
and applicability point of views. However, it is recommendable to do loose scaling/trimming
in isolated patches of unstable blocks or steep profile, which can be scaled off/ trimmed off
because of high cost of probable intervention, otherwise.
Different types of solutions like PCC wall, RCC wall, Masonry wall, Gabion walls, Reinforced
Soil strutures are available as road side retention measures.
As cited in section 4.2, flexible structures Gabion walls, Reinforced Soil structure are
considered here as soil retention system.
Reinforced soil wall with Gabion facia is poposed for road retention. Gabion wall is proposed
at toe of hill as well as valley side.
Following measures in Table 1 are proposed based on current understanding of site
condition which may be selected and adopted as per site requirement and depending
on techno-economic feasibility by a judicious assessment of risk probability and
maintenance costs:
Solution proposed
• Surface drains-lined open drains in the form of catch drains and drains at
crest, toe and other drains along the stretch length, surface/berm/ toe
drains along the reinforced soil systems
• Sub-surface drains: 51mm dia perforated sub-horizontal drainage pipes
Drainage (preferably self-drilling type) wrapped with non-woven geotextile radially
proposed on the slope.
• Sub-surface drain 51 mm dia., wrapped with non-woven geotextile
proposed on RCC Jacketing, RRM wall.
• The sub-surface drainage measures for reinforced soil (for retention) in
Solution proposed
the form of drainage composite, longitudinal drainage pipes and lateral
drainage pipes (perforated PVC pipes (approx. 160mm internal diameter)
wrapped with non-woven geotextile)
• 5m high gabion toe wall at the hill side for 125m stretch in landslide zone.
• 3m high RRM toe wall at hill side for 65m stretch
• Nailed Gabion up to 10m height at valley side for 35m stretch.
• 38mm dia., self- drilling anchors for above and below the road for slope
and erosion
control • flexible facia (High tensile steel wire net/3D Geosynthetic
Mat/CoirMat/Gabion +Hydroseeding for instable slope surface.
• Geocell (200x356) for erosion control at above and below the road for
slope angle <=45 deg.
• 10m high Reinforced soil wall with Gabion facia system.
• 5m high Gabion wall at toe of valley side as a river training wall.
Road-side • 5m hight and 8m long Groynes @ 25m c/c in longitudinal direction.
retention and • 8m long launching apron for scour protection of Groynes.
River training
• 3m depth RCC cut off wall for scour protection of river side toe Gabion
• 0.5m thick RCC jacketing in front of river side Gabion wall for impact of big
• Periodic maintenance of proposed mitigation system and drains shall be done, which is
required for efficient working for the system and to check for clogging of drains.
• The drain arrangement has to be provided at suitable gradient and should be connected
to the main drains as per site conditions to ensure perfect drainage.
• Proper drainage arrangements should be made to ensure sufficient water collection
points at regular intervals. This is to ensure reduction in seepage by diverting surface
run-off to the main drains. Location of drains shall be finalised based on the site
topography and feasibility.
• Periodic maintenance, inspection and minor repairs shall be carried out after each
rockfall/Sliding event by clearing off the debris collected within the draped mesh (in
client’s scope). All connections shall be checked periodically (approx. every 6 months).
This shall aid in continued effective working of the system.
• The diversion/ discharge measures at mattress end cross-drainage works (culverts) near
road shall be taken up additionally.
The drawings, technical specifications and bill of quantities are included in Annexures
6.1 Anchors/Nails
From the geological study of the area (Annexure-I), it is observed that the insitu strata
consists of two different layers (i.e., Overburden strata (boulder/silty/clay) and insitu-rocky
strata (Quartzite). Properties of different strata and supports (passive anchors) considered
based on back analysis done for overburden strata and Roclab analysis done for Rocky
strata in the design are mentioned below:
1 Overburden 20 32 19
1. Loading:
Traffic Load (TL): 24.0 kPa (IRC: 6, section-214)
Seismic Co-efficient: (Zone V)
Horizontal Co-efficient = 0.18
Vertical Coefficient = 0.12
2. Support Properties
SDA (self- Drilling Anchor) Tensile capacity – 400 kN (considering 38 mm dia anchor),
Note: HFL is consider 5m above the river bed level for the design
Topographical survey (refer details in annexure I) was done at site and section (CH 108+120
and CH 108+170) is considered for the analysis.
• All the design considerations have to be strictly verified at the site by the
contractor during the execution stage, after the loose scaling activities. In case
of any deviation, the design shall be verified by consultant with new design
Considering the behavior of anchors, the anchor calculation must assume the unstable
portion of the slope lies in condition of limit equilibrium, where the safety factor is equal to
1.05 in case of seismic loadings and 1.30 in static condition. Since excavation shall be
required at the toe of slope to construct a reinforced soil wall, hence in addition to seismic
and static cases, another case was analyzed on the software in static case where only
cutting is being shown on the slope.
The analysis of nailed slope with Flexible fascia and Global stability for overall slope has
been carried out using software – ‘SLIDE’ of Rocscience Inc., USA. SLIDE is a 2D slope
stability program for evaluating the stability of circular or non-circular failure surfaces in soil
or rock slopes. External loading, groundwater and support can all be modeled in a variety of
ways. SLIDE analyzes the stability of slip surfaces using vertical slice limit equilibrium
methods. Individual slip surfaces can be analyzed, or search methods can be applied to
locate the critical slip surface for a given slope.
Two set of analyses were done -1) Global stability at CH 108+120 (applicable from CH
108+045 to CH 108+170)-Landslide zone 2) Global stability at CH 108+170 (applicable from
CH 108+170 to CH 108+255. The design Summary of factor of safety (FOS) achieved for
both sets are is shown in table below:
Table 3: Summary of FOS achieved in SLIDE analysis
The in-situ strata properties and loading as mentioned in section 6.1.1 are considered for the
design of reinforced soil wall structures.
The structural soil (reinforced fill) is considered to have the following soil properties
conforming to MORTH -section 3100 and as below:
Cohesion [kN/m²] : 0.00
2. The designs are checked for following conditions:
i) Static + Traffic load (TL)
ii) Seismic + Traffic load (TL)
3. Design Sections:
The preliminary stability checks on the reinforced soil structures are carried out for
Section at CH 108+120. (Refer Annexure-II for Analysis Report)
4. Reference Standard:
The designs are done in accordance with BS 8006-1:2010+A1 2016 – Code of practice
for strengthened / reinforced soil and other fills for static case and FHWA standards for
seismic case. The structure category is considered as 3 (High) and design temperature is
considered as 20oc.
The design of Reinforced Soil Structure is based on the recommendations given in BS:
8006-1 which is accepted in India as well as widely accepted over the world. Reinforced soil
structures shall be designed for seismic as well as static cases, since BS: 8006-1
methodology does not give any procedure on seismic design hence FHWA-NHI-00-043 is
followed for seismic design.
Figure 18 of BS: 8006 describes the design procedures for Reinforced soil structure
according to which structure should be checked for:
1. External Stability
a. Sliding along the base
b. Bearing failure
c. Overturning failure
d. Global slip surface stability
2. Internal Stability
a. Rupture of reinforcement
b. Pullout of reinforcement
Sliding along the base
The total horizontal pressure due to backfill and the loads coming over backfill should be
stabilized by the friction between bottom layer of reinforcement and the foundation soil. This
will govern the length of bottom layer of reinforcement. (Clause 6.5.3 of BS: 8006-1)
Figure 11- Sliding along the base
The resistance to movement should be based upon the properties of either the subsoil or
the reinforced fill, whichever is the weaker, and consideration should be given to sliding
between subsoil and reinforcement layers used at the base of the structure using the
following method.
The sliding stability where there is soil-to-soil contact at the base of the structure;
The sliding stability where there is reinforcement-to-soil contact at the base of the structure
Bearing failure
The bearing capacity of foundation soil should be large enough to prevent any foundation
failure of the structure. Ultimate bearing capacity will govern the embedment depth and
length of bottom most layer of reinforcement. (Clause 6.5.2 of BS: 8006-1)
qult=c Nc sc + q Nqsq + 0.5ϒ B' Nϒ sg W'
qall = qult / FS
qr = RV/(L-2e)
=qult/fms + ϒf*Demb
FOSBC= qf.ult / qr
Overturning Failure
The resisting moment produced by the self weight of the structure should be large enough to
resist the overturning moment produced by lateral pressure. This will again govern the length
of bottom most layer of reinforcement. (Clause 6.5 of BS: 8006-1)
Global slip surface stability
The structure should not fail as a whole due to global slip surface. Various slip circle analysis
needs to be done to ensure the global stability of the structure (Clause 6.5.6 of BS: 8006-1).
The global slip circle analysis is done both for static and seismic case based on Bishop’s
This method will adopt as first hypothesis the circular failure surface; moreover, it considers
the results of the forces to be perpendicular to the slice lateral surface (Xi + Xi+i =0). Using
that hypothesis, it is possible to obtain a number of unknown equal to the equation one (3n
equations in 3n unknowns).
By solving the system, you will obtain a safety factor given by the relation between the
results of the stabilising moments and the results of the unstabilising ones, in this form:
Given the high number of uncertainties, each method has semplificative hypothesis which
make solvable the system, and these hypotheses make the difference between the methods.
Here follows schematically the action of a single slice.
To solve the system three static equation are available for each slice (vertical and horizontal
displacement equilibrium) so for n slices you will have 3n linearly independent equations.
Internal stability
For extensible reinforcements like geogrids and geosynthetic strip tie back wedge method as
given in clause 6.6.3 of BS: 8006-1 is followed.
Rupture of reinforcement
The lateral pressure produced by backfill in any layer of reinforcement shall be resisted by
the tensile strength of reinforcement. This will govern the grade i.e. tensile strength of
reinforcement. (Clause of BS: 8006-1)
a) Rupture. The tensile strength of the jth layer of reinforcing elements needed to satisfy local
stability considerations is:
Pullout of Reinforcement
The length of each layer of reinforcement should be enough to resist the lateral earth
pressure produced by backfill. (Clause of BS: 8006-1).
Pj is the total horizontal width of the top and bottom faces of the reinforcing element at the jth
layer, per metre “run”;
ffs is the partial load factor applied to soil self-weight taken from the same load combination
as Tj, (Table 11, BS 8006, Chapter 6)
ff is the partial load factor applied to surcharge dead loads taken from the same load
combination as Tj,; (Table 11, BS 8006, Chapter 6)
Lej is the length of reinforcement in the resistant zone outside failure wedge, at the jth layer of
reinforcements, (Figure 31, BS 8006, Chapter 6-Given below)
fp is the partial factor for reinforcement pull-out resistance, (Table 11, BS 8006, Chapter 6)
a’bc is the adhesion coefficient between the soil and the reinforcement;
fms is the partial material factor applied to c’(Table 11, BS 8006, Chapter 6)
Seismic Design
All the static checks have been done by the methods as described in the previous section.
Seismic analysis has been carried out as per FHWA-NHI-00-043. In seismic case, in addition
to active earth pressure horizontal inertia force (P IR) and seismic thrust (PAE) is also taken
into account for the stability check described above. PIR & PAE are calculated as per clause
4.2 (h) of FHWA-NHI-00-043. The project lies in seismic zone V according to IS: 1893 (Part
1): 2016 and seismic coefficients has been considered as 0.18 and 0.12 as horizontal and
vertical coefficients respectively.
The stability checks are executed by means of a proprietary software to check the stability of
reinforced soils and allows the user to conduct the stability checks of different possible failure
mechanisms using the Limit Equilibrium Method. (Refer Annexure-II for details.)
Summary of Factor of Safety (FOS) achieved for bottom reinforced soil wall below road A
and gabion wall below road B for seismic case and static case is shown in tables below:
S. No. Loading Condition Stability Check Targeted FOS * FOS
*The static case factor of safety (FOS) is as per BS: 8006-part-1 and seismic case is based
as per FHWA-NHI-00-043.
S. No. Loading Condition Stability Check Targeted FOS#
#The static case and seismic case factors of safety (FOS) are as per section 6.8 of IRC:
8.1 Anchoring with flexible Mesh systems
The Self Drilling Anchors are commonly use system for rock mass stabilization, especially in
cut slope stabilization applications like in tunnelling, mining and road infrastructure industries.
Soil nailing is typically used to stabilise existing slope or excavation. These anchors are
typically drilled or installed at 10 to 20 degree with horizontal and primarily subjected to
tensile stresses.
In case of difficult installation conditions (insitu strata comprising of soil / soil +rock boulders
/collapsible strata), self-drilling anchors are used. It consists of hollow anchor bars, sacrificial
drill bits, couplers, anchor plate and bolt. They can also be used for cortical strengthening in
inaccessible terrain where drilling operations are difficult and use of regular bars would be
time consuming and difficult.
The self-drilling anchor system is comprised of a hollow threaded bar with an attached drill
bit that performs drilling, anchoring and grouting in a single operation. The hollow bar allows
air and water to freely pass through the bar during drilling to remove debris and then allow
grout to be injected immediately after drilling is completed. Alternatively, grout can be
injected during drilling operation itself.
Grout is pumped through the hollow bar, which exits through the nail bottom at drill bit and
fills up the entire drill hole length. Couplers can be used to join hollow bars and extend the
bolt length while nuts and plates are secure the anchor at slope face.
Figure 15: Typical figure of Self drilling anchors connected with coupler
8.1.2 3D Geosynthetic Mat
Main features:
• Provides immediate erosion protection from rainfall runoff, encourages re-vegetation of
the soil slope and provides root reinforcement.
• Provides immediate protection of exposed areas from direct effect of winds and rainfall.
• Reduces the velocity and volume of runoff flow by increasing water percolation into the
• Recommended in Section 700 of MORTH (Refer Tables 700-13 & 700-14) and IRC
HRB Special Report – 23, clause 5.4.
• Speedy and Efficient Installation.
• More life time.
Reinforced high tensile steel wire mesh is a flexible system for slope stabilization and
protection using flexible membranes, more efficient and economical compared to traditional
single twist mesh without reinforcement. The mesh is reinforced with ropes in horizontal
direction with the help of Spike plates. High tensile steel wire mesh of Rhomboidal shape
(mesh opening100X146) with diameter of inscribed circle 75mm, tensile strength 900N/mm2,
Punching strength over the mesh according to ISO 17746:2016 is 160 kN, Tensile strength
of mesh in the main direction is 100kN/m with wire dia 3.4mm, Galvanized with coating
thickness 265g/m2 and twisted at the ends. Border/Reinforcement rope diameter 10/12mm
with minimum breaking load 63.0/90.7kN, 6x19S+IWRC, according to EN 12385-4, Tensile
strength of single wire > 1770 N/mm² EN 10264-2, Wire finish Galvanized according to EN
10244-2 CLASS B. all accessories such as clips according to EN 13411-5.
Figure 17: Reinforced high tensile steel wire mesh
8.2 Reinforced Soil Wall System using Gabion facia with Mechanical connection
Composite soil reinforcement wall system combines uniaxial geogrid as primary soil
reinforcement and Gabion facia unit with mechanical connection. Structure consisting of an
external face with double twist mesh panel, polymer coated. They are specially designed for
sites and situations where it is necessary to reconstitute the soil mass and where filling
stone is scarce or expensive to obtain.
These structures demand special care with installation, mainly with respect to the foundation
and with settlement of embankment across to the stone face, and they are especially
suitable for works with large embankment movements.
Solution Components:
a. Geogrid shall be placed over the bed prepared with min 1m overhanging length to wrap
the connection rod.
b. Gabion box shall be placed at the location indicated in drawings and steel rod shall be
inserted through the length of the gabion at the front edge.
c. The Geogrid shall then be wrapped back around the rod forming a Bodkin connection
between upper gabion and geogrid.
d. Gabion unit shall be then filled as per the fill material indicated in drawings
2. Active type of geogrid to rod connection system are preferable for Reinforced Soil
Structures in high seismic zones.
3. The connection system shall be checked (at reputable institutions like IIT etc.,) and the
test results shall be furnished before commencement of works.
Uniaxial Geogrid:
Uniaxial knitted polyester geogrids with a protective polymeric coating engineered for
demanding soil reinforcement applications. Geogrid is manufactured from select grades of
high tenacity polyester yarn with molecular weight more than 25,000 and carboxyl end
groups less than 30 to ensure high strength, low creep and excellent durability. The yarns
are formed into a dimensionally stable grid structure with uniform apertures, using an
advanced weft insertion warp knitting process which is then given a tough and durable
polymeric coating as shown in Figure 19 to enhance dimensional stability, resistance to
installation damage and durability.
Figure 19: Close-up view of Geogrid
Gabion wall is made up of mechanically woven heavily galvanised steel gabions. Gabions
are rectangular cages made of hexagonal double-twist (DT) wire mesh filled with
appropriately sizes cobbles or quarry stones. In order to reinforce the structure, all edges
are selvedge with a wire having greater diameter. The gabion is divided into cells by
means of diaphragms positioned at 1 m centres. The Zn+ polymer coated steel gabions
are of mesh type 10x12 with mesh wire diameter 2.7mm (refer fig: 20 & 21).
1. The DT wire mesh is a non ravelling mesh made up of a set of continuous steel
wires, wherein adjacent pair of wires is twisted through two and half turns and
hexagonal shaped openings are formed by weaving process.
2. A Selvedge wire is used to edge the wire mesh perpendicular to the double twist
by mechanically wrapping the mesh wires around it at least 2.5 times.
3. An Edge wire of the same diameter as the selvedge wire is used to edge the wire
mesh parallel to the double twist by continuously weaving it mechanically into the
wire mesh.
4. A Lacing wire is used to assemble and interconnect empty units, to close and
secure stone-filled units, and for internal stiffeners. The same wire is used as
Stiffener for support of facing by connecting the front panel to the back panel of a
The Gabions are supplied to project site from factory with its components folded flat,
collapsed and packed in bundles.
Gabion mattress are the rectangular cages made of hexagonal double-twist wire mesh (as
per IS 16014:2018) filled with appropriately sizes cobbles or quarry stones. The difference
between the Gabion unit and Gabion Mattress is in their thickness. The thickness of Gabion
mattress is 0.3m. In order to reinforce/retain the structure and reduce the surface erosion, all
edges are selvedge with a wire having greater diameter. The gabion is divided into cells by
means of diaphragms positioned at 1 m centres. The Gabion mattress has the tendency to
sustain wear and tear due to high flow velocity during monsoons and hence protect the
surface erosion at the toe of the wall.
Non-Woven Geotextile shall be placed behind the Gabion units as separator between the
units and insitu strata. It shall be mechanically bonded non-woven geotextile and made of
virgin high tenacity polypropylene or polyester staple fibers which are UV stabilized. They are
characterized by a high resistance to installation damage, high water permeability, resistance
to ultra violet degradation and to biological and chemical environments.
Stone Filling / Rock: Rocks (as shown in figure 24) for filling in Gabion units, Gabion facia
units and Gabion Mattress, should be obtained by any suitable quarrying method. Rocks
should be hard, angular to round, durable and of such quality that they do not lose their
integrity on exposure to water or weathering during the life of the structure. Typically, basalt,
granite and hard sandstones shall be used. The most appropriate size for stone varies from
1.5 to 2 times dimension D of the mesh, i.e. the stone should be large enough to prevent its
escape through mesh. The size of the rocks should range between 150 and 250 mm for
mesh size of 10X12mm. Based on the below given properties the filling material needs to be
Backfill soil / Structural fill: The soil used as structural fill should be free draining
a n d w e l l g r a d e d granular fill with percent of fines passing 75-micron sieve not
greater than 15%. The maximum particle size in the structural fill shall not be more than
40 mm. The top clayey soil in the borrow area, if any, shall be removed and stacked
8.6 Geocell
Geocell is the cellular confinement system created, indigenously manufactured and made
from High Density Polyethylene stabilized with carbon black which has higher tensile
strength and stiffness.
Geocell is expanded on-site to form a honeycomb like structure, which is in filled with
granular infill which creates unique cellular confinement system.
• Advantages of Geocell Confinement:
• Once expanded to its maximum extension and filled in with gravel the Geocell becomes
inextensible and monolithic, providing an effective means of confinement for
unconsolidated materials lying within single cells and preventing their movement even on
steep slopes, or also from substantial dragging forces such as those exerted by sheet
• Reduces runoff and sediment transport by confining soils within geocells. Cells are
hydraulically interconnected and the system attains good permeability, facilitates the
absorption of water during precipitation, diminishes surface runoff and consequently
• Vegetative geocell slope protection can tolerate more intense sheet-flow conditions than
existing slope. The cell walls prevent channelling that could otherwise develop within the
cover layer by limiting localized flow concentrations and increasing hydraulic shear
• Compared to conventional stone pitching/ gravel fill required lesser thickness of overall
infill filled thereby making the system economical.
• Maintenance in terms of washing out of Infill material and embankment soil shall be
reduced due to cellular confinement system of geocell.
• Confinement of Infill Material within Geocell permits their use on steeper slopes compared
to conventional measures.
The sub-surface drains shall realize with PVC tubes/pipes with micro-holes, inserted in sub
horizontal holes drilled into the slope. The usual diameter of the tubes shall be 50 to 120 mm
and shall be inserted in the slope inclined upwards from 5° to 15° and in radial fashion (in
plan). The PVC pipes shall have a filtering geotextile on the outer surface to avoid the
obstruction by the fine soil particles.
The hole is drilled into the slope with minimum internal diameter of 51 mm, and they can be
realized with dry drilling, with or without temporary sheeting of the hole. Once the drilling is
complete the pipe (which can be smooth or grooved) is inserted. Once the pipe is fully
inserted, the lower part of the hole (on the slope face side) is sealed with the use of cement
grout. Local gabion walls can be considered on slope surface where sub-surface drainage
pipes are emerging out from slope surface.
1. IRC- HRB- Special Report-23 -State of the Art: Design and Construction of Rockfall
Mitigation systems, Chapter-3.
2. IRC: SP: 42 – 2014, Guidelines of Road Drainage.
3. IRC:56-2011: Recommended practices for treatment of embankment and roadside
slopes for erosion control
4. IRC-113 - 2013 - Guidelines for Design and Construction of Geosynthetic Reinforced
Embankments on Soft Subsoils
5. IRC SP:116-2018 – Guidelines for Design and Installation of Gabion Structures.
6. BS 8006-1:2010+A1:2016–Code of Practice for Strengthened /Reinforced Soil and other
7. BS 8081:2015+A2:2018 – Code of Practice for Grouted Anchors.
8. FHWA-NHI-10-24 - Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and
Reinforced Soil Slopes-Volume-I (For seismic loading condition).
9. FHWA-NHI-14-007 – Soil Nail Walls Reference Manual (FHWA GEC 007), 2015.
10. FHWA-IF-99-015 – Ground Anchors and Anchored System (GEC No. 4), 1999.
Geotechnical Assessment Report of Raturi Sera
Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Gangotri-Dharasu (NH-108) to 2-lane Paved Shoulder from Km.
101.06 to Km. 110.860 (design Ch. 87+730 to 97+400) on EPC Mode under improvement to NH
connectivity to Chardham in state of Uttarakhand
Submitted by:
Prepared by:
Page 1 of 20
1. Project Details
2. Scope of Investigation
3. Planning of Geotechnical Investigation
a. Location Map
b. Exploration Program
4. Details of Field work
5. Laboratory Work
6. Geotechnical Assessment
a. Subsurface Condition
b. Laboratory Test Results
c. Rock Mass Classification
d. Conclusions
e. Summary of Results
7. Annexures (Bore log details)
Page 2 of 20
1. Project Details:
Soil Investigation work is entrusted by M/s OASIS Technocons Limited to M/s Parmar Testing Lab &
Research (PTLR), based in Dehradun. Border Road Organization (BRO) has contracted the work to
M/s OASIS Technocons Limited for “Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Gangotri-Dharasu
(NH-108) to 2-lane Paved Shoulder from Km. 101.06 to Km. 110.860 (design Ch. 87+730 to 97+400)
on EPC Mode under improvement to NH connectivity to Chardham in state of Uttarakhand”.
Geotechnical investigation is an essential preliminary step for civil engineering design and construction
works and primarily the objects for conducting such investigations are as
Suitability - to assess the general suitability of the site;
Design - to enable an adequate and economic design;
Construction - to plan the most feasible method of construction, to fore see and provide against
difficulties and delays that may arise during construction due to ground, groundwater.
In order to collect data and achieve the project objectives, studies and site Investigations were conducted.
Main purpose of these studies was to obtain the relevant geotechnical design data including sub-surface
profile (soil/rock interface), classification, behaviour and engineering properties.
PTLR carried out the field - work during September, 2021. Field identification tests and some in situ
strength tests as well as laboratory tests on soil/rock samples were carried out.
All the field work and laboratory tests were conducted as per the IS specifications and instructions of
2. Scope of Work:
This report covers the subsurface investigation conducted at proposed road widening project. Contains the
following information’s;
Planning of geotechnical Investigation programmed
Methodology of Investigation
Geology and related characteristics
Geotechnical assessment
Conclusion and Recommendations.
Page 3 of 20
3. Planning of Geotechnical Investigation Programme
a. Location Map:
A Geotechnical study was proposed to be carried out for deciphering the subsurface strata for the design
of proposed Structure in the State of UTTRAKHAND. The detail of
field-work is as below:
BH 1 BH 2
BH 3
b. Exploration Program:
The scope of the present studies, as laid down in the terms of reference of this investigation work, is as
On the basis of nature of the project, it was decided to carry out soil / rock exploration in order to:
Obtain soil samples, both representative and undisturbed (wherever possible) for classification tests
and other laboratory tests for determining engineering properties, like Drilling in rock in weathered
and in hard rock, obtain rock cores of Nx size by diamond core drilling method using double tube core
barrels, determination of material characteristics (Strength / Structure / Color / Texture / Grain size /
Rock name), mass characteristics (State of weathering /existing natural discontinuities / faults and
Page 4 of 20
folding patterns / fracture state), laboratory tests for determining engineering properties of existing rock,
i.e., unconfined compressive strength, water absorption, unit weight, Modulus of elasticity, joint
shear strength etc, including Petrographic examination for establishing lithological characteristics;
Obtain permeability values by conducting field permeability tests (packer tests);
Submit a report on geotechnical investigation, after the completion of field work and laboratory
test results
The water circulation was made from Triplex water pumps of Calyx having suitable feeding capacity for
drilling up to required depths.
The all other accessories such as drilling rods of Aw / Bw sizes with casing pipes of size PX / HX / NX
sizes along with double tube core barrels etc. was provided as required for the drill holes.
1. Rotary drilling machine was assembled at site and was shifted and erected at the borehole location.
2. Rotating single tube core barrels, provided with commercial diamond bits are used for rotary
drilling and simultaneously obtaining the rock cores or samples.
3. All consumables (Drilling accessories) were purchased from Genuine Dealers Rockdril India
Limited) only.
4. After inserting casing pipe through soil overburden the drilling bit fixed to the lower end of drill
rods with barrel, is rotated by a suitable chuck and always kept in firm contact with the bottom of
the borehole.
5. Water is pumped continuously down the hole through drill rods, and the fluid returns to the surface
in the annular space between the rods and the side of the hole, and so the protective casing may not
be generally necessary. The mud returning upwards brings the cuttings to the surface.
6. After reaching the drill rods attached with the cutting bit attain its full depth another piece
(extension rod) will be attached and continue the drilling.
7. The casing pipe of diameter (PX / HX / NX Size) if necessary was driven up to the required depth /
level as the bore hole is advanced depending upon the rock conditions.
Page 5 of 20
b. Rock Core Samples / Borehole Logs
Core Samples were extracted by the application of a continuous pressure at one end of the core with the
barrel held horizontally without vibration. Immediately after withdrawal from the core barrel, the cores
were placed in a tray and transferred into boxes specially prepared for the purpose. Recovered rock cores
were numbered serially as specified in IS: 40781980. Rock core recovery and Rock Quality Designation
(RQD) were computed for every run length drilled. The description of the core samples was recorded.
Rock classification in terms of weathering and state of fractures and strength is carried out in the
following manner. Tabulations given in below explain it briefly.
Page 6 of 20
c. As per IS 4464
It should be understood that all grades of weathering may not be seen in a given rock mass and that in
some cases a particular grade may be present to a very small extent. Distribution of the various
weathering grades of rock material in the rock mass may be related to the porosity of the rock material
and the presence of open discontinuities of all types in the rock mass.
d. Relation between RQD and In-Situ Rock Quality
Rock quality is further measured by frequency of natural joints in rock mass. Rock Quality Designation
(RQD) is used to define state of fractures or massiveness of rock. Following table defines the quality of
rock mass.
Rock is also classified by strength of intact rock cores collected during drilling. Rock Unconfined
Compressive strength (UCS) is used to define strength of rock. Classification of rocks given in Table 2 of
Appendix-2 of IRC: 78-2000 (March 2011 amendment) is reproduced below:
Extremely Strong > 200
Very Strong 100 to 200
Strong 50 to 100
Moderately strong 12.5 to 50
Moderately Weak 5 to 12.5
Weak 1.25 to 5
Very Weak < 1.25
f. In-situ Permeability Tests in Bed Rock In-situ permeability Test is rock was conducted by double
packer method as per IS: 5529 (Part 2 Tests in Bed Rock).
Page 7 of 20
5. Details of Laboratory Work
c2 =
7 + 2 d/h
c2 = Compressive strength corresponding to standard specimen with h/d
= 2;
c = Measured compressive strength;
D = Specimen diameter; and
h = Specimen height.
The unconfined compressive strength of the rock core specimen was calculated by dividing the maximum
load carried by the specimen during the test by the average cross-sectional area. Average of three tests
was used to arrive at a representative value of unconfined compressive strength (saturated condition) of a
Page 8 of 20
rock sample. Test results are given in Table -2.
Sample Before Test
Page 9 of 20
Triaxial Compression Test
The test was carried out as per IS: 13047-1991 “Method for Determination of Strength of Rock Materials
in Triaxial Compression”. The test specimens comprised of right circular cylinders with length to
diameter ratio of 2. The rock core specimens were tested at different confining pressures. Mohr’s shear
strength envelopes were plotted for determining shear strength parameters, cohesion intercept, C and
angle of shearing resistance, .
6. Geotechnical Assessment
A Geotechnical study was proposed to be carried out for deciphering the subsurface strata for the design
of proposed structure in the state of Uttarakhand.
a. Subsurface Condition
Borehole Information: Detailed Bore log has been attached as Annexure I. Photographs of rock core
samples have been attached as Annexure II.
Quartzite is the predominant rock-type in the area. This rock is varying in mineralogical compositions in
a wide range.
Page 10 of 20
Methodology of Bearing Capacity of Rocky Stratum in Borehole
The safe bearing capacity for the rock strata available after excavation has been assessed based on
following methods: -
1. Based on crushing strength of rock cores (Lo and Hefiny 2001)
2. Based on Rock quality designation (Peck et al. 1974)
(a) Based on strength of Rock Cores
The allowable bearing pressure is estimated based on the strength of rock cores. The allowable
bearing is given by (IS: 12070-1987)
Qs= qc xNj
Where qc= average uniaxial compressive strength
Nj = Emperical coefficient depending upon the spacing of discontinuities.
The equation includes a factor of safety of 3.
Depending upon spacing of discontinuities, values of Nj are as under .
Page 11 of 20
b. Laboratory Test Results:
Table1:Results of Dry Density& Sat. Density of core samples
Sl. No Bore Hole No. Core No. Depth (m) Dry Density (g/cc) Sat. Density (g/cc)
14 2.61 2.59
1 BH-01 17 30m 2.62 2.62
18 2.67 2.65
3 2.65 2.67
2 BH-02 18 30m 2.62 2.61
19 2.65 2.58
6 2.62 2.63
3 BH-03 15 30m 2.67 2.61
16 2.62 2.60
Page 12 of 20
Table 4: Results of Tri-axial Shear Strength Parameters of Core Samples
(Saturated Condition)
Core Piece Drill Hole No. Tri Axial Shear Test(IS: 13047 & ASTM D2664)
Number C MPa (Degrees)
2 BH-01 1.97 36
3 1.94 34
5 BH-02 1.95 35
3 BH-03 1.95 35
Page 13 of 20
III. Spacing of discontinuities
Spacing, (m) Rating Basis
Very Wide >2 20
Wide 0.6-2 15 Spacing of discontinuities of specific
Moderate 0.2-0.6 10 borehole from field observations is
Close 0.06-0.2 8 used in RMR
Very Close <0.06 5
IV. Condition of discontinuities
Very rough
and slightly rough and Slickensided wall rock 5 mm thick
rough and slightly
unweathered moderately to highly surface or 1-5 mm thick soft gauge 5
weathered wall rock
rock wall weathered wall rock gauge or 1-5 mm wide mm wide
surface, separation <
rock, tight and surface, separation < opening, continuous continuous
1 mm
discontinuous, 1 mm discontinuity discontinuity
no separation
30 25 20 10 0
Page 14 of 20
Average 20 Yr for 15 1 Year for 1 wk for 5 m 10 hr for 2.5 30 min for 1
Standup Time m span 10m span span m span m
Cohesion of >400 300-400 200-300 100-200 <100
Rock mass
Friction angle >45 45-35 25-35 15-25 <15
of Rock mass
b. Conclusions
Based on Borehole drilled for BH 01, 02 & 03 at Raturi Sera for road widening and landslide mitigation
purpose, generally moderately fractured rock is encountered at site. The quartzite rock massive /
blocky – very blocky, Medium Strong, Slightly Weathered, Moderately fractured, Slightly Rough,
Rusted and Slightly Weathered along the Joints.
Page 15 of 20
Annexure I A
Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Gangotri-Dharasu (NH-108) to 2-lane Paved Shoulder from Km. 101.06 to
Km. 110.860 (design Ch. 87+730 to 97+400) on EPC Mode under improvement to NH connectivity to
Chardham in state of Uttarakhand
Raturi Sera – Chainage 108+220
1 30.00 m ----
0 0
0.00 –1.50m DS
1.50m – 3.00m core-1 40 0
3.00m - 4.50m core-2 60 0
4.50m- 6.00m core-3 80 0
6.00m-7.50m core-4 100 100
7.50m-9.00m core-5 80 0
9.00m-10.50m core-6 70 0
10.50m-12.00m core-7 90 0
12.00m-13.50m core-8 70 0
13.50m-15.00m core-9 80 0
15.00m-16.50m core-10 150 100
16.50m-18.00m core-11 90 90
18.00m-19.50m core-12 140 0
19.50m-21.00m core-13 110 0
21.00m-22.50m core-14 180 80
22.50m-24.00m core-15 80 70
24.00m-25.50m core-16 160 110
25.50m-27.00m core-17 190 90
27.00m-28.50m core-18 200 100
28.50m-30.00m core-19 180 100
Page 16 of 20
Annexure I B
Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Gangotri-Dharasu (NH-108) to 2-lane Paved Shoulder from Km. 101.06 to
Km. 110.860 (design Ch. 87+730 to 97+400) on EPC Mode under improvement to NH connectivity to
Chardham in state of Uttarakhand
Raturi Sera – Chainage 108+170
2 30.00 m ----
0 0
0.00 –1.50m DS
1.50m – 3.00m core-1 180 0
3.00m - 4.50m core-2 150 0
4.50m- 6.00m core-3 630 360
6.00m-7.50m core-4 300 0
7.50m-9.00m core-5 310 0
Page 17 of 20
Annexure I C
Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Gangotri-Dharasu (NH-108) to 2-lane Paved Shoulder from Km. 101.06
to Km. 110.860 (design Ch. 87+730 to 97+400) on EPC Mode under improvement to NH connectivity to
Chardham in state of Uttarakhand
Raturi Sera – Chainage 108+060
1 30.00 m ----
0 0
0.00 –1.50m DS
1.50m – 3.00m core-1 130 100
3.00m - 4.50m core-2 180 90
4.50m- 6.00m core-3 210 160
6.00m-7.50m core-4 290 180
7.50m-9.00m core-5 340 200
Page 18 of 20
Annexure II
Page 19 of 20
************End of Report************
Page 20 of 20
Submitted by:
Prepared by:
Page 1
Geological study report
landslide at Rautisera and Bandarkot on NH- 34,
Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand
The area exhibits an undulating and dissected topography with rugged terrain.
The landform in the area is structural and denudational in nature. Surface of hill
slopes are mostly made up of debris deposit and vegetation cover as seen in the
picture (Fig.1). Satellite image is shown here showing the locations of both slide
and geomorphological features of the area (Fig. 2). Area is very prone to
landslides due to the nature of loose overburden and fractured/weathered rocks
present over slopes in region.
Page 2
Fig. 1 View of Rautisera slide
Page 3
The rocks in the area belongs to Uttarkashi Formation of Garhwal Group of
Lesser Himalayas. The Uttarkashi formation constitute Netala quartzite, Lower
Uttarkashi Limestone, Pokhri Slate, Upper Uttarkashi Limestone and Bareti
Quartzite. Rocks in the sliding area are comprising mainly of quartzite, Limestone
and phyllites which are generally fractured and weathered. These rock units are
buff coloured quartzite and slightly greenish phyllite which are shattered and
fractured (Fig. 3). The attitude of the rocks is highly variable, indicating that the
area has been subjected to intense deformations due to tectonic activity. Rocks
are covered with thick overburden of debris and slope wash materials of varying
depth of 1m to 5m. Debris slope seems to be unstable and are very loose on the
slope surface of as seen in the photographs (Fig. 4 & 5).
Page 4
Fig. 5 View of unstable slope made up of weathered Limestone developed at Bandarkot
Page 5
Fig. 6 View showing the slope behavior of Rautisera Slide
Page 6
mixture of grit soil, sandy silt and boulders forming unstable slope. Tension
cracks have been developed in crown portion of slide.
Dolomitic limestone with intercalation of highly weathered phyllite rocks are noted
along the road side at Ch. 106+040km. Dolomitic limestone is slightly weathered
on surface but assume to be hard and massive in depth. The hill slope has heavy
cover of overburden consist of in-stu rock like limestone and phyllite. The rocks
are off white to buff colored and fine grained in nature. The phyllitic rock is highly
weathered and soft in nature. The crown part of the slide is highly unstable as it is
composed of loose soil mixed with boulders and pebbles which may trigger the
landslide anytime in rainy season.
Page 7
Fig. 9 View showing highly fractured and loose limestone
Page 8
Fig. 10 View showing the upper crown part of Banderkot slide
Rocks are distinctly bedded, foliated, fractured and highly weathered in nature. A
prominent discontinuity surface has been observed in the sliding area as it clearly
demarcates the change in strata. These rocks undergo multiple deformation
which results micro-folding and fracturing.
At Raturisera, outcrop of rocks is noted in the sliding portion which are extremely
weathered and fractured. Few joint sets are noted in quartzite rock which are
exposed along the road side at Ch. 108+240km.
AT Banderkot, there are two prominent joint sets followed by one minor joint sets
are noted which are often open, fractured and shows weathering through their
planes and filled with silty-clay and weathered materials. Joints in the limestone
are compact and partly closed. Whereas some joints are absent in formation
Some joints are open through their fracture plane. The rocks generally dip
southwards varying between 35° and 50°. In addition, the open joints are also
found to occur with a separation of 2 – 10 mm. The detailed structural data has
been tabulated below.
Page 9
Fig. 11 View of sheared micro-folding in phyllitic rock
Page 10
Rock characteristics at Rautisera
Rock Type Quartzite, quartzite schist, phyllite
Page 11
Type of filling
Type of rock
Degree of weathering
Page 12
Type of rock Phyllite
Degree of weathering Highly Weathered
Page 13
Type of rock Limestone
Degree of weathering Highly Weathered
Page 14
Type of rock Limestone
Degree of weathering Highly Weathered
Outcrop NO.8 106+400-106+430
Set No.
Dip direction
Roughness Consolidated Soil with Rock fragments
Type of filling
Type of rock
Degree of weathering
3. Spacing of discontinuities
4. Condition of discontinuities
6. Orientation of discontinuities
Rock Mass Rating (RMR) of jointed rock masses, may be worked out based on
IS 13365 (part I). Rock Mass Rating parameters are reproduced from annex B of
IS 13365 (part I) below for ready reference.
Page 15
Strength of intact rock material (MPa)
Spacing of discontinuities
Condition of discontinuities
30 25 20 10 0
Page 16
Ground water condition
General Completely
Damp Wet Dripping Flowing
Description Dry
Rating 15 10 7 4 0
Classification I II III IV V
Description Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor
RMR 100-80 80-61 60-41 40-21 20-0
Page 17
Fig. 13 View of GSI chart for Bandarkot and Rautisera
Page 18
The area is tectonically active and due to the ongoing tectonic movements. The
Himalaya Range has been undergoing crustal shortening along the 2,400 km
long northern edge of the Indian Plate which resulted in the formation of several
thrust faults including the Main Central Thrust (MCT), the Main Boundary Thrust
(MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). The MCT consists of three sub-
thrusts: MCT I, MCT II and MCT III. Many earthquakes have occurred along
these thrust faults. It is thought that the Chamoli earthquake in 1999 was
associated with these fault systems. The area lies in seismic zone V (Fig. 6).
Page 19
The sliding area is more prone to slide as there are loose debris over slope, Also
some households are observed at Bandarkot sliding area. Slope protection
measures need to be carried out. The following measures are recommended
Page 20
Land Slide
Land Slide
Overburden/Debris Deposit
Overburden/Debris Deposit
J3 J1
78°21'15"E 78°21'18"E 78°21'21"E 78°21'24"E 78°21'27"E
1110 110
1107.5 1095
1077.5 1087.5
108+2 1057.5
30 2
10 8
8 +2
+2 5 0
4 .8
0 1040
1065 1045
2. 5
102 30
UAV Map of Land Slide Ratuseria
Section Line
Major Contour
Minor Contours
Scale - 500
0 5 10 20 30 40 50
259/1,Shakti Colony,Devinagar
Paonta Sahib,Distt. Sirmour
Himachal Pradesh,173025
Contact : 8894733124
Himalayan Email : [email protected]
Surveying [email protected]
Services Pvt. Ltd Web :
Cohesion= 20kN/m2
Phi= 33 degree
RocLab analysis:
As per geotechnical/geological bore log details, partially weathered rocky strata, quartzite is
present below 5-6m depth onwards.
Cohesion= 180kN/m2
Phi= 30 degree
Project Settings
Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program
Failure Direction: Right to Left
Units of Measurement: SI Units
Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 9.81 kN/m3
Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces
Data Output: Standard
Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off
Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off
Random Numbers: Pseudo-random Seed
Random Number Seed: 10116
Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3
Analysis Methods
Analysis Methods used:
Bishop simplified
Janbu simplified
Number of slices: 25
Tolerance: 0.005
Maximum number of iterations: 50
Surface Options
Surface Type: Circular
Radius increment: 10
Minimum Elevation: Not Defined
Composite Surfaces: Disabled
Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack
Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.18
Seismic Load Coefficient (Vertical): 0.12
1 Distributed Load present:
Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Normal to boundary, Magnitude: 24 kN/m
Material Properties
Material: SMB
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 19 kN/m3
Cohesion: 20 kPa
Friction Angle: 32 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Quartzite
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 26 kN/m3
Cohesion: 180 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: SF/BF
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 18 kN/m3
Cohesion: 0 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Gabion
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 16.9 kN/m3
Cohesion: 15 kPa
Friction Angle: 40 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: PCC
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 24 kN/m3
Cohesion: 25 kPa
Friction Angle: 25 degrees
Water Surface: None
Support Properties
Support: SDA 38mm
SDA 38mm
Support Type: Soil Nail
Force Application: Passive
Out-of-Plane Spacing: 2 m
Tensile Capacity: 400 kN
Plate Capacity: 5 kN
Bond Strength: 0 kN/m
and Material Dependent
Support: DT
Support Type: GeoTextile
Force Application: Passive
Force Orientation: Bisector of Parallel and Tangent
Anchorage: Slope Face
Shear Strength Model: Linear
Strip Coverage: 100 percent
Tensile Strength: 40 kN/m
Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 kN/m2
Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Global Minimums
Method: bishop simplified
FS: 1.081560
Center: 1942.158, 1457.343
Radius: 138.900
Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 1993.139, 1328.137
Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 2048.224, 1367.659
Resisting Moment=581565 kN-m
Driving Moment=537712 kN-m
Seismic Analysis
Slide Analysis Information (CH 108+120)
Document Name
File Name: section ch 108+120_slide analysis_static
Project Settings
Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program
Failure Direction: Right to Left
Units of Measurement: SI Units
Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 9.81 kN/m3
Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces
Data Output: Standard
Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off
Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off
Random Numbers: Pseudo-random Seed
Random Number Seed: 10116
Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3
Analysis Methods
Analysis Methods used:
Bishop simplified
Janbu simplified
Number of slices: 25
Tolerance: 0.005
Maximum number of iterations: 50
Surface Options
Surface Type: Circular
Radius increment: 10
Minimum Elevation: Not Defined
Composite Surfaces: Disabled
Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack
1 Distributed Load present:
Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Normal to boundary, Magnitude: 24 kN/m
Material Properties
Material: SMB
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 19 kN/m3
Cohesion: 20 kPa
Friction Angle: 32 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Quartzite
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 26 kN/m3
Cohesion: 180 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: SF/BF
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 18 kN/m3
Cohesion: 0 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Gabion
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 16.9 kN/m3
Cohesion: 15 kPa
Friction Angle: 40 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: PCC
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 24 kN/m3
Cohesion: 25 kPa
Friction Angle: 25 degrees
Water Surface: None
Support Properties
Support: SDA 38mm
SDA 38mm
Support Type: Soil Nail
Force Application: Passive
Out-of-Plane Spacing: 2 m
Tensile Capacity: 400 kN
Plate Capacity: 5 kN
Bond Strength: 0 kN/m
and Material Dependent
Support: DT
Support Type: GeoTextile
Force Application: Passive
Force Orientation: Bisector of Parallel and Tangent
Anchorage: Slope Face
Shear Strength Model: Linear
Strip Coverage: 100 percent
Tensile Strength: 40 kN/m
Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 kN/m2
Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Global Minimums
Method: bishop simplified
FS: 1.474090
Center: 1897.075, 1406.146
Radius: 152.901
Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 1909.791, 1253.775
Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 2044.509, 1365.627
Left Slope Intercept: 1909.791 1256.401
Right Slope Intercept: 2044.509 1365.627
Resisting Moment=1.13705e+007 kN-m
Driving Moment=7.71358e+006 kN-m
Static Analysis
Slide Analysis Information (CH 108+170)
Document Name
File Name: section ch 108+170_slide analysis_seismic
Project Settings
Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program
Failure Direction: Right to Left
Units of Measurement: SI Units
Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 9.81 kN/m3
Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces
Data Output: Standard
Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off
Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off
Random Numbers: Pseudo-random Seed
Random Number Seed: 10116
Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3
Analysis Methods
Analysis Methods used:
Bishop simplified
Janbu simplified
Number of slices: 25
Tolerance: 0.005
Maximum number of iterations: 50
Surface Options
Surface Type: Circular
Radius increment: 10
Minimum Elevation: Not Defined
Composite Surfaces: Disabled
Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack
Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.18
Seismic Load Coefficient (Vertical): 0.12
1 Distributed Load present:
Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Normal to boundary, Magnitude: 24 kN/m
Material Properties
Material: SMB
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 19 kN/m3
Cohesion: 20 kPa
Friction Angle: 32 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Quartzite
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 26 kN/m3
Cohesion: 180 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: SF/BF
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 18 kN/m3
Cohesion: 0 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Gabion
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 16.9 kN/m3
Cohesion: 15 kPa
Friction Angle: 40 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: PCC
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 24 kN/m3
Cohesion: 25 kPa
Friction Angle: 25 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: RRM
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 22 kN/m3
Cohesion: 25 kPa
Friction Angle: 35 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: RCC
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 25 kN/m3
Cohesion: 100 kPa
Friction Angle: 40 degrees
Water Surface: None
Support Properties
Support: SDA 38mm
SDA 38mm
Support Type: Soil Nail
Force Application: Passive
Out-of-Plane Spacing: 2 m
Tensile Capacity: 400 kN
Plate Capacity: 5 kN
Bond Strength: 0 kN/m
and Material Dependent
Support: DT
Support Type: GeoTextile
Force Application: Passive
Force Orientation: Bisector of Parallel and Tangent
Anchorage: Slope Face
Shear Strength Model: Linear
Strip Coverage: 100 percent
Tensile Strength: 40 kN/m
Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 kN/m2
Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Global Minimums
Method: bishop simplified
FS: 1.171840
Center: 2319.913, 1332.896
Radius: 61.272
Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 2353.081, 1281.376
Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 2371.523, 1299.872
Left Slope Intercept: 2353.081 1281.874
Right Slope Intercept: 2371.523 1299.872
Resisting Moment=147152 kN-m
Driving Moment=125574 kN-m
Seismic Analysis
Slide Analysis Information (CH 108+170)
Document Name
File Name: section ch 108+170_slide analysis_static
Project Settings
Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program
Failure Direction: Right to Left
Units of Measurement: SI Units
Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 9.81 kN/m3
Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces
Data Output: Standard
Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off
Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off
Random Numbers: Pseudo-random Seed
Random Number Seed: 10116
Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3
Analysis Methods
Analysis Methods used:
Bishop simplified
Janbu simplified
Number of slices: 25
Tolerance: 0.005
Maximum number of iterations: 50
Surface Options
Surface Type: Circular
Radius increment: 10
Minimum Elevation: Not Defined
Composite Surfaces: Disabled
Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack
1 Distributed Load present:
Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Normal to boundary, Magnitude: 24 kN/m
Material Properties
Material: SMB
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 19 kN/m3
Cohesion: 20 kPa
Friction Angle: 32 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Quartzite
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 26 kN/m3
Cohesion: 180 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: SF/BF
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 18 kN/m3
Cohesion: 0 kPa
Friction Angle: 30 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: Gabion
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 16.9 kN/m3
Cohesion: 15 kPa
Friction Angle: 40 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: PCC
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 24 kN/m3
Cohesion: 25 kPa
Friction Angle: 25 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: RRM
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 22 kN/m3
Cohesion: 25 kPa
Friction Angle: 35 degrees
Water Surface: None
Material: RCC
Strength Type: Mohr-Coulomb
Unit Weight: 25 kN/m3
Cohesion: 100 kPa
Friction Angle: 40 degrees
Water Surface: None
Support Properties
Support: SDA 38mm
SDA 38mm
Support Type: Soil Nail
Force Application: Passive
Out-of-Plane Spacing: 2 m
Tensile Capacity: 400 kN
Plate Capacity: 5 kN
Bond Strength: 0 kN/m
and Material Dependent
Global Minimums
Method: bishop simplified
FS: 1.480360
Center: 2319.913, 1332.896
Radius: 61.272
Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 2353.081, 1281.376
Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 2371.523, 1299.872
Left Slope Intercept: 2353.081 1281.874
Right Slope Intercept: 2371.523 1299.872
Resisting Moment=146421 kN-m
Driving Moment=98909.1 kN-m
Static Analysis
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ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Company's information:
Telephone #:
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Original file path and name: C:\Users\h ..... Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Original date and time of creating this file: 13 OCT 2021
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Internal angle of
Unit weight, γ friction, φ Cohesion, c
=========== Soil Layer #: =========== [kN/m ³] [deg.] [kPa]
1 Reinforced Soil 19.0 30.0 0.0
2 SMB 19.0 32.0 20.0
3 Foundation Soil 26.0 30.0 180.0
Relative Orientation of Reinforcement Force, ROR = 0.00. Assigned Factor of Safety to resist pullout, Fs-po = 1.50
Design method for Global Stability: Comprehensive Bishop.
Unit weight of water = 9.81 [kN/m ³]
Water pressure is defined by phreatic surface in Effective Stress Analysis.
Horizontal peak ground acceleration coefficient, Ao = 0.360
Design horizontal seismic coefficient, kh = Am = 0.5 x Ao = 0.180 & design vertical seismic coefficient, kv (down) = 0.000 x kh = 0.000
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Soil profile contains 3 layers (see details in next page)
Phreatic line was specified.
Load Q1 = 10.00 [kPa] inclined from verical at 0.00 degrees, starts at X1s = 1931.00 and ends at X1e = 1932.00 [m].
Load Q2 = 24.00 [kPa] inclined from verical at 0.00 degrees, starts at X2s = 1932.00 and ends at X2e = 1940.00 [m].
Surcharge load, Q3
None 1
9 10 11
1213 14 15
Toe point
6 7
0 2 4 6 8 10 [m]
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
# Xi Yi
Top of Layer 1 1 1864.98 1256.40
2 1903.53 1256.40
3 1926.58 1273.31
4 1928.88 1273.31
5 1929.41 1272.31
6 1930.46 1282.31
7 1942.85 1282.31
8 1959.33 1293.71
9 1969.65 1303.72
10 2021.81 1308.62
11 2111.58 1308.62
Top of Layer 2 12 1864.98 1256.40
13 1903.53 1256.40
14 1926.58 1273.31
15 1928.88 1273.31
16 1929.41 1272.31
17 1937.91 1272.31
18 1940.97 1282.30
19 1942.85 1282.31
20 1959.33 1293.71
21 1969.65 1303.72
22 2021.81 1308.62
23 2111.58 1308.62
Top of Layer 3 24 1864.98 1249.89
25 1908.21 1253.31
26 1917.49 1257.31
27 1932.46 1270.50
28 1938.19 1272.09
29 1939.20 1275.41
30 1942.85 1278.02
31 1958.51 1287.09
32 1973.77 1298.60
33 2021.81 1303.05
34 2111.58 1303.08
Top of Phreatic Line 36 0.00 1.30
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
(*) This Tavailable is dictated by the pullout resistance capacity, which is smaller than the long-term strength of the
reinforcement that is related to its specified ultimate strength
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Results in the tables below represent critical circles identified between specified points on entry and exit. (Theta-exit set to 50.00 deg.)
The most critical circle is obtained from a search considering all the combinations of input entry and exit points.
Critical circles for each entry point (considering all specified exit points)
Entry Entry Point Exit Point Critical Circle
Point # (X,Y) (X,Y) ( Xc , Yc , R ) Fs STATUS
[m] [m] [m]
1 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
2 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
3 1935.00 1282.31 1919.26 1268.06 1920.66 1282.34 14.34 7.28
4 1937.00 1282.31 1919.28 1268.08 1922.23 1282.55 14.77 2.85
5 1939.00 1282.31 1919.14 1268.12 1923.23 1283.38 15.80 1.88
6 1941.00 1282.31 1919.20 1268.09 1922.68 1286.58 18.81 1.62
7 1943.00 1282.41 1919.40 1268.05 1921.79 1290.69 22.77 1.57
.8 1945.00 1283.80 1919.36 1268.05 1920.79 1294.47 26.45 1.54 . OK
9 1947.00 1285.18 1919.20 1268.05 1918.86 1299.72 31.68 1.58
10 1949.00 1286.56 1919.40 1268.05 1916.82 1305.09 37.13 1.62
11 1951.00 1287.95 1919.23 1268.03 1914.99 1310.09 42.27 1.63
Note: In the 'Status' column, OK means the critical circle was identified within the specified search domain. 'On extreme X-entry' means
that the critical result is on the edge of the search domain; a lower Fs may result if the search domain is expanded.
Results in the tables below represent critical circles identified between specified points on entry and exit. (Theta-exit set to 50.00 deg.)
The most critical circle is obtained from a search considering all the combinations of input entry and exit points.
Critical circles for each exit point (considering all specified entry points)
Exit Exit Point Entry Point Critical Circle
Point # (X,Y) (X,Y) ( Xc , Yc , R ) Fs STATUS
[m] [m] [m]
.1 1919.36 1268.05 1945.00 1283.80 1920.79 1294.47 26.45 1.54 . On extreme X-exit
2 1920.23 1268.80 1943.00 1282.41 1923.60 1289.01 20.49 1.60
3 1921.39 1269.50 1943.00 1282.41 1925.24 1287.60 18.51 1.65
4 1922.16 1270.29 1943.00 1282.41 1926.51 1286.78 17.06 1.78
5 1923.27 1270.99 1943.00 1282.41 1927.70 1286.07 15.73 1.97
6 1924.36 1271.68 1951.00 1287.95 1924.36 1301.63 29.95 2.22
7 1925.27 1272.42 1947.00 1285.18 1928.16 1292.38 20.17 2.57
8 1926.22 1273.19 1951.00 1287.95 1933.29 1289.50 17.78 3.14
9 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
10 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
11 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
Note: In the 'Status' column, OK means the critical circle was identified within the specified search domain. 'On extreme X-exit' means
that the critical result is on the edge of the search domain; a lower Fs may result if the search domain is expanded.
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
0 2 4 6 8 10 [m]
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
1 1 GG 250 0.00 8.50 1.00 1929.41 1272.31 1937.91 1272.31 0.00 0.00
2 1 GG 250 0.50 8.50 1.00 1929.46 1272.81 1937.96 1272.81 0.00 0.00
3 1 GG 250 1.00 8.50 1.00 1929.52 1273.31 1938.02 1273.31 0.00 0.00
4 1 GG 250 1.50 8.50 1.00 1929.57 1273.81 1938.07 1273.81 0.00 0.00
5 1 GG 250 2.00 8.50 1.00 1929.62 1274.31 1938.12 1274.31 0.00 0.00
6 1 GG 250 2.50 8.00 1.00 1929.67 1274.81 1937.67 1274.81 0.00 0.00
7 1 GG 250 3.00 8.00 1.00 1929.73 1275.31 1937.73 1275.31 0.00 0.00
8 1 GG 250 3.50 8.00 1.00 1929.78 1275.81 1937.78 1275.81 0.00 0.00
9 1 GG 250 4.00 8.00 1.00 1929.83 1276.31 1937.83 1276.31 0.00 0.00
10 1 GG 250 4.50 8.00 1.00 1929.88 1276.81 1937.88 1276.81 0.00 0.00
11 1 GG 250 5.00 7.00 1.00 1929.93 1277.31 1936.93 1277.31 0.00 0.00
12 1 GG 250 6.00 7.00 1.00 1930.04 1278.31 1937.04 1278.31 0.00 0.00
13 1 GG 250 7.00 7.00 1.00 1930.14 1279.31 1937.14 1279.31 0.00 0.00
14 1 GG 250 8.00 7.00 1.00 1930.25 1280.31 1937.25 1280.31 0.00 0.00
15 1 GG 250 9.00 7.00 1.00 1930.35 1281.31 1937.35 1281.31 0.00 0.00
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:16:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Seismic.MSE
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Company's information:
Telephone #:
Fax #:
Original file path and name: C:\Users\h ..... \Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Original date and time of creating this file: 13 OCT 2021
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Internal angle of
Unit weight, γ friction, φ Cohesion, c
=========== Soil Layer #: =========== [kN/m ³] [deg.] [kPa]
1 Reinforced Soil 19.0 30.0 0.0
2 SMB 19.0 32.0 20.0
3 Foundation Soil 26.0 30.0 180.0
Relative Orientation of Reinforcement Force, ROR = 0.00. Assigned Factor of Safety to resist pullout, Fs-po = 1.50
Design method for Global Stability: Comprehensive Bishop.
Unit weight of water = 9.81 [kN/m ³]
Water pressure is defined by phreatic surface in Effective Stress Analysis.
Not Applicable
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Soil profile contains 3 layers (see details in next page)
Phreatic line was specified.
Load Q1 = 10.00 [kPa] inclined from verical at 0.00 degrees, starts at X1s = 1931.00 and ends at X1e = 1932.00 [m].
Load Q2 = 24.00 [kPa] inclined from verical at 0.00 degrees, starts at X2s = 1932.00 and ends at X2e = 1940.00 [m].
Surcharge load, Q3
None 1
9 10 11
1213 14 15
Toe point
6 7
0 2 4 6 8 10 [m]
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
# Xi Yi
Top of Layer 1 1 1864.98 1256.40
2 1903.53 1256.40
3 1926.58 1273.31
4 1928.88 1273.31
5 1929.41 1272.31
6 1930.46 1282.31
7 1942.85 1282.31
8 1959.33 1293.71
9 1969.65 1303.72
10 2021.81 1308.62
11 2111.58 1308.62
Top of Layer 2 12 1864.98 1256.40
13 1903.53 1256.40
14 1926.58 1273.31
15 1928.88 1273.31
16 1929.41 1272.31
17 1937.91 1272.31
18 1940.97 1282.30
19 1942.85 1282.31
20 1959.33 1293.71
21 1969.65 1303.72
22 2021.81 1308.62
23 2111.58 1308.62
Top of Layer 3 24 1864.98 1249.89
25 1908.21 1253.31
26 1917.49 1257.31
27 1932.46 1270.50
28 1938.19 1272.09
29 1939.20 1275.41
30 1942.85 1278.02
31 1958.51 1287.09
32 1973.77 1298.60
33 2021.81 1303.05
34 2111.58 1303.08
Top of Phreatic Line 36 0.00 1.30
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
(*) This Tavailable is dictated by the pullout resistance capacity, which is smaller than the long-term strength of the
reinforcement that is related to its specified ultimate strength
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Results in the tables below represent critical circles identified between specified points on entry and exit. (Theta-exit set to 50.00 deg.)
The most critical circle is obtained from a search considering all the combinations of input entry and exit points.
Critical circles for each entry point (considering all specified exit points)
Entry Entry Point Exit Point Critical Circle
Point # (X,Y) (X,Y) ( Xc , Yc , R ) Fs STATUS
[m] [m] [m]
1 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
2 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
3 1935.00 1282.31 1919.26 1268.06 1920.66 1282.34 14.34 19.67
4 1937.00 1282.31 1919.28 1268.08 1922.23 1282.55 14.77 4.22
5 1939.00 1282.31 1919.14 1268.12 1923.23 1283.38 15.80 2.53
6 1941.00 1282.31 1919.20 1268.09 1922.68 1286.58 18.81 2.19
7 1943.00 1282.41 1919.40 1268.05 1921.79 1290.69 22.77 2.16
.8 1945.00 1283.80 1919.15 1268.07 1921.21 1293.79 25.80 2.16 . OK
9 1947.00 1285.18 1919.20 1268.05 1918.86 1299.72 31.68 2.27
10 1949.00 1286.56 1919.40 1268.05 1916.82 1305.09 37.13 2.37
11 1951.00 1287.95 1919.23 1268.03 1914.99 1310.09 42.27 2.42
Note: In the 'Status' column, OK means the critical circle was identified within the specified search domain. 'On extreme X-entry' means
that the critical result is on the edge of the search domain; a lower Fs may result if the search domain is expanded.
Results in the tables below represent critical circles identified between specified points on entry and exit. (Theta-exit set to 50.00 deg.)
The most critical circle is obtained from a search considering all the combinations of input entry and exit points.
Critical circles for each exit point (considering all specified entry points)
Exit Exit Point Entry Point Critical Circle
Point # (X,Y) (X,Y) ( Xc , Yc , R ) Fs STATUS
[m] [m] [m]
.1 1919.15 1268.07 1945.00 1283.80 1921.21 1293.79 25.80 2.16 . On extreme X-exit
2 1920.23 1268.80 1943.00 1282.41 1923.60 1289.01 20.49 2.19
3 1921.39 1269.50 1943.00 1282.41 1925.24 1287.60 18.51 2.24
4 1922.16 1270.29 1943.00 1282.41 1926.51 1286.78 17.06 2.43
5 1923.20 1271.03 1941.00 1282.31 1928.47 1282.40 12.53 2.58
6 1924.20 1271.76 1943.00 1282.41 1930.05 1283.35 12.98 3.12
7 1925.18 1272.51 1943.00 1282.41 1931.23 1282.60 11.77 3.59
8 1926.22 1273.19 1951.00 1287.95 1933.29 1289.50 17.78 4.32
9 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
10 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
11 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 1929.41 1272.31 0.00 N/A #10 - Overhanging Cliff
Note: In the 'Status' column, OK means the critical circle was identified within the specified search domain. 'On extreme X-exit' means
that the critical result is on the edge of the search domain; a lower Fs may result if the search domain is expanded.
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
0 2 4 6 8 10 [m]
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
1 1 GG 250 0.00 8.50 1.00 1929.41 1272.31 1937.91 1272.31 0.00 0.00
2 1 GG 250 0.50 8.50 1.00 1929.46 1272.81 1937.96 1272.81 0.00 0.00
3 1 GG 250 1.00 8.50 1.00 1929.52 1273.31 1938.02 1273.31 0.00 0.00
4 1 GG 250 1.50 8.50 1.00 1929.57 1273.81 1938.07 1273.81 0.00 0.00
5 1 GG 250 2.00 8.50 1.00 1929.62 1274.31 1938.12 1274.31 0.00 0.00
6 1 GG 250 2.50 8.00 1.00 1929.67 1274.81 1937.67 1274.81 0.00 0.00
7 1 GG 250 3.00 8.00 1.00 1929.73 1275.31 1937.73 1275.31 0.00 0.00
8 1 GG 250 3.50 8.00 1.00 1929.78 1275.81 1937.78 1275.81 0.00 0.00
9 1 GG 250 4.00 8.00 1.00 1929.83 1276.31 1937.83 1276.31 0.00 0.00
10 1 GG 250 4.50 8.00 1.00 1929.88 1276.81 1937.88 1276.81 0.00 0.00
11 1 GG 250 5.00 7.00 1.00 1929.93 1277.31 1936.93 1277.31 0.00 0.00
12 1 GG 250 6.00 7.00 1.00 1930.04 1278.31 1937.04 1278.31 0.00 0.00
13 1 GG 250 7.00 7.00 1.00 1930.14 1279.31 1937.14 1279.31 0.00 0.00
14 1 GG 250 8.00 7.00 1.00 1930.25 1280.31 1937.25 1280.31 0.00 0.00
15 1 GG 250 9.00 7.00 1.00 1930.35 1281.31 1937.35 1281.31 0.00 0.00
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
ReSSA -- Reinforced Slope Stability Analysis RSWGB Wall for Raturisera (CH 108)
Present Date/Time: Wed Oct 13 18:17:30 2021 C:\Users\hmadu\Downloads\Raturisera (CH 108)\Output\ressa\RS Wall Analysis 10m high Static.MSE
Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0 ReSSA Version 3.0
Title: RSWGB Wall
Project Number: - 10/2021
Client: --
Designer: -
Station Number:
Reinforced Soil Wall with Gabion Facing at Raturisera (CH 108)
Company's information:
Telephone #:
Fax #:
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
Unit weight, γ 18.0 kN/m ³
Design value of internal angle of friction, φ 30.0 °
Unit weight, γ 18.0 kN/m ³
Design value of internal angle of friction, φ 30.0 °
Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 35.49 N γ = 30.21
Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.180
Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.229
Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.229 => Kh = Am = 0.229
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
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Uniformly distributed dead load is 10.0 [kPa], and live load is 24.0 [kPa]
0 2 4 6 [m]
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
1 0.00 8.50 1 N/A 6.77 6.54 6.541 67.410 1.858 0.0962 GG-250
2 0.50 8.50 1 N/A 3.49 3.37 3.372 33.120 1.943 0.0880 GG-250
3 1.00 8.50 1 N/A 3.64 3.52 3.516 32.593 2.035 0.0804 GG-250
4 1.50 8.50 1 N/A 3.80 3.67 3.673 31.800 2.137 0.0733 GG-250
5 2.00 8.50 1 N/A 3.98 3.84 3.844 30.636 2.248 0.0667 GG-250
6 2.50 8.00 1 N/A 4.17 4.03 4.031 27.439 2.232 0.0688 GG-250
7 3.00 8.00 1 N/A 4.38 4.24 4.236 26.158 2.362 0.0625 GG-250
8 3.50 8.00 1 N/A 4.62 4.46 4.462 24.838 2.508 0.0568 GG-250
9 4.00 8.00 1 N/A 4.88 4.71 4.712 23.499 2.673 0.0519 GG-250
10 4.50 8.00 1 N/A 5.16 4.99 4.989 22.123 2.862 0.0477 GG-250
11 5.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.71 3.59 3.588 11.633 2.706 0.0550 GG-250
12 6.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.12 3.02 3.017 7.161 3.206 0.0479 GG-250
13 7.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.61 3.49 3.488 5.598 3.953 0.0461 GG-250
14 8.00 7.00 1 N/A 4.24 4.10 4.096 4.000 5.254 0.0525 GG-250
15 9.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.49 3.37 3.371 1.708 8.526 0.0754 GG-250
1 0.00 8.50 1 N/A 5.09 4.92 4.918 35.912 1.143 0.1962 GG-250
2 0.50 8.50 1 N/A 2.99 2.89 2.893 21.173 1.202 0.1776 GG-250
3 1.00 8.50 1 N/A 3.12 3.01 3.011 20.782 1.267 0.1601 GG-250
4 1.50 8.50 1 N/A 3.25 3.14 3.139 20.219 1.339 0.1438 GG-250
5 2.00 8.50 1 N/A 3.39 3.28 3.279 19.420 1.418 0.1286 GG-250
6 2.50 8.00 1 N/A 3.59 3.47 3.465 17.589 1.419 0.1296 GG-250
7 3.00 8.00 1 N/A 3.76 3.63 3.634 16.720 1.514 0.1148 GG-250
8 3.50 8.00 1 N/A 3.95 3.82 3.820 15.826 1.623 0.1014 GG-250
9 4.00 8.00 1 N/A 4.16 4.02 4.024 14.922 1.749 0.0894 GG-250
10 4.50 8.00 1 N/A 4.40 4.25 4.250 13.997 1.894 0.0787 GG-250
11 5.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.38 3.27 3.265 8.092 1.815 0.0877 GG-250
12 6.00 7.00 1 N/A 2.91 2.81 2.808 5.145 2.221 0.0678 GG-250
13 7.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.35 3.24 3.240 4.012 2.862 0.0566 GG-250
14 8.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.93 3.80 3.799 2.859 4.047 0.0566 GG-250
15 9.00 7.00 1 N/A 3.31 3.20 3.195 1.261 7.223 0.0762 GG-250
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
0 2 4 6 [m]
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.0962, e/L seismic = 0.1962; Overturning: Fs-static = 4.43, Fs-seismic = 2.39
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance.
# Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual
Elevation Ratio [kN/m] [kN/m] [m] [m] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic
[m] (see NOTE) [kN/m] Fs Fs [kN/m] Fs Fs
1 0.00 1.000 18.22 9.14 8.50 0.00 1228.3 N/A 67.410 982.6 N/A 35.912
2 0.50 1.000 35.35 8.89 8.26 0.24 1170.8 N/A 33.120 936.6 N/A 21.173
3 1.00 1.000 33.90 8.63 8.03 0.47 1104.9 N/A 32.593 883.9 N/A 20.782
4 1.50 1.000 32.45 8.38 7.79 0.71 1031.9 N/A 31.800 825.5 N/A 20.219
5 2.00 1.000 31.01 8.13 7.56 0.94 949.9 N/A 30.636 760.0 N/A 19.420
6 2.50 1.000 29.57 7.33 6.82 1.18 811.3 N/A 27.439 649.1 N/A 17.589
7 3.00 1.000 28.14 7.08 6.58 1.42 736.0 N/A 26.158 588.8 N/A 16.720
8 3.50 1.000 26.71 6.83 6.35 1.65 663.5 N/A 24.838 530.8 N/A 15.826
9 4.00 1.000 25.30 6.57 6.11 1.89 594.4 N/A 23.499 475.5 N/A 14.922
10 4.50 1.000 23.89 6.32 5.87 2.13 528.5 N/A 22.123 422.8 N/A 13.997
11 5.00 1.000 33.22 4.99 4.64 2.36 386.5 N/A 11.633 309.2 N/A 8.092
12 6.00 1.000 39.50 4.48 4.17 2.83 282.9 N/A 7.161 226.3 N/A 5.145
13 7.00 1.000 34.17 3.97 3.69 3.31 191.3 N/A 5.598 153.0 N/A 4.012
14 8.00 1.000 29.10 3.47 3.22 3.78 116.4 N/A 4.000 93.1 N/A 2.859
15 9.00 1.000 35.35 2.96 2.75 4.25 60.4 N/A 1.708 48.3 N/A 1.261
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
1 0.00 18.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 6.77 N/A N/A N/A 6.54 GG-250
2 0.50 35.4 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.49 N/A N/A N/A 3.37 GG-250
3 1.00 33.9 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.64 N/A N/A N/A 3.52 GG-250
4 1.50 32.5 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.80 N/A N/A N/A 3.67 GG-250
5 2.00 31.0 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.98 N/A N/A N/A 3.84 GG-250
6 2.50 29.6 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.17 N/A N/A N/A 4.03 GG-250
7 3.00 28.1 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.38 N/A N/A N/A 4.24 GG-250
8 3.50 26.7 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.62 N/A N/A N/A 4.46 GG-250
9 4.00 25.3 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.88 N/A N/A N/A 4.71 GG-250
10 4.50 23.9 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 5.16 N/A N/A N/A 4.99 GG-250
11 5.00 33.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.71 N/A N/A N/A 3.59 GG-250
12 6.00 39.5 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.12 N/A N/A N/A 3.02 GG-250
13 7.00 34.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.61 N/A N/A N/A 3.49 GG-250
14 8.00 29.1 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.24 N/A N/A N/A 4.10 GG-250
15 9.00 35.4 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.49 N/A N/A N/A 3.37 GG-250
1 0.00 27.4 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 5.09 N/A N/A N/A 4.92 GG-250
2 0.50 44.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 2.99 N/A N/A N/A 2.89 GG-250
3 1.00 42.5 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.12 N/A N/A N/A 3.01 GG-250
4 1.50 40.8 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.25 N/A N/A N/A 3.14 GG-250
5 2.00 39.1 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.39 N/A N/A N/A 3.28 GG-250
6 2.50 36.9 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.59 N/A N/A N/A 3.47 GG-250
7 3.00 35.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.76 N/A N/A N/A 3.63 GG-250
8 3.50 33.5 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.95 N/A N/A N/A 3.82 GG-250
9 4.00 31.9 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.16 N/A N/A N/A 4.02 GG-250
10 4.50 30.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 4.40 N/A N/A N/A 4.25 GG-250
11 5.00 38.2 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.38 N/A N/A N/A 3.27 GG-250
12 6.00 44.0 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 2.91 N/A N/A N/A 2.81 GG-250
13 7.00 38.1 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.35 N/A N/A N/A 3.24 GG-250
14 8.00 32.6 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.93 N/A N/A N/A 3.80 GG-250
15 9.00 38.3 0.90 N/A 123.4 N/A 119.2 N/A 3.31 N/A N/A N/A 3.20 GG-250
Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0 MSEW Version 3.0
Gabion analysis
Input data
Task : Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Description : 5.0m High GB Intermidiate Wall
Customer : ...
Author : ..
Date : 13-10-2021
(input for current task)
Wall analysis
Active earth pressure calculation : Coulomb
Passive earth pressure calculation : Caquot-Kerisel
Earthquake analysis : Mononobe-Okabe
Shape of earth wedge : Calculate as skew
Allowable eccentricity : 0.333
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor for overturning : SFo = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for sliding resistance : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for bearing capacity : SFb = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for mesh strength : SFn = 1.50 [–]
Reduction coefficients
Permanent design situation
Reduction coeff. of friction between blocks : gf = 1.50 [–]
Safety factors
Seismic design situation
Safety factor for overturning : SFo = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for sliding resistance : SFs = 1.12 [–]
Safety factor for bearing capacity : SFb = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for mesh strength : SFn = 1.00 [–]
Reduction coefficients
Seismic design situation
Reduction coeff. of friction between blocks : gf = 1.50 [–]
Material of blocks - filling
g j c
No. Name
[kN/m3] [°] [kPa]
1 Material No. 1 16.00 40.00 0.00
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Foundation Soil
Unit weight : g = 26.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 180.00 kPa
Angle of friction struc.-soil : d = 20.00 °
Soil : cohesive
Poisson's ratio : n = 0.30
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 26.00 kN/m3
2 - Backfill Soil
Type of foundation : soil from geological profile
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Terrain profile
Coordinate Depth
x [m] z [m]
1 0.00 0.00
2 6.00 0.00
3 11.00 -3.50
4 12.00 -3.50
Origin [0,0] is located in upper right edge of construction.
Positive coordinate +z has downward direction.
Water influence
Ground water table is located below the structure.
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Soil parameters
Backfill Soil
Unit weight : g = 19.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 32.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 20.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 20.00 kN/m3
Foundation Soil
Unit weight : g = 26.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 180.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 26.00 kN/m3
Rigid bodies
No. Name Sample
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not input.
Earthquake not included.
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : permanent
Results (Stage of construction 1)
Analysis 1
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= -0.62 [m] a1 = -19.33 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 10.66 [m] a2 = 64.27 [°]
Radius : R= 16.49 [m]
The slip surface after optimization.
Slope stability verification (Bishop)
Sum of active forces : Fa = 483.87 kN/m
Sum of passive forces : Fp = 1385.86 kN/m
Sliding moment : Ma = 7978.97 kNm/m
Resisting moment : Mp = 22852.81 kNm/m
Factor of safety = 2.86 > 1.30
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
2 - Backfill Soil
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Type of foundation : soil from geological profile
Terrain profile
Coordinate Depth
x [m] z [m]
1 0.00 0.00
2 6.00 0.00
3 11.00 -3.50
4 12.00 -3.50
Origin [0,0] is located in upper right edge of construction.
Positive coordinate +z has downward direction.
Water influence
Ground water table is located below the structure.
Factor of horizontal acceleration Kh = 0.1800
Factor of vertical acceleration Kv = 0.1200
Water below the GWT is restricted.
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Verification of the most stressed construction joint - above the block No. 4
Check for overturning stability
Resisting moment Mres = 7.50 kNm/m
Overturning moment Movr = 2.24 kNm/m
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Coordinates of interface points [m]
No. Interface location
x z x z x z
1 -12.50 -4.90 -2.00 -4.90 -2.00 -4.00
-1.75 -4.00 -1.75 -3.00 -1.50 -3.00
-1.50 -2.00 -1.25 -2.00 -1.25 -1.00
-1.00 -1.00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6.00 0.00 11.00 3.50 15.00 3.50
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Soil parameters
Backfill Soil
Unit weight : g = 19.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 32.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 20.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 20.00 kN/m3
Foundation Soil
Unit weight : g = 26.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 180.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 26.00 kN/m3
Rigid bodies
No. Name Sample
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not input.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.18
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.12
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : seismic
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Gabion analysis
Input data
Task : Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Description : 5.0m High GB Toe Wall
Customer : ...
Author : ..
Date : 13-10-2021
(input for current task)
Wall analysis
Active earth pressure calculation : Coulomb
Passive earth pressure calculation : Caquot-Kerisel
Earthquake analysis : Mononobe-Okabe
Shape of earth wedge : Calculate as skew
Allowable eccentricity : 0.333
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor for overturning : SFo = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for sliding resistance : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for bearing capacity : SFb = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for mesh strength : SFn = 1.50 [–]
Reduction coefficients
Permanent design situation
Reduction coeff. of friction between blocks : gf = 1.50 [–]
Safety factors
Seismic design situation
Safety factor for overturning : SFo = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for sliding resistance : SFs = 1.12 [–]
Safety factor for bearing capacity : SFb = 1.50 [–]
Safety factor for mesh strength : SFn = 1.00 [–]
Reduction coefficients
Seismic design situation
Reduction coeff. of friction between blocks : gf = 1.50 [–]
Material of blocks - filling
g j c
No. Name
[kN/m3] [°] [kPa]
1 Material No. 1 16.00 40.00 0.00
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Foundation Soil
Unit weight : g = 26.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 180.00 kPa
Angle of friction struc.-soil : d = 20.00 °
Soil : cohesive
Poisson's ratio : n = 0.30
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 26.00 kN/m3
2 - Foundation Soil
Type of foundation : soil from geological profile
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Terrain profile
Coordinate Depth
x [m] z [m]
1 0.00 0.00
2 3.00 0.00
3 8.00 -5.00
4 9.00 -5.00
Origin [0,0] is located in upper right edge of construction.
Positive coordinate +z has downward direction.
Water influence
Ground water table is located below the structure.
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Soil parameters
Backfill Soil
Unit weight : g = 19.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 32.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 20.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 20.00 kN/m3
Foundation Soil
Unit weight : g = 26.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 180.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 26.00 kN/m3
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Rigid bodies
No. Name Sample
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not input.
Earthquake not included.
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : permanent
Results (Stage of construction 1)
Analysis 1
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= -1.47 [m] a1 = -9.13 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 12.34 [m] a2 = 65.25 [°]
Radius : R= 17.53 [m]
The slip surface after optimization.
Slope stability verification (Bishop)
Sum of active forces : Fa = 649.09 kN/m
Sum of passive forces : Fp = 2317.22 kN/m
Sliding moment : Ma = 11378.63 kNm/m
Resisting moment : Mp = 40620.91 kNm/m
Factor of safety = 3.57 > 1.30
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
2 - Foundation Soil
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Type of foundation : soil from geological profile
Terrain profile
Coordinate Depth
x [m] z [m]
1 0.00 0.00
2 3.00 0.00
3 13.00 -10.00
4 14.00 -10.00
Origin [0,0] is located in upper right edge of construction.
Positive coordinate +z has downward direction.
Water influence
Ground water table is located below the structure.
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Soil parameters
Backfill Soil
Unit weight : g = 19.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 32.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 20.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 20.00 kN/m3
Foundation Soil
Unit weight : g = 26.00 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : jef = 30.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 180.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : gsat = 26.00 kN/m3
Rigid bodies
No. Name Sample
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not input.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.18
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.12
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : seismic
Results (Stage of construction 1)
Analysis 1
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= -2.43 [m] a1 = -10.33 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 9.21 [m] a2 = 89.96 [°]
Radius : R= 14.63 [m]
The slip surface after optimization.
The restrictions of points of circular slip surface
Keep the right end point of the slip surface
Slope stability verification (Bishop)
Sum of active forces : Fa = 764.13 kN/m
Sum of passive forces : Fp = 2254.00 kN/m
Sliding moment : Ma = 11179.17 kNm/m
Resisting moment : Mp = 32975.97 kNm/m
Factor of safety = 2.95 > 1.10
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE
Raturisera Landslide, Uttarkashi
Input for design of rubble retaining wall
1 Height 3m <=6m
2 Base width 1.8m >1.25m 0.5m 0°
3 Top Width 0.5m >.5m
4 Unit Weight of Soil 20KN/sqm
5 Unit Weight of Masonry 24KN/sqm Values of top and bottom width of wall can be refered
6 Angle of Repose 30° 0.523599 from table 4 and 5 given below
7 Coefficient of friction 0.6 NOTE 1.Cement mortar ratio of 1:5(cement : Sand) or
8 Soil Bearing capacity 150KN/sqm richer shall be provided. 3m
9 Inclination of backfill 0° 0 NOTE 2.Through stones shall be provided at every 1.0m
interval both horizontally and vertically throughout the
Results Static length and height of the wall. In the absence of through 30.00KN
1 Factor of safety stones, reinforced concrete blocks of 100mmx100mm
a Sliding 1.66 safe shall be used 1m
b Overturning 3.20 safe Base of Wall
2 Bearing Stress 1.Provide 150mm stone soling below the base of wall
a Pmin 30.31KN/sqm safe 2.500 mm thick PCC in 1:3:6/40 mm aggregate 1.8m
b Pmax 61.69KN/sqm safe
Results Seismic
1 Factor of safety
a Sliding 1.55 safe
b Overturning 3.01 safe Through
2 Bearing Stress stones
a Pmin 26.69KN/sqm safe
b Pmax 65.31KN/sqm safe
Calculations 0.5m
overturning moment
lever arm moment 1m
horizontal force 30.00KN 1.00m 30KNm
factor of safety gainst overturning 3.20
factor of safety gainst sliding 1.66
bearing check
net moment 66.048KNm 𝐾𝑎 = cos 𝛽 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽 − (√𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝛽 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠2∅) 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽 + (√𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝛽 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠2∅)
weight of wall 82.8KN
X 0.80m
e 0.10m
Pmin 30.311KN
Pmax 61.689KN
Calculations 0.5m
overturning moment
lever arm moment 1m
horizontal force 36.75KN 1.00m 36.8KNm
factor of safety gainst overturning 3.01
factor of safety gainst sliding 1.55
bearing check
net moment 73.705KNm 𝐾𝑎 = cos 𝛽 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽 − (√𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝛽 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠2∅) 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛽 + (√𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝛽 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠2∅)
weight of wall 95.22KN
X 0.77m
e 0.13m < 0.3m
Pmin 26.688KN OK
Pmax 65.312KN OK
Raturisera Land Slide (River Training/Bank Protection Works)
Input Data
Hydraulic design
ds = maximum depth of scour
Q = Discharge in Cumecs
f = Silt Factor = 1.76 √d
d = Mean diameter of the river bed material
Silt Factor, f = 12.45
Max. Scour Depth, ds = 3.2 m
Required length of Spurs, L = 7.98 m
Provided Effective Length of Spur = 8.00 m (OK)
Spurs can be designed to be higher than the water level at all times (non-submerged), or
submerged during the time of floods, emerging only when the flood recedes. In general, submerged
spurs are designed to be permeable, whereas non-submerged spurs are impermeable.
Submerged spurs should have a height between 1/3 and 1/2 of the water depth (Jha
et al. 2000)
The effective length of spurs ≤ 1/5th of the width of flow (Cl no.5.2)
Effective length of the spurs is considered as the length of the spurs beyond the toe of the Embankment
The spacing between the Spurs = 2 to 2.5 times the effective length
The spacing between the Spurs = 26.00 m
Provided Spacing in between ≈ 25.00 m
This work comprises supply of Metal Gabion and Mattresses (Zinc + PVC
Coated) conforming to the material specifications stated herein, as per
the bill of quantity and schedule of supplies enclosed.
Metal Gabion and Mattresses shall deliver at site in the form of bundles.
All bundles shall have a label or tag specifying name of the product,
name of the manufacturer, quantity of boxes, date of manufacture and
box dimension.
Material shall be protected from mud, dirt, debris, any other harmful
substances or mechanical damage during transportation.
Boxes shall be stored in a secured area sufficiently elevated above the
ground and adequately covered to protect them from the following: site
construction damage, precipitation, prolonged exposure like chemicals
that are strong acids or strong bases, flames including welding sparks,
high temperatures, and any other environmental conditions that may
damage the physical property values of the Metal Gabion and Mattresses.
The Physical and Mechanical properties of Metal Gabion and Mattresses shall
conform as per below:
‘D’ (mm)=60/80 mm (EN 10223-3 / ASTM A 975 METAL GABION BOX
Fig-1 Fig-2
Table: 1
(cm) (mm)
8 X 10 80
+16% to -4%
6X8 60
Mass of Zinc Coating: The coating weight shall conform to the requirements of
IS:4826 heavily coated and soft type.
The Zinc Coating shall remain adherent to the steel wire and conform to
IS:4826 such that Zinc Coating does not flake off, nor crack to such an extent
that there is possibility of removing any Zinc by rubbing with bare fingers, the
use of finger nails being not allowed.
3.5 Edge Wire: A terminal wire of the same diameter as the selvedge wire
used to edge the wire mesh parallel to the double-twist by continuously
weaving it mechanically into the wire mesh. Fig-4
3.6 Lacing Wire: A terminal wire used to assemble and interconnect empty
units, to close and secure stone-filled units and for internal stiffeners.
3.7 Diaphragm: An internal partition made of same double-twisted wire
mesh panel in a gabion and mattresses that is attached to the bottom,
the sides, and after the gabion box is packed with stones, to the lid of the
box. Fig-1
3.8 Bracing Wire: A length of wire used for support of facing by connecting
the front panel to the back panel of gabion box and having the same
diameter as the lacing wire. Fig-6
4.1 Scope
The contractor shall provide to the Engineer, for his approval, full details
and specifications of the gabion he proposes to use in this contract. Only
those products so approved by the Engineer shall be allowed to be
incorporated in the works.
4.2 Assembly
Prior to assembly, the gabion material shall be opened out flat on the
ground and stretched to remove all kinks and bends.
ends and diaphragms, ensuring that all creases are in the correct
position and that the tops of all four sides and the diaphragms are even.
The four corner edges of the Gabion boxes shall be laced first, followed by
the edges of internal diaphragms to the sides.
In all cases, lacing shall commence by twisting the end of the lacing wire
tightly around the selvedge/s. It shall then pass round the two edges
being joined using alternate single and double loops at 100mm intervals
and be securely tied off at the bottom. The ends of all lacing wires shall
be turned to the inside of the box on completion of each lacing operation.
Each loop shall be pulled tight to prevent the joint opening during filling.
Tightness of the lacing is essential.
4.4 Geotextile
4.5 Filling
The Metal Gabion & Mattresses shall be filled by carefully hand packing
the trap stones size 15-20 cm and or 20-50 Kg in weight as tightly as
possible and not by merely throwing of trap stones. Voids shall be filled
by proper hand packing with rubble chips.
All gabions shall be overfilled by 25mm using flat stone to allow for minor
settlement and to provide a level surface for subsequent layers.
After filling the Gabion Box upto top; the lid shall stretched and closed
tying by lacing wire to the front and side panels of the Gabion Box.
4.6 Placing and compacting backfill, reinforced fill material
Payment for the Metal Gabion and Mattresses shall be made at the
contract unit price per Number, Cubic Meter or Square Meter, which
shall be full compensation for the cost of materials, transportation,
This work comprises supply of Knitted & PVC Coated Polyester Uniaxial
GeoGrid as Reinforced Soil Slope and RE Wall conforming to the material
specifications stated herein, as per the bill of quantity and schedule of
supplies enclosed.
The yarns shall be formed into a dimensionally stable grid structure with
uniform square or rectangular apertures using a weft insertion warp
knitting process (woven type Geogrids, Extruded type Geogrids, Welded
type Geogrids will not be permitted and not accepted).
The Geogrid shall have a durable PVC coating to protect the yarns from
mechanical damage and adverse environmental effects (LDPE coated,
latex coated and no other coatings will be permitted and not accepted).
All rolls shall have a protective cover with a label or tag specifying name
of the product, name of the manufacturer, roll number, date of
BBA certificate for Construction of slopes (Design and Management) and CE-
certification as per 2016 standards should be required for supply of
2.4 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Property Unit U 40 U 60 U 80
U 400
Method 100 120 150 200 250 300 350
Ultimate tensile MD ASTM D kN/ 40 60 80 100 120 150 200 250 300 350 400
strength1 CD 6637 m 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Reduction Factors (RF) and factor of safety (f s) for calculation of MD Long-term Design Strength(LTDS)
Creep (RFCR) -120 years design life at 30° C
1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57
Installation damage Sand/silt/clay 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
(RFID) Coarse gravel (37.5 mm) 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Durability (RFCH), 120 years design life at
1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
20°C, pH = 4 to 9
Weathering (RFW) To be covered in 1 day 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
LTDS – 120 years : Sand/silt/clay pH -4-9 21.10 31.65 42.20 52.75 63.30 79.12
158.2 184.6
kN/m 0 5 2
LTDS – 120 years : Gravel < 37.5 pH -4-9 19.26 28.89 38.53 48.16 57.79 72.24 96.32 120.4
144.4 168.5
kN/m 9 7
Physical properties
50x2 50x2 50x2 30x2 30x2 30x2 30x2 30x2 30x2 30x2
Aperture size ( Tolerance± 3 mm) mm 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 0 0
Roll dimensions
Roll length m 100 100
Roll width m 5.0 5.1
Minimum average roll value (Minimum refers to 95 % confidence limit.) MD – Machine Direction
CD – Cross Direction.
Site shall be prepared as per the approved design and drawing for the
application such as Reinforced Soil Wall and Slope.
Laying of Geogrid shall be carried out as per the approved drawing and
strictly under the supervision of the Engineer In Charge. The geogrid
shall be laid smooth without wrinkles or folds on the prepared surface,
as per the approved method statement. Laying of Geogrid for these
applications are carried out in such a manner that the machine direction
Payment for the supply of Uniaxial geogrids shall be made at the contract
unit price per Square Meter, which shall be full compensation for the
cost of materials, transportation, duties and taxes.
All rolls shall have a protective cover with a label or tag specifying name
of the product, name of the manufacturer, roll number, date of
manufacture and roll dimension.
Material shall be protected from sunlight, mud, dirt, debris, any other
harmful substances or mechanical damage during transportation.
A plant visit by the Engineer’s representative to verify the manufacturer’s quality control
procedures and witness testing of products is also required prior to the dispatch of
All rolls shall have a protective cover with a label or tag specifying name of the product,
name of the manufacturer, roll number, date of manufacture and roll dimension.
Material shall be protected from sunlight, mud, dirt, debris, any other harmful
substances or mechanical damage during transportation.
Rolls shall be stored in a secured area sufficiently elevated above the ground and
adequately covered to protect them from the following: site construction damage,
precipitation, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation including sunlight, chemicals
that are strong acids or strong bases, flames including welding sparks, high
temperatures, and any other environmental conditions that may damage the physical
property values of the Drainage Composite.
Any material, which is damaged during transportation, handling or storage and do not
meet the minimum requirements of the specifications is liable for rejection by the
2.3 Quality Control & testing
Prior to the supply of the material the supplier or manufacturer should ensure that the
drainage composite shall meet the requirements as specified in the Table-1.
Conformance testing shall be performed on random samples by the manufacturer or
supplier in accordance with quality management system of the manufacturer which
shall conform to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and In-house Laboratory should
be certified with GAI-LAP and ISO/IEC 17025:2015 (NABL).
After the finalization of the supplier, Nonwoven geotextile shall be provided for the third-
party testing or testing shall be carried out at manufacturer’s laboratory under
supervision of Engineer in Charge. Testing for nonwoven properties shall be carried out
over parent material, not from the final product of drainage composite, for that
manufacturer shall have provide the same material for testing. The tests that are to be
carried out are as mentioned in Table -1.
The in-house laboratory or the third-party laboratory wherein the material shall be
tested should be certified with GAI-LAP and ISO/IEC 17025:2015 (NABL).
Manufacturer should have well equipped testing facility and must provide the list of In-
house laboratory equipment. Following method should perform In-house laboratory
during witness test.
Manufacturer shall issue a test report stating average roll values of material properties,
at the time of shipment is made.
Property Test Method UOM Value criteria
Structure: Sets of parallel ribs overlaid and integrally connected having rhomboidal mesh openings
Raw Material: High density polyethylene, stabilized by carbon black, black colour
Property Test Method UOM Value criteria
As per the requirement of the application for the drainage, site / surface shall be
prepared and should be in line with the level required for the placement of the material.
For pavement drainage application, the Drainage Composite shall be laid smooth
without wrinkles or folds on the prepared subgrade and or prepared surface if shown in
the drawings with the cross-machine direction oriented in the direction of traffic.
For the application for the drainage for retaining walls, drainage composite shall provide
vertical (Machine direction is vertical attached with the wall surface. Flow requirement
shall be checked as per the height of the wall.
Adjacent rolls (only outer layer of geotextile & not inner core) shall be overlapped as
shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or directed by the
Engineer, the minimum overlap shall be 300 mm. The same process shall be followed
for all roll ends.
On curves, the Drainage Composite may be cut to conform to the curves. The fold or
overlap shall be in the cross direction of construction and held in place by pins.
Prior to placing subgarde or backfill material as per project requirements the installed
Drainage Composite shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer. Any damages
shall be repaired by covering the damaged location with a Drainage Composite patch,
which extends an amount equal to the required overlap beyond the damaged area, as
directed by the Engineer.
Movement of construction equipment directly over the Drainage Composite shall not be
Sudden breaking and sharp turning of construction equipment shall be avoided over
the laid Drainage Composite.
Any ruts occurring during construction shall be filled with additional subgrade material,
and compacted to the specified density
Delivery of TechDrain Drainage Composite shall be done according to the delivery
This work comprises the supply of Three Dimensional Cellular confinement
system, Tech Cell Geocell or Equivalent, made of High Density Polyethylene
Strips which acts as confinement and reinforcement for improving Sub grade
/ sub base for the Road Pavement or similar applications.
The manufacturer of the TechCell Geocell must have their own in house
manufacturing facilities to manufacture the HDPE Strips which is to be used
for manufacturing TechCell Geocell.
The TechCell shall be supplied in the bundle form, all bundles shall have a
strapped with strapping strip & labelled or tag specifying name of the product,
name of the manufacturer, section number, and lot no. of the Techcell.
Cell Depth (+/- 3%) mm 075, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300
Expanded Cell Area (+/- 3%) cm2 250 289 460 1000 1206
Partially expand the TechCell-Geocell slowly. Tag the Geocell as per line out
marked and expands the Geocell, with the help of the Tie, connect the adjoined
Geocell properly.
Slowly Place the filler materials above Geocell, while taking care that no direct
access over empty Geocell. Care must be taken that no vehicular movement
is allowing over the empty Geocell during installation.
Spread the filler material over the Geocell and care shall be taken that each
every cell will be filling completely.
Compact the infill materials once the all the Geocell are completely filled with
the filler materials.
Geocell will be measured by the expanded Square Meter of material received at the
customer’s / contractor’s store.
Payment for the supply of Geocell shall be made at the contract unit price per
expanded Square Meter, which shall be full compensation for the cost of materials,
transportation, duties and taxes.
1.2 Qualifications
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall have demonstrated experience in the installation of geosynthetic Mat,
have installation staff trained by the MANUFACTURER, or work under the guidance of a
representative approved by the MANUFACTURER.
.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be trained and experienced in field handling, storing, deploying, and
installing geosynthetic materials. Alternatively, CONTRACTOR shall engage an experienced
Subcontractor who shall meet the experience requirements.
1.4 Warranty
.1 Installation shall be warranted against defects in workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date
that the installation is deemed complete.
1.5 Submittals
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER for approval data from the MANUFACTURER
indicating that the properties of the proposed geosynthetic Mat conform to the requirements of
this Specification.
.2 At least 15 days prior to installation, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER quality
control test results from the MANUFACTURER for the rolls produced specifically for the project
and certification that the material meets the requirements of this Specification.
.3 At least 15 days prior to installation, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER:
• Description of proposed method of deployment and provisions for holding geosynthetic
Mat temporarily in place until permanently secured.
.4 The CONTRACTOR shall provide all the above-requested documents without exception.
2.1 General Requirements
.1 The geosynthetic Mat consists of:
c. A Three dimensional geosynthetic Mat acting as erosion control, comprised of three sets of
parallel overlaid ribs integrally connected to form a shape made of high-density polyethylene
formulated to resist the chemical environment typically prevailing in soils.
Mass per unit area EN ISO 9864 / ASTM D 3776 g/m2 600 Typical
4.1 Delivery
.1 Delivery of geosynthetic Mat shall be done according to the delivery schedule.
This specification covers the use of high tensile steel wire mesh for
surface rock fall mitigation including the scope of furnishing and
installation as per the special provisions mentioned in the specifications,
instructions from the manufacturer/supplier of the rock fall mitigation
system and as directed by the Engineer- In-Charge
a) The high tensile steel wire mesh shall meet the minimum requirements of
single twist steel wire mesh mainly mesh wire diameter, mesh size, mesh
opening, Zn Coating, wire tensile strength and mesh tensile strength as
specified in this document.
b) System Technology:
Single twist mesh is made of steel wire with high ultimate strength which is
use to cover the slope posing rockfall problem. The steel wire shall be
galvanized with minimum thickness of coating as 265gm/m2. The wire
diameter of mesh is 3.4mm with tensile strength of 900Mpa. The rhomboidal
shape of the mesh provides a better distribution of the working tensions
along the wires that form the mesh.
The steel wire mesh shall deliver at site in the form of rolls. All rolls shall
have a label or tag specifying name of the product, name of the
manufacturer, quantity, date of manufacture and dimension.
Material shall be protected from mud, dirt, debris, any other harmful
substances or mechanical damage during transportation.
The steel wire mesh is generally used in combination with rock bolting. The
wire mesh shall carefully be draped over the slope and the rock bolts shall be
installed, keeping the rock bolt under the mesh intersection. Wherever this is
not possible, the rock bolt shall be enclosed within an additional steel cable
provided as shown in the manufacturer’s installation methodology. The wire
mesh shall be connected to the top anchors with help of top support rope of
16mm diameter and with anchors at base of the slope with help of bottom
support rope of 12mm diameter. Care should be taken to tighten the high
tensile steel wire mesh around the rock bolt by pulling manually. Longitudinally
adjacent mesh shall be connected with spiral twisted ends.
After completion of steel wire mesh installation, a heavily zinc coated base plate
of a 200x200x10mm size shall be tightened on the rock/soil anchor, taking care
that the base plate maintains a tight contact with as much with the steel wire
mesh as possible. Manufacturer’s installation guideline shall be referred for
Delivery of the steel wire mesh shall be done according to the delivery
Payment for the steel wire mesh shall be made at the contract unit price
per Square Meter, which shall be full compensation for the cost of
materials, transportation, duties and taxes.
1.0 Supplying and placing of Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped
Wire Mesh netting roll, Mesh Type 10x12, Zn + PVC coated Mesh Wire dia. 2.7/3.7mm
(ID/OD), end of roll mechanically edged / selvedged, with galvanization as per IS
16014:2012 and MoRTH (Fifth Revision) 2013, Clause 2500.
1.1. Scope:
This specification covers the use of mechanically woven hexagonal shaped double
twisted(DT) wire mesh rock fall netting for surface rock fall protection including the scope of
furnishing and installation as per the special provisions mentioned in the specifications,
instructions from the manufacturer/supplier of the rock fall protection system and as directed
by the Engineer- In-Charge.
1.2. General Requirements:
1.2.1. The DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall meet the minimum requirements of
mechanically woven DT hexagonal shaped zinc and PVC coated wire mesh mainly
mesh wire diameter, mesh type, zinc coating, PVC coating, wire tensile strength and
mesh panel tensile strength as specified in this document.
1.2.2. System Technology:
The DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall be made up of mechanically woven hexagonal DT
wire mesh. The steel wire shall be heavily zinc coated soft temper steel. PVC coating shall be
applied for added protection, to use in corrosive environment. Nominal PVC thickness of
0.50mm shall be applied. The hexagonal shape of the mesh provides a better distribution of
the working tensions along the wires that form the mesh.
Zn + PVC Coated
Hexagonal wire mesh
1.3.3. Lacing wire: The diameter of the lacing wire shall be 2.2 mm and shall have same
characteristics as the mesh wire and shall have same characteristics as the mesh
Wire diameter, tolerances, zinc coating shall conform to values indicated in Table 1:
Table 1 Characteristics of Mesh wire, Selvedge wire and Lacing wire
The wire mesh shall have nominal opening of 100mm as shown in Figure 2. The mesh opening
tolerances are indicated in Table 2.
- 2% to
10X12 100mm 40kN/m 2.7/3.7 3.4/4.4 2.2/3.2
DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall be manufactured in a standard width of 4m and length of 25
or 50m with tolerance of ±5% .Table 3 indicates standard sizes of DT wire mesh rock fall netting
Other roll sizes may be required as per site conditions subject to the Engineer’s approval. For
non-standard roll lengths there may be some variation outside the tolerance limit from the nominal
size shown in the contract drawings.
Table 3 Standard sizes of DT wire mesh rock fall netting
Length Width
(m) (m)
25 4
DT wire mesh rock fall
50 4
netting(Mesh 10x12)
100 4
1.5. Installation:
Vegetation, debris and loose soils and other deleterious matter shall be cleared to the satisfaction
of Engineer. Reference benchmarks, line and levels shall be marked at site. The materials, tools
and tackles shall be shifted to site without damaging system.
The rolls of DT wire mesh rock fall netting should be rolled down the surface from top anchoring
system as per the contract drawings. New roll shall be placed in the same manner directly
overlapping the adjacent roll such that longitudinal ropes of both the rolls can be laced together
by hand. Lacing shall commence by twisting end of the lacing wire tightly to the wire mesh. It shall
then pass round the two edges being joined using alternate single and double loops at
approximately 100mm intervals. The lacing wire shall be securely tied off at the bottom of the roll.
The bottom anchoring shall be done as per the drawings.
Testing shall be done on raw material as per codes specified in Table 4. Approval for the material
shall be obtained in the writing from the Engineer before actual start of supply. The manufacturer
of the DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall provide manufacturers test certificate for the material
with every lot/shipment. The manufacturers test certificate for DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall
be provided for certifying that rock fall protection system conforms to all the technical and special
The punch strength test results shall be 19kN in accordance with MoRTH section 2500 and test
specified therein.
A tensile test on DT wire mesh sample shall be carried out in order to estimate tensile strength parallel
to twist. The test shall be carried out as per procedure outlined below. The DT wire mesh tensile
strength shall be minimum 40 kN/m.
a. Take a DT wire mesh of approximately 1.0 m width. The sample shall have edge wire on both
the sides.
b. The height of the sample shall be such that after selvedging on both the sides, effective
height of the sample shall be more than 300 mm. Sample shall be loaded on the UTM in a
direction parallel to twist, with the samples being gripped as shown in the figure 3.
c. The effective height of sample (gauge length) shall be the distance measured between the
two rows of inner gripping pins on two grips.
d. Distance between the two end gripping points (pins) along the width of the sample shall be
recorded as the unit width under test. The width shall be at least 700 mm.
e. The load shall be applied gradually to the sample and the test be continued till the break
f. The peak load and the % elongation shall be recorded.
g. The strength of the DT wire mesh shall be (peak load/unit width under test) expressed in
NB. If the sample slips at any of the gripping point during the test, such a test shall be discarded and a
new sample shall be taken.
The thickness of the PVC coating shall be determined on a randomly chosen individual piece of wire
removed from the coil at 3 places 1 metre apart.
Measure with a micrometer the diameter of the galvanized steel wire with PVC coating. Determine the
thickness of the PVC coating by stripping the PVC coating from the wire and measure the reduced
diameter with a micrometer. The thickness of the coating is the difference between the diameter of the
galvanized steel wire with PVC coating and the measured diameter of the galvanized steel wire
divided by two. The thickness values should be as per clause 3.e. While removing the PVC coating by
stripping, take care not to remove any of the metallic surfaces.
Quantity of DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall be determined from cross sections and the linear
distance, and paid for under the appropriate bid items
Accepted DT wire mesh rock fall netting shall be paid for at the unit price (per square metre area) for
each pay item included in the contract.
The SDA shall be designed and arranged in order to stabilize insitu strata. The grout shall be made of
OPC grade 53 with suitable admixtures. The SDA, nuts, bearing plates and couplers shall be epoxy
Drilling shall be carried out by suitable equipment. Diameter of SDA shall be 38 mm with sacrificial drill bit
of approximately 76mm dia. The SDA shall be made of tensile strength of min. 400kN. The SDA rod shall
be continuously threaded. For convenience of installation, appropriate arrangement (coupler) shall be
made to connect two smaller lengths of SDA to achieve the required length.
Installation guideline
1) The SDA is driven in the required position with help of sacrificial drill bit at the bottom of the anchor
bar which facilitates in drilling the hole. The diameter, length and spacing of SDA shall be as
specified. Anymore / lesser length or spacing of anchoring/nailing shall be carried out as per site
condition and as directed by engineer-in-charge.
2) The grout is pumped through the hollow bar during the drilling process. Grouting shall be done by
using OPC grade 53 along with addition of suitable admixture. Mixing shall be done along with
potable water so as to form the cementitious paste.
3) The base plates of size 200mm x 200mm x 10 mm shall be placed at rock interface for tightening the
4) The fascia (if applicable) shall be installed in front and connected to the steel rods with base plate
and nuts.
1) Grout agitator
Expansive plasticizing agent for cement grouts shall be used, typical brand name DR. FIXIT PIDICRETE
AM is a shrinkage compensating grout admixture for pressure grouting.
Basis of Payment
The measurement and payment of SDA shall be as per BoQ item included in the contract.
NOTES:- Construction Notes:
All the Design Considerations shall be verified at the site. 1. Extent of mitigation/restoration measures for each system should be checked before starting the work.
a.The designs and drawings are based on observations, feasible investigations done at site and on best possible engineering judgement of the designer. 2. Loose scaling and excavation for drains shall be carried out before commencement of works.
With large variations in Geologic formations, topography, sub surface water flows, extent of weathering and surface disintegration, limitations on extent of 3. All deposited debris/scree on the slope surface shall be removed before commencement of installation.
observations and qualitative geotechnical investigations, the design and construction details are aimed at reducing the risk of landslide/sinking in the areas 4. The length of anchors has to be kept as per design.
under consideration. A complete prevention or avoidance of landslide incidences is not viable. 5. The spacing of anchors may change depending upon final cut profile - undulations or any other surface irregularities.
b.The designs and drawings take care of mitigation works in general; however, considering the large variation in surface irregularities, joint patterns, potent 6. The location of anchors might have to be shifted locally or additional anchors and mesh might have to be installed at specific locations as per site
rockfall sizes and new revelations post scaling and excavation may prompt design and detailing changes and hence engineer's regular inspection is condition, giving due consideration to joint/ fracture/ rock block.
necessary for such instructions. 7. In general, local bolting shall be adopted at site wherever loose boulders are encountered at site after the loose scaling operations.
c.The diversion/ discharge measures at mattress end and cross-drainage works (culverts) near road shall be taken up additionally. 8. The drill hole bore of anchors shall be grouted with neat cement grout with water cement ratio not more than 0.4. The grout shall be added with non-shrink
admixture. Dosage shall be as per manufacture's guidelines.
General 9. The length of passive soil nails on excavated /insitu slope surface shall be maximum of length as shown in drawing or up to 2m into the rocky strata.
1. All dimensions are in meters unless otherwise specified. 10. The road side drain arrangement has to be provided at suitable gradient and should be connected to the main drains as per conditions at the site to
ensure perfect drainage.
Material Specifications 11. The location of drains shall be shifted locally or additional length of drains might have to be constructed at specific locations giving due consideration to
1. Excavation, removal & disposal of material necessary for construction of roadway, drain shall confirm to MORTH -Specifications for Road & Bridge the construction guidelines.
Works: section 300. 12. Proper drainage arrangement should be made to ensure sufficient water collection points at regular intervals. This will ensure reduction in seepage by
2. CE marked Gabion unit is made with double twisted hexagonal shaped steel woven wire mesh, mechanically edged & selvedged with partitions at every diverting surface run-off to the main drains.
1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, mesh type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 13. The locations of sub-surface drainage pipes shall be finalized after excavation upto final cut profile.
2%), and wire dia. 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD) with Zinc+PVC Coating as per IRC: SP-116, IS:16014 & MORTH -Specifications for Road & Bridge Works: Section 14. Erosion control mat shall be installed on slope surface of soil /soil mixed boulder /weathered rock /weak stratum as indicated in drawing.
2500. 15. Adherence of Erosion control Mat to the insitu slope shall be ensured by properly installed U-pins. U-pins shall be driven in where soil /soil mixed
3. CE marked Gabion mattress is made with double twisted hexagonal shaped steel woven wire mesh, mechanically edged & selvedged, mesh type 10x12, boulder /weathered rock /weak stratum. Where rocky stratum is encountered locally, the anchors shall be drilled and inserted as per site feasibility.
and wire dia. 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD) with Zinc+ PVC Coating as per IRC: SP-116, IS:16014 & MORTH -Specifications for Road & Bridge Works: Section 16. Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control Measures are recommended for establishing vegetation over Erosion control mat. The effectiveness of proposed
2500. system/solution is dependent on proper implementation and maintenance of vegetation measures.
4. The passive soil nails shall be of Self drilling anchors (SDA) -38mm dia. with yield load more than or equal to 400 kN shall be used. It shall have a 17. Access to water shall be arranged at site for application of hydraulically applied erosion control products.
minimum drill hole diameter of 76mm.The base plate shall be of size (min.) 200 X 200 X 10mm, which should be secured with nut. The exposed part of 18.Germination period shall vary between 14 to 28 days for grasses, 1 to 3 months herbs/legumes.
SDA, nuts and bearing plate shall be protected with suitable corrosion protection coating. 19.A local horticulture expert should be consulted to select the appropriate seeds. The seeds of the selected plant species can be sourced locally or can be
5. Geocomposite mat, three dimensional matrix having 6.5mm thickness as per EN ISO 9863-1, mass per unit area 600 grams/sqm, 6 kN/m tensile strength imported, as per the seed availability.
in length direction & 2 kN/m in cross direction as per MoRTH Section 700, Clause 706, Table 700-13. 20.Watering is a very important activity in the maintenance of the vegetation and shall be followed strictly.
6. Jute Mat (Type-1) is a biodegradable open weave jute mat made from 100% jute fiber, confirming to IS14986:2001 and has a construction of 21.After the seeding, the frequency of watering shall be as per the installation guidelines.
plain weave. 22.Foundation strata is to be inspected and verified by the competent engineer and further work shall start after their approval and verification of soil data
7. CE marked Knitted and Polymeric coated Polyester Uniaxial Geogrid for Soil Reinforcement indigenously manufactured from selected high tenacity and geometry of foundation.
polyester yarn with high molecular weight (> 25000 g/mol), and low carboxyl end group (<30mmol/kg) (extruded PP geogrids & Polyester strips & 23.Gabions units shall be placed at the levels/locations as indicated in the drawing.
Geostrips, Steel Strips not allowed & not accepted). Requirement of geogrid strength in both direction and granular fill. As per IRC:SP:59-2002 & MORTH 24.G.I. or M.S. pipe formwork shall be provided during installation to keep alignment for good aesthetic appearance of the Gabion. Bracing wire shall be
Section-700. provided to control bulging at 0.3m c/c along height and length.
8. CE Marked Geocell, a three-dimensional honeycomb like cellular confinement system having weld spacing 356mm and cell depth 100/200mm, 25.Gabion units filling should be done in 3 layers for 1m high gabion and in 2 layers for 0.5m high gabions. The size of rock used for gabion filling shall be
indigenously manufactured by blend of various polyethylene and additives, polyethylene strips ultrasonically welded consists of a multiple rhomboidal 150mm to 250mm. Lacing should be done in single & double looping fashion through every mesh opening approximately at every 150mm.
indentation over the entire strip. (Specification: MORTH Section-700 and IRC SP 59:2019) 26.The front face shall be neatly packed with good facia rocks for the facing of Gabion/Gabion facia structure.
9. CE marked drainage composite for use behind walls/ slopes, between two different fills, alongside drains of road, below concrete lining of canals etc. 27.Uniaxial geogrid shall be laid starting from outer line of facia and unrolling it perpendicular to the Reinforced Soil Structure alignment.
having thermobonding a draining core - HDPE geonet stabilized by carbon black comprises of two sets of parallel overlayed ribs integrally connected to 28.The structural fill shall be carefully placed and compacted in the area behind the Gabion facia units extending up to the end of the design reinforcement
have a rhomboidal shape with nonwoven geotextile that will be working as separation or protecting layer, geocomposite having in plane flow capacity of length of Reinforced Soil Structures.
0.55 L / (m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 100 kPa pressure and tensile strength of 16 kN/m , with mass per unit area of 710 gsm. 29.Structural filling and compaction shall be carried out in layers simultaneously with backfilling for the construction of Reinforced Soil Structures.
10.CE Marked Needle Punched and Mechanically Bonded Non-Woven Geotextile indigenously manufactured from high quality polypropylene staple fibres 30.The backfill and structural fill soils shall be well compacted to density greater than or equal to 95% modified proctor value.
(continous filament will not be accepted) for separation, drainge and filtration application. 31.Monsoon protection measures shall be installed prior to the rainy season, during construction period.
11.BIS Marked Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire Mesh Netting of Mesh Type 10x12 with D=100mm tolerance of ± 2%, Zn 32.Periodic maintenance of proposed mitigation system and drains shall be done, which is required for efficient working for the system and to check for
+ PVC coated, Mesh Wire dia. 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with galvanization as per EN 10223-3, and shall have minimum 10 clogging of drains.
numbers of mesh openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, lacing with wire of diameter 2.2/3.2 mm (ID/OD). 33.Periodic maintenance, inspection and minor repairs shall be carried out after each rockfall event by clearing off the debris collected within the draped
12.High tensile steel wire mesh of Rhomboidal shape (mesh opening100X146) with diameter of inscribed circle 75mm, tensile strength 900N/mm2, mesh (in client's scope). All connections shall be checked periodically (approx. every 6 months). This shall aid in continued effective working of the
Punching strength over the mesh according to ISO 17746:2016 is 160 kN, Tensile strength of mesh in the main direction is 100kN/m with wire dia 3.4mm, system.
Galvanized with coating thickness 265g/m2 and twisted at the ends.Border/Reinforcemen rope diameter 10/12mm with minimum breaking load 34.Construction sequence should be strictly followed as per site specific installation manual provided by technology partner/manufacturer during time of
63.0/90.7kN, 6x19S+IWRC, according to EN 12385-4, Tensile strength of single wire > 1770 N/mm² EN 10264-2, Wire finish Galvanized according to EN construction as per specific situation at site.
10244-2 CLASS B. all accessories such as clips according to EN 13411-5. 35.Hydraulically applied erosion control measures shall be applied along with erosion control mat (applicable for exposed slope).
13.Minimum M25 grade concrete shall be used and concrete work shall confirm to specification given as per MORTH -Specifications for Road & Bridge
Works: section 1700.
14.The Boulders used in Gabion units shall be hard, angular to round, durable which shall not disintegrate on exposure to water or weathering during the life
of the structure.
15.Structural fill shall comply with properties approved by engineer-in-charge. The fine passing through 75 micron shall be less than or equal to 15%. The
soil shall not have PI>6. If in case structural fill with PI<6 is not available, the fill with phi > 30° is acceptable provided PI<12 and fine passing 75 micron
sieve will be less than or equal to 15% and particle size in general 6mm to 20mm and in no case greater than 40mm as per MORTH -Specifications for
Road & Bridge Works: section 3100.
16.Drainage Pipes (perforated) PVC Pipes of 51mm dia,wrapped in non woven geotextile shall be installed as indicated in drawing as sub-surface drainage
pipes over slope surface.
17.Perforated PVC Pipes of 160mm dia,wrapped in non woven geotextile shall be installed as indicated in drawing for reinforced soil structures and
subsurface drainage pipe.
17. J hooks of 8mm diameter steel bars and 600mm/ 800mm long as per locations indiacted in drawings.
18. CRS rod of 12mm diamter for connection between the fascia element (Gabion) and Geogrid as per drawings.
Anchor Tranch cum Drain
Surface Anchors SDA :
38mm dia, 6.0m long,
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
Longitudinal directions and / Ju
3m c/c in Transverse te m
+ 07
Catch Drain Hyd
Surface Anchors SDA : g/m
38mm dia, 8.0m long,
Surface Anchors SDA :
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
38mm dia, 6.0m long,
both directions.
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
BERM Longitudinal directions and
Surface Anchors SDA : BER
M 3m c/c in Transverse
38mm dia, 5.0m long, directions.
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in ing/mulch
ing Lon
both directions. dina
l Dr
Catch Drain
Surface Anchors SDA : 3D Geocomposite ma
38mm dia, 5.0m long, t,
6.5mm thickness, ma
ss per
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in unit area 600 grams
/sqm, BER
Longitudinal directions
6kN/m tensile strengt M
h in
and 2.5m c/c in
length direction & 2kN BER
Transverse directions.
/m in M Surface Anchors SDA :
cross direction.
38mm dia, 8.0m long,
BERM rose spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
Surface Anchors SDA : BERM g/m
ulch both directions.
38mm dia, 8.0m long, ing
Longitudinal directions 146 ombo BER
)H ida M 38mm dia, 5.0m long,
and 2.5m c/c in
gitu BER 3.4 igh Te l shap spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
Transverse directions. dina M mm nsil e (m
l Dr
esh e Stee esh o both directions.
l p
me Tensil Wire ening
Surface Anchors SDA : BERM
sh p e M
unc streng esh, w 00 x
38mm dia, 3.0m long, BERM hing th 1 ire
stre 0 Ø
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in ngt 0kN/m Surface Anchors SDA :
Longitudinal directions 60k ,
N 38mm dia, 5.0m long,
rose BER
ulch and 2.5m c/c in
Gabion BER ing Transverse directions.
RR Mas onry Wall Cascade
T I S E R A \ C A D _ R A U T I S E R A . t if Toe Drain
Surface Anchors SDA :
38mm dia, 8.0m long,
\ R A
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
2 0 2
. 1 0 .
Longitudinal directions
b \ 0
D:\Tech F e
BER and 2.5m c/c in
108 in Gab Geoc Transverse directions.
a ell
Dr ST-79 ion W
0 Road
osed Geocell
pos 3.5
ed R Surface Anchors SDA :
oad Toe Retain
Drain ing W 38mm dia, 3.0m long,
12.0 all
ry Wall 3.5 3.5 12.0 spaced @ 2.0m c/c in
RR Mason
3.5 Longitudinal directions
and 2.5m c/c in
DT Netting Geocell Transverse directions.
RCC Pedestal
Clos Clos
Nailed Gabion in
as p g wall 3.5 as p g wall
cond r side
Gabion wall cond r side
ition Big Bolder ition
Geo 3.5 12.0
Big Bolder 108 cell
+25 Pro
4.8 pos Gabion
0 ed R
Surface Anchors SDA : oad Cascade
Launching apron
Groynes Structure
@ 25m c/c
RCC Jacketing
RCC Jacketing
Launching apron
Groynes Structure
@ 25m c/c
Launching apron 10
Structral Fill Top Anchors SDA :
Uniaxial Geogrid
6° 74° 38mm dia, 3.0m long,
1.0 spaced @ 1.5m c/c in
Uniaxial Geogrid Longitudinal directions. 5.0
Nailed Gabion (Mesh 1.0
size 10x12, 2.7/3.7 mm wire ø,
85.0 10°
Structral Fill
Uniaxial Geogrid
Surface Anchors SDA :
In-situ Strata
'J' Hook (8mm Ø,800mm
1.0 Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
6.25 Non Woven
38mm dia, 3.0m long,
Long @ 1m c/c in both
8.0 Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
spaced @ 2.0m c/c in HFL 2.0 Backfill Geotextile
0.5 Uniaxial Geogrid
Direction) 3.0
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
APLICABLE CH:108+045 TO 108+170
TFI/GH/NH/04 Sheet 3 of 5 R1
Detail- C 12.0
RR Masonry Wall 5.0
Reinforced soil wall (Gabion Weep hole
Non Woven Geotextile 3.00
Fasia Mesh size 10x12, 2.7/3.7
mm wire ø, Zinc+PVC coated) 1.0 Existing Road
Uniaxial Geogrid
1037.0 1.0
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Backfill Detail- D ?
6° Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Detail- F
Detail- E In-situ Strata
Surface / Vertical Anchors
SDA : 38mm dia, 5.0m 38°
Uniaxial Geogrid
1037.0 1.0
Uniaxial Geogrid
Backfill Detail- D
Uniaxial Geogrid
Structral Fill
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid Gabion wall (Mesh size
0.5 Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
Groynes Structure 10x12, 2.7/3.7 mm wire ø, RCC Jacketing
1.5 8.5
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid @ 25m c/c Zinc+PVC coated) (0.5m Thick)
Uniaxial Geogrid
Uniaxial Geogrid
APLICABLE CH:108+170 TO 108+254.80
TFI/GH/NH/04 Sheet 4 of 5 R1
Draining core
Non Woven Geotextile on
both sides
PCC Lining
0.35 11.0 0.150m thick
0.3m thick
as per MORTH
0.2 1.0 3.0
0.6 5.0