Literature Survey of Wireles Power Transmision: Year 2010
Literature Survey of Wireles Power Transmision: Year 2010
Literature Survey of Wireles Power Transmision: Year 2010
Year 2010
• This paper appears in: Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on
Issue Date: July 2010
Volume: 57 Issue: 7
On page(s): 1802 - 1811
ISSN: 1549-8328
INSPEC Accession Number: 11416854
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TCSI.2009.2034891
Date of Publication: 2010-01-22 14:29:33.0
Date of Current Version: 19 July 2010
For many years, wireless RF power transmission has been investigated as a viable method of
power delivery in a wide array of applications, from high-power space solar power satellites to
low-power wireless sensors. However, until recently, efficient application at the low sub-
milliwatt power levels has not been realized due to limitations in available control circuitry. This
paper presents a “smart” microcontroller-based power management system with online power
stage efficiency optimization and maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The system is
experimentally evaluated using a new, more accurate four-quadrant rectenna model and circuit
realization that enables rigorous testing of the power management system for a wide range of
rectenna arrays and power characteristics. Hardware results are presented with online
optimization over a converter input power range from 10 μW to 1 mW. Results are also shown
based on the application of harvesting RF power from a nearby cellular tower, where the power
management system collects up to seven times more energy when compared to a direct battery
• Lecona, A.H. Cortes, J.J.G. Torres, O.R. Tachiquin, M.P.R. Hernandez, V.M.D.
Monsalvo, V.M.A.
We propose a wireless electrical power transmission system, for energizing a stress monitoring
arrangement on the surface of a Titanium based-alloy prosthesis implant. Applying standard
methods for characterizing cylindric coils, we find a frequency range that warrants the maximum
power transmission, and we propose an electronic circuit for transmitting the sensed values by
virtue of radio waves. We also mention some unexpected phenomena of power transference at
very low frequencies.
RF energy harvesting holds a promise able future for generating a small amount of electrical
power to drive partial circuits in wirelessly communicating electronics devices. This paper
presents the overview and progress achieved in RF energy harvesting field. A modified form of
existing CMOS based voltage doubler circuit is presented to achieve 160% increase in output
power over traditional circuits at 0 dBm input power. A schottky diode based RF energy
harvesting circuit performance is also studied with practical and simulations results.
• This paper appears in: Solid-State Circuits Magazine, IEEE
Issue Date: Spring 2010
Volume: 2 Issue: 2
On page(s): 29 - 38
ISSN: 1943-0582
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/MSSC.2010.936667
Date of Current Version: 01 June 2010
Wireless sensor nodes (WSNs) are employed today in many different application areas, ranging
from health and lifestyle to automotive, smart building, predictive maintenance (e.g., of
machines and infrastructure), and active RFID tags. Currently these devices have limited
lifetimes, however, since they require significant operating power. The typical power
requirements of some current portable devices, including a body sensor network.
Year 2009
Wireless power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling is experimentally demonstrated in a
system with a large source coil and either one or two small receivers. Resonance between source
and load coils is achieved with lumped capacitors terminating the coils. A circuit model is
developed to describe the system with a single receiver, and extended to describe the system with
two receivers. With parameter values chosen to obtain good fits, the circuit models yield transfer
frequency responses that are in good agreement with experimental measurements over a range of
frequencies that span the resonance. Resonant frequency splitting is observed experimentally and
described theoretically for the multiple receiver system. In the single receiver system at
resonance, more than 50% of the power that is supplied by the actual source is delivered to the
load. In a multiple receiver system, a means for tracking frequency shifts and continuously
retuning the lumped capacitances that terminate each receiver coil so as to maximize efficiency
is a key issue for future work.
• Vullers, R.J.M. Schaijk, R.V. Visser, H.J. Penders, J. Hoof, C.V.
Noda, A. Shinoda, H.
Dept. of Inf. Phys. & Comput., Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
In this paper, we present a new type of coupler which is applicable to low leakage two-
dimensional communication (2DC) sheets. Our 2DC system can transfer signals and powers
simultaneously by using microwaves which travels in a two-dimensional medium. The goal of
this paper is supplying 1 W/cm power through the sheet safely. In this paper, the safeness is
evaluated in terms of localized specific absorption rate (SAR), according to the International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Safety Guidelines. First of all, a
low leakage 2DC sheet that satisfies above criteria is designed. Next, it is clarified that the
problem is the conventional 2DC power transmission coupler cannot extract enough power from
the low leakage sheet. As an alternative to the conventional coupler, we propose a coupler which
has a capacitive reactance layer on its surface. Finally we present a measurement result which
indicates that proposed system can transfer 0.54 W/cm power safely.
• Shams, K.M.Z. Ali, M.
South Carolina Univ., Columbia
The feasibility of sending wireless power to a buried sensor antenna within concrete was studied.
A receive patch rectenna with 75.8% conversion efficiency was designed for operation at 5.7
GHz. The received DC power at the rectenna was measured within dry and wet concrete samples
with various cover thicknesses and air-gaps. For the rectenna buried within 30 mm of the
concrete, the received DC power was 10.37 mW, which was about 70% of the received DC
power in free-space
• Bin Chen; Yongxin Zhu; Kai Zhu; Tingting Mo; Zhiqiang Que; Zhijun Li; Xiaoyi
Ding; Jie Zhong;
Sch. of Microelectron., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai
This paper appears in: Embedded Computing, 2008. SEC '08. Fifth IEEE International
Symposium on
Issue Date: 6-8 Oct. 2008
On page(s): 382 - 387
Location: Beijing
Print ISBN: 978-0-7695-3348-3
INSPEC Accession Number: 10615596
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/SEC.2008.58
Date of Current Version: 02 December 2008
The minimally invasive inspection based on medical MEMS has been in clinical use since the
Israel invention of a passive capsule endoscope, M2A, followed by similar capsule endoscopes
made in Japan and Korea. Due to the need of external control, active medical MEMS containing
autonomous locomotion started to appear with power cable connections to replace in sufficient
batteries. Unfortunately, power cables cannot be used in medical practice. As such, wireless
power transmission for active MEMS is a must for interests of both researchers and doctors. In
this paper, we present a design of a wireless power transmission mechanism to drive a micro
brushless DC motor whose small size fits MEMS. Though the power transmission is done at a
working frequency of RFID, the power supply system in this paper to drive a motor witha much
larger current is different from the one in RFID tags. The power transmission system consists of
an antenna, an impedance matching network circuit, a rectifier circuit cum voltage multiplier,
and a LDO (low drop out voltage regulator). Both mathematical analysis and simulations based
EDA tools are carried out to verify the system design. The RF part of the system is simulated
with Agilent ADS tools, while the DC part, i.e. the LDO based on MOSFETs, is simulated by
Cadence Spectre with a TSMC 0.18um technology library. Both simulation results and
mathematical analysis show that the micro motor is able to receive sufficient power to work in
vivo in real time.
Some wave beam peculiarities which usually are wasted are useful in wireless power
transmission systems. These peculiarities-the focusing of the beam, the taper distribution of the
radiating field, and the discontinuous antenna-are discussed
• Parikh, V.K. Feygin, G. Balsara, P.T. Rezeq, S. Staszewski, R.B. Vemulapalli, S. Eliezer,
Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, TX, USA
This paper appears in: Architecture, Circuits and Implementtation of SOCs, 2005. DCAS '05.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Dallas/CAS Workshop:
Issue Date : 10 Oct. 2005
On page(s): 207 - 210
Print ISBN: 0-7803-9515-8
INSPEC Accession Number: 8923017
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/DCAS.2005.1611172
Date of Current Version : 03 April 2006
Digital sigma-delta modulators are used extensively in CMOS wireless SoC designs to achieve
high-resolution data conversion while controlling the quantization noise spectrum. This paper
presents an implementation of a 90 nm CMOS digital band-pass sigma-delta modulator (SDM),
running at 900 MHz. Conventional sigma-delta structures required to achieve such noise shaping
are hardware intensive and do not meet the timing requirements when synthesized in 90 nm
technology using a static CMOS implementation. In this work, we present an unrolled ΣΔ
architecture to achieve the necessary rate of operation. Unrolling is achieved by running two
loops at half the frequency, while maintaining algorithmic equivalency between the original and
proposed structures. The proposed architecture meets timing requirements of 900 MHz across all
PVT corners at the cost of increase in area. The operating frequency for most of the hardware is
halved, resulting in a 20% power consumption reduction.
• Guimaraes, G. Souto, E. Sadok, D. Kelner, J.
Federal University of Pernambuco
Ad hoc and wireless sensor networks have recently emerged as successful technologies in a
number of application domains. The need to build security services into them remains however a
considerable challenge as the hardware used often shows serious processing and energy
limitations. This work evaluates the impact of a number of security mechanism on sensor nodes
and the network as a whole. Hence a number of actual measurements were undertaken in a real
sensor platform in order to accurately establish energy consumption for various encryption
algorithms; as well the baseline scenario obtained when none of these is used. Measurements
have shown that integrity code length added to application messages using some cryptography
algorithms and MAC (message authentication code) is acceptable for a sensor node with 128 kB
of ROM memory and 4 kB of RAM (MICA2). We also were able to check
that power consumption of the encryption process does not in itself cause representative impact,
since it is in the micro-joules range.
• Schwager, A. Stadelmeier, L. Zumkeller, M.
Eur. Technol. Center, Sony Int. GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
This paper appears in: Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2005. CCNC.
2005 Second IEEE
Issue Date : 3-6 Jan. 2005
On page(s): 359 - 363
Print ISBN: 0-7803-8784-8
INSPEC Accession Number: 8445873
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/CCNC.2005.1405197
Date of Current Version : 18 April 2005
In-house power line communication (PLC) enables new and highly convenient networking
functions without any additional cables to mains-powered devices. Since wireless networks are
not able to reach sufficient throughput between different rooms or even floors, PLC is considered
to be the ideal backbone home network medium, providing complementary and seamless
interaction with wireless networks. To gain knowledge about the PLC channel, measurements
were done in 21 buildings across Europe. More than 700 outlets were connected. The
measurement results were used to calculate the theoretical channel capacity according to
Shannon's law. A comparison of various regulatory emission levels is presented. An estimation of
the potential of OFDM based PLC system is provided. Finally, a mechanism to avoid radiation
from PLC to ensure coexistence with SW radio applications and an outlook to future
regulatory work are given.
This paper appears in: Parallel Processing, 2005. ICPP 2005. International Conference on
Issue Date : 14-17 June 2005
On page(s): 203 - 210
ISSN : 0190-3918
Print ISBN: 0-7695-2380-3
INSPEC Accession Number: 8605386
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/ICPP.2005.27
Date of Current Version : 01 August 2005
A critical issue in wireless sensor networks is to construct energy efficient virtual backbones for
routing, broadcasting and data propagating. The minimum connected dominating set (MCDS)
has been proposed as a backbone to reduce power dissipation and prolong network lifetime.
However, we find that an MCDS cannot guarantee maximum network lifetime as it does not
consider the battery discharging behavior. Recent study inbattery technology reveals that the
discharging of a battery is not linear. Batteries tend to discharge morepower than needed, and
reimburse the over-discharged power later if they have sufficiently long recovery time.In order to
optimize network performance and construct an energy efficient virtual backbone in sensor
networks, battery-awareness should be considered. In this paper we first study the mathematical
battery discharging model and provide a simplified battery model suitable for
implementation in sensor networks. We then introduce the concept of battery-aware connected
dominating set (BACDS) and show that in general the BACDS can achieve longer lifetime than
the MCDS. Then we show that finding a minimum BACDS (MBACDS) is NP-hard and give a
distributed approximation algorithm to construct the BACDS. The resulting BACDS constructed
by our algorithm is at most (8+Δ)opt size where Δ is the maximum node degree and opt is the
size of an optimal BACDS. The time and message complexities of the algorithm are O(n) and
O(n(√n+logn+Δ)), respectively, where n is the number of nodes in the network. The simulation
results show that the BACDS constructed by our algorithm can save a significant amount of
energy and achieve up to 30% longer network lifetime than the MCDS. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first work considering battery-awareness in the construction of connected
dominating sets.
This paper appears in: Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International
Issue Date : 12-17 June 2005
On page(s): 4 pp.
ISSN : 01490-645X
Print ISBN: 0-7803-8845-3
INSPEC Accession Number: 8803940
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/MWSYM.2005.1516602
Date of Current Version : 31 October 2005
The convergence of wireless communications, embedded computing, and smart sensors enables
us to have greater visibility into the natural world and our activities. These technologies are the
foundation for wirelesssensor networks. The growth and early successes of sensors networks
show that it has the potential to be as useful as the Internet: just as the Internet allows us faster,
easier accesses to data and information from the digital world, sensor networks expand our
ability to access data from the physical world. This article presents a framework for hardware
devices and software technology for sensor networks and particularly SmartDust MICA Motes.
Depending upon the sensor function and bandwidth requirements, the hardware can be classified
into four classes: application-specified sensor devices, general-purpose sensor nodes, high data-
rate sensor nodes, and sensor network interfaces to LAN (gateways). In addition, a new software
framework is essential for sensor networks. Traditional networking protocols do not provide
the power-saving that facilitate battery poweredoperation. Furthermore, direct and efficient
control of the hardware is required for each of the hardware classes. TinyOS is an operating
system made for deeply embedded, highly distributed sensor works. A unified framework of
hardware and software developing helps bring the age of pervasive computing and sensing to
various applications.
This paper appears in: Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2006 IFIP
International Conference on
Issue Date : 0-0 0
On page(s): 5 pp. - 5
Location: Bangalore
Print ISBN: 1-4244-0340-5
INSPEC Accession Number: 9074529
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/WOCN.2006.1666553
Date of Current Version : 07 August 2006
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is used in both 802.11 and 802.16 (A.
Ghosh et al., 2005)wireless network standards and is being evaluated for fourth generation (4G)
networks such as those being proposed in the 3GPP and 3GPP2 standards bodies. Its tolerance to
frequency selective fading has made it an attractive choice for these
broadband wireless networks. In both downlink and uplink directions, resources can be
allocated in three dimensions, frequency, time and power. In both cases the resource allocation is
performed primarily by the basestation (BS). In this paper we focus on the allocation of
downlink resources when such a network is used for quality of service (QoS) applications. Using
a utility function framework, we formulate and solve the corresponding optimization problem
and use the optimality conditions to design simple, practical algorithms. In doing so we take into
account practical
• Hosein, P.
Huawei Technol. Co. Ltd., San Diego, CA
This paper appears in: Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2006 IFIP
International Conference on
Issue Date : 0-0 0
On page(s): 5 pp. - 5
Location: Bangalore
Print ISBN: 1-4244-0340-5
INSPEC Accession Number: 9074529
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/WOCN.2006.1666553
Date of Current Version : 07 August 2006
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is used in both 802.11 and 802.16 (A.
Ghosh et al., 2005)wireless network standards and is being evaluated for fourth generation (4G)
networks such as those being proposed in the 3GPP and 3GPP2 standards bodies. Its tolerance to
frequency selective fading has made it an attractive choice for these
broadband wireless networks. In both downlink and uplink directions, resources can be
allocated in three dimensions, frequency, time and power. In both cases the resource allocation is
performed primarily by the basestation (BS). In this paper we focus on the allocation of
downlink resources when such a network is used for quality of service (QoS) applications. Using
a utility function framework, we formulate and solve the corresponding optimization problem
and use the optimality conditions to design simple, practical algorithms. In doing so we take into
account practical details that have not been addressed in previous work
This paper appears in: Networking, Sensing and Control, 2005. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE
Issue Date : 19-22 March 2005
On page(s): 756 - 760
Print ISBN: 0-7803-8812-7
INSPEC Accession Number: 8495950
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/ICNSC.2005.1461285
Date of Current Version : 05 July 2005
Power efficiency is one of the major concerns of wireless sensor networks applications. Most
existing powerefficient routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks concentrates on finding
efficient ways to forward data. Yet not much work has been done on collecting local data,
tracking the detected objects, predicting the future motion, and then generating the data report.
This paper presents the effect of object tracking prediction onpower saving for wireless sensor
networks. An object tracking prediction method, i.e., prediction-based object tracking algorithm
with load balance (POTL) has been proposed to achieve significant power savings by reducing
unnecessary transmission. Performance analysis, based on numerical analysis for one
dimensional case, demonstrates that our scheme can dramatically reduce the power consumption
and improve the lifetime of the overall network system.