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"The Year 2050: What To Expect"

Hook & Intro:

You are enjoying a laid back ride as you leave for work in your self-driving car.
The broadcaster reads the news about another fire outbreak in the rain forest, and
the year is 2050.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to "____." And for today's video, we will be listing
down some terrifying and amazing things that can happen by the time the clock
strikes 01-01-2050.
But before make sure you have liked the video and subscribed to our channel. And
let's hop in the time machine and take a ride into the future.

when you plan and paint the events one year ahead, you can say something you
hope is sensible—and you soon find out whether you are right. But sketching the
world in 30 years in the future? Can you sensibly peer that far into the future and
have your predictions stand correct?
But as history recalls, in 1994, Hamish McRae published a book titled " The world
in 2020." There was a fair degree of certainty in it, related to population, where
they will reside the most, how demography and economic growth will change the
relative size of the major economies. But at that time, technology was still taking
the baby steps to success. The technological changes and political shifts are the
hardest to predict. With living at the pinnacle of the era of information, we can
somehow predict better about the future than we possibly could in the past.
So here's a list of what to expect by the year 2050.

Humans could live forever as computerized brains.

As currently, the world struggles with many problems related to climate change
and population crisis. There's always room for optimism with technological
advancement finding new solutions to century-old problems.
Ever since's birth of the computer, it has been nothing but mimicking the human
brain. Now, as the prediction goes, scientists hope that in possible near future,
humans could upload the contents of the human brain into computers. Allowing
you to live forever as a code inside a Robo or a hologram.
Hurricanes could grow more frequent and more severe:
Wildfires and hurricanes; all the extreme weather that we have witnessed in the
past decade can worsen in the coming years. As bad as Hurricane Sandy was, it
could be just a trailer for a bigger destruction film. While our grandparents had
lived through one storm of Sandy's scale, our grandchildren can expect to see at
least 20 during their lifetime.
Discussed previously that climate change is something that even technology cannot
control. While climate change is best associated with rising sea-levels, it is likely
to make storms fa more intense.

We will have the ability to rely almost exclusively on renewable, clean energy:
If the technology is paving our way to a smart world, then it is not unusual to say
that thirty years into the future, we would be almost exclusively dependent on
renewable energy resources, cutting energy sector greenhouse gas emissions by
However, the report stresses that this will only be possible if we sufficiently
commit ourselves now to work toward that goal.
Investment in solar and wind energy is crucial. Combining power from all of these
sources will be important in creating a clean energy future. And with less CFC
emission, we can likely slow down climate change if not reverse it.

If you want convenience, you'll have to abandon privacy:

The idea of privacy being traded for the services offered was discussed long ago in
dystopian fiction novels like Orwells "1984" or Huxley's " Brave New World."
Tho both portrayed different ways of trading privacy for service; the idea was
While private citizens have become increasingly concerned about the usage of
drones and other technologies, data lies at the heart of the digital revolution.
Continued growth will almost unquestionably require a greater level of
transparency between people and devices, which means less privacy.
Citizens will divide between those who prefer the convenience and those who
prefer privacy.
Designer babies could create superhumans:
This should not come as a surprise, given the fact that designer babies are already a
Understandably, some people may not like the idea of genetically engineering
human babies. However, scientists are currently working on genetic engineering to
help make sick children healthy by removing or replacing diseased genes.
This technology could later be used to perfect children by genetically engineering
away crooked teeth or bad eyesight.
These same techniques could be used to create superhumans. If we learn what
genes improve IQ, for example, we could make our kids smart.
Humans will even be colonizing Mars as an international interplanetary type
1 civilization:
How cool would that be when our passports would hold an extra field for the
planet of birth. Yes, a whole different planet for beginning our journey as humans,
anew. To not repeat the mistakes we made with our planet earth.
In 2016, Elon Musk revealed his grand plan for establishing a human settlement on
In short, Musk thinks it's possible to start commuting thousands of people between
Earth and our smaller, redder neighbor-Mars sometime within the next decade.
And not too long after that—perhaps 40 or a hundred years later, Mars could
become a haven to a self-sustaining settlement of a million people.

Bitcoin will be the main currency of the world.

Some economists state that Bitcoin may take over FIAT after the next global
economic crisis, which is predicted to happen in 1 to 3 years from now. Whether
this will occur this fast or not, it will certainly happen in 10–20 years, and by the
year 2050, people will think of government-issued money as something from the
20th-century socialist era.
Along with Bitcoin, few other cryptocurrencies with some definite advantages will
survive, but their total use will be less than 10% of Bitcoin use.

Radical birth control will be implemented.

Overpopulation is an immense problem, and the only cause of it is the excessively
high birth rate. In most Western countries birth rate has already dropped under the
natural preservation rate (which is two children per 2 adults) and will continue to
do so. However, in developing countries, it's still too high, and those countries are
alone responsible for the overpopulation problem we have. In the future,
governments will either restrict families to have only one child or vigorously
sterilize people as some would claim children are not the future. They are the past.

Robots will take over our jobs.

In a few decades, robots will be able to perform all physical tasks that we perform
today, whether its cutting our hair or serving us at the restaurant and cooking our
food. Robots have already replaced many jobs, so that progress will be inevitable.
When robots will replace the human workforce, two things will happen.
 1st: Most people (especially the poorly educated) will be neglected to work
and without the ability to support themselves. This will lead to the birth of a
large group of poor people, with no ability to reach even the basic standards
of living, and at the same time, it will give birth to an even richer group of
people who will together own everything making top 3%. In rich countries,
the governments might provide a basic income for its citizens, but the
emerging countries will not have the funds. Unless you are very intelligent
and educated, your only chance of making a living will be through business.
That could be renting your apartment, self-driving car, or assistant robot to
someone else, given that you have the funds to purchase it in the first place.

 2nd: The cost of most services and products will be decreased a lot.
Currently, the biggest share of a product or service's cost is the cost of labor,
as it's usually the most expensive part. But in the future, when robots will do
all the work, goods and services will be produced much cheaper. For
example, consider a self-driving taxi. In order to provide taxi services, you
will no longer have to pay the salary of the driver (which is usually half of
the expenses), and therefore the companies will be able to offer rides half of
the price.

Most human-to-human interactions will happen in Virtual Reality.

Due to virtual reality's growth and excellence, more and more of our daily
activities will move into the virtual world. We will play and watch movies there
and spend more and more of our free time, thereby virtual traveling and meeting
people using our avatars. Our lives will relate to the movie Surrogates a lot, except
that we will not have secondary physical bodies. They will be purely virtual.

The popularity of virtual reality will also thrive because, in real life, all sorts of
accidents can happen to you, or you can become a victim of a crime. At the same
time, virtual reality will be perfectly safe, at least physically.

Coming to an end, we can only predict what is to become of humanrace or planet
earth. The excess of anything can get hazardous, so it’s wise step to not allow
robots to gain complete authority of Human Life.

With that this video comes to an end. If you enjoyed the video, make sure to hit
thumbs up. Also, subscribe to our channel to stay updated with other amazing
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Until the next video, takes care and goodbye.

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