COVID19 PPE Production Guidance FINAL 6.22.20

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Being back in the workplace will feel a little weird for a while! None of us are used to working
while wearing and using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It will take some getting used
to. Follow this safety guidance for using, wearing and caring for PPE.
BASIC PPE Everyone should wear a face covering. Gloves should be available for use if
accessing shared equipment.

Wear your face covering correctly

• Wash your hands before putting on your face covering
• Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
• Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face
• Make sure you can breathe easily
• Remove and replace if covering becomes moist, damaged or visibly

Take off your

Use a face cloth face
covering to help covering carefully,

protect others

when you’re at

• Wear a face covering to help protect others in • Untie the strings behind your head or
case you’re infected but don’t have symptoms stretch the ear loops
• Keep the covering on your face the entire • Handle only by the ear loops or ties
time you’re in public • Fold outside corners together
• Don’t put the covering around your neck or up • Place covering in the washing
on your forehead machine
• Don’t touch the face covering and, if you do, • Wash your hands with soapy water
clean your hands

Safely removing gloves

Grasp the outside of Peel the glove away Hold the glove you Peel off the second glove
one glove at the from your body, just removed in your by putting your fingers
wrist. Do not touch pulling it inside out. gloved hand. inside the glove at the top
your bare skin. of your wrist.

Turn the second glove inside out, Dispose of the gloves Clean your hands
pulling it away from your body, leaving safely. Do not reuse immediately after
the first glove inside the second . the gloves. removing gloves.
Some positions will require access to additional levels of protection, based on job function (e.g.
hair and make-up). KN95 masks, face shields or goggles and gowns are part of the enhanced
PPE and meant for those positions where social distancing cannot be maintained (e.g. hair and
make-up, wardrobe, etc).

KN95 Masks
• Do not share masks
• Wash your hands before putting on and after removing your mask
• Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
• Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face
• Press the the metal strip (if present) against your nose using two
fingers on each hand, slide fingers down the strip to mold it to your
• Make sure you can breathe easily. Replace if mask is difficult to
breathe through
• Remove and replace if mask becomes moist, damaged or visibly
• Hang used masks in a designated storage area or store in a clean,
breathable container (e.g. paper bag) between uses
• Replace KN95 mask after maximum 5 days of use

Eye Protection
Goggles or a face shield should be used by only one person, never shared. They should be
immediately cleaned after use and must be stored in a clear plastic container labeled with
user’s name immediately after cleaning.
Goggles provide barrier protection to the eyes. They
should fit tightly over and around the eyes or glasses, be
indirectly vented and have an anti-fog coating to help
maintain clarity of vision.
Face Shields provide barrier protection to the eyes, nose
and lips and are considered an alternative to goggles.
Face shields are not meant to function as primary
respiratory protection and should be used with a mask.
Steps for cleaning Goggles / Face Shields
• Immerse in or wipe with neutral detergent and warm water solution,
scrub to remove visible soiling then quickly rinse with clean water.
• Immerse in or wipe with disinfectant solution
• Rinse with clean water to remove any reside
• Fully dry (air dry or use clean absorbent towels)
Important: only reusable equipment is to be cleaned and reprocessed for future use.
Putting on the gear Removing the gear
Identify and gather the proper Remove gloves – follow proper
PPE to put on procedure to avoid
Perform hand hygiene using contaminating hands
hand sanitizer or washing Remove gown – remove gently
hands avoiding forceful movements.
Put on gown (or alternative). Dispose of gown in a covered
Tie all ties on the gown – trash can/bin immediately or
assistance may be needed clean
Perform hand hygiene with
Put on face mask
hand sanitizer or washing hands
Put on face shield or goggles Remove face shield or goggles
Perform hand hygiene using Remove face mask
hand sanitizer before putting
on gloves Perform hand hygiene using
hand sanitizer or washing hands
Put on gloves following any
guidance. Gloves should
cover cuff (wrist) of gown (or

Alternatives to Gowns
In the absence of availability of a gown the following can be used:
• Disposable aprons
• Disposable laboratory coats
• Reusable (washable) patient gowns, reusable laboratory coats
• Combinations of clothing such as sleeve covers in combination with aprons
and long sleeve patient gowns or laboratory coats
If using these alternatives consider attributes such as impermeability and user comfort
and whether enough are available for frequent replacement.
All options should be worn and clean according to recommended standards.

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