Professional Salesmanship Notes - 1
Professional Salesmanship Notes - 1
Professional Salesmanship Notes - 1
There are some people who might think of selling as a high-pressure encounter between a
salesperson and a customer. Years ago, that may have been the case in some situations. But in
today’s world, successful selling is not something you do “to” a customer, it is something you do
“with” a customer. The customer has a voice and is involved in most selling situations. In fact,
Internet-based tools such as forums, social networks like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter,
along with Web sites, live chat, and other interactive features allow customers to participate in
What do Ikea, Red Bull, Mini Cooper, and Apple have in common? All four are strong
and highly identifiable brands. You might wonder what role a brand name plays in selling
strategy. Perhaps it is not always noticeable, but when you buy a Red Bull at the corner store
for some extra energy, at that very moment, a specific, chosen brand has become an extremely
powerful selling tool, and it has significantly influenced your inclination to purchase that
particular drink. Selling can only be successful when that thing that you sell has perceived value
applied to it by the consumer—why Red Bull rather than another caffeine drink? Red Bull must
be more effective if a person chooses it rather than the other brand nearby. A brand is a tool to
establish value in the eyes of the customer because it indicates something unique.
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A great brand has four key characteristics:
1. It is unique
2. It is consistent
3. It is relevant
A brand is important in selling because it inherently offers something special that the customer
values. In addition, people trust brands because they know what they can expect; brands, over
Brand− product, service, or concept that is unique, consistent, and relevant and has an
When products, services, concepts, ideas, and people demonstrate the characteristics of a
brand, they are much easier to sell. For example, if you go to McDonald’s for lunch, you know
you can always get a Big Mac and fries, and you always know it will taste the same whether
Personal selling is a powerful part of everyday life. The selling process can help you get
You are always selling your ideas, your point of view, and yourself in virtually every
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In order to understand the selling process, you have to understand brands. A brand can be
a product, service, concept, cause, location, or even a person. A brand consistently offers
value to a customer with something that is unique, consistent, and relevant and creates an
emotional connection.
Uniqueness is when a product or service that is not available from any other competitor.
Consistency is being reliable or the same every time. Relevance is being pertinent and
important to specific customers while emotional connection with its customers is a bond or
Brands are important in selling because customers trust brands. The brand doesn’t end with
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Selling: Heartbeat of the Economy and the Company
Look around. Your computer, your car, your jewelry, your eyeglasses, and your cell
phone—many of the things you own—were probably sold to you by someone. Now, think about
things you can’t see, like your cell phone service, your Internet service, and your car insurance.
Chances are, those services were probably sold to you by someone as well. Now that you think
about it, you can see that selling is involved in life in so many ways. But did you ever think
The most successful companies work to build and sustain relationships with the
customer at every touch point, any way in which the company comes in contact with the
customer, and consider selling the job of everyone in the organization. In other words, although
there are specific functional departments such as sales, marketing, operations, human
resources, finance, and others, everyone in the organization is focused on the customer. This is
customer, every employee is part of a department or function. Each department has goals and
satisfy the needs of the customer and achieve the financial objectives of the company. Most
companies have core functions or departments such as sales, customer service (sometimes it is
included as part of the sales department), marketing, operations, finance, human resources,
product development, procurement, and supply chain management (also called logistics).
Departments such as finance and human resources are called support (or staff) functions since
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they provide support for those that are on the front lines such as sales and customer service
(these departments are also called line functions as they are part of a company’s daily
Staff Function− A department that provides services that support those that are on the front
lines with customers, such as human resources, finance, and marketing. This department is also
Line Function− A department that is part of the daily operations of a company such as sales
So, you might be wondering, if the sales department interacts with customers, what exactly
does the marketing department do? That’s a great question. Some people use the terms in
tandem sales and marketing—to refer to sales. Some people use the terms interchangeably and
refer to marketing as sales. It’s no wonder that it confuses so many. According to the American
Marketing Association, “marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients,
partners, and society at large. When you go into the store or visit the Web site, it’s the sales
department that takes over. A salesperson will speak with you (either in person in the store,
online with live chat, or by phone) to determine what you need and to help you make the best
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(we can deliver that tomorrow), warranty information (it has a 90-day manufacturer warranty),
and other pertinent facts. The salesperson extends the relationship that was established with
the marketing contacts and makes a personal connection with you. At times, however, sales
and marketing don’t play well together. When organizations are not customer-centric, the
departments may appear to have separate or conflicting goals. Marketing may feel that sales
doesn’t follow up on prospective customers, or perhaps sales feels that the marketing efforts
You might find it helpful to think about the overall roles and functions that each performs.
A. Order Takers - Salespeople who consummate sales by taking orders from customers.
B. Order Getters - Salespeople who develop sales through relationship selling and repeat
C. Missionary Selling - Salesperson who contacts key influencers and discusses product
or service benefits.
D. Direct Selling - The sale of a consumer product or service away from a fixed retail
people to become IBOs and earn incentives based on the sales of the new IBOs.
G. Pyramid Schemes - A selling process that involves the exchange of money for
sales. This business practice is not sustainable and is illegal in many countries.
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H. Other selling environments include entrepreneurial selling, global selling (selling in
countries outside the Philippines), and nonprofit selling (also called fund-raising or
Sales is a career opportunity for you to consider; one in ten people in the country has a job
In this global economy, many companies sell products in multiple countries around the
world. Many multinational corporations have sales offices in foreign countries, and large and
Sales 2.0 is a term that is used to refer to the ever-changing technology, such as social
networking, that is changing the relationship salespeople have with customers. It’s
important to understand how technology can support your communication and collaboration
with customers.
A customer-centric organization has the customer as the focal point. You work as a team
with all functions in the company to provide products and services that meet customers’
Sales and marketing are two distinct but closely related functions. Sales converts the
message and uses the elements of the promotion mix to motivate the customer to take an
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For any queries regarding these notes, kindly message me via Gmail.
Professional Salesmanship Notes_1 was made and prepared by Sir Fritz J. Tubes,
PRMSU Instructor.
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