European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
1. Executive summary ...........................................................................................................................4
2. Retreaded tyres: reminder of concept, definition and vocabulary .......................................................5
3. Impact of casing on retreaded tyre rolling resistance .........................................................................6
3.1. Results summary........................................................................................................................6
3.2. Design of Experiment description ...............................................................................................6
3.3. Detailed results ..........................................................................................................................6
3.3.1. Global casing impact ...........................................................................................................6
3.3.2. Impact of casing brand ........................................................................................................9
3.3.3. Impact of casing unit ...........................................................................................................9
3.3.4. Impact of casing age ......................................................................................................... 10
3.3.5. Impact of casing usage (LH = Long Haul, RH = Regional Haul) ........................................ 10
3.3.6. Impact of area of usage (North or South) .......................................................................... 11
3.3.7. Impact of number of retread (first or second retread) ......................................................... 11
3.4. Conclusion on casing impact on rolling resistance of retreaded tyre ......................................... 11
4. Casings available on the market, average and standard deviation by major sizes ........................... 12
4.1. Results summary...................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Design of Experiment description ............................................................................................. 12
4.3. Detailled results ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.3.1. Buffing results, and buffing impact..................................................................................... 13
4.3.2. Brand impact for casing RR ............................................................................................... 14
4.3.3. Designed tyre application impact on casing RR................................................................. 15
4.4. Family of casing sizes .............................................................................................................. 15
4.5. Conclusion for market casings average and standard deviation ............................................... 15
5. Impact of retreading process on the labelled tyre performances ...................................................... 16
5.1. Results summary...................................................................................................................... 16
5.2. Design of Experiment description ............................................................................................. 17
5.3. Detailed results for rolling resistance ........................................................................................ 18
5.3.1. Global parameters impact ................................................................................................. 18
5.3.1. Buffing Radius impact ....................................................................................................... 18
5.3.2. Curing temperature impact ................................................................................................ 18
5.3.3. Cushion Gauge impact ...................................................................................................... 19
5.3.4. Remaining Rubber impact ................................................................................................. 19
5.3.5. Curing time impact ............................................................................................................ 19
5.3.6. Comparison of parameters impact..................................................................................... 19
5.4. Conclusion on process impact on rolling resistance of retreaded tyre....................................... 20
6. Retreading process impact on retreaded tyre rolling sound ............................................................. 21
6.1. Detailed results for retreaded tyre rolling sound ....................................................................... 21
6.1.1. Global parameters impact ................................................................................................. 21
78 Rue Defacqz – B-1060 Brussels, Belgium – 2/42 2019/09/17
Tel. +32 (0)2 344 40 59 –E-mail : [email protected] – Internet :
European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
Truck tyres are typically collected after service and reused as part of a routine tyre retreading process,
delaying their disposal and enhancing the environment through recycling. A used tyre can be restored
after applying a new tread onto the casing via hot or cold process. The factors that play a role in the
performance of a retreading tyre are related to the type, use and age of the casing as well as the tread
characteristics and its related building process. The contribution of each and every factor largely varies
based on the available range of casings, treads and processing conditions selected for the
manufacturing of retreaded tyres.
In order to better understand how the labelling scheme could be extended to include retreaded tyres, as
requested by article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1222/2009 published in December 2009, ETRTO
(European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization) has conducted and financed an extensive research
program to assess the impact of factors relevant to tire performances such as Noise, Rolling and Wet
grip, being subject to label as per R1222-2009.
Three experiments, using measurement methods based on existing regulation and standards for new
tyres, have been organized in order to:
• Check the impact of the collected casings parameters on the rolling resistance of the retreaded
• Check the impact of the manufacturing process on the rolling resistance, wet grip and rolling sound
of the retreaded tyre.
This document summarizes the ETRTO findings of these experiments, and includes all the data resulting
from the experiments.
The ETRTO experiments show that the manufacturing process has a noticeable impact. The latter can
be potentially mastered by the retread industry.
The ETRTO experiments show that the differences between hot and cold processes do not justify
different approaches for retread tyres labelling, therefore a unified scheme can be applied.
About wet grip and rolling sound, the experiment has proven that the manufacturing process impacts,
hence being noticeable, should most probably be mastered by retread industry, in a manner which could
be sustainable, applying the current labelling scheme for C3 tyres.
About tyre rolling resistance, the ETRTO experiments have proven that casing size and brand and
manufacturing process have a large impact, which can be partially mastered for manufacturing process,
but cannot be mastered for the casing impact. Then, with current retreading operations, rolling resistance
retreading labelling scheme same as new tyre is not feasible, unless every single retreaded tyres is
tested individually, which is not sustainable for the retreading industry.
# Name Definition
Retread rubber
Cushion rubber
To replace the worn tread
(5) by a new cushion
rubber and a new tread,
reusing the existing casing
which represents about ¾
of the total weight
▪ On measured data, from 3.4 N/kN to 5 N/kN, meaning a variation of 1.6 N/kN, which can
change the label up to 3 classes.
▪ Average value being 4.1 N/kN, standard deviation being 0.41 N/kN, and assuming a Gauss
repartition, 99.9% of the casings available on market could be in a range of 2.5 N/kN, which
can as well change the label up to 3 to 4 classes
o For 385/65R22.5:
▪ On measured data, from 3.0 N/kN to 4.0 N/kN, means a variation of 1.0 N/kN, which can
change the label up to 2 classes.
▪ Average value being 3.5 N/kN, standard deviation being 0.3 N/kN, and assuming a Gauss
repartition, 99.9% of the casings available on market could be in a range of 1.6 N/kN, which
can change the label up to 2 to 3 classes
On average there is a 23% chance that a hot On average there is a 4% chance that a cold
retreaded 315/80 R 22.5 casing should result retreaded 315/80 R 22.5 casing will result in a
in a tyre graded E, and a 77% chance it should tyre that should be graded D, a 5% chance it
be F, without solution to predict which label should be F, and a 90% chance it should be E.
E/F is the right one. The possible results cover 3 classes of grading,
, without solution to predict which label D/E/F is
the right one.
o For 385/65R22.5:
On average there is nearly a 5% chance that a On average there is nearly a 100% chance that
hot retreaded 385/65 R 22.5 casing will result a cold retreaded 385/65 R 22.5 casing will result
in a tyre that should be graded D, and a 95% in a tyre graded C, because the average of the
chance it should be graded C. There is also a measured tyres, plus /minus 3 sigma, is equal to
small chance it should be B. without solution to a range from 5 to 6, which is same as class C
predict which label B/C/D is the right one.
Data show that rolling resistance of retreaded tyres sample are spread on at least 0.73 N/kN
(385/65 Cold), and up to 1.23 2 N/kN (315/80R22.5 Cold), not including spreading of population
assuming a Gauss repartition, which would increase the spread up to 1.774 N/kN with 6 sigma.
Depending on the average value, these values indicate that at least 2 labels will be covered by one
retreaded tyre, using the same process, compound, pattern and parameters, depending on the
casing origin.
78 Rue Defacqz – B-1060 Brussels, Belgium – 8/42 2019/09/17
Tel. +32 (0)2 344 40 59 –E-mail : [email protected] – Internet :
European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
Min de RRC data show again that casing origin (brand,
individual casing, and all the other
Max de RRC
parameters) has a strong impact on the final
-1,0 result, the maximum difference being 1.3
Cold Hot Cold Hot N/kN on the selected sample.
315/80 385/65
-0,5 C
-1,0 D
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
Casing 1 Casing 2 Casing 3
#2 #4 #5 #7 #2 #4 #5 #7 #2 #4 #5 #7 #2 #4 #5 #7 #1 #3 #6 #8 #1 #3 #6 #8 #1 #3 #6 #8
Cold Hot
These data show that among identical brand/history, the casing individuals have a strong impact on
the final result : Max impact 0,73 Average impact 0,21 Impact standard deviation 0,17
Casing 1 Casing 2 Casing 3
#2 #4 #5 #7 #2 #4 #5 #7 #2 #4 #5 #7 #2 #4 #5 #7 #1 #3 #6 #8 #1 #3 #6 #8 #1 #3 #6 #8
Cold Hot
With the same casing brand, history and retread process, variation can be summarized as follows:
Max variation : 0,73 Average variation : 0,21 standard deviation 0,17
Conclusion is that Individual identical casing (coming from identical tyre model) have a strong impact.
3.3.4. Impact of casing age
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
No significant impact can be observed by this
0,5 survey
-0,5 RH
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
-0,5 South
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
First retread
-0,5 Second retread
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
RR carcasses DOE3
As in initial design of experiment, brands have a clear impact on casing RR, giving a range of 3 labels
for the same size of tyre, assuming the same RR for tread and process. Size as well has a clear
impact on the casing RR average.
Size RR Average Std Deviation RR min RR max Range
215/75R17.5 4.8 0.3 4.4 5.6 1.2
275/70R22.5 4.3 0.2 3.7 4.7 1.0
295/80R22.5 4.3 0.2 3.9 4.8 0.9
315/60R22.5 4.3 0.3 3.9 5.2 1.3
315/70R22.5 4.2 0.4 3.6 4.9 1.3
315/80R22.5 4.3 0.2 3.8 4.8 1.0
13R22.5 4.6 0.3 4.2 5.3 1.1
385/55R22.5 3.8 0.3 3.4 4.4 1.0
385/65R22.5 3.9 0.3 3.4 4.5 1.1
445/45R19.5 4.4 0.3 4.1 4.7 0.6
Total général 4.2 0.4 3.4 5.6
Range 1.0 0.1
Depending on the size, the average of RR can vary up to 1 N/kN. Standard deviation is similar,
evolving from 0.2 N/kN to 0.4 N/kN
As a conclusion:
• RR average of casing must be established by size.
• The standard deviation of the most variable sizes (215/75R17.5, 315/60R22.5 & 315/70R22.5)
which are major sizes (from market volume point of view), about 0.4 kg/T, can be used for all sizes,
as well representing the worst case.
The targeted application has a little or no impact on the casing rolling resistance which is coherent
with common industry practices.
Checking the data, it appears that certain casing sizes have similar rolling resistance average, such as:
• 385/65R22.5 and 385/55R22.5 (2 steps of aspect ratio difference) differ by 0.1
• 315/80 and 295/80 (2 steps of nominal widths) differ by less than 0.1
• 315/80 and 315/70 (2 steps of aspect ratio) differ by less than 0.1
This could help to find an efficient solution for sizes not surveyed in the design of experiment.
ETRTO can propose to use the following values as market average to be used if the casing rolling
resistance value is not known by the retreader:
Market carcass rolling Market carcass rolling resistance
Dimension resistance average (RRAC) standard deviation
215/75R17.5 4.8 0.3
275/70R22.5 4.3 0.2
295/80R22.5 4.3 0.2
315/60R22.5 4.3 0.3
315/70R22.5 4.2 0.4
315/80R22.5 4.3 0.2
13R22.5 4.6 0.3
385/55R22.5 3.8 0.3
385/65R22.5 3.9 0.3
445/45R19.5 4.4 0.3
These average values have been calculated from casing rolling resistance measurement, shown in
§9.2.3 “Detailed data for market casing rolling resistance". The average market carcass rolling
resistance has been calculated without taking into account the market share of each casing, which is
It must be noted that these values have been established by ETRTO experiment in year 2017, and
have a validity limited in time. A time frame of 4 to 6 years is strongly recommended as an interval to
renew the data and calculation as above by a technical committee which has to be established, to
consider the technological progress of new tyres technologies.
The standard deviation of 0.4 N/kN representing the worst case for most popular sizes can be applied
to all the sizes.
The only really impacting process parameters for rolling resistance which can be precisely measured
• the curing temperature for hot retread, with up to 1.5 N/kN meaning 1.5 times the width of the label
class of new tyre,
• the buffing radius, especially for “narrow” tyres (315/80)
For other parameters, the impacts are low or very low, sometimes medium, especially after considering
the precision of the test methods used for wet grip and rolling sound measurements. However, total
impact of process, when adding the impacts, can become noticeable.
In order to be able to master the 3 labelled performances of a retreaded tyre, it will then be necessary
to master the retreading parameters. This is possible for most of the parameters (curing time and
temperature, cushion gauge…). However, some parameters have to be tuned depending on the casing
geometry, which could require different buffing radius or remaining rubber. The mastering level of
retreading process will then be lower for retreaded tyres than for new tyres.
For rolling sound performance, “low” means less than 0.5 dB(A), “medium” means less than 1 dB(A)
For wet grip, “low” means less than 5 WGI, “medium” means less than 10 WGI
For rolling resistance, “low” means less than 0.3 N/kN, “medium” means less than 0.6 N/kN
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
1,5 mm decreases the rolling resistance
-0,50 3 mm
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
8 hours
Cold Hot Cold Hot 145'
315/80 385/65
0 1 mm
-1 4 mm
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
0 1.5 mm
-1 3 mm
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
0 125°C
-1 160°C
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
0 145'
-2 110'
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
0 1.5 mm
-5 3 mm
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
800 mm
-5 1100 mm
-10 2000 mm
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
5 95°C
0 125°C
-15 135°C
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
0 1 mm
-5 4 mm
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
5 4h
Cold Hot Cold Hot
315/80 385/65
The ETRTO experiments data show that the casing used to build the retread tyre strongly impacts the
rolling resistance of the latter, evidence being that the use of different casings while keeping the
process and the material parameters constant, could lead up to 3 labels variation.
The clearly relevant factors having an impact on retreaded tyre rolling resistance are the brand of the
casing, the casing size and the casing variability among identical casings, causing the final retreaded
tyre label to spread on at least one label and up to 4 labels. Other factors (age, type of use, region of
use and number of retreadings), individually considered, seem to have a low or non-significant impact.
However, all the factors, considered together, could reach a significant level, potentially shifting a label
from one class to another.
The retreader, not mastering the incoming casing rolling resistance, will not be able to master the
retreaded tyre rolling resistance, unless measuring each casing, which is not industrially and
economically feasible.
It will then not be possible to predict with any reasonable accuracy what will be the final class of a
retreaded tyre, using the current labelling scheme.
The clearly relevant process parameters having an impact on retreaded tyre rolling resistance are the
curing temperature of the retreaded tyre and the buffing radius of the casing, Other parameters have
shown to have little to no impact on rolling resistance. (cushion gauge impact for hot 315/80 to be
confirmed). Other factors, globally considered, could have a noticeable impact on rolling resistance,
potentially shifting the label by one class. Differences between hot and cold processes do not justify a
different approach for retreaded tyres labelling. Therefore, opposite to controlling the casing situation,
most retreading parameters can and should be mastered by the retreader, allowing having a certain
level of control on the rolling resistance of the retreaded tyre.
Globally, process parameters can change the sound emission value by 4 dB(A). However,
considering that the parameters relevant to the retread process (to show evidence of the impacts) can
be mastered during production process and the precision of tyre rolling sound emission measurement
method, the conclusion is that process parameters do not show a significant effect on retreaded tyres
rolling sound.
Globally, process parameters can change wet grip index value by 20 points. However,
considering that the parameters relevant to the retread process can be mastered during production
process and the today setup of tyre wet grip measurement method, the conclusion is that process
parameters do not show a significant effect on retreaded tyres wet grip.
With regards to wet grip and rolling sound, the experiment has proven that the manufacturing process
impacts, hence being noticeable, should most probably be mastered by retread industry, in a manner
which could be sustainable, applying the current labelling scheme for C3 tyres.
With regards to rolling resistance, the experiments have proven that casing impact and manufacturing
process have a big impact, which can be partially mastered for manufacturing process, but cannot be
mastered for the casing impact. Therefore, with current retreading operations, rolling resistance
retreading labelling scheme same as new tyre is not feasible, unless every single retreaded tyres is
tested individually, which is not sustainable for the retreading industry.
tire (N/kN)
Id. nr.
Brand code
Casing #
tire (N/kN)
Id. nr.
Brand code
315/80 HOT 1 Casing #
1 B1-1 C LH N 0 <= 3 years 4709 3,57 8,04
315/80 HOT 1 2 B1-2 C LH N 0 >= 5 years 709 8,05
315/80 HOT 1 3 B1-3 C LH N 0 <= 3 years 4709 8,19
315/80 HOT 3 1 B3-1 C RH S 0 >= 5 years 1709 3,67 8,31
315/80 HOT 3 2 B3-2 C RH S 0 >= 5 years 1709 8,14
315/80 HOT 3 3 B3-3 C RH S 0 >= 5 years 1609 8,46
315/80 HOT 6 1 B6-1 C LH S 1 >= 5 years 209 4,04 8,49
315/80 HOT 6 2 B6-2 C LH S 1 <= 3 years 1810 8,22
315/80 HOT 6 3 B6-3 C LH S 1 <= 3 years 1710 8,44
315/80 HOT 8 1 B8-1 C RH N 1 <= 3 years 1510 4,12 8,20
315/80 HOT 8 2 B8-2 C RH N 1 <= 3 years 911 7,80
315/80 HOT 8 3 B8-3 C RH N 1 <= 3 years 911 8,14
315/80 HOT 1 1 C1-1 D LH N 0 <= 3 years 2710 3,74 7,99
315/80 HOT 1 2 C1-2 D LH N 0 <= 3 years 3509 8,59
315/80 HOT 1 3 C1-3 D LH N 0 <= 3 years 2410 7,90
315/80 HOT 3 1 C3-1 D RH S 0 <= 3 years 711 3,51 8,03
315/80 HOT 3 2 C3-2 D RH S 0 <= 3 years 1011 8,09
315/80 HOT 3 3 C3-3 D RH S 0 <= 3 years 2410 8,23
315/80 HOT 6 1 C6-1 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 4809 4,15 8,49
315/80 HOT 6 2 C6-2 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 2510 8,34
315/80 HOT 6 3 C6-3 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 2110 8,42
315/80 HOT 8 1 C8-1 D RH N 1 >= 5 years 2107 4,25 8,43
315/80 HOT 8 2 C8-2 D RH N 1 >= 5 years 2507 8,34
315/80 HOT 8 3 C8-3 D RH N 1 >= 5 years 3506 8,40
315/80 HOT 1 1 D1-1 A LH N 0 <= 3 years 3010 3,62 8,18
315/80 HOT 1 2 D1-2 A LH N 0 <= 3 years 4510 8,04
315/80 HOT 1 3 D1-3 A LH N 0 <= 3 years 2411 7,75
315/80 HOT 3 1 D3-1 A RH S 0 <= 3 years 2811 3,31 8,06
315/80 HOT 3 2 D3-2 A RH S 0 <= 3 years 4710 8,02
315/80 HOT 3 3 D3-3 A RH S 0 <= 3 years 4710 8,13
315/80 HOT 6 1 D6-1 A LH S 1 >= 5 years 4606 4,22 8,21
315/80 HOT 6 3 D6-3 A LH S 1 >= 5 years 4108 8,21
315/80 HOT 6 2 D6-2 A LH S 1 >= 5 years 2507 8,31
315/80 HOT 8 1 D8-1 A RH N 1 >= 5 years 1707 3,69 8,06
315/80 HOT 8 2 D8-2 A RH N 1 <= 3 years 3409 8,05
315/80 HOT 8 3 D8-3 A RH N 1 >= 5 years 4406 8,25
tire (N/kN)
Id. nr.
Brand code
385/65 COLD 2 Casing #
1 A2-1 B LH N 1 <= 3 years 4509 3,39 5,50
385/65 COLD 2 2 A2-2 B LH N 1 <= 3 years 4409 5,51
385/65 COLD 2 3 A2-3 B LH N 1 <= 3 years 2411 5,56
385/65 COLD 4 1 A4-1 B RH S 1 <= 3 years 311 3,33 5,60
385/65 COLD 4 2 A4-2 B RH S 1 <= 3 years 3411 5,59
385/65 COLD 4 3 A4-3 B RH S 1 <= 3 years 310 5,49
385/65 COLD 5 1 A5-1 B LH S 0 >= 5 years 3107 3,42 5,60
385/65 COLD 5 2 A5-2 B LH S 0 >= 5 years 4607 5,51
385/65 COLD 5 3 A5-3 B LH S 0 >= 5 years 4107 5,54
385/65 COLD 7 1 A7-1 B RH N 0 >= 5 years 4108 3,49 5,49
385/65 COLD 7 2 A7-2 B RH N 0 >= 5 years 1508 5,47
385/65 COLD 7 3 A7-3 B RH N 0 >= 5 years 3608 5,44
385/65 COLD 2 1 B2-1 C LH N 1 >= 5 years 3508 3,57 5,43
385/65 COLD 2 2 B2-2 C LH N 1 <= 3 years 1011 5,84
385/65 COLD 2 3 B2-3 C LH N 1 >= 5 years 2007 5,64
385/65 COLD 4 1 B4-1 C RH S 1 <= 3 years 4809 3,71 5,61
385/65 COLD 4 2 B4-2 C RH S 1 <= 3 years 3810 5,61
385/65 COLD 4 3 B4-3 C RH S 1 <= 3 years 4010 5,87
385/65 COLD 5 1 B5-1 C LH S 0 >= 5 years 4906 3,72 5,50
385/65 COLD 5 2 B5-2 C LH S 0 >= 5 years 4607 5,65
385/65 COLD 5 3 B5-3 C LH S 0 >= 5 years 4805 5,66
385/65 COLD 7 1 B7-1 C RH N 0 >= 5 years 3007 3,88 5,59
385/65 COLD 7 2 B7-2 C RH N 0 >= 5 years 1306 5,67
385/65 COLD 7 3 B7-3 C RH N 0 >= 5 years 1707 5,91
385/65 COLD 2 1 C2-1 D LH N 1 <= 3 years 2910 3,82 5,56
385/65 COLD 2 2 C2-2 D LH N 1 <= 3 years 2911 5,62
385/65 COLD 2 3 C2-3 D LH N 1 <= 3 years 3310 5,63
385/65 COLD 4 1 C4-1 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 2111 3,52 5,49
385/65 COLD 4 2 C4-2 D RH S 1 <= 3 years 5211 5,59
385/65 COLD 4 3 C4-3 D RH S 1 <= 3 years 4610 5,65
385/65 COLD 5 1 C5-1 D LH S 0 >= 5 years 4807 3,47 5,51
385/65 COLD 5 2 C5-2 D LH S 0 >= 5 years 3207 5,36
385/65 COLD 5 3 C5-3 D LH S 0 >= 5 years 207 5,39
385/65 COLD 7 1 C7-1 D RH N 0 >= 5 years 4907 3,44 5,45
385/65 COLD 7 2 C7-2 D RH N 0 >= 5 years 3807 5,41
385/65 COLD 7 3 C7-3 D RH N 0 >= 5 years 1607 5,43
385/65 COLD 2 1 D2-1 A LH N 1 <= 3 years 4309 3,45 5,36
385/65 COLD 2 2 D2-2 A LH N 1 <= 3 years 410 5,32
385/65 COLD 2 3 D2-3 A LH N 1 <= 3 years 911 5,43
385/65 COLD 4 1 D4-1 A RH S 1 <= 3 years 511 3,34 5,37
385/65 COLD 4 2 D4-2 A RH S 1 <= 3 years 4009 5,41
385/65 COLD 4 3 D4-3 A RH S 1 >= 5 years 909 5,40
385/65 COLD 5 1 D5-1 A LH S 0 >= 5 years 3307 3,95 5,60
385/65 COLD 5 2 D5-2 A LH S 0 >= 5 years 4508 5,48
385/65 COLD 5 3 D5-3 A LH S 0 <= 3 years 2510 5,41
385/65 COLD 7 1 D7-1 A RH N 0 <= 3 years 4510 3,46 5,34
385/65 COLD 7 2 D7-2 A RH N 0 <= 3 years 211 5,18
385/65 COLD 7 3 D7-3 A RH N 0 <= 3 years 1911 5,39
tire (N/kN)
Id. nr.
Brand code
385/65 HOT 1 Casing #
1 B1-1 C LH N 0 <= 3 years 2810 3,20 5,79
385/65 HOT 1 2 B1-2 C LH N 0 <= 3 years 1010 5,75
385/65 HOT 1 3 B1-3 C LH N 0 <= 3 years 5010 5,78
385/65 HOT 3 1 B3-1 C RH S 0 <= 3 years 4110 3,72 5,94
385/65 HOT 3 2 B3-2 C RH S 0 <= 3 years 711 6,10
385/65 HOT 3 3 B3-3 C RH S 0 >= 5 years 1409 5,95
385/65 HOT 6 1 B6-1 C LH S 1 >= 5 years 2007 3,91 5,93
385/65 HOT 6 2 B6-2 C LH S 1 <= 3 years 4610 5,49
385/65 HOT 6 3 B6-3 C LH S 1 >= 5 years 2007 6,17
385/65 HOT 8 1 B8-1 C RH N 1 <= 3 years 1210 3,99 6,01
385/65 HOT 8 2 B8-2 C RH N 1 >= 5 years 608 6,14
385/65 HOT 8 3 B8-3 C RH N 1 >= 5 years 2407 6,03
385/65 HOT 1 2 C1-2 D LH N 0 <= 3 years 4310 5,16
385/65 HOT 1 3 C1-3 D LH N 0 <= 3 years 2010 5,28
385/65 HOT 1 1 C1-1 D LH N 0 <= 3 years 4710 3,04 5,13
385/65 HOT 3 1 C3-1 D RH S 0 <= 3 years 510 3,36 5,28
385/65 HOT 3 2 C3-2 D RH S 0 <= 3 years 910 5,5
385/65 HOT 3 3 C3-3 D RH S 0 <= 3 years 4210 5,3
385/65 HOT 6 1 C6-1 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 3710 3,46 5,42
385/65 HOT 6 2 C6-2 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 4910 5,68
385/65 HOT 6 3 C6-3 D LH S 1 <= 3 years 910 5,39
385/65 HOT 8 1 C8-1 D RH N 1 <= 3 years 4109 3,41 5,36
385/65 HOT 8 2 C8-2 D RH N 1 <= 3 years 4109 5,56
385/65 HOT 8 3 C8-3 D RH N 1 <= 3 years 910 5,4
385/65 HOT 1 1 D1-1 A LH N 0 <= 3 years 1111 2,99 5,53
385/65 HOT 1 2 D1-2 A LH N 0 <= 3 years 1711 5,74
385/65 HOT 1 3 D1-3 A LH N 0 <= 3 years 1211 5,63
385/65 HOT 3 1 D3-1 A RH S 0 <= 3 years 3109 3,31 5,72
385/65 HOT 3 2 D3-2 A RH S 0 >= 5 years 2908 5,8
385/65 HOT 3 3 D3-3 A RH S 0 <= 3 years 3509 5,75
385/65 HOT 6 1 D6-1 A LH S 1 <= 3 years 1010 3,11 5,53
385/65 HOT 6 2 D6-2 A LH S 1 <= 3 years 211 5,78
385/65 HOT 6 3 D6-3 A LH S 1 <= 3 years 3509 5,68
385/65 HOT 8 2 D8-2 A RH N 1 >= 5 years 3007 5,87
385/65 HOT 8 3 D8-3 A RH N 1 >= 5 years 3608 5,85
385/65 HOT 8 1 D8-1 A RH N 1 <= 3 years 5009 3,30 5,66
(*)315/60R22.5 casing for urban application have been looked for but could not be found by the casing collector.
Brand Size Use DOT LI/SI M TD1 TD TD2 Bead Buffing Buffing Rdepth1 Rdepth Rdepth2 Patch Buffe RRAC
WY S Center width Radius Circonf. Center present d tyre Casing
(N/Y) weigh (N/kN)
2 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 2115 135/133 J N 5 5 5 6 600 2 345 1.5 3 3 N 23t 5.02
2 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 0514 135/133 J N 4 4 4 6 600 2 345 2 3 2.5 N 23 4.86
2 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 4214 135/133 J N 6 5 5 6 600 2 345 2.5 2.8 2.5 N 23 4.77
3 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 3315 135/133 K N 6 5 5 6 500 2 349 2.8 3 2.5 N 22 4.57
3 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 2015 135/133 K N 5 5 5 6 500 2 347 2.5 3 3 N 22 4.46
3 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 2216 135/133 K N 6 5 5 6 500 2 347 1.5 2.5 1.5 N 21.5 4.55
5 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 1214 128/126 M N 1 3 1 6 500 2 326 3 3 3 N 20.5 4.45
5 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 1214 128/126 M N 6 5 6 6 500 2 324 1.5 2.5 1.5 N 19 4.83
5 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 4213 128/126 M N 5 6 5 6 500 2 330 1.5 2.5 2 N 20 4.81
8 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 3515 126/124 M Y 2 3 2 6 450 2 337 2.8 2.5 2.5 N 17.5 4.42
8 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 0915 126/124 M Y 2 5 4 6 450 2 342 2.8 2.6 2.8 N 18 4.40
8 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 2115 126/124 M Y 5 4 2 6 450 2 342 3 2.5 2.8 N 17.5 4.46
9 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 3915 135/133 J Y 4 2 4 6 600 2 350 1 3 1 N 23.5 4.65
9 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 4313 135/133 J N 4 2 5 6 600 2 350 1.5 3 2 N 24.5 4.84
9 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 4815 135/133 J Y 6 6 6 6 600 2 342 2 3 2.2 N 24 4.62
7 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 0112 126/124 M Y 4 2 2 6 650 2 330 2 3 1.5 Y 21 5.64
7 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 3314 126/124 M Y 4 5 5 6 650 2 337 1.8 3 1.8 N 22 5.22
7 215/75R17.5 REGIONAL 0813 126/124 M Y 5 5 4 6 650 2 338 2 3 1.5 N 22.5 5.30
2 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 4514 154/150 L Y 6 5 5 950 3 108 2 2.5 2 N 49.0 3.86
2 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 3214 154/150 L Y 7 5 7 950 3 113 2 3 3 N 51.5 3.72
2 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0415 154/150 L Y 8 7 7 950 3 114 2.8 3 2.8 N 51.0 3.67
2 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 3814 152/148 M Y 6 3 5 750 3 102 4 3 4 N 52.0 3.86
2 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 4315 152/148 M Y 5 5 7 750 3 100 4 3 4 N 50.5 3.83
2 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 3814 152/148 M Y 2 2 4 750 3 101 3.8 3 4 N 51.0 3.92
3 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2415 156/150 L N 8 8 6 1 000 3 062 2 3 2 N 46.0 4.05
3 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0815 156/150 L N 5 7 6 1 000 3 062 2 3 2 N 45.5 4.19
3 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2515 156/150 L Y 7 7 4 1 000 3 063 2.3 3 2.3 N 46.0 3.98
3 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0816 154/150 L Y 6 5 5 1 100 3 060 1.5 3 1.5 N 45.0 4.05
3 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0516 154/150 L Y 5 5 5 1 100 3 064 2 3 2 N 45.0 4.08
3 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0516 154/150 L Y 4 5 6 1 100 3 063 1.8 3 1.8 N 45.0 4.04
5 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0215 156/150 L N 4 6 5 950 3 060 2 3 3 N 43.5 4.02
5 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 1315 156/150 L N 8 9 7 950 3 060 2.5 3 2 N 43.0 3.97
5 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0215 156/150 L N 6 9 6 950 3 056 2.6 3 3 N 43.5 4.10
5 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 4214 156/150 L N 4 7 7 950 3 051 2 3 2 N 43.0 4.01
5 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 2214 156/150 L N 6 9 8 950 3 050 1.5 2.8 1.5 N 42.5 4.25
5 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 1215 156/150 L N 9 9 7 950 3 053 1 2.5 1 N 42.5 4.16
8 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2714 154/150 L Y 5 4 4 950 3 078 2 2.8 3 N 47.5 3.65
8 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2714 154/150 L Y 3 3 3 950 3 077 1.5 2.5 1.5 N 47.5 3.60
8 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2714 154/150 L Y 4 4 3 950 3 081 2.2 3 2.8 N 47.5 3.66
8 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 1214 154/150 L Y 5 5 3 950 3 071 2 3 2 N 46.0 4.04
8 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 1715 154/150 L Y 8 6 7 950 3 073 2.2 3 2.8 N 47.0 3.88
8 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 5015 154/150 L Y 7 6 6 950 3 071 2 3 2.2 N 46.0 3.82
9 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 1912 154/150 L Y 6 4 7 950 3 074 3 3 3.5 Y 50.5 4.15
9 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2212 154/150 L Y 4 3 6 950 3 075 3.5 3 3.5 N 51.5 3.95
9 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0315 154/150 L Y 7 4 8 950 3 072 3.5 3 3.5 Y 50.5 3.98
9 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0214 154/150 L Y 7 6 8 950 3 075 3.5 3 3.5 N 51.0 4.02
9 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0712 154/150 L Y 7 5 8 950 3 076 2.5 2.5 3 N 50.5 4.02
9 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0415 154/150 L Y 8 6 6 950 3 072 3 3 3.5 N 51.0 3.90
7 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2211 154/150 L Y 7 4 6 950 3 065 2 2.8 2 N 47.5 4.68
7 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 4612 154/150 L Y 3 3 6 950 3 072 2 3 2.5 N 48.0 4.63
7 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 1413 154/150 L Y 4 2 5 950 3 066 2 3 2 N 47.5 4.59
7 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 4315 154/150 L Y 6 4 4 950 3 069 1.5 2.6 1.5 N 49.5 4.61
7 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 2112 154/150 L Y 7 6 4 950 3 073 2 3 2.5 N 47.0 4.64
7 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 4412 154/150 L Y 7 5 5 950 3 063 2.5 3 2.5 N 47.5 4.62
6 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 4511 154/150 L Y 4 3 4 1 300 3 049 2 3 3 N 50.0 4.13
6 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 2511 154/150 L Y 5 5 5 1 300 3 041 2.5 3 2.5 N 50.0 4.48
6 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 1611 154/150 L Y 2 3 5 1 300 3 048 2.5 3 2.5 N 49.5 4.35
6 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 2916 154/150 L Y 1 3 4 1 400 3 045 3 2.5 3 Y 50.0 3.97
6 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0315 154/150 L Y 4 3 2 1 400 3 051 3.5 3 2.5 N 50.5 4.33
1 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 4714 152/148 M Y 4 5 4 1 300 3 078 3.5 3 4 N 50.5 4.86
1 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0714 152/148 M Y 6 2 4 1 300 3 072 3 3 3 N 48.0 4.77
1 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 0414 152/148 M Y 4 4 6 1 300 3 070 2 3 2.5 N 49.0 4.75
1 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 5115 152/148 M Y 3 3 6 1 300 3 073 2 3 3 N 49.0 4.51
1 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 3515 152/148 M Y 7 6 6 1 300 3 073 3 3 3 N 48.5 4.72
1 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 5015 152/148 M Y 10 9 10 1 300 3 073 2 2.8 2.8 N 48.0 4.38
4 315/70R22.5 LONG HAUL 4515 152/148 M Y 2 3 3 1 300 3 075 1.5 2.5 2 N 48.5 4.44
4 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 3311 152/148 M Y 6 5 7 1 300 3 083 2.2 2.5 2.2 N 49.0 4.62
4 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 0811 152/148 M Y 8 4 7 1 300 3 086 2.5 3 3 N 50.0 4.69
4 315/70R22.5 REGIONAL 4813 152/148 M Y 3 2 7 1 300 3 087 2.5 3 2.5 N 50.5 4.64
Brand Size Use DOT LI/SI M TD1 TD TD2 Bead Buffing Buffing Rdepth1 Rdepth Rdepth2 Patch Buffe RRAC
WY S Center width Radius Circonf. Center present d tyre Casing
(N/Y) weigh (N/kN)
2 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 0616 156/150 L Y 7 5 5 900 3 276 2.5 3 3 N t
52.5 3.83
2 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4514 156/150 L Y 4 1 4 900 3 273 2.5 3 3 N 51.5 3.84
2 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 0616 156/150 L Y 7 4 7 900 3 273 2 3 2.5 N 52.0 3.84
2 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4412 154/150 M Y 5 6 9 900 3 282 3 3 3 Y 54.0 4.34
2 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1214 154/150 M Y 5 4 6 900 3 280 1.5 2.5 2.5 Y 54.0 4.37
2 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1214 154/150 M Y 5 2 3 900 3 282 2 2.5 2 N 54.0 4.50
2 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2716 156/150 K Y 7 7 7 900 3 282 3 3 3 N 53.5 4.23
2 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2716 156/150 K Y 8 8 5 900 3 281 3 3 3 N 53.0 4.26
2 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2716 156/150 K Y 5 5 7 900 3 281 3 2.5 3 N 52.5 4.26
3 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4614 156/150 L Y 5 4 5 900 3 281 2.2 3 2.2 N 52.0 4.44
3 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1016 156/150 L Y 4 3 4 900 3 279 1.5 2.5 1.8 N 51.0 4.39
3 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4814 156/150 L Y 4 2 4 900 3 284 2.5 3 2.5 N 52.0 4.43
3 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2815 156/150 L Y 3 6 6 900 3 281 2.5 3 2.5 N 52.0 4.50
3 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2215 156/150 L Y 6 6 6 900 3 281 3 3 3 N 50.5 4.38
3 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1916 156/150 L Y 10 10 10 900 3 281 2.5 3 2.8 N 52.5 4.33
3 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 4615 156/150 K Y 11 8 11 900 3 282 3 2.8 2.8 N 53.0 4.63
3 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 3516 156/150K Y 10 6 9 900 3 281 3 3 3 N 53.5 4.62
3 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 3516 156/150K Y 8 5 8 900 3 282 3 2.5 3 N 53.0 4.63
5 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4913 156/150 L N 9 9 9 900 3 280 2.5 3 3 N 47.5 4.33
5 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1815 156/150 L Y 2 3 6 900 3 280 2.8 3 2.5 N 46.5 4.39
5 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0515 156/150 L N 3 6 7 900 3 281 2.5 3 3 N 46.5 4.12
5 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0515 156/150 L N 2 3 5 900 3 281 3 2.5 3 N 47.5 4.14
5 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0315 156/150 K Y 4 3 6 900 3 276 3 3 3 N 51.0 4.60
5 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 1113 156/150 K Y 8 7 4 900 3 278 3.5 3 3 Y 51.5 4.57
5 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0315 156/150 K Y 5 3 6 900 3 276 3 3 3 Y 51.0 4.70
8 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 0715 156/150 L Y 6 7 6 800 3 277 3 2.5 3 N 53.0 3.91
8 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 3114 156/150 L Y 6 3 4 800 3 279 2.7 2.8 3 N 53.0 4.18
8 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 3414 156/150 L Y 8 2 8 800 3 281 3 3 3 N 52.5 4.07
8 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2614 156/150 L Y 7 5 6 800 3 285 2 2.5 2.5 N 53.5 4.46
8 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4414 156/150 L Y 6 5 8 800 3 277 2.8 3 3 N 53.0 3.96
8 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2912 156/150 L Y 5 4 4 800 3 281 2.7 3 2.7 N 55.0 4.28
8 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0113 156/150 K Y 6 12 800 3 266 3 3 3 N 57.0 4.23
8 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0714 156/150 K Y 5 9 800 3 268 2.8 3 3 N 57.0 4.13
8 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 4013 156/150 K Y 7 7 800 3 268 3 3 3 N 57.5 4.16
9 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 0415 156/150 L Y 7 3 7 850 3 288 3 3 3 N 54.5 4.42
9 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 3615 156/150 L Y 9 7 9 850 3 280 3 3 3 N 55.5 4.31
9 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 3913 156/150 L Y 6 8 5 850 3 279 2.5 3 3 N 57.5 4.40
9 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2516 156/150 L Y 12 13 12 850 3 276 2.5 3 3 N 53.5 4.03
9 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4810 156/150 L Y 9 5 5 850 3 275 3 3 2.6 N 55.0 4.23
9 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 4714 156/150 K Y 7 9 850 3 281 2.8 3 3 Y 55.0 4.24
9 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0315 156/150 K Y 7 7 850 3 277 2.8 3 3 N 54.5 4.07
9 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 4714 156/150 K Y 6 7 850 3 279 2.5 2.5 2.5 Y 53.5 4.22
7 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2814 156/150 L Y 7 3 4 800 3 271 2.8 2.7 3 N 55.0 4.59
7 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2814 156/150 L Y 5 4 7 800 3 270 3 3 3 N 55.5 4.72
7 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2814 156/150 L Y 6 3 6 800 3 271 2.5 3 3 Y 55.5 4.68
7 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0113 154/150 M Y 6 5 6 800 3 272 3 3 3 N 54.0 4.84
7 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2713 154/150 M Y 7 3 5 800 3 272 2.8 3 3 N 53.5 4.82
7 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 5214 154/150 M Y 11 7 9 800 3 274 3 3 3 N 55.0 4.44
7 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0515 156/150 K Y 10 11 700 3 271 2.8 2.6 3 Y 56.0 4.39
7 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0615 156/150 K Y 6 8 700 3 269 2.8 3 2.8 Y 56.0 4.53
7 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 0515 156/150 K Y 8 6 700 3 268 2.5 2.8 2.8 N 56.0 4.39
6 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4511 156/150 L Y 12 10 11 850 3 256 2.7 3 3 N 55.5 4.42
6 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2515 156/150 K Y 10 11 700 3 242 3 3 3 N 53.5 3.94
6 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 3415 156/150 K Y 7 11 700 3 241 2 2.5 2 N 53.5 4.29
6 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 1616 156/150 K Y 10 10 0 700 3 241 3 3 3 N 53.5 3.89
1 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 3315 154/150 M N 4 4 5 850 3 274 2.5 3 3 N 55.5 4.39
1 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2312 154/150 M N 3 1 3 850 3 273 2.5 3 2.5 N 53.5 4.50
1 315/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4213 154/150 M N 6 7 6 850 3 273 2.5 3 2.8 N 53.5 4.36
1 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0715 154/150 M Y 8 3 3 850 3 273 3 3 3 N 55.5 4.33
1 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 3414 154/150 M Y 10 6 9 850 3 278 2 3 2.5 N 55.0 4.35
1 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1714 154/150 M Y 2 2 8 850 3 278 2.5 3 3 N 55.0 4.40
1 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2514 156/150 K Y 5 5 5 850 3 278 3 3 4 Y 55.5 4.37
1 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 4214 156/150 K Y 7 7 9 850 3 280 3 3 4 N 55.0 4.20
4 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 3715 156/152 L Y 7 3 6 850 3 293 3 3 2.8 N 54.0 4.40
4 315/80R22.5 REGIONAL 3115 156/152 L Y 5 1 4 850 3 296 2.5 3 2.5 N 55.5 4.48
4 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2715 156/152 L Y 10 9 850 3 302 3 3 3.5 N 55.0 4.58
4 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 4714 156/152 L Y 7 7 4 850 3 298 2.5 2.8 2.5 N 55.5 4.56
4 315/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2713 156/152 L Y 9 9 7 850 3 301 2.5 2.8 3 N 56.0 4.79
Brand Size Use DOT LI/SI M TD1 TD TD2 Bead Buffing Buffing Rdepth1 Rdepth Rdepth2 Patch Buffe RRAC
WY S Center width Radius Circonf. Center present d tyre Casing
(N/Y) weigh (N/kN)
2 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1015 152/148 M Y 4 2 2 9 800 3 199 2 2.8 2.2 N t
46.5 4.02
2 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1115 152/148 M Y 5 3 4 9 800 3 200 2.2 3 2 N 46.5 4.06
2 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1015 152/148 M Y 5 4 4 9 800 3 203 2.5 3 2.5 N 47.0 3.93
2 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0715 152/148 M Y 3 5 3 9 800 3 203 2 2.6 2.5 N 49.0 4.26
2 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4514 152/148 M Y 4 3 3 9 800 3 198 2.5 3 3 N 49.5 4.24
2 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4514 152/148 M Y 3 3 3 9 800 3 200 2.5 3 2.8 N 49.5 4.16
3 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4215 154/149 M Y 6 3 2 9 800 3 182 2.5 3 2.8 N 46.5 4.18
3 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4915 154/149 M Y 7 7 6 9 800 3 183 2 3 2.5 N 45.5 4.24
3 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2114 154/149 M Y 6 7 6 9 800 3 184 2.5 3 2.5 N 45.0 4.06
3 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4412 152/148 M N 5 4 6 9 800 3 187 1.5 2.6 1.5 N 45.5 4.41
3 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4514 152/148 M N 5 7 7 9 800 3 195 2.3 2.8 2.5 N 46.0 4.53
3 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 3113 152/148 M N 7 6 6 9 800 3 194 2 2.5 2.5 N 46.0 4.42
5 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1215 154/149 M Y 8 6 7 9 800 3 187 3 3 2.8 N 47.5 4.57
5 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1215 154/149 M Y 7 5 5 9 800 3 182 2.5 3 2.5 N 46.0 4.55
5 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1215 154/149 M Y 7 5 8 9 800 3 184 2.5 2.7 2.5 N 47.0 4.47
5 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1414 154/149 M N 8 8 6 9 800 3 192 4 3 3 N 46.5 4.52
5 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4913 154/149 M N 8 8 4 9 800 3 193 3.5 3 3 N 46.5 4.42
5 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0715 152/149 M N 11 10 11 9 800 3 193 3.2 3 3.2 N 46.5 4.61
8 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2513 152/148 M N 3 3 3 9 700 3 197 2.5 2.5 2.5 N 43.5 4.06
8 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1015 152/148 M N 5 5 7 9 700 3 199 3 3 3 N 45.0 3.96
8 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1015 152/148 M N 5 4 6 9 700 3 200 3 3 3 N 45.0 3.90
8 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2713 152/148 M Y 7 4 3 9 700 3 200 2 2.5 2.5 N 47.0 3.95
8 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2414 152/148 M Y 2 3 2 9 700 3 206 2.5 2.7 2.5 N 46.5 4.16
8 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2514 152/148 M Y 2 3 3 9 700 3 212 2.2 2.5 2.2 N 47.0 4.16
9 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 0515 152/148 M Y 8 8 8 9 800 3 210 2 3 2.5 N 50.0 4.25
9 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0714 152/148 M Y 9 6 9 9 800 3 210 2.5 3 3 N 49.5 4.07
9 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 5014 152/148 M Y 5 6 9 9 800 3 203 3 3 3 N 51.5 4.09
9 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 5014 152/148 M Y 8 3 3 9 800 3 201 3 3 3 N 51.0 4.04
7 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2411 152/148 M N 5 4 4 9 700 3 200 3 2.5 3 N 45.5 4.59
7 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4114 152/148 M N 8 10 10 9 700 3 200 4 3 4 N 47.0 4.11
7 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 5013 152/148 M Y 7 4 7 9 800 3 195 2.5 3 2.5 N 49.5 4.69
7 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4314 152/148 M Y 6 4 7 9 800 3 194 2.8 3 3 N 50.5 4.65
7 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4814 152/148 M Y 7 6 7 9 800 3 193 2 2.5 2.5 N 50.5 4.58
6 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4910 152/148 M Y 2 5 7 9 1 000 3 146 2.5 3 2.5 Y 47.0 4.24
6 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2911 152/148 M Y 7 5 7 9 1 000 3 142 3 3 3 N 46.0 4.53
6 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2911 152/148 M Y 7 5 6 9 1 000 3 143 3 3 2.5 Y 46.5 4.54
6 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2712 152/148 M Y 6 3 7 9 1 000 3 145 3 2.5 2.5 N 49.5 4.51
6 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 1013 152/148 M Y 10 5 9 9 1 000 3 150 4 3 3 N 49.0 4.15
6 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 3612 152/148 M Y 5 3 8 9 1 000 3 146 3 2.5 2.5 N 49.0 4.51
6 295/80R22.5 ON/OFF 3115 152/149 K Y 6 6 6 9 1 000 3 144 3 3 2.5 N 51.5 4.14
6 295/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2813 152/149 K Y 3 2 2 9 1 000 3 142 3 3 2.5 N 48.5 4.19
6 295/80R22.5 ON/OFF 2313 152/149 K Y 6 4 4 9 1 000 3 141 3 3 2.5 N 48.0 4.15
1 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 4015 152/149 M N 5 4 7 9 900 3 165 3 3 3 N 48.0 4.05
1 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 0515 152/149 M N 3 2 4 9 900 3 165 2.8 2.8 2.8 N 48.5 4.01
1 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1816 152/149 M N 8 6 8 9 900 3 163 2.5 2.5 2.8 Y 48.0 4.11
1 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 0213 152/149 M Y 5 5 6 9 1 100 3 170 2 3 3 Y 50.0 4.26
1 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2513 152/149 M Y 6 6 9 9 1 100 3 167 2 3 2 N 49.0 4.27
1 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 4115 152/149 M Y 6 3 3 9 1 100 3 176 2.5 3 3 N 50.5 4.14
4 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2114 152/149 M N 7 4 5 9 800 3 194 3 2.5 3 N 49.5 4.56
4 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 1707 152/148 M N 6 5 5 9 800 3 201 4 3 3 N 49.0 4.27
4 295/80R22.5 LONG HAUL 2114 152/149 M N 6 3 5 9 800 3 201 3 3 3 N 50.0 4.35
4 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2510 152/148 M Y 7 5 9 9 800 3 162 3 3 3 N 49.5 4.76
4 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2909 152/148 M Y 5 4 7 9 800 3 160 3 3 3 N 48.5 4.78
4 295/80R22.5 REGIONAL 2011 152/149 M Y 10 4 9 9 800 3 163 2.5 2.5 2.5 N 47.5 4.81
Brand Size Use DOT LI/SI M TD1 TD TD2 Bead Buffing Buffing Rdepth1 Rdepth Rdepth2 Patch Buffe RRAC
WY S Center width Radius Circonf. Center present d tyre Casing
(N/Y) weigh (N/kN)
2 13R22.5 ON/OFF 4013 154/150 K Y 8 8 8 650 3429 3 2,5 3 N t
56.5 4.55
2 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0215 154/150 K Y 7 5 9 650 3430 3,5 3 3,5 N 56.0 4.35
2 13R22.5 ON/OFF 4013 154/150 K Y 8 9 9 650 3430 3,5 3 3,5 N 57.0 4.57
3 13R22.5 ON/OFF 2312 156/150 K Y 8 3 6 650 3409 2,5 3 2 N 58.0 5.05
3 13R22.5 ON/OFF 2312 156/150 K Y 4 2 7 650 3409 2 3 2 N 58.0 5.11
3 13R22.5 ON/OFF 2312 156/150 K Y 10 2 5 650 3410 2,5 2,5 2 N 57.5 5.34
5 13R22.5 ON/OFF 2313 156/150 K Y 4 2 6 650 3400 4 3 4 N 56.5 4.48
5 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0515 156/150 K Y 10 4 3 650 3395 3 3 3 N 55.5 4.70
5 13R22.5 ON/OFF 1714 156/150 K Y 8 5 11 650 3400 3,5 3 3,5 N 58.0 4.83
8 13R22.5 ON/OFF 1014 156/150 K Y 9 7 7 650 3390 2,2 2,5 2 N 58.0 4.53
8 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0713 156/150 K Y 5 8 8 650 3380 2,5 3 3 N 58.5 4.56
8 13R22.5 ON/OFF 1013 156/150 K Y 7 6 6 650 3380 2,5 3 2 N 59.0 4.48
9 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0215 156/150 K Y 11 8 8 650 3402 3 2,6 2,8 N 58.5 4.46
9 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0713 156/150 K Y 8 7 7 650 3392 3,5 3 3,5 N 60.0 4.20
7 13R22.5 ON/OFF 2114 154/150 K Y 3 5 5 650 3402 3 3 3,5 N 56.5 4.41
7 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0113 154/150 K Y 3 9 9 650 3393 3 3 3 Y 56.5 4.36
7 13R22.5 ON/OFF 4711 154/150 K Y 6 8 8 650 3397 3 3 3 Y 57.5 4.36
6 13R22.5 ON/OFF 3415 154/150 K Y 12 12 2 650 3374 2,8 2,5 2,8 N 58.5 4.37
6 13R22.5 ON/OFF 3515 154/150 K Y 12 13 3 650 3375 3 2,8 3 N 58.5 4.63
6 13R22.5 ON/OFF 3515 154/150 K Y 12 13 3 650 3375 2,8 2,8 2,5 N 58.5 4.63
1 13R22.5 ON/OFF 0415 154/151 K Y 4 11 1 650 3426 3,5 3 3,5 N 59.0 4.61
3 445/45R19.5 LONG HAUL 4415 160 J Y 5 6 6 3 000 2721 2,8 3,0 2,8 N 53.0 4.70
3 445/45R19.5 LONG HAUL 4215 160 J Y 4 6 6 3 000 2718 2 2,8 2,5 N 52.5 4.70
3 445/45R19.5 LONG HAUL 4215 160 J Y 8 8 7 3 000 2718 2,8 3,0 2,8 N 53.0 4.73
8 445/45R19.5 LONG HAUL 2414 160 J N 6 3 6 3 000 2732 3 3 3 N 52.0 4.14
8 445/45R19.5 LONG HAUL 1113 160 J N 6 2 3 3 000 2730 3 3 3 N 51.0 4.16
8 445/45R19.5 LONG HAUL 3015 160 J Y 5 2 2 3 000 2730 2,5 2,5 2,5 N 50.0 4.11
TD Center is the remaining tread depth at the center of the tyre before buffing.
TD1 and TD2 are the remaining tread depths at the shoulders of the tyre before buffing.
Rdepth Center is the remaining rubber thickness at the center of the tyre after buffing.
Rdepth1 and Rdepth2 are the remaining thickness at the shoulders of the tyre after buffing.
Original P1 P2 P4 P5 Tyre
DOT cushion RRC RRC
Size L.I./S.I. M+S Process HSE (remaining (Buffing curing t° curing time weight
CASING gauge Tire casing
(Y/N) rubber) radius) (°C) (min) (kg)
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 1 800 1,5 135 110 77,5 8,9
315/80R22.5 2415 N Hot 22 1 800 1,5 135 110 77,5 8,9
315/80R22.5 1815 N Hot 22 1 800 1,5 135 110 79,5 8,9
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 1 800 1,5 160 145 78,0 10,9
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 1 800 1,5 160 145 77,0 10,7
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 1 800 1,5 160 145 78,0 11,0
315/80R22.5 1815 N Hot 22 1 2000 3 135 110 79,0 8,2
315/80R22.5 1915 N Hot 22 1 2000 3 135 110 79,0 8,1
315/80R22.5 1815 N Hot 22 1 2000 3 135 110 80,5 8,2
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 1 2000 3 160 145 79,5 9,7
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 1 2000 3 160 145 79,5 9,4
315/80R22.5 2415 N Hot 22 1 2000 3 160 145 79,5 9,7
315/80R22.5 2415 N Hot 22 4 800 3 135 145 78,0 8,0
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 4 800 3 135 145 78,0 8,0
315/80R22.5 1815 N Hot 22 4 800 3 135 145 79,5 8,2
315/80R22.5 1815 N Hot 22 4 800 3 160 110 78,0 8,8
315/80R22.5 2515 N Hot 22 4 800 3 160 110 78,0 8,8
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 4 800 3 160 110 78,5 8,8
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 4 2000 1,5 135 145 80,5 10,2
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 4 2000 1,5 135 145 79,5 10,1
315/80R22.5 1815
N Hot 22 4 2000 1,5 160 110 82,0 12,1 3,51
315/80R22.5 1815 N Hot 22 4 2000 1,5 160 110 82,0 12,1
315/80R22.5 2315 N Hot 22 4 2000 1,5 160 110 81,0 12,1
Original P1 P2 P4 P5 Tyre
DOT cushion RRC RRC
Size L.I./S.I. M+S Process HSE (remaining (Buffing curing t° curing time weight
CASING gauge Tire casing
(Y/N) rubber) radius) (°C) (min) (kg)
385/65R22.5 2315 N Cold 15.5 1 1100 1.5 95 240 77.5 5.26
385/65R22.5 2715 N Cold 15.5 1 1100 1.5 95 240 74.5 5.18
385/65R22.5 1915 N Cold 15.5 1 1100 1.5 95 240 80.0 5.31
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 1 1100 1.5 125 480 79.0 5.55
385/65R22.5 2615 N Cold 15.5 1 1100 1.5 125 480 79.0 5.58
385/65R22.5 2815 N Cold 15.5 1 1100 1.5 125 480 80.0 5.65
385/65R22.5 1215 N Cold 15.5 1 2000 3 95 240 80.5 5.56
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 1 2000 3 95 240 81.0 5.63
385/65R22.5 1415 N Cold 15.5 1 2000 3 95 240 81.0 5.6
385/65R22.5 1915 N Cold 15.5 1 2000 3 125 480 80.5 5.73
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 1 2000 3 125 480 80.5 5.89
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 1 2000 3 125 480 80.0 5.81
385/65R22.5 2315 N Cold 15.5 4 1100 3 95 480 79.5 5.25
385/65R22.5 1415 N Cold 15.5 4 1100 3 95 480 80.5 5.29
385/65R22.5 2715 N Cold 15.5 4 1100 3 95 480 76.5 5.19
385/65R22.5 1915 N Cold 15.5 4 1100 3 125 240 81.0 5.41
385/65R22.5 2315 N Cold 15.5 4 1100 3 125 240 5.39
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 4 1100 3 125 240 5.43
385/65R22.5 2215 N Cold 15.5 4 2000 1.5 95 480 80.0 5.44
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 4 2000 1.5 95 480 80.5 5.56
385/65R22.5 2715 N Cold 15.5 4 2000 1.5 95 480 5.26
385/65R22.5 2215 N Cold 15.5 4 2000 1.5 125 240 5.67
385/65R22.5 2215 N Cold 15.5 4 2000 1.5 125 240 5.63
385/65R22.5 1715 N Cold 15.5 4 2000 1.5 125 240 5.62
Original P1 P2 P4 P5 Tyre
DOT cushion RRC RRC
Size L.I./S.I. M+S Process HSE (remaining (Buffing curing t° curing time weight
CASING gauge Tire casing
(Y/N) rubber) radius) (°C) (min) (kg)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2315 N Hot 15,5 1 1100 1,5 135 110 78,0 5,3
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2215 N Hot 15,5 1 1100 1,5 135 110 77,5 5,4
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2315 N Hot 15,5 1 1100 1,5 135 110 78,0 5,3
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1715 N Hot 15,5 1 1100 1,5 160 145 78,0 6,7
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1715 N Hot 15,5 1 1100 1,5 160 145 77,5 6,8
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1715 N Hot 15,5 1 1100 1,5 160 145 77,5 6,8
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2215 N Hot 15,5 1 2000 3 135 110 79,0 5,2
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2615 N Hot 15,5 1 2000 3 135 110 79,0 5,3
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1415 N Hot 15,5 1 2000 3 135 110 79,5 5,4
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1715 N Hot 15,5 1 2000 3 160 145 80,5 6,9
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1915 N Hot 15,5 1 2000 3 160 145 80,5 6,9
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1915 N Hot 15,5 1 2000 3 160 145 80,0 6,8
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2215 N Hot 15,5 4 1100 3 135 145 77,5 5,3
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2815 N Hot 15,5 4 1100 3 135 145 77,5 5,4
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2615 N Hot 15,5 4 1100 3 135 145 79,0 5,4
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2615 N Hot 15,5 4 1100 3 160 110 76,5 6,6
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1915 N Hot 15,5 4 1100 3 160 110 77,5 6,8
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1715 N Hot 15,5 4 1100 3 160 110 77,5 6,7
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2315 N Hot 15,5 4 2000 1,5 135 145 81,0 5,6
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2215 N Hot 15,5 4 2000 1,5 135 145 81,0 5,4
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 2215 N Hot 15,5 4 2000 1,5 135 145 80,7 5,5
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1915 N Hot 15,5 4 2000 1,5 160 110 81,5 6,8
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1715 N Hot 15,5 4 2000 1,5 160 110 81,5 6,9
(158 L)
160 K
385/65R22.5 1915 N Hot 15,5 4 2000 1,5 160 110 81,0 6,9
(158 L)
rin t° (° )
P4 gau s)
P5 urin (m
tim )
t (k
Pr t
ain n
(re atte
1 Cold 315/80R22.5 92 D 76 3 21 1 1 800 1.5 95 240 72
2 Cold 315/80R22.5 90 D 76 3 21 1 1 800 1.5 125 480 73.5
3 Cold 315/80R22.5 86 D 74 2 21 1 1 2000 3 95 240 76
4 Cold 315/80R22.5 88 D 74 2 21 1 1 2000 3 125 480 76
5 Cold 315/80R22.5 87 D 78 3 21 1 4 800 3 95 480 75
6 Cold 315/80R22.5 88 D 78 3 21 1 4 800 3 125 250 75
7 Cold 315/80R22.5 93 D 75 2 21 1 4 2000 1.5 95 480 75
8 Cold 315/80R22.5 94 D 74 2 21 1 4 2000 1.5 125 240 76
1 Hot 315/80R22.5 112 B 77 3 22 2 1 800 1.5 135 110 77.5
2 Hot 315/80R22.5 114 B 76 3 22 2 1 800 1.5 160 145 78
3 Hot 315/80R22.5 109 B 77 3 22 2 1 2000 3 135 110 79
4 Hot 315/80R22.5 110 B 77 3 22 2 1 2000 3 160 145 79.5
5 Hot 315/80R22.5 117 B 76 3 22 2 4 800 3 135 145 78
6 Hot 315/80R22.5 119 B 75 2 22 2 4 800 3 160 110 78
7 Hot 315/80R22.5 112 B 77 3 22 2 4 2000 1.5 135 145 0
8 Hot 315/80R22.5 Not tested. Damaged 22 2 4 2000 1.5 160 110 82
1 Cold 385/65R22.5 128 A 68 1 15.5 3 1 1100 1.5 95 240 77.5
2 Cold 385/65R22.5 125 A 69 1 15.5 3 1 1100 1.5 125 480 79
3 Cold 385/65R22.5 118 B 69 1 15.5 3 1 2000 3 95 240 80.5
4 Cold 385/65R22.5 111 B 69 1 15.5 3 1 2000 3 125 480 80.5
5 Cold 385/65R22.5 120 B 69 1 15.5 3 4 1100 3 95 480 79.5
6 Cold 385/65R22.5 118 B 70 1 15.5 3 4 1100 3 125 240 81
7 Cold 385/65R22.5 120 B 70 1 15.5 3 4 2000 1.5 95 480 80
8 Cold 385/65R22.5 124 B 70 1 15.5 3 4 2000 1.5 125 240 0
1 Hot 385/65R22.5 131 A 71 2 15.5 4 1 1100 1.5 135 110 78
2 Hot 385/65R22.5 130 A 71 2 15.5 4 1 1100 1.5 160 145 78
3 Hot 385/65R22.5 112 B 71 2 15.5 4 1 2000 3 135 110 79
4 Hot 385/65R22.5 129 A 71 2 15.5 4 1 2000 3 160 145 80.5
5 Hot 385/65R22.5 122 B 71 2 15.5 4 4 1100 3 135 145 77.5
6 Hot 385/65R22.5 127 A 71 2 15.5 4 4 1100 3 160 110 0
7 Hot 385/65R22.5 119 B 71 2 15.5 4 4 2000 1.5 135 145 81
8 Hot 385/65R22.5 132 A 71 2 15.5 4 4 2000 1.5 160 110 81.5