Views On Divorce Rate in Pakistan 48% Believe It Has Increased, of Whom Majority Believes It Is Due To Lack of Patience: Gilani Poll/Gallup Pakistan
Views On Divorce Rate in Pakistan 48% Believe It Has Increased, of Whom Majority Believes It Is Due To Lack of Patience: Gilani Poll/Gallup Pakistan
Views On Divorce Rate in Pakistan 48% Believe It Has Increased, of Whom Majority Believes It Is Due To Lack of Patience: Gilani Poll/Gallup Pakistan
Gilani Research Foundation is headed by Dr. Ijaz Shafi Gilani who pioneered the field of
opinion polling in Pakistan and established Gallup Pakistan in 1980. Currently Dr. Gilani,
who holds a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and has taught at
leading universities in Pakistan and abroad, is Chairman of Gallup Pakistan.
A nationally representative sample of men and women from across the country were asked “Some
people believe that divorce rate has increase in the past 10 years whereas others believe there has
been no change. What is your view point?” Forty eight percent (48%) believe the divorce rate in
Pakistan has increased, 19% believe it has decreased, whereas 32% claimed that there has been
no significant difference in divorce rate in the past 10 years. The remaining 1% gave no response.
It is seen that a proportionately higher percentage of urbanites (55%) as compared to their rural
counterparts (44%) are of the opinion that over the past few years the rate of divorce has
“Some people believe that divorce rate has increase in the past 10 years whereas others
believe there has been no change. What is your view point?”
Decreased 19%
NR 1%
In a follow up question people who believe that the rate of divorce has increased were asked “In
your view what are some of the reasons for the increase in divorce?” Forty eight percent (48%)
believe that it is because of lack of patience, 33% believe that it is due to being away from the
religion, 27% claimed that the increase in divorce rate in Pakistan has been caused by the impact
of western culture, 12% blame women for giving preference to their career, and 9% said that one
of the reasons for divorce is when men stop taking interest in the marital relationship. The data
reveals no significant difference except that a higher percentage of urbanites (21%) than ruralites
(6%) blame women for taking more interest in their careers which causes marriages to break.
“In your view what are some of the reasons for the increase in
35 33
30 27
15 12
10 9
Lack of patience Away from religion Western influence Women's careers Lack of interest of
men in marriages
The study was released by Gilani foundation and carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani
affiliate of Gallup International. The recent survey was carried out among a sample of 2698 men
and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country, during May 2010. Error
margin is estimated to be approximately + 2-3 per cent at 95% confidence level.
Gallup Pakistan proposes that its poll results be attributed as Gilani Poll conducted by Gallup Pakistan, the
Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International. This is to distinguish our polls from polls on Pakistan sometimes released by other
organizations not part of Gallup International Association ( and referred to by the same title.
Also please see necessary Disclaimer on our website ( Gallup Pakistan takes responsibility for only its
own polls on Pakistan.
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