Class 12chemistry - Alcohol, Phenol and Ether - Mcqs
Class 12chemistry - Alcohol, Phenol and Ether - Mcqs
Class 12chemistry - Alcohol, Phenol and Ether - Mcqs
Question 1:
Williamson’s synthesis of preparing dimethyl ether is an:
(a) SN1reaction
(b) Elimination reaction
(c) SN2reaction
(d) Nucleophilic addition reaction
Question 2:
During dehydration of alcohols to alkenes by heating with concentrated H 2SO4,
theinitiation step is:
(a) protonation of alcohol molecule
(b) formation of carbocation
(c) elimination of water
(d) formation of an ester
Question 3:
Which of the following reactions is used to prepare salicylaldehyde?
(a) Kolbe’s reaction
(b) Etard reaction
(c) Reimer- Tiemann reaction
(d) Stephen’s reduction.
Question 4:
The boiling points of alcohols are higher than those of hydrocarbons of
comparablemasses due to:
(a) Hydrogen bonding
(b) Ion – dipole interaction
(c) Dipole- dipole interaction
(d) Van der Waal’s forces.
Question 5:
Major product obtained on reaction of 3-Phenyl propene with HBr in presence
of organicperoxide
(a) 3- Phenyl 1- bromopropane
(b) 1 –Phenyl -3- bromopropane
(c) 1-Phenyl -2-bromopropane
(d) 3-Phenyl -2- bromopropane
Question 6:
Lower molecular mass alcohols are:
(a) miscible in limited amount of water
(b) miscible in excess of water
(c) miscible in water in all proportions
(d) immiscible in water
Question 7:
Phenol does not undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction easily due to:
(a) acidic nature of phenol
(b) partial double bond character of C-OH bond
(c) partial double bond character of C-C bond
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
Question 8:
What would be the reactant and reagent used to obtain 2,4-dimethyl pentan-
(a) Propanal and propyl magnesium bromide
(b) 3-methylbutanal and 2-methyl magnesium
(c) 2-dimethylpropanone and methyl magnesium iodide
(d) 2- methylpropanal and isopropyl magnesium iodide
Question 9:
Identify the secondary alcohols from the following set:
Question 10:
o-hydroxy benzyl alcohol when reacted with PCl3 gives the product a s(IUPAC
(a) o- hydroxy benzyl chloride
(b) 2- chloromethylphenol
(c) o-chloromethyl chlorobenzene
(d) 4-hydroxymethylphenol
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
Question 11:
Which are not cleaved by HIO4?
I: glycerol II: glycol
III: 1, 3−propennediol IV: methoxy−2−propanol
(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) I, II
(c) II, III
(d) III, IV
Question 12:
For the following reaction, select the statement that best describes the
(a) The alcohol is oxidized to an acid, and the Cr(VI) is reduced
(b) The alcohol is oxidized to an aldehyde, and the Cr(VI) is reduced
(c) The alcohol is reduced to an aldehyde, and the Cr(III) is oxidized
(d) The alcohol is oxidized to a ketone, and the Cr(VI) is reduced
Answer: (b) The alcohol is oxidized to an aldehyde, and the Cr (VI) is reduced
Cr6+ Cr3+ (PCC oxidises 10 alcohols to aldehyde).
Question 13:
The common reagent used for dehydration of alcohol is _____.
The common reagent used for dehydration of alcohol is Conc. H2SO4 and Al2O3
Dehydration of alcohols can be done by:
a) Using aluminium oxide as catalyst.
This is a simple way of making gaseous alkenes like ethene. If ethanol vapour is
passed over heated aluminium oxide powder, the ethanol is essentially cracked
to give ethene and water vapour.
b) Using sulphuric acid at a temperature of 170°C.
Concentrated sulphuric acid produces messy results. Not only is it an acid, but
it is also a strong oxidising agent. It oxidises some of the alcohol to carbon
dioxide and at the same time is reduced itself to sulphur dioxide.
Both of these gases have to be removed from the alkene. It also reacts with
alcohol to produce a mass of carbon. There are other side reactions as well.
Question 14:
An organic compound of molecular formula C 4H10O does not react with
sodium. With excess of HI, it gives only one type of alkyl halide. The compound
(a) Ethoxy ethane
(b) 2- Methoxy propane
(c) 1-Methoxy propane
(d) 1-Butanol
Question 15:
Assertion (A): Phenols do not react with metal carbonates and metal hydrogen
Reason (R): Metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates are basic in
Answer: (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Phenols are weaker acids (Ka = 1.3 x 10-10) than carboxylic acids (Ka = 10-5) and
carbonic acids (Ka=10-7). Therefore, phenols do not react with carbonates and
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
Question 16:
Assertion (A): Phenols are more acidic than aliphatic alcohols.
Reason (R): Phenoxides are stabilized by resonance.
Answer: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
When a molecule of phenol loses a proton, it forms phenoxide ion which is
stabilized by resonance as the negative charge is delocalized over aromatic
nucleus.No such resonance is present when an alcohol loses a proton to form
alkoxide ion. Hence, phenols are more acidic than alcohols.
Question 17:
Assertion (A): Lucas reagent can be used to distinguish between methanol and
Reason (R): An equimolar mixture of anhydrous ZnCl2 and conc. HCl is called
Lucas reagent.
Question 18:
Assertion (A): p-Nitrophenol is less acidic than m-nitrophenol.
Reason (R): Phenol is weaker acid than carbonic acid.
Question 19:
Which of the following compound can react with hydroxylamine?
Phenols show keto-enol tautomerism and the stability of the keto form
depends upon the number of keto group (more the number of keto groups ,
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
Question 20:
In Williamson's synthesis, ethoxyethane is prepared by:
(a) passing ethanol over heated alumina
(b) heating ethanol with dry Ag2O
(c) heating sodium ethoxide with ethyl bromide
(d) treating ethyl alcohol with excess of H2SO4 at 430-440K
Question 21:
Identify (Z) in the following reaction series:
PBr3 Alc. KOH H2SO4, room temp
Ethanol→ (X) → (Y) (Z)
H2O, heat
(a) H2C=CH2
(b) CH3CH2OH
(d) C2H5OC2H5
Question 22:
When phenyl magnesium bromide reacts with tertiary butanol, which of the
following is formed?
(a) benzene
(b) phenol
(c) t-butyl benzene
(d) t-butyl phenyl ether
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
Question 23:
Anisole is the product obtained from phenol by the reaction known as:
(a) Coupling
(b) Etherification
(c) Oxidation
(d) Esterification
Question 24:
In alcohols, the oxygen of the –OH group is attached to carbon by a sigma (s )
bondformed by the overlap of a sp3hybridised orbital of carbon with a
sp3hybridised orbitalof oxygen. Figure given below depicts structural aspects
of methanol, phenol andmethoxymethane.
1. The bond angle C-O-H in alcohols is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle
(109°28‘). It is due to –
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
3. The C – O bond length in phenol is slightly less than that in methanol. This is
due to –
(a) Partial double bond character on account of the conjugation of unshared
electron pair of oxygen with the aromatic ring.
(b) Presence of heavier group – phenol.
(c) Positioning of lone pair over oxygen in 3 – D space.
(d) sp3hybridised state of carbon to which oxygen is attached.
4. The bond angle in ethers is slightly greater than the tetrahedral angle due to
(a) Presence of four electron pair around the oxygen.
(b) The repulsive interaction between the two bulky (–R) groups.
(c) Absence of O – H bond.
(d) The attractive interaction between the two bulky (–R) groups.
(a) sp3
(b) sp
(c) dsp2
(d) sp
1. (b) The repulsion between the unshared electron pairs of oxygen.
The bond angle in C−O....−H in alcohols is slightly less than tetrahedral is
slightly less than tetrahedral angle (109∘28'). It is due to the repulsion between
the unshared electron pairs of oxygen. In alcohols, two lone pair of electrons
are present. Therefore, three is comparatively more repulsion and less and
The C−O−C bond angle in their slightly greater than the tetrahedral angle due
to the repulsive interaction between the two bulky (-R) groups.
2. (d) sp2
In phenol carbon atom attached to -OH group is bonded with 3 σ bond and 1 π
bond. Hence, the hybridisation will be sp2.
(i) In phenol, conjugation of unshared electron pair over oxygen with aromatic
ring results in partial double bond character in carbonoxygen bond.
(ii) In phenol, oxygen is attached to a sp2 hybridised carbon atom while in
methanol, it is attached to a sp3hybridized carbon atom. The bond formed
between oxygen and sp2 hybridised carbon is more stable than that formed
between oxygen and sp3 hybridised carbon.
Therefore, phenolic C — O bond (136 pm ) is slightly less than methanolic C —
O ( 142 pm ) bond .
4. (b) The repulsive interaction between the two bulky (–R) groups.
In the ether, the bond angle is greater than the tetrahedral angle due to
repulsion of bulky alkyl groups in ethers bond angles is slightly greater than
tetrahedral bond angle.
5. (a) sp3
Ether is a compound having alkyl groups which is connected with an oxygen
atom. Each carbon and one oxygen is sp3 hybridized. Dimethyl ether has a bent
Class 12Chemistry | Alcohol, Phenol and Ether | MCQs
structure. It is also known as methoxy methane since two methyl groups are
Question 25:
By a proper choice of reagents, both symmetrical and unsymmetrical ethers
can beprepared by Williamson synthesis which involves the reaction between
an alkyl halideand an alkoxide ion. The reverse process involves the cleavage of
ethers to giveback the original alkyl halide and the alcohol can be carried out
by heating the etherwith HI at 373 K.
1. (a) Nucleophilic substitution bimolecular
When sodium or potassium alkoxide is heated with an alkyl halide to give
ether, this reaction is known as Williamson's synthesis.
This is an example of nucleophilic substitution and follow S N2 mechanism.