Control of Motorcycle Steering Instabilities
Control of Motorcycle Steering Instabilities
Control of Motorcycle Steering Instabilities
Steering Instabilities
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In particular, we replace the conventional steering damper The approach described here is underpinned by classi-
with a network of interconnected mechanical components cal passivity ideas from circuit theory [4] as well as analo-
that retains the virtue of the damper, while improving the gies between electrical and mechanical networks [5]; see
weave-mode performance. The improved performance is “Passive Circuit Synthesis.” In the standard electrical-
due to the fact that the network introduces phase compen- mechanical current-force analogy, an inductor corresponds
sation between the relative angular velocity of the steering to a spring, while a resistor represents a damper. To com-
system and the resulting steering torque. plete this analogy, a mechanical component is needed to
ne of the principal motivations for the introduction of the point impedance or admittance of a network comprised of only
inerter in [5] is the synthesis of passive mechanical networks. resistors, capacitors, and inductors [28]. The result can be trans-
The fact that the mass element, together with the spring and lated over to the mechanical setting as follows [5].
damper, is insufficient to realize the totality of passive mechani-
cal impedances can be seen using the force-current analogy THEOREM
between mechanical and electrical circuits. In this analogy, force Let Y (s) be a positive-real rational function. Then there exists
and current are the through variables and velocity and voltage a two-terminal mechanical network that consists of a finite
are the across variables. Moreover, the terminals of mechanical interconnection of springs, dampers, and inerters and whose
and electrical elements are in one-to-one correspondence. For admittance equals Y (s).
the mechanical elements, the spring and damper have two inde- This result allows the optimization of system properties with-
pendently movable terminals, whereas the terminals of the mass out fixing the network structure in advance. For example, it can
are its center of mass and a fixed point in an inertial frame be shown [3] that the biquadratic real rational function
(mechanical ground). The mass is therefore analogous to a
a2 s2 + a1 s + a0
grounded capacitor. In contrast, the inerter is a two-terminal Y (s) = ,
d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
device, analagous to an ungrounded capacitor, with both termi-
nals freely and independently movable. where a2 , a1 , a0 , d2 , d1 , d0 are nonnegative and at least one of d0 ,
Figure A shows a table of element correspondences in the d1 , d2 is positive, is positive real if and only if
force-current analogy with the inerter replacing the mass element. 2
The admittance Y (s) is the ratio of through to across quantities, a1 d1 ≥ a0 d2 − d0 a2 .
where s is the standard Laplace transform variable. For mechani-
cal networks in rotational form, the
through and across variables are
torque and angular velocity, respec-
tively. It should be mentioned that the Mechanical Electrical
reciprocal definition of admittance for
F F i i
mechanical elements is commonly Y(s) = ks Y(s) = 1
v2 v1 Ls
found in the literature, for example in v2 v1
[7], [8], and [25]. For further back- dF = k(v − v ) Spring di = 1 (v − v )
2 1 Inductor
ground on network analogies, see [5], dt dt L 2 1
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represent a capacitor. Although a mass is analogous to a where ω1 and ω2 are the angular velocities of the bodies,
capacitor with one terminal grounded, a new device is and b is the inertance in kg-m2 . As in [5], this use of the
required to represent a capacitor in general. The suitable term inertance is consistent with its usage in acoustics [6]
masslike element is the inerter [5], which can be either a but is the reciprocal of the traditional usage in mechanical
translational or rotational device. vibrations [7], [8], where it represents a transfer function
In its rotational form, the inerter generates a resisting from force to acceleration and is synonymous with the
moment M between two hinged bodies that is proportional term accelerance in that field.
to the relative angular acceleration between them. Mathe- In control systems terms the inerter is used to pro-
matically, duce phase lead. The effect of the inerter, which con-
tains a flywheel of modest mass and dimensions, is
M = b(ω̇1 − ω̇2 ), amplified by high-ratio gearing. This gearing can be
realized by an epicyclic arrangement
[9] or by a harmonic drive [10]. It is
possible to generate high inertance
values with relatively low-mass com-
ponents. More information about the
p10 mechanical synthesis of inerters can
be found in “Inerter.”
Vertical Displacement (m)
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he inerter is a two-terminal
device with the property that Pinions
an equal and opposite force
applied at the terminals is propor-
tional to the relative acceleration
between them. Mathematically, Rack
the inerter obeys the force-veloci-
ty law F = b(v̇1 − v̇2 ), where the
constant of proportionality b is
Terminal 2 Flywheel Terminal 1
called the inertance and has the
units of kilograms. In its rotational
FIGURE B Schematic of the inerter principle. A rack and pinion gearing arrangement drives a
form, the inerter obeys a
rotating flywheel; the device’s inertance is a function of the gear ratio and the flywheel inertia.
moment-angular velocity law
M = b(ω̇1 − ω̇2 ); in this case the
inertance is measured in kg-m2 . To be practically useful, the of inertia [5]. In general, if the device gives rise to a flywheel rota-
device must have a small mass. Also, the device must have rea- tion of α radians per meter of relative displacement between the t
sonable overall dimensions and must be able to function in all erminals, then b = Jα 2 , where J is the flywheel’s moment of in-
spatial orientations. ertia and the remaining inertial effects are neglected. For a rota-
One way in which a translational inerter can be constructed is tional inerter in which there is a gear ratio of n between rotations
illustrated in Figure B. The device comprises a rack-and-pinion of the terminals and a flywheel with moment of inertia J, it follows
mechanism, with the rack constrained to translate relative to the that b = Jn2 . Several prototype devices according to [9] have
housing. For such devices the value b of the inertance is easy to been built and tested in the Engineering Department of Cam-
compute in terms of the gear ratios and the flywheel’s moment bridge University; see for example figures C and D.
FIGURE C A prototype inerter. This translational inerter employs a FIGURE D Prototype motorcycle steering compensator. This rota-
ballscrew to convert the linear motion of the plunger into rotation- tional device employs an epicyclic gear box connected to a fly-
al motion of the flywheel (not shown). The device has a mass of wheel through a fluid coupling to realize a series inerter-damper.
approximately 1 kg and an inertance in the range 60–200 kg The mass is approximately 1.5 kg, while the inertance and damp-
depending on the size of the flywheel. The device was designed ing are approximately 0.25 kg-m2 and 10 N-m-s/rad, respectively.
by N.E. Houghton and manufactured in the Cambridge University The device was designed by N.E. Houghton and manufactured in
Engineering Department. the Cambridge University Engineering Department.
Each road wheel is axisymmetric and is allowed to spin. nominal static equilibrium states, and the wheel camber
Each tire is represented as having a finite width, and the angles are used in magic formula tire models [1], [12], [13]
ground contact points are allowed to migrate both circum- to compute the forces and aligning moments generated by
ferentially and laterally. This migration process is modeled the tires. Magic formula methods comprise empirical for-
by viewing the lowest point on each tire as the center of mulas and parameters that describe the forces and
the road-tire contact patch. The motion states of the tire moments developed, as measured in laboratories, as func-
contact centers, the compression of the tires from their tions of the operating conditions. Important operating
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machine behavior, or evaluating the
machine’s trim states, is obtained.
Wobble is a steering oscillation that is reminiscent Once a trim condition is reached, dis-
of the caster shimmy that occurs in the front wheels turbances such as road profiling can be
introduced. When the model is config-
of a supermarket cart, while weave is a fishtailing- ured in its linear mode, the system is
symbolically linearized for small per-
type motion involving roll and yaw. turbations about a general trim condi-
tion. The linearized models generated
by AUTOSIM take a state-space form
and a MATLAB M file is produced. Each
variables include the normal load, longitudinal and lateral of the state-space matrices is parameterized to correspond
slip, and wheel camber (or inclination) angle. As a result of to the trim condition being studied. The symbolic MAT-
the lateral compliance of the tires’ carcasses, lateral force LAB file can be used to generate standard plots such as
and moment variations are not generated instantaneously. Nyquist and root locus diagrams.
The time constants associated with the force and moment When modeling the motorcycle in a conventional man-
production process or, more precisely, the relaxation ner, the steering damper is included as an integral part of
lengths, are functions of speed [14]. The suspension the machine. This normally low-profile component gener-
springs and dampers are treated as linear, although sus- ates a steering torque that is proportional to steering veloci-
pension and steering limit stops are included. ty. To allow a more general relationship between the
Two feedback controllers are used in the model. The steering torque and the steering velocity, the steering
first is a fixed-gain proportional-plus-integral speed con- damper is separated from the remainder of the system and
troller that generates the rear-wheel drive torque. The sec- represented as an external feedback loop as shown in Fig-
ond is a speed-adaptive proportional-integral-derivative ure 3 [2], [3], [17]. The nominal motorcycle-damper combi-
steering torque controller that responds to the lean angle nation will be referred to as the standard machine, while the
error. With the aid of these controllers, the machine can motorcycle without a steering damper will be referred to as
track prescribed speed and lean-angle trajectories and, in the basic machine. A conventional steering damper is repre-
particular, can be run to any feasible trim state to deter- sented as a pure gain in Figure 3. More general mechanical
mine equilibrium configurations. The controller gains are
set to zero for the uncontrolled motorcycle.
The AUTOSIM model file can be configured in a linear
or nonlinear format. In the nonlinear configuration, a 0.15
numerical simulation program for studying transient
Imaginary Axis
0 A C
d(s) δ(s)
P (s) −0.05
Ts(s) sδ(s)
−0.3 −0.25 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05
Real Axis
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networks are represented by K(s) in which s is the Laplace es. The damper has almost no influence on the frequency
variable. The transfer function K(s) from angular velocity (imaginary part) associated with either of these modes.
to torque is called the admittance function of a mechanical Replacing the damper with an inerter, for which
network following the convention of [24, pp. 45, 46, 326] K(s) = bs, leads to the root locus diagram of Figure 6.
but in contrast to other uses in mechanical engi-
neering [6, p. 238] and [8, p. 207].
Figure 4 shows a Nyquist diagram of the lin- 50
earized model of the basic machine in a straight-
running equilibrium condition at 75 m/s. This 40
diagram can be used to study the effect of chang-
Imaginary Axis
ing the steering damper coefficient. The model
has two right-half-plane poles for this operating 30
condition because the wobble mode is unstable.
Since the steering damper is represented as a 20 Weave
pure gain in the feedback loop of Figure 3, it fol-
lows from the Nyquist criterion that stability of
the standard machine requires two counterclock-
wise encirclements of the point −1/c, where c is
the steering damper constant. If the steering 0
damping is set at a low value such that the point −18 −16 −14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4
−1/c is located at A, the machine is on the stabili- Real Axis
ty boundary and thus oscillates at 47.6 rad/s,
which is the wobble-mode frequency. If the FIGURE 5 Influence of the steering damper on the root loci of the straight-running
motorcycle. Speed, which is the varied parameter, is increased from 5 m/s () to
steering damping is now increased, two counter-
75 m/s (). The × locus is associated with the nominal machine damping value
clockwise encirclements of the point −1/c result, of 6.944 N-m-s/rad, the ◦ locus is associated with a steering damping value of
and the motorcycle is stable. If the steering 3.94 N-m-s/rad, and the + locus with a steering damping value of 0.94 N-m-
damping is increased further so that the point s/rad.
−1/c coincides with C, the machine oscillates at
28.4 rad/s and the weave mode is on the stability
boundary. Further increases in the steering 60
damping render the machine unstable since the
point −1/c is not encircled. The nominal steering
damper coefficient is 6.944 N-m-s/rad, thereby
locating the point −1/c at −0.144, which is
approximately midway between A and C. 40
Imaginary Axis
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The dynamic characteristics of high-performance motorcycles can be improved
by replacing the conventional steering damper with a passive mechanical
steering compensator.
Although the inerter stabilizes the weave mode at high quency range (5–9 Hz) and inerter-like at the lower fre-
speeds, it has a detrimental effect on the wobble-mode quencies associated with the weave mode (2-3 Hz) might
damping. The reduction in the wobble-mode frequency is be beneficial. Over the still lower frequency range used by
caused by the effective increase in the steering system’s the rider (0–0.5 Hz) [19], [20], for balancing and path-fol-
moment of inertia. With regard to the damping of the lowing control, the network must be high pass to allow
weave and wobble modes, the inerter and damper intro- unhindered rider steering action. Spring-like properties are
duce opposite trends. undesirable as are high values of steady-state gain.
It can be shown that the series connection of an inerter
COMPENSATION NETWORK and damper has the admittance function scb/(sb + c),
where b and c are the inertance and damping coefficient
Desired Network Properties respectively. The frequency response of this admittance
The results of the previous section suggest that a mechani- function is similar to that of an inerter (respectively,
cal network that is damper-like over the wobble-mode fre- damper) at frequencies below (respectively, above) the
break frequency c/b. This frequency response function can
be beneficial for simultaneous control of wobble and
b weave. A related network is the resonant filter consisting
c k of the series connection of a damper, an inerter and a
spring (see Figure 7). This network has the admittance
Y(s) = , (1)
s2 + sk/c + k/b
FIGURE 7 Series resonant filter. This series connection of a
damper, inerter, and spring, constituting a resonant filter, provides where b, c, and k denote the inertance, damping coefficient,
frequency-localized damping influence.
and spring stiffness, respectively.
ζ = 0.4
Magnitude (dB)
−10 2 1.5
−20 1
Imaginary Axis
(a) 0
Phase (°)
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Frequency Response Design wobble and the weave modes under all operating condi-
It is instructive to develop initial design guidelines for the tions are achieved. The improvement in the high-roll
network parameters using classical frequency-response ideas. angle (45◦ ) case is worthy of particular note [3].
The network admittance (1) can be rewritten in the form
Y(s) = k , We now optimize the parameters of the series resonant
s2 + 2ζ ωn s + ωn2
filter. The chosen performance criterion reflects the role
in which played by road-displacement disturbances in stability-
√ related road traffic accidents [21] in the form of an H∞
ωn = k/b , ζ = . (2) response measure, together with a penalty on the close-
ness of approach of the open-loop Nyquist locus to the
It can be seen from the frequency-response characteristics point −1.
of the network shown in Figure 8 that this network acts The objective function considered is
like an inerter at low frequencies and introduces damping
in the vicinity of ωn , which must be tuned to the wobble- Jf = max{max{J1 , γ J2 }}, (3)
mode frequency. The damping ratio ζ is a design parame-
ter that determines the sharpness of the magnitude peak where
and the rate of change of phase with frequen-
cy. Smaller values of ζ give a more rapid
transition from inerterlike to damperlike behav-
ior. Larger values of ζ provide a wider range 70
of frequencies where damperlike behavior per- Wobble
sists. The peak value of the magnitude char- 60
acteristic is achieved at ωn and takes the
value of c, the damper constant. It can be seen 50
in (2) that ωn and ζ fully specify the phase
Imaginary Axis
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The set of linear motorcycle models used in (3) con-
P11 ( jωi)
J1 = max (4) tains linearized models corresponding to trim roll angles
ωi 1 − K( jωi)P22 ( jωi)
of 0, 3, 6, . . . , 45◦ and trim speeds of 7, 9, 11, . . . , 75 m/s.
and The subindex J1 in (4) is reminiscent of the L∞ -norm of the
transfer function between road-displacement forcing and
J2 = max . (5) steer angle (see the “Motorcycle Model” section and Figure
ωi 1 − K( jωi)P22 ( jωi)
3), while J2 in (5) is the reciprocal of the distance of closest
approach between the Nyquist locus and the
point −1. J2 effectively penalizes high values
of the classical sensitivity function [22]. The
subindex J2 is weighted in Jf by the constant γ ,
70 set by trial to a value 16. When evaluating Jf , a
Wobble 100-point angular frequency sequence in geo-
60 metric progression, from ω = 101.3 rad/s to
ω = 101.85 rad/s is used; this range includes
50 all of the peaks in Jf . The MATLAB sequen-
tial quadratic programming algorithm fmin-
Imaginary Axis
10 of the machine’s lightly damped modes.
Figure 12 shows the road-forcing
response J1 in (4) with the optimized series
75 resonant filter network installed; the trim
60 state ranges over the motorcycle’s operating
40 45 regime. As expected, under straight-running
40 30
20 20 conditions, the road-forcing response is
Speed (m/s) 10 Roll Angle (°)
7 3 zero. In common with each of the other net-
works, the highest gain values, which occur
at low speeds and high roll angles, corre-
FIGURE 12 Road-forcing gain as a function of operating condition. The speed is
varied between 7 and 75 m/s, and the roll angle between 3◦ and 45◦ . The motor- spond to the excitation of the wobble mode.
cycle is fitted with the frequency-response-optimized series resonant compensa- High values of road-forcing-to-steer-angle
tion network. gain also occur under high-speed, low-roll-
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45 25
Magnitude (dB)
Magnitude (dB)
15 5
0 −5
101 102 101 102
Frequency (rad/s) Frequency (rad/s)
FIGURE 13 Bode magnitude plot of steer angle response to road- FIGURE 14 Bode magnitude plot of steer angle response to road-
displacement forcing (0 dB = 1 rad/m). The machine is operating displacement forcing (0 dB = 1 rad/m). The machine is operating
at a forward speed of 15 m/s and a roll angle of 45◦ . The solid line at a forward speed of 75 m/s and a roll angle of 15◦ . The solid line
represents the standard machine, while the dashed line repre- represents the standard machine, while the dashed line repre-
sents the machine with the optimized series resonant filter net- sents the machine with the optimized series resonant filter net-
work compensator. work compensator.
angle conditions (see 75 m/s and 15◦ roll angle), which mization. The results show substantial global perfor-
correspond to excitation of the weave mode. mance improvements as compared with conventional
The road-forcing characteristics of the machine are steering dampers.
also illustrated by the frequency-response plots shown The broad issue of the practical implementation of pas-
in Figures 13 and 14. As is evident from the first of sive mechanical compensators is the subject of ongoing
these figures, the series resonant filter network decreas- research, including the fabrication of integrated mechani-
es the peak wobble-mode road-forcing gain by approxi- cal networks as illustrated in Figure 7. Additional issues
mately 15 dB. For the trim condition considered in such as the selection of optimal gear ratios for the inerters
Figure 13, the wobble mode is particularly vulnerable to and the correct dimensioning of the components so that
road-displacement forcing. Figure 14 corresponds to a they have sufficient working life are also important consid-
high-speed trim condition in which the weave mode is erations. From a packaging perspective, a steering com-
correspondingly challenged. In this case, the network pensator needs to be acceptably small and light. Ideally,
reduces the weave-mode peak by approximately 3 dB as the compensator will fit in the space normally occupied by
compared to the standard machine. a conventional steering damper.
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of Natal, Durban, South Africa, in 1977 and 1980, respec- control system design, frequency response methods, H∞
tively, and the D.Sc. degree from the University of Lon- optimization, nonlinear systems, active suspension, and
don in 1992. He has been with Imperial College London, mechanical systems. He was a corecipient of the 1992 and
since 1984, where he is currently the head of the Depart- 1999 George Axelby Outstanding Paper Awards, both
ment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He has pub- times for joint work with Dr Tryphon T. Georgiou. He is a
lished over 100 papers and a textbook on robust control Fellow of the IEEE.
theory. Three of his papers have been awarded prizes,
including the 1983 O. Hugo Schuck Award. He is a past
editor of Automatica and a past associate editor of Systems [1] D.J.N. Limebeer and R.S. Sharp, “Bicycles, motorcycles, and models,”
and Control Letters and the International Journal of Robust and IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 34–61, 2006.
Nonlinear Control. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the IEE, the [2] S. Evangelou, D.J.N. Limebeer, R.S. Sharp, and M.C. Smith, “Steering
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Royal Academy of Engineering, and the City and Guilds adise Island, Bahamas, 14–17 Dec. 2004, pp. 749–754.
Institute. His research interests include control system [3] S. Evangelou, D.J.N. Limebeer, R.S. Sharp, and M.C. Smith, “Mechanical
design, frequency response methods, H-infinity optimiza- steering compensators for high-performance motorcycles,” J. Appl. Mech., to
be published.
tion, and mechanical systems. He is qualified as an IAM [4] R.W. Newcomb, Linear Multiport Synthesis. New York: McGraw Hill,
senior motorcycle instructor and received a RoSPA certifi- 1966.
cate for advanced motorcycling. He can be contacted at [5] M.C. Smith, “Synthesis of mechanical networks: The inerter,” IEEE Trans.
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Imperial College London, Department of Electrical and [6] C.L. Morfey, Dictionary of Acoustics. New York: Academic, 2001.
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[23] The Mathworks Inc., MATLAB 6 Reference Manual, 2000 [Online]. Avail-
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[25] E.L. Hixson, “Mechanical impedance,” in Shock and Vibration Handbook, 2nd
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Department of Electrical Engineering at the Ohio State [26] A.G.J. MacFarlane, Dynamical System Models. London: Harrap, 1970.
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bridge where he is currently a professor. He is a fellow of [28] M.E.V. Valkenburg, Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis. New York:
Gonville and Caius College. His research interests include Wiley, 1960.
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