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condition for the formation of an image of the mth order

the making of inlays in many materials were also familiar to

the law of any foreign state subjects of such state, and also

first published the true principles of aeronautics.

Gaius, was betrayed to the emperor and cast into prison.

chiefs up the main Niger stream to its junction with the

of its salts. On oxidation with potassium permanganate it

regions; in the south the vegetation on the uplands is more

the news of which was brought to Alexander on his deathbed.

In the United States adoption is regulated by the statutes

``Analogies of Experience,'' the third and most important group

enactments of Christian emperors. The pagan party was led

that of the medium. To the aggregate of such forms, both

But as Dr Evans has found a form like the digamma among his

essentially primitive and not merely a degenerate creature,


more illustrious one, Sultan Baber. It was not till 1522

character, clearer in matter, more systematic in arrangement,

about three generations before the Trojan war (1184 B.C.),

1861. Carlyle speaks of the Java blacks as a kind of adscripts.


itself. One of the most recent developments of algebra is

to occupy the main strength of the naval forces of Great

bibliograohy in U. Chevalier, Repertoire des sources

Serre and the Aisne, the latter of which joins it beyond the

till his death on the 18th of February 1652. His character

(MacBride). In front of the latter there remains a portion

yield amazon-stone, and it is also found in pegmatite in

parliamentary or other franchise, or confer any right of a

of carbonate of lime. The springs are known to the Arabs

in the presence of sunlight, to make use of the carbonic

1830), who married Guy de Charnace, is known as a writer.

successes in an exquisite manner. To be sold by John Holden,

&c.; second, engraving on copper-plates, sealcutting,

occurs in very small quantities in wood spirit. It may be

ADVOWSON, or @ADVOWZEN (through O. Fr. advouson, from

so named by A. F. Fourcroy, from its resemblance to both fat and

Ancient and medieval period.

ABRAHAM IBN DAUD (c. 1110-1180), Jewish historiographer

Petersgrat (Lauterbrunnen to the Lotschenthal), snow. . . . . . . . . 10,516

the subsequent fortunes of this academy would be to write

on ridiculous features in manners and on corrupt symptoms in

on logical works of Aristotle, Porphyry and Boothius, and a

the Apocalypse (see Bibl. Patrum, xiii. 403), on the

palace by fire, an act which has been variously estimated by

works are situated in South Lancashire and the adjoining part of

the rights of the chief who purported to have placed the

The next writer of note is John Mortimer, whose Whole Art of Husbandry,

first of the three courts of appeal of Finland. It has two high

the completion of which belongs to the Persian period, gave the

classes of altars are also to be mentioned those on which

Sulphuric acid

Pic du Thabor. . . . . . . . . 10,316 Brio Bouchet . . . . . . . . . . .9,853

the oospore, from each cell of which a zoospore arises.

eight years a missionary to the Indians at Stockbridge; finally

mill-lead. These cells, when belonging to a Cluniac house,

1885); Alexander's letter to Aristotle and his correspondence

handsome, with straight and regular features, lively eyes,

the intestines are particularly regular in their arrangement.

ground. On the 22nd of February 1784 a hydrogen gas

this is never done on a manufacturing scale now. Owing to

church of Florence, and thus had leisure to devote himself to

have been derived from a form of the Etruscan alphabet,

ALLOA, a municipal and police burgh and seaport of

sovereignty. This family fate, where one evil deed leads to

the electrolyte had to be kept constant in composition lest

between agriculture and chemistry. The Board of Agriculture

was married to AEthelred, earl of Mercia to whom Alfred

ore, and, what was even more serious, the large proportion

Dionysia. The existence of this decree, mentioned in the

C. H. O. N. S. Ash.

daughter. This marriage was dissolved in 1478, and as its

numbers in certain agglomerates. They consist of volcanic

for the evacuation of the generative products. This region

few large towns, the number of proceedings against offenders

at least twelve times. This clearly shows that he was the

of Cumberland, England, 29 m. by road E.S.E. of Carlisle,

ALAND ISLANDS, an archipelago at the entrance to the Gulf

Medals, with engravings of 400 additional specimens; and

``In recent years, however, the question has assumed quite

concluded in 1264 the chief temporal power in the city was

milk of lime, then filtered and the calcium salt decomposed by

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