Iron Making by Tupkary
Iron Making by Tupkary
Iron Making by Tupkary
R. H. Tupkary, PhD
V. R. Tupkary
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1. HISTORICAL ........................................................................... 1
1.1 Ancient Ironmaking ............................................................................2
1.2 Historical Ironmaking Processes ........................................................3
1.3 Developments that Led to Modern Ironmaking ...............................5
Coke Furnace......................................................................................6
Hot Blast Generation..........................................................................7
Blast Furnace Gas Cleaning ...............................................................7
Charging Devices................................................................................8
Pig Casting Machine ...........................................................................9
1.4 Modern Ironmaking ...........................................................................9
1.5 Alternative Methods of Iron Production .........................................10
1.6 History of the Iron and Steel Industry in the United States ...........13
1.7 Twenty-first Century Trends (U.S. and the World) .........................15
U.S. Production of Selected Mineral Commodities in the
First Quarter 2017 ............................................................................16
1.8 Concluding Remarks ........................................................................17
In This Chapter
● Ancient Ironmaking
● Historical Ironmaking Processes
● Developments that Led to Modern Ironmaking
● Modern Ironmaking
● Alternative Methods of Iron Production
● History of the Iron and Steel Industry in the United States
● Twenty-first Century Trends (U.S. and the World)
● Concluding Remarks
ron is the fourth most abundant rock-forming element and composes
about 5% of the Earth’s crust. Astrophysical and seismic evidence indi-
cate that iron is even more abundant in the interior of the Earth and
has apparently combined with nickel to make up the bulk of the planet’s
core. Geologic processes have concentrated a small fraction of the crustal
iron into deposits that contain as much as 70% of the element. The princi-
pal ore minerals of iron are hematite, magnetite, siderite, and goethite. An
estimated 98% of the ore shipped in the world is consumed in the manu-
facture of iron and steel. The remaining 2% is used in the manufacture of
cement, heavy-medium materials, pigments, ballast, agricultural products,
or specialty chemicals. As a result, demand for iron ore is tied directly to the
production of raw steel and the availability of high-quality ferrous scrap.1
Peter Kuck, Iron Ore Statistical Compendium. USGS.
2 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
increased the production rate and decreased the fuel consumption. The
smelting unit came to be known as the Catalan Forge. The air bellow was
replaced by a falling water device known as a trompe to force air blast
through the furnace. A pair of trompes was used for each furnace to keep
an uninterrupted supply of blast to the furnace. In such a furnace about
0.5 t of 40–50% iron ore yielded about 100 kg of metal consuming nearly
1.5 t of charcoal, and the operation lasted nearly 12 hours.
Bellow To Water
In Europe, as the demand for iron grew, the size of the Catalan furnace
progressively increased resulting in the evolution of the German Stukofen as
shown in Figure 1.1. This is considered to be the progenitor of the modern
blast furnace. It was about 3.0–4.5 m in height, built of stone and clay and
had a round or a rectangular cross-section. Air blast was supplied through two
tuyeres by water-driven bellows and a false door was provided for the extrac-
tion of the blooms. The output of such a furnace was about 45–50 t per year.
In the course of development, using more dense charcoal, increasing
the height of the furnace, and increasing maximum blast pressure eventu-
ally resulted in the generation of adequate temperature in the furnace such
Historical • 5
that the product was molten iron. The molten iron flowed out from the
furnace as distinct from the slag impregnated blooms obtained from the
earlier furnaces. The product, on solidification, was not malleable, but it
was soon realized that it could be cast into useful shapes. This perhaps is the
origin of ferrous foundry.The product of the Stukofen was run into a series
of parallel channels, where it cooled and solidified, somewhat distantly
resembling a nursing litter of pigs. This is how the term pig iron originated
for the metallic product from an iron ore smelting furnace. The pig iron,
after solidification, was broken up, re-melted and used for the production
of castings. Thus, cast iron was discovered.
Once the product was obtained in molten condition, the furnace opera-
tion could be made continuous by charging the material from the open
top and tapping the liquid product from the bottom without interruption.
A simple and inexpensive process was thus superseded by a complex pro-
cess to increase the production rate, and the same process continues to
dominate this field today. The data relevant to these different types of the
furnaces are given in Table 1.1.
Weight of iron Fuel consumption Recovery % Production
per smelting % of the ore t/week
operation (kgs)
The solidified product of Stukofen, i.e. pig iron, was not workable in con-
trast to the malleable bloom secured from the blooming hearth and the
Catalan Forge. The Stukofen could not replace the earlier iron ore smelt-
ing processes until the development of puddling process by Henry Cort in
1784, which converted pig iron into a malleable wrought iron.
Coke Furnace
A real breakthrough in ironworking had to wait until the advent of coked
coal, which had good strength and cellular structure. In 1709, Abraham
Darby successfully smelted iron ore with coked coal, which is now called
coke. His success was mainly due to the employment of a large furnace and
a powerful blast to cause ignition of the coke. This was made possible by
the invention of the steam engine by James Watt and its ingenious adoption
by John Wilkinson for producing a powerful blast. Being sufficiently strong,
the use of coke permitted construction of much bigger furnaces for it could
withstand a much taller overlying burden in the furnace. With the coke’s
open cellular structure, penetration of blast for efficient combustion was
also achieved.
Until the middle of the nineteenth-century, the furnaces were open at
the top, and the waste gases used to burn at the top when they came in con-
tact with atmospheric air. In 1845, Bunsen and Playfair demonstrated the
enormous waste of heat in allowing the gases to burn at the top. They also
concluded that these gases could be conducted elsewhere without interfer-
ing with the furnace operation for burning of lime or brick kilns.
The effective use of gas was however far from easy since it contained
high amounts of dust. The enlargement of the down-comer in the beginning
Historical • 7
served as a dust catcher, and the gas once cleaned could be used for pre-
heating purposes with some difficulties.
gas were removed in wet scrubbers wherein the gas was subjected to water
sprays. Obstruction to the upward flow of gases by means of baffles ensured
intimate contact of gas and water. The use of scrubbers could decrease the
dust to a level of few grains per cubic meter. The cleanliness had to be
improved still further in order to ensure smooth stove operation without
clotting. The electrostatic precipitator was developed for this purpose by
F.G. Cotrell in the early part of the twentieth-century. An assembly of dust
catcher, scrubber, and an electrostatic precipitator forms the gas cleaning
system even in the modern blast furnace plants.
Charging Devices
The blast furnace could not have increased its production rate without the
parallel developments in mechanical methods for handling of raw materials
and the products of the furnace. By 1870, vertical hoists were used to lift
the charge barrows to the furnace top where they were wheeled on to the
edge and the contents were dumped on to the bell. The job at the furnace
top and pig casting bed had then been described as tasks beyond human
endurance. In 1883, the skip hoist was introduced on the famous Lucy fur-
nace near Pittsburg, PA. The bucket hoist also came into vogue in Germany
around the same time. It was not a difficult matter to obtain the desired
uniform distribution of the charge by manual charging. The mechanical
charging, however, gave rise to a serious problem of distribution of charge
in the furnace, a factor so vital to the smooth running of any furnace. The
mechanical charging therefore led to the development of Brown, Neeland,
and Mckee distribution systems to distribute the charge more evenly in
the furnace. Although the distribution systems continue to improve in their
design, the principles are essentially the same. The mechanical charging
led to the development of stock bins, the high line and increasing level of
automation in charging and weighing, so much so that in a modern furnace
these operations are carried out nearly fully automatically.
By the beginning of the present century, daily production of an indi-
vidual furnace had reached nearly 100 tons of pig iron per day. Such a fur-
nace required nearly a ton of air blast per minute (i.e. nearly 1000 m3/min
at atmospheric pressure). This was possible only by using centrifugal fan
blower for it could only force such a large volume of blast across the resis-
tance offered by the stove, the tuyeres, the charge, etc. A 100 t/day furnace
required nearly 200 t of ore, 100 t of coke, 50 t of limestone, etc. to be
charged in the furnace daily. The earlier bucket charging arrangement had
to be dispensed with to make way for a two-skip hoist charging arrangement.
Historical • 9
In all these processes the iron ore is reduced in a solid state. It thereby pro-
duces iron only in solid state with a honeycomb-type porous structure, com-
monly known as sponge iron or pre-reduced iron or directly reduced iron
or DRI for short. The processes for the production of such a product are
often called as DR processes. Hot Briquetted Iron or HBI for short is only
a specialized variety of the same product. The technology has now reached
a level where any one of the direct reduction processes coupled with the
electric furnace process for steelmaking can compete with the traditional
established route of blast furnace and oxygen steelmaking under most of
the local conditions.
The coal based rotary kiln-type plant and the MIDREX gas based plant
was adopted more widely in India.
In 2006, the world production of DRI from all such processes was
59.8 Mt against the total steel production of 1245 Mt from all processes.
The production of DRI/HBI in India in from 2005–2006 was 16.3 Mt from
a total of around +250 different units adopting different technologies. The
dominant technology was coal based rotating kilns, but included 3 gas-
based units of total 6 Mt capacity. It aims to produce 33% of total steel
production, using alternative methods of iron production in India by the
year 2020. The number of DRI units is bound to increase further. India is
the largest sponge iron producer in the world today.
The Smelting-Reduction processes, developed only in the last couple
of decades, are advanced versions of DRI technology. In contrast to the
product being in a solid state in DRI processes, the SR processes pro-
duce liquid pig iron without using coke in a blast furnace. The reducing
gases generated in the melting operation, in these processes, are intelli-
gently used for solid state reduction as a prior step. These are known as SR
Processes and at least six different commercially viable SR-Technologies are
now available for commercial exploitation. The first to be developed was
the COREX process, adopted in India for the first time at the JSW Steel
Plant at Vijayanagaram in Karnataka. However, it has not been able to use
entirely ordinary coal as fuel, as was envisaged in the original design. It uses
a substantial proportion of coke as fuel like the blast furnace. Although vari-
ous trials have been carried out using coal as fuel, it is yet to be established
on a routine basis. However, the SR processes based on non-coking coals
are bound to come up in the future. The prediction is that hot metal would
be produced in equal proportion, from the blast furnace and the SR tech-
nologies in the near future.
Historical • 13
1.6 History of the Iron and Steel Industry in the United States2
The U.S. iron and steel industry has paralleled the industry in other coun-
tries in technological developments. In the 1800s, the U.S. switched from
charcoal to coke in ore smelting, adopted the Bessemer process, and saw
the rise of very large integrated steel mills. In the 20th century, the U.S.
industry successively adopted the open hearth furnace, then the basic oxy-
gen steelmaking process. Since the American industry peaked in the 1940s
and 1950s, the U.S. industry has shifted to small mini-mills and specialty
mills, using iron and steel scrap as feedstock, rather than iron ore.
Pig Iron
Millions of Metric Tons
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
FIGURE 1.2 Graph of U.S. iron and steel production, 1900–2014. Data from USGS.
U.S. production of iron and steel peaked in 1973, when the U.S. indus-
try produced a combined total of 229 million metric tons of iron and steel.
But U.S. iron and steel production dropped drastically during the recession
of the late 1970s and early 1980s. From a combined iron and steel produc-
tion of 203 million tons in 1979, U.S. output fell almost in half, to 107 mil-
lion tons in 1982. Some steel companies declared bankruptcy, and many
permanently closed steelmaking plants. By 1989, U.S. combined iron and
steel production recovered to 142 million tons, a much lower level than in
the 1960s and 1970s.
Iron manufacture before the 19th century required charcoal, and
Britain’s once-vast forests could no longer supply enough charcoal for the
Source: USGS
14 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
nation’s increasing need for iron. By 1700, Britain was becoming increas-
ingly dependent on iron imported from its sometimes-adversary Sweden.
Britain looked to the seemingly limitless forests of its American colonies
to supply Britain with iron. British investors started an iron furnace near
Perryville, Maryland, which in 1718 started exporting iron back to Britain.
That success prompted formation of more companies, which built numer-
ous iron furnaces around Chesapeake Bay, supplied by bog iron ore, which
was widespread. By 1751, Virginia and Maryland were exporting 2,950 tons
of pig iron to Britain each year; at the time, British iron production was
about 20,000 tons per year.3
While the Chesapeake Bay furnaces were established for export, iron
furnaces were established in the 1700s throughout the American colonies
for domestic consumption. Iron furnaces were located along rivers to sup-
ply water power. Also required were forests for charcoal, iron ore, and lime-
stone for flux. In addition, the furnace needed to be close to a major market
or close to water transport.
British business interests were split on colonial iron: manufacturers
appreciated the lower prices due to colonial imports, but the British iron
and steel industry objected to the competition. Parliament compromised in
the Iron Act of 1750, which eliminated the import duty on colonial pig iron,
but barred the manufacture of steel or of iron plate in the colonies. The law
was widely ignored by colonial governments.
By 1776, up to 80 iron furnaces throughout the American colonies were
producing about as much iron as Britain itself. If one estimate of 30,000 tons
of iron each year is accurate, then the newly formed United States was the
world’s third-largest iron producer, after Sweden and Russia.
The movement away from charcoal in U.S. iron smelting began in
1827, when a puddling furnace in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania started
using anthracite coal. Blast furnaces continued to use only charcoal until
about 1840, when coke from coal started replacing charcoal as the fuel
and reducing agent. Coke has a higher crushing strength than charcoal,
allowing larger smelting furnaces. Because iron and steelmaking at the
time consumed more coal than iron ore, the steel mills moved closer to
the coal mines to minimize transportation costs. A problem of coke was
that it carried impurities such as sulfur, which degraded the quality of the
Historical • 15
steel. Although coke quickly became the dominant fuel for iron-smelting,
in 1884 charcoal was still used to make ten percent of iron and steel in the
U.S.. The use of charcoal for steelmaking survived in the U.S. on a small
scale until 1945.
U.S. production of iron and steel peaked in 1973, when the U.S. indus-
try produced a combined total of 229 million metric tons of iron and steel.
But U.S. iron and steel production dropped drastically during the recession
of the late 1970s and early 1980s. From a combined iron and steel produc-
tion of 203 million tons in 1979, U.S. output fell almost in half, to 107 mil-
lion tons in 1982. Some steel companies declared bankruptcy, and many
permanently closed steelmaking plants. By 1989, U.S. combined iron and
steel production recovered to 142 million tons, a much lower level than in
the 1960s and 1970s.
Against the world total steel production of almost 1250 Mt in 2006 and
1343 Mt in 2007, the Indian contribution was only nearly 55 Mt. This was
only 33 Mt until very recently. The redeeming feature, however, is that it is
going to be nearly 120 Mt by the year 2012 and 180 Mt by 2020. 2020 has
been earmarked as the benchmark year for attaining total overall self suf-
ficiency in many other respects as well (based on the TIFAC report). The
steel production will have to be matched by equivalent production of hot
metal from BF or other processes and DRI from different processes.
Base Metals
Production of copper, iron ore, and zinc decreased by 7%, 2%, and 6%,
respectively in the first quarter of 2017, whereas secondary aluminum
production increased by 2% compared with the fourth quarter of 2016
(Figure 1.3).
FIGURE 1.3 U.S. production of selected base metals from the first quarter of 2012 through the first
quarter of 2017, indexed to the first quarter of 2012. Source: U.S. Geological Survey.
Historical • 17
The table clearly shows that the dominating role of blast furnace is
slowly decreasing; this is due to a shortage of coking coal and its attendant
ascending cost. For producing steel, the proportion of metallic produced by
the alternative methods is therefore continuously increasing; it is becoming
relatively more economical and locally suitable.
Despite growth in usage of aluminum, it is still the main material for car
bodies. Other common applications include shipbuilding, pipelines, min-
ing, offshore construction, aerospace, white goods (e.g. washing machines),
heavy equipment such as bulldozers, office furniture, steel wool, tools, and
armor in the form of personal vests or vehicle armor (better known as rolled
homogeneous armor in this role).
Modern Standards
Most of the more commonly used iron and steel alloys are categorized
into various grades by standards organizations. For example, the Society of
Automotive Engineers has a series of grades defining many types of steel.
The American Society for Testing and Materials has a separate set of stan-
dards, which define alloys such as A36 steel; the most commonly used struc-
tural steel in the United States. The JIS also define series of steel grades
that are being used extensively in Japan as well as in third world countries.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Modern Blast Furnace
● Hot Blast Stove
● Gas Cleaning
● Raw Materials Storage and Handling
● Liquid Products Disposal
● Blast Furnace Operation and Control
● Essentials of the Blast Furnace Process
● Efficiency of Blast Furnace
● Concluding Remarks
2.1 Introduction
The modern blast furnace plant consists of the following important sections:
1. Blast furnace proper
2. Hot blast supply equipment
3. Gas cleaning system and gas storage
4. Raw material storage and handling
20 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
FIGURE 2.1 Schematic arrangement for various sections of a blast furnace plant.
The outer welded steel shell is lined from inside with refractory lining to stand
the smelting conditions during its operation. Previously the furnace was sup-
ported by a box-cage like structure, but now it freely stands only on its founda-
tion without lateral support.
Furnace Details
Foundation. It is a massive steel reinforced concrete mass partially
embedded below the ground level. It should be sufficiently strong to
stand the loaded furnace weight, which may be as much as 10,000 t for
a 2000 t/day furnace. It may be about 15 m in diameter and 6–8 m thick
upon which is placed the furnace bottom consisting of about 4–5 m thick
of fire bricks.
22 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Hearth. It is a receptacle to collect the liquid slag and metal and is also
referred to as a crucible. The old practice of using fire bricks for hearth con-
struction is almost universally replaced by carbon blocks. Water cooled copper
or steel plates are laid in the side walls to protect the lining. The carbon wall
may be more than a meter of uniform thickness or a stadium-type construc-
tion. The hearth wall contains a tap hole for iron, 12–15 cm in diameter and
about 0.3–0.6 m above the hearth bottom level, and a slag notch 1.2–1.6 m
above the iron tap hole level, but staggered through a right angle in the hori-
zontal plane. These holes are closed with clay when not in use and are opened
for tapping slag and metal as and when necessary. The tuyeres are located at
the top level of the hearth uniformly distributed over the entire cross-section.
Bosh. The top of the bosh has the maximum diameter of the furnace
and it is the zone of intense heat. It is a stadium-type (stacked cut bricks)
construction with steel reinforcement. Water cooled copper or steel plates
are inserted at regular intervals in the furnace lining in this zone to effect
protection against high temperature. The intensive cooling of a thin-walled
bosh forms a layer of solidified slag mixed graphite on the lining which pro-
tects the brickwork from molten metal and slag.
Mantle and Columns. The furnace structure above the bosh level is sup-
ported on a heavily braced steel ring encircling the furnace at the top of the bosh.
This is called the mantle which is supported by uniformly spaced upright heavy
columns that are firmly anchored in the concrete foundation at the bottom.
Stack. It is a frustum of a huge cone mounted on the mantle that extends
to the top of the furnace. The furnace top, that is the bell, the charging
arrangement, the gas off-takes, etc. are mounted on top of the stack. The
Modern Blast Furnace Plant and Process • 23
top pressure, and the designers claim it is more effective for better charge
distribution and easier mechanical maintenance.
Off-takes. There are four exhaust pipes which are connected to the
furnace top evenly at four points. These rise vertically up above the furnace
top and then join to a bigger single pipe known as the down comer which
delivers the gas to the gas cleaning system (i.e. dust catcher).
5000 t of pig iron per day would need nearly 10000–15000 t of solid charge-
materials per day. The successful operation of such a furnace is therefore
a function of regular supply of these raw materials to the large scale fur-
nace. A sufficiently large and readily available reserve stock of these raw
materials at the furnace site is essential to avoid any interruption in the
production. Equally large storage facilities in the form of an ore yard and
storage bins are always provided in a blast furnace plant for these materials.
Facilities for unloading, blending, etc., particularly in the plants located on
waterfronts and dependent on imported ores, are also provided. Efficient
charging and accurate weighing facilities are required in any modern plant
to achieve smooth operation.
Weighing charge materials on such an enormous scale is a challenging
task. The accuracy and efficiency of weighing is always in question. Load
cells are very commonly used for such weighing but the accuracy always
remains questionable and a matter of dispute between the supplier and the
buyer departments.
Broadly, the slag and the metal are separated and ultimately these flow
in two different channels, to be collected in two different ladles. Slag was
once sent to slag dumps as a waste product. Steel plants accumulated this
slag from ironmaking as well as steelmaking and created piles of such waste
materials. It also occupied precious plant land. Persistent efforts have led
to develop the use of BF slag as a raw material in cement plants. Cement
is nothing but essentially complex calcium and aluminum silicates. BF slag
is mainly composed of these chemicals, and it is being safely added as the
raw material for cement. BF slag is granulated by pouring it in stirred water.
Now, almost all BF slag is used in this manner.
The hot metal may be disposed of as:
1. Cast in pig beds;
2. Cast in pig casting machine;
3. Sent to steelmaking shop in hot metal transfer ladles, directly or via
a mixer.
Pig iron in its classical sense is no longer produced, and sand bed casting
in the cast house is only of historical importance. The pig casting machine
may be located near the blast furnace or little away from it. It may form a
part of the BF plant or a separate section. Most of the pig iron these days is
converted into steel in an integrated steel plant. The molten metal from the
BF is sent to the steelmaking shop in hot metal transfer ladles. The foundry
grade iron, if produced, is sent to the pig casting machine for producing
pigs and sold for cast iron founding.
atmosphere is relatively very small. The open top ladle is a inverted frus-
tum of a cone, with wide open top; whereas the torpedo is more horizon-
tal with a small opening in the center at the top. This is the reason why it
does not lose that much heat to the surrounding area. Their shapes are
shown in Figure 2.3.
FIGURE 2.3 Shapes of hot metal transfer ladle. The open top ladle is shown in (a) and the torpedo
ladle is shown in (b).
The blast furnace operation is controlled from the top by trying to dis-
tribute the solid charge more uniformly in the furnace. It is simultaneously
controlled from the bottom by the temperature and driving rate (rate of
blast feed) of the blast. In order to exercise this control, a series of instru-
ments are provided at various levels in the blast furnace complex to mea-
sure and control various parameters. Computers are used in order to do this
job more efficiently.
may take place thereby regenerating the reducing gas. This is known as a
solution loss reaction.
Limestone and dolomite, if added as a flux in the charge get calcined as:
〈 CaCO2 〉 → 〈 CaO 〉 + {CO2} (2.5)
〈 MgCO3 〉 → 〈 MgO 〉 + {CO2} (2.6)
in the temperature zone of 800–1000 C. The resulting basic oxides combine
with the gangue oxides to form the slag.
Reduction of the oxides of iron are practically complete while it is in
solid state. This reduced iron is impure because of associated gangue con-
stituents of the ore. Separation of iron from the associated gangue can only
be brought about by melting the whole charge. As the charge descends
in the furnace, its temperature is increased and finally it is melted in the
bosh region. Two liquid phases form as a result of melting, one is an iron
phase and the other are molten oxides called slag. Those oxides which are
not reduced, in spite of melting, join the slag phase and those which are
reduced to elemental state join the metal phase. The slag thus contains
mainly silica, alumina, alkali-alkaline earth oxides, etc. with some minor
other oxides and sulfides. A part of the SiO2, MnO, P2O5, etc. get reduced
and the metal is contaminated by Si, P, Mn, S, etc. The metal also gets satu-
rated with carbon because of its direct contact with coke inside the furnace.
Therefore, the iron melt may contain up to 8 wt% of impurities like C, Si,
Mn, P, S, etc. as the metallic product. The slag may contain mainly SiO2,
Al2O3, CaO and other minor oxides and sulfides. Stratification of metal and
slag is best achieved if the slag is thin, that is of low viscosity. Addition of
flux in the charge helps, to a large extent, in achieving the correct nature of
the slag.
The gas composition and the temperature vary over the vertical as well
as the horizontal cross section of the furnace. The chemical processes are
therefore continuous from bottom to top and throughout the whole vol-
ume of the furnace. The furnace, however, can conveniently be divided
into four main zones with respect to the physical processes occurring in
the furnace.
Stack or Shaft
This extends from the stockline down to the mantle level and into the area
where the burden is completely solid. The charge gets heated from 200 C
30 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The charge materials begin to soften and fuse as they come down into the
bottom of the stack. The next lower zone is called bosh in which melt-
ing of the burden, except that of coke, takes place. The gangue and flux
combine to form the slag. The furnace walls in this region are parallel to
some extent and then taper down, or they taper entirely down to reduce
the sectional area by about 20–25% to accommodate the resultant decrease
in the apparent volume of the charge. The burden permeability in this
region is mainly maintained because of the presence of solid coke. This
dictates that only coke of adequate strength and size should be used to
achieve this end for efficient operation. Any degradation of coke, leading
to decreased permeability in the bosh region is bound to affect the blast
furnace operation adversely.
Although most of the coke burns at the tuyere level, a certain fraction
is believed to descend into the hearth where it dissolves in the metal to
near saturation. The entire charge is molten and tends to stratify into
slag and metal layers in the hearth; these are tapped separately. The
cross-section of the furnace below the tuyere decreases since permeabil-
ity is no longer required, nor can it be maintained in the liquid charge.
The walls of the well are parallel and smallest cross-section of the fur-
nace exists in the hearth.
32 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
1. Hearth area Tons per unit area of the hearth 60 t/m2/day USA
per unit time
Number of tons of pig iron pro- 2.5 t/m3/day Japan, India and
duced per unit working volume many others
of the furnace
Working height 25 m
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Iron Ores
● Metallurgical Coal
● Limestone and Dolomite as Flux
● Concluding Remarks
3.1 Introduction
Iron ore and coke, i.e. coking or metallurgical coal, are the two most impor-
tant raw materials required for iron production. In the alternative methods
of iron production, a cheaper substitute of coke is used as a fuel depending
upon its availability. These will be discussed separately in a later chapter.
The present discussion pertains to blast furnace smelting only. The smelt-
ing operation generally requires external flux such as lime to render the
gangue associated with the ore and coke ash. The flux is generally siliceous
in nature, fusible at a relatively low temperatures so as to separate readily
from the molten iron. Limestone is also required as the next important
raw material but in a much smaller proportion. It is technically essential
and otherwise economical to use dolomite along with limestone as a flux.
Earlier, manganese ore or some other source of Mn was considered as an
essential component of BF charge, but it is no longer considered essential.
Manganese ore used to be added to control sulfur in hot metal.
36 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Coke 450–550
Air 4000–5000
The total charge weight per ton of iron produced has continuously
decreased from around 5 tons to 3.5 tons over the last few decades. Of the
total iron units charged in the blast furnace, iron recovery in the form of
hot metal is close to 99% or more, disregarding the dust losses which are
minimal. The actual weight of iron ore to be charged to produce one ton of
hot metal can be readily predicted beforehand.
Nearly 3.5–4.0 t of solid charge materials are required to make one ton
of pig iron. This primarily depends on the iron ore quality, proportion of
ore and sinter, quality of limestone, etc. This is also shown in Figure 3.1,
where only iron ore lumps are put in the charge. As compared to this fig-
ure, the average solid charge consumption in many of the other countries
is closer to 2.5 tons. The reasons for this are many, but they are essentially
related to the quality of raw materials. It should also be noted that for a one-
million-ton steel plant, assuming that iron yield in steelmaking is 90%, and
Raw Materials for Ironmaking • 37
FIGURE 3.1 Simplified material flow in and out of the blast furnace.
In 2007, the world production of crude steel was around 1300 Mt, out
of which nearly 20–25% came from recycling of steel scrap. The remainder
was created by first producing either molten pig iron or DRI followed by
its conversion to steel. If the average iron content of iron ores is assumed to
be nearly 60%, then 1500–1600 Mt of iron ore will be smelted annually to
achieve the present level of steel production. All steel producing countries
do not possess the required iron ore from domestic sources. The produc-
tion and utilization, including national and international marketing of iron
ores, therefore, forms a very important economic activity all over the world.
For the smelting of iron ore at this level, an equally large amount of
fuel in the form of metallurgical coal, ordinary coal, other hydrocarbon gas-
eous fuels, etc. will be required. Assuming a coke rate of 500 kg/thm and
taking into account the efficiency of conversion of coal into coke, nearly
600–700 Mt of metallurgical coal would be required annually. Being a rare
commodity, metallurgical coals are quite costlier than thermal coals. Their
38 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
value goes up with decreasing ash content. The current prices (2017) of
good quality iron ores with +62% Fe is around $64 USD and Rs.4200/t
at site and in 2016 good quality coke with 10–12% ash brought $224/mt.
Countries with abundant sources of iron ore and or good quality coke can
export these and earn valuable foreign exchange currency.
low, have a deleterious effect on the quality of metal produced. They must
be eliminated during the preparation of ore, in the blast furnace, or during
subsequent steelmaking processes. They are known as impurities. For an iron
mineral to become iron ore, the cost of its mining transportation and smelting
must be such that the cost of the final metal remains competitive with the cost
of metal derived from other ores. In other words, the iron mineral deposit is
called iron ore only if it is possible to produce iron from it economically.
Many times the impurities in ores have a value of their own. If they exist
in sufficient amount to justify their recovery, the economy of the process is
favorably altered due to the recovery of such by-products.
If the processing can be justified from the point of view of recovery
of such impurities, because of their adequate proportion, the ore can no
longer by itself be called iron ore. It may be referred to as an ore of that
element and iron may be recovered as a by-product.
Iron ores may also be classified according to the quality of gangue asso-
ciated with them as:
Nature o f ore .......... Characteristics o f associated gangue
Siliceous .......... Predominantly silica
Aluminous .......... Largely alumina
Argillaceous .......... Chiefly clayey matter
Calcareous .......... Predominantly lime
Bituminous .......... Large amount of bituminous or coaly matter
Titaniferous .......... Large amount of ilmenite (FeO.TiO2)
differ widely in grain size and composition. The phosphorus content is also
generally high. Magnetites are liable to oxidation and these ores contain
areas of mixtures of martite and hydroxides with magnetites.
Hematite ores. These are most widely distributed in the world and
from which a major portion of iron is produced. These are usually of the
sedimentary-metamorphic type. In view of the differences in conditions of
formation of the metamorphic processes, the granulometry, the structure
and the iron content of these ores very considerably. They include the hard,
homogeneous, fine-grained hematite-taconites from the Lake Superior
region of U.S.A., hard quartz banded ores of Sweden and Labrador, coarse
grained ores which are easy to crush and grind, and high grade ores (both
soft and hard) containing large inclusions of pure hematite from the Mesabi
range of U.S.A. and the Krivoi-Rog ore fields in the U.S.S.R. The sulfur
and the phosphorus contents of hematite ores are usually low. The gangue
mainly consists of silica but alumina can also be appreciable.
Brown hematite ores. The term brown hematite ores is used to cat-
egorize a variety of ores mostly sedimentary in origin where the material
moved in solution from its initial point of formation. The main ore minerals
in the brown hematite category are the various iron hydroxides, limonites,
hydrogoethites, silicates, and siderites. The gangue is generally siliceous but
occasionally lime is present along with a high silica content. In the acidic
oolitic ores, more than 30% of the total iron may be present as iron silicates
of diverse composition. The sulfur content is usually low but high phos-
phorus contents are frequent and can exceed 1%. It is not unusual to find a
good amount of manganese as well. The Kershenski ores are characterized
by the presence of arsenic as an impurity. Although these ores are common
all over the world, they are principally worked in France. Luxemburg, U.K.,
Germany, etc. where these account for bulk of the reserves.
Siderites (Spathicores). These are a carbonate type of ores and con-
stitute a very small proportion of the total world availability, but in countries
like Canada, Austria and Germany these are or have been of considerable
importance. Siderites are prone to oxidation and the ore often contains
considerable amounts of hydroxides. Near the surface these ore bodies are
covered by a siderite-limonite-hematite cap.
Titanomagnetites. The most important of the complex ores are the
titanomagnetites. The main ore mineral is magnetite with titanium present
as ilmenite or as titanomagnetites. Some of these ores contain vanadium
44 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
which is recovered from these ores along with iron as a by-product. The
composition varies considerably and may contain 60–70% magnetite and
20–27% ilmenite.
Laterites. These are produced due to surface alterations under tropi-
cal conditions. The final result is the formation of an iron cap on hard ore
extending a few meters below the surface. Such ores can contain 50–60%
iron in the form of hydroxides and a high proportion of alumina which has
not been leached out. These ores many times contain impurities like chro-
mium, nickel, cobalt, etc., in such high proportions that it is worked for their
recovery. Laterites are difficult to process and still largely remain unused.
exported. These are very high quality ores. Russia is one of the top four
steel producers in the world. In South Africa, rich irons are available in
the form of banded iron ore formations. The ore is hard massive hematite
with 66–68% iron. Large reserves of oolitic ores also occur in the Transvaal
region. It produced 40 Mt in 2005 out of which 25 Mt was exported. The
most important iron ore deposits in Sweden are found around Kiruna and
Malmberget. These are the largest underground iron mines in the world.
Current production from these mines is 22 Mt of ore annually. The famous
Bog iron ore deposit is rich magnetite containing negligibly small amount
of phosphorus. The iron that is produced from these was once known as
Swedish Iron or Hematite Iron. In the United Kingdom, no substantial iron
ore is mined. UK depends entirely on imported iron ore for running their
steel plants. It has been importing around 15–17 Mt of ore annually in the
last few years to produce 13–14 Mt of steel. Ukraine has the largest iron
ore deposits in the world. These are mainly located at Krivoi Rog basin in
Denpropetrosk region. These deposits occur as lenticular masses of hema-
tite with 63% iron. With an annual production of 39 Mt of crude steel in
2005, Ukraine is considered one of the major steel producing country in
the world. The iron ore deposits of the USA consist mainly of intermixed
limonite and clay with small quantities of fine-grained quartz and musco-
vite. The important deposits come from the Lake-Superior region along
with regions like Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The USA
produced nearly 55 Mt of iron in 2005, and it produced only 55 Mt of ore.
It relies more on recycled scrap for its steel production. The extremely
fine taconite deposit of the Mesabi-Range once dominated the design and
practice of BF in USA.
Because of the high level of world iron production, it has become
imperative to look to iron ore reserves from a nationalistic point of view. As
a result, every country thinks about iron ore production from a future per-
spective. This is why countries like China, USA, UK, and others, although
possessing large reserves of iron ore, import iron ores and keep their own
ores as reserves for future consumption. This is also why the prices of iron
ores and metallurgical coal or coke have been continuously and drastically
rising over the last few years when steel production steeply rose.
Japan does not possess any iron ore or coal deposits and yet produces
a large proportion of the world steel production by entirely importing the
required raw materials. The total world reserves of iron ore are estimated
to be nearly 800 billion t of crude ore containing nearly 230 billion t of
Raw Materials for Ironmaking • 47
iron. China produces nearly a third of the total world steel production. It
does not produce the equivalent iron ore from within China. Consequently,
China is on the look out to buy iron ore from any other country to sustain
its dominance in steel production. It is, therefore, a dominant player in the
international iron ore trade. The production of iron ores per country and
the corresponding reserves are shown in Table 3.2.
World Resources
U.S. resources are estimated to be 110 billion tons of iron ore containing
about 27 billion tons of iron.
(mainly low-grade taconite-type ores from the Lake Superior district
that require beneficiation and agglomeration prior to commercial use).
World resources are estimated to be greater than 800 billion tons of crude
ore containing more than 230 billion tons of iron.
1. Richness
2. Location
3. Composition of the gangue
4. Treatment and preparation needed before smelting
5. End use
Richness means the percentage of metallic iron in the ore: the richer the
ore, the less amount of ore is required to produce a unit weight of pig iron.
For example, in order to produce a ton of pig iron, about one and half tons
of ore is required in Australia (68% Fe), about two tons are required in
India (55–60% Fe) and nearly three tons are required in the U.K. (30–35%
Fe). The fuel and flux required in all these three cases would be consider-
ably different. For richer ores, since the gangue is less, the fuel and flux
consumption will be less than that for leaner ores wherein gangue is more.
The value of an ore is therefore decided not directly by its iron content
alone but by its iron content and other associated minerals together.
The location of an ore, both geographically and geologically, is a very
important factor in its evaluation. Geological location is related to whether
the deposit is underground, as an outcrop, or is in the form of a hill. When
the ore can be obtained by quarrying or open cast mining with a shallow
overlying burden, the cost of obtaining the ore at the ground level railway
station is much lower than that involved in underground mining, which
requires expensive excavating machinery. Many important iron ore depos-
its, for example, some Indian and Australian deposits, are located as hills
and that allows the ore to be obtained at the ground level railway station
under gravity. The mining operation in this case is also cheap. Geographical
location is related to the mode of transport required to bring the mined
ore to the smelter and includes the capital expenditure on installation of
railways, harbors, ore carries, etc.
The evaluation of an ore needs careful consideration of the size of the
ore reserves, its location, possible difficulties in mining the ore, and the
50 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
In DRI production the gangue does not take part in the reduction
operation as such, but it is to be removed subsequently during steelmaking
operation by its assimilation in the slag. The gangue decides the nature and
amount of flux required in steelmaking. It also decides the power consump-
tion since more power is consumed for melting when the amount of gangue
is higher. On the whole, gangue quality and quantity affects the subsequent
steelmaking operation in terms of its efficiency and economy.
unstable in the slag phase. The molten oxide product of smelting is known
as slag, which is formed by the combination of gangue and the flux. The
gangue arises in a blast furnace from the ore and the ash of the coke. Flux
itself may contain similar gangue oxides. In general, silica and alumina pre-
dominate as gangue constituents in an iron ore. Coke ash is invariably of the
same character. Limestone and dolomite are therefore required as fluxes.
Some of the continental ores are calcareous. When mixed with siliceous
ores, they can produce a self-fluxing blend and an addition of an external
flux then becomes unnecessary.
The liquid temperatures of an innumerable number of slags have
been experimentally determined and are plotted as ternary and high
order phase diagrams (both real and pseudo) on which these tempera-
tures are superimposed. The reader can refer to standard texts for this
information. The amount and type of flux required in a blast furnace is
determined according to the composition of the burden vis-a-vis the soft-
ening point obtainable from the relevant diagrams. Once the temperature
of the slag is fixed, the oxide equilibrium diagram gives all the possible
composition ranges which will have this as its softening point. The basic
fluxes include limestone dolomite, in some cases rock phosphate, and
basic steelmaking slags.
Lime or magnesia content of a flux gives a fallacious impression about
the quality or value of the flux. The value of a flux is expressed in terms
of available base since it may itself contain oxide impurties similar to the
gangue which it aims to flux away. The available base value depends upon
the basicity (ratio of base to acid content) of the slag under operating condi-
tions. In a normal blast furnace, the basicity (CaO + MgO)/SiO2 is usually in
the range of 1.0–1.3. The available base is therefore equal to
= % (CaO + MgO) – % (SiO2).B
where B is the basicity. This much will be available for fluxing the gangue
of the ore and the ash.
The lower the softening point of the slag, the lower its viscosity at a
given temperature. Hence, the flux is needed in such a way that slag of the
lowest possible softening point is formed. In an iron blast furnace, the slag
is also supposed to retain as much of the sulfur content of the burden as is
possible. A basicity of 1.0–1.3 and adequate temperature of slag can achieve
this efficiently.
Raw Materials for Ironmaking • 55
Limestone and dolomite are available abundantly all over the world but
the quality is not sufficient in many areas. It should contain minimum phos-
phorus, sulfur, silica, and alumina. The lower these impurities, the higher
its value as a flux. In general, CaCO3 content should not be less than 95%,
SiC2 should be less than 5%, and MgO and Al2O3 each should be below 3%
depending upon the SiC2 content. Nearly 0.5 t of limestone is required for
making a tonof pig iron. If the insoluble content is high, limestone benefi-
ciation may become necessary. The beneficiated product will be fine in size.
This form is not suitable as a charge directly in the furnace, but it is better
as a feed for making fluxed sinter.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Functions of Coke
● Quality Requirements of Coke
● Preparation of Coke (India)
● Modifications in Coke Making Practices
● Alternative Fuels
● Ferro-coke
● Concluding Remarks
4.1 Introduction
The developments in blast furnace technology over several centuries can
conveniently be divided into the following specific areas based on the type
of fuel used:
1. The charcoal period;
2. The anthracite period;
3. The rock coal period;
4. The beehive coke period;
5. The by-product coke period.
58 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Chemically, the useful component of coke is its fixed carbon which is the
fuel as well as the reducing agent in a blast furnace. The balance is made
up of ash (the inorganic residue after burning), volatile matter, other
impurities, etc. As the ash content increases, the available carbon of coke
decreases. Consequently, the heat supply to the furnace per unit weight
of coke used decreases. The amount and quality of ash in the coke has a
considerable bearing on the blast furnace operation. Ash usually contains
refractory oxides like SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, etc. Phosphorus and sulfur are usu-
ally present in ash in the form of inorganic compounds. The effects of such
refractory gangue constituents of iron ore have already been discussed in
an earlier chapter, and the same arguments hold true for the ash as well.
An increase in ash content of coke by 1% over a critical limit results in a
Main Blast Furnace Fuel: Coke • 61
Reactivity may be defined as the rate at which the carbon atoms of coke
react with oxidizing gases like oxygen, CO2, H2O, etc. This is of interest in
BF to assess the ease with which coke burns and reacts with the above men-
tioned gases, which are invariably present in the blast furnace. The actual
rate of this reaction is a function of coke surface characteristics, its area
exposed and the chosen conditions. A highly reactive coke may react more
readily with the CO2 in the ascending gases in the BF and thereby get not
only consumed in the stack but lose its strength as well. Both of these are
detrimental to BF operation. A low reactivity may delay its burning in front
of the tuyeres which is not good for efficient BF operation.
62 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
order to minimize the fuel consumption. This is also the reason why the
combustion of coke does not limit the blowing rate of a furnace. In general,
a high porosity of coke, coupled with adequate strength, is what is desirable
during coking.
Of all the qualities of good metallurgical coke, the most important are its
size range and strength, which are also mutually interdependent. The size
range is known to affect the distribution of materials inside the furnace and
consequently the gas flow which has a direct bearing on the production
rate. The size of coke is generally chosen to match the size of other raw
materials. It is much bigger than the size of the iron bearing materials to
ensure maximum bed permeability for smooth furnace operation.
In spite of every effort, some degradation of coke, from the original
size, does occur when coke finally descends into the tuyere region. In order
to maintain adequate permeability in the bosh region, the original size of
the coke should be enough to accommodate this degradation.
Extensive investigations have been carried out to determine the influ-
ence of different coke sizes on the blast furnace productivity and coke rate.
The investigations have shown that the coke size has to be sufficiently lumpy
i.e. the proportion of +40 mm size in the charge coke should be at least 80%
to ensure a sufficiently high permeability of the charge. It was found that
for a mean size of burden of 13 mm, the mean size of coke should not be
less than 53 mm and this corresponds to an average coke to burden size
ratio of about 4:1. In general, it has been suggested that the optimum size
of coke should be 3–5 times that of the iron bearing material. The +80 mm
fraction is also detrimental since this size has lower stability than that of
–80 mm fraction. The +80 mm fraction should also be removed as much as
possible to provide coke of more uniform size.
During its descent in the furnace, coke gets progressively heated to
1500–1600 C before it burns in front of the tuyeres. When coke gets heated
beyond the temperature at which it was made in coke ovens, the process
of carbonization restarts and the coke begins to contract. The temperature
gradient in an individual piece of coke sets in differential contraction and
expansion, particularly where large mineral matter is present, resulting in
high local stresses and its tendency to degradation increases. It has been
shown that the thermal stresses experienced by coke in the blast furnace
are greater the larger the lump size of the feed coke. In other words, the
64 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
smaller size is better for better thermal stability. The following factors are
therefore believed to favor high thermal stability: absence of large lumps
in feed coke, uniformity of coke texture, minimum inert inclusions of large
sizes, high carbonization temperature and heat soak, prior mechanical con-
ditioning, and low chemical reactivity.
Micum Test
The most popular tumbler test is the Micum test as per the German
Standard DIN 51712 of 1950. In the test, 50 kg of air dried coke sample of
+50 mm size is charged in a drum, one meter long and one meter in diam-
eter, and rotated for 100 revolutions at the rate of 25 rpm. The product is
screened on 50, 40, and 10 mm screens, and the results are expressed as
M40 (% of the total charge retained on 40 mm screen) and M10 (% charge
Main Blast Furnace Fuel: Coke • 65
passing through 10 mm screen) values. It is believed that the M40 index gives
an indication of the hardness of coke and the M10 its resistance to abrasion.
The drum employed herein has longitudinal angle iron baffles inside. The
Indian Standard specifications IS: 1854 has adopted the same Micum test as
the standard test. The British Coke Research Association has developed and
extended Micum test wherein the revolutions of the drum are increased.
The ASTM standards D 294.64 (reapproved in 1972) and D 2490.70
have been devised to assess the hardness and stability factors of coke. In the
294.64 test, 35 kg of coke of 50 to +15 mm size is charged in a half Micum
drum (914 mm in length and 475 mm in diameter) and rotated for 1400
revolutions at 25 rpm speed. The fraction retained on a 25 mm screen is
termed as the stability factor and the cumulative percentage retained on
6.3 mm screen as the hardness factor. In the modified D 2490.70 specifica-
tion, the drum is rotated for 700 revolutions instead of 1400 and 34 kg of
coke of 50 to +15 mm size is taken as the charge. The results are reported
in an identical manner.
BS:1016 part 13:1961 describes a test by which the abrasion resistance
of coke can be estimated from the percentage retained on 1/8th inch screen
after 28 lbs. of coke of +2 to 3 inch size has been rotated for 100 revolutions
in a half Micum test.
A summary of the data pertaining to similar tests for iron ore are shown
in Table 9.1 (Chapter 9).
The value of these two Micum indices depends on the following factors:
1. Quality of coals(s) used;
2. Blending procedures adopted, if an;
3. Carbonization temperature;
4. Carbonization time;
5. Quenching procedure and subsequent handling;
6. Moisture content of the coal mix vis-a-vis the bulk density;
7. Extent of crushing and degree of oil addition;
8. Mechanical compaction used.
The examination of coke samples removed from in front of the tuyeres
of operating furnaces have demonstrated that there are major anomalies
66 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Preparation of BF Fuel
The blast furnace requires coked coal or coke; as a fuel. Coke is more porous
and yet has much better strength and other properties more suited for blast
furnace operation. Coke is produced from certain coals, called metallurgical
coals, by the process of carbonization, which essentially means the heating
of coal out of contact with air, when it fuses and forms a cellular structure.
It is nothing but destructive distillation of coal under controlled conditions.
Main Blast Furnace Fuel: Coke • 67
During carbonization, the volatile matter contained in the coal escapes and
may or may not be collected as by-products. In the old style Beehive Ovens,
much of these by-products were not collected, whereas in the modern
By-product Coke Ovens or Slot Ovens, as they are called, these by-products
are collected. One of the important by-products is tar. A variety of beehive
oven-designs, developed in various countries, are available on the market.
The quality of coal is assessed in terms of reflectance of constituents of coal
called macerals which consists of three main groups: vitrinite, exinite, and
inertinite, out of which vitrinite is predominant. The reflectance of vitrinite
is measured under a microscope and this value determines the rank of the
coal and thereby the coking tendency of the coal.
Other properties of interest to assess the coking properties of coal are
the free swelling index, grindability index, fluidity, crucible swelling num-
ber, and dilatometric properties. These decide the quality of coke that will
be finally produced under certain conditions of carbonization. In principle,
when carbon in the form of coal is heated out of contact with air, the coal
mass almost fuses; particles join each other and form a more compact mass.
The loss of volatiles (which are generally 20–35%) make the structure more
porous. The conditions of carbonization have only marginal influence on
coke properties. The value of coke is assessed in terms of its:
1. Room-temperature strength;
2. High temperature strength;
3. Reactivity (RI);
4. Ash content;
5. Chemistry;
6. Strength after reduction (CSR).
The cost component of coke in hot metal production is nearly 70%. Coke
quality has a tremendous influence on blast furnace productivity and its
economics as determined by the fuel consumption for producing a ton of
hot metal i.e. coke rate. Out of these, the CSR and the RI are by far the
most influential properties of coke from this point of view.
The quality of coke primarily depends on the quality of coal or coal blend
used for making coke. Improvements in coke quality, to some extent, can be
brought about by pre-carbonization techniques. The essential design of the
by-product or slot coke-oven has been the same since the nineteenth-century.
68 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
obtain a coal blend of 15% ash to finally produce coke of up to 22% ash con-
tent. This is the main reason why the productivity of Indian BFs is very poor.
Indian coals are well known with respect to their washability charac-
teristics because the ash is finely and evenly distributed in the coal matrix
thereby rendering washing very difficult. Generally, heavy media separation
is adopted for 75 +25 mm fraction and cyclone or jig for the 25 + 6 mm
fraction after the run-of-mine is all crushed below 75 mm size. The cyclone
washer design adopted from the Dutch State mines has proved quite suit-
able for washing Indian coals. It may be mentioned here that the annual
coal washing capacity now exceeds 60 Mt annually.
In order to conserve the prime coking coal and to optimize its use, the
Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI), Dhanbad has developed a coal
blend of coking coals as:
Prime coking coal .......... 40–50% max.
Medium coking coal .......... 30–40%
Semi or weakly coking coal 10–20%
The resulting coke was of poor quality with respect to CSR (50) and
CRI and ash content (around 25–28%), but it had to be tolerated since no
import of good quality coal was allowed. As a result, the productivity of
Indian BFs were 1.0 thm/m3/d only. The BF sizes were also very small as
compared to the better ones overseas.
Since prime coking coal reserves in India were too meager, maximum
use of coals other than prime coals were to be used for ironmaking. Special
coal blending and preparation techniques including selective crushing, oil
blending, etc. were developed at the CFRI and were adopted until the lib-
eralization in 1991.
The Indian standard specifications for BF coke were laid down in
Table 4.1. The situation has undergone significant change after 1991 when
the import of good quality coal became readily possible.
70 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The rank of the coal also determines the coking properties. For good
coking the reflectance of vitrinite should be in the range of 1.15–1.25 and
the fluidity of the coal blend should be at least above 250 ddpm. The above
division was based on getting the stipulated metallurgical specifications
of coke for Indian conditions, though not of desired quality. Now import
of coking coal every plant has developed their own coal blend, incorpo-
rating the imported high value, low ash, good quality coking coal, to suit
their individual quality requirements vis-a-vis the economics involved. The
Indian standard specifications for blast furnace coke once adopted under
the socialistic controls are no longer valid. Every attempt is being made to
use coke as close to international standards as possible, using imported coal
in part and developing the coking process suitably.
With these modifications, it is now possible to obtain CSR in the range
of 58 to 65 which is the bare minimum needed for good blast furnace pro-
ductivity. A productivity of 2.0–2.25 t/m3/d has thus been achieved at Tata
Steel. In some of the very good blast furnaces on a global level, the CSR is
close to 80. This is one of the main reasons why their blast furnace sizes are
large and the productivity is 2.5 thm/m3/d.
Main Blast Furnace Fuel: Coke • 71
High-volatile C bituminous
High-volatile A bituminous
High-volatile B bituminous
Subbituminous B
Subbituminous C
Subbituminous B
FIGURE 4.1 Diagram showing classification of coals by rank in the United States. Rank is a measure of the
progressive alteration in the series from lignite to anthracite. Higher rank coals are generally harder, contain
less moisture and volatile matter, and have higher calorific values. Modified from Trumbull (1960). For a
more detailed explanation of coal-rank determination, see American Society for Testing and Materials.
72 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
In general, the higher the rank of a coal, the more deeply it was buried,
and, therefore, the higher the temperature it was subjected to during and
after burial. Older coals tend to be of higher rank because they are more
likely to have been buried more deeply for longer periods of time than
younger coals. To give a sense of the effects of increasing rank, the follow-
ing example may be used: lignite is soft, dusty, and can ignite spontaneously
under the appropriate conditions, whereas anthracite is quite hard, clean to
the touch, and must reach a temperature of about 925 °F (496 °C) before it
will ignite. Furthermore, anthracite contains about twice the calorific value
of lignite (about 15,000 Btu/lb, 3,780 cal/g and 7,000 Btu/lb, 1,764 cal/g,
respectively) because lignite contains more moisture and oxygen and less
fixed carbon than anthracite. Subbituminous and high-volatile bituminous
C coals have oxygen and moisture contents and calorific values that range
between those of lignite and anthracite. Bituminous coals of higher rank
than high-volatile A (Figure 4.1) have calorific values that may exceed those
of anthracite.
It has been accepted that coke strength from the same quality of charge
can be improved by compacting coal particles to improve the bulk-density
of the charge inside the oven. This increases the particle-particle contact
and develops stronger bonds when coal softens at carbonization tempera-
ture. To achieve this more effectively, stamp-charging has been developed.
This is a pre-carbonization technological improvement. A solid cake of coal
blend almost similar in size and shape to that of the oven chamber is formed
outside to achieve bulk density of nearly 1150–1200 kg/m3. This cake is
inserted in the oven horizontally from the ram side door. The rest of the
process of carbonization remains the same. The data in Table 4.2 proves the
superiority of this technique.
In stamp-charging, the coal-mix charge of coke ovens is prepared by
compacting it by drop hammer such that the bulk density of mix increases
as compared to when the mix is just charged in the oven. This was adopted
by Tata Steel in India for the first time. The compacting leads to achieve
bulk density of the order of 1150 kg/m3. Addition of moisture of 8–9% of
the mix with coal charge size of 90% below 3.2 mm size is found to be bet-
ter. This increased density is obtained by dropping heavy weight on the
mix, and the cake thus formed is charged in the ovens. The dimensions of
74 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Economizing Coke-Charge-Mix
In the ultimate analysis, even after all improvements, the cost of coke must
also be low and competitive. Coals are divided into coking i.e. hard cok-
ing coal (HCC), semi-soft coking coal (SSCC) and thermal or non-coking
coals by the major international suppliers like Australia. The HCC is much
costlier than SSCC, which is costlier than the thermal coals. In India, these
are generally known as prime coking, medium coking and semi to weakly
coking coals.
Main Blast Furnace Fuel: Coke • 75
At Tata Steel, good quality, low ash, important coal, to the extent of
50–60%, is being incorporated to produce good quality of coke. The extra
cost thus incurred has been off-set, to a large extent, by incorporating
5–10% of non-coking coal in the mix in the coal blend used for coke making.
Stamp-charging has made all this technologically possible. This improved
the overall BF economics. The use of 8–9% moisture and 0.4–0.6% oil
(LDO) has also improved the flowability and bulk density of the mix and
improved the resulting coke quality. All these improvements resulted in 4%
shrinkage in cake volume during carbonization, which is considered desir-
able from the point of view of oven life.
TABLE 4.3 Properties of Formed Coke from Low Rank Indian Coals
Size: 38–63 mm
Shape: Ovoid
Proximate analysis:
Moisture: 4.5%, Ash: 25%,
Volatile matter: 1.8%, Fixed carbon: 68%
Micum index:
% on 40 mm (M40) 78.6, % below 10 mm (M10) 16.4
Shatter index:
% on 38 mm (S1.5) 93.6, % on 13 mm (S0.5) 97.5
Porosity: 46.9
Point crushing strength: 275 kg
Sulphur: 0.33%
4.6 Ferro-coke
A carbonized lump produced from a mixture of iron bearing fines and non-
metallurgical coal is known as ferro-coke. The proportion of iron bearing
fines in ferro-coke may vary from a few percent to 15–20% at best. It is
produced by carbonizing the mixture much in the same way as that for
conventional coke making. The product is found to possess all the neces-
sary qualities required for its use as a blast furnace fuel. The advantages
claimed are:
1. Non-metallurgical coal is used indirectly as a fuel in the blast furnace;
2. Total fuel requirement inside the furnace is reduced since certain pro-
portion of iron is charged as pre-reduced iron;
3. Coke consumption in the blast furnace is decreased;
4. Blast furnace productivity is improved;
78 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
This has been tried at many plants, but it has yet to be developed to the
stage of universal applicability.
This is of great potential interest to India because of the meager and
poor quality metallurgical coals.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Elements of Distribution
● Factors Affecting Distribution
● Limitations
● Concluding Remarks
5.1 Introduction
The blast furnace is essentially a furnace working on the counter-current prin-
ciple. The descending solid charge meets a current of ascending gases; reduc-
tion of iron ore along with its progressive heating has to take place during this
passage. Of all the reactions taking place inside the blast furnace, reduction of
iron ore is the most important and the most difficult. The production rate of a
blast furnace is directly determined by two important factors:
the rate of reduction of iron oxide and the rate of heating of the burden.
These two factors are not independent, but they are related to the
quantity of blast that goes through the furnace, i.e. its driving rate. The
efficiency with which both of the above functions are met in the fur-
nace stack predominantly determine the furnace productivity. The stack
is essentially a diffusion controlled counter-current gas-solid reactor in
80 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
which the ascending hot reducing gases reduce the iron oxide and heat
up the descending burden. The rate of reduction and heating of the
burden depends upon the degree and time of contact of gases with the
burden. The burden inside the furnace should therefore have uniform
and good bulk permeability. The uniformity of distribution of reducing
gases throughout the horizontal and the vertical cross-sections of the fur-
nace is an essential feature for efficient reduction and heating of the
burden. Since the gases are passing through the furnace at a tremendous
speed, the only way of achieving uniform gas-solid contact is by obtaining
uniform resistance of the charge to the ascending gases over the entire
cross-sections of the burden. In practice, this can only be achieved by
obtaining a uniformly permeable burden inside the furnace. A more uni-
formly permeable burden distribution also allows a large amount of blast
to be forced through the furnace, other conditions remaining the same.
The initial distribution of charge in the throat usually persists through-
out the furnace shaft. Hence, it should be controlled to obtain burden
distribution of uniform permeability or at least one which offers equal
resistance to the passage of gases all through the cross-section.
The gas utilization, i.e. the coke rate, is a function of the burden
distribution. It has been found that each additional percent of CO uti-
lized for reduction means a saving of almost 7 kg of coke per ton of iron
produced. The question of distribution of charge materials in the throat
of the furnace, under given conditions, plays a very dominant role in the
performance of a furnace. Burden distribution is a generic term used to
denote radial ore or coke distribution as well as the particle size distribu-
tion in a blast furnace.
If the charge particles were of similar size and shape, the burden would
be a uniformly permeable burden irrespective of the way the materials
were charged in the furnace. The furnace charge is however far from this
ideal situation, even from the point of view of certain metallurgical require-
ments, leaving aside the practical limitations. The blast furnace charge con-
sists of different sizes of coke and ore, sinter, pellets, and limestone, with
different physical properties.
It is difficult to distribute them at the top of stock column, so that
the entire vertical and horizontal cross-sections of the furnace offer
equal resistance to the gas flow. This is due to the fact that a consid-
erable amount of pretreatment of the charge materials is done with
this object in view. Deliberate additional attempts have to be made to
Distribution of Traditional Burden • 81
FIGURE 5.1 The two bell charging arrangement at the top of the blast furnace.
FIGURE 5.2 Segregation of fines and coarse particles form in a pile when material is allowed to freely
fall from a hopper.
(b) Inconsistency in physical properties of (i) Size range of the various charge materials
charge materials (deficiencies caused by (ii) Angle of repose of raw materials and other
this should be eliminated by improving physical characteristics of the charge.
quality of the burden. (iii) Density of charge materials.
(c) Level, system and sequence of charg- (i) Distribution of charge on the big bell
ing, program of revolving the distributor (ii) Height of the big bell from the stock-line
(conditions determining major means of i.e. charge level in the furnace throat.
blast furnace process control from top). (iii) Order and proportion of charging of various
raw materials.
The size of the bell should be viewed in relation to the throat diam-
eter of the furnace. The way the distribution is affected by the clearance
between the bell and the furnace wall is shown in Figure 5.3.
FIGURE 5.3 Scheme of location of crest and the contour-types as affected by the clearance of the big
bell from the furnace wall.
The larger the clearance, the crest (where fines pile up) accumulates
further away from the wall. The smaller the clearance, the more the fines
accumulate nearer the wall. Too much or too narrow a gap between the bell
corner and the throat wall tends to segregate the sizes and prevents normal
distribution from being achieved. Studies have also confirmed that there
exists a optimum ratio of throat to bell diameter which leads to optimum
segregation of the burden. The normal gap in the existing furnaces that are
working satisfactorily is nearly 800–1000 mm. The experience at TISCO is
that there is improvement in blast furnace performance with increased gap
between the bell and the throat. Experience in other countries indicated
that a good throat-bell diameter ratio seems to be 1.36. The actual ratio
should be selected depending upon the contents of fines in the charge.
While using lean ores of low density, calcined ores or ores of fine texture, it
is preferable to keep this gap on the higher side.
The V and the M type contour formations at the stockline, which are
also called as hoppers, depend upon the bell clearance from the wall as
shown in Figure 5.3.
The behavior of particles immediately after their impact on the stock-
line, to a large extent, controls the nature of segregation (i.e. uniformity of
permeability) in the furnace burden.
Distribution of Traditional Burden • 85
FIGURE 5.4 Location of crest and the contour-types affected by the stockline level i.e. distance from the
bottom of the big bell to the stockline.
The behavior depends upon the angle of the bell and the height of
fall of the material from the bell on the stockline (i.e. the height of the big
bell from the stockline). Although the stockline varies during the furnace
operation, there is a limit to which it is allowed to go down or come up with
respect to the designed optimum level. The effect of height of the big bell
above the stockline on the distribution of the charge is shown in Figure 5.4.
The crest is formed at three different heights. The lowering of the stockline
to the point where the trajectory of the falling material comes against wall
of the furnace results in fines segregating near the wall. This is true for any
system of charging and for any size range of the charge. This is shown at
position h1 and as the level goes up the crest moves away from the wall as
shown at positions h2 and h3. At the higher levels, say h2 and h3, the angle of
inclination becomes steeper and the hopper formed in the center becomes
deeper and the crest moves away from the wall. The permeability of the
whole improves with crest reasonably away from the wall. In other words,
it is necessary to keep the clearance between the bell and the throat wall as
large as possible (i.e. having a larger throat to bell diameter ratio).
The speed of lowering and raising of the large bell is of considerable
importance, since the faster rate of drop tends to throw the materials
towards the wall and alters the contour as well as distribution. The speed of
lowering should be as close to maximum as possible because slower speed
tends to segregate the fines. The speed of raising the bell back to its seat is
relevant only to the extent that it should not strike the seating too hard. This
problem is aggravated in a high top pressure operation.
86 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The density of three important raw materials: the ore, the coke, and the
limestone, are quite different. The heaviest is iron ore with around 5–6 g/cc.
The lightest is coke with a density of around 1.5 g/cc, and the limestone is
intermediate with a value of density around g/cc. This means that
the rolling tendency of coke particles is maximum and that of the ore is
minimum. Since the density values can not be altered, the sizes may be
chosen so that their differential rolling tendencies are offset to some extent.
The problem of very dense ores is serious due to their sluggish reduction
rates rather than their tendency towards segregation. Such ores are invari-
ably crushed and sintered to obtain more porous agglomerates before they
are charged in the furnaces.
top. Barring these exceptions, the raw materials are hauled to the top of the
furnace by a mutually compensated two skip charging system on an inclined
railway. This arrangement requires an oval shaped hopper for the small bell
and the material is thrown from the skip at an angle of 45 degrees to the
bell control line (vertical).
The actual distribution of the raw materials on the large bell, prior to
their being dropped inside, affects the distribution in the furnace consid-
erably. In order to obtain better distribution on the large bell, and conse-
quently inside the furnace, several devices have been introduced. The early
distribution using an eccentric chute in place of small bell (i.e. the Brown
distributor) or using a deflector just above the small bell (i.e. the Baker and
Newman distributor) could not find wide use. The McKee revolving distrib-
utor as shown in Figure 5.5 or its modifications, however, were most popular
and continue to be used even today on most, old furnaces. Until recently,
all the furnaces in India were provided with this top only. In this design, the
raw materials are emptied in an elliptical hopper and then into the revolving
circular hopper of the small bell. The small bell hopper is rotated in a pre-
determined sequence. When one full charge, which consists of one or more
skipful of each of the raw materials, is charged uniformly around the small
bell, revolving the hopper after every skip is unloaded, it is lowered to drop
the charge on the big bell. This arrangement gives a better distribution of
charge on the bell and consequently inside the furnace as well.
(a) Both bells closed skip discharging the charge in the small belt hopper.
(b) Big bell closed, small bell open to allow the charge to fall in the big bell hopper.
(c) Small bell closed, big bell opened to allow the charge to be dropped inside the furnace.
(d) Both bells closed.
FIGURE 5.5 McKee top operation for charging the furnace.
Distribution of Traditional Burden • 89
Since one or more skipfuls (trash cans) of the individual materials are
charged, without prior intermixing in the skip, the revolving McKee top
ensures good mixing of the materials before these finally settle at the stock-
line. The extent of mixing that is possible with this technique is shown with
an illustration from the blast furnace charging practice at the Rourkela
Steel Plant in India.
The charging is carried out in the sequence CCOO↓ (that is two skips
of coke followed by two skips of ore and then the small bell is lowered), and
the hopper is rotated through 60 degrees after every skip is dumped on the
small bell, which is lowered after every four skips to dump the charge on
the big bell. When eight such charges (i.e. 32 skips) are charged, the big bell
is lowered to allow the whole charge to fall in the furnace. The distribution
of charge consisting of 32 skips, as would prevail on the big bell, is shown in
Figure 5.6 by a horizontal extension of the vertical position of the skipful of
charges in the form of rings. It is clear that vertically there will be alternate
layers of coke and ore in the charge on the big bell, and the mixing would
improve further when the big bell drops inside the furnace.
90 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Order of Charging
Mozumdar emphasizes the role of order of charging in furnace distribution
as: change in the system of charging of raw materials influence the distribu-
tion and character of gas flow to an extent considerably more than changes
of level of charging and size of the charge. Therefore, all conditions similar,
only 3.5% of the cases go to the credit of the control of distribution of gas
flow by changing the size of the charge and 85% control due to the change
of the system of charging.
It has been observed that more uniform gas flow through the bed can
be obtained much more readily by proper sequencing of the charge, if coke
is charged on the bell first. There is a definite excess of coke at the wall
and at the center of the furnace. When ore is charged first, there is no
pronounced layer formation in the stack and there is no excess of ore at
the walls; there is also a narrow zone of excess coke in the center. Changes
in the charging sequence and variation of the ore to coke ratio have to be
based on the existing physical conditions of the column inside the furnace.
With the usual M-type contour at the stockline, a large volume of gases
pass along the peripheral ring, which is not wide but occupies a consider-
able space. Maximum loading of this peripheral space with iron ore not only
corresponds to better utilization of gases, but it also prevents excessive ero-
sion of the refractory lining by the high velocity gases. Any excessive load-
ing of the periphery with iron ore, however, leads to excessive resistance of
the peripheral ring to the ascending gases. The situation can be rectified
by shifting the excessive peripheral load to the center. The same reasoning
may be applied if the central trough is overloaded with the ore. In short,
the charging sequence, in relation to the level of charging and size of the
charge, has to be adjusted to have maximum utilization of gas, ensuring
smooth performance of the furnace.
As discussed previously in this section, the commonly adopted system
of charging is CnOm↓, where n is the number of skip of coke and m is the
number of skips of ore. The ↓ sign indicates the lowering of the small bell.
Smooth performance of the blast furnace with this system is possible only
if the burden is well prepared. With this system of charging, the periphery
gets loaded with coke. The OmCn↓ scheme of charging is just the oppo-
site of the CnOm↓ scheme of charging, and it has just the opposite effects.
Continuous work on OmCn↓ system brings about gradual overloading of the
center and periphery with ore. In the system Om↓ Cn↓, the ore and the coke
are charged separately. In comparison to OmCn↓ system, this decreases the
92 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
ratio of iron ore to coke in the peripheral zone and increases the same in the
center. The system Cn ↓ Om ↓ is opposite Om↓ Cn ↓ as OmCn↓ is to CnOm ↓
in its effects.
The COmCn–1↓ system is more flexible as it distributes coke over a wide
range. The amount of coke charged prior to ore gradually and smoothly
reduces the ratio of ore to coke at the periphery and increases at the center.
The system OOCC↓, CO↓ CCC↓, or OC↓OCC↓ tend to load the
periphery with ore but coke consumption goes up a. Conversely the system
COOC↓, CCC↓OO↓, or CCCOO↓ loosens the already loaded periphery
but at the cost of increased coke consumption.
Any uneven behavior of the furnace may be eliminated by application
of the CCO↓CCO↓ system subsequently changed to the COOOC↓ system
or CCO↓CCO↓ or CC↓OOO↓ systems. Charging of extra coke and loosen-
ing of the periphery, as mentioned above, are commonly adopted if uneven
movements of the burden are observed.
The observations about the effects of any system of charging as mentioned
above are of a general nature. Since these are a function of various variables,
including the design parameters of the charging system, ones own experi-
ence of sequence of charging a particular blast furnace should weigh more for
future guidance while controlling the distribution of burden in any furnace.
The study of the distribution of burden on large scale models is increas-
ingly being adopted all over the world. Details of investigations on a 1 : 10 scale
model of 1719 m2 furnace has been reported.1 Similarly, a 1 : 18 scale model has
been used at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation to evaluate a parameter called
a uniformity index of distribution. This index quantified the degree of unifor-
mity of ore and coke layer thickness in radial direction. This concept of char-
acterizing the existing and proposed alternative filling practices was utilized in
developing improved charging practices. By selecting charging practices with
uniformity indices greater than those of existing practices, the Bethlehem Steel
Corporation could improve the performance of their blast furnaces.
5.4 Limitations
With the conventional bell-top charging system, the flexibility of burden
distribution is limited. The control in this case is limited to the shifting
of the peaks which inevitably occur in the form of M and V contours.
These shifts are brought about by placing the desired material towards
Distribution of Traditional Burden • 93
the wall or the center of the furnace. The optimum distribution can be
found out by testing alternative charging sequences, perhaps in relation to
the cyclic alternations of the stockline level, between specified lower and
upper limits.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Burden Qualities
● Crushing and Sizing
● Beneficiation of the Iron Ores
● Calcining/Roasting
● Blending
● Shipping
● Products of Ore Processing
● Treatment of Iron Ores (India)
● Agglomeration of Iron Ores
● World Resources (2017 USGS)
● Concluding Remarks
6.1 Introduction
The developments in the field of ironmaking have always been directed
towards increasing the productivity of the blast furnaces with minimum
fuel consumption. In recent years, the emphasis has also been to obtain
consistent and better quality pig iron, with low silicon and sulfur contents,
owing to the consequent economy in its conversion to steel. Effective
96 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
1. size 10–40/50 mm for direct charging in the BF.
2. size 5–18/20 mm for DRI production in coal-based kilns
3. size 10–30/40 for DRI production in gas-based processes
Coarse Fines:
1. size −10 mm and +100 mesh is usually sintered.
The −100 mesh fraction may be amenable readily for beneficiation, and if
required, it is generally beneficiated to improve upon the iron content and
decrease the gangue contents before pelletization. Since the acceptable BF
fraction is hardly 20–30% of the total run-of-mine, when the mechanized
mining operation is adopted, it is difficult to afford wasteful rejection of
nearly 70–80% of the run-of-mine. The two remaining fractions, coarse and
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 97
1. A close size range with minimum fines.
2. An ability to withstand the physical stresses incurred on being trans-
ported to the furnace, charged to the hopper and the bells, and, finally
in the furnace.
3. Non-decrepitating nature.
4. An ability to withstand mildly reducing conditions at lower tempera-
ture without breaking.
5. A good bulk reducibility to obtain equilibrium conditions between
solid and gas phases in the stack.
6. Low swelling tendency during reduction.
7. A high softening temperature with a narrow temperature range of fusion.
98 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
1. A high percentage of iron and low gangue contents.
2. A low percentage of silica, alumina, etc. and a low alumina/silica ratio.
3. Proper overall chemistry of the burden to ensure adequate desulfur-
ization of metal and absorption of coke ash in slag.
4. Proper overall chemistry to ensure clean slag and metal separation at
minimum temperature and free flow of both slag and metal from the
furnace on opening the corresponding outlets.
The quality of naturally occurring raw materials may not be as ideal as
detailed above. It can however be improved, as far as is economically fea-
sible, by pre-processing the natural raw materials. These pre-treatments or
processings are known as burden preparation which includes the treatment
of ores, coke, and limestone. Many times the sole attention is focused on
to the treatment of iron ores alone, because of their dominant importance.
This does not underrate the importance of the quality of coke in smooth
operation of a blast furnace. Burden preparation often means agglomera-
tion of ore fines with or without flux.
The main purpose of the preparation of an iron ore is the modification
of the chemical and physical characteristics of iron bearing minerals. In
their original condition , they are not all that suitable as a blast furnace
feed. Any additional operations of preparation of ore for blast furnace
involve additional cost. Until the advantages that would accrue from ore
preparation were properly understood, it was considered unnecessary. It
has now been conclusively proved that the cost of preparation of ores is
invariably more than compensated, by way of increased production rate
and efficient control of the modern large capacity furnaces. The prepara-
tion of ore produces pig iron of more consistent and better quality. Today,
the use of unprepared or even a partially prepared burden is rather an
exception dictated by financial and or historical circumstances. In such
exceptional cases, efforts are being made to put ore preparation on a
sounder footing.
The possible general characteristics of natural iron ore are shown in
Table 6.1. The probable ore treatment to prepare a better feed from these
ores is also shown. These treatments are discussed in this chapter and the
agglomeration of fines is addressed in the following chapters. An iron ore
may need one or more such treatments to render it acceptable as a blast
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 99
fraction of material below the limiting size does get into the furnace. This is
inevitable even in the best practice. Any excessive proportion of fines in the
charge can be tolerated only at the cost of loss in production.
The reduction of ore inside the furnace largely takes place by gas which
has to diffuse into the ore particles. Too large an ore size would result
in unreduced material coming down the stack into the tuyere area and
increase the total demand of heat. The maximum limiting size is based on
ore chemistry, its bulk reducibility and other characteristics. An appraisal of
the prospective ores is generally made at each plant before the installation
of a blast furnace to assess the maximum tolerable size for a certain furnace
design. Assessment of ores generally continues even after the installation of
the plant. This improves the performance of the furnace and also takes care
of the possible variations in the mine product as mining progresses.
The run-of-mine in the modern mechanized mining operation is usu-
ally in the form of boulders whose maximum size may be up to 1.0–1.25 m
(3.4 feet). If the ore is high grade, oxide-type, and dry, the only preparation
necessary is to reduce the size and grade it before it is charged in the furnace
as natural ore lumps. The run-of -mine is generally crushed at the mine site
to a maximum size in the range of 100–200 mm (4–8 in). Final crushing and
screening is either carried out at the mine or at the steel plant. The various
alternative routes of treatments in principle are shown in Figure 6.1. The
cost of the ore increases with the extent of treatment carried out on the run-
of-mine and the distance over which it needs to be transported for smelting.
Therefore, international prices have to be referred to the size and or the
form of the ore with respect to the location (i.e., f.o.b., f.o.r., etc.).
The crushing and sizing operation, whether carried out entirely at the
mine or partly at the mine and the remainder at the plant, should yield max-
imum amounts of 25–37 mm size fractions. The fraction below 5–10 mm
size needs to be agglomerated to make it useful as a blast furnace feed.
Since normally a single crusher cannot reduce the linear dimension of lump
by more than a factor of about 6–4, multistage crushing is invariably nec-
essary. For the first stage of crushing, either jaw or gyratory crushers are
used, except for sticky and clayey ores, for which double roll crushers are
commonly adopted. The first stage crushing produces a material which is
predominantly in the range of 150–250 mm (6–10 in). The second stage of
crushing, which is usually carried out using cone or gyratory crushers, may
be carried out in a single operation if the aim of the operation is to produce
material of 25–55 mm (1–2.5 in). When a smaller size is required, crushing
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 101
is carried out in stages using a closed circuit screening to ensure all the
material is in the desired size range.
FIGURE 6.1 Principal treatments of ores prior to their charging. Four alternative routes are shown. The
dotted lines show further alternative possibilities in these routes.
In these treatments, the low grade ore has to be first crushed and
ground to liberate the iron mineral from the gangue at the optimum cost.
The separation of iron mineral from the gangue can then be achieved by
any one or more of the following methods:
1. Magnetic separation at either high or low intensity magnetic fields;
2. Gravity separation using either a heavy fluid medium or by jigging,
tabling or the use of spirals;
3. Flotation;
4. Electrostatic separation;
5. Magnetic roasting followed by a low intensity magnetic separation;
6. Although not the goal, some degree of concentration is achieved by
washing and calcination.
Magnetic Concentration
Being strongly magnetic, magnetite (Fe3O4) can be readily separated at
low intensity magnetic fields (500–200 oersteds). Weakly magnetic mate-
rials like hematite can be separated at high intensity (12000–22000 oer-
steds) magnetic fields only. The dry method is suitable if the particle size
is + 6 mm and the wet method is effective if the size is less than 150 mesh
(100 μm). For the intermediate size range either method is equally suited.
Usually the ore is fed on to a rotating drum with a partially magnetized
surface. The non-magnetic tailings fall from the drum before the concen-
trate which is carried further under the influence of the magnetic field.
A series of magnetic separators in combination with successive crushing
and grinding operations is usually adopted for effective beneficiation.
Occasionally, other concentration operations may be used in conjunction
with magnetic separation to improve the quality of the final product. The
actual sequence of operations depends on the quality of the feed and that
of the product required.
Gravity Methods
1. Heavy Media. This method is normally used for separation when par-
ticle size is around 6–40 mm (¼–1½ in). An artificial heavy medium is pre-
pared by having ferro-silicon, sand or magnetite in suspension in water so
that the density is between those of iron oxide and the gangue. The iron
104 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Flotation Method
This method is based on the fact that the surface property of some miner-
als can be temporarily altered to make them hydrophilic or hydro-phobic.
Hydrophobic minerals can be floated and separated as froth if air is bub-
bled through a suspension of such minerals in water. Various reagents are
added to obtain the desired surface characteristics of the metallic mineral
or the gangue. Petroleum sulfonates, fatty acides, tall oil, etc. are used to
float iron oxide. Starch, gum, etc. tend to float silica and depress iron oxide.
Even though the flotation reagents are required in small amounts, they
are costly chemicals. The overall cost of chemicals required in floatation is
high. Relatively more power is required to run the flotation cells. The feed
to flotation cell should be finely ground. All these factors in general make
flotation uneconomical for upgrading iron ores. Flotation has been used
in conjunction with other concentration operations in exceptional cases to
ensure high grade product.
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 105
Electrostatic Separation
The difference in electrical conductivity between iron minerals and the
gangue is used to separate the two. Electrostatic separation is mainly used
in the final stages of concentration in conjunction with some other upgrada-
tion method. In conjunction with magnetic separation, the use of electro-
static separation in the final stages improves the purity of the product and
overall efficiency of concentration.
Magnetic Roasting
It is very easy to reduce hematite to magnetite under slightly reducing con-
ditions at 600°–800° C temperature and the ore is there by rendered ame-
nable to magnetic separation at low intensity. Magnetic roasting in rotary
kilns was practiced in the U.S.S.R. and in fluo-solid reactors in Italy.
The terms washing means separation of particles of widely different sizes,
on the basis of their sizes, using a fluid current in which the finer particles
are readily suspended and washed away while the larger particles fail to
get suspended and are separated from the fines. Washing is essentially a
classification process and concentration that may occur in the process is
incidental. This term should be differentiated from the washing of coal
wherein upgradation is primarily sought along with freeing it from the
extraneous clayey matter. Washing was adopted for obtaining lumpy ore
fraction from a moist clayey ore which otherwise is not amenable to dry
screening. Washing improves screenability markedly by removing the
finer clayey particles which confer plasticity onto the ore. If these ores are
not washed, the ore handling difficulties during crushing and screening,
are aggravated.
Many blast furnace operators preferred to charge wet ores directly in the
furnace with the hope that the sensible heat of the outgoing gases would
be best utilized in drying the wet ores. Such a furnace practice proved
quite detrimental to the furnace productivity. Wet ores cannot be prop-
erly screened to eliminate fines which enter the furnace. Even if such
ore charge gets dried by the outgoing gases, the fines associated with the
ore charge have adverse effects on the furnace productivity. It has been
observed that increasing the proportion of dried ore in an otherwise wet
charge has resulted in decreasing the coke rate. The economy is chiefly
106 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
attributed to the better screening of dry ores and its consequent improved
distribution in the burden. Wet ores are sticky and interfere with the screen-
ing. They also cause trouble in transit by sticking in the hopper, chutes, etc.
Moreover, they stick to the charging bell and thereby interferes with distri-
bution. Bashforth has described ore drying practices in the U.K. The driers
employed are generally rotary type and are heated by burning blast furnace
gas. These kilns are generally inclined at about 5 degrees to the horizontal.
Over-drying of the ore has been found to result in increased disintegration
of the ore particles into fines and dust which has to be screened off. Since
an increasing proportion of ores are being beneficiated in wet conditions,
dewatering operation is included as a part of the beneficiation flowsheet.
Ore drying was by no means a universal practice. In fact, only some plants
adopted it.
6.6 Calcining/Roasting
Iron is ultimately produced by reducing iron oxide present in the ore.
If local considerations dictate the use of hydroxide, carbonate or sulfide
type of ores these can be used for ironmaking only after calcination/roast-
ing. Normally, a good amount of coal matter and or sulfur contained in
the ore also gets eliminated during calcining. Bashforth32 has described
the ore calcination practices in the U.K: at one plant a Davies Colby kiln
of 24 feet in diameter and 45 feet tall was employed to deal with 300 t of
carbonate ore per day. In the past calcining was fairly widely practiced
where carbonate and or hydroxide ores were the only source available
for ironmaking. It has been completely replaced by sintering or pellet-
izing since calcining can be achieved readily and more effectively in the
latter processes, and these can also produce a product directly useful
for charging.
6.7 Blending
Blending means mixing up of two or more types of materials from two or
more sources to even out variations in physical and or chemical qualities
to obtain a more uniform material of desired qualities over an extended
period. The iron ore blend may be made up of ores from different sources
or it may also include materials much as coke breeze, flue dust, limestone,
etc. In the past, materials were stored in separate bunkers and appropriate
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 107
quantities were withdrawn from each and mixed to give the desired mix-
ture. A more satisfactory method, which is now widely adopted, is bedding.
The materials in appropriate ratios are laid as layers, one over the other, on
long beds, which have a triangular or trapezoidal cross section, by means
of a traveling reversing boon stacker or gantry. The blend is claimed in a
direction perpendicular to the direction of laying down the bed. A mini-
mum of two beds are employed, one being laid while the other is being
reclaimed. In a modern plant, ore is being laid at the rate of about 1000 t/
hr and reclaimed at about 500 t/hr.
6.8 Shipping
The large scale rise in iron output in the industrially advanced countries,
particularly after the World War II, was made possible through the import
of a substantial amount of iron ore from other countries. Iron ores are
now transported from the main iron ore producing countries like Brazil,
Australia, India, Chile, etc. to countries like Japan, U.S.A., Germany, etc.
in vessels of up to 200,000 t dwt capacity. The ports need to possess cor-
responding capacities to admit such large vessels and efficiently handle
materials of this order of magnitude. Blending may be carried out at the
exporting or the importing ports. Ore can be laid down and withdrawn
from modern stockyards at the rate of several thousand tons per hour.
Loading and unloading is carried out by adjustable loading arms and con-
veyor belt-systems.
Automatic sampling is a common practice. A small proportion of the
ore is continuously removed, crushed, ground, and a sample is drawn from
this for chemical analysis. The price of the ore depends on its size, composi-
tion, and pre-treatment, if any, done before loading.
It has already been indicated earlier that the iron ore, metallurgical
coal and coke trade is fast expanding on the international level. It is not
uncommon for steel plants to buy or lease mines in other countries. The
transportation in is carried out only via water ways, because of their rela-
tive cheapness. International trade involves lot of problems in ensuring the
right quality supply as agreed upon. Several independent, third party agen-
cies have emerged to ensure this for both the seller and the buyer. Steel
plants now have their own jetty ports, ships or carriers, and attendant varied
services as well as elaborate material handling systems from the ports to the
plant stock yard.
108 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
screening, and handling of the ore at the mine site or at the ports. The situ-
ation is worse particularly in the wet months when the moisture level goes
up to 7–10%. For effective dry screening, the moisture level must be below
4%. The ores, therefore, need to be dried in wet months. Alternatively,
it has been shown that scrubbing followed by wet screening is absolutely
necessary to solve the ore screening and handling problems encountered in
almost all the iron ore mines in India employing mechanized mining.
Since the liberation of the bulk of the gangue from the iron-bearing
minerals take place at a relatively coarse size, and since these ores are rela-
tively rich in iron content, the ore treatment is rather simple and inexpen-
sive. It consists of the following steps:
1. Crushing the mine output of the required top-size;
2. If necessary, scrubbing the crushed ore to release the adhering clay;
3. Wet screening the crushed or the scrubbed ore to separate lumps from
objectionable fines;
4. Classification of the screen undersize to separate ore from slimes and
dewatering of the product;
5. Concentration of the resulting ore fines prior to agglomeration to
separate the iron bearing minerals from the gangue either by jigging,
heavy media separation, or by cyclone treatment.
Iron ore treatments carried out in India are shown in Table 6.2.
TABLE 6.2 Ore Processing Schemes of Some Major Iron Ores in India
Mine Process adopted
FIGURE 6.2. Flow-sheet of ore washing facilities at Tata Steel’s Noamundi iron ore mine.
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 111
Bhilai 9 22 23 11 17 10 7
Rourkela 8 8 16 18 40 5 5
Kalta − 2 31 30 31 3 3
112 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Wt scrubbing in sized ore (−40 + 53.4 66.5–67.0 0.7– 0.9 1.7–1.9
washing drums 10 mm)
Classifier Rake up fines 32.9 63.5–64.5 1.0–1.5 3.3–4.0
Fines −10 + 100 mesh
Slimes (–100 mesh) 13.5 56–59 3.75–550 6–9
0.5 million t of pellets per year in 1967 and another pelletizing plant was
added to produce an additional 6 million t of pellets per year. This also
includes beneficiation of the ore.
FIGURE 6.3 Simplified flow-sheet of beneficiation plant at Kundremukh for the treatment of magnetite
114 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Briquetting essentially consists of pressing the ore fines, with or without a
binder, into a block or briquette of some suitable size and shape, and then
subjecting it to a hardening process. A wide range of organic and inorganic
binders like tar, pitch, cereal products, sodium silicate, ferrous sulfate,
magnesium chloride, limestone, cement, bentonite, etc. have been tried
with varying success. Although briquetting was used commercially during
and after the World War II, it has practically been abandoned since 1960.
However, more recently, there has been a revival of interest in briquet-
ting. On a small scale, briquetting does offer some advantages over other
In the early version of the process, fine ore mixed with water was
pressed into oblong blocks which were hardened in a tunnel kiln heated to
about 1350º C.
Cement briquettes with 1–5% cement as binder were produced in
the U.S.A. during the World War II on a large scale. Individual plant pro-
duction was of the order of 1000 t/day. Recently briquettes of adequate
strength have been produced in cold conditions (without firing) by adding
10% cement and aging them for several days like cement concrete.
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 115
In the nodulizing process, flue dust, pyrite residue, or fine ore concentrate
along with some carbonaceous material like tar are passed through a rotary
kiln heated by gas or oil. The feed travels countercurrent to the gases. The
temperature inside the kiln is just sufficient to soften the ore but not high
enough to fuse the ore. The kiln is inclined slightly to the horizontal and
rotates at 1–2 rpm and is nearly 30–60 m in length. The diameter at the
feed end is about 2 m whereas that at the sinter zone is about double that. It
takes about 1.5–2.0 hours for the charge to travel through the kiln. The size
of the nodules produced vary considerably depending upon the tar content
and the temperature. The nodules varied considerably in composition and
were too dense or slaggy. They were not profitable and this process could
not find great favor. It has been largely replaced by either sintering or pel-
letizing. Nodulizing kilns were first used in 1914 and continued in operation
until the 1960s.
Vacuum Extrusion
The process of vacuum extrusion otherwise used in the ceramic industry,
was adopted for producing iron ore compacts in the 1950s on a small
scale. Moist ore, with or without bentonite as a binder, is fed in the de-
airing chamber and extruded into a cylindrical product which is cut into
desired small sizes. The product is dried and fired before use in a blast
116 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Sintering is essentially a process of heating a mass of fine particles to the
stage of incipient fusion (temperature a little below the melting or soft-
ening point) for the purpose of agglomerating them into lumps. Metal
powder compacts are sintered to obtain the desired solid shapes. In iron
ore sintering, the aim is to produce a strong, but porous, agglomerate
from a sandy, uncompacted mass. Compacting of ore fines prior to sin-
tering, as is done for powder metallurgical articles, is therefore unneces-
sary. Similarly, heating the entire bed of fine particles to the temperature
required for sintering, as is done in powder metallurgy, is neither practi-
cal nor economical. Sintering is carried out layer by layer in a mass of
charge. The process of sintering will be discussed at length in the next
The process of pelletization consists of rolling moist iron ore fines of less
than 100 mesh size, with or without a binder, into balls of usually 7–20 mm
in size. Since the moist balls lack the necessary strength, these are dried,
preheated and fired, to produce hardened balls which are an excellent
feed for a blast furnace. This process will also be discussed at length in
Chapter 8.
The only source of primary iron is iron ore, used directly as direct-shipping
ore or converted to briquettes, concentrates, DRI, iron nuggets, pellets,
or sinter. DRI, iron nuggets, and scrap are extensively used for steelmak-
ing in electric arc furnaces and in iron and steel foundries. Technological
advancements have been made, which allow hematite to be recovered from
tailings basins and pelletized.
Burden Preparation: Treatment of Iron Ores • 117
– Zero.
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
All countries with less than 5,000 metric tons of exports per month included in “Other”.
Free alongside ship (FAS) value.
Less than ½ Unit.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
In This Chapter
● Principle of Sintering
● Process Variables
● Sinter Quality
● Mechanism of Sintering
● Raw Material Requirements
● Recent Trends in Sintering Practice
● Alumina Problem in Sintering
● Concluding Remarks
FIGURE 7.1 A sinter bed a few minutes after the ignition of the top layer.
The narrow combustion zone developed initially at the top layer travels
through the bed raising the temperature of the bed, layer by layer, to the
sintering level. An illustration of a sinter bed a few minutes after the igni-
tion of the top layer is shown in Figure 7.1. The cold blast drawn through
the bed cools the already sintered layer and becomes heated. The heat
contained in the blast is utilized in drying and preheating the lower layers
in the bed. Before combustion, each layer is dried and pre-heated by the
heat transferred from the upper combustion zones. Much of the heat in the
gases is absorbed by the lower portion of the bed.
In the combustion zone, bonding takes place between the grains and a
strong and porous aggregate is formed as shown in Figure 7.2. The process
is completed when the combustion zone has reached the lowest layer of the
bed. The sinter cake is then tipped from the grate in hot condition or after
partial cooling. It is broken, screened, and cooled to produce desired frac-
tion. The undersize is recycled and the oversize is fully cooled and sent to
the blast furnace.
curve are then the variables of the process and should be adjusted properly
for effective sintering.
blast initially gets heated, that is, it cools the combustion zone, and in turn
heats the lower layers of the bed. It is, therefore, essentially a phenomenon
of gas-solid heat exchange. The process is carried out at such a fast rate that
the system is far from steady state conditions of gas-; solid heat exchange.
In order to carry both the heating and cooling functions of the gas phase
effectively (i.e. to obtain faster rate of heat exchange), the blast drawn
through the bed should be at maximum heat capacity. This means that
the volume of air drawn through the bed during sintering should be maxi-
mum. The more permeable is the bed, the more the blast will be drawn
through it. A more permeable bed, however, leads to loss of strength in the
resulting sinter. These two opposing factors should be adjusted to produce
optimum results.
It is usual practice to draw air blasts of 7003/t (25000 Nft3/t) for non-
volatile ores and up to 1100 m3/t (40000 Nft3) for volatile low grade ores
for sintering them effectively. This means that blast of total heat capacity is
almost equal to that of the solid charge is necessary to transfer the hot zone
through the bed and an equivalent blower size will have to be provided for
effective sintering. The amount of blast drawn per unit weight of the charge
(usually one ton) is often referred to as specific volume of the blast in sin-
tering. Heat flow studies during sintering have shown that the product of
specific volume and heat capacity of gaseous phase drawn through the bed
is normally constant.
Since sintering takes place layer by layer, it is obvious that every layer
will have to be heated to the sintering temperature level. This is possible
only if solid fuel is incorporated in the charge and that it burns layer by
layer. If no fuel is incorporated in the charge, and even if the top layer is
initially heated to the sintering temperature level, the peak temperature
attained by the lower layers will go on decreasing and sintering will not take
place uniformly and effectively.
Sintering is commenced by igniting the solid fuel in the top layer. The
combustion of solid fuel raises the temperature of the top layer to the
required level. The air blast drawn thereafter through the bed not only
cools the top layer but preheats the solid fuel in the next lower layer and
the combustion zone shifts downwards. A high sintering temperature in
the lower layers can be achieved by preheating the fuel to high tempera-
ture, by achieving combustion in a gas stream at high temperature and by
obtaining maximum amount of carbon to burn to carbon dioxide. The rate
of fuel combustion (i.e. the rate of travel of flame front) depends on the
124 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
reactivity of the fuel and the oxygen content of the gas. The heat generated
by combustion in the upper layers must travel down the bed at the same
rate as the combustion zone and be available at the right time for raising
the temperature of the lower layers. The heat wave travels down in the bed
with approximately a constant velocity given by an expression:
Hs(1 − F)
where Hg is the heat capacity of gas per unit volume, and Hs is the heat capacity
of solid per unit volume.
W is the normal volume of fluid per unit cross section of the bed
per minute,and F is the void fraction per unit volume of bed.
The time required for the waste gases to reach peak temperature
should, therefore, be inversely proportional to the product of apparent gas
velocity and heat capacity of the gas phase.
For any fuel type, there is a certain partial pressure of oxygen which will
give a combustion rate such that the flame front travels with the heat front.
This is often referred to as matching and it gives maximum bed tempera-
ture. Any other condition is called mismatching. It gives broad temperature
distribution not conducive to effective sintering. For more reactive fuels,
matching occurs at low oxygen partial pressures in the gas and vice versa.
It is a common thermodynamic phenomenon that an increase in partial
pressure of oxygen gives rise to an increase in combustion temperature as
is found during ignition and during the matched conditions of sintering. It
may not be so when the conditions are mismatched.
In spite of the fact that excess oxygen is always present in the sintering
atmosphere, all the carbon in the fuel does not burn to completion (to car-
bon dioxide) and some carbon monoxide is always present in the gas phase.
It is related to the poor reactivity of the fuel and the mismatching that exists
between flame front and the heat front. Fuels containing low temperature
volatiles are not suitable for use in sinter mix, not only because of their high
reactivities, but also because these volatiles distill out of the bed in advance
of the flame front, and interfere with the gas-solid heat exchange. For effec-
tive sintering, once the top layer is ignited, adequately matching conditions
should exist. The permeability of the bed, as decided by the particle size of
the bed, amount of solid fuel, moisture and carbonates incorporated in the
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Sintering • 125
charge, and the suction applied will have to be interrelated to obtain the
matching conditions.
If suction is increased to draw more blast, transfer of heat between
the gas and the solid may become less efficient. On the other hand, if suc-
tion is less, the flame front will not move down the bed properly. In either
case mismatching occurs. Increase in the average size of the particles of a
sinter mix increase permeability, and the amount of air drawn through the
bed consequently increases. This leads to inefficient heat transfer and the
attendant troubles.
There seems to be no apparent relationship between specific volume and
the solid fuel content of the sinter mix. The specific volume is always dictated
by heat transfer considerations rather than by fuel combustion. With the cor-
rect fuel content in the bed, increasing the amount of moisture or carbon-
ates in the bed increases the specific air volume. The effect of water is more
predominant. This is one of the reasons for addition of a critical amount of
moisture in the sinter mix. A significant amount of sulfur can be removed
by sintering, and this has the advantage of reducing the sulfur load in the
blast furnace. It has been observed that the optimum coke content for sul-
fur removal is much greater at the bottom of the bed, in order to achieve
the correct temperature for sulfur removal. The considerations for obtaining
adequate strength of sinter are different from those necessary for reasonable
removal of sulfur.
The sintering of iron ore fines is now universally carried out on travel-
ling grate machines forming a closed loop. The design of an endless band
of pallets moving over static wind boxes was originally set out by Dwight
and Lloyd in the beginning of the 1900s in Mexico. Although the design
has undergone improvements, essential features of the original design still
continue to be adopted even on the latest of machines. In 1958, the largest
machine in operation was 3.7 m in width and 223 m2 in grate area with a
production capacity of some 8000 t/day. The largest machine now in use is
in Japan and is nearly 8 m in width with nearly 500 m2 as useful grate area
and a production capacity of nearly 24,000 t/day.
The number of sinter strands provided in Indian steel plants are shown
in Table 7.1. Except for IISCO, all other steel plants have their own sin-
tering machines and consume together around 12 million tons of iron ore
fines. The total capacity of sintering is nearly 20 million tons.
126 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The sintered cake drops out at the other end when the pallets turn
upside down. The cake is broken, screened, and the oversize is cooled.
The undersize usually −9 mm, is returned to the machine for re-sinter-
ing whereas the oversize, after rescreening, goes to the blast furnace as
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Sintering • 127
charge. From the discharge end, the pallets return to the feed end in
inverted overhung fashion on rails. The exhaust gases from the wind boxes
are let off into the atmosphere through a chimney after dust and possible
heat extraction.
The important parts of the machine and its accessories that make up
the complete sinter plant are as follows:
1. Storage bins, mixer(s), feeder(s), etc.
2. Charge leveler
3. Ignition hood
4. Band of pallets and rails for its movement
5. Drive mechanism
6. Sinter breaker, screen, cooler, etc.
7. Spillage collector
8. Wind boxes, dust extractor, exhaust fan, chimney, etc.
The general arrangement in the plant is shown schematically in Figure 7.4.
Raw materials like iron ore fines, coke breeze, reclaimed flue dust,
etc. are generally used for sintering. These may be stored in separate over-
head bins. The weighed amount of these materials are delivered to the
mixer to prepare the feed mix. Alternatively, the raw materials may be laid
in layers to prepare a huge pile of blend which is reclaimed and delivered
to the mixer.
The proportioned raw materials are moistened and thoroughly mixed
in the mixer to prepare a desired homogeneous feed for sintering. The
mixer is a trommel or a drum fitted with paddles. After initial mixing, the
moist charge is rolled in a drum to nodulize the fines and decrease the size
range of the particles. This improves the permeability of the sinter bed.
In the latest design of the sinter strand at the Bokaro Steel Plant (India),
a two stage mixing and two-layer charging design is employed as shown
in Figure 7.5. This ready mix is laid evenly across the whole width of the
pallet with minimum compacting. It is necessary to have a continuous
uninterrupted flow of charge on the pallets when the machine runs. A
swinging spout of a roll feeder or a vibrating tray feeder is generally used
to achieve this objective.
128 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
FIGURE 7.5 Two-stage mixing and double layer charging design as adopted for sintering in the Bokaro
Steel Plant (India).
direction. When the pallet moves over the wind box and when it crosses
past the last wind box, sealing in the transverse direction is also equally
essential. In the early designs, the pallets moved on flat face on the upper
track. A lubricant was force fed in the area of contact to maintain the seal.
Such arrangements worked well on small machines.
as long as the pallets are along the curved rails. The wear of pallet ends is
practically eliminated. The teeth of the sprocket engage either with the
pallet roller or on special haunches on the pallet ends. A gap is left for
accommodating expansion of the pallets at the bottom track as shown in
Figure 7.7 (b).
If proper ignition of the top layer is not achieved, both output and qual-
ity of the sinter will suffer adversely. For each mix, proper ignition condi-
tions are established by experiments and the hood and burner arrangements
are designed accordingly. Two main types of ignition hoods as shown in
Figure 7.8 are in use:
FIGURE 7.8 Ignition hood designs. (a) Combustion-chamber type: Two burners are located on the
discharge half side of the hood and hence heating takes place partly directly and partly by the radiations
from the hot roof. (b) Nozzle or torch-type: One or more rows of burners are fitted into the hood over
the entire width of the pallet to obtain ignition time of nearly a minute, the flame directly impinges on
the charge and radiation plays a relatively minor role.
132 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
that it can be carried to the blast furnace even on rubber belt conveyors.
The fines are cooled and can be suitably recirculated. Cooling of the over-
size can be achieved by various means (e.g. cooling on dwarfs, cooling on
sintering machine (as practiced in Bokaro Steel Plant), shallow bed cool-
ers, deep bed coolers, etc.) The screens have been specially designed for
screening hot sinter. Although breaking and screening of sinter poses no
unsurmountable technical problem, the abrasive nature and the hot con-
dition of the product creates problems in the maintenance of the system.
This makes the operation more expensive and time consuming. Better
construction materials can reduce the down time and make the operation
more economical.
The feed is expected to be laid on the pallets, and the sinter cake
is expected to slide off the pallets on the crash deck. Materials do spill
over and these must be collected and reused again. The machine is cov-
ered on the sides and a longitudinal bunker is installed below the bottom
track such that the spillage from the top track and sinter fines or lumps
sticking to the grate, even in its inverted position, can be directed to the
apron conveyor which conveys all these to the sinter screen for further
processing. In the modern strand at the Bokoro Steel Plant, an additional
mechanical device has been provided to clean up the material sticking to
the pallets while they are moving in the overhung position on the bottom
rail track.
Depending upon the thickness of the bed and quality of the feed,
ignition condition, amount and quality of fuel incorporated in the mix,
etc. an exhaust blower of suitable size is provided with the machine. On
a modern, large unit, the fan suction capacity may be of the order of
45–500 m3/sec at 120–200 cm water gauge requiring about 10,000 h.p.
motor to generate this. The waste gas system mainly includes the down-
comers, the dust hoppers, the waste gas main, the dust extractor, the
exhaust blower, and finally the chimney. The entire design should ensure
as far as possible:
1. Uniform suction across the width of the machine;
2. Collection of dust and charge particles falling through the gate in dust
hopper itself;
3. Low velocity of waste gases to keep down abrasion due to dust laden
134 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
1. Acid Sinter. The sinter mix does not contain flux at all. Flux is added
in the furnace separately. The production of this type is fast declining
and most modern practices produce self-fluxing or super-fluxed sinter.
2. Fluxed Sinter. The amount of flux added in the mix in such that
the basicity of the mix is equal to that of the slag to be produced
in the furnace. Separate addition of flux would be required only in
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Sintering • 137
FIGURE 7.9 Vertical section through the sinter bed over the whole length showing the various zones.
avoided by making two sinters. One relatively acid and the other highly basic
and using a mixture of these two in proper proportion in the blast furnace.
If all other things are similar, the strength of the sinter is directly related
to the size distribution of the charge mix. These factors dictate the contact
area of particles which in turn dictates the strength of the sinter. If the size
is large, the contact area will be less and the strength of the sinter will be
low. Conversely, if size is small, the contact area of particles will be large
and the strength will be high. For sintering, therefore, it is undesirable to
have large lumps of ore in the charge. The top size of more than 10 mm
is rarely preferred. Similarly, an excessive proportion of −100 mesh would
affect the sinter bed permeability adversely. It would require pretreatment
like nodulizing before actual sintering. The size distribution of ore fines
has a pronounced effect on sinter strength. The aim is to have a maximum
contact area with the particles without impairing the bed permeability. It is
desirable to have a large proportion of fines below 3 mm and a small frac-
tion of over 6 mm size. In general, the 100–150 mesh fraction is screened
off from the 10 mm fraction before sending it to the sinter plant bins. The
100–150 mesh fraction is ideal for pelletization. The two processes, namely
the sintering and the pelletizing, are not competitors but are complimen-
tary to each other. Coke breeze of −3 mm size or fine anthracite coal are
good solid fuels for sintering. The above considerations have to be viewed
in the light of the size of the solid fuel as well as that of the flux when arriv-
ing at the optimum size of the mix. Limestone or dolomite of −3 mm size is
the best. Very fine coal and coke dust is not useful because the majority of
heat released from their burning is not available for sintering.
Fuel Content
The proportion of fuel in the charge has a bearing on the constitution of the
sinter, as was discussed in the previous section. Fuel content is usually in
the range of 6–8%.
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Sintering • 141
The use of extended hood, gas sintering or double layer sintering have
been developed to decrease the solid fuel requirements in sintering. The
method of calculating the practical minimum of the theoretical fuel for
given conditions of sintering has been given by Wegman.
The presence of moisture in the sinter mix has several advantages. It main-
tains proper permeability in the bed during sintering. The rate of rise of
temperature at higher temperature levels is more rapid in wet than in dry
mix, and this is what is desired for better sintering. The presence of mois-
ture increases the specific volume of air required for sintering. This is ben-
eficial from the point for view of heat transfer during sintering. The level of
moisture in the sinter mix is generally around 3.6%.
Circulating Load
Typical figures indicating the capital cost of setting up of a sinter plant are
shown below:
% of total cost
Civil work
Foundation 10
Buildings 23
Electricals 15
Sinter machine (including controls) 16
Sinter cooler 7
Blower, apron etc. 7
Raw material handling equipment 10
Gas main, bunkers, etc. (plate work) 7
Miscellaneous 5
Total 100
The operating cost-breakdown is typically as follows:
Wages 30%
Repairs maintainence, 50%
supplies, utilities, etc. Transportations and general 5%
Fixed expenses 15%
Total 100
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Sintering • 145
Indian Scenario
The alumina content of Indian iron ores in general is very high, and it
reduces the strength of sinter under Indian conditions by producing more
fines and less lumpy fraction. The alumina content of Indian ores is rarely
below 2%, and it is often in the range of 2.5–4.5%. Any excess of alumina
eventually increases the slag volume inside the blast furnace, which is
somewhat restricted by adopting lower basicity, and which is only margin-
ally effective. Alumina makes the slag more refractory, and this problem has
to be tackled by increasing the basicity and or addition of MgO as flux. This,
again, increases the slag volume and the attendant problems like decreased
productivity, increased coke rate, and high operating temperatures leading
to high silicon content in the metal which have to be tolerated. The adverse
role of alumina in the burden needs no extra emphasis. Besides the iron
content and strength, the alumina content of the ore decides the quality
of ore. Fortunately, with proper washing treatment, it is possible to reduce
the alumina content of the ore lumps to below 2% as against the maximum
1% all over the world. This is the best that can be done under Indian condi-
tions, as far as the lumpy fraction of the ore is concerned.
The adverse role of alumina in the sinter on its strength and reduction-
degradation properties (RDI) has now been conclusively proved as shown
in Figures 7.12, 7.13, and 7.14. Any increase in alumina content of the sin-
ter beyond 2% alumina decreases the sinter strength as determined by the
tumbler test. Similarly, it increases the reduction-degradation index, and as a
result, the coke rate goes up. For maintaining the same RDI, the basicity of
the sinter has to be increased. For better blast furnace performance, the stack
zone should be as extended as possible with the softening and melting zone
confined to as narrow a zone as possible in the lower part. This is possible only
if the RDI is low (i.e. alumina content is low), particularly at low basicities.
This has resulted in better quality sinter with a RDI of 28 and a TI of
the order of 72. Because of this design, it has been possible to incorporate
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Sintering • 147
more than 70% sinter in their blast furnaces. This has greatly improved
their BF productivity.
FIGURE 7.14 Effect of alumina content on sinter RDI at various CaO contents at Tata Steel.
148 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
It should be noted that the productivity of a sinter plant drops with increasing
alumina content. This will be obvious from Figure 7.15 where the sinter plant pro-
ductivity of Indian plants are compared with more productive plants in the world
with respect to the alumina content of the sinter-mix.37b Hence all the efforts to
reduce the alumina contents in the ore before it enters the BF as a charge.
good quality artificial burdens and charges for the blast furnaces. The suc-
cess of this process is seen in some of the most modern and large capacity
blast furnaces, where the cent per cent burden is artificially prepared to
obtain the desired properties. This has more than paid back the cost so
involved by way of increased productivity, lower coke rate, and far better
control of the operation. The major proportion of prepared burden in such
cases consists of sinter. In some cases, it is sinter and sinter alone.
It is not possible to sinter iron ore fines, if the particle size falls below
100–150 mesh. This, however, is an ideal size for its conversion into pellets,
which is also an equally good artificial feed for a blast furnace. In fact, these
two processes of agglomerations, sintering and pelletization, are totally
complimentary to each other in that there is no competition regarding their
applicability, since the charge size required is altogether different in these
two processes. By adopting these two processes, the entire lot of ore fines of
below 10 mm can be usefully consumed for iron production. Even the ore
fines that accumulated while supplying the lumps to the BF over the years,
can now be transformed into a useful agglomerate, in a way a better quality
burden. Agglomeration of iron ore fines by the process of pelletization is
the subject matter of the next chapter.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● The Pelletization Process
● Theory of Bonding
● Mechanism of Ball Formation
● Feed Size, Shape, and Porosity
● Green Ball Production
● Additives
● Induration of Pellets
● Comparison of the Pellet Firing Machines
● Indian Pelletization Plants
● U.S. Production (Pelletization)
● Concluding Remarks
8.1 Introduction
Although the process of rolling moist material into balls was patented in
1913, nearly 40 years elapsed before it became a practical and commercially
attractive method of agglomeration of ore fines or concentrates. It came to
be known as a process of pelletization and the small balls as its product as
152 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
pellets. For the first time, it was commercially adopted to agglomerate the
ultra-fine iron ore concentrates obtained by upgrading the taconite deposits
of the Mesabi range in U.S.A. Such a fine material could not be easily and
economically sintered on a grate to convert it into a useful blast furnace
feed. The process, however, has now been developed in its own right as a
method of preparing a high quality feed material for blast furnaces. This
method of agglomeration is ideally suited for fine iron ore concentrates
obtained after upgradation of lean ores. It is equally suited for agglomera-
tion of dust recovered from exhaust gases in iron and steel making units,
as well as pyrite residues. The size range ideally suited for pelletization is
−100 mesh. The process of sintering and pelletization are not competitors.
They are complimentary to each other in converting the fine iron bearing
material into a useful blast furnace feed.
With a very rapid increase in demand for metallics all over the world,
for increasing steel production, the iron ore is not only becoming more
scarce but more costly as well. Attempts are underway to utilize cent per
cent iron ore that is mined and supplied or purchased. This includes use
of all the size fractions of iron ore: the use of +10−40 mm as natural lump
feed directly to the BF, +100 mesh and −10 mm to be sintered at the BF
site, and all −100 mesh to be micro-pelletized and added to sinter-mix or
regularly pelletized thereby ensuring cent per cent utilization of iron ore.
For this, it is not necessary to carry out sintering and pelletization in the
same plant where lumps are consumed as direct feed. Usually, sintering is
carried out as an adjoining activity with the BF. At the mine head, screening
is employed to separate +150 mesh −40 mm for dispatch to the BF and the
−150 mesh is sold for pelletization.
The pellet production is, therefore, rising continuously, even though it
is costlier than sinter. At times, the −150 mesh size is micro-pelletized and
the product is mixed with sinter feed. The use of pellets as BF feed is rather
uncommon. However, it is more commonly used for DRI making.
good strength are developed between the particles at such high tempera-
tures. The sensible heat of the exhaust gases is recovered and is fed back
in the induration operation. The process, therefore, produces pellets in a
highly oxidized state, in contrast to the sintering process where solid fuel
is incorporated in the charge and results in a 5–20% ferrous iron.
The pelletization process consists of the following steps:
1. Feed preparation.
2. Green ball production and sizing.
3. Green ball induration:
(a) Drying
(b) Pre-heating
(c) Firing
4. Cooling of hardened pellets.
From fundamental studies, it has been concluded that there are three dif-
ferent water-particle systems:
1. The pendular state, when water is present just at the point of con-
tact of the particles and surface tension holds the particles together as
shown in Figure 8.1 (a).
2. The funicular state, when some pores are fully occupied by water in an
aggregate system as shown in Figure 8.1 (b).
3. The capillary state, when all the pores are filled with water but there is
no coherent film covering the entire surface of the particles as shown
in Figure 8.1 (c).
The bond strength under these three conditions have been mathemati-
cally evaluated, and based on these formulas, equations to calculate the ball
strength have been developed by some workers.
Besides the bonds formed from surface tension, the mechanical inter-
locking of particles also plays a significant role in developing the ball strength.
The maximum strength of a green ball produced from a given mate-
rial will be obtained by compacting the material to the minimum porosity
with just sufficient water to saturate the voids. The rolling action during
pelletization is beneficial in reducing the internal pore space by effecting
compaction and mechanical interlocking of the particles. The water content
is, therefore, quite critical to obtain good quality balls. The importance of
the critical amount of water in developing the strength can also be appreci-
ated from the following common experience. At the river-side or beach, the
water content increases from the dry sand of the shore to a very wet sand at
the point of contact with the water. There is a region in between where the
sand has maximum strength, it decreases on either side of this region. The
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Pelletization • 155
strongest region is that region where the water content is just sufficient to
fill all the pores without forming a coherent water film.
The water content of the pelletization feed is, therefore, quite critical
for obtaining strong green balls. The critical moisture can be assessed by
determining the porosity of an aggregate. The value does not vary with the
ability of the material to absorb water. The factors that alter the porosity also
affect its critical moisture level, and an efficient balling process is required
to produce balls of uniform properties in spite of these non-uniformities.
FIGURE 8.2 Ball size as a function of extent of rolling (i.e. number of revolutions of the pelletizer).
It has been observed that the size of the balls produced in a pelletizer from
a charge containing the right amount of moisture depends on the time and
speed of the pelletizer, (i.e. number of revolution). The general nature of the
variation is shown in Figure 8.2 in which three regions can be clearly observed:
1. Nucleii formation region;
2. Transition region;
3. Ball growth region.
156 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Transition Period
After nucleii are formed, they pass through a transition period in which the
plastic nucleii further re-arrange and are compacted to eliminate the air
voids present in them. The system moves from a pendular state through a
funicular state to the capillary state of bonding. Rolling action causes the
granules to densify further. The granules are still plastic with a water film
on the surface, and they are capable of coalescing with other granules. The
size range of granules in this region is fairly wide.
Growth by Assimilation
If no fresh feed material is added for balling, the rolling action may break
some of the granules, particularly the small ones, and the material coalesces
with those which grow. The bigger the ball, the larger it will grow under
these conditions. Since smaller granules are weaker, they are the first victims
and the growth of the bigger balls takes place at their expense. Growth con-
tinues until such a size when the torque tending to separate the contacting
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Pelletization • 157
balls exceeds the bond strength of coalescence. Balls with a higher percent-
age of moisture, therefore, grow to a larger size, but the strength of the
resulting balls is low. It has also been shown, that after the initial growth by
coalescence further growth may occur by assimilation, (i.e. joining of two
granules without prior fragmentation).
Growth by Layering
Growth of the seeds takes place by layering when the balls pick up material
while rolling on a layer of fresh feed. The amount of material picked up by
the balls is directly proportional to its exposed surface, (i.e. the increase in
the size of the balls is independent of their actual size). In practice, fresh
material is always supplied to the pelletizer continuously while withdraw-
ing the equivalent amount of balls from the circuit. The conditions are,
therefore, more suitable for growth to take place by layering. However, it
has been observed that if growth by layering is predominant, the size range
of the balls becomes narrower than the size range produced by assimilation
mechanism. Growth by layering is more predominant in the disc pellet-
izers, and growth by assimilation is more predominant in drum pelletizers,
at least beyond the feed zone.
quality of the product. This, in turn, will very much depend on the fracture
characteristics of the ore minerals which determine the shape of the parti-
cles. Although very fine grinding overcomes the problem of the shape factor
of the material in balling, there exists a danger of overgrinding. The shape
factor, however, should be taken into consideration in evaluating the com-
paction, density, and strength of balls without overgrinding the material.
The surface roughness increases the surface area for the same size and
may improve green ball strength.
The size distribution of the material to be balled has a marked effect
on the porosity of the product. The smaller particles fill up the pores left
in between the bigger particles and reduce the porosity. The reduction
in porosity is most marked if the size of the smaller size fraction is one
fourth that of the bigger particles and 25% of the smaller component is
added. Since the actual size range is fairly wide, the actual porosity should
be experimentally established. Porosity value of about 20–30% in green
balls is considered to be adequate since such a product responds well to the
induration process.
Disc Pelletizer
It is essentially a disc, with an outwardly sloping peripheral wall, which
is rotated, around its own center, in an inclined position to horizontal as
shown in Figure 8.3. These discs resemble flying saucers and are normally
3.6–5.6 m in diameter and are inclined at about 45 degrees to the horizon-
tal. The material to be pelletized is generally fed directly onto the disc, and
the moisture level is maintained with the help of water sprays. A scraper is
provided to prevent buildup of moist material on the disc. It can also con-
trol the material flow pattern on the disc.
In the region where water is added, seeds are easily formed. With the
growth of these seeds, their frictional drag against the disc decreases and
the centrifugal force acquired increases. Consequently, they move out of the
nucleation zone. They also tend to rise on the inclined surface of the pellet-
izer in the direction of rotation and fall down against the toe section of the
disc. The height and width of trajectory of the ball movements increase with
the size of the ball until the balls are deflected downwards by the scraper.
During this movement, the balls encounter fresh feed and growth takes place
more by layering while compaction-assimilation plays a relatively minor role.
All of these factors affect, in the final analysis, the rates of nucleation and
growth. For optimum utilization of a given disc, the residence time of the
charge on the disc must be the same as the balling time. In other words,
the rate of feed should be equal to the rate of discharge. For maximum
production, optimum utilization of the disc has to be achieved. This occurs
when the un-balled material begins to move down the inclined plane after
having reached the highest point on the disc. Under these conditions, it has
been estimated that nearly 70% of the disc surface is being actively used
for balling.
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Pelletization • 161
Drum Pelletizer
The drum pelletizer is a simple steel drum, open at both ends with a
length-to-diameter ratio of 2.5–3.5, rotating around its own axis in a slightly
inclined position to the horizontal. The drums are 2–3 m in diameter and
6–9 m in length and rotate at 10–15 rpm depending upon the diameter. The
angle of inclination in working position is about 2–10 degrees. The charge is
fed through the end which is at a higher level; water sprays are also located
there. The material rolls over the surface of the rotating drum and slides
downwards due to the inclination of the drum. This motion of the balls is
called cascading which takes place until the balls emerge out of the lower
There are some fundamental differences between the behavior of a
drum and a disc pelletizer. The drum does not act as a classifier as the disc
does, and the time of ball growth is not equal to the residence time of the
feed. The size range of the output is, therefore, large and it must be oper-
ated in closed-circuit with a screen. The ball growth is usually achieved in
more than one pass through the drum. Under a continuous steady-state
operation, balls of the size 10–16 mm are screened out, and the undersize
and the over-size is shredded before being recirculated.
The rate of production of desired size balls is a function of the following
1. Speed of rotation, (i.e. peripheral speed).
2. Angle of inclination.
3. Diameter of drum.
4. Rate of feed.
5. Depth of material in residence (loading).
6. Moisture content.
7. Nature and size of feed.
8. Any other additions such as binder, flux, etc.
All these factors affect the rates of nucleation and growth and, therefore,
the production rate. Factors such as variations in the place where water
and feed are added, rate of withdrawal, etc. do not play a significant role
as they do in a disc pelletizer. In a continuously operated drum, the factors
numbered above as 4., 5., and 9. are automatically fixed in relation to each
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Pelletization • 163
other once one is fixed. The effect of speed of rotation is similar to that in a
disc pelletizer. The correct speed of rotation is 25–35% of the critical speed,
(i.e. the speed at which material will centrifuge).
The optimum loading of the drum is equivalent to about 5% of the
drum volume. The residence time or balling time is determined by the
slope, water content, speed of rotation, and the feed rate. Optimum loading
and correct speed of rotation leads to correct rolling and tumbling action
eventually resulting in a continuous steady-state operation. Even in a con-
tinuous operation, anything between 50–100% of the feed is the recycle
load which affects the ratio of growth by layering and by assimilation. A
high recycle rate favors growth by layering and produces a product of close
size-range. For a continuous, stabilized steady-state operation, the net rate
of production of seeds must equal the rate of production of green balls,
and the rate of incremental growth during the passage through the drum
should give rise to the correct size of the balls. Incremental growth can be
increased by decreasing the slope of the drum, thereby increasing the roll-
ing time per pass and vice versa. In order to achieve a constant production
rate, the incremental growth rate must exceed a certain specific value. In
practice, the drum pelletizers rarely operate under steady-state conditions
because of the difficulty in matching the variables. The production rate,
however, should not vary more than +8% in the case of a single unit for
smooth induration operation. In a multi-unit plant, variations up to +12%
are tolerated. The output, in practice, can be increased by increasing the
size of the drum, but in a given design the speed of rotation and feed rate
are adjusted to obtain maximum output from a given mix.
8.7 Additives
Many times, the iron bearing material by itself may not roll into balls or may
not produce green balls of the required strength just by the addition of the
right amount of water. Under such circumstances, the addition of a small
amount of certain binders have been successful in improving the balling
operation as well as the green ball strength.
Use of organic substances like starch, dextrine, alginate products, etc.
has been beneficial in the preparation of green balls. But their use, many
times, does pose insurmountable problems during induration of these balls.
Hence, in general, these are not preferred. Inorganic binders like ferrous
sulfate, alkali chlorides, alkali and alkaline earth carbonates, etc. have been
successfully used. Bentonite has found the widest application since its use
improves induration and results in a better quality of fired ball with less
tendency to decrepitation and cracking.
0.5–1.0% bentonite is generally added in the feed during its prepara-
tion. Excess of addition can lead to undesirable properties. The choice of
binder additive and its optimum content in the feed should be experimen-
tally established for a given raw material and given process-plant design.
Use of lime or dolomite as an additive is beneficial since it ultimately pro-
duces slag bonds during induration, and this is exhibited as better strength
of the pellets.
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Pelletization • 165
The green balls are dried by passing hot air through the bed of the balls laid
on a grate. The temperature of the hot blast and volume required for drying
are largely a function of the moisture content of green balls and the nature
of the ore from which the balls are made. Specular hematites decrepitate
at temperatures in excess of nearly 300º C. Hence, these should be dried at
well below this temperature. On the contrary, natural magnetites may safely
be dried at even 475º C. The use of binders increases the highest safe per-
missible temperature for drying. The depth of bed has to be suitably fixed
to avoid condensation of moisture from gases in the cold zone.
The strength of dried balls may be due to the mechanical interlock-
ing obtained earlier during the rolling operation. Adequate dry strength
of the balls is necessary to stand the overlying burden during drying and
also to withstand the pre-heating and handling operation. The compres-
sive strength of pellets varies with its moisture content during drying as
shown in Figure 8.4. The use of binders is beneficial in obtaining better dry
166 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
FIGURE 8.4 Variation in compression strength of pellets as a function of moisture content during the
drying cycle.
The strength of the pellet is developed initially at the shell and pro-
gresses towards the center with time at the firing temperature. The bond
strength is essentially developed at the firing temperatures, but the heating
cycle should be decided in relation to the chemistry of the pellets. This
develops an optimal quality of hardened pellets. The heat evolved during
the oxidation of magnetite or sulfides is by far the largest source of energy.
This heat must be carefully utilized in the promotion of grain growth
and liquid bond formation. The calcination of minerals, on the contrary,
requires heat and this must be accomplished without disintegration of the
pellets. The calcination of minerals should also be completed ahead of the
time when maximum firing temperature is reached. Optimum fuel econ-
omy should be achieved by carefully planning the firing cycle. It should be
clear that heat requirements for hardening hematite pellets are more than
those for magnetite. Similarly, those for goethite, limonite, etc. are more
than those for hematite.
In general, firing temperatures in the range of 1250–1350º C, are suf-
ficient to produce pellets of the required qualities. Higher temperatures
lead to excessive slag formation and less porous pellets, a quality detrimen-
tal to the blast furnace operation. The actual firing temperature is decided
in terms of the basic feed material, the additives, the holding time at the
maximum temperature, the size of the pellets, and the ultimate quality of
pellets required.
Firing Units
Three main types of pellet firing machines that are in commercial use are
described below:
The Shaft Kiln. It was developed in the 1950s and is shown in
Figure 8.5. The green or dried pellets are fed vertically downwards in a
central shaft of a rectangular cross section. Fuel is burned in two fire cham-
bers, one on each long side of the shaft, and the hot gases are allowed to
enter the main shaft through multiple flues. It is, in a way, a counter-current
gas solid heater. The fired pellets are cooled in the lower portion, and if any
chunks are formed these are broken by the chunk breakers and cooled pel-
lets are discharged from the bottom. Cooling air, introduced from below,
gets pre-heated and is either taken out to burn the fuel in the chamber or
to make available preheated gas for completing the combustion in the firing
zone of the shaft.
168 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
of the fuel; the remainder is introduced in the shaft for cooling from
below, which is then available as preheated secondary air for completing
the fuel combustion inside the shaft. The temperature in the combustion
chamber is around 1300º C. The furnace contains nearly 200 t of pellets
and the production rate of hardened pellets is around 1000–1200 t per
day. Some recent designs have incorporated external coolers or internal
coolers and heat exchangers to improve upon the thermal efficiency of
the process.
The Grate Machine. These are essentially the modified adoptions of a
Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine in which the green balls are fed at one end
on the continuous traveling grate, and the hardened and cooled pellets are
discharged from the other end. The length of the grate is divided into four
different zones: drying, pre-heating, firing, and a cooling zone of suitable
relative lengths. The hot air from the cooling zone is circulated in a complex
manner to carry out drying, dehydration, pre-heating, etc. Down-draught,
up-draught, or a combination of the two is suitably employed in the design
to carry out the preliminary operations before the actual firing. The combi-
nation varies with the mineralogical constitution of the base feed, and as a
result, the designs differ considerably from place to place.
The Dravo-Lurgi straight grate systems are fairly popular. The same
has been adopted in the latest pelletization plant being set up by the M/s
Chowgule Mining Co. in Goa to produce 6 Mt of pellets per year for export.
The general scheme is shown in Figure 8.6. Oil or gas burners are used
in the firing zone to generate the necessary temperature. No solid fuel is
incorporated along with the pellets.
A peculiar feature of such a system is the necessity of a protective layer
of previously fired pellets on the bottom as well as on the sides of the bed.
The temperature, therefore, need not be raised to the firing temperature
level near the bottom or the walls, and the danger of overheating the metal-
lic pellets is thereby eliminated. If such a precaution is not taken, the pellets
near the bottom or the walls will remain underfired in trying to protect the
metallic grate and the walls.
The latest modified version of the grate machine is the use of a circular
grate in place of a straight grate. It eliminates the operational difficulties that
are encountered in the straight grate. One such unit has been recently com-
missioned in Mexico, and its performance is being watched with interest.
The Grate Kiln. It is a combination of a grate and a kiln. The dry-
ing and pre-heating is carried out in this machine on the straight traveling
grate, as in the grate system, and the firing is completed in a long rotating
kiln wherein the fuel is burned to generate the necessary temperature. Hot
gases from the kiln are carried over the grate, where drying and pre-heat-
ing are carried out under down-draught conditions or in combination with
up-draught movement as well. A typical scheme is shown in Figure 8.7.
Burden Preparation: Agglomeration and Pelletization • 171
The traveling grate, in this case, is not subject to very high temperatures,
and the life of the grate is very high. It is this single factor that makes the
machine a costly operation.
Indian steel plants do not use pellets as burden feed. All the pellets are
exported, except that from Tata Steel, but it has been closed. The Noamundi
pellets were once used in Tata Steel’s blast furnaces for some time.
Essar Steel is planning to install a pelletizing plant at Vishakhapatanam.
Jindal Ispat is contemplating settin up a 3.0 Mt plant in Karnataka for their
own steel production. SAIL is planning to set up a 400 tpd cold bonded
pellet plant at Gua in Bihar, based on indigenously developed technology.
In India, pellets are not used as a blast furnace burden. However, pel-
lets are prepared at Mandovi, Goa and Kundremukh, Karnataka which are
entirely exported: 1.8 Mt from Mandovi and 3.0 Mt from Kundremukh.
Includes agglomerates, concentrates, DRI, direct-shipping ore, iron nuggets, pellets, and
byproduct ore for consumption.
Includes weight of lime, flue dust, and other additives in sinter and pellets for blast furnaces.
Defined as production + imports – exports + adjustments for industry stock changes.
Estimated from reported value of ore at mines.
Defined as imports – exports + adjustments for Government and industry stock changes.
U.S. iron ore production was expected to increase in 2014 and 2015 from
that of 2013 owing to new production that began in late 2013 and 2014.
In December 2013, one company in Louisiana began producing DRI pel-
lets from imported iron ore concentrates. The facility was the largest of its
kind in the world, with a 2.5 million-ton-per-year capacity, although equip-
ment failure, upgrades, and repairs temporarily idled the plant periodically
during the year. In September, Reynolds Pellet Plant began operations in
174 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
● Introduction
● Room Temperature Physical Properties
● Reducibility
● Physical Behavior of Materials During Reduction at High Temperatures
● Concluding Remarks
9.1 Introduction
A single important factor that affects the output and efficiency of a blast
furnace operation is the quality of the charge materials fed into the furnace.
Over the past few decades, researchers have endeavored to develop a bet-
ter understanding of the physical chemistry of the blast furnace process,
and there-from improve the most beneficial characteristics of the burden
materials. It has been discovered that it is virtually impossible to simulate
conditions inside the blast furnace in these tests. Laboratory tests, however,
have been devised to investigate, identify, and quantify, on a relative basis,
an increasing number of burden properties to assess the extent of suitability
of a given material as a burden. The establishment of these tests also helps
to identify those materials which would jeopardize efficient and smooth fur-
nace operation. Consequently, attempts could be made to either improve
176 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Shatter Tests
The shatter test essentially consists of dropping a certain amount of mate-
rial from a standard height for a certain number of drops. The amount of
the material, retained on or passed through certain sieves, expressed as per-
centage of the original weight, is indicated as the shatter index.
The shatter test that was developed for coke in the U.K. is employed to
determine the strength of sinter and ores as well. A 20 kg (44 1b) sample
of +10 mm size is dropped four times from a height of 2 m. The material is
then screened and the shatter index is expressed as the percentage of mate-
rial greater than 10 mm surviving. A shatter index of less than 1% of −5 mm
is considered to be an indication of strong sinter under Indian conditions.
Characterization of BF Charge Materials • 177
An illustration of the details of the shatter test for sinter produced in the
Bokaro Steel Plant is given below:
Weight of sample dropped = 10 kg
Size of the particles = +25, −40 mm
Height of drop = 2 mm
Shatter index expressed = % of −5 mm produced
Typical screen analysis after the test is as follows:
+10 mm 82–93%
−10 + 5 mm 2–9%
−5 mm 1–2%
Shatter index 0.7–1.0%
The shatter index is related to the tumbling index as:
+10 mm shatter index = 39∙082 + 0∙570 (A.S.T.M. + ¼ inch index).
These tests have shown that the pellets are a high quality product and
sinter a poor quality product with natural ore, in general, falling in between
the two with respect to physical strength.
Degradation of materials and consequent generation of deleterious
fines (−5 mm) is an inherent feature of the behavior of materials during their
handling. The extent to which materials break down during handling has an
important influence on the quality of fines arriving at the blast furnace. If
these fines find their way into the furnace, this will have adverse effects on
the furnace operation. If the fines are screened out, this will involve addi-
tional costs in handling and re-agglomeration. It is also equally necessary
that the degradation of materials during their drop from hopper, via bells, on
the stockline is kept to a bare minimum. No further rectification in the qual-
ity of material is possible at this point. Similarly, the fines generated during
shipping also have an important bearing on the ultimate cost.
It is in these respects that it should be possible to evaluate the behavior
of materials during handling with a suitable test. It is equally important
to lay down proper specifications to ensure minimum degradation during
handling. A drum-tumbling test can be devised to match the breakdown in
the drum with that occurring in a given handling system to ascertain the
behavior of the material in advance. A suitable tumbler index can likewise
be specified to ensure tolerable minimum degradation of a given material
by a given mode of handling.
Although it is not possible to alter the quality of natural ores, the pro-
cess parameters can be adjusted to obtain sinter and pellets of required
handling properties. In general, the higher the tumbling index, the better
the material will withstand the handling process.
The cost of natural, lumpy ore can also be assessed by knowing its rel-
evant tumbler index for the given mode of transportation. Degradation
Characterization of BF Charge Materials • 179
Compression Test
The direct measurement of compression strength of iron bearing material
is difficult because of the uncertain geometry of the specimens. The com-
pression strength of pellets, being more regular in shape, can be measured
with better accuracy than those of ores and sinters. A large number of tests
should be carried out, and the maximum, minimum, and mean strength
along with the standard deviation should be indicated.
The L.K.A.B. Laboratories in Sweden have developed a method to mea-
sure the compression strength of any material. A 2 kg material of 10–15 mm
size is dried and placed in cylinder of 200 mm diameter and a load of 100 t
is applied on it via piston. The +5 mm material surviving the test is the com-
pression strength index. A value of 75% is an indication of good strength
and 20% is an indication of friable nature of the material.
It is the most difficult property to measure and is expressed as the volume
of pores as a percentage of the total volume of the material tested. Two
types of porosities, open and closed, are recognized. Open porosity is acces-
sible to fluids whereas the closed porosity is not. It is usually measured by
simple method based on the Archimedes principle.
9.3 Reducibility
The reducibility test essentially aims at measuring the rate of reduction of
iron bearing material under blast furnace conditions. Since the conditions
in a blast furnace vary from top to the bottom of the stack, a standardized
apparatus has to be designed to carry out this test under standardized con-
ditions. It is in this respect that the test is most difficult to simulate. The use
of reduction temperature in the range of 900–1000º C and a reducing gas
of CO or CO + N2 of constant composition is increasingly being used. The
sample is a known weight of a certain fixed size and is placed in the furnace
in the form of a static bed of fixed dimensions during the reduction stud-
ies. Several tests have been devised and are followed in various countries.
These are the:
1. Gakushin test;
2. Verein Deutscher Eisenhuttenleute (V.D.E.) method;
180 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The permeability of the stack may decrease and affect the furnace opera-
tion adversely. Tests have, therefore, been developed, under as closely sim-
ulated conditions as possible, to measure the tendency of burden materials
to degradation and these are described below:
When iron bearing materials are suddenly exposed to the exhaust gas
temperature at the stock level on charging, breakdown may occur due
to thermal shock. This is known as decrepitation. Experimentally, it is
measured by dropping a known weight of material in a furnace previously
heated to a temperature level of 400–600º C, under normal atmosphere,
inert atmosphere or under mildly reducing conditions. After the charge
attains the temperature, it is removed, cooled, and sieved to measure
the breakdown.
In a typical test 500 g of 20-; 40 mm size undried ore is dropped in a
furnace previously heated to a temperature level of 400º C and retained
there for 30 min under a flow rate of 5000 liters of nitrogen per hour. The
sample is then removed, cooled, and the percentage of 0.5 mm and −5.6
+ 0.5 mm material in the product is determined by sieving. A typical set of
results are shown below:
It is believed that ores with more than 10% porosity will not decrepi-
tate. Similarly, a small amount of moisture may also be beneficial. Since the
natural ores do contain varying amounts of moisture the tests should take
into account this variation before arriving at the test procedure.
In essence, the test consists of subjecting the charge to static bed reduc-
tion at low temperatures in a rotating furnace for a fixed duration. The per-
centage of fines generated is quoted as the L.T.B.T. index. The standardized
conditions in three different tests are comparatively shown in Table 9.3.
%N2 67 60 60
Flow rate, Liters/min. 20 15 15
Test duration, hr 1 1 1
Index % material of % material of % material of
−1 mm −0.5 mm + 6.35 mm
and % −30 mesh
(0.5 mm)
Based on the amount of fines generated due to the L.T.B.T. index and
the amount of fines accompanying the charge, BISRA has developed the
concept of the bulk fines index to assess the suitability of either the ore,
sinter, and pellets or their combination as a burden in a given blast furnace
The L.T.B.T. properties are inherent in the materials and hence a
judicious use of sinter or pellets resistant to such breakdown in the stack
can minimize the effect, to a limited proportion, of ore with bad L.T.B.T.
Coke Reactivity Test (C.R.I.) and Coke Strength after Reaction (C.S.R.)
200 grams of dry coke of 19 mm to 21 mm size is placed in the reacting ves-
sel (450 mm L ×; 75 mm diameter) made of Inconnel-600 grade steel. The
vessel is pushed in an electric muffle furnace kept at 1100º C temperature.
Pure N2 is passed at 5 liters/min until the sample temperature stabilizes at
1100º C. Then pure CO gas is passed for 2 hrs at 5 liters/min. Subsequently,
the sample temperature is brought down to room temperature by pass-
ing N2 gas at 5 liters/min. Cold reacted coke is weighed and the % weight
loss against initial weight of 200 grams is reported as the CRI (i.e. Coke
Reactivity Index). Then, the reacted coke is rotated in an I/drum (770 mm
L × 130 mm diameter) at 20 rpm for 30 minutes. Tumbled coke is screened
on a 10 mm round screen. The percentage of +10 mm fraction is reported
as CSR (i.e. Coke Strength after Reaction).
Some materials, in particular the pellets, show a maximum in their vol-
ume change with increasing degree of reduction. This is due to swelling of
the pellets. If it is excessive, it can give rise to serious troubles in the fur-
nace operation. Swelling can be measured for individual particles, but bulk
swelling data are of practical use.
In the C.N.R.M or the BISRA tests for swelling, four samples of 60 ± 2 g
each are used. Their apparent volume is measured by immersion in mer-
cury. The samples are then reduced to different degrees in a static bed
under the following conditions:
Temperatures 1000º C
Reducing gas 40% CO and 60% N2
Gas flow 1000 liters/min
Pre-heating under nitrogen atmosphere
The percentage reduction is ascertained from the percentage weight
loss or chemical analysis. The apparent volume is again measured, and the
swelling is correlated to the degree of reduction in a graphical form.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● The Blast Furnace Profiles
● Thermodynamic Equilibria
● Physical Chemistry of Blast Furnace Process
● Alumina Problem
● Kinetics of Reactions in Bosh and Hearth
● Efficiency of the Blast Furnace Process
● Quality of Hot Metal
● TiO2 Addition in Burden
● U.S. and World Events, Trends, and Issues. Source: USGS 2017
● Concluding Remarks
10.1 Introduction
Although iron production in shaft furnaces of various designs has been
occurring for at least several centuries, it was more as an art rather than a
practice based on the scientific understanding of the process. The practice
was improved upon over the years, but the understanding of the BF process
is only of recent origin. This understanding of the fundamental nature of
the BF process is of paramount importance in order to develop the practice
188 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
to its maximum efficiency and economy. Much effort has, therefore, been
directed towards establishing the various physical, chemical, and thermal
processes occurring in the blast furnace. A lot of laboratory experimenta-
tion to determine the basic data and its correlation with the practical obser-
vation, has taken place in the recent past. This research helped to improve
upon the practice with respect to material preparation, operational changes,
and modifications in blast furnace design and practice.
Small experimental furnaces have been installed at various places to
study the process directly and to establish the effects of practical variables
on the quality and efficiency of iron production. Similarly, full scale com-
mercial blast furnaces have been subjected to experimentation, particularly
towards the end of their useful campaign. One such furnace was quenched
at the end of its useful campaign by pouring water over it. Researchers
were able to study the physical structure of the charge inside the operating
All this research has led to a fairly accurate insight into the physical-
thermal-chemical processes occurring in a blast furnace. In this chapter, the
fundamental nature of the blast furnace process, as is generally accepted, is
discussed in its simplified form.
are shown along with the temperature profiles. The horizontal variations
in temperature are shown on the vertical profile of the blast furnace. The
gas composition and temperature vary smoothly over the vertical as well
as the horizontal cross section of the furnace. The chemical processes are
therefore continuous from bottom to top and throughout the volume of
the furnace.
FIGURE 10.1 Temperature, pressure, and gas composition profiles in a blast furnace.
(a) Shows the profiles of temperatures in degrees C in a vertical section, (b) and (c) show the profiles
along the vertical axis of the furnace.
Physical Structure
It is now universally agreed that the blast furnace, in its working state, con-
sists of broadly six zones as shown in Figure 10.2. These are the:
(a) Granular zone where the entire charge is solid, (i.e. the stack).
190 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
(b) Cohesive zone where, except coke, the rest of the charge is semi-
solid, or is softened and at the lower end the slag is molten. This slag
is rich in FeO and melts at much lower temperature.
(c) Active coke zone where coke actively takes part in the reactions
involving direct reduction of iron oxide from the trickling slag and
its own interaction with carbon dioxide (i.e. mainly the bosh region).
(d) Tuyere zone is where coke burns in front of the tuyere by combin-
ing with the hot blast (oxygen) effectively to CO.
(e) Stagnant coke zone where the coke is still solid and that supports
the overlying entire burden and through which the slag and the met-
al trickles and metal gets saturated with carbon.
(f) Hearth zone where the slag and the metal clarify into two layers, and
they interact with each other with respect to the chemistry to move, as
far as possible, towards equilibrium.
The hot blast enters the furnace through the tuyeres at a velocity of
around 200–300 m/sec and at a pressure of 2–4 atmos. Such a high pres-
sure is necessary to push the reducing gases through the solid burden and
to overcome the top pressure. These conditions create a flame raceway
of 1–2 m in front of each tuyere which can be easily penetrated by a bar
pushed through a tuyere. Each raceway, at its sides and below, is bound by
rather firm regions of lump coke which has bypassed oxidation during its
descent through the furnace. Studies of quenched blast furnaces indicate
that this coke extends downwards into the iron pool and perhaps even to
the hearth bricks. This is what is shown in Figure 10.2. as stagnant coke
The top of raceway region is bound by loosely packed lump coke since
gas has to flow upwards through it. The bottom most pieces in this region
periodically fall into the raceway and are consumed by the hot blast. The
coke bed, by and large, slowly moves down, gets consumed and is replen-
ished from top. The above description indicates that almost all the solid
material in the hearth and bosh is coke alone. Liquid iron and slag per-
colate through this and collect in the hearth. The hot gases rising from
the raceways heat up the descending coke, liquid slag, and metal. During
percolation, reduction of iron oxide is completed and it gets saturated with
carbon. Partial reduction of other oxides, like those of phosphorus, silicon,
manganese, etc., also occur and make the metal impure.
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 191
FIGURE 10.2 Idealized internal structure of a blast furnace in operation. The most notable feature of
this structure is the fusion zone with its alternate layers of 0.5–1.0 m thick of (i) coke and (ii) fused slag
plus iron. The moving active zone of coke through which the gases ascend, and the stagnant coke bed
through which liquid slag and metal percolate, are also shown.
burden is permeable to ascending gases. In the fusion zone, the ore, flux,
etc. melt, and the permeability of the bed is only due to the existence of
alternate coke slits as shown in Figure 10.2. The gas flow, therefore, tends
to become horizontal and the coke quality must ensure this permeability
during the operation. As the charge melts in the fusion zone, it trickles
down through the coke bed and the coke slits slowly become a part of the
moving active zone. The slag, while percolating through the moving active
zone of coke, absorbs the ash released from the coke on burning. Any iron
oxide contained in the slag is reduced fully during percolation through the
stagnant coke percolator. The structure of the burden above the fusion zone
is practically the same as it is obtained at the stockline level by way of charg-
ing sequence. The reduction of iron oxide there is mainly by gas (i.e. indi-
rect reduction).
The charge, almost through half of the total furnace height, remains
fully solid and, therefore, maintains the bed permeability for the hot reduc-
ing gases to pass through. This is the granular zone. This is not in the form of
a horizontal slice of the furnace, but it has a shape as shown in Figure 10.2.
The structure of the bed, as created through charging at the top, remains
more or less in tact until this stage. Below this level is the semi-solid cohe-
sive state below which the bed permeability is maintained by coke alone,
since it descends in solid state right into the hearth. The properties of coke,
particularly the CSR and the RI, are of paramount importance to run the
furnace efficiently. Any premature breakdown of coke therefore affects the
operation adversely to that extent.
As the charge melts in the cohesive zone, it trickles down through the
coke bed and the coke slits slowly become part of the moving active zone.
The slag, while percolating through the moving active zone, absorbs the
ash released from the coke on its burning. The initial slag formed in the
cohesive zone is rich in FeO, and as it percolates through the coke slits,
it is directly reduced to iron. The iron also picks up carbon from coke and
its melting point is reduced considerably. The interaction of iron with CO
results in dissolution of carbon in iron. The slag must form within a very
narrow range of temperature. If it forms over a wide temperature range, it
interferes with the bed permeability and that is not beneficial for operation.
Use of fluxed sinters and formation of slag in sintering itself helps in this
respect considerably. The reduction of charge in the solid state is purely a
gas-solid interfacial phenomenon. It is an indirect reduction by gases like
CO or perhaps coupled with hydrogen, if available.
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 193
FIGURE 10.3 Oxide Ellingham diagram for oxides of iron and carbon.
FIGURE 10.4 Equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio in contact with carbon and oxides of iron at various temperatures.
The normal blast furnace gas composition is also superimposed for comparison.
196 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Both these figures indicate that the reduction of iron oxide takes place
in the following sequence:
< Fe2O3 > – → < Fe3O4 > – → < Fe > below 570 degrees C
< Fe2O3 > – → < Fe3O4 > – → Í < FeO > – → < Fe > …above 570 degrees C
since wustite (i.e. FeO) is a stable phase only above nearly 570 degrees C.
If hydrogen is available as a reducing component of the gas phase, the
equilibrium of various oxides with a H2/H2O ratio follow a similar pattern to
that for CO and is shown in Figure 10.5.
FIGURE 10.5 Equilibrium H2/H2O ratio in contact with oxides of iron at various temperatures.
It should be clear from the two Figures 10.4 and 10.5 that, thermo-
dynamically, a lower value of CO/CO2 ratio than that of H2/H2O is ade-
quate to effect reduction at relatively lower temperatures while a higher
CO/CO2 ratio than H2/H2O ratio is required to effect reduction at higher
Let us now calculate the equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio in contact with FeO
and solid carbon at the same temperature (say 950 degrees C) for compari-
son. The equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio in contact with solid graphite can be cal-
culated from the free energy data for Eq. (10.2). It is in proportion to nearly
100% CO and negligible amounts of CO2 at 950 degrees C. Similarly, the
equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio in contact with solid wustite (approx. FeO) can
be calculated from the free energy data for Eq. (10.7) given in Eq. (10.8)
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 197
and is in proportion to 70% CO and 30% CO2 at 950 degrees C. These can
also be obtained from the Figure 10.4. The equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio in
contact with carbon and wustite are of direct interest in understanding the
reduction of iron oxide by the gas phase inside the blast furnace.
Elements of Stoichiometry
In a blast furnace, iron oxide plus coke are introduced from the top and oxy-
gen, in the form of blast, through the tuyeres. The oxygen part of this charge
goes out of the furnace only through the top via gas phase, and the iron
only leaves as liquid metal from the bottom. The carbon part of the charge
mainly leaves the furnace in the form of top gas. A small part, however, goes
with the metal as dissolved carbon. In essence, the amount of coke and blast
required to produce a ton of iron should, therefore, be known. Similarly,
the effect of alterations of any parameter(s) on these must also be known.
Mathematical equations have been developed to describe these. Under the
simplified conditions that iron joins the metal phase alone, and that other
side reactions do not occur to interfere with the mass balance in a blast fur-
nace under steady state conditions, the reaction can be described as:
the moles of inactive carbon simply dissolve in the iron, both per mole of
iron product. Also, all the active carbon ends up in gas phase as CO and
CO2. Therefore, moles of active C equals moles of C in gas phase, or
nAC = ngC
Eq. (10.19), therefore, becomes
niB + niX = nAC .(O/C)G (10.10)
FIGURE 10.6 The Rist Diagram showing the operating line for a simplified blast furnace operation
defined by Eq. (10.10).
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 199
It means:
No. of moles of oxygen in the blast No. of moles of active carbon
+ multiplied by
No. of mole: of oxygen in oxide +
(all per mole of product Fe). No. of moles of oxygen in gas
(all per mole of product Fe).
Equation (10.10) is the stoichiometric equation for the blast furnace in
its most direct and simplest form.
The same observations have been represented graphically in the form
of the Rist Diagram in Figure 10.6 and the slope of the straight line is
equivalent to:
(no)B +(O/Fe)X
which is nothing but the value nAC, (i.e. active carbon required to produce
one mole of product Fe). In other words, it is the coke rate of the blast
furnace under the simplified ideal conditions of its operation. The details of
the additional reactions such as calcination, reduction of oxides like MnO,
SiO2, P2O5, etc. can suitably be added to elaborate Eq. (10.9) in detail to
describe real stoichiometry. The changes in the quality of the iron oxide
burden and the quality of coke can be suitably incorporated in arriving at
the appropriate stoichiometry.
Reactions in Stack
The functions of a blast furnace stack are two-fold. First, it should progres-
sively reduce the iron oxide to iron using carbon monoxide of the gas phase.
Secondly, it should extract sensible heat from the ascending gases and thereby
get itself heated. Ideally, the gases at the stockline should be at atmospheric
temperature and the CO/CO2 ratio should be in equilibrium with iron oxide as
3Fe2O3 + CO = 2Fe3O4 + CO2 (10.12)
It would ensure maximum thermal efficiency at minimum of coke (total
fuel for that matter) consumption.
The effluent gases at the stockline are usually at around 200 degrees C
and 1.3 atmospheric pressure with the CO/CO2 ratio usually in the range of
1.5–3.0. The equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio for Eq. (10.12) is extremely small.
Even if reaction as in Eq. (10.4) or (10.5) were to achieve equilibrium at
the stockline, the CO/CO2 ratio is not much. The reducing potential of the
gases is, therefore, not utilized fully in actual practice. The furnace is oper-
ated at a higher coke rate than is theoretically necessary for the reduction of
ore. It is true that the blast furnace gas, because of its CO content, is used
as a fuel outside the furnace, but it is hardly economical to produce a low
grade gaseous fuel from an expensive fuel like metallurgical coke. Hence,
every effort in design and operation of the furnace must be made to reduce
the CO/CO2 ratio in the exhaust gases.
The relevance of CO/CO2 ratio of 2.3 in equilibrium with Fe/FeO and
nearly cent-percent CO in equilibrium with solid carbon at 950 degrees C
will now be clear with reference to the blast furnace operation.
During the ascent, if a volume of reducing gas comes in contact with
iron oxide at 950 degrees C, it would tend to move towards a CO/CO2 ratio
of 2.3 as per Eq. (10.6). If the same gas later on strikes a piece of coke, its reduc-
ing power will be regenerated and the CO/CO2 ratio tends towards a value as
per Eq. (10.2) (i.e. practically all CO at 950 degrees C). The cycle of reduction
and regeneration can theoretically be repeated indefinitely. In blast furnace prac-
tice, the CO/CO2 ratio is also affected in the temperature range of 800–1100
degrees C by the calcination of limestone as in Eq. (2.5). If the CO2 content
thus increases beyond the equilibrium value as per Eq. (10.6), oxidation of
Fe to FeO may take place. This is an endothermic reaction and requires heat.
The situation in an actual operation can be understood clearly by follow-
ing the changes in the composition of a small volume of gas from the time of
its entering the furnace as air blast to the time when it is discharged from the
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 203
furnace top. This is illustrated in Figure 10.7. The air blast enters the furnace
at around 1000 degrees C, and the oxygen potential is normal atmospheric
(PO2 = 0.21 atmos) which is shown as the starting point of the curve in Figure
10.7. The oxygen then combines with coke to effectively form CO and devel-
ops a temperature of the order of 2000 degrees C. This change is shown by
the sharply falling curve. The lower most point on this curve will be close
to C/CO line at 2000 degrees C and is the lowest attainable potential under
the prevailing conditions. The gases pass through the furnace at tremendous
velocities and the retention time may be only few seconds at best. Therefore,
before equilibrium as per Eq. (10.3) is attained at 2000 degrees C, the gas
probably comes in contact with iron oxide which is reduced, thereby raising
the oxygen potential towards the appropriate iron oxide line. Since the bur-
den is already getting reduced during its descent, it is most likely that only
FeO and no other higher oxide of iron exists at the lower part of the bosh.
The upper limit to which the oxygen potential of this volume of gas is raised
is the Fe/FeO line. The raising and lowering of the oxygen potential of the
gas is determined by the alternate contacts with iron oxide and coke particles.
FIGURE 10.7 Composition changes in a volume of gas as it goes through the blast furnace as a func-
tion of temperature, as depicted in the form of oxygen potentials.
204 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
lumpy ore plus sinter and or pellets. In many a places, particularly for larger
furnaces, the entire ore is crushed to produce sinter and or pellets which
constitute the burden. The additional cost of artificial agglomeration can be
more than offset by the increased efficiency of the operation. The fines are
screened off from the pellets and the sinter to obtain adequate permeability
in the furnace. Ideal sinter size is +10-50 mm and pellets of +6-30.
The increased pressure helps to increase the effective concentration of the
reducing agent, that is carbon monoxide, and the reduction rate of a pro-
cess, which is away from equilibrium, is also increased. The high top pres-
sure also helps to increase the contact time of gas with the charge. Hence,
the efficiency of reduction is improved.
Solid-Solid Reaction
Solid carbon is potentially a good reducing agent for iron oxides even at low
temperatures. The speed of reduction, however, is limited by the area of
contact between the solid coke and the ore. Once the oxygen at the contact-
ing areas are removed further reduction, being controlled by the diffusion
of reactants, oxygen from the core to the surface or carbon to the interior
across the reduced layer, slows down. At low temperatures, this is slow,
and consequently, the reduction is also slow. Above about 1000 degrees C,
the diffusion, and consequently, the rate of reduction is appreciable. The
formation of slag above about 1000 degrees C tends to decrease gaseous
reduction, and therefore, reduction by carbon may become dominant.
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 209
Below about 800 degrees C, the gas tends to deposit carbon according
to Eq. (10.2). Carbon is deposited in a finely divided form upon the surface
as well as in the pores and fissures of the oxide particles where the deposi-
tion reaction is catalyzed. This tends to increase the pores and fissures in
the oxide particles where the contacting area is larger, and consequently,
the reduction is improved. Even if all this carbon is not consumed in the
lower temperature region, on its descent, it would do so at higher tempera-
ture levels. The contribution of the carbon reduction reaction is substantial.
In most cases, the most efficient blast furnace operation is obtained when
about one-third of the reduction is achieved by solid carbon (i.e. direct
reduction) and the remaining two-third by gaseous reduction (i.e. indirect
The deposited carbon, being very finely divided, is readily available
to replenish any CO consumed in reduction, by solution reaction as in
Eq. (10.2) in-situ.
The iron is carburized, it melts and it picks up Si, S, Mn, Cr, and P as per
their extent of reductions. Phosphorus is nearly completely reduced and
joins iron. The others are distributed between slag and metal as per their
actual equilibria, under the prevailing conditions, between slag and metal
The processes occurring in the bosh zone have been studied in some of
the most interesting ways. In one, an experimental furnace midway through
the campaign was quenched with nitrogen and the solidified charges from
various levels of interest were analyzed for interpretation. In others, sam-
plers were introduced in the experimental furnaces to draw samples from
the various levels of the bosh and hearth during their normal operations. In
yet another instance at the time of blowing down, while in normal operating
condition the No. 5 blast furnace of NSC, Higashida, was quenched with
38000 t of water and the samples were taken out from the solidified charge,
from various levels, to predict bosh processes.
All these direct observations, coupled with laboratory investigations
have revealed that the carburization of reduced iron in solid state itself is
quite slow, but after melting in the lower portion of the bosh, it increases
rapidly. The silicon content of the metal phase is high even before melt-
ing. This suggests that the silica reduction is taking place rapidly even
when iron is not fully molten. It is inconceivable to assume that silica is
reduced because of the slag metal reaction in this region. Laboratory stud-
ies indicate that SiO gas is formed during the burning of coke. The SiO
gas formed due to the reduction of silica from the coke ash in the tuyere
zone could be as:
< SiO2 > + 2 < C > = {SiO} + 2 {CO} (10.17)
which, during its ascent, contribute to siliconization of the metal.
The possible reactions of absorption of Si by the metal could be as:
{SiO} + {CO} = [Si] + {CO2} (10.18)
A part of silicon in the metal in the lower part of the bosh may come from:
(SiO2) + 2 < C > = [Si] + 2 {CO} (10.21)
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 211
for both these phases. The specific gravity of slag is much lower than that of
the metal. Therefore, they stratify into two distinct layers of molten immis-
cible liquids. Both of these go on accumulating in the hearth up to a certain
level, and then they are tapped out separately. The slag is tapped every 2–3
hours, and the metal is tapped every 5–6 hours in a normal practice. The
desired product of the blast furnace smelting is the molten metal. Slag is
the inevitable by-product without which the metal cannot be obtained.
On economic grounds the process must operate at the minimum tem-
perature (in the hearth), commensurate with high productivity and efficient
operation. This will keep the coke rate down to a minimum. Any unnec-
essary increase in the operating temperature would require extra coke or
other fuel, and thus, unnecessary additional costs of operation. What is this
minimum operating temperature and how it is fixed?
Since the molten metal trickles down through coke bed in the furnace,
it is always saturated with carbon and it is molten even at around 1200
degrees C. The slag mainly consists of CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 constituting nearly
90% of the slag and the balance being minor oxides like MgO, alkalis, FeO,
etc. No mixture of these oxides is completely molten below 1200 degrees
C as is obvious from the ternary diagram shown in Figure 10.8. Thin liquid
oxide product of the general composition encountered in a blast furnace is
not readily possible below 1300–1400 degrees C. In order to obtain molten
metal, it is necessary that both the metal and the slag form thin free-flowing
liquids, so that these clarify into two clear liquid phases and are clearly
tapped separately from the furnace. For this to be achieved, the operating
temperature of a blast furnace will have to be more than the liquid tem-
perature of the slag formed (i.e. around 1300–1400 degrees C). If no flux
is added, and if silica and alumina are the only main gangue constituents
of the ore, the liquid temperature of this combination is far too high. Flux
like CaO is added to develop a composition such that the liquid is in the
range of 1300–1400 degrees C. There are some exceptional ores like the
Minnette ore deposit which are self-fluxing and need no external flux to
obtain a slag composition having the above range of liquid temperatures.
Most ore deposits contain silica and alumina as the main gangue constitu-
ents and need lime as flux to obtain proper slag composition. The problem
is serious if:
(a) the total gangue is high and
(b) alumina is high and ratio of alumina to silica is high.
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 213
Any excess gangue would need extra flux, and thereby the slag volume
(amount of slag per ton of metal made) would increase. Any such increase
means less effective utilization of the furnace volume for iron ore reduc-
tion and consequently lower productivity. Every attempt must therefore be
made to:
(a) use as high grade ore as is possible
(b) beneficiate the ore to reduce the gangue as a whole and
(c) beneficiate the ore to reduce selectively the alumina content of the
ore and ore fines.
A proper burden chemistry thus obtained can ensure proper slag chemistry
to obtain free flowing slag at the minimum operating temperatures of the
furnace. In fact, the burden chemistry decides the operating temperatures
of a blast furnace. One single constituent that matters more in this respect
is alumina. It comes into the burden as associated with iron ore lumps, iron
ore fines as sinter or pellets, as insoluble in the flux, as a part of coke-ash, as
part of manganese ore charge, etc.
Obviously, the liquid temperature of the slag is much higher than that
of the metal, and therefore, the operating temperature of a blast furnace is
always at least 50–100 degrees C above the liquid temperature of the slag
formed in the furnace. At this temperature, both the slag and the metal will
be thin, free-flowing liquids. In reality, the blast furnace operating tempera-
tures are in the range of 1300–1500 degrees C depending upon the total
gangue in the burden and the flux added. The gangue in the burden comes
1. Iron ore lumps;
2. Iron ore fines charged as sinter or pellets;
3. Coke ash;
4. Coke breeze ash used as fuel in the sintering process;
5. Manganese ore gangue, if added in the burden;
6. Ash of coal injected through the tuyeres, if any;
7. Insolubles in the charged flux.
All these have to be scrutinized and processed to minimize the insoluble
contents. The efficiency of the furnace operation is directly related to the
214 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
quality and quantity of these gangue in the burden. These are minimized
by adopting the following:
1. Iron ore washing to obtain lumps of low gangue;
2. Iron ore fines beneficiated to obtain a concentrate with acceptable
3. Manganese ore charge eliminated and sulfur problem tackled in an
alternative way like external desulfurization;
4. Good quality limestone preferred with less of insolubles;
5. Imported variety of coking coal with very low ash content (around 10–
12%) are used to replace a part of the local coal of high ash content for
making coke with ash content of around 20% as against the 28% ash
coke made from entirely local coals.
By adopting most of the above recommendations in their G furnace, Tata
Steel has been able to reduce slag volume to just 350 kg/thin.
Sulphur Reaction:
The slag composition has also to be regarded from the point of view of its
reactions with the metal, in particular its desulfurizing ability. This is the
main reaction that occurs in the hearth. Concurrently, and consequently,
some other reactions do occur in the hearth. Carbon dissolution in the
metal reaches near the saturation limit in the hearth.
The sulfur transfer across the slag-metal interface along with the associ-
ated reactions are often described in the molecular fashion as:
[FeS] + (CaO) = (CaS) + (FeO) (10.29)
(FeO) = [O] + [Fe] (10.30)
2[O] + [Si] = (SiO2) (10.31)
[C] + [O] = {CO} (10.32)
[Mn] + [O] = (MnO) (10.33)
and alternatively in ionic form as:
[S] + (O2−) = (S2−) + [O] (10.34)
[S] + 2e = (S2−) (10.35)
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 215
more stringent, the desired sulfur level in the steel could only be obtained
by first adopting external desulfurization of hot metal prior to steelmaking.
In that case, there was no need for the blast furnace operator to bother with
desulfurization. He was at liberty to produce high sulfur irons which were
later externally desulfurized to take care of the sulfur problem in steelmaking.
This situation then did not need any manganese to be present in the hot
metal. This means there was no need to put manganese bearing material
in the blast furnace burden. Now, many plants having external desulfuriza-
tion facilities do not add manganese in the blast furnace burden. This has
resulted in very low manganese content in hot metals. This situation has also
led to decreasing the operating temperatures of the furnace and decreasing
silica reduction in the bosh and hearth. Consequently, it produces much low
silicon iron which are far better suited for basic steelmaking.
The overall economy of iron and steelmaking has improved in spite of
adopting the external desulfurization facility in such cases.
If the total sulfur burden in the BF is low, particularly by using low-S
coke, then there is no need to put manganese bearing charge in the burden.
In that case, low-S and low-Si hot metal can be produced, even at lower
temperatures and at a lower coke rate.
FIGURE 10.8 Desulfurizing index as a function of basicity and reducing power of slag.
FIGURE 10.9 The basic ternary CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 system of interest to slag composition in ironmaking.
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 219
Indian Ores
Indian iron ores are notorious because of their high alumina/silica ratio and
high total percentage of alumina and silica together. The problem was com-
pounded by the use of high ash coke produced locally. This is the reason
why the slag volume in Indian BFs is around 400–500 kg/thm. In fact, it
should be lower than 350 kg/thm. The use of imported low ash coal or coke
has had a very beneficial effect on blast furnace performance in India after
the import was liberalized after 1991. Of late, many iron ores are benefici-
ated by merely washing to improve the total gangue content and the alu-
mina/silica ratio favorably. The fines are also beneficiated successfully, from
the same point of view, to improve the sinter quality.
All these factors put together have decreased the blast furnace oper-
ating temperatures in India from 1500–1550 degrees C to 1450–1500
degrees C. The slag volume has also come down to below 350–450 kg/thm.
In general, the CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the BF slag are more or
less equal with the V ratio; close to one is generally maintained. In that case,
the slag composition is roughly as follows: CaO = 32–35%, SiO2 = 28–32%
and Al2O3 = 18–25%, the balance being minor oxides. However, MgO is
invariably present in the blast furnace burden and the slag in that case is as
follows: CaO = 30–32, SiO2 = 28–32%, Al2O3 = 18–25% and MgO = 4–15%
with the remaining being minor oxides like MnO, Cr2O3, TiO2, etc.
The primary slag formed in the cohesive region is always rich in FeO, and
consequently, has very low liquid temperatures. It is, therefore, amenable
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 221
FIGURE 10.10 The extreme conditions of operating a blast furnace are shown by two operating lines.
The areas in between are type typical wedges of operation. The actual operation can be depicted by any
straight line falling in these wedges. The mid-point M depicts particular conditions of operation as
decided by the charge composition and enthalpy equipment of the process.
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 225
per unit time, the heat exchange in the top heat exchange zone can be
described as:
Tg > T8
It means that the gas contains more heat than can be absorbed by the bur-
den. The excess heat is, therefore, carried away with the gas which is dis-
charged at a higher temperature than that of the solid.
The situation in the lower heat exchange zone is just the reverse (i.e.
Tg < Ts ), and very efficient heat exchange takes place in the lower heat
exchange zone. It also means that the charge can not be heated to the tem-
perature of the gas rising from the tuyeres. On the whole, the heat exchange
is maximum at the tuyere level and minimum at the throat.
In the isothermal zone that separates the two heat exchange zones,
the Tg = Ts. This is why it is the isothermal zone and is referred to as the
thermal reserve zone. The oxides are reduced at around 950 degrees C
in solid state in this isothermal reactor. The oxides remain in this zone
for a sufficient length of time for chemical equilibrium between wustite
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 227
(FeOt) and gas to be virtually reached. This region consumes the greatest
quantity of heat and predominantly decides the consumption of fuel and
the blast, as well as production of furnace gas. It is, in a way, a recupera-
tor for sensible heat and reducing the power of the gas, since the ther-
mal and the chemical reserve zones overlap to a significant extent. The
solution loss reaction recuperates the reducing power of the gas phase in
this zone. The heat, due to the exothermic reactions like gaseous reduc-
tion of oxide, is fully utilized in carrying out the endothermic processes
like calcination of flux, solution loss reaction, etc. in the reserve zone.
Hence, the isothermal nature is established. The thermal operation of
each stage is independent, except that the temperature of the gas reach-
ing the upper stage is dependent on the temperature of the gas leaving
the lower stage.
Thermal Efficiency
The maximum gas-burden temperature difference is 400–500 degrees C
at the tuyere level, and this gap is soon closed because of the efficient
heat exchange in the lower zone. In the top heat exchange zone, the gas-
burden temperature difference is of the order of maximum 200 degrees C
just at the throat. The existence of an isothermal zone over an appreciable
extent of the shaft, particularly after the initial heat transfer zone, should
be accepted as an indication of remarkably high thermal efficiency of the
The top gas temperature is a function of the quantity of heat escaping,
and which is of the order of 5–6% of the total heat released by coke con-
sumption in a modern blast furnace. The variation of gas temperature will
not, therefore, alter the thermal efficiency significantly, since the top gas
temperature cannot be decreased substantially below about 200 degrees
C. Only a very marginal improvement may be possible by increasing the
height of the furnace. Any increase in the height of the furnace demands
more stringent, and therefore costly, requirements of coke. What may be
gained by increasing the height of the furnace may have to be paid back,
perhaps more, by way of cost of coke. Increasing the height of the furnace,
therefore, offers no solution for improving the thermal efficiency beyond a
small range.
The gas-burden temperature difference of almost zero or a reason-
ably low value may be obtainable after an extremely long time of contact
228 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
between gases and solids, and not by increasing the shaft height. The
time of contact of gas and the burden can be increased by high top
pressure application alone, and the same has been found to improve
the thermal efficiency. It has also been observed that in the upper heat-
ing zone and in the reserve zone, chemical processes have little effect
on the variation in the top gas temperature. A modern furnace has a
considerable reserve height. The reduction and heat transfer processes
slow down in the thermal reserve zone. An increase in the height of
the furnace can not be justified from the point of view of heat transfer.
Neither the ratio of height to diameter of the furnace, nor the residence
time of the burden in the furnace has any effect on the development of
the blast furnace processes.
The top gas temperature does not increase with high driving rates (and
sometimes not even when the rate is doubled). This is because, as the heat
load increases, the zones of heat transfer are enlarged at the expense of
the reserve zone. If the reserve zone is t reduced to zero, then only the top
gas temperature will rise on increasing the driving rate, which is practically
impossible in actual practice.
The modern furnace can therefore be driven hard without any dan-
ger of decrease in its efficiency. Improving prepared burden can only allow
harder blowing. The efficiency could further be increased readily by the
application of high top pressure alone. This will be discussed further in
Chapter 17.
and the hot metal is always supplied by the iron producer at the lowest pos-
sible temperature.
Data are from an annual survey of slag processors and pertain to the quantities of processed
slag sold rather than that processed or produced during the year. The data exclude any
entrained metal that may be recovered during slag processing and then sold separately or
returned to iron and, especially, steel furnaces. The data are incomplete regarding slag returns
to the furnaces.
There were very minor sales of open hearth furnace steel slag from stockpiles but no domestic
production of this slag type in 2012–16.
Data include sales of imported granulated blast furnace slag, either after domestic grinding or
still unground, and exclude sales of pelletized slag (proprietary but very small). Overall, actual
production of blast furnace slag may be estimated as equivalent to 25% to 30% of crude (pig)
iron production and steel furnace slag as about 10% to 15% of crude steel output.
Based on official (U.S. Census Bureau) data. In some years, the official data appear to have under-
stated the true imports; the apparent discrepancy was small for 2012, but may have been nearly 0.4
million tons in 2013 and 2014, depending on whether imports from Italy were mischaracterized as
being from Spain or not. The U.S. Geological Survey canvass captures only part of the imported slag.
Less than 0.05 million tons.
Although definable as total sales of slag (including those from imported feed) − exports, appar-
ent consumption of slag does not significantly differ from total sales owing to the very small
export tonnages.
Rounded to the nearest $0.50 per ton.
Defined as imports minus exports.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2017
Following removal of metal, slag can be returned to the blast and steel
furnaces as ferrous and flux feed, but data on these returns are incomplete.
Entrained metal, particularly in steel slag, is routinely recovered during slag
Physical-Thermal-Chemical Processes in a Blast Furnace • 233
applications and reduces the unit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions footprint
of the concrete related to the Portland cement (clinker) content. Recent
regulations to restrict emissions of CO2 and mercury by coal-fired power
plants, together with some power plant closures or conversion of others to
natural gas, have led to a reduction in the supply of fly ash in some areas,
including that of material for use as cementitious additive for concrete.
This has the potential to increase future demand for GGBFS, but the
availability of material to supply this demand will increasingly depend on
imports, either of ground or unground material. Imported slag availability
may be constrained by increasing international demand for the same mate-
rial and because not all granulated slag produced overseas is of high qual-
ity. New restrictions on mercury emissions by cement plants may reduce
demand for fly ash as a raw material for clinker manufacture, and this could
lead to use of air-cooled and steel slags as replacement raw materials.
In This Chapter
he general description of a blast furnace and its accessories
have already been covered in Chapter 2. The present chapter
deals with some more details of its construction and those of
its accessories.
236 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Stack Lining
The lining here should have a very good abrasion resistance and resistance
to carbon monoxide attack; refractoriness is relatively of less significance.
Construction of a Blast Furnace and its Accessories • 237
Hearth Lining
The lining in the hearth should primarily prevent breakouts. The use of
bricks of high alumina to silica ratio, lower permeability and porosity, with
well laid joints can minimize breakouts. In spite of this, the earlier firebrick
hearth still suffered from frequent breakouts and the attendant troubles.
The occurrence of breakout was believed to be due to the oxidation of iron
by gases that penetrated the firebricks and the consequent effect of iron
oxide in lowering the melting point of the refractory, ultimately resulting
in its failure. Ramming of the carbon plus tar mixture at such vulnerable
areas exhibited excellent resistance to such breakouts. Finally, this lead to
the development and use of carbon lined hearths. High refractoriness, high
thermal conductivity, high abrasion resistance, high bulk density coupled
with low porosity, good crushing strength, almost complete inertness to
carbon saturated iron and slag, and such other properties make carbon an
almost ideal material for hearth construction provided bricks or blocks of
these are keyed into position with the thinnest possible joints. It has been
observed that not only the carbon hearth contour is better maintained dur-
ing the campaign, but the problem of breakouts is virtually eliminated.
In the early adaptation, carbon blocks were used only as the facing lin-
ing with high duty firebrick for backing. However, all carbon hearth, (i.e.
the whole wall thickness and a considerable bottom thickness), has almost
universally been accepted as a standard method of preparing the hearth;
the remaining bottom thickness is made up of high duty firebricks. The
shape and size of the carbon blocks used for making the bottom vary con-
siderably, but they all aim at achieving the thinnest possible keyed joints,
preferably without the use of external jointing material.
238 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The modern, all carbon hearth construction uses large blocks of a few
square meters in size; lengths of approximately half the hearth diameter are
increasingly being adopted. These are laid horizontally and keyed together.
Each block is anchored firmly at the hearth wall to prevent it from floating
by molten iron. The shape of the individual carbon block and the method of
laying as adopted at the Bhilai Steel Plant in India are shown in Figure 11.1.
Construction of a Blast Furnace and its Accessories • 239
Some carbon hearths are air cooled or even water cooled at the bottom
by pipe or ducts inserted underneath the lowest course of carbon blocks.
The bottom of the 1719 m3 volume furnace at Bhilai is air cooled in
this fashion.
Careful control of the manufacture of hearth blocks and construction of
the hearth is of fundamental importance in achieving the desired campaign
life of the hearth.
Hearth Walls
Either the entire carbon lining or carbon block facing with high duty fire-
brick backing is employed for the walls right up to the central line of the
tuyeres or up to the top of the tuyeres in modern furnaces. The recent
trend is to adopt all carbon hearth up to the tuyere level or an even higher
level. Effective cooling of the hearth walls is improved by employing graph-
ite as the backing layer with carbon blocks facing to make up the lining.
This design improves thermal conductivity and the cooling efficiency of
the lining, particularly when spray cooling or water jacket cooling methods
are employed.
Bosh Lining
Considering the severity of temperature and chemical attack in this region,
the lining should possess good refractoriness. The refractoriness under the
load should be low after expansion and resistant to the action of molten
limy and alkali slags. The majority of bosh linings are of high duty or super
duty firebricks with 45–65% Al2O3, laid in the conventional banded bosh
construction with copper cooling plates. The extremely successful use of
carbon blocks for lining the hearth and its walls led to its adoption, even in
the bosh region. The carbon refractory possesses better properties, espe-
cially high thermal conductivity, than those of the conventional high duty
firebricks. Carbon lined walls can be cooled by either spray coolers or water
jackets. The changeover from firebrick lining to carbon lining, therefore,
eliminates the corrugated pattern of construction produced by rows of
coolers inserted in the lining and permits simpler construction which also
results in smoother and uniform wear. Carbonaceous materials like high-
conductivity graphite, electrographite or plumbago-clay graphite, etc. have
been used for preparing the bosh lining. The effective chill through the
high conductivity lining in the bosh generally results in early deposition of
essentially a mixture of slag and graphite on the face which in fact becomes
the effective lining.
240 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Carbon-lined Furnaces
The successful use of an all carbon lined hearth has led to the development
of an all carbon lined furnace. The adoption of carbon even up to the bosh
level simplifies the cooling arrangement required in laying the lining. With
a carbon lined bosh and hearth, the conventional cooling plates are gener-
ally replaced by the external cooling of the shell. A carbon hearth, in par-
ticular, must be protected from oxidation by a thin layer of fireclay or some
other material during the blowing-in period. The advantages of carbon lin-
ing can be summarized as follows:
1. Increase in overall campaign life of the furnace.
2. Minimum breakouts and reduced scaffolds.
3. Cooling design becomes more simple.
4. More uniform wear of the lining.
5. Stack cooling may become unnecessary.
6. Clean surface in contact with slag and metal both.
7. A relatively thinner lining is adequate and more furnace volume is
effectively available for the same size shell. This would result in im-
proved productivity.
All these advantages compensate for more than the additional cost of lin-
ing, and in fact, its wider use may reduce the cost of the carbon refractories
in the near future. In spite of the advantages, the use of carbon lining can
create serious problems in practice if careful operation and maintenance of
the hearth, especially in the slag and metal tap hole regions, is not scrupu-
lously met. Gases and steam can damage the carbon lining. Faulty coolers
can lead to the formation of steam, when the leaking water comes in contact
with the red hot lining. A short tap hole aggravates the problems. Armoring
bars are generally embedded in the lining at the throat to withstand the
falling burden and safeguard the lining. This has been extremely success-
ful. It should, however, not continue up to the zone of carbon deposition by
the Naumann reversion reaction Eq. (10.2), since iron acts as a catalyst for
Construction of a Blast Furnace and its Accessories • 241
this reaction. Carbon deposition has been observed to corrode the furnace
lining in practice.
FIGURE 11.2 Supporting structure of a modern blast furnace in which the pillars have been replaced
by the box-girders.
For larger furnaces, this is not a stable structure and the modern
trend is to have a box girder jacket surrounding the furnace to support
the furnace in place of the pillars. The furnace is generally provided
with two box girder jackets, one above the other; one is for the stack and
242 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Four different modes of cooling arrangements are in use, and these are as
1. The box cooler to be inserted in the lining and affixed to the shell of
the furnace.
2. The spray coolers used externally on the shell.
3. The water jacketed shell.
4. The cooling pipes for air or water circulation, particularly for cooling
the bottom.
5. The evaporation cooling.
Three different types of box coolers are currently in use, namely the
cantilever-type, the L-type, and the plate type. For the same furnace, the
designs of box coolers for shaft, bosh, and hearth are different. In general,
cast iron boxes, with steel tubes embedded inside, are used for shaft cool-
ing, whereas copper boxes with copper tubes embedded inside are used
for belly, bosh, and hearth, since cooling has to be more effective at these
areas than in the shaft. The modern trend is to use copper coolers even for
the shaft. To make the coolers the pipe through which water circulates, it
is first bent in the required form and embedded during founding in cast
iron or copper casting as per the requirements. The water inlet and outlet
project are outside the casting. Holes are also provided for the insertion of
the thermocouple to measure the temperature. The coolers have a flange
which, after insertion through the furnace shell, can be bolted onto the
flange provided on the shell. The coolers are provided all around the shell
at any desired level and individually each one is to be properly fixed with
respect to the other facilities like tuyere holes, slag and iron notches, etc.
Shaft Coolers
For smaller furnaces, cantilever type coolers are used whereas for larger
furnaces L-type coolers are used. The cantilever-type coolers as laid in
the 1719 m3 volume furnace of Bhilai are shown in Figure 11.3. There
are twelve rows of each 24 coolers, and these are staggered in the checker
fashion. The L-type coolers are used in a 2000 m3 furnace of Bokaro are
shown in Figure 11.4. There are seven rows with forty coolers in each
row. The L-type coolers are cast with firebrick on one face for clean con-
tact with the lining. A recent trend is to use external water sprays to cool
the shell. This is more effective if carbon lining is used. In the Rourkela
244 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Steel plant, all the furnace shells are cooled by water sprays half-way
down the stack to the bottom. The upper half of the stack is cooled by the
cantilever type coolers.
FIGURE 11.3 Cantilever-type blast furnace coolers (only a few are shown)
On the contrary, the furnaces in Bhilai Steel Plant are cooled by coolers
inserted in the lining, in spite of the furnace being bigger than those of the
Rourkela Plant.
Construction of a Blast Furnace and its Accessories • 245
The furnace shell is a double plate shell, and boiling water is circulated
in the space in between these in the upward direction. This may prove use-
ful particularly useful for the very large capacity furnaces.
this cooling arrangement may reduce the bottom thickness by 600–800 mm.
The load on the bottom cooling can be reduced by effecting larger dissipation
of heat through the hearth walls with its improved design and improved cool-
ing arrangement. The bigger 1719 m3 furnaces of Bhilai are bottom cooled by
air whereas the Rourkela furnaces are not.
On the very big modern furnaces, bottom cooling by water has been
adopted as shown in Figure 11.6.
known as the monkey itself. These are tapered and are designed to support
each other so that the replacement of the faulty cooler is easily accomplished.
Water is supplied constantly to these coolers since they are always exposed
to a high temperature. The life of the monkey is as low as a few days, and at
best, it may usually be a month. The life can be improved few fold by giving
a calorizing treatment to the monkey proper. The central cooler is packed
with fireclay. Since the slag hole is opened nearly every 2–3 hours, it is closed
with a readily removable slag-notch-stopper which carries a head to fit tightly
in the monkey. The stopper rod is also water cooled and is held in position
with a pneumatically compressed piston. Most furnaces provide an additional
cinder notch, but it is staggered further through nearly 45 degrees from the
main cinder notch.
For furnaces producing up to about 1500 t/day, provision of one iron notch
and two slag notches are adequate. For larger sizes, additional metal and slag
holes become necessary for removing these molten products without prolong-
ing the tapping duration. With the progress of furnace campaign, the bottom is
eroded and a large mass of metal known as the salamander (or bear) gets accu-
mulated at the bottom of the hearth. The metal accumulates at a lower level
than the iron notch and does not get tapped during normal tapping operation.
Additional iron notches may be provided to remove the salamander at the time
of blowing-out before shutting off the furnace and wrecking the old lining.
are filled using the swiveling runner. The ladles on the main and the second-
ary tracks are filled alternately. The swiveling runner swings into action every
time after filling one ladle on the main track by the stationary spout.
FIGURE 11.10 The tuyere assembly. The modified design with expansion joints is shown in (a).
252 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
two rows beneath the trestle; one row is generally kept for coke while the
other is kept for all the other types of burden materials. The materials are
dumped on the trestle, through which these fall in the appropriate bins, by
manual operation of the hopper gates of the cars or the wagons.
Coke of the right size is supplied to the bins from the coke ovens by
belt conveyors, and the coke yard becomes unnecessary. The same is true
with sinter or pellets since these are supplied from the sinter or the pel-
let plant located either inside or outside the plant. If pellets are received
from a distance, the appropriate storage facilities like that for ore will have
to be provided in the blast furnace plant. Limestone, manganese ore, and
such other raw materials are dropped directly in the bins from rail wagons
through the trestle.
It is positively beneficial to screen ore, pellets, sinter, and coke just before
putting them in the skip. Many plants provide facilities for this last minute
screening. The fines of iron bearing materials thus screened off are sent for
further agglomeration and those of coke for secondary uses. Coke is screened
at the furnace in India in the Bhilai and Bokaro plants only. This facility does
not exist in other plants. Other raw materials are not screened at the furnace
in any of the plants in India. One need not be surprised to see a large propor-
tion of ore fines, associated with mine dispatch and those generated in the
ore-yard, because of handling, finds its way ultimately in the furnace. The fine-
fraction of the natural ore charge under Indian practices is, therefore, as high
as 18–30%. It definitely affects the furnace operation adversely. (cf. Table 16.2)
Automatically controlled systems for sampling, weighing, and trans-
porting the raw materials have now come into vogue, particularly in large
furnaces. Beneath each bin, weighing mechanisms are fitted and belt con-
veyors are used to deliver the material to the skip pit. Computer controlled
programmers are assigned to control the operation effectively.
In the belt conveyor system, the materials are raised to the furnace
top by a system of belts. Since the maximum angle through which belt can
raise the materials is fairly shallow (maximum angle decided by the angle of
Construction of a Blast Furnace and its Accessories • 255
repose of the material), the bins have to be located further away from the
furnace than that of the skip hoisting system. An independent belt conveyor
system for each furnace, therefore, becomes unwieldy and uneconomical.
A common belt conveyor system for a group of furnaces has been found to
be convenient and economical. This is the reason why it has been preferred
in a few of the recently constructed blast furnace plants. An interesting belt
conveyor system has been described by Hookham.
Four old blast furnaces were replaced by the three modern, large capac-
ity furnaces in one of the plants in Belgium. Since the space available did
not permit installation of independent skip-hoist-systems, a belt conveyor
system was successfully adopted for all three furnaces. It has been working
to the designed degree of satisfaction.
Since enormous amounts of water are required to cool the furnace and a
few of its accessories, large pumps are provided to maintain a constant supply
of water to the furnace without interruption even for a short duration.
11.11 Slag-granulation
Until recently BF slag was collected in slag thimbles and was dumped in
molten condition in the dumping yard. In this process, it got contaminated
with external muck of unknown chemistry. It took longer to cool in these
dumps. But this was immaterial, as it used to lie there thereafter almost
for ever. Now-a-days, BF slag is entirely used as a raw material for cement
making. But this requires the slag to be granulated for easy transport, uni-
form chemical composition, and the right glassy structure of solidified slag
without external contamination. The molten slag is carried, through the
channels, into stirred water so that it is quenched and converted into gran-
ules. This arrangement has to be provided anew, on old furnaces, for the
end-utilization of the slag. Various designs of slag granulation plants are
available. The amount of water to be circulated must be such that its tem-
perature should not rise during this process beyond the designed level.
In This Chapter
t has been made clear that even the most efficient modern blast fur-
nace would produce an effluent gas containing a significant proportion
of carbon monoxide which cannot be used for iron oxide reduction. The
actual CO content may vary around 20–30% by volume. This has a calorific
value of nearly 900 kcal/m3. The quantity of gas produced depends upon the
amount of fuel burnt. For one ton of coke burnt, nearly 4000 m3 of effluent
gas may be produced. A blast furnace requiring 1000 t of coke per day would
generate nearly 4 ×106 m3 of gas with a total energy content of 3600 × 106
kcal which is nearly equivalent to 500 t of coke. Although various uses of the
blast furnace gas, including recovery of by-products, have been suggested, it
has not been possible to use the gas for any other purpose other than just a
lean fuel.
260 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The effluent gas from the furnace cannot directly be used as a fuel, since
a substantial quantity of dust from the burden is also discharged along with.
This may lead to accumulation of dust and wear in the equipment using
the gas. The gas is, therefore, cleaned before its use, and in so doing, the
sensible heat of the gas is invariably lost. The chemical heat of the cleaned
gas is what is utilized.
Neglecting the large lumps blown out occasionally when the furnace
slips, the dust particles carried in the gas may vary in size from nearly 6 mm
down to few microns. The average dust content may vary in the range of
7–30 g/m3. In general, cleaning is carried out in three stages: coarse, semi-
fine, and fine cleaning. A typical scheme is shown in Figure 12.1. The coarse
cleaning is done in dust catchers and cyclones in dry condition. The dust
content of the coarse cleaned gas is nearly 5–10 g/m3. The semi-fine clean-
ing is carried out in scrubbers, venturi washers, cyclone separators, centrif-
ugal disintegrators, feld washers, or even in electrostatic precipitators. The
dust content is thereby reduced to 0.5-; 1.5g/m3. Fine cleaning is carried
out mainly by electrostatic precipitators, or at times, by high speed rotary
disintegrators. The dust content is thereby reduced down to 0.01 g/m3.
The semi-fine and fine cleaning is carried out either in wet or dry
conditions. Wet methods are generally preferred to dry methods for their
better efficiency and smooth operation.
FIGURE 12.2 Scheme of uptakes and downcomer arrangement two different designs are shown in (a)
and (c) while (b)shows the other view of the design in (a).
Two adjacent uptakes are joined together to form one single duct, and
the two such ducts, thus formed, are connected to form only one duct which
carries the gas downwards into the dust catcher. The downcoming pipe or
duct is called the downcomer. The general scheme of uptakes and down-
comer are shown in Figure 12.2. An open-in or open-out bleeder valve is
provided at the top of each joined pair of uptakes.
A bleeder valve is a safety device, which opens automatically or is
opened, to release extra pressure developed inside the furnace and thereby
eliminate the danger of explosion. Bleeder valves are either counter-
weighted or operated by air cylinders. Some furnaces have separate bleed-
ers for each uptake. If the bleeders are situated on the joint-pipe, a third
bleeder is provided at the top of the downcomer. Bleeders are located at
the highest levels of the furnace structure.
The uptakes and the downcomers are steel pipes and are lined from
inside with firebricks or a monolithic castable cement applied over a wire
mesh that is anchored from inside to the shell. The sizes of the uptakes and
downcomers and the angle of their joints are such that gas flows smoothly
out of the furnace. The uptakes should be located on the furnace-top
periphery at those points which are not directly vertical above the iron-
notch, slag notch, blast main entrance to the bustle pipe, etc. These are
active points of the furnace, and if the uptakes are located right above these
points, it may cause uneven distribution of the gas through the burden. The
entire design should also ensure that a minimum amount of dust is carried
from the furnace with the gases.
262 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The downcomer leads the gases into the dust catcher through a vertical
pipe that flares out and extends nearly to the bottom of the dust catcher.
The gas comes down vertically and suddenly changes its direction to verti-
cally upwards since the outlet is located nearly at the top of the dust catcher.
This brings the gas to a point of zero velocity in from of the tip of the vertical
Blast Furnace Products: Blast Furnace Gas Cleaning and Utilization • 263
inlet pipe, and coarse dust falls in the bottom cone of the dust catcher from
where it is periodically removed. The dust catcher has valves for gas inlet
and dust removal. A cut-off valve when closed separates the dust catcher
from the downcomer, if required.
The efficiency of the dust catcher is usually 60–75%. It is also a practice to
install two dust catchers in a series, on some furnaces, to effect proper coarse
cleaning of the gas and to reduce burden on the semi-fine gas cleaning devices.
FIGURE 12.4 The wet scrubber for primary cleaning of blast furnace gas. The details of the baffles are
shown in (a) and the details of the water spray arrangement are shown in (b).
The scrubber not only cleans the gas but cools it to 30–35°C. The slurry
that is formed collects at the bottom and is continuously removed from
there into a thickener for separating water from the solid for recirculation.
Nearly 80–90% of the dust contained in the incoming gas is removed by this
method with about 3.5–4.5 liters of water consumption per cubic meter of
gas. The dust content of the outgoing gas is 0.5–1.5 g/m3. A centrifugal type
water separator at the exit end of the gas separates any entrained water in
the outgoing gas.
Blast Furnace Products: Blast Furnace Gas Cleaning and Utilization • 265
Venturi Washer
It is a vertical unit with a construction where water is injected in the form of
sprays to wet the gas moving downwards as shown in Figure 12.5. Two sets of
water sprays are used, one at right angle to the direction of the gas flow and
the other at an obtuse angle like 110–120 degrees. The washer is lined from
the inside with abrasion resistant material to withstand the erosive dust-laden
gas. A water separator is located at the bottom of the venturi washer and a tall
cooling tower is located by the side to cool the gas. A moisture eliminator is
provided finally to remove the excess entrained water in the cleaned gas. The
dust content of the clean gas is around 0.05 g/m3.
FIGURE 12.5 Venturi washer for primary cleaning of blast furnace gas.
The high speed disintegrators essentially mix water and gas with a high
speed rotor. Blades are provided both on the rotor and the stator body from
inside to achieve this objective. Water is atomized to an almost misty condi-
tion. The centrifugal action of the rotor forces the wet dust to stator walls
where it forms part of the slurry and is removed. The cleaned gas from the
spiral space goes out into a water separator. The dust content of the cleaned
gas is 0.015–0.020 g/m3.
FIGURE 12.6 Wet electrostatic precipitator (ESP) for secondary cleaning of blast furnace gas. ESP can
be used as an independent unit as in (a) or in combination with scrubber as in (b).
Rectified high voltage is applied across these two electrodes. The gas enters
from the bottom and rises upwards through a system of such cells, while a thin
Blast Furnace Products: Blast Furnace Gas Cleaning and Utilization • 267
film of water flows over the surface of the tube or plates from inside down-
wards. The dust particles on ionization get attracted to these wet surfaces and
are washed down. The slurry is led to a thickener. The dust particles are pre-
cipitated on the electrode. The precipitator is usually divided into two zones,
one of which is working while the other is under repair, if required. In some
designs, the precipitator is mounted directly above the primary washer.
The rotary disintegrator has a lower capital cost but higher running
cost as compared to the electrostatic precipitator. The cleaning efficiency is
however better in the case of electrostatic precipitator and it is practically
universally adopted. The ESP is also used widely for cleaning the dry efflu-
ent gases before they are let off into the atmosphere as per the pollution
control legislation. The wet cleaning unit is used for blast furnace gas clean-
ing due to its superior performance.
Although wet cleaning is better, it results in a wash water disposal prob-
lem which necessitates the use of an elaborate arrangement involving thick-
eners, filters, pumps, etc. The dust thus recovered consists mostly of iron
ore and is often circulated back into the agglomeration circuit. The clean
gas is stored in a huge gas holder and is distributed from there in the plant
wherever necessary.
In a three stove system, one is on blast and the other two are on gas at
any time. In a four stove system, two are on gas and on blast at any time.
If any stove needs repair, it can be cut off from the line and repaired while
the others can continue normal working as a battery of three stoves only.
A four stove system is more flexible than the three stove system in such an
eventuality. Historically, a four stove system was fairly popular. The modern
trend is to manage with a three stove system of efficient design to last prac-
tically the whole furnace campaign without any major intermediate repairs.
The interrelationships of number of stoves employed, hot blast tempera-
ture desired, calorific value of fuel gas used for heating, amount of blast to
be heated, and gas to be burnt per unit time can be established.
The stove is a steel shell lined thoroughly inside with good insulation and
firebricks. The wall separating the combustion chamber from the checkers is
also of heavy duty firebrick construction. The dome is subject to maximum tem-
perature, and hence, needs to be properly insulated and lined with heavy duty
firebricks. The checkers are a refractory construction of special brick shapes.
The checker-work has to absorb maximum heat at a faster rate while heating
and should desorb heat equally rapidly to the incoming cold blast. The larger
the weight of the bricks, the larger their heat storing capacity will be. The larger
the surface area exposed as flues, the faster the heat exchange is with the gas.
The bricks should have maximum weight with maximum surface area of flues
(i.e. maximum openings to allow free passage of gases). It has been found that
a ratio of weight of bricks in kilograms to a heating surface in square meters of
about 5–6 in minimum is optimal. Below this, structural difficulties may arise.
The checker bricks are supported on steel grids which, in turn, are
supported by cast iron or steel columns as shown in Figure 12.8. Since
the maximum temperature during combustion is generated near the
dome, and since the top portion of checker bricks have to stand higher
temperatures, with progressively decreasing value downwards, the quality
of checker bricks used also varies accordingly. Heavy duty firebricks are
essential for dome construction. The top 3–6 m height of the checkers is
made up of higher alumina bricks or semi-silica bricks while the remainder
is made up of good quality firebricks. The checker bricks are invariably
of special shapes with many flues of several different shapes and sizes as
shown in Figure 12.9.
These shapes facilitate laying and handling. The brick lining including
the checkers are expected to last 15–20 years before replacement becomes
necessary because of spalling, deformation, clogging, etc. However, 3–6 m
of the top checker bricks, are usually replaced after each furnace campaign
(i.e. after 4–7 years).The general design of the stove is shown in Figure 12.8
and some more details are shown in Figures 12.10 and 12.11.
Besides the checkers, the chamber stop valves to close and open the
cold blast, gas and hot blast mains, as desired, are also at convenient loca-
tions. An air stove also has several other attachments. A proper burner pre-
mixes air and gas and burns it in the combustion relief valve which is used to
release the extra pressure developed inside while changing the stove from
on-blast to on-gas. Since the hot blast temperature varies, within certain
limits, as the checkers cool down, and since it is desirable to supply the
hot blast at a fixed temperature to the bustle main, a mixer valve by-passes
a certain amount of cold blast into the heated blast and by its regulation
maintains a constant hot blast temperature. A pyrometric control circuit is
used to regulate the mixer valve openings.
In This Chapter
● Blowing-in
● Banking
● Blowing-out
● Tapping
● Fanning
● Back Drafting
● Conclusions
13.1 Blowing-in
The process of starting a newly lined furnace is called blowing-in. In gen-
eral, the operation involves four main steps: drying, filling, lighting, and
operation until normal production is established. There is no standard
practice of blowing-in, and the details of each of the above mentioned
steps adopted depend on local conditions and customs.
The new lining of a furnace contains a significant proportion of moisture
which must be slowly and completely removed before the temperature of
the furnace is raised. This operation is known as drying, in which the furnace
is slowly heated. The stoves that are newly lined are dried by introducing a
276 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
lighted gas pipe in the combustion chamber, slowly increasing its intensity
in about 10–15 days to the level when firing under standard conditions can
begin. Repaired stoves can be brought to working temperatures in a day or
two. Blast furnace drying can be accomplished by any one of the three dif-
ferent techniques:
At the end of drying, depending upon the method used, the furnace is
cleared off. The coolers are turned on, and once the inside temperature is
tolerable, furnace personnel can enter and prepare for filling the furnace.
The inspection of coolers at this stage is necessary, since the rectification
of faulty coolers is readily possible at this stage. In fact, a check list is pre-
pared and each item is checked off as reports are received of its satisfactory
performance. Simultaneously, the equipment for weighing, charge hoisting,
material disposal, etc. are also prepared to be put into action at the appro-
priate time. The tap holes are prepared, and the coolers, which were earlier
removed to have access inside, are packed in position.
Filling of the furnace usually means filling the hearth with light kindling
wood and shavings saturated with oil up to the tuyere level; old timber slip-
pers are laid over this scaffold. Coke is charged above the timber scaffold
from the top up to the bosh level. A quantity of limestone sufficient to flux
the ash in the charged coke, is also charged along with the coke after the
initial coke blanks. A small amount of old blast furnace slag is also incor-
porated with coke after the coke level rises beyond the mantle level. The
early slag volume is deliberately maintained at a high level to heat up the
hearth and prepare it to receive the iron. A light burden charge of ore,
stone, and coke (i.e. the ratio of iron ore to coke is low, about 0.5–0.6.) are
laid on the coke blanks. The burden weight that is iron ore is increased
every 8–10 charges, in increments of approximately 0.03–0.05 ratio of iron
ore to coke. The furnace is now ready to be lighted or ignited.
Blast Furnace Operation • 277
13.2 Banking
After blowing-in, a blast furnace is expected to run continuously for
5–7 years. Some exceptions to this are due to infrequent shutdowns for
repair of the coolers and the like or a major shutdown of 4–5 days to
repair or replace the bells. A modern blast furnace, therefore, may pro-
duce 4–6 million tons of pig iron during its full campaign before it is
shut down for relining.
A furnace, however, at times may have to be shut down for an extended
period during the campaign for variety of reasons like: labor troubles, short-
ages of raw materials, serious breakdowns, etc. Since the furnace can not be
turned on or off readily, the furnace needs to be prepared for such a tem-
porary shutdown, so that when production is resumed, it can be done with
minimum effort. The temporary shutdown of a blast furnace is known as
banking, which is more akin to banking a fire. This means reduction in com-
bustion rate, achieved not by extinguishing the fire but by taking the blast
off, covering the fire with excess coke, luting up all air inlets and smooth-
ing the stock with fine material. The fire is thereby maintained inside for
future use. In general, a blank charge of coke is used to bank a furnace. The
amount of blank coke charge depends upon the length of the anticipated
shutdown. The blank coke charge is followed by light ore charges, 50–60%
of the normal burden. The longer the anticipated shutdown is, the lighter
the burden. A banking burden for a shutdown of an indefinite length of
time is very similar to blowing-in burden. As soon as the coke blank reaches
the top of the bosh the blast is taken off, all the metal and slag accumulated
in the hearth its tapped, leaving nothing to solidify and the stock is covered
with fine ore to prevent drafts. The tuyeres and notches are luted with clay
to prevent air infiltration. The bells are closed and the dust catcher dump
value is also closed to isolate the furnace from the gas cleaning system.
The stock level is inspected every day when the furnace is banked. A
slow downward movement of the stock indicates slow consumption of coke
by air that is infiltrating. A rapid drop in stock level can lead to a defi-
ciency of coke at the time of restarting the furnace. An excessive drop may
even necessitate spraying to seal the bosh from the inside. The furnace is
restarted by replacing the tuyeres and notches, and charging sufficient coke
to fill up the space created by the sinking of the stock. The rest of the prac-
tice normally resembles the blowing-in practice. It may not take more than
a week to bring the furnace operation back to normal.
Blast Furnace Operation • 279
13.3 Blowing-out
The process of stopping the furnace operation at the end of its campaign
(due to the lining being worn out) is known as blowing-out. It is accom-
plished in two ways:
1. Charging is stopped and the stock is allowed to descend until a minimum
of it remains inside. As the stock sinks, the blast is reduced and the top
of the stock is cooled by water sprays inserted through the top. To be-
gin with, the burden quality is altered to produce highly siliceous slag.
The furnace is isolated from the gas cleaning system midway through the
blow-out. The last cast is carried out as completely as is feasible. Towards
the end, the remaining stock is quenched with water, and the furnace be-
comes cold in about 24 hours so the crew can start the raking operation.
2. In the alternative method, the blowing-out starts with a blank coke charge
followed by a charge of clean silica gravels of +25 mm and −50 mm size.
The stockline is kept at the normal level in the beginning, but later on, it
is allowed to sink. Water is used sparingly to control the stockline temper-
ature. The blast volume is not reduced to the extent as done in the previ-
ous method. The leftover gravels are washed out with water in the end.
The time required for blow-out is very short, generally about 6–8 hours.
13.4 Tapping
The metal and slag are removed from the furnace periodically, when the
furnace is in operation. The time interval between two taps depends upon
the production rate and size of the furnace. On an average, 20–22% of the
ore weight charged in the furnace is in the form of oxygen that combines
with carbon to get eliminated as gas. Similarly, 70% or so of the coke is
gasified, and almost 50% of the flux (as stone) is gasified during calcination.
This leaves approximately 78% of ore, 25–30% of coke (as ash) and 50% of
stone to finally come out as condensed phases (i.e. metal and slag). From
the usual amounts of charge materials put in per ton of pig iron produced,
nearly 300–700 kg of slag will also be produced. The density of the slag is
one third metal, and the volume of the slag is three times the metal of the
same weight. Hence, the slag volume will be nearly twice that of the metal
in a commercial blast furnace. This would necessitate removal of the slag at
least twice as frequently as the metal. In general, the metal is tapped every
4–6 hours and the slag is removed every 2 hours or so.
280 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The tapping of the slag and metal needs prior cast-house preparation,
subsequent cleaning of the cast-house, and closing and opening of the tap
holes. It is a fairly laborious job performed in trying conditions. The ladles
must be ordered in advance and kept waiting to receive the slag and the
metal. Since the furnace is under pressure, the metal and the slag flow out
of the tap holes with force on their opening.
13.5 Fanning
If the full production capacity of the furnace is not required for any reason,
it is decreased by reducing the blast input. If the blast is reduced to a value
less than 25% of the normal volume, the technique is known is fanning.
This is far better than totally shutting off the blast, because normal produc-
tion can thereby be resumed without any difficulty.
13.7 Conclusions
It is neither easy nor simple to put the blast furnace in operation, and tem-
porarily or permanently, put it out of operation. The complexity of the blast
furnace operation can be observed from this single fact.
In This Chapter
● Hanging
● Scaffolding
● Slip
● Chilled Hearth
● Pillaring
● Breakout
● Choking of Gas Off take
● Flooding and Coke Ejection Through the Tap Hole
● Leaking Tuyeres, Tap Holes, and Coolers
● Channeling
● Salamander Formation
● Concluding Remarks
n spite of the developments in the understanding of the blast furnace
process and construction of better designed and controlled furnaces,
the blast furnace operation in practice is still challenging. The furnace
is still capable of acting in unpredictable ways, and hence quite aptly it
has been always referred to by the pronoun she. The irregularities in blast
furnace operation may arise due to faulty mechanical devices like coolers,
282 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
14.1 Hanging
If uniform descent of the burden in the furnace is interrupted either by
wedging or bridging of the stock or by scaffolding, it is known as hanging.
Hanging can be caused by five different reasons:
1. Solidification of previously fused slag, particularly in sinter, into a large
impervious mass.
2. Bridging of ore particles in the vicinity of fine coke particles, which
instead of separating the ore particles, flow in the interstitial positions
of the ore particles.
3. The deposition of large amounts of carbon due to Naumann reversion
(as in Eq. (10.2)) in the voids and consequent decrease in permeability
of the burden.
4. Condensation of alkali vapors in the upper part of the stack, thereby
cementing the charge into a impervious mass.
5. Excessive blast pressure resulting in counteracting the downward move-
ment of the stock.
Irregularities in Blast Furnace Operation and their Remedies • 283
Insufficient batter in the stack walls may accentuate hanging. Hanging has
been classified broadly in three different types: top hanging, bottom hang-
ing, and general hanging. Top hanging occurs in the stack and mainly arises
due to the carbon deposition reaction. Alkali vapor condensation can also
be responsible for this type of hanging.
Bottom hanging occurs anywhere below the tuyeres due to low voidage
in the stack. General hanging occurs anywhere above the tuyeres due to low
voidage in the stack.
1. Add limestone of large size which on dissociation generates CO2, which
in turn forces the solution loss reaction to take place and improves the
permeability of the bed.
2. Hanging furnace responds better to a colder blast.
3. Reduction in blast pressure distributes the gas flow, though slowly, but
more uniformly.
4. A persistent hanging can be cured by blowing down the furnace to
bosh level and filling it with coke blank.
14.2 Scaffolding
A scaffold is a large mass of material that gets stuck to the furnace wall, usu-
ally as a single block, particularly in the top portion of the bosh. It results
in reduction in the cross section of the furnace and all the attendant effects
like uneven movement of the stock, rise in blast pressure, increase in dust
losses, decrease in output, increase in fuel consumption, decrease in the
amount of gas produced, etc.
Formation of a scaffold is mainly attributed to the presence of alkali
oxides and not chlorides or other compounds of alkali metals in the bur-
den. The alkali vapors condense on the brick lining and form low melting
alkali-alumina-silicates, to which the ore particles subsequently stick, pro-
gressively resulting in the formation of a massive block of charge materials
stuck to the walls. The formation of a scaffold is influenced by factors like
improper fluxing, heavy-burden, bad furnace design, etc.
Scaffolds are also believed to be formed due to a sudden lowering of
the fusion zone adjacent to the walls; this mass progressively builds up to
ultimately form a scaffold. Formation of a scaffold is a progressive process
284 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
14.3 Slip
Slipping is defined as the sudden sinking of the stock caused by a collapse
of the hanging, wedging, scaffold, etc. In short, it is the aftermath of these
irregularities. In severe cases, slipping causes a chilling of the hearth or
even explosion. The best remedy is to allow the furnace to slip on its own,
by adjustment of the blast temperature and pressure. A poor bosh design
may cause slipping, and the bosh behavior of burden materials needs to be
assessed before finalizing the bosh design.
14.5 Pillaring
If the blast is unable to penetrate right up to the center of the furnace, it may
lead to the formation of a cold, central column of the stock with an annu-
lar hot zone all around it. This is known as pillaring. A bar inserted right
Irregularities in Blast Furnace Operation and their Remedies • 285
through the furnace through the tuyere hole would show a red-hot portion
at both ends and a cold middle portion, if pillaring exists in the furnace. The
extent of a cold middle portion of this bar indicates the extent of pillaring
in the furnace. Pillaring can be eliminated by increasing the blast pressure
which will penetrate the cold, central column and heat up the pillar.
14.6 Breakout
Generally, breakouts are caused by the failure of the bosh walls, the walls of
the hearth, or the hearth bottom. As a result, the liquid iron or slag or both
flow out of the furnace in an uncontrolled fashion. This can be disastrous
and may even cause an explosion if it breaks coolers. Although a break-
out can occur anywhere, they are serious if they occur in the hearth. Slag
breakouts are not as serious as metal breakouts, since slag breakouts can
be readily repaired. Wherever a breakout occurs, it is essential, to remove
maximum amount of liquid products from the furnace through the tap
holes. The furnace is also taken off the blast. The breakout area is fully
repaired, and the furnace operation is resumed only thereafter.
A properly designed hearth, with a minimum of refractory joints and
absence of continuous straight joints up to the shell, can minimize break-
outs. The hearth refractory also needs to be of proper grade. The earlier
firebrick hearths were more prone to breakouts because of the leakage
of atmospheric air in the hearth. Its consequent combination with iron to
form iron oxide and fluxing action of the fire-back, finally resulted in the
refractory giving way. The problem, to a large extent, has been satisfactorily
solved by adopting a carbon hearth.
causing it to accumulate in the coke interstices until the weight of the liquid
overcomes the upward thrust of the gases and descends suddenly into the
hearth. This phenomenon is known as flooding, which can be minimized
by having a high voidage (i.e. by using a higher mean size of the coke).
Better quality coke is also beneficial since the degradation inside the fur-
nace would be reduced. Consequently, the permeability in the bosh region
would be improved.
Anything that imposes a constraint on the tuyere raceway volume causes
a hold up and a subsequent tendency to flooding. The interruption in uni-
form blowing rate causes the raceway to collapse, and when it is resumed
again the small particles of coke can not re-enter the raceway. Consequently,
they descend into the hearth, instead of burning in the tuyere area, result-
ing in a choked hearth thereby causing the well-known phenomenon of
coke ejection from the slag and the iron notches during tapping. This often
leads to an unjustified criticism of coke quality. Uniform blowing of the
furnace is the best remedy to avoid flooding.
14.10 Channeling
Preferential flow of ascending gases through certain areas of the burden,
because of their relative permeability, is known as channeling, since these
passages appear as channels. This arises due improper distribution and a
wide range of the charge in the furnace. Use of a more uniformly sized
burden and proper distribution can minimize this. Channeling otherwise
Irregularities in Blast Furnace Operation and their Remedies • 287
reduces the effective cross section of the furnace for gas-solid interaction,
and thereby decreases the productivity directly.
● Introduction
● Composition of Pig Iron
● Slag Composition
● Production of Ferro-Manganese
● The Sulfur Problem
● Basic Burdening of Blast Furnace and External Desiliconization
● Acid Burdening of Blast Furnace and External Desulfurization
● Disposal of Metal
● Concluding Remarks
15.1 Introduction
Blast furnace produces three different products viz. the gas, the metal, and
the slag. The quality and the amount of off-gas produced by the blast fur-
nace and the extent of cleaning required to make it as a useful fuel and,
where all it is utilized in the plant has already been described in Chapter 12.
The present chapter deals with the quantity and quality of slag and metal
generated and their utilization. Emphasis has been laid on the operation of
the blast vis-a-vis their quality and quantity produced.
A blast furnace is used to produce molten iron to finally convert it into
steel. Sometimes it is cast and sold as pigs (solid pig iron). In the latter case
the iron that is produced is usually foundry-grade iron. The amount of iron so
290 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
If the phosphorus and sulfur contents are each below 0.04%, the pig iron
is known as Swedish or hematite or acid iron. The acid process of steelmaking
is adopted for its conversion to steel. If the phosphorus content is more than
0.04%, it is known as basic pig iron since the basic process of steelmaking has
to be adopted for its conversion to steel. In the basic variety, if the phospho-
rus content is more than 0.5%, special basic steelmaking processes have to
be adopted for their conversion to steel. The iron containing more than 0.5%
phosphorus is traditionally known as Thomas iron or basic Bessemer iron.
By and large, much of the world’s pig iron contains 0.15 to 0.35% phos-
phorus. Thomas iron is produced particularly on the continent in countries
including France, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany, and also in South
Africa and some other places. The production of Swedish iron is rather
exceptional in that it is produced only at a few places in the UK and Sweden.
On the whole, the composition of pig iron is subject to a variety of condi-
tions under which the furnace is operated and the type of charge materials
used. The temperature of the hearth also varies considerably from plant to
plant. It is as low as 1280° C to 1350° C in India to as high as 1500° C to
1550° C in Japan. The hot metal composition as obtained in different coun-
tries is shown in Table 15.1.
product quality required, and so on. In general sulfur content of hot metal
should not be more than 0.06% for basic oxygen steelmaking processes
or preferably below 0.04% to meet the end product quality requirements
readily. Since the silicon and the sulfur contents of pig iron vary inversely
with temperature, suitable optimum values of silicon and sulfur contents
are arrived at by adjusting the ironmaking practice. Temperature adjust-
ment is effective in this respect.
From the point of view of designing the steelmaking technology that is
to be subsequently adopted, the hot metal compositions are broadly classi-
fied as basic, Thomas, and Swedish types, as shown in Table 15.2.
Out of these, nearly 15% of silica gets reduced, and Si joins the metal
phase; balance 85% joins the slag. Temperature has a decisive role in decid-
ing this proportion. Nearly 60% of silica in slag comes from iron-bearing
materials, and the remaining 40% comes from coke ash.
These days, the MnO content of slag is negligible because Mn-bearing
ore/slag is not added in the charge.
Practically all the phosphorus in the charge, except that blown out as
dust, is reduced and joins the metal phase. Nearly 60%–70% of P in the metal
comes from iron-bearing charge materials, and the remaining 30%–40%
comes from coke.
Nearly 90% of input manganese find its way into the metal, only 10%
may be present in the slag.
Anything up to 90% of input sulfur can be made to join slag. But these
days, for high productivity, the practice is such that only 40% may join the
slag, and balance may join the metal.
Slag Volume
The exact slag volume produced is a function of the following variables:
(a) Ore contains 2.0% Al2O3, 2.5% SiO2, and balance 95.5% Fe2O3
(b) 1.495 t of ore is required to produce 1 t of metal
(c) Coke rate is 500 kg/thm containing 20% ash and which contains 40%
Al2O3 and 60% SiO2
(d) Basicity is to be maintained at 1.0
(e) Limestone is assumed to be 90% CaCO3 and 10% MgCO3
Blast Furnace Products II – Slag and Metal • 295
Disposal of Slag
Earlier when slag was considered as typically a waste product inevitably
produced to obtain useful molten pig iron, it was transported from the BF
to slag dumping yard in slag ladles. The slag was tipped on the heaps in
molten condition and was allowed to be air cooled. This air-cooled slag was
used to make mineral wool, glass sand, and ceramic ware, or a proper size
fraction was used as filler material on railways.
Blast furnace slag essentially contains CaO, SiO2, MgO, and Al2O3 as the
major constituents and that on solidification it contains mainly silicates and
aluminates of calcium and to some extent of magnesium, Portland cement
is produced by semi-fusing CaO (obtained from limestone), Al2O3, and SiO2
to produce non-crystalline silicates and aluminates of calcium. The hydra-
tion of these silicates and aluminates develops the strength for which it is
used as a useful jointing construction material. BF slag as such does not
develop that good strength after hydraulic bonding because of lack of ade-
quate lime.
Although, qualitatively, blast furnace slag does contain the same silicates
and aluminates, the actual chemistry is not the same as that of Portland
cement. The reason is that the CaO content is much less in BF slag than in
Portland cement. Hence higher order aluminates and silicates do not form
296 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
to evolve suitable process for its utilization. The high iron oxide content of
steelmaking slag is the main culprit. If it is possible to win iron from this
slag, it could also be used for cement making. In fact, this slag would then
be far superior to BF slag because of its high basicity.
The more is the slag volume, the higher is the basicity and the higher
the hearth temperature, the better will be the desulfurization of metal
inside the blast furnace. All three factors in general require additional
heat, which demands an increased coke rate, which in effect adds to the
sulfur load in the furnace. It has been estimated that an average increase
of 10 kg of slag volume requires an increase in the coke rate by approxi-
mately 1.6 kg.
In essence, the forgoing indicates that it will be difficult for the blast
furnace, under the prevailing circumstances of operation and conditions of
raw materials, to meet the requirement of hot metal sulfur specifications
without impairing the production and economy.
The alternative is therefore to interpose one more processing step
between the ironmaking and steelmaking to desulfurize the hot metal to
achieve the required specifications and thereby meet the steelmakers’
requirements of hot metal. This is known as external desulfurization.
Any additional operation such as these adds to the cost of steelmaking.
The external treatment, however, must be viewed in terms of the overall
economy of iron and steelmaking production. Wahlster and other[59] have
shown that, on the whole, it is economical to adopt external desulfurization
along with certain other necessary changes in the blast furnace practice.
Every effort must be made to obtain sulfur and silicon contents in the
pig iron, as desired by the steelmaker, in the blast furnace itself. If this is
not possible, for whatever reasons, either of the following two alternatives
may be adopted.
the lowest possible temperature. The basicity may be little more than
1.0. Desulfurization is later on achieved externally.
In this practice, the blast furnace operator worries about production
rate and fuel economy and does not bother about the sulfur content of iron,
which is the worry of the steelmaker.
Where the figure in the brackets ( ) indicate open top ladles produced
and figures in // indicate the number of torpedo ladles produced.
The pig casting machine is an endless belt of grey iron molds of nearly
50 cm in length, 20 cm in width, and 10 cm in depth, with adequate taper for
easy stripping. The molds travel at a linear velocity of approximately 10–25 cm
per second. The average rate of pouring may be more than one metric ton per
strand per minute. The molds are protected by a tar or lime coat after every
pour to make it ready for the next pour.
304 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The orthodox system of casting of pig iron in a sand bed in the cast-
house does not exist anymore since pig casting machines, which can do the
casting job easily and readily, are now universally adopted.
The possibility of granulation of pig iron, like slag granulation in place
of casting pigs in pig casting machine, is currently being investigated.
Preliminary trials and assessment indicate that it might work out to be more
economical than the pig iron casting machine. If it comes out to be true on
a commercial level, metal granulation may come up in the near future to
substitute for pig casting machines.
Pig iron for steelmaking is transferred to the mixer, which is usually
located near the steelmaking shop, in simple or specially designed torpedo
ladles. The torpedo ladles are more complex in construction and costly.
These reduce the heat losses during transit and minimize the blast furnace
slag, entrained with the metal, being carried into the mixer and, from there
to the steelmaking furnace. Molten metal for steelmaking is stored in a
holding vessel known as a mixer. Molten iron is therefore available for steel-
making, as and when required, rather than waiting for the blast furnace tap.
The blast furnace slag that goes with the hot metal into the mixer may
ultimately find its way into the steelmaking furnace. Blast furnace slag is
acidic and is therefore detrimental to steelmaking, which is generally a
basic process. The blast furnace slag must therefore be skimmed off as far
as possible from the metal while being tapped. Additional efforts to remove
slag from the top of the metal, for example, by way of water quenching, are
also beneficial.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Burden Distribution
● Burden Trajectory and Profiles
● Burden Distribution Patterns
● Blast Furnace Performance
● Effect of Sizing
● Use of Agglomerate as Burden
● Sinter vs. Pellets
● Agglomerate vs. Natural Lumpy Ore
● Sizing of Coke and Its Quality
● Flux Quality
● Concluding Remarks
306 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
16.1 Introduction
The remarkable furnace productivities and low coke rates that have been
obtained in the post–World War II era have exceeded most of the earlier
expectations. This has been possible mainly due to better distribution of
more carefully prepared burden, better furnace design in the light of raw
material properties, and introduction of a few additional innovative tech-
niques in running the blast furnace.
The problem of burden distribution inside the blast furnace has already
been covered in Chapter 5 with respect to use of a traditional double-bell-
top charging and distribution system. As the ideal qualities of burden mate-
rials were increasingly revealed, more and more attempts were made to
obtain those properties even by additional processing. The quality require-
ments of the raw materials and the ways of improving the same in the natu-
rally available raw materials have been dealt with in Chapters 6, 7, and 8.
The rate of production in a blast furnace essentially depends on the rate of
air blast passing through the furnace. The higher it is, the more is the produc-
tivity. The blast furnace, being a packed bed of particles, provides the neces-
sary voids or gross permeability, in the charge inside the furnace, for gases to
pass through in the upward direction. If the burden consisted of particles of
uniform shape and size, then the permeability is fixed and thereby the limiting
rate of air blown through it is also automatically fixed. The limiting rate would
be reached when the bed gets almost fluidized due to the pressure of the gas.
However, the burden is far from such an ideal situation. The charge is neither
uniform in shape and size nor is it possible to obtain uniform gross permeabil-
ity all through the horizontal section of the furnace.
This non-uniform size develops variable permeability in the bed, depend-
ing upon the non-uniformity and the way it is charged inside the furnace. It
is reported that a 10% decrease in this permeability increases the resistance
to gas flow by nearly 300%. The adverse influence of decreased permeability
is so aggravated that every attempt is made to improve the permeability. The
furnace productivity can therefore be increased by preparation of the bur-
den to minimize the non-uniformity in size and shape. It is generally done
by sintering and/or pelletization of ore fines. It is further aided by adopting
appropriate charging methodology with respect to iron-bearing material and
coke to obtain uniform permeability all through the furnace cross section. The
agglomeration of ore fines have been dealt with in Chapters 7 and 8. The tra-
ditional distribution of charge has been dealt with in Chapter 5.
Impact of Burden Preparation and Distribution... • 307
1. Peripheral
2. Intermediate
3. Central
308 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
temperature of the burden and vice versa. Broadly, six different tempera-
ture profiles have been identified depending upon the charge distribution,
and are shown in Figure 16.1.
FIGURE 16.1 Six classes of temperature profile in the burden as a function of the burden distribution
from mm to
Nippon Kokan, Kawasaki Iron Works (20%–25%) +40 −40 N.A. 5.3
The beneficial influence of addition of sinter in place of ore lumps has to be
assessed in terms of the following parameters, which are nothing but those
factors that affect reducibility, degradation, slag formation at desired level,
coke rate, and so on:
1. Maintenance of or improvement in permeability of the burden
2. Reducibility of sinter vis-a-vis ore lumps
3. Slag formation at the correct level inside the furnace
4. Coke rate
314 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
On all these accounts it has been observed that sinter in the burden improves
the situation as a whole. The strength factor and reducibility as assessed in
terms of RDI index of sinter is better than that of ore. The temperature
zone of slag formation and softening is better controlled by use of sinter
because of prior adjustment of sinter and flux combinations in the form of
fluxed or super-fluxed sinters. Because of these improvements, the coke
rate comes down as a consequence.
Experience with sinter has indicated a rise of blast furnace output by
3.5% and reduction in the coke rate of 3% for every 10% increase in sinter
proportion of the burden. This trend continues up to 50%–75% sinter in
the burden beyond which the advantages gained decreased.[71] Coke can
be decreased further by using fluxed sinter, depending upon the propor-
tion of total flux requirement incorporated in the sinter mix. The use of
superfluxed sinter is now a common practice, and the reasons are given
1. The limestone is calcined during sintering, and this large heat-con-
suming reaction is eliminated from the blast furnace process.
2. The limestone in the sinter mix combines with the gangue of the ore
forming the slag forming constituents, which facilitate slag formation
in the furnace.
3. Increase in basicity of sinter beyond 1.5–1.6 increases its strength
and hence, degradation of sinter during handling and charging will
be relatively less in high-basicity sinters. It would improve perme-
ability in the furnace and the attendant advantages would accrue
from it.
Blast furnace operations show improvements in productivity and smooth
the operation with increasing strength and basicity of sinter. According to
the Japanese practice, it is desirable to keep the shatter index of +10 mm
sinter above 84% so as to keep the operation smooth. Elimination of fines
and use of a close-size-range of sinter is highly beneficial.
Iron-bearing fines agglomerated into pellets also forms a good blast fur-
nace burden material since it possesses better blast furnace properties.
The nearly spherical shape, close size, and desired porosity, coupled with
good strength, lead to high permeability in the charge-containing pellets.
Impact of Burden Preparation and Distribution... • 315
All these factors have beneficial influence on the gas utilization, as can
be seen from the top gas analysis. The usual CO/CO2 ratio of two was
found to decrease to one by using pellets in the charge at the Steel Co
of Canada.
The pioneering work in the field of use of pellet burden was carried
out at the Armco Steel, USA. The Armco furnace, when operating on
lump ore and sinter, had output of 1460 short tons per day with a coke
rate of 1623 lbs. and wind rate of 83,000 ft3/min. With 90% pellets, the
output increased to 2804 short tons per day with a coke rate of 1276 lbs.
and wind rate of 109,000 ft3/min. The high permeability of the pellet
burden allowed higher blowing rates. The production rate later stabi-
lized at 3200 short tons per day. Similar data from other plants have been
compiled in Table 16.3 to indicate the beneficial effects of pellet burden
on furnace performance.
The swelling property of pellets as a result of transformation of
hematite to magnetic during reduction is an important parameter that
decides the extent to which pellet burden affects the furnace perfor-
mance. Excessive swelling decreases the crushing strength and conse-
quent danger of disintegration of the pellets and loss of permeability of
the burden.
At an experimental blast furnace running on 65% pellets and 35% coarse
ore charge, the operation was smooth if the degree of swelling was less than
20%. When the swelling rose to 40%, the furnace could be operated only
with difficulty even at high blowing rates. It has therefore been concluded
1. Pellets with swelling less than 20% are safe for use in the furnace to
any extent
2. Pellets with 20%–40% swelling should not occupy more than 65% of
the total burden
3. Pellets with more than 40% swelling are positively detrimental and
should not be used in the burden as far as possible
It has been suggested that the degree of swelling reduces as the crushing
strength improves. Use of bentonite as a binder has therefore been recom-
mended to produce stronger pellets.
316 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
from to
It has been suggested that the size, chemistry, mineralogy, and physical
and reducibility properties required of the pellets should be specified for
a given practice. The Germans insist on crushing strength of minimum
200 kg/pellet for 10–15 mm size. The size distribution should be 80%
between 10–15 mm, 85% between 9–16 and 5% maximum of less than
5 mm size. The A.S.T.M. tumbling index of −5 mm should not exceed 5%
and −6 mm 6%. The B.S.C. Laboratories have also recommended more or
less the same specifications but have also specified other requirements, par-
ticularly swelling, reducibility, and L.T.B.T. values.[45] The L.T.B.T. values
should be a minimum 10% +6.3 mm−5.0 mm index of 7.5% maximum. The
swelling should not exceed 20%.
nearby the blast furnace plant, whereas pellets can be carried over a long
distance without appreciable degradation. If high rates of productivity
demand elimination of fines, and since sinter happens to contribute more to
the generation of fines than that of pellets, the latter will have to be chosen
as the burden in preference to sinter.
maintained by coke alone. The extent to which this is achieved by the coke
directly affects the furnace performance. Since coke also undergoes degra-
dation before reaching the bosh zone, the initial size has to be decided by
regression analysis knowing the size requirement in the bosh region. The
performance could be improved only after improvement in coke quality by
way of its size and strength.
High productivity is obtained if +40 mm fraction in coke charge is at
least 80% with a top size of 80–100 mm. This is the reason why last minute
screening, just before charging the skip, is resorted to for coke at many
plants as a routine practice.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Large-Capacity Blast Furnaces
● Coke Quality
● Burden Preparation
● Improved Distribution of Charge
● High Top Pressure
● Charging Devices for High Top Pressure
● Higher Blast Temperature and Driving Rate
● Oxygen Enrichment of Blast
● Humidification of Blast
● Fuel Injection
● Lime Injection
● Pre-reduced Ore as Burden
● Injection of Reducing Gas at the Bottom of the Stack
● Utilization of Plant Iron-Bearing Wastes
● Concluding Remarks
322 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
17.1 Introduction
Considerable advances have been made in recent years in blast furnace
design and practice to improve upon its economy, both in terms of reduced
consumption of coke and increased productivity. The improvements in
the design of the blast furnace and its accessories have been mainly in
the direction of increasing the size and its capacity. This has necessitated
improvement in the blast furnace structure, cooling efficiency, gas clean-
ing system, hot blast generation, and so forth. The design of the lining and
the quality of lining material, coupled with efficient cooling, particularly
of bosh and hearth, have undergone improvements that have led to reduc-
tion in its thickness and attendant increased useful volume for the same
shell size. Efficient material handling, last-minute screening facilities just
before charging, better cast-house designs, efficient liquid product dis-
posal, et cetera, have been inevitable developments to run large-size fur-
naces efficiently. Proper burden preparation and distribution of charge
in the furnace are of vital importance in improving furnace productiv-
ity. Adoption of high top pressure has necessitated several drastic design
changes in the furnace top charging system. The understanding of the
physico-chemical nature of the blast furnace process has led to numer-
ous improvements in the practice. Even the existing furnace designs have
been modified, wherever feasible, to incorporate the necessary changes in
the design and consequently the practice to improve the overall produc-
tion economy.
The principal achievements are listed below and also are discussed later
in the present chapter.
1. Large-capacity blast furnaces
2. Better-prepared burden
3. Efficient burden distributor
4. Better coke quality
5. Auxiliary fuel injection through tuyeres
6. Humidification of blast
7. (Oxygen enrichment of blast
8. Higher blast temperature through better stoves
9. Blast furnace gas injection through the stack
10. Lime dust injection through tuyeres
Modern Blast Furnace Design and Practice • 323
The size of a blast furnace can be compared either in terms of its hearth
diameter or the total useful volume. The hearth diameter of approximately
5.6 m prevalent in the 1925–1930 period increased to nearly 8.9 m by
1950–1955, nearly 12 m by 1970, and now it has reached nearly 15 m in the
largest blast furnace. The profile of one such modern furnace is shown in
Figure 17.1. The height has more or less remained constant and perhaps
would continue to be the same even in the near future. The useful volume
of furnaces has also gone up from the earlier 1000 m3 to nearly 4500 m3,
and a furnace of more than 5000 m3 is designed. The daily production of an
individual furnace increased from a mere 500 t/day in 1930 to 2000–3000 t/
day in the fifties, 6000 t/day by 1970, and presently nearly 12,000 t/day from
the largest furnace. Details and location of some of the very large-capacity
furnaces that are more than 13 m diameter are shown in Table 17.2. A
16,000 t/day furnace may be planned in the future.
The specific production capacity in the last few decades has also shown
a tremendous improvement from nearly 0.8–1.0 t/m3/day to more than
2.5 t/m3/day from some of the most efficient furnaces of today.
In Japan, two furnaces in the 5000 m3 useful volume class are in opera-
tion. Construction of a furnace of this scale requires 6000 t of bricks and 4500
t of steel for the furnace body alone. It also requires an additional 4000 t or
more for the auxiliaries and piping. A blast furnace of this type in operation
holds approximately 10,000 t of iron ore, coke, and iron, bringing the total
weight of the furnace to approximately 24,000–25,000 t. to enable the blast
furnace, whose height reaches 120 m, to withstand earthquakes, its foun-
dation must be built strongly enough to resist lateral pressure equivalent
Modern Blast Furnace Design and Practice • 325
The general picture of increasing the blast furnace size and the related
operational parameters are shown in Table 17.2 and Table 17.3.
Table 17.3 Design and operational data of some of the largest blast
furnaces in the world
B.F. Inner Hearth Period Productivity Utilization
Volume diameter (%)
(M3) (m)
tpd/m3 tpd/m3
FIGURE 17.2 Schematic diagram showing the influence of inferior quality of coke on the blast furnace
operation. [69]
preparation. It is, however, certain that the CSR must be, at a minimum, 65 for
better productivity, and for larger furnaces it should be closer to 80. Such good-
quality coke is used by British Steel, Sumitomo, UsinoSA, BHP Steel, and oth-
ers. Similarly, the maximum amount of coal/natural gas/tar may be introduced
through the tuyeres to partially replace the function of coke as heat producer, to
minimize coke consumption without affecting the productivity adversely.
FIGURE 17.4 The effect of coke CSR on BF productivity as seen at Tata Steel.
Stock-line Armor
This is an improved version of the earlier armor plate meant to protect the
lining exposed to the falling charge and to prevent its premature failure.
The earlier armor plates were firmly secured to the furnace wall, but in the
modified design these are suspended in a semi-rigid fashion from the top. It
consists of several cast steel plates suspended individually in such a way that
they form a cylindrical shape. These are basically of two different types:
1. Cylindrical. Wherein the diameter of the overall armor varies, always
keeping the shape cylindrical, as shown in Figure 17.6.
slides past the surface of the plates. Since the plates are more or less vertical
in the cylindrical design, the charge falls nearly vertically in the furnace and
the variable settings are responsible to alter the stock-line contour.
Any setting(s) can be selected or it can be synchronized in the automatic
charging control system to obtain the desired contour as well as distribution
in the furnace. This type of armor is being widely used on the continent,
and the advantages claimed are as follows:
1. The big bell diameter need not increase in proportion to the throat
diameter, as the latter increases with increasing capacity. It thereby
decreases many of the problems associated with big bell.
2. The system is reliable and easy to maintain and operate.
3. Since the plates absorb the kinetic energy of the falling particles, the
materials drop practically vertically in the furnace. The operator can
therefore distribute the charge as desired to obtain the required dis-
4. The materials of its construction have been so developed that the life
of the armor can be the same as that of the furnace campaign and
hence no mid-campaign changeover or repairs are necessary.
The pressure below the bell is high and that above the bell is practically
atmospheric pressure. As a result, the bell would get pressed against its
hopper seat and would not lower down. The big bell can be lowered only
after admitting gas under pressure in the chamber above the big bell (i.e.,
between the two bells) to develop zero pressure differential across the big
bell. Similarly, the small bell could be opened only after withdrawing the
gas pressure from below the small bell, thereby bringing it down to the
normal atmospheric pressure. The adoption of high top pressure therefore
requires a system of pressuring and de-pressuring the big bell hopper often
to maintain the high top pressure while working the furnace in a normal
The scheme of high top pressure application is shown in Figure 17.8. It
includes a throttling device located after the second stage of cleaning
(i.e., after scrubbers). This led to an increase in pressure not only in the
furnace but also in the uptakes, downtakes, dust catcher, and scrubbers. If
an existing furnace is capable of withstanding the increased pressure, then
only the adoption of high top pressure is feasible, otherwise not. It may
be of interest to note here that the Bhilai blast furnaces in India could be
converted to high top pressure (1.0 kg/cm2) readily, whereas the German-
designed Rourkela furnaces were found to be incapable and hence these
are still being run without any high top pressure.
A septum valve is provided just after the wet scrubbers, and part of the
semi-cleaned gas is bypassed to the big bell hopper to obtain zero pressure
differential across the big bell. One of the problems of operating at very
high pressures has been the noise level emitted at the septum valve control
area. This problem has been overcome to some extent by adopting multiple
336 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
FIGURE 17.9 Production rate and hot metal silicon content as a function of high top pressure. The
solid line indicates the variations in production rates, and the dotted line indicates the hot metal silicon
sealing. Leakage here causes abrasive cutting and soon destroys the seal-
ing function of the big bell with its hopper. This not only restricts the top
pressure but may even, in due course of time, nullify the benefits gained
through the high top pressure operation. The blast furnace designers should
provide equipment to operate effectively at top pressure up to 3 kg/cm2
gauge with adequate life. Many devices, including hard facing of the bell
and its hopper set, have been mooted and tried in practice. However, the
problem of excessive wear on seats and rapid deterioration of effective seal
could not be satisfactorily solved. The developments have been rapid after
adopting the design philosophy of separating the two functions of charge
holding and distribution on the one hand and gas sealing on the other. In
essence it means that hard-surfaced seats are used for bells, gates, chutes,
and others, which handle flowing materials, whereas soft seats, kept out of
way of flowing materials, are used as seals. Based on the above philosophy,
a number of designs for top charging, to whatever extent feasible, have
been developed. The development of top charging devices, while catering
to high top pressure maintenance, have always kept the goal of achievement
of better distribution of charge in the furnace, as was its primary aim earlier,
as an equally important function. A few of these modern designs, especially
developed for high top pressures, have been described below.
Paul-Wurth/CRM Top
A line sketch of this design is shown in Figure 17.10. The big bell arrange-
ment is the same as in the McKee top while an additional small bell, called
the seal bell, is attached just below the charge small bell. Since the sealing
bell is different, the small bell along with its hopper can rotate to receive
the charge at various points along its periphery. The sealing bell fits tightly
to the large bell chamber and hence the small charge bell is outside the
purview of high top pressure. In operating this device, the charge is initially
put in the small bell hopper, receiving the skips at various preset angles.
During charging, the seal bell is closed. After one charge is put in the small
bell hopper, the seal bell is lowered to break the seal. The charge small
Modern Blast Furnace Design and Practice • 339
bell is then lowered to drop the charge on the big bell. The distance to
which the burden small bell is lowered, from the seal bell, is adjusted such
that the sealing surface remains out of the trajectory of sliding material,
and it is thereby protected. After dropping the charge, the small bell is
raised to close its hopper and then the seal bell is raised to seal the big bell
chamber, the pressurization and de-pressurization of which is carried out
as described earlier.
Both the CRM and the NKK top designs are such that the charge par-
ticles may find a way into the sealing area, causing some gaps through which
high-pressure gas leaks, with resultant wear. These designs therefore cater
to equipments for rapid changing of the bells.
seal valves swing down and out of the way while dropping the charge, and
then quickly return to close and form a gas-tight housing around the bell.
In the IHI top, two hoppers with seals are provided to admit the
charge. The revolving distributor is in the pressurized zone and distributes
the change on the small bell. Contrary to this design, charge is fed through
a rotating chute, outside the pressurized chamber, via four hoppers with
valve seals in the Yawata design.
In the McKee Head Wrightson design, a six-position chute feeds six
valve seal inlets to distribute the charge evenly on the small bell, which
does not rotate. In the Demag design, the small bell is replaced by a rotat-
ing chute under the lower seal. This chute distributes the material directly
on the large bell. The central rod for raising and lowering the large bell is
replaced by a yoke operated from outside the pressurized chamber. Two
valve seal hoppers receive the charge and feed it through another pair of
lower seals into the rotating chute.
All these designs, even though they improve the gas sealing, do not
eliminate the drawbacks of distribution arising out of the use of a large bell.
in the existing designs or in the new stoves with external combustion cham-
ber or at the top of the stove as well. The burner does not get affected
by the radiant heat during the on-blast period since it is made of ceramic
All these have led to dome temperature reaching a value of
1500°C–1600°C, at its peak, when on-gas, and dropping down to 1450°C
at the end of the on-blast period. The required refractory material has also
been developed. All these have improved the stove efficiency to almost 90%.
A recuperator system on the stove has been used to pre-heat the gas
and combustion air to generate higher temperatures while side-by-side
improving its efficiency. The stove waste gases are used to pre-heat the gas
and combustion air to almost 450°C.
Higher hot blast temperature reduces proportionately the fuel con-
sumption in the furnace. A higher hot blast temperature is often used in
conjunction with humidified blast so that flame temperature in the com-
bustion zone of the blast furnace is still within proper limits. This will be
further discussed while dealing with the humidification of the blast.
The latest technology to come on the horizon of hot blast generation is
the Kalugin Stoveto be installed at Sunflag Iron and Steel Co, Bhandara.
This is a shaftless-combustion stove design, fired from the top as shown in
Figure 17.15 (c). It gives a blast temperature of 1250°C readily.
This much hot blast temperature is capable of generating 2400°C –2500°C
as RAFT temperature, which is too high to be used. It also means that it can
take up readily 150–200 kg/thm of PCI or 100–150 Nm3 of natural gas injec-
tion along with 3%–5% oxygen enrichment and 5%–10% humidification of
the blast. This combination of high blast temperature, oxygen enrichment,
and humidification again brings down the RAFT to a normal 1900°C–2000°C.
The same is achieved by using PCI, which decreases the actual coke rate. It
also allows use of oil and natural gas injection together in various proportions,
which can lead to a coke replacement ratio of as high as 1.6–1.7 kg/kg, which
otherwise cannot be achieved by any other single fuel injection.
the stack, the presence of 79% nitrogen by volume in the blast restricts
the temperature generated in the combustion zone. This temperature can
be increased by decreasing the nitrogen content of the blast, that is, by
oxygen enrichment of the blast. An enrichment of only 2% (by weight) oxy-
gen reduces the nitrogen burden by approximately 4 units per unit weight
of coke, and a higher temperature would be possible. There is, however,
a limit to which higher temperature in front of tuyeres is desirable since
any excess over that causes bridging and sticking of the stock and a higher
silicon content in the pig iron. Oxygen enrichment is therefore beneficial
for producing foundry iron or for smelting ferro-alloys such as ferro-man-
ganese. For basic pig iron production, excess silicon content is detrimental
and hence any excessive heat release at the tuyeres must be absorbed by
some other beneficial endothermic reaction. Use of oxygen enrichment up
to 25% oxygen in the blast has been found to be advantageous, if it is bal-
anced by adequate humidification. A higher level of oxygen enrichment
poses several other problems that weigh more than the advantages and
hence is not used in practice.
furnace by coke rate is not effective before a few hours after the change,
whereas variation in oxygen enrichment and humidification can control the
temperature almost immediately; it can also be monitored continuously.
The cost of oxygen, however, should permit its use in a given setup, for it
may otherwise work out to be costly.
For every percent increase in oxygen content, an increase in production
rate of approximately 3%–4% can be obtained with a marginal saving in
coke rate. The saving in coke rate is due to the cracking of moisture giving
rise to hydrogen, which acts as a reducing gas up in the stack. The increase
in output with oxygen enrichment is shown in Figure 17.16. It also shows
that the percent returns decreases with increasing enrichment.
H2O + C = CO + H2
H°(1200°C) = +2700 kcal/kg C
= +1800 kcal/kg H2O (17.1)
It means that, for other conditions remaining the same, the RAFT will
be much less in the rainy season as compared to that on a dry summer
day. As a consequence, the blast furnace operation will be subject to sea-
son. This is not acceptable in modern times, as it would affect the produc-
tivity adversely. A uniform RAFT in this case would be obtained only by
adjusting every now and then the blast pre-heat temperature. This is next
to impossible.
350 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
energy and to compensate for that lost in decreasing the coke charge.
The substitution of coke is also done at this level only by injecting pul-
verized/granular coals or gaseous/liquid fuels such as natural gas/heavy
oil through the tuyeres. This is one of the most potent ways of reduc-
ing coke and replacing it with cheaper and available fuel. The basic
requirement is that the injected fuel must burn completely and to that
extent only the replacement is possible. Any excess injection can cause
damage rather than benefits by disturbing the bosh reactions and melt-
ing rate.
All coke operation is affected by higher flame temperature and forma-
tion of an inactive zone near the furnace walls. Auxiliary fuel injection tends
to set this right and leads to a more stable furnace operation because of
available additional control parameters to control the raceway.
The choice of the type of fuel to be injected almost entirely depends
on its availability, economics of its use, and feasibility of injection. From
this point of view, only fluidized fuels can be injected. Fuel injection is fully
exploited when adopted along with oxygen enrichment and humidification
of the blast.
The actual amount of fuel injected in any furnace in any plant depends
on many factors. On some furnaces individually up to 100 kg oil or 200 kg
pulverized coal or 150 Nm3 natural gas have been successfully injected, and
the efficiency has come up to expectations. The replacement ratio, kg of
coke saved divided by kg of fuel injected, depends on the practice, quality
of fuel, and effectiveness of furnace control.
These injections affect the following furnace parameters:
1. Flame temperature
2. Bosh gas composition and volume
3. The top gas temperature and CO/CO2 ratio and hence the efficiency
4. Operational efficiency, that is, the proportion of direct and indirect
5. Slag volume and its basicity
6. Overall production efficiency
The influence of such injectants is shown in Table 17.4
Modern Blast Furnace Design and Practice • 353
The demand on heat is a net result of heat generated by its burning and
consumed for ash dissolution in slag and for any moisture, taking part in
the water gas reaction. Similarly, the net resultant gases at the tuyere shall
take part in additional reactions as they rise. It is necessary to compensate
this loss in flame temperature by increasing the hot blast temperature, and
if that limit is already reached then, by other means such as oxygen enrich-
ment, blast temperature, and so on.
More efficient reducing gas is generated at the tuyere area by disinte-
grating moisture into hydrogen via a reaction of the type:
H2O + C = H2 + CO (17.2)
or by
CH4 + 1/202 = 2H2 + CO (17.3)
These are endothermic reactions and are possible only when surplus
heat is available at the tuyere area.
The replacement ratio for oil is of the order of 0.9–1.1 kg of coke per kg
of oil. For natural gas, this ratio is 0.75 kg per Nm3 of gas. These are for
blast temperature of 900°C–1300°C. Natural gas or oil generates hydro-
gen, as a product of burning, which is a better reducing agent in the stack
as compared to CO. The H2/H2O ratio in the top gas does not indicate its
utilization efficiency because only 4% H2 is used for reduction. It therefore
improves the productivity. Natural gas does not contribute to slag forma-
tion and the replacement ratio is also good and, hence is preferred. It has
resulted in 6%–10% saving in coke and increase in productivity by approxi-
mately 0.5%–2.0% in a specific case.
Pulverized or granular thermal coal has also been routinely injected
in the range of 50–200 kg/thm. The aim is to go up to 300 kg/thm in the
354 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
near future. The cost of coke can be brought down by 10%–15%. If pul-
verized, then 80% of coal is ground to less than 75 micron and dried to
a level of less than 1% moisture. The system of injection should ensure
that the desired amount of coal is injected, within expected accuracy. It
is claimed that the performance of injecting even granular coals (sandy
in nature) is adequate. It is preferred since the cost of pulverization is
far more than that of granulation. However, pulverized coal injection is
more popular.
The limit of injecting PC is dictated by a parameter called Coal
Combustion Potential (CCP), which is defined as
Table 17.5 Assumed norms for calculating the changes in coke rates
Parameters Change in Coke Rate (kg/thm)
1. Sinter +10% −2.2
2. Blast temp +1°C −0.14
3. 2 −11.55
High-Top Pressure +1kg/cm
4. Central Working Index +1 −54.34
5. 3 −0.88
Humidity +1 g/Nm
6. Coke ash +1% +10.00
7. Oxygen enrichment +1.0% −6.82
This is quite independent of the efforts to raise the hot blast tempera-
ture to its maximum.
The replacement ratio (RR) of the order of 0.8–0.9 has been achieved.
Ash content of the coal affects the RR adversely, as will be obvious from
Table 17.4. The efficiency of replacement is not just limited to its com-
plete burning. It should also thereby result in improvements in bosh and
stack reactions as well as heat transfer and rate of melting. One of the chief
problem to be faced in PCI is its effect on deadman. In case of incomplete
Modern Blast Furnace Design and Practice • 355
combustion, the PCI can give rise to suit or char formation and may
decrease the permeability of the deadman. This can have disastrous effects
on hearth behavior.
FIGURE 17.19 Blast furnace operation with auxiliary fuels injected at the tuyeres with fully oxidized
FIGURE 17.20 Blast furnace operation with pre-reduced ores as burden and auxiliary fuels injected at
the tuyeres.
control, slag and metal tap holes, the cast-house design, and almost anything
and everything related to BF design and operation to such an extent that it
has almost reached its pinnacle in relation to its efficiency and economics.
The majority of the burden is artificially agglomerated as fluxed or
superfluxed charge of the correct size and quality. The earlier McKee top
has almost been replaced by the bell-less top for better distribution of the
burden. It might also get replaced by the gimble top in the near future.
High top pressure is invariably used to improve gas solid reactions, in spite
of top-sealing problems. The earlier gas cleaning, using cyclone and dry gas
cleaning, was replaced by a dust-catcher and wet gas cleaning system. But
it is again being replaced by cyclone and dry gas cleaning, but of more effi-
cient designs. Slag is granulated and sold as raw material for cement mak-
ing. Oxygen enrichment and humidification is resorted to in order to make
use of hydrogen as more efficient reducing gas in the stack. Fuel injection
through tuyeres is becoming the order of the day. Instead of using a tradi-
tional two-skip hoist for lifting the charge materials to the furnace top, a
belt conveyor system is being preferred.
FIGURE 17.23 The way carbon rate decreased in the blast furnace practice over the years, as result of
system. The useful volume of the blast furnace has almost reached the max-
imum size of nearly 5000 m3. In general, furnaces with less than 1500 m3
useful volume will not be constructed hereafter for being unable to accrue
the advantages of scale. MBFs may still prove to be useful under certain
specific conditions for the manufacture of merchant iron.
Although the theoretical minimum coke rate required for smooth BF
operation may be approximately 250–300 kg/thm, it has not been possible
to reach this level as yet. This is the most important parameter affecting
the production economy. Because of these improvements it has continu-
ously decreased, as shown in Figure 17.23. The coke rate of 300–350 kg/
thm achieved in some of the very modern practices is therefore a great and
significant achievement.
These achievements will be obvious if the performance of today’s mod-
ern BF is compared with those of yesteryear.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Process Variables
● Probes for Measuring the Process Variables
● BF Operational Models
● Process Control Strategies
● Central Working Index
● Advantages of Process Control
● Concluding Remarks
18.1 Introduction
From the beginning until very recently, ironmaking was an art. Gradually,
the process variables became more and more apparent. Initially it was only
the charge proportion and their individual weights, and the blast rate were
considered as process variables. This list of process variables continuously
increased, and now a number of such variables, which influence the BF
operation, are understood and measured.
Slowly the chemistry and thermodynamics of reduction of iron oxide,
its mechanism and kinetics, became evident. The irregularities in BF
operation, occasional low productivities or excessive coke consumption
368 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
or inability, at times, to push required blast through the tuyeres and such
odd situations compelled the operators to think about the operation and
device means to control them to ensure, as far as is possible, a smooth
furnace operation.
All such developments slowly evolved into the concept of blast furnace
process control, soon after the World War II. The advent of the computer,
especially around the same time, helped to develop mathematical models
to explain what was going on inside the blast furnace at various regions and
zones. A variety of such models is now available and is used to understand
one or the other operation/phenomena inside the furnace or the operation
as a whole.
The situation as it is and, along with the changed requirement of
more and more consistent quality of the hot metal, is desired for its
effective and economical conversion to steel. When the steelmaking pro-
cesses were slow, any quality of hot metal could be tolerated and adjusted
to produce finally the desired quality of steel. The advent of very fast
processes such as LD/OBM required more consistent chemistry and
temperature of the hot metal to ensure process productivity and econ-
omy of steelmaking. Any relaxation in hot metal quality and its consis-
tency finally affected the production rate of steelmaking adversely. Mere
manual control and charge balancing could not ensure such consistency.
Hence an on-line expert process control system became more and more
necessary, nay almost imperative.
A complex apparatus such as the modern blast furnace can produce
consistently the same quality of hot metal only if the operation is carried out
with minimum deviation in input variables and is controlled in its entirety.
In fact, the quality and consistency of hot metal is directly proportional to
the extent of control exercised on blast furnace operation.
On-line control was not possible without measuring process variables
and, consequently, the means to carry it out in an actual running blast fur-
nace was increasingly felt as a priority for efficient BF operation. General
developments in engineering came in handy to develop gadgets and devices
to measure these variables. Over the last few decades these gadgets became
more and more sophisticated and started measuring the variables of the
process digitally, to obtain more accurate and reliable instant-data, to be fed
to the expert system for it to respond properly.
Blast Furnace Operational Control • 369
The places and how the various probes are used are shown in Figure 18.1.
FIGURE 18.1 The position of various probes vis-a-vis the furnace zones for direct measurements[81].
developed and are available to explain one or the other phenomena occur-
ring inside the blast furnace. These are:
—Burden distribution model
—Wall temperature distribution model
—Top gas distribution model
—Hearth erosion model —Deadman status model
—Silicon prediction model —Accretion status model
—Shaft simulation model —Tuyere state model
All these are taken together to work out the overall model.
These models assume a certain set of idealized conditions to exist inside
the furnace. BF, however, seldom operates under such idealized conditions. It
is subject to many disturbances that cannot be predicted beforehand. In fact,
this unpredictable operation of blast furnace was reflected by the operators
in calling it by the pronoun “she.” The relevant probes indicate the deviation
and its extent. The term process control means the ability to adjust the mea-
surable operating variables, when they go off the reference standard state.
The ability to sense and adjust the operating variables therefore decides the
effectiveness of the probes as well as the process control. All these measure-
ments are obtained as digital signals and therefore are amenable to be pro-
cessed by a computer network that works on the mathematically simulated
software at the back-end. It gives the corrective action needed to bring back
the system as close to the assumed idealized state as is possible.
However effective the process control system is, it cannot take any
changes, particularly those that are not exactly measurable, into account for
control adjustments. It is therefore very necessary to minimize the variable
nature of the inputs, (e.g., quality of ore, sinter and coke, blast temperature,
blast volume, charging sequence, ore/coke ratio, etc.). The more these are
controlled, within the prescribed limits, the better and easier it is for pro-
cess control.
rectification. In fact, the actual control is most often the thermal control of
the process only. The level of oxygen enrichment and humidification, hot
blast temperature and rate of blowing, fuel injection rate, and so on are,
in general, only thermal control parameters. Out of them, humidification
control is instantly effective and easily possible because the thermal effects
are immediately apparent. On the whole, the more the number of variables
measured and controlled, the more effective is the process control.
The process control system assesses the furnace condition at a fixed
interval of time, which can be increased or decreased suitably. The correc-
tive signals are available at the same frequency. Whether or not the correc-
tive action is to be taken depends upon the operator. No instrument can
entirely substitute for human judgment. The system might not have taken
into account or there may be some unknown parameters yet to be taken into
account in the system. Hence, the operator’s judgment still reigns supreme.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● The Low-Shaft Furnace
● Mini-Blast Furnaces (MBFs)
● Concluding Remarks
19.1 Introduction
The blast furnace design and practice that has evolved over the last hun-
dred years or so can be efficiently and economically run only on very good-
quality coke of a certain size fraction. It cannot be run without coke or using
a smaller-size fraction of coke. With increasing production of steel, the
requirements for coke have risen so much that it has now become a scarce
commodity. Good-quality metallurgical coals are available only in some
countries, and they have developed a sort of monopoly for this material
in the international trade. The price has continuously risen in the past and
is still on the rise because of this monopoly. The continuously rising steel
output on a global level has only aggravated the situation. This challenge of
keeping the global production of iron and steel at such high levels is there-
fore being tackled by a multi-pronged approach. On the one hand, the effi-
ciency of BF has been continuously improved to decrease the coke rate and
substituting as much as possible the fuel requirements using ordinary coals
380 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
gas generated at the tuyere level. In a normal blast furnace, the gas phase
generated at the tuyere level contains nearly 60% nitrogen, which is inert
and acts only as a heat transfer agent. It therefore needs a tall shaft, which
in turn necessitates the use of good-quality coke as the fuel.
The question that arises, therefore, is whether it is feasible to reduce
the shaft height without impairing the thermal efficiency of the process. It
means that the gases from the low-shaft furnace should go out of the furnace
at a temperature and carbon monoxide concentration that are comparable
with the normal blast furnace. If this is feasible, then poorer-quality coke
or even non-metallurgical coal could be used as a fuel to run such furnaces.
The shaft height can be reduced without impairing the thermal effi-
ciency if the heating and smelting zones in the furnace are compressed
by accelerating the heat exchange and chemical reactions, that is, more
sharper thermal and reducing potential gradients are obtained. The imme-
diate suggestion to achieve this is the use of oxygen-enriched blast, which
would produce higher temperature and furnace gas containing lower nitro-
gen content and higher reducing potential. Consequently, the necessary
heat transfer and reduction would be achieved over a shorter shaft.
Based on the above reasoning, the idea of a low-shaft furnace was con-
ceived by a group of seven countries, viz. France, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg,
Holland, Austria, and Greece who jointly set up the first ever experimental
low-shaft furnace at Ougree, near Liege in Belgium (C.N.R.M.) in 1952–
1955. The original design underwent some changes after preliminary trials
and extended trials using a variety of charges available in these countries
were carried out to establish the optimum conditions of their efficient
smelting. The raw materials that were tried included low-grade lump ores,
concentrates obtained by upgrading the lean ores, rich ore fines, poor-qual-
ity coke, lignite, et cetera. The charge was fed either in the form of separate
lumpy material or in the form of briquettes made from a suitable mixture
of these charge materials. The difficulties that were anticipated, such as
high thermal losses, low indirect reduction, insufficient conditioning of the
charge before reaching the tuyere zone, incapability of high top pressure
application, etc. either did not exist or these could be encountered success-
fully. As a result of these trials a few commercial low-shaft furnace plants
were set up in these countries in the 1950s.
The low-shaft furnace plants at Colbe, Germany may be cited as an illus-
tration. This plant had ten furnaces, each producing 80–100 tpd. and produc-
ing 250,000 t of foundry-grade iron per annum. The furnace had an 11 m2
382 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
rectangular cross section at the tuyere level and an effective height of 4.8 m.
The blast was pre-heated to 780° C–800° C. It has a total of eight tuyeres, three
each on the two long sides and one each on the two short sides. The furnace
operated on a bedded charge of small lumps of iron ore, lime stone, and lignite
coke briquettes produced by low-temperature carbonization. The iron ore ana-
lyzed was 21% –27% Fe and 12% –40% SiO2. The consumption of lignite coke
is approximately 2000 kg per metric ton of pig iron.
Low-shaft furnaces have been successfully run on two types of charges.
One of the types, as mentioned above, consists of lumps of individual charge
materials. The other type consists of briquettes made from suitable mixture
of fines of ore, stone, and lignite, with tar as binder.
If the briquettes mixture is used, then the furnace should be run in such
a way as to prevent condensation of tar at the top, as this is evolved when bri-
quettes get pre-heated at the furnace top. The top-gas temperature is, there-
fore, kept rather high, that is, 350° C–400° C. The briquettes also should be
made such that they do not burst when exposed to this temperature on charg-
ing. The use of briquettes not only assures uniform distribution of the charge
but guarantees sufficient permeability for efficient heating and reduction.
In the low-shaft furnace very little reduction occurs in the upper part
of the furnace but rapid reduction occurs a short distance above the tuy-
eres. The reduction of the ore takes place predominantly directly by carbon
rather than by the gas because of the short shaft, which is unlike the blast
furnace. The top-gas from a low-shaft furnace therefore is not only at higher
temperature, but it contains more carbon monoxide as compared to a blast
furnace. The CO/CO2 ratio in the top-gas is approximately six. Average
analysis of top-gas is approximately 30%–35% CO, 5%–6% CO2, 0.5% CH4,
1%–2% H2, and the balance, N2. Its calorific value averages 4400–5000 MJ/
Nm3 (110–150 B.Th. N/cft.) The volume ratio of slag depends very much
on the type of raw materials used for smelting.
The low-shaft furnace is shown in Figure 19.1 in a simplified form. In
general, the low-shaft furnaces seldom have effective height more than 5 m
(16 ft.). Although circular cross-section furnaces are in operation, rectangu-
lar cross section is very popular. The hearth area is generally approximately
8–10 m2. Nearly 500–700 Nm3 of blast is blown to generate 8000–11,000 Nm3
of top-gas. The average consumption of lignite is more than 2000 kg/t of
iron. This value, although high in comparison with the coke consumption in
a modern blast furnace, is not disadvantageous when the fuel requirement
of sintering and coke ovens, which are additionally required for the blast
furnace smelting, are considered together. It could be reduced by increasing
the pre-heat of the blast. Many of the recent innovations in normal blast fur-
nace practice, such as high top pressure agglomerated burden, and others,
can be adopted in a low-shaft furnace practice also.
The advantages of a low-shaft furnace can be summarized as follows.
1. It can take fine, friable, low-grade and such inferior type of ores in the
2. Fuels of inferior grade, such as lignite, can be successfully used. It can
therefore be adopted for making iron where metallurgical coal is not
available but non-metallurgical coal is abundant.
3. The furnace top-gas, a by-product, is a rich fuel that can be economi-
cally used elsewhere in the plant or partly for pre-heating the blast.
4. The blast pressure necessary to run the low-shaft furnace is of the
order of 2 kg/cm2, which is much lower than that for a normal blast fur-
nace, and hence costly high-capacity turbo-blowers are not necessary.
5. Pre-heating of the blast can be readily accomplished in a recuperator,
and hence costly stoves are not necessary.
384 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Chinese MBF
Once, approximately one-fifth of iron production in China came from
MBFs (a total of 55 mtpa). They innovated this technology considerably.
Eighty-five to one-hundred percent sinter was incorporated in the charge.
Coke rate, therefore, varied by approximately 550–630 kg/thm. Pulverized
coal up to 60 kg/thm was successfully injected to bring down the coke rate
by 40–50 kg/thm. Hot blast temperature up to 1200° C was developed and
used. For this purpose, dry cleaning of gas was adopted effectively. All these
culminated in getting specific productivity up to 3.0 t/m3/d. Chinese ores,
though, contain only 40%–45% Fe but are very low in alumina (max 2%).
Chinese coking coals are very good quality (ash only 10%–12%). These bet-
ter input parameters are certainly responsible in obtaining good productiv-
ity values. The production details are given below:
Initially, the nut-coke size of 20–40 mm as screened off from usual BFs was
used as a fuel. The furnace was operated more or less in the same way as the
normal BF, maintaining the slag basicity approximately 0.9. The productivity
was 1.8–2.0 t/m3/d. When even the nut coke was not available, it was operated
with Beehive coke of high ash content of the size of 10–30 mm. Slag basicity
was therefore raised. As a result, the productivity decreased to 1.5–1.6 thm/d.
The practice was therefore again changed to use rejected coke of
10–25 mm size with some nut coke and hard coke. Basicity was reduced
to 0.7–0.8 and MgO was raised to 8%. Alumina was maintained at 22%–
26%. This improved the productivity to 2.4 t/m3/d. However, the coke rate
increased to 800 kg/thm due to a high slag volume of 500 kg/thm.
Small MBFs suffer from low heat transfer and low indirect reduction effi-
ciency because of the short stack height. The off-gas is richer in CO to the extent
of 28%–30% with a CO/CO2 ratio of 3, against the 1.5 obtained in usual BFs.
The history of this plant and experiences in running the furnaces against
so many heavy odds is an interesting technological research into the use of
MBF carried out much before these furnaces became very popular in India
in the 1990s.
KIW experimented on the use of low-temperature carbonized coke,
formed coke, sponge, iron, and coal injection through the tuyeres, et cetera,
to improve upon the productivity. They also tried external desulfurization
using soda ash to improve sulfur content of the hot metal from approxi-
mately 0.15% down to 0.07%. The first Tata-Korf MBF of 175 m3 size was
commissioned by SESAGOA of Goa in 1992 and since then this technology
is being increasingly adopted by many as shown before. Some of the fea-
tures of this Goa plant are given below:
Brazil still produces 6–7 Mt of iron through such blast furnaces. Each
such unit, on an average, produces approximately 100,000 t of iron/annum.
Charcoal is a very costly fuel. It is screened at the plant to remove −10 mm
fraction, which is sold at a throw-away price. With the advent of pulverized
coal injection in normal BFs, this −10 mm charcoal is also being used for
injection through tuyeres to the tune of up to 120 kg/thm in these furnaces.
It does require some further grinding before its injection.
In This Chapter
● General
● Historical
● The Submerged Arc Furnace Plant
● Operation
● Smelting Practice
● Modern Trends
● Special Features
● Irregularities in Operations
● Concluding Remarks
20.1 General
The heat-producing function of coke, that is, the burning of its carbon by
hot blast in a normal small blast furnace, is replaced by an electric arc heat
input in electro-thermal smelting processes. Since no fuel is to be burned
for heat production, air blast is unnecessary. No furnace gas is therefore
392 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
20.2 Historical
Electric smelting of pig iron developed in the beginning of the present cen-
tury, particularly in Italy and Sweden because of the pioneering efforts of
Heroult and Strassano. Some 12 furnaces of maximum individual capacity
of 10 MVA were in operation in Italy and Sweden in the early 1920s. These
designs had to be abandoned later because of several defects. However,
inspired by these commercial installations and understanding the reasons
for their failures, Tysland and Hole in Norway developed the classical
Tysland-Hole low-shaft submerged electric arc furnace of approximately
5–6 MVA capacity in the pre- World War II years. The electrodes in this
furnace were in a row, which proved to be defective in larger-capacity fur-
naces. In the Imatra design of 12 MVA size, therefore, the electrodes were
arranged in a standard triangular formation, which continues even today.
Smelting of pig iron in an electric arc furnace on an extensive scale was
possible only in those countries where electrical power was cheap and metal-
lurgical coal was not available. The Scandinavian countries are typically the
best-suited places for such a process for ironmaking. They have therefore
adopted this on an extensive scale and have also contributed much in the
development of this technology as an alternative to the blast furnace. Electric
smelting of pig iron made rapid strides in the period 1950–1970. The present
total output of pig iron by this technique exceeds 4 million t/annum. The larg-
est individual unit of 60 MVA has been built, and this seems to be the limit of
electrical capacity with a three-electrode furnace. Higher-capacity furnaces
with six electrodes may be designed to assess their commercial exploitation.
Alternative Routes of Iron Production II – Electro-Thermal Processes • 393
The Visvasvaraya Iron and Steel Ltd. (formerly Mysore Iron and Steel Co.)
Bhadrawati were the pioneers to install two such furnaces each of 100 tpd
capacity in 1952 in India. Recently, two more furnaces each of 200 tpd
capacity have been added to increase the pig iron production. One furnace
of 100 tpd capacity is operating in the private sector in the name of Sandur
Manganese and Iron Ores Ltd at Sandur, district Bellari, Karanataka. The
Maharashtra Electrosmelt Ltd. Chandrapur was a mini steel plant with
electric pig iron and LD steelmaking facilities. The furnace is the biggest in
India and is of a 33 MVA rating. Since the steelmaking facilities were being
built, the furnace was temporarily switched to ferro-manganese produc-
tion, which was later changed over to iron production. Now there are two
33-MVA furnaces, but both produce Fe-Mn only. The steelmaking facilities
have been dismantled.
the transformer, or the power can be fed from either a three-phase trans-
former or three independent single-phase transformers. The latter arrange-
ment is cheaper and is more effective since in the event of breakdown, the
furnace can be run with the remaining one or two phases.
FIGURE 20.1 General scheme of submerged electric arc plant for smelting iron ores.
Alternative Routes of Iron Production II – Electro-Thermal Processes • 395
The furnace is a steel shell lined from inside with basic refractories
such as magnesite or chrome-magnesite. Carbon lining of the lower por-
tion has also been adopted without any problems, as in a normal blast
furnace. The furnace is closed from the top by an inverted bowl-like
roof, lined from inside with ordinary grade firebricks, since it does not
have to stand high temperatures. The lining in general does not have to
perform any arduous duty because the arc heat zone is surrounded on
all sides by the charge.
The roof is provided with openings for insertion of three electrodes
vertically downwards. It is also provided with one or more holes for
charging and one or two holes for gases generated during smelting to
go out of the furnace. Modern furnaces are provided with self-baking
Sederberg-type electrodes since these are cheaper and they can be of
any desired dimension to carry the desired current. The electrode is
made by joining piece-by-piece steel sheet cylinders with welded ribs
from inside to support the electrode paste while baking. The electrode
paste is made from coke or calcined anthracite and bituminous binder.
As the electrode is consumed and is allowed to slip in, fresh steel cyl-
inder is affixed to it from top and is held in position, and the electrode
paste is filled in this. The paste gets slowly baked in situ to form a hard
electrode before it is consumed. The steel frame provides a suspension
link for the electrode grip-and-slip system.
Most submerged arc furnaces are fed with premixed charges that have
to be proportioned accurately be weighing each raw material individually.
The dried raw materials are stored in bins equipped with constant-weight
feeders, belt weighers, or a scale car. Pre-mixed and weighed charge is
raised to the furnace top either by skips or belt conveyors and is fed to
the furnace through pipe openings provided in the furnace roof. Weighed
quantity of raw materials can be layered on a conveyor belt, and proper
mixing can thereby be achieved. If a scale car is used, its contents are tipped
into a skip hoist to raise it to the charging level where these are mixed in the
bins and fed to the furnace under gravity through one, two, or three charg-
ing pipes or chutes.
Tipping of charge twice or thrice during this process is adequate to give
reasonably homogeneous mixing.
The furnace may be open or closed from top. In open-top furnaces,
the charging pipes have two gates or two valves that work in much the
396 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
same way as the two bell system of a normal blast furnace. In the open-
top furnaces, the furnace gas, which is a rich fuel, is burned at the top
of the furnace and is wasted. A fume-removal hood is provided in the
open-top furnace and is put under suction by connecting it to a stack.
This system gives out fumes through the stack. On the contrary, the
closed-top furnaces are choke-fed (i.e., the charging pipes are kept full
of charge to provide gas seals). The gases are led to cleaning through
openings provided in the roof or in the top portion of the furnace body.
The cleaned gas is used elsewhere as a fuel.
Modern anti-pollution restrictions necessitate gas cleaning before let-
ting them off in the atmosphere. Since the actual amount of gas let off
through a stack in an open-top furnace is almost 40–100 times more in
volume than the actual gases generated by the furnace reactions, the load
on the gas cleaning system unnecessarily increases, which make the gas
cleaning equipment prohibitive in terms of costs. The closed-top furnace
design is therefore generally preferred. The gas recovered from the closed-
top furnace can be used as a fuel for secondary uses.
One or two tap holes may be provided, depending upon the size of the
furnace, to tap the liquid iron and slag. The metal and slag flow out from the
same hole and are separated afterwards outside the furnace. A simple slag
dam can divert slag from the launder into the slag line while the metal flows
through underneath the dam. Molten iron may be sent to the steelmaking
section or may be covered into pigs in a pig-casting machine.
20.4 Operation
The reductant in electro-thermal smelting does not have to support a
tall burden as is necessary in a normal blast furnace. It should therefore
theoretically be possible to use any carbonaceous material as a reduc-
tant. The reductant still has to perform a dual function of being the
reducing agent and also the resistance for the generation of heat within
the furnace.
The reactivity of the reductant is important since reduction of iron
oxide has to take place directly by carbon in relatively shorter duration.
The electrical conductivity of the reductant is also equally important
since during smelting, a bed of reductant is formed under the electrode
and its resistance to passage of current, in fact, generates most of the heat
Alternative Routes of Iron Production II – Electro-Thermal Processes • 397
FIGURE 20.2 Estimated temperature distribution in an electric arc furnace for smelting of iron ores.
In Figure 20.2, the charge next to the walls of the furnace is a solidified
layer of slag, which must be formed by even adjusting the practice in order
to protect the lining.
CO.......... 72%–75%
CO2.......... 13%–15%
H2.......... 7%–10%
N2.......... 1%–3%
Hydrocarbons.......... 2%–3%
CaO.......... 40%–45%
SiO2.......... 25%–30%
MgO.......... 2%–10%
A12O3.......... 5%–25%
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Physical Chemistry of DR Processes
● Sponge Ironmaking Processes
● Midrex Process
● Fluidized Bed Processes
● Coal-based DR Processes
● Coal-based Shaft Furnaces
● Gasified Coal-based Processes
● Sponge Iron Production in India
● Metallurgical Properties of Sponge Iron
● Use of Sponge Iron
● Concluding Remarks
21.1 Introduction
The production of iron is only an intermediate inevitable step in the ulti-
mate production of steel from a natural source such as iron ore. Where
coking coal is not available but other gaseous (natural gas) or solid fuels
404 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Armco Pellets
Esso-Fior Briquettes
Nu-iron –do–
Solid and/or liquid or gaseous Rotary kiln SL/RN, Lurgi Sized lumps or
Krupp-Renn pellets
Out of all these, only some have found popularity in commercial appli-
cations. The rest either were confined to pilot plant scales or were commis-
sioned on a commercial level, but the very first plant could not continue
operation for long or, even if continued, the performance has not been sat-
isfactory for its further applications elsewhere.
These processes are described below under basically two categories viz.
the coal-based direct reduction processes and the gas-based direct reduc-
tion processes. Within themselves, further classification is possible with
respect to the type of reactor/furnace used.
Similarly, classification on the basis of reductant used is also possible, viz.:
—Coal based rotary kilns
—Coal based rotary hearth, retorts, etc.
—Batch type gas-based retort processes
Alternative Routes of Iron Production III –Sponge Iron Production • 407
HyL Process
After several years of development work, the HyL process was patented by the
Hojalata y Lamina, S.A. and Pullman Incorporated and hence the name HyL
for this process. In this process sized iron ore or pellets are reduced by passing
reformed natural gas, downwards through a static bed of sized ore or pellets.
[105] The natural gas is desulfurized and reformed by mixing it with steam
and passing it over nickel as catalyst when reaction as in Eq. (21.3) occurs.
The reformed gas has approximately 75% H2, 14% CO, 3% CH4, and 8% CO2.
Reduction is carried out at 870° C–1050° C and reactions as in Eqs. (21.1) and
(21.2) are expected to occur. The charge needs to be pre-heated for efficient
reduction. The overall efficiency of the operation is improved considerably by
carrying out the process in four stages. These steps are:
1. Pre-heating the charge and partial reduction by hot gases coming from
the primary reduction step. This is also called secondary reduction step.
2. Primary reduction, in which the partially reduced charge (from the
secondary step), is further reduced by strong reducing gas coming
from the cooling stage.
3. Cooling of the reduced charge by fresh gas which itself gets pre-heat-
ed and thereafter will be available for primary reduction. This step
completes the reduction and allows controlled deposition of carbon,
which can be varied between 1.5%–2.25%.
4. Discharging of the sponge and recharging of the reactor with fresh
charge to start the process all over again.
Four reactors are therefore employed and in each of the above mentioned
operations are carried out in the sequence mentioned above.
408 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
and hence it is used as a by-product fuel in the plant. It can also be used in
the process itself for heating by mixing it with additional natural gas. The
reaction temperature may be varied between sized natural ore since sticki-
ness is appreciably reduced. The HyL process product, because it is cooled
in a stream of fresh reducing gas, is not found to be pyrophoric and hence
can be transported over long distances without any danger of reoxidation of
iron. Reformed naphtha can be used if natural gas is not available.
After successful installation of several plants within a short period after
the first successful demonstration of the commercial plant in Mexico, the
originators were led to improve upon the process by continuous commer-
cial research. All this culminated in the development of the HyL II as the
modified version of the first design, and later in 1979, the HyL III was put
into commercial practice.
The HyL design and process were further improved into the HyL IV
M process wherein the separate gas reformer is eliminated. Gas reforming
is carried out inside the shaft reactor. The presence of very porous metallic
sponge iron as a reduced product in the reactor acts as an efficient catalyst.
Here both the reforming and the reduction reactions take place inside the
same reactor. The recycled gas is mixed with natural gas and the mixture
is pre-heated to 900° C, and on its way to the reactor a controlled amount
of oxygen is introduced in it to burn some gas and produce required heat
to raise the reducing gas temperature to 1000° C–1050° C. This also helps
to carburize the iron to the extent desired. Like the HyL III, the HyL IV
also uses humidifier so that hydrogen is produced during reforming and is
available for the reduction reaction. The product of hydrogen reduction is
steam, which is condensed from the exit gas. The carbon dioxide is removed
by compressing the gas. In case the product is to be cooled, then part of the
natural gas for reduction is injected cold from the bottom discharge end to
cool the sponge iron and thereby get itself pre-heated.
This is characteristic and quantum improvement in sponge ironmaking.
This has motivated other gas-based sponge-ironmaking processes to adopt
self-reforming of gas in place of using an external reformer, as has been the
practice in older units.
In the HyL III, the four fixed-bed reactors are modified into one single
moving bed reactor using the same gas reforming plant, auxiliary equip-
ment, etc. The material moves down in a vertical reactor. The mechanism
of the process is just the same as in batch reactors. The zones are separated
Alternative Routes of Iron Production III –Sponge Iron Production • 411
by using a isobaric zone in the middle. This modified version requires less
energy, can accept much wider grades of raw materials, lower size gas
reforming unit is required, higher sulfur input is tolerable, and so on. Steam
is used for reforming the gas and it results in higher hydrogen content of
the reducing phase and as a result the reduction rate is faster. In 1991, the
HyL III plants produced 5.4 Mt DRI of steelmaking grade.
The process efficiency has been improved so much that the HyL III
requires only 10% –15% more energy than theoretically required value.
It is necessary to have carbon associated with sponge iron as a product.
It helps its melting during steelmaking. Special efforts and additional gas
expenditure are required to get carbon containing sponge iron. The actual
carbon content varies, but it is generally in the range as above. Carbon is
made to react with iron to form iron carbide at a temperature where this
can take place efficiently. In gas-based plants there are reducing gases avail-
able but not carbon as such to form iron carbide. Carbon is therefore delib-
erately generated through soot formation as per the reaction:
2CO = CO2 + C
or through interaction of methane with hot iron to form iron carbides.
This CO/CO2 reaction is possible approximately 600° C temperature.
In gas-based processes such as Midrex, the reducing gas such as naphtha
is additionally introduced at this temperature level in the shaft. This is an
extra cost item and the cost goes up with increasing carbon content require-
ment in the sponge.
gas is cooled scrubbed and nearly 60% is used for reforming, whereas the
remaining 40% is available as a fuel for use elsewhere in the plant. It is
often used for reheating the reformer tubes. The carbon content of the
product is readily controlled within 1.0%–2.0% to best suit the steelmaker.
The product of Midrex is strong enough not to degrade during reduc-
tion and handling. However 5%–8% fines of −3 mm are generated and are
screened off. These are either hot briquetted, cold briquetted or directly
melted in captive electric furnace. The briquetted can be sold as product.
The fines are generally better metalized.
One of the requirement for smooth operation of Midrex is that the
charge descends smoothly and does not hang up due to fusion of particles
on the surface resulting in diffusion bonding and sintering into large lumps.
Pellet feed is therefore preferred because of their minimum area of contact
of particles. However, many Midrex plants run on lumpy ore charge alone.
In that case the size is usually +6 and −40 mm with major fraction of 10–25
mm size. A mixture of lumpy ore and pellets is also common. In that case
30%–50% of lumps is preferred.
Specific consumption figures are as follows: (per t of DRI)
Pellets/lumps of ore (min 66% Fe) 1.41–1.45 t
Water 1.0–1.5 m3
This process can accept high sulfur natural gas and can still produce
good quality DRI and run the process efficiently. Several chemical treat-
ments are available to make the sponge inactive for transportation over long
distances without much reoxidation.
Midrex is the most widely adopted process of making DRI all over the
world. In 1990, 61% of the total world production of DRI came from Midrex
process alone, purely because of the very high capacity individual units.
The unit-size of Midrex plants are far more than coal-based vertical or hori-
zontal kilns. The productivity of the Midrex process is therefore far more than
any other process. This is due to the gas-solid reduction kinetics of Midrex being
much faster than the solid-solid reduction kinetics of coal-based processes.
Alternative Routes of Iron Production III –Sponge Iron Production • 413
Gas-based Processes
All gas-based DR processes work on counter current principle wherein the
gases pass through either a static permeable column of solid ore or the solid
ore and gas move counter to each other. The charge permeability is main-
tained properly by control on size of the charge. Pellets are therefore pre-
ferred because this charge can maintain burden permeability more readily.
This design exploits the advantages of high efficiency of countercurrent gas-
solid reactions. The small column height, or bed height, in the reduction zone
is effective in giving faster reduction rates at more uniform temperatures.
414 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The average normal size of these plants is 1200 t/day and in the latest
plants the same has been nearly doubled.
Alternative Routes of Iron Production III –Sponge Iron Production • 415
air is supplied through the discharge end and the secondary pipes at vari-
ous points across the whole length while the kiln is rotating. The charge
gets pre-heated to more than approximately 30% of its length from the
charge-end (i.e., by that time it attends nearly 800° C). Coal is burned
after this zone.
In general, all the coal is introduced at the charge-end, but under cer-
tain situation a part is introduced with the charge and the remainder at
appropriate place where temperature is above 800° C.
Much of the volatiles in coal leave the kiln without taking part in the
reduction process. Hence, high volatile coals are not suitable for coal-based
kilns. It is the fixed carbon that is useful in this process and it should be high
in the coal used for coal-based reduction processes.
418 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Length ~ 40–45 m
Raw Materials
The quality of raw material used decides the quality of DRI produced
by this process. This material is used for steelmaking and hence what-
ever factors related to ore that give difficulties in steelmaking have
to be minimized while selecting the raw material. For example, the
higher the gangue content and the more the alumina and silica, the
more will be the slag generated in steelmaking and hence it must be
low. In other words, iron ore with higher iron content, preferably more
than 65%, is preferred.
Alternative Routes of Iron Production III –Sponge Iron Production • 419
The product, even after cooling, is a mixture of DRI solid flux, ash, and
char of coal. DRI is magnetic and hence is separated from the rest by mag-
netic separator. Screening removes the fines, which can be sold as it is or
in briquette form. DRI contains or is allowed to pick up carbon so that it is
stabilized, and the carbon is useful subsequently in steelmaking.
The kiln rotation and fall of hot particles due to the cascading effect
generally results in rounding off the hot ore particles and hence the product
is smoother than the ore fed. This partially seals off the surface porosity and
protects the DRI from quicker reoxidation.
was 56%. Nearly 0.83 million metric tons were produced. The product is
cooled by external water cooling.
The CODIR (coal-ore-direct-reduction) is another design. In this, the
product is cooled by water mist injected directly on to the DRI under very
controlled conditions so as not to allow reoxidation of DRI.
The rotary kiln of Sunflag Iron and Steel Co was installed at Bhandara,
Maharashtra. It is 80 m long kiln and 5 m in diameter and was commis-
sioned in 1989. It has completed continuous production of 138 days. Coarse
coal is injected from the discharge end with sizes of 5–25 mm. This may
amount to 60%–80% of the total requirements.
The ACCAR (Allis–Chalmers Controlled Atmospheric Reduction) pro-
cess was developed in 1972 in which natural gas or oil can be used singly or
together to supplement coal as fuel and reductant. Coal is still above 80% of
the total requirements. Fluid fuel is introduced at the discharge end. This
gives higher carbon content of the product—as is what a steelmaker desires.
The DRC (Direct Reduction Corporation) process was developed as a
modification of the kiln earlier used for removing iron from titanium ores
by pre-reduction. It commissioned its first plant in 1978 in the USA. In this
also a part of coal is injected from discharge end.
In India, the TDR (Tata Direct Reduction) process was developed and
put into practice by the Tata’s under the name IPITATA.
Several modified versions were also developed by several players in this
field to take care of their own specific requirements.
Process Control
A huge amount of information is available about this technology with respect
to material movements inside the kiln, reduction rates, rate of accretion,
kiln geometry, speed of rotation, charging rates, temperature profiles, and
so on.
The following variables are controlled in controlling the overall process:
1. Charge mix and rate of charging
2. Temperature profile inside the kiln
3. Rate and place of secondary air supply
4. Gas pressure inside the kiln
422 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Table 21.1 Typical sponge iron chemistry as obtained in coal- and gas-
based plants
Usually the size of sponge iron is decided by the size of the ore charge
and is usually in the range of 6–35, of which 85% must be in the range of
10–35 mm and the −5 mm fraction should not be more than 5% of the total
charge. This is ideal from the point of view of subsequent steelmaking oper-
ation. Any larger size poses problems in charging, and the rate of its melting
in steelmaking is adversely affected. Similarly, any extra-fine material below
5-mm size is likely to result in increased dust losses or reoxidation, causing
problems in steelmaking.
Apparent density in the range of 4–6 g/cc is considered good. In spite
of the carbon contained in sponge iron, any exposure to moisture and/or
oxygen does result in some reoxidation of the metallic iron. The extent of
this shall depend on the extent and severity of such exposure. Because of its
spongy structure, it has a low thermal conductivity, which can create prob-
lems if the charging rate is more than commensurate to the melting rate, as
defined by the power input, in an electric furnace.
In This Chapter
● Introduction
● Classification of SR Processes
● Thermo-chemical Model
● Vertical Shaft Furnace Processes
● Electrical Processes
● Converter Processes
● Bath Smelting Processes
● Rotary Hearth Furnace Processes (RHF)
● TUPKARY-SR Process
● Concluding Remarks
22.1 Introduction
The SR process principle owes its origin to early attempts at melting iron
ore and coal mixture in an open hearth furnace. It revealed that reduction
of iron oxide in liquid state indeed occurred in that way.
The achievements with respect to developments in the form of MBFs,
sponge iron production, and electro-thermal smelting of iron ores, no doubt
contributed to the production of iron by alternative routes to blast furnace.
430 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
SR processes for short. Their difference inter se lies in how and in what
relative proportion all the blast furnace processes are carried out, starting
with solid state reduction of iron oxide to produce molten iron as the final
product, obviously separated from the molten slag.
In this respect the electric smelting can also be classified as a single-
stage SR process, when most of the SR processes are two or, exceptionally,
three-stage operation.
In this period of a few decades, when several SR technologies were
under development, as a side effect of these, it was realized that any modi-
fications even in BF itself to reduce the coke rate are worthy of exploitation.
The plasmasmelt process, though classified as SR technology, is a typical
example of such approaches.
In all these processes some of the following activities are carried out in such
a way as to obtain optimally iron with a minimum of energy input:
1. Iron oxide is pre-reduced in solid state at relatively lower temperatures.
This pre-reduction normally does not proceed beyond 70% as against
more than 90% obtainable in DRIs. This is invariably the first step.
2. In the second stage this pre-reduced iron oxide is melted and reduc-
tion is completed in molten state to obtain liquid iron with required
3. The reduction and melting (i.e., smelting) essentially involves chemi-
cal reaction such as:
FeO + C = Fe + CO
and 2C + O2 = 2CO
The burning of coal generates the necessary heat for the process. This
generates CO, gas which is available for subsequent reduction and as
an export fuel.
4. The carbon monoxide gas, generally along with H2 generated by simul-
taneous reaction of coal with moisture, is used for pre-reduction in the
pre-reducing reactor.
5. Electrical energy is also used for melting using slag as the resistor, and
in such a case coal is still injected for final reduction of iron oxide. The
off-gas in this case is again CO, which is used for pre-reduction of iron
oxide as well as in-house electricity generation.
6. Fine iron ore and coal mixture is used as charge along with lumpy iron
oxide or pellets.
432 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
7. Rather than using one single continuous reactor, the above operations
are carried out in separate reactors to obtain optimum efficiency and
8. Reducing gas regeneration is also carried out if required.
9. Excess off-gas consisting of CO and H2 may be used elsewhere as rich fuel.
FIGURE 22.1 Schematic principle of SR processes based on use of coal and oxygen
All ironmaking processes basically differ with respect to the extent of ore
fines used proportion of coal used as reductant/fuel and the amount of oxy-
gen gas used for burning the fuel. At one end is the BF wherein no fines
are tolerated, only 10%–15% of the fuel may be in the form of coal, and
a small amount of oxygen gas is used to burn the fuel at the tuyere. The
other extreme is fluidized bed reduction processes wherein only ore fines
are used, cent-percent coal is used, as fuel as well as reductant and, oxygen
gas is fully used for burning the fuel as well as for post-combustion. The
DRI processes broadly need lumpy ore with solid coal or gaseous hydro-
carbon as fuel and as reductant. No oxygen is required; air is good enough
for burning fuel.
The SR processes can work on ore fines, coal as fuel, and reductant and
oxygen is fully used for burning the fuel as well as for post-combustion. The
processes can be classified scientifically on this basis. These can also be clas-
sified on another basis as well, such as:
1. In terms of stages as single- or two-stage operation.
FIGURE 22.2a and 22b Schematic difference between one and two stage SR processes using electricity
and coal as source of thermal energy.
434 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Figure 22.2 shows the schematic difference between the one- and the
two-stage processes in which thermal energy is supplied by electricity and
reduction by coal.
The classification may be based on any one of the above criteria. Any
process may fall in one or the other category, depending upon the criteria
used for classification. However, many may not belong to any specific class
because of their characteristic features.
The attempts to enhance extra scrap melting in a basic oxygen furnace
during steelmaking led to incorporation of coal in the charge along with
the scrap. The usual top-blown oxygen burnt this coal and produced the
extra heat needed for melting the scrap. This concept was further extended
to evolve SR technology. Such SR processes, wherein coal in the molten
oxide charge is burned by oxygen jet, fall in the BOF-based categories.
Processes such as Corex, Finex, HI smelt, AISI direct steelmaking, DIOS,
Combismelt, COIN, Hoogovens, BSC continuous melter, IDI, CIG, and
Kobe-Process fall in this category.
In another group of processes, coke bed is used in a vertical shaft fur-
nace to reduce iron oxide in molten state. Coal and oxygen are injected
to aid melting of the pre-reduced ore made in another reactor. They par-
tially replace the use of coke, that is, its function as in a blast furnace. The
processes such as Sumitomo SC, Kawasaki SR, Plasmasmelt, Technored,
IT-Mark 3, among others, belong to this category. The Sumitomo SC
requires 30%–40% of the coke required in BF under similar conditions.
The Corex may be included in this category, except that the pre-reduction
is carried out to a very high degree (i.e., almost 90%), unlike in the other
processes in this group.
Some use a rectangular open hearth type reactor for smelting the ore
with coal. The Romelt (earlier FLPR) and the Ausmelt processes fall in this
Alternative to Blast Furnace IV – Smelting Reduction (SR) Processes • 435
Those that use electrical energy for heating and melting, and coal as
essentially a reductant, and generating required electrical energy using the
off-gases of the system itself, fall in the category typified by the INRED and
the ELRED.
The process such as Plasmasmelt relies on use of coal and oxygen in the
BF itself to reduce coke consumption to its bare minimum. Coal may also
be used as a reductant in this process.
The rate of production and the energy efficiency of these processes is a
critical parameter in their final commercial viability. The reduction of iron
oxide can be carried out at different places in these processes. It may be
in the slag, in the melt, at the lower or higher levels in the emulsion or in
lower or the upper reactor. All these differences are characteristics of the
individual processes.
Similarly, post-combustion of CO generated from iron oxide reduc-
tion by coal, at least to some extent, in a suitable manner and at a suitable
place, is a must to improve the energy efficiency. How, where, and to
what extent this is brought about decides the overall thermal efficiency
of the process.
FIGURE 22.3 Simplified flowsheet of a balanced two-stage SR process using external electrical energy
is shown in (a), and the (b) shows the process using coal as a source of heat as well.
7. The off-gases, even after pre-reduction, are still rich enough in fuel
value and hence are used to generate electric power, which is often
more than enough to run the plant.
Some of the important SR processes have been described below.
Corex Process
This essentially eliminates the coke making step and uses coal directly as
the fuel as well as the reducing agent. Corex evolved from the original KR
process of Voest-Alpine AG and KORF Engineering GmbH. The first com-
mercial plant was installed in 1988 at ISCOR’s Pretoria Works in South
Africa. This process produces molten iron in a two-step reduction melting
operation. One reactor is melter-gasifier and the other is pre-reducer. In
the pre-reducer, iron oxide is reduced in counter-flow principle. The hot
sponge is discharged by screw conveyors into the melting reactor. Coal is
introduced in the melting-gasifying zone along with oxygen gas at the rate
of 500° C–600 Nm3/thm. The flow velocity is chosen such that temperature
in the range of 1500–1800° C is maintained. The reducing gas containing
nearly 85% CO is hot de-dusted and cooled to 800–900° C before leading
it into the pre-reducer. The process is designed to operate at up to 5 bars.
Fluxes such as limestone, dolomite, silica sand, etc. are added along
with the ore to finally make up the right quality of slag. Approximately 500–
700 Kg of fixed carbon is required to make a metric ton of hot metal, along
with 300 Nm3/thm oxygen gas.
The export gas generated in the melting zone is rich and may have
calorific value of approximately 7500 kJ/Nm3 and can be used in the plant
A variety of coals are usable in this process. Excessive volatile matter
is not desirable. Indian coals do suffer from this drawback and have to be
blended with appropriate imported coals. The Corex process accepts a wide
range of raw materials but better quality of ore, flux, and coal can give bet-
ter performance. The general considerations as applicable to blast furnace
practice should be kept in mind here as well. Typical hot metal analysis is
C = 4%–4.5%, S = 0.02%–0.09% and Si = 0.3%–0.8% or higher if required.
Alternative to Blast Furnace IV – Smelting Reduction (SR) Processes • 439
FIGURE 22.4 Basic material flow-sheet and equipment of the Corex process
Sumitomo SC Process
The S of this process means Sumitomo, shaft, and smelting and C means
coal, coke, and cupola. The melter in this case resembles a cupola in which
a coke bed is maintained. Pulverized coal and oxygen are fed into this on
hot coke to produce heat to melt the charge and to generate hot reducing
gas. The pre-reducer is a separate reactor in which ore lumps are charged
and melter gas is used for its reduction. This arrangement results in 48%
coke and 52% coal consumption at the combustion rate of 1.2 kg of coal/
Nm3 of oxygen. Fuel rates of 840 kg/thm and a productivity of 3.34 t/m3/d
have been attained. The main advantage of this process is that it reduces
the coke consumption in iron production considerably. The scheme of the
process has been shown in Figure 22.5.
FIGURE 22.6 Scheme of Kawasaki smelting reduction process, which is carried out by either of the two
alternative (a) and (b) routes.
Finex Process
It is developed by the POSCO, South Korea to use large amount of fines
accumulated and generated in routine ironmaking by BF. It is essentially
a combination of a Corex smelter unit coupled with fluidized bed pre-
reduction carried out in four different shaft-like reactors (such as the HyL
process) wherein the pre-heating, initial reduction and final pre-reduction
up to 90%, is achieved. The pre-reduced fines are hot compacted to pro-
duce HBI to suit the shaft of Corex for maintaining charge permeability.
By adopting the compacting step, the limitations of Corex in not accept-
ing the ore fines and coal fines is indirectly circumvented. This has also
decoupled the necessity of matching the rates of production of pre-reduced
material and rates of melting-reduction, as in the Corex operation. No coke
is required to run this process, and 900–1000 kg coal/thm is required. The
hot metal composition is C 4.3%–4.55%, Si 0.02% and S 0.02%. It is sche-
matically shown in Figure 22.7.
POSCO is going to adopt this technology to smelt iron ore at their steel
plant soon to be installed in Orissa.
Alternative to Blast Furnace IV – Smelting Reduction (SR) Processes • 443
Technored Process
This process was designed and developed specifically to use iron-bearing
fine-waste material generated in a number of ways within the plant. These
fines could not be used in BF in any way, and alternative route had to be
devised for their smelting. It used cold-bonded, self-fluxing, carbon and
coke containing and therefore self-reducing pellets as the charge material.
Hydrated quicklime was used as the bonding and fluxing material. A vertical
short shaft-like furnace was designed wherein coal/coke was also fed as fuel,
like the way it is injected through BF tuyeres. The fast kinetics are due to
the intimate contact of iron oxide with carbon. Part of the heat generated at
bottom by burning fuel melted the charge and also provided the hot reduc-
ing gases to pre-heat and pre-reduce the charge above. Hot blast was used
as in a normal BF. Cold blast was blown in upper part for post-combustion.
All this resulted in consumption of 250 kg of coal and 310 kg of coke
fines to produce a metric ton of hot metal containing 3%–4% C and 0.2%–
1.0% Si at a temperature of approximately 1400° C.
It is a promising process for using a variety of waste fines of iron and
fuel. This was developed in Brazil in 1998 and is proposed to be used at the
mine site to use ore fines and purchased fuel fines. It is also claimed that it
is also suited for producing ferro-alloys such as Fe-Mn.
Special features:
1. Ore/conc up to 100 mesh has been successfully used.
2. Coals with high sulfur can be used.
3. Coking grade coal not required.
4. No dust clogging problem experienced.
5. Once started, the process can be stopped and put on without much
time loss.
6. Carbon content is controlled by controlling the coke bed.
7. Normal silicon is 1% but controllable to some extent.
8. Nearly 70%–80% sulfur is removed and remaining gets distributed be-
tween slag and metal with distribution ratio of 25 when slag contains
less than 1% Fe.
9. Volatile impurities, including phosphorus, are eliminated in dust, and
effective de-dusting is possible in the last stage.
10. Low volume of gas generation and hence smaller gas-cleaning facilities
11. Simple reactor design with less of moving parts.
In spite of all these tall claims, the only demonstration plant set up in the
late 1970s has been abandoned. The claims are therefore open to reason-
able doubt.
This was the pioneer of SR development and it set the pace for use of
fine iron ore, ordinary coal and oxygen, and very fast reduction kinetics for
molten iron production and to design processes that could start and stop at
very short notice. Similarly it established that such processes would nec-
essarily have fuel value–rich export gas and it could be mandatory to use
it for in-house power generation or any other important use. That is how
the power generation became an integral part of the SR process designs
ELRED Process
The ELRED process was developed in Sweden by ASEA and Stora
Kopparbergs and is designed to operate in two stages, first, pre-reduction
up to 60%–70% metallization using carbon as fuel and second, melting this
446 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
In spite of these tall claims, the development of this process has been
The process scheme is shown in Figure 22.9.
Alternative to Blast Furnace IV – Smelting Reduction (SR) Processes • 447
This process was developed jointly by Lurgi and Mannesmann Demag of
Germany by combining coal-based sponge iron producing SL/RN process
with submerged arc furnace for open slag smelting. The electrical energy
requirement of this process is met to the extent of 70% from the hot gases
of the kiln. The continuous nature of the process makes this generation
little easy. The heat recovered through electricity generation very much
depends upon the type of coal used in the kiln.
The hot reduced ore is fed directly to the arc furnace. Slag depth is
maintained rather high so that electro-thermal energy generation is rel-
atively easier with a high-power factor. The resistance heating system is
more flexible with respect to variation in power availability. It also helps
to accept a varying degree of metallization of the reduction part. The pre-
reduced material is charged in batches and slag metal reactions are very fast
to reach near-equilibrium conditions.
This process can be extended to produce steel as the final product. The
carbon content of the pre-reduced charge is controllable and helps in the
steelmaking process.
The process is yet to develop to the stage of its commercial application.
Plasmasmelt Process
This was developed by SKF Steel of Sweden circa 1975. Herein the ore
fines are first pre-reduced in fluidized bed reactor using gases from the
shaft smelter. The shaft furnace is filled with coke and, pre-reduced ore,
flux, carbon, etc. are introduced in this. Clean off-gas is introduced through
tuyeres to generate plasma wherein the temperature is of the order of 3000°
C–5000° C. It rapidly drops to 1700° C–2000° C just outside the plasma.
The reduction of oxide is completed fairly rapidly, and the molten iron and
slag trickle down through the bed into the hearth and are tapped much like
that in blast furnace.
The predominantly CO-containing gases from the smelting zone are,
after cleaning and cooling to 850° C or so, fed into the pre-reduction stage.
The hot metal produced has low sulfur and normal silicon and manganese
contents, which can be adjusted to the desired values. It has been found to
be capable of smelting ferro-alloys.
This process uses almost half the fossil fuel required in a blast furnace.
On the whole, the cost is claimed to be 25% lower than that in a blast
448 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Fastmelt Process
The Fastmelt process uses a rotary hearth furnace to reduce the ore fines
to an approximately 90% reduction. This produces product such as the
DRI, which needs melting. The charge is therefore put in an electric
furnace to melt, to complete the reduction and produce molten iron.
The problems of handling iron oxide rich slag are yet to be solved to the
necessary satisfaction. It is true that the reduction kinetics in this process
are very fast because of intimate mixture of iron oxide and carbon in the
PCIG Process
The full form of the process is Pressurized Coal Iron Gassification. This
process is based on the principle that in molten iron, if coal and oxygen
are blown, carbon monoxide will be generated as the product gas along
with hydrogen to some extent. This gas is to be used for pre-reduction, and
the pre-reduced material is melted in the gassifier during the gassification
process itself. The process is very flexible with respect to the production of
hot metal and gas.
HI-Smelt Process
This is the process that aims at using ore fines or steel plant wastes. The
off-gas is used for pre-heating and pre-reduction of the charge in a vertical
shaft. Hot blast is also generated using off-gases to maximize productivity.
Alternative to Blast Furnace IV – Smelting Reduction (SR) Processes • 449
IT mk3 Process
The name is coined out of the major historical generations through which
the ironmaking has progressed. The first is BF, which is named as IT mk1.
The next was the gas based reduction to produce DRI which is named as
IT mk2 and this is supposed to be third generation and hence the name as
IT mk3. This was developed by Kobe Steel of Japan.
individual particles. It is thus easy to separate the iron from the slag read-
ily. The process produces nuggets of iron containing 2.5%–4.5% C, 0.2%
Si, 0.1% Mn, and less than 0.05% each of S and P. These nuggets can be
directly fed into the electric arc furnace as solid iron charge or in basic oxy-
gen processes as coolants.
This process appears promising because of the following characteristics:
— Ingenious method of removing gangue from low grade iron bearing
— Uses composite pellets as charge
— One step process to produce straightaway the iron-nuggets
— Time required is just ten minutes or so for reduction, melting and slag
— Any iron oxide is easily processed
— Claims to produces at least 20% less CO2 than emitted from BF
— In an integrated plant hot nuggets can be directly fed to EAF
— This is a distinct two-step process
Two commercial plants, one in Indiana and another in Minnesota in the
USA, each of 0.5 Mt annual capacities, are being built. These will prove its
applicability on a commercial level, beyond doubt.
So far, this slag is dumped in some corner of the plant site itself since no
application worth the name has yet been found anywhere in the world. This
disposal system involves collection, transportation, and dumping of the slag.
It requires a great deal of costly land of the plant. It also causes pollution
problems, and after its accumulation over more than a century, now have
acquired serious proportions, besides the cost involved.
BF slag was also dumped like this once but now it is used as a substitute
raw material for Portland cementmaking. The values in BF slag are in the
form and decreasing order as CaO, Al2O3, and SiO2. Steelmaking slag also
contains the same constituents and in more valuable proportion than in BF
slag. The defect is that it contains too much of iron, in metallic as well as
oxide form. That reduces its value to practically zero.
Presently, the mechanically entrapped iron in this slag is won by crush-
ing and magnetic separation after solidification of this slag, as a standard
practice. But such a process does not collect all the iron contained in the
slag. The iron so obtained is contaminated by magnetic oxide, and therefore
by other oxide as well, produced during cooling of the slag.
The situation was almost beyond redemption until the advent of good
and efficient SR processes. In most of the SR processes as described
above, even lean iron ores or iron waste material from the plant, in fine
form, are smelted with ordinary coal as fuel and reductant. Steelmaking
slag may contain total iron as low as 15%–20% and as high as 30%–50%,
depending upon the steelmaking process. Besides, it will have to be fed
in the SR furnace in molten form. Its temperature is approximately 1550°
C–1600° C.
Any standard SR process takes solid iron-bearing charges at room tem-
perature. Hence, thermodynamically enthalpy is required to heat and melt
before the reduction of iron oxide can occur. This enthalpy requirement will
be almost one-third that required if molten charge was used. Hence, if mol-
ten slag from steelmaking is charged in the SR process, the total enthalpy
requirement for producing iron from this would be almost 30%–40% of that
required in the standard process. When iron is so reduced, the mechani-
cally entrapped iron will also be collected without much additional enthalpy
investment. The slag left over will be better than the BF-type slag because
it may contain a higher proportion of CaO besides other above-mentioned
main oxides. It may be more valuable than usual BF slag because of its
higher CaO content.
Alternative to Blast Furnace IV – Smelting Reduction (SR) Processes • 455
FIGURE 22.13 Flowsheet and material balance of combined reduction process with typical Indian
non-coking coals used as fuel as well as reductant.
458 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
U.S. mine production and shipments of iron ore in March 2017 were 3.76
million metric tons (Mt) and 1.34 Mt, respectively (table 1). Average daily
production of iron ore was 121,000 metric tons (t), slightly less than that
of February and 20% greater than that of March 2016. Average daily ship-
ments of iron ore were 43,200 t, nearly seven times those in February and
slightly greater than those in March 2016. Mine stocks at the end of March
2017 were 24% greater than those held at the end of February and 9% less
than those held at the end of March 2016.
Monthly iron ore data are reported as gross weight unless otherwise
noted and do not include iron metallics such as pigiron, direct-reduced
iron, hot-briquetted iron, or iron nuggets U.S. exports of iron ore totaled
388,000 t in March 2017, more than double those in February 2017 and
March 2016. U.S. imports of iron ore totaled 11,000 t in March 2017, less
than 10% of those in February and 3% of those in March 2016.
Seasonal variations of imports and exports during the winter months
are attributed to freezing of waterways and the closing of the Soo Locks,
which are used to transport iron ore in the Great Lakes region through the
St. Lawrence Seaway.
(Exclusive of Ore containing 5% or more of manganese)
(Thousand metric tons, usable ore)3
Production Shipments3 Stocks
Monthly Year to date Monthly Year to date End of Month
(Thousand metric tons)
Pig iron production Raw steel production
(Exclusive of ore containing 20% or more manganese)34
2016 2017
– Zero.
1 Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2 All countries with less than 5,000 metric tons of exports per month included in “Other.”
3 Free alongside ship (FAS) value.
4 Less than ½ unit.
Appendix A • 463
(Exclusive of ore containing 20% or more manganese)34
2016 2017
January–March March January–March
of origin
and type of Quantity (thousand Quantity Value3 Quantity Value3 Value3
product metric tons) (thousand (thousand (thousand (thousand (dollars
metric tons) dollars) metric tons) dollars) per ton)
Other 50 – – – – –
– Zero.
1 Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2 All countries with less than 5,000 metric tons of imports per month included in “Other.”
3 Customs value. Excludes international freight and insurance charges.
4 Less than ½ unit.
464 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
(Exclusive of ore containing 20% or more manganese)
(Thousand metric tons)3
Pellets Total, all products
Other – – – 64 (3) –
– Zero.
1 Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2 Customs Districts with less than 5,000 metric tons of imports per month included in “Other.”
3 Less than ½ unit.
Iron and Steel (U.S. and World)12
By Michael D. Fenton
The world steel industry continued to add more production capacity dur-
ing the period from 2009 to 2014 despite continuing weak demand as the
world economy recovered slowly from the economic downturn in 2008–9.
By 2014, global overcapacity was an estimated 330 million metric tons (Mt)
with an average utilization rate of less than 80%. North American steel
plants managed to limit overcapacity, whereas substantial overcapacity
developed in Central Asia, the European Union (EU), Russia, and South
America. Overcapacity in China, estimated at 200 Mt, has reached the point
where the Chinese Government has limited bank financing to add capacity
and has required the closure of small, unprofitable, and polluting plants.
Implementation by local governments that are concerned about economic
development and social stability continues to be an issue. Similar problems
of closures and planned closures took place in Belgium, France, Italy, and
Serbia. Apparent consumption in China, the world’s leading consumer of
steel, increased steadily from 101 Mt in 1995 to a high of 766 Mt in 2013
and then decreased to 740 Mt in 2014 (World Steel Association, 2015a).
Raw steel production in the United States was about 88.2 Mt in 2014, up
slightly from that in 2013 (table 1). U.S. capacity utilization for raw steel
production, which had dipped to a low of 41% in April 2009, rose steadily
to a high of 80.2% in August 2014, ending at 74.6% in December 2014. The
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) estimated raw steel production
capacity in 2014 to be 114 Mt, up slightly from that in 2013. Production
1 Source: USGS
2 Domestic survey data and tables were prepared by Hoa P. Phamdang, statistical assistant, and
world production tables were prepared by Glenn J. Wallace, international data coordinator.
466 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015) producer price index for steel
mill products increased slightly to 200.2 in 2014 from 195.0 in 2013 (1982
base = 100) (table 1). The average monthly price of hot-rolled steel sheet
fluctuated within a narrow range from a high of $447 per metric ton in
January 2014 to a low of $599 per metric ton in December 2014 (American
Metal Market, 2014).
Foreign Trade
Export shipments of steel mill products by AISI reporting companies
decreased to 10.9 Mt from 11.5 Mt in 2013 (table 4). Canada received the
largest amount of U.S. exported steel products, 5.8 Mt, 5% less than that
in 2013 (table 4). Mexico was again the second-ranked export receiving
country, 3.8 Mt, 3% more than that in 2013. Domestic imports of steel
mill products increased by 37.9% to 40.2 Mt from 29.2 Mt in 2013 (table
4). Brazil, Canada, China, the EU, Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea,
Russia, and Turkey were major sources of steel mill product imports in
2014 (table 4).
Imports of semifinished steel (table 6) by steel companies are taken
into consideration in evaluating apparent consumption (supply) of steel
mill products in the United States and the share of the market represented
by imported steel. To avoid double counting the imported semifinished
steel and the products produced from it, the amount of semifinished
steel consumed by companies that also produced raw steel is subtracted
from domestic consumption. Between 1993 and 2014, semifinished steel
468 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
imports ranged between 2.5 and 9.6 million metric tons per year (Mt/yr).
Prior to 1993, the amount was less than 0.2 Mt/yr. Taking the imported
semifinished steel into consideration, the share of the U.S. steel market
represented by imported steel was an estimated 37% in 2014 compared
with 30% in 2013.
World Review
World production of pig iron totaled about 1.19 billion metric tons (Gt),
slightly more than that in 2013 (table 9). China continued to be the leading
producer of pig iron in the world, producing 712 Mt, slightly more than that
of 2013, followed by Japan (83.9 Mt), India (55.2 Mt), Russia (51.5 Mt), the
Republic of Korea (46.9 Mt), the United States (29.4 Mt), Germany (27.4
Mt), Brazil (27.0 Mt), and Ukraine (24.8 Mt). Russia and Ukraine were the
only major pig iron producers in the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS), where production in 2014 decreased by 5% from that in 2013. In
South America, the only major pig iron producer was Brazil. Germany was
the leading producer in the EU, producing about 27.4 Mt, slightly more
than that in 2013.
World capacity for direct-reduced iron (DRI) production in 2014 was
estimated to be about 108 Mt/yr (Midrex Technologies, Inc., 2015, p. 11).
DRI production worldwide increased by 6.6% to 71.3 Mt in 2014 from 66.9
Mt in 2013 (table 9). The leading producer of DRI was India (20.4 Mt),
followed by, in descending order of tonnage, Iran (14.6 Mt), Saudi Arabia
(6.46 Mt), Mexico (5.98 Mt), and Russia (5.20 Mt). In 2014, additional DRI
capacity of almost 16 Mt/yr was under construction in China, Egypt, India,
Russia, the United States, and Venezuela. The leading technology, accord-
ing to declining order of production, was the Midrex process, followed by
coal-based and HYL/Energiron.
World production of raw steel was 1.67 Gt, 3% more than that in
2013 (table 10). Steel production during 2014 increased in North America
(1.8%), decreased in the CIS (2.5%), and decreased in the EU (1.0%).
Positive growth also took place in India (6.5%) and China (5.6%). As in
previous years, production varied widely among major regions of the world.
China produced 49% of world total crude steel in 2014. Countries in Asia
produced about 68% of the world’s steel; the EU, 10%; North America, 7%;
and the CIS, 6%.
According to the World Steel Association (2015b), China was the
top steel producer in the world during 2014 (823 Mt), with its leading
Appendix B • 469
steelmaker, Hebei Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd. (47.1 Mt), placing third
behind the world’s leading steelmakers–ArcelorMittal (98.1 Mt) and
Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp. (49.3 Mt). Japan was the world’s
second-ranked steel producer (111 Mt), followed by the United States
(88.2 Mt), India (86.5 Mt), Russia (71.5 Mt), and the Republic of Korea
(71.0 Mt). These six countries accounted for 75% of world production.
Russia and Ukraine remained the leading producers in the CIS. China
ranked first in the world for total exports of steel during 2014 (92.9 Mt),
followed by Japan (41.3 Mt) and the EU (37.1 Mt). The United States
ranked first in the world for total imports of steel in 2014 (41.4 Mt), fol-
lowed by the EU (32.4 Mt). Increases in steel production during 2014 took
place in Africa (3.1%), Asia (3.9%), the CIS (2.7%), the EU (1.0%), and
North America (1.8%). Steel production decreases during 2014 took place
in South America (3.3%) and Africa (4.7%).
The expansion or contraction of gross domestic product (GDP), the broad-
est measure of a nation’s economic activity, may be considered a predic-
tor of the health of the steelmaking and steel manufacturing industries,
worldwide and domestically. The World Bank’s forecast of global GDP
growth for 2015, 2016, and 2017 is 2.8%, 3.3%, and 3.2%, respectively,
after 2.6% in 2014 (World Bank, The, 2015). The International Monetary
Fund (2015) projection of GDP growth is 3.3% for 2015 and 3.8% for
2016. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s September 2015 projections for GDP
rate of growth for the United States are 2.1% for 2015, 2.3% for 2016, and
2.2% for 2017 (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2015).
The 2014 rate of GDP growth for China was 7.4% and is projected to be
6.8% in 2015 and 6.3% in 2016. The rate of GDP growth for India was
7.3% in 2014 and is projected to be 7.5% in 2015 and 2016 (International
Monetary Fund, 2015).
MEPS (International) Ltd. forecast total world steel production in 2015
to be 1.62 Gt, down slightly from that in 2014 (World Steel News, 2015).
MEPS also forecast an increase to 1.64 Gt in 2016.
World apparent steel consumption (ASC) is forecast to be 1,513 Mt
and 1,523 Mt in 2015 and 2016, respectively, after consumption in 2014
was 1,540 Mt. (World Steel Association, 2015c). China’s ASC is expected
to decrease to 672 Mt in 2016 from 711 Mt in 2014. The ASC in India is
expected to increase to 87.6 Mt in 2016 from 75.9 Mt in 2014. The ASC in
470 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
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Appendix B • 473
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Iron and Steel Slag (January 2017)1
(Data in million metric tons unless otherwise noted)
Domestic Production and Use: Iron and steel (ferrous) slags are coproducts
of iron and steel manufacturing. After cooling and processing, ferrous slags are
sold primarily to the construction industry. Data are unavailable on actual U.S.
ferrous slag production, but it is estimated to have been in the range of 15 to 20
million tons in 2016. Domestic slag sales1 in 2016 amounted to an estimated
18 million tons, valued at about $350 million (ex-plant). Iron (blast furnace)
slag accounted for about 47% of the tonnage sold and had a value of about
$300 million; about 85% of this value was from sales of granulated slag. Steel
slag produced from basic oxygen and electric arc furnaces accounted for the
remainder.2 Slag was processed by about 29 companies servicing active iron
and steel facilities or reprocessing old slag piles at about 135 processing plants
in 31 States; included in this tally are some facilities that grind and sell ground
granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) based on imported unground feed.
Prices listed in the table below are weighted averages (rounded) for
iron and steel slags sold for a variety of applications. Actual prices per
ton ranged widely in 2016, from a few cents for some steel slags at a few
locations to about $110 for some GGBFS. Air-cooled iron slag and steel
slag are used primarily as aggregates in concrete (air-cooled iron slag
only), asphaltic paving, fill, and road bases; both slag types also can be
used as a feed for cement kilns. Almost all GGBFS is used as a partial
substitute for portland cement in concrete mixes or in blended cements.
Pelletized slag is generally used for lightweight aggregate but can
be ground into material similar to GGBFS. Owing to low unit values,
most slag types can be shipped only short distances by truck, but rail and
waterborne transportation allow for greater distances. Because of much
higher unit values, GGBFS can be shipped longer distances, including
from overseas.
Salient Statistics–United States: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016e
Price average value, dollars per ton, 17.00 17.50 19.00 19.50 19.50
f.o.b. plant7
e Estimated.
1 Data are from an annual survey of slag processors and pertain to the quantities of processed slag
sold rather than that processed or produced during the year. The data exclude any entrained
metal that may be recovered during slag processing and then sold separately or returned to iron
and, especially, steel furnaces. The data are incomplete regarding slag returns to the furnaces.
2 There were very minor sales of open hearth furnace steel slag from stockpiles but no domestic
production of this slag type in 2012–16.
3 Data include sales of imported granulated blast furnace slag, either after domestic grinding or
still unground, and exclude sales of pelletized slag (proprietary but very small). Overall, actual
production of blast furnace slag may be estimated as equivalent to 25% to 30% of crude (pig)
iron production and steel furnace slag as about 10% to 15% of crude steel output.
4 Based on official (U.S. Census Bureau) data. In some years, the official data appear to have
understated the true imports; the apparent discrepancy was small for 2012, but may have been
nearly 0.4 million tons in 2013 and 2014, depending on whether imports from Italy were mis-
characterized as being from Spain or not. The U.S. Geological Survey canvass captures only
part of the imported slag.
5 Less than 0.05 million tons.
6 Although definable as total sales of slag (including those from imported feed) − exports, appar-
ent consumption of slag does not significantly differ from total sales owing to the very small
export tonnages.
7 Rounded to the nearest $0.50 per ton.
8 Defined as imports minus exports.
Appendix C • 477
slag was in very limited supply (one site only), and it was uncertain if any
additional pelletizing capacity was planned.
Basic oxygen furnace steel slag from domestic furnaces has become
less available recently because of the closure of several integrated iron and
steel complexes; thus, the long-term supply of steel slag will be increasingly
reliant on electric arc furnaces, which now contribute the majority of U.S.
steel production. Where not in short supply, slag (as aggregate) sales to the
construction sector tend to fluctuate less than those of natural aggregates.
Domestic- and import-supply constraints appear to have limited domestic
demand for GGBFS in recent years. Although prices have increased, sales
volumes have failed to match the relative increases that have characterized
the overall U.S. cement market since 2010. Long-term demand for GGBFS
likely will increase because its use in concrete yields a superior product in
many applications and reduces the unit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
footprint of the concrete related to the portland cement (clinker) content.
Recent regulations to restrict emissions of CO2 and mercury by coal-
fired powerplants, together with some powerplant closures or conversion of
others to natural gas, have led to a reduction in the supply of fly ash in some
areas, including that of material for use as cementitious additive for con-
crete. This has the potential to increase future demand for GGBFS, but the
availability of material to supply this demand will increasingly depend on
imports, either of ground or unground material. Imported slag availability
may be constrained by increasing international demand for the same mate-
rial and because not all granulated slag produced overseas is of high qual-
ity. New restrictions on mercury emissions by cement plants may reduce
demand for fly ash as a raw material for clinker manufacture, and this could
lead to use of air-cooled and steel slags as replacement raw materials.
World Mine Production and Reserves: Slag is not a mined material
and thus the concept of reserves does not apply to this mineral commodity.
Slag production data for the world are unavailable, but it is estimated that
global iron slag output in 2016 was on the order of 300 to 360 million tons,
and steel slag about 160 to 240 million tons, based on typical ratios of slag
to crude iron and steel output.
World Resources: Not applicable.
Substitutes: In the construction sector, ferrous slags compete with
crushed stone and sand and gravel as aggregates, but are far less widely
available than the natural materials. As a cementitious additive in blended
Appendix C • 479
cements and concrete, GGBFS mainly competes with fly ash, metakaolin,
and volcanic ash pozzolans, and to a lesser degree with silica fume. In this
respect, GGBFS also competes with portland cement itself. Slags (espe-
cially steel slag) can be used as a partial substitute for limestone and some
other natural raw materials for clinker (cement) manufacture. Some other
metallurgical slags, such as copper slag, can compete with ferrous slags in
some specialty markets but are generally in much more restricted supply
than ferrous slags.
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2. Sriniwasan, S and Ranganathan, S, India’s Legendary Wootz Steel—
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482 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
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Appendix D • 483
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484 • Modern Iron Making Handbook
Indian deposits, 46
preparation of, 102
reducibility, 179 Ladle, 26
structure, 39 Lime injection, 356–359
treatments in India, 101 Low shaft furnace, 11, 430
types, 41 L.T.B.T. test, 181–182
valuation, 49
washing, 112
world deposits, 45 M
Indirect reduction, 28, Mckee distributors, 88
205 Micum test, 64
Injections, 352 index, 65
coal dust, 322 Midrex process, 415, 419, 468
lime, 322 Mini Blast Furnaces, 380
moisture, 352, 353 Chinese, 386
oxygen, 352 Indian, 290
reducing gas, 353 Models, 369, 372
Iron age, 2 Modern Ironmaking, 9–10
Iron making, 2
history, 2
in India, 12, 456, 457 N
Iron mineral, 38 Naumann reversion, 193
characteristics, 38 Nodulizing, 115
classification, 39
Iron ores, 38
alumina problem, 114 O
beneficiation, 112 Oxygen enrichment, 381
classification, 39
export, 48
fines, 96, 112 P
gangue, 39 Pallet, 126
minerals, 38 Paul-Wurth Top, 344
Iron oxide reduction Pelletizer, 155
kinetics of, 205 disc, 157
solid-solid, 206 drum, 157
Isothermal zone, 225 Pelletizing, 114, 149
Index • 491
Tap holes, 247–249 V-contour, 86, 92
Tapping, 250 Venturi washer, 265
Trompe, 4
Tuyeres, 22
assembly, 251 W
reactions, 201 Waste utilization, 362–363
zone, 31 Working index, 376–377
Uptake, 260–261