"Submission in Soft Copy Only) ".: (Group Assignment Details)
"Submission in Soft Copy Only) ".: (Group Assignment Details)
"Submission in Soft Copy Only) ".: (Group Assignment Details)
Please note that the project submitted without adhering to the below guidelines will
not be evaluated.
The first one is Resource Management and you may chose the second one.
Your need to first define the competency in one or two sentences. Then
derive 4 to 5 behavioral indicators.
You need to create a scenario faced by an incumbent who could be a
divisional head –or someone occupying a General managerial role –and not
functional head.
There could be 2 specific issues –one each or more for each competency (The
number is flexible).
Your inbasket must have the following
2-3 pages of background scenario plus org structure, and calendar, etc.,
About 12 specific items numbered as I1, I2, I3… I12
There could be an average of 4 items each to represent the critical issues.
Besides, you could have about 3-4 items as stand-alone items
At the end of the items, you must also provide a detailed marking guide that gives
details of how you would evaluate the inbasket for the two competencies.
(your inbasket will be considered incomplete if it is without detailed marking guide)
Step 1:- Form a group [As instructed earlier in AIS].You will work in groups of
***In case there is a single student in any particular center s/he can do the work alone or
else they are free to form a group with the other center (as per his/her choice) also .
Step 2:-
**Any 1 member from the Group has to upload in AIS.
Last Date : 05-01-22 by 12:00midnight (soft copy in AIS)
While uploading the assignment please see to it
If you are uploading multiple file make sure that it is being zipped and then
uploaded in AIS.
Proper Names, Group No. ,Center , SMS ID
Note: Failure to meet the deadline will be awarded zero marks for this component.